#he is a human lunchable
slocumjoe · 1 year
Mayb it is simply my judgemental no fun allowed ass (derogatory, it is a character flaw) but whenever I see people lust over hat guy from nipton I assume they are a cis straight white mom who hates her kids and unironically thinks fifty shades is the height of romance and eroticism. He is so mayonnaise. He has maybe eight lines of dialogue before you throw dynamite at him and his 4chan goobers. "I didn't kill him!" Okay but why. Why not. Literally why not. Its not like there's cops. You didn't even try? You didn't even try to throw dynamite on him?? You fell for 4chan altright fake-sparta idealist's dumbass eugenics crap bullshit about being too cool to die??? That's embarrassing keep that to yourself
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wormshirt · 4 months
The Doctor needs one of those classes they give to expecting/hopeful parents but for humans. Get their ass enrolled in a parenting course. And everytime they get a new companion he has to retake the course.
#doctor who#dw#the doctor#inspired by the deleted scene of her just pushing amy out of the tardis doors into space#while amy was having an anxiety attack. YOU CANNOT DO THAT!#they have access to all of time and space the doctor has to be able to find a human parenting/caretaker course#bonus points if he ends up taking one for human children.#imgine youre travelling with the doctor and he leaves and comes back one day and says they enrolled themself in a human management course#and youre like 'oh thank god finally'#and then she just starts bubble wrapping the entire tardis and locking off entire rooms and giving you coloring sheets and stim toys#when you get bored#and starts taking you to like. fucking parks to play with other humans.#and starts carrying like fucking snacks like lunchables and shit everywhere and giving them to you at regular intervals#and you're like 'hey what the fuck.'#and you ask them what the hell they're doing and you find out they were learning to care for human TODDLERS.#and you're like. jesus fucking christ. explains so much. mildly disconcerting how much stayed the same though.#and so obviously you ask 'do you see me as a child?' and the doctor is like. ah. interesting question.#you know what else is interesting. OOOOOOO TELETUBBIES LETS LOOK AT THE TELETUBBIES OOOOOO EDUCATIONAL GAMES OOOO!!!!#LOOK AT THE SMALL HUMAN ON THE SCREEN WHICH PAIR OF SHOES MATCHES THE DRESS??? CHOOSE FAST!!!!!!#this could also open the door for an amazing bit though#where you start doing all of the same things back to the doctor and it works even better on them than it did you.#turn their ass into an ipad kid. they start arguing too much put his ass on minecraft pocket edition.#she just sits there for 1-3 hours. dead silence. you walk over like. 'hey. um. you good.'#no answer. you look ove rher shoulder. she has recreated ancient rome in minecraft in exact replica and is the reigning emperor.#they are roleplaying the roman senate with sheep and villagers. okay. can you please save the world now. please.#this is not to infantilize the doctor. he is old as shit. they are an adult. but by god can they be easily entertained.#not to mention that a key factor of the doctor IS their eternal childishness.#but they ARE a fully grown adult. beyond that even. ancient 'were you alive to see the dinosaurs grandpa?' ass motherfucker.#they are just also a masive loser. who would love minecraft pocket edition and lunchables. probably. who doesn't though.#bangers
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clownsuu · 9 months
I give you an
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Also I stole this ask just so I can post this fuggin weirdo I made smhh (I raise from the dead just to post an oc again LMAOAOAOAO)
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Hopefully this will be my last one in a long while I can live with 7 fuggin wh characters HHFHFUDJSNKSSJ- well- technically 8 if you include Betsy-
But to keep it (somewhat) short and sweet- my loser- a ye ol Milkman- Zachary Milksop (chronically lactose intolerant) and Betsy (a lil mascot moo sentient puppet)
Another character made almost spur in the moment again (like Mari) though thankfully not another bUG, but just some average human smhh. He’s a really simple guy, a loser, is as interesting as normal milk— he’s just the ye ol milkman who delivers you that gud shid smhh— enjoyer of the finer things in life (lunchables). A lil flirty and charming (in possibly the cringiest way possible) however he doesn’t really seem to pick up anyone besides the local cows that constantly harass him (and eats his pants). He enjoys watching them though, from v e r y m u c h afar——
hes just kinda, “that guy”
Also Betsy- a very sweet woman! She always greets everyone and has the friendliest extroverted personality ever! Always the type to bring (albeit tiny) gifts for her favorite neighbors and always leads when talking to anyone. Not like she would allow Zach to say anything anyway, she hates his polyester guts (and only him smhh)
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aestheticpearl · 1 year
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— 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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babe has to sleep with a window open, they need the fresh air and gentle breeze
babe keeps a secret candy drawer that even asher doesn’t know the location of
asher has woken up to babe just snacking on some candy on the floor, he was more confused at the fact that babe just had candy laying around in some unknown location
babe somehow has a green thumb even though they barely touch their plants half the time, asher however will hold a plant and it will just instantly pass away
asher has caught babe praising the plants and petting the leaves
“aw look how much you’ve grown! you’re doing so great sweetie” kiss
will not admit that he’s gotten jealous of said plants
asher has an unhealthy addiction to mountain dew baja blast, but it has to be from tacobell not from the store
babe has caught him drinking out of a day old cup and just shook their head in disappointment
asher admits that it was not his proudest moment
to show affection sometimes they will just lean against each other’s forehead in silence, this is mostly done when one of them needs reassurance
asher’s hands get sweaty super fast when he holds babe’s hand and he always apologizes for it but babe doesn’t even notice till he points it out
both of them run hot so it’s really hard to cuddle in warm weather but they’ve both decided that it’s worth the sweatiness
they take cold morning showers together when that happens
sometimes asher will lick babe instead of kiss them and it’s almost always an accident. almost.
they both can tell when the other one is tired and they’ll both instantly accommodate the other when they notice, whether it’s bringing them home or to bed
they’ve stolen each others clothes so much at this point that they’ve just completely swapped wardrobes
babe is a sucker for plushies that are food with a face so asher will buy them every food with a face plush that he sees
babe will always pack asher a lunch, sometimes it will be a homemade meal or it’s a lunchable. there’s no in between, doesn’t matter either way cause asher loves it no matter what
when babe drives asher places (asher is absolutely a passenger princess) they’ll turn on his heated seat before he gets in cause he always mentions that he loves that babe’s car as them
when asher’s in his wolf form babe will always poke in between his paw pads and asher will playfully nip at them cause he’s ticklish there
when that happens babe just grabs his snout gently and place their hand in his mouth
“go on bite me you big scary puppy”
asher just kind holds their hand in his mouth with the biggest puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen
“that’s what i thought”
babe actually use to be very wary of dogs cause they were attacked when they were younger, but asher’s wolf form as helped them become a lot more trusting
when the two of them cuddle facing each other babe will instinctively play with asher’s hair and give him head scratches
asher will always shake his leg when babe scratches a certain spot on his head (it’s behind the ear), whether it’s in human form or wolf form
they will always give a kiss goodbye to each other, whether it’s leaving the couch to use the bathroom or going to work they will always give each other a goodbye kiss
babe made sure of that after the inversion happened because the morning asher left for work that day babe refused to kiss him cause they hadn’t brushed their teeth yet
the whole time asher was in the ward babe kept thinking about how they never got to kiss him goodbye
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teehee lil angst at the ending xoxo
.love always <3 pearl
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Rengoku: Sir, may you help us find the aisle that holds the milk!
Akaza: Milk is along the back aisle right next to the cream cheese. Just go back past the deli and make a right and you’ll see the coolers where the milk is. If you want the milk that doesn’t require refrigeration like boxed milk or pantry-safe nondairy milk, that’s on aisle seven, and the dehydrated milk is on aisle sixteen.
Tengen: First the Upper Four are working overnight at McDonalds, now Upper Three is working overnight in a Walmart!?
