#heritage blog shenanigans
jumping on the trend
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cutepastelstarsalior · 6 months
I seem potato blogs; counting blogs, MANY colors blogs, fae heritage, vampire heritage, many fandom heritage…
Is the WEREWOLFS, GNOME, DRAGON, MERMAID, and UNICORN heritage and/or blogs?!?!!!!!
The popular monster/cryptid blogs aren’t complete yet :(
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dumdaradumdaradum · 8 months
tumblr is all about following a blog that hasn't been updated for past six years
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incognitopolls · 8 months
If you're here for multiple reasons, pick the one that you engage with the most!
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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daemonsdivorcerock · 1 year
THE SHREW OF KING’S LANDING || the series masterlist
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SUMMARY: “ it was well known that prince daemon coveted a bride of valyrian heritage, rather giving his affections to his niece, the princess (name) rather than his wife, the lady rhea royce. wether prince daemon coveted the princess on a whim to have a valyrian bride than due to a romantic interest is unknown as the princess had a reputation as a shrew…”
PAIRING: daemon targaryen x fem!targaryen reader
AUTHOR’S NOTES: finally got around to making a series masterlist for this! i’m so impressed with how well the series has done on tumblr.
WARNINGS: incest (bucket loads), typical westerosi shenanigans, angst, uncle/niece incest, daemon being daemon, otto hightower, death, war, stillbirth, miscarriage, mentioned illegitimacy/bastardy, allusions to sex etc
TAGLIST: @aemondsb1tch @ryswritingrecord @inpraizeof @fan-goddess @aerangi @starkleila @shine101 @sjprongs @orionspaperwork @aerangi @targaryenmoony @ryiana @mushroomelephant @wondergal2001 @leaculpa-blog @nats-whore @aemondsb1tch @literishdegree99 @sophiexoxo-lol @minaxcarter (couldn’t tag u guys for some reason sorry)
“ the taming of the shrew ”
“ the heir who never was ”
“ the red queen ”
“ the red council ”
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althea-and-alcestris · 3 months
So I found this blog, ,,40+ personal questions for your character" and I just had to do it with Alcestris (link here)
What's their favorite song? - Beautiful Creature by MIIA
How well do they sing? Do they sing in the shower? - Sings very well, she's a musician in the present. She does not sing in the shower tho
What exotic animal would they keep as a pet? - A python
What is their opinion on children? - She likes them, she doesn't mind babysitting and being around them
What is their SECOND favorite food? - Fried Fish
What is one thing they don't like about themselves? - Her temper (which she took after the people around her like Baul or Meleanor)
What is a topic they're passionate about? What topic could they never learn about? - She's passionate about weapons and music but could never learn about anything science related
Who is the most annoying person they know? - Rook or Azul (Azul is after that voice she has and that unique magic, she's done with him lmao)
What is their favorite alcoholic drink? (if they drink) - Gurl is physically 17 and drinks. Her favorite would probably be Tequila or smth (but Baul would not let her drink if he knew)
What are their three favorite smells? - forest, blueberry, rain
What is their phobia? - Trypanophobia, fear of needles due to the torture she endured
What was their favorite toy/stuffed animal as a kid? What was it, what was its name, how attached were they to it, where is it now? - Her favorite was a plushie snake that she named it Mrs. Hissy. It sadly got caught in the housefire and burned with the rest of her childhood but she absolutely loved it
What is their favorite possession now? - The guitar that Baul bought her
How do they like their coffee or tea (if they drink any)? - She doesn't really drink coffee or tea, she's an energy drink lover (blame it on Lilia pls)
What is an odd eating habit they have? - She tries to swallow things whole like snakes do, she just gets the urge. Serpent shenanigans
Do they take any medication? If so, what for? - Panic pills sometimes
Do they know how to fight? How well? What class have they taken? - She's really good at martial arts, she was once a soldier after all and she was trained by Lilia and Baul
Do they do any form of art? If not would they want to learn? What kind? - She does music, writing songs and singing, all that
What is a word or phrase they will NEVER say? - ???
Are they a cuddler? - Kind of
What natural talent do they have? - Singing
What innocent thing can they be bribed with? - Headpats of appriciation and caramel candy
If they had to pick between blind or deaf, which would they pick and why? - Blind because she could still detect things via vibrations, since she's a snake type
What is in/on their bedside table? - At home she has tools like screwdrivers, wrenches and screws for her leg and some makeup (like eyeliner) IN the bedside table and an alarm clock and song sheets ON it. In her dorm room it's basically the same but there is also a family photo on it.
Are they comfortable being naked? - No, SA trauma. She even hides her chest with bandages (which is a habit she developed back in the army)
Do they believe in spirits? Describe an encounter if they ever had one. - Girlie was a spirit once, of course she believes it.
