#he's just so cute!!! i was so stoked when i saw him lmao
glassrunner · 4 months
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MONSTER CAMP 🍹 Juan the Small Magical Latino Cat
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audioaujom · 10 months
Demetrius v. Robin
Stardew Hub, < prev, next >
Proud member of the Demetrius hate club!! Lmao jk, he has just always kinda rubbed me the wrong way and I don't like the way he interacts with Sebastian in canon. Guess it just makes me wonder, and when I wonder bad things usually happen lmao
Word Count: 1464
Chapter TWs: Abusive language/behavior
“Hey Maru, what do you think of my snow goons?” Stepping back from the carefully shaped lumps of snow and jagged sticks, Sebastian grinned as he called out for his half-sister across the yard.
“Don't mean you snowmen—” Maru started to correct, cutting herself off as she turned and saw the monstrous creations in front of him. “Oh. No, yeah, those are snow goons.”
“Do you like them?” 
“No, they're ugly.” She laughed, rolling her eyes and going back to carefully arranging the stones to make a smile on her much more traditional-looking snowman.
“C’mon, they're not that bad!” Sebastian whined, approaching her to stand and watch over one of her shoulders. “It’s all a part of their charm.”
“I bet they have very nice personalities.” Maru commented carefully, watching as Sebastian’s jaw dropped in feigned angry shock from the insult.
“This is beginning to border on slander, which I did not ask for.” 
Maru turned around to look at him, head cocked to the side with a small smirk. “But you did ask for it.”
Sebastian frowned, brows furrowed. “That’s it.” 
Maru opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a face full of snow, looking to see Sebastian bent down and packing together another snowball to throw at her with a grin. She smiled as well, immediately reaching for the nearest patch of snow to return fire.
Robin was kneeling on the floor in the main room when Demetrius came in, holding a fire poker in one hand and a freshly cut log of firewood in the other. The fire in the fireplace was no more than a few flickering flames, her sighing in frustration as it didn't seem to be catching.
“Hey, I'm gonna head outside and check on the kids.” Demetrius informed with a smile, leaning down to give Robin a light peck on the cheek as she worked. “To see when they want dinner.”
“Thanks.” Robin smiled gratefully, stoking at the slowly dying fire. “You’re the best.”
Grabbing his puffy jacket from where it was hanging on the coat rack by the door, Demetrius stepped outside into the winter chill to see where his daughter and step-son had run off to since they ran outside to… play? He wasn't sure what they were doing, actually.
He never really knew what Sebastian was up to at any time, anyway.
The scene outside to a normal observer would have been rather domestic and cute, the half-siblings engaged in a wild snowball fight—snow sticking to their faces and hair as they laughed and ran around the yard like children.
But for Demetrius—
“What's going on out here?” His yell interrupted the two siblings, them both turning to look at him with matching startled expressions.
“Not much, I'm just absolutely owning Maru in this snowball fight.” Sebastian shrugged lightly, turning his attention back to the snowball in his hand that he then launched at Maru without any warning.
“No way! You're so cheating!” Maru complained, barely ducking out of the way before throwing her own held snowball back at him—which he dodged easily.
Demetrius sighed at their childish behavior, placing his hands on his hips as he tiredly asked, “Why are you two fighting, anyway?”
“She said my snow goons were ugly.” Sebastian crossed his arms, huffing as Maru puffed up in annoyance.
“Because they are ugly!” 
“I agree, and I think you should take those down before your mother sees.” Demetrius shook his head disapprovingly, gesturing at the set of snow goons as he said, “We wouldn't want anyone coming by the house and seeing… that.”
Maru’s expression dropped, the playful mood killed in an instant. “Wait, what?” 
“I'm not taking them down.” Sebastian frowned, levelly holding Demetrius’ gaze. “I made them for fun; what's the big deal?”
“The big deal is your attitude.” Demetrius’ gaze hardened into a glare, him stepping over to the nearest mound of snow with a confident, “If you won’t take them down, I’ll do it myself.”
“What— Hey!” Sebastian ran over as Demetrius kicked one of the creations over, his work boots splattering the carefully molded snow back into the yard.
“Don’t try and stop me, young man.” Demetrius warned as Sebastian got between him and the other snow goons, pissed.
“You’re being unreasonable!” 
“Who’s really the unreasonable one here?” Demetrius asked with a sigh, punching the bridge of his nose exasperatedly. “The one concerned about our family or the one mouthing off?”
“You’re such an asshole!” Any further complaint from Sebastian was cut off as Demetrius swung a backhanded slap at his face, sending him crashing to the ground of the front yard with a startled yelp.
“Dad!” Mary chastised, worry for her brother sending her running inside to find her mom. The other two didn't pay her any mind, too focused on each other to notice she left.
“You don’t get to talk to me that way!” Livid, Demetrius wound back for another hit only to be cut off by the front door opening and two figures running out to interrupt.
“Demetrius? What’s— Sebastian!” Robin immediately focused in on the fact her son was holding his face from where he was crumpled on the snow-covered lawn, running over and dropping to her knees to get a better look. “What happened, Sebby? Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Sebastian answered sourly, letting go of his face so his mom could see the bright red impact on his cheek. “Your shithead husband hit me for making snowmen.”
“Excuse me?” Torn between her bubbling worry and wanting to scold him for his language, she finally turned to Demetrius to ask, “Demetrius, is that true?”
“It was his fault for talking back!” Demetrius defended hotly. “I was simply concerned about our family's image—”
“Bullshit.” Sebastian growled from the ground, carefully standing back up to his feet to accuse, “You've always had it out for me!”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have had to ‘have it out for you’ if you didn't deserve it!” Demetrius fired back, Sebastian ready to continue the argument until he saw his mom stand up beside him and dust the snow off her jeans.
“How dare you speak to my son like that!” She yelled, stepping between the two men without missing a beat. “This type of behavior is not welcome in my house!”
“Don't be unreasonable, honey.” Demetrius’ anger instantly disappeared from his face as he stared at Robin, hands out as he tried to placate, “If he apologizes and offers to change his attitude, I'll—”
“There will be no such thing!” Robin didn't even let him finish, the two half-siblings sharing a glance of surprise as they'd never heard their mom this angry before. “You can find somewhere else to stay until I'm willing to talk to you about this!” She glared, before whirling around and hugging Sebastian over the shoulders worriedly. “Let's get you inside, Sebby. You too, Maru.”
Reeling from the shock of being kicked out so easily, all Demetrius could do was dumbly stutter out, “Why wouldn't she come with me?” 
“Cause I don't want to.” Maru answered immediately, gluing herself to Sebastian's other side as Robin guided them back into the house. “You’re acting crazy, dad. I'd rather stay with mom and Sebastian.”
Demetrius reached for his retreating family with one hand, the back of it tingling as none of them turned to look and disappeared inside.
“Maru, can you go grab your brother some ice?” Robin asked as she helped Sebastian out of his wet jacket and set him by the fire she’d barely managed to get roaring.
“I'm fine, mom.” Sebastian tried to protest, but the tame glare she sent his way had him swallowing the words back. “Nevermind.”
“Sorry, I'm not mad.” She apologized, sitting down next to him to put her head into her hands. “Well, I'm not mad at you.”
Sebastian chewed awkwardly on his bottom lip for a moment. “I'm sorry. It's my fault all of this started, if I'd just—”
“Nope. I won't hear it.” Robin cut him off with a firm shake of the head, gently reaching out to cup his uninjured cheek with one hand and giving him a soft smile. “We’ll figure this out, okay? But he is not allowed to treat you like that.”
At that moment Maru popped her head into the main room, one hand holding an ice pack from the freezer as the other gestured back over her shoulder towards the kitchen. “I brought some ice. I also put a pot of coffee on, it should be done soon.”
“Thanks.” Sebastian smiled up at her, taking the ice pack as Maru took a seat on his other side and the three slowly let themselves be warmed up by the steadily growing fire—and each other’s company.
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cosmos-coma · 2 years
Sick Days- Lambert
A/N: This is my first ever Lambert fic! I had put off writing for him (as a central character) because I was never sure how to write him, but I like this one. Also apparently now that the snot is flowing so are the words lmao.
Pairing: Lambert x Reader
Word count: ~700
Tag warning: Language
Summary: Lambert takes care of you when start to get sick.
You groaned and threw your arm over your eyes dramatically as you reclined back against Lambert’s chest. 
When you peeked out from under your arm and looked up to see his eyes still closed, ignoring you in favor of his meditative state. So you groaned again, louder this time, and flopped your hand “accidentally” against his face instead of your own.
“I heard you the first time.” He mumbled, swatting away your hand and finally opening his eyes. “What’s the problem, Honeybee?” 
“Well I- wait, that’s a new nickname; that's oddly sweet for you.” you said, your voice coming out quiet, raspy, and congested. 
“Yeah, I thought it would be fitting since you might be cute on the outside, but you pack a hell of a sting when you want to.” His face held a big stupid crooked grin that only devolved into laughter when you punched him in the shoulder. “But in all seriousness, what’s wrong? You sound terrible”
“I think I’m getting sick…would you mind getting me some hot water and honey…?” You asked, rolling over so you could lay chest-to-chest to chest with him, fingers coming up to smooth his hair back into place from its tussled state.
His laughter settled into a faint smile as he rubbed his hand down your back. “That’s all you want? You need to learn to ask for more, Honeybee…” He urged but nodded in agreement. “Yes, I can get that for you, but you gotta let me up if I'm gonna go anywhere.” He patted your butt like a drum before gently rolling you off to the side and getting up. 
“Thank you..!” you called as he headed out towards the kitchens, smiling to yourself. While he was out you re-stoked the fire and tried to clean up to the room to your normal standards, but you quickly began to tire and feel worse. Crawling back into bed you grabbed a book from beside the bed and patiently waited for your witcher to return, which… took a lot longer than you expected?
Just as you were about to hop out of bed and shuffle down the halls to look for him the door gently kicked open. “Lamb?” you asked and sat up more to see. 
“Yeah, it’s me…” he said as he walked in with a mug in one hand and a plate piled high with food in the over, even having to balance the toast with top with his chin to make sure it didn’t fall off the plate. 
You laughed as you watched him come in, your dry throat instead turning it into a nasty cough that sounded both wet and dry which you're not sure how that worked. You held up a hand as your shoulders shook with the force of it. “Ugh…” 
“Wow… you sound fucking disgusting. Almost like that time I saw a rock troll try to sit on a horse. That poor horse…” He snorted, sliding the plate and mug onto the little side table he had put in. 
“Shut up or I’m gonna cough down your throat, Lamb…” Your scowl served as a warning just as much as your words did. “I know you can’t get sick, but it's still gonna be gross…. Now, what’s all this? I just asked for water and honey..” 
“I know, but I wanted to get you more.” he shrugged nonchalantly, playing off this act of service as if it was nothing more than… well, grabbing a glass of water. “Plus since you're obviously sick you’ll need the energy so you get better faster and won’t complain so often.”
You could only grin as he climbed into bed with you, laying between your legs so he could lay his bead back on your chest, a position he loved but wouldn't allow his brothers to catch him dead in.
“Hey, Lamb?” you coaxed as your fingers caressed his cheek, loving touches running along the line of his jaw.
“I love you…” you grinned. 
From above you watched Lambert's lips split into their own grin before turning his face up to you. 
“I love you too, Honeybee…”
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Taglist: @open--till--midnight @writingmysanity @dark-academia-slut
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I've been chugging along at these designs for ages and I am so proud of them and stoked to finally share them AA if you have any questions FEEL FREE to ask me I have been plotting and drawing this au so much (have many things still in the works to post!!)
AU Summary: A Long time ago a strange interloper claiming to be a Starclan warrior took over the clan (Dimple/Mosswish). He gave them a prophecy from the ancient times of a cat that would one day be destined to take his place as the True leader of the clan.
Years later, a stray (Reigen/Weaselflight) found two kittens (Mob & Ritsu/Sproutmask & Thistlestrike) abandoned in the trash and took them in. If anyone asked he would claim it was just so that he wouldn't have anyone's death on his conscience but nobody ever asked. He staked out a human neighborhood and left them on the doorstep and once he saw them get taken in went off on his way.
Almost a year after that Sprout and Thistle have no memories of the cat who saved them and they have both grown. Sprout is constantly wondering what lies beyond his yard.
He befriends a stay who just came back to town named Weasel that seems oddly familiar, who's been mentoring Sprout on the ways of the Clan. He uses Weasel's "true" stories as a springboard for all the things he wants to do someday and tells his brother all about (Thistle hides his concern about that) But there are clan cats who have been watching them convinced Sprout is the one chosen by Starclan to help them.
Eventually they come to him, offering him anything he wants if he will join them, permanently.
I have a lot more I'm keeping secret for now you'll have to find out >:3c
design and name notes under the cut!
First off: I started on these BEFORE the fursona plush actually ever got announced but about mid-way through plotting all this They Happened and I knew I could not use any aspect of them for these designs so if u want to know why they don't look like those. that's why. I ardently refused to use those designs. I love them!!! I have fanart in the works of them, but they're not part of this.
Mob - he was the first character I drew and the base off of which I drew everyone else because he's the default. He's the glass of water, the firestar, the plain chip, the True Neutral of design.
He was also the last one i colored and actually finished a design for LMAO. When it came to his name I knew I wanted -mask as his suffix because of the fact he is the most autistic character I have ever seen in my life (I am a professional autist, I know my own) and he is absolutely masking 95% of the time before the confession arc. I was stuck on what his suffix could be though, but my friend @cellulr suggested broccoli as a name and I remembered that OH YEAH he can make plants grow, which is how I got to Sprout, also it just sounds cute. He's a growing little sprout, it works.
Reigen - My design is very specifically based on the Least Weasel. I do not subscribe to fox headcanons under any circumstances. I don't care what reason people have for them he's not a fox. He's literally the quote "weaseling out of things is important to learn! It's what separates us from the animals...except the weasel." incarnate.
His name was the easiest one for me. He's a weasel, he loves to get out of Situations, Weaselflight. It's a winner.
Serizawa - He's a calico :3c I made him a calico because it matched the color palette of his pajamas and I just love his pajamas look because the blue suit is............kind of boring sorry <3.
