#hopefully I tagged this right lol
totallynotasimp67 · 1 month
Mass Effect Prompt
Featuring Garrus
I’ll start this by saying, I am not that far into ME3, I have completed the first 2 and I do plan on multiple play throughs. The character I have currently romanced is Garrus, so I’ll be using his name, however feel free use any character you see fit
So, we all know Shepherd has a nightmare about the child they couldn’t save, now the scenario is as follows,
It had been a long day, Shepherd/you were tired, the entire crew was tired but
Shep/you: “Their isn’t any rest for the wicked, Garrus”
Garrus: “all the more reason for you to sleep, we need you on your A game to fight the Reapers, now sleep, Shepherd”
Shep/you: “you drive a hard bargain Vakarian, fine”
Now Shepherd/you had been asleep for a bit, maybe an hour at most when the nightmare started, meanwhile Garrus could tell something just wasn’t right and goes to check on Shepherd/you, his hunch being confirmed seeing you squirming in bed, obviously having a very intense dream
Alternate Dialogue
If you decide to time it after the War against the Reapers
Shep/You: “There isn’t any rest for the wicked, Garrus, you and I know that better than anyone.”
Garrus: “True, but there isn’t any galaxy ending threat knocking at our door, now is there, and I don’t think you getting some sleep will magically make one appear”
Shep/You: “you drive a hard bargain Vakarian, but you’re right, I’ll try and get some sleep”
Now don’t forget to tag me if you use this prompt, thank you and have a good day
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pixlatedvampire · 12 days
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You gave those wounds to your god, Enki. Did you think they would heal so easily?
(Uh Oh! Someone gave the priest catholic guilt!)
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#this is one of my favorite pokémon of ALL time. this is one of those pokémon that#when it first came out‚ i had such a Visceral reaction to. i couldn't get over this fucking dog. and i still can't#THEY CAN'T FUCKING SEE!!!!!! AHJGSAKDGASJGDSKCGAJVCKABCKB#i love it SO much it's so fucking. cute. it's so fucking cute. so happy to see that blue haired bitch in the sv dlc having one#DAS IST MEIN BABY. I LOVE IT. lord this is the best. gushing over this dog#while also listening to discO-zone for the first time in a Long time#which is one of my favorite albums of all time. right next to probably vylet pony's cutiemarks and the things that bind us#and burn pygmalion from the scary jokes#there you go. there's my music taste lain out flat. kinda all over the place but discO-zone is one of those that i've loved since i was#a real youngin. and i just rediscovered it last night and UUUUUUUGGHHHH IT'S SO GOOD#MUSIC!!!! AND DOGS. feeling GOOD this morning#by the time this posts‚ it'll be like. two weeks later. but past me was feeling great when she posted this#about to start shiny hunting pawniard for a friend's birthday. technically getting eggs as i write this#wish me luuuuck..! it'll probably be his birthday by the time this posts. lemme check#oh yeah this is gonna post two days After his birthday. hopefully by the time this goes up i've already got the pawniard#HI FORGOT TO TAG THIS ONE#hisuian growlithe#hi from the future again lol his birthday was like a month ago by this point because i ended up queueing up this guy before all the gmax#forms. i totally forgot them. and this whole time i've been queuing them up and shoving them Above this guy. so it was even longer ago#that i queued this guy up at this point. teehee!