What are their allergies? - None
Do they journal? What about? - She doesn't journal
Would they be able to survive alone in the middle of a forest? - Absolutely, girl was a soldier
What peeves them? - Comments on her heritage. She heard it for too long, kiddo had enough
What is their opinion on polyamory? - Althea is polyamorous, she has no problem with it
What small thing brings them joy? - singing, spending time with adoptive-father
What innocent thing they do when no one is watching? - Cuddle stuffed animals or just lay out in the rain cuz L I Z A R D
What is their favorite flower or plant? Do they own any? - No idea actually
What is their morning routine? - Get up, process she's still resurrected and not dead anymore, go to bathroom to splash water onto her face to wake up fully, brush and tie hair up, eyeliner, uniform and gloves, shoes and go to the cafeteria to have breakfast (unless breakfast is held in the dorm)
What is something they HAVE to do every day? - Training and checking up on her artificial leg
Where do they find the most inspiration? - The forest closest to Night Raven College & the lake next to Baul's house
What habit do they have that they wish they could stop? - trying to swallow things whole when eating and going over to Baul's/Lilia's room at night because of frequent nightmares
What kind of person do they want to be? - Unjudgemental & someone Baul can be proud of (even though he already is in his own way)
If they could jump into a pool of anything what would it be? - I guess pillows or just very soft grass (she likes soft things)
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cadmusfly · 3 months
so for the RP blog shenanigans I was looking up a guy who @josefavomjaaga told me actually used to be Ney's ADC before tranferring to Soult's team, who has a really long name but let's call him Bory de Saint-Vincent because that's his last name
and this dude is fuckin wild, look at this description of him
Bory de Saint-Vincent's almost too colorful life story has sometimes overshadowed his reputation as one of the most thoughtful and productive naturalists of the early nineteenth century. A free spending extrovert who also dabbled in literary ventures, his career was complicated by involvement in a near-mutiny at sea, various political intrigues, and financial debts to the extent that he spent years at a time avoiding the authorities, or actually being incarcerated. Throughout it all, however, he managed to keep up a career as a natural history collector.
he's more known for being a naturalist than a military guy, but he's also just straight up nuts
even just looking at his wikipedia page
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I dunno about you, but I feel like "precocious naturalist" should mean "discovered twenty new kinds of plants as a kid", not helping save a guy from prison (I initially read it as jailbreaking but it could have been more legal, not sure, but also apparently the ship the entomologist was meant to be on also sank so lil kid Bory saved this guy's life technically???)
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Dude hopped on a expedition to Australia, got sick of the captain and decided to just go at it alone for a few years in the middle of the ocean
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now my crack theory is that ney got sick of hearing about plants all the time and shoved him towards soult
and he had so many scientist friends, when he was exiled after waterloo, he was invited to stay in prussia by the king thanks to a scientist friend, got kicked out after 18 months, "offered a commission as General in Bolívar's new Republic of Colombia" by another scientist friend, declined that, and escaped to holland to meet the Sieyes guy who kinda was supposed to be a consul alongside this other dude called Bonaparte many years ago
dude got placed in debtor's prison for too many debts and these two fuckin notes attached to that
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His scientist friends tried to cheer him up by parading a giraffe next to the debtor's prison so that he can climb onto the rooftop to look at it with a telescope
but he didnt want to leave prison because he could have his friends visit and had good food and good sleep, but his son in law against his wishes paid his debts so that he could actually go to the damn wedding
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dude did have some weird racist ideas about human ethnicity but he was also anti-slavery and denounced the heritage peerage system while in a political position and ended up getting kicked out because of that so that's cool
this guy is like a french Stephen Maturin sort of, except he's real
and he is also contributing to the fact that none of soult's ADCs are normal people
i wish i'd learned about him earlier so i could submit him to the napoleonic sexyman tournament
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radioghosts-freakster · 5 months
R.ocksta.r C.ooki.e AUs
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So all of my Rockieposting yesterday spawned some interesting ideas for aus, and I really like them a lot (even though I'm not sure if I'll do anything with them yet)! He's taken over both sides - might as well say the entire globe - of my brain by now and as a result, I was immediately compelled to write these basic outlines at 4 am when I couldn't sleep. Then I literally passed out after 😅
Anyway, since @kylars-princess was really interested in Cookie husband and Cookie pun shenanigans, I'll share this with you directly!! 😉✨️
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Human AU - Rockstar is a human! He's still a musician and a rock legend, but he happens to be Java's neighbor in their apartment building. They often walk each other down to the main floor in the morning, and they slowly become friends this way. Eventually, they start hanging out at each other's apartments, and over time, they fall in love! Lots of lovey-dovey domestic fluff potential here!
Hell Rock AU - Rockstar is one of the first demons to be born in the pits of hell, and his job is to assess the morality of the humans on Earth! Too bad he actually hates his job - he has for a few millenia now. But that changes when he gets assigned to Java, a person who can see everyone's side of a story at a glance! As it turns out, Java is a rare half-angel, beings who rarely survive at birth, and also a powerful empath. They are completely unaware of their divine heritage, so Rockstar is ordered to steer them towards sin... but he enjoys watching over them, and they are very helpful when it comes to judging morals. A relationship blossoms between them both instead, and eventually Rockstar decides on a new goal - to play his own style of rock music for the world! (He uses his guitar as a channel for his fire powers and pyrotechnics btw!)