Akaza: Um…Hi? Yes?
Tengen: Why is everywhere hiring demons!?
Rengoku: What is your venture, Akaza!
Akaza: Muzan refuses to give us demons money for anything. I refuse to live without my weekly steak night.
Tengen: Why are demons eating things besides humans now!? Do you even cook steak? Why are you eating cow? Why are the Upper Four eating Lunchables and candy!?
Akaza: Yes, I cook my steak, I’m not a damn heathen. And Upper Four just likes their candy and Lunchables! Are you saying we’re not allowed to eat anything but humans?
Rengoku: Yeah, Tengen, that sounds kinda mean. What also sounds mean is Muzan refusing to give you all money for your ventures! That man is vile!
Akaza: And after funding our food bill for two hundred years! It’s outrageous to just up and leave your sort-of-kids to pay for their favorite foods on their own!
Rengoku: Completely unjustifiable! How have you been? Have you been getting paid well?
Akaza: I’ve been well! The money here is really good. Definitely more than Muzan ever gave us, at least.
Tengen: *eye twitching as he has an aneurysm*
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I feel like Diavolo would like lunchables if you told him about them
Diavolo will probably love everything you tell him about in terms of Human world food, though who knows how he feels after trying them lol
also I feel like Diavolo would definetly just make them part of his actual lunch or maybe even get Barbatos to make him his own version of them
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #4: “Fighting for Family” Ch. 3
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6 Days later…
At school, Yumyulack is getting ready for gym class while the others are chatting over his sister not being here.
Jackie Quilbar: Has anyone seen Jesse lately?
Boy #1: Where’s your sister?
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: lying Oh, she’s at Prep n Beauty, must’ve wanted a better school.
Katie: What?
Gerald: Why?!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Oh, let’s just say- gets hit by a dodgeball thrown by Jayden
The Headphone Guys laugh.
Aidan: Up your ass Yumyudork!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Hey! Not cool, guys!
Jayden: Whateves you fucking loser!
Suddenly Human Jesse shows up.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Any problem here boys?
Brayden: Who the shit is this weirdo?
Monica Miller: Uh, the new girl? You got a problem with that?
Jayden: Yeah! She’s standing up for the freak!
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Hey you leave him alone! All kids should be valued! You boys get or else! Monica?!
Monica kicks a board in half.
Monica Miller: Krav Maga! shows off her moves to the Headphone Guys as they run off screaming, except for Mark
Mark: Cool!
Mark then looks at Yumyulack and feels something in him like this:
Mark then walks away, but then notices an old batter up locker that once belong to Stacy G as he grows shock. Later, at PE class, Yumyulack starts playing dodgeball but his team misses as they groan. Yumyulack blushes and laugh nervously.
Wendi: Way to go, weirdo!
Ally: Yeah! Way to blow it!
Yumyulack then looks down sadly but, then notices something underneath his pants that made him run to the restroom. Principal Cooke grows suspicious and follows him. Yumyulack heads to the bathroom. Ms. Perez sees Cooke and follows him. Then, Principal Cooke kicks down the door with his feet. Yumyulack screams.
Ms. Perez: Cooke what are you doing?!
Principal Cooke: Ah-Ha! gasp in shock
To their shock, Yumyulack has human legs. Principal Cooke faints. Yumyulack panics and calls Korvo.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Korvo! Help! I think I’m turning into a- starts glowing and screams
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Yumyulack! Yumyulack?!
Then, Ms. Perez and Cooke shield their eyes as the glow gets brighter. The glow then disappears. Then, Ms. Perez and Cooke gasp upon seeing unbelievable: Yumyulack is now a human teenage boy!
Principal Cooke: Aw fuck! I knew that your dads should’ve never given you those vintage lunchables and X-Box Live, damn it!
Ms. Perez: Yumyulack?
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Oh god! I’m human. Wait. checks under his pants
Human Yumyulack grins in joy.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: No way! I got pubes!
Later at the Solars’ house…
Terry Solar-Opposites: Damn Yumyulack, you really did become a real teenage human boy!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh honey. Your clothes!
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Sorry growth spurt must’ve happened during that transformation.
Phoebe MacCarthy: So what do we do now?
Terry Solar-Opposites: I dunno. Wait for Korvo to become human?
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh. I’m sure we got extra clothes for you, Yumyulack. And great news! They’re your human size!
Korvo then gave Human Yumyulack a green hoodie with a white t-shirt and a pair of male jeans.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Nice!
Human Yumyulack then change his clothes in the bathroom as he comes out.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I kinda like this!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Great for you kiddo! But I better head to Vegas next week! That’s where the crime scene La Smaragdus started her crime! Wish me luck guys!
Korvo turns into Quasarblast.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: I must fly! flies off
Terry Solar-Opposites: Kick some ass honey!
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Good luck K-Dog!
Quasarblast laughs and blows Terry a kiss.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: We’re rooting for you!
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Yay! Korvo!
Phoebe MacCarthy: See you in five days or so!
5 days later…
Quasarblast arrives in Las Vegas at the casino La Smaragdus started her first crime and goes up the security guard.
Security Guard: Who the fuck are you?
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Your worst fucking nightmare!
Security Guard: Hey go easy man! I can tell you everything!
Quasarblast goes invisible. Then, he opens the door and plays the security footage as he gasp. He then sees La Smaragdus paying of the security guards
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: This is not good…
As he looks closely, Quasarblast then sees La Smaragdus stealing a priceless diamond and turn some the costumers as the superhero Shlorpian turns towards the guards in anger
Security Guard: Prim Quasarblast out!
Quasarblast gets into a fighting stance. The guards then ambush and shoves Quasarblast into a cement mixer as he screams and is thrown outside as the block breaks and Quasarblast free himself and flies back home. There, Quasarblast turns back into Korvo and hides behind the garbage pail as it starts raining. Korvo groans in frustration He looks up at the Taco Bell sign and sighs because he is behind a dumpster at Taco Bell
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I have the worst luck today.
Korvo then looks up at the sky as rain falls in him.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Now what do I do?
Suddenly… A nose appears on Korvo’s face as he grow surprised and confused.
Korvo: What the fuck?
Then, ears appear on Korvo as he grow shock
Korvo: Oh god! No!
Korvo then starts glowing.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: glows brighter WHAT THE FUCK’S HAPPENING?!
The glow disappears and Korvo groans and clutches his head.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: offscreen What the hell was that?
Korvo then feels something on his head that made him gasp. Korvo looks himself in the mirror. Korvo screams in shock, because he has now becomes a gorgeous human as he breaths in and out.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh God! I’m too attractive!
Human Korvo suddenly hears something.
Janice: offscreen H’no Hello? Anyone out there y’know?
Human Korvo gasps and runs off. Human Korvo then hides in a empanada truck then Randall from Halloween sees him.
Randall: Hey, sir? What are you doing in here?
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: RANDALL FROM HALLOWEEN?!
Randal: Yeah, that’s my name. Why are you-
Janice: offscreen Mr! Wait! Are you okay?!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: GET AWAY!
Then, someone opens the door and it turns out be Janice from Korvo and Terry’s old job.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Wait. Janice?!
Randall: Huh?
Randall then looks at Janice and grows lovestruck while “True” from Spandau Balledt plays in the background:
Randall: Oh, uh hi.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Janice, it’s me, Korvo!
Janice: What?!
Then Human Korvo gulps and tries think of a better idea. Then, he sees a magazine cover for LBGTQ+ Models and got an idea upon seeing a name.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Uh, I mean Korey.
Randall: Korey?
Janice: H’no, that’s a good name, y’know?
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Uh yes. I just moved here… notices his ripped apart and ruined robe Oh shit! My clothes!
Randall: Oh, that’s okay! I have some old clothes you can have.
