iamthekaijuking · 9 hours
Squamate braincases are a pain in the butt yeah, but by challenging yourself to do it you’re learning and it won’t take as long next time!
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Godzilla 1998/Zilla skull
never thought i would force myself to go back to do squamate skull again after my painful attempt at Great Girros and this one is even worse and its not even an exaggeration!
i used iguana aswell as varanids skulls for reference and my good the braincase took me 5 hours to draw it perfectly after like 20 attempts at the braincasing and i felt like my brain was melting like Burning Godzilla himself!
this is the final result not sure how i feel about it but oh well its finished i wanted to do one for Zilla cause i think hes cool, i love my theropod iguana boi!
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iamthekaijuking · 2 days
GUARDIANverse character overview: R’lyeh Cult
The entire post is encoded in a cryptogram!
D’Thilus: N ynetr inthryl uhznabvq thneqvna jvgu znffvir pynjf, n gragnpyrq snpr, ynetr rkcbfrq oenva, ynetr gragnpyr jvatf ynpxvat n zrzoenar, naq sbhe ybat jroorq gragnpyrf sbezvat n gnvy. Ur unf cbjreshy ryrpgevpny novyvgvrf gung vapyhqr ryrpgebzntargvp syvtug naq rira znavchyngvat gur zvaqf bs bguref. Q’Guvyhf vf gur oebgure bs X’Gunanghf naq unf n uvfgbel bs zragny znavchyngvba naq rira pbzzvggrq jne pevzrf qhevat gur Elhwva Rzcver/Thneqvna Fbpvrgl jne. Jnf pbagnpgrq ol Alnegbyrc naq fgehpx n qrny orsber xvqanccvat naq oenvajnfuvat Fgne Fcnja naq syrrvat gb Oynvfr naq Fyvpx’f rnegu qhevat gur Pnzoevna gb perngr gur E’ylru Phyg jurer ur jbhyq jbefuvc Alnegbyrc, erfrnepu n jnl gb serr uvf xvaq, naq ohvyq na nezl. Qvfpbirerq gung gur qrfgehpgvir jbeyq raqvat cbjre bs n sbeznrerz vashfvba rirag pna or pbagnvarq ol cynpvat n qbzr bs rkgerzryl urnil zrgnyf yvarq jvgu zveebef bire vg. Luminescence type: bio and electro, Color: blue.
Khelken: N gevcuvovbhf fhcre prcunybcbq thneqvna gung gnxrf zbfgyl nsgre Pbyrbvqrn jvgu rvtug cbjreshy nezf naq gjb fgebat gragnpyrf, fvk ebohfg jnyxvat nezf raqvat va cnj fhpxref sbe greerfgevny zbirzrag naq znavchyngvba, sbhe zhfphyne syncf haqre ure znagyr sbe jnyxvat yvxr n synzoblnag phggyrsvfu, naq rlrf jvgu n havdhr rvtug chcvyf. Fur unf bhgfgnaqvat vaangr syrkvovyvgl, funcr fuvsgvat, naq pbybe punatvat novyvgvrf nybat jvgu fgeratgu nf rkcrpgrq bs n prcunybcbq, juvpu vf bayl zngpurq ol ure vagryyvtrapr naq pevccyvat srne bs pbasebagngvba oebhtug hcba sebz jbexvat haqre Q’Guvyhf sbe zvyyvbaf bs lrnef. Q’Guvyhf sbhaq ure obql cyna sbezvqnoyr fb fur jnf gnfxrq jvgu svthevat bhg ubj gb znxr na nezl bs thneqvnaf nyy gur fnzr fcrpvrf nf ure. Vg jnf vzcbffvoyr gb frdhrapr gur ragver trargvp pbqr bs Sbeznrerz fb fur svtherq bhg gung vgf cbffvoyr gb pbzzhavpngr jvgu sbeznrerz hfvat eulguzvp chyfrf va yvtug naq raretl fcvxrf. Jvgu guvf fur qvfpbirerq gung nyy gur sbeznrerz va gur zhygvirefr sbezf n pbyyrpgvir puvyq-yvxr pbafpvbhfarff naq yvxrf znxvat thneqvnaf naq pnhfvat ceboyrzf ba n pbfzvp fpnyr orpnhfr vg svaqf vg sha. Hfvat ure arj zrgubq bs pbzzhavpngvat fur fvzcyl whfg nfxf nal sbeznrerz hfrq va vashfvba gb cebqhpr gur fnzr fcrpvrf nf ure. Guhf yrnqvat gb gur ahzrebhf “prcunyvqf”. Luminescence type: bio, Color: any.
