#hiddles suit
peppermintquartz · 2 months
I wanna see Tom Hiddleston in an action comedy. Something like him being some guy selling suits in a high end tailor's, and a bored society lady offers him extras if he lets her take him on a trip, he ends up as her sex partner on an overseas cruise, but the ship is attacked by pirates, so Hiddles is like "I'm not a rich bugger I'm working class" and the pirates are like "nice try" and it takes Hiddles using the skills as a tailor shop sales clerk to get away safely, a la Home Alone but in a luxury cruise, and there's a scene where the head pirate (let's have James McAvoy) be like "if you don't surrender we'll kill her" and Hiddles is like "dude she's literally cheating on her husband and I'm just some guy getting an extra thousand each time for fucking her ok" and James is like "a thousand? You're so cheap" and Hiddles is like "a guy's gotta make rent somehow in this economy" and James offers Hiddles a part on his team and that "I'll give you five grand per fuck" and Hiddles seriously considers it
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sebastianshaw · 1 year
I’m just sitting around at LARP bored so:
I’m going to watch Only Lovers Left Alive tomorrow and I went into the tags and it’s all Adam Adam Adam youxAdam and NO Eve like where are my cringe you X pasty weird looking white British WOMAN fics I ask you
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smolvenger · 8 months
Greetings bestie 💖🫡
Requesting a Professor Hiddles story (you can choose what subject he's teaching) where he already has this friendly type of dynamic w/ Reader and she's nervous about finals week and he goes "Tell you what, if you ace all your exams I'll take you out to dinner. Anything you want."
…And then (surprise surprise) she wants to skip all that because she just wants him 🫠🫠
I shall leave spice level entirely up to you 😏
And for some ✨inspiration✨…
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Hi bestie! Thank you for requesting a Prof! Tom fic! I loved writing it!
Exam Aid (Prof! Tom Hiddleston x Student! Reader)
Summary: When finals have gotten you down, your Shakespeare professor offers some help...and motivation...
Word Count: 5939 (woof)
Warnings: Eventual Smut at the end! NSFW! (Reader is a college student ((if undergrad or graduate that's up to you)) so she's over 18. Dom! Prof Hiddles and Sub! Reader, dirty talk, vaginal fingering, doggy style, doing it in an office. It's super filthy when it gets there, so be warned), mentions of anxiety and insomnia and mental health. My Shakespeare tastes and my IRL English Major college experiences are used and referenced bc it's my indulgent fic too and I do what I want. Some hurt/comfort. Prof Hiddles being both a dom and silly goofy in one fic bc get you a man who can do both.
Taglist: @huntress-artemiss@ijuststareatstuffhereok89@evelyn-kingsley@jennyggggrrr@five-miles-over@fictive-sl0th@ladycamillewrites@villainousshakespeare@holdmytesseract (smut starts at "I'm good at more than just kissing" and ends at "He looked at you with a sweet smile", for your comfort, bestie) @eleniblue@twhxhck@lokisgoodgirl@lovelysizzlingbluebird@raqnarokr@holymultiplefandomsbatman@michelleleewise@wolfsmom1@cheekyscamp@mochie85@muddyorbsblr
 It wasn’t the actual week of finals. Oh no, you knew how the drill would go. It was the month or week before. It would be assigned. Every last essay thrown on top of you. And with professors without a touch of reality for students.
“Who the hell has time to read and finish A Tale of Two Cities in two days?!” you thought as you shoved your unabridged copy of Dickens in your bag. Promising yourself to get through as much as you can and then read the Sparknotes summary in the morning. You weren’t immune to it.
Throughout your time in college, you had many a professor. Professors came in varieties. There were creative writing professors who ranged from tiny women who would assign short stories that made no sense to blonde men with glasses and toothy grins who loved it when their male classmates wrote exploitative abuse. Mythology professors with Greek accents and tans. Then there were the mixed bag of literature professors. 
The previous professor of the literature survey for Shakespeare also taught the American Literature Survey course. He was Dr. Rutledge. He wasn’t from this year, or even this reality. Either a wise old sage or a kooky scientist from the movie. He had long, thin grey hair, and wore bow ties with black glasses and thick tweed jackets. He smiled and would speak for hours in a tone half sarcastic, half serious. You knew he would go back home and cozy up with a whole copy of Moby Dick next to a fireplace as he sipped on tea or even scotch if he was feeling adventurous. When he brought up sex and seduction with the Scarlet Letter it was the equivalent of hearing a nun confess her last orgy. 
So when you registered this year for the Shakespeare course, that was the sight you were expecting.
Since the first day in walked someone different. He may have been wearing a suit, but he definitely was not Dr. Rutledge. 
Everyone was gossiping and chattering and sipping on their iced coffees when they fell silent. Every single back stood up straighter at the sight of him. Young, tall, virile. Long, curly reddish blonde hair. A goatee and glasses to show his maturity. Sharp suits that framed every inch of his lean but fit body. Eyes and cheekbones to die for. A jaw so straight it made the men taking the class question if they were.
No introduction of “hi, I’m-” No icebreaker games. He only stepped forward, to his podium. Held onto it, everyone leaned forward. He had all of you in the palm of his hand. Then, with his clear, bright baritone voice, he spoke-
“Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York…”
His voice…something about it. So…rich…Goddammit, he picked that one, the opening speech of Richard the Third. If he picked Romeo’s balcony declaration or something like that, you would be in even more danger of falling onto the floor in a horny heap of suppressed yearning. But no…it was Richard the Third’s monolgoue. Of all the characters he was playing, of all the characters in the Shakespeare canon you could thirst after, it was fucking Richard the Third. Definitely not known as a hunk or even a likable person according to canon. 
But the way he said it- threatening, villainous even. He leaned in and confessed his true feelings about the royal family and his plot to destroy them and rule over them. You could already feel something stirring inside you. And it was eight am in the morning. 
As he finished the monologue, speaking it so naturally it was as if it were his own words, the class burst into applause.
With a casual bow, brushing his curly blonde-red hair out of his face, he introduced himself.
“Hello class- good morning. I’m your professor- Professor Hiddleston, and I will make this as fun and engaging as a morning class on Shakespeare can be.”
From then on, you enjoyed the class. You tackled it on- after all, you wanted to have some fun. You loved Shakespeare. But Professor Thomas Hiddleston…was a bonus. Thank the lord he wore suits. And if not suits, white shirts with the sleeves rolled up. He might as well as taken it off for you. 
You went through various sonnets. Then explored the poetry- Aphrodite and Lucretia. Then the plays. Even plays that the undergrads thought the most dull he made intriguing. He made everything clear with Shakespeare’s life too himself- how the Bard lost a son named Hamlet. How Shakespeare was accustomed to the great courts and low brothels Prince Hal tasted both of. 
When theatres did productions or there was the odd movie adaptation in theatres, everyone went to go see it. Then he had a showing of lesser-known film adaptations. Showing how Orson Welles framed the shot of Falstaff to make the large knight seem even larger. The Bollywood Othello where at long, long last Emilia survived and she was the one to kill Iago, much to the class’s cheering.
“Are there any other movies we should watch?” he asked.
One kid shot up and suggested Shakespeare in Love. He raised an eyebrow.
“ It was not Shakespeare’s invention to have the lovers die. Romeo and Juliet was a a known story in Elizabethan era England and everyone knew back then that the lovers died. It’s like someone just suggesting that Superman comes from another planet- we all know he does. Not  because of him having an illicit affair as his poor wife was left to raise their surviving children far off and alone!”
“What about Anonymous!?” cried one kid, trying to be cool.
He let out a deep, ragged sigh. 
“There is more than enough evidence to suggest Shakespeare wrote the plays. Every criticism says he can’t write it because he was uneducated. However, if you look, there are hysterical inaccuracies in his geography And no one questions the authorship of Maya Angelou because of her lack of formal education! Just because he was not a nobleman, does not mean he was not aware of things as you are! Every Anti-Stratfordian argument boils down to classicism.” 
It was the best class you took. Having him teach definitely helped. And he would invite people for coffee talks and of course, you would bolt to join. Yet you enjoyed it- seeing him so relaxed. Warm in his coat as everyone circled around to talk about plays they knew of but hadn’t read in this class.
“Well- all of us went through our high schools. We all read Romeo and Juliet- what do you think?” he questioned them one autumnal day. 
“They’re just brats! Ugh!” one guy snarled out.
That you couldn’t take. You set down your drink, glaring at him. 
“They’re not!” you cried out passionately.
Eyes turned forward to you. You wished youcould have slapped him, but you stopped.
“Well, Y/N…why do you think that? Why are they not brats?” the professor asked. 
“I think…the plays aren’t meant to be realistic. Of course, they fall in love immediately- so do Rosamund and Orlando but no one calls them brats! It’s not Romeo and Juliet who get everyone killed! It’s not their love that hurts anyone- it’s just the feud and Paris l thinking he is entitled to Juliet’s body after her supposed death! No one knows about them- only they, the nurse, and the priest know about it! They’re innocent! Juliet calls Romeo her ‘friend!” Her one and only friend! That’s how alone she is without him! They are just innocent victims of a greater scheme. Hamlet and Othello fall prey to their own flaws- but Romeo and Juliet are just two young kids caught in the crossfire!”
You didn’t realize how passionate you were. You felt your face get hot with embarrassment as the class gaped at you. But the Professor was nodding his head. He gave you a small smile as you sat down.
“That was…very good. Next time, use the text and a few sources, and you have yourself a good essay, Y/N,” Professor Hiddleston said.
You liked how he challenged you. He would only want you to do better. He wouldn’t blow smoke up your ass, but he would support you. You would ask after each other. He told you a bit about his life- about how much there was to grade. How he got the job. Little things- but little things only added up to how much you liked him. Even…even…no, you couldn’t you would never say it aloud. But your bedtime fantasies…you were more than mere friends…but that was only for fantasies. 
You tried to let those regular Shakespeare classes comfort you. But finals were taking a toll on your sleep, and your health. You were so wound up and stressed, trying to read and perfect essays that you had trouble going to bed. Your brain kept churning- unable to think of anything else but your work. You couldn’t realx- you worked so hard to get into this school, this degree. If you didn’t pass then…you would be a failure and all that work to go to this school would be for nothing. 
At least after a sleepless night, you had something to look forward to- to distract yourself. But even lately in those classes, you curled into yourself. The heaviness of your exhaustion and the jolt of your anxiety over finals in an unending cycle of misery. You were so…tired…and done…and drained…you knew it would pass with time…
After class, as everyone filed out, Professor Hiddleston walked over to where you slowly gathered your things. He held out a hand to you.
“What is it, Y/N? You’re usually smiling and happy here. But you seem very grave lately…has something happened?”
You shook your head.
“Not really just…finals…I want to do well. I can’t get C’s- I want to do them perfectly! I want to! I want this degree! Now I…I’m so scared of failing…I wanted this school so much, now I…I…” you began to mutter.
You felt tears wriggling out of your eyes, and your breath shook as you uselessly tried to hold them back. He handed you tissues from his coat pocket. You felt like a trashbag- crying in front of this fucking Greek God. But he looked at you kindly. You wiped your eyes. Snot threatened to release from crying and you blew your nose. Ugh, he would think you were especially gross after that. But his gentle smile did not change. You wrapped up the tissues and tossed them aside- then he handed you the little plastic package.
“Is it mansplaining if I give you some advice?” he asked.
“Oh, no…it’s not…” you said. 