I was really stuck on what to name him but i found out on the wiki that the zawa kanji of his name means Marsh and I really fell in love with that. -whisper was based on him being kinda shy when he first joins the clans but just like in actual canon he gets braver but is still a big gentle giant type guy
Dimple - I don't believe in realistic cat genetics for warrior cats content, these are a bunch of strays in the woods who have organized religion and superpowers. The cats can be green if I make them green. So Dimple's design was translated pretty literally but I made him very short and rounder than everyone else. And I gave him the same nicked ear that the claw security guard people draw him with/as all the time has. Also he's short and people keep thinking he's an apprentice I think that was a funny part of Scourge nobody used.
If you want to get realistic or something you could say maybe Dimple being green was proof enough to the clans he's otherworldly and therefore totally a real starclan warrior. His suffix Moss is pretty obvious but -wish has an in and out of universe explanation. In-universe it's about his own wishes of being important (godly perhaps?). Out of universe it's a reference to my favorite old timey warrior cats fansite warriors wish.
Teru - okay I will admit this is the only design that's loosely based on some fursona art. I saw art of him as a Pomeranian with the rest of the gang and I was obsessed I could not let him be a cat. He is a full respected warrior of the clan though do Not make any comments about him being a dog unless you wanna get killed. I love warriors aus or fanclans where non-cats are part of the clan too I think adding other animals adds a lot of fun elements to the world. In another clan of mine there's a pig. Reject canon. Add more animals to the clans.
As for his name I thought about naming giving him the Star prefix just to be annoying but theres certain lines I won't cross and that's one. So he's Suntuft. the -tuft is because he's a big fluffy dog lots of fur.
Toichirou - So like...in terms of structure Claw is basically just Bloodclan and guy who shows up out of nowhere with a huge army at the last second w/ plans to take over the world (forest)? that's so Scourge coded. Why does he have a clan name though? Secret For Later >:3c
In terms of design he's literally just a taller pointier Mob now in Red. Why he has the -claw suffix should be pretty obvious and I know in the anime his hair isnt quite red but i remembered it being pretty red when I was designing and Shou has red hair (im getting to him dw) so...red. I also thought it would be diabolical to give him the same name as the canon hero of the actual warriors books.
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trulymadlysydney · 2 years
Hey bestie!!! Needed a little bit to process that episode but man that was something else fsjdnajw
Tyler and sereniti are my fave couple. Like they’re so cute together and they’re both so into each other I love them. And when Tyler was like good luck when Chaz said he’s likes sereniti? Damn…… every time that man smiles I need a moment to compose myself skfjsgsjd
Zeta needs to chill out. When she asked Timmy that question I was like damn bitch it’s day 7??? I understand Timmy’s point completely and it was definitely way too early for her to ask something that like that. And from the preview it seems they’re about to have their own drama too. But I like them together so I hope it works out. She’s just too attached I think especially bc it’s so early.
And I am so sick of Sydney bro. Like she is all into Andy then gets upset when mady and Isaiah kiss. And the fact that she brought that up to him when she kissed Andy while being with Isaiah and never told him?? Girl you can’t have both of them. Her and Andy are by far my least faves atm lmao
Also I’m kinda happy with the people America voted for the dates. Bria is so fucking pretty and I think Isaiah should just forget Sydney and move on. And I feel bad for mady. Like she definitely is second choice to both boys and she deserves a lot more than that. She grew on me a lot this episode so I hope her and chazz can become something. And I’m glad chazz told Isaiah about Andy and Sydney’s kiss bc I felt that he deserved to know. But damn the man just came into the villa and stirred the pot immediately gksjdbwidnw
Omfg yes I am ALL about Tyler and Sereniti! I’m still kind of 👀 because I do still feel like she might get TOO attached but so far it seems like they’re an excellent match. And YES when the new guy said he was interested in getting to know Sereniti and Tyler said “good luck” I was SWOONING 🥵
I’m so bummed about Zeta and Timmy because they were my FAVORITE. Like I really saw them going strong through the whole thing, and then she asked that and he responded like THAT????? Like noooo nonono I agree it was too soon for her to ask that but also Timmy seemed all in for her so I’m ???? (They’re also both Gemini’s so I guess this makes sense)
Bro I’m SICK of Sydney like I want her goneeee DHSKDJD she’s so annoying. I am so glad that Chazz brought up the kiss because SOMEONE had to!! Everyone making Andy out to be the villain (which he is) but Sydney is JUST AS BAD!!! Her crying when Mady mentioned the kiss? Get out of here.
I also agree with you, Mady really grew on me this episode and I hope she finds a guy who is all in for her!!! Also yeah I’m defo excited to see more of Chazz and Bria. I’m still a little 🥴 that they’re siblings but DHSKDXHDJ but I’m stoked to see who they go for
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writing-in-april · 3 years
The Big Bluff
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer goes up against a professional poker player.
A/N: This is almost a purely self indulgent fic, once I had this idea I really really wanted to write it for myself. I wrote all of this today while sick so I’m proud of myself lmao. Also ‘the woman’ Is definitely inspired by Irene Adler. Thanks for letting me have the third person today @zhuzhubii (inside joke thanks to)and thanks to @imagining-in-the-margins who helped me figure out where the story was gonna go. Last day of my 500 follower celebration!! I did 7 fics in 7 days!! Thanks y’all so much for supporting me!!
Warnings: Smut, Fighting for dominance, Hand job, Spitting, Fingering, Choking - uhh should be it.
Masterlist Word count: 2.3k
The casino lights were bright as she walked in through the main entrance of the casino that was dripping in finery. She was a vision in red, dressed to the nines in a red dress that left little to the imagination. She was here to blow off some steam, though not in the way people would assume. The woman in red was a professional poker player, normally playing high stakes games that were also televised for people’s enjoyment. Usually people would try to escape what they did at work on the weekends, but not her as she rather enjoyed the adrenaline that pumped through her veins just as she was about to win.
A man sat across from her at the table she chose with fluffy brown hair that curled slightly and wearing clothes that didn’t fit with the overall aesthetic of everyone else there. She would have assumed normally that he was an amateur player, only here to blow off steam (Plus his money) for the weekend by playing poker and laying in bed with someone. There was something about his demeanor however the way he acted just subtly arrogant as he waited for the dealer to start, that told her that he was the one to watch during the game.
Sure enough after the first round he had won, the woman lost nothing in the hand as she had folded right when she realized she’d gotten a bad hand. Worry still had creeped up on her as she gazed at the man who looked more like a teacher’s assistant rather than a poker player, she couldn’t be seen to lose even if this wasn’t a high stakes game, she had a reputation to uphold. She could’ve left the table, gone to find some easier people to swindle, but the challenge to bring the mystery man down was too hard to ignore.
During the next round her eyes almost never left the stranger only looking down every so often at the cards she had been dealt. It got to the point in the game where everyone had folded besides her and the man, she had been raising the stakes too high for everyone else to be comfortable with participating even if they thought they had a good hand. The whole table sucked in a breath as she went all in with her bet, no one at the table seemed to be able to get a read on her, including the man who thought he was unbeatable.
“I fold.” A triumphant smirk came across her face while taking a celebratory gulp of the wine she had ordered as the man had finally admitted defeat, this was exactly the kind of adrenaline rush she had been searching for. The look on his face was pure rage, she got the sense that he hardly got angry probably because he hardly lost.
She raked in all the chips she had earned, but then decided to not show her winning hand. It was far more satisfying to her to see the frustration on everyone’s faces, to see them try to figure out her game. Was she bluffing or not?
Once she had cashed them in she left to go to her hotel in a cab that she had called until she saw the man waiting by the entrance waiting and stopped. He looked like he was waiting for someone rather impatiently by the way he was tapping his foot.
“Are you waiting for someone?”
“Yeah you.” He remarked rather simply, his foot still tapped impatiently clearly fed up with her even though the amount of words they had spoken to each other could be counted on two hands.
“Why are you looking for me?” She played the part of a coy woman perfectly, she knew exactly why he was looking for her. His cocky demeanor at the table had quickly given away to her that he rarely lost any hand that he was dealt, whether it was a bad one or not.
“How did you win? Were you bluffing? You must have been bluffing...Or you just got lucky...” His ranting would’ve been cute in any other circumstance, the fact that he had assumed what had gone down, that she was in fact only lucky or bluffing made her blood boil.
“How did you get away with card counting?” She countered back a little irritated that he had assumed that the only way she could win was if she was bluffing or getting lucky. He seemed caught off guard by her question, unable to comprehend how someone had caught him after mastering the subtle art of card counting over the years. Though she was irritated at him, she still wanted to know more about the man who looked more like a teacher's assistant than a poker player, even if she had beaten him it was still obvious that he was good at the game. “What’s your name?”
“Spencer.” His impatience was even worse now looking almost frantic at her slow pace in the conversation, he was more focused on her skills rather than her name.
“Well- Spencer it was nice to meet you, but I have to get going, better luck next time.” She wasn’t dumb, she knew he was going to follow her out to her cab, her real aim was to hopefully get him to come back to the hotel with her. She may have been looking for a poker game to release some tension, that had somewhat worked, however this game seemed far more fun.
“Please- I need to know.” His shouted out words had attracted the attention of a few casino goers who were not happy with the fact that a man was yelling right outside the doors of the casino. The little wave he gave as an apology before sprinting a little to get closer to her was cute, deepening her desire to take the man for a ride, maybe he wasn’t as much of a hot arrogant asshole that she thought.
“Why don’t you come with me if you want to find out.” She flashed him a coy smirk before ducking into the cab. The man she now knew as Spencer may be arrogant when it comes to his poker skills, but underneath it all she could tell there was a man that was intriguing. She wanted to get to know him beyond his card counting skills and possibly jump his bones. The fact that he was gorgeous did nothing but stoke the fire that he ignited during their heated conversation.
Spencer did take up her offer and got into the back seat with her. Though, whether he had caught onto the other game that they had started to play was still a mystery to her.
They had made it up to her room in the swanky hotel on the strip, being a professional did bring her in big money. The look in his eyes as he stood waiting near the door told her that he had definitely caught onto the game she had carefully set up for them. There was still a way to back out, to exit through the door where he came from, there was no chance in hell he was backing away from the woman he found infuriating but extremely gorgeous.
“You still haven’t given me your name.” The one thing that was holding him back, the fact that he still didn’t know her name. The name fell from her lips dripping with seduction, she was irresistible to him almost nothing could make him leave the room.
He surged forward to capture her lips with his own, he expected to gain dominance over the kiss swiftly though it was more difficult than he first expected. He was met with a pair of lips that wouldn’t let him gain access that he wanted, he tried to slip his tongue into her mouth but was quickly barred from entering.
She would not be giving up dominance easily.
“Condom?” He said breathlessly into my lips while she worked on the buttons of his shirt after I had hastily pushed his cardigan off and tossed it somewhere in the room.
“In my purse.” She released him to rummage through the purse that had dropped onto the floor in their haste. Once she had found what she was looking for she stood up to find Spencer sitting at the edge of the bed, belt now discarded with his slacks undone.
She moved to stand just slightly in front of him then pulled the straps of her red dress down until it pooled onto the floor. Their eyes were both blown with lust only focused on each other. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath besides a lace red thong to match the dress. Spencer was practically salivating at the sight of her only in heels and a thong, he was so distracted by it that he was caught off guard when she moved to straddle him while also pushing him to lay flat on his back.
Pulling his boxers down just enough she pulled his cock out, he was half hard at this point, she was already impressed with his size though she masked it with her practiced poker face.
“Now you’re going to sit back and look pretty while I have my way with you.” The anger on his face was prevalent in response to her words, the fight was taken away from him when she spit into her hand and started to jerk his length. Her hand moved up and down in a teasing manner not getting him even close to the edge, his moans caught up in his throat though one did escape in frustration after she had almost completely pulled away from him. Finally he had enough of her teasing, batting away her hand and flipping her over.
“Now it’s your turn to look pretty.” He pinned both of her hands above her head holding them together with one hand while the other dipped down to the apex of her thighs. At first he didn’t let her have anything she wanted, only running his fingers on her inner thighs and dancing his fingers right above her hole that was now absolutely dripping.
“Beg.” His voice was now harsh and biting, that did little to intimidate her and all it did was make her even wetter. She fought his grip with vigor not wanting to give into his demand.
“No, I won’t beg.” She said through gritted teeth, it had become much harder to finish her sentence when Spencer had unexpectedly curled his fingers inside of her, finding that perfect spot inside her faster than she had expected.
“You don’t want to beg fine, but don’t expect to cum.” The growl in frustration that came from her made Spencer pause just a little, long enough that she could retake control and flip him back over. A squeak fell from him clearly not expecting her to be able to take back control again and another noise came out from him, this time a broken moan, after she quickly put the condom down and she sunk down onto his length.
“I don’t beg for anyone.” She started at a rough pace, her anger came out in her movements as she undulated her hips with fury that Spencer had never experienced before in the bedroom. The moans falling from each of their lips would surely get her a complaint from her neighbors, neither of them could really care less as they both chased their release.
Spencer may have been on the bottom at this point, but he still had not submitted completely to her. His hands sat firmly on her hips, tight enough to create finger shaped bruises that she hoped would remain for the days after this tryst while he also thrusted with the same vigor as her bounces.
She wrapped her hands around his jaw pulling him up slightly to envelope him into a kiss full of teeth and tongue. As her hand slowly pulled away from him it made contact with the hollow of his throat, his breath hitched at the light contact and he gripped her hips a little harder. She hesitantly moved her hand to connect with his throat to lightly choke him, she may have wanted to dominate him, but she didn’t want to scare him off. He gave an approving grunt at her actions, starting to meet her thrusts even harder than he had before and moved his thumb to rub circles into her clit.
“Cum.” She ordered as soon as she sensed their coming releases. He wanted to fight her on the order, not wanting to give up what little dominance he still held, but his release was so close that he didn’t want to give it up. Their releases washed over them, Spencer first and then her not long after being shoved over the ledge after seeing how pretty he looked while cumming. She fell on top of him, limbs quite tired from her vigorous work.
As soon as she had caught her breath she enveloped Spencer in a long languid kiss that was much slower than any of their previous ones then getting up to meander with shaky legs her way to the bathroom in her hotel room to clean up. She slipped into a pair of her sexier pajamas, just in case Spencer was going to stay the night like she wanted.
“So will you tell me now if you were bluffing?” He quickly pounced the question onto me as soon as I emerged from the bathroom, he did seem a little less frustrated about the fact that he had lost, more like he genuinely wanted to know my process.
