#i have negative blocked already. i can add others if i see them being used
p-inkbrush · 1 month
I do not want to unfollow people over this so I will ask nicely. Please tag your negative/hate posts
edit: THIS INCLUDES fandom centric negativity, not just hate *of* the source. In fact, I can tolerate source centric negative posts way better than 'these fans suck', etc. posts.
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
Welcome to the HOT AND VINTAGE MOVIE STARS tournament! We are now finished with the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament; The Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament is ongoing. Submissions for hot vintage women are now closed, but we are accepting propaganda for those already in the bracket.
Round 3 of the Hot & Vintage Women Tournament will be posted Saturday, April 6th. All polls—including ongoing polls, previous rounds, old tournaments, the various shadow brackets, and fun mini polls—can be found in the #hotvintagepoll tag. Every poll in the Hot & Vintage Women Tournament will be tagged with the hottie in it if you need to search for someone in particular.
“Where is [my favorite hot woman]?” It depends. Have you checked all the polls in the tag? Have you done a tag search for her? If you still haven’t found her, either nobody submitted her or she did not fit the criteria of being a movie woman from 1910-1970.
“Can I still submit hot women?” No, the submission window has closed. Please do not send in women you wish had made it into the bracket. I can’t do anything with those asks and they just make me sad.
“I have additional propaganda for the hot women!” Great! Send me an ask or reblog the poll and add your propaganda to it. You can also tag me in posts (this is the best way to submit gifsets or fancams). I don’t boost all the propaganda I see or receive, but I try to boost the best of the best.
If you’re submitting propaganda for your hot woman, I don’t accept propaganda that’s from beyond the end of this tournament’s era (ie don’t send me pics of them from before 1910 or after 1970). I also don’t accept propaganda of TV appearances unless it’s clearly a cameo where they’re playing themselves. Please break long asks full of photos up into a few short ones so I don't clog everyone's dashes. I watch every video I receive to tag for trigger warnings, so please don't send me super long videos.
I don’t post or boost negative propaganda about any hot woman. If you really hate that a certain hot woman is winning, send me positive propaganda for their hot opponent. If you think a hot woman shouldn’t even be included in the tournament because of scummy things she did in her lifetime, please read my take on it here.
If I see repetitive, trolling, and/or bigoted remarks in the comments, I may block you from this bracket. If you want to point out a hot woman’s flaws or misdemeanors, that’s fine, but if I see consistent bad-faith trolling you will be blocked.
The views expressed in the propaganda are not my own. I don’t submit my own propaganda, and I don’t change what’s submitted beyond fixing obvious spelling mistakes. If you hate a poll bio or a pic, let me know and send me something I can use instead. Thoughtless bitching gets blocked.
"Where are the hot men?" Most of them are in the shadow realm! Toshiro Mifune was crowned the winner of the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament, and the rest were banished below the earth, where shadows creep and the hours grow long. You can find all the round 1 matchups here (thank you @markwatnae!), or you can do a tag search to find out what happened to a specific hot man.
“My FAQ isn’t on here :(” send me an ask! I love hearing from you guys—just please check these basics first.
Thank you for being here! Enjoy the tournament.
If you want to search through the different rounds of the tournaments, I'm including links under the cut.
First round of the hot men—#round 1 archive, #round 1 blog
Second round of the hot men—#round 2 archive, #round 2 blog
Third round of the hot men—#round 3 archive, #round 3 blog
Fourth round of the hot men—#round 4 archive, #round 4 blog
Quarterfinals of the hot men—#round 5 archive, #round 5 blog
Semifinals—#TWO KINGS archive, #TWO KINGS blog
Finals—#hot men finals
First round of the hot women—#ladies 1 archive, ladies 1 blog
Second round of the hot women—#ladies 2 archive, #ladies 2 blog view
Other featured tags: #housekeeping (organization updates), #family lore (personal anecdotes relating to the hotties or stories about sharing this poll with their families), #hollywood creatures (pets named after old movie stars), and #silly times (what it says on the tin).
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stalkerofthegods · 6 months
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My Tumblr Intro
My account is about…
This is an account of Norse, Egyptian, and Greek, demonology, angelology, and many more. I may not be worshiping some of the entities I post about, but I love giving out easy information, and whatever I post you can use, just give me my credits. I support all religions except the spaghetti one. I support all god spouses And all races, my account is not a place for your opinion, any age and person can follow me and I encourage commenting, reposting, following, and liking my posts.
All about me
I am 13 years old, I am a part of America and English is my only language. I worship Lord Apollon and Lord Hermes. I am pansexual, and I am single. I will not be posting how I look here, for my safety, but I am genderfluid, I usually prefer to go by my name, and They/them. I've been a worshiper for around 6 years, and my birthday is May 16. I believe in every religion and that every Entity exists, but not every myth is real. If you have any silly, serious questions or want advice or want to give advice, put it in my inbox, anonymous or not. If you have any rude comments about my post, please think about it before you post, I am sensitive. I am not a godspouse, romantically or platonically, but I do support every godspouse.
I like 
Alfredo pasta 
I do not like  
Fairies and the fey being in my home
Disclaimers ——-
All my reposts and all credits go to the original poster, this Tumblr is not any god or goddess Tumblr account, I post simply what I want, but mostly info, so please be nice, I can block you.
I have a 2nd personal account https://www.tumblr.com/stalkingthegods
 don't DM me NSFW, I will report you, I allow adults and every age, and some NSFW topics, but not outright nudes will be posted.
About my posts——
Please send me recommendations about who to do a deep dive on, I love learning more, and I will do Titans, youtans, gods, and goddesses, just not egegores, angelology, infernals, or zodiacs, I will refuse to do it unless given compensation, I will exchange for tarot readings, blazes, or gifts (I will be refusing to take any expensive compensation), or anything else. I will add information if wanted, message me to set it up! I do not care who you are, if u wanna be anonymous to others I will simply send it to u and say “This blog post was purchased.”, and if u want me to redo one you will have to give compensation.
if you don't see the entities you would like to have info on, please message me or put them in my ask, or check because I might have already done them. Some times I may do other deep dives to do diversity
• Tyche/Fortuna
All my deep dives are made from my hard work, please don't steal them, or I will have to contact you for a not-so-nice introduction, They take me a week or two per post, and are offerings to some of the gods.
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tenebriism · 4 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: Christina / Tina
MUSE NAME: // gently gestures towards Muse List.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: It depends on the day. If I'm at work (which I am most of the week), I can't easily access Discord since it's blocked on the work computers and using our phones is grounds for suspension. So, as long as folks can be PATIENT and not spam me, Discord is the preferred medium. Otherwise, Tumblr IMs are okay, too!
EXPERIENCE: I've been writing pretty much all my life, but on Tumblr, I'd say I've been here... almost 10 years, if I've not already reached a decade?
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I adore fluff mainly. Too much angst makes things feel forced, and I don't like writing strictly negativity or tense situations. It's just not realistic, no matter how tragic a character's life/backstory is. I love fluffy interactions, I love writing domestic moments, and I love writing big developments. Moments that kind of... shift the dynamic and the world we're building together.