“Break your studies apart, Y/N. Ten little minutes at a time. A break. Then ten more. If you take time to focus, it will help you. Or if you make it fun and play music or make little drawings, then you have a picture as well…I know it means a lot…but if you rest, you will recover…and you must think smart, not hard,” he advised.
“Okay…” you nodded.
“Y/N, there are counselors here…they will help you and you don’t have to pay anything. They; 've helped me, and so many others, they should help you…” he suggested. He got out pamphlets from a corner of his desk to give to you. 
“I’ll see one…Why are you so kind to me?” you asked impulsively, looking up.
He put his hands in his pockets, glancing down, and then back up.
“If I may be frank, you remind me so much of myself when I was a student. I had a thesis I had to write on Shakespeare’s problem plays…and it consumed me. I wish someone had given me that advice at that time-I only want you to suffer a little less. Don’t be so hard on yourself- like I was on me…”
You nodded up at him, adjusting the straps of your bag and gathering your things in your arms. 
 “And I’ll..I’ll make it fun- I’ll think of a reward for after…” you said.
He placed his hands in front of him, his lips tightening, and then in a rushed exhale, he spoke. 
“Y/N…how would you…you…you like dinner? After finals?”
You perked your head up. Was this real? You blinked at him, saying nothing.
“Y/N…make me a bet…Go to counseling, break apart your studying, get through your finals, and do as well as you can…and I will take you out to dinner, how does that sound?” he asked.
You smiled at him, your heart beating fast. But yet…you were touched. You put a hand over your chest and released an exhale.
“Professor that…that sounds wonderful…” you answered.
“Ah, excellent. Now- is that a deal?” he asked with a tilt of his head.
You gave him a smile and a small laugh.
“It’s a deal,” you replied.
You managed to get a counseling session scheduled for tomorrow. You went inside, sat, met the kind therapist, and smiled as you vented and cried out your feelings. When you went back to where you lived and spent your emotions, you crashed onto the bed. It was the best nap you had ever taken. 
You followed his advice. You broke down studying or writing essays and researching. You took more breaks. You had made flashcards with doodles for the tests and were catching on quickly. Your research was more fruitful and your essays were getting better in your eyes. You found you slept a bit better at night.
Each day as you sat in at 8 am, the Professor would smile at you and nod. You felt more like yourself again despite the looming deadlines. And they didn’t seem like a matter of life or death anymore. 
Everyone knows the week before finals are hell. To study and work so much with no time off from usual classes. But… you would still miss that 8 a.m. Shakespeare survey- and the handsome professor in his suits.
“Y/N, don’t be scared- you will be phenomenal,”  He gave you a wink that turned you into jelly.
Damn him. To think you would have dinner with him. You turned around to peek at him erasing the markerboard and glimpsing his curved bum,  how his hair curled at the back, and his broad back.
Yeah, now that was motivation to do well.
You studied and wrote with enthusiasm. You completed it all in due time. The essays were to your satisfaction.  When you settled at night, you cuddled his pillow. Remembering his smell- be it his shampoo or cologne, the mild, citrus scent. Fantasizing about him. Of dancing slowly at a formal event with you in an evening gown. Feeling his hand on your back and his head lowering down to touch your forehead. Of sharing ice cream. Being a damsel in distress for him to rescue. Then you thought of his body…. And the images changed to something naughtier. Wearing short skirts and showing up to his class. And him noticing. And lifting it up…
You conked right to sleep.
Finals week began. The entire campus knew it was stressful and went ridiculously out of their way to cheer up the students. But it was a lot of fun, you had to admit. Having dogs on campus to pet. Discounts on coffee. That Monday morning the cafeteria was packed with the free breakfast they offered. Once you brave the long lines for free food, you headed out to your first final. 
Professors, to your amusement, dotted around the campus. If they didn’t have a class to be in, they were handing little care packages while dressed in silly costumes. The sight amused you and made you smile.
Then walking up, you turned to the right and jumped at the sight with a happy, surprised gasp that became laughter. Professor Hiddleston himself wore a light, frilly tutu made for girls a quarter of his age over his pants, little costume fairy wings over his shirt,  and had a headband with little stars on top like ears. 
He turned towards you and his face turned bright pink. 
“Professor Hiddleston! What is this?!” you asked.
He opened up his arms to present his silly costume.
“We’re doing our anti-stress events! I am here to provide you with help with your stress!” he announced theatrically.
You put your hands akimbo and surveyed his costume up and down. If the class knew, they would lose it.
“And you’re doing it?!” you asked.
“Why not! I’m not a stick in the mud all the time! I can have fun!”
You laughed again.
“I should take a picture and send you to the group chat of our class!”
“I don’t see why not!”
He posed as you took a picture. 
“And how are you feeling?”
“I feel better! Much better now- I feel like I’m ready…”
“Good! It will be done soon! A bit at a time!”
He handed over a stress-free care package. Exchanging smiles, you continued by with a lighter step in your shoes. 
You went to every test outside of the pre-written essay. You knew what to do as you wrote short essays for the tests. You didn’t completely panic and wrote them as well as you could. When it came to every exam,  you felt you knew and understood the material. The week flew by. 
Sure enough, on that Friday, with shaking hands and a turning stomach, you looked up your grades. Taking in a breath right when the clock hit noon, you tapped a shaking finger on the mouse.  The link buffered on your computer to view them. Then it lit up with revelation. 
You passed them. You passed them all. In fact, you did very well. 
Your heart was racing but—you realized…you didn’t have his number. Only his email address. With the still nervous feeling…you emailed him, your professor.
“Hello Professor,
My grades were announced- and they’re all spectacular. I passed all of them. So…you made that promise…are you available for dinner?”
You sent it off. You could only ruminate for five minutes- his response was quick. 
“Of course, dear Y/N…
Here’s my number below… Meet me in my office. The parking lot isn’t far from it.”
You managed to text him immediately. You were giggling and pacing your room like a high schooler as your phone buzzed with his responses.  You re-read them as you paced about with your phone in your face. The high of your crush floating you into the clouds. You were going to go to a nice restaurant- one wasn’t finalized yet, but something nice. And that meant you had to look the part!
You were so excited. You made sure your makeup was how you liked and that your hair looked clean. You put on a part dress-one with a shorter skirt. It was too perfect not to. It was cut only a little low to show some mild cleavage. The collar was wide enough so that it showed your collarbones. It was nice, but flirtatious and romantic. It hugged you in a perfect fit while making you feel amazing and sexy. 
Sure enough, you went over to his office. The place was abandoned. All offices and buildings on the Friday of the Finals are in the early evening. You walked over and knocked on the door.
He opened the door and your heart almost stopped.
He was lovely. In his suit. His curls and that slutty goatee combed. Smelling fresh and clean. He still was in his blue suit- bringing out the blue in his eyes. Loving, beautiful.
“Ah, Y/N- please, come in,” he welcomed.
You followed suit. He closed the door. There was a second where you just looked at each other. Despite his goatee, you saw him biting his lip.
“Now, how about that dinner, Y/N…” he offered. “There’s La Gardeniera-suitable. A nice place for a special occasion as this…”
You gave him a shrug.
“I don’t care…anywhere…” you replied. 
“Anywhere? ” he asked.
He put his hands in his pocket and looked at you. It was a simple office- white and brown as many are. There was a bright window, the blinds turned over, as the setting sun’s rays fell over it. There was a small bust of Shakespeare and a pitcher with cups of water. His desk had a neat stack of papers, and annotated books all over it. Cozy and comfortable- like how he made you. 
“I just…I want to be with you…I don’t mind. Take me to a McDonalds and I won’t care…” you went on.
“Y/N…I…me?” he asked.
“Yes, you! We don’t even have to eat or…to, uh…I just…” the words were failing you and you felt your heart pick up. You looked down at the floors and then back up at him. 
“You want to…to be with me…” he walked forward curiously. But you did not retreat. Did not back away. You only met him in his blue eyes, welcoming him.
“Y/N…are you sure?” he asked.
He took a step closer. He was right before you. And you did not retreat. You met his gaze. So close. The tension between you.
“Professor Hiddleston, I am sure…I just want to be with you…anywhere…you just…make me happy…” you finally confessed.
“You make me happy too…” he murmured
He leaned forward, seeking permission. You gave a shaky nod. 
Then he kissed you.
 Something in you released. So long it was boxed up- now wild and free.  He immediately took his hands and ran them up and down you and you held onto him in the kiss. Feeling him as he deepened it with the wet sound of lips. Grabbing onto each other, releasing what had been held for so long. He released and then kissed you-again, then again. Like he was drowning and you were air. 
“Mphm- what-what were the grades?” he asked before kissing again.
You caught your breath and took a break still close to his lips. 
“Passed them. Flying colors,” you reported.
 He kissed you again, moaning into it. Then he broke it again.
“Well now…my little student…doing so well…” he rasped.
You grabbed him and heart racing you felt him kiss you. His facial hair scratched against you. He kissed you back. He backed you up.
“You’ve been…good…” he breathed, pressing you there into it. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. 
“Mphm- this feels…feels so nice…you’re a good kisser,” you whispered.
“I’m good at more than just kissing, my dear-”
He held you, pulling you close. He backed you to the door-holding you against him. He then reached a hand and turned over the lock. It was sealed with a click. His hands then returned to you. He cupped your cheeks, then it slid down your neck, and your chest, and then settled on your wasit. 
“I’ve…I’ve…God, I’ve wanted you so much…I…I don’t know if I…think I can…hold back…my dear, I-I-if you’re not…not ready, I’ll-”
“I don’t want to leave yet- let’s wait for dinner-take me. Fuck me here, now,” you begged. 
You didn’t need to say any more than that.  ou shuddered. He found your skirt and touched your leg, lifting it up. Feeling your skin, cold from exposure.
“All this…is all for me now…”
His hand reached over your leg. His long fingers possessively gripped each bit of flesh. Enjoying it- feeling you for the first time. Treasuring you and making his mark- you were his and his alone. He wrapped an arm around you and lifted you up onto that door. You let out a sound He then took your leg and guided it to wrap around his waist, holding onto him. You were so dripping wet you could feel his pants brushing your soaked panties. He held you easily-so, so easily. Just muscle and wall holding you and keeping you in place. He managed to lift you up- keeping you up with how pressed he was to you. How warm. Keeping him on you.
Your lips crashed again. You kept touching him. One hand finally touching his hair- his beautiful, long curls. The other kissing into him. In his suit, he began to ground against you now that you had nowhere to go away- not that you would leave. He kissed you with tongue and fire. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him back, wet noises and messy, desperate need.
“Tom…Tom, I-” you murmured.
He touched your chin, shushing you.
“We’re still in my office, my dear. And you will call me Professor,” he said.
He reached a hand down- feeling hte seat of your soaked panties. Smiling from teh effect already.
“Yes…yes, I will…” you breathed out. 
“Now- my little angel. She did so well…and she comes to me, so needy…so desperate-first for her finals and now for my cock-”
You held onto him, touching his tie. Pulling him up. You felt his erection stretching through his pants. The hooded eyes and soft voice, his hot breath. You gave him a smile- eager to have him. 
“I’m going to rip your clothes off and fuck you senselessly- and I want you- I never heard a thank you- I want to hear your gratitude for how I take care of you in every way…how does that sound? Too much for you?”
“It sounds wonderful for me-Professor,” you purred in response.
He wrapped an arm to help you up and carried you- legs around his waist.
. He then backed you over to his desk. He kept one by you- so close, so close. He took a hand and shoved aside the books and papers. It didn’t matter- now there was you. 
