#he’s an absolute sweetheart
katetorias · 5 months
hating biggie is such loser behavior he’s genuinely such a sweetheart all he does is be kind and happy and eat sweets and love his pet worm BIGGIE IS SO CUTE love that every time someone is shitting on biggie the comments will always insult him using the fact that he’s fat. I wonder. I wonder
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fluffylino · 6 months
hyunjin takes charge when you feel down. (very soft i promise)
-contains mature themes
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he was cuddled up by your side.
hidden under the sheets. head resting on your chest. while you scrolled through your phone. his index finger tracing your hip lazily.
your eyes glued to your phone. if you looked at hyunjin you'd probably end up crying. he loved you so much. even more than yourself. you'd look at him and feel like it was only the two of you.
he looked up at you, inches away from your face. letting out a small sound for you to look.
"mhm?" you hummed, smiling a little at how dazed he looked.
eyes soft and lips jutting out into a pout. you pecked him. a small smile appearing on his face. nudging his nose against your cheek.
you could feel his eyes on you. the reel you were watching making you giggle. until you felt that sadness within you disappear.
what were you even doing with your life? everything was becoming too much. you weren't living life. you were surviving.
"mommy" hyunjin mumbled, hiding his face in your chest.
breaking you out of your thoughts. you weren't feeling like yourself. you wanted to be taken care of. today.
you were vulnerable.
heart aching with tiredness. you hummed, holding your phone with one hand. using your right hand to stroke his head. untangling a few strands carefully.
"can i?"
how could you deny him when he asked so softly. voice stuck in his throat. you nodded. letting him slowly push your shirt up.
a small whine leaving him at the sight.
laying back down. mouthing at your exposed chest. his other hand coming up to hold your right boob. tongue laving over your hardening nub. you sighed. finally keeping your phone down.
all his attention on you.
"hard" he whispered. very carefully grinding his covered length against your thigh that was slotted there.
"j-jinnie" you whimpered. mind going fuzzy.
you missed him. even though he was so close. you wanted him closer. feeling extra submissive. his face lifting up to look at you with such kind eyes. you felt like you were going to start crying.
he seemed to understand.
he always understood.
"daddy will take care of you" he reassured, moving upwards to kiss you. holding your face as tears fell down.
kissing them away as you closed your eyes. all your worries sinking away.
"s-sorry" you whispered. what if he wanted you to take care of him.
"nothing to be sorry about, my love" he mumbled against your lips.
"tell me what you want"
you didn't know what you wanted from him. you wanted all of him. seeing him satisfied made you feel better.
"jerk you off?" you asked.
closing your eyes while he wiped your tears away with his thumbs. he hummed, shuffling around so he could still hold you.
his leg thrown over your waist. pulling his pants down just enough.
you watched silently. his length slipping out. tip rubbing against the side of your thigh.
you hadn't even realised you zoned out. that was until he gently held your hand.
making you wrap your fingers around his cock. his own hand engulfing yours as he guided your movements.
starting off slow. with long strokes.
"you did well today baby" laying soft kisses to your neck.
"ah- so proud of you" you let yourself sink into his grasp. your hold on his dick getting more firm. pumping him more eagerly.
you puckered your lips, wanting him to kiss you till you couldn't breathe. and so he did. lips pressed against yours.
intentionally you swiped your thumb over his sensitive head, precum wetting it.
"d-don't tease, my love" you stopped your tricks, letting him enjoy.
"you're my beautiful s-smart baby" you whined, pulling away to look at where you were pumping him. his own hand next to yours.
so much bigger.
"want my fingers?" you shook your head, keeping your mouth open. as he moved his hand off his dick. now you were in charge of making him cum. his index and middle finger sliding right in.
you moaned at the feeling of his digits.
"want me to cum all over your stomach?" you nodded, ignoring the drool that had dripped down his wrist.
your grip on him growing tighter as you stroked him fast. breathy whines leaving his lips. he was getting so close. you knew it. you could feel it from the way his dick throbbed in your hand. his hips moving unconciously to match your pace.
he gradually sat up. nipping at your stomach. eyes shut tight.
it all happened so fast. his cum spurting out over you. staining you.
riding out his orgasm. he let out a heavy breath, leaning down to lick his cum off of you. before kissing you. groaning at the taste of him.