People who are always negative, or who take things so personally to the point it becomes ridiculous. Vague posting, constant complaining, whining, etc... it gets to be too much sometimes, especially if it's untagged. We're here to write and to bond and vibe; how people manage to add melodramatics and high school drama to this, too, is beyond my realm of understanding.
Making big ship/dynamic decisions without asking me first. There's a difference between something being a surprise (like a marriage proposal), and just flat out moving forward with a big plot point without coming to me to see if I'm okay with it, because my muse(s) very well might not be, and I won't hesitate to state this (it kills the motivation, honestly). Roleplaying involves two, sometimes more people; this isn't a fanfiction, so all parties involved should be considered. Some of my muses don't want children, some of my muses aren't okay with sex, etc, etc. Communication, folks. It's not that hard, and most of the time, I'll be okay with it! Just ask first.
Constantly making blogs for muses and then abandoning said blogs, or remaking blogs multiple times a year. It's okay to want a fresh start from time to time, or to want to pick up a new muse, but I'm not about to keep switching up my tags because you need a new URL every 3 months, and I'm not gonna keep following if I notice you have a graveyard of abandoned blogs.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I'm not the BEST at plotting, especially if it's someone I've not been writing with for a long time, so honestly, memes are a bit easier for me to work off of. It gives me something to work with right from the start, and we can build from there and mold it as we go.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: It depends on my motivation. I tend to take a very long time with my lengthier threads, so I like to balance it out with shorter threads, here and there, just to keep the muse flowing.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Motivation tends to hit while I'm at work, annoyingly enough, but typically, late at night works best for me. It's when I'm most active, since I literally stay up all night, lmfao.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Some of them, yes. Others? Not even remotely close.
tagged by: @serabellyms ;; Thanks, hun! tagging: @hyaciiintho, @ironbloodcd , @box-of-characters , @seeasunset , @r3ys-malt3s3 , @mystiic , @inyvat , and anyone else this may interest!
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azems-familiar · 1 year
thank you for your in-depth answer to my fallen!cal ask, totally agree with you 100%!! interested to hear more on your thoughts about why cal is already fallen, and not just struggling, if you're happy to share?
also, cannot wait to read your fic!!
i am absolutely happy to share!
so let me preface this with the how i see the Force and falling. the Force is not an axis of morality; it is selflessness versus selfishness. those do tend to lean fairly closely to specific moral alignments, because of the general existence of sapien nature, in which selfishness encourages more selfishness and drawing power from anger and fear and hatred encourages you to wallow in it more and more thoroughly and corrupts very easily, and selflessness often leads to or spawns from kindness and compassion, but the point being that the Force is not a video game mechanic and not tied to your morality, so someone can do objectively good things with evil intentions, and someone can be fallen and connect to the Force through selfishness and still be fighting the morally correct fight and still do good things.
to me, falling is a choice. a person can slip up and use the dark side on occasion without falling; it happens, where you react emotionally and lash out, where selfishness takes over, where desperation causes you to grab onto your pain instead of letting it go - this is why the Jedi train mindfulness so hard, so that they don't act on their emotions without considering the emotion first, because it's very very easy to do and it's dangerous. you can slip up and use the dark a few times and still be a lightsider (though not regularly, and as soon as it becomes a deliberate thing you're going to fall - like i said, it's a choice). but falling is when you look at yourself and you look at the world and you decide to put yourself above it in whatever way, you decide to hold onto your negative emotions instead of letting them go.
falling is Cal choosing to fight Bode instead of letting him go and going back to try to save Cere and the others. it's Cal refusing to even try to understand, refusing to listen, clinging to his anger and his betrayal and his grief, and massacring an entire ISB listening post to attempt to get to one man, even knowing (especially knowing) that said man has a child with him and made the choices he did out of desperation and fear. it is Cal taking out his anger and grief about Cere on Denvik.
Cal made a choice. and the thing with the Dark is that it can eat you if you aren't careful, it's so easy to lose control, and i do think that Cal's actions on Nova Garon are a result of him losing control somewhat, but he knowingly, willingly made the choice. and whether he makes morally correct decisions or not, he is still drawing his power off that anger and grief. he's definitely not stuck there, but it's where he's at right now.
something i also want to add in here is - i generally see the Force as, every Force user will face The Choice at some point in their life. the choice between the galaxy and the self, the choice between light and dark, between holding on and letting go - and that choice will look different depending on the person, because one person's letting go might be another person's holding on. i could get into a fascinating discussion on duty as attachment versus duty as letting go but that is... not for this ask, i don't think.
and, since you're so nice, have a little snippet (this is totally unedited so don't come at me if it's bad djkfghkjh)
For a moment he just stands looking at the dead body, taking the chance to catch his breath - Bode isn’t going to be going anywhere, after all, not with his fighter unflyable, and Cal knows just from their brief clash on Jedha he’s going to need all his strength for this. And then BD shrills a warning, and the Force screams danger, and he spins around as a stormtrooper with a shock baton launches from somewhere he hadn’t noticed, and he yanks his sabers up to block but he’s still going to be too late-
The sound of blasterfire echoes through the hangar and the stormtrooper topples forward, swing going wide, as a pair of blue blaster bolts bury themselves in their back. Cal lifts his head and makes eye contact with- with Bode, blaster still out, standing at the far end of the hangar near his disabled fighter.
“You always forget to watch your six,” Bode says.
What the hell, Cal almost says, and doesn’t. “Shoot me in the back, then,” he snaps instead, reaching for all that anger and letting it flow through him, bleed into his sabers and into his aura and into every breath he takes. “Isn’t that what you did to Cere?”
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 years
A Cat Named Bee
Chapter 8 of You Are In Love
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Pairing: modern!Poe Dameron x reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: can you tell I like when cats do that nuzzling thing?
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It seems strange to you how strange normal life feels. You always expect to hear your friends busy in the kitchen when you wake up, to see them first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Only after a week living together, it seems odd to be apart.
Although, you really aren’t apart all that often. You and Rose work the same shifts at Maz’s more often than not, and Finn, Poe, and Rey come in at least once a week. The five of you always get together on Fridays, whether that’s at someone’s apartment, The Resistance, or somewhere else altogether.
And, you’re always texting each other throughout the week, so not a day goes by that you don’t talk to them at least once. But it really isn’t the same as being around them all the time. You’d been worried that they’d get sick of you, but you all seem to feel the same way: the more time you spend together, the more you want to be together.
You just keep finding more and more things to love about your friends. Sure, they have some negative qualities, all people do, but all in all they’re the best people you’ve ever met, and you’re thankful for them every day.
Even when Rose springs it on you that she’ll be gone for an entire week, off to visit with her family out of state.
So, not only will you have to brave all of your shifts alone, you won’t get to see her or Rey for an entire week. You can’t even remember a time when you weren’t spending at least five hours of your day with Rose.