“Guess you’ll never know. It could take a long time to figure out our tells.” She feigned exhaustion with a sigh though the smirk on her face told Spencer what she really wanted. He was an expert on behavior after all.
“I've got time.”
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cotccotc · 3 years
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 ✰ you coming out PART 2 !!
part of my eight as fate event !! ( requested by anon ♡ )
genre/s: ot8 reaction headcanon, gn reader, platonic, fluff & humor
wc: ~1.3k
warning/s: descriptions of coming out as non-binary, brief mentions of gender dysphoria, my dumb commentary once again (hehe), these are just my opinions and ideas !!
a/n: i reference the first version of this reaction a few times and i recommend reading it first !! i got some really sweet responses to the original so i hope y’all like this one too :) OH ALSO i should mention that i decided to make it platonic since i found that easier and more natural to write.
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i feel like even if he already knows a bunch about gender identity, non-binary and genderqueer people, dysphoria, pronouns, etc. he would definitely enjoy you giving him a full rundown on it !! and specifically what your interpretation is and how you identify
do you remember that vlive where felix is talking and chan’s just sitting back and looking at felix with immense amounts of love in his eyes? yeah…
he’d be so. incredibly. proud. of you.
idk why the chan portions of these reactions have both been super sappy but anyways-
he’d be very dedicated to using your preferred pronouns and finding new ways to compliment you !!!
his google search history would most definitely include “genderless adjectives” and “enby dad jokes” and he’d keep a running list on his phone
chan: “what do you say when your non-binary friend is sad?”
you: [dead silence]
chan: “their, their....” [giggles]
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my first thought is that he’d be the type to ask for your new pronouns and immediately use them in a sentence.
for instance, say your new pronouns were xe/xem. he’d immediately say, “well, i’m very proud of my y/n, and i love xem very much.”
so then i’d start crying in the background.. blah blah blah omniscient narrator struggles :’)
i can’t see him being anything but casual and accepting !!
if you want to talk about things, he’ll most definitely let you, but if you don’t want to he won’t push.
but regardless, he just wants you to know he supports you in whatever way he can.
would also politely correct people if they misgender you in public !!! he wants you to feel safe !!!!!
i saw him as a wingman in the other reaction but in this context he’d definitely serve as your personal information pamphlet for people who you might not know too well.
random person: “what exactly does that mean?”
you: “it-”
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just like in the first version, he’d get pretty emotional !!
i think he would really sympathize with you even though he can’t fully understand what you had to deal with externally or emotionally.
honestly that would probably make him even MORE emotional.
the fact that he can’t fully relate to those complex feelings would really tug at his heartstrings as he listens to you speak. he really wishes he could understand your struggles more, and maybe even take on the burden for you.
but let’s get less emo, shall we?
ok picture something with me bestie:
first, he casually refers to you using your new pronouns in a group conversation.
next, after the topic changes in the conversation, you look at him while the others continue talking.
this mf WINKS and flashes you the silliest smirk
you let out a little chuckle and you both continue on in the conversation
[end scene]
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i feel like he might question his own gender identity a little as well sometimes, especially due to what people say online (like calling him “pretty”, the edits some people make, praising him for breaking stereotypes, etc.)
so, he probably understands a bit deeper than some of the other members might.
in that same vein, i think it might make him a little bit emotional to hear your story !!
over the years, i think it’s plain to see that he’s become more comfortable with expressing his more feminine attributes, which has always comforted you as his friend.
he understands the feeling of being uncomfortable with the gender roles one is expected to follow, so he empathizes with you.
in terms of his actual first reaction, i think it would be pretty similar to what i suggested in the other version of this.
(my bias is showing but oH MY GOSH I STILL THINK THIS WOULD BE SO CUTE-)
“woo~” *insert little jazz hands here*
[cries] anyways-
you feel really comfortable coming to him with this, and you’re happy when you do !!
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maybe it’s because i’ve seen tweets about it, but i feel like this dude knows everything there is to know about modern gender identity topics and neopronouns and stuff
after the initial awkwardness of the conversation (and a big supportive hug ofc) he’d be stoked to talk about it !!
would ask for your pronouns right away !!! he might also do the thing where he uses them in a sentence.
“y/n !!! ze’s so cool !!!!!!!”
i think if he saw someone misgender you (by accident) he wouldn’t correct them for you out of in-the-moment nerves, but he’d be very proud of you if you do it yourself !!
might buy you a snack afterward tbh
but if HE ever misgenders you OHHHHH goodness gracious
he’d get so very embarrassed and apologetic SDKFJ you’d have to really assure him that it’s not that big of a deal since he’s still adjusting to things, but he’d still feel like he has to make it up to you in some way
would probably buy you snacks again LMAO
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i think he would be really excited !!
we know felix really loves and is passionate about androgynous/genderless forms of expression, especially in regard to appearance, so he’d probably really enjoy talking about gender and stereotypes with you !!
(if you’re comfy with it, ofc)
honestly, felix would be really encouraging and would help you gain more confidence !!!!!
if you ever feel like trying out a new look, he’d be like “OK BESTIE LET’S GO SHOPPING”
tbh he’d probably try it out with you !! or if you hang out often, he’d probably subconsciously start finding inspiration in your style and adopt it a bit himself
on days where you feel a bit down for whatever reason, especially in regard to dysphoria, his first instinct would be to cheer you up by reminding you how unique and cool you are.
and it’s not just because you’re nonbinary but also because you’re just a super cool person !!!!!!!!!! and i think so too !!!!!!!!!!!! never forget it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so overall, i feel like felix wouldn’t be very hard to come out to once you get over your initial nerves, and the end result would be super fun :D
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i think his initial reaction would be pretty similar to chan’s !!
he also seems like the type to be super, super diligent with adjusting to whatever pronouns you feel comfortable using or words you’re okay with him using to refer to you.
(maybe it’s because we know he was a good student and he’s diligent with practicing his english. training his brain to correct itself would be like studying for him lol)
for example, instead of calling you “pretty” or “handsome,” he might even try simply pointing out a part of your appearance that he thinks looks especially great !! something like your eyes, your hair, your outfit, etc.
your hair looks great today, btw. anyways-
aside from that, i think he would just try to be as courteous as possible without making a big deal out of things.
and if he ever slips up with your pronouns, descriptors, etc, he’d be super quick to apologize and correct himself before keeping the conversation going like normal !!
there’s just generally a lot of mutual respect all around :)
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this is somewhat similar to my other version of this reaction, but i think he’d just be really intrigued and a little shocked
IDK WHY I KEEP THINKING HIS ABILITY TO GAUGE THESE THINGS IS SO BAD DKFJ every time i think about someone coming out to him i just can’t help but picture him being like “reaLLY??? since WHEN”
still, something deep within my soul is telling me that jeongin would truly think you’re the coolest person on the planet.
being as he can’t personally relate to this, jeongin would be pretty psyched to hear about your journey to finding out !! kinda the opposite reaction to changbin lol
honestly he’d be a super good listener !!!!
he’d hear you out for however long you explain things to him, and if you ever get a bit emotional, he might smile at you or reach out to hold your hand :’) or both :’’’’’)
then, when you tell him your preferred pronouns he’s like “oH okay !! coOL !!!” lmao
so, he understands the concept and is super happy for you but he just didn’t really expect it !!
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tags: @stayndays​, @hanniiesuckle17​, @leggomylino​, @freckledberries​,@kisskissbanggang​, @mr-jisung-main​, @childofthecosmos​,@kpopscape​, @skzwriternet​, @hyunsins​, @sleepylixie​, @sunshine-skz​, @vera-liscious​, @moonlit-lixie​, @thatrandomoneinthecorner​, @sunshine-skz​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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dearest comfy <3 what if Triss was a blacksmith AND Eskel was a blacksmith??? What then?? Enemies to lovers maybe? <3
Ellie. I love you. I love this prompt. And I love Trisskel. This is a triple threat of wonderfulness. Hopefully the fic delivers 💖💖
Warnings: no violence, some hostile Triss (mostly internal), lmao is this considered idiot and exasperated to lovers? idk you tell me, its pretty chill tbh, unless you don’t like daggers. there's lots of daggers. 
Triss was furious. 
She had spent her whole life stoking a furnace, shadowing her father, sweating, suffering burn after burn and later cut after searing cut as she learned to forge all sorts of weaponry. Now, this teddy bear-shaped child was setting up shop in her courtyard?! Unacceptable. Unbelievable! She’d staked a claim on her territory for market day early. So early she hadn’t even made her first blade. Her father still had her hammering out decorative discs and fastenings for armor. 
One of her customers had the audacity to call him ‘cute’ to her face.
He was no more than twenty-five, tall and stocky like most people expected of a blacksmith, but they claimed there was a softness about him. Triss remembered that softness well, before loss and responsibility really set in. What others saw as sweet, boyish charm she saw as a weakness. 
She sent her assistant to assess his booth, maybe flirt and ask some questions, and was even more annoyed when they came back. 
“He’s young but he’s not inexperienced. His blades are good. So is his uh… customer service.” 
Triss rolled her eyes, “What kind of weapons was he selling? I don’t care about his looks. I have breasts.”
Her assistant shrugged and described his table. 
That following week she put in double the hours at her workshop, put the extra flourish on every piece, perfected every detail until her arms ached and her head pounded. She often forgot to drink water, let alone eat, when she got worked up, so her assistant brought her meals. 
When the next market day came, she proudly displayed her new wares.
And if she took her hair out of the usual braids and unbuttoned her blouse a bit lower than last week, who would be brave enough to point it out?
This time the newcomer had the gaul to visit her booth. 
“Good morning, Miss Merigold,” he dipped in a bow of respect before she even turned around to greet him, straightening up and disarming her with a lopsided grin, “My apologies, I meant to introduce myself after last week’s market. But you were far more efficient at break-down than I.” 
She wouldn’t have called him cute by a long shot. He was downright handsome.
Then she remembered they were rivals. There would be no fraternizing with the enemy.  
It took her a moment to gather her wits before she responded, “Good morning. To whom do I owe the pleasure?”
She knew. 
Of course she knew. But he was far better looking than she had assumed, his scars only adding to his alluring presence, and she needed to feel like she had the upper hand. 
His smile grew a bit sheepish, “Eskel of the Blue Mountains. I’m your new neighbor… sort of,” he offered his hand over her table and she took it, hoping her hesitation wasn’t too obvious. 
“Welcome. I hope the city is treating you well?” 
“Well enough,” he acquiesced, letting go of her hand after a moment, “To be truthful, I haven’t left my forge much at all. I’m still getting used to her. But you know how that goes.” 
Triss raised her eyebrows and plastered an over-polite smile on her face, “I must say I wouldn’t. I inherited my forge from my father. I learned with her. We get along quite well.” 
Eskel was called by someone from his booth as he made to speak. He waved at them to wait a moment and turned back to Triss with a wink, “Well if you have any relationship advice, let me know.”
Before she could think of a polite but not too friendly response, he was gone. 
She turned back to her assistant in a huff, “He’s infuriating.” 
“He’s dreamy.”
“Hush,” she snapped, pointing to her sketch pad, “Hand me that. Call for me if there’s a large sale or a problem.”
She sketched and planned half the day away. But when she realized how much the materials for her plans would cost she adjusted her cleavage and left her tent. Someone had to drive the hard bargain around here, and she knew her assistant was too kind. 
The next week she arrived with a beautiful set of delicate-looking throwing knives, a few different ornate daggers, and a sword fit for a king alongside her typical, practical items. However, she was seeing more than just her flowing hilt designs inlaid with etchings. 
Eskel seemed to have had a similar idea.
She wandered past his booth, pretending to buy fabric from the stall next to him, and fumed. It seemed Eskel had a sharper eye than she’d anticipated. He very clearly mimicked her setup and emphasized the smaller wares like she did. He even had the same sign in three different languages about customizations and bulk orders.
This had become all out war. 
When her sword sold that day she decided to finish off the dozen or so she had laying in wait for specific orders over the week. She even detailed a breastplate to match for three of them, guessing at the size in reference to the sword as best she could. As she worked she mulled over her new competition. His soft golden eyes that crinkled ever so slightly when he smiled were absolutely aggravating. At least that’s what she told herself. It was simply her competitive nature that had her fixating on this mountain of a man. 
She returned the next week with a spread so large she could barely fit it on her table.
Eskel had come back with daggers inlaid with precious stones of dazzling pale blue and sparkling greys and whites. Blue Mountains indeed.
Polite customers started mumbling comparisons to themselves while the brash ones outwardly used the other stall to barter a better price. Every time Eskel was mentioned Triss would bristle, hold back a snarl, and turn on every bit of innocent charm she had. 
She began leaving with a lighter cart and a challenging wink from her competition. Over the week she worked her fingers to the bone over fine details and getting the balance absolutely perfect. 
After months of competition, months of uncomfortable eye contact, she finally broke when he sold a matching helmet, breastplate, and dagger to one of her most loyal customers. 
“Eskel. We need to have a word,” she marched right up to his tent, hands tucked into her half apron at her waist. 
He smirked, “That all?”
She glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest, “We can’t keep making the same things.”
“Pretty daggers and ceremonial armor? Why not?” he mimicked her, folding his massive arms over his own chest, leaning back against his table, making him just a little bit taller than Triss rather than the usual towering over her. 
She rolled her eyes and stepped a little closer, “We’ve both done well, or I’m assuming you have, but eventually all the nobility this side of the canal will have been sold to. We’ll have saturated the market and be left with an armory full of ornate weaponry with no one to buy it.”
“Preserving the market means one gets to keep said market.”
Triss nodded but Eskel seemed unimpressed. 
“And how would you suggest we settle who keeps it?” he raised an eyebrow at her and she just wanted to smack the smug look off his face. Or kiss it. She really wasn’t sure anymore. 
She scrambled for a moment, not having entirely thought this through, “A competition.”
He stood to full height and sighed, “What are the terms?”
“One dagger. Same price. Whoever sells first gets the market. The other has to branch out or move.”
Eskel nodded and held his hand out, “Agreed.”
Triss went to take his hand but he gripped her forearm, his whole hand covering much of her elbow. She did her best not to think about how strong his arm felt in her grasp, how when she squeezed she felt a gentle give before she hit muscle. 
He winked at her as he released his grasp and turned back to work, “See you next week Merigold.” 
Triss worked on a single dagger all week. 