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letswonderspirit · 5 months
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Some doodles 8^]
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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journalists underestimate the magnitude of my addiction and how far i'll go for the bit
#snap chats#im lying i physically could not marathon this i got school LMAO BUT IMAGINE#my god speaking of school i signed up for a japanese history class. because of course i did#i also needed an extra class and i didnt know what else to put LMAO but i might swap it or somn#thinkin i should get back into theater..... i got like two months to decide anyway#i was thinking about how im gonna play IW during streams... if the lord will let me i might stream for 2~3 hours or so#im putting such a small time limit due to Aforementioned School but also idk if my computer can record any longer than that#when i tried saving the video to my flashdrive it only lasted about two some hours right ? maybe 3 if i remember right#i decided to record to my computer's hard drive instead of the usb since it has more space so maybe i can record longer#ill prob do a test run later today and record a nonsense video. i WILL delete it i just wanna see what the limit is#cause my plan is to just Record One -> Upload It -> Delete OG yk. Lazy Susan type of plan#didnt mean to type out my whole gameplan in the tags LOL BUT HEY I WANTED TO TALK BOUT IT AT SOME POINT#my final message is that ive Hopefully preordered the ichi statue. i say Hopefully cause i am once again doing it through jp rabbit#and i didnt get the confirmation it was successful yet so I Will Simply Wait.#point is it was a lot cheapter than i thought it was going to be <3 yay <3#ok im running out of tags tl;dr im gonna marathon IW until my eyes bleed BYYYE
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [Week 1] -> favourite tarlos centric episode(s) -> 3.13
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gambeque · 3 months
Could we see the cool pinterest ref please? 👉👈
that pose looks amazing and I'm really curious about how you translated the ref into your own idea :]
yuh sure! here u go
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the drawing
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pencildragons · 5 months
snippet from my upcoming foxquin fic sinner, sinner (come to dinner) for foxquinweek !!!!!
“Commander Fox,” says the Chancellor, smiling his kindly smile. Fox stands very still and stares straight ahead, past Palpatine and through the great transparisteel window at the city below, skyline exploding in the brilliance of the sun’s final dying rays. The fanciful part of him that will one day be responsible for his death imagines that, if he’s just still enough, Palpatine will forget him entirely. It’s ridiculous, he knows, he knows, of course he knows, but he clings to it anyway, endeavours to move as little as possible, turns trying to hide even the slight rise and fall of his chest into some sort of test of how good his impression of being a block of stone is. “Sir,” says Fox. “Commander Fox,” Palpatine says again, still smiling that awful fucking smile, but sadder, now, mournful, bushy eyebrows doing something terrible and expressive. “You have disappointed me.” “Yes, sir.” “I gave you a very simple directive, Commander, and still you failed.” Fox is barely breathing now. Only a few klicks away, the spire of the Jedi Temple burns in a halo of pink-red, spearing through the cloud-strewn sky. It looks like one of the paintings hung in the Senate rotunda corridors, the ones that like as not cost more to procure than he did. His throat is dry. He tries to swallow. It sticks. It is likely he is dehydrated. There is a little light flashing on top of the spire, warning away in-atmo transports and low-flying starships. Orange-blue-green. Orange-blue-green. He stares at it, so he doesn’t have to look at Palpatine. “Yes, sir.” “Such inadequacy is, of course, unacceptable, Commander, as I’m sure you’re aware. I really had hoped it would not come to this, you understand.” Liar, Fox thinks. You love this. “But there is only one way to learn, and that is through experiencing consequences of your actions. Perhaps next time you will not take your sworn duty so lightly, hmm?” “Yes, sir.” “Draw your blaster, please, Commander.” Fox blinks and, in his surprise, breaks his stillness to turn his head to face Palpatine properly. “…Sir?” “Must I repeat myself twice? Draw your blaster from your holster.” Slowly, Fox draws. He wonders if this is some sort of test, if he’s going to be punished further for making his weapon naked in front of the Supreme Chancellor of the entire fucking Republic. (In the light of the dusk spilling through the window into the opulent office, Palpatine’s eyes seem almost gold. It is for but a brief moment, just the rays of the fat sun catching oddly, and then they return to that sharp, ice-chip grey like nothing at all happened.) “Good,” says Palpatine, and smiles again. Like this, he looks like some natborn’s father’s father—grandfather, he believes the term is—all benevolent wrinkles and knowing looks. “Set it to kill.” Fox sets it to kill. It is not a difficult thing. He is just as much a weapon as the blaster in his hands, well-oiled, clean, smooth. Efficient. He was designed for this. It is easier to follow orders mindlessly; his brain, like all their brains (except, perhaps, Kote’s, but Kote’s a little fucked up and is an outlier for everything else, anyway), is primed for command, made to obey. A perfect, thoughtless gun, with just enough ruthlessness and self-determination to set them apart from the CIS’ droids. That’s the idea, anyway. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time the Kaminoans failed in the execution of something. “Turn around, Commander,” Palpatine murmurs, words soft and smooth and rich as the heavy velvet-fabric from his home planet that he has all his clothes cut from. “And fire at will.”