"mommy did so well"
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dinemunyu · 10 months
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bYEE i spent way too long on this
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I don't own any of the assets used in rebuilding the town and the ui—nah, that's the great work of ConcernedApe. I just merely made two extra buildings to look similar enough to the other buildings in town.
Why stardew though??? idk i couldn't sleep one night and instead detailed out the steps on how I would do this with unity and aseprite because of course I'm still thinking about trigun 24/7; only this time I've recently started playing stardew.
wanted to add Nai, Livio and the rest of the cast but i wanna work on keychains next sooooo
Nai works in the library where books are less likely to offend him. Livio helps around the orphanage. Vash likes to garden and to visit the bakery next door in his free time. Kinda want Zazie to be an absolute menace of a niece that got sent there under their care.
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fiiiiin · 26 days
Dagger Squad hanging out at a bar and Jake is uncharacteristically quiet and docile but clearly GLOWING and happy; he’s calmly chatting with Javy in the corner all smiles and no snark while the rest of the team watch from across the bar; Phoenix asks “what happened to his attitude?” and Bradley smirks and goes “fucked it out of him” and the whole team does a double take not because they didn’t predict it but just because Bradley was so blunt about it
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xxx-caliber · 3 months
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thinking about this old post of mine (tldr: I think kurogiri was programmed to not be allowed to show tomura affection) and it led to this mini comic
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peanutseagle · 4 months
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sillies under the cut
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wyvernspirit · 4 months
I know most people want gentleman Husk to Angel
But I would like to argue back that gentleman Angel?? Kissing Husks knuckle after he gives him a drink? Making him a fully homemade (Italian) dinner with drinks? So many ideas I have
(the superior answer is that it's both of them in different ways at different times and everyone around them is honestly jealous) ((and wants them to finally kiss god dammit))
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localemofreak · 2 months
We need more men in this world like Joseph honestly-
My man here just casually saved her from a huge wardrobe mishap without even batting an eye, he just automatically pulled the strap up.
And then he only turned his head to look at her to make sure she’s all good and her outfit is fixed before going back to acting like nothing happened.
God he’s literally perfect.
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Happy 38th Birthday, Alex Turner! 💝
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
I had a clear vision with this one.
I did NOT need to spend that much time on this BUT DAMN IT IT’S FUNNY-
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Context: Peppino was annoying the fuck outta’ him and it got so bad he wanted to take him home.
He was done with his bullshit- 💀
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kennahjune · 2 months
Teen Dad AU
Part 6!!!
@cam-cat-writer @jackiemonroe5512 @finntheehumaneater @irregular-child @grimmfitzz @fantrash @bookworm0690 @fiddledeedee85 @hunterbow04 @strangeforest @just-a-tiny-void @jaimeweasley13 @thelittleclare @rebellatio-03 @sirsnacksalot @geekyfifi @sapphireoceansoc @salty-h0e @dragonmama76 @mentallyundone-blog @lingeringmirth @moomkin77 @netflixisacopingstrategymom @jaytriesstuff @goodolefashionedloverboi @hellfirebaby-86 @blu3stars @blackpanzy @strawberryyyenthusiast @lololol-1234 @thestarslittleking @silenzioperso @forest-fogg @bebopbabyy @lawrencebshaggoth @stevesbipanic @dauntlessdiva @live0rdive @y4r3luv @jonesn4coffee @sofadofax @sensationalsunburst @scarlet-malfoy @l393ndjean @asspirin-s @fandomz-brainrot @mugloversonly @virginlemontea @littlebluejane @paintsplatteredandimperfect @astrid-nomically-steddie @maferisa-7 @phantomrose17 @thoughtfulbreadpolice @fandomnerd103 @atemisiscursed @croatoan-like-its-hot @myownworstenemyyy
(Sorry to anyone who’s tags are messing up, I’ll try tagging you in the replies when posted)
The Universe had a strange way of making Steve Harrington hate Life.
