#health education and community pharmacy
gentlemanbutch · 1 year
Florida's genocidal legislation against transgender people: a basic guide on what's happening
Queer people in Florida -- ESPECIALLY trans people of all ages -- are in trouble and it's largely going unreported. State senators and representatives openly called the trans community demons, imps, predators, and called for the erasure of the LGBTQ community this legislative session. Media outlets are largely not reporting on this/mainly focusing on pride events being canceled, and while that’s obviously terrible, that’s a tiny fraction of the problem.
I wrote this to help spread the word because my friends, family, community, and I are being affected. They are trying to kill us and all I can do is keep screaming and hope that someone hears me.
Please note, this focuses on Florida's anti-LGBTQ laws. Bills targeting immigrants, BIPOC folks, education, how history can be taught in schools, and more were passed this session as well. The NAACP, the League of United Latin American Citizens, Equality Florida, and the Florida Immigrant Coalition have all released travel advisories warning Black, Hispanic, queer people, and immigrants from traveling to the state. I reference some of these laws in this post but don't go in depth on most of them; I'll put some sources at the bottom if you'd like to do further reading.
As of May 22, 2023, here is what's happening in Florida:
Health care
SB 254 (gender affirming care ban)
Gender affirming health care has been dramatically limited/essentially banned for transgender people of ALL ages. This law, SB 254, went into effect immediately upon signing (May 17, 2023).
Youth care was already banned by ruling of the Board of Medicine in February; SB 254 puts it into law. Trans kids who were receiving care prior to the ban have been grandfathered in and can continue their care; no new minors can receive care (puberty blockers, HRT, surgery, etc.).
Physicians and health care workers could be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor for providing gender-affirming care to children not grandfathered in.
Adults who were on HRT/are looking to be put on HRT must get their prescription in person from an MD or DO. (About 80% of trans people in FL were getting care from nurse practitioners/telehealth.)
Adults also must sign an informed consent document created by the Florida Board of Medicine before they can receive care. That document does not yet exist. Some providers are theorizing it may never exist. Another concern is that it could be used to create a state registry of trans people.
As of now, places like Planned Parenthood have had to pause gender affirming care because there is no informed consent document. Pharmacies are (inconsistently) declining refill requests for HRT.
SB 1580 (right to discriminate)
While this bill does not directly reference trans people (that I know of), the “Protections of Medical Conscience Act” — which is colloquially being referred to as the “Let Them Die Act” — allows health care providers or payors to deny service on the basis of “a conscience-based objection.” This includes any ethical, moral, or religious beliefs, and the bill provides no definition for what constitutes a moral or ethical belief.
This bill puts trans, queer, BIPOC, disabled, and otherwise marginalized people at risk of being medically neglected or otherwise discriminated against without repercussions.
Access to public life
HB 1521 (bathrooms)
With the signing of HB 1521, as of July 1, 2023, trans people will be required to use the bathroom that correlates with their sex assigned at birth in certain public areas. These include buildings owned/leased by governmental entities, schools, universities, private colleges, hospitals owned by universities, some sports arenas, convention centers, city parks, beaches, airports, and more.
If a trans person is in a bathroom with a cis person and the cis person complains, an employee can tell the trans person to leave. Refusing to do so would bring a trespassing charge against the trans person. This can carry a sentence of up to a year in jail.
Gender markers/updated birth certificates will not protect trans people from this law. The law says that sex is determined as “indicated by the person’s sex chromosomes, naturally occurring sex hormones, and internal and external genitalia present at birth.”
SB 1438 (drag ban)
This law went into effect immediately upon being signed. It's written vaguely but bans kids and teens from attending certain performances in private venues, such as drag shows (including family-friendly ones).
Additionally, it bans cities, counties and other governments from issuing permits for events that feature drag performers. If this aspect of the law is violated, the organizer of the event would face a first-degree misdemeanor.
The law defines "adult live performances" -- which minors cannot attend -- as a show, exhibition or other presentation that "depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, (or) specific sexual activities," which include exposing breasts or genitals, "lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts" when it's offensive to "prevailing standards" and is "without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for the age of the child present."
As a slight side note -- it was during a discussion for this bill's companion House bill that Florida Rep. Randy Fine, a Jewish man who also helped pass a bill against anti-Semitism, characterized queer people as predators and called for the erasure of the LGBTQ community: "If it means erasing a community because you have to target children, then damn right we oughta do it. I just don’t think you have to inherently say 'cause you’re lesbian or gay you have to target children.' I find that statement to be offensive to them."
As of May 22, Treasure Coast Pride, Tampa Pride, and St. Cloud Pride canceled their events/parts of their events as a precaution because of this bill.
Education and families
SB 254 (cont.)
SB 254 allows the state to remove a child from a parent if the child is receiving gender affirming care/if the child is “at risk” of receiving care, or if the parent is trans/suspected of being trans. PLEASE NOTE I am not a parent and I am a little less familiar with this aspect of the law. I believe this only applies in custody cases. Tiktok user @/frogexecutive has been posting a lot about this because they just fled Florida; their page has more info.
HB 1069 (education)
House Bill 1069 expanded the “Don’t Say Gay” bill through 8th grade. It also bans schools from using students’ or teachers’ preferred names or pronouns. It goes into effect on July 1, 2023. Separately, the Board of Education voted to ban the teaching of anything related to gender/sexuality through 12th grade, but that wasn't signed into law. I'm not sure if/how that will be enforced.
*Note: SB 266, Florida's STOP Woke Act, and other bills prohibit public colleges/universities from using funds for diversity and equity programs, impact what can/can't be taught in classrooms, and limit teachings on queerness, race, history, etc. I'm not going in-depth on these bills but if you're interested in education in Florida, those two laws especially are ones to look into.
Further reading
I pulled much of my information from some of these sites (as well as the actual text of the laws). I'm also listing sites with more information on the other laws put in place this session. Please reblog with more sources for info, resources for queer people, etc!
Erin in the Morning (trans reporter)
Alejandra Caraballo (trans instructor/reports on social media)
Report: Trans adults left without care
Don't Say Gay expansion
Equality Florida travel ban + news
Florida teacher being investigated for showing Disney movie with gay character
How anti-trans laws are threatening Florida clinics
Florida anti-immigrant law prompts travel advisory
Diversity and equity ban
NAACP issues travel advisory for Florida
Again, please reblog with more resources, and please feel free to add additional information or correct any errors. And please, please share this. We are fighting for our lives here in Florida.
One final note: Please do not comment telling people to move or making jokes about abandoning Florida/cutting it off/hoping it sinks into the sea. It is full of people who cannot leave. Your glee at the idea of abandoning Florida just hurts those of us who voted against this fascist monster and ended up having to live under his thumb anyway.
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angelsaxis · 1 year
okay but this is cool as hell (entire article under cut)
Cesar Cisneros is working part-time, making just enough money to cover his rent in Eatontown. Every little bit of savings helps, so when he visits his pharmacist for insulin and blood-pressure medication, the price is right.
It costs him nothing.
“This is great,” Cisneros said last week.
Cisneros is one of nearly 250 customers being served by the Ritesh Shah Charitable Pharmacy in Red Bank as the venture marks its first anniversary this week. In year one, as founder Shah reported to advisory board members in late March, the pharmacy filled 2,300 prescriptions encompassing 238 different medications at a total value of approximately $180,000. More than half of that was insulin ($95,000 worth) plus diabetes-related medication (another $20,000 worth). All medications were distributed at no cost to patients who qualify.
“I was hoping that we would make a difference,” Shah said. “There is so much demand right now. This has been eye-opening for me. New Jersey needs more of this.”
The pharmacy also holds immunization clinics and health-education classes.
“It’s been truly incredible, the amount of people that pharmacy has been able to reach in the community,” said advisory board member Joseph Howe, who is superintendent of schools in Freehold. “It’s really become a public health center.”
Shah, a 49-year-old Freehold Township resident, owns a handful of pharmacies throughout Monmouth County. His wife, Asha Shah, is the pharmacist in charge at the charitable branch, which is located at 224 Shrewsbury Ave. in Red Bank.
Because this is family run and because the Shahs own the building and leveraged their connections in the field to find the best deals for the medicines they distribute, overhead is low. They are, however, looking to hire a part-time pharmacist to keep up with the demand.
“I have almost 120 medications that I dispense every month to regular patients – diabetes medicine, heart medicine, blood-pressure medicine,” Ritesh Shah said. “I knew what we were getting into, but it’s much needed.”
