#i just like to ✨ impress people ✨ by getting all the answers right
mylittleredgirl · 10 months
so one of my skills in life is that i test very well, largely because of pattern recognition, and i realized today that it’s pretty detrimental to the medical evaluation process. i basically scored perfect on a hearing test today that ruled out some diagnoses, and i am only now going back over the process in my mind and realizing that i didn’t actually hear a bunch of stuff i said i did, i just knew the right answer because the pattern of words and beeps was a consistent speed and pattern and they told me in advance what words they were going to use so like? yeah?? of course i knew when to raise my hand and could figure out what word you were saying? anyway i got an A in hearing which is normal to want yet perhaps detrimental to achieve.
and i can’t really call them and go “sorry i think i outsmarted your test, like a dumbass” so if i notice my hearing getting worse i’ll call them back and get re-tested, and bring someone with me to be like “your goal is not to pass the test. repeat after me. your goal is not to pass the test.”
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bagopucks · 3 months
J. Drysdale - Blind Dating
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Jamie Drysdale x Fem!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warning(s): alcohol consumption.
The end is pretty fast paced but I’m considering making a part two if enough people like this!
This had to be a joke.
I tapped my foot impatiently against the floor beneath the table. Watching the man across from me fidget with his menu, peeking over it occasionally with a wide grin to ask some sort of question. Was he five? His hair was parted down the middle, looking as if it was still drying from a shower. He had wide blue eyes.. doe eyes, warm and welcoming compared to my scowl. He was handsome, but I couldn’t get past his behavior.
“What do you think you’re gonna get?” His voice was soft, but curious. I wanted to reply with, ‘whatever I can finish the quickest to get out of here,’ but I held my tongue. “The shrimp Alfredo looks really good.. I’m just afraid it won’t taste the same.” I would admit he was mostly talking to himself. I wasn’t being very open. But his statement piqued my interest.
“The same as what?”
“I used to live in California, right next to the beach. All of the seafood was so fresh.” I watched his broad shoulders rise and fall in a shrug.
“That’s nice.” I looked down at the glass of water I held between my hands. This man was not very impressive. Nor did he seem overly confident. Or confident at all.
Could he sense my distaste?
“You can get something other than water.. I don’t want you to feel like you need to save my money.” His words brought a good reminder as to why I hadn’t walked out already. He was covering the whole meal.
“Thanks, but I’m avoiding much else at the moment.” I spoke, watching his big blue eyes look back up from the menu.
The fact that the man had been late was probably the driving factor that made me not want to give him a chance. I was never one to take to people who had a bad internal clock.
“So.. what do you do for a job?”
“I’m a journalist.” I answered his question briefly, my eyes wandering toward the window by our table.
“Nice! You must be pretty smart then.” An awkward chuckle fell from his lips. “I’d say I was okay in school.. but I never went to college. Just wasn’t my thing.”
“It’s not for everybody.” I shrugged, watching cars pull into the lot of the restaurant.
“Is this the first time you’ve done the whole.. blind dating thing?”
“Oh.. this is my first time. I gotta admit I’m pretty nervous.”
“You don’t say,” the sarcastic phrase slipped ruthlessly from my lips. My gaze returned to the man to assess the damage, a momentary empathy filling my gaze. He simply chuckled again.
“I know.. my best friend always says I’m easy to read.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologized softly, leaning back in my seat.
“It’s okay.. I get it. I can imagine I’m the last person you expected to show up..” his voice trailed off into silence before he shrugged once more. “You are very pretty.”
Finally. A compliment. I smiled. He seemed to loosen up slightly at the sight. I had been raised on the ideal of returning a compliment with a compliment, so I indulged his words kindly.
“Thank you, Jamie. I’ll admit you have beautiful eyes.” I watched his cheeks flush, my disinterest morphing quickly into a twinge of attraction. He was cute when he blushed.
“Thanks..” he whispered before his head seemed to duck behind the wall that was his menu again. What was once annoying slowly turned into amusing. Maybe I could cut him some slack. “Do you have any idea what you want?” He asked once more.
“I really love clams.” I glanced down at my own menu, at the item I had picked out the moment we entered the building. This was one of my favorite restaurants.
“Ew,” I heard Jamie mumble from the safety of his side of the table. My brow furrowed.
“You don’t like clams?” I leaned forward.
“Never had them.”
“Then how can you hate them?” I quickly reached out to pull his menu down, catching Jamie off guard. He immediately sat up. For the first time since he sat down, he was exposed, having to sit with no barrier between us. I refused to believe someone as beautiful as him had confidence issues.
“They look gross.” Jamie reasoned with a nervous grin.
“You’re trying one.” I demanded, smirking and folding my arms across my chest.
“Absolutely not.” I drew in a breath to insist before our conversation was cut short. Our waitress waltzed by with a grin, pulling a notepad from her apron as she greeted us kindly, informing us of the specials and the house alcohols.
“What can I get you two?” She glanced between the two of us, and Jamie’s eyes settled on me as a silent signal to go first.
“Can I get the garlic butter clams with a side of fries?” The woman nodded kindly and jotted down the order before turning to Jamie, who happily requested his own meal.
“Shrimp Alfredo and a side salad with Italian dressing?”
“Anything else for the two of you?”
“Can we get a bottle of wine?” I asked swiftly, “not too expensive, but whatever you think is best.” I had told Jamie I didn’t need anything other than water, but he certainly needed to loosen up. Wine was always a good way to take the edge off.
“Of course. I’ll be right back with that!” The waitress gathered our menus and swiftly turned to leave. My eyes settled on Jamie.
“I hope you don’t mind,” I spoke.
“I don’t mind at all.” He smiled, “as long as you share.” Though it wasn’t the best of jokes, his attempt still made me chuckle.
“Why are you so nervous, Jamie?” I folded my arms atop of one another on the table, leaning forward against them,
“Oh god… where to start?” He laughed at himself, reaching upwards to brush his hair back. “Well first of all I was late… which really wasn’t my fault, and I’m sorry. I had to- stay over time at my job. Then I had to run home and grab a shower real quick. It threw off my whole plan. Then I came here and find you sitting all alone- and I just felt bad. But you look- like.. amazing. I feel like I could have dressed a little nicer. And you’re kinda intimidating. When I lived in California I usually had a wingman, now I’m flying solo.. it’s kinda scary. Not to mention I’m new to this whole area. I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to go on a date so soon,” he seemed amused by his own misfortunes. A nice refreshing attitude to the usual of people whining and complaining. He drew in a deep breath only to sigh. “It’s been a long day, and I really didn’t want to mess this up. I still don’t.” It was the only explanation I needed. The judgement was lifted from my shoulders fairly quickly.
“It’s okay.. you haven’t messed anything up yet.” Less than minutes ago I would have had a different response. “Hopefully this wine’ll take the edge off too, yeah?” I watched Jamie’s anxieties melt away, nodding with a wide grin.
“Yeah.. that would be amazing.”
And it certainly was. The minute the wine came Jamie and I dove in. We opened up far more, and I learned a lot about the man in front of myself. He told jokes, he spoke about what he loved and what he was passionate about, and he asked a million questions about me. When our food came the conversation slowed but it didn’t stop. I was taken with his smile, his glow, his tentativeness. And just like he promised, when we finished eating, he paid for everything. I hadn’t planned on spending any more time than necessary with the man, at least not at first. But I’d admit the turn of events made me sad to think of the fact that I’d have to say goodbye. Or would I?
“I had an amazing night,” Jamie spoke as he stood from his chair, grabbing his coat off the back of it.
“I did too.. but it’s not over yet.” I watched his brow rise in surprise as I stood too. “We have one more stop.” I walked around the table and reached for him. Jamie had no problem with letting me take hid hand. We walked side by side out of the restaurant, and he made sure to hold the door for me. “We should get an Uber,” I suggested, reaching for my phone. Though Jamie was quick to argue.
“No, they take too long. I’ll call a friend.” We sat down beside one another on the bench outside of the building. I leaned into Jamie’s side for warmth, and he was swift to wrap his arm around me while he dialed a number on his phone.
I tuned out the conversation as I watched cars drive in and out of the lot. I relished in Jamie’s warmth, though I also told myself I was crazy for giving in to him so easily. I usually wasn’t into men like him. But he was certainly an exception.
“My friend said he’ll be over in five minutes.” I nodded as Jamie spoke.
“That’s pretty fast.”
“He’s really supportive.” Jamie laughed softly. “Where are we headed?”
“Cant say.”
“As long as you don’t axe murder me.” I rolled my eyes and laughed at the brunette’s words.
“You’re safe with me, Jamie.”
“That’s good.” I looked up at him, only to find him staring back. His blue eyes held questions I couldn’t decipher.
“What?” I finally asked, breaking the silence and recognizing the closeness.
“Nothing,” he whispered. “Nothing at all.” I smiled at his words. “You’re very pretty.” My heart fluttered and I looked away.
“Jamie,” I scolded, not wanting to be flustered.
“I’m serious,” he insisted with a giggle. I felt a cold hand touch the side of my neck as he moved my hair. I shivered. “Your beauty is more intimidating than your scowl.” He teased, causing my head to whip back in his direction. I swatted the man’s chest, laughing along with him as he found humor in his own joke.
“You’re mean,” I pouted.
“Please tell me where we’re going.” I laughed, watching his baby blues adopt a puppy dog stare.
“No way. Quit asking.” I pushed myself away from him, only to have him snatch my arm and pull me right back. I laughed, standing to try and get away before he followed suit. Jamie scooped me up into his arms, holding my back against his chest. All I could focus on was his beautiful laughter.
“Please-“ the honk of a horn cut him off. We both looked to see a bright red truck pulling up to the entrance of the building. “Oh wow.. that was fast,” Jamie mumbled before releasing me. He walked to the edge of the sidewalk and opened the back door of the truck. “Ladies first.” He held my hand as I stepped up into the vehicle, and Jamie was quick to follow suit.
“Seems like this date’s going well.” The man in the front seat turned to look at us. “Where are we headed?” I stood up and leaned over the middle console to speak with the man. We eventually settled on typing the address of the location into his phone before I fell back into my seat. The man let out a long whistle that I could tell intrigued Jamie. “Seems like this date is going really well.” The man teased.
“Where are you taking me?” Jamie insisted on asking. I ignored his question, and each one that followed for the entirety of the ride. His focus shifted from myself to the scenery out the window when he noticed we were leaving the city. It wasn’t a long drive, but it was far enough out of the suburbs to be intriguing. We crossed a few bridges, and found ourselves in the midst of a riverside neighborhood before Jamie started to put two and two together. The calm, ‘you have arrived’ of the GPS caused him to look back at me.
“Is this your house?”
“Surprise?” I pushed the car door open and slipped out. “Join me.” It wasn’t a demand. More so a request. Jamie had no issue saying yes. He followed me out of the car.
“Be safe!” The man in the truck called.
“Thanks Ty!” Jamie waved as his friend left, and I was quick to begin rummaging through my clutch for my house keys.
“You live on the river?”
“Wait ‘till you see my back deck.” I guided him to the front door, opening the glass door and unlocking the deadbolt of the actual door. I stepped inside and kicked my flats off as Jamie followed, toeing off his dress shoes. My home was a patchwork of decor. My walls were lined with a fresh yet old looking floral wallpaper, I had China cabinets full of old glassware my grandparents had passed down to me. Somewhere I had knitted quilts and a shelf full of inherited thymbols. The scent of fresh flowers was the leading smell in the home, and Jamie was quick to find the source of that scent as I closed the door. I turned to find him sniffing the pot full of dahlias seated on a stand by the window next to the door.