Human Korvo then looks in the box and then suddenly looks at the mirror and began to feel infatuated with himself as he flips his long blond hair with his hand and grows smitten.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Whoa whistles, actually, I think this look might do well. See ya folks. takes a pair of clothes and leave
Human Korvo then sees a nearby gym shower and grins with an idea.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Boo-ya!
Special thanks to @avaveevo, @asikreading, @themagicwolf6677, @king-of-squishmallows and all of my watchers for their ideas and support.
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big-papa-yautja · 2 years
My Yautja Roomate (Male yautja x female human reader nsfw)
@eclecticpatrolroadlawyer (since you wanted me to tag you)
(Scroll down for the other chapters)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: New love
Word count: 2,195
I had went to go take the last bit of things out of the fridge since Titchi'ki and I still had a couple of hours till my friend could help us move our last pile of stuff to our new apartment. I was feeling hungry again and the only food we had left was pizza from two days ago, a half drank soda bottle, cheese, chocolate milk and a lunchable snack. I wanted to get those dirty thoughts out of my head, so, why not make some food to get my mind off of them?
Besides... I don't think Titchi'ki would wanna bang me again... but maybe he would? I'm still quite sore from last night though. I shook my head and chucked the last pieces of pizza in the microwave for about 2 minutes. While I waited, I chugged the soda we had. It was mountain dew, one of my favorites. Titchi'ki never realy ate any human food. He had his own special diet that he liked to stick to.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw him walk over to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, "your scent is strong to my senses."
Blushing, I looked up at him, "oh be quiet. I'm trying not to think about... things..." just the thought of what we did last night made my insides tingle with excitement.
"Do you not wish to breed?" He asked with genuine curiosity.
My face turned red, "I- it's just- hhhhhnnnnn...." I buried my face into his side. He rabidly clicked his mandables together as he looked down at me. What about this was amusing to him? I again looked up at him and into the glistening helm he wore.
After his laughter died down, he cocked his head to the side as he stared at me, "Why does this embarass you R'ka Luar-ke?" That nickname... he gave it to me since he could never pronounce my name correctly. It means Moon Fire. I don't know why he gave me a nickname like that, but I think it's really cute.
"Well... us humans don't call it 'breeding,' we call it... sex. And most humans have sex for the pleasure aspect of it, not to have kids. I guess... I guess it just embarrasses me since us as a species don't talk about it like a casual thing... I don't know..." I could feel the hot tingling sensation on my face as I tried to explain. I felt like I was sweating.
He nodded, "so... you don't want to breed? Just uh... 'have sex?'" He leaned up against the wall and crossed his arms. Oh my gosh... why does he look so hot?....
"Uh... well- yeah.. I mean, um...." I grumbled and turned away from him. Why can't I just speak right? Why is it so hard to speak to him all of a sudden? I took a deep breath in and sighed as I turned back around to talk to him, "yeah-" the microwave beeped before I could finish my sentence.
I opened it and took out the paper plate that held my reheated pizza. It smelt so good. Probably because I was so hungry at this point. As I began to eat, Titchi'ki walked out of the kitchen. Moments later, I heard some shuffling of fabric. I walked out of the kitchen to see what He was doing. As I stood there, eating my pizza, he pulled out a polished skull from a rather large bag. Looking at me, he walked over to me with the skull in his hands.
It looked alien. I don't think I've ever seen a skull like that one before. But then... I'm not much of an expert when it comes to creatures. It had a mean looking facial structure. I don't know how else to describe it, but it must've looked ugly when it was alive.
"R'ka Luar-ke..." He began to speak, "I give you this. It was one of my harder hunts from the time I was with my clan; A mighty beast that lived in mud pits back on my home planet, known for it's venom and sharp claws. Do you accept it?" He was speaking quieter than he normally does.
He has never given me anything, let alone one of his trophies. I didn't know what to think of this until I remembered something, "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?.." He once told me the male of his species courts the females by giving gifts such as their trophies.
I started to internally scream as he nodded. I put down my plate and grabbed the skull from his hands, accepting the gift. He began to click his mandables together and I smiled, "sooo... this makes us what?.." I began to feel hot again.
"Mates. I am now yours my Matriarch." My heart skipped a beat and I grabbed my plate, "excuse me for one moment-" I ran to my room, clothing the door behind me. I could feel him watching me as I left him in the living room. I screamed in excitement while jumping up and down.
I've never felt this way before. The way he talked to me made my stomach tingle. Especially when he called me 'Matriarch.' I don't know why that got me so good. Oh wait... right, petnames are my weakness. Once I was calm enough, I opened my door just to see Titchi'ki standing in front of it. It looked like he was about to knock.
"Oh geeze-" He startled me since I didn't hear him coming, "I'm sorry I just left like that, heh." I chuckled.
"It is alright. Your friend came early." He moved off to the side to let me walk Out of my room.
"What? Wait, where's my phone?" I checked my pockets and pulled it out. She sent a message to me about 20 minutes, whoops. As I made my way to the living room, she walked up to me and hugged me.
"My phone didn't give me the notification for your message. I just saw it." I hugged her back. She took the crust of my pizza off of my plate and ate it, "That's alright. Your beefcake roomie let me in. Turns out an accident happened this morning during work so they let us off for the day. We still get paid for a full day's work which Is nice. So, I thought I would come by and help you two move the last bit of your stuff. Maybe help you unpack too."
"Thanks." Ximena picked up most of my bags, "my car is running and the trunk is open, so let's get a move on!" She said in a demanding, upbeat attitude. She has always been the type of person to get things done. Even when helping us move, she was the demanding one. She always has been and that's a quality that I liked about her.
I tossed my paper plate away and grabbed some of my bags. Titchi'ki grabbed his only bag - which was really large - and slung it over his shoulders. He also picked up some of my bags. I felt kinda embarrassed that I had so much stuff compared to him. Most of it for my small business though. It's been growing in popularity online and our new apartment had a studio room. Perfect place for me to craft.
I managed to cram all my bags into Ximena's trunk thanks to her organizing skills. Now all we had to do was get the last of our miscellaneous items into the back of the car. It didn't take too long, only about 30 or so minutes. After that, I checked the apartment one last time before leaving just to make sure we got everything. Once I was satisfied, Titchi'ki and I squished into Ximena's car and she drove us off to our new apartment. Titchi'ki sat I the back while I sat up front with my bestie.
I've known Ximena ever since middle school. She was like the sister I never had. She was Puerto Rican with dark skin and black hair, but she liked to dye it often. Most of the time pastel colors.
"Xi, I have to tell you something and you're not gonna believe it. I'll have to tell you when Titchi'ki isn't here though." She pulled into the new apartment complex.
"Ooo, you got some tea for me girl? You know I love tea." She parked and turned off her car, unfastening her seat belt.
I got out and went to the trunk, "your mind is going to be blown."
She chuckled. She could tell I was excited, "Bet. You can tell me over lunch once we get the last bit of your things up to your room." Again, she took the majority of my bags. She was physically built so she could lift way more than I could which is nice. I don't have to carry as much.
40 minutes later, all of my stuff is in my new room. Some things I already unpacked, but Ximena really wanted to take me out for lunch, so I have to finish unpacking later. I left Titchi'ki the new keys as I was being dragged out by the arm.
As soon as we got into her car, she began asking me questions, "OK, ok, girl. I see you and beefcake looking at each other. What is up with you two?" She started up her car and I fastened my seat belt.
"So... you know how me and Titchi'ki had to go sleep in the hotel last night?.. well, instead of giving us a two mattress room, there was only one. And one thing led to another-"
"OH MY GOSH, DID YOU TWO FUCK?!" She screamed with excitement. I blushed.
She cut me off, "HOLY SHIT! HAHAHAH! FINALLY!"
"What?... what do you mean 'finally'?" I was shocked at her response.