Anyone whose income is within three times the federal poverty level is eligible for service at the pharmacy. Customers can get certified for service through federally qualified health clinics, and if they don’t know how to do that, the Shahs will walk them through the paperwork.
The biggest takeaway from year one?
“There really is a need to expand,” Howe said.
To that end, there is a fundraising gala scheduled for June 30 at 618 Restaurant in Freehold Township.
Ritesh Shah said he believes this model is sustainable. He’s fielded inquiries from others interested in opening branches elsewhere in the state.
“Whatever direction God gives me,” he said, “I want to do it.”
Ritesh Shah Charitable Pharmacy at 224 Shrewsbury Ave. in Red Bank is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 10-3. For more information visit visit rscharitypharmacy.org.
Jerry Carino is community columnist for the Asbury Park Press, focusing on the Jersey Shore’s interesting people, inspiring stories and pressing issues. Contact him at [email protected].
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ivygorgon · 1 year
Sharing Women's March open letters and petitions. Please sign and share!
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14 states have already banned abortion, and more restrictions are on the way. Here are a few of the latest GOP proposals:
⚫ A 12-week abortion ban in Nebraska
⚫ A 6-week ban (because GOP attempts at a full ban failed three times) in South Carolina
⚫ A bill that charges abortion patients with MURDER in Alabama
We HAVE to fight back.
Our state-level mobilizations *are working.* We helped elect a pro-choice state Supreme Court justice in WI and brought national attention to the abortion pill case that started in TX. But we CANNOT stop now.
TY! -Women's March
SIGN ON: TELL THE COURTS TO STAY OUT OF FDA APPROVAL OF ABORTION MEDICATION Medication abortion is safe and effective, and it should be readily available everywhere. Add your name right now to DEMAND the courts stay out of FDA approvals >>>
SIGN ON: TELL THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM TO STAY OUT OF FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION APPROVALS! A Trump-appointed judge may strike down the FDA’s approval of a critical abortion medication later this month. The ruling would set a dangerous precedent that radical right-wingers can challenge the approval of ANY medication they don’t approve of — like the birth control pill or emergency contraception (aka Plan B). We need you to take action to tell the courts to stay OUT of FDA approvals!
ATTN: SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATIVE REPUBLICANS Check out our letter to the South Carolina GOP below, then sign it as is or add your own spin:
Make your voice heard
As you well know, abortion bans will not end abortion. Instead, you propose penalties so extreme – so draconian – that they will terrify women into compliance. Your goal was never to “protect life.” It is to control our bodies. You should know: We won’t go back. We’ll fight back. I’m signing this letter to voice my ongoing commitment to opposing any rollback of our human right to reproductive freedom.
ATTN: RON DESANTIS, FLORIDA REPUBLICANS, & THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Sign our open letter condemning the Don’t Say Gay law in Florida! Make your voice heard The cruel “Don’t Say Gay” law is harming Florida students, teachers, and families. Instead of expanding it, you should be repealing this attack on LGBTQ+ Floridians! Despite your fear and hate-mongering, LGBTQ+ people — including kids — always have existed and always will. We will keep fighting for them to be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. We know that more of us are in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community than agree with your regressive and cruel legislation. Women’s Marchers and our allies WON’T stop fighting for a world where all of us can be safe as our authentic selves. We WON’T let your hateful legislation stop us from supporting LGBTQ+ Floridians, and we condemn the “Don’t Say Gay” law.
ADD YOUR NAME TO OUR DEMANDS TO PROTECT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE ACCESS! We demand reform of our broken judicial system. We demand that state and local leaders defend access to mifepristone despite this illegitimate ruling. We demand the FDA issue guidance to disregard the decision. We demand the Biden administration implement a whole-of-government response to this public health crisis. We demand pharmacies execute their mandate faithfully and with the health of their patients rather than the personal ideologies of a few politicians in mind. Sign on to sponsor our demands >>>
REMOVE CLARENCE THOMAS FROM THE SUPREME COURT Congress must impeach Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas now! Justice Clarence Thomas has violated his oath and broken the law by failing to disclose decades of luxury vacations and private jet travel from billionaire and GOP megadonor Harlan Crow. Crow also paid the private school tuition for a Thomas family member. Sign our petition, stating loud and clear: No one is above the law, and Justice Thomas must be held accountable and removed from his position of power.
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leagraceborres · 8 months
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What is STEM?
The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is one of the four strands available for senior high school in the Philippines. STEM is a two year program that is used in senior high school (Grade 11 and 12). It is a specific educational path that aims to prepare students for future professions in these sectors. It strives to provide students with the abilities, information, and expertise required to succeed in fields related to science and technology. The STEM strand is also available in other country like, Australia, China, France, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom. STEM graduates in the Philippines have numerous employment options. Engineering, information technology, science, mathematics, and research are among the most in-demand occupations for STEM graduates. These disciplines provide excellent career possibilities, competitive pay, and opportunities for professional development and progress.
Here Are Some Courses You Can Take If You Took STEM Strand
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If you wish to work in the medical area, the next step is to take a scientific course. From health and wellbeing to research and development, medical professionals play an important role in science.
Here are some science courses to consider:
BS Nursing
BS Medical Technology
BS Pharmacy
BS Food Technology
BS Environmental Science
BS Chemistry
Information and Communications Technology
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Consider taking an information and communications technology (ICT) course if you enjoyed your coding lessons in high school. Among the topics covered are programming, data analytics, and web development.
Here are some ICT courses you can choose from:
BS Entertainment and Media Computing
BS Information Science
BS Data Science
BS ESports
BS Information Technology
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If you enjoy problem solving, an engineering course might be right for you. An engineering course will help you to expand your knowledge and skills in these areas. In a nutshell, you'll learn how to build structures and processes that improve people's lives. If the challenge of creativity appeals to you, engineering is the path to choose.
Here are some engineering courses you can choose from:
BS Materials Engineering
BS Electronics and Communications Engineering
BS Chemical Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
BS Geodetic Engineering
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Mathematics courses teach pupils advanced numerical and analytical skills. They cover the fundamentals of mathematics such as algebra, geometry, logic, abstract thinking, and others. In brief, everything you need to know about mathematical computing and modeling. A degree in mathematics will undoubtedly feed your passion of numbers. Math skills can be employed in a variety of industries, from finance to research. There are mathematics courses that can lead to a teaching career as well.
Here are some mathematics courses you can choose from:
BS Applied Mathematics
BS Mathematics
BS Statistics
BS Secondary Education (major in Mathematics)
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mariacallous · 1 year
Exposure to poverty is deeply intertwined with the deterioration of emotional health. This linkage is often exacerbated by a lack of coordinated social support for individuals and families. To appreciate this connection and how efforts in some communities suggest ways to address it, consider three public health issues and their impact on mental health: homelessness, food insecurity, and hygiene poverty (i.e., a lack of resources to maintain personal hygiene).
There is a close connection between homelessness and mental health. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, homelessness and associated behavioral health issues have increased. While there are widely differing estimates of the prevalence of mental disorders among individuals experiencing homelessness, a review of the research by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) suggests that between 20% and 50% have serious mental illness. Research suggests, moreover, that the experience of being homeless often intensifies the condition of individuals with poor mental health, with factors such as increased stress aggravating previous mental illness through heightened anxiety, fear, substance use, etc.
Some believe that the best course of action for those experiencing homelessness and mental illness is to provide treatment and services first so that homeless individuals are stabilized and “housing ready,” and only then can live successfully in permanent housing. Under this approach, placement in housing would follow initial treatment. However, many jurisdictions now use a Housing First model. In this approach, an individual is placed into permanent supported housing as the first step, followed swiftly with treatment and social service supports to start addressing the individual’s physical and mental health, education, employment, and substance use issues. Studies suggest this is an improvement on “treatment first” approaches.
How communities are addressing the challenge
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Pathways to Housing: Pathways to Housing works with individuals experiencing homelessness to provide housing without treatment preconditions and, once participants are housed, goes on immediately to address underlying issues involving mental health, substance use, medical care, and education. After arranging housing, Pathways manages an integrated care clinic to ensure that “participants have access to a low-barrier, person-centered approach that emphasizes recovery, wellness, trauma-informed care, and the integration of physical and behavioral health care.”
Denver, Colorado – Colorado Coalition for the Homeless: The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) operates twenty permanent supportive housing and affordable housing properties and administers housing vouchers nearly 1,300 households in the Denver area. Like Pathways, the Coalition takes steps to ensure that, once housed, residents immediately receive the physical and behavioral health services they need to be able to achieve stability. CCH provides integrated medical and behavioral health care, substance use treatment, dental, vision, and pharmacy services through an on-site Federally Qualified Health Center.
