#he did nearly kill jasper
I lowkey stan Schwoz's super computer for immediately wanting to murder Ray after he hurt Jasper
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter One
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Use of curse words
Notes: I was nervous to start writing from Jasper’s POV, but sometimes you just gotta send it and hope for the best. POV changes in italics at the beginning of their sections!
Word Count: 823
Series Masterlist
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• January 24th, 2005 • Forks High School •
Another boring day at this high school which means another tally added to the long list of days spent amongst hormonal teenagers for almost no reason.
I understand the importance of learning to curb my hunger, to be able to assimilate into society as easily as my coven members. I crave the ability they possess to just exist in public without any hint of the monster that lies within. I’ll give it to Carlisle, not many places could I be immersed in an environment flush with humans, but also have the ability to blame my awkwardness with them on teenage hormones while I adjust. I’m not too keen on taking the risk with literal children, but the risk forces me to maintain a tighter grip on the bloodlust raging inside.
I still don’t like the experimentation of it all.
At least my adopted brothers and sisters are close by whenever I need. I hate that I’m not sure of myself yet, like I’m still in need of the crutch they provide should I need it. This is a never-ending war crawling under my skin. I should be strong enough to control this, I’m nearly 160 years old. I’ve commanded humans and vampires alike, why can I not command my own urges for blood?
I'm deep in my own mind walking alongside Emmett as he talks my ear off about his Jeep and the modifications he contemplates making tonight to kill time, and as we pass the front office to our high school, I nearly miss catching the door before it could crack me across the face.
Once I gain my bearings after the momentary shock of being caught in my thoughts, I let the door drift shut and look to the culprit-
Thoughts are foreign to me all of a sudden.
I immediately stop breathing in shock, my back goes rigid, and blinking becomes a thing of the past as my eyes connect with the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.
I’ve never seen such a beautiful person, human or vampire, in my life. My eyes are greedy as I drink her in. From the white converse, worn overalls, the chunky sweater underneath to ward off the early morning chill, to her beautifully messy hair hastily clipped up in a twist at the base of her head - she’s a breath of fresh air and I’ve been submerged for over a century.
But what really catches me off guard is her scent. She smells like fresh lavender and something else so decadent I can’t quite put my finger on it. I can feel the beginnings of flames licking down my throat at just the microscopic inhale after releasing the door from my death-grip moments ago.
The scent of this bewitching girl had me in such a trance, enough that when Emmett delivers a clap to my shoulder to shake me from my thoughts, I didn’t even realize he was chuckling at my expense.
“Oh god I’m so sorry! I was so focused on my schedule that I didn’t even see you-“ she immediately began apologizing.
“No need to worry, doll. It’ll require a little more than a door to take me out.” I immediately interrupted her nervous rambling. Did I really just say that?
“Jasper Hale.” I stuck my hand out for her to shake, trying to start this introduction all over on the right foot.
I noticed her glance to my outstretched hand and back up to my face as her warm hand slid into mine.
“Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n.” She replied, still looking a little surprised. She squeezed my hand a little before allowing hers to slip from mine.
Just from the small amount of skin to skin contact with this beautiful girl, everything inside of me roars to life. I’m worried that if I glance at my hand, I’ll see the skin crawling from where the heat of her hand lingers.
Surprise, worry, anxiety, embarrassment, self-deprecation, awe - the emotions a rolodex scrolling in rapid succession in the forefront of my mind. The shock of meeting her momentarily throwing my supernatural ability for a loop. I haven’t had such shit control over the emotions surrounding me since I was a newborn vampire.
I’ve never had such an interesting reaction to something, or rather someone, before - it scares me slightly. I can only gape as Y/n turns and makes her way quickly to class.
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Can someone die from stupidity?
I’m at my new high school for less than an hour and I’ve already made the biggest fool of myself. I almost just took out the most attractive human being at this school by complete accident.
After introducing myself to Jasper Hale, I hastily turned around and booked it for my first class in the hopes to avoid further insult to injury.
Smooth, Y/n. Real fucking smooth.
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 9 months
Wildest dreams, pt. 28
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Summary: Paul's gone. While the search for him is ongoing, Y/N is back home, awaiting his return.
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing, talking about death, mental health issues and suicide
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Tucking her legs under her, Y/N stares out the window. It’s been unusually cold lately, the skies turning darker with each passing day. The clouds are getting lower, spreading among the trees surrounding her home. Whenever autumn comes knocking, Y/N welcomes the rainy days and moody weather with both arms. She didn’t detest the cold as she once did, because Paul would always hold her a little bit closer. He’d often kiss her until they both struggled to keep their hands to each other and she had to beg for mercy before they were both late for work. It’s not like he’d kiss her any less in the summer, it’s just that he’s aware his warmth in already warm days is harder for Y/N’s body to handle. It’s why he’d give her space from time to time. Y/N hated that. That’s why she’d turn down the AC to freezing cold temperatures all the time just so she could enjoy Paul’s cuddles more.
She misses his cuddles now.
It’s been five days since Paul went out of the Cullen’s house and shifted into a wolf. When he’d lose his temper, Paul would be back by nightfall and Y/N never needed to worry. This felt different. Jacob didn’t tell her much at first, trying to sugarcoat what they’d discovered, but she wasn’t letting up. She could never let up when Paul was involved.
“You need to hear it from him, not me,” Jacob sighs.
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Y/N frowns deeply. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I know I feel that his heart is shattered and I -”, she pauses as a sob threatens to escape her. “I never feel his emotions unless they’re at an extreme and his pain is suffocating me right now.”
“It’s a deeply personal thing I can’t imagine Paul would want you to talk to us about.”
Chuckling dryly, she points a finger at Jacob’s chest. “You have no idea what he or I would want. You weren’t here when we were building this relationship from the ground up! You weren’t here as we grew up and you sure as hell weren’t here when we learned each other’s hearts by heart! So don’t tell me what he would or wouldn’t want, because I know what he wants, and that is me! And if he is in this state because he believes he’s done something that will take me away from him, I need to know what the fuck it is so I can convince him it isn’t his fault and that–,“ belting over she lets a shuddered breath pass her lips. Clutching her chest, Y/N’s knees hit the ground with a loud sob echoing throughout the room. Jacob’s quick to wrap his arms around her, looking at Edward in distress.
“She’s overwhelmed”, Edward explains before glancing at Jasper, who seems devastated by the constant waves of pure anguish coming off of Y/N.
In the blink of an eye, Jasper is beside Y/N, his hand running up and down her back as she gasps for breath. All the pain and confusion coursing through her blood is nearly enough to make anyone insane. Even Jasper is barely holding it together as he takes some of her pain, replacing the tsunami of negative emotions with a sense of tranquility.
It doesn’t take long for Y/N’s breathing to return to normal, but her tears don’t dry. Jasper can manipulate her emotions, but he can’t trick her body into forgetting everything.
“Just tell me,” she pleads. “I need to know how to bring him back home.”
“He’s found out you’d possess a rare ability if you were to join our family,” Carlisle answers, and her eyes find him immediately. “One that the Volturi would never allow to exist. That means they’d kill you if you were to change.”
Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she furrows her eyebrows. “Then I won’t shift and it won’t be a problem.”
“Aro will know,” Alice chimes in. “He can read every thought anyone’s ever had just by touch. He’d find out about you. Even as a human, you’d be a threat. The potential you carry is enough for him to act.”
Letting out a heavy breath, Y/N shakes her head. “How do you even know I might have this power?”
“We asked a member of our extended family to visit,” Alice replies. “We didn’t want to take risks when it came to you. A Quileute imprint.”
“And if you didn’t? If he never told you what potential I carry? If we never even mentioned the possibility of me being part of your family?”
“You’d have never gone through what Paul saw the day he imprinted on you.”
“A self-actualizing prophesy,” Y/N nods. “Is it really as bad as it seems?” Y/N asks Alice. “Paul has always seemed traumatized by it, but he’s my imprint. Is it really a horrid way to die?”
For the first time, Y/N noticed emotions in the Cullens. The Cullens' stony faces are difficult to read by humans, but Y/N can no longer ignore the emotions she notices in them. It’s on all their faces–compassion and pity most of all.
“Okay then”, Y/N forces a small smile as she uses Jacob’s shoulders to help herself stand. Jasper doesn’t hesitate, holding her up as she stumbles during her attempt.
“We need to find my fiancé,” Y/N purses her lips. “Jacob,” she sighs. “Please find him and bring him back to me.”
“I will do my best,” he promises. “But it’s not easy when we get into this headspace. It once took me an entire summer to return to my human form.”
Nodding, she swallows thickly. “Tell him I need him. Tell him I love him and I don’t care about anything other than spending the rest of my life with him. I want to get married and I want us to live every single day to the fullest.”
“I’ll gather the rest of the pack still willing to shift,” Jacob pecks her forehead. “We can cover more ground and drag him back if necessary.”
As Jacob walks toward the door, he’s stopped as her fingers coil around his pinky finger–the only part of him she could reach as he all but ran to fulfill his promise.
“Don’t let him see me breaking down. He can’t ever know.”
Ever since, Y/N waited for her soulmate to return to her. Embry, Quill, and Seth joined Jacob in their search the very first night. Sam and his eldest son waited for Leah and her husband, Owen, to come from Port Angeles before joining the very next day.