"It was soooo obvious that the two of you like each other. It was so painful and hard not to tell you two to just go out on a date. Like anytime you would talk to me about him, you would blush and I have Seen the way he looks at you when you turn your back. Man's thirsty for you, I just know it." She pulled out of the apartments and drove to a local restaurant.
"It was that obvious?.." I felt embarrassed, "Oh, and you won't believe what Titchi'ki asked me right before You came."
"What did he ask you?"
"For me to be his girlfriend." We both screamed in excitement.
"HOLY shit! I can't wait to tell Val. He's going to loose his mind. We both have been waiting for you two to hook up or do SOMETHING together. You HAVE to tell me everything that happened last night. I want to hear it all. How good was he?"
My face turned red, "No, no! Don't tell Val! And I don't want to tell you in the restaurant Where other people can hear!"
"Oh no, don't worry. We aren't going in. I ordered in advanced. I got your favorite. And why can't I tell Val? You know he loves this kind of tea just like me." She parked in an open spot.
I sighed in relief, "Well... cause... I- I just need to have this set in for a while before telling everyone, ya know? It's all still fresh."
"I see, I see. Just needed me to help settle in the info as usual." She chuckled as she got out of the car, "I won't be long hopefully. Pick-up usually takes like five minutes since the place is always packed." I nodded as she left.
Once she picked up the food, we drove off to one of the local parks where we sat at a bench and ate. The park never got many visitors since it was more ghetto than it used to be.
"So, how big is he?" Ximena slyly asked after 10 minutes of us eating in silence. I nearly choked on my salad since her question caught me off guard.
"Xi!" My face turned red again. She began laughing, "Oh my gosh, it's too easy to fluster you! But really... I wanna know how big he is. Cause he's already huge in size, but I'm just curious to know if it's the same for his dick."
"Oh lord..." I mumbled to myself as I tried to hid my face. I could hear her chuckling, "oh come on, you told me how big your last boyfriend was."
"One, he wasn't my boyfriend, he was a male stripper and two, I'm not sure how big Titchi'ki is."
"How are you not sure?" She took a bite of her pasta. I sighed and prepared myself to tell her how the whole night went down. By the end of it, she had her jaw hanging wide open.
"Shit. That's a crazy night. Now I'm kinda jealous to be honest." We both finished up our lunch.
"Yeah it was. I'm still a little sore honestly." I let out a soft chuckle of embarrassment.
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denieatsart · 10 months
How Nightmare and Dream would do as fallen humans in DustTale
Feat. Me and my friend Eclipse playing the DustTale IF [ by @ /Darkpetal16 ] in character as Dream and Nightmare respectively
What we learned :
Dream could make friends with Dust
Would survive somewhat well
He's prepared
Nightmare died . Repeatedly . Like more times than my first go as Ink . I sat there for 10 minutes as Eclipse struggled to get past the first . 5 pages ? 10 ?
Was not prepared
Even Passive . Did not make it
Extra notes :
Me waiting for 10 minutes was deserved because my old slow laptop unplugged then I had to turn it back on , let it unfreeze a couple times , then restart the game including customizing Dream . So yeah about 10 minutes of wait time for them too
Lunchables are a good snack for playing these games
DustTale is hard but fun
I almost cried
This is why you don't leave us unattended because next thing you know we're dying repeatedly in an interactive fiction game
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creepypasta-meh-dudes · 10 months
Lunchables and Familiarity
*Nathan the Nobody and Candy Pop are sitting on Candy Pop's bed, recovering from a little game they liked to play called: How long can we kiss without passing out?...with Candy Pop winning as usual*
*after a few more deep breaths, Nathan looks over at Candy Pop*
Nathan: you want to come with me to get a lunchable?
Candy Pop:....what in the 7 deadly sins is a lunchable?
Nathan:.......what did you just say?
Candy Pop: what's a lunchale-
Nathan: you poor, neglected, demon possesed-fairy-angel-blue jolly rancher....you have never tasted a Lunchable?
Candy Pop: no....I haven't....
Nathan: *picks candy up* come with me then, blue raspberry goblin, we shall find you the best Lunchables we can....and some babybel cheese on the side!
Candy Pop: *finding this wildly funny* alright then?
*Nathan carries Candy Pop on his back, taking him to the nearest exit of Jason's little pocket universe....he puts Candy Pop down about 3 minutes later cause he's having trouble keeping his balance with the unruly and excited genyr on his back*
*eventually Nathan finds the exit and Walks out with Candy Pop into an alley way, seeing a walmart sign about 5 minutes away from them*
Nathan: *putting away his mask and tying his hair up into a man bun* alright...if anyone asks, Candy Pop, you are a cosplayer and I am your roommate.
Candy Pop: but you're my boyfriend-
Nathan: *putting a finger to the small jester's lips* SHHHHHHH. we will devote ourselves to the role.
Nathan: NOW, we shall go...*he walks with Candy Pop to the walmart*
*Once they are inside, Candy Pop looks around excitedly...practically bouncing up and down, even though Candy Pop had gone to Walmart with Nathan a few times before, he always found it all quite invigorating considering where he was from, they had nothing like this*
*Nathan walked toward the cheese and lunch meat isle and pointed at the lunchables*
Nathan: the ambrosia and nectar of humans......✨Lunchables✨
Candy Pop: you've been hanging out with Papa Grande...haven't you?
Nathan:...........hush you glitter force-glitter diamond lookalike.
*candy Pop laughs at this and just grabs a lunchable*
Candy Pop: alright we got the- *GASP*
Nathan: huh?
Candy Pop: *pointing at the refrigerators* red bull!
Nathan: Candy...if i buy that for you...Jason will KILL me....you understand that...right?
Candy Pop: small price to pay for your boyfriend's happiness~
Nathan:.....you're lucky i'm feeling extra good today.
*Nathan gets a red bull for candy pop and walks with him to the cashier*
Cashier: that'll be 14.59...
Nathan: *raises an eyebrow* hm...that's...more...than usual...
Cashier: *shrugs and takes the money from Nathan and gives them the stuff they bought*
Nathan: *mumbles* thanks...
*Candy Pop kept his eyes on the cashier...something felt....off*
Cashier: *looks at Candy with an odd grin....a grin Candy Pop had seen in the past but couldn't quite put his finger on* so...you're a cosplayer? what- or WHO are you cosplaying?
Candy Pop: *cautious* well....i'm cosplaying-
Cashier: wait....let me guess. a genyr?
Candy Pop: *eyes widening* how did you-
Nathan: *already at the exit* Candy! c'mon! Jason's gonna get worried if we're gone for too long!
Candy Pop: c-coming...*he heads towards Nathan...thinking about the odd interaction he just had...how on earth did that cashier know Candy Pop was a genyr...Genyrs were not something humans knew about...Genyrs were often mixed up with Angels...but that cashier had guessed perfectly...it wasn't normal*
*Nathan and Candy Pop head home and enjoy their red bull and lunchables*
*after they finish, they both get ready for bed, Candy Pop practically vibrating from the red bull...they walk to Jason's room and lay down all together, Candy Pop in the middle of the 6'0" goth and the 6'4" Toymaker*
Jason: *looking down at Candy Pop* why....why on Earth are you so shaky?
Nathan: *giving Candy a look that says: tell him and you wont be able to walk for a week.*
Candy Pop: *simply smiles at Nathan and turns to Jason* Nathan bought me a Red bull.
Jason: *sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose* i'm too tired to lecture you at this point...just don't do it again.
Nathan: *squints* hm...alright....fine...
Candy Pop: *simply chuckles and drifts to sleep*
*the throuple falls asleep peacefully*
Cashier: *walking into the back of Walmart snickering*
???: what's so funny?
Cashier: *slowly morphing* you wouldn't believe what I saw....
