#i have 3 ochem tests this week. 3.
amongusinreallife · 4 months
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ochem studying setup!!
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chemblrish · 3 months
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22 March 2024
Truth be told, I've had rough ~3 days. The test that I thought I was so well prepared for ended up going pretty badly (I passed but with a low grade) and there have been some other minor troubles too. I skipped this morning's lecture to get some extra sleep, then went to the seminar and gave a presentation. Bought some (vegan) chocolate to cheer myself up.
Some complaining under the cut lol
Actually, this whole semester has been rather rough. I love chemistry, genuinely. I think anyone who's been following me for at least several months knows this. I've always been very passionate about my major. But now I'm taking ochem and it turns out I hate it vehemently - it sucks all joy, determination, and fondness out of me. I find it boring and frustrating and it continuously makes no sense to me. It gives me zero satisfaction to study it and satisfaction is extremely important to me when it comes to uni. I hoped maybe it was only a matter of attitude, but I just can't change the fact I detest organic chemistry no matter how hard I try not to.
Probably the worst part is that it's sort of the only course I'm taking this semester - that is, I'm also taking pchem lab but that's only one class per week and it doesn't require that much extra work at home. That leaves me with tons upon tons of ochem work with nearly nothing to level it out.
So, I'm struggling! I know I just need to make it through this semester - then I'll be done with ochem forever and I'll be content and enjoying uni again - and I don't need to get amazing grades in this horrible course, I only need to pass it. But my goodness, it's so hard and painful when I remember how happy I used to be.
Phew, okay, now that it's out of my system it's time to stop complaining. It'll pass and I'll push through. Only a little over 3 months left! I got this I got this
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white-flwrs · 28 days
past 3 days have been crazy so here’s a run down
had my very first national school games on monday morning and my school won second place overall for girls!!
stayed up the entire night to mug ochem
had a second day of nsg on tuesday but it was for the boys so we were only there for support (ended up mugging)
had football match support with my class but we lost (not rly productive for me but yes that happened haha)
went home and slept a like a LOG cuz id been up for 38h
woke up at around 3am to mug more chem
had a chem o selection test in the afternoon that went HORRIBLY oml i j finished and i think i might give up on chem o, i don’t think i passed that paper i only did 7/10 qns and had to bs some of the reagents cuz i forgot them and i was generally unsure abt my chem and this was only h2/h3 chem so the actual chem o wld be even harder still
well there’s only a week left till the end of term so i’ll press on till then before taking a break
definitely looking forward to using the break wisely to finally get good at chem o
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gramgetssunburnt · 2 years
I left my apartment and went to Costa Rica for 5 days with 2 friends. Here are my impressions:
Gummy Bears Vs Roads:
In 11th grade, I took an economics class because I was trying to understand why my parents wouldn't give me the money to buy 3 new videos games a week at Gamestop. Although I never got that answer, I learned about allocation of resources. In Costa Rica, that resource is money. My two friends and I have a tradition after surfing where we reward ourselves with gummy bears if we catch anymore than 1 wave or if our calves don’t cramp in the ocean. To honor this ritual abroad, we stopped at the store right when we landed in Costa Rica to scope out the local gummies. Now, while not physically present at the local government allocation of resources meeting, I imagine after eating the gummies that there was some type of conscious decision to fast-track all of the country’s available funds to candy and let people figure out on their own how to get to their relatives house down the street with unpaved roads and 1 gas station every 650 miles. We got such a sugar high after each surf that we were too busy giggling on the bumpy car ride home to care. Look how happy we were.
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We got settled into our air bnb.
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After putting our gummies in the cabinet I found this.
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Wasn’t sure. Nothing on the CDC website about coyotes, let alone how they respond to urine. Was the urine for something else? Predator ‘callers’. Who was it calling? I put some on and my friend walked in and told me I couldn't travel with him anymore. I had my answer.
The term “work from home’ has adopted many different meanings since someone ate a bat a few years ago. It started as a formal interpretation; to continue the usual morning routine, put on business casual attire head to toe, turn on your new videocamera you bought for your computer, and proceed to be as productive as you would be in office over the next 8 hours in your home office. 2 years later, “work from home” now means waking up 11 minutes after your meeting started on purpose, logging in with your camera off, then leaving your computer on your bed while you stretch your usual 18 minute morning routine to 49 minutes, return to your computer to address your absence by saying something like “sorry my 3 dogs had diarrhea!” when everyone surely knows you have 0 pets, and then telling your boss you’re taking your 16th of your 3 available mental health days and will not be reachable. And if you don’t go to that extreme, you’re probably somewhere in the middle like-so:
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We stayed in a relatively remote area. Not much around. Dirt roads, scattered small surf towns separated each by 15 minute car rides, stray dogs appearing between each town, cows appearing between the stray dogs, fallen tree branches between the cows. Tamarindo was the closest resemblance of a nightlife, a predictable 40 minute drive from our place, filled with bars that weren’t disimilar than a frat party you’d get talked into freshman year of college by your degenerate roommate where you’d be pretending you had a better time than you actually did on the following Monday when you’re talking to your ochem lab partner who you only pretend to like because he gets you good yields or doesn't care when you read ahead and see the mixture you’re supposed to end up with is red so you bring red gatorade powder and sneak it in the glass vial at your lab station so you can get out of class early (actually happened). Anyways, we went to Tamarindo 2 nights in a row to watch fire dancers, take bad tequila shots, and tell people we had more fun than we did on Monday.
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18 hours before our international flight back to America, we were just informed (and by just informed, I mean we got an email 3 weeks ago that we didn’t read) that we needed a negative COVID test before boarding the flight in Costa Rica. For some background info, I had previously visited the Costa Rica section of the CDC website to figure out which malaria drugs I may have to take. Instead, I found a large red warning in caps saying that the entire country was at high risk for COVID infection. Mind you, we also just spent 2 night in a row not only going out at night to a bar, but spending the majority of our time either dancing or playing Jenga with complete strangers at a distance of let’s just say we didn’t need to pull out a meter stick. So naturally, we didn’t have the most peaceful drive to the airport for our pre-flight COVID rapid antigen test.
To backtrack, we were able to schedule a test at the airport, all we had to do was arrive 3 hours before our flight. Seemed simple. What would happen if we missed our appointment or have a positive test you ask? Just a light 7-10 day quarantine or “WHATEVER THE GOVERNMENT DECIDES”. Those were the literal words on the official statement. Jesus fuck. What happens if the government had a bad day? Or got cheated on? Or lost all of its money in a poker game earlier? Or decided it didn’t like red heads? Could just decide on 8 month quarantine. Who’s to say? Long covid. This isn’t America and you do not get your deserved 11 month trial like Mr. Johnny Depp.
The drive from our air bnb to the airport was 48 minutes. COVID appointment at 11 am. That’s a 10:12 departure or earlier. We go out to breakfast. It’s 9:45. We order food. It’s 9.48. We sit at a table. It’s 10:06. We go up to the employee who took our order and ask where our food is and she doesn't speak english. It’s 10:07. We go sit back down. We go back up to the same person and ask where our food is and we get the same response. It’s 10:10. We try to tell her we need whatever fraction of our order is ready now because we have a flight and the response we get is that she still does not speak or has learned any new English. It’s 10:11. We see an order on the server table and point to that and she gives it to us and its 2/3 of our order and we sprint to the car. It’s 10:12. The car ride went exactly how you imaged.
We get to the airport COVID test tent 1 minute before our appointment. We’re sweating so much it looks like we’ve already been infected with COVID. We get the thing shoved up our nose that they call a test. Results in 1 hour.
If you think you’ve been anxious waiting for a midterm score, or waiting for a response after asking someone out, waiting for a COVID test to result in a developing country which will determine if in 24 hours you will be watching HBO at home or if you will be trying to figure out where to buy clean milk for the next 7-10 days takes anxious to a whole new level. We sat at the airport restaurant for the next hour contemplating if this trip was even worth it in the first place. Here’s that moment:
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Test results came back negative. We all hugged.
I saved this section for last. Not for any other reason but because it is a story I do not want to tell. Joseph Campbell said “the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”. The first surf session we had I was so excited that I only put sunscreen on my face and nothing else, reactively. I am so used to cold Norcal surfing with a wetsuit that I just dot my ears and sprint into the ocean. So that is also what I did in the 92 degree heat of Costa Rica. If the equator was a person it would have called me some name in Spanish and then thrown a Mai Tai at my face. The rest of the trip I had to wear a t shirt in the ocean like that weird guy at the pool party who you think is friends with your Uncle but aren’t really sure and then forget to ask anyone. I’ll leave you with a picture of a cow. If you’re one of the three of my friend’s Mom’s who reads this---thanks for reading and goodbye.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
i feel very bad for her bc her ochem final was today and if she doesn’t take it she takes an incomplete in the class and has to take it w next yrs class
i tested negative and i went to go get another pcr this morning! they gave me a free blanket i am now lying on it in the grass + sun, eating a tofu rice bowl
photosynthesis ! i thought i was dizzy/nauseous this morning but turns out it was just a combination of not having eaten a solid meal in two days and taking meds that give you side effects if you have not eaten a solid meal in two days
anyways i am! i am certainly living! slept on my friend’s floor last night he was like you can be my human alarm clock for my final and all three of us (him his roommate me) got insomnia cookies and gossiped! changed in a diff friend’s room and then she was wearing an n95 and going i feel like i am getting sick so i brushed my teeth v quickly and dipped
asked to sleep same place again tonight and he was like yeah sure you can wake me up at 9 again and i was like i feel very blanche dubois rn (i have always depended on the kindness of others) anyways i love my friends i’m so glad i dragged them to uni w me they are dumb boys but i love them a lot
finished the robber bride! reading another atwood now in the sun w gatorade and tofu! waiting for alarm clock friend to join me for studying final + other friend to join for also studying
i am reading bc my finals are take home/easy af and the only hard one is next week and i will b home by then! been rewatching mcc povs tommy my beloved <3
LKFDJSFKDL SD ANON YOU ARE GOING THROUGH IT i promise i read through your other message but i'll just answer this one since it's easier. I wanted to ask can't your two roommates who have covid both just sleep in the same room? also god I hope she gets to take her ochem final online or something that's not fair that she can't take her final just bc she tested positive they need to have accommodations for that. but oh my god you are just. you're really going through it
I'M GLAD YOU HAVE GOOD FRIENDS THOUGH!! very nice that your friend is letting you crash on his floor but man I hope you have access to a proper bathroom and all that soon skdljfkldsf you're so close to freedom
also pls pls remember to eat like bestie you're already going through so much make sure to take care of yourself as best you can. you're so close to the finish line!! just do your best not to get the rona! laying the grass and eating a tofu rice bowl sounds so relaxing, i'm currently in a coffee shop on my campus eating some vegan rice hash thing and it's not great but it's sustenance so what can ya do? at least I have coffee lmao
jealous that you're almost done though I still got several more weeks before my finals and then I have summer classes I need to take aaaaa but then I graduate so. I'm very close to total freedom from uni!
