#i have the strength to aim towards what i know i want and deserve but i don't want to burden others
been seeing alot of discourse ensuing in the fandom about the pjo tv show and here’s the thing: there is alot of impetus about what the show didn’t get right but isn’t it absolutely amazing how much the show did get right????
yes, gabe is a bit different. yes, annabeth didn’t show percy around camp. yes, grover snitched on percy. yes, ms. dodds transforming could be a bit underwhleming.
we also have this: percy being an actual kid with sarcasm and sadness and anger and trauma. he’s not one-note. he’s just trying his best and his inner conflict is so painfully and wonderfully portrayed. grover being a nervous wreck at times but also sweet and earnest and guilt-ridden and brave in his own way. annabeth being a little girl wise beyond her years, with a stoicism that feels like something she was forced to practice and the spark of a dream driving her actions. luke being a likeable teenager with actual empathy towards percy which will drive home his fall from grace that much deeper.
chiron being a mentor figure who still makes questionable choices and can’t always say the words percy wants to hear, despite his best intentions. mr. d being an asshole who is still likeable, if only for his humor. sally jackson being a fierce mother with both tenderness and strength, who isn’t perfect but might as well be in percy’s eyes. clarisse being the unpleasant bully that she is, with all the rage and pettiness that she held within when we were first introduced to her yet with the promise of something more.
camp halfblood’s set and the cinematography deserve their own medals. they’re quite literally perfect.
soooo, where i’m getting at is this:
i don’t believe that all criticism pointing out inconsistencies with the books is just nitpicking. alot of it is well thought out and politely presented, too, and i think it’s important to point it out so the showrunners know where they went wrong and can try and rectify those errors–however small or big–in the next season. at the same time, undermining the entire show, discounting all the efforts made to remain faithful to the source material just because they strayed from a storyline that didn’t land as well as it could have–that’s a bit overblown, yes?
like it is an adaptation, not a word-by-word recreation from page to screen. of course, there will be changes because some things in a book don’t always translate well in a story told on the screen. for me, most changes aim to enhance rick’s work, not undermine it or take away from it in some misguided attempt to appeal to the larger audience like the movies did.
at the end of the day, it is very important to recognise the 90% of the show that depicted our beloved scenes from the book as faithfully as possible instead of constantly criticising the 10% of it that changed directions for a certain end goal that serves the screenwriting for a tv show. there can be balance of both praise and criticism and i’m very much in support of people pointing out genuine problems with the storytelling of the show but these conversations should also try and acknowledge the myriad of aspects in which the show excelled. like just the fact that i get to see so much of my imagination take form in front of my eyes, through a screen, with so much of the same authenticity that the pjo books are inlaid with–that’s genuinely mind-boggling to me.
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gojoidyll · 5 months
Weapon of the Leaf, Sasuke x Female ! Reader / Naruto x Female ! Reader
Sasuke watched silently in the distance as a young woman pushed herself to her limit in her training. He was nineteen years old and so was she.
The woman in question was y/n l/n. A strong kunoichi of the Leaf Village. At the mere age of seven she was already going on S-ranked missions. So, in Sasuke's eyes, she was pretty much overpowered. Especially when they were both twelve and he first met her at the chunin exams where she was one of the examiners.
It wasn't until he joined Orochimaru and left the Leaf Village that he learned that she was a weapon. She was practically born to serve the Leaf.
But in his time of wanting strength and needing to kill Itachi, he had chose to ignore her.
Though, during his aging up to sixteen, he found that he thought a lot about her. Especially when he didn't see her during the war.
He quickly found that she was kept at the Leaf and told to keep the village safe. And he wondered, from time to time, if she stayed in the Leaf because she wanted to or if she was ordered to. He would find that it was the latter of the two.
She never left the village, was born to always serve the village as some weapon. A tool. And she never once experienced what true happiness was.
He knew he didn't deserve to show her what that word meant.
But .. maybe, they could experience happiness together.
Thought he highly doubted she would agree to such a thing. The never talked to one another. And Sasuke knew that his little crush was one sided. And yes .. at the mere age of seventeen, was when he realized he harbored feelings for the girl. Despite the fact that they don't know each other well. But he would like to get to know her.
Breaking out of his thoughts, he managed to dodge two kunai aimed for his eyes just in the nick of time. His right cheek, however, still suffered from a scratch. She must have infused chakra within the blades in hopes of still cutting me. Well, she succeeded.
"Show yourself."
Her voice was cold, calculated. She was prepared to kill him if need be.
Jumping from his spot in the tree, he landed a few feet away from her.
"Oh...," she muttered, "apologies Sasuke Uchiha. I didn't realize that was you. Your chakra is different nowadays."
"..no, I'm ..sorry. I interrupted your training."
She shook her head as she fully turned towards him, "it's alright. I was lost in thought and wasn't really trying anyway. Now, was there something you came to tell me? Is there an enemy in the Leaf perhaps? Or someone trying to attack?"
He could feel the corners of his lips twitch slightly, but he kept his smile from taking shape.
"No, I just wanted to come see you."
He stopped himself from saying anything else. Honestly, he really wasn't used to talking to someone like her. Usually Naruto and Sakura would do all the talking for him.
"Oh ... was there something on your mind then? I'm not good with advice, but I can still assist you if need be."
"There was actually," he said trailing off.
She sheathed her kunai. Her eyes solely focused on him which made his nerves spike. The feeling was unnatural and alien to him.
"Can we talk over dinner?"
She quirked an eyebrow up, "sure... Ichiraku Ramen alright with you?"
That was another thing that Sasuke missed out on. During y/n's days of loneliness... Naruto was the one to become her first friend. So of course Ichiraku's would be her first choice.
She nodded as she tidied up her belongings before settling up beside him, "then let's go. Best to get to the place before it closes."
Their run was silent and when they jumped from roof to roof, he couldn't help but to give her a sideways glance.
She was pretty.
That was the only thought that could come to mind.
He was brought out of his thoughts once again as she was looking back at him. She had already taken a seat in the middle of the Ichiraku stand. He was quick to follow after, but he made sure to sit on her left so that he wouldn't accidentally spill anything on her due to his missing left arm.
"So," she started after they ordered, "what's on your mind?"
He gave her a sideways glance, his eyes softening a tad bit as he got to look at her without anyone watching them. The old man too focused on making them their food.
"Y/n .. I was wondering .. how .. how are you doing?"
She tilted her head to the side, "what do you mean?"
"Well, .. I know that your life has been hard up to this point so, so I was just .. just wondering."
He was still trying to formulate as to how he was going to ask her out in the most discrete way possible. He wasn't one for making a scene.
"Ahh," she said, "yes.. that."
She thought for a moment as a sort of light smile danced across her lips, "lately. I've been doing great. Better than ever actually."
Sasuke felt his lips twitch again, but he still refused to smile. He wanted to keep his stoic expression and try to think of what to say next.
"Y/n, i-"
"Oh! Y/n! I was wondering where you were at! I checked at the training grounds but you weren't there."
Naruto had burst in without warning. His arms encircling around y/n like a life preserver as he laid his chin onto her shoulder. His lips lightly kissing her cheek as she smiled shyly at him, "sorry, Naruto. Sasuke wanted some advice, and I- I thought I could help him out and then meet up with you."
As if finally noticing his presence, Naruto let go of his girlfriend and smiled brightly at his best friend who liked to think of as a brother.
"Oh! Sasuke! I didn't realize you were here! Did y/n end up helping you out?"
Sasuke finally smiled as he found himself closing his eyes and shaking his head. Of course Naruto would get to her first. He should have realized it sooner.
"I think I'll just ask her another time. For now, why don't you two enjoy yourselves."
"You sure, but what about your food," y/n inquired.
"...yes, and you and Naruto can have it."
He left without another word, leaving the couple to be confused by his actions.
He was happy that the weapon of the leaf was a weapon no longer.
He knew Naruto would make sure of that.
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andy-15-07 · 3 months
Weathering the Storm
masterlist ! pairing: Chase Stokes x reader
SUMMARY : Y/n and chase are dating. But she gets alot of hate from Chase's fans, which he doesn't know about. Eventually chase finds out and comforts y/n and confronts his fans.
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The sun was setting as Y/n scrolled through her social media, a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling within her. She had been dating Chase Stokes for a few months now, and while their relationship was blissful in many ways, there was an undeniable dark cloud looming over her. The comments section of her posts was flooded with hateful messages from Chase's fans.
"Chase deserves better."
"Why is she even with him?"
"She's not good enough for him."
Y/n couldn't escape the negativity, and it was beginning to take a toll on her self-esteem. She hadn't told Chase about the hate she was receiving, not wanting to burden him with the negativity that surrounded their relationship. But as the comments continued to pile up, she couldn't keep it from him any longer.
One evening, after a particularly harsh comment left her feeling defeated, Y/n decided it was time to talk to Chase. She invited him over to her place, her heart pounding as she waited for him to arrive.
When Chase walked through the door, he was met with a forced smile from Y/n. "Hey, babe," he greeted, leaning in for a quick kiss. "How was your day?"
Y/n sighed, a heavy weight on her chest. "Chase, we need to talk."
Concern flickered in his eyes as he took a seat beside her. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"
Y/n hesitated before finally deciding to open up. "I've been getting a lot of hate online, Chase. And it's not just general hate—it's about us."
Chase furrowed his brows in confusion. "What do you mean? Why would anyone hate on us?"
She handed him her phone, displaying the cruel comments that had been flooding her social media accounts. Chase's eyes widened as he read through the hurtful words aimed at Y/n. Anger began to well up in him, but he took a deep breath before speaking.