He pulled up your skirt. Desperately trying to find the zipper. Almost shaking in his long fingers. His erection seeping through his pants- he was so pent up.
“All that time. Wanting you. Feeling you near. Do you know how many nights I had to jerk off to imagine this- you! Seeing you- feeling you right there- my little beauty, angel, and siren at once.”
He shoved your dress off and down. Now in your bra and underwear. His hands went to under your straps- feeling them already- his bare flesh on your bare flesh. You were backed there.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you what?” he asked darkly.
“Th-thank you, Professor.”
He kissed you again. You were his little pet, his toy, his plaything. And you would please him- You held onto his shoulders. Grinding more into his body, He was still. Yet you heard his breaths, catching in his chest. He still remained clothed. 
Then in a rush, he gripped your bra.
“You won't need these- not with me.”
With a strength that made you gasp, He ripped your bra in half. He breasted so fast, panting like a beast. Looking down at your breasts.  Both large hands fondled them, moving them around. 
“Th-Thank you, Professor,” you whispered.
“But there’s one thing- one thing keeping me- from what I need” he growled.
He reached down, and in a second, he ripped your panties apart again in half. You gasped at the feeling. The cloth in two- uselessly falling apart.
“No bra- no panties when I see you -easier access- do you understand…I have a need for you, do you get it-”
“Yes- yes, sir.”
“Close- but not it. You forgot. And you’ll be punished.”
He turned you around, so your bare ass was shown. He immediately spanked you hard- it clapped around you. You let out a shout.
“It’s thank you-Professor.”
“Thank you Professor!” you cried out, feeling the sting. 
“And you will get it right!”
He spanked you again, harder. The momentum made you move against the desk, feeling your ass move with it. And feeling his greedy eyes all over your exposed skin.
“Th-Thank you, Professor!” you cried.
He pulled you back up but kept your back to his chest. He kissed your cheek, fondling you from behind, whispering in your ear.  
“If you don’t want another punishment-Tell me what I am-”
“You-you’re my-my-”
The words failed you. He leaned you down again and spanked you.
“You’re my professor!”
He spanked you again.
“Say it again- and say thank you-”
“Yes- yes- thank you, Professor…”
He grazed over you. Feeling you. You were catching your breath. Dripping so hard. He put his hands against your inner legs. 
“The more I do this- the more I see you, the more I’m with you, the more you- you torture me. I can’t stand it- I-I have to have you, Y/N- I have to, I have to-do you- do you want-”
You lightly turned your head over to see him and could have gasped. 
He unzipped his pants and lowered them. Already his cock was large and twitching. It leaked so much, that his precum made you shiver. It drizzled down and made a path down his leg. You clutched onto the desk, smiling and bracing yourself. 
“Yes- take me- take me on your desk, Professor…”
He smiled, and then his hand made you bend over it again. ‘
“Spread. Your. Legs.”
You were such a horny querying mess, he touched your legs so that they spread for him. Then finally, you felt him at your entrance, and inside. 
You let out a long groan- and so did he. As he got in - inch by inch. 
“Yes- yes all-ah!” you cried out as he got all of himself in you. 
He eased you in at first. Your legs again over. He gave a few gentle, experimental thrusts. It was slow, even sloppy. Each intrusion, poking you inside. You were making an appreciative groan. You ground your hips further against him. The room was hot and smelled thick with sex.
“There…you can take…take all your professor's cock, can you?” he growled.
“Yes-yes I can..”
He then made a sharp thrust inside and you cried out.
He then experimented- hips rolling towards your ass. You let out sounds like you never heard yourself make. He then had a hand to keep you down. To keep you down And then he began to pick up. Slamming into you. Keeping you still, close, on him. 
“Nrg-nrgh- yes-there-fuck-there’s my-myfuck- good litlte student-nrgh-want to please me- hrng-begging-begging to-shit-yes-yes-darling-begging for me-”
You were moaning into it. Your body shakes forward and back from his thrusts. You felt yourself spiraling. Then he slowed. He leaned down and whispered into your ear. The pleasure was at a standstill, you caught your breath as you heard his hot voice right beside you.
“You have another order- cum only when I’m about to-cum when I tell you- yes?” he demanded
“Yes, are you grateful!” He moved his hands to feel your arms. 
“I am- th-tahnk you, Pr-Professor.”
He went back up and began to thrust again. Slow- then medium. You let out those pornographic sounds out as he did.
“Fuck- what you do to me, darling,” he breathed out. 
He let out another gasp, his voice itching up in a groan and then back down. Then he slammed into you, letting out a loud voice. 
“Who is going to let you cum?  Who lets you cum when you’re a good girl?” he rasped. 
“My-my- fuck-professor will- will let me-cum-yes!
“Not yet- not yet-mine is-if-fuck, it’s building.-”
He spread your legs wide and entered you. Then he grabbed your hips. He began to pound into you. The desk shaking- the wall quivering. Slamming against that wall with a thud-thud-thud-thud-thud-thud. He whimpered your name. You clung onto it, your knuckles popping out of you.
“Yes-Yes you are-beautiful little student- you are-g-grateful- fuck.-tight-so tight- shit-”
He was so deep, just rutting into you. He was an animal. Pure fucking you into the desk You felt the itch of his suit- the deepness of it. The papers scrambling away- scratching you. The pure ecstasy of it.
“And” thrust “tell me-” thrust “tell me this”- thrust “darling-”
He laced a hand, it reached your folds. You let out a whimper. He dug around- two fingers in-already feeling you. God- you weren’t going to last. He wasn’t going to like it, but you weren’t going to last. You let out a whimper as you felt him inside you.
“What” thrust “ is it” thrust”- “what is it- good” thrust “good girls do- ”thrust
“They-they-they get to-to-to come, Professor-”
“Yes! Yes-you're at my-my limit-gods-gods- what you do to me-You’ve been good-so good- I can’t-I can’t-so cum, darling-”
He strummed you. And you let out another intense gasp. He was strumming you. His fingers making you more open, his cock in, out, in out. You felt it build- he played with your clit so much. Trying the right place, You felt it rise, but not there. And he kept thrusting. A frustration in his rasp.
“Yes- dammit- why won’t you now? Why won’t-won’t you cum?! Cum, dammit- cum- darling- fuck, fuck- god- yes, gods, I’m there…I’m getting there, cum, dammit- why won’t you cum…”
With a new fury, he pounded against you into the desk- the filthiest, most intense thing you felt. The pleasure building up you, going up, up about to be out of control. 
“I’m- I’m going to-I’m going to-I’m going to cum, professor I-I-I”
It would spiral up, yes, but you had yet to reach it. You ground your hips further, moving from his thrusts, as his fingers were there- finding you at the still of your high and just needing your brink.
“Yes- God, yes-cum, darling-I order you, your professor orders you-Yes- yes, cum, girl, dammit- do it, cum, darling- fuck, I’m about to- do it- CUM!” he deamnded like a yell.
With a last shout you cried- “PROFESSOR!” and you came.
Spiraling down from the pleasure. It broke into chills over you-your voice left you and yet your heart was racing. You could feel him gushing into you and yet you could also feel the cum from your own body between your legs, on his fingers.  He panted. He then moved you over. You saw his hair wild and arrayed. You moved it out of his face.
He looked at you with a sweet smile then took your hand and kissed it. He sat you down on a chair and took off his jacket- putting it over you like a cape. Then he went over and got you a glass of water from the pitcher. 
His voice had softened, he kept touching your face, checking for any accidental bruises or marks.
 “How are you? Are you…are you alright, Y/N? I didn’t go too…too-”
“You were perfect- it was perfect,” you replied with a smile. The water wasn’t super cold- but it was fresh. 
He let out a sigh of relief. He then cupped your cheek. 
“You should see yourself how I see you. You’re glowing. Absolutely glowing-I had only hoped you were…were happy with it…”
He looked down at the ruined bra and panties.
“I’ll buy you another…” he muttered in apology.
“Oh- an orgasm and dinner and new bra and panties? You spoil me rotten already!” you teased.
He gave you a kiss on the forehead and then he helped you back to dressing. 
“Here-we could…go back to my place and order something. At this rate, it might get late. I’m not that good of a cook-I was hoping a restaurant would impress you. I hope you don’t mind…”
“How could I, Professor?” you added, taking your hand in his. 
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In Praise of Tom Hiddleston and Female Directors
As a female director (albeit of Theater and not Film) I have been feeling a little frustrated once again as awards season brings no nominations for women. This led me (as many things do, lol) to thinking about my favorite Muse, Tom Hiddleston.
One of the things that I love about TH is willingness and enthusiasm to work with female directors, and on thinking about it I realized that this allyship has also benefited him as well. Case in point:
1. His first movie, Unrelated, was directed by Joanna Hogg. Now, of course all of us see Hiddles as the perfect Beautiful Boy but imagine if this movie had been directed by a man. In that case, Oakley, the handsome younger man who charms and tempts the 40 something woman, would almost certainly be cast with some young beef cake actor, or at very least had them bulk up in order to play the role. This is who male directors seem to think we desire. Instead, Hogg casts TH and boy does she sell him. Oakley is a little shit, but the way he is lit, framed, directed makes him all but irresistible. The female gaze sees all of his ethereal beauty and shares it with us.
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2. Next we have my personal favorite, Henry V in The Hollow Crown. In his big leading episode, Tom is once again directed by a woman, Thea Sharrock. Again, look at how his is shot. The female gaze follows him riding in like a hero from our collective imagination in his opening shot. He is strong and dangerous, savage even at times, without ever loosing that thread of empathy that Henry struggles to clamp down. And do I even have to mention the proposal scene? Watch that and tell me it isn’t pure wish fulfillment for the majority of people who fancy men. I liked him when I watched Loki, but Hollow Crown made me fall so deep down the rabbit hole that I may never climb out again (and honestly, I’m okay with this).
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3. Lastly, we come to the role that pushed him over the edge into superstardom, The Night Manager. Can there be any doubt that this miniseries was directed by a woman? The entire show was an advertisement for how gorgeous he is. Yes, there are some lovely shots of Elizabeth Debicki in various states of undress, but Pine is the major eye candy here. See him in finely tailored suits, see him astride a motorcycle, see him bathing, both in a waterfall and in a shower covered in mud, see his much lauded English countryside looking all round and pert... it just goes on and on. It is not just the visual that Susana Biers gets either. Unlike other spies of film and television, Jonathan is emotional, chivalrous, and above all intelligent. Tom nails the role and the world loved him for it.
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I am not saying that male directors do not make Tom look good (hello Conrad’s arms) or play to his strengths (see the psychological beauty of Adam). I just believe there is something to be said for the qualities that female directors can bring out. 
In short (ha, sorry, this ran on looooong, lol) Tom trusts women directors more than many of his fellow actors, and I think the results are that he shows a vulnerability in his work that helps make him more than just another action star. Women have helped make him the actor he is today, and I don’t believe the fact that his last two directors were women is an accident. He said in his interview for Leading Lady Parts that he needed to work with more directors (he had worked with five at that point I believe) and he has been as good as his word. Another reason to love this man.
* I also want to make a special shout out to stage director Josey Rourke, who has the career that I want and gave us this amazing contribution:
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insanityclause · 11 months
Zawe Ashton got some firsthand Marvel insight when she signed on to play the villain in The Marvels.
Known for films like Velvet Buzzsaw and Mr. Malcolm's List, the British actress is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Kree revolutionary Dar-Benn, facing off against Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, and Iman Vellani. In EW's new cover story on The Marvels, Ashton explains that she had long hoped to work with director Nia DaCosta and jumped at the chance to suit up as a supervillain.