best of luck to you sd anon keep wearing your mask i'm sending so many good vibes your way <333
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jayflrt · 2 years
ahhh omg ok im back now and finish my chem test but apparently everyone did bad on it so im like 💀 (we didnt get it back yet tho)
anyways ive been good! after that grind i slept A LOT over the weekend so im prepared to tackle this week bc im starting anatomy and ochem and i promised myself to work hard on those
and omg the sunoo fic im so excited for some reason i havent read much of sunoo??? (i think i gravitate towards heejay bc there's just so much heejay content) but im very vety excited for it esp after reading the preview
also omg that anon confused with 🌻 ajsjdjff honestly sometimes i forget im 🌻 too bc i anon for other creators too 😭 BUT i do want to try collecting some pcs (at least wtv is alr included in albums and then buy ones i really really want) i have yet to have any nct ones but i think it was mark catharsis? ver i want so so bad he just looks so good in it 🥲
also when dream announced 7llin 2.0 I SCREAMED bc i was literally thinking abt how i wanted to watch 7llin for the first time and then they do this </3
- 🌻
omg congrats on finishing the exam !!! i hope everything went well 💗💗 yk even if it didn’t go well for the others………i have faith that you will be the one who scores the highest >:) YOU GOT THIS 🤧
oh my gosh not ochem 😭😭 praying for you that class is an absolute nightmare 🏃‍♂️ but i’m glad you got to rest up this weekend and unwind !!! you definitely deserve it after the chem test 🤍 good luck for anatomy too ! my roommate has her anatomy final in two days and she’s stressing out so much rn HAHHA
i haven’t read many sunoo fics either !!! (actually i read viv’s today LMAOAOA) but otherwise i don’t see many long fics for sunoo D; but i agree there are a lot of fics for heeseung and jay :’) not complaining tho bc i love me some jay content 🥰 also thank you sm i’m so glad you’re excited !!! 🥺💗
AHAHAH that’s my new 🤖 anon now ♡ PLS i associate your emoji with hyuck sometimes bc 🌻 sunflowerzens <33 omg that’s what i’m doing !! i collect the album pcs and buy whichever else i want (that isn’t insanely overpriced HAHAH) but who do you want to collect for?? :o i could help you get started! 💗 and omg it’s the pc on the very left right ?? he’s so fine 😮‍💨 gives me cherry bomb vibes a little?? HAHAH
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OH MY GOD RIGHT??? I LOVED 7LLIN IN THE DREAM SO MUCH when it dropped last year i watched it religiously 🙏 AND A SECOND ONE IM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH i’m so excited to see the dreamies again 🤧🤧 theyve been my ults for so long 💘 are you buying their new album ?? :o
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luciestudies · 3 years
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05.01.2020 || 8/100 days of productivity
Hello there! I’ve been busy with my ochem exam preparation, that’s why this post contains a compilation of the past few questions from the January Study Challenge. ( @stu-dna )
Jan 2: How are you balancing the holidays and your studies?
Jan 3: Do you tend to make new year’s resolutions?
Jan 4: TV shows / movies your’re watching right now?
Jan 5: Why did you chose your major?
Jan 2nd: I have been studying a lot for the last three weeks because of an upcoming exam. This meant studying during the Christmas days and even on the 31st. However, I took the 1st of January off and spent most of the nights relaxing / celebrating. It was a tough decision, especially because I know a lot of my friends took the Christmas time to take 4 days off to recharge, but I am now so happy that I decided to stick to my study plan, because reviewing and doing practice questions was crucial for my positive attitude concerning the test!
Jan 3rd: Yes, I do, but they are mostly about self-development / getting out of my comfort zone and it has worked well for me most of the time!
Jan 4th: I’m currently watching season 4 of The Crown with my mom (I did watch season 1 + 2 back when they were released, but never season 3), because it seems like A LOT of people loved the 4th season! Besides that, I’m watching Bonusfamiljen to improve my Swedish and I guess I still have some Grace and Frankies left. Oh, and finally of course Queer Eye, if I need a cheer up!
Jan 5th: Good question! Since last semester I am in a bit of a identity crisis concerning my major and just my future in general. So, I can’t tell you why I am studying it right now apart from the reason that I once started with a lot of interest and passion and that I feel like the inspiration will return to me someday. Back in high school, I also thought about maybe pursuing acting more (glad I didn’t, because I would be lost and unemployed right now!) or maybe American studies / politics. But chemistry seemed like the best fit back then!
 I hope you guys are doing okay!
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scenariosofkonoha · 4 years
Life’s Different Now| Modern! Kakashi
Part 6/?
Part 1| ... | Part 7
Summary: MC’s plans get shuffled around when she can no longer go home for the night. This leads her and Kakashi to going out and about and ending back up at his place. Kinda angsty. Kinda long. This is the shit y’all been waiting for.
“Okay, so I got you two extra shots just to make sure that you’ll make it through your last final.” you offered with a small smirk as you sat the coffee up on Kakashi’s desk.
Glancing away from his laptop, he gave a small frown. “I thought it was my turn to pay?” he questioned though he knew the answer. There were many times where he forgot, but this time he was certain that he was already two macchiatos in debt to you.
You confirmed his suspicion. “It was, but I’m not the one who has to grade 200 finals within a week, that’s you.” you reminded him, your smirk shifting to a gentler smile as you nudged the cup closer to him. “Best I could do was a quad shot.” Leaning back in his chair, he rubbed his eyes, exhaustion heavily influencing every single one of his moves. Holding his hands on top of his head, he gave it a shake as he looked to you for answers that you did not have. “Every 5 minutes, there’s another email from a student asking for extra credit.” he breathed. “And I haven’t even finished writing the ochem final and they’re taking it in…” he tried as he looked at his watch.
“35 minutes….” you affirmed.  
You gave a reassuring smile. It was rare that Kakashi ever looked truly stressed, but you could now feel the strain that was placed on him as he now hastily tried to finish the exam. “I’m going to let you go; I’ll come back after you’re done, make sure you survived.” you offered, keeping you soft smile before quietly leaving the office.
You spent the next few hours completing the final adjustments to the plans that were going to be presented next week to the college officials for their approval. It was the last round of approvals and if everything went well, then demolition would start within the following weeks. By some miracle you and your team were on time as the college had wanted to start the demolition portion of the remodel in the summer, and it was spring finals week. Things were actually going to plan in your life; something that seldom ever happened. The time passed quickly as you added the final touches to the schematic and it took the blare of an alarm to bring you back into the present moment.  Along with the pull back into reality, the chime brought the reminder that you had to check on an exhausted professor.
And so, just as you had done earlier, you made your way up to Kakashi’s office, though by this time, the hallways were no longer filled with exhausted students. They were abandoned, and the only remnants were an absurd amount of coffee cups. As you stepped through the now familiar heavy metal door, you had expected to find Kakashi nearly defeated in his office, yet as you entered the vacant lab, you were quickly redirected back toward the door.  
Before you could say anything, there was a hand on your back, giving a gentle push towards the exit. “We need to go before they find me and beg.” he explained briefly, almost as if he were prey. As he guided you out, you took note that he already had his coat and bag on, indicating that he had been waiting for you to show up before he made his escape for the semester.
A small chuckle escaped you. Looked like that quad shot hit him just in time. “Can’t have those pesky undergrads getting ya, can we?”
His pace was quick as he shook his head and began his descent down the stairs. “No, cause I made half the test synthesis problems, and it made at least 3 cry in class. Didn’t mean to but…” he trailed for a moment, unsure of how much guilt he should have felt. “It’s fine, I’ll just curve it.” he murmured. “Let’s not focus on that.”
The pair of you began to talk about other things as you walked through campus, the same empty atmosphere evident throughout its entirety. Minor things filled the air, nothing of too high importance. It wasn’t until you felt your phone vibrate that anything of sustenance came up in conversation.
“Oh, that son of a…” you muttered as you read the text, an annoyed pout upon your face. You would have completed the phrase, but that would have casted down your own mother, so you kept the annoyance on the one who sent the text.
Closing your phone, you took a deep breath. Stuffing your hands into the pockets of your jacket, you shook your head. “You have plans tonight, besides of course crashing from a caffeine overload?” you asked before giving him an explanation to your curse.
He raised an eyebrow at your sudden bounce of expression, “Nothing in mind, why?”
“Shisui’s bringing someone over tonight, which loosely translates into I need to find somewhere else to be for the night.” you explained. “Having your little sister in the same house as your friends with benefits is really a buzzkill, ya know.” you let out a half chuckle.
“Sounds like this has happened before?” he continued, the two of you nearly in the parking garage.
“Psh,” you retorted. “It’s Shisui, you know.” you offered with a shrug. “Love him, but he’s a mess some days, and today is one of those days.” you spoke with a gentle smile on your face. “But…” you began again, “This gives us time to celebrate that you made it through this hell of a semester.” you laughed. “C’mon, we can make it to happy hours still. Drinks are on me.” you chimed.
“I already owe you at least 20 bucks in coffee…” he reminded you.
You shrugged and jokingly rolled your eyes, “I mean, if you insist, you can pay for the alcohol.” you kept your voice light.  Approaching your car, you nodded. “C’mon, I can drive there. Like you said, you don’t have anything to do tonight, and you’re gonna curve those tests anyways, so….” you trailed, a smirk never leaving your face.
He copied that sly smirk, “Ok, you got me.”
“Wow, I just peer pressured a doctor into drinking, I’m really moving up in the world.” you mocked as you unlocked the car. Though the contentment of the moment was fleeting as the pair of you opened the doors and began to get in, only to find a remnant of what now felt like a past life was placed in the passenger seat. Instantly seeing the package you should have already mailed, you sighed. “Oh gosh, uh, lemme grab that.” you offered as you picked up the small package wrapped in gold.
Reading into your reaction more than he should have, Kakashi apologized. “Sorry, didn’t mean to-
“No, no, no. Don’t be. It’s uh…” you let out a small chuckle. “It’s a birthday gift for my ex’s baby. She’s my goddaughter and she turns one in a few weeks, and I thought I was going to be there, and…” you trailed for a second, a tinge of sadness making itself evident. “And obviously things changed, and I’m not, so…”  you gave a small sigh as you patted the box and placed it in the back seat, guilt creeping in.
There was quite a bit loaded in what you had just said. Things that Kakashi had never heard you talk about before, so he wasn’t even quite sure what to follow with. To add on, he wasn’t sure how much you would want to answer, so he offered a superficial question as the pair of you got into the car. “What’s her name?”
“Opal.” you smiled, giving in to a more lighthearted tone. “It was a little weird when he asked me to be the godmother, but it was an amicable break up and he ended up marrying one of my best friends a few years later. They said I was the most, “stable,” friend out of our group,  so how could I say, ‘no?’” you trailed, feeling as if you had failed them for leaving.
“You miss them. Don't you?”