She couldn’t get Eskel’s stupid cocky smile or his tanned arms out of her head. The way he looked down at her with that condescending smile enraged her. Her assistant claimed he looked more fond than condescending, but Triss only narrowed her eyes and shook her head. She’d been raised in the marketplace. She knew exactly how men viewed her. 
In the end, her dagger looked very fitting for a man like him. Broad, sturdy, a bit curved at the tip, and simply yet elegantly decorated. She cooled it in a liquid mixture her father had made and kept secret, giving the blade a finish similar to copper, but with all the strength of steel. 
If she noticed the coincidence she stubbornly ignored it. 
Eskel was already set up and waiting when she arrived at the market. She spared him only a curt nod while she set up her booth as if preparing for battle. 
He sauntered over to her before dawn had officially broken, blade in hand with what Triss might guess to be a nervous expression. 
“Good morning, Merigold,” he cleared his throat and set the dagger currently wrapped in cloth on the table between them, “What have you for our little competition?” 
Triss proudly pulled the dagger she had made from her case, handing it over by the hilt as she spoke, “Good morning, Eskel.”
He took the blade and hummed as he inspected it, whispering, “It’s beautiful...”
She wasn’t prepared for such a genuine compliment. Nor was she prepared for how much she loved hearing that word fall from his lips.
“Th-thank you.”
Eskel handed it back before unwrapping his.
Triss almost had to catch her breath. It was gorgeous, gracefully curved, a turquoise stone grip bordered by an ornate handguard. The part that really got her though was the engraving on the blade. She stepped out and around the table to catch more of the sunlight to see what it was and gasped. Little jasmine flowers were etched into the flat of the blade. 
She looked up at him in awe, “Why jasmine?”
He gave her a crooked smile, rubbing the back of his neck, “You, ahm- your perfume. It is jasmine right?” 
She tilted her head and really looked at him since the first time she met him, “You noticed my perfume?”
“It’s nice,” he shrugged, stuffing his hands in his leather apron pockets. 
Triss thought about all the winks and the ‘good mornings’ and compliments. She’d thought they were just to get her buttered up, but maybe she’d been a little harsher than she needed to.
“It’s stunning,” she breathed, reaching up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, not wanting to pull away from his warmth when she had to. 
They were interrupted by her assistant and set a price quickly before scurrying back to their tents. 
All day they would glance toward the other’s booth, but Triss was no longer checking his table. She was looking for him. His kind smile and boisterous laugh. His easy charm and especially his humility under pressure. 
All day she struggled with the realization that she was just a little bit in love with her competition. 
Nearing sundown she told her assistant to begin cleaning up and grabbed her coin purse before marching over to his stand once again. 
“Did you sell it?” Eskel looked disappointed and she was surprised to be glad to tell him no. 
“I have two things to say and I will only say them once, so listen carefully. I realize I’ve been unduly cold to you and I want to apologize. You’ve proven that you’re not only a skilled craftsman but seem to be a good man as well and you don’t deserve it. “
“Apology accepted,” Eskel grinned, leaning back on his table as he waited for her next item.
“Thank you. Now, I’d like to buy the dagger. The one with the jasmines.”
Eskel frowned, “You- you’re forfeiting?”
Triss bit her lip and forced herself to look him in his honey gold eyes, “Yes. Though I hope we can both agree to stay where we are? I think I might miss you if you leave.”
He grinned and pushed off the table, standing just inches from Triss now that he was upright. His hand hesitantly brushed a stray curl out of her eyes as he leaned closer, hesitating to give her time to leave if she wanted, before he brushed his lips against hers. She melted into him, wrapping her arms around his neck as they kissed. His hands covered her back, pressing her to him and nearly lifting her off her feet. 
When they parted they were gasping for breath they both wished they didn't need.
“What about a trade and a truce?” 
Triss nodded, standing up on her tiptoes to plant another kiss on his lips, “And dinner.”
Eskel chuckled, “I think that’s perfectly reasonable.” 
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jade-parcels · 3 years
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My thoughts on the 1.7 update
(Spoilers! And my own opinion, you are free to disagree!!)
Overall I am absolutely thrilled!! I can’t wait for this update, Inazuma looks SO gorgeous!! Getting to meet the new characters and see all of the new landscapes/enemies/puzzles will be so fun!!
I’m glad that the Inazuma release is in 2 parts. Not only that, but the Sacred Sakura prevents us from exploring everything at one time. This way we can take our time and not really have to worry about speed runners spoiling everything the second the islands are released!!
The areas I’m most excited about are the shrine at the Sacred Sakura cause oh my gosh it’s gorgeous!! I also can’t wait to meet the Shiba inu running the tea house, I can’t remember the name of the tea house but it looks so pretty!! Lastly, the big building in Inazuma City, the shogun’s palace? Is that what it is? Idk, it’s where Baal lives(maybe??) and it looks like it’ll be so cool to explore!
I cant complain about any part of the map yet since I haven’t seen it. Right now, I only have positive opinions on Inazuma as a region
Moving onto the characters so far:
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I yoinked these images off of Google so idk the source, sorry!
Gouru: I think his design is interesting, I enjoy his color palette! He’s nice to look at. I like the fact that he’s a Geo bow user but…Im disappointment that there are so many bow characters being released at once :( They’re just so hard to use on mobile and though I’ve forced myself to suck it up for Venti and Childe, I wish we’d get more catalysts and claymores instead of archers UGH lmao
Tohma: I am SO looking forward to Tohma’s release!! He seems like a fun guy! I don’t know much about him other than the fact that he’s Ayaka’s fiancé but hey!! Apparently we’re gonna meet him sooner than I thought we would!!
Yae: I absolutely adore her design. She breaks the “Hydro = blue clothes” “Electro = purple clothes” color palette trend. While there are exceptions like Beidou and Kazuha right now, most characters share color schemes with their vision. So seeing Yae with her pretty pink hair and red clothes while wielding an electro vision just makes me happy!! I’ll definitely be pulling for her
Sara: As much as I want to like her, I just can’t. At least not yet, maybe I’ll change my mind once we get to meet her and learn about her personality! There’s just too much about her that I don’t like. First off, I think she is bland. Mihoyo low key does a not so good job of designing women. Amber, Eula and Jean all suffer from bland outfit syndrome. Sara suffers from bland hair and face syndrome. Even her outfit could have been more detailed. And in addition to that, she’s another archer. So yeah…If she’s a 4 star, I know I’ll get her at some point but if she’s a 5 star, she’ll be a banner I skip
Shogun/Baal: Oh miss electro archon….Mihoyo did you so dirty. I’m sorry, she’s the goddess of electro and she looks like any other civilian. I was expecting something more grand for our first female archon release. I was hoping she would have more detail in her clothes, maybe extra hair accessories or thigh highs that aren’t one solid color? I don’t know, I just had high expectations! Am I being too judgmental? Possibly. But looking at characters we already have or have met, she doesn’t give the ‘wow’ factor I thought she would. Will I pull for her though anyway? Of course
Kokomi: She WAS going to be Mimi I think! This is Mimi’s model in a different outfit! Names aside, she’s very pretty! I was iffy on her design when I saw the leaks but when I saw her on screen in the livestream today? I was sold on her!! However…She will be our third, you heard me THIRD hydro catalyst which is a HUUUGE bummer. Of course, we never saw her fight so her weapon could maybe change (please Mihoyo please please give her a polearm) but I doubt that will happen. So for that reason, I won’t be pulling for her. But I will admire her from afar *sigh*
Kazuha: He wasn’t included in the update since he’s…out right now but i thought I’d talk about him too. I think his character is super interesting!! But sadly I will be skipping his banner. I did one ten pull and got Keqing so I’m going to save my guaranteed for miss Yoimiya!!! I am looking forward to a Kazuha story quest for sure! I think his design is cool, I don’t have much to comment on other than….why did he get the same face as Aether…dude…
Yoimiya: My Queen. My love. I have 20 wishes saved for her already and now a guaranteed on the event banner. I am not a fan of archers but she is an exception for sure! Her design, her ult animation, her idle animation…She’s so cute and I NEED her!!! I can see it now, my built team with Yoimiya, Eula, Bennett and Keqing all together fighting samurai in Inazuma! Wowwww :’) I am biased because she’s my favorite of the confirmed characters but…We’re all allowed to be a little biased sometimes :)
Ayaka: Everyone is hyping her up!! I am not really on that train! I’m excited for her cause she’s an interesting character! Her animations look cool and her design is beautiful, I’ve thought that since the eaaaaaarly leaks!! I just personally don’t enjoy her play style enough to go wild and pull for her. Sorry!! But I am loyal to Kaeya. He’s the only cryo sword user for me 💕 that’s a joke
Sayu: Eh, I’m pretty neutral on her. I’m glad to have an Anemo claymore combo but I just don’t enjoy playing as kid characters, they’re too small!! I bet she’ll be great and I hope everyone who wants her will get her!! I just won’t be jumping for joy when I inevitable pull her from Yoimiya’s banner
One more gripe, notice how we still don’t have Dendro characters?? I am desperate for Baizhu. Where is he? :( I need him >:)
In addition to my thoughts on the characters I might have an unpopular opinion reguarding the standard banner. It’s time for an update. Here’s who I think should be on the standard banner reboot if we get one:
- Albedo (takes Keqing’s place)
- Qiqi (stays since she’s a healer)
- Kokomi (takes Mona’s place)
- Eula (takes Diluc’s place) or Ayaka(?)
- Jean (stays unless Sara is a 5 star)
And I have my reasons too. Albedo is popular and would make people pull from the standard banner. Qiqi’s gotta stay since she’s a healer and we need character model diversity in the standard lineup. Kokomi is another hydro catalyst so she can easily replace Mona I guess. Eula wasn’t that popular and could be redeemed by being on the standard banner so people can get her cons, Ayaka could also go on this banner due to her popularity? So after her banner, she can just be plopped on the standard to draw people in. And I can’t think of a replacement for Jean UNLESS Sara is a 5 star, which I doubt she will be. Sara screams ‘standard banner character’.
Finally, I’m stoked about the PlayStation thingy!! We can login on PlayStation now!! Yay!! Exclusive wings, here I come >:)
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Survey #452
“what i’ve felt, what i’ve known, never shined doing what i’ve shown  /  never free, never me, so i dub thee unforgiven”
Are you a part of the LGBTQ+ community? I am. Do you have Tiktok? Are you addicted? I don't. Do you enjoy being outside? IF it's cool outside, yes. Do you like being around kids? No, not really. Have you ever gotten Covid-19? No. What's your ethnicity? Caucasian. If you were president, what's the first change you would make? I'd probably put in place free healthcare first. What is an animal that you'd like to have as a pet but it's not allowed? If an animal shouldn't be a pet, there's a reason. So none. What was your favorite meal as as kid? Has it changed now? It was spaghetti. I still love it, but it's not my favorite now. Which doctor is your least favorite? Primary, eye, dentist, gynecologist, etc. Potential TMI answer follows. So, the VERY easy answer is gynecologist. Like, I've never even BEEN to one because I'm too scared. Not because I think they'll find anything wrong, but because I'm just very self-conscious about stuff like that and I do fucking not want some random stranger laying a goddamn finger on me like that. My doctor is really pushing me to go by now though as a safety precaution, but I just really, really don't want to. Do you feel that you'd be any good at solving a murder? No. I'm so clueless. You own a dragon, but it doesn't breathe fire; what comes out instead? Water, I guess? That could be beneficial in a lot of ways. Have you ever been sprayed by a giant rain puddle when a car passed by? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? Yeah, IT with Girt. What color is your iPod? Hot pink. Do you think baby clothes are adorable? Ha ha yeah, I just tend to like miniature things in general, and babies are just... miniature humans lmao. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. If you could adopt 3 unique pets, what would you get? A plains hognose morph (probably a lavender, or snow?), a Brazilian black tarantula, andddd... an African fat-tailed gecko morph. What grade are you in, if you’re still in school? I'm not in school. Do you get a lot of tourists in the area where you live? Hell no, there's not shit here. Do you enjoy watching vlogs? Only occasionally by certain people I like. What was the last new video game you were excited about? It really sucks I don't have the appropriate console to play it myself, but I was SUPER stoked for Resident Evil 8: Village to be released and literally watched like four different playthroughs at the same time, ha ha. Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out? In a three-and-a-half years intimate relationship, it obviously came up before. He didn't care, because he wasn't 12. Have you ever been to small church/bible group/study? Forced to or wanted to? I was forced to go to Sunday school, as well as church. Have you ever been to an Asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you? I've never seen one here, even. How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos? That'd be a bonus to how physically attracted I was to them, probably, lol. I just love tattoos. Where was the last place on your body that you felt physical pain? My uterus is screaming. :') What are you listening to right now? I am fucking unhealthily obsessed with Violet Orlandi & Skar's cover of "The Unforgiven" by Metallica lkasdjkflawjerwr like I will not stop listening to it lol. Last person you texted? My mom. Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? Yes. Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? My mom. Have you ever used a chainsaw? Nooo, and I don't want to. Do you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa? crihmuh Ever been so stunned, no words came out? Oh yes. Ever written that you were going to end your life? I have. I was fucking stupid and made a suicide note on Facebook. I genuinely wanted everyone on there to know what they meant to me, so like it seriously wasn't for attention, which I still worry people think that. Ever put fake bugs around your house to scare someone? Not to scare people, no. I have two faux tarantulas in my room as decor, though. Is there a reason you have the name you do? Not particularly. My parents just liked it, ig. Choose: the best song by Green Day? Aw, that's way too hard! I love Green Day. I guess if I absolutely had to pick, maybe "21 Guns." It's just a truly beautiful song. Have you ever tried to “save”, or “fix” someone, before? No. I don't believe that works and only damages you. Were ethics discovered or invented? That's a good question. I really can't say I know. Do you put effort into getting tan during the summer? Nah. Are you a fairly self-motivated person? NO. I need external motivation pretty badly. Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? Or are they actually not worthy of your affections? I don't deserve him. List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently. 1.) wtf I feel about Girt and wtf to do about it; 2.) my weight; 3.) what job I'm going to search for once I make progress at the gym; 4.) whether or not to quit photography and focus my efforts elsewhere; and 5.), as always, Jason. What is better, history or science? Science is way more interesting. Do you flinch at the sight of blood? No. Do you enjoy swimming? Yeah. When you swear, is it usually in general or directed at someone? In general. I don't generally swear at people. Are any of your friends hoping to be famous one day? Yeah; I've got a couple of musician friends. Who would you kiss right now if you could kiss anyone? GO AWAY Ever slapped a guy in the face? No. I don't hit people. Do you think you’re a good friend? I sure try to be. Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger? When? I have on only one occasion when I Jason and I were texting and he pissed me off. I don't remember what we were even talking about now. My phone was fine btw, ha ha, I didn't like, chuck it. What color of hair do you find the sexiest on the opposite gender? Out of the natural hair colors, black. But I really like hair that's dyed exotic colors on like... anyone. Have you slept over at a member of the opposite sex’s house in their bed? Yeah. When you lost your virginity, were you sober? Yeah. Have you ever given your phone number to somebody you met online? Quite a few people, actually. Most of my friendships are online. On average, how much does gas cost where you live? When I was out today, it was $2.99. Why are you happy? Who said I was? I'm not happy. What is in your pocket? Nothing. What was the worst feeling you last felt? Severe indecision. Worthlessness. Yesterday had some grim periods. What would you name your future son? I always answer with the first name, "Damien," so let's see about a middle name... uhhhh... maybe Damien James? I'm not really sure about a middle name, but that sounds nice. What are you waiting for? Girt to message me back. He barely touches Facebook, so I can't blame him, but I wanna plan a day for him to visit and we can hang and I can decide what the fuck it is I feel towards him. What takes your breath away? Big waterfalls, to name a major one. What fact of life would you rather not know about? That the world doesn't give a fuck about you. It sounds super pessimistic, I know, but it doesn't. There is no sentience to it, no will to keep you safe and happy, it just... exists, and we're thrown onto it to figure it out. Unfair things happen. That's life. ... Damn, this answer was dark lol. What’re a few things that automatically make you go, “Awww?” Meerkat pups doing so much as blinking, guys being really cute with kids, seeing elderly couples holding hands and just generally being precious, proposals (especially gay ones just because of how hard that was fought for), seeing literally any picture in existence of Mark and Amy together, veterans coming home and their dogs freaking out... Man, a lot of things. This question brightened my mood to think about. :') Are you easily scared by horror movies? Nah. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Illinois to visit Sara. :') I really wanna hang. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? No, but a former best friend had her bday a day before mine. Are you wearing a ring? I always wear two. Do you hate to hug people? No, I love hugs. How many rooms does your house consist of? Seven. If you could be on any TV show, which would it be and why? Can I be a Pokemon trainer, pls???? What would you want to be famous for? Most ideally, a great wildlife photographer. The kind photography students would see and be inspired by. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, I sleep with a real animal, ha ha. What is your favorite brand of hairspray? I don’t have one. What is in your backyard? Not very much... I'm barely ever even out there, so I barely know. There's one shed, a small tree, and uh... idk. Who is/was your favorite teacher? I have a few. Mrs. Whitley, Mr. Proctor, Coach Collie, and Miss Tobey are some. What’s your favorite non-sexual thing to do with a girl/boy? Play video games together. Do you cheer for the bad guy? Ha, I have a tendency to do that... Would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? Career. I want one so very badly. Something on the human body that grossest you out the most: So even though I am sexually attracted to any gender, nevertheless, genitalia gross me the fuck out. Either kind. Penises especially though like what the fuck- Do you think it’s easier to raise a boy a girl? Why? From most parents, I've heard boys are much easier because girls (supposedly) tend to have more of an attitude. What is your favorite strawberry flavored food? Strawberry is generally my favorite flavor for like, everything, so this is just about impossible. Maybe uhhh slushies? What is the oldest video game system you’ve played? An Atari.