Crumblr AU - Rockstar is a selfshipper on the rather infamous blogging site, Crumblr.com! Lots of Cookies like to talk about their favorite characters while they wait in line, and one day, Rockstar overhears something interesting about a new gacha game. He gets curious, having never really played a gacha before, and downloads the game to his phone for long bus trips or plane flights. At first, he doesn't understand the appeal, but then he pulls Java - one of the absolute weakest characters with the lowest rarity. That doesn't mean anything, however, because before he knows it, Rockstar is absolutely in love with them! He creates a home for them, furnishes it, buys them clothes... Every power-up item gets used on them above all others, and somehow, against all known game logic, his Java becomes the strongest character in the entire game! Eager to show them off with pride, Rockstar finds a site called Crumblr and decides to dedicate an entire blog to his love for Java. He even plans a wedding event - which, unfortunately, is discovered by his fans. All of them are oblivious to selfshipping, so Cookiekind now believes that Earthbread's most eligible bachelor is tying the knot! What a mess!
* Java's name is just here as a placeholder right now, so that you know these are all some form of Javarock ship! I may give them a more au-applicable name later! ☺️✨️
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Divider { 🦋 }
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zeroheritageposts · 1 year
because why not, I already made a quick recap of the incident, so...
Shadow - Relaxing during the calm after the storm, with his dear chao "Kurai," and his boyfriend Flower.
Lancelot (Lance) - Slowly adapting to this new world full of advanced and mysterious tech.
Mephiles - Moving pieces, plotting things, slowly, but surely, plotting devious deeds with Super.
Infinite (Finn) - Hanging out in his own, trying to relax after having a crisis over his very identity.
Gadget - Hanging inside the base Finn left him with Starline and Zonic.
Silver - Trying to take better care of himself, after the threat of the metal virus seemingly vanished.
Sonic (Wolf/Flower)
[past] Exploring a hidden lab in little planet with Gumi.
[present] Hanging out with his boyfriend, Shadow, just really happy to be with him.
Sonic (Ephialtes/Needle) - Plotting his own thing, he wants to play a game, and the world is his playground.
Buckles (Knux) - Guarding the world from the danger in his islands.
Metal (Diamond) - Trying to discover who he is, and what it means to be Sonic.
_____ (Void) - seemingly deactivated, he no longer serves a purpose for Starline as of now.
Arjan - Exploring the voids, trying to find... something, he is currently missing.
Renard - waiting orders from any member of the Kitsune Council.
Miles "Tails" Prower (Yokai) - involved in different shenanigans
Miles Prower - A lone young scientist constantly running away from his bullies in West-Side Island.
Dr. K. Jules Blitz - Mad scientist plotting things from within a hidden lab, jumping across timelines.
Rough and Tumble - lurking around, waiting to see who wants to hire them, or fooling around.
Cream - Trying to live peacefully with her Chao, hoping to see her mother again.
Espio - Training and doing as per usual, although lacking his family; the Chaotix
Blaze - Hanging out with Maimy after getting involved with the shenanigans of this world.
Sonic (Arthur) - Hanging around, trying to connect back with a world he once belonged to, but does he still belong?
[past] Exploring a hidden lab in little planet with Wolf.
[present] Chilling with her girlfriend
Zonic - In the base where he, Starline, and Finn, were. Recovering from a crisis.
Lily - Looking around for the missing young deity of life.
Snow - Lurking from within the dark, perhaps, involved in some shenanigans herself.
Nova - Trapped in a repeating nightmare from which he cannot wake up.
Rouge - Hanging around, having a lot of time off given that G.U.N. is gone.
[Baba] is [showed up] and [nothing else so far]
Sonic (fleetway) - Running around, trying to make up for a damage that is already fixed.
Super Sonic (Super/Rift) - Hanging out with mephiles, recovering from being heavily damaged by Shadow before the reset.
Starline - Executing and plotting his very own plan, can anyone really stop him?
Sonic (Wachowski) - Hanging out, seemingly missing Tom and Maddie. [mod has some ideas for them]
Tails Doll - Lurking. [mod has some ideas for them]
Shadow [requires a nickname] - [mod has some ideas for them]
Sonic [requires a nicknalme] - Dear GAIA that Mohawk!
Eclipse - Last time he made a connection with his half-mobian sibling.
Super Sonic [requires a nickname] - unleashed, Not Devin apparently.
Sonic (Evil/Devin) - having been reborn from the death, he's back to his usual random shenanigans.
Whisper - sometimes hanging out with Tangle.
Mighty and Ray - [not started yet]
E-123 Omega - Standing there... MENACINGLY!
@yoshiheritageposts - never returned from the liquor store
Mr. L - [not started yet]
Sonic (Darkspine) - [mod has some ideas for them] [not started yet]
Calvin and Hobbles - [not started yet]
The Toad Brigade - [not started yet]
Sage - [not started yet]
Miles “Nine” Prower – involved in shenanigans.