Emily would visit with her youngest every morning. Y/N’d have her dad over for lunch, but it didn’t help distract her as much. The greatest thing Sam has ever done for her was give her and Paul his blessing to clue her father in. She didn’t tell him she was marked for certain death. It would kill him to know, but he knows enough to be aware her life is in danger. She told him Paul’s off with the pack trying to hunt down a rogue cold one, protecting the tribe. Kim and Jared would come over every other night for dinner. Y/N imagines it’s because they feel guilty about Jared’s lack of involvement in the search for Paul. He’s not shifted in so long, the human part of him is much stronger than the wolf. Y/N supposes they didn’t want to halt his aging now when they finally seem to look the same age. She can’t take it to heart. Perhaps she’d hate if Paul shifted after a decade too.
Claire and her wife visited on the second day. She’s never been too close to Claire as she and Andrea live far, about a five-hour drive in one direction. They mostly see each other for holidays, but Y/N appreciated her visiting very much. Catching up with them put her mind at ease for a few hours, long enough to maintain some semblance of sanity.
Renesmee showed up with Bella for a few hours on the third day, bringing loads of chocolates Edward knew Y/N liked. Apparently, he’s joined the search earlier that day with Emmett and Rosalie.
The only ones who never left her home were Daisy and Jasper. It would likely drive Embry crazy if he knew his imprint had been sitting beside a vampire this entire time, especially when that vampire was Jasper. He’s apparently less stable with his diet compared to others in his family, but Y/N likes it when he’s close by. If it weren’t for him micromanaging her emotions whenever they threatened to kill her, Y/N would have lost herself. Alice came and went, unable to handle the smell of wolves for too long. The smell of several wolves mixed together is much worse than Jacob's scent, she said.
“He’s going to come back”, Daisy hands her a cup of warm tea. It’s nothing compared to holding Paul’s hand, but if she closes her eyes for a few minutes, she can pretend he’s there, safe with her.
Daisy sits with her, feeling her loss. Embry’s never been away this long before. She can’t imagine how hard it must be for Y/N when she can’t even be sure Paul is alright when she can feel he’s in pain. At least Embry isn’t in danger and he isn’t heartbroken to the point of being stuck in his wolf form. He’ll definitely come back home. Paul might not. She doesn’t say that openly, but she carries that worry. Meeting Y/N was scary as hell, especially with how highly Embry used to talk about her. She knows they had a mutual crush on each other when they were younger, but it never seemed to work for them. Embry told her he didn’t want to mess up his friendship with Jacob, who was evidently in love with Y/N, but he also didn’t want to risk losing Y/N as a friend. It was easier to admire her from a distance.
It’s not like Daisy is insecure about her relationship with Embry now, but before she knew what imprinting was, it did cross her mind that Y/N might be competition. She only found out about imprints when Embry spilled the beans about Paul imprinting on Y/N when she first came back to town. He wasn’t aware she was close enough to hear him and the way he mocked Paul for it, but she heard it. It wasn’t hard making the connection about their own situation. Smiling, she remembers how stupid his face looked when she called him her imprint in bed that night. He nearly choked on his own saliva before she kissed him harder than ever before. She wishes he was with her to kiss him harder than that. Jared didn’t shift and leave Kim, so why did Embry? Shaking her head, she puts those thoughts away. Y/N is a close friend, possibly her closest friend, and she’s definitely Embry’s favorite person aside from herself. This is a small sacrifice for someone they both care about.
Jasper watches the two girls from the couch. He can sense the quickly shifting emotions in Daisy every day, but none of them are malicious. It’s evident she simply misses her husband. Y/N is a hurricane compared to Daisy. She’s impossible to predict and the devastation her emotions can cause is incredibly difficult to contain. He’s never truly delved much into imprint connections, perhaps because Jacob and Renesmee had a simple relationship. Renesmee didn’t pay him much attention until she ended things with her high school boyfriend. After graduation, that’s when she decided she wanted him…selfishly so. She never quite unlatched from him. Renesmee was more or less obsessed with him, jealous of Y/N’s friendship with him, but she was never in any pain regarding Jacob. As for the wolf side of the relationship, Jacob just wanted to protect her and make her happy. He didn’t necessarily love her the way Renesmee loved him, but he wouldn’t ever break her heart, even though his own wasn’t whole. Jasper always knew Jacob loved someone else and despite the imprinting tying him to his niece, Jacob never forgot the one he wanted truly. Seeing Jacob and Y/N in the same room revealed everything to him — he wanted what he could never have. And now he’s off, making sure Y/N can have some form of a happy ending as if she won’t die soon.
Never before did Jasper care much about humans, knowing they’re around only for a brief part of his immortal life. Very few did he care to befriend and, for some reason, Y/N felt like a person he wanted to be around. She didn’t make him thirsty, it’s her heart that speaks to him. So many people walk around hiding their true feelings, but she feels everything so clearly and she refuses to pretend otherwise. It’s rare to find someone like that. He has observed her mainly depressed in the time he's known her, but he wonders about the potential of being around her when she's truly happy.? He could get drunk on candid joyfulness Y/N is capable of feeling. Perhaps he’s going to be invited to the wedding when Paul returns. She’ll certainly be cheerful on that day and he has to know the other side of this despair. He can't believe that he cannot replace this pit of aching with ecstasy and serenity.
Alice finds him unreasonable for staying with Y/N inside the house she shares with Paul, but he can’t bring himself to leave yet. Not before she’s reunited with her fiancé. Leaving now is like playing with destiny. She deserves the relief he’s cautiously giving her, making sure she can feel her emotions without allowing them to cross the borders of what she can safely handle. Y/N needs him, even if others do not agree. Until Paul walks over the threshold of this house, Jasper will not leave. Y/N doesn’t demand it either. He can feel she’s grateful for his presence, for taking the edge off the very sharp knife her emotions tend to become.
So he stays, watching over the girls as the lighting tears apart the sky.
“What would happen if I were to join your family and Aro was,” Y/N pauses as she turns to look at Jasper, who seemed rather surprised she was talking about it. “Well, if he was eliminated, would it really be such a problem for me? For your family?”
Staring at Jasper, Y/N watches as his lips spread in a thin line and then into a genuine smile. She’s definitely gone mad. “You’d want to take on the Volturi?”
“I want to take on Aro,” she corrects. “If he was alone, he’d be easier to eliminate.”
“To kill, you mean,” Jasper states.
Shaking her head, she places the empty teacup down. “I understand the chances of it are minimal, but say I accept to be one of you and I get this magical power of making vampires human… Can’t I make him human?”
“Would he, like, just become a vampire again?” Daisy asks.
Jasper rubs his chin. The more time he spends around her, Y/N swears he does these little gestures for her benefit, something to take away from the ungodly beauty he possesses, to make him seem more human.
It's impossible to turn them into vampires after they have been cured. However, the rest of them would know. The entire army would be ready to dismember us to get to you.”
“Not if he disappears,” Y/N tries. “We could hold him hostage until he dies a human death.”
“That’s dark”, Daisy notes.
“It’s nothing compared to what he’s been doing for much longer than you’ve been alive,” Jasper argues. “He deserves far worse.”
“Could it work?” Y/N asks as Jasper’s phone lights up. “Alice?” The hope in her voice is so easily detectable that it makes Jasper almost frown when he sees it’s a message from Edward.
We found Paul.
“No. Edward says they found Paul.”
“Are they coming home?” Y/N jumps, running toward Jasper. “Call him, call him!”
Smiling as her hope brings alive the butterflies in his stomach, Jasper dials his brother immediately.
“Kind of hard to talk now”, Edward grunts as a loud growl sounds.
“I’m with Y/N. You’re on speaker.”
“Where is he”, Y/N grabs Jasper’s wrist, bringing her lips closer to the phone. “Is he okay?”
“Canada”, Edward sighs as the growling grows louder.
“Is that him?!” she exclaims. “Paul Lahote, you stop that right now!”
On command, the growls turn into whimpers and she can’t help the way her chin trembles with the pained sound leaving her fiancé.
“Come home,” she says softly. “I know you believe you put me in this situation, but that’s not true.” Sniffling, she pauses as if to wonder if saying it in front of everyone is unwise. It doesn’t take long for her to decide, choosing to prioritize Paul over her vulnerability. “If you and I never fell in love, I’d have been dead a long time ago. Paul, I came back home for a few months to tie up loose ends.”
Glancing at Daisy who stood by her, Y/N swallows thickly. “I was struggling with anxiety and depression. And I didn’t feel like I had anyone in this world other than my dad. I just…I was in therapy, but it didn’t really feel like it was working. The meds never really helped either. I was just so…so lonely.”
“Y/N”, Daisy rests a hand on her shoulder as a show of support.
“I was planning on taking my life and then you showed up in that forest with your stupid smile and gorgeous eyes and suddenly I had one more mystery to solve.” Smiling meekly, Y/N sighs. “Before long, I was falling in love with you and my friends returned to me and in that time, I started falling in love with life again. You saved my life, Paul Lahote, and I hate how cheesy that sounds, but you did. And whatever time I got now is still a lot longer than it would have been if we never met.”
Biting her lower lip, she closes her eyes. “You made me happier than I believed was possible. I love you and I want to marry you. I want to marry you and become your wife as we planned. Come back to me so we can enjoy this time we have left.”
“I will.”
She recognizes Paul’s voice immediately.
“I’ll be home soon. We’ll do whatever you want.” His voice is shaky, imbued with heavy emotions he’s attempting to keep under control.
Smiling, she nods. “A beach wedding would have been great, but the weather might not agree.”
“I’ll make sure it agrees,” Paul sniffles.
“Where we had our first date?”
“Sounds perfect!”
Neither spoke for a few moments. Each breath seems to hang in the air, heavy with unspoken thoughts. It’s the kind of silence that carries weight, a palpable tension that both parties are acutely aware of but hesitate to break. Y/N inhales sharply as Paul breaks the silence.