New York City, New York – Breaking Ground: Breaking Ground provides permanent supportive housing for individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness in New York City. Housing is co-located with wraparound services such as on-site medical care, psychiatric care, substance use referrals, and skills-building/employment programs. In addition to a focus on housing, Breaking Ground provides New Yorkers who remain unhoused with Street to Home services, which include 24/7 engagement and outdoor counseling and connections with available medical and social supports. Programs like this are likely to be particularly important in the context of New York City’s new plan to involuntarily hospitalize unhoused individuals with mental health conditions despite a chronic psychiatric bed shortage in city hospitals.
What else could be done to help?
Expand Housing First models to encompass more communities, including those in rural areas. As illustrated in the examples above, Housing First programs show that providing stable housing can improve the efficacy of psychiatric and substance abuse treatment as well as aid in connecting individuals to social services. A 2018 study on the effects of housing stability service use among homeless adults with mental illness found that participants who achieved housing stability had decreased use of inpatient psychiatric hospitals and emergency departments. Currently the severe shortage of affordable housing makes it very difficult in many jurisdictions to provide immediate housing for homeless individuals. Moreover, although the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development distributes emergency Section 8 housing vouchers to jurisdictions for unhoused individuals and people attempting to flee domestic violence, it is common for people to wait years for voucher assistance. Achieving the goal of stable housing for people with mental health conditions will therefore require ramped-up investment in housing as well as health and social service supports for residents.
Utilize mobile crisis intervention teams to address social and behavioral health needs of individuals experiencing homelessness that are at risk for a mental health crisis. Breakthroughs in mental health services are often the result of multi-agency partnerships. One such breakthrough has been the development of local crisis intervention teams, which use a co-response model between law enforcement, emergency medical services, and mental health providers. In a previous publication, we highlighted several successful programs using this model. Since the full launch of the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline in June of 2022, many jurisdictions are working to deploy crisis intervention teams for behavioral health emergencies in a way that is most beneficial to those in need, including those experiencing homelessness. Moreover, states can now receive an enhanced federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for mental health crisis systems.
Improve the coordination and continuation of services for people experiencing homelessness. Departments at all levels of government often fail people with housing and mental health problems because of administrative obstacles and budget silos. Fortunately, there have been some steps to tackle these challenges. California, Arkansas and other states, for instance, have received federal Medicaid 1115 Waivers that allow them to better coordinate housing, health care, and other services for vulnerable populations. In February 2023, Congresswoman Madeleine Dean reintroduced legislation through The Homelessness and Behavioral Health Care Coordination Act to the House of Representatives, which would authorize a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant to enable state/local/tribal entities to coordinate care for individuals simultaneously experiencing homelessness, behavioral health, and substance use disorders.
Food Insecurity
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that in 2021 over 34 million people—including 9 million children—were living in households that did not have enough to eat. Many of these families do not qualify for federal nutrition programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) or the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and are dependent on food banks or community donations.  A national study found that food insecurity was associated with a 257% higher risk of anxiety and a 253% higher risk of depression among low-income families. Mothers and children appear to be at an especially high risk of mental health distress associated with food insecurity. For instance, food insecurity can exacerbate postpartum depression, and food insecurity has been found to be associated with increased behavioral and emotional dysregulation during infancy and adolescence. Food insecurity has also been associated with maternal depression and increased developmental risk in children such as decreased psychosocial function, elevated aggression, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and difficulties interacting with peers. In another study conducted to analyze the relationship between food insecurity and poor mental health, researchers discovered that food insecurity correlates to depression, anxiety, shame, and acute psychological stress.
What is being done in some communities?
Maryland – Frustrated by the lack of food access and overburdened charity models, the Black Church Food Security Network (BCFSN) created a self-sustaining food system at Pleasant Hope Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD. Using the community garden at the church, the organization created a pipeline for fresh food from the garden directly to community members experiencing food insecurity. The organization has grown into a partnership of Black churches across the country to provide health-related, environmental, and economic benefits to those most vulnerable.
Connecticut – Recognizing that the quality of a diet can serve as either a risk factor or protective factor to mental health, Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) partnered with the Healing Meals Community Project to deliver nutritious meals to food-insecure individuals experiencing mental illness. A 2020 small-scale pilot study conducted by the University of Hartford examined the partnership. It found the program to be effective and Healthy Meals to be “a highly workable intervention approach,” and recommended expanded community collaboration to promote nutrition education and improve food access.
California – Food Equity Round Table: Los Angeles County’s Food Equity Roundtable is comprised of a coalition of county officials and Los Angeles-area philanthropic organizations dedicated to addressing food insecurity. The goal of the Round Table is to promote cross-sector collaboration to improve access to and affordability of healthy foods, support supply chain/food system resilience, and enhance county-wide nutrition education.
What else could be done to help?
Strengthen government safety net programs to better respond to food insecurity. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Congress extended flexibility and increased benefit levels of federal nutrition programs such as SNAP. To continue these programs and make them permanent, several bills have been introduced in Congress in the last few years, including the Closing the Meal Gap Act of 2021. Such measures would prevent millions of people from falling into food insecurity and the associated mental and physical health implications by permanently raising the baseline benefits for SNAP households, particularly for families with large medical or housing expenses. Another approach, included in the Improving Access to Nutrition Act of 2021, would eliminate time limits on SNAP eligibility. Currently, the time limit restricts many working-age adults to only three months of benefits in a three-year period unless they document sufficient hours of work. But, of course, for those with mental and behavioral health conditions, staying in the workforce can be difficult.
Improve cross-sector coordination to allow for increased support for food insecurity across the public and private sectors as well as nonprofits and philanthropic organizations. In September 2022, the Biden administration released a National Strategy on hunger, nutrition, and health. This included steps to permit Medicaid to include nutrition education and supports and other proposed actions to address hunger, reduce diet-related diseases (including mental illnesses), and nutritional disparities.
Hygiene Poverty
Inequitable access to personal care and hygiene products is an overlooked public health crisis. In the United States, data is limited on the mental health implications of what is widely described as “hygiene poverty.” Most research focuses on what is known as “period poverty,” with a 2021 study finding an association between women struggling to afford menstrual products and depression. In fact, the study found that two-thirds of the 16.9 million low-income women in the U.S. could not afford menstrual products. Meanwhile, in homeless and low-income households, chronic absenteeism in schools has been attributed in part to the mental health impacts of poor hygiene (often involving increased anxiety, bullying, and isolation). More research is certainly needed to fully establish the relationship between hygiene poverty and behavioral health in women, but for young women in low-income households, this added stress in their daily lives is a significant factor in their behavioral health.
As an example of state efforts to help support such students, the Oregon legislature allocated $700,000 to support youth-led projects designed to help tackle factors that affect mental health. One of the funded projects was for “caring closets,” within schools; these are locations with supplies of hygiene products, underwear, and other basic supplies for children from low-income families.
Unlike the public programs available to help families obtain healthcare, food, and housing, there are generally no public supports for families in need of hygiene products. The most commonly used public  benefit programs (Medicaid, SNAP, and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)) do not cover essential hygiene items such as laundry detergent, toilet paper, diapers, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant.
What is being done in some communities?
Washington State – Essentials First seeks to fill in a critical gap that food banks, homeless shelters, schools, and refugee resettlement agencies across the state generally do not have the capacity to fill for critical hygiene items.  Recognizing that household and personal care items were among the top tier of items Washingtonians had difficulty paying for during the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization focuses on the procuring large quantities of hygiene supplies that are distributed through existing social service networks across the state.
Massachusetts – Hope & Comfort addresses youth hygiene insecurity by providing supplies to youth-serving community organizations such as schools, Boys & Girls clubs, YMCAs, and food pantries in the greater Boston area. In a published pilot study from year one of the organization’s operations, 46% of surveyed youth said they had less stress, and another 19% said they had more confidence when given consistent and easy access to hygiene products.
What else could be done to help?
While local organizations are working to address hygiene poverty in their communities, they have limited capacity. Thus, it is important for policymakers at the state and federal level to recognize that hygiene poverty remains largely overlooked in health and social service programs and to take steps to include those needs in appropriate federal and state programs. Steps that could be taken include:
Increase flexibility for EBT cards. In late 2021 and early 2022, some states, such as Illinois, passed new laws permitting public benefits to be used to purchase diapers and menstrual hygiene products. This step does not require new programs or a new program infrastructure but is limited in that it does not provide dedicated funds specifically for hygiene products. A more complete solution would be to provide new funds under the existing program to cover essential hygiene needs.
