#how to (not) date a celebrity
jabesa0 · 2 months
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[Mammon wip] 📸🐩💎
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
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arisu knew saiki liked men all along
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sunglassesmish · 15 days
okokokok but buck's wearing the same shirt during his dinner with tommy that he's been wearing all day apparently (shown by the daylight scenes with eddie and eddie's parents) so the dinner scene isn't even a capital d Date because buck didn't dress up. rather it implies that it's just them having dinner like it's a completely normal occurrence at this point. like Of Course we're eating dinner together, we do that every time our schedules align
ok yeah this is fine and normal haha they are domesticated already yeah i’m fine
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Dip and Kiss
Am I the only one that thinks that in a ‘I accidentally killed the Joker!” story that Jason WOULD totally kiss the one (ether Danny or Jazz only if they’re around his age though) that did it once he’s over the shock.
Like no joke, he would full on twirl, dip and kiss the person who did it, before going to celebrate that clowns end and later returning with thank you flowers. Cause Jason is a dramatic man whose planning to full on woo his new personal hero.
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plutonicbees · 6 months
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impulse issue #22 (released dec. 11, 1996): bart celebrates his birthday for the first time 🥳
bart doesn't have an official date for his birthday sooo I like to consider the anniversary of this issue to be his unofficial birthday. I am possibly the only person who does this. happy unofficial birthday to bart in my brain.
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always was, always will be aboriginal land ❤️💛🖤
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inhuman-obey-me · 5 months
👼w/ lucifer, no mc
"I can’t seem to forget the halo that I used to see." - Lucifer
cw: alcohol, Nightbringer season 1 spoilers
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The amber liquid in Lucifer's glass smells dark and sweet.
He's had it a few times before, at the demon prince's invitation, but it's still a bit strange to him, this thing called Demonus. It's not like the ambrosial sweetness of what he used to drink in the Celestial Realm, honey-bright and delicate as flower petals in the wind. That had been airy and full of light, tasting of sunbeams on the trees from which the fruits were picked to make it.
Demonus, however, is something completely different. Actually, he's surprised to find he likes it. It's rich and heady, with a spiciness that lingers on his palate long after each sip. Indulgent, sweet not like honey but like sin. A hint of noxious brimstone burns at the back of his throat as he drinks, rising like a burst of sulfurous smoke directly into his nostrils. It leaves a slow trail of fire through him as it goes down, like lava running down the side of a volcano.
Each sip is an inescapable reminder of where he is now -- of what he is now. Of what they all are, now.
It's not that Lucifer regrets the war. Regrets losing, perhaps -- of course, since no one starts a conflict like that with the intent to fail. But even losing, on its own, would have been fine. There's a sense of freedom to his new life, here in the Devildom. He can say and do whatever he likes, unbeholden to his Father. Here, the insistent, nagging doubts swirling in his mind every day have stopped, no longer screaming to be heard, no longer screaming to be spoken. He had finally spoken them. He had fought for them. And if it only involved him, he would make the same decision a thousand times over again.
But it didn't. It wasn't only him. And now, he's not the only one paying for it.
His brothers had made the choice to follow him, and for that, he is grateful. He is grateful, every single day, not to have landed here alone. But they had followed him because they'd believed in him. His rebellion failing was one thing. What he really can't stand is that he failed them.
Lucifer sighs into his glass as Raphael's declaration from earlier that day rings in his head again -- "The Celestial Gates are open to the six of you, that you may pass through once more."
He won't return; now that he's tasted this freedom, he knows he'll never be satisfied in the Celestial Realm again. But, the others...
Maybe Raphael is right. Maybe his brothers should go. Even if it means leaving him and Satan behind, maybe it's for the best. Maybe it's true -- the wings at their backs should be white. Even now, he can't seem to forget the halos that he used to see over each of their heads.
It's his fault those halos don't shine over them anymore. It's his fault they've become horns instead. It's his fault they aren't angels anymore, and he doesn't want it to be his fault that they stay that way. They won't like leaving him, but who is he to ask them to stay?
It was his war. It was his failure. It should be his punishment to bear. Alone.