“I love you too.”
“I know”, she replies quietly.
“With all my heart.”
“I believe you.”
“I’ll see you soon,” Paul promises.
Nodding, she holds her breath as tears rush to her eyes. She can’t let Paul hear her crying. He’s carrying far too much guilt already and her tears shouldn’t be part of the load. Swallowing the growing lump at the back of her throat, she replies sweetly, her tone laced with all the love she wants to give him.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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Part 29
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bengiyo · 8 months
I am curious for your perspective on the way the OF creators are interacting with fans and have even admitted to editing the show based on fan reactions. It strikes me as an unusual level of interaction and capitulation, though of course TV is a live medium that is nearly always responsive to reactions to some extent. My preference is for a lot less of this kind of thing, but I know you have experience with direct interaction with media creators and have found it enhances your experience sometimes. What do you make of how these dynamics are showing up in OF and the effect it’s having on the show?
TV and Critic Background
So, I am actually the worst person to talk to if you think the creators should be quiet about their work, because I really enjoy talking to directors, producers, actors, cinematographers, and especially editors about their work. I often go to film festivals just to talk to the creators about their processes.
I've also been in the TV space a really long time, and I am used to this kind of behavior. I don't think a lot of folks who are in BL are used to being in the process of TV itself, and I think a lot of people have let the Netflix binge model inform the way they view TV. TV is not like movies. When you get a movie, you are seeing the end product of filming, editing, test screenings, re-edits, etc. TV is usually only an episode or two ahead of the viewers.
It's extremely normal for a show to respond to feedback when characters test well. The 100 did this with Jasper. He was supposed to die in the pilot when that spear entered his chest, but he tested well with audiences so they revived him.
Fun Fact: This is why Kiseki: Dear to Me didn't just move their release schedule up when episode 8 was leaked early. They probably weren't finished assembling episode 9.
I followed Sense8 through its entire development process all the way from rumors and then J. Michael Stracynski's posts about it, to the things Lana and Lily said about it, to the commentary from the cast.
I have a special hatred for Rick Behrman over Star Trek.
I absolutely hate Russel T. Davies because of Cucumber.
I bailed on Supernatural because of the way the writers condescended to us at comicon after killing Kevin.
I know some fans are upset about the idea that scenes they wanted to see got cut, but I was there for Noah Galvin opening his fucking mouth to talk shit about other actors at ABC who were playing beloved gay characters and that subsequently getting The Real O'Neals canceled. The show had a very short second season and I feel forever salty about that.
What does this mean for Jojo and Ninew and Den?
I actually think Jojo, Den, and Ninew are fine. I don't think they usually poopoo on valid reads from what I've seen, and mostly they're having fun with the fans, too. I just don't think people are used to the creators being so honest about how feedback affects the editing process.
I think this is the first time we've had a big show in a while where the creator was fairly active on socials about the show. Aof and Au are usually pretty quiet when their shows are airing, and only give small tidbits while they show is airing. Jojo is silly and likes to play with fans. Den is feisty and has a gay agenda to pursue.
Truly, I don't think Jojo and friends are that bad about anything with this show, because they're mostly just laughing and stating things that are obvious to people who pay attention to how the sausage is made.
That being said, the biggest struggle OF is having is shipping. The FK girlies are so loud and their heavy breathing has likely influenced the way Jojo and friends decided to write Ray. The FB girlies are so into them that it's made Jojo and them dial back some of their Top content because the audience hates him so much. Only Boston and Nick feel like they've made it through the shipping gamut intact because Neo and Mark aren't bringing a bunch of preexisting shippers to the table.
Coming off of episode 10, you can see this plainly with the nasty4nasty dynamic with Boston and Nick. The emotional core of their dynamic feels true, even down to the way their moments in the store mirror their first interactions again. Boston came in for service about his phone and intentionally showed Nick something on it.
I don't think Jojo has ever had to work with multiple acting pairs that were big branded pairs prior to this, and this is only his second time really dealing with that. With Never Let Me Go, Pond and Phuwin weren't that big yet, and he wasn't threatening their ship with anything complicated. OF is challenging for people who just watch BL as fap material and have to deal with their faves not being easy people to parse.
As usual, we go back to that post that goes around all the time, thought I think the OP deleted it:
"Never ever be normal about fictional characters but please GOD be normal about the people who play them, I am begging you" -tumblr user mantorokk-writes
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
🌿ISTJ 🍁Slytherin 📜True Neutral 🔮Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon, Leo Rising
⭑ You became a vampire 50 years ago. Your father had gambled away all the family money, and couldn’t repay the gangsters to whom he owed. They gave him three chances, and he was warned. In the end, the gangsters murdered your whole family except for your father. As you lay bleeding out, you watched as your father ran out.
⭑ It was Garret who had smelt the blood. But, you were still alive, and you begged him for help.
    “Please. Help me-” The gunshot had missed vital organs, but you had jumped in front of your little brother and took another to the abdomen.
   “Why should I help you? Whose at death’s door?” His eyes were red and you knew he was otherwordly.
 “I need to kill those who did this,” You sobbed, hot angry tears spilling down your cheeks.
     “That’s more like it.”
⭑ So Garret did save you, he turned you and looked out for you for years. You had grown on him.
⭑ Garret had sent you to Carlisle because he no longer wanted a tag-along. His independence was too strong but didn’t want you to be alone.
⭑ Rosalie isn’t easily impressed. 
⭑ But neither are you. 
⭑ You started off as rivals. Possibly enemies. But there was a tension there that neither of you could deny. You did though. Both of you denied, denied, denied. 
⭑ Everyone could see it. They could feel it. 
⭑ The tension was always so thick when the two of you were together. 
⭑ At first she pretended to forget your name, it stung but you’d be damned if you let it show.
⭑ It was a slow romance, one that made your heart ache and burn. Neither of you wanted to admit your feelings. Pride stood in the way. 
⭑ Alice told Rosalie that being with you was inevitable. 
⭑ Whenever someone looks at you, Rosalie will appear by your side, grab your face in her hands and kiss you. 
⭑ Teasing each other
    “Well look who it is, Rosalie Hale. This is twice in one week. You must be in love with me or something.” 
⭑ Understanding her true self - the mask she puts on is to protect her. It’s because she feels so deeply and you can connect with that. 
⭑ Making sure the other has fed 
⭑ She always ALWAYS defends you. Even if you’re in the wrong - when you’re alone she’ll tell you to pull your head out of your ass. But not in front of others .... never in front of others. 
⭑ Slow dancing together; foreheads touching as your arms are wrapped around each other. 
⭑ Possessive over you but doesn’t want you to see 
⭑ Always having a person who would burn entire cities to the ground to get to you. 
⭑ Relationship tropes:   ✶ Rivals who fall for each other   ✶ Old married couple   ✶ Dark & Brooding + Sweet & Caring
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Rosalie is all-consuming. Your head will be full of the image of her naked for days afterward. It would be the only thing you could think about. Because nothing else mattered. 
⭑ You would be counting down the hours until you could see her again. Feel her again. Touch the coldness of her porcelain skin, kiss her neck, smooth back her hair. 
⭑Both of you are switches - so whoever is dominant usually changes
⭑ Loves both eating you out and you eating her out. There isn’t one she prefers because both give her pleasure
⭑ Rosalie is the biggest tease on earth. She knows exactly what turns you on, and will do it in front of others, just to see you squirm. 
⭑ Uses toys; dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, etc
⭑ A lot of hate-fucking at first 
⭑ Edward can hear what the two of you are thinking and he gets SHOCKED. 
    “You want to do WHAT-” 
And it was all because you guys were feeling kinky. The man nearly fainted.
⭑ Of course, she likes hair pulling, ass slapping and grabbing, nipple sucking... etc ... 
⭑ Have had sex in every room of the house... Jasper was really mad. Edward was happy he didn’t live with you guys anymore. And Bella ... Bella was impressed. 
⭑ You might think that degradation is involved but it’s really not. I mean verbally. Physically ... oh yeah
⭑ Lots of spanking
⭑ After sex is when Rosalie is her complete vulnerable self. From a viper to a doe, she opens up like a book. Any questions you have are usually answered, and it’s because she feels so at peace and one with you. 
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A question for Twilight aus. Ok...what if Belle really take issue with Jasper's past? So much she wants nothing to do with the Cullens.
Like as much they are perfection in her eyes...lets assume this "flaw" would bersmish the Cullens for her(assuming it would)
Would things go well for everyone?
Ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
First, Bella Didn't
Bella is, to put it delicately, very non-judgemental to an almost concerning degree.
Jessica tells her outright the Cullens are incestuous: Bella thinks that's nice of them and wonders why Jessica judges them so much. Rude, Jessica.
Edward tells Bella all about the time he planned her murder (and the Biology class) in cold blood, how he despised her afterwards for ruining his life by existing, and how his family gathered around a table and discussed whether or not they should kill her: wow, Edward-senpai, you're so amazing.
Edward tells Bella that he uh actually left the diet once for several years and ate many many people. "That's okay because they were all bad people."
Bella then asks an appalled Edward (and later Carlisle) why the Cullens even bother with the diet. Sounds like hard work.
"I'd like not to eat people, Bella," - Edward
Bella hears about how the Cullens have historically had accidents and Bella herself nearly was one. Doesn't phase her at all.
Bella thinks Jacob/the wolves are eating people in New Moon? Bella gives Jake a stern talking to about how the Cullens live on animals so the wolves surely can to. (Jake, for the record, is appalled at the mere suggestion that the wolves are doing this like a sane person.)
Jasper's history is one in a long line of concerning things that have been said to Bella that she doesn't give a flying fuck about.
