#he wanted the crab from
scopeiguess · 1 month
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
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Little guy’s big brother, pink guy, is on a quest to free little guy from Moon’s hat dimension.
(This is a follow up to @thatmooncake's comic: https://www.tumblr.com/thatmooncake/717326918638288896/little-guy-appears-in-your-inbox)
LET'S GO little pink guy! Onwards!
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oh heck wait--
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so this is how it ends. picked up and eaten like a hamburger by my comfort character.
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PSYCH! get pinched, moonman!
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happy ending!
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looks like the hat is in the other claw now, moonman!
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ministarfruit · 1 year
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tell me why that was the most unhinged interview i have ever witnessed
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randomnameless · 5 days
I'm sure someone mentioned this before but it feels like Raxy-manbaby's rhetoric is borderline segregationist. Like he's like "dragons should never interact with humans, this is a humans only zone and if they do, they will be prosecuted and murdered even if humans come to their area". And the whole "refuse to humble themselves" reads off as "refuse to acknowledge human supremacy". It's flat out racist, and the only reason people are not noticing it or at worst giving him a pass is because it's fiction.
I don't have my redshit folder at hand right now, but someone jokingly replied to someone on the 3h sub some time ago (2 years? 3 years? You lose the meaning of time in this fandom) something like "separate but equals? It sure wasn't racist as hell."
Worry not, people notice it and fwiw, it's one of the reasons why I'm so annoyed at the Aeneid - because of its status : it was meant to be both a fic and supposed to be a meta commentary of the game, and many people swallowed it up complete with the nonsense that Billy was never biracial (or whatever Sitri was) or worse, they "become human again" as if having Nabatean blood/soul is something you can wash as easily as a hairdye.
I guess when you have to twist yourself in pretzels to pretend Supreme Leader going "you are a nabatean you cannot rule over humans" isn't pulling the race cardn, the only pretzel you end up with is one that is rancid and has been chewed by all kinds of unsavory people and we end up back to square 1 "separate but totes equal i'm telling you so please bow your head otherwise you defy me and you're going to fall on my axe".
Fanfic is fanfic, and meta is meta, they're two different things !
Imo the conflation always boils down to the same set of pixels : granted, I earlier joked about how FE16 might have been a social experiment, if you simp very hard after a waifu, will you follow that waifu to the depths of hell, or will your common sense inform you that this waifu might be, uh, titillating material but nothing more?
The rise of disturbing discourse on the net though (remember the "he's mentally ill he shouldn't have babies?" or, in general, the sheer fact that someone had to remind people that segregation was racist as hell, or whatever the hell is going on in that server) is, tbf, sort of worrisome anon and unlike the trolls of the old days, the "maybe imperialism is good sometimes" people seem serious in their views so while it's not my job to tell them to touch grass and turn off their computer, I prefer to laugh at the sheer idiocy.