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saltpepperbeard · 4 years
A Jotato’s THG Story (novel?)
So a few days ago, the lovely @everlarkedalways asked me to Weave My THG Tale™. And, in being VERY on brand in regards for my THG Story, I’m late to the party lol! Mostly because of work, partly because I was avoiding Ballad spoilers, and a tad bit because...I’m a potato. BUT, now that I am free of any large projects and finally have Ballad in my hands, I’m finally able to look past my potato roots and talk about how a certain wATER POTATO ARCHER CHANGED MY LIFE lmao.
Ara has jokes though, let me tell you. “Keep it short” l m a o; THIS IS ABOUT TO BE A NOVEL AND WE KNOW IT. ARE YOU READING BALLAD? HERE’S A NEW 500 PAGE BOOK FOR YOU TBH-
I’ve told this story a few times before, but it’s always delightful to look back on things and see all the twists and turns I’ve experienced with this franchise. The most notable being, I started out HATING Hunger Games lol!
I was in ninth grade when THG started to become like, a global phenomenon. Everyone was reading it, everyone was talking about it, and it was everywhere. And for whatever reason, instead of actually sitting down and, idk, GIVING IT A TRY LMAO, my reaction instead was to DESPISE IT. Guess it was that edgy, irate, “I’m ABOVE the general masses ha look at me,” fresh-out-of-middle-school mentality. And also, my justification for hating it so much was along the lines of, “Wow it’s just a series about kids killing each other? WHAT’S THE APPEAL???”
Which like fjlksjdksds...If I could look back on my early 2012 self?
Tumblr media
She had no idea what was in store for her lmao.
Anyway, the premiere of the movie came and went, and I was still hard set in my ways. THAT WAS, until that same summer. I can’t exactly remember which clips I stumbled upon first? But I know I came across the Joshifer+Liz Banks interview, and also a ton of Perfectly Legal Movie Clips™ on YouTube. Both of which silently chained my soul without me realizing LMAO. I remember thinking that the main actors were so cute and played off each other well (AGAIN LMAO, GIRL, BIG STORM COMING), and also remember being totally intrigued by all the clips I watched. It was mainly clips of Katniss in the arena, and I think it made me realize that wow hey, there’s an ACTUAL STORY HERE, WITH A FEMALE PROTAGONIST NO LESS.
The story gets a tad fuzzy for me here, but I do believe I got the books and quickly read through them shortly after I essentially watched the entire movie on YouTube through clips jdksljdks. I can’t really recall what I thought about the books really? Because, I think I BREEZED through them. I was so excited that I just ZOOMED TF THROUGH. I inhaled the series in one GIANT GULP. I think I even read THG in a single day jdlsjklaads. It definitely wasn’t a cautious read through to get a better sense of the detail and literary devices. 
BUT, despite my excitement, I still hadn’t reached the God Tier “OBSESSIVE” stage yet. The light bulb hadn’t fully come on yet. It wasn’t until late 2013 when Catching Fire came out that I REALLY STARTED TO GO BALLISTIC LMAO. Actually, one of my fondest THG memories comes from this time, because I think it was really like, the OFFICIAL starting block for my obsession.
I was riding on a bus to a Theatre Competition, and my best friend had just gotten the CF Soundtrack for us to listen to. I remember being absolutely enamored with it- Mirrors, We Remain, and Lean in particular. And idk, something at that point just kind of told me that Catching Fire was going to be my anchor. Sure enough, after the competition was over, said friend and I went to go see the movie together.
I was quick to see it again the following day, and I think saw it another two times in theaters after that. I also started drawing fanart of it, and looking for more pictures/interviews. And the want for more content, the DESIRE to go crazy about it, is what eventually lead me to finding the fandom here on Tumblr. I had had a Tumblr since 2012, but never really used it with a purpose. But when I realized there were people posting all sorts of stuff about THG? Boom- another light bulb. I followed tons of people, and officially changed my url to what it is today. “Star’s” for my internet alias at the time, and “Mahogany” for my love of Effie/that Iconic Line.
HOWEVER LOL, Tumblr would lead me towards a different side, something I didn’t expect to get pulled into so hard at all. Because, I distinctly remember coming on one night in December of 2013, and seeing @joshmopolitan and a few others posting about Josh going to the UK game. And that of course, lead me down the Celebrity Rabbit Hole, and lead me towards the Chaotic, Wonderful, Crazy-
((Also, before you crinkle your nose, *raises cane* BACK IN MY DAY, EVERYONE SHIPPED JOSHIFER LOL. *Snow voice* DON’T LIE. Like, everyone thought they were cute to some sort of degree, or believed they were going to get together. Shoutout to the Joshifer Golden Days, man.))
And thank goodness for it tbh. Because it was JUST when I was itching to write fanfiction with everyone else, and just when I was struggling HARDCORE with writing Everlark. @joshmopolitan and @youarebeingridiculous were sort of my introductions into RPF, with @youarebeingridiculous giving me nudges towards my first Everlark fic, before also nudging me towards my first Joshifer fic. And when my first Joshifer fic garnered attention/when I had a blast writing it? ANOTHER. LIGHT. BULB LOL.
So I was dead af from that point on. I was absolutely drawn in. Even though I was still invested in THG, Joshifer was definitely my main focus from 2014-2016ish. I was there for the typical ship wars, there to read and write all the fanfiction, there to read all the theories, and there to partake in all the crazy moments. Shoutout to Cannes 2014 in particular lmao; I was in the car and my phone started going off like CRAZY, with many of my friends SCREAMING at me about the events/articles that had transpired.
Being attached to Joshifer also allowed me to write my first, and so far only, full length, These Words are a Lie. It started out as just a four part series, two parts of which I actually published. Befffooorrre getting to the third part and realizing I had WAY too much to deal with/explain/write, which consequently lead to me pulling them down and expanding upon them! And thus my messy, lovely, 25 chapter peanut journey started lmao. Though I look back on it now and realize how disjointed it was, I’m so thankful I was able to see that story completely through. I’m also very thankful for the SUPPORT and following it got. Wouldn’t have gotten through without y’all! 
ANYWAY LMAO, because this is my THG story and not my Joshifer story, let’s get back to that. 2014 was WHACK because...LG was utterly tripping with its promotional material. And to think, it was just the START of odd/lacking promo, seeing as they were SOMEHOW WORSE WITH MJ2 LMAO. But even though I was incredibly salty at the time, it was so fun to be mad and chomping at the bit with everyone else lol. The SUFFERING OF NOT HAVING ANY NEW CONTENT BROUGHT US CLOSER TOGETHER. Also, going to Best Buy to watch the teaser trailer under Heavy Guard??? Was an EXPERIENCE LOL??? But man was I so stoked to get my poster and pin, because that was some of the first merch I got!
ALSO, MJ1 was the time where I got the idea to create a small YouTube series called “Tributes React.” I really really wish I could have been in the fandom earlier, because it would have been, dare I say, FIRE LOL to react to more than just the MJ1 and MJ2 trailers. But it was so so fun regardless, and everyone’s participation was incredible! And now all of our early, embarrassing, INTENSE fangirling is stuck here/memorialized forever PFFFF.
And, not to mention, Fran Solo himself watched one of them. Someone tweeted the video at him, and he tweeted back that it made all the hard times worth it. MY GREATEST FANDOM ACCOMPLISHMENT RIGHT THERE???
And finally getting to watch MJ1 in theaters lmao omg. I went with my friend before, and also one of my guy friends. And the entire time, he was HARD STARING AT ME WAITING FOR ME TO CRY LOL. SO HE COULD TEASE ME. AND HE GOT HIS WISH BECAUSE OF COURSE THE LAST 30 MINUTES OR SO UTTERLY RUINED ME. I remember shivering so so SO bad when the rescue mission for Peeta started, and having to hold my friends’ hands when they were creeping through the Tribute Center, and utterly SOBBING when Peeta attacked Katniss. Because...hello...I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again...WAY WAY MORE INTENSE THAN THE BOOK LMAO??
And then came the beginning of the end. I remember that promo time was even DRYER for MJ2 lmao, and that we were all DYING. Like, I think the big trailer didn’t release until like, SEPTEMBER??? WHICH...LG WHAT THE ACTUAL-
And we were also back to watching trailers in Best Buys jfkssdkdlsk. My Best Buy was also DUMB and didn’t have any posters, but @infinitegraces​ was awesome enough to send me numerous copies! Bless you, thank you; I had them on my wall all through college lol! DESPITE THEM BEING A HAUNTING REMINDER OF HOW HARD LG SMACKED US LMAO.
Despite my salt towards the INITIAL promo though, the premieres and what not definitely lead to MJ2 having a special place in my heart. I had just gone off to college, and was a timid, lonely little freshman with nowhere to turn. But the fandom was there for me, and MJ2 promos/premieres gave me something to be excited for. It all kept me going through that ROUGH first semester, and was there for me before I met my best friends. So thank you MJ2, and thank you all for sharing that excitement with me! <3
Also, I’d like to mention that I was SO desperate to continue the tradition of seeing the premiere with my friend thaaaaatttt...I left for Thanksgiving break two or three days early/skipped class JUST to make it back home in time to see it with her lol! I WASN’T HERE TO PLAY GAMES, Y’ALL. THG > ACADEMICS APPARENTLY PFFFF.
After that though, things kind of quieted down. I found friends and activities in college, the movies were done, and Joshifer was dying out. It lead me to use Tumblr sporadically, not posting AS much as I had before. I still had tons of love for everything, and still enjoyed coming on whenever I did!
Then I sort of stumbled upon our “renaissance,” like the lovely @everlarkedalways​ posting re-reads and re-watches. It tugged me in again, and made me excited to post content! I also branched out and began to write Everlark, and began talking about them/the books/meta more than I did in my earlier years. 
And of course, said renaissance lead me to attending TOASTCON LMAO. Which I somehow managed to name. On accident. *Dabs unironically*
That of course, was such an amazing experience. Going to movie filming sites has always been on my bucket list, so getting to go to HUNGER GAMES SITES??? WITH FANDOM PEOPLE???? GOD TIER??????
I was also suffering from major panic/anxiety problems that summer, having just graduated college and being thrown out in the Real World™. So once again, THG and its fandom were there for me when nothing else could be. And despite me feeling off mentally, despite me feeling plagued by fatigue, I still thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone/having such a once in a lifetime experience. Also, getting to FLEX on my friends when we watch the movies and go like “I WAS THERE! I WAS THERE!! I WAS THERE!!!” is...A Time PFFFF.
Then of course, I started working a full time job, and shifted a bit away from Tumblr/the fandom. Not DELIBERATELY; more like, I was too Mentally Tired to really do much after work. But now that Ballad is here, and now that we have new content once more? I feel like I’m waking back up. Hell, I even went to Atlanta to see MORE film sites right before the virus started to make its rounds.