“Of course I miss them.” you pushed away some of the quietness. “I mean, I missed you all too when I was over there.” you countered as you started to leave the parking garage. “That’s just the unfair thing when you’ve led two different stories, no matter where you go, you're going to miss at least half of the people you’ve come to know and love…” you shrugged. The sense of loss was evident, though you tried to bring back levity into the conversation. “Anyways, enough with this, we’re going to celebrate you. I’ll take you to all the artsy bars me and the architects go to.”
“You’re a wreck,” Kakashi genuinely laughed as he held your hand going up the stairs to his apartment.
Already red faced from the alcohol, your color darkened as you looked up to him, “Stop, you’re being mean.” you retorted. “I’m not that bad, I just didn’t eat and tried to go toe to toe with you and that was a mistake, and I admit that.” you said, keeping your grip tight on his hand has he led you up the darkened stairwell.
“So you could go up these stairs by yourself?”
“Oh no,” you lied. “Please don’t let go of me.”
He shook his head, but couldn’t shake the smile off his face. He was nearly positive there was some party gene in your generation. Obito had it. Shisui had it. Itachi even had it at times. And you certainly had it. Yet he didn’t mind it; never knew what would happen when he was out and about with you. Placing his other hand on your waist, he guided you up the final flight of stairs that led to his apartment. You weren’t as off balance as he had expected, though he wasn’t going to question it. Pulling out his keys, he shrugged, “I’d apologize for the mess, but I saw the mess you left the patio during demolition,” he offered, the alcohol making it easier to talk.
You laughed, “Rude. At least I make things pretty in the end.”
Opening the door to the apartment, Kakashi switched the lights, making up the sun that had set long ago. Motioning for you to enter, he welcomed you in. “I can get you something to eat if you want, but if you want to keep drinking, we can always do that too.”
Spinning around to see him, you raised an eyebrow at him, “Wow, I was the one who started out with the peer pressure, but look at you! I’m so proud,” you remarked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I mean, I’ve had you as a role model.”
Covering your face at the quip, you blinked at him a few times before replying. “You know you’re cute when you banter,” you admitted without really thinking.
Turning back so you faced the apartment, you looked around. “Uh, anyways,” you diverted the conversation. The only real mess was on the dining room table. There, in probably the messiest piles you'd seen in a while, were just countless photos. “What’s going on here?” you asked, partially interested and partially wanting to avoid the truth you just admitted.
Following you to the table, Kakashi picked up one of the photos. “Rin gave me the job of picking out some old photos from when everyone was little for the wedding.” he answered. “A lot of them were actually taken by you- Shisui found your SD cards months before you came back.”
You nodded silently. This was something that you would have been more than happy to do, but by the time it was assigned, you weren’t home and had no intentions of coming home, so you lost out on the opportunity. Sitting down at the table, you shifted through some of the photos. Gasping as you caught a glimpse of one, your brief sadness dissipated. “Oh my gosh, look how little you and Obito were,” you fawned as you flipped the picture to see the year. Instantly seeing the date, you gasped again and shook your head as you pointed to Kakashi, “This was the year that Obito was a little shit to me, Shisui, AND Itachi. I don’t remember what got into him, but he was such a jackass this year.” you could help but laugh.
“What?” Kakashi chuckled as he joined you, wanting to know what his best friend did to cause such a grudge in you. 
“Lemme see if I can find a picture from that year…” you murmured as you quickly sprawled through the pile. “Here!” you exclaimed as you pulled out a photo of the four cousins and handed it to Kakashi. “This is from the holiday party that year. Within two months, Obito had accidently broken Shisui’s arm by pushing him down a flight of stairs while standing in a bin, gave Itachi a concussion by tackling him into a wall during a game, and he had knocked out three of my baby teeth and broke my nose because he had thrown a pumpkin at me during Halloween. Pretty sure I ruined the sweater he was wearing in the other picture, because my face would literally not stop bleeding and he was trying to calm me down.” you told him, now laughing at a time where all three of you wanted to end the eldest of you. “My parents were watching Itachi at the time too and were about to start sending Obito’s parents the ER bills.” you smiled.
“I thought your side of the family was the one that had everything together?”
“Oh no, all four of us were- and still are- complete disasters,” you stated. “It’s just what type of disaster do you want to deal with.”
“And what type of disaster are you?”
Again, you could feel your cheeks becoming redder, but you were hoping that the glow for the alcohol would cover up most of it. Setting down the photo, you stood up to get a glass of water. “Uh, I’m the type of disaster that doesn’t know what she’s doing and is constantly floundering around.” you answered, as you grabbed both your glass of water and Kakashi’s hand and took both to the couch.
He narrowed his eyes at the statement, questioning its validity. “What are you talking about? You know it looks like you know what you’re doing?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Let’s not forget that there wasn’t even two weeks between me deciding to move back here and me showing up that night…” you started. “And, I’ve been back, what? Almost six months now, and I still don’t know if it’s the right decision.” you admitted a painful truth hidden behind a chuckle.
Yet you should have known there was no use hiding things from him; he was too perceptive of those around him when he wanted to be. A bit of confusion was apparent in his expression, not yet having realized that you had struggled with this for nearly half a year. “If you didn’t want to come back, then why did you?” he questioned.
You took a deep breath and let your head fall back against the couch, knowing the reason wasn’t well thought out. “Shisui asked.” you answered before diverting your eye contact. “I wasn’t originally planning to come back until he asked…” you admitted as you took a sip of water- now wishing that you had poured a glass of wine.
There was a small moment of silence before he asked a follow up. Kakashi was very well aware that your brother was one of your closest companions, but for you to just get up and leave a life where you were so successful on a simple request, didn’t quite make sense. “Why did you leave here in the first place then?”
You drew your lips into a straight line. If it hadn’t been for the multiple drinks in your system, you wouldn’t have given a true answer and would have ended this conversation there, but with alcohol came honesty. “Um, well I needed to prove that I could be my own person- that I could survive, alone.” you breathed out.
He narrowed his eyes, not quite understanding the depth of your statement.
“Don’t look at me like that.” you frowned. “You know what I’m talking about. When you first met me, and even up until a few years ago, what did you associate me with.”
He shrugged. “Obito’s cousin. You were one of the Uchiha kids, always with Shisui and Itachi.”
“Exactly. Most people think that. And there’s nothing wrong with being associated with the boys. I’m not saying they’re bad or anything of the sorts. I’d do anything for any of those three, but…” your voice fell again, unable to exactly pinpoint your feelings. “Sometimes, I just… I didn’t have a complete identity growing up. It was always a partial one, because it was always me and Itachi or me and Shisui, and I just… I love them all, but I needed to prove that I was more than just a part of a duo or trio- I still feel like I need to prove it...”
“Prove it to who?”
You became silent. “Everyone? Myself?” you gave up, though you didn’t know the true answer.
“I never thought that you weren’t a whole person though? I don’t see you as just an Uchiha kid?”
You frowned, “But if we’re honest, you probably did until 2 or 3 years ago.”
Kakashi shook his head. “I didn’t really know you until 2 or 3 years ago, and then when I did get to know you, you’ve always been a distinct person.” he defended, secretly thanking the still trace amounts of alcohol in his system for allowing the truth.
The validation caused you to give a small smile. “I suppose, but you were also one of the few people who saw me overseas though…” you brought up a little known fact. “And over there, I was my own person. It’s just harder to be that here. Everyone sees me as an Uchiha and not as me...”
“Is that why you think we all stay around?” he questioned, a slight sense of distraught evident.
“I mean…” you shrugged. “I don’t know?”
“I’m staying around you, because of you. Not because you’re Obito’s cousin.” he affirmed.
You shrugged again, not knowing what to say. “I just… I don’t know.”
“I want to be around you, because of you. You’re smart and capable and one of the most caring people I’ve ever met. I don’t think there’s anyone else that I know that would have dropped everything and flew halfway across the world in the matter of a few hours to be there for one of their friends. That’s the first reason why I wanted to know you more. You’re more than a last name or your family, you’re you and…” he trailed for a moment, knowing that he rambled- something that he never did. “And I thought we had something?”
“We did…” you affirmed. “We do…”  you corrected. “I’m just…I’m terrified of just being an accessory to someone else…” you frowned.
“You won’t be an accessory…” he tried. Bringing a hand up to your face he tried to reason with you. “Before you said that this wasn’t an option because we weren’t aligned at that point in time. Now we are, so why not now…?”
Locking eyes with him, you could feel your heart pounding in both your chest and head. “You got me there…” you copied a phrase he had pulled on you only hours before.
You should have replied. You should have put your thoughts out into existence, but that had proved too hard before and it was doing the same now. And so, you did the easiest thing during that moment and leaned in quickly to kiss him, not wanting to talk anymore. Actions were louder than words anyways, right?
Cradling his face as you kissed him, urgently pulling him closer to you. While you would have liked to say that there hadn’t been any tension in your friendship since you had gotten back, that would have been a lie. There was a history between the two of you, a history that had been ignored up until now. Yet your choice to focus on action rather than voice proved to be understood. You could feel him reciprocating the same affection after getting over the initial shock of your immediate action.
Throughout the years, Kakashi had learned that there were some moments you were calculated and some moments you threw everything to the wind. He had played this scenario out in his head many times, and this was certainly a moment where Kakashi thought you would be calculated, but here you were in his lap, kissing him like you had years ago, and you were anything but. Maybe the alcohol rushed it. There were things you two should have talked of first, yet he wasn’t going to question it much. Truthfully, this conclusion was far better than he was expecting.
It was uncertain how long the initial kiss had lasted, but by the time you pulled away, you were nearly breathless. Still cradling him, you raised an eyebrow at him. “I honestly really like you, but you know I’m a fucking mess…?” you asked.
He let out a small laugh, his hand gently caressing your cheek. “Yeah, but aren’t we all…?” he muttered before pulling you close again.
The pair of you continued, but were startled apart by the ringing of his phone, which laid across on the opposite side of the couch. Instinctively, you looked over to find that it was Obito calling him, though your concern was quickly redirected.
“It’s fine, probably, ” Kakashi murmured, bringing you to face him again, so that the pair of you could resume.  
Though that didn’t last long, for only a few moments later you were listening to your phone now start to chime. Again, you heard the phone ring and pulled back a second to take a glance at it. Seeing that it was Obito again, you frowned and looked to Kakashi. Resting your forehead against his, you sighed. “We should take that, shouldn’t we?” you murmured.
“It would be the right thing to do…” he murmured, his hand now caught up in your hair.
“I thought you were supposed to be the morally grey one…” you smirked before you grabbed your phone. “Hi, Obito,” you greeted as you remained sitting in Kakashi’s lap and turning the phone on speaker.
“Hey, hey, hey littlest cuz. How are you?” he nearly yelled into the phone, a loud background also encompassing the call.
“Oh, I’m peachy,” you offered, your eyes never unlocking with Kakashi’s. “Why are you calling? It’s 2 am on a Friday night? I was uh… going to do some things...” you trailed with a coy expression.