I mean, nothing's as funny as someone very seriously writing a wall of text to explain "how BaD feudalism is" under a shitpost lol
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crehador · 7 months
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overtake! ✧ episode 6
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zincbot · 5 months
(insert another nothing post abt how good in stars and time is)
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they just didn't have to write him as "a great philanthropist"; "a generous benefactor of the empire bay planetarium"; "frequent officer of the empire bay press guild"; "a frequent target of political slander and false arrest because of generosity towards the press"
and at the same time write him as the first of the others to organize drug trafficking; a man who tried to kill all his competitors; "a shady bastard, even for guys in this business"; "ruthless modernizer"; a man who secretly views his close friend as a liability; "the man who killed his own boss" to take his place
"few will moan moretti's passing" from the lost heaven's newspapers and there's nothing like that in the cut-out news reports about carlo's death
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#like do you remember . “Micky the Crab” who was falcone's soldier and whom falcone eventually left to clean the fucking toilets#when the guy lost almost all his fingers#and ofc i don't think this whole charade with charity and the press is sincere (can sense 100% money laundering w charity here) but#i think he still felt some appreciation for empire bay bc this city accepted & raised him instead of sicily#i believe that there were also good intentions with the planetarium and maybe other things#maybe not everything was just a money laundering#“your teeth are a gift from god u can sink them into anyone's flesh and call it an act of giving” this is what i mean#that fact that his fucking (ugly but still) MANSION is in a poor residential area it just feels like a slap#violently shaking carlo by his shoulders WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! (gets shot right after)#the fact that he had a reputation as a shady guy among the mafia and a reputation as a philanthropist in society . carlo. why r u like this#this man is a fucking contradiction in some absolutely fucked up gross way and it's killing me. wouldn't want him any other way tho#m2#like can you imagine. if he actually felt warm towards empire bay. can you imagine if he was actually interested in making this place bette#but still organized the drug trade(which is objectively even worse than a racket)#love mixed with selfishness and violence and greed and and in the end it's creation mixed with destruction#sorry i can't get my thoughts into sentences that make sense all this week#but this contrast is killing me and i think about it a lot and i just wanted to put it together in a compilation
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stinkrascal · 8 months
i rlly did open ts4 and said “i’ll just close my eyes for a bit” then took a 3 hr nap. huh
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
It's been four months since I found out about him and yet your yeehaw man is still taking up space in my brain Dunno how you did that but in light of this I will be drawing Lucky again in an undisclosed amount of time
Anywho on a different note I really love ur artstyle!! Even if I'm not all that into stuff like Deltarune I still really enjoy seeing ur stuff when it pops up
it's because he's just so charming, obviously 🥴 he's an asshole who likes to bang at my brain door at 2am requesting attention when i'm trying to do shop work lmao
but thank you!! it's always nice when people can still enjoy my work even if they don't know the media it's from or if it's not from something to their personal liking, really makes me feel like my art has value on it's own and i appreciate that too. take a yeehaw for your troubles.
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chayscribbles · 2 years
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the Gangdromeda may be on a scientific expedition on an unexplored planet but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the scenery, right? 😌
andromeda rogue wip intro | art tag | instagram
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toestalucia · 1 month
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jokermutual · 8 months
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
✂️ barber!mickey & shaggy!ian ✂️
here's the 12th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: beard by @heyheyusedtobemynickname
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly!
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A warm towel presses against Ian’s freshly shorn jaw, meticulously wiping away what remains of the shaving cream.
Deeming him clean, Mickey tosses the towel aside, wiping his hands on his apron—white streaks across black fabric—and before Ian can wrench his mind from the fucking gutter, Mickey's bending down in front of him again.
Crystalline eyes sear straight through to his soul.
“Better,” he says. “Now that that sorry excuse for a beard is gone.”
Ian laughs, a pithy little thing. “What? I can’t pull one off?”
Mickey’s tongue swipes at his bottom lip. “Not what I said.”
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
picrews from a few weeks ago being released to the public because im sad hoorayyyyyy look at my stupids
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Erebus is simply Babey here him fang so important,,,,and Neteri does not have freckles but i didn't notice until after i was done so oh well
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and ofc stupid motherfucker of the year award continuing to be punchable af
If anyone wants to make their ocs hop in spread the love spread the peanut butter
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crabs-nonsense · 8 months
Something I love is my mom's romantic relationship. Like her partner and the ways they interact are both so wholesome and amazing. So you guys are gonna unlock some lore here.
Over two years ago my dad cheated on my mom and she said their relationship was over, because that was a rule she's always had for herself, once a cheater always a cheater. After that she started dating her current partner in a long distance relationship. They are an enby who lives in Norway and the two of them met on tiktok because they both cosplay the marauders era from Harry Potter.
In the two years they've been together my mother has gone and spent several months visiting them and meeting their family twice, once for summer and once for winter. Their family loves her and regularly invites her to things even though she can't attend. They video chat pretty much daily and text constantly. They've seen eachother at their highs and lows and been there through it all. An extremely funny fact is that my mom started learning Norwegian from a 6yr old with a very specific dialect and a speech impediment, because her partners son mostly speaks Norwegian with a bit of English.