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scarletevening · 5 days
i luv you guys.
i've gained so much support on this platform, and i never showed just how greatful i was. so here i am, doing an event for all 800 of you < 3
i literally love all of you guys so much and am so grateful that people read my work. muah muah muah
[ check here for request rules!! ]
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breezypunk · 3 months
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one of their favorite date nights is just strolling through the city admiring the neon lights. ♥︎
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sweetandglovelyart · 8 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 2
Kirby dresses up as Meta Knight and learns that Meta’s old cape was a gift from Dedede.
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theosconfessions · 5 months
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Love is Embarrassing
Ep 1- House 2- Luxor
scarlett: i didnt blow it did i me and luxor: [grimaces] haha! it was hard to watch. i thinkkkk its the celebrity thing. just because this happened to all of the celebs that were entered in this bc. and some of them indulged her for real but luxor just wasnt having it in the intros. BUT DO NOT WORRY this is only the intros :) he'll get more time for scarlett to embarrass herself in front of him later on down the line when we get to solo dates/group dates all of that. ALSO I LOVE HIM. look how fucking good looking he is man. jesus christ. but scarlett my love... you .. shouldve listened to sofia haha!
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wundrousarts · 8 months
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Morrigan <3
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little-devil-art · 8 months
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[Trick or Treat!] 🎃 (‼️My MC Alice‼️)
Celebrating Halloween <<<< Making Halloween themed Fanart.
I love how we got a second batch of Halloween outfits this year, and I simply adore them! Lucifer looks so cute as Vampire…! My MC goes as a witch this year, and the outfit is basically F!Corrin’s Harvest Festival Costume from Fire Emblem Heroes. (Of course, the OG Witch Design is from FE Fates hehe…). You know….since my MC is also my Fatesona and all hohoh…Also for a strange reason, the other demons were transformed into tiny ghosts! (°ロ°) !
It’s still a little early for Halloween, but Oct. 31st is Diavolo’s Birthday, and I’ve got something up my sleeve.
Hope you like it though! 🐦‍⬛🦚👻
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bisexualbuckl-y · 1 month
i can't stop thinking about buck's future reaction to this new eddie storyline in like a best friend way, because i don't know how aware buck is of how much eddie is struggling with his mental health lol, like how long ago was the last time they spoke about shannon in relation to eddie? does buck think eddie is over her death? or maybe not over but at least he's come to terms with it? i feel like we'll see eddie trying to hide this thing with kim and buck will surely know something's going on but i don't think he'll ever imagine something close to what's happening, and then aside from the lying and bad feelings surrounding the situation he'll also feel awful because he just didn't know how this was still an issue eddie was having... yk?
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thurio-edau · 1 month
the last 2 or 3 hours were in a voice chat and i didnt open my mic because i was insecure about my voice and they all said it was fine and they were so sweet but also really unhinged and fun fbdjshdkfhajsj <33
they were all just like me and we're gonna talk a lot more im sure theyre just like found family! named and gendered correctly, had fun, made inside jokes like i cannot stop stimming around i love them so much and this is my first ever real online friend group and it feels so right
all of them are really friendly I took everyone's birthdays and saved them to the calendar we promised to celebrate them together :DD
i just feel so happy right now, i really feel like i belong i literally didn't want to leave but my social battery was dying and it's two am and they just told me to go to sleep and that they'd be here in the morning it was so cute we all promised to be active and stay as a small group
they all called me blake and wished me a good night and i shut the pc and i cant stop being so happy fjnfkcsjfkdfsfhd <3<3<3
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eskawrites · 2 months
next chapter of our hearts know deeper seasons than our memories is up nowwwwww! feat. one of my favorite conversations in the entire fic:
“Two things,” Max says when Nancy picks up the phone early one Wednesday morning. “First of all, when the hell are you coming back to New York?” Nancy stifles a yawn as she stirs sugar into her coffee. “Good morning to you, too, Max.” “Yeah, hi, whatever. Now answer the question—we haven’t seen you in ages.” “It’s only been a couple months. I’m filming.” “And I’m doing eight shows a week. Your point?” She rolls her eyes, biting back a smile. “What was the other thing?” “Oh, right. Can you believe Robin and Steve just got married without telling anyone?”
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