#how unfair
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Oh to be in Oslo wearing a Mayhem shirt with Rory
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delyth88 · 7 months
In every time loop Loki has to go to Chicago and convince Victor to come back to the TVA again to unlock the blast doors.
In every loop Loki tries to manipulate events - to get Victor there sooner, develop a better solution, keep Renslayer and Miss Minutes from interfering. He tries, and tries, and tries, but each time the radiation is still too strong and Victor spaghettifies, the Loom explodes and the loop starts again.
Each time Loki has to go to Victor and convince him to come back to the TVA knowing the risks, and each repeat it gets harder and harder to ask Victor. And sometimes when he does, Victor gets suspicious because it looks like Loki is hiding something.
Eventually Loki has to tell Victor about the time loop, the fact that they haven't been successful yet, and what that means for Victor.
Victor helps work through what went wrong in the past loops and tries to come up with an alternative that will work this time, but the only solution they can develop involves Victor still being out in the radiation for too long. He's pretty sure he'll be able to set off the throughput multiplier but it will take too long for him to get back to the airlock.
Despite this, he makes the choice to go out there and try to save the TVA and the multiverse. "Time to be brave", he says and he runs down the gantry. Inserts the multiplier, spins the unit around, hits the green button, turns and runs back towards the airlock. The radiation buffets him in his suit and as he gets closer to the door Loki can see that the suit is decaying and some patches seem to have nearly eroded away completely.
Victor slows as he gets to the airlock and limps through the door, which OB quickly closes. Loki rushes down to help Victor get the suit off, but Victor is sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall working at the catches on the helmet. Loki pauses, and then walks over to Victor and gently helps remove the helmet, placing on the floor beside them. Victor starts removing his gloves and it's clear that he won't last long. His skin is old and crinkled and seems to still be ageing, and his hair is white. He breathes with great effort and his hands are red and raw where the material on the gloves has worn through. Loki doesn't want to think about what else the suit is hiding.
They hear an excited whoop from upstairs, and Victor sighs, leaning his head back against the wall.
"It is a pity I did not get the opportunity to see more of this miraculous place", he says. "But perhaps that is fitting. For I am not him."
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
How could you not fall in love with that unhinged maniac? If anyone deserves to go semi-evil it's you, Donnie.
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sidglorious · 3 days
the fuck you mean my degenerative mental illness didn't get better and actually degeneretad
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maitanii · 4 months
fifteen years ago a girl was killed near my town and her body was never found (but her killers were discovered). I remember having lunch with my grandma when the news broke out
today, having breakfast with my grandma, we watched the news again about her murder. Her body still hasn’t been found and her grandpa is still walking around with a photo of her hanging around his neck.
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huggybug · 2 years
lex have you seen the picture of eddy holding duker his shoulders? it was so cute but also eddys arms looked Good
THIS ONE?? yeah i freaked out over it don’t worry
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palesoftangel · 9 months
you'll meeeeevvaaaaa catch me in that i can fix him era ever again
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weepingskeleton · 2 years
So when I say I want to electrocute my sister, I'm strange and "need help" but when Thomas does it, it's just remus messing around. Double standards much
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cerayanay · 2 months
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Not Abel by Hop Along
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0v3rcxme · 11 months
on that note idk if its like some sort of. mental illness imposter syndrome (????????) but when ive had to explain myself it feels like 'wow what if this whole time ive been lying about my symptoms and im just making shit up and manipulating to get the answers that i want what if im making it sound worse on purpose' which is obviously bullshit in so many levels but. yea. like yea ive definitely been faking these symptoms to myself. makes sense
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tagerrkix · 8 months
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beybuniki · 5 months
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alternative universe where there are TWO epic fail sons in the todoroki familiy
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biting is a love language biting is a love language Biting Is A Love Language-
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ichimu · 1 year
I don't know if this is a good time. But it's been so long since we've seen you is there any chance of a selfie?
my skin is Going Through It rn so that shall not be happening despite having re-dyed my hair ☹️
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autisticrosewilson · 3 months
While we're on the topic of De-aging AU's I wanna talk about Jason and Damian if Jason was 14 again real quick.
Do you guys think that Damian looks at this version of Jason, so different from the version he knows, nothing like the person he was told Jason was, and feels uncomfortably seen?
Damian was always told that Jason died because he was reckless, because he disobeyed orders, he was fired as Robin and he got himself killed. A cautionary tale, not a threat to his position. He dismisses Jason because Bruce does, because Dick does, because sometimes even Babs and Alfred do.
That's not the kid that he's looking at now. This Jason is happy, and smart, and full of love that has not yet soured into grief. He hangs on Bruce's every word, trains until his hands bleed and his body gives out to perfect the moves Bruce teaches him. He looks at Bruce with stars in his eyes and he calls him dad.
And Damian can't help but think, that this is the perfect Robin. The perfect son. And if Jason - sweet, loving, strong, Jason - can be fired, can die and have his room locked away and his pictures torn down, can have his last memory as Robin be as A Good Soldier, how could the rest of them ever compete? What could Damian do to stand a chance?
Jason will never grow out of the shadow of Robin, like the rest of them did. As long as Bruce, and Dick, and Babs, and Alfred look at him and see a dead kid who came back wrong, he will never get to be anything else. He will not get to be looked at through who he is now without the shadow of a dead boy looming over him.
And the worst part? Jason is exactly the same person he was back then. Bitter, sure, angry, justifiably, but he is still the boy with too much love in his heart and righteous fury festering in his gut. He is exactly the same boy who threw himself in front of an explosion to save his mother.
(The lines between the mother that betrayed him and the father that disgraced him are so very blurred. Fire or blade or crowbars or fists it does not matter. It ends the same way it always does because Jason Todd always dies, in every universe, in every timeline, Jason dies and crawls out only to be killed again and again and again.)
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
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