#i bet you didn’t know
dead-set-goat · 2 months
Did you know?
Coil (the band) existed before humans did? God and Satan used to fuck on it A LOT.
They never mentioned it in the bible because humans simply weren’t ready. Only when time was right, when our brains evolved enough and knowledge of the world had been accumulated did the music reach us through the two Avatars known as “Peter Christopherson” and “John Balance”.
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khruschevshoe · 2 months
You know, it's rather interesting to me that Taylor Swift's parasocial relationship with her fans is honestly more akin to a YouTuber than a writer's. When I scroll through her tag on tumblr/Twitter, it's far more regarding the connection to her personal life/relationship developments than the actual metaphors/fictional story she might be telling. Everything comes back to how her songs reflect back on her relationships with Joe/Matty/Travis/Jake/insert ex-boyfriend here. And what fascinates me about it is that even though she complains about it, she leans into that very perception because it strengthens the parasocial bond.
The marketing for TTPD so clearly being about Joe Alwyn and the songs to Matty Healy. The marketing/video for Red TV so CLEARLY being about Jake Gyllenhaal, with so many of the new lines in All Too Well specifically being digs at him (I'll get older but your lovers stay my age, casting an actor that looks like him for the video, specific lines in I Bet You Think About Me). The fact that songs like Getaway Car and Bejeweled and Gorgeous and London Boy and Lavender Haze being picked apart at time of release and long after for signs of relationships crumbling. The way she uses surprise songs in relation to her relationship development with Joe/Matty/Travis. The damn TTPD "stages of grief" playlists where she deliberately undid/changed the meanings of old songs just to keep her audience speculating on her love life.
It's not sexist to point out that her wielding her love life is a marketing tool and that the strongest connection to her audience isn't the strength of her writing/the composition of her music- it's her deliberate crafting of a connection between her music and her personal life, leaving the audience invested in her music as an extension of Taylor the Person/Girlfriend rather than Taylor the Artist.
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dear-ao3 · 1 month
broke out my playbill collection. forgot i have this many.
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thinking about lord president fivey so have this
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javelinbk · 5 months
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John Lennon (and George Harrison) with Nicola Hale, Magical Mystery Tour (1967) - part one (part two)
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flieslikeamoron · 5 months
Hi! For the first sentence game:
"You want to try that again?" he asks.
Sorry this took a while, but it turned into a whole thing. This is like 2.5K. Not really explicit, but there are some boners and stuff of that nature.
“You want to try that again?” he asks.
“I don’t need your pity,” Steve says sourly. “I’ll take my stupid three.”
“It’s not pity.” Eddie laughs and waves a hand, generous as a king. “You have advantage.” 
“You get to roll twice,” Dustin says. “And take the highest.”
“I know what advantage is, dipshit.” Steve rolls his eyes as the number comes up.  “A whole seven.” He makes a whoop-di-doo motion with his finger.
“Your persuasion check fails.” Eddie leans forward threateningly over the screen in front of him. “The guard rings the alarm bell.” A chorus of groans rise around the table. Eddie grins, shifting into the growling scream of a wrestling announcer. “Rrrrolll for initiative.”
Steve comes out of the kitchen with a garbage bag in his hand after the kids have all gone. The little shits leave a disaster area of junk everywhere they go: half eaten pizza crusts, scribbled notes, mysterious piles of crumbs that don’t look like anything Eddie actually saw them eat. Steve reaches across the table to pick up a paper plate. He ditched his sweater halfway through the game, a bit of chest hair peeking out of the V of his polo. Eddie blinks and looks away. He sweeps all the miniatures off the table into his old ammo box with a clatter. 
Steve sets the garbage bag down and snatches the box from Eddie’s hand. He glares at Eddie and starts organizing the haphazard jumble. “Come on, man. There’s a system.”
“I have my own system. It’s called not having OCD.”
“It’s called not being able to find the ones you need next week.”
“What are you, alphabetizing them?”
“Like I know their names,” Steve scoffs, holding up a furry, long-fanged monster. 
“Bugbear,” Eddie says.
“Nerd,” Steve says fondly. Like he didn’t spend four hours at the table tonight. Lately Steve has become, if not a weekly player, at least a recurring guest star. He likes to gripe and act like it’s such a chore. Like he’s doing Dustin a favor. Or humoring Eddie. Being supportive of his nerdy-ass hobbies. Giving up his oh so busy Friday night.