Why had I never been into men like this before? Whatever uncertainties I had about bringing him home slowly melted away.
“Want anything to drink?” I asked softly, catching his attention.
“What do you have?”
“Fresh iced tea, pop, water.”
“Tea would be nice.” Jamie followed me into the kitchen, taking in the decor as I poured two glasses of tea. When I was done I led him out of the kitchen and into the dining room, giving him his cup. I walked past the table, opening the sliding glass doors to the back deck that stretched out over the riverbank. The fairy lights strung on the roof of the deck glowed in a comforting way. I opened the window next to the glass door where my record player sat.
“You have a beautiful home,” Jamie spoke softly while I searched for a record. I found one and set it up to play before turning the device on.
“Thank you. I don’t like too many modern things.” I stepped outside with Jamie, and sat down on the swing at the edge of the deck. Jamie sat with me.
“Is there a reason you brought me here?”
“It’s private. Intimate.” I shrugged, eyes settling on the river.
“You trust me?”
“Asks the man who hid behind his menu when he sat down. I’d say there isn’t much to be cautious of.” I teased, laughing softly. I turned to face him, draping my legs over his own and leaning my back against one of the arm rests of the swing. “I don’t like to bring men home.” I admitted before taking a sip of my tea. “But that’s because many of them aren’t like you.”
“You’re more than welcome to stay the night.” I peeked at him, watching his lips turn upwards into a smile. “I’d hate to make your friend drive back out here this evening.”
“That’s the only reason?” Jamie asked teasingly, resting his free hand on my shin. I laughed.
“Maybe I have more.. but they’re secrets.” I shrugged. “Let’s just say it was a good first date.”
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarah does Eddie come back? I need to know if he comes back for us😭😭
Hiii lovey!! So I’m in a good mood so I’ll give you the answer, it’s yes. Eddie does come back for you and here is the conversation y’all have when he gets there, enjoy!💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
*Eddie has come to tell you the three words you never thought you’d ever hear come out of his mouth*
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“Please don’t be asleep already…please don’t be asleep…plea-” “Are you talking to yourself? That’s a new level of weird….” “Jesus! What the fuck are you doing down here?” “Waiting for the elevator.” “You’ve been waiting for the elevator this whole time?” “Well…no…I kinda forgot to uhm push the button when…you left.” “Uh…have you pushed it yet because….the light isn’t on.” “Oh fuck…there yes..I have pushed the button.” “Will you…just let me walk you upstairs…please?” “Eddie it’s almost one in the morning can you just go home and we can finish this whole pointless argument tomorrow?” “I don’t want to argue with you…I know why you were with Steve and I’m sorry I reacted the way that I did..” “Did you know Dustin can skate backwards? It’s pretty impressive.” “Are you ignoring the fact I said I was sorry?” “No…I’m just waiting on you to elaborate on why you’re sorry…you know since there’s so many reasons you could be apologizing to me right now.” “I’m an asshole.” “While I’m so happy you’ve come to terms with that…I thought you were apologizing not just stating facts?” “I’m sorry I was an asshole to you about being with Steve…I just…I feel this…need to know what you’re doing all the time and I’m sorry.” “I get it Eddie…I’m carrying your daughter and you feel protective of her and I understand but you have to realize I’m an adult and there’s going to be times I go do things without telling you because I don’t have to let you know where I’m at and who I’m with all the time.” “It’s not just her I feel…protective over it’s..it’s you too…I know you’re going to do things and hang out with people without me knowing and it’s fine I’m going to try…to be more understanding about it…” “why do you feel you need to protect me?” “Because you’re new in town and…you don’t know a lot of people here and I don’t want you to get hurt.” “You don’t want me to get hurt?” “Yeah by the fucking jackasses in this town…I know you don’t trust easy and clearly you’ve had some…shitty men in your life and I’m just…I’m trying not to be added to that list.” “You’re not doing a very good job…” “I know and I’m sorry…will you please let me walk you to your door?” “I would but…honestly my feet hurt so bad I don’t think I can walk at this moment in time so I’ll just take the elevator.” “What? No just…sit down on the step and uhm…I can…rub them for you? Maybe that’ll help and then we can…take the elevator together just in case you…get sick.” “This is the second time you’ve mentioned rubbing my feet tonight…are you into feet or something?” “No no…I just wanna help you feel better.” “I’m kidding…yeah sure you…can rub my feet..that would be fine.” “Okay here give me your hand…that’s it okay now just sit…down…good job…uhm…so Dustin can really skate backwards?” “Yes it was so cool and Lucas and Will can dance on skates…next time you need to come.” “Yeah sounds like I missed quite the party…how’s that feel?” “Like I could fall asleep right here on these concrete steps….thank you.” “For what?” “Coming back…I’d still probably be standing there having not pushed the damn button for the elevator…” “Next time I won’t leave.” “Promise?” “Yeah….I promise.” “Good because I was ten seconds away from calling Wayne…”
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jamminvroomvroom · 2 years
upper hand. part 1
GR x fem!reader
find the other parts on my ✨masterlist✨
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ello ello. wrote the bulk of this at 1am when i was very sleep deprived, apologies if it’s terrible lmao. lately george has just been giving so i could not resist the urge to write him any longer and bam here we are!! enjoy, feedback is always welcome and necessary for my fragile ego <333
in which you and george do not get along… until you do.
warnings: 18+!! smut, slightly bitchy reader, bitchy george, lando jumpscare, alcohol, language, just a general flirty, hateful vibe yanno
3.9k words
george russell was an enigma. very few people seemed to realise this.
it wasn’t all banter and overconfidence and wide eyes that seemed to hold an entire universe. you knew how easy it was to mistake him for something a lot more cookie cutter, basic, copied and pasted from the public relations guide for dummies. you knew because you’d spent the bulk of your media career hating him because he pretended to be each of those things.
you couldn’t stand the man, plain and simple. you found him so unbearable, so cheesy, so arrogant. watching him walk towards you from the other side of the media pen never failed to make your skin crawl, jaw tightening as you forced yourself to ask him questions. you hated that you got nothing from him, no matter how hard you tried.
there was something about the way his face changed when he smirked, something in the way all of his features twisted to create this beautiful, infuriating look that made you embarrassingly weak in the knees. it also made you want to slap him. it was a very fine line. you didn’t like the falsity, the way you could always practically see him plaster on a facade before each interview. initially, you wanted to challenge that persona, find the real george beneath all of that media training and cockiness, but eventually you’d decided that his level of bullshit did not appeal to you. at least, that’s what you told yourself.
george seemed to know how much he irked you, it was rather obvious, given the way your eye would twitch as he’d saunter towards you and your microphone. he enjoyed it, toying with you, making you squirm. he wasn’t exactly a massive fan of yours either, a mutual dislike forming, at least one thing you could both agree on. if you didn’t so blatantly hate him, george would have been floored by you. you were an increasingly impressive journalist, a beautiful, intelligent woman, what wasn’t to like? it was a shame that you used your gift with words to throw jabs at him.
at first, he’d found it alluring, the way you’d challenge him in the media pen. george was no stranger to some harmless flirting in the paddock, used to journalists taking the liberty of batting their eyelashes a few times to see if he’d answer their questions. so, when he’d seen you standing there for the first time, legs made longer by your high heels, hair flowing in the breeze, smiling down the lense of the camera you were talking to, he made the terrible mistake of assuming that you’d become a regular highlight of his media schedule. he was quickly put in his place when he left your interview with his head spinning and a headache well on its way.
still, he tried it on with you. it was fun, no one else gave george the same rush. it stopped being fun, however, over the winter break. you’d spent the better part of december and january questioning if he really was the right choice at mercedes and that was his last straw. he knew he was good, he knew he deserved it and he knew that some random woman was not about to change his mind. still, you were credible enough to cast doubt and unfortunately, you weren’t just some random woman. you made his heart race, and not just because of the bad press.
you were stood in the media pen revising your notes of the events of the monaco grand prix. the race in itself had been rather boring, apart from the typical ferrari blunder, and you’d already spoke to both ferrari drivers, as well as both redbull drivers. you looked up from your notepad, slicking back your hair, still slightly damp from the impromptu rain showers that you’d gotten caught in, only to make eye contact with a tall brit. your eyes narrowed as he stepped up to the microphone that another member of your team was holding.
“so, george. best of the rest. getting used to that yet?” you asked, blunt straight off the bat. you didn’t miss the way his eye twitched. he leaned forward, placing his hands on the barrier that separated you, suddenly towering over you.
“well, you know how it is, the car isn’t where we want it to be yet but i have no doubt that the team will get it where we need it to be.” he affirmed with a nod of his head and you wanted to roll your eyes at his picture-perfect response.
“you seem to be continuing this streak of being in the top five, which is fine,” you shrugged, watching him tense up at the word. fine. mediocre. you were enjoying this too much. “but wouldn’t it be nice to get on the podium again? or a win, could that be on the cards?”
“i was on the podium last week.” he gave you a tight smile.
“yes, after a very unfortunate retirement from leclerc.” you stated matter of factly. you could have laughed at the way his face fell flat but that would have crossed the border between unprofessional and too unprofessional.
“i think, as a team, we are capable of podiums, and even maybe a win. we’re making a lot of progress, lewis and myself, each weekend.” he was such a robot, one that you took great pleasure in tormenting. if george didn’t want to give you anything remotely interesting, you’d just have to push a few buttons. he left you with no choice.
“and how are things going with sir lewis? it must be rather daunting to have him creeping up on you, right? we know how much he loves the hunt. how are you finding it, facing up to the greatest driver of all time?” you leaned forward as you spoke, looking up at him and batting your eyelashes, just to really let what you were asking sink in. you knew that george was perfectly capable, a very impressive, accomplished driver. that didn’t matter. all that mattered was making him tick.
“there’s no rivalry between lewis and i, working alongside him is a great honour and i think that between us, we are making great progress.” blah blah blah, progress, teamwork, yada yada yada. at least screwing with him a little bit made the interview less boring for you.
“and what do you make of the rumours that monaco will be taken off of the calendar? after another processional race, with very few overtakes-“ you started, only to be cut off.
“i made an overtake. caught lando as he was coming out of the pitlane.” he smiled smugly, now his turn to be be matter of fact. you scoffed.
“well, he was on cold tyres.” you stated, quirking an eyebrow. he shrugged, leaning in even closer.
“an overtake is an overtake, especially in monaco.” george smirked.
“okay, george, congratulations on another fifth place finish. thank you for your time.” your smile was sickly sweet, returned by a scowl from him as soon as he was off camera.