"I had no idea this was happening, Y/n. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this alone." He pulled her into a comforting hug. "It's not your fault, and you're definitely not alone now. We'll get through this together."
Y/n felt a sense of relief wash over her as Chase held her close. For the first time, she didn't feel alone in the face of the online hate. Chase, on the other hand, was determined to put an end to the negativity surrounding their relationship.
The next day, he posted a heartfelt message on his social media platforms, addressing the hate directed towards Y/n. "I never thought I'd have to do this, but it's important to address the toxic comments some of you have been leaving about my girlfriend, Y/n," he began.
He continued, "Y/n is an incredible person who brings so much joy and positivity into my life. No one deserves the hate she's been receiving, and it's disheartening to see some of my own fans perpetuating negativity. If you're a true fan, support means supporting not only me but also the people I care about."
Chase's post garnered an overwhelming amount of support, with fans and followers alike condemning the hate and expressing their love for Y/n. Chase's decision to confront the issue head-on brought a newfound strength to their relationship.
Over the following weeks, the negativity began to subside, and Y/n felt a weight lifting off her shoulders. Chase's fans slowly started to embrace their relationship, realizing that their happiness was what truly mattered to their favorite actor.
As they navigated the challenges of fame and online scrutiny, Y/n and Chase grew even closer. Their love proved to be stronger than any hate that could be thrown their way, and together, they faced the world hand in hand, unapologetically in love.
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farity · 7 months
In the Red of Night, part 8
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"They're fighting."
Alys looked up from her desk, her two monitors displaying various surveillance cameras, but her focus had been on her laptop, where she was arranging for a new ally to bend the proverbial knee and swear fealty to her.
"Who is fighting?"
"Aemond and that girl."
One corner of Alys's mouth lifted, but then she narrowed her eyes at her lackey. "How do you know this?"
"They had an argument at a restaurant. Some other friend of theirs threw water in Aemond's face, then the girls left together and Aemond and some guy went bar hopping."
Alys gave him a look. "Aemond Targaryen having a lovers' spat in public. I don't think so."
"I have video."
"I'm sure you do. That will be all."
The man left dejected, having hoped for some reward for bringing such a juicy morsel to his boss, but Alys glanced at the monitors. She had two cameras aimed at Aemond's building - one aimed at the door and the other aimed at his loft, although no matter what camera she used she couldn't see through the damn windows.
The Aemond she had met, all pent up rage and resentment might have entertained, even enjoyed, an argument in public, but the man he had become was much different. Colder, more unfeeling. He was like an iceberg, and was far more likely to walk out of someone's life than to allow a scene to be made.
Alys tapped her long red nails on the desk. She had spent centuries trying to get Aemond back. If he was so unsettled by this human girl that he didn't care about a public argument, maybe his emotional mood was back to where she could manipulate him.
Or, it was some sort of trap. He knew she was always circling, because she would never really let him go. He had been her prized trophy, the jewel in her cache that made all the others dim in comparison. If she could have him back, they would be invincible.
Or maybe he had in fact gotten tired of the stupid girl. Gods knew what he saw in her. Alys was far more beautiful, far more clever, and she knew Aemond far better.
She rubbed her hands up and down her thighs. She missed him. The vitality in him, the feel of his long limbs against hers. The times she angered him and he'd wrap those fingers of his around her throat and fuck her until she passed out. She missed his mind, too. Always searching, always seeking.
No human girl, certainly not this boring little basic bitch of a girl, could ever be deserving of him. He was a king, and he deserved no less than a queen.
* * * * *
Two weeks later
"Arya, I-," you collapsed onto the ground, your every muscle screaming.
"Get up."
You wanted to cry. Even with your newfound strength, Arya had been brutal in her training.
"You want that fucking witch to stab your ass while you lay around moaning? Get the fuck up."
Taking a deep breath, you rolled onto your knees and hands and got up.
"Run to the top of the hill and come back."
"Go before I make you do it twice."
You started moving, not sure if it could be called running, but it was one foot in front of the other.
"By all means, move at a glacial pace, you know how that thrills me."
You threw your arm back, flipping her off, as you began to gain some speed.
These had been the hardest two weeks of your life. Physically speaking. From having Aemond turn you, and the agony of the physical transformation, to realizing that yeah, you were stronger, but you couldn't break a boulder in half or anything like that.
"This ain't Twilight," Arya had said when you smashed your hand into an unrecognizable shape after attempting to punch the trunk of a tree. "You're not the strongest, it's the ones who have been around the longest who are the most powerful."
And if you were stronger than you had ever been, then Arya's training course was designed to take you to those very limits.
After the restaurant scene, you'd left with Arya, who was still shouting curses toward Aemond and Gendry as she shoved you into the car while you pretended to sob hysterically.
Once you were a few blocks away you'd lost the car that had been tailing you and gone back to Aemond's place, going in via the subterranean service entrance. Gendry had kept Arya informed of how many of Alys's goons were following him and Aemond, and then you had gone into the loft and readied yourself for the turning.
* * * * *
His flight was on time, which he appreciated, but he had felt the distinct stench of two fairly new vamps trailing him so obviously a child could have figured it out.
He walked around the concourse three times until they figured out they'd been made and left, and then we went into the first class lounge.
The moment he had seen the property in Scotland he had wanted it. It was rugged and wild, and he'd have acres of land at his disposal.
He scented her the moment he walked inside the lounge, the combination of copper and pine that was hers alone. It took him but a second to locate her, without turning his gaze, and when he sat at the opposite end of the lounge, he knew it was only a matter of time before she approached him.
He scrolled through his phone as she stood, reveling in the attention she got. She had a magnetism about her, Aemond couldn't deny that, but the rest of the men and women that turned to stare at the woman clad in black as she walked through could not know how bitter the lure would be if they dared bite.
"Aemond." Her voice was silk and sex, and he fought the urge to recoil. "I know you know I'm here."
He looked up, met her gaze. He blinked, and after a couple of seconds, turned back to his phone. "Oh. Hey Alys."
She flicked at her nails, as she always did when impatient, and sat next to him. "How I've missed you."
"Can't say the same," he replied without looking at her, and stood.
Alys followed him as he went to the lounge bar. "Aemond. Why don't we have dinner, like in the old days?"
"Whiskey, neat, please."
"Got bored of your little barista slut?"
He paid the bartender for his drink, tipping him well, and took his drink over to the windows.
"You and I know she could never give you what I can."
"What's that, regrets?" he snapped.
Her hand touched his arm and he wanted, oh so badly, to grab that hand with the red nails and bend it backwards until it snapped off of her wrist.
"Be glad she wasn't in the building when I burned it down. Although, you never know," she said sweetly, "anything can happen to a boring little human."
"Leave her alone, Alys. She's nothing to you."
He felt her fingers tighten on his arm. "But she's something to you. And I cannot have that." She followed him again as he paced up and down the wall of windows. "I know where she lives."
He turned, "don't bother. It's over."
"So I hear. How very unlike you to have a public fight," she grabbed his arm again. "Remember when we used to fight? And make up? Those are some of my favorite memories." She smiled coyly up at him. "I think you wanted me to know you were done with your little pastry puff," she placed the tip of her finger in her mouth, undoubtedly thinking it made her look irresistible. "Come back to me, Aemond, you know there is no one else for you."
He stared out at the aircraft being readied for boarding, telling himself every second he had to endure of her presence would be worth it in the end.
"You owe me."
At that, he smiled, and turned to her. "Is that what you want. An obligation fuck? 'Thanks for saving my eye, Alys, I'll put my dick in your sub zero temperature hovel of a cunt?'" He laughed, startling her. "You know, you should have just said that. It might be entertaining to finally pay my bill when it comes to you."
She looked at him, wide eyed, "no, Aemond. Not like that. We're not like that. You and I," she leaned in and he ground his heels into the floor to keep from leaping back, "we're better than the rest. There is no one else like you, my Aemond. And there's certainly no one else like me."
The announcement was made for boarding, and Aemond stared at the woman who had, once, meant something to him.
"I'm back in a week."
He turned away and went through the ticket check while Alys smiled to herself, and slowly sashayed out of the lounge.
* * * * *
All my fics
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Aemond fics only
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* * * * *
This fic
@toodlesxcuddles​  @sophie-looks-at-stuff   @sageloves-stuff @snh96 @iloveallmyboys​
Thank you for reading, for your likes and reblogs, they all mean so much to me!!!
My Ko-fi
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girasollake · 2 years
promise | eddie munson
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the reader tries to save eddie and dustin from the bats, and she made a promise
warnings: reader's death, angst, sadness, mourning, mentions of blood and wounds, slight s4 e9 spoilers
type: angst
a/n: ummmmmmmmmmmmm yall gonna hate me for this one<3 this is my own idea so even if it hurts you i hope you'll like it! i am devastated after vol 2:)
word count: 1400
The last sounds of Master of Puppets echoed throughout the Upside Down. Three of them were running into the camper to hide, the boy broke his leg falling from the roof. The other two helped him up and quickly shoved him first behind the gate. For a moment they were happy, overjoyed, adrenaline still running through their veins. They were laughing and smiling, they did they job, they were the perfect bait. However, their happiness didn’t last long when the vicious bats started to crawl through the vents, they did their best to stop them.
“We gotta go!” Dustin screamed at the top of his lungs and started moving towards the rope.
They helped him get on the rope first, his broken leg making it really hard and the bat screeches were getting louder. (Y/n) looked at the door, her hands still pushing Dustin upwards, next her gaze settled on Eddie’s face. It was filthy, dirt and mud all over it and yet it was still the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She let go of Dustin which made him fall into Eddie’s arms.
“We’re not going to make it, I’ll hold them off and you get both of you out of here.” She said quickly.