While preparing for the role, Ashton got some advice from another Marvel villain: her fiancé Tom Hiddleston, who's played trickster god Loki since 2011.
"It led to some incredible conversations about his experience being part of this franchise for over a decade," Ashton, 38, tells EW in an interview conducted prior to the start of the SAG-AFTRA strike. "One of the main takeaways from our conversations was: 'What you put into Marvel, you get back.' He said, 'If you go into this with an open heart and a great work ethic and just want to provide an amazing experience for the fans, you'll have an amazing experience on those sets.' He really empowered me in that way."
Ashton says she and Hiddleston often try to keep their work lives separate, but she remembers one particularly fun day when he helped her rehearse a Marvels scene. Afterward, they looked under their kitchen table to see their confused dog, wondering why two terrifying Marvel villains were loudly running lines above him.
Plus, Ashton adds, Hiddleston had some additional pointers for when she got to set.
"He also had some very good practical advice, which was: Make sure you have enough zippers to go to the bathroom in your costume," she says with a laugh. "Which is very good advice, I realize now."
Ashton stars in The Marvels as Dar-Benn, a Kree leader fighting to restore her home after a lengthy civil war. (It's a new, expanded take on the character, who has a minor role in the comics and was originally written as a man.) Ashton trained for weeks, learning to properly wield Dar-Benn's imposing war hammer, and in the film, she clashes with Larson's Captain Marvel, Parris' Monica Rambeau, and Vellani's Ms. Marvel.
"It's this all-female sci-fi extravaganza, with a woman on the other side of the camera," Ashton adds. "I felt very moved, actually, being involved in it. It's not an environment you're often in — a huge-budget movie with all these badass women and Samuel L. Jackson. That just doesn't happen."
The Marvels is in theaters Nov. 10. For more, read EW's full cover story on the film.
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Forget me not
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Summary: Years after losing your husband, you are on a path of moving on with your life, however, you need help. And who better to give that encouraging push than Tony’s AI?
Warning: 18+ angst, bittersweet, some fluff.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Square filled: Hologram
Word count: 600ish
A/N: I’M SORRY. Written for @avengersbingo
Avengers Bingo Masterlist
“What about this? Too much?”
Holding two statement necklaces in front of your reflection, you tilted your head sideways, silently hoping Tony would say neither.
“Diamonds, definitely diamonds. They always suit you better, hon.”
Sighing, you let out a soft groan and agreed with the choice, going over the bed where a selection of dresses lay like a scattered rainbow.
Even a small decision like this one seemed like the most difficult one these days. Partly because your heart wasn’t fully in it, or maybe you were just not ready.
“I can hear you thinking, Y/N. Go with the strappy red, it brings out your best features. Plus it’s my color.”
You could practically hear Tony’s smirk, you closed your eyes for a moment and smiled, normally he’d wrap his arms around you and pull you against his chest, nibble on the soft skin of your neck and let his stubble tease your skin.
“It’s not for you though, is it?”
You turned around with a sad smile, Tony—or rather his life-size hologram followed you up next to the mirror again, this time crossing his arms and leaning against it as he studied you with a fond smile on his handsome face.
It had been over two years since he passed in the events with Thanos, sacrificed his life to save the universe and brought all those turned to dust back. As heartbroken and devastated as you were, he had left you and Morgan a piece of himself; the bastard had thought through everything.
His quips and sarcastic comments followed you everywhere, helped your daughter sleep when she demanded a story specially narrated by her Dad, it was almost like he was still here.
“Earth to Miss Y/L/N? Isn’t your date in like ten minutes?” He snapped his fingers bringing you back to reality, his hologram glitching just slightly at the sides. It stabbed through your heart that you weren’t Mrs. Stark anymore.
“Maybe I should cancel. I don’t think I’m ready, Tony. I don’t know if I will ever be.” You murmured, throwing the dress behind, suddenly the thought of putting in so much effort for another guy seemed overwhelming to you, and it wasn’t the first time.
“Stop flattering me, honey. What was the one promise you made me?”
“That I’ll never get over you? That I won’t ever stop loving you? That nobody will ever take your place?” You felt tears sting in your eyes as you finished speaking, wanting nothing more than for Tony to wrap you in his all-consuming hugs.
“That you will always choose to be happy.” He reminded you, walking over and pretending to catch a tear that escaped down your cheek. You saw him do it, but felt nothing. His big brown eyes that missed the spark that real Tony had, bore into you, waiting for an answer.
“I will choose to be happy.”
You nodded, giving him an almost convincing smile as you picked the red dress finally, going over your appearance one last time and blowing Tony a kiss who pretended to catch it with a chuckle. It was a small step towards that long journey that was ‘moving on’.
Damn it. You still did hate when he was right.
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Tony Stark Taglist - @patheticallysentimental @raspberrymama @ladyeliot @boop-le-snoot @make-a-memory-drink-it-up @loveisallyouneed1125 @ownsmyheart @anthonyjanthony666 @downeyreads @the-secret-thief @getlostsquidward @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @elemephstudies @mycosmicparadise @feetoffthetablee @vibraniumwing @damntonystarkandhissmile @stronginawayjbb @mm2305 @underoostarks @ccbsrmsf1
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @mcugeekposts @suchababie @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @ladyburberry @chickensarentcheap @nataliewalker93 @alexxavicry
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
I got a Man - but I want You (18+)
Robert Laing x fem!Reader
Summary: Robert has been your best friend for quite a while. Now, you're on a party together. A heated discussion between the two of you about the 'usual topic' suddenly becomes more than just an argument...
Warnings: veeeery suggestive smut/light smut, cheating, quite a few swear words, alcohol, cigarettes, bad writing? Sorry to all the guys named Toby!
Word Count: 2,1k
a/n: Honestly, I have no idea how this one happened... I was just listening to 'You Right' by Doja Cat and saw a few pics of Dr. Laing and boom! Damn you, Hiddles - and your good looks! 😠 Nah, just kidding. I love him. 😂 I can't even tell if this is brilliant or an awful attempt at writing Robert Laing... 😅 Also, I rated it 18+, just to be on the safe side...
Tagging you guys from the Hiddles Taglist... @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814
...and a few peeps who I think might enjoy reading this - if it's even a joy to read it 😅... @michelleleewise @chantsdemarins @vbecker10 @lokisninerealms
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"Stop that, please." I said annoyed, while reaching out my hand to grab the fourth - or fifth? glass of cheap champagne from the cocktail bar. "Stop what, darling?" I rolled my eyes. I was way too tipsy for having this conversation with him, but now that he set the ball rolling, it was most likely inevitable. Why couldn't he just listen to me once and do what I am asking him to do, without questioning it? "That, for example." I brushed past him, passed a lot of other party guests. We were at one of those amateur parties, they held at least four times a week. People, cigarettes, drugs and a lot of cheap alcohol.
My flight from him had been a miserable attempt to prevent the upcoming collision. It was always the same. "That what?" It was no use, of course. He followed me around like a lost puppy. Like he did so often. "Calling me 'darling' for example. Or following me around, wherever I go." He huffed out a breath and took a long sip from his drink. "Why? I thought you liked that." Once again, I rolled my eyes. "Do we really need to discuss this now, in between all those partying people, loud music and empty champagne bottles - again?" "Not when you're finally admitting that you want me." He gave me one of those ridiculously handsome and smug smiles and took another sip of his drink - what caused me to get even more annoyed. I groaned in frustration. He just couldn't stop this shit. "How many times, Robert... How many times have I told you, that we are just best friends. I don't want you!" I didn't realise that I had raised my voice - until I had finished my sentence and recognised how a few other party guests were staring at us. I clenched my jaw and rolled once again my eyes, before I grabbed harshly Robert's arm and dragged him behind myself, through the French door and out on the balcony. I didn't want to discuss that topic further with him when all those curious people were around.
"Why did you drag me out on an abandoned balcony then, when you don't want me?" The man in the deliciously sexy dark grey suit asked - wait, what? I shook my head and teared my gaze away from him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Robert... For the last time... I don't want you!" "Yes? Is that so?" The doctor leaned casually against the railing of the balcony and lit a cigarette. "Yes! We are best friends! Nothing more, nothing less! I have a boyfriend!" He frowned. "You meant you have a drag." I felt how the blood started to boil inside my veins. That smug bastard drove me so utterly mad. "Shut up, Laing! You're talking about my boyfriend!" Robert took a long drag of his cigarette, shaking his head. "Yes, but... Y/N. Let's be honest... Toby isn't the right man for you. Hence, he's not even a real man. Perhaps not even a boy. He's a milksop. A loser. A pussycat." I clenched my jaw, hands turning into fists. I was on the verge of punching this wanker in the face. The problem? Deep down, I knew he was right - and that made me even more angry. "I don't even know how Toby actually made it to be your so-called boyfriend. How could he get his hands on such a hot woman like you? I mean... You're way out of his league. You clearly deserve someone better, darling..." Robert smirked at me once again as he took a last drag from his cigarette, before he stubbed it out. "You, Y/N, are a power woman. There's fire and passion flowing through your veins. I know that. You..." He took a step closer. "… need a real man. Not such a wannabe alpha, who got stuck in puberty." I raised an eyebrow at him. "A real man?" Robert nodded, a seductive smile playing around the corners of his mouth. He took another step closer. "A real man, yes." And another. "A man who challenges you." By now he was circling me, like a predator it's pray. I felt how my heart rate picked up. His words sending shivers up and down my spine. On one hand I was utterly angry at him, but on the other... I had to admit that what he was doing triggered something inside me... Lust. "A man who can tame this fire." He whispered in my ear with a deep voice, before he walked back over to the railing, grabbing his half empty drink on the way and leaned once again casually against the it, taking a swig. His dark – and without a doubt sexy voice echoed in my head and caused another shiver to run down my spine. "Not such a milksop, who couldn't even handle a teenage girl." Robert continued, smiling in amusement.
I thought that was the end of his 'speech'; thought that the torture was over - but then he lunged out for the knock-out punch. The death sentence. The straw that broke the camel's back. "I bet he doesn't even know how to pleasure a woman of your kind in the right way." That was it. I had enough. "Must be so exhausting to pretend that the sex is good and that he's giving you a good-" I approached Robert at lightning speed, interrupted his sentence by grabbing the clueless man by the lapels of his suit jacket and slamming him against the nearby wall, causing a low huff to escape his lips. I looked at him with a death glare, kept him pinned against the concrete wall. He certainly didn't see that coming - but instead of apologising or pleading me to let him go, he just... started to laugh? "See? That's what I am talking about. You say you don't want me, but if that is the case, why does my words bother you that much? Why can't you just shrug them off and laugh about them? I recognise a sexually frustrated woman when I see one - and you, Y/N are such woman. I may be your best friend, but you can't keep your eyes off me." I wanted to speak up, say something, protest against him - but he shook his head, cut my attempt to speak on an instant off. "Don't deny it. You can't deny it. Did you really think I wouldn't notice the longing looks you're giving me? How your eyes are practically undressing me? The tension between us, whenever we are dancing together at the parties? How you were grinding your backside against my crotch? How our hips moved in sync to the rhythm of this ridiculous song?" His words left me speechless. I didn't even realise myself that I was doing this, but now that Robert had spoken it out loud it came crashing down on me. Deep down, I knew what I did. "I noticed everything, darling... Even if you're denying it now." I was so stunned, that he could free himself easily from my grasp. Robert straightened his suit jacket, "I would've never said no to you, you know... I had casted an eye on you from the first time we met. I could've made you mine a long time ago, but I didn't want to destroy your relationship, because you were happy – and that was fine for me. I want you to be happy. But… You're clearly not happy anymore - since months…" and turned to walk away, towards the French door.