Even if she was mildly concerned, she wouldn't jeopardize her future with the Cullens and Edward based off a dislike of Jasper. If she's turned, then she can deal with the Jasper issue. If not then her life is meaningless and pointless.
But if Bella Did Do This
Even if Bella really takes issue with Jasper's history, there's an easy solution: she has Edward kick Jasper out or she and Edward leave the family.
Bella doesn't have to give up being a vampire or the rest of the Cullens just because Jasper sucks. Edward has said as much several times: Jasper isn't even a really integral member of the family. He's Alice's plus one.
Bella goes on a quest to get Alice to dump Jasper (which she may or may not do depending how the visions play out). Edward is distressed but figures he and Bella can honeymoon somewhere for a bit until he can talk her down.
"Hooray for me!" - Bella Swan
She's Not Allowed to Like the Cullens Anymore
Same thing happens except she tells Edward they're leaving the Cullens after he turns her. They're going off on their own, his family sucks because they hang out with people like Jasper.
Edward would become increasingly distressed as it becomes increasingly clear Bella's serious (and Bella for that matter is picking fights with the family who are not warming up to her).
However, if Edward separates Bella from them... Then Carlisle can't turn her, can he?
Edward and Bella have their honeymoon in Rio (Edward talked Bella into inviting the Cullens to his wedding) where a month later Bella dies when a child bursts from her womb.
Alternately, Edward eats out the child himself in an abortion attempt that goes horribly wrong and Bella dies.
Edward murders it then head to Jacob asking him to kill him.
Bella Doesn't Like Edward Anymore Either
I mean, this really would never happen (and I love that your reasoning is that "Bella doesn't like Jasper so uh I guess she doesn't like anyone now". I just love that you supplied a reason and that reason is this.
The thing is, Bella still wants to be a vampire.
A lot.
So much.
Sure, it doesn't mean much if she's not with Edward but... she really really really wants to be a vampire.
"What was that about your cousins?" Bella ends up subtly (not at all) asking Edward, thinking that if she doesn't join the Cullens she can join the Denali.
They're on the diet too, they sound like wonderful people, they love and respect people so much they even make love to them, and none of them are Jasper or are living with Jasper.
It's the perfect fit!
Bella starts grilling Edward on the Denali while also avoiding him as much as possible (Edward has no idea what's going on and is terrified).
Bella, for her own part, is getting very cold feet about this wedding (as she only learned Jasper's full history in Eclipse) but... The Denali will show up, and it may be her only opportunity.
Long story short, Bella recreates the Graduate with Eleazar and Edward. Eleazar whisks off Edward's would be bride, in front of the whole town, to Alaska.
(Bella's mortified, but she gets to be a vampire and not married to Edward who lives with Jasper.)
"Did she just run off with your uncle?" - Mike Newton.
(Jacob, for his own part, can't even believe it as he somehow didn't lose to Edward but still lost.)
Bella very quickly uses the Denali as replacement Cullens and eagerly does her best to fit in with her new found family. Terrible things ensue.
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anti-spop · 4 months
Tumblr media
tumblr hates me since it recommends me regular spop posts sometimes, and this one showed up...
honestly though, what bothered me the most was the notes. sadly i didn't screenshot them, but everyone was treating this like a joke. like catra was just a bad kitty that knocked over your mug. (no rlly, someone said like "no no bad kitty!")
like okay, in the su fandom a lot of folks joked about the time steven shattered jasper, bc it was just too shocking that steven murdered someone on screen. but at the same time, the fandom understood it was a serious moment. he was able to bring her back and he felt a lot of remorse for it. his actions had consequences. might be a wild comparison, but think of how ppl treat b/reaking bad.
(CORRECTION: we don't actually see steven outright shattering jasper. it cuts to a black screen and then steven is seen with her shards. however you could still apply lars' death here, which DID happen on screen.)
but that is not the case for catra. a lot of ppl even romanticize this shit, like catra destroying reality just to be with adora was peak romance. or just her being a petty bitch - which DID happen tbh - but no one wants to hold catra accountable for all the horrible things she did. they don't care that catra nearly destroyed the entire existence of the world. they don't care that catra in a way killed angella (and catra is very satisfied about that). and this is just season 3. she gets a lot worse.
(also i saw a post somewhere that said "catra actually deserved to kill people on screen". like... oh my god.)
please don't harass the op if you find this post.
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theenemyod · 1 month
Magisterium Hunger Games AU
Call and Aaron are from district twelve, Tamara is a capital rebel, Jasper's a peacekeeper from the capital, Katniss exists like normal.
In the reaping, Prim and Calls names are drawn.
Katniss volunteers for Prim, like original
Aaron volunteers for Call, knowing he wouldn't survive in the games with his limp and inability to win the crowd over, as well as feeling like he owes his life to Call for a favour a few years back, when Call had given Aaron a few scraps of meat Havoc had caught a few weeks after Aaron's parents died and he was risking starvation.
Aaron plays the "Star Crossed Lovers" game like Peeta did, but unlike Peeta he doesn't feel anything romantic for Katniss (He's gay, obviously). He doesn't tell anyone that it's an act, knowing that it'll ruin how authentic their reactions are.
Despite Aaron not having feelings for Katniss in that way, they become ally's in the game and Katniss sees him as sort of a hunting partner, being relatively able bodied and to her surprisingly used to hunger and lack of things for someone from the merchant section. She doesn't know Aaron was orphaned when he was young and just assumes he had more because of where he came from.
They win with the berry trick like in the original books. Katniss still thinks Aaron is in love with her, not knowing it's an act. Aaron knows Katniss is just acting.
When Aaron hears Katniss and Haymich discussing Katniss acting he doesn't get angry like Peeta, more relieved that he doesn't have to keep pretending anymore.
They become friends between the two games, which leads to Aaron volunteering to go back into the 75th games to protect Katniss with Haymich as their mentor.
Aaron also attempted to befriend Call in that time before the next games, remembering him as a boy who once saved his life and that he nearly died for without a single word being spoken between them.
Call is unwilling at first but the promise of food and warmth and possibly something to help with his leg as something Aaron could get him with the prize money convinces him to be friends with Aaron.
But it's less like friendship at first and more Aaron giving Call what he needs in exchange for spending time with him.
Call is the one whipped for being caught outside the fence with a wolf. Aaron and Katniss have to use victor privilege to stop him and Havoc being killed.
Katniss does fall in love with Aaron in the 75th games, knowing it's an act but not knowing he's gay. Aaron doesn't know about this and doesn't feel the same about her.
Katniss destroys the forcefield like she did in original and Aaron along with a few others get taken to the capitol, while the rest are taken to thirteen.
That's where Call originally meets Tamara, a capitol rebel that had moved to thirteen, with her older sister Raven, who was the designer of Aaron's outfits in the games, she didn't get killed in this one.
Aaron gets hijacked in the capitol. They make him think Katniss was forcing him to kiss her and pretend to like her against his will, playing with the already negative and uncomfortable emotions there, as well as doing the same as what they did to Peeta.
Call starts to fall in love with Tamara while in district thirteen but doesn't treat her as anything more than a friend, knowing there's a better time and place for this.
Aaron is rescued and eventually along with the others and nearly kills Katniss and breaks Calls nose when he tries to stop him.
Aaron is somehow sane enough a month or two later to attend Finick and Annie's wedding, though when he sees Call and Tamara dancing he gets jealous and has to be taken out.
Aaron is sent on the mission, along with Call. Things go similarly to the actual events of the book. Katniss finds out Aaron's gay at like three am when neither of them could sleep and she caught him looking at Call. She stopped seeing him romantically after that.
The events after that play out similar to the books, but Call makes more of an effort to stop Aaron using himself as a distraction. He didn't listen anyways.
They do end up winning, Call ends up with Tamara which makes Aaron very jealous but he ignores it, Aaron is still recovering and doesn't want romance for a while anyways, and eventually dates a boy from district 7 and sort of heals, never as well as everyone else.
Also for other characters that were important but I couldn't put in this:
All of the first generation five were from twelve. Jericho volunteered in the place of Constantine in one hunger games and died. Constantine died in the next games the year after. Declan died in a minding accident. Sarah eventually died from starvation, and the reason for Calls limp and bad leg in this is she dropped him after blacking out from hunger while holding him. Alistair is alive, practically useless, too damaged mentally to do anything, dies later on in the bombing of district twelve.
Drew and Alex were from ten, Drew died in the games and Alex joined the rebels because he wanted revenge on the capitol.
Call found Havoc while resting by the fence, Havoc snuck under it. He wasn't originally going to keep him as he couldn't afford another month to feed but then found out Havoc is good at catching small animals in the forest.
Verity Torres was a fifteen year old tribute from 9 who allied with Aaron because she said she knows he's somewhat similar to her.
