#i don't ship it but i think u guys might enjoy this post
crayycrayon · 1 month
the butcher had no idea how good he had it (got pinned down by oscar)
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stariekis · 3 months
let me show my love for u.
🛋️ pairing : 엔하이픈 ot7 + gn!reader . genre : fluff . cw : physical contact, kisses, skin ship .
— synopsis : things enhypen members would do to show how much they love you
— note : nothing to add bbies just hope that you enjoy this post <3 reposts and feedback is appreciated as u might know by now ⟡ 🤲🏻 thank you so much mwah !
heeseung : holding / hugging your waist
he is such a waist hugger god ... his arms and hands were made to hold you and you only and he proves it every single time. no matter where you guys are or with how, his arms would be around your waist not letting you go any moment. he does this in a kind of possessive way but only when there's no one he knows around, most of the time he does it unconsciously he is so used to it that now he can't get his hand off you (and you don't want that ~)
jay : holding hands / his wrist
jay has pretty big hands in my opinion so he would have his hand intertwined with yours all the time, giggling every time when he looks at how his hand covers yours completely. but, if he is holding something and both of his hands are occupied the would ask you to hold his wrist, he just want you hands on him every second.
jake : hands on the back pockets of your pants
this can be seen as a very possessive action but it's not the (only) reason why he does that. for him it's a good way to keep you close to him and he loves to keep you close as much as he can so, whenever you guys are out he would keep his hand in your pocket. and also .. why not showing every person that came across you two that you are his only ~
sunghoon : holding pinkies
i don't see sunghoon as a very affectionate person, he is better with words than physical contact. that's why i choose this ) : is a very cute and discrete way to hold hands and i know that he would love to walk around with your pinky finger intertwined with his, a small smile on his face every time he look at your hands.
sunoo : hugs
he is like a big teddy bear u guys ) : sunoo would be hugging you all the time and he wouldn't let you go until you have to go to the restroom like for real ... and he wouldn't control himself even if u guys are in public, he would be walking with you with his hand around your figure or, if you are out with the members, you will probably be on his lap with his arms around you waits. he don't care at all he loves hugging you <3
jungwon : kisses
neck kisses, cheek kisses, forehead kisses, every single type of kisses are his favorite. he loves having his lips pressed against you all the time, he swears that he could spend hours kissing your lips or your chubby cheeks. and the other way around ! he loves when you kiss him, specially when you kiss his dimple ) : is his and your favorite feature of him ~ he feels so loved whenever you or him kiss each other <3
ni-ki : back hugs
he is tall tall and we all know that ... he would surely take advantage of his height, hugging you from behind while resting his chin on top of your head. he does it just as an affectionate gesture or to tease you a bit, always lovingly obvious 🫷🏻 he thinks that your high difference is so cute ) : he would also leave kisses on your nape and caress your arms with his hands.
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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Well that wouldn't be a good thing to do- Its very well known that I don't like fanart of my works..
If you wanna show that you like Bibi, just leave a comment please!
Seriously ya'll, just comments. Reblogs, tags, asks.. what ever form they may take. All I look forward to when posting artwork is reading all the responses. 👍
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Oh they're both fine! :0 Other than some angst ideas I had for them-- they're both still alive and well XD I just haven't drawn them in a while :/
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I can hardly wait! :DDD (And yes you can XD)
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Sorry, I don't take requests. Thank you though!! :}}
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Blackmail XDD
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I still like transformers! Though I'm not really interested in drawing it atm.. thank you though!! :DD
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(Post in question)
XDDD fr tho--
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:DD Thank youuu!! :}}}
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XDD Blue is too big for that too! Though Seafoam might be able to give her a little peck on the cheek 👀 if either of them would just confess their feelings already <XDD
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I know, and I hate all of it. :(
Also thank you so much! :DD
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I was thinking that they're kind'a a cross between the two.
They pillage and raid other ships, but they don't normally go for "innocent" ships.. if they attack anyone, its usually other rotten pirates or slave ships maybe? "Bad" ships I guess you could say-
As for the voice claims. If like you explained- you happen upon an OC of mine and think "HE LOOKES LIKE HE SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE THAT OTHER GUY" Then feel free to send it on over to me! :DD
But don't go out of your way to find voice claims for my characters as a gift or a form of fanart. Remember! All I really want is comments. Engagement with my work means everything to me! <:)
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDD I'm so glad you like him!! :}} And that head injury was kind'a just a pose prompt. Though I might slap some lore on it and make it canon! :00
As for Papyrus.. its complicated.
Papyrus had accepted long ago that Sans and all his friends were gone. And that he was never going to see them again.. It really hurt. And it took him a very long time to accept that fact. But he did. He knows in his soul that his true brother is gone..
That didn't make seeing "Sans" again any less painful though. He probably saw a Sans through the trees in a new Snowdin. Man, I cant imagine how he felt.
The whole multiverse thing was explained to him by Frisk. He knows that's not his Sans. He knows its not him. But gosh. Its been so long since he's seen his brothers smile. What he would give to hear one of his silly puns again. What he would give to hear his voice.. to just.. to hug him one last time..
Frisk would grab Papyrus' hand, "Papyrus.. we need to go.. please, common.."
Seeing the other Papyrus walk into view and begin talking to that Sans.. He recollects himself. Its not him. Sans is gone. He's been gone for a very long time..
With tears streaming down his face, he would find the strength to grip Frisk's hand.. and turn away.
It never gets easier..
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests! Plus the crews already pretty full as it is- <XDD
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I didn't intend to ever draw Frank and Eddie in a romantic light.. becuase yeah like you said, I just don't really like ships. Or honestly any romantic content that isn't my own OCs. Idk I just don't really enjoy drawing it--
But that's kind'a what I feared about the Welcome Home fandom if I'm being honest. I felt like people were really protective over Eddie and Frank. And if I revealed that I wasn't interested in drawing them as an item, canon or not? I felt like I would get a loooot of backlash.
But hey, I found a loophole. Just don't draw them together and there wont be any drama! :D It sucks though becuase Frank is a big part of Eddies lore and all his flashback shenanigans-
(Also thank you! :DD )
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Oh! No no, its just made of seafoam! :0 Though whipped cream would make sense because he's a cookie- <XD
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I do??
Huh.. I guess I do don't I..
What do I do with that power--
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Well the strongest would be Blue Beauty by far- but looking at the smaller cookies? I think Seafoam is probably the strongest. But that's mostly due to him being so big. He's the biggest cookie on the crew and most of his strength just comes from packing more weight to his punch.
Though another toughy on the ship would be Louis. He may not be very big. But boy that crab arm? He has a grip strong enough to break cookies in half. And enough upper body strength to take your pieces and chuck em overboard--- 💀💀💀I wouldn't mess with either of them tbh--
As for the bounty.. that's a good question. :0 I wanna say Seafoam because he's the Captain an all.. but I really like the idea of Cuttlefish having this dark past and a surprisingly huge bounty over her head- 👀👀
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<XD I think you might have got those two words switched around. I don't take drawing requests! But I've considered going back to some old artwork and redrawing them in my updated style.. 👀👀
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Not really.. :( There have been times in the past where I have asked for drawing ideas/requests when I was feeling low. But now a days I have plenty of ideas to draw so I don't need to do that anymore-
And to be totally honest, when someone says "Hey draw this thing for me." It just makes me go-
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You can find all the lore you need about Papyrus in this ask post! Just scroll down a bit and you'll find all the links and a bonus paragraph <XD
As for the tags. If you wanna see my AU with Jevil and the gang, you can find that under my #deltarune tag. They're also tagged under #Undertale but that will also bring up my Refinedtale AU and other au stuff-- :00
As for the Octonauts question, bro I EAT questions like these! :DD
Its a very interesting prompt. Usually we think of Captain Barnacles as very level headed and calm. He seems like one to bounce back from any situation and keep leading the team no problem. But man. After something like that? That's gotta scare him to his core.
I can see Barnacles being more tense and not wanting any of the crew to stray too far from him or the Octopod. I can imagine that he would give Kwazii a lot of time to recover, a lot more than he actually needs. And maybe even going as far to forbid him from going on certain missions.
But after a little time and maybe a talk with Kwazii. I'm sure both Kwazii and the Captain would recover from the experience and continue on as normal.
(Also thank you! I hope this response was along the lines of what you were hoping for-- :00 )
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I pictured it being like really dense soap bubbles. They smell nice and can be picked off his coat or head. But if you jumped on his coat foam you wouldn't sink through. It would be like a big cushion that you could sit on top of. If that makes sense?? <XDD
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Out my OCs? Probably Seafoam 🥺
Out of the game cookies? Uhhhm.. well, I don't really know/remember any of the characters.. But Tea Knight cookie looks really cool! :0 He gives me major Reinhardt vibes :))
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Thank you so much!!!! :DDD
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@insanityislife101 (I couldn't find the post in question :((( )
Oh fr??? Cool! He was in character after all! :DD
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diazfox · 2 months
(A tentative guess about your BuckTommy vs Buddie post)
I guess a big part of it is because it's canon ? It's canon and it seems to work, and it seems to be make Buck calm and fluffy and happy in a healthy way, which is what a lot (all ?) of us want. So we can get behind that, for now.
Your "why not a similar support behind his exes / fetishizing MM relationship" question is valid and i think the difference is because it's the first time someone Buck dates seems to really fit with him without having something that we can pre-shot is going to be a problem, and the first time he goes into a relationship (getting myself ahead of things there) without it being to heal something in him ? And as I've read other people point out, Tommy's not silo-ed out, he has a backstory with the Begins episodes, he is friends with some of the 118, so it makes him less of a plot device than Buck's female exes.