“UH SO,” he yelled again, causing both you and Kakashi to both pull away from the phone. “I’m uh, just like a little uh wasted at the bar downtown, like the one with three floors? And I was wondering if you would come and pick me up?” he asked.
“Have you tried an Uber?”“
“Right, uh, I’d have to wait two hours…”
“Have you tried Shisui? I don’t think he has any plans tonight?” you lied.
“Didn’t answer, and neither did Kakashi or Itachi and Rin’s on a night shift,” he explained. “C’mon baby cuz, you're the best cousin, and can you just pick me up this once? I’ll owe you, I promise.”
You silently sighed and looked to Kakashi, who also gave a small sigh. “I’ll get the keys,” he whispered to you.
You gave him a small pout before talking back into the phone. “Alright Obito, I’ll come get you, just wait. I’ll text you when we’re there.” you offered up before hanging up. “What a bastard…” you murmured, giving Kakashi one last kiss. “Are you sure you can drive?”  you questioned as you stood up.
He nodded. “Oh yeah, I'm fine. Let’s go get your drunk cousin.”
“You mean your drunk best friend?” you nearly snickered.
Getting downtown actually took quite a bit of time, causing a lot of understanding to be given to the ridiculous Uber times that surrounded this part of town. Not only did this give time for that understanding, but it also gave you time to sober up, at least slightly. And with that came the uncompromising thoughts of what did all of this mean and how did it all align with what you wanted. Did you want Kakashi? Of course, anyone in their right mind would want him. Yet how did that impact your own goals? You had only just begun to be seen as an individual, and were you willing to give all that up to be seen as the girlfriend of one of the prominent members of your social group? Part of you had wished that you could have just remained uninhibited, but that was not possible at the current moment. “Kakashi…” you began.
“What does this mean…?” you questioned.
He took a deep breath, unsure where you now stood now that you were gaining your inhibitions back. “What does it mean to you?”
“I….” you whispered, unable to put your feelings into words. If you had been given another 30 seconds, you probably would have been able to say something, but you weren’t allowed that time. “Oh shit, there on the corner.” you were distracted by the oldest of your generation.
It didn’t take Obito long to see your car and haphazardly walk over to you and climb into the back seat. “Hey, thanks, you’re my favorite, did you know- Oh hey, Kakashi! What are you doing here? Why didn’t you answer my call? Why are you with my cousin?” Obito rambled as he placed both hands on the front seats and peered forward.
“Those are all good questions.”
“Oh my God, are you two hooking up? Rin was fucking right-” he spoke up nearly excitedly.
“Obito-” you cut him short. “Stop. You’re drunk.” you interjected.
Letting go of the front seat, he let his back fall against his own seat. “Uh, sorry. I was talking to her about couples in the wedding and all that, and you know, I thought of you, and I’m gonna set you up with someone at the wedding, cuz.” he nodded, his eyes closed as his spiel went on.
“Obito-” you tried to stop him, but you should have known better than to quiet a drunken Obito.
Swatting the air, he shook his head, “No, no, hear me out. You’re cute-” he stopped for a second. “That sounded weird cause we’re related, but like in a cousin way you’re cute, but like I’m also gonna set you up, because I think you should date someone. Like- don’t tell the others but you are the best relationship material out of us all. And like I was talking to Rin, and she was like thinking that you two were cute together, but like, I dunno, but she thought that, and at first I was like, I guess, but now I see it- and oh maybe I’ll set you two up?”
“Obito, please-”
“No, Y/N, trust me, you could be great-”
“Obito, I got it, but I just.” you snapped a bit harsher, before following up with a near whisper, a whisper that was directed to the other in the car. “ I just need to be my own person for a while…”
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happyhemostudies · 4 years
ochem (study tips & tricks)
 Hi there! Long time no see. I am officially through my first term of organic chemistry (out of three), and I have gained some tips & tricks to make it a little bit more manageable! (I got a B, and I know that some people on studyblr are happier with an A but a B in my first upper division science is more than I was expecting so I’m happy about it!)
Get a molecular modeling kit!
The beginning portions of ochem ask you to understand nomenclature (naming), functional groups, isomers, and stereochemistry. Functional groups are what I feel like you could maybe muscle your way through without ever seeing it in 3D but for everything else, make sure you use a model! It helps tremendously when you’re trying to learn what molecules look like in space. I lost mine in a box halfway through the term (at the beginning of isomers, rip me) and felt so lost with stereochemistry until I found it again. Make mini models of all your functional groups and learn what they look like. Make cis & trans models. Do what my friends and I did and stick random things together and learn how to name them properly. I got mine from Amazon for about $12 and it was worth every penny.
Preview notes/book before class.
If you’ve ever met me, you know that I’m full of anxiety and hate reading before class because I get anxious when I realize I have no idea what I’m reading. Don’t be me! Realize that reading beforehand can only help you solidify your understanding when you relearn it in lecture! It is totally okay to not know it while you’re reading as you’ve obviously never learned it before. This comes in super helpful because there’s a lot to cover in lecture, lots of diagrams and molecules to draw, and you likely won’t have enough time to write out all of the good book-type words you want to know too.
Watch additional videos.
I would like to tell you the wonders of videos for ochem. Since it’s such a visual course, it is SO much more helpful to learn from a video than a book! Honorable mention for @ TheOrganicChemistryTutor and other ochem videos on YouTube, but the real shoutout goes to @ Leah4Sci on YouTube and at leah4sci.com As my lab partner texted me at 1:14 am the morning of our second exam, “This woman is a godsend.”
Study with a group (and a whiteboard!)
In gen chem I made an awesome group of friends who now suffer through ochem alongside me. You would not believe how helpful it is to study with them, explain hard concepts, and work out problems with other people. We reserve a room in our science library and get to working out problems on whiteboards. Highly highly recommend. Especially if you can reserve a room once a week to go over the week’s materials.
Use colors in your notes.
One of my best friends writes her notes in strictly pencil and as a pen gal, it hurts a little. I cannot keep track of anything at all if it’s written in one color and I smudge pencil really badly as a left-handed human. So, I write in pen and make sure that I have at least a highlighter and one colored pen on hand. The highlighter is to highlight important concepts and circle my nucleophile and electrophile at the beginning and ending of a reaction. The colored pen is to track electron flow.
Attend (and try to enjoy) lab if you’re taking it alongside lecture.
My lab partner is lowkey the best frat boy I have ever met and has always made sure that I don’t have to fly solo in lab like other lab partners have made me do, leaving me with all the work. About half way through the term we no longer worked with partners but we worked together during lab if one of us got stuck and would work on post-lab reports together because the questions were always insane. Lab is an amazing break from lecture and a wonderful way to apply what you’re learning. You’ll also meet a bunch of cool people in lab, and I highly suggest forming study groups with your lab partner or lab bench as you spend so much time together every week. 
Make a second notebook specifically for ochem!
You know how some people manage to make super beautiful notes during class? And if you’re anything like me you’re trying but mostly just scrambling to write down everything? If this rings true to you just know that I wholeheartedly get you. This is your chance to make your notes insanely pretty or colorful while also reviewing! I bought a composition notebook and I take about 2-3 pages to explain ONLY the important stuff from each chapter. This is my “cheat sheet” going into the test and you’ll usually find me looking over it the morning of my exams (because my exams are at 9am :( it’s rough out here).
Hope this helps! Best of luck to those starting ochem and best of luck to those continuing on into their next term/semester of ochem.
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non-stop-imagines · 4 years
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Three Floors Up (College!AU Fic) Part 5
Here’s Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Peter Parker x Black!Reader; Bisexual!MJ x Black Fem!OC (Armani) (Armani face claim @cecewiththefro on ig)
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Peter gets a bit sad, but really this is a bunch of cute
UNIVESAL TAGS LIST: @beautifulwisdom2001 @iamzion-therealhabesha @jetaimeamore @thottio @shakzer00 @mixedfandxms
THREE FLOORS UP TAG LIST: @lucifersnipnips @uhh-yess-its-a-fucking-bove-me
A/N: YAY ANOTHER PART!! So this is def not edited because I accidentally pressed post instead of edit, but yeaahhh! I just started school again today and felt inspired! Hope you guys enjoy! Love y'all!❤️💛❤️💛
Remember requests are open! It can be a specific prompt or from the Drabble Request list linked in the bio! Just ask to be on a tags list (or all tags lists)!
"I like Y/N. She's nice." Ned grabs a piece of pizza from the box sitting on the coffee table then sits back on the couch and flips through channels, stopping on Food Network for a moment.
"Yeah, she is pretty great. Hey can you hand me my… Material Science notebook?" Peter asks from the floor, scrolling to something on his laptop that sat on his thighs.
"Yellow one?" Ned leans down to Peter's backpack reaching for a tattered yellow Medd spiral notebook.
"Green." Ned adjusts his target, now reaching for the green notebook in a similar condition, but with doodles of webs on the cover.
"Here you go." Ned pulls out the notebook and swiftly hands it to Peter, not breaking his focus from Food Network, which he decided to watch. "What midterms do you have tomorrow?"
"Just this, but Wednesday I have Physics and Computer Aided Design to worry about." He runs his hand through his already disheveled hair and switches his focus from his laptop to his phone, hoping it was you who texted him when he felt his phone vibrate. Instead it was name he, for the first time in a while, did not want to see.
Mr. Stark 👨🏻‍🏭
Call me.
Peter's heart starts to race as he stands from his spot. "Uh, I'll be right back. I need to make a call."
"Stark?" Ned let's his eyes follow his friend as he heads back to their bedroom. All Peter can do is nod before he turns into the room, closing the door behind him. Even though Ned knows about Peter's Spiderman occupation, they both agreed that it would be best for Ned not to know about his missions unless absolutely necessary. He pressed the contact and waits as the phone rings.
"Hey kid, you doing anything right now?" Tony cuts straight to the point. Peter looks towards his bedroom door, thoughts of his upcoming finals flooding his mind. The last thing he expected were the words that end up falling from his lips, words he'll end up regretting.
"Uh, I- no. I'm not doing anything right now." He rubs his neck and plops onto the bottom bunk in the room. "W-what do you need?"
"I need you to gather some intel on a group S.H.I.E.L.D told me to keep an eye on. You up for it?" Peter frustratedly runs his hand over his face, rubbing his eyes in the process.
"Uh, yeah. I can come." Peter stands up, looking over at the nanotech web shooter on the desk. He sighs, already feeling tomorrow's tire.
"You sure about this Pete? You sound like you need sleep." Tony's quizzical tone makes Peter second guess his decision and walk over to the door of the bedroom, peering out at his work and his friend on the couch.
"I'm sure. I'll-uh-see you later, Mr. Stark." Peter hangs up the phone and walks over to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. He then makes his way back over to the bedroom to his shooter, appearing moments later in the living room.
"Got called into work, huh?" Ned infers, picking up the half full pizza box and making his way over to the kitchen to put it in the fridge.
"Y-yeah." Peter answers, quickly pulling on his jacket and using his web shooter to grab a backpack that sat in the corner of the living room.
"Don't you have more studying to do?" Ned gathers the stray napkins that were scattered around the coffee table.