“What? No, I’m not letting you do that, no way.” Eddie replied, his voice shaky.
“We don’t have a choice. I promise I’ll be okay, I want to see you graduate this year.” She lifted the corners of her lips.
The girl stormed out of the trailer quickly, spear in one hand, shield in the other. She started banging one into the other drawing attention of the monsters to herself.
She was running so fast. She has never run faster in her life. She prayed that she had saved them, that they could cross to the other side. After some time her chest was burning, her legs were slowly going numb. Suddenly she stopped and faced the army of bats aiming at her. She was done running, it wasn’t going to take here anywhere. Keeping them busy with herself was better because she knew she couldn’t run for much longer even if she tried. They surrounded her from every side making circles around her fragile form, she was nothing compared to them. She started pushing them away with all the strength she had left, the spare hitting whatever it could.
Meanwhile Eddie did what he was supposed to, he got Dustin to the other side, safely. He put him on a  chair where he could rest and then looked up into the gate in the ceiling.
“I can’t just leave her like that Henderson.” He whispered.
“She told you she would be fine! Come on, it’s (Y/n), you know she never breaks her promises!” He tried to make him stay, so hard.
“She should have already came back and I don’t see her here. I can’t lose her.” He said and then he started climbing.
“NO EDDIE! THAT’S A BAD IDEA!” The metalhead couldn’t hear him anymore, the only thing on his mind was his girl.
He took his own spare he had left in the Upside Down and hurried outside to help her. All this time he was reassuring himself that she was okay, that they had left her alone and she’s somewhere safe hiding. What he didn’t expect was to see her body being eaten and held by the bats.
“(Y/N)!!!!!!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.
The bats were eating her flesh, four of them holding down her legs and arms and one choking her with the tail. She was screaming in agony, her vision was blurry and she was angry. She was angry at herself, because she promised, she promised Eddie she would be okay. He didn’t deserve this, he didn’t deserve to lose her but she knew that without this they all could’ve ended up like that. All that mattered was that he was safe.
Eddie was running towards her and just before he reached his destination all of the bats drop lifelessly to the ground. (Y/n) wasn’t moving and he feared the worst.
“(Y/-), (Y/n)?” He whispered when he finally stood over her.
The image was atrocious, her blood was everywhere but then she looked at him and moved her hand up to hold his. He kneeled next to her and took her into his arms.
“You’re okay, you’re okay, oh god I was so worried. I’m going to get you to the hospital.” The words were flowing out of his mouth.
He started pulling her up but her groan stopped him.
“I just need to rest for a bit, then I’ll be okay.” She gave him a small smile with her bloodied lips. “Can you kiss me Eddie?” She whispered.
He responded with softly resting his lips on hers, the metallic taste didn’t bother him in the slightest.
“You sure you okay?” He kissed her temple. “You look pretty rough.” He chuckled.
She smiled and also let out a chuckle, her hand came up to caress his face gently.
“Graduate this year for me, okay?” A small tear fell down her cheek.
“What do you mean? You’re gonna be there, stop messing around.” His eyes started filling up with the warm liquid, the events slowly making themselves real in his mind.
“I love you Eddie Munson.”
“I love you too, you know I do. So much.” He said between his weeps, he tried to supress his cries but he couldn’t.
“I’m sorry I broke my promise.” She whispered and her head fell numb in Eddie’s embrace.
“No, no, no.” He started slowly shaking her body. “No, (Y/n), please no..” He cried so hard, his arms squeezing her the best he could.
He placed a kiss on her lips thinking this was just a joke. He thought she was playing and that she would wake up again. He didn’t want this to be real, he didn’t want to leave her there. His salty tears were falling down on her face and making soft marks on it.
“Please come back to me…” He whispered into her hair.
This was the last time he was able to smell her, hold her, kiss her. Their future plans got destroyed within seconds, he would never ask her to marry him, to move in with him, she was too young for this. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare or just maybe travel back in time and switch their places.
“Why’d you leave me?” He tried again but no one responded.
Eddie was so glad to have had his name cleared from all the accusations with the help of all of his friends. He really wanted 1986 to be his year and he made it his, but he couldn’t have done that without her. Just before he took his diploma he looked up to the sky and smiled. He got onto the stage and snatched the diploma from the principal and when he walked away he flipped him off. He run towards Dustin and the others embracing them in a hug. They all wanted to celebrate this but Eddie wanted to make one last stop before they headed to his trailer. Steve stopped the car at the cemetery, all of them already knowing what they are here for.
“I’ll be quick, thanks.” He patted Steve on the arm and wiggled out of his seat.
He knew the route to her grave by heart, he came there every other day, whenever he could. He sat down in front of the gravestone, he knew her body wasn’t underneath because they left her there, he couldn’t take her with him. Even with that he still had hope that she was sitting in front of him smiling, being proud of him.
“Um so.. I did it.” He took of his graduation cap and held it in his hands. “I wish you were here to see me. I mean I hope you saw me either way no matter where you are right now, god I so hope you did…I just…thank you. Thank you for helping me do this and believing in me. I promise I’ll do my best to make you proud of me.”
He wiped away the little tears streaming down his cheeks and stood up. Eddie placed his cap on the grave and whispered a quiet “I love you”.
taglist: @r93339 @stvrdustalexx @cursedandromedablack @ccosmic-illusion @luvwanda @justice4lils @heizenka @wolfstarsimpxx @miss-bloodbath @screambih @lyntic @freeshavocadoooo @laracrof7s @naturalswifty89 @bvmbshell @alainabooks143 @squidwardsluverxx @phantomxoxo @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @stilesks @ilovedilfs32 @kaitlin-r130 @greengarsstuff @axen-gers @088i880 @ilovefictionalbrunettes
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mamamittens · 3 months
Nikia has a hobby of learning new things. She doesn't always remember what she's learned, she's a little forgetful and absentminded behind the RBF, but it's pretty obvious when she's trying to memorize things.
Spending so long with little to no socialization means it's very easy for her to forget herself and get very... Weird bout learning something new. It's inquisitive and cute but also jarring to have her suddenly up close and personal to see what you're doing. Exactly how you're holding a blade to carve meat or roll dough. She's just FIXATED on what's in front of her.
This is how she learns sword play with Thatch and pistols from Izou. Sure, she knows how to hold a knife and carve. Do great damage while hunting. Or shoot a small handheld gun. But the finer details escape her. She's not confident holding the weapons. Instinctively more defensive.
It's an interesting process where they all learn a bit more about each other. Like how steady and firm Thatch is with his blades but quick as a whip. Izou a deft hand at a quick draw and steady grip. And they learn that Nikia still dances with her feet, instinct from years of dance as a child and playfulness translating to a very different style than Thatch's bold stance or Izou's unflinching aim.
Thatch ends up teaching her forms he's not that great at. A flowing rhythmic sort of style that favors reverse grips and grip changes with a twirl. She doesn't have his body strength to use his own style, so its better this way. It's a strange sort of dance and she often plays dirty by suddenly flaring her wings or obscuring her blades between feathers.
Her shooting style is more geared towards distance and hair trigger shots, so pistols are hard to get used to under Izou's tutelage. They struggle to find an intuitive style for her with much weaker guns and she ends up missing a lot. Her shots taking too long to line up so she over thinks. She just can't be patient with a gun, can't duel like Izou can against blades, lining his shots meticulously to win. She just wants to shoot their head and be done with it. He ends up finding the sweet spot with speed, helping train her wrists to handle the recoil she's used to taking with her whole body. It ends up a lot like gun-slinging in old westerns. Faster and faster until it's like you blink and miss it.
It's good exercise for them, forcing themselves to recontextualize how they fight.
Thatch still isn't okay after discovering how bad of an idea it is to encourage her to talk while she fights. He wanted banter, fun light stuff. But with all her focus on a fight, Nikia's filter dies quickly.
Sure, it's cute and flirty at first, but the... Violent intrusive thoughts really throw everyone for a loop.
"You look so cute with swords. So proud and accomplished."
"I should kiss your nose after this. You deserve to be flustered after tapping my ass with the flat of your blade."
"You have such a beautiful smile, Thatch. It makes me nervous to hold a blade to it--theres not point messing with perfection, even if I think you'd wear a Glasgow well."
"I keep getting distracted by your ankles, why do you wear slippers? One little knick and you'll never walk again--I worry about you so much, you know?"
"I hate it when our blades cross. I can feel the grinding metal in my bones and it makes me want to rip your face off with my teeth."
"I don't want to get too comfortable holding a blade to your throat. It's so easy to bleed out from the arteries there. Same for your thighs but if I manage to put a blade there, one of us has made a massive mistake."
Izou laughs at him, thinking it's about time he was on the other end of shit talk...
He definitely doesn't make the same mistake at least. Easy not to since she she's how loud guns are.
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glitchy576 · 7 months
My killers
Hiya!! I'm making more poly Randy Meeks and Mickey Altieri because you all seemed to enjoy it and you deserve it! This is a Ghostface AU
Also if you want to check me out on YouTube or Wattpad here are my names. 
Wattpad: Glitch4777
YouTube: Gltchinthesystem 
There's not much there but you can check it out! Well enjoy!!!! 
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I run into the theater and see my boyfriends standing on the stage with dead bodies all around them. Derek, Gale,  Hallie, Mrs. Loomis, and... 
I gasp as I sprint to the stairs and climb up onto the stage, dropping to the floor by her body. 
She whispered as I began to get teary eyed. Then she screamed with her little strength. 
I jumped to the side as Mickey impaled Sidney in the stomach with his sharp knife. I heard the organs squish. I cringed and crawled back into a corner. 
"M-Mickey? Randy? Why?" 