Miles “Nine” Prower (Nine 2) - [I don't know actually]
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agoobersretreat · 6 months
Top ten preds go
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"Ooooorgh, fuuuuuuuuck. Ten whole peeps? Well, I'm gonna do it my way then! In no particular order and what I like best about them as a character and how I think it would go down!" So confident, suddenly! Well, until she reconsiders to realize how in-depth with this topic she's about to go.
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"Also, uhhhh, gonna put it under a readmore cuz...some of this shit is gonna be super indulgent and niche of this niche even. You have been warned!"
Rai Yamanashi @pudgy-planets
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"Ooooh, Rai! What a sweet lady. She's been really sweet on me ever since we met, when she accidentally sat on top of me while resting on top of a park bench! She's gotta have, like, the widest hips or ass I've ever seen. Like, if she sits down on me, you don't see me anymore!"
"Mmmm, let's see though? I really how she wants to make her own name and merits, even with her family having a reach all over the world! The life of a scion is an interesting and socially complex journey in general, more so when you actually do your best not to use your connections or heritage for gaining an upper hand on purpose!"
"Mmmmph, how she'd most likely go about eating me...? Well, there's always the usual way, but I've also been worried that one day I might catch her in a situation that she might sit on me and I am gone. Just completely engulfed and sent on my way in, full-size and full send. I mean, I'm sure she's worried about that too....right?"
2. Lizzie Bellbottoms @yourgfisaclown
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"Her blog is pretty literal, ehehehehe. My gf is a clown, yeah! Well, one of them, at least~? I'm glad she is, actually, as it keeps everything so interesting! Her level of clowning is so impressive and very surprising! I wouldn't have it any other way~."
"She loves fun and I love fun, so it's a match made in heaven! Or maybe in the fairgrounds? I've been meaning to ask her how a clown family tree looks or is like. Also, yes, she's a real clown. Do with that information what you will, but I swear. It's different than you'd think!"
"Hmmm, well, if I can think it? She can probably do it one way or another? Aside my own size shenanigans, she can do her own and change her body any way she likes! Like, wow! She once gave me an internal obstacle course to go through. I don't mean like, just her innards in general, I mean an actual full course with different levels of difficulty to get through! Mmm, wonder what else she could do, if we both were up to it...~?"
3. Monika [REDACTED] @brownhairedbookworm
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"Oh, right! Monika! She's a really cool person I met while DoorDashing! She was my last order of the day and I was so lost and turned around that she let me stay over for a bit to recuperate. And we've been close friends ever since~."
"Monika's got, like, these all-powerful...uhhh, powers! She can see the universe or something like that? I don't fully understand, but I can see the changes she has made where a lot of others can't! Isn't that so interesting? I mean, sure I can't prove it either? But her all-seeing eyes can see that I'm cute...and that means a lot to me, since I have trouble believing it myself."
"Well, Monika already really likes to gobble me up when I'm smol? I guess the only different ways are how she likes to do it? Her go-to is acting like a big scary monster or some kind of goddess? I mean, she kind of is, so eh. Sometimes she plays the role and sometimes the role plays her~."
4. Lena Xènia Gimenez Medina-Yamamoto @pudgy-planets
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"So, this is Rai's grandmother and the current matriarch of the family. Everything the businesses and connections all do go through her. Sometimes very, very literally. She goes through so many staff members when they can't keep up with her demands..."
"However, as scary as that may make her sound, she's actually really understanding and wants people to do their best and be at their fullest potential! You just gotta make it through her trials, like I did! Also, like I said, she is Rai's grandmother. She vastly out-everything's her granddaughter. Height, width, power and anything else you can think of!"
"Uhhhhh, this one...? Errrr, I worry much of the same I do with Rai, mostly. Definitely something that carried down through this family tree. Something they have for blondes, ehehehe~? Full size wherever she'd wanna take me, mostly."
5. Freia Margaret Hielo @someheartlesslady
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"Wow, my first friend on Tumblr and bestest friend since then too! It's Freia! Whoa...I realize it's been so many years. I'm still so thankful we bumped into each other all that time ago~."
"She's a fun-loving lady who's got a strong case of being undead, but she's also still the life of the party! She loves wholly and as much as she physically and emotionally can. She's also a wonderful singer~."
"Well, this one is kind of an unfair one with how easy and often this happens? She can gobble me up smol or, once in a blue moon and with preparation, full-sized! It's really sort of the big one for her, she likes using her mouth for that kind of fun! Also, I could never ask her any of the others, I'd feel so ashamed of myself...did I also mention that I was a cheesestick the first time she ate me?"
6. Samus Aran @ladarhatorilichozo
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"The greatest bounty hunter this side of the galaxy and then some. And I got to meet her a few times! And then...I think I absolutely fumbled the ball the last time, admitting my preferences when it came to being eaten by strange monsters....and I may have also let it slip I thought the same of her. I feel like such an idiot..."