"I mean yeah, but those exams are later in the week." Peter pats his pockets then frantically begins to search for his phone.
"I'm pretty sure Mr. Stark would let you sit this one out so you can study." Ned walks over to the table next to the front door and picks up Peter's phone from where he placed it moments before.
"Exactly the reason I didn't tell him." He takes his phone from Ned and turns to open the door, but turns back to Ned who was less the happy about the situation. "Listen, man. It'll be fine." They complete a quick but lack luster version of their handshake, then bid their last farewell before Peter was off.
"Shit, shit, fuck." Peter frantically whisper to himself as he rushed inside the building where his Material Science lecture was, finding the room and quickly sitting toward the back, just after the professor began to review some material. He quietly drops his backpack on the ground and pulls out his phone from his back pocket to text you.
Made it to class. If you see skid marks on the ground it was probably me.😂
A minute later he felt his phone vibrate as his professor began to go over testing procedures. He pulls his phone from his pocket and looks at the multiple texts from you.
Peter Parker! (Just realized I don't know your middle name 😬)
Don't you have an exam today!? What time did you go to bed?
Have you eaten?
Nevermind. I'll meet you with some donuts and a frap after your exam 😁
Peter grins, shakes his head and quickly types out an answer then puts his phone away.
Benjamin. And thank so much ❤️😵
Hey, where you be at? Your frap is melting as we speak.
You look up from your phone and take a sip from your drink, looking around slightly before recieving a text from Peter.
Peter 💋👨👅:
Look behind you 😁
Before you're able too, Peter placed his hands on your shoulders, making you jump slightly and quickly tuck your phone away. "You know you can't do that to me unless you want a black eye that matches the NYU purple of your sweatshirt. Here." You hand him his drink and a donut with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles then grab a regular glazed for yourself.
"You're a saint." He takes a bite of his donut and savors the flavor for a moment then takes a sip of his drink, having the same reaction. You watch him, eyes scanning his disheveled appearence, a small grin growing on your face that is masked by your own drink when he finally looks back to you.
"I know I am." You sat in silence again for a moment before you spoke up again. "How do you feel you did?"
"Fine. Luckily before I...uh, fell asleep, I studied a good amount. I guess I just went a bit too hard with the, uh, studying because I woke up really late." You nod and take a bite of your donut. "What about you? Did you have any exams today? Or do you have any?"
You quickly swallow your donut, lifting your hands to cover your mouth before speaking. "I have my OChem exam in about 2 hours. I was going to just get to the building early and study and relax before my exam. But then you texted me and I thought that maybe you would want to hang out for a bit? Like walk around Washington Square Park for an hour before I go over to the building… I don't know." You look down and take a sip of your drink, avoiding eye contact until the silence from him became unbearable. You look towards Peter to find him looking at you, eyes sparkling in the morning sun and mouth turning up into an admiring grin. You focus on a curl of his that fell in front of his face for a moment, but eventually shift under his gaze, prompting his response.
"I mean, if you're fine with that. I could also help you study, too-before your test of course. My next class isn't until 11 so I have 3 hours to kill." Peter's nervousness flooded back to him as he reaches back to scratch his neck but forgets to set down his donut, close to rubbing chocolate icing in the back of his neck if you haven't have grabbed the donut from him before his hand reached its destination. "I don't know what I would do without you." He chuckles, finally resting his hand on his neck.
"I feel bad for your aunt. The effort she had to put into keeping you alive all these years." You stand up from the bench you were seated at and balance your drink on the box that now contained 4 donuts, and held out your hand for Peter to take. He stands and does so, but after he retrieves the box from you, now balancing his drink on it as he hugs it close with his left arm, then puts out his right arm for you to take. You interlock your arm in his and hold him close, then head in the direction of Washington Square.
"Oh good, you came back." Ned walks up to Peter after seemingly pacing and engulfs him in a hug. "I was sure you would've been mad at me for telling him."
"Wait, telling who what?" Peter asks, still in Ned's grasp. A second later his phone begins to ring.
"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so-" Ned pleas as Peter escapes his hold the fishes out his phone from his pocket.
"Why is Mr. Stark calling me? Facetiming me at that?" Peter's glare towards Ned held a majority fear that was lightly sprinkled with fury, but nonetheless he answers the phone and heads back to his room. "Uh, h-hey Mr. Stark how's-"
"Were you going to tell me you had a midterm or was my only method of finding out your helpful but extremely anxious friend out there?" Even through the screen, Tony's disappointment burned a hole through Peter.
"I-i was going to tell you. Just, later." Peter avoids eye contact and goes to sit on the bottom bunk of the bed.
"Hmmm." Tony nods and rubs his goatee, this gesture being one that Peter hated because something drastic always followed after. "No more missions for the rest of the semester."
"WHAT!? Mr. Stark d-don't you think that's a bit...harsh." Peter's voice lowers to a whisper as he feels Tony's gaze intensify.
"No, I don't, since I seem to be the only one here that's thinking." Tony takes a deep breath and rubs his closed eyes. "I told you before this even started that school comes first. I didn't need you to come last night, I just thought that it would've been good practice for you." He paused a moment, which for Peter felt like an eternity. "I want your assignment schedules from now on, so you won't even have the chance to lie to me about your assignments."
"Yes sir." Tears began to prick Peter's eyes which causes Tony's stern facade to cave.
"Hey kid, come on. Don't look at it as a punishment but rather an opportunity to spend more time with your friends. And that girl you were telling me about." Tony grins as Peter wipes his eyes then turns around, appearing to be talking to someone off screen. "I gotta go Pete, I'll talk to you later. Now go get some studying done. Hey! Go study with that girl." He looks away again. "Alright, alright. Bye Pete." He smiles one last time before hanging up. A smile that instilled a sense of calm in Peter before his heart rate shot up again when he received a text from you.
How about traveling those three floors for a study sesh? Mj and Nini made cookies and I'm about to put a shit ton of chicken nuggets in the oven. Ask Ned and see if he wants to come too
Peter gets up from the bunk, grinning at your text as he makes his way out to Ned. "Uh...Y/N invited us over to study. You wanna come?" Peter starts to pack his notebooks, textbooks and laptop into his backpack.
"Uh-y-yeah, sure." Ned slowly gets up from the couch where he was worrying in silence moments ago to gather his things. "You're not mad at me?" Peter just shakes his head and purses his lips to form a sad but genuine grin as Ned approaches him. They do their handshake into a bro hug before finally exiting their place.
"So, y'all make out, almost made it to the point where you and MJ would've had to disinfect the couch and now it's like you're just real great pals?" Armani mocks the recent development in yours and Peter's relationship as you pour the nuggets from the sheet pan into a large bowl.
"I don't know. Listen, we already were moving a bit fast, I guess I felt it was better to slow things down." You shrug and bring the bowl into the living room, placing it on the coffee table and swatting Armani's hand when she went to reach for one. "Not everyone can get to the perfection that is you and MJ so quick, ight."
"Girl, you don't see the way he looks at you ALL THE TIME. And the speed at which he answers your texts, or how fast you answer his. Just jump on each other and get it over with." Armani dips a nugget in the bowl of ketchup and pops it in her mouth just as you pop her upside the head. Not a second later there was a knock at the door.
"MJ, come getcho girl." You call to your roommate, who was currently in the bathroom, and make your way to the door. "Welcome to hell, we have nugs and cookies." You pull Ned into a quick, tight hug then let him pass. Peter takes a step towards you takes a moment to scan your face, seeming to sigh in relief at the sight of you.
"Hi." He lowers his line of sight slightly in order to make eye contact. You study his eyes, realizing a slight pink tint to them, as if he was crying.
"Hi." You grin up at him, surprised slightly when he pulls you into a tight hug, one of those hugs where the person hugging you cradles your head against their chest. You breath in the faint scent of what was left of his cologne as you wrap your arms around his waist.
"You ok?" You ask Peter, earning a hum of affirmation as he breaths in the scent of your hair, which was just in a puff since you were going to get it done after midterms week.
"How was your exam?" His words came out as a mumble against your head. He kisses your hair and pulls away, taking a couple steps into the apartment so you can close and lock the door.
"Fine, but you know how OChem is." You hesitate your answer, missing the warmth of Peter's body on yours. You turn around to walk to the couch, but bump into Peter's solid frame, making him chuckle, you joining a second later. Once the low chuckling between the two of you die down, Peter looks into your eyes for a moment then grasps both sides of your face and kisses you hard. In no time at all your tongues were intertwined, putting an immense amount of passion in the short lived kiss. He pulls away and smiles at you pressing his forehead against yours.
"What chapter is that in? I don't remember learning that!" You place your hands on Peter's arms to look around him at your sarcastic roommate who was smirking toward you two with one hand in the sky and the other around Armani.
"I think that's in a later topic." Ned responds, pretending to flip through his textbook.
You smile bright to Peter and shake your head, pecking his lips one more time before taking his hand, pulling him to the couch. "We better get studying before we get more sarcasm."
"I agree." Peter smiled a knee weakening smile and followed you to the couch.
Part 6
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alexistudies · 4 years
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Spring ‘20 Semester Reflection
Hi everyone! So, I’m trying to make it a routine to reflect after every semester on this blog so 1) I can keep you guys updated on my trials and tribulations and 2) although I reflect with my advisors, its a nice to put it in writing and have something to refer to when the next semester comes!
This post is going to be broken into 3 pieces:
explaining how i implemented my “places for improvement” outlined in my Fall ‘19 reflection in Spring ‘20
talking about my highlights this past semester
outlining my “places for improvement” for Fall 2020
Let’s get started!
How I implemented my “places for improvement” outlined in my Fall ‘19 Reflection
improvement number one: falling off around the second round of midterms
Hm, this time around, I don’t think that happened. The way I nipped this in the bud was by pacing myself more at the beginning so I didn’t burn out by week 9. Last semester, I was on a constant push to redeem myself since I was making up two classes, but this semester was more of just trying to improve overall. I was also excited because I was finally able to move onto classes that were more interesting to me!
improvement number two: not doing well on a single test in ChE 200 because of not dedicating enough time to it
Well, this honestly repeated itself into spring ‘20 with ochem. but, I’m trying to give myself some grace considering my professor’s tests were ridiculously harder than the other professors’ exams. he even said that he makes his tests EXTREMELY hard. I only got a passing grade on one test, HOWEVER, considering I didn’t do well on any tests in ChE 200...this is some improvement. I tried to equally divide my time up this semester between classes and it seems like it paid off more. It’s just hard to find that balance when you’re in 4 classes at once. Even as i go into my 4th year, it is still something I’m trying to figure out. [note: will reflect on ochem later in the post]
dealing with faculty (self-advocacy, building relationships, etc)
My thermo professor wasn’t that great this semester, and he never returned assignments or told us what grades we had until he submitted final grades. when I saw that I got a ‘C’, I emailed him and asked for an assignment-by-assignment breakdown of how I got a C. after some deliberation, he changed my final grade to a B! I was so proud of myself; instead of letting it slide, I challenged him and got what I deserved: a B. This was a big step for me, especially because I need my GPA to go up a bit for grad school apps (which I’ll be starting next fall) and I just knew he was in the wrong.