But you know how excited she is to see her family in person after so long, and how excited she is to bring Rey home. You can’t help but smile whenever she talks about it.
You promise, or threaten, to send her updates every hour, and she responds by saying she’ll block your number. Knowing her, she’d do it. So instead, you just tell her to have fun and tell you all about it when she comes home.
The morning shifts go by so much slower without Rose to keep you company, even when Finn and Poe stop in to talk during your slow times.
“Just the three of us, huh?” Poe says, leaning his elbows onto the counter while you finish making their drinks. You ignore the wink Finn sends to you.
“You should stop by The Resistance later, annoy us while we work as much as we annoy you,” Finn adds, taking his to-go cup from you after placing a generous tip into the jar.
“Maybe I’ll make an appearance,” you reply with a shrug of your shoulders, as if it’s probable that you’d have any conflicting plans.
“We’ll see you later!” Poe shouts on his way out the door, letting you tend to the customers who arrived during the mid-morning rush while he and Finn were distracting you.
You spend your afternoon lazing around your apartment, staring at half-finished paintings with a brush in your hand before giving up and settling on the couch with a book, hoping that you’ll magically receive infinite inspiration.
When that doesn’t happen, you make yourself dinner and send Finn and Poe a text, confirming that you’ll be at The Resistance later. When they text you back, they try to upstage each other on the number of exclamation points they can send. You just watch the messages light up your phone screen with a smile on your face.
A few hours later, when you arrive at The Resistance, you find yourself a spot near the corner of the bar, and settle in for the night.
“Usual?” Finn asks as he slides over to you, your drink already half made.
“What if I said no?” You ask, with a nod of your head to the drink he's already placed in front of you.
“I would have given it to a customer who appreciates me,” he responds, ignoring your eye roll and heading off to tend to more of the customers leaning against the bar.
You don’t see Poe until a little while later, but you don’t miss the way his eyes light up when he spots you after stepping out of the back office to help Finn behind the bar.
“Look who finally showed up,” he says in greeting as he steps behind the bar, working on refilling your empty glass.
“I got here on time, you should pay more attention,” you quip back, accepting your drink with a smile of thanks.
You spend most of the night by yourself, with Finn and Poe coming up to chat whenever they have some down time. It’s not until they’re practically closing that the three of you have a whole conversation, interrupted only by their shouts of goodbye to the customers heading home.
Once they’re all done cleaning up, you slip off your barstool and make your way towards the door, only to be stopped by both Finn and Poe.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Finn asks incredulously, pausing in his wiping of the bar top.
“Home?” You reply, but your confusion makes it seem like a question instead of a statement.
“Alone? Are you walking?” This time it’s Poe, organizing the space behind the bar that descended into chaos throughout the night.
“I was going to Uber.”
“By yourself? At one in the morning? No fucking way, Poe’ll drive you.”
You know they’re looking out for you, but you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“No arguing, Finn can finish up,” Poe already has his keys out and is shrugging on his coat, truly giving you no room to argue.
“Thank you,” you whisper as you buckle yourself in and Poe starts the car.
“It’s no problem, really,” he moves his hand off the gearshift, gently squeezing yours where it rests on your knee, and your body is full of sparks, “if you ever need anything, I’m always here.”
He says it with that signature smile that melts your insides to goo, so you only nod, even though he can’t see you. The rest of the ride is silent, in a comfortable way, only the gentle hum of the radio filling the car.
It’s over much too soon, and you linger a little too long outside of your building.
“Thanks again,” you say, leaning through the car door you’re still holding open, drawing out this interaction as much as possible.
“Like I said, not a problem.”
You’re turning and about to shut the door when you hear him clear his throat, so you turn back around and Poe looks like he’s about to say something. You raise an eyebrow in question, silently urging him on.
“Wanna get dinner tomorrow? Finn’s busy and it’s a Friday and that’s when we all do something together but everyone else is busy, so I thought-“
“That’s great,” you’re trying to play it cool, but you can feel your grin splitting your face apart, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.”
With that, you finally shut the door, and hope that he can’t see you silently celebrating as you walk up to your apartment.
Little do you know, he’s doing the same thing in his car.
As it turns out, the only thing Finn was busy doing was playing matchmaker. When you call him the next morning and ask what his plans are for the evening, you hear him chuckle to himself and immediately know he’s set this all up.
“You’re awful, did you know that?” You say through a smile, only making him laugh harder.
“You know you love me.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“Let me know how everything goes.” He’s barely containing his laughter, he’s just so proud of himself.
“I’m never speaking to you again.” That makes him cackle through your phone speakers, and you hang up without another word, not yet deciding if you’re going to be upset at Finn for setting you up.
You spend the day as an anxious mess, and nothing works to distract you. To try painting, reading, watching TV, taking a nap, and no matter what you do, you always end up thinking about Poe and overthinking what it’s going to be like to spend the entire evening together.
It’s not like you think he’s going to be rude or anything, you’re worried if you’re going to be able to control yourself and not let loose all the feelings you’ve been containing for months now. You’re practically a bundle of nerves the entire time you’re getting ready, and during the walk to Poe’s apartment, and by the time you’re knocking on his door, you’re sure you’re going to pass out.
You manage to stay upright when Poe opens the door, a broad smile on his face and a towel thrown over his shoulder. There’s a smear of flour across his nose that makes you fight the urge to gently wipe it away, and have your hand linger on his cheek.
“C’mon in!” Poe steps back, letting you enter into his space, “I tried to clean it up, but it’s still a bit cluttered. And dinner is almost done.”
You toe off your shoes before stepping deeper into his apartment, taking in all of his decor and furnishings.
“Wow, a chef and a bartender, what can’t you do?”
You snort, and it’s an ugly sound, but Poe breaks out in a grin while you shake your head at his joke, and you’d make that noise a hundred times if it means you can see that expression light up his face.
He goes back to cooking, frantically stirring at something simmering on the stove, while you take a peek at his kitchen and living room, looking through the items he has on his bookshelves and end table, the pictures he has framed and hanging on the walls.
There are pictures of him with Finn in front of jets, looking baby faced and bright eyed. There are pictures with him, Rey, and Rose, laughing around a table with a board game set up. There’s a picture of the five of you from your lake trip, and you can’t help the smile that grows on your face.
He had pictures with a man who you assume is his father, with the same nose and dark brown eyes, spanning from his childhood to what looks like a few months ago, in front of a large tree. He has older, weathered photos, with a smiling woman with curly hair and a curly haired baby on her lap. There’s a photo with him and an older woman, a different woman, with her grey hair in an elaborate braid.
You want to ask, want to sit and listen to him rememinse on every moment from the pictures, but you’re not sure how he’d react. The last thing you want is for the two of you to start growing close, only for you to ruin it by prying into his past.
While you have your dilemma, an orange and white cat winds itself around your legs, nuzzling its head as it goes.
“Oh, you must be the famed Bee,” you say to the animal, crouching down to give him a good scratch between his ears, delighting in the way he purrs and rubs against your hand.