Like waking up in a hospital after simply trying to pick up Louie.
Because it was never “simply” anything anymore, right? Now it was monsters and other dimensions and asshole blonds with pretty eyes who liked to beat him half to death.
Oh. And a bunch of mouthy middle schoolers.
“Dude, you up yet?”
“Give him a minute, Mike! He was literally half-dead not even yesterday!”
“Well if he keeps groaning like a zombie I’m gonna assume he’s become one!”
Steve found his voice, although crackly and rough from disuse, just to say “Shut the fuck up.”
“He’s alive!” One of them shouted instead.
Steve peeled his eyes open and immediately groaned at the harsh lights. Blinking against the stark white hospital walls, he turned his head to look at the kids piled in the chairs of the room.
Max and Lucas were squished together in one chair, Mike and Will taking the second. Baby Byers must’ve already been let out. Dustin was sat cross-legged at the foot of Steve’s hospital bed, that El girl right next to him. Steve felt like he was in the middle of an interrogation with how she stared him down.
Steve sat up, ignoring every bodily protest telling him to lay the fuck back down. Dustin grinned wide at Steve, and Steve gave him a very weak smile in return.
“So are you actually alive, now? Cause you still look half-dead,” Max teased, smirking at him. Steve rolled his eyes and flipped her off, snorting when she gave it right back.
“Yay he’s alive wooo!” Mike snarked sarcastically.
Steve huffed, but Mike reminded him of Nancy which then reminded him of how he got dragged into this shit when then reminded him of—
“Fucking shit,” he swore under his breath.
“Are you ok? Do we need to called the nurse?” Will asked tentatively. All the kids suddenly looked on edge at Steve’s perceived pain.
He shook his head quickly and then immediately winced. It felt like his brain was jumping around his skull. “No, no I’m fine. Just— Wheeler where’s your sister?”
Mike stared at him funny. “Dude there is no way you’re thinking of my sister after climbing out of your deathbed.”
“What? Of fucking course I am! She was watching Louie and I never got chance to pick him up or ask her about him—“
“Whoah hey— who’s Louie?” Lucas spoke up.
“Oh!” Dustin perked up. “Is he the baby my mom’s watching? Little chubby thing that looks like a cute little raisin? He’s got your hair, dude!”
Steve visibly relaxed back into his pillows. “Oh my God. Ok. Ok.” It was fine. Louie was fine. Everything was fine—
“Oh the kid Nancy’s been watching?” Mike perked up. “He’s real cute.”
“Is he your little brother?” Will asked.
Steve was steadying his breathing still, so he shook his head and smiled weakly. “No. No he’s, uh— my son.”
El tilted her head. “You are his Papa?”
Steve looked at her, really took her in; her curly hair, her worn and a little too big button up, her curious head tilt, her big eyes. He smiled at her. “Yeah, sure.”
She smiled back at him, small and shy.
“You have a kid?” Lucas asked.
“Aren’t you like— 15?” Dustin accused.
“He’s like 18.” Max corrected. “He and Billy are in the same grade.”
“17, actually.” Steve informed. “But I’ll be 18 in July.”
“Who’s the mom?” Mike asked.
“Nobody you need to know,” Steve shot back. Mike huffed.
“Why was he at Mike’s?” Will asked. The kid was quiet, much like his older brother. Baby Byers only spoke up after talking to Mike, as if needing reassurance. A massive pang of guilt ran though Steve, remembering all the shit he’d said to Jonathan last year.
Steve cleared his throat. “Nancy was watching him for me for a bit cause I had work.”
Dustin perked up, grinning mischievously. “Where do you work?”
“Yeah, no. You’re not coming by to harass me.”
“Booooo!” Max shouted.
“Party pooper!” Lucas joined, sticking his tongue out. El grinned and stuck her tongue out, too.
It was then that the nurse walked in with Hopper and Mrs. Byers.