“always a pleasure, sweetheart.” he threw the words and wink over his shoulder as he walked away, a safe distance from the microphone. you froze, eyes widening at the pet name, but more importantly, the way heat shot through your body upon hearing it.
fuck. maybe he’d won this one. you hated it when that happened.
after your interviews had wrapped up, you had a few hours to kill before the festivities started. you didn’t always hang around after a race weekend came to a closing, but it was monaco and you’d been invited to more parties than you could count on one hand. a few of your colleagues had roped you into a party on someone importants yacht and how could you say no to that? you got yourself ready and headed down to the lobby, looking forward to a night of fun and the next couple of weeks off before you headed to azerbaijan.
you checked yourself out in the hotel window as you waited for your colleagues, admiring how good you looked in your dress, the way it accentuated every curve, the silky material hugging you perfectly. you wondered what it would feel like, just for a second, to feel someone else’s hands running all over the satin. to hear his voice in your ear, his breath fanning your neck, hand wrapped in your hair, lips against your ski-
god! enough.
you hated it when that happened. anytime you let him get the upper hand, you generally spent the rest of your evening thinking about him touching you. that’s why you were a bitch. you couldn’t let yourself succumb to him, couldn’t let him win the interview. you shook your head trying desperately to rid yourself of those thoughts, praying that you wouldn’t run into him this evening. he didn’t live in monaco and the chances were that he’d gone home. you clung on to that fact as you watched your friends enter the lobby, the group of you heading off for a good night.
you were a few drinks in, barely even tipsy when you saw him for the first time that night. you were stood on one of the upper decks on the super yacht you’d been invited onto, deep in conversation with lando and his girlfriend. you were joking with the brit about something golf related, having joined him and few other presenters in bahrain for a few rounds on the green, when george decided he just had to be a part of the conversation, slapping lando on the back and winking at luisa. you rolled your eyes, barely able to contain your groan of annoyance.
“and how are you on this fine evening?” george rested his hand on the railing
behind you, a bit too close to you, not so subtly raking his eyes up and down your frame. there was a twinkle in his blue eyes, something dangerous, exciting. you gulped.
“wonderful.” you replied curtly.
“and you look it too.” he grinned, catlike, mischievous. you blinked rapidly.
“would you like us to leave?” lando suddenly chimed in, and thank god he did. you were starting to get tunnel vision, almost forgetting that you had company.
“yes, actually.” george… joked? you couldn’t tell. one thing you did know was that you definitely shouldn’t be left alone with him.
“no, stay, after all, all george could talk about earlier was you, lando.” you smirked directly at the tall brit, despite directing your words at the other driver. your words were enough to wipe the smile off of george’s face.
“oh really?” lando laughed, missing, or perhaps ignoring, the obvious tension growing.
“he was so proud of his overtake on you. it was adorable.”
you were oblivious to lando’s laughter next to you, only able to focus on the way that george’s eyes had narrowed, darkening as he glared at you. you smiled innocently at him, but your eyes told a different story. hungry, lustful, maybe even a little bit desperate. you didn’t even care about that, all you could do was stare back at him, waiting for him to snap.
“i think we need to have a little chat, straighten a few things out.” george took his hand off of the rail behind you, grabbing your wrist. before you could even react, he was pulling you through the sea of people. all you could do was trail along behind him, weaving through the crowd until he led you into an empty stairwell.
“so what do you want to talk about? the weather?” you asked sarcastically once he’d finally stopped. he dropped your wrist, starting to pace in the enclosed space.
“why are you such a fucking nightmare? always standing there talking shit while you eye me up like you need to be fucked.” your jaw dropped at his explicitness, feeling flushed in contrast to the cool
wall you were rested against.
“you’re one to talk, you know. walking around that paddock like i’m going to drop to my knees because you overtook a fucking mclaren,” you replied, wanting to get him exactly where he’d gotten you. “not exactly the flex you think it is, sweetheart.” you mocked his closing words from the media pen.
“i can think of a better use for that mouth of yours if you’re going to continue to run it.” he spoke sternly. your legs felt like jelly but you were determined to hold your own.
“and i can think of a few things you could do with yours.” you quipped.
“is that what you want? hmm?” he stepped forward, caging you in against the wall that was definitely the only thing keeping you upright. “do you want my mouth? my fingers? bet you’d take anything i gave you.”
“why are you so sure that i want anything from you?” you made one last attempt at regaining any power that you had over the situation. you knew you’d lost it when he started laughing, breath fanning your neck. he peppered a few kisses on the skin there, sniggering again at the shaky breath you let out.
“you’re fucking shaking, my love. i know, you know, and everyone on that deck up there knows you want me,” he pressed a few more kisses on your neck before he whispered in your ear, “its okay though, sweetheart, because quite frankly i’ve been waiting for a year to see what you look like on your knees.”
his lips were on yours before you could even process what he’d said, his words finally sinking in as he licked into your mouth, nipping at your bottom lip. you moaned into his mouth, bringing your hands up to pull on the collar of his shirt, but he caught them, pinning them above your head. the height difference made it easy for him to keep them there, but made it awkward to keep kissing you. ever the problem solver, george found a solution.
with one hand still wrapped around your wrists, the other snaked down to the skin of your bare thigh, skimming the area left exposed as your dress rode up. he mumbled a jump against your lips, hoisting you up in his arms. he kept you firm against the wall, encouraging you to wrap your legs tightly around him, holding you up with his hips, which were rutting desperately against yours.
his lips detached from yours, sucking at your neck, much rougher against the sensitive skin than he had been previously. his kisses trailed down your cleavage until he was yanking the top of your dress down. you were annoyed as you heard the stitches pull at his harsh movements, quickly distracted by the groan he let out at the sight of your bare chest. he dipped his head, sucking a nipple into his mouth, making you arch into him even further. he toyed with the bud, nipping at it until you were gasping at the sensitivity. you decided to use this opportunity to try and gain the upper hand.
“keep doing that george,” you breathed, “i like it when you’re nice and quiet for me.” you teased, taking advantage of how he’d distracted himself with your chest, his grip on your hands loosening. you threaded your hand through his hair, tugging on the strands to keep him in place. “you can do whatever you want with that mouth if it means you’ll shut the fuck up.”
he growled, biting down on your nipple as you pulled a bit harder on his hair, making you whimper. he pulled his tongue away from you, letting you slide back down the wall until your feet hit the floor once more. one hand went to your neck, the other going to his belt, which he began to undo. the clinking of the metal made you tense up, the anticipation killing you.
“i think you’re the one that needs to shut the fuck up,” the hand around your neck tightened as he spoke, “all you do is talk, talk, talk, trying to wear me down with your short dresses and stupid questions,” he pulled his trousers and his boxers down just enough to free himself from their constraints, sighing as he relieved himself. his trousers had only been getting tighter and tighter since he first saw you this evening. hell, they’d been getting tighter since he first saw you on thursday morning. “you can pretend you’re in control all you want, love, but we both know i could have you spread out for me in the middle of the press conference if i wanted to.”
with that, he used his grip on your throat to aid you down onto your knees. it’s not like you put up much of a fight, very willing to get down there of your own accord. you wanted to make him squirm. there was also a part of you dying to make him feel good, desperate to please him. you took his cock into your hand, slowly running it up and down his length, getting used to the way he felt, the weight of him. as you stared up at him, eyes fixed on his, you finally concluded that perhaps he was allowed to be overconfident, considering what he was working with. you were almost salivating, unable to wait any longer. keeping up the eye contact, you ran your tongue along the underside of his cock, kitten licking at the tip.
george threaded his fingers through your hair, encouraging you to take more of him. who were you to resist? you wrapped your lips around the tip, sucking and swirling as you took him further and further down. you hollowed your cheeks, moaning around him, which seemed to finally send him off the deep end. he looked flushed, a little bit beautiful with his head thrown back, thick neck all exposed and in need of a few marks to match the ones he’d decorated you with. his eyes had finally left yours, the pleasure too much for him to maintain it, mouth hanging open as he moaned your name.
“so fucking good for me, such a good girl. wish you were like this all the time, fuck.” you hummed around him in response, pulling yourself off of him. you stood up from the floor, kissing him fiercely. his hands were on your hips, pulling your dress up your thighs until your panties were on display.
“i don’t think i said you could stop.” he muttered against your lips, pulling your bottom lip between his. you reached for his collar, not stopped by him this time, and pushed him back into the wall.
“want me to keep being your good girl? hmm?” you pressed a kiss right beneath his ear, biting down on the skin. “i think you need to earn it.” you soothed the bite with your tongue, running the tip across his strong neck.
“you pretend that i’m the desperate one, as if i haven’t noticed you squirming in every single interview,“ you whispered in his ear. you reached down, finding his hands, and placed yours on top of them, guiding them up your half naked body. “i know that this is what you think about every time you run away, back to your hotel room,” you trailed his hands over your waist, skimming across your abdomen until he was cupping your breasts. “bet you spend your nights locked away wishing you were touching me,” you gasped as he pinched your nipples, every single nerve in your body standing to attention by now, but you kept his hands moving. you laced one of yours with his, bringing the other one back to your neck, guiding his large fingers with your smaller ones. “so come on george, touch me. need you to touch me if you want me to be good for you.”
something in him snapped once more and suddenly, he was very much back in control. before you could even blink, he had moved you both across the narrow hallway so that you were pressed into the parallel wall, lips passionately on yours. the hand that wasn’t choking you lightly was between your thighs, ripping the lace of your underwear which fell pathetically to the floor, completely useless to you now. he had a finger rubbing at your clit, dipping between your folds to discover just how soaked you’d gotten for him. if he wasn’t kissing you, you knew he’d be smirking down at you like the bastard he was. you were boneless, putty in his hands as he plunged a finger into you, working you open deliciously for him, thumb rubbing your clit to create a perfect rhythm.
you were struggling to keep up with him, the combination of his kiss and his hands on your neck and your cunt making you dizzy. you didn’t know what to focus on, mouth falling open, head falling back to hit the wall as he slid another finger inside of you. your eyes rolled back in your head, his name tumbling pathetically from your mouth in the form of desperate whines that only made him fuck you with his fingers even faster. you were proud of yourself for managing to rile him up this much, the knot in your stomach growing and tightening until you were shaking, barely able to stand without his help. his hand left your throat as you came, and you collapsed forward, tears building in the corner of your eyes as you fell into his arms.
you leaned back, arms still wrapped around him and his still holding you up in your weakened state. for the first time since you’d met him, you truly appreciated the sheer beauty of his eyes, the way the colours blended effortlessly to give away his every emotion. if you weren’t mistaken, he was looking rather smitten.
“okay?” he asked you, a bit too smug for your liking. you still had a couple of cards left to play; if he thought you were done, that he’d won this round, he was sorely mistaken.
you nodded at him, opening your mouth. he took the hint, bringing his dripping fingers up to your mouth. you took them in, licking yourself off of his fingers eagerly. you were certain he shuddered, unable to look away from you for even a second. your eyes flickered down to where he was still painfully hard for you, urgently waiting his turn. as he gawked at his fingers in your mouth, you readjusted your dress, smoothing it down. he was in a daydream, ogling you to the point where he didn’t know what you were about to do, as if he was the one who’d just had the mind blowing orgasm. pulling his fingers out of your mouth, you stepped around him, making your way to the bottom of the stairs he’d dragged you down earlier.
“where do you think you’re going?”
“places to be, people to talk to. have a nice week off, sweetheart.” you winked, quickly turning on your heel, swaying your hips just for him as you made your way up the stairs on shaky legs and disappeared from his eye line. you didn’t miss the way he groaned in frustration, cursing loudly, while you giggled.
you were definitely taking this as a win.