???: what?
*the cashier has now completely morphed*
Morivin: I got to see our dear older brother.
Drolsoir: he was here?
Morivin: yes...posing as a cosplayer with this...HIPPIE he was with
Drolsoir: ah...do you think we could use this?
Morivin: i believe we can younger brother....we will use our brother's relationship with that hipster people call a man to draw him in....and kill Night Terrors.
Drolsoir: lovely....
*candy pop sits up, waking in a cold sweat*
Candy Pop: no....no no no....
Night Terrors: what is it?
Candy Pop: *grits his teeth* Morivin.....that cashier....it was Morivin....
Night Terrors: *Malice and cruelty in his voice* oh my~ quite the development we have.....
*Candy Pop closes his eyes in regret.....remembering the danger this could put him in....the danger this could put Jason and Nathan in*
Candy Pop: *breathes out* very well....I will simply have to be more careful...
*he lays down, pretending like everything is ok....just as he always does...*
so, if you couldn't tell, this is going to be connected with the backstory i wanted to make for him.
(none of these characters belong to me,
Nathan was created by Ivydarkrose
Candy Pop was created by: DanceofAngels
Jason was created by: Kristanyl.)
Morivin and Drolsoir were created by Ivydarkrose
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sunnydalescoobiies · 7 months
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plotted & closed starter for @cruelprincae from buffy summers.
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†  ――――    BUFFY  NEVER  EXPECTED  TO  BE  TRAVELING  WITH  A  FAERIE.  in  all  honesty,  buffy  had  no  idea  of  their  existence  to  begin  with.  what  else  was  she  going  to  run  into?  elves  or  mermaids  next?  she  tried  not  to  be  so  callous  or  demeaning  about  it,  though.  she's  just  been  so  accustomed  to  vampires  and  demons  and  even  werewolves  but  faeries?  that's  something  she  always  thought  had  to  be  a  myth,  too  far  of  a  reach  to  actually  exist  in  this  world  but  she  was  wrong  because  lo  and  behold,  cardan  existed  and  he  was  existing  to  purely  be  a  pain  in  her  damn  ass.  of  course,  there  was  a  much  bigger  picture  here  than  annoying  her  every  chance  he  got;  she  was  apparently  supposed  to  protect  him  and  aid  him  in  his  conquest.  this  was  also  something  buffy  never  thought  would  happen  to  her.  wasn't  her  sacred  duty  supposed  to  be  protecting  humans  from  becoming  lunchables  for  the  undead?  last  time  she  checked,  protecting  tinkerbell  wasn't  on  her  list  of  tasks  for  the  day.
IT  TOOK  EVERYTHING  IN  HER  TO  FINALLY  SUCCUMB  TO  THIS  APPARENT  PROPHECY.  she  would  much  rather  be  kicking  some  vampire  ass  in  the  graveyard  or  kicking  back  at  her  place  sharpening  her  stakes  and  listening  to  nirvana;  anything  but  this  exhausting  journey.  she  bit  her  tongue,  most  of  the  time,  while  they  traveled  together  but  it  wasn't  in  buffy's  nature  to  keep  her  mouth  shut.  he  seemed  to  complain  constantly;  his  feet  hurt  or  how  he  longed  for  a  warm  bed.  he  clearly  needed  a  wake  up  call.  buffy  would  continue  on  foot  alongside  cardan  until  they  reached  their  final  destination  for  the  night.  as  much  as  buffy  put  up  a  hard  exterior  and  insisted  that  she  never  required  a  rest,  she  needed  it;  mostly,  she  needed  cardan  to  shut  up  and  go  to  sleep  so  she  could  hear  herself  think.      “      we're  here      ”    she  announced  to  him,  pointing  forward  with  her  stake  the  building  that  stood  tall  in  front  of  them  a  couple  hundred  feet  away.        “      listen,  this  isn't  some  hotel  where  they'll  have  a  hot  tub  and  an  all  you  can  eat  breakfast  bar.  this  is  a  spot  for  demons  to  lay  low,  got  it     ?     which  means  you  let  me  do  the  talking  and  no  one  gets  their  head  chopped  off      ”     she  warned  him  but  she  didn't  have  any  sort  of  high  hopes.  
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hiccanna-tidbits · 1 year
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Jackunzel Month Bonus Week Day 4 - Winter Sun
To her surprise, the outdoorsy, spirited Rapunzel discovers there’s no better hiking companion than a mischievous winter spirit with natural cold resistance.
She meets him on a chilly morning, scaling a snowy mountain trail. Relieved to finally be out from under her mother’s thumb, the young woman has vowed to see as much of the world as possible and explore all the places her mother kept from her. A 3-page-long list of hiking trails she needs to hit before she dies seems a good place to start.
Everyone in the little alpine village she’s staying in keeps telling her it’s too cold to hike. She’ll get frostbite--or worse, she’ll become another frozen body off the trail, staring lifelessly out of a block of ice until the pumas devour her thawed form come spring.
Perhaps she should listen, but after 18 years of “Mother knows best,” Rapunzel is a little tired of letting others tell her what she should and shouldn’t do.
And so she sets off just after sunrise, leaving her cabin behind and embarking on a trek through a wintry forest. Never let it be said that she isn’t prepared. She’s wearing her best snow boots, layer upon layer of sweaters and jackets, and a backpack stuffed with thermoses full of hot chocolate and cider--in addition, of course, to enough trail snacks to last her upwards of a week, if she happens to get stranded. A little nip in the air is nothing she can’t handle.
She’s unprepared for how beautiful everything is. The fresh snow sparkles and glitters in the December sunshine, smooth puffs of it turning every tree and fallen log into a frosted pastry. Everything has a blue and gold sheen, light and shadows painting the world in subtly tinted brush strokes.
Rapunzel finds herself wishing she brought her sketchbook. Alas--she had to remove it to make room for more grocery store cheese-and-cracker and hummus-and-pita-chip packs, as well as only the most high quality of Lunchables.
All she knows for sure is that the forest feels magical, the scenery far too gorgeous for it to have all ended up this way by happenstance. It feels as though someone lovingly airbrushed it into this work of art, putting every bit of effort possible into making it the best it could be.
She passes over frozen stream after frozen stream, all the ice gleaming and reflective like new glass. She can hear the faint gurgling of water underneath, taking it in as her gloved hand slides across the bridge railing.
On one bridge, she has an unexpected encounter.
There’s a boy perched on the railing, straddling it with the kind of nonchalance indicating he’s not at all bothered by the prospect of topping onto the thin ice. Clad in a blue hoodie and about her age, it’s strange that his hair is a white to rival the snow--a white that doesn’t look dyed in.
He grins at her, and it’s so radiant it doesn’t seem human.
“Do you live here?”
The question feels stupid as soon as she says it. He’s probably just a fellow hiker who’s really good at covering up undyed roots and likes to live on the wild side--flippantly risking hypothermia, for instance.
“I live wherever I want, blondie.” He springs off the railing and floats in the air for a second before landing on the bridge. Perhaps she’d been right after all, assuming he wasn’t human.
Snowflakes spring from his fingers and swirl into a cloud around her. She smiles as she realizes something.
“Did you do all this?”
“You know it.” He smirks. “Glad someone appreciates my handiwork.”
“I knew there was someone behind it!” She gives a little joyous hop, delighted she’s not going insane and attributing natural phenomena to a nonexistent supernatural. “It’s amazing.”
“It’s all in a day’s work.” He summons another cloud of snowflakes, casually flicking them to the side. “Easy stuff, really.”
Rapunzel laughs. “Oh, don’t sell yourself short. It looks like you worked hard.”
“Only a little.” He shrugs, still trying to look unconcerned. “But hey...I don’t usually see hikers out this time of year. What’s the occasion for braving the cold?”