I, also, was able to start building a relationship with my current faculty mentor by taking a leap of faith! McNair was definitely a push for this, but I’m still glad I did it. I went to her office hours, nervous as hell, but she was so sweet and I found someone who shares the same passion as me. Now, I’m a research assistant in her lab. Its amazing.
taking a class outside of my comfort zone
To keep it 100 with anyone who reads this, these STEM classes can get monotonous and dry. So, forcing myself to take a class that wasn’t STEM was so nice and enlightening! I learned so much about how families manage resources, how their management style affects how they make decisions, and the like. It was so refreshing and it was nice to have a class to turn to when I needed a break that wasn’t so taxing. see, GEs aren’t always bad! lol
Places for Improvement
Implementing a Bloom’s Taxonomy focused study method
My ochem professor was just cruel. Idk what else there is to say about him without getting redundant, but he intentionally made his tests and quizzes impossible. I did the best I could, which resulted in me not passing by 4% (I opted for CR/NC so my GPA wouldn’t be affected). Early in the semester, I asked him for study tips and he said learn concepts and study from the book, which is what I was doing, but that was just bullshit advice. THEN, at the end of the semester, he gave this GREAT study method to use that was more centered around like.. Bloom’s Taxonomy language and it can apply to any class! It’s exciting because now, when I retake it, I can apply this method and I’ll do better (especially because I’ll have an easier professor). I’ll make a masterpost on this soon, as it was really eye-opening for me and made me realize small holes in my study plan.
Needing to find more balance b/w school and personal life
okay, COVID rocked my jaw and messed up my flow. as soon as we transitioned to online classes, it made it hard for me to separate class from home, and put me into constant work mode ?? so, next semester, i want to find that balance of working a little bit then relaxing or doing what i love. its funny because I had balance in Fall ‘19 and then it basically disappeared Spring ‘20. We got this next semester though, because balance is the major key *cue DJ Khaled adlibs*
Spring semesters seem to be my weak point, but this semester was a rollercoaster. Not only due to COVID, but just nothing seemed constant this past semester. But they always say that the only constant in life is change! I enjoyed this semester; I made more close friends in my major, I finished my last semester as a SWE officer and I transitioned from a more industry focused drive to more research based. It’s been a good one and I can’t wait for Fall!
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Things have been insane for the past few weeks. First finals are done and I'm proud of my scores except in Ochem which I failed, I've never failed before so that was a learning experience. I scored high enough on my physics test that it raised my overall grade by 3%! Work is going well. Idk if I ever said what I do, but I help kids learn reading, writing, and pronunciation of words with 3rd graders (8 years old) and kindergartners 1/? 🌕
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Aww Im glad to hear your updates! I'm sorry you failed ochem but hey you made it through your semester and that is wonderful. I'm sure you'll do well second time around 💜
I didn't know you were German I love learning new things about my anon family.
Oh my goodness a puppy! Aww so cute! Also that phone case sounds like it suits you perfectly moon child anon ^^
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eternvlblyss · 5 years
my college story
I wanted to write about my whole college experience, so here is my attempt.
1st Year
Freshman year, I started my college career in August 2014, at UC Merced. I was nervous as heck, as an incoming freshman should feel, and I was going into this university by myself with no friends from my high school or anyone. The first semester really, really sucked, not gonna lie. I had some trouble with my roommates. I wasn’t used to their lifestyle and I really bottled up all of my emotions. I was very quiet and reserved, and it was my first time living with people who were so different than me. I didn’t know how to speak up to them because I was too afraid. Plus, I actually felt homesick, even though I was just 2 hours away from my family. Education wise, I didn’t do well in my classes at all. In just my first semester of college, I didn’t pass 2 of my classes, leaving me on academic probation. I was so scared because I have never, ever failed a class. I saw that some of the new friends I made got dismissed from the university, and that truly frightened me because I could possibly get kicked out myself. 
So I forced myself to focus more my second semester. I found a great set of friends who helped me out with my roommate situation, as well as supported me in my studies. They helped with making me feel less homesick. As the second semester came to an end, I was happy that I chose to come to UC Merced. I already became so very close to my friends I made that I didn’t really want to go on summer vacation. Also, I was off academic probation (:
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2nd Year
Sophomore year came around, and I was dorming with my best friend Ravneet, which I was so excited about! I was excited to see many of my other friends, but definitely not excited to start classes. I thought this time around I would’ve been used to the transition and pace of college courses, but I wasn’t. I was struggling in my chemistry class and wasn’t able to complete my writing course (which I then withdrew from), resulting in me going back on academic probation. I was so disappointed in myself because I thought I had learned from my first year. Then it was my second semester, and I had 2 science classes; one was completely new to me and one I was retaking. Although I passed majority of my classes that semester, I still didn’t pass one. I was in good standing, but not passing that class just got to me. I was so disappointed and ashamed, that I did something so horrible to myself. I began self-harming, because even though people said “it was okay” and “you could just retake it,” I was so fed up with myself. It’s like I NEVER learned! I knew I could’ve done better or focused more or studied more, but I didn’t, and I ended up not passing yet another class again. My friends were very supportive though, and helped me realize that these things just happen and I couldn’t dwell on it so much. All I could do was redeem myself the next time around. 
In the summer of 2016, I stayed in Merced, attempting to retake that one class I didn’t pass, along with another class, in hopes to catch up. By then, I knew I was behind on my path to graduation. I just wanted nothing more than to be on track to graduate in Spring 2018. Even though I was taking 2 science classes in the summer, I still managed to have fun with my friends as well as focus on my studies. It was a struggle don’t get me wrong, I don’t know what I was thinking to take 2 science classes during the summer! I also started a job at the Campus Store which I’m glad I got because I was applying to so many places for a summer job, and I finally had this. Going back to my classes though, I passed them both thank god.
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3rd year
Now for my Junior year! I was living in a house with my 2 best friends (shoutout to Ravneet and Odalys) and I was still working at the Campus Store! Until I wasn’t anymore...lol I was only a temporary, and was let go, which bummed me out because I was starting to befriend a lot of my coworkers. But I mean, it was what it was. The class load for my fall semester included a bio class and lab, a chem class and lab, physics with a lab, and a psych class. Again...why did I take 3 labs together? I don’t know man, I really wanted to get out of there within 4 years, and since it was my junior year, I was so close. I did relatively well towards the end of the semester, but again, I failed my organic chemistry class. I was put on academic probation. I think if I remember correctly, I didn’t tell my family that I had failed that class, the plan was to retake it in the summer. I was disappointed in myself, as usual, and continued to self-harm because I was the only one punishing myself while everyone around me kept comforting and coddling me. I knew they meant well, but my logic was, how was I ever going to learn if no one punished me? My friends at the time knew of this happening and encouraged me to go and seek help, but I rejected them, saying that it’s fine and it’s only this moment that I’m feeling like this. 
I then moved onto spring semester. This time for spring 2017, I decided to lighten my class load. I was also asked to come back to work at the Campus Store, and I’m really glad I was given the offer because i missed my coworkers. I was taking 3 courses and the light load really did help. I passed all 3 and was off academic probation (: I did struggle though, because I was taking a genetics class, and that was pure torture. That was the first class that had ALL short answer questions for exams and the final. And if you know me, I suck at doing short answer and essay questions. Absolutely hated them. 
So summer came again, and this was my chance to retake my Ochem class! So that’s all I took during the summer, just one course. You’d think that with just one course on my plate, I’d be fine...but nope. Ochem was the death of me, and I didn’t pass it AGAIN! Now that really got the best of me. I begged my professor to reconsider any extra credit opportunities for me, but there was nothing she could do. I cried so much when I saw my final grade and I fell into a depression. Because dude...I failed the ONLY class I was taking during the summer. I wasted my ENTIRE summer for a class that I didn’t even pass! My mom and dad were very supportive of me though. I think they noticed how hard I really tried for that class, because I truly looked defeated and like I didn’t want to continue anymore. They gave words of encouragement and comforted me. It took me a while to get over it of course, but I told them my plan to retake it next year in the summer, and they supported me. By then, I had a feeling that i wasn’t going to be graduating with my best friends in Spring 2018.
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4th year
Fall 2017! Which was at the time, my senior year of college (: I made it this far, and I couldn’t believe it because of all the freakin’ hardships I went through in the past. But this was my senior year, and I was so ready for a new academic year. I took 4 classes, one being an online class offered at UC Riverside. It was a lighter load than usual, but this one bio 110 class was killing me. The first exam for that course was so difficult, I did horrible on it. From then on, I still did not improve in the class. The exams were all short answer questions and the professors expected very specific/detailed answers. I was taking this class with one of my best friends, Ice, and even though we both struggled in the class, it was nice to know that I wasn’t alone in this. She helped me majorly with studying and checking in on me, and I appreciate her so much. I ended the semester with a good standing, but I failed that bio class, which to me now was not surprising. 
Spring semester rolled around and the first thing I did was go and talk to my advisor to see if I would be able to walk in the Spring Commencement with my friends. I was told yes, but I would need to take 3 classes during the summer. And I really, really considered it because 1) I wanted SOO badly to graduate with my friends because I didn’t want to stay another semester at school if they weren’t going to be there, and 2) I just thought I needed to finish in 4 years because that was just the norm. I thought long and hard about it, and I ended up just taking my time during the semester. I was taking 3 classes, one of which of I was retaking. I was taking 2 upper div BIO classes and 1 upper div ESS class, which I thought wasn’t too bad. But boy...was I wrong. My bio classes were still so difficult and required so much work out of me, I became stressed and slightly depressed. I would have random bursts of me being so angry with myself and I still never stopped self-harming. It was my way of punishing myself because no one else was going to. I’d get anxiety attacks (at the time, i just thought they were asthma attacks) before a test or a quiz or even when I was just thinking about something that made me anxious. Those really affected my work in school. It got so bad that I gave into my friends words, and began going to CAPs, the counseling services offered on campus. I went once a week, talked with my therapist, but I wasn’t going for myself. I was only attending the appointments to show my friends that I was actually going. I didn’t take it seriously and wasn’t truthful throughout my time there, but when my therapist told me I didn’t need to come in anymore, I immediately took that advice and stopped going towards the middle of the semester (which was a huge mistake I didn’t know I was making). As the semester was coming to an end, I was starting to accept the fact that my friends will be graduating and I won’t be. My plan then was to graduate before 2018 ended (because that was supposedly MY YEAR to graduate), so I still had that chance to do so in the coming fall semester. I struggled as usual, studied my butt off for finals and barely got any sleep, all while working at the Campus Store. I ended the semester with a good standing, but yet again, not passing that one darn bio class. Now i had 2 classes that I failed twice; Ochem and BIO 110. I was slowly giving up, slowly becoming less and less motivated to even finish this college thing, and slowly having negative thoughts flooding into my mind saying that I couldn’t do this anymore. But, I attended my best friends graduation and watched them walk across that stage. My own mistakes and disappointment in myself didn’t make me any less proud of them. I was SO overjoyed to see them walk and finish college. But the thought of them leaving did affect me. They were my support system in school because they knew about ALL of my struggles and my mental health, no one else did, not even my family. So it sucked to know that I had to continue on in the fall semester without them by my side. 