I couldn't believe it. My boyfriends killed our friends. Randy tried to cup my cheek but I slapped his hand away from my face. 
"Don't touch me!" 
I yelled with tears running down my pale, fritented face. Mickey just smiles. 
"Darling, we did this all for you!" 
"N-no. There's got to be some other reason! I don't want to be to blame!" 
"Y/n hon your not! We're going to run away together so we will never be caught!" 
Randy interrupts with his sweet voice. I usually would melt at his voice but I can't! Not right now! I jump up and try to run but Mickey grabs me and forcefully pulls me into a kiss. Shivers were sent down my spine, I couldn't tell if it was because I was kissing a killer or that I love him so. I push Mickey back and then are pulled in by Randy. 
"We just want to love you." 
Mickey said coming up behind me and grabbing my waist and chin. 
"Cutie just kill with us! It'll be perfect! We all love eachother and want to be together for ever so. What do you say?"
Choose your ending: 
"I'll do it."
Mickey blurts out with his psychotic grin.
"We can kill some more tomorrow but I think we're all tired. I-"
Gale popped her body up and pointed her gun at Randy's head.
"Y/n come her, away from these psychos!"
"I don't think so Gale, buh bye!"
I quickly shot her in her head with a smile.
"Oh well lets go home now!"
Randy states slightly confused.
"I'm not going to kill someone for you psychos!"
Randy hisses and frowns. 
"Well Y/n you know we kill and now we have to kill you!"
I sprint towards the door before I was pulled to the ground. My body was facing up, I kicked Mickey in the balls and crawled over to Sidney. Randy slide across the ground and clutched my ankle. He pulled me back as I was reaching for the gun in Sidney's hand. I pulled the gun out of her lifeless hand and Randy pulled out his own and aimed for my legs. Mickey grabbed the knife across the stage and stabbed me in the stomach. I groan in pain as blood leaks from my mouth. I place my finger on the trigger of the gun. I shoot Mickey easily through the head as he only had a knife. Randy shot me again in the leg.
"D-die Randy!"
I shoot him in the head as he pulled the trigger seconds after me. Mine hit my arm as I raised it to block the bullet. Randy instantly collapsed to the floor as I was left with a few seconds. I drop my body to the floor with blood everywhere. I was numb. I close my eyes, there's no point in trying to stay awake, I would die anyway. I huff and the world goes black. I mutter my last words.
"I-im sorry..."
"I love you Randy and Mickey..."
Hope you guys enjoyed!! This took a bit and the last parts rushed so sorry. Have a nice day!!!
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xiaomainlmao · 1 year
A/n- Was listening to a royal Cyno playlist when this came to my mind.
"A very special meeting you said, eh? Why am I the only one here then." Your smirk never left your face. You knew exactly what the eremites wanted- a chance at the throne.
"Oh there are a bunch of things I want from you- your life, your position, your body or maybe even your hand," the mercenary stated, and you were already aware the things on his list would be far from normal but this? The audacity! Your patience was already running thin. "Tonight, however, your Highness," he spat your title with pure loathe, "I want to expose your true identity."
"Oh? Are you indicating that I'm hiding my true self? And if so, how will you reveal it I wonder."
"Are you taking this as a joke?" He grit his teeth, controlling his urge to lash out already, knowing that you weren't the worst of fighters.
All this, while you were aware of the many pair of eyes on you. Despite seeming like a near-deserted area, you knew that there were people surrounding you. But you also knew, that only one of the many there was actually going to save you in case things get rough. Only one... that the eremites couldn't have predicted to be there as well.
"Even if you do expose me now, I have nothing to lose. I could die here and our true goal would still be accomplished in the near future. And it is for that very reason, that I, tonight, am not afraid of what you tell the others about me." You pointed towards yourself, a maniacal laughter holding itself in. "What are you going to do? Scream it to the world that this "royal" family is now just a façade? That the original rulers had long since given up the thrown? Hahaha!" You couldn't hold your laughter after all. Something like this makes one look like they're the villain, the antagonist, but when it comes to actual, real life situations, who can decide who's in the right and who deserves to die?
No one! The real world is corrupted and there's no author to control it. And then, there's the blind dogs of the Ayn-al-Ahmer. The Tianquan of Liyue quoted, 'In this human age, we must fight on our strength alone!' But these fools will never understand that, not so long as they believe that their beloved, long gone King Desheret can solve the mysteries of life and death.
Do they really think that the gods even have a chance in the new era anymore? Mondstadt is taken care of by the Knights of Favonious, Liyue has its Qixing, Inazuma with its tri-commission, Fontaine with their judiciary…! And soon, you'll lay down the foundation of the new, evolved Akademiya that uses actual thinking rather than using the Akasha. You were to soon give up your throne in pursuit of an academic evolution either way, what did you have to lose tonight? Even Lesser Lord Kusanali has approved of the upcoming institution and was ready to watch from the sidelines and interfere only when required, just like how the Gods of the other nations were stepping back in the new era. Of course, people would still use their visions and considerer them to be the 'God's favour'. They still prayed to the Gods. But they were also determined to grow stronger as mortals. To let go of the Divine obsession, and be self-reliant. If only these stubborn eremites...
You dodged towards the left, as the eremite punched his right hand right where your face was a second ago. Your hand, that was behind your back this whole time, finally revealed the spear it was hoisting, as the eremite drew his hammer from his back using his left hand. Holding it with both his hands and steadying himself, he aimed at you again, this time, you blocked his blow by placing the polearm between you both. You pushed him backward, spinning the weapon in your arm as you took in your surroundings once more.
A couple more eremites jumped out of their hiding, their weapons aiming for you. You dodged most of them, but there were just too many and you couldn't defend, dodge and fight at the same time. You were running out of breath.
Just as another eremite jumped behind you, his own spear above his head, you saw sparks of purple in the dark night. "Futile!" The eremite got pushed to the side, mid air, as Cyno came forward, alerting the eremites of the General Mahamatra's presence. His ruby eyes pierced through the eremite you had been talking to earlier, before looking towards you and giving you a small nod.
With him here, it was much easier to deal with the eremites. Just as the last of the eremites were left, you got pushed to the ground, two of them towering over you. You held them off with your spear in front of you until Cyno interfered and successfully got rid of them.
He lend you his hand and helped you up. "Can you walk?" "Ah… I think I sprained my ankle." "No worries." With one hand below your legs Cyno lifted you up, supporting your back with his other hand. He looked back to where the eremite leader lay on the ground, growling at the two of you, and he growled back.
Amidst the dying chaos, with some eremites still being confused as to how the General Mahamatra managed to catch up with you while the others wondered why your fighting style was so similar to the General's, Cyno walked off with you in his arms.
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bishop-percival · 2 months
(prev) Something was bothering Dr. Walters as well. Not clothing. Thankfully his beloved bowtie had survived the attack without serving as a strangulation device. No, he only had one small problem… Namely: Being down a gropdamned fucking arm for three to four weeks! And that was just how long it’d be immobilized. It would take far longer to build his strength back up. Then there were the long-term effects that nobody seemed to want to talk about. Same deal as the fucking ribs. Would he reasonably be able to throw a nice, solid punch in Sam’s face once Bishop Percival was overthrown? Who the hell knows! At the very least he knew that re-injuries were common so… Yeah… He was definitely breakable now. Was it bad that he was considering aiming for one more life? Sam certainly deserved it. And at this rate he may have no choice but to do away with them first. Yet Teddy was uneasy with how he was steadily growing closer to a true Glornist. Now that a week and a half had passed Teddy’s emotional state was starting to improve. Especially once he was allowed to go back to work without being urged to leave. His coworkers didn’t understand how badly he needed a routine. Or the illusion of safety the heightened laboratory security provided. Oooor that he wasn’t exactly broken up about only being able to process paperwork and run tedious, largely automated tests. The latter was his version of birdwatching. From dawn to dusk (in Standard Mati Mountain Time, anyways) Teddy stayed in the lab aside from heading out to join his brother at mealtimes. He never told him what happened but… Freddy seemed to have a rough idea based on how he’d insisted on escorting him to and from the food court. That and nudging Teddy towards friends who did their non-combat work in the area. Teddy appreciated it even if he knew that Freddy was ready to return the favor if he ever found out who dislocated his arm. That potential complication was just another on his long list of reasons to avoid the Glornch as if his life depended on it. Because it did. Was it lucky or unlucky that one of Freddy’s soldier friends had recently broken a leg? Well, lucky for him, unlucky for xim. They’d rarely talked before but xe was nice. More importantly: Having a soldier on his side sleeping by his side helped him rest easy. For the last few nights Teddy had managed to nod off at eleven and planned to aim for ten as he gradually unfucked his sleep schedule. This ended up coming back to bite him when he got visitors around when he usually headed to bed. At first Theodore only stirred enough to bury himself deeper into the thin blanket wrapped around him. Then he heard Bishop Percival’s voice and his eye snapped open after a brief delay. The shock of seeing his two most hated (and feared) enemies staring down at him made him rear back in alarm. He had just barely managed to catch himself before rolling off his bed. Then he froze for awhile before carefully maneuvering to a sitting position. Instead of looking at them Theodore rubbed his eye. Mostly to try to get his eye to relax and stop broadcasting his fear. However, it had limited success. The only reason he appeared to settle down was because his heavy eyelid counteracted it. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep… He swayed as he struggled to keep himself from laying back down in the relatively luxurious cot beneath him.
Percival tried to give a broad, warm, reassuring smile. But Bowtie’s utter alarm was rather amusing, so his smile took on a wry tinge. 
“Miserable morning, Bowtie! No need to be scared. I’m gracing you with my presence to help you!”
