#high school mention
shifty-minds · 1 year
random af but a few nights ago i was watching videos of me during high school n yeah guess that saying "you'll only miss it when you lose it" is soooo true omg
it was hell but i really liked it too
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constarlations · 14 days
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🍊 Big Sis Nemona 🍊
my favorite Unovan/Latina Pokémon trainer ever created
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"You can't move him up a grade!" The social worker said, aghast. "I won't deny that Danny is brilliant, but look at his social skills. He needs proper socialization with people his age, not-"
"People on the same level as him?" Tim asked. He was glaring at the woman.
"High schoolers," she finished, giving Tim a look.
Dick's hands were folded as if in prayer, pressed against his mouth. "I understand you point, Mrs. Gonzalez, but this is my reasoning; there is not an eighth grade class in this country that can handle Danny. He curses. He drinks. He smokes. I love that kid and I'm doing the best I can, but he's a feral goblin child and you, or any teacher, can't control him."
She looked like she swallowed a raw egg, but Mrs. Gonzalez had been Danny's social worker since the paperwork went through, and was a long time friend of the police chief in Bludhaven. She'd been there for the Toast Incident; she knew how Danny was. "...Why don't we consider a homeschool program first? With after school and weekend activities."
Dick flashed a smile. "That's better."
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autisticaradiamegido · 8 months
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day 267
the arajade emo band is back with a few new members
to the anon who suggested the band name and concept?? you're still so right. i have been thinking about it since the last drawing. so fuckin true dude.
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zivazivc · 1 month
Does Hed help Les with grooming his back?
This is a really old ask about this post. And the answer is yes, definitely!
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I ended up drawing them back in their room in Vibe City because I've been thinking a lot about them growing up there lately. This is a little before Les gets kicked out (big fight with dad) and they end up traveling around with Flea who is at uni at this point. (Flea isn't a local, he moved there because of uni a couple of years prior, and that's when Les and Hed met him. He is the only other mixed/non-fully funk troll they know at that point.)
In the drawing Hed is studying for a test. He's in the second year of high school when he drops out. This upsets and angers Les because he has good grades but Hed insists that they should form a band (like they used to talk about when younger) because he is secretly shit scared of letting Les live alone and fuck off to who knows where. - At this point in time Vibe City is pretty much grounded in the same location most of the time, and if Les doesn't have work, he likes to spend his time in the suburb/woods outside the city where he takes care of his beetle van, Scaab. And Hed is aware Les has been itching to leave the city for a while already...
This has been an unexpected mini lore dump, thank you for your time :P
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hamable · 3 months
It’s really interesting to me how elusive Kipperlily Copperkettle has been throughout what is now the first half of the season.
She’s the closest thing we have to an identifiable Big Bad. She gets established in episode 3 to be constantly vigilant, capable of eavesdropping on anything and everything.
And then she’s physically MIA (iirc) for seven episodes, barring her scene with the food trucks at the start of episode 7. I think she’s said to be present at the assembly this most recent episode (ep 10) but she doesn’t appear to be an active participant in anything. That inaction is eating away at me… bc I know she’s doing something.
Talk about haunting a narrative… I’m constantly aware of her nonexistence. I’m paranoid. With every episode that we don’t hear from or interact with KLCK, she grows more terrifying to me. Brennan made sure to establish right away that she could be listening at literally any point. Riz tried to keep that at the forefront of his mind initially, but even he let that idea fall to the wayside as stress built up and time passed.
I think we’ve settled into a false sense of security in this respect. I think that at any point Brennan can and will drop a KLCK bomb on us and oh boy it’s gonna be deliciously messy.
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californiannostalgia · 3 months
seems to me like zac oyama is repping some experiences of asian american schoolkids, defined by such hits like 'regulate your anger,' 'communicate clearer to deliberately misunderstanding assholes,' and 'perpetual sense of unbelonging in both the american part and the asian part of your life.'
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heyhollow · 2 months
Jeremike Notebook doodles ⭐️
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Zombie bf core
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the-crimson · 8 months
Aight thoughts on todays bbh lore cuz we got A LOT. Just stay with me through my nerding about trees it’ll be worth it XD
We pretty much got 100% confirmation that he is intentionally hurting Baghera and Forever and that he thinks of himself as expendable. What fascinates me the most is when Bad asked Foolish this
“Is there anything wrong with burning the forest to save the trees?”
At first glance you might think YES if u burn the forest then there won’t be any trees??!! However it is a custom on fire risk zones to create controlled fires that burn up brush and dead trees so that the risk of a natural and far more devastating fire is reduced. Additionally, if a fungus infects a forest, burning the infected trees may be the only way to prevent the spread to the rest of the forest.
On top of that, there is a specific type of tree species that requires fires in order to reproduce. These are often Pine trees that drop pinecones. Pinecones hold seeds inside them that only germinate when immense heat is applied to them: the heat of a forest fire. When they are within these temperatures, the seeds germinate and the pine cones pop, scattering the seeds on the forest floor. These trees adapted to form a symbiotic relationship with fire one of if not the most destructive natural forces on the earth.