"I mean, what do you have to say about Samus and her escapades? And besides, I think she's a way more interesting person to chat with when it's not about those. Like what burgers she likes and some of her favorite creatures she's come across in her travels."
"Uhhh, pretty much just...yeah...I'd let her eat me or want her to, but that's clearly a ship I sailed too soon. Definitely wasn't looked at like a monster by her, but definitely could tell it was no mutual feeling. At least it wasn't disgust, just more...like 'People think like that? Interesting?' Yeah. She also didn't know I could get smol, so that too probably."
7. Sana Sunomiya @pudgy-planets
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"Ooh, Sana! She's a pretty fun lady, too! Very blunt and wears her mind on her sleeve. She's sort of no-nonsense, but that's not exactly true either? It's more...she believes the best in people and those people usually just...don't understand? She's quite intimidating to those who don't know her well, but she's got a good heart and protects those who can't protect themselves well."
"If anything, I love that she sees me for myself and not something I shouldn't or couldn't be? She can really figure out people well, even if someone outside-looking-in wouldn't see it right away. Also, she's extremely well-endowed. In multiple senses, even."
"Mmmm, probably would just gobble me right up after making absolutely sure that's what I want. Maybe even to protect me from others, too? And she'd still respect me even if I was tucked away in her tummy at my full-size. Mmmmhmhmhm~."
8. Aerith Gainsborough @squishysquenix
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"Oh, hey! It's the fun-loving flower lady. I mean, I wonder when the last time I saw her with flowers was, but that doesn't really matter for this here? She's Aerith Gainsborough and she's really mischievous for a flowergirl. You wouldn't know that until you get into some antics with her or so!"
"Well, what else can I say? She's a girl who loves to have fun and party hearty! If anything, it's surprising how much fun is packed into one small lady with a huge butt!"
"Uhhh, let's see...? I imagine it would be some sort of shenanigans. Probably very much on purpose, too. Might either play the role of a scary monster or pretend not to notice me while smol, maybe? Or also knowing her, might just feed me to someone else too...?"
9. Bethany Allicia Fox @bethanytheescort
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"Oh, it's time for Beth! Mmm, she's so awesome! She's one of the other good friends I've made on here and have stayed in touch with for a few years now~. She's an awesome lady and runs an awesome business and takes care of those who show as much compassion for the world as she does!"
"Mmmm, let's see? I love how she loves so much! Like, she has so much to give to others and takes in love in kindness in turn as much as anyone, if not more! There's also her rockin' bod! But, umm, very respectfully! Of course, ya know? I mean, she even managed to get me to love myself a bit more too. That's a very good thing about her~."
"If it were to happen, it would be with consent and safe words and making sure everything is comfortable for the both of us and we take it at a pace we're both okay with! Of course, I'd be smol for both of us to have a very personal experience together. I'd also probably ask some time if I could then visit her 'private room', but that's...yeah. I don't wanna do anything she wouldn't agree to either, ya know?"
10. Super Pochaco @bigcurvesbigheart
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"Oh, Pochaco...one of the shortest ladies on this list, I believe? She's also a really cool gravure modeling lady...and that is unfortunately how I picked her out of a crowd when I bumped into her by complete accident. That was so embarrassing, but she didn't seem to mind...or acknowledge it, really. We became quick friends after some lunch and chatting. We still text pretty regularly...when I remember to, at least."
"So, Super Pochaco (The model) is so cool and shows her body off proudly and really shines with whatever photoshoot she's working for. Pochaco (the lady) is a sweet little lady who loves her pork buns and making friends. She also has a bunch of other odd jobs that really cool, but I can't seem to remember them at the moment?"
"Oh, if that ever happened? Absolutely a complete accident when I'm smol...which she still doesn't know I can do that! It'll probably be her accidentally grabbing me instead of her food or if i fell in and she scarfed it all down and didn't realize. That's the only way, I imagine."
Honorable Mentions:
Edea Lee @squishysquenix
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"Mmmm, Miss Edea Lee. Only met her once on a day where I kept getting lost in towns and worlds everywhere I turned. She was kind enough to take me in for the short time I was in her land and she helped send me on my with a nice rest and some good food! I should go back there, sometime. I remember leaving on good terms, at least?"
"She's an awesome lady, juggling so much on her plate at once. She leads her people, has lots of friends in high and low places and absolutely knows how to decimate a dining hall. She's, like, the whole package~! She's really got a good sense of humor, too."
"Mmmm, given the short time I was there? Probably if I took any of her food from her plate instead of my own? Like...I saw how she was glaring daggers and probably at least considering it as an option? Maybe even while I was full-sized, too? Or maybe I was thinking silly again? I do know any food going past her chambers got her immediate attention during our talks."
Yuri (DDLC) @plumpnpurple
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"Woof, Yuri. She's so pretty and smart and I love when we sit and cuddle and read books together. We both read kind of fast, so it's really nice that we both found someone who can keep up with each other! Also, she's recently started forging and that sounds so cool? I'd love to see her at work like that~."