Enable certain federal grant recipients to purchase hygiene products. Federal grant recipients providing services and supports, such as schools and homeless shelters, receive funds for a variety of uses. However, these funds typically come with tight requirements that often do not allow for the coverage of essential hygiene items, even where such coverage might further the objectives of the program. That usually forces organizations to purchase and distribute products using resources from private contributions, state and local grants, or in-kind donations.
There have been efforts in Congress to address these limitations on federal grants. In 2021, for instance, the Menstrual Equity for All Act was introduced in the House. If enacted, this would allow states to have the option to use federal grant dollars to provide students with free menstrual products in schools (currently only 15 states and DC have enacted requirements making it possible for students to access free state-funded menstrual hygiene products in schools). The legislation would, among other things, also fund pilot programs in colleges/universities for free menstrual hygiene products, allow homeless assistance providers to use grant funds that cover shelter necessities (e.g., bedding and toilet paper) to also use that money to purchase menstrual products, and require Medicaid to cover the cost of menstrual products.
Our understanding of behavioral and mental health conditions is gradually improving. This has led to advances in the development of treatment and support for populations experiencing these conditions, as well as the identification of circumstances that cause or exacerbate them. For instance, we have seen progress in dealing with the impact of warfare on many servicemen and servicewomen. There is also a greater understanding that law enforcement officers are not usually the best responders to someone experiencing a mental health crisis. Similarly, there is now greater attention being given to the effects of neighborhood violence and other sources of stress on school-aged children.
With these advances in mind, it is important for the health of individuals and communities that we continue to examine relationships between social conditions, the policies that shape them, and the impacts on behavioral health. The connection—in many cases the two-way connection—between behavioral health and homelessness, food insecurity, hygiene poverty, and other conditions needs to be studied and policies realigned to fit our increasing understanding of these relationships.
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Medicinal Garden Kit Reviews (Nicole Apelian) Small Backyard Herbal Seed Plants Kit
Medicinal Garden Kit Reviews (Nicole Apelian) Small Backyard Herbal Seed Plants Kit
The Medicinal Garden Kit is a great way to start growing your medicinal plants. It includes various types of seeds and containers, as well as instructions on how to care for them and use them in your treatments.
Gardening is often regarded as one of the oldest forms of human interaction with nature. It has been said that gardening instills in people a sense of mastery and connection over their environment, which can be beneficial for mental well-being.
But is that all? Are you not missing the most crucial thing in your backyard? It's medicinal plants!
There is no doubt that medicinal plants are important and can have a very positive impact on the health of people around the world. Not only do they provide relief from illness, but they also act as natural medicines that can fight off both physical and mental conditions. Additionally, they can provide essential nutrients and antioxidants to our diet, help us reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and boost our moods.
However, finding a collection of the right medicinal plants is sometimes challenging, especially when you are a beginner at gardening. https://bit.ly/3Yfrpk4
Medicinal Garden Kit includes ten powerful medicinal plants that are highly powerful for their clinically proven health benefits. Medicinal Garden Kit reviews are so positive, and many people are highly satisfied with the quality of the seeds. But is the Medicinal Garden Kit really worth the investment? What does it contain? Let's find out in this comprehensive Medicinal Garden Kit review.
What Is The Medicinal Garden Kit?
How would you feel if your lungs got a wonderful smell and refreshing air every morning when you woke up in the morning? Well, that's what the Medicinal Garden Kit is!
The Medicinal Garden Kit is a great way to start growing your medicinal plants. It includes various types of seeds and containers, as well as instructions on how to care for them and use them in your treatments.
The kit is designed for both beginner gardeners and those with intermediate or advanced gardening skills. It offers an easy way to get started growing your own medicine right at home without any mess or fuss. Plus, the plants that you harvest will be rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which are beneficial for overall health.
Nicole Apelian - The Creator Of The Medicinal Garden Kit
Medicinal Garden Kit is created by Dr. Nicole Apelian, who is a mother, a naturalist, a trainer in survival skills, and a Ph.D. holder. Her undergraduate education was in Biology at McGill University, and she continued her herbal studies. Her life was spent among one of the most ancient cultures of the world, the San Bushmen.
Dr. Nicole got interested in medicinal plants when she had Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disorder of the central nervous system that causes problems with movement and communication, and it is not curable. After trying various medications from western hospitals and doctors, her condition was not relieved.
For the past 20 years, Dr. Nicole has been dealing with her Multiple sclerosis by using natural remedies and medicinal plants she grows in her backyard. She has also survived 57 days all alone in the wild, which was later featured on a history TV channel. Her journey from a wheelchair to living the fullest life. Whenever she has any health issue like headache, body pain, fever, or infection, she turns towards her little backyard pharmacy.
Inside The Medicinal Garden Kit https://bit.ly/3Yfrpk4
Following are the seeds you get in the Medicinal Garden Kit:
#1 California Poppy
California Poppy is a flowering plant that can be found in many parts of the United States. California Poppy is known to support sleep. Its calming effects can help you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep through the night. Additionally, it has been reported to reduce anxiety and stress levels, improve moods, promote relaxation by increasing blood flow to the brain, and induce a deep sleep that is restorative for the body.
Dr. Nicole also explains in the additional free book how you can make your own sleep tea using this plant and how you can turn it into a sleep tincture to promote healthy sleep cycles.
#2 Yarrow
Yarrow is a useful plant for treating numerous issues, including wounds and bruises. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce swelling and pain, while its antiseptic qualities help to fight infection. Additionally, yarrow is known to soothe the skin and ease the symptoms of eczema (a type of allergy). In addition to these benefits, yarrow contains compounds that are beneficial for cognitive function.
#3 Chicory
Chicory is a type of root vegetable that has been used as a coffee substitute for centuries. It is high in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. Additionally, chicory contains antioxidants that can fight against cancer cells and speed up the healing process. https://bit.ly/3Yfrpk4
Chicory also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, which make it a great choice if you are struggling with chronic pain or arthritis. In addition to drinking chicory coffee on its own, you can also use it as an ingredient in specialty drinks or Smoothies.
#4 Chamomile
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is a versatile and beneficial plant that can be used in many ways. It has been traditionally used as a relaxant, sedative, and mild anticonvulsant. Chamomile tea produces feelings of calmness, relaxation, and even euphoria in some people. Additionally, it is known to alleviate anxiety symptoms and promote restful sleep.
Chamomile is also effective for treating minor inflammatory conditions such as sinus congestion or skin rash due to allergies. And lastly, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis or other joint conditions.
#5 Evening Primrose
Evening Primrose is a flowering plant that belongs to the daisy family. Some benefits of evening primrose oil include improving cognitive function, supporting healthy emotional states, and reducing inflammation. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce pain and swelling in the joints, as well as improve general joint health. Additionally, it has been shown to support a healthy lipid profile which is important for reducing the risk of heart disease.
#6 Marshmallow
The marshmallow plant is a succulent that possesses some remarkable health benefits. For one, the root extract of the Marshmallow Plant has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation.
Marshmallow plants have antibacterial properties. Scientists found that the extract of this plant can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. Additionally, it has been shown to be effective against acne-causing bacteria.
#7 Lavender
Lavender is a popular choice for those who are looking to relax and de-stress. The oil extracted from lavender has been known to have such effects, thanks in part to its high level of linalool. Linalool is an aromatic compound that has sedative and calming effects, making it a good choice for people who want relief from anxiety or stress. Additionally, the nitric oxide released by lavender can help promote better blood circulation and lower blood pressure levels. https://bit.ly/3Yfrpk4
#8 Calendula
Calendula is a flower that can be found growing in most parts of the world. It has been used for centuries as a remedy for numerous skin and hair problems, such as blemishes, itchiness, dryness, and eczema. The active ingredients present in Calendula are called terpenes, and they have antimicrobial properties. This makes Calendula a great addition to natural skin care regimes or remedies for wounds.
#9 Echinacea
Echinacea is a powerful herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. It is commonly used to treat colds, flu, and other respiratory infections. In addition to its traditional uses, echinacea is also known as an immune booster and helps increase the body's resistance to disease.
#10 Feverfew
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a perennial flower that has been used as a folk remedy for centuries to treat various health issues. It is known to reduce fever and inflammation, promote relief from headaches and muscle pain, improve sleep quality, aid in digestion, and protect the kidneys.
Apart from its traditional use as an herbal medicine, Feverfew can also be consumed directly as a food supplement or tea.