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I took summer classes though. I enrolled in 3. After spring semester ended, I went straight into summer sessions. I was retaking bio 110 and ochem, which I had to petition to retake for the third time. I was also taking a pysch class because I needed the units to graduate. I can’t stress this enough, but this was the absolute WORST summer of my life. I became so depressed and had anxiety almost every single time I was by myself. I know some people won’t understand how this feels, but best believe me, it felt like all of the life was drained out of me, literally. I started going back to my therapist and this time I started off right. I was truthful with her, and told her EVERYTHING that bothered me. I even told her that I did have suicidal thoughts and that I have been self-harming frequently. She encouraged me to go on medicine for how I was feeling, but with the stigma around taking medicine for your mental health, I was a little iffy. I asked my friends for advice and I went to go see a doctor to talk about it more in depth, and a week later I started taking it, twice a day. Slowly throughout the summer session, I was getting better. But I was alone for most of it. I did my best to keep myself occupied so I wouldn’t have to think about the bad thoughts. I would go to my classes during the day, go home to rest and eat something for like an hour, and then head back to campus to study because I just could not handle being alone in that house at all. I didn’t even trust myself on the weekends. I made plans to go home every weekend because who knows what I could have done to myself when I wasn’t around people. I was very aware of my condition and I didn’t want to risk it, so I went home every weekend, enjoyed my time with my family, up until I had to go back to Merced on Sundays. THANKFULLY, that summer ended, I passed ALL of my classes, and I went straight into the fall semester.
5th year
So, my senior, senior year, Fall 2018. I was excited to start because during the summer I was just all alone and no one I knew was on campus. It sucked. This time I’d be working with my coworkers, I’d be seeing some of my friends in classes, so I was feeling better than I did in the summer. I still took my medication regularly and attended my appointments, everything was well! I was even going out a lot more with my friends, which was very rare for me. I didn’t think that after my 2 best friends graduated, I would make other friends, but I did (: I was taking my last bit of upper division bio classes that I needed to graduate, and I ended up with one of the hardest ones at the UC. I really tried to get out of it, but I couldn’t, and ended up just suffering through that class. Ice, one of my best friends, was very helpful to me in this class. She tried her best to teach me as much as she could, but it was just me. I couldn’t get the material at all. I was slowly getting better at thinking more optimistic, but as the semester came to an end, I came up short once again, failing that bio class. I was supposed to be DONE this semester. I even participated in my Fall Graduation and walked across that stage, but I didn’t pass one class. I was on academic probation, again. It really sucked, like really, really sucked I had to go back for another semester, but I knew dwelling on it wasn’t going to change anything. So I got to work, and petitioned for another semester. Shout out to my friend Vanessa, for helping me through that process, (along with so many other things she’s helped me with. bless her soul, I’m so glad I got closer to her this past year (’: ). Along with that, I had told some people about my medicine and my mental health, and as I suspected, they did not understand. I didn’t get the support I thought I would get, and I was judged for being on medicine that was helping me get better. It was whatever though, I was just glad I didn’t have to keep it a secret anymore, and I never brought it up to them ever again. I was fine with knowing that some people wouldn’t understand, but at least I knew my close friends did, and I appreciate them so much.
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Going back to my petition for a new semester, I got it approved! and I was back at UC Merced for my last and final semester! This was my last chance here, because I was maxed out of semesters also. I didn’t like the fact that I took 5 years, but I got over it soon enough. Everyone has their own pace and it’s no race to get your degree. As long as you never give up and you get it. This semester ran way smoother than ALL of my past semesters combined. I was working and I was a part time student, also taking a human anatomy class at the community college in town. It didn’t really hit me that this was my last semester, until I went in and took my last ever final at the UC. All of the friends that I made in my last year here, they were all graduating like me. I’ve gotten so close to so many of them. It was a bittersweet feeling because these friends I made mean so much to me and as harsh as it may sound, I didn’t think I’d be so affected by them. I thought that after my group of friends that graduated in 2018 left, I’d be a loner and done with saying ‘see you laters’ to people. But i’m so glad that wasn’t the case, because I love my group of friends that I made, just as much as my other group of friends. Special shoutout to Susan, because she was the one person who actually got me and I related to. Thank you for being there! Same to Vanessa, whom I grew very close to this past year. Thank you for being another person I could talk to about anything. Being that only a select few knew about that part of me, I felt comfortable with sharing issues about my mental health to you, so thank you so so much for being there for me.
Just 4 days ago, I saw that my final for my last class at the UC was graded, and I didn’t pass the class. I was absolutely devastated AND EMBARRASSED. Here I was, telling everyone I’d be finishing this semester, when I just received an email saying that I didn’t pass the class by 2%. TWO PERCENT. I only told 3 people about this, and they supported me in whatever I needed to do. I was all out of semesters at the UC too so I was stressed out about what I was going to do. My friends told me it was going to be okay, it’s alright if I need to go back to a different university to retake just one class, and they even advised me to email the professor in hopes that she would understand my situation. But, I tried to not let it get the best of me because my friends were going to be graduating that weekend, and I wanted to show up for them and cheer them on. So I enjoyed my weekend and saw my friends all look beautiful and walk across that stage. I made them leis and helped them get ready before the ceremony, and yeah (’: I’m so proud of them. Here’s some pictures of them down below! Shoutout to Vanessa and Andres and Ari and Cynthia and to Susan and Zhane and Jelena and Keanu! Congratulations to all of you guys, and the rest of the campus store graduates, whom i didn’t get to take pictures with! Y’all did it!
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Then Monday came, and my class came into my mind again. I had emailed my professor over the weekend asking if there was anything I could do to just earn that 2%. She got back to me Sunday, saying that she was going to recheck my final and asked me to come by. So I was ready. I was about to head out to her office to meet with her, when I saw an email from her. In this email, she basically said that there was nothing she could do and that she couldn’t offer any extra points. I literally stopped in my tracks, and felt so defeated. I broke down crying because dude, my last and only class that I needed, and I didn’t pass it by 2%. I met with one of my friends, and she told me to still go and meet with her and explain my situation. This class was my ticket OUT and my ticket to my degree! Shoutout to Vanessa once more, for trying to help me out even from her own home in San Bernardino, and shoutout to Zhane for letting me sob my eyes out on her shoulder. Just yesterday, (and boy was it a loonnngg and emotional day yesterday), I got enough points needed to pass the class, and I can now OFFICIALLY SAY,
I know it took me very long, and I know people will talk and judge, even the people very closest to me, but I could honestly care less. I finished at my own pace and I’m so very happy (’: past Alyssa cared SOO MUCH about doing the norm and listening to people who kept telling her that she couldn’t do it or that she wasn’t smart enough to be in college or to even be in her major because she kept failing classes. I wish I could’ve told her sooner that it doesn’t matter what they think. People can say what they want and you should just do you! If only I had known sooner to shut out those negative thoughts, then maybe I wouldn’t have struggled so much throughout my years here, but...I wouldn’t change my journey at all.
For people struggling with their mental health, it’s very important to reach out and ask for help. Take it from me, who for 3 years, kept denying that I had an actual problem and kept quiet about it. I bottled up so much that it got worse and worse every time I denied to go and seek help. I get it may be scary to speak about it to someone, but once you start talking to someone, you’ll slowly start to feel better. 
Big, big thanks to my family, for supporting me in so many different ways. I know you all mean well, thank you for supporting me financially and emotionally and for allowing me to realize that I shouldn’t care what people say about me or my journey.
Thank you to ALL of my friends that I made here (’: I’m going to miss you guys so much. And to my friends who have graduated already and are doing things out there in the real world, I miss you guys so much and I hope everything is going well!
Thank you to UC Merced for this amazing and difficult journey lol you were tough, but I met so many amazing people because of you. I also (as cliche as this is) discovered myself because of you (’: you will always be seen as blessing in my life, and I will never forget the memories you gave me!
Just a reminder to everyone: I was on academic probation 4 times, I didn’t pass 9 classes, I withdrew from 1 class, and I never gave up. I’m not saying that failing so many times is okay to do, but what I want to express is that if you do fail, don’t let it get the best of you. Get back up and keep trying! Don’t give up! There were countless times where I wanted to give up EVERYTHING I worked so hard for, but I didn’t. To anyone who needs this and sees this, you got this (:
Now...for a song that is near and dear to my heart and really explains mine and many others journeys so well
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getinthering · 4 years
yes i have an ochem test on wednesday and i havent even listened to the lectures for the last chapter + there's about 8 hours worth of hw to do in prep for it, but also i have 3 days of taang week to catch up on and a zutara fic building itself in my head,,,,a difficult choice,,,
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lebilliam · 6 years
111 questions with @imaginationisendless3
001: What is your biggest dream? uhhh. that depends on how you define dream. im gonna go ahead and say that the dream is to be able to wake up and go to the airport and just travel all around and come back home to the same old home at the end of the day
002: What is the bravest thing you've ever done? this q is quite a doozy. i really dont keep track of this kind of stuff
003: Is it hard for you to show your feelings? hell ye
004: What is your dream job? What was your dream job when you were little? when i was little i thought looking at space and being an astronaut would be really cool but now its just being able to travel
005: What is your favorite sound? mechanical keyboard clicking hands down
006: Would you rather be in front of the camera or behind it? wait this q seems familiar but im gonna say in front
007: What do you notice first when you meet a new person? (Both in real and on the internet): what kind of memes they like
008: Is there anybody you *fully* trust?: sure theres a list
009: Do you like / love someone? If yes, who?: there was this cute girl once but i never mustered the courage to really talk to her rip 
010: Have you ever received / sent hate? How do you deal with it?: i flame brian and logan all the time but i dont think that constitutes hate mail. tbh i dont recall an instance of being perturbed by excessive hate
011: What are you going to spend money on next?: food in martinique (or maybe some chacos here)
012: What are three things you never leave your house without?: phone, wallet, jacket
013: What is your favorite place?: ive had a lot of favorite places over the last few years but now that im being asked i cant recall any of them. all my favorite places have this one thing that i dont like about them and thats why i have so many
014: Do you sing and/or dance in front of people? nah not earnestly
015: Have you ever cheated on a test?: have YOU? i say i want to cheat on tests all the time bc itd be so easy but im just too lazy to enact a foolproof cheat strategy
016: What is your current desktop background?: last time it was a bunch of functional groups for Ochem, but now its specific reagents and pathways!