Thank God. Because it was seriously starting to feel like an interrogation.
Hopper stole his car.
He stole Steve’s car and refused to let him drive it.
Steve was discharged later the same day he woke up. They gave him some medicine, some papers, and sent him on his way.
But he couldn’t leave because Hopper stole his car.
And then forced Steve to sit in the passenger seat of his stolen car.
Steve had never sat in the passenger seat of his own car.
“Stop huffing and puffing.” Hopper grumbled.
“I’m not huffing and puffing.” Steve (didn’t) huffed.
“Then quit sulking.”
“It’s my own car,I’ll sulk if I want to.”
“You get beat half to death and suddenly gain an attitude.”
Steve smirked out the window. “You and I both know I’ve always had an attitude.”
Hopper made a gruff sound that could’ve been a laugh, probably thinking of every time he’d had to break up one of Steve’s parties or drive him home cause he’d been wandering around drunk off his ass.
Steve perked up when they skipped the turn to go the trailer park.
“Uh, Hop? Where we goin?”
“Relax, brat. Your kid’s still with the Hendersons.”
Oh yeah. Maybe he was more out of it then he thought. Steve relaxed back into the seat a bit more than before.
“Still don’t see why I couldn’t just drive myself,” he muttered, just to be a shit.
Hopper groaned.
When Hop pulled into the Henderson’s driveway Steve wasted no time in getting out. Hopper yelled from somewhere behind him about waiting for the car to stop next time. Steve payed him no mind and ran up the porch stairs to hastily knock on the door.
Mrs. Henderson opened up soon enough, a smile on her face and a hand on her hip.
“Steve, dear, hi!”
Steve smiled shakily down at the short women, pleased to see her but desperate to see Louie.
“Hi, Mrs. H. Is Louie here?”
“Of course, sweetie! He’s with Dusty and his friends, come say hi!” She left back into the house without another word. Steve followed after with Hopper.
Just as Mrs. Henderson claimed, Little Louie was in the living room with The Party. There was a light yellow knitted blanket spread on the floor where they all sat together, except Max and Will, who sat on the couch.
Louie was sat in Mike’s lap, Lucas right in front of them letting Louie play with his fingers. Dustin sat right next to Mike, pressed into his side and cooing down at Louie with a wide grin.
The moment Louie caught sight of his dad he let go of Lucas’ fingers and reached for Steve, bringing the attention of the Brat Brigade onto him.
Steve bent to grab Louie from Mike, his focus solely on his son being back in his arms. Louie babbled happily, his chubby baby hands making grabs for Steve’s hair and tugging lightly. Steve ignored the ache in his head in favor of smiling wide at the babbling baby.
“Hi sweetie, how you doin’ baby?”
Louie’s response was a gummy smile and one of those weird baby gurgle-trills. Steve’s grin only widened.
“Yeah I bet you’re having fun with the brats, huh?”
“Hey!” Dustin scoffed on the floor, pulling Steve’s attention back to the room.
Mike and Lucas were silently pouting, seemingly at the loss of the baby. Dustin looked downright offended at being referred to as a brat. Will and Max were kind of staring at Steve, but he ignored them for the most part outside of shooting them a small smile.
“Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt your time with Louie?” Steve teased, chuckling at Lucas’ bottom lip sticking out. Mike made more of an effort to hide his pout but wasn’t very effective.
“Yeah, jerk. We were having a conversation.” Mike snapped, though there was no real venom in his tone.
Steve snorted, letting Louie pat at his face and ignoring the sting of the bruises. “I sincerely apologize for taking back my son from you heathens.”
“We’re not heathens!” Dustin protested.
“Yeah right! You kids would be the worst bad influences on my baby boy!”
Louie added his two-cents in the response of a squeal and particularly hard hit to the face, unfortunately right on a still healing cut on Steve’s cheekbone. Steve hissed under his breath.
“Alright—“ Mike suddenly appeared in front of Steve and took Louie. “—he’s ours again.”