And about the second part, the fetishizing part, i think sadly it's just a real thing that happens here, on tumblr and in fandom spaces : men are seen enjoying being together and fandom smooches them together together. One could even argue that it's the same for Buddie, wanting them to be together together when canon just factually says they are BFFs. I don't think anyone is erasing anything, but all that is canon about Buddie is that they are BFFs (a lot can be read as more that friends but ultimately it's with shipping goggles on, only - i'm not a very optimistic person, though).
I guess some of us think that if they didn't make Buddie happen for this long, then it may be because it is meant to stay on the fandom shipping side ? And we're given this incredible chance to have a canon lgbt character with an unusual story of self-discovery that doesn't happen a lot in tv shows so we're just enthusiastic to go with the flow ?
And if it turns out that the writers have the guts to get Eddie his own self-discovery journey, and if that later leads to Buddie happening somehow, then I think all BuckTommy shippers will be glad that it finally happened, and that it is canon, and is finally the Truth.
damn, thanks for your insight! i do see how things being canon and properly canon (like Tommy having a "backstory") can cause shifts in perspectives looking into the future.
i 100% understand why some might think buddie is a form of fetishization too. ngl i've seen strong arguments like "why can't 2 male characters share a strong emotional bond platonically? why does it have to lead to romance?" i guess my main reason for bringing up fetishization with respect to bucktommy is the fact that they are quite lacking in the "strong emotional bond" department. so it feels pretty much like "2 hot guys kissing and touching each other hell yeah" to me.
but i realise i'm overlooking the fact that this is bi buck's first relationship, though. i forgot to consider the fact that majority of this support for tommy comes from the fact that this is the first love interest of buck's to whom he can give all of himself and get twice as much with all the freedom in the world AS A BI MAN. thank u for putting me on to the fact that i've been misinterpreting this enthusiasm to some degree.
thats not to say that just bc something is canon or just a headcanon everything is set in stone. writers and actors themselves have made it very clear time and time again that audience reactions and engagement matters when it comes to plot development. in your own line of thought, right until 7x 03 they didn't make bi Buck happen for so long. so would u say it was meant to stay merely on the fandom shipping side? i just think the possibilities are endless, and maybe we as a fandom can try to have a bit more resilience to see through fan-originated storylines instead of a "i'll just go with whatever is canon bc it's easier" ethic.
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candewlsy · 2 months
MOOT GAME !!!!!!!!! haha which idol would u ship ur moots with ??
Mooties game lesgaur!!
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❛ @wondipity ༉‧₊˚✧
[Jungwon - Enhypen] During our conversation, Bell and I mainly talked about Jungwon. In my opinion, they would make the most perfect and adorable couple. I can vividly imagine them spending their time laughing, being affectionate and enjoying each other's company all day, every day. Their chemistry is so undeniable and their connection is so strong that it seems impossible for anyone or anything to come between them.
❛ @enmayz-deactivated20240331 ༉‧₊˚✧
[ Jake - Enhypen ] I know she deactivated her account but that won't stop me from adding her to my moot game 😿 ( I miss her) Okay! So, Lily and Jake would be the hottest and coolest couple 😍 Jake is hot same goes for Lily. Lily's not fond of men unless it's her man Jake 🤭 ahem, not gonna talk about the cowboy edit we talked ‼️ I want to be THEIR baby please adopt me.
❛ @chlorinecake ༉‧₊˚✧
Chloe is an absolutely endearing young girl, with a smile that can light up anyone's da (FIGHT ME THIS IS REAL) Riki, on the other hand, is a playful and charming guy, who loves to tease and have fun with his friends. It's easy to imagine that Riki would often pull Chloe's leg, but she wouldn't mind it one bit. In fact, she might even go ahead and dress him up in cute outfits, just to see him blush and pout. Despite Riki's apparent dislike for cute things, it's hard to deny that he secretly enjoys them when it comes to Chloe. The way he looks at her, with a mix of tenderness and mischief, makes it clear that he can't resist her charms. And while they may appear as just good friends in public, it's evident that their relationship goes deeper than that. Behind closed doors, they're passionate lovers, who share a bond that's both electric and intimate 😼
❛ @fakeuwus ༉‧₊˚✧
[Jay - Enhypen] Whenever Jay is mentioned, Nichi will appear. Where there is Jay, there is Nichi. I think Nichi and Jay would be the softest and calmest couple, always following each other around. I can see them staring at each other's eyes under the Moon, spending their time under the blanket cuddling like there's no tomorrow. In their own little world, isn't that cute 😭
❛ @heeslut4life ༉‧₊˚✧
[Heeseung - Enhypen] her username. Yeah, it's obvious. Aeri is a princess and of course, she's attractive and pretty (idk whatchu say about her, she's a princess) Heeseung is attractive and hot. The hottest and most attractive couple ever! I see them tease each other and giggle while kissing 👀 heeseung would probably tease the hell out of her and Aeri being cute and shy whenever he teases her. Other than that, they're also mature. THEY LITERALLY MEANT FOR EACH OTHER BRO DON'T SAY OTHERWISE.
❛ @minhosimthings ༉‧₊˚✧
[Beomgyu - Tomorrow x Together] "Mona's free-spirited nature is perfectly complemented by Beomgyu's lively personality, making them a perfect match. I can easily imagine them causing some harmless chaos, like bursting into fits of uncontrollable laughter in a library and getting kicked out, unintentionally scaring a child with their playful antics, or even sneaking away with candy from unsuspecting kids.
❛ @dear-hoon ༉‧₊˚✧
[Sunghoon - Enhypen] I perceive Lucky as someone who enjoys creating mischief and stirring up trouble. It is widely known that Sunghoon has an outgoing personality, despite being an introvert, and he often engages in impulsive and unpredictable behavior, especially when it comes to getting a rise out of Jay. I envision Lucky and Sunghoon teaming up to provoke Jay and Xyn.
❛ @moon7jay ༉‧₊˚✧
[Jay - Enhypen] Xyn radiates an elegant and expensive vibe, making her and Jay the perfect fashion icon couple. They look great together, often matching their outfits and taking photos of each other to post on social media. I can see them becoming one of those aesthetic and wealthy couples. (Literally adopt me mommy-)
❛ @wonlvkay ༉‧₊˚✧
[Jake - Enhypen] Kayla is such a sweet and charming girl, the perfect match for Jakey 🤭 they'll be the greenest flag couple ever
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kitsunefyuu · 4 months
I got in an argument with two bkdk shippers AT THE SAME TIME on a thread on twitter and it was just.... DELUSINAL
Sorry if this bothers you, I just need to share this with someone else cuz I'm so shocked after that.... If you don't want to post this then don't.
I thought that I knew how they can be but having a direct confrontation made left me literally SHOCKED because I've never encountered & talked with people so onto something to the point that they misunderstand what they read with their own eyes.
They claimed that Bakugo and Izuku's character developement only happeneds when they are together wich is just SO WRONG. For Bakugo you could argue that it is like that because he learns to calm down and accept other ppl but with Izuku it is clear as hell that it's not the case. Take vigilante deku arc as an exampre, take those last chapters as an example of Izuku's developement that is not done alongside Bakugo's.
But what actually shocked me the most was the "Bakugo saw All Might's vestige so he must be inside ofa" but it didn't go in the direction you might think it went.
Instead of saying that he still has ofa embers left or something the guy who started the thread with their bkdk ramblings said that it was confirmed by Hori that Bakugo has no embers left and that the reason why he can join the vestige realm is because his "feeligs of love" broke the rules of ofa. Wdym broke the rules of ofa you ask? Well he was bringing up the panel in which it was explained Afo's plan to steal ofa by using Tomuras hatred. Yeah. That is how Bkg "broke" ofa's rules. Bc if Afo is "enhanced" by hatred, whatever this means, it has NEVER happened nor implied, then ofa's rule for new users to be passed on/someone to exist in the realm can be affected by love. This was never even implied to be able to happen. It's just bullshit. HE AIN'T COMING BACK THIS ARC LET HIM STAY PASSED OUT WHAT DO U HAVE WITH HIM AND LET IZUKU HAVE CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT WITH TENKO
They ended up telling me that I didn't read the manga. Yeah, sure, I didn't read.
Oh and the guy that rambled about bkdk had 'proshipper' in his bio so, yeah, he was already disgusting.
And it seems that the other bkdk's also think the same delusions bc this is what I found on another unrelated post: "Soooo Izuku going to share Explosion Quirk with Kacchan. This really have sense, he losing every Quirk he have but Kacchan went to OFA alive, since Deku will not lose OFA but only OFA quirk he can share Explosion Quirk since Kacchan break OFA rules."
Frickin delusional
Sorry if I bothered you.
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And this is why I just avoid talking to BkDk shippers or interacting with anyone on twitter in general. Sorry twitter users I know you need to rely on it but I draw the line at interacting with insane people. You should just block them there no reason to debate them.
On another note, Proshipper was originally meant to just say for shipping. As in leave people alone and let them ship, it other people who turned it into problematic ship. Just wanted to clear that up since it feels like Anti's have took something meant to be about being inclusive into something disgusting, and people with bad intentions ran with it. It sad.
Now back to BkDk, don't worry most of these delusional people aren't going to stay long. With how shallow and delusional their love for the series is they will eventually run out of steam once the series in. That's my hope anyway, love or hate the DFO theory but at the least the people in the fandom are actually talking about the plot and story.
While BkDk are only hyperfocused on their ship to the point of obsession. Ignoring everything that contradicts it like you can enjoy a ship and not be insane about it. I like TdDk but you don't see me trying to twist canon into something unrecognizable for it. As I know it not end game nor is romance even important.
It's a shonen manga first. Romance is not it main goal or purpose, again it's twitter. Just ignore them or block them. They aren't worth your time at ALL, your mental health will thank you for it.