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rain-draws-all · 4 months
Things I've had Rocky do in DnD
Please note that my brother is the DM and will sometimes put in special interests for the group
Ms Tracy J Butler if you read this, I hope you have a good laugh
He's the only male character in this party. The others are a Tiefling Warlock, a Saytr Cleric, and later on a Half Elf Rogue
The cleric will occasionally just take off her clothes and chivalry dictates he must avoid his gaze
Though he will also just randomly take off his clothes so what the hell
First session did the Old Man River Poem when the chance arrived
Used vicious mockery on a goblin that didn't understand him but felt the need to go home and cry. Then he set its home on fire
Rolled a Nat20 on a chance encounter and had a unicorn nearly trample him
Said Unicorn adores him bc he's a virgin (I'm assuming) and keeps slut shaming his friends
My brother gave everyone who wanted one a love interest, Rocky's is a calico tabaxi ship captain (her name is Astrid)
They have a history but not a romantic one as Rocky lost her 400 gold worth of cargo and broke her ship's mast
Unintentionally got the warlock's hand bitten off by a were shark
Don't worry he had the unicorn fix it (begged)
They all have mounts, Rocky's is a fire bat named Novasa. Almost went with Sludge Rudge Begrudge (a snail) but didn't cuz I almost didn't play as Rocky
Keeps loudly bullying the Cleric for her crush on the local shop keep and now he's unofficially banned from going to shop at the same time as her
Went to an endless party also owned by a Satyr. Said satyr kept acting weird to our Satyr So when we investigated his room, Rocky took his "suspicious" fuzzy handcuffs
He also met a teleporting magic chicken named Margarita at that party. She really liked to nest on his hat
During a fight, he broke a man's legs near a lake. And then just left him by the lake. That man drowned but hey technically the water killed him not Rocky.
Found the undercity by following Mordecai (I get chance encounters with Lackadaisy characters except Freckle and Ivy)
Went to an underground gambling ring with the Cleric, her God is one of gambling so she kept cheating
The workers started to realize she was cheating, so in order to make a quick get away, Rocky loudly announced she was having a baby.
Satyr Cleric was clearly not pregnant but I rolled a Nat20 and got away with it.
Now they won't go back to the casino out of embarrassment (well her's not Rocky)
Later on he somehow, SLAYED A DRAGON. Like he got the killing blow. He kept a fang as keepsake and got a dagger made out of it.
Made friends with a Fae Prince who's just as chaotic as him. His name is Jasper
Helped Treants and as a reward they gave him 10 gallons of Treant Maple Syrup. Currently has 4 gallons left
Set up a daycare deal with a swamp witch named Zamboni (Don't worry he's not the babysitter)
So he's wanted in one city that's not actually a city it's more of a group traveling merchant shops/ships on the ocean. That's where he got his ear nicked in this world
He decided to sneak back on... in drag. DESPITE HAVING DESGUISE SELF
His love interest Astrid gave him a black ball gown to wear and her first mate gave him a blonde wig. Our Warlock did his make up that looked like a 6 yr old experimenting with a makeup set.
I had to roll for every interaction he did. When I rolled a 2 he tripped and ripped the dress down the back. The wig fell off as he tumbled
They immediately recognize him and he went sprinting back to the ship he came on in his underwear and boots.
What he did to be wanted was "accidentally?" set fire to a boat that turned out to have fireworks.
I think this is when his love interest caught feelings bc she's usually stoic but was cackling at this
He ate rocks with harpies
He melted a man's face off for threatening his friends (and his sweetheart) during a pirate battle
During the pirate battle Astrid gave a man four butt cheeks
And a gods damn Turtle Dragon showed up wanting to kill the fighting ships but Rocky knowing the spell Tongues was able to talk it out with her and she destroyed the pirate ship
(Here's where special interests start to show)
They helped Iplier Fischbach King of the Court of Finaf, received a Mr Hippo Magnet as a token
Cooked with Undyne and Papyrus from Undertale (surprise it caught fire)
Had to climb a gi huge fuck tree as he was the only one with claws. Paragliding down with a giant feather that he could barely lift
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TW: hanging, colonial gun violence
Jasper led the way through the woods of the Human Realm with his friends Dexter, Kirce, Archie, and Blythe behind him. Was he using this excursion as an excuse to show off?
Perhaps a little.
Out of the five of them, he had the most experience in the Human Realm. So when Kirce, the girl he had a massive crush on for the past six months, started talking about how much she wanted to visit, he had jumped on the opportunity to be a guide.
“It’s kind of creepy here, isn’t it?” Dexter said. He had been reluctant to agree to come in the first place, ever since people started going missing a few years ago rumors were circulating that the Human Realm was no longer safe.
“What do you mean?” asked Archie.
“I figured in the Human Realm we would see Humans.” Dexter said, “But we’ve been walking for at least a mile and I haven’t seen anything. It’s weird. It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.”
“You can always go back if you’re too scared.” Blythe teased.
“I am not scared!” Dexter retorted quickly. “If anyone should be scared it should be you. You don’t even have a palisman yet.”
Blythe, who was Dexter’s younger sister turned red. “If you brag about that stupid thing one more time I’m going to shove the whole staff up your…”
Kirce’s palisman, Toadles jumped on Blythe’s head and croaked loudly.
“Knock it off,” Kirce said, “You two are worse than children.”
Jasper’s palisman, a blue jay named Elinor rolled her eyes. Jasper smiled at Kirce, to show that he agreed with her and was happy that at least the two of them were mature and reasonable. Kirce however wasn’t looking back at him, his heart sank a little.
“What was that?” She asked.
“What was what?” Jasper followed her line of sight, he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
“I saw something move in the trees.” Kirce said.
“It was probably just an animal,” Jasper replied,
“There are a lot of them over here.” He hoped whatever she had seen was familiar to him, he would love to have the chance to impress her with his vast knowledge of Human Realm fauna.
“What if it’s a human?” Blythe asked excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to see one!”
“It could be a witch hunter.” Archie said, “OoooOOOOoooooOoo….”
He wiggled his fingers right behind Kirce’s ear. Kirce elbowed him in the stomach.
“Knock it off, it’s not funny!”
“Kirce, I have been coming here for years,” Jasper reminded her, “and I have never seen one of these so-called witch-hunters. Relax. Most humans will go out of the way to avoid you, and the ones who don’t are more curious than dangerous.”
“Hmm…” Kirce didn’t looked convinced. “Toadles, go check it out anyways.”
Blythe rolled her eyes. “Worry wart.” She said, “No offence, Toadles.”
Toadles responded with a croak, though Jasper did not know him well enough to tell whether or not he was offended.
What happened in the following few moments happened so fast that Jasper could hardly keep up. There was a loud cracking noise immediately drowned out by a scream of anguish as Kirce nearly collapsed onto the ground. Jasper rushed to her side as Dexter and Archie cast a plant spell to pull whoever was hiding out into the open. A human boy fumbled to hold onto his own strange looking staff as he was hoisted into the air by Dexter and Archie’s vines. He dangled by his ankles and the staff slipped from his hands and clattered down amongst the tree vines. It took Jasper a moment to realize that the boy’s staff was dripping in bright green magic. Palisman blood…
Kirce was nearly hysterical.
“You’re going to pay for that!” She screamed, summoning fire to her hands.
“Kirce, stop!” Jasper grabbed her arm.
“He killed Toadles!” Kirce screamed, “I’m going to kill him! I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!”
Dexter, Blythe, and Archie all turned to try and console Kirce, or restrain her. Jasper had heard it said that the pain of losing one's palisman was enough to drive a witch mad with anguish. Kirce wasn’t thinking straight. In the state she was in, she could easily lose control and end up hurting herself or one of them. Jasper was too preoccupied trying to calm her down that he didn’t even think of watching the human. The next thing anyone knew, the human had escaped.
Kirce ripped herself away from her friends’ restraint.
There was a loud bang that rattled Jasper’s eardrums.
He saw Kirce’s body fall back and hit the ground as if time had stopped moving properly.
“KIRCE!” He screamed, he fell to his knees beside her. Blood poured from a hole in her chest.
Her eyes stared blankly at nothing.
Jasper shook.
She was dead.
She was dead.
For a moment no one could move. No one could breathe. No one could think.
When thoughts returned to Jasper’s mind they all repeated the same thing.
He killed Kirce.
The human killed Kirce.
Fury filled Jasper’s mind and body.
The world seemed to turn red, red like the blood blossoming across Kirce’s dress.
Instantly, Elinor transformed into a staff in Jasper’s hand. This human was going to die. He was going to pay for Kirce’s death with his own blood.
Before they could act there was another boom, like the one that had killed Kirce. More humans rushed forward from the trees, several of them carrying the same staffs that the boy had. Others had various other weapons.
Outnumbered, Jasper mounted his staff and took to the air.
A moment too late he realized that Blythe did not have her own palisman yet.
He summoned shards of ice around her to try and fend off the humans, Dexter and Archie each summoned their own defenses, but there were too many humans.
“BLYTHE!” Dexter screamed, as his sister was pinned down by the mob of angry humans.
“We have to go!” Archie shouted.
“Not without Blythe!” Dexter insisted.
Jasper dove for his younger friend.
Before his eyes, Elinor exploded from the front of his staff. He felt it in his chest.
One moment she was there, the next she was nothing but a spray of bright green magic.
One moment his heart was beating, the next it was shattered like the shards of palistrom wood that flew back to hit his face.
The world was spiraling.
There was no up, no down, no future, no past.
Just that moment of watching Elinor explode in front of him.
He felt an arm around him, but was too disoriented to realize it was Archie’s until they were almost back to the portal. They crossed the threshold and collapsed into the red grass on the other side.
“We have to go back!” Dexter shouted. “We have to go back!”
“Are you insane?” Archie asked, “They’ll kill us!”
“They have Blythe! They have my sister!”
“Did you see how fast they murdered Kirce? That human didn’t even draw a spell circle. Blythe is probably dead already.”
Dexter jumped on Archie and started punching him.
“She’s my sister!” he screamed, “She’s my little sister!”
Jasper was still in shock, still covered in the splatter of Elinor’s blood, but Dexter was right. They couldn’t leave Blythe.
He forced down his own grief and tried to keep his hands from shaking as he pulled out the vial of Titan’s Blood and re-opened the portal.
“You’re mad.” Archie said. “They’ll kill you, too.”
“If she’s still alive, we have to try.” Jasper said.