“I love winter. I don’t care what anyone else says--it’s gorgeous to me.”
The boy--some kind of ice spirit, she’s guessing--looks genuinely touched.
“I’m going all the way to the end of the trail,” she adds. “I brought enough snacks to last the day. Do you...want to come with?” She laughs nervously. “It’s just that I’ve never met someone who can make it snow before.”
Rapunzel wonders briefly if the spirit boy is some kind of cold-induced hallucination. If he is, so be it, she decides. He’s a fun one, and she can enjoy him a little longer.
When he accepts her invitation and they spend the next several hours chatting and joking and pelting snowballs at one another, she concludes he’s probably real.
And this is how Jack Frost comes to join her on her chilly excursions, floating along beside her and sending any cold winds in the other direction. There’s no limit to the boy’s stamina, it seems, and no subzero temperatures are too much for someone who can frost anything with a mere touch.
A couple times, Jack saves her from her own poor planning. He flies her to the front of trails when it looks like a snowstorm is brewing, and he makes ice domes to keep her sheltered and warm when dusk sneaks up on them and she’s too far out to safely return home.
He takes on the role of a guardian of sorts. Using winter to protect her from the winter, in a twist of irony.
Rapunzel never realized how lonely she was until she didn’t have to be anymore. How much she craved company and good cheer from someone who cared about her unconditionally.
Not like Mother, who only loved her when she did exactly as the hard-faced woman wished.
Come spring, Rapunzel worries Jack will fade away. Go back to wherever the snow and frost and ice are kept in the warmer months. But, miraculously, he finds a way to stay.
He stays for her. He promises to stick around, come what may, and despite any worries about being annoying or overemotional or too much that she may have.
And so she becomes the woman famed for both her frigid and her sweltering nature treks, braving triple-digit and sub-zero temperatures alike and somehow always coming back unscathed. Rapunzel never stops appreciating how lucky she is.
Few get to have a winter spirit as a hiking partner, after all.
OOP, not another what-was-supposed-to-be-a-short-drabble that I got...a little carried away on XD
Anyways, I feel like in a modern AU, Jack and Punz would be that slightly-unhinged Crazy Hiking Couple. Like they tell their friends “Okay, we’re heading off the grid to go backpacking in a place with 0 phone signal for a week!!! Don’t worry about us unless we’ve been MIA for more than a month, kay???” And their friends are like “Mmmmkay no worries” but they be worrying. They be worrying SO hard. Because with Jack and Rapunzel there’s no way to tell if they’re actually in trouble or if they just got Carried Away while out in nature and like. Forgot to tell their loved ones they’re still alive akkahdosygf
I just really want these two to be hiking partners. Like in any possible context. I just want them to explore the wilderness together so bad. They would definitely enjoy it and they would definitely do something very dumb (like eat berries that look delicious but they’re only like 80% sure they’re not poisonous OR try to pet a bear. Probably the bear thing who am I kidding), but honestly??? We all gotta be a little dumb sometimes. As a treat!!!
This was probably one of my favorite bonus Jackunzel month moodboards to make, because snowy forests are just so!!! Snow on pine trees is just so!!! There were so many good “winter sun” aesthetics with the sun shining on snow and winter forests and whatnot that it was actually kind of hard to pick which ones to use D: I’m pretty pleased with that I ended up going with, though--I ended up getting kind of an ice-blue-and-gold aesthetic, which is very Jackunzel!!! Just a couple winter-loving kids in their colors <3
Pic credits available upon request!
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horce-divorce · 1 month
it's very very weird having both sides of my family be affluent. my family is full of people who have never been homeless, some of them even have multiple homes, and yet homeless is all I have ever been in my adult life.
and they just sit around and watch me struggle and then ask why I don't come to Xmas dinner bc they miss me sooOOooOOoOo much. lmfao.
liberals are literally useless. a jackass in a MAGA hat telling me outright that he thinks I should die is honestly doing me more of a service than all of my family members who have sat around and WATCHED me struggle without saying a damn thing, all while singing a song and dance about caring for poor people, disabled people, trans and gay people, about how it SHOULDN'T be like this! Wow! It's just so terrible! :/ SOMEBODY should do something!!! :/ Anywayyyyyyz girls' golf weekend in Florida lol 🤪
at least the MAGATS are honest. it has done something to my brain to grow up in a family that CLAIMS to care about each other, but actually espouses completely conservative ideals when it comes to actually, you know, being human people. A family that raised me not to look away from panhandlers, who shake their heads and say 'everyone should have a home smh... really sucks that you're living in the woods rn... we gotta keep pushing em left.... good thing you like camping, at least! oh, you have to abandon your whole life and the only person who offered to help is in CO? I'm so jealous you get to see the mountains!!!! What? MY house has an extra room? No, thats your dad's office, he's using it. I cant just have people in My Sacred Space, you know.'
gee, what's that like, mom? what's it like having a sacred space. what's it like having a space that belongs to you at all. because I've never had that. growing up, my things were actually her things. she could throw them out if she wanted. she could redecorate if she wanted. she made it abundantly clear that "my stuff" was actually stuff she loaned to me, and her approval was the condition of having any of it. One time I got a .25c sticker from a capsule machine that said "who cut the cheese?!" and she made me get rid of it bc she didn't like fart jokes. One time, she left for a weekend and threatened to divorce my dad bc he bought me a lunchable, and she didnt approve of that sort of junk food.
One time when I was about 10, I told her I hated her for the first time, and she wrote in her journal that if she had known all the love and care she poured into me as a baby would have been for nothing, she'd never have become a parent.
She GAVE me that journal, btw, lmao. I have it now. That's one of the less unhinged things she said in it. The primary purpose of the journal being to prove to me, once and for all, how loved and wanted I've always been.
Until I hit puberty, and until I developed mental health problems, and until I found out I was trans, and until I dropped out of school. And until I was finally 18 and legally no longer her problem.
Then the narrative changed from "we'll always love you and support you unconditionally!" To, 'I know [being homeless] must be hard, but I wouldn't want to rob you of your accomplishments.' (Also something she actually wrote in the journal when I dropped out of college and became homeless due to chronic illness.)
Idk like I grew up with all these big promises about supporting each other, and now my rich aunties with the nice RVs and golf carts for putting around town and the vacation homes and multiple cars and extravagant lifestyles act like they're fucking embarrassed to be around me lmao.
So you admit it? You admit being rich and liberal and having homeless family members makes you look bad? Hmmm???? I wonder why that is????????
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myhuman · 1 year
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I posted 3,086 times in 2022
That's 2,520 more posts than 2021!
86 posts created (3%)
3,000 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,869 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#txt - 532 posts
#img - 426 posts
#art - 383 posts
#graphics - 239 posts
#vid - 126 posts
#fanart - 123 posts
#twt - 69 posts
#comic - 68 posts
#original - 67 posts
#tech - 56 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#katya >>>>>> she honestly had such meaninful development in the film however its usually overshadowed by ice pick joe's banter with gonchy
My Top Posts in 2022:
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o also did some sjis cats sorr i dint post them
26 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
theyre beautiful to me
Siphonophorae - Apolemia
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See the full post
28 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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See the full post
42 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
why is it always “touch grass” i would very much love for people to examine bark on a tree and view the beauty of plants as a whole. please go and check out ferns in your backyard and find bugs to be kind to
69 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
something i really like abt the 17776 satellites is that their personalities actually kind of align from the era they were created.