And so here I am lol! A SEASONED THG VET WITH SEVEN YEARS AND COUNTING UNDER MY BELT. I would very much love to tag everyone who had an impact on me, and/or who I’ve interacted with and shared fun times with over the years. But A. Everyone really out here CONSTANTLY CHANGING THEIR URL’s, and B. The number would be Too Great and I would inevitably forget someone on accident.
SO THEN, if you’re reading this, and we’ve ever shared some kind of THG experience together, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. THG has been such a wondrous experience for me, and it’s lead me to meet all sorts of amazing, talented individuals. It’s also been there for me during darker times, and has supported me in every way possible.
I love you all, I love being here, and HERE’S TO MANY MORE TAGS/RAMBLES IN THE FUTURE LOL! Like lmao, a new movie, you guys??? WHAT??? TRIBUTES REACT ANYONE???
-Jotato Out <3
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dingdongrumba · 4 years
Switching it up by asking for Kamuegi (KamukuraxNaegi) since I know we both like themmm😄
How many dates do they go on before they have sex?
lmao what are??? dates????? dkdhrfk okay but I’d say it could take them…. 2, or 3. Basically until Makoto starts wanting to have sex with him and by that point Kamukura knows IMMEDIATELY so there’s zero pining LOL
Who is the more dominate one? Who is the more submissive one? Do they switch?
Oh Kamukura dominates obviously, though as I said before, I’m a switch hoe so maybe Kamukura could try to let Makoto lead every once in a while. With… varying results.
“N-Now… b-bend over.”
“Like this?”
“N-No, like, um… try to put your leg-”
“That’s going to become tiresome and inconvenient very soon. You probably saw this position on some porno and wanted to try it out but you did not factor in our height differences. I suggest you rethink this.”
And then Makoto just wants to die lmao
Do they use toys? If so, who is the one to suggest it? Also if so, what kind of toys do they use?
Interesting… Hmm, perhaps I’d say they don’t for a long time actually. Makoto is actually pretty vanilla and I’d imagine Kamukura is surprisingly not bored with it because Makoto’s reactions and cuteness is never boring lmao. But then after a bit Makoto would start getting self conscious and try to make things more interesting for Kamukura with a toy or two, he just,,,, whips out a small vibrator one day lmAO HE’S TRYING OKAY– then they both slowly start looking into other kinds of toys and the rest is history
What is their favorite position?
This question is never easy oh my god. I could see them liking cowgirl, but with Makoto sitting on Izuru’s lap and clinging to his neck. Izuru likes not having to move at all and being able to just observe Makoto as he’s in pleasure and making a mess of himself. Furthermore, picking Makoto up and doing him against a wall is also 👌👌👌Makoto is very light and tiny so it’s easy to manhandle him around
What is the craziest position they’ve done?
Huh I don’t think they’d be much for unconventional positions, but I just did some research and,,, 69 while Izuru is standing up,,,,, they’d do that lmao Makoto is so tiny he could do it
Have either one of them gotten hurt doing above mentioned crazy position?
Lol nah, Izuru is the Ultimate Everything, he can lift Naegi up no problem
Which one is more likely to send nude pictures to the other via text or email?
Hmmm, neither of them seem like the type actually. The more likely one would maybe be Makoto, if he’s trying to be a little bolder, but they’d prefer to see each other irl anyway!
If suggested, would they be interested in a threesome? And if so, who suggested it first and who is the third person they’d add?
Kamukura would be and Makoto would probably not be super stoked about the idea? But he doesn’t take offense on it. Kamukura would maybe suggest it just as a way to enhance their sexual experience and if Makoto DOES end up accepting, it could be Komaeda or even Byakuya or Kirigiri lol
……. Actually if Komaeda knew they were in a relationship he would just be endlessly thirsty for them until Kamukura just glanced at Makoto and said “……Want to let him join so he shuts up?”
“Ahaha…. sure, okay.”
Who teases the other in public? (Like under the table/hands in their pants/up skirt kind of teasing)
MAKOTO IS TOO MUCH OF A SHY BEAN TO DO IT SO IT’S DEFINITELY KAMUKURA!!!! Also Kamukura only does it because he sees how much Makoto secretly enjoys it so even when Makoto goes “!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WE WERE IN PUBLIC!!!” Izuru just knows it actually made him very excited lol
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cilliansaccent · 4 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 14
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!!
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 4,304
!!Warnings!!: Major sex scene at the end!! Light BDSM.
Date: December 2016
Chapter Name: Happy Dirty New Year
Brief Chapter Outline: The last few days of the Year is spend with Cillian's family, before the night they share privately in a cabin is much hotter than the fireworks...
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
The next couple of days were entirely relaxing. She spent time with Mary cooking and chatting. Gabrijela got to know her much better and Cillian would always find them giggling and whispering. 
"Always up to something," Cillian chided and shook his head as he went to find his father. 
They only giggled more. 
Mary pulled out some old albums of Cillian when he was just a baby. Which made Cillian groan very loudly and blush. Gab ruffled his fluff of hair, making a mess out of it. He liked his hair being touch and fingers run through it. A shame he had to always chop it off for each new season of Peaky Blinders. She liked the thickness and silky feeling of it. 
She loved the photos of him when he was younger, she even mentioned how he didn't seem to age one bit. 
"Just like good 'ol wine." Mary nodded, "Blessed with the Irish luck." She laughed. 
Gabrijela couldn't agree more. 
Mary became happy that Cillian found Gabrijela and really pulled her under her wing. He never saw them parted, only when he took her one day to explore Cork with her and take her to hot spots. She had admitted she was falling in love with the place, and she could see herself living here. 
Cillian had hoped so if the future is kind for them. He would love her to move here, he wanted to move back to his homeland. And with her with him... His dreams would come true. 
They spent some nights along the docks, where they ate some good food and sat on the piers and kissed for a long time. There would be a celebration in the city centre for New Years and he made sure he had organised his whole family to be there. 
Dinner at a pub he truly loved and had some fantastic music. He had some old-time friends who were there and introduced Gabrijela to them. 
Gab was stoked to be spending New Year's Eve with the man she adored, and seeing him so relaxed in this cute pub made her smile even more. She could see how much he loved the music here, and she would always cherish that about him. 
She laid her head on his shoulder, holding his hand in his lap. "Is this how it's like in your pub?" He asked her. 
"Kinda. But way bigger and has two floors. It's got a whole dance floor as it turns into a nightclub after ten at night." She explained. 
"Oh? How long you play then?" He looked down at her. 
"So both Thursday and Friday, we play from six to ten and then on Saturday, we play from twelve in the afternoon to three. Then six to ten at night." She replied, "Or sometimes we would do some nights where Elijah and I would play our cellos together as Maya would be our sound master. She doesn't just do the keys, but she does the synthetic sounds for our band. Creating echos or choir-like sounds, all that." 
"Wow. You guys really are prepared. You get paid?" He picked up his beer and drank some. 
"We make money through tips, which is always a lot. We're quite the talk in Sydney." She said. 
"I never asked but what is your band's name?"  His arm now laid on the backrest behind her. 
"Aussie Wogs. We all have European backgrounds." She giggled. 
"Smart. I like that." He leaned down and sneaked in a quick kiss. 
She leaned in closer, one hand on his chest, "Keep kissing me." She murmured. 
"Mmm, I'd love to but we're surrounded by many familiar faces. For me that is." He kissed her again and pulled back. 
She pouted but laid her head back on his shoulder, enjoying the atmosphere. 
But some man had gotten to the mic and spoke, "Well, well, well, I do hope everyone is having a wonderful time tonight." There was a cheer, "Fantastic! Well, I do have a wonderful surprise for each and every one of yous. We have a special guest tonight, a wonderful man who done wonderful things over the last few years. Let's clap our hands and cheer for the one and only, Cillian Murphy!" The man cried. 
Cillian let out a laugh as everyone cheered him up. It seemed this wasn't a surprise for him as to how well he took it. Unless it was a surprise and he was good at hiding it. 
"Hello, hello. Thank you very much." Cillian said through the mic as he prepped himself. "I am very glad to be home, back with me family after a long year of filming." He said. 
Gabrijela took some photos and filmed a bit of his speech, he was so adorable, she thought. 
"For this, lovely, new years eve, I will be uh, playing a special song," Cillian said. "For someone who I hold very dear." His eyes trailed to Gabrijela, some people made 'ooo' sounds and he laughed, "She means a lot to me." 
Her cheeks reddened as eyes fell on her. 
"I don't want to dwell too much, the lyrics will speak for themselves." He said and the slow, romantic beat began. 
When he sang, her heart and soul seemed to explode at the beautiful song he had made for her. He sang about her beauty and how she reminded him of the finest jewels in the world. Of her personality as like the Irish coast, grand, unique, simple yet so intricate with hidden beauties. 
When the song ended people clapped wildly before she slowly stood. She kept her eyes on Cillian who did the same for her. She walked to the stage and he pulled her close, people chanted to kiss. 
And so Cillian did, leaning down and claimed her lips in a gentle kiss. He truly cared for her, and this song had all his heart and feelings in it. 
She smiled wide as they pulled back, "Cillian. Oh, Cillian." She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. "That was so beautiful." She was moved and had tears in her eyes. 
"Yeah? You think so?" He pulled back, he became super shy. 
"I think so. Perfect Cillian. Just perfect." She beamed. 
Once off the stage, people shook hands with him and the band, chatting away and praising them. Gabrijela stayed to his side and talked with some of his friends. 
They all loved him, she listened to some cheeky stories about him and she giggled. They loved to tease him, he was the shy one out of all of them. 
Gabrijela wasn't too sure when it came to knowing what she was to Cillian. But she replied with, "We're figuring it out." She was blushing brightly as some mentioned to just call it as lovers or boyfriend and girlfriend. 
The night wore on with good music and more chatter. Then it was time for everyone to make their way outside for the count down. Cillian and his family found a good spot close by. 
It was freezing and she hugged Cillian close, his arm around her. She looked up at him, "I'm glad I'm spending the new year with someone special." She said. 
He kissed her nose, "Same here," He murmured as everyone began to shout the count down. 
Then it struck midnight and fireworks exploded in the sky. "Happy New Year!" Everyone cheered. 
Cillian tilted her chin up and claimed her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss, "Happy New Year, Cillian." She murmured against his lips. 
"Happy New Year to you too, Gabrijela," He smiled and kissed her again. 
She pulled back, "I want to tell you something." She said softly, cupping his cheek. 
"What is it?" He asked looking deeply into her eyes. 
"I love you." She admitted finally, "I've loved you for some time now, Cillian. And I hope you feel the same." She gulped. 
Cillian's expression broke out in joy, his smile grand, "I love you to Gabrijela. God, I am so glad I could say those words, I have been wanting to say them for a while now." He said and laughed. 
"Well, now you can say them all the time." She said as he wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her against his body as they kissed long and passionate. 
Someone snapped a picture of them and Cillian pulled back to raise a brow at his mother, "Did you just take a photo?" He asked. 
"I may have! Ah! My son has found love!" She beamed and hugged them both. 
Everyone hugged and wished each other a new year. Celebrations went well into the night, Cillian stayed back with Gabrijela. They celebrated a little longer before they headed home as well. 
Some hours later, late afternoon... 
He had organised a two-night stay in a cabin, just a little outside of Cork and in a forest. He had packed the car with their stuff, his brother would take them there and would drive them to the airport on the third. 
Gabrijela said her goodbyes to his family, hugging them. The kids were upset she was going, they really loved her. 
"You be safe now, okay?" Mary cupped her face, "Please write to us. You have our address and number. Call us too, whenever you want a chat." 
"I will, of course." Gab nodded and hugged her tightly. 
She waved and headed to the car. 
Mary turned to Cillian, "You better look after her, son. Okay?" 
"I will. I love her Ma." He blushed a little. 
"You love her but you still must care for her." She said sternly and hugged him. 
He went to the car and got in, Gabrijela joined him inside.
"Nothing is forgotten?" He asked her as he took her hand. 
"Nope. If I did, good excuse to come back." She smirked. 
"Uh-huh." He smiled. 
They drove for some time and came to the place, his brother drove up the dirt road to the cabin situated in an open area. All around was just a forest. 
They got out, his brother gave Cillian a tight hug as they bid farewell to each other. He did the same for Gab before he drove back down the road. Leaving them alone now. 
Gab turned to look at the cabin, it was all wooden with a pitched roof. Snow patches coated the grass around and frost along the wooden steps that lead up to the cabin. 
"Wow, Cillian. It's so beautiful. First a song for me and now this? Oh, god." She beamed. 
"Let's go inside." He helped her with the bags and up they went. 
Once they entered the cabin it was all one room save for the big bathroom to their left. It was all warm, wood tones with dark off white carpet. There was a little kitchen to their right, a big metal-framed bed with a mixture of white and blue sheets. On top, there were rose petals with a bucket of two red wines resting inside. 
Across the bed was a fireplace and above it a TV. A little dining table was off to the side and had a big bouquet of roses. 
"That's for you and the wine," Cillian said as they set their bags down. 
"So romantic." She turned to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I love you, dear boyfriend." She mused, wanting to see his reaction. 
He kissed her, "I love you too, dear girlfriend."
She giggled, "I'm happy I can call you that now." She took off his beanie, ruffling his hair. 
His hands slid down to cup her ass, squeezing it, "I bet you are." He kissed her deeply, needily. 
"Mmm Cillian, after we pack. Then we can play." She said, returning the kiss. 
"Alright, boss." He pulled back and winked at her. 
As they unpacked, she saw that the cabin had a balcony which had a jacuzzi, "Oh my god! A jacuzzi! We must turn that on, its perfect weather for it." She said. 
"Sure, we can do that. Wine and good tunes." Cillian agreed. 
Once they finished unpacking, he first made some dinner for them both. He played some good music as they ate. 
"I'll clean up and you set the jacuzzi up." She said as she stood once she was done. 
Cillian nodded and headed out. He set the tub up, and rinsed it, then let it fill up as he closed the plastic blinds to keep the weather out. Then he lit some candles around and brought his portable speaker out and two glasses of wine. 
He came back inside and Gabrijela was undressed and naked, he felt himself harden at the sight of her body, cast aglow from the fire and the low light. 
"Fucking gorgeous." He came over and kissed her deeply. 
She clung to his arms and moaned, "Undress my love. Let's not get the water cold." 
He hummed and undressed then took her hand and walked with her outside. 