Eddie knows better. If he really hated it, he wouldn’t play. If he really hated it, he wouldn’t keep his character sheet updated. Wouldn’t cover the back with careful notes of the names of each NPC the party meets, bits of lore. 
No, Eddie is onto him. Steve gets pushy about his XP in that competitive jock way he has about him. Just as excited about beating one of Eddie’s traps or monsters as the kids. That lit up glint in his eye every time he reminds Eddie he’s immune to charm or poison, like he’s getting one over on him. He’s having fun. And Eddie-
Eddie came to terms with the fact that he’s horny for his straight roommate long ago. That maybe he even has a fucked up little crush on the guy. But the really fucked up thing is Steve spends a pretty significant amount of time sweaty and shirtless around Eddie, and watching him total up his damage, not forgetting to add his bonuses, is somehow hotter. 
Steve glances up from the minis. Whatever’s on Eddie’s face must be a doozy because his eyebrows knit together briefly. But then he smiles. God. The way a smile looks on him. He starts talking about the stat boost he’s going to get when he levels up. He talks about it like he’s been borrowing Eddie’s Player’s Manual on the sly. Hair drooping down over his forehead and that smile on his face and that polo tight against his chest. Eddie wants to jump his bones so bad, it feels like someone punching him in the dick. But in a good way.
“I could put it into strength or charisma,” Steve is saying. “I was thinking charisma, so I could get that plus two.”
“That’d almost catch you up to real life.”
“You think I have a plus three to charisma?” Steve cocks his head, half smiling, half curious. Like he’s trying to figure out if that was a joke or an actual compliment. This is where things get dangerous. Being around him makes Eddie feel almost feverish: too hot, fuzzy headed, all wound up with wanting shit he can’t have. And he’s around him all the time. 
The problem with Steve is he doesn’t act like any straight guy Eddie’s ever known. Most straight guys treat Eddie kind of like he’s contagious. Not making a big deal, just… Leaving space. It’s fine that you’re gay, but don’t touch me. It’s fine, but don’t put it in my face. Don’t make it too real. It’s fine, but- It’s the kind of thing that makes Eddie want to push. Get up in a guy’s space, press right against that uncomfortable but. It’s almost a game. Pretty dangerous game, he knows that. Poking at the violence most guys have in them. But Eddie likes the fuck you of it, the little bit of fear in that step they take back when he gets too close. 
Steve though- Steve doesn’t back down from anything. Not monsters, not an argument, not even a guy hitting on him. No matter how hard Eddie pushes, he hasn’t found anything that can make Steve blink, take a step back. When Eddie leans into his space, expecting him to flinch, he just slings an arm around Eddie to pull him in even closer. If he touches Steve, Steve touches him back. And Eddie can say the most insane shit. Flirty shit, blatant shit. Steve just plays along. Like it’s all good fun. 
Is it really Eddie’s fault if he forgets himself sometimes? Starts running his mouth way too close to the truth? What is Eddie supposed to do when Steve takes all Eddie’s big boys and sweethearts with a pleased smile? What is Eddie supposed to do with the way Steve sprawls out on the couch after a date? Lays his head in Eddie’s lap and plays with Eddie’s rings while he talks about whether this girl gave good head or why he doesn’t think that girl will work out. 
This is the kind of shit he’s dealing with, okay? Just the other day Steve came out of the bathroom, nothing but a towel around his waist. And Eddie leaned in to smell him. Look, he’s very aware of how weird that was. But he’d been half asleep, and he’d just- He hadn’t been thinking. It happens kind of a lot with Eddie, actually. He doesn’t think. Maybe that’s why Steve didn’t step back, or give him a well deserved push. Didn’t even look at him funny for doing something objectively weird. Objectively fucked up. He laughed and yanked Eddie in until his nose was squashed into the warm curve of Steve’s armpit. Steve’s hand wide on the back of Eddie’s head as he pushed Eddie’s face in there, tight. 
“Take a big whiff,” he said, like he didn’t care that Eddie was pressed up against his bare skin, body to body with Eddie’s hand curving around his waist, brushing against his back. Like he didn’t care that Eddie’s hard dick was obvious against his thigh. 