@boysthatgovroomvroom @thegirlinthefandoms @welld0nebaku @mcmuppetangelika @wmaximoffz @starlightoctavia @japanesekel @stardustinggold @vinvantae @chaoticallypan @ashleyo1611 @ggaslyp1 @poofy-baby-unicorns @dr3lover @smiithys  @turningxstrange @lees0015 @rachstash @infinitebells @multilovebot @1missglum1 @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @shinydragondelusion @alexk2002 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @f-1-fan @disneydaydreameralways
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
Gojo x Sub. Fem Demon Reader
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This resulted from a misread request lol
Want the subby Gojo version? Here.
Want more from meh? Masterlist!
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🕶 Disobedience 🕶 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Warning(s): College AU, flirty reader, smut, a lil gore, public sex, dirty talk
It's your second semester at a new college and you've already got a guy trying to impress you, not doing too good so far when he's wearing shades indoors...
He could feel you before you entered the room.
As you entered, he lowered his shades, like he couldn't see you clearly past them.
You were beautiful.
You immediately met his eyes, you could feel his power, too.
And when your lips lifted into a smirk, he decided.
He wanted you.
The next day, he made sure to make a point of falling into the chair next to you.
"Mm, are you here to dispose of me, curse user?"
"Not necessarily," he drew out his syllables, leaning on a palm, "I just wanted to get a better view."
"You're not going to get that from the very back of the class."
He met your gaze over his shades after turning his head your way, "I didn't mean the lesson. I'd much prefer to study you, instead. Better view than that geezer any day."
"Sacrificing your grades for me? I'm flattered," you offered a shark-like grin full of sarcasm.
"No need to worry about me. I have the best grades in this school," he smiled.
You rolled your eyes, kicking up your feet, "Of course you do."
"Miss [Name]! Put your feet down, right-"
Your professor cut himself off with a glare from you, your head tilted back, challenging him to say the rest.
All he did was clear his throat, "I'll let you off this time since this is your first day, but don't expect such leniency next time."
"Well, aren't you the rebellious one? Someone should tame that disobedience of yours," he purred out.
"I don't get tamed. It's not in my nature."
And every day after that, he finds something to brag to you about.
Trying to impress you, you supposed.
But he wasn't your type.
He was pretty, sure, but you weren't into men who weren't worth what they bragged about.
He just seemed like another egotistical pretty boy who was used to having his way in life.
And why hasn't he reported you yet? You were a demon, his type doesn't let you cruise around innocent people so easily. It's why you had to transfer quite a few times.
His answer?
"I mean, other than a few little pranks, you don't mean much harm. Just another student trying to get their degree. As long as it stays that way, you'll be fine."
He seemed to care more about getting in your pants than much else.
He even brought you your favorite drink from some cafe a few minutes away.
"How the hell do you know I like this?" you ask after an experimental sip.
"I watch."
"Creepy. And I'm a demon."
All he does is smile.
You have a strange dynamic of banter, Gojo not really getting past your wall.
"We can't go on one date, beautiful?"
"My dates include an exclusion of clothes."
"I certainly wouldn't mind that," he smiles, flashing his pearly whites.
"You haven't earned the privilege, human."
"I will..."
Things change one day when a sleazy student decides to grope you on your way out of your last class. Even after you tell him to stop.
You both end up in a hidden corner with you tugging hard on his ear, threatening him.
"Listen here, human. You have two options...You can either use this pencil and stab yourself in your poorly endowed genitals. Or I can tear off your ear for your poor listening abilities."
"You crazy bitch, you think you scare me? I've had crazier girlfriends."
"Oh, have you, now? Well, I don't like being second best to anybody. May I show you why I'm the one to fear?"
You mute him with your power, he's unable to be heard by powerless humans. And you slowly tug further and further away from his head.
He tries to struggle away, but your power holds him in place.
"You don't deserve these ears anyway, much too pretty for that attitude of yours," you grin as he begins to scream.
"Stop! Stop! It's going to tear off!" he shrieked.
"That's the point."
You silently glance at the ear in your hand, then back at the screaming young man.
And you laugh. Tossing your head back, hard.
"Fascinating! Humans are very expressive."
"What's going on here?"
You blandly glance over to see Gojo moving closer, "You're not blind. I think it's blatantly obvious."
"Gojo! Gojo, help me, man! This bitch is crazy!"
"Silly human, he can't-"
"Help you? Lovely [Name] here doesn't seem like the type to do something without reason."
He could hear him? Right...his power.
"So what did you do, Kimura?"
"Nothing! All I did was flirt a little and she went nuts!"
You stab a pencil into your desired area, getting another satisfying scream out of him, "You touched me without my permission. And even after my merciful warning, you kept doing it...You were confident, too. I can only imagine how many human women it took to gain it. What do you have to say about that?"
All he could do was groan in pain.
"Well, at least now you can live alone like you deserve. Only desperate little humans would get with a sleazy man lacking an ear and a hard-on. Now, get out of my sight," your power releases him as you dismiss him with a hand.
You don't turn to look at him as he rushes to hobble away.
But before he can turn around the corner, his body freezes in place and shatters like glass.
"Foolish human. I don't let scum like you live."
"Well, well. Interesting to finally see your power in action."
You jump at the voice next to you, when did Gojo get that close?
"You didn't try to help him."
"He was weak anyway. But I told you not to harm anyone, or we'd have a problem."
"I have selective hearing," you smirked, leaning against a brick wall.
"Selective hearing, huh? Of course, you do," he hummed.
Before you could blink, he was pressed into you, arm against your throat.
"I should kill you."
"Will you?"
"Hmm," his gaze bore through you, "It'd be a shame...I like you."
"I am quite the charmer," you don't break his stare even as his thumb brushes against your cheek, red staining it when it leaves you.
"Red suits you," he muttered, looking down at the blood.
"It suits anyone."
"But I like it on you, I'm not talking about everyone else," he drags his thumb over your lips. Teasing it between them.
You tease back by accepting it inside when he meets your gaze again.
He sucks in a breath, "Damn, you're beautiful."
"I know," you kiss the pad of his finger.
"And a tease."
"So are you."
"And you need to be put in check. I can't have you killing whenever you feel like it," he glares.
"Even the strongest of your human warriors failed to do so. You're no different. All bark, no bite."
His grin is wide and dark, "I'm always happy to bite if you want me to, princess."
He was willing to prove it.
Your back was slammed against the wall, your legs tightening around his waist.
All hints of his normal nonchalance were gone and so were his shades, he couldn't let them get in the way.
As he sucked on your breast, leaving hickeys behind, he made sure to stare into your soul.
He wanted to make a point.
Especially after a statement you made.
"I don't have very high expectations for you. I've lain with many mortals and demons alike. And I've forgotten all of them, no one can sate my hunger enough to be remembered."
He lifted you higher, he gripped your thighs as he kissed down your stomach.
You thought he was a little weakling, but he lifted you with ease...
...looks can be deceiving.
You bit your lip as his breath hit your inner thigh, "Hm...do you deserve my mouth there? You've been very disobedient. Disobedience shouldn't be rewarded..."
Your breath hitched as he nipped the plush of your thigh.
"Sensitive. Have you been neglected here? No wonder your hunger hasn't been sated. They're basic."
You groan in frustration as he goes everywhere but where you want.
"You asshole."
"I'm well aware, you've called me that a few times already."
"You think you're so great just--Oh my--!"
"Ironic coming from a demon," he giggles lowly, before getting back to work.
You grip his hair tight, and you briefly think about it being painful, but he doesn't say anything to indicate it is.
All he does is groan, syllables drawn out, "Mmm...a delicacy."
You try to keep quiet, eyes squeezed shut, your pride not allowing you to give him what he wants.
But then his hit tongue hits the right spot just as he adds a couple fingers.
Your legs squeeze him closer as you moan, louder than you'd like.
You can feel him chuckle and you know his ego is boosted a little.
"D-don't get too big-headed, there's plenty of people that've made me-" he cuts you off again after sucking hard.
Your back arches against brick and you look down at him to find him already looking up at you.
He looks like...he's starved.
You look away, you've never done such a thing.
And just when you're about to reach your peak of pleasure, he pulls away.
It both relieves and infuriates you.
You didn't want to admit that this human could make you do something few have done.
But on the other hand, this asshole. How dare he deprive you?
A hand leaves your thigh as he reaches for his pants with it.
"Impatient are we?" you mock, in between breaths.
"If it tastes that good, I wanna know how it feels..." he muttered.
You watch openly as he reveals himself for you to see.
"Ego now makes sense."
And soon he's rubbing between your folds, watching intently.
"Are you just going to sit and watch all day?"
"You don't deserve it, so don't expect me to go easy on you."
"I can handle you just fine. Just put it in already-"
And he does, in a single motion he's as deep as he can get.
With a whimper, your nails dig into his back through his shirt.
He groans into your collarbone before sliding out just to slam back in.
"W-wait, Goj-ah!" you gasp out a strangled moan.
He slams into you again, and again, slowly.
He grins into your neck, "I've been waiting for someone like you. I can go all out and not hold back for once. Should I stop holding back on you? I did say I wouldn't..."
And you stiffened at the words, "That was holding back?"
"Wanna tap out now before it's too late, pretty girl?"
"Fuck you."
"Already doing that, but fine."
And once he sets his merciless pace, sounds won't stop slipping past your lips. None of which you're proud of.
"Shut up, you pathetic demon, whimpering like a dog on my mortal cock that you don't deserve," he growled into your ear, gripping your neck tight.
Your eyes roll back, drool escaping past your gaping mouth.
And quickly you have a shaking climax, before it can end, he's still going. It's not long before you can feel your body on the edge of approaching another.
"Look at you. Chanting my name like you worship me. Drunk on how good of a fuck it is. Weren't you talking shit not too long ago? Now you're acting like my desperate little whore."
Usually, when people talked to you like that, you'd disintegrate them...but at that moment, you forgot how to speak, only able to say the same words.
"Satoru, Satoru, Satoru...ohhh. Please, oh, please!"
He gripped your chin, roughly tugging it down, he met your eyes, "You're never gonna be able to stop thinking about me. You're gonna try, but then you'll give up, and have your hand between your legs until you accept that your destiny is to be my little toy...and come crawling back to me."
"Do it."
You collapse on top of him when you do, clenching around him so much he moans with you.
He eases you back from your high, kissing your neck.
"Since you were a good little toy, you can help me finish. Not that you're worthy of it."
And the second he puts you down you're on your knees taking him.
He groans, looking down at you as he pets your head, "So eager... Did I tame you that quickly?"
Gojo knew he'd win this challenge. All that annoyance he'd pent up from you playing hard to get he put into you.
But unlike he thought, that burning desire for you didn't go away even as you went down on him.
Even when he reached his own high.
Perhaps you'd have to be his toy for a while...
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waleofgaterdeep · 8 months
Because I literally can't keep my mouth shut I gotta comment on the Gale Fatherhood Discourse TM lmao. /(it's not really discourse at all).
This gets long, sorry not sorry 💕💕💕
First I gotta say it loud and clear for all y'all (because I know how tumblr works: its all or nothing for canon discourse)- if you don't jive with parenthood headcanons that's totally valid. If you find it icky, I get you. If you enjoy the headcanons, more power to you to create them and enjoy them. I love to see different perspectives in fandom content. It means the original material is inspiring. What follows is my interpretation of the content that may or may not align with your interpretation. And that's not a reflection on you or I if our interpretations don't align.