"Yuri is very quiet and soft and very understanding of special needs when I'm around, like needing it a little quiet and a little cuddly while we read together. We gel really well together, honestly. Mmmm, I should text her about meeting up again, sometime."
"Mmmm, I can only imagine it would happen when I'm smol. I mean, that sounds easier for both parties involved, right? Not sure what else she might do with a teeny me if she felt that way about me...hmmm~?"
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"And that should about do it. Hrrrmph, hope that answers some questions...you might have...hrrrmgle~." The goober is getting a little fidgety now.
"Gotta go hide myself now while I have the time to before they see this or make comments about it...or wosre, afjshdjkfjs...." And off she slinks to her impenetrable fortress (her bed) to hide away from prying eyes. Might just wait this one out, especially once some of them catch wind of this post.
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zephsthings · 1 month
intro post !!!
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hi! i'm zeph (a.k.a. zephie//zephania star), i'm 19 and a brit (unfortunately my irish heritage is not strong enough to count as fully irish lol :<)
my pronouns are she/they/them, i'm a genderfluid/demigirl, (i vibe with both those labels) and a panromantic demisexual :3
these are the fandoms i am currently involved in:
waterparks (the band)
the dragon prince
the mentalist
bones (tv)
probably some others i cannot think of atm (will add later haha)
i love to draw, write, read, (i'm an english nerd, sue me - literally studying english lit & creative writing hahaha) and i cannot survive a single day without listening to music :D
more info under the cut ->
i also really really really love space. please send me space stuff. it is my main special interest at the moment - yes, i am autistic !!! there are many other Things Wrong With Me (OCD, ADD, tRaUmA & cPTSD, insomnia, etc... yippee jackpot) chronically ill and disabled girlies rise !!! <3
feel free to send me asks or just chat to me! i'm very friendly :3 ask me about space, about my interests, music, OR MY BLORBOS !!! i am also always happy to talk about writing, whether that be yours or mine !!! i write both original stuff and fanfic ;)
i don't really have a DNI but if you piss me off best believe i will be using that block button :))) obviously this works both ways ;)))
i do vent a lot. sometimes in writing (poems, stories) sometimes in drawings, sometimes more explicitly. i am in recovery. i go to therapy. i have support, so PLEASE don't worry about me, i am FINE i am just DRAMATIC (it's the tortured poet within me) -- if this is not something u want to see, block me !!! it's okay, no hard feelings - your mental health is important <3
so yeah, that's all for now! have fun on my blog and stay safe online babies love u <3
am i the (gloom) boy you dreamed of?
(( my ramblings are always tagged "zeph just stfu", and friend tags are "[name] shenanigans" <3 ))
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if you're nonbinary please comment/tag your favourite pokemon. i have a theory i'm testing.
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axewchao · 5 months
Dal is such a a cool character! There's so much to know about him tho, so I want to ask to have a better understanding:
How many alternate universe Dal's are there?
By koopasona does that mean Dal IS you or like a part of you?
How long has he been around for?
Is there like, one main storyline his Mario verse self abides by, or can he like shift through realities? Or is there a Dal for every interest you have
Last one how did Dal and Luds get together? (I'm an OC x canon shipper myself so like a dork I had to ask 💀)
Sorry that's a lot I'm just really interested in knowing all the details 😭
Hoo boy, this could take a hot minute... Okay, let's just go from top to bottom!
1.) How many alt Dals are there? There's uh... a lot of them. Not including the Dallies, there's... sixteen of them??? I haven't stopped to count them all recently so this number comes as a bit of a shock. This number might not even be correct... :'D
2. Is Dalex my sona/part of me? Not anymore. Dal did start as a sona of mine, but evolved into his own character later on. I still use the 'koopasona' tag for him mostly out of laziness; by the time he became his own thing, there were already hundreds upon hundreds of posts involving him and I didn't have it in me to change his tag, even with the help of the mass post editor. Though considering that this lack of change can still make people believe otherwise, I should probably get off my ass and just do it already =w="
3. How long has Dalex been around for? According to dA, my very first post of him was back on my birthday in 2016. Dude's been running around for more than half a decade. They grow up so fast... ;w;
4. Is there a main storyline, or does he shift realities? In the Marioverse specifically, there's three different Dals: The Koopa one, the Human or "Real Worlder" one, and finally the "Hooman" one; aka the 'Nintendask-style' one that I haven't used in a very long time. The Human and Koopa versions both have their own separate stories, the former siding with the Mushroom Kingdom and the latter siding with the Koopas. No shifting realities here, or in any other 'verse for that matter, but there is something called the Dallyverse where Dals and Dallies from other realities can meet up and hang out. These multiverse meetups have absolutely no effect on the stories they live through; it's just for funsies.
5. Is there a Dal for every interest I have? Not every interest, but I can get the urge to toss a Dal in there very quickly. Even if I never go through with it, the idea will sit there in my head for a while.