9 is confused and a little sad, but still learning to adjust to all the new people and despite always being potrayed as young 9 is older than 10. so it's like 10 is guiding their old grandparent around more than anything. even so, 9 is willing to adjust to the change (maybe because the pioneer 9 was launched near the start of a new decade, new era sort of thing) and actively likes to learn more about the new world theyve been thrust into similarly to 10
10's sort of a learned but still mannered (as much as she can be) person who, despite knowing Discoveries are a hope long gone now, still holds onto the ideals of knowledge and science and things that just make sense shown kind of through her psychoanalysises and willingness (and even desire) to answer all of 9's questions
juice is definitely the more Modern of the group being launched in 2022- actually after 17776 first released! possible we'll get new when juice in the REAL world gets launched. anyway, juice texts very informally and laidback with a lot of interest in goofy shit. even so he has the same sort of interest in humanity as the others, just in different areas like their more simple or silly histories like lunchables or Stepping on rakes and getting hit on the head by the stick part of it and then making fun of said people via text message. he's just a silly guy really, as are most people on the internet in 2022
bonus: i did listen to BoC the entire time i read it Specifically the half awake mix by Gabriel O. so now i associate the band with the series... i mean, music inspired by radio transmissions for a series about satellites which communicate through radio waves... probably not intended whatsoever but possibly why music plays during the videos alongside voice clips
79 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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springvaletales · 2 years
((Session 40 is wrapped!))
Today has been cursed for Skaaaa’s sake. I dropped my noodles in the sink at work, someone else had two terrible lunchables when they were really hungry and had no other options, someone else got peed on by their cat early in the morning….CURSED!
We then had some difficulties with Discord’s voice chat.
“You still sound like you’re in a bathtub.”
August: “Have you ever had a bagel, Bagel?”
Bagelby: “Nope! We don’t have bagels in the Feywild. Bagels are circles, and circles are really cool! They don’t exist in the Feywild, really - if you walk in a circle in the Feywild, you end up somewhere else.”
Ena, bullshitting: “Uh…’Bagel’ means something different in the Feywild.”
“If Thiori stretched out his human arms, he could touch both walls.”
“Bagel does not understand magic, so the sky is literally the limit.”
As the party returned to exploring the dungeon, they split up two ways - Bagelby ran back to where they’d last left off with Ena, Thiori, Sir Carl Jaeger, and Lex, while August and Asahi doubled back to explore another branch of the tunnels.
Bagelby and co found a room of loose debris with a few random trinkets, and some bones….a LOT of bones, actually.
Bagelby, looking at a humanoid skull he found: “Hey Thiori, why are there so many bones here?”
Thiori: “Well, it could have been a big predator, a grave getting unceremoniously relocated, or-“
Ena, who was raised by a giant tree Fey, not thinking: “Or all these roots ate someone, lol.”
Sir Carl Jaeger:
Bagelby, slowly putting the skull down: “I think we should all leave in a calm and orderly fashion.”
Meanwhile, August and Asahi climbed through a broken wall an found a long, narrow hallway. When they went to explore it, August failed her reflex save, and fell into a magically darkened pit when the see-saw floor trap activated.
Asahi survived by clinging onto a root hanging from the ceiling, and then screaming into her enchanted acorn for her wife-not-wife Ena to save her.
The rest of the party came running, and Bagelby tried to rescue August from The Pit with Mage Hand, but she was too far down, and his spell couldn’t reach. His kleptomancy still disintegrated the signet ring he’d used to empower it (which he’d stolen from August in an earlier session) however.
Bagelby, sobbing: “Now I can’t steal August’s identity!”
Thiori collected all the rope from the party members, tied them all end to end, then tied them to himself, and drove the rope into a nearby tree root with piton. Then, he tossed Sir Carl Jaeger his backpack, demanded that someone take a sample of the sap oozing from the root for him, and leapt into the abyss.
Lex and Bagelby gathered at the edge of the tilted floor where Thiori had jumped, watching in awe and horror as hundreds of feet of rope uncoiled rapidly. Sir Carl Jaeger joined them to keep Bagelby back from the hole, and Ena and Asahi joined them to gather that sample of sap for Thiori.
The combined weight of all four of them (sans Asahi, who is weightless) was enough to un-stick the stuck trap floor, and drop them all into the abyss, themselves.
Only a few dozen feet down, the wall came up to meet them, and their fall turned into a long, crazy slide into darkness.
After being dumped at the bottom of the slide, they found August waiting for them, and Thiori, still dangling from the end of his rope like SpongeBob after his big movie musical number.
Rising to their feet, the reunited party found themselves at the foot of a gargantuan statue overgrown with roots the size of buildings, snaking their way down from a mysterious portal between realms on the ceiling.
They also found a number of strange masked, hooded, and gloved figures tending to the roots - one of whom was behind the party, having watched them all tumble out of the feeding slide without warning.
One whistle later, and the party’s cover was blown. Initiative was rolled, and the Big Boss Encounter began!
I have never used lair actions in my boss’s before so I hope I’m doing this right.
Lair Action: Tilling the Earth. Roots in sizes ranging from twigs to redwoods writhe and rise from the ground, breaking up the terrain and making it difficult for the duration of combat.
August charged at the main root and started hacking at it with her sword. Her blade bounced.
Thiori charged at the main root and began stabbing it repeatedly with his glaive, strengthened by his empowering mutagen. He drew a little sap from the outer bark, but otherwise did no damage.
Lair Action: Choking Aroma. The roots shake off a thick, sweet-smelling dust of arcane origin. It becomes difficult to breathe, and creatures who cannot filter the air around them lose 5hp per round.
Asahi cast Burning Hands and Ena cast Eldritch Blast at the main root. Neither left a mark.
Bagelby imbued his familiar Pedro with the spell Shocking Grasp, and sent him flying up to the portal in the roof that the main root was coming from.
For the sake of their safety, neither Pedro nor Maritza need to breathe, and neither are affected by the Choking Aroma lair action.
“You take a speed candy. You now have the Zoomies.”
Things my party remembered from older sessions that give me serotonin: The quest they were given to un-curse Vaxa’lian, and that the wizard who was hired to curse him lives on the distant continent of Minos Araan. Excess mana left behind by spells/rituals/etc. makes the air smell like sweet sugar (home-brew).
Thiori, after failing to break the bark of the Root: “Physical and magical damage don’t work - try emotional!”
After a mostly narrative fight to establish how far out of their league they are, the party is bloodied, beaten, and trapped underground with their woody opponent.
Pedro reaches the portal in the roof, but cannot penetrate it. August is hacking madly at the main root, unable to bring herself to do anything else. Thiori is frantically chugging all his mutagens, desperate to find one that might help. Asahi and Lex are desperately looking for a way out of the chamber, to no avail. Lex heard a familiar voice in her head that told her “Hang tight. You’ll be okay, but this is going to be unpleasant”. Sir Carl Jaeger is trying to protect the unconscious body of Bagelby, and Ena - bloodied and afraid - put her acorn in her mouth and sent what she thought would be a final message to her father (“Dad, I’m sorry.”).
A large root reared up above them before crashing back down, and the world went dark for the party….
…and then, they woke up lying in the cool grass, once more above ground, and - miraculously - alive.
Their mysterious salvation is none other than Senn Dugaal - a fact that no-one in the party was happy to learn.
Ena, aghast: “THIS bitch again?!”
Each with a level of exhaustion, the party is in no condition to fight, but luckily for them, a fight isn’t what Senn Dugaal wants.
Sebastian and the bandits (Senn Dugaal rescued the other four missing bandits, and I don’t think the party picked up on that) were watching all this from the sidelines, too scared/stunned by the appearance of an ancient boogeyman figure to do much.
Senn Dugaal dropped a little lore for the party regarding how his free will works despite being bound to a powerful and mysterious necromancer, and what he can and can’t talk about while under that thrall.
He called Bagelby a ‘baby thief’, and said he would be following his career.
He also asked a future favor of the party in return for saving their lives. Asahi asked if he wanted them to kill his boss. He didn’t respond.
Lex has a ‘leaking mana’ problem that Senn Dugaal can see, and he told her to ‘get that fixed’.