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pebblysand · 3 months
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chapter: i. out of sand (baby girl)
wordcount: 10, 157
playlist: notes here
castles FAQ: here
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g e n e r a l t h o u g h t s:
I felt very emotional, beginning this chapter. There is a sense of finality in this project that I hadn't quite grasped before. This is - in all probability - the last time I read this fic. This is the last time I read this chapter. A chapter I have read dozens of times in the past few years - every time I was stuck, every time I needed to 'get back in.' Most of these paragraphs roll off the tip of my tongue when I read them out loud, because I've seen them so many times. And, I know that for you, reading this, this might not be the last time. Because you will go back, re-read this fic as many times as you like for as long as the internet exists. But I won't. That's not how my brain works, and I need to put projects behind me. To make room for new ones. And, so there is a sense of excitement, yes, reaching the end, but also a sense of grief.
If everything goes well, and if I do post the last chapter when I intend to, castles will have been four years of my life, almost to the day. COVID came and went, so did a couple of jobs, a relationship, a parent. I recently listened to an interview from Alexandre Astier where he described meeting someone in a supermarket once, who asked for an autograph for her husband. 'Ah, he's a massive fan,' she said. 'Though, to be honest, I never got into your work myself.' He was talking about how, for 'normal' people, people who aren't artists, someone else's art is just that: something that you like or don't like. But, for us, it's a part of ourselves. It's thousands of hours of work. And, sometimes, I wonder what castles says about me. What these thousands of hours have come down to. If I die tomorrow, which I hope I do not, this is one the things that I will leave behind me. And, so: what does it say about me? I mean: beyond the politics and the feminism and the quirky little interests. I mean: me, as a person. What do castles readers know about me? I'm not sure I even want to know.
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t h e r e - r e a d:
I really enjoyed re-reading this chapter. It's funny to me how for you guys, depending on when you started the fic, you might have read multiple versions of this. I didn't make any big changes, nothing massive, but I did add a couple of scenes/lines here and there throughout the years, I'm curious to see whether you will notice.
in terms of the chapter itself, i think one of the things i like most about it is how it flows. it has that very distinctive castles prose to it, with the timeline that moves back and forth, the run-on sentences, the spiralling in and out of scenes. i recently got a comment on ff.net (lol) that said the chapter was messy and unreadable. and i think in a way, i like that. because frankly, if that bothers you in chapter 1, then you're probably not the right person for this fic, you know? i think chapter one serves its function well. a first chapter is supposed to be an intro, a taste of what you will read next, and i think it is perfect in that. it introduces the plot, the dynamic between the characters. it's long enough to signal that this isn't a fic where you'll read fifteen chapters in half an hour. i think you can read chapter one and tell if this is a fic you'll enjoy or not. and, that's what i want, really. that's what a first chapter should do.
having said that, i think there are two things i want to specifically dive into.
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t h e h y p o:
early in the writing of castles, i used to get a lot of criticism about my version of post-war harry and ginny. particularly, there seems to be a subsection of the hinny-shipping crowd that basically thinks that harry and ginny would just meet after the war, scream at each other (or, that at least, ginny would be angry at harry for leaving her behind), kiss and make up, and pour their hearts out to each other about past events. specifically, these people believe that ginny is very good at weeding secrets out of harry, at getting him to talk, and thus the events of castles are not canon compliant with both of these characters.
i feel like objectively, it's not really my place to say whether that's correct. i think multiple versions of the same thing can be 'correct' depending on how you write them. but, if that's what floats your boat, if you have a very strong headcanon about this, then fine - by all means, go read something else (again, that's also the point of chapter 1). but i think this hypothesis sort of stuck in my head for a while, in light of the comments i was getting, because i couldn't help but wonder if that version of things isn't simply an idealised version of reality.
because, to read the books strictly: 1) ginny's anger at harry isn't obvious. you could argue it is there but she's actually quite calm in the break up scene. i am not sure she is that angry with him, especially when you think that she's just been through a war, lost a brother, etc. i think ginny is someone who knows there is a time and place for anger, and who is also incredibly strong and resilient. she still kisses him even after the break-up, after he's clearly decided to leave her behind , so i'm not sure she would lash out in these circumstances. additionally, 2) there's actually not that much evidence that harry and ginny talk to each other - ever. they're a hot and heavy thing, but they don't share much emotional stuff on screen. you can interpret the 'sunlit days' however you want, in the absence of further information, but it's not a given that ginny ever shares anything of importance about her past or her traumas, like what happened with tom. the one scene everyone always points to is the 'lucky you' scene, but that's a mutual understanding more than it is a conversation. she actually never mentions anything beyond very utilitarian details meant to help harry realise he's not being possessed. and, harry never canonically tells ginny about anything of importance in his life either.
and so what all of these comments drove me to do, a few months ago (i think i added this in september 2023) was to link that to the theme of those early chapters of castles. because one of the key elements of chapters 1-3, specifically, is this idea of the lifeline. of the way harry and ginny have spent months, at this point, idealising each other, idealising their reunion, for it to later come crashing down on them. and so i thought i would use the opportunity of chapter one to 1) try and address the 'criticism' above, and 2) make it fit within the world of castles. it led to this:
In his head, their reunion would have been something sweet, like her lips moving against his, the taste of the raspberry-flavoured lip balm she used to wear the year before. He would have confessed to all of his sins, to almost dying, to Hallows and Horcruxes, to the fear and the nightmares, to leaving her behind. ‘I’m sorry,’ he would have said. ‘I am so, so sorry.’  And, he would have tried to explain like he did last year, that all he ever wanted was to protect her, to keep her safe, and she would have yelled. Shouted at the top of her lungs in a rapid succession of angry jabs about what an arsehole he was. ‘I can take care of myself!’ she would have thrown back. ‘You left me!’  He would have looked to his feet. With time, he hopes that they would have fixed it. In reality, though, Ginny Weasley hands him a toothbrush that morning, as he sits back on his heels. Her stare digs holes into the side of his face and he wonders if, had he been Hermione or Luna (had he been a friend, still), she would have cajoled him. Handed him a wet towel for his forehead. Instead, she closes the door behind her on her way out. ‘You should shower,’ she says.
i love the sort of whiplash effect this scenes gives, of the fantasy v. post-war reality, which is obviously a massive theme in castles. and i also love the way it subtly signals that ginny might have changed (just like he has) throughout the war. because, obviously, she has, and we later find out why.
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s e x a n d f u n e r a l s:
i cannot express how attached i am to that scene, and to that line in particular. i think there's a number of reasons for this:
first, it's the line that basically motivated me to start castles for real in 2020. i have said this before in other posts but i started drafting some sort of post-war hinny fic as early as 2007. i never finished anything, then when i was 17 (2010), i did a re-read and actually drafted something new. then dropped it again. and, that file transferred from laptop to laptop, from file to file for ten years without me touching it much. until covid came and i was looking through my drive, and i tenderly read what 17-year-old me had written back then, including this 'first time' sex scene which, to be honest, has mostly remained untouched in the final version of this. and, i remember finding it, reading it, and thinking the rest of what i had written was a bit cringe, but that one scene seemed to work. and then, i got to the (now famous) line: to him, the spring of '98 is about sex and funerals, and thought fuck, that's a good line. like, a really good line. and i didn't want to let it go to waste. and, so, four years later, here we are.
i think that line is a very good symbol of what this story is about. 'sex and funerals' - it's a metaphor for how life is about the good and the bad things. that they co-exist as one single entity, and that the beauty of what we do, of the way we live, resides somewhere in between. it's why i chose it as the summary back then, and why it is still the summary now. i really built the entire fic around that line. so, yeah, 17-year-old jo, you already had something going for you, darling.
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l a s t l y:
a thought i had while re-reading (and please don't come at me for this), is that... this could have been a one-shot. like, it really could have. i finished chapter 1 and there's a sort of finality to it, isn't there? like, i'm glad i continued this fic, but part of me thinks that all i've been trying to say in the past four years actually is in this chapter. obviously, not as detailed or subtle, but it's there, you know? it could have been a one-shot, lmao.
but anyway, i'm curious, did you guys enjoy your re-read? did you notice the changes i made throughout the years? did you enjoy them? feel free to send me an ask or join the discord server to discuss. i'm so excited to get this discussion started and hear your thoughts!
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Rogue thoughts and reactions--->
not taking many notes this time cause i wanted to Savour this one tbh and what a blast so far
rogue and doctor so far is like. rtd striking gold potentially here (i kno he didnt write this one i mean more like. in the long run. i could see fans going crazy over this Type of ship and spending sweet $$$$ on it lol).
ruby looking at this "scene" like it's a tv show………. live…….. honey u best believe in ghost stories hyper post-modern genre tv show seasons cause u are in one
cushy… wordsmiths-ing count…
"ruby: you know how i forget about a man?" with a woman? (shot)
the parallel of these guys "dishonoring" these ppl while the doc and ruby do kind of the same all the time sdkflj
mmm second time i see a triangle logo (it was there last ep on the door to the MEP area that lindsey and rickey ran into. camera held on suspiciously long on it…) (triangles…. three…. susan TRIAD???)
doctor this says you're single and available. oh another word. "very" available.
"wow" boner dialogue
mention of gallifrey.... "i might take you one day" oh man. oh man………..