Meanwhile, Sam was looking rather nervous and was fidgeting. It was clear they weren’t entirely sure what was happening either and certainly didn’t want to be there. So once Percy said he was supposedly helping Theodore, Sam cleared his throat and said, “Well BP, I found him, so I’m just gonna…”
They started to walk away. Unfortunately they weren’t fast enough before the bishop snatched her arm and pulled her to his side. 
“Just a moment! Your assignment ain’t done yet!”
The bishop then turned back to Dr. Walters, leaned a bit closer to him, held up two fingers, and spoke steadily. 
“Let’s make this quick, hm? You have two options. Option one is to stay riiight here. Option two is to come with me to somewhere less… Crowded.” He then sprang up his pinky finger. “There’s a secret third option, but,” Percy’s smile and voice grew slightly sinister, “you’ll only unlock that if you try to run away.”
He then held up his hand before Dr. Walters had a chance to reply. “And no questions! One or the other! Quick!”
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romirola · 10 months
>:3 *squishes!* for the writer ask game!! 20, 23, 40, 45? (and if you have time/space, 39?)
From this ask game. (Asks still open!)
Thank you for these asks, @ejunkiet!
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc? I love this question. I have noticed in my stories characters "draw ragged breaths" often. They "give quizzical looks" or "raise an eyebrow." Some have been known to "blink owlishly." Many of my stories revolve around guilt/forgiveness, insecurity/strength, and coming together to overcome whatever there is to be overcome. I don't think I'm seeing a lot of common settings.
23. Best writing advice for other writers? Write what you want to read.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? I would be elated to see any fanart of any moment of any fic I've written. In a previous ask, I answered this one to be something from Packed with Love. Since I am one vain bitch, I'd suggest that the scene where David gives Milo his Medal of Valor post-Inversion in my fic, (It Was the First Time) Things Felt Normal Again:
“Milo, I… I want you to have this.” David opened his palm to reveal a bronze medal dangling from a short, green ribbon that hung around his index and middle fingers. “It’s my Medal of Valor.” “What?” Milo gasped. “David, no. No way. I can’t take that. You deserve that medal. You were the one who closed the ward and kept Dahlia safe.” Everyone else looked on in silence, each hoping Milo would accept the token of David’s appreciation. They knew David certainly deserved the medal and the accolades that went along with it. But they also knew how David fidgeted while receiving the medal and the memories that he no doubt associated with the Department’s award. “I’m trying hard to view my part in the Inversion in that positive light,” David said, earning him a supportive arm rub from Angel. “I, like the rest of the pack trapped inside, also received commendations. We were a team.” He threw a hard glance at Asher. “That suffices for me. Your mate is right when they said no one will ever know of your service to Dahlia that day. But we will, and we won’t forget here. We also need to honor you, too. You deserve it. Please, let us do that.” Milo struggled to steady his trembling lip. “O…okay,” he agreed, timidly. “Thank you.” David carefully pinned the Medal of Valor to Milo’s shirt. “Milo Anthony Greer, your bravery and heroic actions went above and beyond the call of duty, saving many lives in the process,” David recited, just as the Department Commissioner had said to him. “Thank you.” In awe, Milo thumbed the circular disk proudly, unable to say a word.
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh? What kind of question is this? I want to do both! Mwahahahahaha. Honestly, I would say, since my work often leans towards hurt/comfort-angst-drama, I aim to break hearts. BUT, and this is important, I also aim to put those hearts back together by the end of the story. Happy endings are a must for me!
39. Share a snippet from a WIP. For you? Always, friend. I'm aiming to post the chapter from which I pulled this snippet in about 24hrs from now.
“You’re almost there! Keep going!” Angel shouted. They alternated between clapping their hands and pumping their fists to cheer on the athletes whizzing by them. “Only a few more steps!” Angel whooped and whistled, bouncing on their heels as they balanced on the edge of the curb.  “You’re acting like you’re everyone’s coach,” David Shaw grunted in exasperation.  “Racers always say in interviews that it’s the crowd that pushes them to finish. I want to do my part!” they defended. “What can I say?” Angel put their hand over their heart and straightened their spine. “I’m a responsible spectator who takes their cheering duties very seriously.” Before David had a chance to respond, they cupped their hands over their mouth. “Yes!” they screamed. “You got it!”  An athlete who had been dragging behind the pack perked up at Angel’s applause, doubling her strides. Another pair of racers, drenched in sweat, held their hands out for a high-five, which Angel gladly gave both of them.  They threw David a look over their shoulder “See? I’m an integral part of the race.”
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wildhannimal · 2 years
Negotiation tips!
When you are faced with a situation that involves some kind of bartering, like for a salary or a car price etc., it is scary to feel like you have to stick up for yourself and get the best deal you can but also keep the transaction neutral/positive and not look like a fool for asking too much. Most people deserve better than they realize because low-mid income people are taught that accepting whatever offer comes means they are being grateful and humble. You probably deserve — and can get — a better outcome than you realize.
1. Research. What is the thing you are negotiating, and what is the market rate for similar things? Search on websites like Glassdoor or Kelly Blue Book or e-marketplaces like Craigslist to get a rough range of the market rate. Note what factors affect the resulting price/pay. Maybe a job is paid better for workers with a certain skill, or maybe a car is worth much less than you’d think when it has slight hail damage. In addition to online research, ask friends, family, coworkers or anyone else who has experience with this kind of transaction. Ask what went well, what they regret, and if they would do something differently.
Note: Keep in mind you will never be able to know truly how the other person will respond to your offer/counter or what they expect until you’re in the moment, but going through this process can help you be so much more confident in asking for more than you might originally expect. Or at least more realistically plan your finances or anything else the deal will affect.
2. Determine your benchmarks. Set a number for your ideal price/wage. This is the number that is realistic (but on the high end) based on your research. You would be thrilled if they agreed to this number. Next, set a separate number for the “if it’s not this amount I can’t make the deal” figure. This is the threshold where you would be close to breaking even (mid to low end based on research), so it’s better to find someone else who can offer what you want at a better rate. Next, figure out the midpoint between those two numbers. Once you negotiate, aim for your ideal figure, but try not to go lower than your midpoint.
3. Make your offer as potentially attractive as possible. For negotiating a salary/raise, this could mean having 3-5 major successes beyond the job description ready to mention to say “here’s the concrete value I bring to the team.” For a real estate sale, your agent can help you ID opportunities like raising the deposit or waiving contingency. For a car sale, it might be offering a larger percentage in cash upfront than what is requested. The goal is to help the other party understand that your deal is a win-win. Don’t bring these out right away, though — only if you need them to inch them toward your ideal figure. Again, reach out to people you trust who can help you realize your own strengths or find opportunities to boost your position. Heck yeah, you should get a fair deal!
4. Review your alternative options. Think of your plan B and plan C. Other jobs? Other sellers? Waiting a while for something else to come on the market? If this deal doesn’t meet your minimum requirements, don’t let yourself get sucked into the moment. When you feel like this is your only option, or even the only option that will be this good ever, you’re more likely to negotiate from a place of desperation. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes desperation is a real situation and it’s not really feasible to follow this whole negotiation game. If you have a serious need, do what you can to get that need fulfilled. But if you have a bit of leeway, lean on that. Be confident before you begin that you don’t need this specific deal. If they can’t offer your midpoint figure or heck even your least favorable benchmark, make sure you will feel empowered to walk away. Research or have a clear picture in your mind of what these alternative realities would involve.
5. Choose your language deliberately. Use safety nets of stock phrases. Negotiation is not comfortable for many people. This is why boring corporate lingo exists: to hide discomfort, give an air of neutrality and manufacture objectivity. Depending on the negotiation, appearing very genuine and personal can really only be a good thing if you’re strategically appealing to the other party’s empathy. But in most deals, this can potentially backfire if the other party doesn’t sympathize with your situation. Plan to draw upon language that shows you are firm but reasonable, friendly but direct, and still ready to look for alternative deals elsewhere if needed. Here are some phrases that have actually worked wonders for me and people I know:
“I am considering deals at ____[amount] and above/below. Is this figure in your ballpark?” When they ask you for you to throw out the first number, this lets you say your ideal number without any wishy-washing! You are firm. You know what you want and deserve. You give them a chance to also express their expectations.
If they say no, you can follow up with: “Out of curiosity, what are your expectations?” You don’t have to commit to lowering to that point, but this gives them the same chance to express where they are. This is when they might tell you a budget cap or give a counter offer. After: “Thanks for sharing more about your expectations.”
If their counter is much less favorable than anticipated, this is when you bring out #3. Sweeten the deal: “Would ___[amount] be more favorable for you if ____[perk]?” Or speak to your strengths: “I evaluated this figure based on my recent performance, such as ____[successes].” Mention your research and reaffirm that you believe it is a fair price or indicate which price you could meet them at.
“Okay, is this your best and final offer?” When they’ve given you a counter, or you’ve had some back and forth in friendly negotiation, this is a good way to wrap up. It can make it sound like you have other offers on the table. No joke, this line helped me double my raise last month. I still feel all chuffed about it, clearly lol. No additional pressure needed. It just puts the onus on them to consider how attached they are to this deal and reassess what they’re willing to commit to it. It helps you make sure there’s no more value on the table. It lets them know that you are done with the back and forth and want to cut through the bs — but in a formal way that they wouldn’t have reason to take offense to. Ask in a friendly but neutral tone — unbothered but authentic — neither harsh nor overly eager. Again, we’re going for that objectivity vibe. It’s like putting on a poker face. I know this feels very performative, and it IS a performance. That’s why it can be so nerve-wracking. But knowing the dance steps will help you perform better. You got this!