You stay in your crouched position, cooing to the cat as he flips onto the ground, allowing you to pet him and making happy little noises as you do. Poe, for just a moment, stands in the entryway to the living room, smiling as he hears you speaking softly to Bee.
“Be careful, or you’ll inflate his ego,” he finally says, suppressing a chuckle as you jump in surprise.
“He deserves it, he’s adorable,” you reply, standing up, much to the protest of Bee, who meows loudly in an attempt to get you to stay.
As much as it pains you to leave the cat, you follow Poe back into the kitchen, Bee trailing behind.
“What can I help with?” You ask as Bee winds his way between your legs again, trying to get the attention back on him.
“Nothing, it’s almost done.”
“Then can I help set the table?”
“Nope,” he says, popping the ‘p’ sound. He truly is a headstrong, stubborn man.
So, you sit around and wait while Poe finishes up before plating the food and setting it on the table. It smells amazing, and you’re sure that it’s going to taste twice as good. Poe pours you a drink, and then you settle in at his cozy kitchen table.
You spend hours there, talking and talking about everything and nothing and all the things in between. You reminisce on your childhoods and cringe as you tell stories from high school and college, reliving your fondest memories.
You can’t remember a time in your life where you’ve talked with someone this much, where you don’t even realize the sky growing dark or the hours ticking by, you’re so enthralled with Poe and everything he had to say. Of course, he listens to you and your stories with just as much intensity, asking questions and humming along in all the right places.
At some point, you find yourself squished between him and the counter, helping him wash the dishes. He still insists that he wash and you dry, so he instructs you on where all of the dishes go. It feels intimate in an unexpected way, and it makes your heart thud against your ribs.
Though, you’re doing a much better job at keeping yourself together than you thought. You haven’t spilled your guts to the man yet, and it looks like you’re in the clear, as long as you remember how to breathe when he steps behind you to open up a cabinet and you can feel the warmth of his chest on your back, even through the layers of fabric that separate you.
It’s like he does it on purpose, acts all charming and lovely so you fall in love with him, and even though you know it’s not remotely true, that’s the only reason you can think of for why he’d torture you like this. Or, maybe, you’re being a bit dramatic and he’s just trying to put the dishes away.
Either way, he steps away all too soon, and you suddenly feel extremely cold without him pressed up against you.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry,” you blurt after a glance at the clock on his oven, worried you’d overstayed your welcome by about three hours.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” he responds, looking confused until you jerk your heads towards the time flashing on his oven, nodding along as realization dawns across his face. “Well, now I’m sorry for keeping you here so late.”
It’s delivered with one of those classic Poe Dameron smiles that makes you weak in the knees, and you’re lucky you’ve got the sink at your back to support you.
“Alright, let me grab my keys,” he says, leaving no room for discussion as he turns away, heading towards his bedroom.
You shake your head, even though he can’t see you, and crouch down to give Bee some goodbye scratches. When you stand, he gently headbutts your leg, and your heart bursts at this adorable little animal. You see why Poe loves him so much.
When Poe comes back into the kitchen, you head towards his door and slip your shoes back on, waiting as he does the same. The two of you talk quietly as you make your way to his car, mindful of the late hour.
The conversation dies off into a comfortable type of quiet after Poe starts driving, and you almost think you could fall asleep like this, feeling warm and happy and safe. But, then Poe starts to talk, so you put off your nap for now.
“I’d let you watch him, next time I go out of town if you want.”
It seems random, out of the blue, but it makes your throat close up all the same. You remember the jokes about just how much Poe loved his cat, how he wouldn’t let anyone but Finn, Rey, or Rose pet sit for him.
You think you grasp his meaning, despite how well he thinks he’s hidden it.
“You’d trust me with your best friend?” Your voice is teasing, and your chest warms at the smile that graces his features.
“‘Course I would.” He’s pulling up to your building now, and you’d give anything to live in this moment for a little while longer. “Though he’s more of a handful than he seems.”
“Like you?” You ask, unbuckling and getting ready to bolt.
“Just like me.”
“No one’s just like you, Poe.” You say, voice going soft and tentative, “You’re one of a kind.”
You hope he grasps the meaning behind your words, while simultaneously praying he doesn’t.
“Goodnight, Poe.” You decide that no answer is better, so you hurry out and shut the car door without looking back at him, trying to walk to your apartment as calmly as possible, even though you’re rioting on the inside.
Your heart doesn’t stop pounding until you're laying in your bed, running through the night in your mind over and over, analyzing every single thing you’ve said. You aren’t sure how, but at some point, you fall asleep, still ruminating over every moment you’ve spent with Poe.
Tags: @aellynera @userspectors @andromeda-dear @dailyreverie @poopirate @luckynachos @creatively-analytical @stevenngrant @tiquinntheghost @fallinallinmendes @sabxism @ghostsongwriter-22
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fauzhee10069 · 1 year
Hey I saw your post in the beefleaf tag about why you don’t ship beefleaf and I’d just like to say that even though I find your argument interesting … perhaps you can keep entire paragraphs about not shipping beefleaf out of the tag meant for shippers of beefleaf. It’s sort of impolite and I’m sure many shippers were upset by you tagging it that way and then saying “don’t like don’t read.” Yes they can avoid reading it but something against the ship just doesn’t belong in the tag. Hope this doesn’t seem too aggressive - I wasn’t sure if you knew the usual protocol for this sort of thing and I’m not good with words.
I already answered why I won't remove the tag here.
And again, I'D RATHER HAVE YOU BLOCK ME THAN REMOVE MY TAGS if you think that my post is an eye-shore to you.
Thank you for respecting my opinion but you're more disappointing than previous anon (who agreed to just block me) because I already give major warning in CAPSLOCK and bold for those of you who can't handle criticism for your favorite ship (Yeah, I think I have to add more "to block me" because of this).
Yes they can avoid reading it but something against the ship just doesn’t belong in the tag.
It still belongs to the tag because it’s about beefleaf. It’s not even an anti-post because it’s not all negative about them.
If you think the tag is exclusive for 'favorite things' or 'shipping' for liking, you need to learn more about tumblr in general.
I need the tag to sort my archive, it's more important than to satisfy you which you can handle it yourself by just hit (...) then block and...
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...your dashboard page is clean again from negative posts about beefleaf.
I’ve been in tumblr for a decade and as long as I know ‘the tag’ is not equal with ‘the fanclub’, it’s equal to ‘related topic’.
And tumblr will always be like this.
Unless the feature of creating exclusive group/fanclub can be realized.
Sorry for eventually dragging other fandom, but even ‘Final Fantasy 7′ with massive ship-wars handle this better, tag like #cloti or #clerith are not exclusively for what's good for them, even valid criticism often uses these tags.
I never experienced anything like this when I was criticizing #cloti, and over the time I actually grew to see the good side of said pairing.
The FF7 fans maybe just brushed it off or block the haters in silent idk, because I still can see the variety of the contents using those tags.
Or these #destiel posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 that should’ve offended destiehellers in ‘Supernatural’ fandom.