Medicinal Garden Kit Pricing And Availability
Medicinal Garden Kit is available at only its official website. The user spent a lot of time and potent resources in the process of extraction and packaging of each Medicinal Garden Kit. All the seeds are handpicked from the highest quality plants.
The price of one Medicinal Garden Kit is $59 + $4.99 shipping and delivery charges.
Each Medicinal Garden Kit package comes with ten packages of each type of seed. Aside from the highest quality seeds, you get a detailed guide that explains how to grow these plants and how you can take the health advantages of each.
However, Dr. Nicole says she doesn't have many seeds to give everyone. She could only produce 300 packets, and the next batch will take time to get produced. So make sure you take action now!
Money Back Guarantee
Medicinal Garden Kit comes with a 365-day money-back guarantee. We don't think that you will need to return this kit. However, if you are unhappy with this product, you may claim a refund and get your money back.
Medicinal Garden Kit Reviews: Closing Remarks
Culturing medicinal herbs can give you a whole new perspective on your life when you learn about their healing properties. Gardening is very common these days, and with Medicinal Garden Kit, you get not only quality seeds but also years of experience gathered by Dr. Nicole through her free detailed guide.
For more details about Dr. Nicole's Medicinal Garden Kit, you must visit the product's official website! https://bit.ly/3Yfrpk4
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newsdailyupdate · 1 year
DIU Assignment Cover Page for All Departments Daffodil International University
Are you looking for an assignment cover page? so This post is for you. Download this print it. then you can use copies. It’s very easy and time saving for you. you can use it any time anywhere.
here is theAssignment Cover Page for your subject. Just Write your courses, department, faculty and yourself. You can use it for all Departments and It’s very helpful for the students of DIU.
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You can Use it for these courses:
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship (FBE) Department of Business Administration Department of Business Studies Department of Real Estate Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management Department of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Science and Information Technology (FSIT) Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) Department of Computing & Information System (CIS) Department of Software Engineering Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management Department of Multimedia & Creative Technology (MCT) Department of General Educational Development (GED) Department of Information Technology and Management Department of Physical Education & Sports Science (PESS)
Faculty of Engineering (FE) Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Department of Textile Engineering Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) Department of Architecture Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Allied Health Science (FAHS) Pharmacy, NFE, Architecture, EEE,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHSS) Department of English Department of Law Department of Journalism & Mass Communication Department of Development Studies Department of Information Science and Library Management
Thank you all. Feel Free to visit https://www.kazisilo.com/
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uicscience · 2 years
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The Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center at the University of Illinois Chicago will expand its services nationwide with the help of a new $3 million grant.
The center, which was founded in 1988 to provide HIV/AIDS training for medical students and primary care physicians, already works to bring the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration‘s National HIV Curriculum to medical students and professionals in 10 midwestern states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin.
“MATEC will build on the lessons learned from a previous project carried out in the past four years when we worked with 16 academic institutions with accredited programs of medicine, nursing and pharmacy in the Midwest,” said Dr. Ricardo Rivero, MATEC’s executive director and a co-principal investigator on the grant. “With this project, we successfully integrated content from the National HIV Curriculum E-Learning Platform into their existing curricula. By doing so, we firmly believe we enhanced the quality of HIV education and training at those institutions.”
MATEC, which is based in the UIC Department of Community and Family Medicine at the College of Medicine, will use these new funds to introduce the curriculum to academic institutions in the 57 jurisdictions outside the Midwest that have been designated “high priority” by the federal government’s Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative.  
In addition to continuing its work with graduate schools in medicine, nursing and pharmacy, MATEC will use the new funds to target physician residency programs for dentists and family medicine practitioners.
“The National HIV Curriculum has a tremendous impact on our students’ ability to provide knowledgeable and compassionate care to people living with HIV,” said Natacha Pierre, UIC clinical assistant professor of population health nursing science at the College of Nursing and co-investigator on the grant. “Increasing the number and quality of health care providers is essential to increasing access to care and ending the HIV epidemic. If we are to meet the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ goal to end the HIV epidemic by 2030, we need to go national. We are up for the challenge.”  
According to Corina Wagner, MATEC research and evaluation manager and co-principal investigator on the new grant, “The project will assist existing faculty, especially those who are not HIV specialists and who may lack the HIV clinical background, with knowledge of HIV content, teaching methods and ways to address potential students’ reluctance to engage with vulnerable communities such as the ones most affected by HIV.”
Rivero said, “By doing so, the project will continue to address students’ and residents’ attitudinal barriers to care for people living with or at risk of acquiring HIV, and we expect that those who have been trained in HIV care through the integrated National HIV Curriculum will be able to identify, address or properly refer their patients with HIV-related needs, particularly for chronic illness interventions that appear as a growing number of people living with HIV age.”  
Other key faculty and co-investigators on the new grant include Dr. Mahesh Patel, assistant professor at the College of Medicine; Blake Max, clinical associate professor at the College of Pharmacy; and Dr. Sarah Henkle, assistant professor of clinical family medicine at the College of Medicine.  
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iamyelling · 2 years
like ok there are so many! so many things that would make literally such a big difference. some easier than others. note this is us based bc thats where i live and what i know. gonna be stream of consciousness ideas.
abolish homework. defund and then abolish police. later start times for high school and jr highs, can do earlier start time for elementary. make things more walkable, drastically reduce scale of suburbs. reduce car dependency. increase public transportation and bicycle infrastructure. increase accessible car transportation access and reliability for disabled people. get rid of electoral college. institute ranked voting. making voting day a holiday where NO ONE works not anyone except TRULY essential things. institute all mail-in voting. ban gerrymandering. decrim drugs. decrim sex work. 6-month minimum parental leave but preferably up to like 2 years. abolish health insurance - move to a healthcare for all, state funded public healthcare system where it is free there is no payment for care. remove gender markers from all drivers licenses and passports and IDs etc. institute rent control. reparations for descendants of enslaved people. enforce separation of church and state. mandatory green space and trees in cities for temperature regulation and air quality. abolish prisons. be intentional about prioritizing funding, resources, and workers for what really matters instead of relying on the supposedly free market and just hoping things work out (healthcare, education, childcare, sanitation, energy, farming and food systems, transportation. stuff like that). drastically reduce maximum work hours and days per week. if wages exist, annually increase minimum wage. wealth cap and tax wealthy. tax corporations. reduce use of fossil fuels to as close to zero as possible. free college. public funding for the arts. research trans healthcare and medicine. recognize that the DSM is socially constructed. should be obvious but, reproductive healthcare and reproductive justice. abolish legal marriage as it should only be a social and religious status. address rules around housing standards and building codes to allow middle housing (duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes and such), to require buildings that naturally stay cool in hot weather and warm in cool weather, for multigenerational housing and other people groupings other beyond the nuclear family. give people free housing who want it - private rooms with locks with showers and/or tubs and kitchens and beds and laundry service and cleaning service if you want and disability accommodations and care workers and a free community dining room and a pharmacy in walking distance and free wifi etc. support union taxis. not sure exactly what to do to fix it but, address the speed and urgency in the shipping industry to allow for slower delivery and shipment time. addressing truck driving work hours and wages to allow shorter shifts and less sleep deprivation. ban work to pay off debts to employer schemes, where employees are indebted to their employer. fund all public schools equally, not based on property taxes. fix the class separation of employees vs contractors and subcontractors. decriminalize houselessness. create and enforce protections for all LGBTQ+ people, everywhere. remove or at minimum, greatly increase income and wealth caps for disability classification, care, and benefits. recognize all peoples’ value regardless of work and productivity. create regulations for crypto mining energy usage. make internet and cell service a public utility. allow for the right to repair technology products. bring back regulations removed by trump. recognize white supremacy and white nationalism as hate groups. require licensing and classes for gun purchases and ownership. make some kind of regulations around lean staffing and understaffing. regulations to reduce micro plastics. create a modern version of the ccc (which i’m sure had some big problems that we don’t get told about) to improve, repair, and build new infrastructure and maintain things. create teams? division? to investigate and enforce labor violations and exploitation and corporate crime. disallow multilevel marketing schemes. create more parks and play areas.
forgive all student debt. recognize indigenous / native american tribes. reparations to tribes in money and land. create free community food halls in every community and neighborhood. divert funds from police and military and defense and arms. abolish credit scores. 
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scientiaskills · 2 years
Criteria you need to be a good pharmacy technician
How to be a good pharmacy Technician? What are the criteria to become a good pharmacy technician?
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 1. Prospective pharmacy technicians gain their work experience as a community pharmacy assistant or as a hospital volunteer before entering the real world. Candidates with experience in drug inventory management, pill counting, dosimetry and computer use as well as proficiency in most office jobs is definitely an added advantage.