Do you know one of the trees that has developed this adaption? Redwoods.
Do you know which tree bbh brought up when giving Jaiden a PINECONE gift for her birthday today? A Redwood.
I’m like actually going insane. This can’t be a coincidence right????? I’m not going crazy right???
The whole reason I noticed this scene is because I live near the redwood forests in California and I know all about the way these trees depend on fires for their survival. It’s something that’s always fascinated me. That’s when I assume Bad was going to ask foolish the above question before Jaiden and Teana cut their conversation short while they were talking on the Titian . He literally had these specific trees on his mind when he was going to ask about burning down the forest.
Let me tell you another thing about Redwood trees. They are ancient. They are massive. They are sturdy. Natural fires are a common phenomenon here and a majority of the redwoods survive with barely a scratch, maybe an inch or two of its outer bark scorched. Nothing it won’t grow past in a year or two when these trees easily live for 500+ years.
(Side note, if there is one place in America you should visit it’s the redwood forests of California. It is literally like entering a portal to another world. These trees are 10-15 ft in diameter easily and you can just feel how ancient the forests are. It’s one of my all time favorite places to go)
So, in the situation Bad is proposing, burning the forest to save the trees, he is actively thinking about Redwoods in this hypothetical. Not only trees that are extremely resistant to fire but trees that depend on fire to survive. That completely changes the way he is approaching this question.
In his hypothetical, the forest will burn. The animals will die. The brush and non redwoods will turn to ash. The land will be scarred and the trees themselves may look dead, branchless and black. But. But. A season will pass and new branches will peel through the charcoal. Seeds deep in the soil will surge forth as the soil is fed nutrients from the ash. Animals will return. Pinecones will shed their fertilized seeds to give birth to a new generation of trees. And by next year, the forest will look just as vibrant as it had before the fire. Trees may bear the scars of the flames but life continues and it continues and it continues always.
I might actually be going crazy bbh makes me crazy cc!bbh makes me crazy I’m losing my mind
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outofcontextdiscord · 5 months
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alliumdykes · 10 months
Its so fun to see mcytblr go off the fucking rails in excitement about Tommy’s video. Like not only did he diss the green guy but he also made a BANGER song in the same video (and dissed him a tad in that song as well)
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orangcs · 2 months
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rewatching ouran :]
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yardsards · 2 years
anyone else have this experience?
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evermorethecrow · 7 months
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'its like no one could tell the blood was his
and that big bad wolf
had just been a dog
but maybe when your digging the grave
you'll finally notice that its too big
for the tiny thing with teeth and claws
you tried to call a threat'
i dont really like how this turned out but i just wanted it done so im going to issue a begging 'please ignore any mistakes here' and say its all stylistic (and ignore my illegible handwriting, my lineart may be steady enough but trust i am not making any cursive text with a fucking laptop touchpad)
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s-aint-elmo · 9 months
thinking about book cerise/raven again and the way it converted me completely in the span of like 300 pages. listen. listen. it's about cerise trusting raven with her biggest secret. it's about raven coming to cerise for help about her now uncertain destiny. it's about cerise letting raven in and becoming her friend despite her need for secrecy and solitude. it's about raven inspiring cerise to be proud of who she is, simply by showing her that they all have a choice. it's about cerise outing herself to save raven. it's about raven fighting smarter than all the hoods and wolfs combined to help cerise win the right to choose her fate. it's about cerise coming out of her shell and welcoming friendship and camaraderie because of raven's efforts. it's about raven being afraid and unsure in a dangerous place doing dangerous things, and wishing she were wrapped up in cerise's cloak instead, to ward all the bad things away. it's about
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houseswife · 5 months
wilson is like one of those bitches who puts nicotine patches on their partner in their sleep so that they’ll subconsciously crave their presence and associate their time together with the gratification of it. except instead of doing it sneakily, he openly (even reluctantly) exists as the main source of house’s vicodin prescriptions, not only providing him with the high but maintaining this pavlovian dynamic where he actively contributes to house’s pain relief & survival. he’s essentially his lifeline. and for the most part, he doesn’t even do it on purpose!!! because aside from the literal drug connection, that’s what his friendship is to house, too. what bonnie said about how wilson just tries to be a Good and Normal friend but ‘once you’re the subject of all that attention, it’s addictive’. in season 8, he says “I cannot be responsible for the happiness of gregory house.” and then has the audacity to look shocked when foreman replies, “You are responsible, though.” it’s like he’s painfully aware of their fucked up codependency but simply turns his face away from it. he’s even in denial until the very last moment, until it’s not only his upcoming death on the horizon, but the knowledge that they’re both free. I always found his smile after ‘I’m dead, wilson’ a little chilling. because it feels like he knows what that means — the larger, lethal implications of house disregarding any worry about his own future — and only then is he done fighting it.
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