When he let Eddie go, his gaze flicked down to Eddie’s boner. Just as obvious. Making sure Eddie knew he’d noticed it. A teasing lilt to his voice as he said, “Bathroom’s all yours.” Practically inviting Eddie to jerk off. Practically inviting Eddie to think about him while he did it. And Eddie did. Not for the first time, or the last. 
What is he supposed to do with any of that except want Steve even more? Sometimes he wishes Steve was just a little less- Cool with it. Not that he wants Steve to look at him with that “It’s fine, but-” on his face. It would be easier though, in a way. If Steve didn’t let him get so close. Didn’t let him press his grubby face up against the glass, so close to what he wants it’s hard to remember he can’t have it. 
Steve turns to Eddie with his fist propped under his chin. “Tell me about my charms,” he says. “What is it about me exactly that makes me so damn charismatic?” Voice playful, flirty. Dangerous. 
If there’s one thing Eddie knows how to do, it’s bluff. Hey, just joking. You can take a joke, right? “That face, mostly,” he says, putting a palm right into it, pushing Steve away with his cheek turned. Steve lets Eddie move him with an easy laugh. “And your modesty, obviously.”
“Fuck off,” Steve says, still laughing. He moves farther down the table to dump another plate in the garbage bag. He reaches over to gather up a few dice, pausing over the blue one he used during the game. He holds it up, turning it between his thumb and forefinger. He looks over at Eddie, his dark eyes catching Eddie’s. Catching Eddie staring. Eddie quickly busies himself with rolling up his battle map. 
“I don’t think I had a single roll over ten all night.” Steve gives the die a toss down the length of the table, flailing a hand as it comes up a four. “I think it’s weighted.” 
Eddie snorts. “It isn’t.”
“You gave me a weighted die. You’re a goddamn cheater.” He hides a grin behind the accusation, but Eddie plays along as if he’s serious. Who’s Eddie kidding? Half the fights they’ve had, Eddie picked on purpose just because it was fun. Riling each other up for the hell of it.  
“I’m not,” he says. “I’ll prove it.” He plucks the die off the table and shakes it in his hand. “If I roll above a ten, you have to clean up this mess.”
Steve glares, flapping the garbage bag in his hands around in front of him like a matador cape. Annoyance is his second hottest look, in Eddie’s expert opinion. Indignant color on his cheeks, eyes bright. Eddie wants to bite the petulance on his lip. “I’m already cleaning it up.”
“Yeah, but I’m helping you,” Eddie says. “You have to do it by yourself if I win.”
“Doesn’t sound like I have much to lose.”
“Shut up, I’m helping.” Eddie performatively drops a plastic cup in Steve’s bag with a bow.
“That cup wasn’t empty,” Steve huffs. “How many times do I have to tell you to dump it in the sink first. Now it’s going to leak probably and I’ll have to…” Eddie tunes the rest out. Steve’s right, he has heard it before. He rolls the die down the table with a flourish, holding up a finger in Steve’s direction like “wait a sec” and watching as it lands on a fifteen.
“Not a cheater,” he said triumphantly. “And not helping anymore.”
“One good roll doesn’t prove if it’s weighted or not. It’s about the patterns.” Steve rolls again. A two. He motions to it with attitude in the sweep of his hand.
“Fine,” Eddie says. “I’ll go again. How about I roll above a ten two more times, or hey, let’s make it three, if you really want a pattern. If I win, you have to do my laundry.” 
Steve rolls his eyes. “Like you’ll follow through if I win.” 
Eddie places a dramatic hand on his heart, his voice going shocked. “You’ve besmirched my honor.” 
Steve breaks, a laugh cutting through his frown. He gives Eddie a skeptical “go ahead then” tilt of his chin. Eddie rolls. An eleven. He walks backward from one end of the table to the other, to pick up the die where it landed. Makes sure to bump into Steve as he passes. “Pardon me, big boy,” he says sweetly. Steve pushes him into a stumble, but he turns sharply like a flamenco dancer. Arm coming up above his head as he slings the die back down the table. Seventeen. A shit eating grin. Another walk down to the end of the table. Another bump. He can feel the daggers Steve is glaring at him itching hot between his shoulder blades. He tosses the last roll over his shoulder without looking. 
“Blow me,” Steve mutters. Eddie turns to see the thirteen on the die. Steve’s delicious, disgruntled face. Grumpy is such a good look on him.