2. To quickly learn and grasp the knowledge of a pharmacy technician, training in chemistry, English, biology, chemistry and health education of any kind is beneficial.
3. Obtain certificates and other qualifications. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and the Pharmacy Technician Certification Institute run national certification exams. To be eligible for either exam, an applicant must have a high school diploma or GED, no felony convictions of any kind within 3-5 years of application, and have no prior drug or drug-related criminal record. Employers, often pharmacists, know that those who pass the exam have a standardized set of knowledge and skills.
4. A person must obtain recertification every 2 years with 20 hours of continuous study during the 2 years of certification and at least 1 hour must be in accordance with pharmacy law. Continuous hours of study can come from a variety of sources, including colleges, pharmacy associations, and pharmacy technician training programs.
5. Strong customer service and teamwork skills are required as pharmacy technicians interact with patients, colleagues, and healthcare professionals 98% of the time
6. A person must have good skills and a strong background in math, spelling and reading comprehension as a prerequisite to becoming a good pharmacy technician. Successful pharmacy technicians are alert, observant, organized, dedicated, and responsible. They must be willing and able to follow instructions, but be able to work independently without constant supervision or guidance.
7. A person who knows medical terminology and is familiar with all the drugs, pills, injectable liquids available in a pharmacy in their scientific terms as well as many other names.
8. Good communication skills to deal with many people in a group. He should be a team player and get along with the rest of his teammates.
9. He must be someone who can adapt to multi-tasking. He must be able to handle all kinds of pharmacist instructions at any time. He must also be computer literate to make the best use of the computer to complete his tasks accurately and in the shortest time possible.
10. Pharmacy technicians must be precise when handling drugs and dosages required for different patients, which will cure or kill the person who has taken them; so the details are sometimes a matter of life and death. Therefore, the responsibilities of pharmacy technicians are as important as they handle medications.
11. Candidates interested in becoming a Pharmacy Technician must not have a history of drug or substance abuse.
12. A good pharmacy technician deserves career advancement. In large pharmacies and health systems or even public hospitals, pharmacy technicians with considerable training, experience, and certification can be promoted to supervisory, advisory and train less experienced pharmacy technicians. Some may even advance to specialized positions such as chemotherapy technicians and nuclear pharmacy technicians.
For more information about UK pharmacy technician course and pharmacy technician certification, visit Scientiaskills.co.uk
Source & Reference: https://sites.google.com/view/scientiaskills/criteria-you-need-to-be-a-good-pharmacy-technician
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admissify-blog · 2 years
The University of Groningen | Bachelor's & Master's programs
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After completing the Master's, you can decide to continue your studies and get a doctoral degree. Therefore, it does not always mean that you have to go to any undergraduate or postgraduate program for studying abroad. The students can always choose to move to a foreign university for research work. In this process, they will get ample resources to study and advanced equipment.
The University of Groningen is famous for its amazing research ambiance, infrastructure, and Master's degree programs. For more than 100 years, this institute has been standing with great glory and is the reason behind the success of millions of aspirants. You can get your hands on all the internal information about the university from the best study abroad consultants in Delhi. Moreover, it is at a high rank among the influential educational institutions of the world. So, your career will surely reach a fabulous stage after completing any course from this university.
Current Status Of The University Of Groningen
The current statistics tell that more than 34,000 students are a precious part of Groningen University. In the global rank, the position of this university is 64. Thus, it will be a fabulous opportunity for any aspirant to join such a reputed university occupying a place in the top 100 universities worldwide. If you have any doubt regarding the admission procedures or academic background, the study abroad consultants in Delhi can help you.
The University of Groningen knows how to pick the most deserving candidate for the seat. Moreover, it considers the academic prospects, achievements, and talent for choosing the right candidate. Although the institution offers Bachelor's degree programs, the popularity arises for postgraduation degree courses.
In 2021, the university received a precious award for the outstanding performances of its students in various fields. It was the winner of the Global Student Satisfaction Awards. Therefore, it shows how students feel happy and secure after studying in such a high-standard college. You will surely get favorable feedback from the best overseas education consultants in Delhi about Groningen University.
List Of Various Courses and Study Programs
The Master-degree programs are enlisted below;-
Business and Management
Social Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Computer Science and IT
Arts, Architecture, and Designs
Training and Education
Media and Journalism
Agriculture and Forestry
Medicine and Health
Hospitality, Leisure, and Sports
Applied Sciences and Professions
Now it is time to take a glance at the Bachelor's degree programs;-
Dutch Language and Culture
Media Studies
Tax Law
American Studies
Artificial Intelligence
Arts, Culture, and Media
Middle Eastern Studies
Business and Regular Economics
Human Movement Sciences
Life Science and Technology
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Minorities and Multilingualism
Global Responsibility and Leadership
Industrial Engineering
Applied Physics
Biomedical Engineering
Information Science
Religious Studies
Data Science and Integrity
Computer Sciences
Communication and Information Studies
Law and ICT
Business Administration
Notarial Law
Human Geography and Planning
Several other programs also form part of the entire study curriculum of the university. Therefore, you will have ample choices while selecting the course. Please enter all your details beforehand and consult the experts. Quick suggestions can help you understand the process well. Please ensure that you have complete knowledge about the university and the course structure to avoid any kind of discrepancies in the future. Of course, the best Netherland consultants in Delhi will support you in going ahead.
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It is time to end all your searches for the best overseas education consultant in Delhi for the Netherlands. Click and visit admissify.com, and all your answers will be satisfied one by one. Furthermore, you can also ring 09999-127085 or Whatsapp on the number to connect with the executives. The Live Chat option is also present on the web portal of Admissify. Recently, the launch of the mobile app made it one of the most preferable and dependable platforms for immigration purposes. So, make the plan and connect with the right person to fulfilling your dreams.
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dekhocampus11 · 16 hours
DBGI: NO.#1 College in Dehradun
Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions (DBGI), located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, is a prominent educational conglomerate in Northern India known for its diverse range of academic programs and a strong emphasis on both technical and non-technical education. Here’s a detailed overview of the institution:
Foundation and Affiliation:
DBGI was established in 2005 under the Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions Society.
It is affiliated with Uttarakhand Technical University and Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education.
The institution is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), and the Indian Nursing Council (INC).
Academic Programs
DBGI offers a wide array of courses across several fields, with a focus on engineering, management, and applied sciences:
Engineering and Technology:
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech): Specializations include Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Diploma in Engineering (Polytechnic Diploma): Fields such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and others.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Master of Business Administration (MBA): Specializations in Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, and International Business.
Computer Applications:
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Sciences and Humanities:
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc): Programs in IT, Forestry, Agriculture, Horticulture, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, etc.
Master of Science (M.Sc): Specializations include Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and others.
Health Sciences:
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)
Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing)
Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery (ANM)
General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM)
Arts and Commerce:
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in various streams.
Campus Infrastructure
The DBGI campus is spread across a lush green landscape, providing a conducive learning environment.
Modern and well-equipped laboratories and workshops for practical training.
Comprehensive libraries with a vast collection of books, journals, and digital resources.
State-of-the-art classrooms and lecture halls equipped with modern teaching aids.
Hostel facilities for both boys and girls with essential amenities.
Sports and Recreation:
Sports facilities including a gymnasium, basketball courts, football field, and other sports amenities.
Clubs and societies that encourage extracurricular activities encompassing cultural, technical, and sports interests.
Faculty and Research
DBGI has a dedicated faculty comprising experienced educators and industry professionals who provide high-quality education and mentorship.
The institution encourages research and innovation, providing support for various research projects and initiatives in technical and scientific domains.
Placement and Career Development
DBGI has an active Training and Placement Cell that organizes campus recruitment drives, workshops, seminars, and other professional development activities.
Students at DBGI have been successfully placed in reputed companies across various sectors such as IT, engineering, pharmaceuticals, and management.
Admission Process
Admissions at DBGI are merit-based, often requiring scores from relevant entrance examinations depending on the program (such as JEE Mains for B.Tech, CAT/MAT for MBA, etc.).
Candidates can apply through the official DBGI website where they need to fill out an application form and submit the necessary documents
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abroadstudy635 · 18 hours
Monash University Melbourne Australia: Your Gateway to World-Class Education
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Monash University Melbourne Courses: A Diverse Range of Opportunities
Monash University Melbourne Australia, offers an extensive array of courses designed to meet the needs of students from all walks of life. With faculties ranging from Arts, Business, and Economics to Engineering, Medicine, and Law, Monash provides a comprehensive education experience. The university prides itself on its interdisciplinary approach, allowing students to tailor their studies to their interests and career goals.