"random barren dimension" yes this is not an equivalent to a silent confinement analogue at all don't think about it too hard guys
"i lost everyone"
they're leaning on……………. oh yaz just broke a coffee mug somewhere
maybe the real enemy was fandom all along
ok im enjoying The Concept a lot, as expected…….. but gotta say rogue does feel a bit two dimensional so far :/ (maybe even a bit cliche?) i feel jack in his first ep had more depth at first for example (bounty hunter but also lost his memory. doing amoral things but being swayed by the doctor at the end. etc). but there's time THERE'S TIME. DONT LE TME DOWN EPISODE PLEA SE. there's always a twist-
you people and your bridgetons. in my time this would all be a big ass downtown abbey reference
sad thing is this is def one episode i wont be able to watch with my homophobic parents at all oof lmao
this dialogue.... kinda thoschei acadamy years coded ngl
"tell me what your heart wants or i shall turn my back on your forever" defining 15 character dialogue……….
(commitment phobe doctor moment. my girl hastn changed at ALL) (btw intrigued by rogue's "i lost them" bc it could mean a lot right. it's the most delibarely ambiguous of pronouns dklfjsd like it could be a nonbinary character but could also be a couple characters? or maybe im reading it wrong sdlkjf)
play our games on a magnificent scale…………… games motif……….
"i thought i was interesting- but you??" exactly!!! doctor who>>>>>>>> bridgerton/all other tv shows. case made.
god i feel so stupid. i dint catch that twist at all TOT
wedding season finale. chuldur's know where it's at.
oh finally there's the scene from the trailers!!!!!!!!!
"how long do they live for?" oh he's gonna says A Thing "thats a long time to suffer" I WASN'T WRONG /GOES FERAL ( i knew the family of blood coding was leading somewhere…)
the doctor beatiing these cosplayers with his "i object" tv tropyness……….. the meta of it……… theory gang we're gonna make it yet i swear
ok yes this is sad poor ruby but like. but literally last month 14 killed/sacrificed donna w/o sm hesitation so sdklfjdsklfjsdklfj (yes im still like. HEY THAT WAS A SIGNIFICANT THING THAT HAPPENED. WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT IT.)
oh is rogue a chuldur as well? he feels too invested in the trolley problem of it all sdlkfj
im gonna say it.... i thought that resolution was kinda........ as the kids say..... weak sauce sfkdj
like oh nooo he got teleported oh noooo. like he's gonna be fine slkdfjsd didn't really hit that hard :/ should have had a proper death sacrifice thing.
"im sorry....." "....AAAANYWAY , it is what it is!!!! " my man is so broken holy shit. holy shit.
it's ok to be sad. !!!!! TOT
sdlkjf ya'll i really wanted this to harder but idk i didnt feel the depth or sensibility this called for was there tbh. but it was a blast!!! but … it missed a bit of that x factor thing. like some kind of universality to the romance w/ the rogue. i feel he was too sketched-in.... i was also a bit disappointed that ruby's friend was not her friend bc it meant her whole thing this ep of connecting to that woman was for nothing (and up until that point it was feeling very Important specially after the marti thing) (and speaking of, the chuldur's were kinda very sketched-in / surface-level as villains as well) … yeah. idk. kinda disappointing ngl (diodati > this i think). pretty fucking gay tho so that was nice.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Short replies! As many as I can write in 30 minutes! Let’s goooooooooo
Anonymous asked:
Deuce should have put a ring on his mom if he didn't want anyone to flirt with her. she's free for picking
Yeah, by the time Deuce figures it out there’s going to be a line of people who want to put a ring on his mom, and I stand in this line too.
Anonymous asked:
Which anime characters do you love drawing the most?
This is such a difficult question to answer, I can’t pick 😭 Pretty much every title that we watch or read or play has a bunch of characters that I adore drawing, but I guess I gravitate towards characters with long hair and unusual hairstyles or outfits?? I also feel the urge to try to draw a character when they are out of my comfort zone, which doesn’t mean that I always do it or good at it, but I always have fun drawing stuff in a different art style (like the guys from Scott Pilgrim),with complicated outfits (like Barok van Zieks) or with mechanic parts (like Ortho!)… but the last one is pretty recent, I just noticed that I kind of enjoy drawing it. I guess I love a challenge? In a way? It’s just more fun that way.
By my comfort type of character and a default option would be a gloomy boy/girl in a hoody, my heart is always smiling whenever I draw this type.
Examples of some of my faves throughout the years (without twst): Levi (SnK), Ainosuke (sk8), Killua (HxH), Shiroba (DMMD), Apollo Justice (AA), Geto (JJK)… this is just a few of them.
I also still think that Prussia from Hetalia is our ultimate boy because I’ve been drawing him for about 15 years now lol
Anonymous asked:
Omg, your boob post,bless u... What would Riddle think of her childhood friend having those honkers though?? (Also, her burying her face in those tits or fondling them with curiosity lol)
Ahh thank you so much, Anon!! <3
I still giggle every time I think about how we ended up with poor Riddle being surrounded by busty girls, I swear it wasn’t intentional. But the more I think about it, the funnier and more Freudian it gets… what an aggressive way to heal mommy issues and an acute deficiency of tight hugs.
To answer your question, I think Riddle was kind of surprised when she saw Trey after being separated because she didn’t think boobs could get that big. Logically yes, it makes sense, but seeing it in person is different. Riddle always does her best to be proper and act like a lady, but I can imagine her eyes sliding down all the time during their first conversation. Trey would absolutely notice…
Riddle is indeed very curious, and it’s pretty obvious, but she would never talk about it or even ask to touch Trey’s boobs, but maybe one day… you know, for science… or Trey is just going to offer it herself lol save that girl, Trey.
Honestly? If Riddle could just bury her face in Trey’s chest for a minute or two, I think a lot of her tantrums would just… not happen. She would be so calm…
Alright, now Trey owes this to humanity.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Why do I deeply headcanon Night Raven Collage have orgies? I kind of blame you
😭Look at us being the worst influence on this fandom LOL
Ironically, I don't think we ever talked about orgies and such?
NRC might have a secret student society for orgies though...
Anonymous asked:
Eric Venue can get it though 🥵
And he did! That’s how we got Vil 🥰
hipsterteller asked:
Have you seen Vil’s father?! And why do I get a feeling you might be putting him and Trein together?
Yes, we have! He looks great, and based on everything we’ve seen and heard so far (as always, we aren’t watching the event just yet), he is everything we wished and expected him to be, so I’m very satisfied hehe.
I don’t know about your feeling though, do you want us to? 👀 Is it because of another certain stylish young man?
We don’t know who we’re going to ship Papa Schoenheit with though, only time will tell…
Anonymous asked:
just wanted to say i absolutely adore your Ortho x Vil stuff!
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I am very happy that you love them!
Anonymous asked:
Do ya think Sebek has fantasies ab breeding Malleus
Kind of talked about it here!
But also in general, I feel like Sebek has all kinds of dreams about Malleus, like he wouldn’t dare to actively fantasise about it, but his mind keeps showing him so many naughty scenarios that he finds it very difficult to look at Malleus after that sometimes…
Anonymous asked:
Do you guys ever think about how Floyd would try to breed Riddle?
Because he probably didn't understand how human bodies work at first (was probably taught but got bored listening)
Floyd probably like : Where the baby bump?
Then Riddle would be like : Baby bump? I can't have babies -
*insert small sad Floyd in eel form here*
Awwww, poor eel, he was so sure that he found his mate 😔 Keep trying, buddy, maybe you’ll get him next time. Or the time after that. Basically, just keep mating with him until you change his entire anatomy lol
We haven’t really thought about this specific theme, but we did talk about Floyd being in heat and being all over Riddle, so at least there’s that!
Anonymous asked:
Hello!!  Iirc, you guys don't read the TWST mangas or light novel right?  There's a bit in the new 4-koma manga I'd thought you'd like: Rook, Leona, and Idia have to paint something and then make it move with magic.  Rook paints himself about to shoot an arrow that always aims at Leona.  Then the Rook in the painting comes to life and terrorizes the Savanaclaw students, so Leona smacks Painting!Rook with his canvas where P!Rook decides to stay.  Leona's okay with it cause it means he doesn't have to paint anything.  Idia's just there to judge I guess.
(new head canon, Leona's a pillow princess)
Hi Anon! Yeah, I heard that they’re making a 4-koma manga, and even though we don’t read any additional twst material, I really love that they’re making it! I love 4-komas, they’re silly lol
The one that you described is golden and pretty in-character; god poor Idia who had to witness all that lol I love that just running around and shooting beast boys is pretty much Rook’s entire essence…
It also makes sense that Leona would do something like this omg, paint your own picture you lazy bitch 😭
(also not a headcanon, Anon, this is 100% factual)
Anonymous asked:
I….That anon was….personally offended by a headcanon? I’m so confused…
(related to this reply)
Maybe?? I don’t know, but they weren’t rude about it or anything, so I hope it’s all good.
Anonymous asked:
Jade can gaslight me all he wants…
Don't encourage him, Anon... he is already very ill-behaved.
Anonymous asked:
Jinx from Arcane looks like Idia’s long lost sister.
Don't know much about her other than her design and some bits and pieces of her story, but Idia with two pigtails would look very cute.
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ae-neon · 1 year
Nessian Rant part 3
First I wanna say the looneys in this fandom make it so unbearable to be here and just have fun. I used to post whatever I wanted without a second thought but now everything has to sit in the drafts for 3 days while I stress over how people might react.
Fuck that.
I'm gonna scream about what I wanna scream about and if you take it personally that's your problem. These are just characters, clock in to reality and stop acting like they raised you.
I always see my Nessian mutuals talk about acowar Cassian and trilogy Cassian as a whole being so great but...
To be clear I don't mean Cassian as a standalone character, he's literally amazing alone but in Nessian? Be serious
He's also amazing with every other woman he comes into contact with except Nesta... 🤦🏻‍♀️ can't believe yall stan this ship, stand up rn please 😭 lolol jk. This is just a rant, ship literally whatever the fuck you want, luv u 🫶🏼
I said in a recent answer that the key to enjoying SJM's books is abiding by the Sarah Says rule.