“If you roll under a ten again, I will.” 
Steve’s eyebrows rise. 
Jesus Christ, Eddie needs to wire his goddamn jaw shut. Steve hesitates on the edge of a laugh. It was a joke. Obviously. Whether it started out there or not, Eddie will make it a joke. But there’s something about the way Steve is caught on the edge of not sure if Eddie was kidding.
Eddie can’t resist a little push. He flashes his teeth. “Scared of a blowjob?”
“You’re serious?” Steve says cautiously.
“Why not?” Eddie shrugs. “It’s just sucking dick. I like dick.”
“Yeah…” Steve says. “But it’s… My dick.” 
Like Eddie hasn’t lovingly built a shrine to Steve’s dick in his mind. Like he doesn’t prostrate himself before it basically every time he jerks off. Eddie’s hard as shit right now, his whole body tight with wanting, his blood fizzing, just because Steve hasn’t shut him down yet. Can’t he feel how desperate Eddie is for him? It feels like it’s pouring off him in waves, like ripples of heat off asphalt in the summer. 
“Or it’s your mouth.” Eddie’s smile goes sharp. Just a little push. “If you lose.” 
Steve flushes, his eyes huge. “You would want that?” 
Jesus. Why hasn’t Steve shut him down? Why is he still playing along? It isn’t too late. Eddie can still play it off as a joke. But the way Steve’s looking at him- Steve doesn’t back down. Not from monsters, not from a dare. Would he really… Maybe he would actually let Eddie do it. “And then what?” the small rational part of him that tries to keep him from fucking himself over asks. He pays just as much attention to it now as he ever does.
“I’ll make it easy on you,” Eddie says. “You roll low, just like you have every roll tonight. You can have advantage, even. Triple advantage. Three chances. Get one roll ten or lower. I’ll give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had.” It’s not so much a bet anymore, as an offer. Eddie begging behind the thinnest pretense. Please, please let me suck your dick.
Steve still hasn’t said no. He stands there with the die in his hand instead of telling Eddie to fuck off. Looking at Eddie so close, this heavy, searching gaze that makes Eddie feel like he’s one snarled knot of heat from his throat to his balls. Steve notices Eddie’s hard-on, that heavy gaze lingering for a long second. He’s still looking at Eddie as he throws the die. Eddie can’t quite bring himself to look away, listening to the rattle of it until it stops. 
Eddie has to look. Has to know. 
A nineteen. 
Fuck. He looks back at Steve. “You want to try that again?”
Steve is bright red as he shakes his head no, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. There’s no hesitation in him now. He keeps his eyes on Eddie, as he sinks down to his knees. 
These have been helping me get back into a writing habit, so I’ll keep it open if anyone else wants to play. The original rules of the game are you leave an ask with the first sentence of a fic, and I’ll write the next five sentences. But the rules I made up are I just write as much as I want. Five sentences minimum though.
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sadaveniren · 5 months
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Happy 9 years in this fandom to me 🥳🥳
I made this tumblr so that way I could start posting my first 1D fic (spoiler it’s unfinished - blame Zayn leaving) and try and make some friends in a new fandom. Very quickly I befriended @ashavahishta (because I asked for beta/britpicking help in my author’s note and she reached out to me 🥺) and I’ve been lucky in fandom friends ever since. I joined fandom during a really difficult time for me personally and sure! The nonsense that was 1D in 2015 was absolutely wild but it also kept me distracted from what I was dealing with and so I will always, always be thankful for this fandom for the people it has brought into my life.
I’ve seen Harry 4 times, one of them being ONO for HS3. I’ve seen Niall twice and will forever be bitter about the canceled Niall/Lewis tour with Fletcher as opener. I’ve seen Louis 3 times, once was for his album release in NYC for walls - WHERE I ALSO MET HIM WITH @crinkle-eyed-boo AND @onesweetworld18 AND HE SIGNED MY CD (and also swore so loud when he realized I was 36 weeks pregnant 🤣) I helped @londonfoginacup and @lululawrence and LOML Jenna hand out hundreds of rainbow flags in Iowa and then danced with Sus waving our flags the entire time and Louis kept coming over and watching us and then gave the SPEECH HE GAVE IN IOWA ABOUT BEING BRAVE AND TRUE TO YOURSELF THAT WAS FOR US IT WAS FOR US SUS HE LOVES US 😭😭
I’ve written over a million words in this fandom, 72 fics in total. I’ve brainstormed so many fics and read even more fics. I’ve been moved to tears and changed by fics I’ve read. Hell fic is what brought me to tumblr to begin with because everyone just had to keep writing this stupid trope where Harry and Louis have complimentary nautical tattoos and this company Modest is forcing them to be closeted 🙄 like what popular fic gave rise to THAT madness (it was them your honor. Those fuckers right over there)
I cried at music the boys have made. I’ve laughed at the dumb interviews they’ve done. I have a stupid teddy bears number in my phone because of these assholes. I’ve been woken up at 3am by a phone tree to let me know new music has dropped. I’ve been here for leaks and demos and rumors and it’s been such a huge part of my life and my identity. You literally can’t say “we are all moving in one direction” in front of me without me giggling.