Undergraduate Programs
Monash University offers a variety of undergraduate programs across multiple disciplines. Some of the standout programs include:
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Each program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen field. The university also offers double degrees, enabling students to combine two areas of study and enhance their career prospects.
Postgraduate Programs
For those looking to advance their education, Monash provides a wide range of postgraduate programs. These include:
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Engineering
Master of Public Health
Master of Laws (LLM)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
These programs are tailored to provide in-depth knowledge and research opportunities, preparing graduates for leadership roles in their respective industries.
Monash University Melbourne Fees: Investing in Your Future
Understanding the fees associated with studying at Monash University is crucial for prospective students. The university's fee structure varies depending on the course and level of study.
Undergraduate Fees
For international students, the annual Monash University Melbourne fees for undergraduate programs range from AUD 30,000 to AUD 45,000. This range covers various disciplines, with specific courses such as Medicine and Engineering typically being on the higher end of the spectrum.
Postgraduate Fees
Postgraduate tuition fees for international students vary similarly, ranging from AUD 32,000 to AUD 50,000 per year. Courses that require extensive resources and facilities, such as those in the fields of Medicine and Engineering, often have higher fees.
Additional Costs
In addition to tuition, students should budget for additional costs such as accommodation, textbooks, and living expenses. Melbourne is known for its high standard of living, which, while offering a fantastic student experience, does come with higher living costs.
University of Melbourne to Monash University: A Comparison
When comparing the University of Melbourne to Monash University, several factors come into play. Both institutions are renowned for their academic excellence and global reputation, but they offer different experiences and opportunities.
Academic Reputation
The University of Melbourne is often ranked higher in global rankings, particularly in subjects like Law, Education, and Medicine. However, Monash University excels in fields such as Engineering, Pharmacy, and Business.
Campus Life
Monash University boasts a larger student population and more campuses, providing a diverse and vibrant community. The University of Melbourne, on the other hand, has a more compact campus, fostering a close-knit environment.
Research Opportunities
Both universities are research-intensive, but Monash is particularly noted for its strong industry partnerships and innovation hubs. This focus on practical, real-world applications makes Monash an attractive option for students looking to engage in cutting-edge research.
Monash University Melbourne Ranking: A Global Leader
Monash University consistently ranks among the top universities globally. According to the QS World University Rankings 2024, Monash is ranked in the top 60 universities worldwide. This prestigious ranking is a testament to the university’s commitment to academic excellence, research impact, and student satisfaction.
Subject-Specific Rankings
Monash excels in several subject-specific rankings, including:
Pharmacy and Pharmacology: Top 10 worldwide
Engineering and Technology: Top 50 worldwide
Business and Management Studies: Top 50 worldwide
Medicine: Top 50 worldwide
These rankings highlight Monash's strengths across a range of disciplines, making it a top choice for students seeking quality education.
Study Abroad at Monash University Melbourne: A World of Opportunities
Studying abroad at Monash University offers students a chance to experience a new culture, broaden their horizons, and gain a global perspective. The university's diverse international community and extensive support services make it an ideal destination for international students.
Exchange Programs
Monash University Melbourne has partnerships with over 150 universities worldwide, providing numerous exchange programs. These programs allow students to study at a partner institution for a semester or a year, earning credits towards their Monash degree.
Global Internships
Monash offers global internship opportunities, enabling students to gain practical work experience in different countries. These internships are invaluable for building international networks and enhancing employability.
Support Services
International students at Monash benefit from a range of support services, including:
Orientation programs
Academic support
Counseling services
Language support
These services ensure that students have a smooth transition to life in Melbourne and can focus on their studies.
Living in Melbourne
Melbourne is consistently ranked as one of the world's most livable cities. Its vibrant culture, diverse food scene, and friendly atmosphere make it an attractive place for students. The city's extensive public transport system and student-friendly amenities further enhance the student experience.
Monash University in Melbourne offers a world-class education with a diverse range of courses, competitive fees, and a supportive environment for international students. Whether you are comparing it to other institutions like the University of Melbourne or looking at its global rankings, Monash stands out as a premier destination for higher education. With extensive opportunities for study abroad, research, and professional development, Monash University is the ideal choice for students seeking to make a significant impact in their fields.
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drdevalpatel · 1 day
Why Choose Dr. Deval Patel Hospital for Your Healthcare Needs?
In the heart of Rajasthan, Dr. Deval Patel Hospital stands as a beacon of hope and health, serving the communities of Sumerpur, Sirohi, and Pali. Renowned for its commitment to providing high-quality healthcare, this best hospital in sumerpur integrates advanced medical technology with compassionate care, ensuring patients receive the best treatment available.
Comprehensive Medical Services
Dr. Deval Patel Hospital offers a wide range of medical services, making it a one-stop solution for all healthcare needs. Our specialties include:
Cardiology: Advanced diagnostics and treatment for heart conditions.
Orthopedics: Comprehensive care for bone, joint, and muscle issues.
Neurology: Expert treatment for neurological disorders.
Gynecology and Obstetrics: Complete care for women’s health and maternity services.
Pediatrics: Specialized care for infants, children, and adolescents.
Gastroenterology: Treatment for digestive system disorders.
Dermatology: Skin care and treatment for various dermatological conditions.
ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat): Comprehensive care for ENT issues.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our hospital is equipped with cutting-edge technology and modern infrastructure to ensure the highest standard of care. Key facilities include:
24/7 Emergency Services: Immediate and efficient response to medical emergencies.
ICU and NICU: Intensive care units for critically ill patients and neonatal intensive care for newborns.
Advanced Diagnostic Lab: Comprehensive diagnostic services with the latest equipment.
Pharmacy: On-site pharmacy providing a wide range of medicines and health products.
Experienced and Compassionate Team
At Dr. Deval Patel Hospital, we believe that healthcare is not just about technology but also about people. Our team of highly skilled doctors, nurses, and support staff are dedicated to providing personalized care to each patient. Our specialists are leaders in their fields, bringing years of experience and a commitment to excellence.
Patient-Centric Approach
We prioritize the well-being of our patients through a holistic approach to healthcare. Our services are designed to cater to the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of patients. We ensure:
Personalized Treatment Plans: Tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient.
Counseling and Support: Emotional and psychological support for patients and their families.
Follow-Up Care: Continuous care and regular follow-up to monitor and ensure recovery.
Community Outreach and Health Awareness
Dr. Deval Patel Hospital is committed to the health and well-being of the communities we serve. We regularly conduct health camps, awareness programs, and educational seminars to promote healthy living and early detection of diseases. Our outreach programs aim to bring quality healthcare to the doorstep of every individual in Sumerpur, Sirohi, and Pali.
Dr. Deval Patel Hospital is more than just a healthcare facility; it is a pillar of strength and support for the communities of Sumerpur, Sirohi, and Pali. With our comprehensive range of services, state-of-the-art facilities, and a dedicated team, we strive to make a difference in the lives of our patients every day. Trust us with your health, and we promise to deliver care that combines expertise, compassion, and a commitment to excellence.
Visit Dr. Deval Patel Hospital for a healthcare experience that prioritizes your well-being and recovery. Your health is our mission.
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acharya-college · 3 days
Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy (ABMRCP): Leading Excellence in Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, approved by AICTE, and accredited with NBA, Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy (ABMRCP) stands as a beacon of excellence in pharmaceutical education and research. Known as one of the top pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, ABMRCP is dedicated to advancing the field of pharmacy through rigorous academic programs, innovative research, and comprehensive student development.
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Commitment to Academic Excellence
At the core of ABMRCP’s success is its commitment to academic excellence. The college offers a wide range of programs, including B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Pharm.D, and Ph.D. courses, each designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the pharmaceutical industry. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to balance theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the dynamic challenges of the field.
Research and Innovation
Research is a cornerstone of ABMRCP’s mission. The college boasts state-of-the-art research facilities and a robust infrastructure that supports cutting-edge research in various domains of pharmaceutical sciences. Faculties and researchers from departments such as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutics, and pharmaceutical analysis work collaboratively to advance the frontiers of drug discovery and development. Their efforts have resulted in numerous research publications and patents, contributing significantly to the scientific community.
ABMRCP’s research initiatives are further bolstered by the Research Park & IPR Cell, which fosters innovation and encourages the patenting and protection of new discoveries. The institute’s research endeavors have garnered support from prestigious agencies such as the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), and Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST). These collaborations and funding opportunities enable ABMRCP to remain at the forefront of pharmaceutical research and innovation.