I was like petrified. Robert had been right with everything he had said. I wanted him. I had always wanted him. The sexual attraction was there from the very beginning – just not as strong as it was now. I stopped seeing him as just a best friend a long time ago... And Toby? Well... He really was a loser, had no job, no perspective. I was the one, paying the rent. And our sex life? Don't get me even started... Robert was right - and that was the reason why I had to stop him. Why keep on lying to myself? Why still holding on to that 'milksop', when a real, devastatingly handsome man was right there in front of me? "Robert!" I called out his name - louder than I intended to. To my luck, he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me. "Wait... Please." I added in a small voice. "You... You're right." I mumbled, looking defeated at him. His eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise. He clearly didn't expect me to actually give in and admit it. "You're right. With everything you said. Toby is such a loser. He brings about nothing. I'm the one who looks after everything and pays the bills, while he still believes in getting famous one day with his stupid inventions... It's not that I don't believe in him, but... Let's be honest. No human being on earth needs them. It is never going to work." I took a deep breath, eyes meeting Robert's oceanic blues again. Oh, those eyes... How much I loved them. I'd drown myself in them if I could... "He's a childish boy and will most likely never going to be a real man - and gods, yes... I need a real man. A man like you, Doctor Laing." Robert had listened to my words intensely. A playful smirk crept on his face at the last sentence falling from my lips. He ran a hand through his short blonde-brown curls, before he put the drink in his other hand on the garden table beside him. Then he stepped closer, shoved his hands in the pockets of the way too tight dark grey suit trousers he wore. "What's holding you back from having me then?" That one sentence, coming from those kissable lips of my drop-dead sexy friend, was enough to break down the barrier inside my head completely. There was no way I was able to hold myself back anymore.
So, I literally jumped him, grabbed his tie harshly to yank him down, our lips colliding messily in a passionate kiss and within seconds it was all teeth and tongue. My hands were buried in his hair, while his hands roamed the curves of my hips, pulling me closer - what caused our hips to clash together. A soft moan escaped my lips at the sudden contact, which Robert swallowed immediately with another feverish kiss. He maneuvered us to the garden table, walked me backwards until my ass hit the edge of the piece of furniture. For a short moment, he retreated from kissing me, his lips now red and swollen. "Are you really sure about that?" Robert panted, breathing heavily. "You're about to cheat on your boyfriend with your best friend, darling." He added, teeth grazing the pulse point on my neck, while his hands were working on shoving the red mini dress I wore higher - all the way over my hips. I nodded with closed eyes. "Y-Yes... I never wanted a man as much as I want you, Robert." I bit my lip. "If I am still able to walk straight tomorrow, then I am never letting you have a go again." Robert chuckled low, "Oh you won't, darling, I promise." and tapped the back of my thighs. A wave of arousal overran me at his words. "Atta girl, get on that damn table." Without hesitating a second, I followed his orders and sat on the garden table. Robert immediately kicked my legs apart and stood in between them, his lips finding mine once again. He shrugged his suit jacket over his shoulders and threw it carelessly aside, while I undid his tie and a few buttons of his shirt. I didn't make it to undo all of them, because Robert pushed me gently but firmly back, so that I was more or less laying on the dusty table. Then he grabbed my legs again and pulled me closer to the edge. When I suddenly felt his lips on the skin of my thighs, kissing and nipping, another moan left my mouth. "R-Robert... You d-damn tease..." He smirked at me and nipped one last time on my delicate flesh, before he quickly unbuckled his belt and zipped down the zipper of his posh suit trousers. I gripped the edges of the table, ready for a hopefully unforgettable ride. "Are we really going to do this now?" I panted, heart beating rapidly against my ribcage. "I-I mean here, on a dusty garden table? With dozens of people inside the flat, who could catch us any moment?" Robert looked up to me. Hungry eyes meeting mine, bursting with lust. "Yes, we do. If it means that I am finally able to fuck you, then it's a risk I am gladly willing to take." Before I even had the chance to answer, my best friend threw us over the cliff, sending us both into the deepest abysses of pleasure.
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kateslife15 · 11 months
My favourite Blue striped suit of Tom Hiddleston is back at Wimbledon 2023‼️
#wimbledon #hiddlesarmy #hiddlestoners #hiddleston #tomhiddleston #hiddles
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
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Spot the one thing that makes you go feral 👀 well we all know there’s multiple but I know you know what I’m talking about 😏
Now and Later
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 471
Summary: You love Bucky's hair when it's down but he always needs his hair tie on hand so he can get it out of the way...
Author's Note: My love @buckysdollforlife this picture is literally porn. I mean. LOOK AT HIM and OH I SEE IT! And you know I can't resist writing a little something for my favorite accessory. Thank you so much for sending my way! love you and HUGS! Have a beautiful day! 💕Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always!❤️❤️❤️ Divider by my sweet Daisy @firefly-graphics thank you love🥰
Warnings: teasing, flirting, some fluff, light smut (18+ ONLY PLEASE!)
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There it is again! 😏😏😏
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“You ready to go doll face?”
“Be right out Buck!” you shout, not realizing he’s standing in the doorway of the bathroom.
His large hand reaches out and to fix the fallen strap of your dress, his touch soft as he lifts it back onto your shoulder and kisses the spot.
“Thanks,” you murmur.
“You look gorgeous doll,” he whispers.
You step away from the sink and into his embrace, smoothing your hands along his arms, the material of his suit jacket pulled tight around his biceps. Your fingertips move to his chest and dance along the buttons.
“Are you sure this shirt fits?” you smirk as you lower your lashes and slip your fingers between the gap of two buttons.
He chuckles and slides his hands under your dress to cup your ass.
“Fits well enough,” he simpers.
“Mm hm” you hum as you caress his warm skin.
“What have you got on under here doll?” he asks. “Is it new?”
“Maybe” you shrug demurely, sliding out of his grasp. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
His eyes darken and you hear a low growl rumble through his chest. With a sugary smile you brush past him and out into the bedroom.
“Come on Buck or we’ll be late,” you call over your shoulder.
Strong arms wrap around your waist and he pulls you against his chest, pushing his hips and hard cock into your back.
“You’re such a tease baby doll,” he croons, dipping his head and kissing your neck.
You giggle without disputing his words and rest your hands over his. Your fingers ghost over the black hair tie around his wrist and you pause.
“What’s this for?” you ask, turning in his arms. “I thought you promised to leave your hair down tonight. I love it like this.”
Your small pout has him kissing your lips.
“Don’t worry I’ll leave it down…,” he whispers against your mouth. “For now.”
“For now?” you sass as your fingers comb through the soft locks. “What about later?”
“Later,” he whispers, backing you up toward the wall. “I’m going to drag you into the bathroom…or coat closet…or wherever I please, get my hair out of the way,” he adds with a wink, “and bend you over so I can get my mouth on my favorite dessert.”
His right hand dips between your legs, rubbing along the wet fabric of your panties and he drags his teeth over his bottom lip as his eyelashes flutter to kiss his cheeks.
Your lips part with your breathless gasp but before you can say a word he covers your mouth with his metal hand and leans in close, his fingers still teasing as he whispers along the shell of your ear, “now let’s go doll face. I don’t wanna be late for my meal.”   
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@book-dragon-13 @dreamlessinparis @breakablebarnes @hiddles-rose @goldylions @jhangelface0523 @loricamebackyetagain @lookiamtrying @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @hiddles-and-skittles @seitmai @loki-laufeyson-1054 @justile @rebel-stardust
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Hi witches! Does the coven have any favorite Codas? Have a great weekend!
Hi friend!
The coven loves a coda, so here is an incredibly comprehensive list for you:
1.01 Schitt Stirring - AuthorByNight (@wearpersistencewell)
1.02 Merry Go Round - Perkalil
1.10 oh dear, the biggest of all fears - foxtails (@ratchet)
2.01 One Tiny Little Thing - coffee_and_glitter (@fictasticvoyage)
3.01 The Future Is This Moment - @floosilver8
3.08 Joking Around with Ray Butani - @walnuts-and-berries
3.09 Motel Blues - fairmanor
3.10 Coffee Order - @yourbuttervoicedbeau
3.11 Getting clarity - @JessX2231
3.12 an idea of longing - beanierose
3.13 Just gonna hit the restroom - onegirlandherpen (@alysiswriting)
4.01 1001 - Hth (@spiders-hth-is-an-outlier)
4.02 To be Surprised - TBSv2
4.03 yes, i said faithful - @dinnfameron
4.04 this magic I've been feeling since I met you (is correct) - @lilythesilly
4.05 The Lucky One - agreatwave
4.06 Closed Mic - ProseApothecary (@vodka-rocks-and-a-piece-of-toast)
4.07 Looking for Light on the Floor - @my-nameless-bliss
4.08 I can’t pretend it’s okay when it’s not - @treluna4
4.09 If Only You Knew - @chelle68
4.10 let the rain come down (make a brand new ground)... - startswithhope (@language-of-love)
4.11 I Can Fix That - @DoubleL27
4.12 Say It Again - MadAlien
4.13 merry christmas, david rose - @petalwritesx
5.01 In need of a generator - iamtheenemy (@theres-a-goldensky)
5.02 What Matters Most - sonlali (@landofsonlali)
5.03 Beside me, you'd be happy you'll see - @lastchancecafe13
5.04 Kidnapped - railmedaddy (@rmd-writes)
5.05 Our Paths Crossed At The Right Time - @flowerfan2
5.06 It's Funny How You Don't Know You Can Fly 'til You Finally Catch The Wind - sunonyourskin
5.07 i just want you - my_middle_name_is_awkward
5.08 That's My Friend - @maxbegone
5.09 Definitely A Thing - iola17 (@beaiola)
5.10 (not) an emergency - hudders-and-hiddles (@wild-aloof-rebel)
5.11 Something we did - @myolivebranch
5.12 Recreate Us - @wordswordswords7
5.13 losing my mind (don't leave me behind) - @rosedavid
5.14 I never had a place that I could call my very own - @designatedgrape
6.01 stickers on my suit(y)case - @blueink3
6.02 The Ides of March - @vivianblakesunrisebay
6.03 Wine Drunk - OnMyShore
6.04 the visions around us - @helvetica-upstart
6.05 Stasis - houdini74 (@mostlyinthemorning)
6.06 We'll Go a Long, Long Way Together - @reginahalliwell
6.07 where's the bathroom? - @stereopticons
6.08 Tangerine Skin -barelypink
6.09 It's Always Who You Least Eggspect - @weathereyehorizon
6.10 Bells Will Ring, The Son Will Shine - MeadowHarvest
6.11 gentle - foodoflovee (@compassionats)
6.12 New York State of Mind - snowvitamins
6.13 He’s Not Coming Home (Because He’s Already There) - @delilah-mcmuffin
6.14 Slowly - Distractivate
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chrisevansluv · 2 years
Every day I become more convinced that Keanu Reeves is literally the only man in Hollywood worth being a fan of //
Him and Tom Hiddles 😩
Other anons:
"Keanu Reeves is the GOAT❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"
"I’m on the Chris Pine and Oscar Isaac train now, ladies ✌🏻 And speaking of Korean TV, have you seen All of Us Are Dead?"
"Somebody wants to trade favs?// im scoping out yahya mateen as my new fav🧐"
"Andrew Garfield 💘💘 I started becoming an Andrew fan when the crap with Chris was going on. He hasn't disappointed so far! 🤞🏽 Plus, the man can rock a suit like no other."