6. How did Dalex and Ludwig get together? I've seen your ask blog; Suzuka's pretty cool too! ;3 But to actually answer your question, that depends on which Dal you're asking about. I'll assume it's the Koopa version for now. This answer's a bit long, so get a snack ready =w="
It takes both of them a while to realize how they feel about each other. As much as Dal enjoys romance as a genre and can see it between other people in real life, he doesn't notice when romantic attention is directed at him. He's never had a crush before either, but knows for a fact that he'd never fall for someone he barely knows (bro's demiromantic). It isn't until someone points out how his soul sphere (the blue thing in his hair) kept turning pink around Lud that he got on the right track; thinking about how much he enjoys spending time with Lud beyond Koopa heritage/magic lessons/general Koopaling shenanigans is what helps him realize that something... more might be there, at least on his end.
Does he confess? Oh hell no. Despite what his normal demeanor may imply, Dal doesn't always have a high opinion of himself and the effect he can have on others. What's so special about him anyway? What could he give Lud that more than a dozen other Koopas out there couldn't? What if he just bores Ludwig in the end? It's... probably better if he doesn't do anything...
On Ludwig's end, he doesn't notice it either, but the signs are more obvious. He starts seeking Dal out even when they aren't scheduled for a heritage/magic lesson. He finds it easier to talk to Dal with each passing day, even when they aren't alone. Dal's presence has a calming effect on the normally stand-offish Prince, with the latter's title having practically no effect on how Dal treats him making it even better. He actually leaves the castle to visit Dal's place, even spending the night every now and again.
It's... comfortable. Peaceful. More than Ludwig thought it would be. He knows that people like Dalex are hard to come by when you're of such high status, and knows how lucky he is to call Dal a friend.
The Chain Chomp incident happens, and Dal's injured. Lud refuses to let anyone else touch him; the thought of Dal getting hurt frightened him more than it should've. Dal was able to handle himself against two loose Chomps, Lud knew he wasn't hurt that badly, but still...
He starts getting handsy; first checking on Dal's wounds and later leaning on Dal and staying close to him without realizing it. Nearly nuzzling him at times. He doesn't think about it, he just does it like it's instinct. It's as easy as drifting off to dreamland.
Then his siblings spell it out, and suddenly he feels like he's having a nightmare.
Thing is, Lud's already been in two relationships before meeting Dal, and they both ended badly. He was a bit more open about his first boyfriend, but said BF was effectively scared away by jealous "fans." The second left him because Lud tried too hard to keep the relationship under wraps, leaving said relationship feeling more like a dirty little secret. They parted peacefully, but the breakup left Lud crying himself to sleep every night for over a month.
He'd already messed up twice, and he did NOT want to mess up a third time. Not with Rathmore.
Despite this, Lud's pining soon becomes unbearable. He can take a rejection, really, and he'd thank all the stars in the sky if Dal actually said yes. It's just the public's reaction that Lud's afraid of since they already scared one guy off. They might scare Dally too.
He confides in Lemmy about all of it. His cousin encourages him to go through with confessing; third time's the charm, right? Dal's got a good head on his shoulders; if he can take two Chomps, he can take crazy fans. Plus, with everything Lud's taught him, he can protect himself even better!
It takes a while for Lemmy's words to sink in, but eventually they do. Maybe... maybe things will work out this time. Maybe he doesn't have to be too cagey, and won't be forced to pay a price if he's more open. Maybe he can just... be, and that will be enough. It certainly feels like it's been enough so far; Dal's always understood whenever Lud wanted to stay inside or had work to do and therefore couldn't hang out...
He... really was perfect, wasn't he? Exactly what Ludwig had always wanted. He'd be a fool to let Dal slip away.
Ludwig Von Koopa was many things, but a fool was not one of them.
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carfuckerdean · 7 months
any time either of us gets a new follower we should ask "who's lee" if they know they can stay and if they don't know her we block and maybe kill them with hammers a little too. to preserve our heritage
real. If u don't know lee hudbannon u don't get to witness the penny/fer shenanigans. go back and do the readings (tens of thousands of posts on my blog)
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greengoddesssmoothie · 3 months
if ur doing the turtle asks, 9, 10, and 23? 💕
9. If you could change one thing about TMNT, what would it be?
This is hard because there are some iterations I'm not familiar with. But for those that I am, I wish that their heritage was approached more mindfully and with more respect, if that makes sense? Them being culturally Japanese seems to stop at, "they're ninjas and Splinter has an accent (regardless of whether or not him having an accent makes sense in the narrative) and says funny, fake proverbs". This criticism is mainly directed at 03, tbh, but I think it applies to other iterations, as well.
10. How much tmnt merch do you own?
I have two shirts and two stickers from the amazing sassatello. I also have another shirt, another sticker, a Don Funko Pop, a blanket, and a Leo Fuggler doll.