Dexter and Jasper returned to the Human Realm. They stumbled through the underbrush, trying to follow the sounds of shouting. Jasper felt half asleep. The world seemed like a blur of nightmare and reality.
They caught up with the crowd of humans. Dexter tried to run ahead, but Jasper held him back, evaluating the scene before moving. Jasper didn’t think there was anymore room in his mind for horror. Between seeing Kirce’s body lifeless on the ground and watching Elinor explode before his eyes, it seemed impossible for any more atrocities to take place within such a short amount of time.
Then he saw Blythe’s body.
She was hanging from her throat in the branches of a tree as the Humans gathered around. Her face was bloated and purple, blood seeped from her eyes which were bulging out of their sockets. Jasper had just enough sense left in him to body block Dexter before he could run out and expose them both. He put his hand over his friend’s mouth and wrestled him back deeper into the woods. They managed to make it back to the portal before Jasper vomited. Before he knew what was going on, Dexter was on top of him. Jasper didn’t even feel the first couple of punches. He wasn’t even fully aware of what was going on until Archie pulled Dexter off.
“You said it was safe!” Dexter shouted. “You told us the Human Realm was safe! You had been there dozens of times! You said there was nothing to worry about!”
Jasper tasted blood in his mouth. His brain still couldn’t quite connect the pain coming from his face with the blood pouring from his nose or the fists that just assaulted him.
“I…I thought…” He struggled to speak, “I…Nothing like this had ever happened before…”
“Blythe is dead!” Dexter screamed, “Kirce is dead!”
“I…” The world still didn’t make any sense. Jasper was shaking.
“It should have been you!” Dexter shouted, “You were the one who led us there! If anyone should have died, it should have been you!”
Jasper couldn’t disagree.
He was still in a daze when he stumbled home. Upon seeing the blood covering him, his mother ran to his side. His little sisters stared at him in terror. Both of them were still in their nightgowns, stuck in the house after catching the common mold at school. If they hadn’t been sick, surely, they would have gone with. Evelyn was older than Blythe by two years after all. What if they had been there? They would be dead now, too, just like Blythe and Kirce were.
Jasper couldn’t breathe. He broke down. None of the boys talked to each other again after that. None of them fully disclosed what they had seen. Jasper made a new palisman, and Blythe and Kirce’s deaths were chalked up to tragic accidents. But Jasper never forgot, and he made a vow to himself that he would never lose anyone else like that again.
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jessicanjpa · 2 months
Mad hatter and King of Hearts and you tell me who you want to tell me about. :)
(from the An OC's Adventures in Canonland ask game)
Mad Hatter: How would the story be different if they weren't around?
A little corner of Edward's brain still blames Margaret Weiss for his slippery slope in 1927. She was a delicious nobody, just a girl who sat next to him in Biology. Not a singer, but some people really do smell better than others. Edward got a little... studious about Margaret's scent during a time of adolescent moral upheaval and it soon devolved into having fantasies about killing her. He very nearly did kill her on his way out of town, but fortunately Charles Evenson popped into his head and the whole thing became more heroic from that moment on. To this day, Edward thinks "If she hadn't been around, maybe those thoughts would have come and gone without incident."
They would not have. Edward needed those rebellious years, so they were going to happen no matter what.
King of Hearts: How are they most likely to die (If already dead, how did they die?)
When death came up, I immediately consulted my list of red shirt OCs. Let's talk about Sergeant Lockewood! He was in Jasper's Confederate regiment, the Texas Fifth Cavalry, and the one who accompanied him on the evacuation mission to Houston. This poor guy was never going to amount to much, but at least he was superstitious enough to take the vampire rumors seriously. Jasper laughed in his face.
Lockewood didn't get a Yankee bullet like the others. The cause of death was, you guessed it, Jasper. (I haven't written this one yet.)
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ravenskneebrace · 2 years
You're dating Octavia but you have a thing for Jasper. She catches on quickly... (;
Jasper Jordan x Octavia Blake x Reader
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I had quickly grown attached to Octavia. Her and I had spent nearly every moment together since we reached the ground. We shared a tent and slept side by side for weeks. I knew early on that I liked her and I learned that she liked me as well. The night she asked me to be her girlfriend she led my into the woods. There I saw flowers shaped into a heart. I knew then that I loved her.
♡ unity day ♡
Unity day felt like the first day that everyone on the ground seemed at peace. Who cared that we were being killed off by the grounders? At least Monty and Jasper had managed to make alcohol. Jasper came out of the tent carrying a large container over his head and yelling something about Monty. I smiled. He was such a dork.
Octavia crept up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. I blushed at the fact that she had caught me staring at him. I couldn't help it. I had had a huge crush on Jasper on the Ark but was locked up before I could ever make my move. When I got to the ground I became infatuated with Octavia. I think she could sense how I felt about him.
"What are you watching?" She whispered in my ear. Instantly butterflies filled my stomach. Octavia had that effect on me.
"They figured out how to make alcohol. Happy Unity day." I turned my head slightly so our faces were nearly touching. She smiled and kissed me gently on the lips.
"Happy Unity day." She replied.
"Glad to see everyone is getting into the Unity day spirit." Jasper said to us, handing us both cups full of his and Monty's concoction. My fingers brushed against his has I grabbed onto the metal cup. Something about the interaction turned me on but I couldn't tell what exactly had made me feel that way. Octavia clinked her cup with mine before downing her entire drink.
"I'm going to go get more." She pulled away from me and went searching for Jasper. I stood alone in the crowd and sipped on my drink thinking about the feeling that was growing inside of me. I felt wrong for it, but I craved him. I would never do anything to hurt Octavia, but the thoughts consumed me.
The more alcohol I consumed the more my mind ran. I had barely noticed when Octavia came back to me. By then the only thing illuminating us was the fire nearby. The light danced across her beautiful face and her green eyes sparkled. My fingers crept up her lower stomach and wrapped around her waist. The warmth from her body pushed past her thin tank top and against my palms. I pulled her close to me and moved my hands to her back. I leaned forward and brushed my lips against hers.
"Why'd you keep me waiting for so long." I spoke the words into her mouth and she grinned.
"Did you miss me?" She asked, slipping her fingers under my tank top and letting her finger tips brush against my under boob. I licked my lips and nodded, finally closing the space between us. I pulled back eventually, letting my eyes wonder past her. They fell on him. Jasper had been watching us. I would have never said it out loud, but it turned me on even more knowing that he was watching.
"Why don't we take this back to out tent?" She smirked, pulling her hands from under my top and grabbing hold of my hands. I let her lead me there. At the last moment I caught her turn to give Jasper a look, I didn't know what it meant, if anything at all. I was sure I was just hyper aware of anything that involved him that night. I ducked into our tent first and she hastily followed. She was on her knees still from crawling in, she put her hands on my hips and pulled herself up, connecting her mouth to mine the second she could.
My hands found her ass and I held onto her with all my strength while we kissed. She placed her fingers on the hem of my tank top gently pulling it up as she slid her tongue into my mouth. She ended the kiss just long enough to pull my top off and toss it onto the floor of our tent.
"It looks better there." She commented. I couldn't help but agree. Her lips made their way to my jaw, gliding down my throat and stopping at my collar bones while she unclasped my bra. Her hands held me in place while she licked and sucked on my breasts. I closed my eyes and played with her hair, enjoying the moment. She trailed her tongue down my torso and curled her fingers into the waistband of my pants. She kissed my stomach before unbuttoning and unzipping one of the last remaining articles of clothing I was wearing. I pulled my feet out of my shoes and slide them to the side.
"Why am I almost naked and you're still fully clothed?" I asked her, nearly breathless.
"Because I'm in charge." She answered with a determined look on her face. It turned me on how dominant she could be. Every once in a while she would let me take over, but for the majority of the time it was her who was in charge. I wouldn't argue with her, because I loved it. I loved how she made me feel.
She ran her hands over my thighs and kissed them, slowly making her way to my core. Her thumbs rested over my panties and she began to slowly rub on me.
"Please." I breathed out. I knew she wanted me to beg, and I would if that was what it took.
"Please what?" Octavia questioned, looking up at me. "Tell me what you want."
"I want you to make me feel good." I answered. She put her face against the thin cotton of my panties and gently rubbed her face against me.
"Your wish is my command." She smiled. I stepped out of my pants and pushed them aside with my foot.
"Someone's eagar." She smirked, causing me to blush profusely.
"Sorry." I awkwardly replied. She shook her head.
"Don't apologize, I want you just as bad as you want me." She wrapped her fingers around the sides of my underwear and pulled them down slowly, licking her lips as she gazed at my naked body. She gently pushed me onto our small "bed" that layed on the floor of our tent. I propped myself up on my elbows and eyed her. She got up and stood on her feet.
"I'll be right back." She said simply. I looked at her, puzzled. There was nothing I could think of that would be important enough for her to leave the tent. She crouched down, pushing the flap of the tent aside before stepping out. I just sat there naked wondering what was happening. A few moments later she came back into the tent.
"Wanna try something new?" She asked with a grin on her face. I shrugged my shoulders.
"That depends on what it is I suppose." I answered. Octavia and I had brought new things into our sex life before, both of us were always into finding new ways to have fun. She held up a thin piece of fabric. "What exactly are we supposed to do with that?"
She didn't say anything, instead she held it over her eyes. I finally understood what this was. She wanted to blindfold me. We had never tried it before, but the idea had come up at one point. I held my hand out for her to give it to me but instead she shook her head. She got on top of my legs, straddling me, she wanted to do it instead.