Listen to what Sarah Says even if you read with your own eyes that in canon that "character A got shot by character B", if Sarah Says "well actually B doesn't have fingers so he couldn't pull the trigger and A actually shot himself from 3 feet away being both the victim and the gunman" then that's that.
I'm gonna refer to the facts on paper as canon and what Sarah Says as the narrative and what fans think as fanon.
The thing with a lot of (anti Feysand pro Nessian) fans is they can break the Sarah Says rule only when they want to.
They see past the narrative and fanon to look at the canon and say "I don't like that/ I don't think that's healthy/ that guy sucks/ they both suck"
But then will say acomaf and acowar Nessian was great. What was sooooo great about it? I'm not gonna act like they don't have good moments but they definitely aren't as good as fanon or the narrative makes them out to be.
Let's look at their first meeting
Narrative/ Sarah Says/ Feyre's Mind: Cassian is looking at Nesta and Nesta is ignoring Cassian. There's a little back and forth. Nesta tries to ignore him, he doesn't like that. Do you feel some tension? I feel some tension
Fanon: Cassian was the only one brave enough to call Nesta on her BS and dish it back to her/ he got under her skin/ finally someone tells her off etc you know what I'm referring to
Canon: Feyre and Elain frequently challenge Nesta and she more often than not gives in to them. The IC are in the house because Feyre wants to be there and Elain said to hear them out. In that same scene, Feyre essentially tells Nesta she's living her best life and to fuck off. And power to her. That's just their dynamic.
But Cassian? Cassian is a stranger. He's in her house. He's asking for her help. His HL is asking for her help. So why was he antagonising her?
The narrative and fanon loves to act like Cassian is at best an equal and at worst below Nesta in some way and he's just stepping up to meet her energy but ???
Nesta didn't want them in her home. She worried that just working with them would put herself and others in danger. She didn't want to become Fae. She didn't want to share her story to garner sympathy for the NC. She didn't want to kill or use swords.
But all of those things happened anyway??
She's always the one backed into a corner and then treated like she was on equal ground just cause she's still got her pride? That single sin of not breaking is always punished again and again.
Do you see how you've bought into what Sarah Says?
Hybern and the Cauldron?
Cassian was twitching trying to reach for her, this was the moment we knew for sure they were gonna be mates omg
And Nesta? She was right. Everything she feared would happen did but even worse? She and Elain have been kidnapped and she doesn't know why they're being dunked like chicken wings but the fucking pot tried to kill her. She's the one who fell for an eternity and fought her way back to life.
No offense but not the greatest moment to base your romance on since you have to swivel the camera away from a woman in a traumatizing situation to point at a man and say look how seeing her hurt hurts him 🤕
And acowar??? The supposed golden era of Nessian?? Babe, that's just spray paint
It's Nesta who stands up for Cassian at the HL Meeting. You know what she also does? Recount her trauma to strangers, she isn't feeling well, she stands up for innocent humans and fae, she commands a room full of the most powerful men on the Continent.
It's Nesta who calls for Cassian, saves his life, and covers her body with his. These are Nessian moments yes but they are Nesta's actions. It was her who made Nessian shine.
Cassian? He promised her forever and then ignored her? Pulled away, got embarrassed or something who the fuck cares.
But this is your man - look at the canon - this is your man??
And you said yes.
That's why you got ACOFAS. That's why you got your 500 year old man telling a shell shocked, dying woman that he didn't know why her sisters loved her. That's why you got a leader of legions raging like a 14 year old league player. A whole r/AITA villain
And that's why he embarrassed y'all in ACOSF. That's why you got EIGHT HUNDRED PAGES AND NOT A SINGLE I LOVE YOU because you already accepted less than the bare minimum
Because you failed to apply the rule equally for both ships.
Cassian is also in a power imbalanced relationship with Nesta, he's also 500 years older than her so why suddenly have issue with him having control over her and using it to break her and reshape her how he wants?
Again. You can ship what you want. You can indulge in fanon all you want. I support that. Just hope you know that that's what you're doing.
Mutuals don't hate me 😭
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bladesmercy · 3 months
001 for sfkr and clerith!
oomf u know me so well. thank you for letting me yap >:-)
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
sefikura 🐍♡☁️
when I started shipping it if I did:
there's actually a funny story to this one. > be me. > guilelessly playing kingdom hearts 2 in 2019. > "what the hell is these dudes' deal. i wonder if people ship them at all" > open ao3 thinking there might be a handful of fics > "oh there's a couple more than a few, huh" > life ruined.
my thoughts:
my favorite little guys in anything ever. they surgically removed my personality to make room for more sefikura. truly i have never loved a ship as much as this one. literal otp of all time.
What makes me happy about them:
everything? they're so funny and silly to me. extremely pathetic creatures. two absolute losers. i think of them and i always smile. i love the fact that each of them have independently made their personality revolve around each other at different points in time, it's so funny.
What makes me sad about them:
EVERYTHING. the fact they will never have a happy ending. the fact they will be enemies in every (canon) universe. the fact they are two extremely broken people who are uniquely equipped to understand each other and that won't be enough to save them.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
tbh i'm so picky with what i like and don't like about how both these guys often end up characterized, but i also think all interpretations are valuable in their own way. i can't think of any huge annoyances, except that i have very Specific feelings/headcanons about sephiroth in crisis core era, and usually won't read things that veer too far away from that.
things I look for in fanfic:
i love any and all fics where the author makes it obvious that sephiroth is just. completely besotted. and i think cloud feeds off of that, even if he won't admit it. i'll read just about anything with these two, but i especially love stories where authors can articulate the crux of their dysfunction really well. yes, these two have have immense amounts of hate, and blood, and pain between them, but (especially on sephiroth's end) there is also an Intense desire for intimacy, of any kind. these two things juxtaposed well is just magical to me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
no one. i say that as a joke but it's pretty much true. for cloud i do also ship him hardcore with aerith (somewhat against my own will XD), but outside of that i don't really multiship these two anymore. i used to be a Hardcore multishipper, and while i still appreciate things like some polyshipping (other cleriseph enjoyers where are you, i need food of that ot3 so bad), i honestly can't enjoy the thought of them being with anyone else. i miss being a multishipper, because these days pretty much every single other ship with them (outside of clerith) has become a notp for me. ;w;
My happily ever after for them:
in canon? haha. the closest i could see them in canon ffvii (and the closest i think part 3 of remake would get to giving them a 'happy' ending) is having a moment of resolution similar to what kuja and zidane get in ffix. i would be satisfied with that for canon. BUT if we're taking all the stops off, i want to see the dramatic epic pining slowburn post-AC where they eventually figure out how to lead semi-normal lives alongside each other. this is making me want to write that now....maybe that will be my next fic project.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
there's an obvious answer here with consideration to builds and hair lengths, i think. i like to think cloud has accepted his fate to have this 7 foot tall piece of brick clinging to him like an octopus.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
this is another obvious one, and i'm tempted to say 'fighting', but i'm not sure that clears the bar of non-sexual for them. my second choice is that i think they would just genuinely enjoy being around each other in silence. they're both such introverts, and i like to think of them just recharging quietly with each other.
clerith ☁️♡🌎
when I started shipping it if I did:
let me preface this by saying that when remake came out in 2020, i had less than zero interest in vii's infamous love triangle. i wanted no piece of it in my heart or my home. then the game came out and cloud and aerith gripped me by the throat and violently dragged me into falling in love with them by being so damn charming and heartfelt and perfect for each other.
my thoughts:
i love these two so damn much. i really Really loved them in remake, and rebirth intensified this to a level i could Not have anticipated and is currently ruining my life. i love them. i love that they are soulmates, romantic, platonic, or something in-between. i love that their bond and chemistry is near-instantaneous, i love that cloud blooms into letting himself experience softness around her, i love that aerith finally has someone who cares about making her happy and standing by her so damn much.
What makes me happy about them:
so much. their love is so pure and tentative. their vibes to me run parallel to how i see and experience the early 20s as a queer person, essentially the second teenage-hood where you're still feeling yourself out as a person, and you have no idea what you're doing. you feel like you're missing out on a lot of the fundamental experiences that 'normal' people have already had, and i feel like both cloud and aerith mirror that emotion, thanks to the fucked up circumstances of both their lives. aerith is cloud's first real friend after nibelheim (and potentially ever, depending on how close you think he was with zack. to me, i hc cloud and zack were pretty friendly, but not especially close prior to the nibelheim incident.) and cloud is also one of aerith's first friends. they've both suffered such acute loneliness and isolation in their lives, and the fact they find healing for that in each other is so so special to me. the fact that aerith is the person most able to reach through to the person cloud Really is, even under everything he's got going on, makes me so deranged.
What makes me sad about them:
well. there is a very obvious answer. so there is definitely That. that's kind of a big deal.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
honestly i feel like i don't have many specific fanfic annoyances in general, because if a fic annoys me i just stop reading it, and then my adhd makes me forget i read it to begin with.
things I look for in fanfic:
i really love everything with these two, i love all the cute fluff happy ever afters they don't get to have in canon, but i also love the angst and the drama and the trauma. usually i just gravitate towards any fics that i feel understands the characters well or has interesting ideas, the exact plot or type of scenario is less important to me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
in my heart, cloud's endgame ship is always sephiroth. as for aerith, i'm also a Huge zerith shipper (yes i am in constant emotional pain, how did you know), but aeriseph also firmly has a place in my heart.
My happily ever after for them:
any. any of them. i want the most tooth-rotting fluffy ending for these two. (admittedly, their iconic tragedy is a part of why i love them so bad. without it, my emotional investment would be Nowhere near as high.) i've been reading a lot of wedding/alternate future fics with these two lately and they all make me ;w;
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
i genuinely think it goes both ways, but if i had to say i think cloud is doomed to be a little spoon in any lifetime.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
oooh tough one!! i think aerith would love teaching cloud to garden....though i'm not sure he would be any good at it. but i have faith in him to learn.