Okay with that out of the way--
I have a p different interpretation of the "I'm not father material " line from Gale. In the context of the scene, as most know, Tav is asking Gale to open up their relationship (for Halsin).
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(Thanks naughty gaming on YouTube)
Gale is notoriously awkward around the concept of sex (ala his reaction to the foursome in the brothel), fiercely monogamous to the point of obsessive devotion, and known to make jokes in dark situations. I interpret this reaction not as naivete or a moment of honesty, but an intentional attempt to gain some control over the conversation. Gale is trying to defuse the situation because he feels uncomfortable and bad about it!! We already know he has problems with feeling inferior in romantic relationships. Tav walking up and just asking to have sex with another guy, to Gale, would call into question his own position in the relationship. I mean, just look at the very next line:
"I thought what we had meant something to you."
He's angry and afraid that he's going to lose someone he loves. He's not genuinely commenting on his opinion of parenthood, he's just going through it.
This conversation also mirrors his reaction in the conversation in which Tav is romancing someone else and Gale asks them to choose.
So no, in my opinion, I don't think it's really the smoking gun of the canon that some people are making it out to be. It's a very Gale response tho, it all makes sense in the meta of his issues with romance and self-esteem.
I also have some thoughts on his opinion of students (which some ppl have cited towards the Gale is a Bad Father side).
At some point, I can't find a screenshot, Gale mentions he once had apprentices but they really annoyed him. (Which is very funny tbh.) Then, during the Trial of Love, choosing the correct answer of "apple" for the "What food is Gale?" question, gets you this line:
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(thank you Ashe on YouTube)
So in his incredibly vulnerable Trial of Love, typified by his own honesty, he admits that he dreams of being a professor and having devoted students.
Does this reflect his opinions on parenthood? Not really imo.
I think this aligns way more with Gale's desire to have someone devote love and attention to him. To be respected and lauded. Gale desperately wants to be acknowledged for his genius, his arcane skills, and to be appreciated for sharing his knowledge (read: sharing his true self, the little nerdy wizard guy Gale Dekarios). It connects back to the concept of ✨Gale of Warerdeep ✨, the fabricated man he wanted to be to impress Mystra, and gain a high level of respect and awe. Not so much a commentary on how he feels about students as people or children. The students are just the vessel through which he can gain respect.
But the tl;dr of it all is that I don't think there is a canon moment that makes a statement clearly on Gale's interest in starting a family or his thoughts on children. I think it's a really interesting thought experiment to dissect and contemplate what kind of father Gale might be like based on the canon examples we have to work with. So whichever camp you fall into, so long as you're engaged and having fun with it, you're doing it right.
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esta-elavaris · 5 days
Do you have any writing YouTubers that you watch? Or writing streams and the like, I’d love to know what your writing process is like!! 💞💞
I don't have many that come to mind, I'm sorry! When it comes to creatives on YouTube I tend to lean more towards folk like Rachel Maksy and fibre artists rather than writers - I'm kind of leery of a lot of writing YouTubers because the ones I happen across give me the impression of being more concerned with looking like writers, or telling others how to write, rather than actually writing. Like one recently who tried to act like 2.5k words was insane and unrealistic and not doable.
It's the sort of thing that just can't be taught beyond reading a lot and writing a lot, even my creative writing teachers at uni flat out admitted as much and focused on helping us be the best writers we could be in our own individual ways rather than being all "you must write for three hours per night and before you start you must set your story out into this detailed plan" etc. so I always wince when I see influencers hitting out with advice like that, and a lot of them do because they want to be the ones with ✨the answers✨ // the "right" way of doing things, when there just? Isn't one? Like seeking out advice and new methods to experiment with is all well and good, but I've been in writing groups before where folk have posted showing off the stack of 30+ writing "how to" books they'd just bought (not an exaggeration), and like? At some point you need to just write, get feedback on it, and work things out from there, rather than reading theory and using that as an excuse to avoid actually writing until you've read all 34584 books about it...most of which will give wildly contradictory advice from one to the other. I get the temptation people have to be like "but if I read all of these books before I start my story, my story will be PERFECT from the very first draft!!!" but that's just not the case.
Fic is actually amazing in that respect because you can get feedback for your general style and test out what people do and don't like about it. It got me out of my habit of stupidly heavy introspection in every single chapter when people were like "bestie, enough" during Little By Little 🤡 Not saying there aren't any good writing-focused YouTubers out there! I just haven't found many that I vibe with 💀 my favourite booktubers are Emmie Reads and throneofpages, and CarolynMarieReads (who does also discuss writing!)
I do really really like book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield in terms of other media about writing, I reread it every now and then and I buy it for every creative in my life, it's phenomenal - a lot about how we get in our own way when it comes to creative endeavours and how to not do that, and how procrastination is the enemy. He's done quite a few podcast appearances, I think, if you don't want to get the book! I know Joe Rogan himself uhhh isn't great but his podcast is actually worth watching when he has a good guest, and Steven Pressfield is among them, but he's also been on others all over YouTube if you're not willing to tolerate Joe. Steven King's memoir On Writing was also good, from what I remember of it.
Mostly I just take the stuff David Goggins says, though, and apply it to creative avenues rather than the workout-geared stuff people usually use it for, but I get that he's not for everybody. He just makes a lot of good points about chasing fear and doing stuff when you don't want to, which is a lot of what I struggle with when it comes to writing, I'm always convinced each chapter is absolute dog crap until I'm told otherwise lol.
The content I engage with on that end of things does tend to be more mindset and general, though, rather than stuff that gets into the mechanics of writing. I'm pretty lucky in that I was obsessed with reading pretty much as soon as I learned how, and writing quickly after that, so I learned a lot by reading and mimicking whatever I was enjoying at the time before I'd been at it long enough to develop my own "style". Even now I can look at stuff I write and see the influences, there are just enough of them now that it ends up being its own thing, so I don't approach things from a very technical "ah yes, here I will use free indirect discourse because this will add depth to this character's perspective" or whatever, I'm just feeling my way through based on what I know has/hasn't worked in the past.
I'm not into the whole side of things where people present it as "your story should have X amount of beats and it should follow this graph if you want to write this genre, and these three tropes", it's too scientific and it takes the joy out of it for me, personally. I go into stories with a vague idea of what I want to happen and half of the fun is working out how to get there. I usually know like two or three things that will happen in a story when I start it and the rest just happens as I write. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! The only indicator I tend to have is how much an idea scares me. The ones where I go in confident are always boring, the ones where I'm certain I won't be able to pull it off are always grand.
The best analogy I've heard for it is that it's like walking through the dark with a flashlight - as you move forward, you can see just far enough ahead that you know where you're going in the immediate future, but you don't know what's at the end of the road.
The only thing I'd really, really recommend, beyond lots of reading and experimenting with what works for you, is daily writing. I think my stuff improved so stupidly quickly when I started that, and the hardest part of writing is actually sitting down to write rather than the writing itself, so if you write daily you take the "ugh, I really should write today" out of it, and everything is easier from there. It's not even difficult, either, I've had days where my writing was done on my phone on the bus on the way to or from somewhere. It's just about showing up.
I hope some of this massive essay was helpful 💀 I'm super flattered that you're interested in my process! 💜 Feel free to ask any questions anytime I love an excuse to inflict dissertations on people.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Hello!! I really love your writing! I like the way you write interactions between characters and how well you maintain their personalities! Sometimes, after I read these, I need to take a few moments to realize that they are not actually canon. (For me, they still are <3).
If it's not a bother, I would like to request Compliment + Yuno and any other character that you think will fit well!
Because of Yuno's past work, I always thought that the compliments her clients would give didn't truly mean much to her. At first, maybe these words gave her some warmth, but with time, she realized that these words were nothing more than superficial. And I think it would be nice to see Yuno actually being happy with the sincerity of a compliment addressed to her!
Thank you!! 
Hi hello?? This is like the greatest compliment a writer could dream of thank you??? I have been very normal about this ;__;✨ And thank you for the request, I absolutely love that concept -- it's perfect for Yuno! I think between being so used to shallow/physical compliments combined with the fact that she has a lot of self-love already, a new type of compliment could really affect her. I debated on a few characters, but ended up setting this late T1 with Kotoko
Yuno was always complimented on her smile. It was beautiful, she was told. It was pure. Sweet. Innocent. Her lipstick looked nice. Her lips in general looked nice. She was just so… nice. Yuno was glad to have such a bright smile; it hid how much she was wanted to pick up the cards from her solitaire game and throw them as hard as she could at Shidou's face.
“Don’t worry, when you get to be my age, you’ll understand,” he was saying. “But I do love your optimism…”
She stretched that smile as far as it would reach. Shidou kept talking as he stood to leave, and she answered as politely and simply as possible. Once out of sight, she allowed herself a single, dramatic eyeroll. Everyone older than her thought they knew more than her. Men always thought they knew more than her. 
But she wasn’t about to let it ruin the rest of her day. She turned her attention back to the cards, already working to forget the whole conversation. She’d nearly lost herself in new thoughts when a voice startled her at the end of the table.
“You’re strong, Yuno.”
She looked up to find Kotoko staring. She smirked at the comment -- she knew she had nothing on someone like her. The woman exuded strength, and had made more than one comment about the other prisoners’ physical fitness. Yuno flexed her right arm. “I didn’t do very well in the tournament, but thanks, I guess!”
Confusion flashed over her face. “No, not the arm wrestling thing we did the other day.”
“Oh, when we all jumped rope after dinner last week?”
“No, no. I mean… as a person.” Kotoko scooted closer. She always had a calculating look on her face, studying everyone around her. Yuno had expected to feel uncomfortable under such a gaze, (many of the other prisoners had voiced the sentiment,) but there was something almost pleasant about the way Kotoko stared. Yuno couldn’t put her finger on it.
She waved her hand dismissively. She knew the best way to accept praise was to play it down, just a bit. “Eh, sometimes it's gotta be like that, you know? I just do what I can to make it through the day, I wouldn't call that strong or anything…”
“Well I would.” Her gaze was level. “I think the way you handle everyone, never compromising on your own values, is very impressive. I’ve seen the way the others talk to you here. I can only imagine, with the line of work you’re in, what utter scumbags you’ve had to deal with on a daily basis. And yet,” she tipped her head, and Yuno suddenly understood. Kotoko looked at people as if she actually saw them. “You’ve never once raised your voice. Or scowled. Or even cried. Being sent to a place like this, after what you’ve done, it’d be enough to infuriate anyone.”
She surveyed the room, adding, “I'm still figuring this place out, but I can tell it's designed to break us. Which is why we need to stay strong. I just wanted to tell you, from one woman to another -- I'm glad to have someone like you fighting with me.”
Yuno’s smile had faded to surprise. At that moment, she did something that she hadn’t in an awfully long time. 
She blushed at the compliment. 
Maybe it was the way Kotoko said it. She wasn't the type of person to say anything she didn't mean. Maybe it was the fact that it was something new, not another comment about her lips or her laugh or her body. Or maybe it was because Yuno was tempted to believe it.
She’d heard so many voices lately, whispering how weak and helpless she must be to end up in this whole mess. The other prisoners, too, treated her according to her small build and unbroken nails. She suddenly realized how close she’d come to falling into the same mindset.
Getting a hold of herself, she made her voice light. “Well, I'd say the same to you, but I think you already know that, heh. But… thanks for saying all that.”