Malagon: N yvtugjrvtug fbzrjung uhznabvq znyr thneqvna jvgu n cyrguben bs cvfpvar genvgf. Nf vg jnf gnxvat Xuryxra dhvgr njuvyr gb svther bhg ubj gb penpx sbeznrerz’f frpergf, Q’Guvyhf qrpvqrq gb znxr n cnve bs thneqvnaf jub pbhyq perngr na nezl sbe uvz guebhtu zber genqvgvbany zrnaf. Ur yhpxrq bhg nf obgu Znyntba naq Ulqmbn unir zhpu uvture sregvyvgl guna gur nirentr thneqvna (juvpu vf fberyl ynpxvat va gur nirentr vaqvivqhny) gurl nyfb ner irel fvzvyne fcrpvrf gb rnpu bgure naq unir irel qbzvanag curabglcrf zhpu yvxr Elhwva, Lvtt, naq Ibygvtvt. Guvf zrnaf gung nyy gurve lbhat ner vaperqvoyl fvzvyne va ohvyq gb gurz. Gurve lbhat jrer qhoorq “qrrc barf”. Luminescence type: bio, Color: sickly green.
Hydzoa: Gur srznyr pbhagrecneg gb Znyntba, fur vf n abgvprnoyl ohyxvre naq fgebatre thneqvna, ohg ynpxf ure zngr’f fcrrq. Juvyr Znyntba vf ohvyg sbe uvg naq eha naq enatrq pbzong juvpu vf snpvyvgngrq ivn uvf qvtvgvtenqr yrtf naq fyvtugyl yhangr gnvy sva, Ulqmbn’f cynagvtenqr yrtf naq cnqqyr funcrq gnvy sva nyybjf ure fgnoyr sbbgvat naq rnfr bs gheavat va beqre gb fgnl ba gbc bs ure bccbaragf. Evtug orsber gur XG obhaqnel Q’Guvyhf ernyvmrq gung na nezl pbzcbfrq bs fbyqvref jub pbhyq dhrfgvba naq guvax vaqrcraqragyl jnf gbb zhpu bs n unffyr, fb ur fpenzoyrq gur zvaqf bs nyy qrrc barf naq prcunyvqf naq zragnyyl fghagrq gurz, erqhpvat gurve vagryyvtrapr gb gung bs puvyqera jub pbhyq bayl gnxr beqref. Znyntba, Ulqmbn, naq Lnqvu sbhtug onpx ntnvafg guvf ohg Q’Guvyhf ehvarq gurve oenvaf gbb. Abj Ulqmbn naq ure zngr ner nofrag zvaqrq naq ybbcl, naq pbagrag jvgu gurve fvghngvba. Luminescence type: bio, Color: sickly green.
Yadih: Gur ynetrfg zrzore bs gur E’yrlu phyg, fur vf n znffvir rkgreanyyl ovenqvny jbez-yvxr perngher. Ure obql vf fbzrjung yvxr n erpgnathyne cevfz pbzcyrgr jvgu rqtrf (abg iregrkrf), naq ba rnpu obql frtzrag fur unf n oebnq neguebcbq-yvxr yrt ba rnpu bs ure sbhe rqtrf. Ure cbylpunrgr-yvxr snpr unf nagraanf neenatrq va n fvzvyne znaare, rvtug rlrf, naq sbhe ubeevslvat ergenpgnoyr oboovg jbez wnjf. Lnqvu jnf gur svefg thneqvna Q’Guvyhf perngrq naq jnf zrnag gb or n frpbaq va pbzznaq naq bowrpg bs nssrpgvba sbe uvz, ubjrire, fur jnfa’g shyyl ba obneq naq bppnfvbanyyl tbg zvaq fpenzoyrq jura fur npgrq hc. Guvf unq fybjyl rebqrq ure cflpur bire ure unys n ovyyvba lrne yvsr. Gur ynfg zragny fgenj jnf oebxra jnf jura fur wbvarq Znyntba naq Ulqmbn va eroryyvat ntnvafg Q’Guvyhf sbe zragnyyl fghagvat gur qrrc barf naq prcunyvqf. Yvxr ure pbagrzcbenevrf fur jnf zragnyyl erjverq bapr ntnva, ohg vg frrzrq gb or gur ynfg gvzr ure oenva pbhyq unaqyr vg. Ure rtb naq fhcre-rtb pbyyncfrq, yrnivat bayl ure crecrghnyyl sevtugrarq vq. Fur unf fvapr orra punvarq hc rire fvapr, pbafgnagyl guenfuvat ntnvafg ure pbafgenvagf naq ernpgvat jvgu greebe vaqhprq ntterffvba ng nal fgvzhyhf. Ure zvaq vf orlbaq erpbirel. Luminescence type: bio, Color: purple.