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squishmallow36 · 11 months
hii . might be a strange question but can u explain the appeal of detz to me. like, i have a req i may or may not do but i just. dont really get it? and i dont want to just draw ship art with no flavor. and ur also the fedex guy i think. thank you :)
Wait /I'm/ the fedex guy? I mean to me @/kamikothe1and0nly is the fedex guy but sure. Why not? I definitely have a lot of thoughts about them (my one single brain cell is almost constantly microwaving them), I just sometimes forget that people are aware that I exist. I apologize in advance if this gets long.
You might want to scroll through @/askdetz as well, although there's a story on there that's been going on since I want to say March? so reverse chronological might not be your friend but yeah. Good source right there. @/kale-of-the-forbidden-cities also has a fedex mermaid au so that might be another source if this post is insufficient.
For me, I think the reason I first got into it was because I liked the name. Ship it like fedex is just absolutely iconic. And also I project onto Dex. A lot. I used to have an obsession with finding 7-up trucks when I was younger so I think it was meant to be but that's up for debate.
Canonically, we see Dex and Fitz going from--I don't like to call them enemies because it was certainly one-sided on Dex's side. He was sooo mad. For reasons. Probably gay ones but he isn't aware of that. but sort of enemies--to friends. These scenes are just about the only things in the books I remember some days and we don't even get to see the one in neverseen where they agree to be friends. Nevertheless, a "enemies" to friends to lovers arc definitely is something that Is fun to play with in fics. Also this might be the aromanticism talking, but that kind of arc does require a certain amount of slowburn and I need that to believe anything.
Dex and Fitz are also foils of each other, especially in the first few books. While Fitz is perfect, Dex is the imperfect son of a bad match, and that contrast is just so, so fun.
But it's not just a case of opposites attract. Just like how kam works, they've got a whole bunch in common. We know that Fitz is the top of his class, so he is more than likely a giant nerd. We also know that Dex is a technopath (and I project onto him) so he's also more than likely a giant nerd. While they have different skill sets--I assign Dex all the stem stuff and Fitz the history and english stuff--they're absolutely going to be listening to each other infodumping about the new thing they learned this week and the listening one doesn't understand any of it. Adore that for them.
They're also angry little assholes in canon despite what fanon wants to do to Dex. Anger (especially at society) is a trait that I enjoy in my blorbos.
It's also very easy to write them to be extraordinarily oblivious to everything. And that's always fun. Fitz is going to be oblivious (even to his own feelings) as a requirement to participate in society and Dex isn't going to believe that Fitzroy Vacker knows that he exists.
And then as the brant guy I'm sure you understand how society making a relationship difficult is a fun concept and Fedex has that too. Them dating would be an automatic bad match and the fact that Fitz has to carry around his family's legacy is something I think about. A lot. Probably too much.
If you have any more specific questions just let me know. I may be forced to paint today so it might be a couple of hours before I see anything but I will answer any questions. Eventually.
Tldr: they're my idiots, your honor :)
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Oh my God pls dont go on twitter right now its insane. Some carylers and richonners are again arguing and its tiresome. Honestly. I ship both. My hearts belong to Caryl but im sure the fact that they re not canon like Richonne helped in that. If both had become canon by s6 for instance, i would love them both equally. Once R became canon, i instinctively turned to caryl more because i was starving of content while we had plenty of content for Richonne. But i love them both. And honestly, on twitter, both sides can be horrible. No, not all Richonners are ageist assho... No, not all Carylers are racist cun... definiteny not. And even if u ship only one of them, whatever the ship, its freaking fine. These guys are ruining it for everyone, both sides look pathetics in the eyes of GA.
I cannot fanthom why, in a world full of real fucking problems, there can be people fighting about FAKE characters. Being passionate about a show or a ship is one thing and totally fine. Not being able to separate actors from characters (again, from both sides) is ridiculous.
It is ok to ship whatever u want. Yes, even Bethyl, even Donnie, even Carzekiel, even fooking Learyl or whatever. I could not care less personnally. I ship Caryl, period. And i love Richonne. And Rick loves Carol, Michonne loves Carol, vice versa, Michonne has been closer to Daryl since Rick left, obviously Rick and Daryl are brothers, so all of this doesnt make sense. They re family. If they were real, they would be ashamed of those called fans. And i bet the actors are.
Honestly. Im sick of this fight. The show is over. There s a whole Richonne show coming and they re ruining it for me. They were supposed to be a caryl show, who turned into a daryl show, who might become a caryl one one day we dont know im lost but eh, just enjoy, please, people. This is a show. Not real life. Fight racism and ageism where u find it yes, including on medias, but stop arguing for no reasons over the internet for people who are not even real.
Sorry this turned into a rant. Not against u obviously.
Don't worry, it's not hard to convince me not to go on Twitter lol And I think we're on the same page re the ship war. It doesn't make any narrative sense to pit Richonne and Caryl against each other. Like you said, they're all family.
Michonne has always been in my top favorites and I like her relationship with Rick. I love Andy and Danai as actors. I'd definitely watch their show if it wasn't for Gimple working so hard to invalidate the relationship I'm most invested in. There is no sound business reason why Richonne and Caryl fans can't get what they want. There is no sound marketing reason why fans need to be miserable or at each other's throats all the time.
If I'm understanding correctly, you seem more drawn to the chase than actual canon? While I'm all for earning it, there comes a time when debts need to paid off and that should've happened in S11 for Caryl. There's still plenty of room for compelling storytelling post canon.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Wait you guys might be on to something. You think he knows and while he doesnt like the way fans take over the narrative and make it something else, he secretly enjoys all the attention while the women in this case Stas carry on this obsession? Because this would so explain the whole Shea thing too. For years she bullied and fought the idea of another girl around him, obsessed over the idea of more with him and them being compatible in the same way Stas is currently doing. Did these weird photoshoots and videos with him. He then ignored the shipping but still did enough to push it forward by again posting photos and videos about her. He’s done it with both. Shea the patty cake video when so many had mixed feelings about the Always tired shoot, the photo dumps, and with Stas; the video of her and him at edc holding hands and sliding down the slides, and little comments on how she made him like festivals or came over to dye his hair, aggressively kissing the cross necklace she gave him in the react channel when so many made a big deal about that plastic thing. The only one he doesnt do that to is Amber and i think its because she’s publicly said there’s nothing going on. Sometimes even the comments he favorites are girls expressing how they’re in love with him and more.
Plus both girls tend to write this very depressing and moody poetry and loose themselves in the process by mimicking his style. Its all very strange but also interesting to analyze because yes do they do it on their own, or is the reason they take it so far because they know he supports it? Is he happy being single and controlling his own narrative but also enjoys the attention these girls give him 🤔?
Ngl my head went like this 🤯 reading this because i tried connecting the dots while remembering all the stuff u mentioned haha. I think he doesn't afford putting Amber in all this because tbh she's the only one who has her head on her shoulders and doesn't let her life rulled by a man, she puts herself first and doesn't need colby to be relevant. While she doesn't need relevance from Colby, stas needs it cuz otherwise she doesn't have a job. To be honest, i don't think the girls would continue to be in this position if they had nothing to gain from him. I mean he does delete comments where he's shipped with her, yet she doesn't like being called out by fans who say he's not into her. To me it's like a tom and jerry type of thing, because colby pushes this away, while stas attracts everything to shove it in Colby's face? idk, to me it looks like she takes every comment and she's like "look, look, they're shipping us why can't u just accept this". I know it sounds rude but i had no way into proving what i actually think this whole merry-go-round of their is. It also sucks that shea is just brought up randomly whenever people tend to talk too much about Colby being interested in the other one so he just throws people off by doing stuff like this with someone else just to erase suspicion. I think he really enjoys being single and whenever there's something too serious, he finds a way to let people know he didn't change his mind. he backs away when things are misunderstood, moment when the girls take action and go above and beyond to prove otherwise. It sucks to be in their shoes, because i wouldn't bark at this tree for such a long time, being aware that i gain nothing for my feelings, i get disappointed and not necessarily used, but they're so far up stuck in his ass that they do whatever fits the gossip
I've seen a lot of fans say colby should make up his mind and stop playing games cuz it's tiring and boring, but the girls are also doing this willingly for the hell of it or they actually believe there's actually something more going on
And as of the kissing of the necklace, i doubt he was doing that thinking where he got it from and i really don't understand how people can go above and beyond worshipping this kind of gesture between, as far as what we know, friends, when knowing Colby's very religious as he is
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thetentaclecommander · 2 months
Interesting Fic Traction Notes I'm not a stat/views whore but I do look at them in fascination. I swore I read somewhere that long fics don't get the most hits and that Ao3 tends to skews towards short fics and porn but in looking at my stats the highest engagement (hits/favs/comments/subs/bookmarks) is mainly on longfics (fics longer than 2 chapters and over imo is a longfic). In order it goes: -2 chapter smut (that reader fic of all things, odd.) -longfic smut fics -a one shot smut fic -longfic that isn't smut centered (makes sense cause of the amount of years it has been up) -more smut one shots -a smut compilation -longfics that aren't smut centered -that one canon compliant one -brutal violent sex fics (the rapey and or heavily murderkinky ones) -then one shots that are just dreamy weird plot heavy -newer canon compliant or not as smutty stuff at the bottom (or new stuff less than a few months old in general) Sorting by views/hits renders mostly the same result (and hits, like okay that's a lot to me even including my rereads to edit and read my own stuff and before I was cross posting to here).