“Of course.” Kotoko’s smile was neither sweet nor innocent, but it was certainly honest. “I mean it.”
Yuno nodded. “I know.”
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im-houstons-problem · 2 years
Could you do hcs of Johnny with a fasionable s/o with a flashy sense of style. Like they wear lots of different interesting patterns. Very bright & colorful looks. Everything coordinates and matches. (A good reference is fran fine, love her style it's so fun) If you could use She/her pronouns I would appreciate it.
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These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
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Pairing ;; johnny x fashionable!reader Pronouns ;; she/her Warnings ;; none
A/N ;; fran fine <3
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you never
and i mean NEVER
ceased to impress him
he adored each and every uniqe outfit you'd greet him in
he'll go up to the guys all giddy
and they'll roll their eyes with a little smile all "what she wearin' today johnnycake?"
and he'll start rambling about your colour block jumper, mesh jacket, checkered blazer, and so forth
when you're wearing stripes, or anything with a lined pattern he likes to trace his finger along it
he's just ✨ mesmerised ✨
he never understood how you could pull it all together
it felt like there was so much going on your shirt alone, but your outfit as whole blended together so nicely
he'd scrap togther what little money he could to buy you a pair of tan striped pants and a padded muscle tee
he felt so proud whenever he saw you wear them (seperate or together)
"ya see that two-bit? i got her that outift :)))"
while he loved your bold style, it didn't stop him from making little remarks every now and then (he's sassy okay, no one is safe from his wit, not even his partner)
"the rave would like their strobe lights back-"
he of course told you how great you looked after
however, sometimes he felt rather lacking himself
he cycled through different jeans jackets and black shirt
you on the other hand had a whole arsonal of polka dots and fleece
you notice he was hesitant on more public dates
you always thought it had something to do with his greaser status
(for the sake of this, reader is more middle class)
but something about how he shrank more in his seat or booth always seemed off to you
you thought maybe he was ashamed of being with you
when you voiced this thought it was then that johnny confessed what it really was
it was understandable
but you never really thought of that, nor could you blame him
you'd tried offering johnny some spare cash in the past
but it never felt right to him
and it wasn't like there were many sources of income open to him
he'd tried but he was either denied or some socs lingered around the store longer than necessary
so he was left scrummaging through what was left of his ma's wallet or hustling people in poker
both options less than safe
so he only did it enough to get by
and getting by didn't cover more "fashionable" outfits
after a long talk (and some more) you had somewhat got it through to him that it didn't matter to you
to make him feel just a little better
you rifled through your dad's closet, finding a blazer from his youth that was just about johnny's size
"for date nights"
"for date nights?"
"does seven work for you tonight?"
you answered with a quick peck on his cheek, saying you had to run back home to get ready
johnny's smile was wide as ever when the waiter called you a "fine looking couple" gesturing to your outfits
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peachesyeo · 3 months
I get that we have a whole yandere thing going on (117) but I am so not used to Yunho being so evil!
And now I wanna know how many of the eight have these powers to put spells on people or if they’re simply due to artifacts like the bracelet set
And ngl, I was rereading just to make sure whatever the doppelgänger is didn’t have its arm around Seonghwa’s because I get jealous easily at times… 🫢
And then I will calm down
Story aside, I hope you’re doing well and that you take the time you need to rest when you need it ❣️
Hey darling,
First of all, you missed a ‘1’ in 1117 (I know because I'm the missing ‘one’ for you AHEM) 😩
Second of all, I didn't know Yunho feels evil(? I mean, okay Yunho is evil 😃👍🏻 As long as you don't hate him.
Okay, to answer your question, only our Jongie bear has this ✨spell✨thingy. I mean our boy is the magician, right? And he is the strongest magician, right? Hah… (why am I questioning you instead 😩)
I mean the others also do have their own ✨powers✨, but unlike Jongho’s theirs are quite limited. You can expect Yunho with telekenisis (is that the correct spelling I'm sorry I'm writing quotes for my students and my English is fried right now), San with air powers and Hwa… mist? Not the ✨so please, malhaejwoyo it’s alright (vocal king jung wooyoung) ✨ mist, but like a black hole mist. And these mentioned ones are hinted in the previous chapters. (:
And no no no no, I promise you the doppelganger wouldn't be around Hwa (I was impressed by the comments on that chapter, the reason is below the spoiler cut)
And thank you. Let's make you another promise: I'll publish before or on Yunho’s birthday. Cross my heart and hope to die.
Thank you for sending this to me. Happy reading!
I'm sorry to disappoint the darling who figured it out but yes ‘it’ is going back to Eternity with Soobin.
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burntheedges · 4 months
Hi Kate! I hope your day is already treating you lovely and if not ill go beat it up for you lol 💖
So!!! I love getting to know people through some good old fashioned tumblr asks so I thought I’d swing by and send you some!!
🌻what’s one album you could listen to forever???
🌻what is one of your favorite lines you’ve ever written?!
🌻 okay - but go to gas station snacks?? 👀
And finally!!
🌻what is your dream date with your inspire Pedro boy like?! How does it go! 💕
Of course you don’t feel comfortable answering then it’s no worries and don’t feel pressured too! 😥
Take care and I’m wishing you a wonderful rest of your week!!! 🦋✨
hi Erika!! today is a day lol (got to work late, that part of maintenance request may or may not be based on me). thank you for these questions these are fun! I got a little carried away with the last one.
🌻what’s one album you could listen to forever???
Brandi Carlile - By the Way, I Forgive You
🌻what is one of your favorite lines you’ve ever written?!
I feel like I don’t have a good memory for this (sometimes I read my own writing and I'm like wow I wrote that??) but I do like a lot of lines in to know the light, and I labored over this one:
But every time he looks at you with his own eyes, the outline of you is burned onto his retinas like the sun spots he imagines the bright snow burns on yours.
and I’m pretty pleased with some that are coming up in Maintenance Request but I don’t want to spoil anything. 😎
🌻 okay - but go to gas station snacks?? 👀
good question 😂 i rotate between sour patch kids, chips, jerky, and peanut butter m&ms
🌻what is your dream date with your inspire Pedro boy like?! How does it go! 💕
oooh tough one. I like dates that give you something to talk about but also make it easy to find intimacy/privacy. so an activity (movie, show, easy hike/walk, dancing, etc.) and conversation after (at a bar, coffee shop, wherever) so you can learn more about each other. all that said, though, I just imagined going to trivia night with Marcus or Frankie or Joel and I think that would be amazing.
like, Marcus would be adorable -- eager to answer questions, in awe of the things you know, laughing with you when you're stumped. Frankie would be pleased to know the answers he does, but maybe a little uncertain (unless it has to do with stuff he's confident about, like flying). but he would be totally chin-in-hand gazing at you as he watched you work through answers and light up when you know something. Joel would be a little grumpy about getting things wrong (and probably knows a lot about sports) but he would be ridiculously impressed by you when you know the answers. ("shit, darlin', what's a brainiac like you doin' with me, anyway?")
and I can see all three of them wanting to start an arguement with the trivia host about wrong answers lol. I may or may not have done that once (the host said the capitol of Turkey was Istanbul?? was I supposed to sit there and let that slide??). but imagine:
Marcus frowning, and when you nudge him, saying "that's not the right answer." and then hesitating before nodding firmly and standing up to go talk to the host (politely) during the break. by the end of it they're both smiling and Marcus pats them on the shoulder before returning to the table with a grin.
Frankie hearing the answer and semi-shouting, "what?" and then looking at you, "that's not right." but then resisting when you say he should go up and tell them, and only dragging himself up there when he reazlies it's the difference between you coming in first vs. second place. (his competitiveness won't let him keep quiet.) he removes his hat and nervously runs his hand through his hair on his way up.
Joel frowning and grumbling something under his breath. when you ask what's up, he just says, "I don't think that was the right answer." but he doesn't move to do anything about it until you offer to go up instead. he sighs as he gets to his feet and you watch as he unintentionally looms over the trivia host, who looks totally freaked out (and nods quickly, agreeing to change it). Joel isn't even making a scary face, he's just looking disapproving, and that's enough.
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self-indulgent-simp · 2 years
The Paramedic (part 2)
Eddie Munson x (Male) reader
Part 1
Summary: An alternate ending to the season 4 finale ,where an ambulance paramedic reader from 2022 stumbles upon Eddie in the upside down right after the bat attack.
Word count: 1411
CW: Blood, death, medical descriptions, angst, (Y/N)
An: Here we go chapter 2!! Hope you all like it!! 💕✨
Chapter 2
“Vi er framme, tar du IV posen og BMV masken. Jeg og Hans tar båren, vi skal rett til operasjons sal 12 i første etasje” the female paramedic instructed you.
(Translation: “We have arrived, can you take the IV bag and BMV mask. Me and Hans will take the strecher, we will be going directly to surgery hall 12 on the first floor”).
You nod at her and reach for the IV bag.
“What is going on? What did she say?” Eddie says in a pained and worried tone.
You stop what you are doing for a second, looking down at him with kind eyes “We have arrived at the hospital, and you will be transported directly to the surgery. I will be with you the whole way there”.
“Ok” his hands are balled into fists gripping the stretcher.
“You are going to be ok, alright” you say whilst leaning over Eddie fastening a gait belt around his shoulders. You can feel his warm breath on your neck as you secure him to the stretcher.
Just as you finish the ambulance door opens, Hans jumps in and starts to assist with getting the stretcher out. Once the stretcher is on the ground Hans leads the way, rolling it swiftly in to the hospital. You are running right next to them holding the IV bag high in the air and continuously pumping the BMV mask.
When you enter the hospital, it is busy, people step out of the way as you transport Eddie as fast as you can. You feel a cold hand grab your shirt, fingers brushing your stomach. As you look down you see that it is Eddie’s hand clasping your shirt firmly, he is looking up at you eyes wide. You feel so sorry for him then, the poor man looks so scared, you wish there was more you could do to make him comfortable. You settle with smiling down at him once again, he does not loosen his grip, but you can see the beginning of a soft, worried smile.
You arrive at the surgery faster than you anticipated, Hans pushes the doors open and you enter a large bright and sterile room with surgeons and nurses already waiting.
The female paramedic and Hans unclasp Eddie from the stretcher getting ready to hoist him up on the surgical table.
“You have to let go of me now Eddie” you say.
Eddie looks down at his hand almost shocked to see that it is still holding your shirt. He lets go and you give the IV bag in your hand to a nurse. Eddie is then hoisted up on the table. You get eye contact with him before you leave and smile at him one last time. You almost laugh as he gives you a tierd thumbs up back.
Once you are out of the surgery room and enter the waiting room reality hits you like a truck. You had suppressed thoughts of the hellish place you found Eddie when you were helping save the mans life, but now everything was eerily quiet. Now you could do nothing but remember the nasty fleshy portal, the dark town covered in black fleshy vines, the man half eaten by some monster. You never considered yourself a superstitious person, you lived comfortably in a reality where monsters do not exist. But now that was all challenged, for how could you explain what you saw? You wanted to puke.
“Y/N, are you ok?”
You jump at the sound of Hans’s voice “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you”.
“Nah man, I’m… I’m ok. Just a little overwhelmed, I needed a little break” you answer, voice cracking.
“You did a great job today. He is most likely going to live because of you”
“Thank you. I hope that he does... ”.
“I have never seen you this messed up after a dispatch. Do you know the guy?”