23. If you could have a tmnt crossover with ANY other series, which would it be?
*Stares at my blog name* I'll give you two guesses. For real though, if you'd asked me a year ago, I probably would have said 03 Teen Titans. But I'd kill for a Star Trek TOS crossover. I need Mikey and Kirk shenanigans, can you imagine? Strike that, I need Mikey and the entire bridge crew shenanigans. He's gossiping and doing his nails with Uhura, he's throwing shade with Sulu and Chekov, he's perplexing the fuck out of Kirk (because how can someone go from being king of improv to having a single braincell from moment to moment?), he's raising Bones's blood pressure, he's a kindred spirit to Spock in the same way the hippies in the Way to Eden were (and even more so, given that the turtles the only ones of their kind), he's creating absolute chaos and Scotty is laughing his ass off.
Raph is standing next to Bones, and the both of them are bitching with their arms crossed over their chests, in case you were wondering. Spock is showing Donnie the science station, and Leo's been adopted by Sulu and Janice.
Thank you for the asks! 💙🐢❤️🐢💜🐢🧡🐢
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A Short Guide to Tumblr Culture
If you've set up your account already, for example following this guide, it's also good to know how people use Tumblr.
tags - tagging is great to get your post seen and also great to keep some kind of order in your reblogs, but many people use tags to add an usually appreciative commentary, so the tag section can get... chatty. The commentary is usually meant for your followers and the OP.
do NOT censor words, especially not in tags. NEVER do anything like "#tw sp*ders" in tags - you'll effectively reach people who try to avoid and block this trigger. Name things properly. And also remember to disable iOS app censorship in your settings in browser if you're on iOS.
usually you don't add any captions to reblogs until you have something relevant to add or want to discuss as reblogging often results in a conversation. Starting a conversation on any creative post like fic or art is not very polite.
the comment option is barely used. Many people won't even respond to a comment if the original post was on their side blog (side blogs can't comment), and comments are generally for the OP as no one really checks the comments on someone else's post. You can definitely comment under artworks though! The writer/artist will appreciate every nice word!
you can follow reblog dominated blogs if your taste in posts/art/fandoms match and reblog from them. You'll have a daily dose of nice stuff on a silver platter and no one will really mind.
time doesn't exist on Tumblr. Unearth and reblog that fossiled post if you like it! Others might appreciate your archeological discovery.
you'll generally see plenty of old posts/reblog convos making rounds - heritage posts are a thing! (ex. high geologist thread) They're old, have a load of notes and get back on your dash periodically.
spam liking/reblogging is not a thing. Spam people with appreciation if you binge the blog! Waking up to 99+ notifs because someone loved every single post I made in last 3 years is awesome. If someone doesn't like it, they just state it in their bio or something but I suspect those are migrants from other platforms.
if you're still worried, there's a thing called queue. You can set your posts/reblogs to get auto posted at an interval when you add them to queue in the reblog screen. The interval is yours to decide.
you might see a destiel meme with "I love you" and a reply that summarises some recent real world news. That's how we pass important information around.
if you see a shortened post "Do you like the color of the sky", don't extend it. If it's the original post, it's long. To the point you'll keep scrolling for 84 years and we're traumatised already. And if it's not, it's a meme that references our collective trauma so not aimed at you anyway.
Tumblr is the source of the fandom of Goncharov, the greatest mafia movie ever made. Shenanigans and running jokes like that might happen, if they annoy you, block the tags/words! If you find them delightful, jump into it!
if you post a thing that's not SFW, use community labels. In case of fics, people use Read More option too and often tag it as smut. This tradition is truly worth continuing.
if you're wondering if you can post stuff that isn't very SFW is allowed on Tumblr, text posts are usually fine. Images, despite the rules having gotten a bit less strict, might be flagged more or less randomly and it takes ages to appeal it and no one really knows the rules, probably not even Tumblr staff because all the information is... vague. But appeal it. Who knows.
about Read More option - aside from covering smut, it's often used as means to hide a part of the post that might be upsetting or triggering. It's good manners to make sure that the reader is informed what they're about to encounter and put that Read More in the post.
report spam tagging. It's in your interest not to have your tag feed littered with spam. Tumblr culture is being very passionate about tags remaining relevant.
report and block sexygirlbots. Letting them follow you or spam tags will only result in a bot siege and nothing else since we don't have public stats here.
also XKit (currently XKit Rewritten) is a very popular browser plug-in that adds even more useful features like shuffling your queue or customised timestamps. Scripts that alter the layout are also popular since Tumblr is generally a mess, we just learnt to reshape the interface.
Tumblr is still relatively anonymous. People don't put their selfie, location and name in their profile... bots on the other hand do. And we block bots on sight.
speaking of anonymity, the checkmarks you see sometimes mean nothing. They're a meme. There are no "verified" Tumblrs but you might actually see Neil Gaiman here.
last but not least, if you're confused about reblogging vs reposting, reposting is a no-no. Do not download someone's work to post it as an original post. Reblogging is one of the basic Tumblr feature and is good. It doesn't take anything from the OP, the reblog links to their blog and the OP gets all the notes on the post and its reblogs. The reblogger gets those notes too, but only for their own reblog. So basically, two people get notes for the reblog. That's very nice.
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