017: How would you describe yourself in 3 words? indecisive, unpredictable, decisive (i thnk)
018: What does make you happy?: honestly?? knowing im appreciated
019: What time were you born? uhh i dont know off the top of my head atm but i can check
020: Do you give second chances? Why? why the fuck NOT? well i say that but all the second chances ive given have been disappointments. trying to find someone to surprise me i guess? xd
021: Name your biggest turn ons and turn offs: serious turn offs are lacking empathy for the struggles of others (i say stop being poor ironically, but there are people who really dont get it which is scary to me). turn ons? Jacinda asked me this and my answer still hasnt changed-- the neck. i ALWAYS go for the jugular
022: When was the last time you hugged someone?: hmmmmm probably last month or so?
023: What is your favorite food? GOD dang it i know i say a lot of things are my favorite but now i cant think of anything. something im always down for is KFC though
024: Do you save money or spend it right away? FUCK i try to save it but money just has a way of leaving my hands
025: Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what are their meanings? If no, would you get any?: id love to get tattoos. sleeves and all those seem really neat but also i know im just rash with decisions like that sometimes
026: Name five things you find beautiful: ooo hair in sunlight, pure moments of unadulterated laughter, crafts that people work on, technology, and mechanical keyboards
027: What is your favorite clothing style? (Both in you and others): lately ive been joking about the CLOUT a lot with champion and supreme branded stuff but its ironic. tbh i like buttonups with nice colors.
028: How do you cheer yourself up? i slid into this girl’s dms with this very question and then i linked her a minecraft song parody so i guess minecraft song parodies and stupid things
029: Do you show affection in public?: i would IF I COULD
030: What is one thing you are looking forward to?: martinique, being refreshed enough to actually care about school bc this last semester was a shitshow
031: Have you ever been to other countries? If yes, where?: france, spain, italy, canada, (japan when i was uber young), vietnam, fircrest
032: What was the last lie you told and why? ill start on this at 2pm. i was still in bed at 2
033: Who are the people you can always turn to? mo, lo
034: Have you ever done drugs? If not, would you ever try them?: it sounds like itd be a cool experience but im also scared all of those horror stories where the drugs were laced with other stuff that turns you into a 4 year old
035: What is your favorite word? i think about the word obsequious a lot but i think my favorite word has to go to discord
036: Do you consider yourself a romantic? sure why not
037: What are 3 objects that are *very* important to you and why?: notes section in my phone ( i write a lot of my thoughts and weird dreams in there), my laptop ( i use it literally every single day), my dice ( bc dnd has been uber helpful to me and its a great pastime)  
038: Have you ever met someone famous? If so, who?: nope! not special
039: What would you like to change, mentally and physically, about yourself? id like to start working out but i say that all the time. id like to be more dedicated to school stuff but honestly its whatever. idk jsut trying to be more confident in myself and smiling more
040: Have you ever won a contest/competition? What for? i won a smash tournament once and i got fourth or third in another one but that was a long time ago
041: What is one illegal thing you would do if there were no consequences? steal, armed robbery. 
042: Who are your favorite fictional characters? borutos dad seems kind of cool, they should make an anime about him or something
043: Do you ever wish you were somebody else? yea i wish i was me but better
044: What is your favorite store to shop at? FUEGO and the runway fashion exchange and idk some other cool store but it doesnt come to mind
045: Do you want to have children one day? How many? How would you name them?: i think about it. having children would be cool but also NOT having kids would be cool
046: How do you cope with stress? How do you vent your anger? i say reee unironically but then it makes me feel better 
047: What do you want for your birthday? honestly? lots of money but idk a new set of dice would be nice ore maybe a new computer
048: Have you ever had an imaginary friend? yea probably
049: Have you ever said "I love you" even though you didn't mean it? in the times ive said it i feel like i have meant it but you can never be too sure
050: What is the best advice anyone has ever given you? starting to write down all your feelings and stuff that happens
051: Do you have any regrets? If yes, what do you regret the most? not taking the opportunity to go to high school/ college early / skipping grades / trying harder on admissions tests
052: Do you find tattoos and/or piercings attractive? theyre pretty neat imo i like them
053: Do you want to get married? What are your views on marriage? marriage is such an old concept but also it seems kind of cool
054: Who are you most comfortable around? tbh its been myself for the last few weeks 
055: What are you wearing right now? What do you wear to bed? i am wearing shorts. i try not to wear too much when i sleep bc i overheat but if i have someone else in bed with me ill wear a thin shirt and shorts
056: When is your birthday? feb 26!
057: What is love to you? love is being able to send memes to each other and being able to go from 2 blobs watching videos to a fancy date and 
058: Are you a jealous person? i can be jealous if i dont trust whatever is happening
059: Would you rather go to a party or stay at home? hmm tbh id probably party if my friends were there or if not id stay at home 
060: How many relationships have you had? quite a few
061: Are you a positive person? sure, i guess ;)
062: What kind of people do you feel attracted to? smart people who are smart but also dumb and cute
063: What is the longest time you've stayed awake? oooowee i think 21 hours or so?
064: Have you ever been told "I don't want to lose you"? yep! proceeded to then lose me!
065: What is your favorite genre when it comes to movies? action comedy
066: Do you collect anything? memories and dust and trinkets
067: In your opinion, what is your best quality? i can make you laugh
068: Have you ever changed for someone?yep! it happens and its sad but it happens
069: What is your idea of a perfect date? a date is the entire day, starting out with waking up next to the person, eating breakfast together, maybe do some errands / work out, netflix and chill, chill, go out for a nice dinner and night out, come back, netflix and chill, chill, go to bed.
070: Are you shy or outgoing? i would love to say im outgoing but idk!
071: In your opinion, what is the secret for a great relationship? surprises everywhere
072: Are you the kind of person who breaks rules? hm im sure i did at some point. maybe i still do?
073: Is it hard for you to trust people? yea it can get a lil hard
074: What does your dream house look like? fat front yard, lots of plants, lots of green grass
075: Do you feel attracted to people your age, younger or older? hmm im at the ripe age of 19 where options younger than me are a lil sketch. idk according to the historia older people have been quality
076: How much have you changed over the past year? a LOT boii
077: Longest friendship you've ever had? hmm about 6 or 7 or 8 years
078: Do you have pets? If not, what animal would you like to have? no pets, id love dogs
079: Are you left or right handed? ambidextrous
080: What talent do you wish you’d been born with? perfect pitch would help a lot with what i like to do
081: Where do you get motivation and inspiration? minecraft parody songs, also seeing professionals doing what they do
082: Do you know how to swim? If yes, when did you learn? yea, i learned when i was in bellingham and then i learned more when i was in kent
083: You are given one wish: What do you wish for? i wish for 100 million dollars with no inflation, no taxes, no debts, no one filing a lawsuit or slandering my name (this is all a part of getting the 100 mil. ive thought about getting money a lot)
084: Do you like to give / receive flowers? What is your favorite flower? i like giving flowers bc i feel like if i receive them,  i dont know what to do. its now ur problem if i get you flowers
085: Would you rather travel to a cold forest or a warm beach? warm beach if its not in the early morning when the sun rises, otherwise, forest
086: What is one thing you can't forgive, that can destroy a friendship or relationship beyond repair? if u kill me i dont think i could get over that
087: What is the last thing you purchased? corsair mouse
088: Have you ever broken someone's heart? Ever gotten your heart broken? yep and yep
089: Have you ever cheated on someone? Ever been cheated on? no and yes
090: Do you believe in soulmates? uhhh its possible. theres 8 billion people on this planet, what are the odds that soulmates DOnt exist
091: Is there anybody you would do absolutely *anything* for? If yes, who? hmmmm not anything, but id do a fair bit for my friends
092: Share three facts about your life.: i like to eat, make friends, and travel/experience other cultures
093: Do you believe in love at first sight? i do, but most of the time it isnt reciprocated ;p
094: Would you date someone who smokes / drinks / does drugs / has a mental illness? yea, i dont see why that would stop me from dating them
095: You are given 15 minutes of fame: What would you do? ask for money
096: How is your dream partner like? shes funny, makes me laugh, smells good, etc
097: Would you rather commit to one person or have several relationships? id rather have several relationships so i know exactly what im looking for in a person.
098: What are some of your hobbies? league, hearthstone, watching people play league and hearthstone, french, etc
099: What kind of person do you want to be? i want to be the cool old person when im old
100: What did you have for breakfast? i had some vietnamese cuisine
101: What is your Top 3 favorite shows? What was your Top 3 favorite shows when you were a kid? the office is something i enjoy, mythbusters, uh scooby doo? idk 
102: What are three places you *really* would like to visit one day? hmmm maybe the trevi fountain, il duomo, totally la sagrada familia 
103: What was your last meal? What was your last beverage? breakfast, water
104: Who is the last person you had a deep conversation with? hmm probably anastasia
105: What is one thing that made you smile today? thinking about martinique
106: Do you like taking photos? If yes, what do you photograph the most?i love taking photos, but i never have subjects so i dont really take photos too often
107: Has anyone ever written a poem or a song dedicated to you? Have you? FHCk man i wish. wait there was a 100 things i like about you and i think about it all the time. i actually have written poems and stuff but tis been a  long time and i dont think my creative juices are back from that yet (but trust me, it was straight fire)
108: Do you remember your dreams? If yes, what was the last dream you remember about?: i remember almost all of my dreams because i always tell someone about them and idk talking helps me remember things 
109: If you could go back in the past, would you change anything? If yes, what? i would start learning things so much earlier and stick with theme
110: If you were given 3 million dollars, what would you do with them? invest 2 mill in the bank, get that monthly interest coming back in the mail, use that mill to pay off all my and my friends debts, live life the way i wished i could when i was little
111: What are a few facts about you that not many people know of? i like learning languages but its not profitable in this day and age i feel
'111 Questions': by Ira V. Simon (priveting)
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china-money · 7 years
What was your study routine for MCAT? Did you take any classes for it?
I bought the complete set of prep books from The Berkeley Review (you can probably do the same routine w kaplan books etc bc they are all more or less structured the same way) and did alternating content review and practice question weeks as follows:
content review week = take notes and read through one section of: physics (monday) / gen chem (tuesday) / ochem (wednesday) / biochem (thursday) / biology (friday) / psych (saturday) / verbal or break (sunday) 
practice Q week = do practice questions at the end of each section in the same order as the previous week’s review, so you’ve had about 1 week for the content to sink in and see what you remember 
this lasted about 3.5 months because sometimes I split longer sections into 2 review weeks but you can compress it into a shorter time frame if you have more time to study during the day; I could only realistically do about 2-3 hrs after work and 5-6 on weekends. 
Then last month leading up to the test I would read through my notes every day just to make sure it still made sense to me and then do official mcat question bank sections on the weekend. I also did a ton of khan academy practice Qs for biochem bc they are passage-based and super convenient to do during breaks at work. I’d also recommend khan academy for content review, esp for biochem pathways!! I saved the full length exams for the two saturdays before the test. 
I think the best way to prep is to just be really really familiar with content first bc practice Qs are not going to make up for knowledge gaps and THEN build up stamina for keeping focused bc its like a 7 hour exam 
good luck!!!
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