"Oh my," She shivered and he helped her into the bubbling tub, then got in after her, sitting across from her with her legs on either side of him. 
He handed her glass of wine, "To us." He said, holding his up. 
"To us, my love." She smiled and clinked glasses with him and took a sip before she tilted her head back and sighed long and deep. 
"What's wrong?" He asked, swirling the liquid in his glass. 
"Ah, just... thinking." She smiled. 
"About?" He ran his fingers along her shin and to her knee then back down. 
"Everything that has happened in the past months. My internship, Logan, everything. And now, after all that has happened, I'm in a good place. With you as my true love." She opened her eyes and looked at him. 
"You are?" He sat forward a little. 
"Mhm. I am." She sat up. 
"Are you sure? You are not worried? About... me?" He asked. He was still concerned. He didn't want to drag her back or anything. 
"Cillian, I am not worried. If I was, I'd have said something by now." She sat forward, now closer to him. 
"Okay. But just... The media can be cruel you know?" He cupped her face with a hand. 
"I know. But they don't know us, even if it gets out." She kissed him, "I love you Cillian. No one will stop me from loving you. You have my whole heart." She whispered. 
"You trust me enough to have it all?" He set his glass down, pulling her into his lap. 
"I trust you with my whole being, Cillian. You are the one for me." She said and kissed him deeply. 
His arms wrapped around her back, their bodies flushed against each other. 
She lowered her hips down, grinding against him. Soft moans emitted from her, his hips rising to press harder against her. "Oh... Cillian..." She tilted her head back as his fingers tangled in her hair, pulling on it. 
His lips trailed down the column of her throat, sucking and kissing and biting her skin. He kissed the pendant that rested just under the hollow of her throat. "So perfect." He muttered as his hands groped her ass, rolling her hips into him. 
Right now, it was him just touching her, letting his fingers run up her spine which caused her to arch a little from the touch. Then down her arms and back up and down her sides. He kissed her softly, mostly pecking at her lips before he returned to her neck, knowing she really liked that. 
She stroked his arms and his shoulders and his chest, soft moans escaping her from his loving touches and the feeling of his cock pressed against her. 
"I want you," She whispered, kissing him deeply. 
He reached between them, gripping himself and pointing to her entrance. He held her hip with one hand and guided her down, she let out a moan and he did as well, their gazes locked. 
Their lips met once more as she began to move, going slow so it didn't spill the water everywhere. But it was difficult as her need for him only grew, and she wanted to go harder. 
She gripped the edge of the tub behind his head, moving her body faster, his hands splayed on her mid-back as his lips brought in a nipple of hers, and sucked. 
He rolled the little nub between his lips, biting down and she let out a cry of delight. He had picked up she liked it rough, and a bit of pain laced in it. He wondered if she was into some kinks. He would ask her tomorrow. 
As he continued to tease her breasts, she rode him faster. The water began to splash as she moaned, "Cillian! Ah!" 
"We should get out hm? We're gonna make a mess." He said, pulling back to look at her. 
"Y-Yeah, sure. Just be quick." She slid off him and got out. He followed her, quickly blowing out the candles as they walked into the cabin. 
He pulled her close and kissed her hard, then spun her and bent her over the bed, "Open your legs." He ordered. 
She whined and did so. 
"Arms up." He said and she raised her arms above her head and her eyes widened when he pulled out... "Rope?" She gulped. 
"Mhm. I want to try something... New. You fine with that?" His voice softened. 
"Go ahead, baby." Her eyes were full of lust. "Tie me up. I'm all yours to use." She found herself saying. 
He chuckled and tied her hands and then to the headboard. "Make sure you keep these lovely legs parted for me yeah?" 
"Yes, baby." She nodded. 
He then set to tieing her ankles too. She couldn't pull her legs together or move much. 
"Oh, Cillian... Kinky," She giggled as he gripped her ass. 
"Thought I'd spice things up." He mused as he leaned over her body and kissed down her spine. 
She shivered when he reached lower, his mouth trailing over the curve of her ass then inwards to her core. She moaned once he came in contact, "Tell me a safe word." He murmured against her, his breath warm. 
"Apple Pie!" She panted, wiggling her hips. "Cillian fuck. Oh, don't tease me like this!" 
He chuckled and sat back, bringing a finger to her entrance and circling it, "You can't tell me what to do, love." He continued to swirl that finger around her entrance. 
"Please, please Cillian." She whimpered, "You promised me to fuck me." 
"Did I now? You only said to be quick." He pushed the finger into her, fingering her painfully slow. 
She tugged on the bonds, she really couldn't move much. But the whole thing was a huge turn-on.
"Are you okay my love?" He kissed the underside of her thigh. 
"I am more than fine. I love what you are doing." She sucked in a breath as he pushed in another finger. 
"Good girl." He ran his free hand up her leg as he picked up the pace with his fingering. Then it was going at a good hard pace. "God, you are soaking love. Wonderful." 
She whimpered, her mouth open as pleasurable sounds left her. She could hear the slick, wet sounds. She was close. 
"Love, are you close? Will you cum for me?" He purred lowly, "I can feel it." 
"Mhm! Mmm! Oh!" She let out a loud whine. "Cillian! Cilly! Oh! Oh! Fuck!" She choked out as she came, his thumb was rubbing her clit to urge her into her climax. 
Her body had a sheen of sweat from the warmth of the fire and the heat that spread through her body. 
"Oh, my love, love, wonderful. Thatta girl." He kissed her asscheeks gently as he stood up, "Do you want my cock? Hm?" He stroked himself, letting his cock rest on her ass. 
"I do baby. I really do. I need you inside me." She looked over her shoulder. He was already leaking pre-cum. 
"Been such a good girl." He braced one hand on the bed, he crouched a little as the thick head pressed against her wet entrance. Then he pushed in, a groan rumbling through him as he went further and further till he was entirely against her. He was hunched over her body, his lips brushing her shoulderblade. 
"Cilly... Oh... Shit..." Her breaths were rugged, she could easily cum again. 
"Love," He murmured against her skin, then began to rock his hips. In and out, slowly and full of pleasurable intent. He would take his time just like he fingered her. She had nowhere to go, she couldn't make him go faster. 
The pleasure felt a little more different in this angle, he pushed more towards her spin and there was a particular spot where she felt the electric shocks go through her. "Fuck." She managed, her body trembling. 
"So, so fucking tight. Fuck. Gabbie." He leans back, holding her hips as he pushed harder into her, looking down as how well they connected. He tilted his head back, eyes shut slightly and mouth parted. She felt absolute divine, and his body reacted and began to go faster. 
Gabrijela let out odd yet pleasurable sounds, her voice slightly muffled from when she lowered her head into the sheets. She was being thrown forward again from his powerful hips that slammed into her. A climax was dawning on her again and it wasn't long when she screamed and came, dragging one from him as well. 
Even as they came, he didn't let up. He reached out and grabbed her mess of a hair and pulled her head back. "I'm gonna have you a mess, love. Is that fine?" He kissed her before he resumed fucking her. 
"Yes! Yes!" She cried out, eyes shut as the pain from her hair being pulled made the gratification of the fuck even better. She could hear the sexy grunts that came from him, probably the loudest she ever heard from him. 
He had her hips pinned to the bed, causing a painful yet exciting whine came from her. She really did like the pain. So he gave it to her with his rough thrusting. 
The bed shook a little, making the classic squeaky sound. "Gabrijela! FUCK!" He gasped, both his hands now on her hips as he pushed as deep as he could in her. His climax was returning, and he wanted to drag this out as much as he could. 
Gabrijela hadn't had a rough fuck since her ex, not even Logan was as rough as this. Cillian, god, something came out of him and she was enjoying every moment of it. She laughed and moaned, screaming out his name. Her voice would be hoarse by morning. 
"Ahh! I'm gonna cum again! Cillian!" She screamed, pulling hard on the bonds. "Cillian... Cillian... Cill- FUCK! CILLIAN!" She howled as her walls tightened around him and she came hard, this time she squirted a little from how sensitive she had gotten. 
Cillian went fast as his climax ran down his back before he let out one, sexy groan of ecstasy as he shot his load deep within her. He thrust to drag the climax to the end, even for her before he slowed and stilled inside her. 
He braced both hands on the bed, panting. The air was so hot, his skin, as well as hers, covered in sweat. He leaned over, kissing the spot between her shoulder blades. 
"Gab..." He murmured, his voice rough from the strain he had on it. He leaned back a little, dragging his nails along her spine. "Gab talk to me." 
"Cilly..." Her voice was so soft, so small. He suddenly felt fear spike through him. Had he actually hurt her? He quickly pulled out and untied her before she had collapsed to her knees at the foot of the bed. 
"Gabrijela, fuck I'm so sorry. I went too hard did I? I'm so so-" 
She looked up and cupped his face and kissed him to shut him up. She smiled as she pulled back, "Cillian you dummy. Shut up. You really fucked me senseless and I loved it. I fucking loved that." She kissed him again, sitting back. She had this look, droopy eyes, flushed cheeks and swollen lips and messy hair. 
A look he would remember forever, "Are you sure? I-I don't know what came over me." He took her hands. 
She giggled, "I want to do that again. Some day. Maybe tomorrow, on my back. So I can see this face when you cum." She kissed him and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. 
"You really liked it?" He murmured as they stood. She was weak in the knees. 
"Mhmm. So hot." She said as he helped her to bed. 
He grinned a little, "I'm glad then." He chuckled as he chucked the ropes aside and turned off the lights. 
He got into bed, she rolled into his arms, her head on his chest. They smelled like sweat and sex. But he didn't care. It would be some time before they would do something like this again after she left. 
"I love you Cillian," Gabrijela said softly. 
"I love you, Gabrijela." He replied, kissing her head. "You really are fine?" 
She hit his chest, "I'll tie your balls and never let you cum if you ask me that question again. Yes, I am fine, Cillian." She laughed. 
"Okay, okay. Just making sure." He said before they both fell into a comfortable silence. Neither one was tired, so they listened to his favourite tunes and talked about nonsense. 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ @sasuhinamonth || SasuHina Month 2019 || Day Twenty-Five: Bodyguard AU ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina, vulgarity ] [ Verse: The World’s a Stage ] [ AO3 Link ]
“Is this really necessary?”
Lounging atop a couch - one arm over the spine, and feet hanging over the end - Sasuke gives his brother a look of annoyance.
“It’s just temporary for the fan meetup,” Itachi assures him, eyes glued to the tablet he’s perusing. As his little rockstar brother’s manager, the device is practically the center of their universe, holding data of every aspect of their schedules. “You’ve been receiving a few rather...troubling fan mail pieces, and we simply believe it to be for the better. Someone there to help keep you safe.”
“It’s not like I’m that famous,” the younger brother pouts, arms crossing.
“No, but your ratings have been climbing rather steadily. And I’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to your safety, Sasuke. It’s just for one night while you talk to fans and sign autographs. Take pictures. That sort of thing. Is it really so bad to have someone there as an extra pair of hands, eyes, and ears?”
“Yeah, and have some burly asshole who makes me look like a punk who can’t handle his own shit,” is Sasuke’s biting rebuke.
At that, Itachi gives a wry smile. “You won’t have to worry about that.”
A brow perks, Sasuke sitting up suspiciously. “...meaning?”
“You’ll see. You’re to meet them tonight as to acquaint yourselves. Judge your ability to communicate and react to one another. Once tomorrow night is over, you’ll be free of them. Just try to be patient, Sasuke.”
Looking wholly unconvinced and now questioning what it is his brother is up to, Sasuke has little room to reply. So, what - the guy isn’t some typical brick wall people hire for bodyguards? What other type is there? Sighing, he decides to just...let the subject drop for now. It’s clear Itachi’s made up his mind, and until Sasuke can meet this guy for himself...he can’t really know what to think.
But that doesn’t mean he won’t pout about it.
Rather than meet out somewhere, the brothers remain in their shared apartment as they await the arrival of the temporary guard. Doing his best not to show his curiosity or nerves, Sasuke just grinds out video games until he hears the doorbell ring. The game pauses, listening as Itachi opens the door and greets them. He can’t hear words from here, and his brother’s soft tone barely makes it through the walls.
Until he calls Sasuke out to the belly of the apartment.
Doing his best to appear nonchalant, he stuffs hands in his pockets, moseying out and letting eyes flicker over the room for the guy.
But...he doesn’t see him. He sees Itachi, and some...woman?
“...he not here yet?”
Amusement glints in Itachi’s eyes. “Your bodyguard is here, yes.”
A blink. And then, “...you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Language, Sasuke,” Itachi chides, gesturing. “This is Hinata Hyūga. She’s a professionally trained bodyguard, and will be accompanying you to the fan meetup tomorrow.”
Sasuke’s face scrunches in disbelief. “A girl’s supposed to protect me?”
“Hinata is well-versed in several hand-to-hand arts, and is capable of protecting you. Her gender is rather irrelevant, Sasuke.” Itachi’s tone turns stern. “I would ask you to be more polite.”
“I’m rather used to it,” Hinata offers, hands folded at her front and giving a pleasant smile. “But I think, if anything, that usually works to my advantage. No one expects what I’m capable of. Which, in turn, should help you.”
Still looking unconvinced, Sasuke offers, “...how about a demonstration? Just so I can see what you are capable of.”
Her head tilts. “...I suppose I could do that. Though...I don’t really have a sparring partner.”
“Just use me. I can take it.”
Hinata hesitates a hair. “...are you...sure? I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose of course, but -?”
“No better way for me to know if it works, right?” He grins. He took a few karate classes when he was younger. And he still goes to the gym. A decent opponent, right? “C’mon, I wanna see what you’ve got.”
“Well...all right then,” she agrees, Itachi sighing heavily behind her. She takes a loose stance, letting Sasuke make the first move as they relocate to the open living room. 
Trying to find an opening, Sasuke contemplates before moving to strike her left side. Next thing he knows, his arm is effortlessly thrown upward, hands jabbing at his side faster than he can see before letting him sail on by her, untouched.
A strange tingling sensation takes over, and Sasuke struggles to stand up. “Son of a -!”
“I did warn you,” she replies, looking a hair sheepish.
Temper stoked, he manages to lurch to his feet and try again...only to be just as masterfully dodged and deflected. “The hell are you doing to me?”
“I’m striking your pressure points. It will temporarily make you unable to use certain parts of your body. It’s...a bit painful, but overall harmless, so I can incapacitate without harming.” Hardly a hair out of place, Hinata gives him another smile.