And with this much fandoms I’ve never experienced this tag-keeping before.
You need to realize that there must be a moment when someone doesn’t like what you like.
Do you think I’ve never experienced it? Many times I’ve accidentally found things that I love got severely criticized by others.
You may hate to see dust on your table, but you can’t just expect dust to never get on your table, you need to clean it by yourself.
You may hate to see a post you don’t like, but you can’t just expect people to stop posting it, you need to filter it by yourself.
If you really need a special space that contains only positive things you like, you need to figure out which platform that is suitable for that.
Tumblr is not a fanclub, it only provides you feature to block posts you don’t like.
Go make fanclub/livejournal/group/subreddit etc dedicated for beefleaf, anything that you have the right to moderate. Trust me, you won’t find me there to badmouthing them because I know my place.
Now, you add another reason why I dislike beefleaf.
I won't respond post like this again in the future.
Or probably stop writing TGCF related all together and leaving the fandom.
Thanks for being polite at least, but I still stand in my stance. At least you won’t find me writing about beefleaf or anything that doesn’t conform your expectation anymore.
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legendaryskyscale · 2 years
To @/bound-by-ipos @/binded-by-ipos (thanks Bee for the heads up) aka BubblyOrca
I’m just gonna assume you still stalk this blog. If I’m wrong, great, cus I don’t want you seeing my posts. It’s the reason why I blocked you, and you should've had me blocked ages ago, too
However, if by chance you’re still stalking my blog (which I strongly believe you are), I just want to say, I honestly thought you were past the petty drama bullshit. It’s clear you’re not. And worse yet, you get your new friends involved when they have nothing to do with it.
So I’m making this post now.
Orca, you’ve hurt a lot of people who would rather let this all go silently than to bring attention to it. But you don’t want that. You want other people who had nothing to do with the drama to get involved to take your side. You will give half-truths with no context and even make up scenarios that didn’t happen to get people to believe you did nothing wrong.
I had faith in you for the longest time. I believed you would move on and better yourself. What a fuckin’ idiot I was to think you’d change.
Two years, Orca. It’s been TWO YEARS, and you’re still on your petty vindictive and jealous high road over one person. It’s obvious you’re still obsessing over an ex-friend of yours and you harass them while also harassing me and other folks who are in the know. Worse yet, you get your new friends to harass mine. But I guess if you're good at manipulating others with your sob stories, it's no surprise your new friends will act like childish assholes on your behalf without knowing the whole story from the other side involved.
You constantly tell people you lost your previous friends due to one person, as if you had nothing to do with instigating the whole thing yourself. You believe yourself to be this great friend who keeps everyone together, but the moment things don't go your way, you start testing everyone's "loyalty" to you. It's apparent you don't want friends, you want fans. You want people to pat your ass and tell you you're special and can do no wrong.
Anyone who strays from that formula or questions you, you cry to others and claim these people hate you cus of your anxiety and depression (which I can assure you that’s not the case, it never was. And for you to use that as an excuse for your petty behavior is such a slap to the face for people like me who also suffer from anxiety and severe depression). You pulled this same shit on us when we were friends and directed your misguided anger on specific friends in our group through DMs.
The other times you've harassed my friends in the past, I let it slide. I thought maybe you'd back off after having your little fit. But now I can see you won't stop unless someone speaks up. I can only assume you think you're invincible and smugly continue to harass us, thinking there will be no consequences to your actions.
Stop interacting with us. We're not your friends anymore, so stop trying to be familiar with us. Enough is enough, let this shit go already and move on like the rest of us.
I feel I need to add this
Please DO NOT go to @/bound-by-ipos @/binded-by-ipos to harass. In fact, don’t interact with her in any negative/malicious way
This is not a call to mob this individual. If you’re friends with her already, this post isn’t a means to get you to unfriend her. If you enjoy her company, by all means continue being her friend. I only hope she’s not treating you like shit like she did with my friends.
Please don’t inject yourself into this drama. I only want to address this publicly to her and let it die off with this (hopefully) final post.
21SEP22 update
Orca has changed her url to @/binded-by-ipos
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psychelis-new · 2 years
how do you deal with self doubts/ overthinking?
This is gonna be long, especially cause both can be caused by many different things (gaslight, lack of self confidence, past traumas to name a few).
First of all, understand that it's okay. We all end up there in a way or another. And then, try to ground yourself, breath or just try to disconnect for a little: counting to 5 or 10 can be of help in leaving the overthinking and trying to work on the current thoughts you're having. Overthinking is often caused by our minds (subconscious), playing on our fears, and making us believe to some random stories they make up (and we believe cause they seem reasonable) to keep us stuck in an appareant comfort zone or, simply, blocking us for the same reason. Overthinking often originates from triggers (something you hear, read, feel and makes you spiral) or even just when you're too tired or overwhelmed (even by noises, people, smells...).
Try to give yourself breaks, to comfort yourself and be compassionate. And then find out the root cause of your problem. Why you have this specific doubt about yourself? Is it born from what belief? Is it true and reasonable (objectively)? How does it feel in your body? Our bodies often are outlets for our feelings (so you may get chills, cry, stomachaches...). Don't let negative thoughts rot inside, let them out. Choose an outlet: move, dance, sing, draw... anything you want (moving/walking/dancing/stretching can be of help in letting stuff float away).
Whatever you may have doubts on, it's very likely just plain bs. No matter what your mind, people around you and/or any society's standard (which change through times and therefore are unreal) wants you to believe: you're as perfect as you like yourself. There's nothing to really doubt about yourself (but again, it's common to be insecure). Just try, try to see yourself from another point of view: give yourself credit for all that you've done and all that you are, remember all the compliments you already got (on what you do/have done, your character and appearance), and believe that if there's anything you're not happy about (YOU and not someone else), you have the power to change it. Remember that things can and will change anyway, and you can do that anytime, just take a leap. You don't need to be ready to do something and you don't have to be scared of failing cause that's just a way to learn.
Try to accompany every negative thought or sentence you are telling yourself with a more compassionate one. If you say "I don't like my smile" add, for example "But I love to show the world I'm happy and cheerful and I know my smile can brighten others' day". You can play anyway you want with words, just remember to find balance between negative self talk and positive, until it will become more natural. This is valid also with feelings like "not being enough". Ask yourself: "compared to who/what?" Usually we compare ourselves with unreal standards or people that are just not us and that we don't even know fully (100%): how can we compare our full self to someone else's 20% we know? People wear masks, and we don't know them fully, we don't know their demons, their real life... we can't really compare with others. We're just all different. Your different you is what makes you special. Try to convince your mind of this. Give yourself time, be patient and try to not rush things: we can change our thoughts, but we need time to do so.
I read some people use to record affirmations and listen to them when they need. It can be of help. Find your own way out of that, and remember your worth. Show yourself you deserve love and appreciation (drink water, have fun, do anything you like and makes you feel alive), no matter that little thing you can't seem to appreciate: others may find it amazing. But again, others opinions are really so important or it's your opinion that matters the most? Is this doubt something that really prevents you from enjoying your life or is it just a "fear/thought" that has no real objective proof? As you don't know others, they don't know you if not from what you let them see of you.. so is their opinion always true and valuable? Honor yourself, take care of yourself, body, spirit and mind. Stay safe okay?