"If you want something done right, do it yourself." She said, more to herself than to me. I figured it was something dumb Bellamy had said before, she often said things that reminded me of him. Then she whispered in my ear. "No peaking."
I obediently nodded my head, feeling color fill my cheeks as I blushed. I felt her hands on my stomach, but nothing else happened for a few moments. I could hear some shuffling and it almost sounded like someone else was coming into our tent, but I ignored it.
I had heard that when one sense was taken away our other senses heightened, so I figured what I was hearing was wrong. I heard fabric hit the floor and then I felt Octavia's hands running along my body, immediately after I felt her hands I felt her tongue. I enjoyed every moment of it until I felt more hands. I couldn't explain what I was feeling. There was clearly four hands on my body. I pulled the blindfold off to see what was happening. Octavia was still on top of me, but now she was topless. She wasn't alone though, Jasper sat next to her. Out of instinct I pulled my hands over my chest, trying to cover myself even though I knew he had already seen everything.
"Surprise." Octavia said seductively.
"What's going on?" I asked with my hands still gripping my chest. She sighed.
"I always see the way you guys look at each other. I know you want him." Her tone wasn't as if she was accusing me, more like she just wanted to make me happy.
"Why didn't you just ask me?" I questioned.
"I knew you'd say no. You do everything you can to be a good girlfriend, but now it's my turn." She quickly explained.
"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded her head.
"Besides, it'll be fun." She smiled looking from me to Jasper. I bit my lip and nodded my head.
"Okay." I answered. Jasper's face lit up. Clearly this was something he had been wanting as well. Octavia's fingers found their way to my center.
"You're so wet for us." She smirked. She rubbed on me before moving her fingers to her mouth, sucking on them while making eye contact with me. "You taste so good."
She put her fingers back down, slowly entering one of them into me. When she pulled it out she put it directly into Jasper's mouth and then pulled him close to her, kissing him. She removed his shirt and threw it on top of her own before leaning down to kiss me. While we kissed she started to unbutton her pants, getting up and taking them off moments later.
Then she pulled off her panties and threw them at Jasper. They rolled off of him and softly hit the ground. I sat up and grabbed Octavia's hand, pulling her toward me. My hand was rested on Jasper's crotch while I made out with her. I could feel him growing in his pants while we kissed. He unbuttoned and unzipped them and I pulled his dick out, stroking it while my kiss with Octavia intensified.
She pulled her mouth off of mine and connected it with his dick. She kissed it and licked it while I continued to hold it. I kissed Jasper while she started sucking him. One of his hands rested on my ass and the other one was lightly placed on Octavia's shoulder. He slid his tongue into my mouth and as he did that his hand drifted from my ass to my pussy. He teased me, lightly brushing against it instead of really touching me.
Moments later he pressed one of his fingers against my clit and began to move it in a circular motion. Octavia moved her mouth from him, to me. She continued stroking him while she put her lips against mine. She sucked and licked me as Jasper continues with his fingers. I layed back and Jasper pulled away while Octavia kept going, making her way up to my clit and sucking it.
Jasper came up behind Octavia and gently slid into her. She moaned against my skin and the sound filled the tent. Jasper put his hands on her hips as he pushed his way into her, slowly filling her. Octavia decided it was time to fill me as well. She put two of her fingers in her mouth before pulling them out and pushing them into me, pulling them in and out at the same pace that Jasper was pulling in and out of her.
Eventually Jasper pulled out of her and she crawled over to the top of my body. Jasper positioned himself perfectly before pushing his way into me. I had been waiting for this. I embraced the way he filled me up and then Octavia climbed on top of me, sitting on my face. My hands reached up and gripped her hips as she slowly and gracefully rocked her body. Jasper's thumb rested on my clit and he rubbed circles on it while he slid in and out of me. My legs shook slightly and I could barely focus on eating Octavia as he stimulated me.
At some point he pulled out and Octavia got off of me. She layed down, evidently knowing what was going to happen next. He stroked himself for a few moments before finishing all over our bodies. He layed down next to us. The three of us were sweaty and breathing heavily.
"Bravery should always be rewarded, Jasper." Were Octavia's last words before falling asleep.
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bless-my-demons · 8 months
Redamancy: Chapter Twenty
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: angstyyy
Notes: Posting a day early - y’all can thank @losa12308 for catching me in a good mood, hope this helps ya feel better hun❤️
Word Count: 2130
Series Masterlist
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Nearly two weeks Jacob Black has not only been ignoring and avoiding Bella, but Quil and I too. Ever since the night of the movies, since his uncharacteristically rude outburst at Mike Newton. Both of my best friends were stressed about it which in turn stresses me out. I’ve called him multiple times to leave voicemails about what he’s doing to his friends, but it was to no avail - radio silence remained.
Bella said Harry Clearwater told her it was mono, but anyone could smell that bullshit from a mile away. Did mono render you catatonic? Unable to communicate with people that care about you?
An uneasy feeling settled in my gut, it had to be more. Something was keeping him from us and I want to know what that something is.
I need to know, I can’t just lose another one…
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• March 4th, 2006 • Home •
“Mom!” I shout through the empty house, trying to locate her.
A rare day we both have off to spend together and I’m about to ditch her.
“Yes, sweetheart?” I hear her voice drift from the laundry room as I make my way downstairs.
Turning as the sound of my approaching footsteps, she raises her eyebrows at my appearance - noting that my state of dress isn’t exactly for a day-in at home anymore.
“Bella called, was wondering if I’d go hiking with her? I think she just needs to take her mind off of Jake and wants company.”
My moms face falls slightly, but I can tell she won’t stop me from running to my best friend’s aid, “Just be careful and take your phone.”
“Thanks mom!” I surge forward and hug her quickly before snatching my keys from the hook by the door on my way out.
“And be back before dark!”
“Of course, love you!” I shout back.
“I love you too, honey!”
I speed almost the entire way to Bella’s - wanting to get her mind off of Jake was true, but she also wanted help finding the meadow.
As in, the meadow.
Her and Edward’s meadow.
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• March 4th, 2006 • Ithaca, NY •
For months I’ve been feeling with this crack in my soul because of her and I’ve been doing it alone. Admittedly it’s my own doing, but the chafing of not really having my brother in my corner has worn away at me in way that doubles the pain of the loss.
I find myself gravitating towards his closed door, something that before Ithaca would’ve been an odd sight, and knocking on the thin wood.
“Go away.” The words rumble in his distinct baritone just loud enough for me to hear.
“No.” I answer simply, just as tired.
The door whips open in a flash and his eyes send a shock through me. Not because they’re dark with hunger - but dark with anger. And his emotions reflect it threefold.
“What do you want?” His tone raises my hackles, reminding me that my brother isn’t one to be messed with in a mood like this one.
A delicate hand curls up and around his chest, the owner of it completely blocked from view by his massive frame, and he visibly deflates. His anger dialing back a fraction at the influence of just her touch.
A slice of pain lances through me, regret or just plain loneliness at this point I’m not sure.
“Hear him out.” Rose orders him softly, kissing him on the cheek as she slips out from behind him and meets my eyes before disappearing down the hall. “Good luck.”
I reign in the laugh that threatens to bubble up at her throwing me to the wolves, but it’s another thing I’m doing to myself of my own free will, I need my brother.
Holding open the door wider for me to enter, he turns on his heel and deposits himself into the loveseat across from the tv, some muted football game flashing on it.
“I miss you and I’m sorry.” I unload on him with no preamble. No drawn out apology has ever been a requirement of his, short and to the point always a favorite to him.
A dark laugh thunders from him in a way that crushes me even more, “That’s it?”
I nod, I had thought about this conversation for months since he started avoiding me, but all my rehearsed words vacate me.
“That’s one hell of an apology.” The remote emits a small crack as his anger continues to boil. “I got no say, no one wanted to hear me out, and I’m just supposed to suck it the fuck up and just go with the flow of what’s best for the family.” He’s practically vibrating with barely constrained rage, but I let him continue. “She’s not just yours, Jasper.”
A shock jolts me for the second time, his sadness tugging at my heart heavily.
“She’s yours and that’s what makes her mine.” I can tell my confusion spurs Emmett on and he rises from the couch, “As your brother, it’s my responsibility to be her protector and you fucking ripped that away from me. You’re hurting her on purpose and it’s hurting me.”
I’m speechless as his words sink in. Familial-like bonds in a coven as old as ours are strong, but I had no idea.
“She was also my best friend-my little sister. I told her I would be there for her and you’re making me break my promise - something I’ve never fucking done.” Turning away from me to pace in a very non-Emmett move, “Are you going to say anything?”
“I had no idea-”
“You never considered, never noticed, never asked. It’s only been you in pain. You and Edward. You don’t even see what it does to Alice every time you ask her to check on Y/n.”
Her name sends agony anew through me, a thin knife that slices flesh from bone with surgical precision.
“I’m scared.” He would’ve missed my whisper if it weren’t for his supernatural hearing.
“Scared of what?” He’s before me in a flash, gripping my shoulders. “Scared of loving her?”
“Scared of her loving me! Scared of hurting her!” The house falls into dead silence, listening. “You’ve never known terror like this with Rose! You’re not afraid to kill her just from being around her, smelling her, touching her. You have no restrictions, no boundaries!” Tears of venom swirl my vision, but refuse to fall.
I push him off me and turn, attempting to reign in my distress.
“I can’t do this without you. It’s like wave after wave of grief and I’m at my limit Emmett.” The seriousness in my tone softens him, love and compassion flow from him in a way that feels like his old self and it loosens the tension inside me a fraction.
“I may be angry with you, but I’ll never leave you.” My brother spins me around and engulfs me in his signature bear-hug.