Winded, Sasuke sits back on his butt, watching her warily. He barely even saw her move! She’s fast, precise...and even if she’s tinier than him, she hardly exerted herself to lay him on the floor.
...maybe she’s not so bad, after all.
“Why don’t you go take a warm shower to ease your pressure points, Sasuke?” Itachi offers, unable to help a coy look. “I’ll get dinner going, and we can discuss tomorrow night’s plans, all right?”
“Yeah, yeah…” Doing his best to pick himself off the floor, Sasuke takes his wounded pride back to his room and adjoining washroom. Good thing nobody saw that...or he’d never live it down.
...still...pride aside, he has to admit: he’s impressed. She’s tiny, but obviously powerful in her own way. Helps that she’s cute. Guess he won’t have to worry about her standing out like some typical bodyguard would. People will probably just assume she’s support staff.
...he almost wants to see someone try something just to watch her pummel someone else. That might actually be kinda hot.
Blinking, he shakes the thought from his head. Okay...not going there. The last thing he needs is catching feelings for a woman who can kick his ass.
     Bodyguard!Hinata? Oh heck yeah xD I know most probably took this prompt with the roles reversed (I remember doing so myself with this prompt in a previous challenge), but I thought I'd shake things up a bit. Cuz in canon Hinata can kick any typical Joe's butt, so...why not translate that into modern?      Sasuke has become that meme of "I love a woman who can kick my ass", lmao      Anyway, that's all for today's prompt! Thanks so much for reading n_n
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lgcchenglei-blog · 5 years
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hello friends !! my name is jada, and...i’m so excited to meet you all !! this is my absolute heart and soul zhao chenglei, one of the newest additions to the legacy family !! i am actually...so stoked to be here, this group looks so cool !! i look forward to meeting you all, but i’m going to jump straight into things ! chenglei / lei is 20, a dance fanatic, and a lovebug ! you can find his info as well as a few connection ideas below,  and his profile here !! the other pages are wip, but i’m sure we can figure something out from there !! oh, and don’t forget to like this if my boy’s caught your eye and you’d like to plot together !! 
alright so !! he’s from hong kong, and born to a mom who was a model for a popular skincare company and a father who’s an anesthesiologist !!
his parents are quite ambitious & his name means “become great” since as their first child, they had high hopes !! he’s often called lei for short around friends.
his mom wanted him to follow in her footsteps so for the early part of his life she was obsessed with booking him baby modeling & acting gigs!! he was in a few commercials and an extra in some small shows, but didn’t gain much fame from it.
his family is originally from mainland china (which is why he’s pretty good at mandarin) but moved when he was born because they liked the atmosphere for him better ! also his mom started getting more opportunities to work there and rather than keep traveling when she had a newborn the whole family packed up and left !
to say the least he was raised pretty comfortably !!! his parents had a lot of influence in their respective fields and he lived well, always getting the things he asked for & such !
but honestly, he’s not the type of person that is obsessed money but that’s probably because he’s used to it? like ofc it’s nice to have, but he’d be perfectly fine living a normal life.
his parents don’t feel the same, they’re very invested in getting & keeping money, so they would always get mad bc he had a tendency of giving his friends things if they didn’t have it !!
he’s been really adamant on creating his own lifestyle recently though, so is trying to make his own name for himself & make his own money instead of relying on his parents forever.
he went to a private school in the city, which is where he learned english. it was widely spoken where he was anyways, but there were some exchange students who helped him too. 
also totally irrelevant headcanon but one of the students he became close with was australian & he traveled there in high school, so when he speaks english he’s a bit influenced by the accent !!
a dancing machine for real !! first got into dance 1t 5 when his mom thought it’d be cute for him to do ballet?? he hated it only because his friends made fun of him for it, but the more time he spent doing it the more he was kind of like...oh !! this is kinda nice !!
and then he fell in love with it, and to this day ballet remains his favorite type of dance. the older he got though he took more classes, and eventually joined a competitive dance team the city had !
he first got interested in kpop by a few friends in middle school, and that reflected onto his love for dancing! he began learning all the dances he could, and the more he saw them the more he felt he could turn his love for dance into a real dream.
long story short, his parents were v unhappy to hear he wanted to be in such a risky career, but after constant begging allowed him to audition! they promised thinking that he wouldn’t make it past first cuts, but when he did they were very shocked and kind of just in awe let him start training??
his first few months training were a huge struggle to face. right off the bat he could hardly speak korean, and it’s when reality really set in ?? as much as he said he wasn’t dependent on his wealth it was a big adjustment to go from his life in hong kong to living in dorms with other trainees. it was just...wild!!
not to mention chenglei can be an introvert when in situations he doesn’t know people in,  so he was probably really quiet at the beginning !!
but he definitely opens up once he becomes comfortable around others. he’s still on the quieter side, but definitely v sweet and even a little mischevious around the ones he’s close too !! so by now it can be assumed he’s this way around the trainees he encounters often.
but when he’s in work mode ?? totally different lei !!! he takes training very seriously, takes staff criticism hard, and just kind of beats himself up to work harder !! not the best method, but if one thing’s for sure it’s that he serious about improving and doesn’t put anything above that when it’s time to get serious.
and performing lei !! also very different. he’s definitely a worrier all the moments leading up to performance, but becomes some confident dancing machine when he gets on stage ! he doesn’t worry about looking too weird, just focuses on delivering a powerful performance. very different than his usual self !
he’s currently in his 2nd year as a university student, and it is h-a-r-d !! since he practically goes straight from school to practice, he’s burnt out 80% of the time and lives off of coffee and a prayer.
oh in terms of languages !! he speaks cantonese as his native tongue, learned mandarin through talking with his family in the mainland,  learned english through school, and is still actively learning korean ! he’s only completely fluent in cantonese, but learns korean the most out of all of them on a day-to-day basis.
he’s a little creative boy !! lovesloves to draw and paint and you can always catch him doodling things that went on during the day if he’s bored !!
also plays piano, which he was kind of forced into by his parents lmao ?? but it’s always a plus when he mentions it and it’s fun to play.
he’s quite a softy?? especially for a guy, he’s very affectionate, v loyal, and always looking out for his friends in any way he can ! it probably comes from his dad always being off at work, and his mom ( who is the more nurturing of the two ) being the most present, so he took after her and is very caring & sweet !
i’m not gonna lie...he’s a little bit of an eboy ?? let the sighs of shame arise lmao !! but honestly he’s like if an eboy & art hoe had a baby, but who’s also soft ?? the chaos !
he’s also a bilie eilish supremacist ?? don’t know how that happened since i don’t even stan her that much myslf ?? but like....if you couldn’t tell from his audition video he loves her & will cover each and every of her videos
he’s a baby pan !! he hasn’t really “come out” officially to his friends per se, but has vaguely expressed interest for something outside of a relationship with just girls ! he’s terrified to tell his parents & if he ever will...who knows !! but he’ll become more comfortable with his sexuality soon enough, at least.
his end goal, well semi-end goal, is to become a choreographer !! he wants to be an idol / dancer above all things, but he knows that career won’t last forever so he hopes when he gets out of it to help others achieve their dreams !! he’s very strong on the belief that what’s given to you must be paid back, so he wants to show his appreciation for his eventual debut by helping others reach theirs, too !! 
i think i’ve talked waaaay too much already, so...let’s move onto some quick plot ideas !! i promise i’ll have a legitimate plots page soon. xx
maybe some awkardness ? maybe lei thought he was helping this muse out by giving them presents & money, but they took it a different way as him flaunting his money or treating them like a charity case ? i think it could be interesting !
another foreigner ?? the classic helping each other out duo, but i think it could be really important for the both of them considering they’re still trainees navigating a new country together !
a senior he really admires ? even though they’re all trainees, lei treats those more experienced than him with lots of respect, so he’d probably do everything he could to learn from & get on their good side ! maybe a cute friendship could develop out of it !
on the flip side, someone younger / he’s senior to he can baby ! he’s kind of used to being babied around, but he tends to become a lot more protective & caring over those under him ! please give him someone to spoil & instill confidence in pls thanks
sibling-like friends ?? i need someone he can just be silly with, ruffle a few feathers with, and even have the occasional dispute, but in the end they’ve gotten really close and no one can mess with one without the other ready for a fight !
maybe lei’s got a boy / nb crush he wasn’t expecting ?? he’s a softie so i think it’d be adorable for him to have a little crush on someone, requited or not !
university students rise !! give my boy someone else to share his pain with and complain about how it’s impossible to get good grades and have good evaluations !!
little competition !! he’s mainly a dancer, though he also sings, so i think it’d be fun to have someone he competes with & is often compared to ! maybe they’re actually really close and help each other, maybe they’re true rivals trying to bring each other down !
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botls · 5 years
meeting tltm cast 9/29/19
seeing hadestown parts 1 and 2 and meeting the hadestown cast
please send me an ask or message me to ask anymore questions!!
my plan was to screen record the whole thing to hear all the conversations back but apparently screen record doesn’t pick up sound or my phone isn’t updated idk but i now have a lot of silent videos of me freaking out lmao
i didn’t actually see the show but i stage doored bc i saw hadestown that day and after dinner the timing worked out that we were still on 48th street when tlt was ending so i went and if you are someone who is upset by that i am deeply sorry but i will not be responding to any criticisms of my life decisions at this time
sam leicht:
but anyway since i wasn’t seeing the show i was waiting by the side of the theater earlier and low and behold who walks out but fucking sam leicht and i literally got so starstruck but i could tell he was trying to leave before the rush and he was so focused on getting out i didn’t stop him or anything because he wasn’t stage dooring and i didn’t want to bother him in case he didn’t want anyone coming up to him but i saw The Legs in action and can i just say Wow
izzy figueroa:
izzy came out right at the beginning and i cheered for him but nobody else did rip i would have asked for a picture but he was clearly looking for somebody and then he found them and they were hugging and left so i just let him be
sarah beth pfiefer:
sarah came out first and i was so so so happy to see her she is such a cutie and an icon she had a plaid shirt around her waist i wanted to bow down
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ryan knowles:
next ryan came out and he was so smiley and so fricking tall it was insane i met timothy hughes and ryan knowles in the same day and even though i was wearing like three inch platform shoes trying to fit us both in the frame was an issue both times jagsgsjskwlw my live pic of us includes me going “😬 i’m too short”
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james hayden rodriguez:
james came out next and everyone YELLED so loud and like so did i but right after the noise died down i hadn’t realized and at the top of my lungs went “OH MY GOD” and everyone laughed lmao but anyway he was so friendly and after our picture when he was talking to the next girls that i had lowkey become friends with i was like “i LOVE the good kid reprise” and he was like “yeah thanks i love singing it” and then the girls next to me and i were just talking about it and we were like “it gives me life” and he was laughing and stuff cutie
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kristin stokes:
KRISTIN CAME OUT NEXT AND I ACTUALLY ASCENDED OH MY GOD so right before kristin the costume lady came out and she was wearing a super kristin-style dress so at first i thought she WAS kristin when you see her walking through the gate but when the door opened and she stepped out everyone like. sighed disappointedly and she was like “yeah sorry im just costume design” and i reached out my hand like “WAIT NO YOU DO A GREAT JOB” lmao like. she really does thank you queen for giving annabeth a choker but anyway kristin came out and me and the girls next to me were talking about how gorgeous her outfit was and oh my god her makeup was SLAYING she’s a QUEEN amongst us then when she was talking to us one girl was like “i love your outfit” and she was like “aww thank you” and i said “yeah for real i live for your little socks” and then she did this little curtsie/dress lift thing it was precious and then just like that it was over and i was like i. just met kristin stokes. what the fuck
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chris mccarrell:
next it was CHRIS and holy shit i love him more than anything he looked so cute and for every person i had been helping all the people behind me pass up their playbills and get whatever pictures they wanted so as i was grabbing all the playbills to pass up and stuff chris was like “aw look at her making sure everyone gets their stuff they want signed” my heart started beating double time like !! chris mccarrell thinks i’m a good person????? i can never do anything bad again so then he kind of started moving down the line and i reached out my arm like “WAIT NO can we please get a picture first” so he said “of COURSE” and he like. THREW himself back over i have the live picture of him zooming into frame it is so cute and funny and then i told him “i love your shirt i LIVE for that” and the girls next to me were like “yeah” and i think one said where is it from or maybe he just decided to say like i missed this part bc i was grabbing someone’s playbill for him (by the way i got to TAP CHRIS MCCARRELL ON THE SHOULDER AND SAY “wait do you mind signing just one more”) but anyway he was like “thanks i think it’s from....cl-uh-clarence outfitters? wait uh urban outfitters?” we were all laughing and i was like “yeah i think it’s probably that one” and he smiled right at me while nodding and was like “probably” WHAT a cutie the whole time that he was out i couldn’t stop saying “wow look at his floofy hair” and him, kristin, and jorrel def all heard me at least once each oop
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jorrel javier:
jorrel came out and to be honest it was so overwhelming because him and chris were going opposite directions and they got to us at kind of the same time so the second chris left - enter: jorrel and i was still reeling from chris so i just remember trying to make my brain work by like “hi ohmygodiloveyoupictureplease” he obviously said yes and we got the smileyest pictures ever he is so cute and smol in person i was the real life uwu emoji he made some joke about chris looking good or something bc chris was right behind the camera and i have my live photo of us laughing and me saying “honestly” so that’s the cutest thing to ever happen to me 
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but anyway yeah that was it!! it was honestly one of the best experiences ive ever had, like i said, i wasnt originally planning to stage door at tlt so as for seeing and meeting the cast of hadestown i at least knew that was happening and had time to (somewhat) come to terms with that mentally but this was sprung on me so randomly and im SO glad it was! im trying to go see it this winter but ive honestly lost hope on seeing this show so many times in the past that i kind of saw this as my possible one chance and i took it. after i was so overwhelmed that i sobbed on my way back to penn. this cast and show has meant so much to me from the beginning and seeing it had disappeared from my realm of possibility so many times that actually meeting them in person was straight out of a dream. so many times i thought it was closing, so many plans to see it that fell through, and finally getting to meet them just doesnt even feel real despite the pictures and videos i have literally proving it. i am so grateful to have had this experience that im sure i will remember forever. each and every one of them was so sweet and personable and genuinely seemed to enjoy being out there. i love them so much and now im crying again i have to stop 
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