“I’d like to take a day to consider this figure and let you know as soon as I’ve reached a decision.” I always ask for more time once an amount seems fairly final if it’s not the figure I was expecting or hoping for. But also consider how urgent the deal really is. Is it a hot housing market? You might not be able to afford extra time, so it’s much more important to stick to your initial benchmarks so you can be ready to lock in the deal right away. If it’s a job offer, it’s rarely ever that urgent and taking a day is expected. If you just aren’t getting good vibes from the deal or other party, asking for more time is probably wise even if it risks the deal falling apart. Just use this one carefully.
Okay! It’s super late and I have to go to bed, but if you have to negotiate something I hope this gives you a starting point at least! You can do it! You are most likely worth more than you realize or have more room to get a more favorable outcome than you think!
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evansbby · 9 months
I don’t think the anon that said the part about Bucky SA-ing omega meant it in a bad way. I don’t think they meant it as an attack or came across as aggressive. Yes, it’s a dark fic but you can still not like violence in it - it doesn’t have to be one or the other. I also didn’t like that part. That’s not an attack on you or your writing or lack of tags (like I said it’s nuanced) I just meant it in the sense of fuck Bucky for doing that and trying to “win” at one thing in life. It was definitely unexpected and I think it was such an important addition for multiple reasons partly bc we get to understand Bucky a bit more and his thoughts towards Steve but also the fact that Steve showed a lot of character development. I was honestly v surprised he didn’t kill him. The main reason I think it’s a great addition is because we see omega really fight back and give Bucky what he deserves. She showed so much physical strength and wasn’t afraid to talk back to an alpha. I was honestly v proud of her and was rooting for her! The part where she kicks him and she runs away only to be just dragged back was so well written I could literally just see the scene playing in my head as I read it. You’re an amazing writer. I absolutely LOVED poyt5 I literally cried while reading it which is very rare especially when I read fics. You didn’t waste your time writing it!! I was so surprised when I saw the last chapter dropped bc it was like the middle of the week but I am extremely grateful you did because I was having such a bad week and it lifted my spirits. I know Steve is still bad or at least the actions he’s made are bad but I really really loved how much he changed. I loved the part when omega retreats into herself again and Steve tells her to snap out of it right away. I also lowkey felt bad for him when she didn’t say she loved him right away even tho he absolutely did not deserve it. I loved that we got to see the home life of both omega and Steve to understand them more just like they grew to understand each other more. The addition of Sarah was lovely and I’m so glad you decided to add her in especially with how much wisdom and advice she passes on to omega especially bc we see that Steve is absolutely weak for omega. Now I need to read POYT 5 again lol
Girl I GET that it’s not an attack. I’m just saying what does that person want me to do about it? I can’t go back and change it and I justified why I added it in. Look if I was a reader and i read a super long 37.7k long fic and didn’t like some aspects of it, that’s fine. That’s normal. What I wouldn’t think of doing is telling the author what I didn’t like and why. It’s just unnecessary and lacks tact??? Idk maybe that’s just me. I even thanked the person for their other comments??? Like what more do you want me to do??? Never in my response did I say it was an attack or say it was aggressive so idk where you’re getting those words from. Just try and see it from my point of view for a second.
That being said, I really appreciate your review and I’m happy you liked it💖 I’m sorry you were having a bad week but glad that the update somewhat lifted your spirits. Also BAHAHA I wondered whether people would feel bad for Steve bc omega didn’t say I love you back to him when he expected her to like MULTIPLE times throughout the fic. I know some people deffo felt satisfied with that, but it’s interesting to see that people felt sorry for him too! That’s honestly what I aim to do as a writer, make everyone confused with how they feel about Steve hahahaha thank you so much for reading bestie💖💖
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hotwheelzx · 9 months
The Quest for Self-Discovery: Unlocking the Power Within
Today, we begin a quest of self-discovery, a quest that will lead us to unlock the immense power within ourselves, the power to master our minds and improve our mental health.
Recognize the Value of Your Mind
Getting lost in the chaos of the world and feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, and self-doubt is easy. But don't worry, you're not alone, and there's hope!
First things first, recognize the value of your mind. We must respect and take care of our minds. We gotta make sure we give those things the love and attention they deserve, you know? They're important and valuable, so we gotta treat 'em right.
I want to remind you that our thoughts have a significant impact on our lives. Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize our mental health just as we do with our physical health. Taking care of both aspects is crucial if we want to live our best lives. So, let's ensure that we're taking good care of ourselves, shall we?
Focus on Thoughts, Actions, and Resilience
But on a real note, like, how do we start working on ourselves..? How can we stop feeling so down and start living with more meaning and joy?
Well, it's all about what we think, how we act, and how we bounce back from tough times. Like, we gotta focus on the good stuff and keep pushing through the bad. It's not always easy, but we got this!
To begin improving ourselves and finding more happiness and purpose, we need to focus on our thoughts, actions, and resilience. We should aim to emphasize the positive aspects of life and persevere through challenges, even when it feels impossible. With effort and determination, we can achieve our goals.
Believe in Yourself
If we want to enhance our lives and discover more joy and meaning, we need to concentrate on our mindset, behavior, and ability to bounce back. Let's try to highlight the good things in life and keep pushing through obstacles, even if it seems tough. With dedication and perseverance, we can make our dreams a reality.
Although easier said than done, I want you to believe in yourself, even when things get tough. I believe in you.
Surround Yourself with a Support System
Surround yourself with a support system that uplifts and encourages you. Seek out individuals who inspire you, who share your vision for growth, and who believe in your dreams. Together, you can create an environment that fosters mental well-being and propels each other towards greatness.
You deserve to live a happy, successful life.
Prioritize Self-Care
Lastly, remember that self-care is not selfish; it is self-preservation. Prioritize activities that bring you joy, peace, and tranquility. Foster healthy habits that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical exercise, or pursuing creative endeavors, make time for yourself, for it is in self-care that we find the strength to face life's challenges head-on.
You are worth it.
The Power is Within You
It's important to know that you have the power to overcome any obstacle and achieve your dreams. We need to work together to create a society that prioritizes emotional well-being and helps everyone reach their full potential. So babes, take control of your life, trust in your own abilities, and let them guide you towards a brighter future.
Together, we will create a world where mental health is celebrated, where individuals feel enabled to break free from the chains of self-doubt holding them down, and pursue a life of endless opportunities.
The power is within you.
Lauren Martin
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888-earthwaves · 7 days
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"I adore you beyond words, endlessly. Awakened in the night, compelled to express my affection. You are my love, my joy."
Hey there, My Princess. How was your sleep? Did you get plenty of rest or wake up with any headaches? I hope you're feeling well when you read this. It's been 61 days with you, I hope you won't get tired of meeting me and sharing other things with me in the future. My Princess, I really mean it when I say that I love you very much. You know, your presence here has a big impact on me, and thanks to you I always want to keep learning and growing. both for myself and for you. You mean a lot to me, My Princess.
I apologize if my actions sometimes upset you, it's just me being myself, and sometimes it's hard to control myself. But with you, I'll strive to better myself. I'm not aiming to be perfect for you, I simply want to be someone who brings you comfort whenever you're with me. I give you immense credit for your patience in dealing with and accepting all my quirks. I hope you won't tire of constantly guiding and teaching me to improve.
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Regardless of how challenging my day might be, I always feel eager to share my experiences with you when I return home, and I'm always keen to hear about your day too. I wish I could be with you instantly, so that every time I return home, I could immediately wrap you in a warm hug.
When your fear and anxiety about me leaving stem from knowing your vulnerabilities and imperfections, I promise you, that won't happen. While you may perceive it as a flaw, I see it differently—it's a strength of yours that inspires me to always look after you and strive not to let you down. You know, my princess? The more fear surfaces within you, the stronger my desire becomes to be by your side and remain close to you.
You needn't fret about whether your love reaches me or not when you express it, because without you always showing it, I always feel your affection every time. I consistently sense the warmth of your love towards me, feeling every emotion you experience. Therefore, please continue to be transparent with me, even during difficult or painful moments I'll always be prepared to lend an ear.
You hold great significance in my life, and I'll consistently seek to remain by your side and keep close to you. Please, don't let me drift away from you, alright? The mere thought of it is unbearable to me. My Princess, I'll always cherish and care for you, offering you the love and respect you rightfully deserve. If I could, I'd give you the entire world and everything within it this very moment.
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Happy 61 days with me, My Princess. I don't know what obstacles will come for us later, I hope we'll remain united, facing them hand in hand. Thank you for your love, for embracing me warmly when I need it most, for tender kisses by your sweet lips, and for guiding me to be a person who always wants to learn to improve himself.
My Princess, I will always love you with all the energy I can give you, I will always be proud of what you want or have achieved. I will always be behind you, giving you the encouragement you deserve. let's continue all our desires that are still unrealized, because I just want to realize all my desires with you and only with you. I love you much more, my princess. <3
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halcyon-reverie3 · 1 year
OBCD Chapter 10 - New! Message
“It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.”
— Tyler Perry
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Cruel years, cruel months, cruel days.
Harsh words, harsh actions.
Spite, hatred, revenge.
And guilt. So much guilt. 
“No way I’m gonna talk to someone like her. Can I even call you a her!”
Forgiveness? He wasn’t deserving of her forgiveness. He had been so cruel when she had only been ashamed. He had been horrible when she had only wanted friendship. He wasn’t deserving of her forgiveness. He was despicable. He doubts his friends even remember. He doubts they recall what happened seven years ago. No, he thought, 7 years, 8 months, 2 weeks and 3 days. He remembered. He remembered very well. Earle remembered very well.