Well it’s been awhile since I made a post about the mainline Gverse story, especially a character overview! I decided to fix that.
As always, to keep spoilers hidden I encoded the post, but while I normally use dna to encode, a cryptogram felt more appropriate for this character faction (and would keep this post from becoming massive). I used a substitution cipher, specifically a rotational one, but it’s up to you to decode for the spoilers!
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iamthekaijuking · 2 days
clean water is such a luxury that we tend to take for granted.
i found out that wild animals can drink dirty water only because they've been acclimated to its contaminants since birth. because of this, any changes in the water can cause outbreaks of severe illness. animals raised on clean water would have just as much trouble with wild water as we would.
anyway, unrelated but Fuck Nestle
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iamthekaijuking · 3 days
Just in case @simon-roy missed it
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A bit of a last minute entry for @simon-roy’s refugium contest. I was pretty on the fence on if I should join but I decided why not! And it was a good excuse to try some new brush techniques.
An excerpt from the Altamira Book of Wildlife
An illustration of a male Towering Snappler, so named for the snapping sounds accompanying their feeding. Snapplers are aberrant grapplers that have taken up high browsing niches. The same raptorial appendages of the family are also useful for grabbing and manipulating the branches of foliage, and so they fill a similar niche to many earthen high browsers such as elephants, chalicotheres, therizinosaurs, and sauropods. Towering Snapplers themselves average around 35-40 tons, which is a similar size range to some iconic Jurassic sauropods such as Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus. Snapplers sometimes come into conflict with some Pentapods over resources as they too can sometimes fill similar niches, but these rarely become full confrontations as the photosynthesis and bio-voltaics of Pentapods allows them to go longer between meals.
The raptorial arms manipulate and crush foliage and bark using their claws and grinding teeth that are similar to elephant teeth. Food is then shoved down their powerful beaks to be further processed in a large crop before fermenting in their gut.
Towering Snapplers typically live in herds mostly composed of females and young with a few males, and they communicate using signaling via their tail brush. Males have bright blue dewlaps, and since blue is a very expensive color in nature, brighter blues are a good sign of fitness. During breeding season only one dominant male may get breeding rights, and so males compete with each other. They flash their dewlaps at each other and raise their tail brushes high, and if that doesn’t decide a victor then they may engage in a “parallel march” like deer to gauge the size of their opponent. If either party still doesn’t back down then the last step is physically fighting with their raptorial appendages. This last step rarely happens, but it can escalate to the point of being fatal. Old experienced males are adorned with scars from previous battles. The male illustrated here has only just reached sexual maturity and lacks any scars.
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iamthekaijuking · 4 days
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A bit of a last minute entry for @simon-roy’s refugium contest. I was pretty on the fence on if I should join but I decided why not! And it was a good excuse to try some new brush techniques.
An excerpt from the Altamira Book of Wildlife
An illustration of a male Towering Snappler, so named for the snapping sounds accompanying their feeding. Snapplers are aberrant grapplers that have taken up high browsing niches. The same raptorial appendages of the family are also useful for grabbing and manipulating the branches of foliage, and so they fill a similar niche to many earthen high browsers such as elephants, chalicotheres, therizinosaurs, and sauropods. Towering Snapplers themselves average around 35-40 tons, which is a similar size range to some iconic Jurassic sauropods such as Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus. Snapplers sometimes come into conflict with some Pentapods over resources as they too can sometimes fill similar niches, but these rarely become full confrontations as the photosynthesis and bio-voltaics of Pentapods allows them to go longer between meals.