rbs deeply appreciated :]
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tittysuckersworld · 5 months
okay did i barely change this? yeah. buttt i wanna talk about the lil story idea reasons made this peice(other than practices wanted to do)
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rambles under cut so is nice to scroll through
you have entered my ramble zone. this was your mistake.
anyways!! so for this the lil backstory i made is that, dazai snuck off from work to slack off. leaving his trench coat over some pillows to make it look like he was napping again wile he snuck out of the building. this was also one of chuuyas rare days off. they run into eachother to both of their perceived annoyances, fighting themselves into an alley way. dazai ends up with chuuyas hat and somehow they both end up in a metal crate.
little did they know(they sorta knew but yknow) there was a new sorta gang in the port that had heard of double black and planned this. the box is welded shut and they made sure it was small enough so dazai and chuuya would alwase be touching(so chuuya cant activate his powers and somehow get them out). mabey there was a user with a temporary sleep ability to help stuff out?
im not fully sure- what do they do in the box? you can decide ;> ;> i think at some point atsushi ends up saving them but for now all there is is them and a box. letting this idea go free for anyone who wants to expand on it, only thing i ask is link back to art so others that may wanna see can see and that you somehow link it to me to read because i would go crazy and love to see smth- yee yee thats all thank youuu
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chompe-diem · 5 months
on my extrapolating about characters arc so im thinking about. gorgug and riz. do u ever think of them
gorgug who grew up knowing intimately how much he stuck out like a sore thumb. riz who can count all the goblins in elmville on one clawed hand.
riz who hides behind walls and in dark corners because he cannot stand in a crowd and simply blend in; gorgug who wakes up his whole childhood in a room too small. two people who garner attention that they aren't seeking. riz the rogue whose keen eye notices, knows how people will stare if given the opportunity. gorgug who more often than not sits timidly with his headphones on and hands in his hoodie pocket, who hates the stomach flip when someone assumes he must be a barbarian, and hates the fact that he proves them right.
riz and gorgug who are different in their upbringings, but share the same quiet sense of unbelonging, in green skin and craned necks and cruel cruel assumptions
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 1 month
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and all the time the world unwinds i can't deny the way i feel and all these words they mean nothing at all
it stays in stella maris
it doesn't leave that room
but dawn comes, warm light over the east, warming the ruined streets of home. you were meant to be with me, here, for we are built, trained, conditioned to disappear
what comes next needs everything we got. elysium must wake
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totallynotasimp67 · 2 months
My ass is board, and I have no motivation to write so imma posting fic ideas/prompts
The only 2 rules are
1. @ me if you use the prompt, I wanna see your work
2. either separate smut clearly OR make it clear there’s smut, smut make me uncomfortable
Anyway, please enjoy the following prompt and any future prompts
Soldier 76(Jack Morrison)/Reaper(Gabriel Reyes)Adoptive Father AU
Basically in BlackWatch days Jack and Gabriel essentially adopt you, and the ship for Mercy is up to you, the scenario is as follows
Someone was flirting with Angela aka Mercy and you decide to intervene
76/Jack: what in the hell did you do!?
You: they were flirting with miss Angela, so I kicked him in the nuts and called him a dumb cunt cause she has a partner, and even if she didn’t, she wouldn’t want you, ugly mother fucker.
76/Jack: *absolutely fucking shocked (shocked Pikachu)
You: What, she looked uncomfortable, I had to do somethin’
Reaper/Gabe: HA, THAT’S MY KID! Knew I taught you right
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honkowo · 1 year
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oh to be a crown with 5 bigass loud as fuck friends whom u only sorta understand when they speak
crowns by @charseraph :3
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garzzum · 9 months
My Nerevarine, Galsri, if he joined House Dagoth :D
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Drew this last night, took me a little over 3 hours lol. This is my first actually good drawing of Galsri 😭 I really need to draw him more
He's a spellsword so he's usually wearing actual armor but I can't draw legs very well yet so he gets robes instead 😭😭
I looked at a bunch of Morrowind fanart on Pinterest mostly and some Michael Kirkbride drawings for the clothing design so hopefully I got the look right
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jup1tersparx · 4 months
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battiegutz · 1 year
yea why da hell nawt. heres my sep au (tethered au) leo to match urs :3 he doesnt have an actual outfit yet so hes gotta deal w his prisoner nexus fighter clothes oopsies
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