Third anon: Of course I watched AOUAD!
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smolvenger · 1 month
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imma just leave this riiiiiight here for u this fine Monday 😳🫠
Oh my, the thots are thotting and the whore-mines are raging for me with this look. Omg, the long curls? The suit? The slutty chest hair? 🥵no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
Time for me to get more unhinged bc this has my thots going-
Since this is Prof! Hiddles I need him to tell me I did poorly on the essay so he pulls me on his lap and spanks me as he corrects me and then has me either propped on his desk and opens my legs or bends me over to earn his forgiveness as he calls me his whore and then his good girl and pulls my hair and then enters me and pounds me violently until I’m screaming for him as we cuuuuuuuu[gunshots]
I do have your prof! Hiddles request, bestie👀I think I can use this pic as inspiration😈😈😈
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 14
Loki/OFC Rated E  Trigger Warnings: Smut (previous chapters) Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
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Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
So sorry for the delay on this. My father in law passed away two weeks ago, and family matters have consumed my life in the interim.
In any event, I hope you enjoy this plot heavy chapter! I promise there will be more smut to come. (no pun...)
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird​
"Oh dear," Caroline felt a blush consume her skin, "this is not going to go well at all, is it?"
One moment she had been anticipating Loki's return with eagerness and a small touch of anxiety (who knew what her decadent God would come up with), and the next a bright light and loud crash sent pieces of wood flying through the air. As she blinked to clear her eyes, she knew a moment of blind panic. There, glaring through the new hole in the wall next to the door that could very easily have been opened, stood her friend, patient, and sometime employer Tony Stark in his full Iron suit.
"Stay away from her!" Loki snarled, shoving Stark to the ground as he rushed to Caroline's side, protectively shielding her from him. "Are you injured darling?"
"I'm fine," she assured him, a warm rush of emotion coursing through her at his words. "Just a little startled."
"You are sure? If there is so much as a scratch on you, tell me so that I may make this worm bleed in return."
"Get away from her, you sick bastard!" Tony shouted in his turn, stepping into the room.
"Tony, it's not what it looks like," she blurted out, embarrassed as her position and lack of clothing brought about the realization of just what it did look like.
"It is alright, Doctor Thorpe, we will not let my brother take any further advantage of you."
Oh good, Thor was here too. Caroline groaned internally as she stared from one angry male to the next, wishing that the bed might swallow her whole.
"I would never take advantage of her!" Loki protested hotly. "Not unless she were perfectly willing!"
"And I suppose she was perfectly willing to be tied half naked to your bed?" Tony sneered.
"More than willing," Loki shot back. "Enthusiastic. Tell them, Min kjaereste, tell them you want to be here!"
"I did until a few moments ago," she said with a rueful half grin.
"You have mind controlled her!" Tony insisted. "We've seen how you turn people into your murder puppets. Now you've stepped it up to making them sex dolls as well?"
"Hey!" Caroline protested.
"I am not controlling her! Have you forgotten that I am no longer in possession of the scepter with the mind stone?"
"Really? It was her idea to be tied to your bed?"
"Well, actually..." Loki puffed out his chest, a smirk on his handsome face.
Caroline sighed, realizing it was up to her to end this farce. So much for her lovely idyl with Loki away from outside interference. She should have known it was too good to last.
"Enough," she did her best to summon her professional voice, not the easiest thing considering her state of undress. "I am not being mind controlled and I am certainly not a sex doll. Really, Tony!"
"In my defense, you would make a smoking hot one," he assured her, causing Loki to grip his knives tighter.
"Loki, perhaps you could stop growling long enough to untie me?" she suggested, wondering how on earth she had ended up in this situation.
Loki looked at her, blinked, and waved away her bonds while at the same time materializing shorts to cover her more. Bringing her arms down, she pushed herself up to a sitting position and placed a soothing hand on Loki's shoulder.
"Now, perhaps we could all go out into the living room and talk about this like civilized adults."
"You really are not under his magic?" Thor asked, voice confused as she rose from the bed.
"Only the magic of his personality."
"Oh yeah, he's all charm," Tony snarked, glaring at the snarling God.
"Living room, now," she commanded, done with all three of them.
Not waiting to see if they followed her, Caroline crossed to the door and deliberately opened it, ignoring the gaping hole in the wall. She took the large recliner, deciding it gave the greatest sense of power in the room. Loki stayed close by her side, hovering half behind, half next to her chair as Tony and Thor reluctantly took a seat on the sofa.
"Now, first things first," she said, wanting to cut off any attempts of one of them to steer the conversation back into dangerous waters. "How did you find us?"
"Your shield ID pin," Stark answered. "There's a tracker located on the back of it."
"You bugged her?" Loki snarled.
"Is that regulation?" she asked, startled.
"I like to keep tabs on the people I care about," Tony shrugged. "Particularly when I know they're consorting with dangerous criminals."
"Loki, I am so sorry," she told him. "I led them here."
"Sorry? For helping in your own rescue?" Tony's voice was incredulous.
"I was not in need of rescuing," she snapped back. "I don't know where you got the idea that Loki kidnapped me."
"Well, it was either that or you staged a jailbreak, and I know you would never do that... right?"
"They were going to kill him," she said in her defense.
"Okay, I'm going back to the brainwashing theory," Stark said.
"Look, I did what was asked of me," Caroline sought for calm amidst the bristling hostility in the air. "I talked to Loki about the lead up to the invasion, both immediate and going back some time. To say that there were extenuating circumstances is to grossly downplay the situation."
"Doctor, I know he can be extremely persuasive," Thor told her in a voice just sympathetic enough to be patronizing, "but Loki is very talented at spinning lies. He is not called Silver Tongue without good reason."
"Oh, she knows all about that, don't you pet?" Loki purred unhelpfully, brushing her hair from one shoulder and making her face heat again.
"Wow. There is an image I'm never going to get out of my brain, no matter how much bleach or tequila I try," Tony shuddered.
"The point is," she muscled through with gritted teeth, "Loki was not responsible for his actions. Thor, were you aware that for months leading up to the New York invasion, Loki was imprisoned, tortured, and subjected to all sorts of mental conditioning?"
"Is this true, Loki?" Thor's voice was suddenly awash in concern, and his guileless blue eyes misted over a bit.
"You never even bothered to look for him!" Caroline's anger bubbled to the surface at Thor's display of emotion now that the damage was done. "None of you, his so called family, could be bothered to search when your brother threw himself to his death in the middle of an identity crises."
"He was in crises?" Thor asked in a small voice.
"Well how would you feel? Really, Thor, how would you feel if you found out your whole life the people who were supposed to be protecting you had been feeding you lies? If you found out the truth was that you were from a loathed enemy who your own brother had sworn to exterminate? Do you think, if you can think, that you might just have a small problem reconciling all of that while, I don't know, trying to be King because your father conveniently fell asleep?"
"That wasn't in the reading," Tony said into the silence that followed her angry stream of questions.
"I would never have hurt you, Loki," Thor said at last with pleading eyes. "You are my brother, no matter what your species."
"Well, that's nice," Caroline's anger had lowered to a simmer, but it was far from burned out, "but unfortunately Pierce and his goons do not have the same familial sentiment to fall back on."
"He did kill a ton of people," Stark pointed out, almost regretfully.
"I told you, he was conditioned, mind controlled," she spoke before Loki had the chance to let fly with an ill timed barb. "The weapon he used to control others was in turn controlling him."
"Tortured or not, Loki's mind is a formidable thing, highly trained," Thor sounded doubtful. "What could possibly overpower him in that way?"
"Compared to you, Sleipnere's mind is formidable," Loki said, but with wry affection he could not hide in his voice. "It's an infinity stone, Thor. The jewel in the Scepter is the Mind Stone. Even I was eventually no match for it when wielded by one who knew how."
"Who, brother? Who was behind this?" Thor sounded truly alarmed now.
"Thanos," Loki sighed, the name sounding vile on his tongue. "Thanos and his Obsidian Order seek the Infinity Stones. I need not tell you, if they acquire them all it will go ill all."
While he would have far preferred continuing with his original plan of teasing Caroline into a state of wanton frenzy before relenting and fucking her senseless, there was something sweet about watching her lash into Thor and Stark. She was so passionate in his defense, that he even could forgive her for making him sound in need of rescuing.
Certainly, it had had an effect on the two men who had come crashing into their retreat. Thor, that soft hearted idiot, was all but weeping by the time she was done. Even Tony Stark, the soulless narcissist he had heard so much about and enjoyed sparring with more than he cared to admit, looked a bit taken aback as Caroline recounted all that he had gone through.
It was all very amusing, in its way, until the damned stones came into the conversation. He had known he could not avoid it. They and the one who had sent him for them were at the heart of the whole ugly mess. Still, of all the memories he most wished to banish forever, those of Thanos and his "children" were among the worst.
"Okay, so I am guess that the Infinity Stones are not a Power Band," Tony said, once again breaking the silence. "Someone want to fill me in on what they are?"
"Vesels of primordial force so powerful that they can create or destroy worlds," Thor's voice was hushed and serious. "They have been here since the beginning of this universe. One is enough to travel through time, or alter reality, or control a mind even as strong as Loki's. But if one were to assemble them all, they would have power to rival the AllFather."
"Putting aside Big Daddy for a moment," Tony said, "you are saying that the scepter currently sitting in a lab in the SHIELD base is powerful enough to end the world?"
"By itself, no," Loki assured him. "The scepter holds the Mind Stone. Alone, that can win you armies, but at a price."
"Not a price I'd willingly pay again," Loki added.
His memories of the days leading up to the Chitari attack through his time in the cell at SHIELD were a blur to him. Most of the time, he preferred it that way. He was aware of his actions, but it almost seemed to him as though someone else had committed them. For a being who valued control as much as Loki, it had been unbearable.
"Alright, let's say I believe you," Tony had risen from the couch and begun to pace. "Let's say that you were this innocent little Space Prince who just happened to stumble into the wrong crowd. Why not say so? Why run? And why take my doc with you?"
"She is not yours!"
The very idea of this insignificant human claiming ownership of any sort over Caroline made Loki's blood pound in his ears. She deserved far more than any of the pathetic mortals could hope to give her, even one who's intelligence seemed at least to extend slightly beyond the norm.
"Down boy, no need to pee on her," Stark said crudely.
"I told you," Caroline answered, once more laying a calming hand on Loki. "The word was already circulating that Pierce meant to kill him that night."
"That's why he sent me on that fool errand!" Loki rolled his eyes as he saw the lightbulb flash on behind his brother's eyes. "I knew there was no reason for one of my prowess to subdue some puny group of arms traders! He knew I would not allow them to murder you."
"With you gone, and Fury AWOL, there was no one there to speak up. That left it up to me to get him out of there."
Caroline spoke as if singlehandedly breaking a prisoner out of one of the most secure facilities on the planet were task anyone might have thrust upon them. Once more in awe of her courage, Loki took her hand and raised it wordlessly to his lips.
"I thank you, Doctor Thorpe," Thor told her.
"I didn't intend on escaping with him, that was an accident," she added. "Actually, we couldn't have escaped at all if you hadn't given me Fury's password, and the hint to getting into the rest of his office."
"That's why you called, me," Tony shook his head. "Son of a bitch."
"I just meant to take the key for his cuffs," she went on. "But when I saw the cube, I realized it was one of the stones Loki had told me about. I wanted him to take it away, where it wouldn't bring danger to our world."