Diya. Oh, poor Diya. Earle knew that his behaviour was inexcusable, regardless of how she acted towards him. He should have been the bigger person. He should have been better. He should have been-
“Yo Earlie boy. Where ya mind at?” Earle’s eyes snapped towards his friend, then towards the floor. An enormous stack of books lay at his feet. His head swivelled around. Everyone was gawking at him weirdly. “Dude,” his friend interrupted, “you really had to drop the fat medical books in a library? Bro, they gon’ be gossiping ‘bout this for the next two weeks. Ain’t got nothing to talk ‘bout ‘cept this!” So many books. So much to learn. Sometimes he regretted his decision of wanting to become a doctor. Sometimes he felt he had to do this for the people suffering the same way he suffered. For people with eating disorders.
His people.
He’s an adult now. Old, yes. Guilty, definitely. Mature, absolutely not. Tall, blond, muscular. Doctor? Maybe a doctor… He doesn’t really know. He just… exists. Studying, going to the gym, making friends. Just existing. He’s honestly exhausted. Very exhausted.
An aspiring student by day, a famous influencer by night. Not just any influencer — a body-positive influencer. His message aimed to fight eating disorders and unrealistic body standards. He’d share his knowledge for the world to learn. He’d help anyone. They’d just have to admit that it isn’t a weakness, but a show of great strength. Everyone should always be themselves. Earle loved himself. He wished more people did so too.
Boring. Class was boring. He was tired and all his mind could register was hunger. Boring. Yawning, he sneaked his phone underneath his desk, opening social media. Also boring. What, he thought, gloomily. I should post something new. I’m hungry. What’s tomorrow? I’m bored. I’mboredI’mboredI’mboredI’mbored.
“-example is Miss Diya Elostra.” W h a t. Earle’s head shot up. I’m not bored, I guess. Displayed on the colossal whiteboard was Diya’s Instagram account. When did this become Influencer 101? Despite his silly jokes and ‘don’t care’ attitude, a part of him panged with guilt. She looks happier, healthier, he thought. No thanks to you, a tiny voice said, ashamed, sorry, disheartened. Guiltyguiltyguiltyguiltyguiltyguilty.
“This body-positive influencer here has jump-started one of the most popular hashtags in your generation. It’s a trend that not only focuses on eating disorders, which is your current chapter, but everything in life that’s wrong. #BeTheChange. Quite subjective, if you ask me. But I believe that was her very intention. One hashtag, one million targets.” The lesson continued as always. Earle’s mind wandered. It always did. He could never focus. “#BeTheChange, huh,” he murmured. You should do it, that tiny voice squeaked. You will never be able to meet Diya, never be able to ask for forgiveness. But maybe you can try. Maybe you can apologise, one message at a time. One saved life at a time…”
“Hello, guys! What’s up, it’s Earle right here. Today, I’ll be talking about eating disorders and other related stuff. Firstly, I’d like to dedicate this video to the #BeTheChange influencer, Diya Elostra. You see, back when I was a kid, I wasn’t always this handsome. I used to be round and pudgy and, well… I used to get bullied. A lot. Sometimes, people used to…”
He spent day and night, perfecting his video. Sharing his message. He might never be able to meet Diya. But he can apologise. And he can save others. He can do this, and he will do this.
One message at a time.
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I was up in the cave reading when Lynn called me down for dinner. As I reached the top of the stairs, I could smell what she was cooking and once again said "Oh, Boy", as I began my slow descent down the stairs toward the kitchen table.
Apparently she had heard "oh Boy" one too many times and told me to stop saying that because it sounded like she was doing something miraculous when all she was doing was making dinner. I reminded her that with my skill set, making dinner was a kind of miracle to which she responded that with my skill set almost anything that anybody does must be like a miracle.
She was right.
That's why to this day, I believe in people and I believe in miracles.
When I was a child, I wanted to be a major league baseball player as did most of my friends. I hustled and read and worked and played with as much joy and committment to my dream as anyone that I knew. After high school, it became painfully apparent that no matter how hard I tried, I could not compete with other guys who could do everything that I could better do only with less effort.
Although I wasn't an outstanding ballplayer, I was good with baseball cards. I loved the photography in each card. I loved the way that every card summed up the career of each player. I had a head start in photography because my Aunt Rose worked at Kodak camera works and always equipped me with the latest versions of Brownie cameras.
My biggest head start was in reading.
I can read with greater comprehension and speed than others because it seems easy to me. I didn't recognize it as a particular gift because I figured that if I could do it, than anybody could do it. Yeah, I could read but I couldn't hit. When they gave us aptitude tests on reading comprehension, I always scored in the 99 percentile. When I was in first grade they sent me to read for the eighth graders. BFD. I wanted to play ball with them and beat them there in something that mattered.
Eventually, I sorted things out. I realized that being able to read with greater comprehension and speed than others can be a valuable asset in many fields, including academia, business, and personal development.
I am not motivated or interested in some of the most essential tasks of daily living. This is why I spent 55 years in an institution more favorable to my interests.
It took me a long time to realize that reading was in fact legitimate work and deserving of my time. To my wife and many others, I read too much and don't know shit about anything else. While I labored to maximize my natural ability, I appeared to be neglecting other areas which I have come to realize is true. Those folks who worked on those other areas, mechanics, plumbing, gardening, cooking, home repair, and many many other areas including sports while I was working often seem like geniuses to me.
I became an English teacher, a writer, a photographer and a reader.
With my interest in career development thanks to baseball cards, I received a professional growth fellowship from my school district. I used the fellowship to earn a Masters Degree in Career and Human Resource Development from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
It was at RIT that I became fascinated with aptitude and the theory of least effort.
Upon returning to my institution, I applied what I had learned about career development and wrote a grant. I found that writing the grant came easily to me.
My first grant was funded under the Career Education Act which aimed at linking school with life after school. The grant was for $250,000.
I left the classroom and started the process of bringing career information into curriculum through internships, guest speakers, in-service courses for teachers, individual career counseling, resume writing and everything else I could think of. In this process, my career was developing as well.
It all seemed so natural.
Everything was coming together.
I became very good at identifying the strengths of everybody with whom I came in contact. I loved and continue to love catching people doing something right and letting them know that I caught them
Eventually, I needed to return to the classroom. I had discovered in student teaching that instruction also was natural for me and I missed it. I love learning and when you teach you learn. I settled back into the classroom, writing the occasional grant, teaching twelfth grade and instituting a course in Cinematic Literacy.
I retired at the top of my game. In retirement I have had to face my lack of capability outside the institution.
The theory of least effort is a concept that describes the idea that individuals tend to choose the path of least resistance, or the easiest way to accomplish a task, with the least amount of effort required. This principle applies to many areas of life, including social interactions, decision-making, and even the way people communicate.
The theory of least effort can be applied to various fields, including psychology, economics, and sociology. In psychology, it can explain why people often choose the easiest way to complete a task, even if that method is not the most effective. For example, someone may choose to procrastinate on a difficult project because it requires more effort than a simpler task.
The theory of least effort suggests that people are naturally inclined to conserve their energy and resources, choosing the easiest path whenever possible. It's all about aptitude. I'm down with that.
An aptitude refers to a person's natural or innate ability to acquire certain skills or perform certain tasks. It is an individual's potential to learn and excel in a particular area or field.
Aptitudes can be both intellectual and physical. For example, a person may have a natural aptitude for mathematics, music, or languages. Similarly, some people may have a natural aptitude for sports, dance, or other physical activities.
Aptitudes can be developed and enhanced through practice and learning, but they are often considered to be innate traits that people are born with.
Aptitude alone does not guarantee success. Other factors, such as motivation, interest, and perseverance, also play a critical role in achieving success in any given field.
In general, individuals with a high aptitude for a particular task or skill may require less effort to accomplish the same task as someone with a lower aptitude. For example, a person with a natural aptitude for mathematics may find it easier to solve complex problems with less effort than someone who struggles with basic calculations. A person blessed with superior athletic ability combined with eye hand co-ordination and strength is gonna be better at baseball than me.
I found that out
also football, basketball, golf, music and so many other things that I don't have enough room to enumerate.
Aptitude alone does not guarantee success as surely as non-aptitude guarantees struggle. Even individuals with a natural aptitude for a particular skill or task may require significant effort and practice to excel. Factors such as motivation, interest, and perseverance can also play a critical role in achieving success.
Yeah, this is true but eventually a dream dies and pursuit of that unrealistic dream leads to pain/frustration and low self-esteem.
I am not motivated or interested in some of the most essential tasks of daily living. This is why I spent 55 years in an institution more favorable to my interests.
Also, the time we spend laboring over an activity that we are just not good enough at, takes away from the time we could be working on the areas at which we might succeed and prosper. Perhaps the time I wasted on baseball and football and music et al is the reason why I'm not as great a writer as I think I am. Others of equal aptitude embraced the gift earlier, worked harder and gained a huge head start that I will never be able to catch up with although I try, I try.
I'm trying now.
So why do we often ignore aptitude and pursue efforts that are more difficult for us at which we will never be as good as those with higher aptitudes. Why do we continually seek to work harder not smarter.
There are several reasons why people may ignore their aptitudes and pursue efforts that are more difficult for them, even if they will never be as good as those with higher aptitudes:
Social pressure: People may feel pressured to pursue certain careers or activities that are highly valued in their society, regardless of their natural aptitudes. For example, a person may feel pressured to become a lawyer or doctor, even if they have a natural aptitude for art or music.
Personal interest: People may be interested in pursuing activities or careers that are not aligned with their natural aptitudes. For example, a person may have a natural aptitude for mathematics but may be more interested in pursuing a career in writing.