@jsjusjzzj this is basically what I do. I try to disconnect from the overthinking, try to see myself from another more compassionate point of view and check if what I'm thinking is objective or just some made up toxic thoughts/belief... and try to remind myself that nobody is actually perfect on this planet. But everyone of us has their own way to deal with this impportant topic, so I rather give you a wider explanation... maybe someone needed to read this. BTW crying is good, just always let it all out but also find way to get over that, or you'll never move on from this fear and it may even come to a point in which it'll make you self sabotage
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moonlarked · 1 year
hey. ok. so. i have a feeling you're a bit new to this site, and i can see that taking in everything all at once is freaking you out. so i'm gonna introduce you to something people do here on tumblr all the time to make their lives better and everyone else's lives better. ok? ok. so. it's these two things:
blocking tags and people that make them uncomfortable
creating tags for when they go on mental health vents + tagging content warnings on said mental health posts, so that people who don't want to see that can block those tags
from what i can see, you don't look like you're doing either of those things right now. these are essential things to do on tumblr in order to curate your experience into something that's enjoyable, not stressful.
so, basically, here's how tagging fandom stuff works on tumblr.
don't tag a piece of media or anything from that media unless you are specifically talking about stuff in it. (ex: incorrect sophie foster quotes you've posted, that i've seen, are correctly tagged. good job!)
if you're talking about the fandom surrounding a source material, tag the fandom, not the source material. and if you're talking about negative stuff, such as fandom discourse (people being toxic, engaging in something that fans fight about in not the most... peaceful way, if you catch my drift, etc) or stuff that warrants trigger warnings (violence, child abuse, etc) tag the post with the appropriate warning tags.
i'll use kotlc as an example. if i were to make a post going in depth about how i think alden vacker is a bad parent, and made claims such as him being neglectful to his kids, here's the gist of how i would probably tag it: '#kotlc #keeper of the lost cities #alden vacker #kotlc discourse #tw mentions of child abuse #tw mentions of child neglect #ask to tag'.
clarifying notes - tw stands for trigger warning. you'll also see people use cw which stands for content warning. most people put tw or cw in front of the thing they're warning people about, but sometimes you'll see people put it after. ex: 'kidnapping tw'. ask to tag is just my way of saying 'hey guys if there's any triggers i missed please hit me up and i'll add them'. if it wasn't obvious already, tw/cw tags are essential because they save people who have those tags blocked from running into stuff that'll cause them mental breakdowns or worse.
the discourse tags are essential for people to curate their experience too. a lot of people don't want to see people being negative about kotlc, because it's their comfort series and seeing people fight stresses them out when tumblr is supposed to be their space to relax. which doesn't mean no one should ever be critical of kotlc (i personally have many critiques on kotlc), it just means that those people need to block discourse tags. blocking tags helps people make their experience here on tumblr more comfortable.
so. please. tag stuff appropriately. i doubt you intentionally left out important tags on a lot of kotlc posts, but it's still important. and when you're on the receiving end of being uncomfortable because you ran into stuff that makes you upset (ie. a kotlc fan or two posting about being anti mcu) just block the 'anti mcu' tag or any other tags that are used often to say 'hey this is mcu hate'. and/or block the person that's reblogging or posting about all of those things frequently. those are both excellent courses of action. what you don't do is make a clearly angry post talking about how you might leave the kotlc fandom just because a few people were hating on another source material you like, and not tag any of the necessary discourse tags on said angry post. it makes people uncomfortable in a way that we can't curate away without blocking you entirely.
(also, side note, feel free to make custom tags for personal stuff, such as mental health vents! ex: if you make a post talking about how you're having a thought spiral about wanting to interact with people in the kotlc fandom because we have mutual interests, and being terrified of kotlc fans because you like mcu, use a custom tag for that and all of your other mental health vents. a custom tag one of my friends uses is 'mental health shit', for example. but do whatever you'd like! and then establish through a post or your bio that that's your mental health tag and to block it if we don't want to see that.)
thank you very much for reading through all of this. i appreciate it. i hope this helps you curate your experience so you and i are both less stressed out :)
I really wish you’d go off anon before asking this, because I do have some question, like what sort of tags I should use on my post that you’re talking about. I used the mcu tag and the mental health tag. Is there a trigger warning tag I should use in this situation? Should I tag it as “kotlc discourse”?
I’m sorry if you interpreted my post as me being angry at someone. I was mostly being angry at myself, but I’ll edit it :P
Thanks for the advice. I do use the “personal” tag about stuff that’s just about me, so I guess there’s that. But I’ll try to do better.
If you’d be willing to talk to me off of anon, I’d really appreciate that.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
Welcome to the HOT AND VINTAGE MOVIE STARS tournament! We are now finished with the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament; The Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament is ongoing. Submissions for hot vintage women are now closed, but we are accepting propaganda for those already in the bracket.
Round 2 of the Hot & Vintage Women Tournament will be posted Monday, March 25th. All polls—including ongoing polls, previous rounds, old tournaments, the various shadow brackets, and fun mini polls—can be found in the #hotvintagepoll tag. Every poll in the Hot & Vintage Women Tournament will be tagged with the hot woman in it if you need to search for a hot woman in particular.
“Where is [my favorite hot woman]?” It depends. Have you checked all the polls in the tag? Have you done a tag search for her? If you still haven’t found her, either nobody submitted her or she did not fit the criteria of being a movie woman from 1910-1970.
“Can I still submit hot women?” No, the submission window has closed. Please do not send in women you wish had made it into the bracket. I can’t do anything with those asks and they just make me sad.
“I have additional propaganda for the hot women!” Great! Send me an ask or reblog the poll and add your propaganda to it. You can also tag me in posts if you see a gifset or fancam that feels like good propaganda. I don’t boost all the propaganda I see or receive, but I try to boost the best of the best.
If you’re submitting propaganda for your hot woman, I don’t accept propaganda that’s from beyond the end of this tournament’s era (ie don’t send me pics of them from before 1910 or after 1970). I also don’t accept propaganda of TV appearances unless it’s clearly a cameo where they’re playing themselves. Please break long asks full of photo propaganda up into a few short ones. I watch every video I receive so I can add trigger warnings, so please don't send long video essays—I don't have time to watch them.
I don’t post or boost negative propaganda about any hot woman. If you really hate that a certain hot woman is winning, send me positive propaganda for their hot opponent. If you think a hot woman shouldn’t even be included in the tournaments because of scummy things she did in her lifetime, please read my take on it here.
If I see repetitive, trolling, and/or bigoted remarks in the comments, I may block you from this bracket. If you want to point out a hot woman’s flaws or misdemeanors, that’s fine, but if I see consistent bad-faith trolling, you will be blocked.