Steve chuckled. He melted a little inside seeing Mike hold Louie so tenderly. He was so gentle with the baby, such a stark contrast to his usually loud and brash demeanor.
Dustin and Lucas were both up immediately to get the baby’s attention. Steve smiled as much as he could with the now slightly reopened cut, finally relaxing with seeing Louie.
“So when we’re you going to tell us you were a dad?” Max spoke up from the couch.
Steve glanced at her and placed a hand on his hip. “Who’s ‘we’? I met you like two days ago.”
Max rolled her eyes and brought her feet up to sit crisscross on the couch. “Well Billy hasn’t said anything about Louie so I assume you’re on the down low about being a dad.”
Not really, Steve thought. He just hasn’t brought Louie to school with him since Hargrove started. Mason and Gran had no problems helping out so that he could continue senior year without interruption.
But Steve didn’t tell the kids that, simply nodding and smiling.
Mrs. Henderson was reluctant to let Steve leave.
“I mean it, Steve. You have my number, you call me if you need anything at all.” She made him swear.
Dustin was even more reluctant, going as far as to cling to Steve’s sweater.
“You have to give us your address! Come on, man! We wanna see Little Louie!”
So Steve gave in and wrote down the address to the trailer, if only to get Dustin to stop whining. Mike grumbled about how they could’ve just asked Nancy.
Again, Hopper drove. Which absolutely irritated Steve but he wasn’t about to sit and argue with the Chief of police with his baby in the back seat.
But Hopper agreed that Steve could be back to driving himself in the next couple of days— which Steve immediately protested.
How was he meant to get to and from work if he couldn’t drive?
Apparently, Hopper took it upon himself to settle that.
“What do you mean I’m not going to work?”
Hopper grumbled and wiped a hand over his face. Steve might’ve thought he looked pissed, had he not known that’s just Hop’s face.
“I mean you’re mot going to work. I already called your boss, gave them a rundown— the government one with the wild dogs— and she said it’s fine.”
Steve threw his arms out. Was it dramatic? Yes. But Steve deserved to be dramatic after the time he’s had. “I need the money! I fucking live off of those tips, Hop!”
“I know that and I already talked about that, too. You’re still getting paid, don’t worry.” Steve tried to protest again but Hopper gave him this look that made his mouth snap shut. Steve shot his gaze to the floor and crossed his arms.
It was a weird 3 days of no work. Steve spent it at home in the trailer with baby Louie and— occasionally— Gran and the twins.
Eventually, it was time for him to go back.
Steve knocked on the Wheeler’s front door bright and early on Saturday, surprised when Mike opened the door instead of Nancy.
“Hey, Wheeler. Where your sister?”
“In the kitchen. Is that Louie?” Mike grabbed the car seat from Steve without waiting for an answer. Steve shrugged mentally and followed Mike into the living room with the diaper bag.
Color him surprised when he sees the rest of the kids sans El crowded around Little Louie, cooing and grinning while the baby thrives in the attention.
Steve smiled.
Yeah, alright. It was admittedly a very sweet sight.
Maybe everyone knowing about Louie isn’t too bad.
I’m so sorry this took so long LMAO
Fuck mental health, my PHYSICAL HEALTH has gone to absolute shit recently. And I’m also dividing my time between Stranger Things and ATLA atm and it’s taking 200% of my motivation lol
Next part should be longer in length and have more Steddie interactions. I’m finally making some progress 😭🙏
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
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gratielalovebot · 9 months
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saw this meme instantly thought of him . what a lovely little guy who would not own machine guns .
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aromanticannibal · 1 month
dadzawa situation where hitoshi does something profoundly reckless and stupid and almost gets killed and he realizes how deeply he's fucked up when aizawa starts calling him shit like sweetheart and baby because he's just fully about to have a full blown breakdown over it and is just talking to him like he's eri
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brutaliakent · 2 years
I am not a literature major jason truther or jason getting teaching degree truther but a secret third thing (doctor jason todd)
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russellius · 3 months
📍 MELBOURNE: George Russell, professional - and very enthusiastic - cap thrower
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