The raptorial arms manipulate and crush foliage and bark using their claws and grinding teeth that are similar to elephant teeth. Food is then shoved down their powerful beaks to be further processed in a large crop before fermenting in their gut.
Towering Snapplers typically live in herds mostly composed of females and young with a few males, and they communicate using signaling via their tail brush. Males have bright blue dewlaps, and since blue is a very expensive color in nature, brighter blues are a good sign of fitness. During breeding season only one dominant male may get breeding rights, and so males compete with each other. They flash their dewlaps at each other and raise their tail brushes high, and if that doesn’t decide a victor then they may engage in a “parallel march” like deer to gauge the size of their opponent. If either party still doesn’t back down then the last step is physically fighting with their raptorial appendages. This last step rarely happens, but it can escalate to the point of being fatal. Old experienced males are adorned with scars from previous battles. The male illustrated here has only just reached sexual maturity and lacks any scars.
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iamthekaijuking · 4 days
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While it wasn’t required for the video, I wanted to make a kecha skull anyways!
Kecha has a very strange head. Aside from the squared Gwimbly head he’s got long protruding jaws and a big nose bone like a tapir to support his trunk, which probably is further supported by cartilage rings like an elephant.
He also has massive ear holes but that’s kinda expected.
Kinda like garangolm he’s missing his first premolars although in his case it’s on both the top and bottom jaws. Unlike all primates, Kecha’s molars aren’t flat for grinding but instead chisels like incisors, so definitely geared towards things like insects, but as a primate he has to have slightly omnivorous tendencies. Primates can’t make their own vitamin C, but they get plenty from the fruit they eat so it’s okay!
I think he’s a cursorial monkey like rajang and the rest, but Kecha has a lot of arboreal adaptations, and might represent an early offshoot of the family that never fully left the trees. He’s got big hooked claws for hanging from branches like a sloth and brachiating movements and a prehensile hooked tail for similar reasons. Not to mention the patagium. He’s perfectly capable on the ground but he excels in the trees. Also probably gets eaten by Nargacuga a lot.
Overall I like kecha quite a lot! And think he’s a great addition to the roster.
I cannot say the same for bishitting.
I’m one of those people who thinks it should have been a bird Wyvern and this feels especially true because it’s supposed to be a tengu. They could have done a qurupeco relative with sexual dimorphism to cover both the red and blue tengus instead of just a base species and a really lame subspecies, it would have been more interesting. Instead of going all in on the bird aspect they made a monkey with dinosaur hips, a beak, and feathers. Which isn’t possible because 1: mammals need their lips to suckle as newborns and 2: synapsids don’t have beta keratin like diapsids (especially birds) and so bishaten shouldn’t have its large flight feathers. It honestly feels more like a final fantasy creature design than a monster hunter one, and I had to make a really crummy headcanon to justify them having this stuff.
The headcanon being that the ancestors of Bishaten and Garangolm were a population of early cursorial monkey that caught a virus that transferred a ton of avian or bird wyvern genetic material via horizontal gene transfer. Mortality would have been extremely high and there would have been a population bottleneck but eventually the descendants would have slight beaks, somewhat dinosaurian hips, and beta keratin and feathers, with garangolm modifying them into avian scales.
Kecha Wacha skull available for early viewing on my patreon!
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iamthekaijuking · 4 days
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iamthekaijuking · 5 days
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Skulls of some of my favorite godzillas!
Final wars i used Heterodontosaurs anatomy
Heisei i used Ceratosaur anatomy
Millenium i used Crocodylomorph anatomy
Legendary i used Anapsid anatomy
Shin i used Amphibian (mainly frogs and early salamanders) anatomy
this was quite the challenge drawing these skulls!
i also made bonuses for FW and Heisei with Cynodont anatomy!