I love this fandom so much. I love tumblr larries. I love my friends. I am so happy to have been here for 9 years and I can’t wait to celebrate more years 🤗
🎵 The friends we make, the love it takes is worth, is worth, is worth it all this time 🎵
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Nah, but what if the reason Morgoth targeted the Noldor so much was bc, in regards to war, they were the equivalent of new-born babies.
Like, Morgoth definitely could have gone and terrorized the silvans/avari (and i’m not saying he left them alone, but he didn’t really focus on them (to our knowledge at least)) and even the sindar he didn’t terrorize as much as the noldor.
But here’s the thing, the middle earth born elves, especially the silvans/avari, which don’t have a barrier to keep them safe, have like 4000+ solar years of experience fighting.
the noldor, who straight up came out of literal heaven, with the barest grasp of war and battle there was, were genuinely an easier target to come at. Especially if he wanted to build strength after his imprisonment before going on to conquer more land.
Basically what i’m saying is that Morgoth had the choice of either fighting a martial arts master (silvans/avari and the sindar, to some extent) or a twig that just learned to throw a punch (the noldor, essentially). And he, naturally, chose to beat the weak opponent.
And it’s not like he was really wrong to, the noldor never really got a decisive win over Morgoth (that i can remember atm), nor did they succeed in holding him off indefinitely, seeing as it took the valar (finally) intervening for Morgoth to be defeated.
And i’m not saying that the noldor didn’t become good at war overtime, but there is definitely an experience gap there, and, ngl, i think there were also a number of stupid decisions made by the noldor, as a whole, that could have been avoided had they had a little more know how.
Tl/dr: Morgoth didn’t target the Noldor bc they were the largest threat, he targeted them bc he saw them as the easiest to conquer bc they lacked experience in the war area.
(Also, i know what i just wrote probably has some controversy, please note that this is my opinion, and it will stay my opinion. So please don’t come on here and go “well, you’re wrong”. I’m open to discuss it, not debate it.)
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charmac · 3 months
hey seth! i'm just a random guy that's been really into sunny for the past year, and i always love your tweets. you, loren, and anna have been on my fyp a lot the past weekend, and i know a lot of people are being assholes about it, but it's genuinely so heartwarming to see. you three definitely deserve it and are the best kind of people for this to happen to. you always come off as respectful of rcg. hope you can pass the message along to them both too! have a great day
Thank you for the kind message, I really really appreciate it and so do Anna and Loren! Glad you got into the show :)
Honestly I get people are lashing out/shit talking because it does seem kinda weird to witness through a screen how much we’ve been able to interact with them and the interactions we’ve had. I know people are jealous, too (as in have told me they are, and I was certainly jealous last year when Rob didn’t do any events in NYC bc he was sick but did them in Philly a few days later) and I totally get that. Whatever the reason for people being assholes is, I don’t really take it personally. They don’t know the full story of literally anything that happened, they’re just watching through a screen and making their own assumptions of before, after, and in between all these clips they’re seeing, and trying to find something to justify how they feel. The claims that I’ve been ‘stalking’ them or ‘overstepping boundaries’ are genuinely just funny to me when every place we’ve met them has been an event that was publicly posted to Instagram/Facebook well in advance.
(And I’m not gonna talk on Twitter about certain details of this, but I feel like I can probably disclose here that the Four Walls people approached me to tell me/give me things and not the other way around. Their socials dmed me, followed me, Rob followed me, etc. I had literally no sway in them choosing to do those things or introducing themselves to me in person and organically engaging in conversations with me.)