Challenge: Some people may enjoy the challenge of pursuing activities that are more difficult for them. They may see it as an opportunity to grow and develop new skills, even if they may never be as good as someone with a higher aptitude.
Lack of self-awareness: Some people may not be aware of their natural aptitudes and may not realize that they are pursuing activities that are more difficult for them.
External rewards: People may pursue activities or careers that offer external rewards, such as high salaries or social status, even if they are not aligned with their natural aptitudes.
There are many factors that can influence why people may ignore their natural aptitudes and pursue activities that are more difficult for them. However, it is important to recognize that pursuing activities that align with our natural aptitudes can lead to greater satisfaction and success in the long run.
Aptitudes are not fixed or immutable traits. They can be developed and enhanced through practice and learning. Therefore, it is possible for someone to have a lower aptitude in a particular area but still achieve success through hard work and dedication but not as succesful as another person with a greater aptitude who works equally as hard.
Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine the path that is best for them, taking into account their natural aptitudes, interests, and passions. While growth and development are important, it is also important to consider whether pursuing activities that are not aligned with one's natural aptitudes may lead to long-term dissatisfaction or burnout.
I can read with greater comprehension and speed than others because it seems easy to me. I didn't recognize it as a particular gift because I figured that if I could do it, than anybody could do it. Yeah, I could read but I couldn't hit. When they gave us aptitude tests on reading comprehension, I always scored in the 99 percentile. When I was in first grade they sent me to read for the eighth graders. BFD. I wanted to play ball with them and beat them there in something that mattered.
Eventually, I sorted things out. I realized that being able to read with greater comprehension and speed than others can be a valuable asset in many fields, including academia, business, and personal development.
It took me a long time to realize that reading was in fact legitimate work and deserving of my time. To my wife and many others, I read too much and don't know shit about anything else. While I labored to maximize my natural ability, I appeared to be neglecting other areas which I have come to realize is true. Those folks who worked on those other areas while I was working often seem like geniuses to me.
I am and have always been aware of the double edged sword of reading.
On the positive side, reading is an excellent way to gain knowledge, improve vocabulary and language skills, and expand one's horizons. Reading can also be a source of entertainment, relaxation, and personal growth. Reading can also have negative effects. For example, reading too much can lead to eye strain, headaches, and other physical symptoms. Additionally, reading certain types of content, such as fake news or propaganda, can lead to misinformation and a distorted view of the world.
Furthermore, reading can be addictive, and excessive reading can lead to neglect of other important aspects of life, such as relationships, work, and physical health. Reading can also lead to a passive consumption of information rather than active engagement with the world and other people.
While reading can be a valuable and enjoyable activity, it is important to maintain a balance and be mindful of its potential negative effects. It is important to read a variety of content, critically evaluate what one is reading, and balance reading with other important aspects of life. Also conflicts exist between readers and non-readers.
Differences in interests: Readers may have a different set of interests and values compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in social interactions and decision-making. Differences in communication style: Readers may use more complex vocabulary and have a different communication style compared to non-readers. This can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in communication. Differences in knowledge and understanding: Readers may have a deeper knowledge and understanding of various topics compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in decision-making and problem-solving. Differences in perspectives: Readers may have a more open-minded and critical perspective compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in personal beliefs and values. Differences in time management: Reading requires time and dedication, which non-readers may not understand or appreciate. This can lead to conflicts in managing time and priorities.
Just ask Lynn.
Yeah, honey...I'll be there in just a minute.
I'm just finishing up right now.
Yes, if you have a natural aptitude for reading, it can be a good idea to maximize and develop this skill. Being able to read with greater comprehension and speed than others can be a valuable asset in many fields, including academia, business, and personal development.
it is important to consider the impact of your aptitude on your personal well-being. While it may be tempting to maximize your natural aptitudes, doing so at the expense of other activities or neglecting self-care can lead to burnout and long-term dissatisfaction.
In summary, if you have a natural aptitude for reading, it can be beneficial to develop and maximize this skill. However, it is important to consider other factors such as personal interests and well-being when making decisions about how to allocate your time and energy.
Okay...I'm good at it...I like it and I see a future in it should I pursue such an aptitude rather than pursuing task for which I have less aptitude attraction or interest.
Yes, if you have a natural aptitude for reading and you enjoy it, and you see a future in pursuing a career or activities related to reading, it can be a good idea to focus on developing this skill and pursuing opportunities in this field. Pursuing activities that align with your natural aptitudes and interests can lead to greater satisfaction and success in the long run.
However, it is also important to consider other factors such as personal values, financial stability, and work-life balance when making decisions about your career and activities. It may also be beneficial to explore different options and opportunities related to your aptitude for reading, such as careers in writing, publishing, or academia.
Reading can be a double-edged sword because it has both positive and negative effects.
On the positive side, reading is an excellent way to gain knowledge, improve vocabulary and language skills, and expand one's horizons. Reading can also be a source of entertainment, relaxation, and personal growth. Reading can also have negative effects. For example, reading too much can lead to eye strain, headaches, and other physical symptoms. Additionally, reading certain types of content, such as fake news or propaganda, can lead to misinformation and a distorted view of the world.
Furthermore, reading can be addictive, and excessive reading can lead to neglect of other important aspects of life, such as relationships, work, and physical health. Reading can also lead to a passive consumption of information rather than active engagement with the world and other people.
While reading can be a valuable and enjoyable activity, it is important to maintain a balance and be mindful of its potential negative effects. It is important to read a variety of content, critically evaluate what one is reading, and balance reading with other important aspects of life. Also conflicts exist between readers and non-readers.
The main areas of conflict between readers and non-readers can vary depending on the context, but some possible areas of conflict include:
Differences in interests: Readers may have a different set of interests and values compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in social interactions and decision-making. Differences in communication style: Readers may use more complex vocabulary and have a different communication style compared to non-readers. This can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in communication. Differences in knowledge and understanding: Readers may have a deeper knowledge and understanding of various topics compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in decision-making and problem-solving. Differences in perspectives: Readers may have a more open-minded and critical perspective compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in personal beliefs and values. Differences in time management: Reading requires time and dedication, which non-readers may not understand or appreciate. This can lead to conflicts in managing time and priorities.
What are the main areas of conflict between readers and non-readers
The main areas of conflict between readers and non-readers can vary depending on the context, but some possible areas of conflict include:
Differences in interests: Readers may have a different set of interests and values compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in social interactions and decision-making. Differences in communication style: Readers may use more complex vocabulary and have a different communication style compared to non-readers. This can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in communication. Differences in knowledge and understanding: Readers may have a deeper knowledge and understanding of various topics compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in decision-making and problem-solving. Differences in perspectives: Readers may have a more open-minded and critical perspective compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in personal beliefs and values. Differences in time management: Reading requires time and dedication, which non-readers may not understand or appreciate. This can lead to conflicts in managing time and priorities. It is important to note that these areas of conflict are not exclusive to readers and non-readers, and conflicts can arise between individuals with different interests, communication styles, knowledge, and perspectives, regardless of their reading habits. The key to managing conflicts is to practice empathy, respect, and open communication with others.
Ultimately, the decision to pursue an aptitude or not is a personal one that should take into account multiple factors. If you find that pursuing your aptitude for reading brings you joy and fulfillment, and aligns with your personal values and goals, then it can be a great path to pursue.
How can reading be a double edged sword
Reading can be a double-edged sword because it has both positive and negative effects.
On the positive side, reading is an excellent way to gain knowledge, improve vocabulary and language skills, and expand one's horizons. Reading can also be a source of entertainment, relaxation, and personal growth.
However, reading can also have negative effects. For example, reading too much can lead to eye strain, headaches, and other physical symptoms. Additionally, reading certain types of content, such as fake news or propaganda, can lead to misinformation and a distorted view of the world.
Furthermore, reading can be addictive, and excessive reading can lead to neglect of other important aspects of life, such as relationships, work, and physical health. Reading can also lead to a passive consumption of information rather than active engagement with the world and other people.
Therefore, while reading can be a valuable and enjoyable activity, it is important to maintain a balance and be mindful of its potential negative effects. It is important to read a variety of content, critically evaluate what one is reading, and balance reading with other important aspects of life.
What are the main areas of conflict between readers and non-readers
The main areas of conflict between readers and non-readers can vary depending on the context, but some possible areas of conflict include:
Differences in interests: Readers may have a different set of interests and values compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in social interactions and decision-making.
Differences in communication style: Readers may use more complex vocabulary and have a different communication style compared to non-readers. This can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in communication.
Differences in knowledge and understanding: Readers may have a deeper knowledge and understanding of various topics compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in decision-making and problem-solving.
Differences in perspectives: Readers may have a more open-minded and critical perspective compared to non-readers. This can lead to conflicts in personal beliefs and values.
Differences in time management: Reading requires time and dedication, which non-readers may not understand or appreciate. This can lead to conflicts in managing time and priorities.
It is important to note that these areas of conflict are not exclusive to readers and non-readers, and conflicts can arise between individuals with different interests, communication styles, knowledge, and perspectives, regardless of their reading habits. The key to managing conflicts is to practice empathy, respect, and open communication with others.
is shuddup a form of verbal abuse
Yes, "shut up" can be considered a form of verbal abuse. Verbal abuse is any type of speech that is used to control, manipulate, intimidate, or belittle another person. "Shut up" is often used as a way to silence someone, disregard their thoughts or feelings, or to show disrespect.
Using this phrase repeatedly, or in a threatening or aggressive manner, can be emotionally damaging and can erode the self-esteem and confidence of the person being targeted. It is important to use respectful and constructive communication in all interactions, and to avoid using phrases or words that can be perceived as hurtful or abusive.
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