The views expressed in the propaganda are not my own. I don’t submit my own propaganda, and I don’t change what’s submitted beyond fixing obvious spelling mistakes. If you hate a poll bio or a pic, let me know and send me something I can use instead. Thoughtless bitching without constructive help gets blocked.
"Where are the hot men?" Most of them are in the shadow realm! Toshiro Mifune was crowned the winner of the Hot & Vintage Men Tournament, and the rest were banished below the earth, where shadows creep and the hours grow long. You can find all the round 1 matchups here (thank you @markwatnae!), or you can do a tag search to find out what happened to a specific hot man.
“My FAQ isn’t on here :(” send me an ask! I love hearing from you guys—just please check these basics first.
Thank you for being here! Enjoy the tournament.
If you want to search through the different rounds of the tournaments, I'm including links under the cut.
First round of the hot men—#round 1 archive, #round 1 blog
Second round of the hot men—#round 2 archive, #round 2 blog
Third round of the hot men—#round 3 archive, #round 3 blog
Fourth round of the hot men—#round 4 archive, #round 4 blog
Quarterfinals of the hot men—#round 5 archive, #round 5 blog
Semifinals—#TWO KINGS archive, #TWO KINGS blog
Finals—#hot men finals
First round of the hot women—#ladies 1 archive, ladies 1 blog
Second round of the hot women—#ladies 2
Other featured tags: #housekeeping (things that are good to know), #family lore (anecdotes relating to people sharing this with their families), #hollywood creatures (pets named after old movie stars), and #silly times (the weird polls or goofing off).
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shallyne · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about leaving the fandom because Feyre and Rhys just feel a bit too under appreciated sometimes. The slander they get is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen pulled out of someone’s ass that i don’t know if I care to tolerate it anymore, they look for issues where there aren’t any and people say they’re the most loved but if that’s the case then those who are inactive and don’t voice their support for them suck then lol. I’ve never seen a fandom hate on the mains who had the most books this much, acosf wasn’t good enough for that book and it’s characters to be the main focus i’m sorry I don’t get it. I’m new here and if Feysand aren’t properly praised why am I even here..I love your account and a few others but I just feel like some stan’s do the bare minimum while most of the anti’s are the most vocal in this fandom.
Anon, I get you. I really, really do. Every two days I am thinking about leaving the fandom and if you really want to leave, if it's bothering you, then please do it. Even if it's just some silly internet drama, it can go on your mental health and I want y'all to be happy and positive and enjoy reading as your hobby.
On the other hand, if you'd like to stay, Tumblr has the function to block tags and I think keywords (not sure about that but I am sure about the tags) and you can organize what you want to see. You can filter out most of the anti Feyre, anti Rhys, anti IC and anti feysand shit. (I can show you a post where someone showed how filtering works)
I think you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence. The antis are vocal, the antis are loud but that doesn't mean they are in the majority. There are so, so many casual readers who love feysand. What you see in the fandom is just a tiny portion of fans.
I'd love it if you stay and we can be a voice for Feysand together but mental health matters the most and like I already said: if you want to leave, then do. Even if it's just a short break, there will always be a place for you between us Feysand stans (and in my asks <3)
And a little add: I think it's kinda unfair (no criticism to you, totally get what you mean) to say that some stans do the bare minimum because being in a fandom is supposed to be fun and voluntarily. Like, you said yourself that all this negativity drags you down and this is how a lot of people feel, including the big blogs.
Thank you for your ask, anon! I hope you have a wonderful day and whatever decision you make in regards of leaving or staying in the fandom, I support you 💕
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Ask Answered
For LosAngelesoriginal.
Yes I'm blocked from there but it's a public page, so everyone can still see it. Lol
About your ask sorry didn't read it all. I'm the only one allowed to be longwinded on my blog. I never expect anyone to read it. What I did read Im sorry but it made very little sense and it makes me think you didn't read my posts. So I decided to give yours the same lack of attention. 😛😛😛
I also don't allow nasty or abusive messages. If people want to send neutral or friendly, then I'm glad to see them and post, like I have before. My blog my rules. 😊😊 I'll always be polite and friendly back to friendly messages. Until you, I've only received friendly messages. Lol But rude hateful people will get deleted.
In my post about this blog and others I've already made my points, I feel no need to go through all of them again. 😊
Some points though which illustrates why I'm sure you didn't actually read my blog. I know it's long, but hey you chose to read it. Probably just skimmed without actually reading. Oh well 😊
How many times do I say "maybe" in my posts? How many times do I say NONE OF US KNOW THEM? Why so angry that I'm pointing out that the hate towards this woman is completely irrational. That 99% of theories came from a bad tv movie they've created in the dark recesses of their minds.
That one anon talking about parasocial stuff was right. And being too invested in spewing nasty hateful things about people you DO NOT KNOW. Is. CORRECT. None of us do, is not only wrong, but also I've been saying this for while now: What you say about people you don't know is a reflection of your character and not the person you're hating on.
It's not about being a better fan, but about some need to reevaluate themselves and be better people. Bc I do not get hating a woman bc she's dating a man none of us will ever know.
You claim to be fans, but you act like you want to punish him. And by punishing him you control him. He's lost followers, they celebrate, bc it gives the illusion of control. All these posting behaviours from these haters is a reflection of themselves. They say she's a liar and manipulative. But the mistranslations prove that anon is a liar and purposely manipulating people to make a stranger look bad OVER A MAN NONE OF US KNOW. The examples could go on for days. That anon was right it is Misogyny. Edited to add: I find it incredibly sad that the misogyny is coming from women (mostly).
I will absolutely always stand up for other women, when they are being treated unfairly/hated on. I will call out people for saying ridiculous things, example, the way she dances means she's mocking the disabled. Really, you don't find that ridiculous? Again too many examples and I've gone over a lot in my blog. No need to reiterate each one again.
Also I will always side with logic. If everyone in her and his real life likes her. Then most likely your negative view of her is wrong. That's where logic and probability stand. So I'm going with that.
Lastly i'll leave you with this.
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It’s 2 Apr 2023 and I hate modular arithmetic. I realized that about an hour ago, when I found myself asking what I was fearing about quadratic residue when I know it’s going to be grid squares and I need to accept that to figure out why all those 164 proofs or whatever can be explained by an underlying gs mechanical reason. So hate is fear. Fear of what another will do to you, whether that’s a bad taste in your mouth or a hideous death, as tangible End connected, and fear of what happens inside you at the intangible End, which is eternity reduced to your present state of grace, where grace stands for the Dimensional Reduction of D4-3 to your D3-4 existence as a Thing.
OK, so tangible End reduces to the moment, to the D3-4 surface and that enables physical choices to be made in orderings to and from that surface. And intangible End is the complement, as in: there are children trapped with a shooter and your choice is to go at the shooter or run away. So the spot where D3-4//D4-3 come together would, sensibly, order across categories, like you’re a child or you’re a police officer, and then within those categories as well. That is enough, because then smaller individual choices become important, like running at versus sneaking up on are both within the at not away, even if at requires coming around the back. And those categorize as well, like time is of the essence or not. That’s why training is so important: these are all permutation threads which follow predictable dimensional pathways, exactly the way we have described.