Asahi threw (quite forcefully, too - I’m still not sure it wasn’t just a failed attack) a glass figurine of a dragon at Senn Dugaal, who caught it without breaking it, and claimed it was a gift for
Senn Dugaal: “You should return to the witch. You’ll need her assistance, if you plan on tangling with any more Void Roots.”
Asahi: “The one we punched? I MEAN the one Ena punched? I MEAN-“
Senn Dugaal, who has a centuries-long beef with Velenna for a whole host of reasons unknown to history: *bursts out laughing*
He walked off into the forest, telling the party not to die before ‘things got interesting’.
August parted ways with the party with a heartfelt apology for dragging them into an unnecessarily dangerous situation that they had no business facing, especially in the face of her confidence-turned-arrogance.
Asahi, Thiori, and Bagelby all tried to convince her to stay, and when that failed, Thiori gave her a handful of healing cookies, and Bagelby told her that they’d be there if ever she needed them.
I…don’t know how to feel about this. I know this isn’t happening because of anything I’ve done, and I know the reasons it is are beyond my control, but I still feel….weird…about watching one of my players walk away.
Ena watched August leave with a detached sort of attitude - she’s seen a lot of people come and go through her life on soul-searching journeys, so August leaving on one of her own doesn’t phase her, and she doesn’t think it’s permanent.
Lex wished August the best of luck, and Sir Carl Jaeger gave her a good, firm Handshake of Friendship in parting.
August rolled a 30 to handshake back. Sir Carl is impressed.
Asahi gave a few hundred more gold to the remaining bandits before Ena pulled her away (she’s never been so broke).
There were a few trinkets found in the dungeon as well but I forgot to write them down so let’s hope my players didn’t.
The bandits gathered up their dead friend and left, still shell-shocked and crying, and the party headed back to town. August walked off into the setting sun, and we ended there for the night.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
Answer whichever ones you think would have the most interesting answers for Adam. 😈
*inhales* IT IS TIME FOR ME TO ANSWER THIS! i’m going to skip the irrelevant ones, and some of the boring stuff too (i kept the rest because it’s useful even if my response isn’t insightful lol)
1. Are they happy with their body?
yeah! he’s not like, super show-offy about it, but adam likes himself. he works hard (swims to work aka prison island every day, plus he works out like 3-5 times just for fun or to wake up/sleep) so even though he eats like shit, he likes exercising! buff bird likes working out but doesn’t care for health or looks or about how people see him (but he is quite flattered and awkward when receiving compliments)
2. Do they have any secret piercings or tattoos?
nope, he’s not allowed tattoos because he’s not an official rogue aka firstborn. he’s not afraid of piercings, he just doesn’t want to have to be responsible for or committed to them 🥴
3. Do they collect anything?
if he finds random shit on his swim to work, sure! the occasional deep diving and beach walking will result in some trinkets, which he has a habit of collecting for a certain jackdaw with a hoarder habit
4. What is their favorite music genre?
adam is the type of guy who exclusively listens to video game soundtracks. this REALLY bothers storm but at least he can appreciate a good OST!
5. What music genre, if any, do they hate the most?
it’s not hatred, but adam is absolutely CLUELESS about music. doesn’t know shit about it. thinks it all sounds the same (but not in a dismissive way, he’s just genuinely convinced all music regardless of genre is the same song)
6. What is their phone background/lock screen?
literally just the default because he can’t pick one 💀
7. What is their shoe size?
not sure what the mobian scale is, but he’s a large guy in height and build so like. dude needs human shoes that are on the larger end of things
9. Do they have a favorite professional sport?
hockey (i am projecting) he just likes sports with big people in cold temperatures! but he’d never play dude can’t skate for shit (his entire family and bloodline is cursed with being super clumsy)
10. How do they decorate their living space?
basically not at all lol. basic ikea furniture and thrifted items for some flavour/if they were a good deal
11. Are they messy, or do they clean up?
he’s not messy like the stereotypical bachelor in his 20’s vibes, but he’s not super clean either. like, there will be occasional clutter or a lack of decoration and supplies that feels incomplete
12. What’s their preferred sleeping position?
he loafs,,, somehow. despite being a large fucking albatross
15. Can they cook? What’s their favorite thing to make?
a strong no! his favourite meal is lunchables with dino nuggies and smiley fries. a side of caprisun and cosmic brownies for dessert. you know someone like him.
16. What food do they hate eating?
swiss chard
17. Do they have any allergies?
probably caffeine but that doesn’t stop him
18. What was their worst injury?
he got stabbed a couple times! also fell off a tall building. also a boat smashed into him. oh and he almost got blown to bits when his work exploded, but he slept through his alarm that day and thankfully missed out. (no one knows how adam is alive)
19. What movie is most likely to make them cry?
(projecting) the live action adaptation of speed racer (2008)
21. Can they dance? Do they like to?
no and no
26. Do they wear perfume/cologne? What is their favorite scent?
he doesn’t wear cologne, but he LOVES the smell of blueberries
28. What sound do they hate the most?
SOMEONE practicing cello at 4 AM (cough cough storm)
29. What video game would appeal to them the best?
he plays literally anything and everything, but i recently got reattached to what remains of edith finch (GO PLAY IT IF YOU HAVENT IT’S AN ARTFORM IN ITSELF) which is probably a game he’d adore and treasure immensely
30. How would they relax on a day off/rainy day?
video games :)
31. Are they combative? What is their fighting style?
not really, but his fighting style if you push him to that extent? let’s call it lethal. dude can probably lift the chaotix’s detectivr agency so long as someone can balance the weight on the other side (it’s awkward to carry a house by yourself)
32. Would they be the one to start an argument?
NEVER. he is very gentle and non-combative (aka angel)
35. What do they do if they can’t fall asleep?
video games :)
36. Do they wear makeup regularly? If they don’t, would they consider wearing any?
adam has permanent eyeliner and looks absolutely stunning. however, this is because he is an albatross and not because he knows how makeup works. it would be a bit redundant since his face already looks like makeup, but he wouldn’t mind if someone tried out a look on him
37. Do they prefer to be really cold or really warm?
neither hehe he likes neutral cold or neutral warm. but he does have. a high tolerance so it’s honestly the same thing!
39. Can they drive? What vehicles are they licensed to operate?
40. Do they believe in true love? Have they experienced it?
he didn’t believe in it mainly out of disinterest, but one might argue he found it with a certain bug lady ;)
41. Are they married? Do they want to be?
well, idk. that’s up to you, @authorleaandres
42. If they have siblings, do they like any of them? Would they rather be an only child?
adam has an older sibling! i can’t say much about them because ✨bsc lore spoilers✨ but he likes them a lot! they’re him but better in every single way which he is very happy with because adam doesn’t like attention.
43. What do they think is their worst quality? What is their actual worst quality?
he thinks he’s boring (he isn’t). i think he is TOO. PASSIVE. like he’s not a pushover, but i wish he would get angry more!!!
44. Do they lie often? Are they good at it?
no because he sucks at it lol
45. Are they good at keeping secrets?
again, absolutely not
46. How do others see them? How accurate is it to how they really are?
good question! he’s a lovable brother-father figure to everyone he ended up housing (every bird ever and fiona at one point) but at the same time, he’s quite intimidating when you don’t know him. so most people are scared at first and quickly realize they’re wrong and are dealing with a himbo
47. What kind of first impression do they usually make?
scary and sketchy. but no he’s actually a total loser and we love him :)
48. What are they most afraid of?
anything happening to his son and extended child-role circle. also older women usually but that is a looooooooong story!
49. Would they ever kill anybody?
yeah. in the right circumstances
50. Do they have original characters of their own?
i mean, he would probably partake in DND and other similar games (rpgs with fantasy elements) but i haven’t done that for him yet 🥲 i am open to suggestions though!
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