So in one way, yeah 'smut sells' proves true, but the length doesn't. If anything my short fics tend to get passed over faster especially anything sub 1,000 words (in context my largest longfic smut fic is over 35k words). My highest engaged fics tend to with a lone 2k exception, cap out around 7-8k words. Also, only straight forward pwp or little plot are like this as too much emotional/plot investment ranks way lower. Well, the murderkinky violent ones rank lower too, intentionally as I know what I wrote - but also brings in a certain niche of reader so there's that. I can't even go by comment threads as sure, the top three are longfics understandably, but then it evens out to a similar range across the board no matter the length. Usually due to regular commenters (I <3 u guys!). Oddly, I find my human focused/human shippy ones aren't as well viewed but I also think it's a combo of my set niche of 'monsterfucker', doing exclusively rare pairs and being 'that asshole that writes N/J all the time' together so it could be simply not writing as expected of my account. Though getting engagement on those is pretty cool because of these 'hurdles', not in spite of them! I enjoy being convincing outside of my wheelhouse, too. So what I get from all this is the Ao3 adage of 'what is more likely to be engaged with' is on crack and just not reliable, at least in my case. Pretty on brand for me really (with the self-awareness I am niche in general). I both prove the adage both true and false oddly. Resi to note is not a huge fandom just vocal (we don't even rank in the larger Ao3 fandom poles) so that could be what's causing the skew? I also I see what you folks cheer for overall (readers, pwp and hyper erotic murder/violence in that order). I also think that one reader fic* I think hit the DBD crowd unintentionally - I've never played lol. Also to note, I see those bookmarks. The sheer amount of private ones for an account that is hard to miss in larger Resi tag and almost always in that specific rare ship tag is so high and it's hilarious and amazing to me. The thing about people who hide their porn habits through bookmarks is *very* true - I hope y'all were well fed! I cackle every time cause christ on a cracker the sheer amount of them solely on the porn, I see you /wink *Though I might...do that male!reader/Nem fic I've been saying that for like 2+ years now at some point because I like balance since I've already done female and gender neutral readers.
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misqnon · 2 months
being 14 and stupid is a valid reason. i too was 14 and stupid at one point
i get really jealous when my fav fictional characters get into a relationship (assuming i like them romantically) and so .. best for me to not ship them.. and also best for me to not fall for characters that will get together with someone. loz:totk spoilers but seeing sidon got married actually broke my heart..... i was so sad...
ACTUALLY PHOENIX AND MILES DO HAVE A RIVALRY UR RIGHT.. i dont ALWAYS hate enemies to lovers. but they were friends first.. and then they became friends again. so i think i categorize them differently in my head
kidd becoming king of the pirates sounds pretty impossible to me because.. i fully believe luffy will do it. but i can see how it would happen if like. luffy gets the one piece but doesnt take credit for it or something. i could also kinda see a route where luffy, kidd, and law all reach the end point together
in the world of pirates i guess most can be forgiven. i definitely DO forget abt how awful some characters were so his way of just rewriting them to be nicer ... kinda works..
u might have linked the wrong video bc i dont remember him saying anything about sanji's eyebrow swirl. maybe i wasnt paying enough attention,, i do think i like partially noticed that oda's signature has sanji's eyebrow swirl but ... yeah that is VERY telling
"and i want to beat him to death with hammers . who said that" LMAO i can relate..
AGHH U WORDED IT SO WELL.. "zoro is boisterous." YES HE IS... UR SO RIGHT.. like he has a lot of quieter moments post timeskip but when hes loud hes LOUD,, i watched episode 2 which is the buggy episode (idk if he shows up later or not) but i did Not Hear the fuck... i mustve filtered it out. too used to hearing cuss words..
RIGHT, they did a great job with the casting. trans koby is so good..
"thank you for showing me!! :D" <3 :)
i found out google had a record of a bunch of accounts that used my email with passwords that mightve been compromised. like . i found that a while ago. but i couldnt log into any of the accounts because . well probably because they WERE compromised. and half of it i was just like ... i dont remember this.... im just living my life with probably a million accounts on various websites that have been stolen. actually my og minecraft account from when i was 9 was stolen.. it was heartbreaking.
THAJK U i will enjoy. i will.
gasp . i.. that is very sweet of u to offer, thank u. my music taste is honestly really hard to pin down i think.. from what i have gathered from other people
"some people have said it seemed fake/forced" noo 😭😭. iñaki seems too genuine for that. i fully believe he was actually that excited. i think he just kinda has that awkward... dare i say autistic... energy. so his interactions with people probably seem forced no matter what. i am just speculating though
was it the zosan comic because i had seen that on my own timeline like 5 times already before u reblogged it LOL
genuinely i think its just because i have dissociative amnesia ahjdhs. but i do think its a funny story to tell people... like yeah... i forgot....
my gender evolution has been genderfluid -> cis girl -> genderfluid -> cis girl -> genderfluid -> cis girl -> trans man? -> trans man who uses he/they pronouns -> transmasc -> nonbinary/transmasc (i usually say nonbinary)
and now i am questioning my gender again. the grind never stops 💪🔥🔥
i say im non binary bc i . gave up. like i am so sick of trying to figure it out ... ill just use the biggest umbrella term.
i do remember that guy who keeps showing up on the sbs for his extremely perverted questions about women... and i would actually send in a question for the sbs but I don't know japanese and he doesnt answer questions that arent in japanese. or so i have heard. i could use a translator though so maybe im just making excuses
it IS a bop.. thank u for the context i heart when ppl tell me things so im not confused. i havent seen rupauls drag race.. i did mean to at one point and then i .. forgot about it
OH PERFECT. MAGISTRATE OF SANJI!!! u get to sit in a courtroom full of sanji fans and judge ace attorney style cases
u havent even gotten to the death pact though have you?? LMAO
YES perfect. i agree its probably just cuz oda wants them to be more intimidating but thats not an interesting reason to me .. i want canonical reasoning behind the heights
"bisexuality of man or whatever" is so funny ..
i like dofuwani too but yeah i think they only really interact during marineford?? i think listing out what ships i like would be hard cuz i LIKE a lot of them but dont Care About most of them.. i care about shuggy.. and recently sanuso.. and ofc hanyagellan. i think thats it tbh. im way more likely to care about characters themselves rather than ships.
"im ngl hannyagellan is like a funny joke ship to me but if it becomes one of those crack ships u acciddentally get attached to im gonna be so mad (i wont be mad itll be really funny)" this is pretty much how i feel... like i was joking and i think its turning into . not a joke... i think im starting to be serious.....
i also miss kuina. like she barely appeared but she has such a big impact.... i wish . she. hadnt died. also i think about how her father's last words to her might have been that she can never be the strongest swordsman, because she was born female. i hate that guy... (her dad). i have seen people say her dad killed her or something and i dont like that theory. first of all i dont think her dad is evil like that. i think hes just your regular sexist dad lmao. but also i feel like it cheapens the impact of her death.
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this panel is so good and. like. idk i feel like him realizing that humans are inherently weak is so important to his character.. thats why he protects weak people. because he sees his childhood friend in them. or thats my theory anyways,,
somewhat unrelated but i have always been amazed that people can imagine amvs/animations/stories while listening to music. like my aphantasia isnt that bad but HOW... doesnt the music block out all your thoughts... thats what it does for me...
ur probably right that it really was a gender thing im just.. huffing copium. im coping. i cant handle the reality that he might also be a sexist jerk
i think seeing plays is fun but being part of the production is way more exciting. i love getting to see all the behind the scenes work and like. i like being able to work with my hands a lot. and when i was spotlight for a few shows . that was so exciting. this is kinda lame but i get chills super easily from watching things (idk how else to explain this. chills. goosebumps. because im excited.) so whenever i would watch the shitty high school theatre productions we did i was still like. so proud of all the work that went into it. and i got chills every show. most of the time i didnt get to watch the show though because i was moving things on and off set. watching plays on youtube is so real.. i watched uh.. "natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812" on youtube. it was still very fun to watch. but yeah in person will always be better
NO i agree i dont rly think of robin as a mother either. i honestly dont like putting the parent role onto any of the older straw hats.. like why cant they just be cool older friends. an older person and younger person dynamic doesnt always have to be parent and child. i cant find the video but have u seen that video on youtube that has a bunch of sanji mother moments... its so cute..
ateez and stray kids were my favorites!!! not sure how familiar u are with kpop .. slang?? but i was ot8 for ateez (as in i liked everyone) and with stray kids changbin was my favorite. i still love them but they arent my hyperfixation rn. i was into bts when i was uhhh.. 12??
the video u sent seems fun and i will watch it after i finish this!!