Industry Collaboration and Training
ABMRCP places a strong emphasis on bridging the gap between academia and industry. The college has established collaborations with leading pharmaceutical companies and research institutions, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and expertise. Notably, the institute trains newly recruited employees of pharmaceutical giants such as Strides Arcolab and GSK Pharmaceuticals, ensuring that industry professionals are well-versed in the latest advancements and best practices.
The college’s Centers of Excellence and start-ups integrated within the Research Park further enhance its role as a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. These centers provide a platform for students and faculty to engage in entrepreneurial activities, develop new products, and contribute to the pharmaceutical industry’s growth.
Holistic Student Development
At Acharya Institutes, education extends beyond the classroom. The college is committed to the holistic development of its students, offering a plethora of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Extracurricular activities, including sports, cultural events, and National Service Scheme (NSS) initiatives, play a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals. These activities not only promote teamwork and leadership skills but also foster a sense of community and social responsibility among students.
Student Support and Guidance
ABMRCP takes pride in its student-centric approach, providing comprehensive support and guidance to ensure the success of its students. The college offers various scholarships and financial aid options to deserving students, making quality education accessible to all. Additionally, the institution’s mentorship programs, career counseling services, and placement assistance help students navigate their academic journey and transition smoothly into the professional world.
Global Exposure and Opportunities
Recognizing the importance of global exposure in today’s interconnected world, ABMRCP encourages students to participate in international conferences, workshops, and exchange programs. These opportunities enable students to broaden their horizons, gain diverse perspectives, and network with professionals and researchers from around the globe. The college’s collaborations with international universities and research institutions further enhance its global reach and reputation.
Alumni Achievements
The success of ABMRCP’s alumni is a testament to the quality of education and training provided by the college. Graduates of ABMRCP have made significant contributions to the pharmaceutical industry, academia, and research, holding prestigious positions in leading organizations worldwide. The college’s strong alumni network provides a valuable resource for current students, offering mentorship, guidance, and career opportunities.
Future Vision
As ABMRCP continues to build on its legacy of excellence, the college remains committed to its vision of becoming a global leader in pharmaceutical education and research. Future plans include expanding research initiatives, enhancing industry collaborations, and introducing new academic programs that address emerging trends and challenges in the pharmaceutical field. By staying at the forefront of innovation and maintaining its unwavering commitment to quality education, ABMRCP aims to shape the future of pharmacy and contribute to the betterment of society.
Acharya & BM Reddy College of Pharmacy (ABMRCP) stands out as one of the best pharmacy colleges in Bangalore, renowned for its academic rigor, innovative research, and comprehensive student development programs. The college’s dedication to excellence, industry collaboration, and holistic education ensures that its graduates are well-equipped to make significant contributions to the pharmaceutical field. With a forward-looking vision and a commitment to continuous improvement, ABMRCP is poised to remain a leader in pharmaceutical education and research for years to come.
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smartcareblog · 3 days
Important Features of Modern Clinic Management Software
Managing a clinic involves a multitude of tasks, from scheduling appointments to managing patient records. Modern clinical management software can streamline these tasks and improve the overall efficiency of your practice. In this blog, we’ll go over the important features of this software and explain how it can help your clinic. We will also use terms such as "clinic management software" and "online clinic management software" for clarity and relevance.
Introduction to Clinic Management Software
clinic management software is designed to help hospitals run more efficiently by handling day-to-day operations such as scheduling, patient records, billing, and more.
Key Features of Modern Clinic Management Software
1. Appointment Scheduling and Management
Effective scheduling of each hospital visit. Modern software provides an easy way to book, reschedule and cancel appointments. Key features include:
Online appointments: Patients can schedule appointments through a website or mobile app.
Action reminders: Email or SMS reminders help reduce no-shows.
Calendar Synchronization: Syncs personal and professional calendars to avoid conflicts.
Real-time availability: Demonstrates the real-time availability of physicians and resources.
2. Electronic Health Records (EHR) Management
Accurate and accessible patient records are essential in health care. EHR system features ensure that patient information is securely stored and readily accessible. Key features include:
Patient History: A complete record of patient history, including previous visits, treatments, and medications.
Document Management: Easily upload and retrieve documents such as lab reports and imaging results.
Data Security: HIPAA-compliant security measures to protect patient information.
Connectivity: Integration with other health systems for seamless data exchange.
3. Billing and Invoicing
Payments may be complicated, but modern software simplifies the process by:
Automated Billing: Automates bills based on services provided.
Insurance Claims: Facilitates the processing and tracking of insurance claims.
Payment processing: Supports various payment methods including credit card and online payments.
Financial Statements: Provides detailed information on income, expenses and outstanding balances.
4. Patient Portal
The patient portal provides patients access to health information and enables them to communicate with healthcare professionals. Key features include:
Access to Medical Records: Patients can view their medical history, lab results and prescriptions.
Appointment management: Schedule, reschedule, or cancel appointments online.
Safe message: Communicate safely with doctors and staff.
Educational Resources: Get information about conditions, treatments and health tips.
5. Telemedicine Integration
Telemedicine is becoming increasingly important, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main features of telemedicine are:
Video chats are virtual appointments through secure video calls.
Remote monitoring: Monitor patient health data remotely.
E-prescribing: Transmit prescriptions to the patient’s pharmacy electronically.
Integration with Wearables: Sync data from health wearables for real-time monitoring.
6. Inventory Management
The monitoring of medical supplies and medicines is critical to the smooth running of a clinic. Key features include:
Stock tracking: Monitor stock levels and get alerts of low inventory.
Supplier Management: Manage supplier information and order history.
Check expiration dates: Check expiration dates to avoid using obsolete products.
Automatic reorder: It automatically places a buy order when stock falls below a certain level.
7. Reporting and Analytics
Data-driven decision making is essential in modern healthcare. Reporting and analytics tools help hospitals better understand their operations and make informed decisions. Key features include:
Customizable reports: Generate reports on patient demographics, selection patterns, and financial performance.
Data visualization: Use charts and diagrams to visualize data to facilitate interpretation.
Performance metrics: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess hospital efficiency.
Predictive Analytics: Use historical data to predict future trends and make proactive decisions.
8. Workflow Automation
Automating routine tasks can significantly enhance efficiency and reduce the workload on staff. Key features include:
Task management: Assign tasks to different team members and follow up.
Reporting: Send alerts and reminders about important tasks and deadlines.
Streamlined processes: Automate processes such as patient assessments and follow-up appointments.
Flexible Business Plan: Tailor the project to the specific needs of the hospital.
9. Communication Tools
Effective communication between staff and patients is critical to the success of the surgery. Key features include:
Message passing: A secure messaging system in which employees communicate.
Broadcast Messages: Send important updates and notifications to all employees.
Patient communication: Automated appointment and follow-up reminders and reports.
Feedback system: Collect patient feedback to improve services.
10. Compliance and Security
Ensuring compliance with health regulations and maintaining data security is paramount. Key features include:
HIPAA Compliance: Follow Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations.
Data privacy: Keep data safe and secure from unauthorized access.
Audit trails: Keep a record of all activities for accountability.
User access: Define the role and access that a user uses to restrict access to sensitive information.
11. Mobile Accessibility
With the increasing use of mobile devices, there is a need for mobile-friendly clinical management software. Key features include:
Mobile App: Patients and staff can access the software through a dedicated mobile app.
Responsibility Considerations: Ensure that the site is mobile-friendly and works well across devices.
Accessibility on the go: Allow healthcare professionals to access patient information and view appointments from anywhere.
12. Customizability and Scalability
Each hospital has unique needs, and the software must be flexible enough to meet these. Key features include:
Customizable templates: Customize templates for patient records, invoices, and reports.
Scalable solution: Scale up or down based on the size and needs of the hospital.
Integration: The hospital may use other integration tools and systems.
Easy-to-use interface: An easy-to-use interface that can be customized to suit the project.
Modern hospital management software offers a wide range of features designed to simplify operations, improve patient care and increase overall efficiency From appointment scheduling to EHR management to billing, patient access and telemedicine, these tools are essential for any hospital seeking to compete in today's health care landscape
Investing in comprehensive medical management software ensures you are providing the best possible care to your patients while streamlining your internal processes. Whether you’re a small practice or a large medical practice, the right software can make a big difference in your productivity and patient satisfaction.
Choosing the right hospital management software is an important decision that can have a lasting impact on your practice. Look for software that offers the above features, is easy to use, and provides excellent customer support. With the right equipment, you can take your clinic to new heights of efficiency and patient care.
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