“No, I have never met him before”.
“Damn, he must have made one hell of an impression.” Hans laughs slapping your shoulder.
“Heh, yeah” You laugh awkwardly
“Our shift is over, so I will be heading home now. But before I leave, are you sure that you are ok? You know you can talk to me man”. You wish you could tell Hans why you were so upset. Of course, you were more invested in Eddies health than you usually were for patients. A lot more worried actually, but right now the thought of a portal to hell existing or the fact that such a place exists in the first place fucked with your head. Hans would never believe you, he would most likely think you were having a melt down. No, the only person you could talk to about this, the only person who hopefully could give you some answers about what the fuck that place was, is currently undergoing surgery. Fuck.
“I’m ok, I just need… a second. You go home to your family, I am sure Astrid misses you”
“Alright, you can call me if you ever need someone to talk to. I know this field of work is hard, but it is easier with a friend”.
“Thank you for the offer Hans, I’ll keep it in mind”
Hans nods at you and leaves.
The waiting room is empty now, you are once again left alone with your thoughts. You worry about what will happen to Eddie. If he dies, he will be leaving with any answers you could hope to get. The thought of no explanation terrifies you, there is nothing as scary as the unknown and right now, you know jack shit.
The thought of him dying is also upsetting, as in the short time you got to talk to him you really got to like the guy. Despite being scared out of his mind, he seemed to keep a somewhat goofy attitude. He really does seem like a nice guy.
You decide to stay in the waiting room to see if you can get a hold of a doctor or a nurse when the surgery is done. You dont care if it takes houers, you don’t think you would be able to relax at home or go to sleep without knowing how Eddie is doing.
You end up waiting for about 5 hours before a doctor leaves the surgery, you spring up almost running towards him.
“How did the surgery go?” you ask sounding a lot more desperate than you intended.
“Are you a family member?” he looks you up and down with a raised eyebrow.
“Uh, no. I was with the paramedic team that delivered him to the hospital. I was hoping to know how the surgery went” this time you manage to speak with a more professional tone.
The doctor hesitates for a moment before answering “The surgery went well, his abdomen looked like a mess, there was a lot of tearing but thankfully most of it was to his abdominal walls. Some of his small intestine was affected, but none of the abdominal vessels were injured. His prognosis is good, but the next 24 hours will be telling”.
“Thank you doctor” you say with a relieved sight, you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“Yes well, I should probably be getting on my way” the doctor says hesitantly stepping away.
“Yes, of course. I am sorry for keeping you”
After the doctor leaves you suddenly feel how tired your body is. You had been so stressed that you didn’t realize how much your body is aching. Now that you know Eddie is most likely going to be ok, you feel for the first time since all this happened that you could relax.
You look at your phone to see what time it is, 00.45. Fuck, when did it get this late? There won’t be any busses going at this hour.
“Fuck it, I’m calling a cab”
--------------- Time skip ---------------
When you finally burst through the door to your studio apartment you almost stumble and collapse as you rip of your shoes. You swear you have never been this tired in your entire life. Your bones feel like jelly as you walk to your bed. You don’t bother with brushing your teeth or taking off your clothes before falling into the soft mattress and drifting into oblivion.
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thetreetopinn · 4 months
Oh hey, I should make a pinned post. Might be a good idea.
Hi, I'm Smokey.
I'm a dragon. I used to write a hell of a lot and I'm trying to get my mojo back. Burnout is a serious ass bitch.
I don't identify as trans offline, but to quote Thought Slime: "I'm not fancy, I'll use whatever pronouns ya got lyin' around."
So, you can use: He/She/Any/All
My favorite pronoun joke, since I live in a particular state, is: "My pronouns are yee/haw."
I do however stan all my trans brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings. You better respect trans folks or your pronouns are gonna be was/were.
A lotta of folks put "AGE IN BIO OR YOU'RE BLOCKED" or "MINORS DO NOT INTERACT" or something like that.
Here's my answer. I'm an elder millennial.
If that's not good enough, here. I'm older than this:
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No, I'm not going to put my actual age in my bio. No, I'm not going to put my birth year in my bio. If "Elder Millennial" or the "I'm older than $Movie" isn't good enough, well, sounds like a 'you' problem. Sorry.
"yOu cOuLd bE lYiNg aBoUt aLl oF tHat!" So could someone who put a number in their bio.
I live in the United States (for my sins) and I'm a frothing, foaming, shrieking, screaming leftist.
Being an elder millennial that lived through: A) 9/11 (I was in high school at the time) B) 3 consecutive, once-in-a-lifetime, economic disasters (2000's oil price bubble, 2007-2010 subprime mortgage crisis, 2020 stock market crash) C) The pandemic (and seeing people lose their fucking shit and prove that zombie movies are ENTIRELY plausible) D) Just... well... everything that's happened with my country's government at various levels ...You could say I've been radicalized.
So, let's get the obvious political talking points out of the way and watch my follower count shrink a bit!
✊🏿Black Lives Matter✊🏿
🏳️‍⚧️Trans rights are human rights🏳️‍⚧️
🏳️‍🌈Stonewall was a riot🏳️‍🌈
Sex work is real work
Forced birth is a form of torture
Cars suck Give us public transport, walkable cities, & high speed rail
N@zis can fuck right the hell off into a god damned volcano Same with t3rfs, biological essentialists, crypto douchebags, "AI" techbro fucksticks, and libertarians who think age of consent means "mental maturity"
Palestine will be free This doesn't make it okay to be an antisemitism Supporting Palestine does not mean "Eradicate the Jews" Protesting antisemitism does not mean protesting Palestine The Israeli State does not equal The Israeli People Hamas does not equal The Palestinian People
Trumpists and MAGA are fascists and white supremacists Same with Qanon Same with all the far right schmucks like the oath keepers, the 3 percenters, the proud boys, the KKK, and other similar groups
Capitalism is just feudalism with extra steps When forced to choose between money and a sustainable world, Capitalists will always choose money and let the rest of us burn Eat the fucking rich
I believe in pursuing the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum number of people
This is, of course, not a complete list.
Heh, I'm sure that'll piss of a LOT of people. And I'm totally down with that. If you're offended by any of this, please, cry some more. And feel free to leave nasty comments or mean asks or whatever. Just lets me know who to block! Thank you for outing yourself!
If you wanna show solidarity with any of this, just reblog with a 🐉or a 🐲. Why a dragon? Because dragons are cool. No I'm not biased.
I'm probably going to include a broad mix of things. Some of it will be suitable for all audiences, but a lot of it VERY MUCH NOT.
Things I will likely reblog:
Funny memes
Important news/posts/political updates
Wholesome stuff
Plenty of generally queer affirming stuff This includes aro/ace folks, ya'll are valid too
Plenty of explicitly trans affirming stuff
Art that I like (cute)
Art that I like (impressive)
Art that I like (adult/kink related)
Adult/kink related posts in general
Furry stuff I would say "LOTS AND LOTS OF FURRY STUFF" but it feels like Tumblr isn't all that prime a spot for furries, but I stan what I can when I find it
🫷You said adult/kink--is this a PORN blog!?!🫸
Not explicitly, because Tumblr is a coward. I'm old enough to remember when this place used to allow straight up porn. Then the great puritanical purge happened. Still, this blog stans sexytimes and those who create stuff in that vein.
Kinks/fetishes you'll see me reblog (if I find it and I like it):
Vore (Soft, safe, endo, almost exclusively consenting) Various forms that can fall under this, like unbirthing
Pregnancy (fpreg, mpreg, nbpreg, tpreg, it's all good)
Gender transformation I honestly don't know if this is the right term for this Someone's sex/gender changing through sciencey or magical means
Big strong dudes/ladies/enbies
Twinkish dudes/ladies/enbies
Size difference
Other weird things that I can't think to include here
All of this is stuff that I've written smutty stories about in the past (and I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing, again, burnout is a bitch). If you wanna know more about that, feel free to ask about it.
Things I am NOT into and will almost assuredly avoid:
Vore (Hard, cruel, fatal)
Pregnancy, specifically birthing
Non-consensual stuff
Piss, scat, vomit, blood
Macro/Micro aka Giant/Giantess
Underage characters (minimum age: 18)
"Aged Up" characters that are clearly just an excuse to get around the underage problem
This is, of course, not a complete list.
Porn bots
Fascists, racists, t3rfs, zionists, ✨CHRISTIANS™✨
Crypto assholes
"AI Art" and ChatGPT assholes
This is, of course, not a complete list.
I think that's plenty to put in a pinned post... probably too much, very TL;DR I'm sure. But whatever. If someone complains to me about something that they could have learned by just reading it here, well... it's their own damn fault.
Anyway, be kind and stay weird.
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ariendiel · 2 years
Hello there, my dear friend! I hope you’ve been doing well 💛💛💛 I’ve noticed you answering them steamy asks and so I’m curious about your thoughts. We know what Lucas and Henrik’s exact body counts are. What body count numbers would you give for the rest of the boys👀👀👀 not sure if you had a similar ask prior but if so, please send the link lol
The audible *gasp* I let out at seeing you in my inbox! It's so nice to see you drop by tumblr again, I've missed you 😭🤍 And I'm good, been answering horny asks as you can tell sdjskdjs
Absolutely love this ask too, and I don't think I've answered anything like it before so I've done my best for you 😘 (for reference, the average number of sexual partners for men in the UK is around 9.8)
LITG Body Counts
1️⃣ Gary – 52
No surprise here, cause Gary's liberal about sleeping around and probably started young. It can add up quickly if you don't mind one night stands, and at 23 this is an impressive number. He's probably had one or two girlfriends, but generally he hasn't found someone who truly sees him.
2️⃣ Henrik – 13
Canon, and makes sense. Like most Scandinavians, Henrik probably started young and has always had a chill relationship with sex. It feels good, and Henrik likes making others feel good as well so why hold back you know? Still, he's faithful so he's had a few long-term partners between hook-ups.
3️⃣ Ibrahim – 12
Young, but with money, so Rahim's definitely had a few years of sleeping with hot women while away at gold tournaments. I mean, golf might not seem glamorous to a lot of people, but they're ✨rich✨ and attract models and whatnot. I can see Rahim having been insecure in his youth too, so he's probably struggled to turn women down when they suddenly showed such interest in him.
4️⃣ Rocco – 9
Rocco for sure slept around during fresher's week and while on his travels, so at 21 he's still got a decent body count. Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't see many of them again though, as I can't see him as someone who's been in a long relationship before.
4️⃣ Jakub – 9
Too busy working on his gains to go berserk with hook-ups (probably also went through a period thinking that *ahem* "not spilling his seed" builds testosterone and makes him stronger...). Still, he's for sure brought home girls without bothering to learn their names, so I landed on 9.
5️⃣ Lucas – 7
Canon, and feels about right for him tbf. He's 27 when on the show, and admits to needing a connection with someone before sleeping with them. Also cheated and been cheated on, so he's got some history but not as much as you'd think considering his *talents* in bed.
6️⃣ Bobby – 6
Baker boy has hooked-up with dates and been in relationships before, so he's got bragging rights to just over a handful but I also don't think he's someone who'll jump into bed with just anyone. He's quite insecure beneath all those jokes after all, and is afraid of getting hurt.