"Fortunately for me," Loki smirked. "Thank you, Stark, for your assistance. Without the Tesseract, I might have escaped myself, but I would not have had such enchanting company."
"I would think twice about bringing us back, Tony," Caroline said, smiling blandly at her friend. "If we are forced to stand trial, it would be only a matter of time before they asked how I got into Fury's office. I would hate for you to get into trouble for helping me."
"Why Doctor Caroline Thorpe, are you blackmailing me?" Tony asked, eyes wide.
"Let's call it mutually assured destruction," she smiled in return. "You let us be, we don't turn you in either."
Loki's heart sored at her words. That she would take such an audacious stance for him was humbling. He knew not what he had done to earn her fierce loyalty, but he vowed in that moment to do everything in his power to be worthy of it.
"Are you sure you aren't brainwashing her? She's never been this insubordinate before."
"I never had something so worth fighting for before. Look, Tony, what it really comes down to is that I'm asking you to trust me."
Stark looked back and forth from Caroline to Loki, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Alright," he said at last. "Where are the rest of these poprocks, and how do we get them off of Earth?"
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
This took a while. So I hope you like it!!!
After Chucky was officially an orphan he was put into the foster system. He was there with a bunch of other kids who he utterly despised. The only good thing that came from it was that he was being fed every day. He was there for several months watching kids come and go.
"Bye? Where are you going?"
The kid grabbed his suit case and looked at Chucky.
"Didn't ya hear? I'm officially getting adopted!!!!!"
"You are?"
"Yeah, see you around"
Chucky sighed, waved the kid goodbye, and watched him leave the home and hug his new parents.
"Charles!!!! Come someone wants to meet you!!!"
Chucky's ears perked up, he turned his head and looked over at the foster care lady. She motioned for him to follow her down the hall. She led him to another room and there was another woman in a nice coat and bright brown eyes.
"Oh Hi!!! My name is Mary Hiddle" She held out her hand.
Chucky shook her hand and looked her dead in the eyes.
"Why don't you introduce yourself?"
"Hi, I'm Charles, but I prefer Chucky."
The women smiled and ended the handshake.
"So, how old are you?"
"Do you like to do anything for fun?"
"Go on answer her, Sorry he's a bit shy"
"I like to draw and play the piano"
"Oh! That's lovely!"
He gave a fake smile skeptical of her.
"Charles, will you give us a minute? Please?"
He left the room and waited.
"Ok, Charles go pack all your things! This nice lady's gonna be your foster mom!"
"Yes! Now go pack your things!!!"
Chucky grabbed his suitcase and neatly placed his belongings in it. He really didn't how to react to having a new parent. A Foster Parents. So he wasn't gonna get attached. Once she grew tired of him she would drop him in a heartbeat. He knew she would. Even his own parents the people who were supposed to love him unconditionally treated him like dirt. So how would she be any different?
"Bye! Charles, I hope you like your new home!!!!"
Mary grabbed his hand and took little Charles to her home.
"You have a beautiful house."
"Thank you! Here let me show you to your room!"
The house was really nice compared to his last house. Which was covered in glass and broken beer bottles. This house however was clean and well furnished.
He looked at his new room. It was a decent size, with books and a work desk. He noticed the Peter Pan book and ran over to it.
"Peter Pan!!!!"
"You like this book?"
"Uh yeah, it's one of my favorites, actually"
"Well it's yours"
"Thank you Ms. Mary"
"You're Very Welcome"
Ok, she was making it very difficult to hate her, Chucky thought. So he tried to distance himself from her. Till she caught him drawing.
"Wow. That's very beautiful."
He quickly tried to hide his draw but it was already to late she'd seen it.
"Who are you drawing?"
"A girl."
"Does this girl have a name?"
He just looked at her and didn't say anything. She didn't take the hint and waited for a response.
"Tiffany, her name's Tiffany"
"Oh, I see. Is she a friend of yours?"
Mary noticed she was making him uncomfortable so she backed off a bit.
"Well, I'll quit pestering you and let you finish your drawing."
The Next Day
Chucky was washing his dish when he accidentally dropped a plate causing it to shatter.
"Chucky are you ok?!!!"
"Hurt you? Chucky. Darling. I would never hurt you. I don't believe in hitting kids to get your point across. Wait. Is that what your parents did to you?" She said startled by his sudden and panicked reaction.
Chucky looked down at his feet and didn't say anything.
Mary bent down on her knees and looked her foster son in his baby blue eyes.
"Chucky as long as you're under my roof. You won't EVER be hit by me. Never."
Then Chucky realized something. She wasn't like all the rest. She was different. He could see himself happy in his new life as Mary's foster child.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Because you're my child and my responsibility. And I care about you Chucky!"
"Because I've always wanted a kid and I got lucky and got you! So I want to be the best Mom I can be."
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viviennes-tears · 2 years
A bit of mischief pool side (Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland chapter 1/2)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion.
Prompt request by VampireQueen666: If I may be so bold I had a Tom x Tom x Chris story. The three are temporary living together while filming Endgame 1 The three of them are at the pool. Hem and Holland are splashing around and Hiddleston is reading a book in the shade. Feeling frisky Hem pulls off his bathing suit and then yanks off Hollands. As they are ruff housing Hem is teasing Hiddleston with Hollands body like biting and slapping Hollands ass, ticking him for example. Hiddleston then joins and all three fool around.
A/N: I added some little things throughout, but hopefully it doesn't disappoint x
Summary: Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland get into some mischief by the pool side. Along with Chris' persistence and playfulness while running around with Holland whilst flaunting their assets, Tom Hiddleston's attention finally lands on them. Despite how much Hiddleston tries to put some distance between himself from the situation, he just can't control his own mischievous side, nor can he control his ergs as it turns out.
Warnings: Spanking, jealousy, friends with benefits, mentions of sexual content, exploring sexuality and nudity 
Just before filming began for Avengers: End Game Chris Hemsworth invited his best friend Tom Hiddleston to come stay with him in a luxury villa, a place where he decided to rent for the duration of filming, instead of 'slumming it' in some hotel room for a change. At first Tom thought it would be a bit extravagant and he was even considering turning down Chris' invite. Usually though Tom and Chris would get together and rekindle the benefits part of their relationship. Benefits that first occurred during Thor: The Dark World. Of course the pair had gotten along since day one, but it wasn't until TDW when they drunkenly first explored and pushed the boundaries of their friendship. Neither regretted what they had done the next morning and from then on they continued this secret friendship with benefits for every Marvel movie they were in together. However when Tom Holland popped up from nowhere and he innocently showed interest in being Chris's roommate instead Hiddleston instantly became jealous. Holland also topped it off with his cheeky smile and his eyes sparkled with excitement. Clearly he'd been listening to their conversation the entire time and was willing to be Hiddleston's replacement. Albeit, Hiddleston's utterly jealousy along with his thoughts that were provoking that side of him too didn't help matters. He just didn't like the idea of them being alone together, especially not while this was usually when he himself and Chris got together, it was their alone time offset. In fact to make things more interesting or rather for Hiddleston to get his way, he challenged Holland to a race. The fastest runner would get to be Chris' roommate and the loser would have to stay in a hotel with everyone else. No doubt the challenge was intriguing to both Holland and Chris and with that being said the challenge was accepted.
The challenge wasn't without its rules though.
"Rule number one...no tripping up the other contender. Rule number two...the correct footwear must be worn and laces tied properly, because loose laces could also apply to rule number one. Rule number three....at the end the loser has to be gentlemanly about his defeat, but before that we're free to have a little banter." Hiddleston said firmly, but then he softened up when he mentioned that they could still banter before the race, despite his jealousy still very much present.
"Seems fair to me, you're on Hiddles." Holland said confidently. Both Toms then shook hands while Chris smiled from ear to ear and looked back and forth between them with childish glee.
Two days later as both Toms took their places at the starting line, they both glared at each other with assertiveness in themselves dripping from their pores, even before a single bead of sweat could be broken. They each teased the other and banter rolled freely off their tongues. Chris had to get them to settle down a little before he below the whistle and then both Toms began to run the full length of the track. One lap and the fastest to cross the line would be Chris' roommate.
They both were being cocky as they raced around the track, but they still obeyed the rules mind you. Naturally the competitive pair were practically neck and neck for most of the race, before Holland began to build up speed and was pushing on ahead. Hiddleston gasped and soon stepped up his own game. Yet both of their egos were heightened by Chris' energising cheers. Heavy breaths, tight muscles and adrenaline flooded the pair as they continued to close in on the finishing line. Neither wanting to give up, only the will to power through to the end. And as they both rounded the last corner for the final stretch, Chris' cries became louder and became their fuel to keep going, leading for Holland to once again pull ahead slightly. Before they knew it they were crossing the finishing line followed by the final whistle bellowing.
"Damn, that was one hell of a race mate!" Chris said, as he lent on Hiddleston's shoulder whilst he was trying to catch his breath. "Tom's toes touched the line first though." He gently broke the news.
Hiddleston nodded in understanding and finally closed the distance between himself and Holland. "Congratulations, Tom. Always knew you were the new and better TH." Hiddleston was a little breathless, but he was gracious in his defeat, after all that was one of his rules. Although Holland knew he would have been, if it was in the rules or not.
"Cheers mate..." they smiled and shook hands, "but you're the better TH." Holland replied breathlessly too, subsequently he brought Hiddleston into a manly hug with a pat on each other's back, although before they could pull apart Chris joined in with the hug.
"You know what...," both Toms shook their heads as they looked at Chris, "there's plenty of room in the villa and I want you both to be my roommates!" Chris said cheerfully, yet he could see Hiddleston's hesitation in his eyes, but he quickly recovered with a half smile.
The three of them ended up agreeing to temporarily live together for the duration of filming.
It's been a month since Chris and both Toms have been living together temporarily whilst filming had begun. They'd been spending a large amount of time together both on and off set, especially once Hiddleston's hesitations and jealous side subsided somewhat over time. Not that Hiddleston allowed to indulge Chris in any way, shape or form. Things were stickily friendly between them, much to Chris' disappointment, as he hoped with him being there they would rekindle the benefits part as usual. Although it wouldn't stop him from stealing glances, stealing moments with Tom from across the table during lunch breaks, or from across the room back at the villa. Actually the only action he would be allowed occasionally and left wanting more. Of course Holland was blissfully unaware of what was happening around him, even when Chris and Hiddleston would show affection for him in the privacy of the villa. Yes affection, including from Hiddleston, who only a few days ago thought about Holland in such ways that weren't just friendly. Chris had caught on that Tom was starting to like Holland as much as he was.
However today Chris decided it would be different. He and both Toms had the day off and they were enjoying their spare timer by the villa's private pool. The sun was shining down on them, but it wasn't overly harsh raise either, but it certainly was hotter than London. Needless to say they had put on sunblock before they headed pool side. Hiddleston opted to lounge on one of the sunbathing chairs in the shade with a good book and he had a drink beside him. Meanwhile Chris and Holland hit the pool after throwing their towels onto the other sunbathing chairs. Chris grabbed the white ball that was floating around his side, so they could begin their game of volleyball, after all the net was still up from the previous game a couple of weeks ago
"YES! Another point for me!" Chris cheered with his arms raised triumphantly. It had been twenty-five minutes since they began their game.
"HA!" Holland boasted, as he pelted the ball past Chris during his moment of gloating.
"No fair, I wasn't ready!" Chris whined.
"Then pay attention, Chrissy!" Holland snickered as Chris fetched the ball, also causing Tom to pull his sunglasses down slightly, and he peered up from his book at them in the pool with one brow raised. He was in one of his moods, so it seemed.