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iamthekaijuking · 6 days
I don’t know if they’re the queerest animal, in my opinion that probably goes to the entirety bisexual bonobos, but male giraffes engage in a very high amount of homosexual behavior usually after necking. Different studies have recovered different numbers on how often this happens, but depending on the population in an area and species male homosexual activity can make up anywhere from 30 to 94 percent of sexual activity in a population.
what? giraffes aren't even on the list of queerest animal?
My friend, there was a write in option specifically to have folks yell out their queerest animal icons. But, just to confirm and to give giraffes a fair chance:
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iamthekaijuking · 8 days
I’ve played the campaign of AC6 20 times at this point and pvp has started to look enticing. I spent a few days learning some really good builds and advanced movement and I’ve been dipping my toes into pvp today.
I’ve only really had success in ranked matches (I’m rank D so it’s not super impressive but I did have an 8 match win streak) because casual rooms are full of S rank hardcore players that could wipe the floor with my ass. I’m wondering if there’s a discord for more casual Armored Core 6 ps4 pvp players.
I also learned a horrible truth that my main mech, basically a recreation of Flesh God, is not a good pvp build.
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iamthekaijuking · 9 days
Israel has deployed auto-firing quadcopters that emit the sounds of crying babies.
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There is no possible reality where this is in any way capable of being passed off as self-defense. It was never self-defense. It is, and always has been, a genocide.
Crying babies. Crying babies. This is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, meant to draw out and kill civilians while also making it far more difficult to locate and aid children who are trapped or alone.
If you have money to spare, please consider donating to some of the fundraisers on Operation Olive Branch to help people escape this genocide.
End the occupation. Free Palestine.
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iamthekaijuking · 10 days
Teostra skull available for early viewing on my patreon!
I would have loved to do Lunastra too, since I always illustrate the skulls of both sexes in sexually dimorphic monsters, but between her massive horns and chin I just couldn’t reasonably fit it in the canvas : (
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iamthekaijuking · 12 days
Maybe this is the wrong platform to pose this question given the average tumblr user but
Is it just me or did our generation (those of is who are currently 20-30 ish) just not get the opportunity to be young in the 'standard' sense?
Like, everyone I talk to who's over 40 has all their wild stories about their teens and 20s, being young and dumb, and then I talk to my friends and coworkers and classmates, and we just... dont.
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iamthekaijuking · 13 days
Kecha Wacha skull available for early viewing on my patreon!
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iamthekaijuking · 14 days
Would you guys believe me if I said I literally came up with a better plot for Kung Fu Panda 4 in my sleep?
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iamthekaijuking · 15 days
As an apology for the lack of gverse stuff I’m reblogging the master post of everything I’ve revealed on my blog.
I’ll post more gverse eventually, I’m just working through a to do list and juggling multiple things both project related and irl. Some of the to do list is gverse stuff though! Although a lot of it is silly self indulgent stuff.
When I finish my to do list I’ll illustrate every mainline Gverse character and then start writing a book (not gverse but from my other ideas for stories as a sort of author test run).
GUARDIANverse navigational post
Secret and spoiler-y stuff is encoded with dna, see if you can translate it!
Guardian related things
Formaerem, Guardians, supplementary material on guardian genetics
Guardian Society related things
The Origins, The Guardian Society Itself, The Five Founding Races, Some Endemic Life, Some Biotech
Ryujin’s empire
The P.A.C.K. and Ryujin’s empire itself
R’lyeh Cult
The origin of the R’lyeh Cult and D’Thilus’s descent into cruelty
The Nyartolepians
Character overviews
Individuals allied with the guardian society
The P.A.C.K. and Ryujin
Unimportant Bonus Content
Creation of the organic wheel and origin of antigravity racing in the guardian society
The God Children of Ana: pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7, pt 8, pt 9, pt 10, pt 11, pt 12 END
Every god children saga art piece at full resolution
More to be added eventually!
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iamthekaijuking · 15 days
what are your thoughts on Shimidah the kaiju that never made it to GvK?
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and what kind of invertebrate you think its supposed to be?
It’s pretty cool looking but also really chimeric
It doesn’t actually strike me as an invert, just something vaguely insectile, and feels more like a vertebrate than came onto land independently from tetrapods. But following this idea and judging by the jaw anatomy means it probably evolved jaws independently of other vertebrates, and so it’s last common ancestor with all other vertebrates was probably a jawless fish
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