*points* zosan liker.. /lh. i have seen quite a bit of themetalhiro but idk if im following them or not!! the other ppl i am not familiar with so yippee new content
i have plenty op thoughts i can share!! im honestly not good at asking questions so i tend to just say things n hope whoever im talking to can jump off whatever i say,,. i try to stay away from anything spoilery ofc but so many of my thoughts r spoilery... which is why i havent been throwing them all at u. and also some (a lot) of them are just .... law centered..... and ... u dont like him like i do... (which is fine ofc) i just dont wanna be annoying JSHRJ
ok this isnt really a theory or anything like that but i keep wanting to tell people about this and i am barely restraining myself so . i will tell u. ace sabo and luffy are called the asl brothers right? and ace... died.. my brothers and i also have the initials asl. or we did. but my deadname starts with an a.... my deadname and ace have something in common (theyre both dead).
thats not really anything but i just find it to be a very interesting coincidence . i like to think about it.
ok heres an actual thought. sorry if it sounds awkward. some of this would be spoilery so i will just not include it but. pirates are all about dreams. they have big, lofty goals that they dont usually tell people about, probably out of shame and embarrassment. in sabaody it is hinted that kidd and killer told people that they were going after the one piece, and they were laughed at for it. not many pirates are like luffy, who proudly proclaims that he will be king of the pirates and find the one piece.
i find it really interesting that crocodile is hinted at having had a dream that was only possible through taking over alabasta. and enel's dream was to get to the "endless varse", even after being defeated he still headed towards his dream. he just ended up going alone. big mom's dream is a utopia where every race can live peacefully together. they all are willing to do awful things for the sake of their dreams.
but again, the difference between luffy and these other people and their dreams is that luffy is not hurting people in the pursuit of his dream. he isnt causing a bunch of people to suffer. in fact, he is doing the opposite. he has continuously been shown to free people from their oppressive rulers, and he crushes the dreams of those who are willing to sacrifice innocent people to achieve their goals.
i dont really have an end point to this but i think that the differences are kind of proof that luffy is going to actually succeed. because he is good at heart. because he doesnt kill people for the sake of his dream. and also i pity the people he defeated. like yeah theyre awful. but i cant help but wonder what crocodile wanted. i cant help but think about what kind of circumstances led them to that point in their life
uhm uhmm yeah... i will think of questions to ask u.. so that u dont have to worry about asking Me questions..
"also p.s. there is never any pressure to watch any of the videos i link it is more for a sourcing purpose unless u actively want to watch them" i watched them anyways!! but i rly appreciate this .. tbh, usually i wont watch something when someone asks me to (pda autism perhaps), but when u say theres no pressure im like "oh. ok. that means i can do whatever i want.." and then i end up watching it most of the time. bc i am curious.
sanji is such a mess... i love that first image what a goofy face . i wish i could send videos through asks cuz i have.. a video from the 4kids dub saved.. that i think is funny... maybe i will send it another way. but alas. i will give u this instead.
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i felt similarly when they almost married off sanji. but i really like pudding too. also hey why the FUCK did they make her 16-!!! (will never not be mad about it. they'd be kinda cute together if she wasnt tbh!!)
yea i assume the theories that are like “buggy will find the one piece first” or “kidd will become pirate king!” all assume luffy will do it in the way that matters. i COULD see the worst gen trio reaching it together but part of me really wants all the strawhats there when luffy finds it 🥺
i absolutely couldve linked the wrong video its been a while since i watched it lmao SORRY U SAT THROUGH A SANJI VIDEO FOR NOTHING
okay but regarding zoro THIS VIDEO IM IN THE MIDDLE OF WATCHING SO I KNOW ITS THE  RIGHT ONE. around 25 minutes in he starts discussing opla zoro’s issues and at 26:12 he brings up a little zoro recipe card that is exactly what we’ve been saying HAHA and dw u didnt miss the fuck its later on in the season.
all these stolen accounts….all around me are familiar faces…worn out places…..
i dont think inaki gives the impression of being autistic but with english being his second language he may just have that slight hesitation of understanding his brain working out the the english (and this is just ME suspecting and i could be totally off base) but especially in the oda video where everything oda says is translated through japanese to english but his first language is spanish kvnkd. i dont mean to imply i think hes bad at english or anything but when ppl say stuff to me in spanish (which i took for a few years) i always have to mega process it in my brain first
“was it the zosan comic” [hangs my head in shame] m..m…..maybe.,
your gender just “i forgor..”
LMAO THE GENDER QUESTIONING GRIND. WE ARE ON IT TOGETHER MY BROTHER. mine was like. cis girl -> demigirl -> still demigirl but casually bc i kept forgetting -> questioning?? -> genderfluid?? or bigender?? is where i currently am at. 
he has mentioned a couple questions as being from overseas, but idk if they were sent in english originally and translated or what. we could Try
so to be fair i have only seen one season of drag race (i think it was 7. the one with kim chi) but i watch trixie and katya a lot so i absorb their knowledge. i really like drag. i kinda wanna try it someday 🧍
“OH PERFECT. MAGISTRATE OF SANJI!!! u get to sit in a courtroom full of sanji fans and judge ace attorney style cases” i literally. feel like i know exactly how this would go.
(for legal reasons (haha get it) this is a joke bc all of these have nuance too them ofc. i think he’s very cool sometimes. but other times he is a LOSER. and . i guess i should give oda credit for like. making him,)
I LIKE SHUGGY. I WOULD LIKE CROSS GUILD AS A POLY SHIP MORE IF IT DIDNT FEEL MEAN WITH HOW OFTEN THEY BEAT UP ON BUGGY AND ALSO BC I THINK BUGGY BELONGS WITH MR. RED HAIR. the dynamic of shanks being desperate and pining over buggy while buggy thinks he hates him/knows but still hates him. is so funny. i love a onesided ship tbh
kuina gives me a lot of feelings. i love her and everything she stood for. and her time with us as the audience was so brief but we remember her too. i like thinking about what she could have been if we got to see her grown up bc she was such an awesome kid. to influence someone like zoro too. and yea koshiro seems generally pretty cool but that was FUCKED UP and im gonna be mad about it forever. i’ve also heard that “falling down the stairs” in japan can be a way of getting around saying it was a suicide and when i first got into the fandom that was compelling to me but now i dont like it bc. she wouldnt have done that. she made her promise with zoro. she was probably feeling more hopeful about her dream than ever. but then…one small accident and she’s gone. it fucks me up :/ it fucked ZORO up. ive never made the connection that thats why he protects weak people…ah . i think to me kuina made a promise, and zoro takes promises very seriously. he’s very blunt in that he takes things at face value and so a promise is an ironclad thing. i dont think hes stupid and cant tell when someone is being deceptive but i think he thinks deception in that way is kind of unhonorable. 
IF I MAY in one of my fics i set aside part of a chapter (titled zoro alone. hehehe atla reference) and wrote this about zoro and kuina. its very simple and doesnt dive deep but i like it 
“Zoro looks up from his walk along the path. Even in the near afternoon sun, the forest and its surroundings are grayish from the fog. Something snaps a twig. He glances over and spots a buck hopping through the forest in the distance. 
Dreams. Ambitions. Drive. Do what that day stole from Kuina. Defeat Dracule Mihawk. Become the world’s greatest swordsman- for both of them. They’re lofty goals- but he can achieve them. There’s no use in doubt or regret. 
He finds himself in the clearing. That same damn clearing from the first night. In fact, if he looks closely, he can still see the imprints of his boots, paced in circles in the dirt. It’s infuriating. This isn’t a good sign for his current navigational endeavors. Nonetheless, he perseveres, heading the way he remembers Sanji to have taken them yesterday.
Kuina. He doesn’t think of her as often as some might think. He doesn’t dwell on the past, only reflects on it. Today he is reflecting. The day he waited for Kuina by the lake, only for Koushirou to come instead. There’s been an accident, he’d said. She’s gone, he’d said. She’d been sick. She’d tripped. She’d fallen down the stairs. 
Zoro remembered how they’d overworked themselves the day before, training together. He had some childish thoughts that day. Impulsive and hurtful. He tried not to have those anymore. He instead wanted to focus on achieving what they had set out for themselves: their promise.”
i am always imagining amvs in my head to music. i make ANIMATICS in my head to music. but do i ever actually make those things….no. i do not
as a sanji liker i am huffing copium everyday. dont worry. dont worry about it. [streteches out my hand] lets take ibuprofen together
i agree actually! theyre a family but not literally. the mothering some of them show is just cute. and um YES OF COURSE ive seen the sanji mother moments video. god esp pre ts he was so damn cute sometimes 😭 im reading ur message and seeing some of ur posts now and i just feel like this 
“u like sanji now dont u rowan”
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i think for ateez my friends favorite is seongwha…and my other friend’s bias in ateez is…i dont remember actually,
I LIKE LAW!!! LAW ME UP!!! IM THE MAGISTRATE AFTER ALL!!!! ksjncdkj no but really he isnt one of my ABSOLUTE FAVS but i really like him!! and after corazon…….law is just very compelling ok. i saved the hawaiian shirt comic to my phone as well btw. 
omg…rip to ace and also ur deadname i suppose…thats kind of funny. 
about ur thoughts on dreams: i…forgot crocodile had a dream beyond alabasta. i thought he just wanted power bc hes sand and its a sand country so it would be perfect for him. plus the poneglyph. now im really curious…i wonder if it relates to his backstory and the possible trans-ness of it? i mean…hm. the poneglyph was weapon related,...idk . croc backstory when…
and ur right about that! luffy is selfish and he’s not a hero but hes also NOT INTERESTED IN BEING NEEDLESSLY TERRIBLE…bc he’s after freedom and what use is it if u destory the freedom of others while searching for it for yourself? undermines your entire goal
i see ur video and i will respond to it shortly but man i DONT KNOW IF I CAN DO IT. HIS 4DUB VOICE PAINS ME PHYSICALLY
speaking of videos. i have a playlist where i put my fav one piece shits. again u do not have to watch any of these. but feel free to peruse
also HERE’S SOMETHING: the other day my friend asked me what i think the one piece is…and having not even reached joyboy/nika shit yet (i shouldnt know about that but alas. spoilers aplenty on the internet) i was freeballing but:
my friend @ liliflower137 had a crack theory that the one piece should be gold roger’s bug collection and with luffy’s love for beetles and the sense of adventure instilled from that i was like. i actually would not be upset at all if that was the case
so i think it might be related to…joyboy/nika/ the SUN…i think maybe its like a. a hat maybe. thats my guess. sun hat. from the original joy boy. its not a good guess but its all i HAVe
also…why do they call him bartolomeo the cannibal. i swear they didnt say anything about him eating people upon introduction. they just call him that. did i miss something. why is bartolomeo called a cannibal and yet when i, big mom, 
to end here’s a good zoro meme for u 
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