We want to share our interactions with RCG on social media because we think most people appreciate and enjoy their interactions with fans (and also the small amounts of Sunny info we got), and that’s it. I don’t need to share or brag about anything. I would be perfectly content keeping everything that happened this weekend to myself (I very much avoid otherwise sharing my face or voice on social media, so I genuinely have to overcome that insecurity to even be able to share these things), but we know the majority of fans like to see this stuff and that’s why we have been posting everything.
Your message (and others i’ve received) means a lot. I’m glad the majority of people are enjoying our interactions with them and I really appreciate the time you spend to send this ask, really! And I’ll be back to posting regularly scheduled actual Sunny content very shortly :)
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leonardalphachurch · 9 months
think about modern deltayork. they became online friends YEARS ago but never met up even though they live in the same city bc delta doesn’t want to reveal anything about his host’s life without permission. eventually the system gets their shit more in order and it just so happens to coincide with york breaking up with his fiancée so they decide well. maybe we should try something for real. so they go on a date.
only for them to realize halfway through that york’s ex fiancée is delta’s body’s older sister.
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Things I (want to) Think Will Happen In The Mario Bros. Movie
Post credits sequel hook with either Wario, Waluigi, Rosalina or Daisy (or maybe the Koopalings? Are they in it or not?)
The credits song is a modern remix of Do The Mario
Deconstruction/self awareness of Peach’s whole damsel in distress thing
Bowser gets a heavy metal villain song bc Jack Black basically said so so now I will not know peace until I get it
Relatable depressed-at-their-9-to-5 Mario and Luigi get isekeied into the Mushroom Kingdom (tbh this works give it to me now)
“It’s a-me, Mario” is like Avengers Assemble and is used only once during the climax with a completely straight face and no accent
Mario and Peach will probably kiss (and if they do my inner eight year old who was way too invested in them for no reason will scream)
edit: please also give me Jack black saying “MARIO HOW DARE YOU DISTURB MY FAMILY VACATION”
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iamthekaijuking · 1 year
Even after 2 years I still see people getting a little confused over what happens in Godzilla Singular point, so I thought I’d explain some stuff.
Archetype is obviously a fictional material, but one made using our current understanding of the universe, which means that the existence of something with pretty similar properties isn’t exactly something we can confidently say doesn’t exist.
It’s specifically a 4 or 5 dimensional particle, which means it occupies length, width, height, and time. This is why there’s a lot of “time” stuff going on in the series. Materials made from it pull energy (electrons or photons… it’s not exactly specified I don’t think) from either the past or future to the present.
However, archetype also punches holes to other universes like wormholes punch through space between 2 locations, like a stapler connecting paper. So areas occupied by archetype particles punch through universes and time; I.E. the “Singular Points”. This is what likely makes it slightly 5D.
This means that the kaiju in the show are animals that at least partially occupy 4D and 5D space and likely originate from different universes, and need archetype to power their bodies. They also likely occupy multiple universes at once and some can manipulate archetype to an extent, like Anguirus looking through forth dimensional space to predict bullet projectory. Their 3 dimensional forms are, or at least partially are, “shadows” cast by their higher dimensional bodies like our 3 dimensional bodies cast 2D shadows.
Godzilla itself is a 5D animal with so much mastery over archetype that it functions like the supercomputer in the show. Pulling particles from the past and the future to fuel its atomic breath, existing in hundreds of universes at once, using archetype to “re-roll” whenever it makes a mistake and re-manifesting at another place and time in the multiverse, and merging and distorting universes intersecting within the red dust cloud he occupies to suit his gluttonous wants.
The Orthogonal Diagonalizer works by taking away the higher dimensional properties of archetype and forcing it into a 3D existence.
So basically the plot of Godzilla Singular Point is about autistic nerds stopping a greedy 5th dimensional theropod from fucking up the multiverse by neutralizing its pop rocks.
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brynnstic · 1 year
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mrmillipede · 5 months
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stillabeliever · 2 years
Will thinks he’s been good at hiding the fact that he’s gay as if his seven year old self didn’t definitely ask Joyce why two boys couldn’t get married because he and Mike had decided they wanted to
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daily-yttd-something · 3 months
Day 181: Daily-YTTD-Something forgot to post yesterday
Originally titled ‘Pi(e) day’
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