Anyways the reason I was thinking about this is that yesterday I was in a voice chat with my bsd cosplay friends and my mom was across from me talking about the paperwork for getting citizenship through marriage with her partner. And I'd said she doesn't have to be engaged for a long time before getting married, which very much confused my friends and I had to explain. So it's been on my mind lol.
I love that they've talked about the steps needed for all of us the get citizenship, and how to get my sister and I onto disability there. And they even told my mom they might get a bigger house just so we can all still live together. They also send us Norwegian candy from time to time (sending things to the US is super expensive so it's not very often). They also send all her kids presents both randomly and for birthdays and Christmas. I have a crocheted pokemon plushie from them that I absolutely adore.
But yeah despite my mom being completely done with my dad he spent a year and a half trying to "win her back" but in like a really semi toxic roundabout way that all of us could see would never work except for him. And he only this year finally moved out of the house. Divorce papers FINALLY got filed and we all know he's going to drag it out and fight for full custody just to spite her. So because of that my mom and her partner are only dating, but mom has said the moment the divorce goes through she wants to take a small trip to Norway so we can all meet them in person and she wants to propose in person. Her partners son (again he's six) insists he's planning their wedding (they've never said anything about getting married to him), and he collects rocks and shells every time they go to the beach to use as center pieces for the tables.
Another thing is that with the safety of trans people quickly fading here they've also talked about how if things get bad enough that we are in danger here, we can all go to Norway. Like they told my mom if she suddenly said hey we're getting on a plane and will be there at x time, they will get their family together to get large enough transportation and housing for us (I have 4 siblings so there's 6 of us in all).
And and and!!! They are also disabled and have been since they were a kid. They don't have the same issues my sister and I do but they do have joint problems and chronic pain just like us so its been amazing to be getting first hand advice for a lot of things. They are so amazing i can't wait to meet them in person and give them a hug honestly.
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crab-crab · 8 months
This prompt is from a Star wars au! Just something I like to add to from time to time :)
A crash came from outside of the Navi, Time glanced up at the door as Warriors shouted and there was the distinct humming of a lightsaber. He watched as Twilight hurried outside of the ship and was replaced by Warriors.
Humming as his eldest padawan sat across from him at the table, Time pushed over another glance of the tea he had made when the Captain had first chased after their young pirate.
“How do you do it?” Warriors had his head resting on the back of the seats, staring at the ceiling 
“How did I do what?” Time took a sip from his drink to hide his smile as his padawan raised his head to glare at him.
“You’re enjoying this” Warriors accused and Time schooled his features into a blank mask as he set his cup down.
“I don’t know what you mean”
“You think this is payback from when I was a padawan”
“I have no idea what you mean”
The brashness, pride, and cockiness from a certain young padawan wiggled their way to the front of his mind
“You’re thinking about it right now”
That slip in the mud on Kashyyyk when the two had argued had been somewhat satisfying.
“You’re real pain, you know that?”
“You shouldn’t be asking me about how to train a padawan” Time shrugged and took another sip of his tea “You should be more focused on keeping your older padawan from giving your younger one his lightsaber to distract you.”
Warriors groaned again and dropped his head back. Wind shouted outside followed by Twilight and Wild’s own voices before another crash followed.
Time raised his brow at Warriors, watching the Captain process the noise, before the other man leapt from the seats and rushed back outside of the Navi while shouting from Wind to hand over the lightsaber.
The ship was once again full of quiet, only broken by shuffling as a disheveled head of hair popped out from the hallway.
“Is he gone?”
Time beckoned their newest padawan closer and offered Warriors untouched tea to him. They sat in silence before Time decided to speak
“Tried to get you to practice again?
“Ya, I’ve told him that I’m not a padawan anymore but he doesn’t listen!” Time nodded along as Sky spoke reaching out and soothing over the fraying threads of the other's Force Signature and offering comfort, understanding, safety, and no need to hide.
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