So I know quadratics residue is remainder and the reason for residue is to distinguish it from the lower dimensional conception. That’s why the quadratic residue is the case when the remainder is a perfect square for that module, for that choice of n for the count.
I need a break.
I’m making progress, realizing that we’re trying to create Pathways which reach into younger minds by locating the reductions which leave a quadratic residue, meaning quadratic reciprocity in the orthogonal over a perfect grid square, one that is a square of a square at that integer level count. The level is important because this is a fundamental action, one that occurs to each at each all the way through the response and awareness levels because that is what this means, that it’s a perfect square as a perfect grid square.
I feel the walls that blocked me from understanding disintegrate, meaning they literally the literally count to the negative of themselves, thus extinguishing them as blocks, which I assume means a Legendre number of 1, with a -1 being those which can’t.
I watched a couple of short videos and finally realized: they’re constructing a grid square. We have it correct, but I need better words.
Taking a short break. I used up a can of vegetarian chili that got dented by mixing in rice and spices to counter the chili powder metallic taste (cumin, cinnamon, ancho chili, turmeric), then decided it needed dairy so I add the bit of shredded cheese I found. Tastes great, but I put in too much cumin.
I vacuumed, which I find relaxing with a reasonably pitched machine. I loved the one we had growing up. It had a deep sound I could modulate by how much it dug into the carpet pile. Modulation.
So, it turns out that quadratic reciprocity is orthogonal to each other, which is the meaning of equivalence here. Is that true in general? As meaning? Trying to not say no. Versus equals, which is a regular squares notion. So equivalence in modular thinking is in gs terms, which is what we already knew was true.
That suggests a simple visualization of p and q representing the orthogonals, which in turn represent the Irreducibles, so this is I//I, and that quadratic reciprocity describes the case, computationally, where the orthogonal construction is a perfect grid square.
I’m seeing it as p and q with n being the field. But change q to a because p is prime. This is gs process, so p is prime in LayerView, etc.
This generates a chart up to n, which is the constructed limit of the grid squares, as we’ve covered over the past days. So, finite in the infinite, as discussed.
This seems to be another very deep level proof. Let’s see if I can phrase this even a tiny bit well. Once you accept the construction of grid squares and the general operation of the D-structure, then you see that number theory, and especially Diophantine equations and modular arithmetic, involve the construction of grid squares. The former is interested in integer solutions, meaning where the grid squares come together to make an integer representation of grid squares, while the latter is interested in perfect grid squares constructed by two values, which you can restrict to primes because gs primes are counts of 1.
There’s something else in here, in the concept of the residue or remainder of one being prime, because what I’m seeing is that we hold one, which is like fixing an Irreducible, and we call that a, so reciprocity is both chains of that. So, it is I//I, as thought. So, this is I//I when the field is orthogonally solved, which means to 1.
That leaves manipulation of -1. The idea which fits is that it’s the gs process construction of a perfect grid square or not a perfect grid square, meaning we collect all the Not to the negative pole. Wow, that finally is coming together! This is remarkable.
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
Info About Me
I’m 19, almost 20, and my blog is currently safe for minors, but I don’t remember everything I write, so if you come across something I’ve written that you believe crosses that line, please tell me what it is and I will review it, and change things accordingly.
My blog will always be friendly for minors, but I may have things not safe for them, which I will tag accordingly and put the tag here so they know what tag to block.
I’m an age regressor, and part of the CGLRE community, which is a SFW space. Age regression is NOT ageplay, age regression is a coping mechanism formed to deal with stress and trauma, and from what I’ve heard, is more commonly found in people who didn’t have much of a childhood. However, kink can also be used to cope, not saying it can’t.
An age regressor does not need to be undergoing a traumatic experience/reliving their trauma or be stressed in order to regress, they can regress from being overwhelmed or simply because they feel like it.
Age regression is a coping mechanism in which the affected individual mentally regresses to a child, and may enjoy child-oriented activities and foods/drinks.
I have many diagnoses, including ADHD, depression, anxiety, DI, osteoporosis, scoliosis (Edit: the scoliosis is gone :D), POTS (a subset of dysautonomia (POTS is a nervous system disorder, I believe?)), and others. So don’t be surprised when/if I reblog or post things about these, as it’s important to spread awareness and I enjoy educating others, especially when it’s about things like this (my family and I had never even heard of POTS before I was diagnosed).
I am part of many fandoms, including HP, LOTR/Hobbit, Chronicles Of Narnia, Sally Face, Creepypasta, Slenderverse, DSMP, Undertale/Deltarune (and the AUs), Fran Bow, HTF, BATIM, Sanders Sides, FNaF, as well as the Markiplier and Jacksepticeye communities. And of course, TWF, Harmony and Horror, etc.
Please don’t come around bringing negativity about any of these onto my blog. Many of these are genuinely a huge part of my life and my coping mechanisms, so please, just don’t.
My general opinion when it comes to things like HP’s creator, is that we’ve lost too many fandoms to bigots, so why not fight back and make their own work repulsive to them? HP is a prime example. Trans fanfics, art, etc is a great way to enjoy the fandom and actively spit in the face of it’s creator at the same time.
Update to the above! In discovery of blogthegreatrouge’s actions, I do NOT support her or what she has done. I still greatly enjoy NAJ, VV, and PJ’s Daycare, and I will still write for them if requested, but I will be attempting to develop them (basically just stick to what’s already there that isn’t problematic from what I can see and strengthen it + add on to it) and stop associating them with her.
I have to add, that other one, Jammy Wolf or something like that? Never really cared to learn the name, it never stuck right with me. It was boring, confusing, had no plot, and I just didn’t understand why it was made. Looking back, I recognize a lot of the red flags in it. But at that time, I didn’t think to even consider that things like that might be present. It was an UnderTale AU comic, after all.
To be clear, I have also never seen that one comic for NAJ and never intend to. I’ve always seen the relationship those two have in that AU as something tentative. If that makes sense. (Another confusing thing about NAJ, Goth? The only one I remember is Librarian Goth, but I remember hearing somewhere that there was another one? What?)
Addition! In terms of Linkverse AUs, I only deal with LU and LU AUs. Sorry, but it’s a personal preference, and I can’t keep up with all of those Links.
I’m somewhat aware of the stuff going on in the self ship community, but I don’t want any of that brought onto my blog! I will reblog stuff from both sides! Don’t harass anyone using my reblogs! Don’t harass anyone in general, but I especially don’t need to see that!
Anyway, I’m Arthur, I’m 19, and I go by She/Her pronouns, but am also experimenting with They/Them. I currently identify as a bi cisgender female, which may change down the road. (Edit: Currently identify as girlflux!)
If you don’t like my stance on things, feel free to block me. I feel the need to be honest about these things. I love you all and hope you have an amazing day!
My kins!
My F/O’s!
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