"Oh it's on, Tommy my boy!" Chris replied, and he ended up serving up a storm and Hiddleston pushed his sunglasses back up then returned to reading.
Holland and Chris continued with their game. Laughing and tossing insults at each other which weren't taken to heart, as neither really meant any of it, it was just for the game. However throughout Chris couldn't help but feel Tom distancing himself again. After all he tried to persuade him to join him in bed, but Hiddleston flat out declined, claiming it wasn't the time with Holland being in such close quarters.
"How does it feel to lose?" Chris asked as he wrapped his arm around Holland's shoulders.
"You may have won this time, but I assure you I will win the rematch!" Holland smiled as Chris tousled his wet hair.
"Just you try." Chris replied.
They both then grabbed their towels and dried off a little, as Hiddleston took a sip of his drink and ignored them whilst they continued to talk about nonsense. Albeit, Hiddleston's quiet and reserved self was bothering Chris a lot the more time went on, therefore he had to take matters into his own hands. He wanted to get Hiddleston off of his chair and get him to come join them, get him to put last night's hesitations behind them with that thought in mind, he knew he had to come up with something very distracting...his lips curved up into a grin as an idea came to his mind. He quickly abandoned his towel on the chair it was on earlier and processed to yank down his swimming knee length shorts. Holland paused with his towel fisted in his wet hair, as he confusingly looked over at Chris's face as it lit up, once he was back to his full height again. However before he could form a single word Chris suddenly came up close and pulled his swimming shorts down too. Holland's jaw slackened as he was unsure if he should indulge in the antics or be embarrassed by his now naked appearance. Not that he had much time to really think things through as Chris stole his towel and ran it through his fingers. Chris also noticed Hiddleston hadn't moved an inch, yet. It wasn't distracting enough...unexpectedly Chris whipped Holland's ass with his towel that was still in his possession. Holland yelped and covered up his ass with both hands, causing Hiddleston's brows to frown, but with his eyes still fixed on his current page.
"You're going to pay for that!" Holland declared as he recovered quickly. He soon grabbed Chris's towel and chased after him onto the grass.
The pair of them were laughing and running around naked on the grass, which began to stain the soles of their wet feet, and their wet swept back hair drying a little whilst they ran. Holland clearly forgone his shyness as he ran freely about. Hiddleston had overheard their laughter and briefly watched them running around, until he caught himself biting his lower lip, and internally cursed himself for enjoying the frolicking display as jealousy reared its ugly head again.
Once the chase was over both Chris and Holland breathing heavily, as they wrapped their arms around each other, and they headed back towards the chairs. As they walked back Chris could see Hiddleston was still reading, although he didn't know that he was actually pretending to still be reading. Chris realised his plan had failed, on the other hand he didn't want to give up, at least not without a fight. After they walked back Holland dropped down onto the towel on his chair, his head facing Hiddleston with his eyes closed as he tried to calm his breathing, albeit it was a bit restricted from the way he lay on his front. Also his ass was on full display and it was venerable. Suddenly another idea popped into Chris' head. He quietly snuck down onto his knees beside Holland and peered over at Hiddleston reading, before he took a deep breath and took his eyes off him, closing them as his teeth snack into Holland's asscheek. Holland jolted up from the sudden bite and his cheeks began to redden.
Chris' eyes swiftly looked back and forth from Holland's eyes and his lips before he gulped hard as he stood up. Holland's eyes followed Chris' face as he stood, daring not to look down. After a moment of the two of them staring at each other Holland somehow managed to find a new release of confidence and stood up too. Chris however slowly backed away with his hands held up in surrender, and Holland followed him, right until Chris was standing at the edge of the pool.
"Come on mate...you wouldn't dare?" Chris chuckled nervously and saw Hiddleston over Holland's shoulder, it appeared that he'd finally put his book down. "Gotcha!" Chris thought, temporarily distracted long enough for Holland to push him into the pool with all his might.
As Chris fell backwards into the pool Holland jumped in after him. Both of them made a big splash, which got really close to where Tom was now sitting up straight on his chair, but the water didn't quite reach him. Once Chris and Holland resurfaced they began splashing each other and laughing. Occasionally they playfully messed around under the water, grabbing each other's ankles to pull the other under too, whilst Hiddleston was watching on from the sidelines. No matter how much Hiddleston had been resisting the temptation of joining them, he came to realise his playful side wasn't going to allow it to go on.
To their utter surprise Hiddleston decided to dive into the pool and he swam up to them. Holland stood in between Chris and Hiddleston unsure of what to do next. Although Chris took charge once more as he wrapped one arm around Holland's waist, pulling him closer so they were back to chest, Hiddleston not making any other move at the moment. In fact he looked on at them with darkened eyes for a beat, before he finally reached under the water to remove his own swimming shorts, then allowed them to float around and uncaring where they floated off to. Holland suddenly felt Chris' lips on his neck and gasped at the feeling of them being there. His eyes closed willingly as he allowed Chris to continue kissing his neck and faintly he heard Hiddleston growl lowly. However the kissing on his neck didn't last long as Chris' fingers twitched and Holland soon began to laugh as he was being tickled. The tickle attack increased as Hiddleston started to tickle him too, the more tickles he received the further he snuck down into the water, thankfully it stopped before he could choke on the chlorinated water.
Next thing Holland knew was Hiddleston grabbed Chris by his wrist and dragged him closer to him. Hiddleston's jealousy needed to be extinguished. The two of them stared at each other with hooded eyes before Hiddleston's lips crashed against Chris' and they got caught up in the moment. The kiss deepening and Hiddleston's fist grabbing hold of Chris' hair as Holland watched, he also started feeling a little funny below the belt as he watched, and he wasn't sure what was happening to him. Chris pulled away from Hiddleston first when the sound of Holland swimming made his ears prick up. Holland swam all the way to the side of the pool and then pulled himself up, before he turned around to look back at Chris and Tom, sure enough they were looking right back at him. Holland bit his lip nervously as his hands cupped his manhood and water dripped off his naked body forming a puddle around him. It felt like a small eternity as he stood there trying to fathom what just happened. One minute he was playing volleyball and then things kept on happening to him, he was strangely caught up in the middle of something, something which he couldn't wrap his head around.
"Chris...we erm...er...we should tell him." Hiddleston stuttered and Chris nodded in agreement.
Tom and Chris quickly swam over to Holland and got out of the pool. They took it upon themselves to gently guide Holland over to the sunbathing chairs, and they wrapped a big towel around him, covering him entirely to make him feel more comfortable. Then they themselves wrapped towels around their waists and sat down on either side of Holland.
"Tom...see the thing is mate...Hid-Hiddles and I we..." Chris gives Hiddleston puppy dog eyes as a way of asking him for help with explaining.
"What Chris is trying to say is...well for a while now we've been you know?" Hiddleston gestured to himself and then to Chris and added, "usually during filming. What you don't know is I-I got a little jealous when you offered to be Chris' roommate, but then after the race when he suggested we both be his roommates...I was hesitant..."
"Yeah, he wouldn't come over to see me alone because of you. No offense." Chris said.
"As the days turned into weeks I became less jealous of you until now. That display was exactly what I kept thinking about, the two of you without me...although we've both suspected that maybe you...you..." Hiddleston said softly and gently squeezed Holland's knee, causing him to shudder between them. Holland knew exactly what Tom was implying and the fact his body was reacting strangely caused conflict with his mind. He couldn't even look at either of them.
Chris decided to take a chance in the next moment. He hooked two of his fingers under Holland's chin and gently turned his head towards him. Holland's breath was uneven and his eyes slowly raised to meet Chris' also his bottom lip quivered under his stare. As Chris lent in with closed eyes Holland froze as their lips touched. It wasn't until he felt Hiddleston's hand move away from his knee then felt it pull the towel slightly, his shoulder being exposed to the air, before Hiddleston's lips softly kissed his shoulder repeatedly. Chris kissed Holland's lips with short and velvety like just as Hiddleston's lips moved up to the side of his neck. Holland slowly began to melt in their hands despite him still feeling unsure about his own feelings about everything.
"You must have a lot of questions." Chris eventually said, as himself and Hiddleston pulled away from Holland, to which he shyly nodded in agreement.
"We'll try answering them the best way we can." Hiddleston said as he brushed Holland's hair back with his fingers.
His words seemed like a promise to Holland also both Hiddleston and Chris didn't treat him any differently after what had transpired between the three of them. Actually the rest of the day felt like any other day and eventually Holland sat with them and asked his questions.
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears​
3 notes · View notes
bisluthq · 11 days
That feels like a swiftwyn cupcake take if that’s a thing. It’s normal to look back at her music and make those connections and I think it’s fine to talk about them. Jealousy was clearly a problem all throughout the relationship, we thought they had solved it and they hadn’t. The relationship was on its last leg for 2 years before they called it quits.
I don’t know what the whole “they were the ones in the relationship” part is supposed to mean? I don’t get the point you’re trying to make.
Last but not least, no, we weren’t part of the relationship but you weren’t either. It wasn’t always happy and good. It sounds like there was a lot of bad that they ignored until they couldn’t ignore it anymore. No one is saying the relationship was always bad because it wasn’t, but they did have a lot of issues all throughout it and that’s the truth. It’s also in songs she wrote while they were still together and happy.
I also disagree with the idea that people only stay in relationships if they’re good because that’s not the case. By 2021 Taylor was tired and she still stayed for 2 more years. You can tell how exhausted she was by the end in TTPD. That’s just the truth. I don’t know why we have to look at a relationship of people we didn’t know and pretend it was all good all the time because she wrote love songs about it?
Why can’t people look back and point out things she liked that became a problem when it’s all there in her songs? This is such a weird thing to get offended by. It’s not the same as trying to make every song about Matty. It’s taking songs written about Joe where she talks about the same stuff but her feelings on it change. I don’t see how pointing that out is a problem?
I do agree with this and as I say I know with exes and even ex somethings often the things the appealed the most at the beginning became the things I hated most by the end lol. Like random example because other stuff is very personal but I fancied this guy who I thought looked like Gatsby (like how I picture Gatsby not Leo) and he dressed like that too as well with these like blazers and shit - we were in undergrad so this was objectively weird - and he’d be strolling on campus looking like he walked off a film set and I was SO obsessed and then he paid attention to me!!!??? And like every girl was I knew was at least a bit into him but he always had a girlfriend and then he paid attention to me!??? And also we’d had a really cool invisible string moment before invisible string was a song, where when I was still with my ex he stopped me on campus in between classes and asked to take a picture of my outfit because I was wearing this little mini skirt and these bright yellow boots and it was pouring with rain and I posed and then he posted just my legs lol and I only realized he’d posted and that’d been him like a year and a half later when I was into him because he didn’t get my name or anything but anyway. Anyway everyone was into him and he always had a girlfriend and he was into me and honestly that was so flattering to me at the time because I was like “of this parade of women throwing yourself at you, you’re going for me and I’m not even THAT nice to you” and anyway loooong story short he turned out to be weird in bed and tried to string me along and shit (I wasn’t keen after we did fuck but anyway it got weird) and now when I see pics with him in those stupid Gatsby suits I’m like “bestie were you (idk him or me or both) for real???”
but at the time I genuinely thought he was the most handsome most gorgeous most interesting man alive and him being 6’5 obviously didn’t hurt the whole situation. But he did look like a film star to me then and now I’m like “maybe like how Hiddles is also technically a film star” 💀💀💀💀
Hormones make us weird.
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