7️⃣ Noah – 3
Noah was probably a late bloomer, and was a bit too lanky and awkward before he people realised he's actually? super? hot? My headcanon is that he lost his v card to the sexy older librarian at his uni... After that, he had two girlfriends (one named Priya), but that's it. Of course, he also ends up sleeping with Hope on day 2, which brings his number up to 4.
7️⃣ Carl – 3
Similarly to Noah, Carl wasn't that people realised is actually super good looking until later in his teens. He was also probably too busy with his own studies and interests to be honest, and has had a few long dry spells, but he's been in three relationships and those are the people he's slept with (lucky them!).
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
hi could a request a demon fem reader x gojo where reader is just bewitchingly beautiful ( and low-key evil n v powerful ) and she joins the uni where gojo is a student of and he tries impressing her n shit n idk more things could be added but ya it has smut n it's very smexy n romantic sort of but sub!gojo :O
Gojo x Dom Fem. Demon Reader
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Interesting, let's see how it goes.
Want the Dom Gojo version? Here.
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☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🕶 Please Her 🕶 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Warning(s): College AU, flirty reader, smut, dirty talk, didn't really know where to go with it
It's your second semester at a new college and you've already got a guy trying to impress you, not doing too good so far when he's wearing shades indoors...
He could feel you before you entered the room.
As you entered, he lowered his shades, like he couldn't see you clearly past them.
You were beautiful.
You immediately met his eyes, you could feel his power, too.
And when your lips lifted into a smirk, he decided.
He wanted you.
The next day, he made sure to make a point of falling into the chair next to you.
"Mm, are you here to dispose of me, curse user?"
"Not necessarily," he drew out his syllables, leaning on a palm, "I just wanted to get a better view."
"You're not going to get that from the very back of the class."
He met your gaze over his shades after turning his head your way, "I didn't mean the lesson. I'd much prefer to study you, instead. Better view than that geezer any day."
"Sacrificing your grades for me? I'm flattered," you offered a shark-like grin full of sarcasm.
"No need to worry about me. I have the best grades in this school," he smiled.
You rolled your eyes, kicking up your feet, "Of course you do."
"Miss [Name]! Put your feet down, right-"
Your professor cut himself off with a glare from you, your head tilted back, challenging him to say the rest.
All he did was clear his throat, "I'll let you off this time since this is your first day, but don't expect such leniency next time."
"Well, aren't you the rebellious one? Someone should tame that disobedience of yours," he purred out.
"I don't get tamed. It's not in my nature."
And every day after that, he finds something to brag to you about.
Trying to impress you, you supposed.
But he wasn't your type.
He was pretty, sure, but you weren't into men who weren't worth what they bragged about.
He just seemed like another egotistical pretty boy who was used to having his way in life.
And why hasn't he reported you yet? You were a demon, his type doesn't let you cruise around innocent people so easily. It's why you had to transfer quite a few times.
His answer?
"I mean, other than a few little pranks, you don't mean much harm. Just another student trying to get their degree. As long as it stays that way, you'll be fine."
He seemed to care more about getting in your pants than much else.
He even brought you your favorite drink from some cafe a few minutes away.
"How the hell do you know I like this?" you ask after an experimental sip.
"I watch."
"Creepy. And I'm a demon."
All he does is smile.
You have a strange dynamic of banter, Gojo not really getting past your wall.
"We can't go on one date, beautiful?"
"My dates include an exclusion of clothes."
"I certainly wouldn't mind that," he smiles, flashing his pearly whites.
"You haven't earned the privilege, human."
"I will..."
Things change one day when a sleazy student decides to grope you on your way out of your last class. Even after you tell him to stop.
You both end up in a hidden corner with you tugging hard on his ear, threatening him.
"Listen here, human. You have two options...You can either use this pencil and stab yourself in your poorly endowed genitals. Or I can tear off your ear for your poor listening abilities."
"You crazy bitch, you think you scare me? I've had crazier girlfriends."
"Oh, have you, now? Well, I don't like being second best to anybody. May I show you why I'm the one to fear?"
You mute him with your power, he's unable to be heard by powerless humans. And you slowly tug further and further away from his head.
He tries to struggle away, but your power holds him in place.
"You don't deserve these ears anyway, much too pretty for that attitude of yours," you grin as he begins to scream.
"Stop! Stop! It's going to tear off!" he shrieked.
"That's the point."
You silently glance at the ear in your hand, then back at the screaming young man.
And you laugh. Tossing your head back, hard.
"Fascinating! Humans are very expressive."
"What's going on here?"
You blandly glance over to see Gojo moving closer, "You're not blind. I think it's blatantly obvious."
"Gojo! Gojo, help me, man! This bitch is crazy!"
"Silly human, he can't-"
"Help you? Lovely [Name] here doesn't seem like the type to do something without reason."
He could hear him? Right...his power.
"So what did you do, Kimura?"
"Nothing! All I did was flirt a little and she went nuts!"
You stab a pencil into your desired area, getting another satisfying scream out of him, "You touched me without my permission. And even after my merciful warning, you kept doing it...You were confident, too. I can only imagine how many human women it took to gain it. What do you have to say about that?"
All he could do was groan in pain.
"Well, at least now you can live alone like you deserve. Only desperate little humans would get with a man lacking an ear and a hard-on. Now, get out of my sight," your power releases him as you dismiss him with a hand.
You don't turn to look at him as he rushes to hobble away.
But before he can turn around the corner, his body freezes in place and shatters like glass.
"Foolish human. I don't let scum like you live."
"Well, well. Interesting to finally see your power in action."
You jump at the voice next to you, when did Gojo get that close?
"You didn't try to help him."
"He was weak anyway. But I told you not to harm anyone, or we'd have a problem."
"I have selective hearing," you smirked, leaning against a brick wall.
"Selective hearing, huh? Of course, you do," he hummed.
Before you could blink, he was pressed into you, arm against your throat.
"I should kill you."
"Will you?"
"Hmm," his gaze bore through you, "It'd be a shame...I like you."
"I am quite the charmer," you don't break his stare even as his thumb brushes against your cheek, red staining it when it leaves you.
"Red suits you," he muttered, looking down at the blood.
"It suits anyone."
"But I like it on you, I'm not talking about everyone else," he drags his thumb over your lips. Teasing it between them.
You tease back by accepting it inside when he meets your gaze again.
He sucks in a breath.
"Your bravado doesn't fool me, human," you kiss the pad of his finger.
"What do you mean?"
"You aren't the type to lead in a game like this. But that's okay..."
Gojo can't say he expected to be under you in his bed... But he can't say he minded either.
"Fuck..." his lip quivered as he watched your head bob up and down.
This view of you should've been deadly.
You moved to kiss along his thigh, "You don't deserve me pleasuring you, human."
He knows. He doesn't deserve to see something so pretty.
"I want you to prove you're worthy to be inside me."
He eagerly exchanged positions with you, whimpering like it was the best meal he's ever had.
You grip his hair tight, and you briefly think about it being painful, but he doesn't say anything to indicate it is.
All he does is sigh out, "A delicacy."
After he eagerly cleans the mess he made, you decide he's done enough to earn your warm tightness.
He whimpers as you engulf him, his fingers digging into your behind.
"Is Gojo Satoru begging? Who would've thought you'd something so beneath you?"
But you give him the privilege and move.
His head tosses back in a choked moan.
"You're such a pretty little human," you smile, hand cupping his face, "I might have to keep you around, you desperate little thing."
You gasp as his hips jut into you particularly rough.
"I'm the boss, here. I didn't tell you to move, yet," you lean down, teeth gently tugging at his bottom lip.
"So tight..." he shivers as you squeeze him.
"Poor little human, you can't handle it, hm?" you cooed, brushing your lips against his.
Gojo should've flipped you over and rammed into you for thinking he was weak...but he couldn't...because your warmth, your tightness, really did have him weak.
And when you let out a little whimper after it hit the right spot.
He had to bite his lip to stop himself from coming undone already.
"I-I can, don't underestimate me."
"Oh, I'm sure," you kiss his jaw, "You can move now. Impress me."
He flipped you over, he needed to get some of his pride back.
And he stared at you, your face, your heaving breasts, your belly...
"Are you going to move or what-?"
With a groan, he slid into you.
And you simply purred in delight.
His hips snapped quickly in and out of you, the moans passing his lips desperate.
It was just too cute to you.
Having an arrogant egoist reduced to a whimpering, whining mess.
"If you do well enough, I might have to date for this cock of yours. It isn't half bad," you sigh in delight, "You're doing well for a human...Oh, does that arouse you? You like being my little pleasure device?"
He twitched inside you again, you could tell he was close.
"Y-yes..." he groaned.
"I suppose I can reward you, now. Go ahead."
He sped up, on the brink until finally...
"Oh, shit...Fuck! Mmm," he groaned under his breath as his pace stuttered.
You run a hand through his hair, "Have you been sated, human?"
He took a few breaths, "Mm...But you haven't. You've never been."
"I'm quite used to that," you chuckle.
"But I want you to be," he kissed along your collarbone.
"Well, that was quick...Sure you can last for another?"
"I can go as many times as you need me to."
"Challenge accepted, human. Beware..."
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belltrigger · 1 year
Ok so I know I already asked once but I adore him and he's my fave so. Oemmet character bingo. ><
You can ask as much as you want, Fero! I'm happy to do these for you and all of my friends!
In fact! People can just throw characters at me, even if you're not sure I know them. Chances are high I am actually familiar! And even if I am not, I will look them up and give my general impressions based on what I see! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ (Talking with Riso, I've realized I need to share more about myself here, so after the AU poll ends, everyone should look forward to a poll regarding how I'll go about doing that! (*≧︶≦)/)✨
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Oemmet!! He gets the Blorbo by Proxy space because you said he was your favorite :)
I gave him the Beast Unleashed space because well! Riso and I gave him an in-universe fan-club that watches him from afar in the Subway. He doesn't give much attention to people being frivolous with his time once he's settled into the idea that Ingo is gone (even if he refuses to admit his acceptance out loud), so they have to be careful with trying to get pictures of him. He doesn't pose or welcome people taking pictures of him, he's working, interruptions detract from safety-! (Imagine our surprise when he's actual quite popular amongst all our friends! We were like oh! Accidentally called it!)
Riso's design of Oemmet is just, like, SO good! Oemmet looks fantastic in every picture, just exuding immaculate vibes. He's a skrunkly ol' grump, but he's also fantastic when he's in the right mood. He dresses crisply, because he never stopped following Ingo's fastidious style, and takes great pride in how he looks. Although he has a dad bod, he's a little slimmer than Oingo is because he is very strict on his diet and has a physical regimen he follows. Taking care of himself and his health is his way of stubbornly holding onto the idea that Ingo will come back. If he's not healthy enough to last for however long Ingo is gone, he feels like it's a betrayal.
He's a bit of a bastard to people, as I said earlier! Haha, he's absolutely bluntly answered people "No. Now go away," spun on his heel, and walked away. Granted, he doesn't refuse to help people who are in need of assistance, but someone just trying to butter him up or flirt with him or any of that kind of stuff gets the cold shoulder. The Agents have had to soothe relations with bureaucrats that visit from the Mayor's office on more than one occasion - Emmet is handling the Subway, there is no need for anyone to step in.
Oemmet is softer in the Royal AU, for sure. He's more sad and guilty in that one than angry and bitter as he is in the core AU. But, he still misses Ingo desperately, and wishes more than anything to be by his side.
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