Esme may be the mother of our group, but Emmett is the glue holding us all together. I’d be drowning without my brother and if his death-grip of a hug is any indication, he knows it.
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• March 4th, 2006 • Forks, WA •
“I’m pretty sure we passed that tree two times in the last hour, Bells.” Tromping behind my best friend, I keep my eyes fixed down to prevent myself from tripping over the dense foliage.
“We’re close, I just know it.” There’s a desperate edge to Bella’s voice that stops my teasing and squeezes my heart, I know that feeling. To be grasping for something out of reach to link me back to him.
Pushing through a particularly thick cluster of low-lying branches, I smack face first into Bella’s backpack.
“Bella, you can’t just stop-” Finally my surroundings make sense and I realize we’ve found it. It’s brown and sad as fuck, but we actually found it.
I spin, taking in every inch of the dead meadow as Bella drops to the ground, fingers clutching the crunchy grass. Facing the middle again, I gasp at the figure standing before us, the sound startling Bella into a standing position next to me.
“Bella and Y/n.”
“Laraunt.” His name is a choked gasp on my best friend’s lips.
“I didn’t expect to find either one of you here.” He begins pacing casually in front of us “I went to visit the Cullen’s, but the house is empty? I’m surprised they left you both behind. Weren’t you both sort of… pets of theirs?”
“Y-yeah, you could say that.” Bella answers him as I reach for her hand, a sort of dread sinking in as I think over his words and what he might be getting at.
“Do the Cullen’s visit often?”
You need to leave, darlin’. He’s not safe.
“Yeah absolutely - all the time.” Bella’s lie causes the hair on the back of my neck to raise.
“We’ll tell them you stopped by.” I chime in, trying to make it seem believable and also trying to keep the shaking from my voice - both from the deadly turn of the conversation and from hearing his voice in my head.
“I probably shouldn’t - Edward,” the name rolling of her tongue has her squeezing my hand in pain, “Because he’s pretty protective.”
“But he’s far away, isn’t he? They both are.”
Terror begins to flood my chest, he’s making sure we’re alone.
“Why are you here?” Bella flips the questioning onto Laraunt.
“I came as a favor… To Victoria.” His answer practically stops my heart and I know he can hear it.
“Victoria.” The whisper slips from me without a second thought.
“She asked me to see if either of you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it’s only fair to kill Edward’s and Jasper’s mates, given they killed her’s.” His eyes flicked between us, no doubt sensing the blow of both of their names. “An eye for an eye.”
“Edward would know who did it! And he’d come after you.”
Threaten him.
“Jasper would hunt both of you down.” My emotions fill my voice, the threat not as potent as it could be.
“I don’t think they will. After all, how much could you mean to them if they left you here, unprotected?” The vampire sighs, like he’s actually fucking torn, “Victoria won’t be happy about my killing you, but I can’t help myself - both of you are so mouth watering.”
“Please don’t, y-you helped us-” Bella begins to panic, but he flashes directly in front of us with his speed, fingers reaching for our faces.
“Shhh-shhh, don’t be afraid! I’m doing you a kindness - Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully. Whereas I’ll make it quick. I promise, you’ll feel nothing.”
“Edward I love you.” Bella’s confession slips as I close my eyes and squeeze her hand in mine. At least we go together, right?
“I can’t believe it.” The awe in Laraunt’s voice opens my eyes as twigs begin snapping in the tree line behind us.
One large wolf, black as night, emerges from the forest. Large being a gross understatement - more like the size of a fucking horse. Behind the massive animal emerges more of the same, although slightly smaller, but no less scary.
A pack of wolves. A pack of supernaturally huge wolves.
And they’re facing down a vampire, no less.
A vampire on a mission to kill us.
The command zings through me and takes charge. I yank on Bella’s arm as Laraunt bats away the first wolf like it was nothing, it’s yelp stunning her into action.
The panicked sprint through the woods for her truck is much faster this time than the hike out, neither of us stopping or looking back.
Afraid to see if anything was giving chase.
Afraid to see if the wolves didn’t buy us time.
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The ride back to Bella’s was tense to say the least. Too stuck in my own head to even say anything to her, the terror still coursing through my veins keep my mouth shut and fists clenched. What if Laraunt got away from them? What if he was still hunting us?
I never realized until now how scary it is, not having the supernatural protection of the Cullens.
I never realized that I took for granted the safety Jasper surrounded me with. Well, used to surround me with.
The sour thought sends another all-too-familiar painful zap through my chest.
As soon as Bella pulls into her drive, I hop out and climb into my own as she runs inside, probably to tell her dad about the absolutely massive wolves lurking in Forks’ woods.
Wolves that might’ve just saved our lives.
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Taglist Part 1:
@aoi-targaryen @Min-jianhyung @pbbsl @timelordhunterandmysterysolver @sheerangermany @clearwater-hoe @Blackbluerose666 @ivy-plays @random-human02 @delightfulbluebirdstarlight @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gaymazinglula @l3ejm @angelfuzzy2 @losa12308 @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @flyawayprincess @ropickle @catbusloki @deviat3dsn0wf0x @lovesanimals0000 @unrevived @h-naec @cutesnakemum @zudooms @itsmytimetoodream @stinkii-boii @acoolnight @anothercoffeeblogx @irishblend10 @from-now-on-im-switzerland @kyraslife2 @naolvshan @kiiwiigii @rosedpetal @kiaraandrea @foolsgoldxo @heartfilia01 @azuredgalaxies @geekysimmerthings @graciereads @ramen-girl-2424 @0hmydekiru @creeqvealley @cherriebat @whichwitchisthebitch @dragon-rider-with-a-book @secretfairytailpetscookie @psychobitchsthings
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polyhexian · 5 months
In eventually, Camila and Jasper have a decently supportive relationship, right? Like she's a supportive person in general, and he's able to reassure her that Luz is doing amazingly well in the Demon Realm, and sure there's still Jasper's issues but for the most part it's good.
Right, so what if in BvB, Camila and Will are just. Incapable of NOT setting each other into a panic.
Camila: I've been so worried about my daughter being in another world.
Will: Eh, don't worry, she holds her own. Her glyphs are no joke, she set one of my scouts on fire once. And she really packs a punch.
Will: Shit.
And like, Camila can't comfort him much either.
Will: So, as a parent who's been separated from their kid, can you tell me how that made you feel? For science.
Camila: Once I realized Luz was missing, I was prepared to do whatever it took to get her back! Fight the entire demon realm if I had to! Kill whatever monsters might get in my way!
Will: …well I can't say I'll be surprised if Hunter's dad kills me.
Camila: Oh! No! I mean--look, I'm upset at Eda, but I'm not gonna kill her! She's been taking care of my daughter and doing her best to help her grow and protect her and even if I'm upset I'm still grateful to her for that!
Will: *thinking of all the dangerous missions he's brought Hunter along on* Yeah I don't know if he's gonna be.
In bvb they've got a slightly different vibe and it's generally like... I mean. Jasper actually has a fucking adult friend. And hunter is a lot less traumatized than eventually. And also since jasper has actively been trying to kidnap him for three years I think it's a lot easier for hunter to forgive him for anything because like. He was visibly fucking doing his best lol
But in eventually like... Camila is empathetic and kind and like. Jasper is deeply fucking troubled. But I think... Surely she must see herself in him? He loves his son so fucking much but it's... Not enough. Just loving him is not enough. it's the same with luz-- she loves her so much, but Luz cannot be happy with her. She can't be. And it's not Camila's fault and there's probably nothing she could have done about it. Luz found a place she can be happy, and she has never been happy where she was. How much must that hurt? To know no matter how much she loves her, the best thing she can do for her is let her go.
And jasper has let Hunter go. Hunter is happier living with Camila. He loves him enough to be without him even though it's agony. She's literally done the same thing with Luz, and she ALSO hurt her. Not to nearly the extent as Jasper, but-- she tried to change her and I'm sure after Manny died her emotional connection with her became really strained and unhappy. And she knows she hurt Luz and that theres nothing she can do now. She can't fix it or change. And she clearly regrets that so much. Of course she has to sympathize with jasper and his regrets and pain and consequences.
I just... I know she must be in a lot of pain. Luz loves her but she still has to go. She just has to be okay with knowing that ultimately she did fail as a mother, because her goal was to raise a happy child and she didn't. Even if it wasn't her fault, even if she had tried her very best and couldn't do any better, it doesn't matter. That was her goal and she failed to reach it. That must be so painful. And so... Again. He was in such an impossible situation. What could he have done? What should he have done? What would would SHE have done? What must it be like to live with that?
He saved her sons life. Over and over again. He has also at this point has probably saved luz's life too, or at least, has protected her in a way where he might have. I think it's clear that... Jasper is a good person. But also... Something is so wrong with him. A lot is wrong with him. She's a vet. She's seen what a traumatized animal looks like. She's seen a frightened and confused dog who expects to be hit biting hands that try to help it. She has a lot of empathy for what's going on with him. And pity is not the kindest thing to feel for other people but... It's gotta be really hard not to pity him.
So yeah I think she like... Feels a sort of... Protectiveness over him. A little similar to how Gus feels extremely protective of hunter. He is technically her peer, but at the same time he is so much less developed. If you've ever had a friend you really cared about but also seen how fragile they might be and just feel... Like extremely protective of them... I think that's what she feels. He's sort of a friend but also like. Very concerned and protective of this person in her life who is really struggling and doesn't have much of a support structure in his life to help him. You know what? Luz pointed at Hunter and said My Brother Now. Camila has kind of done the same thing with jasper. Only Luz was like This Is My Annoying Older Brother Now. And Camila is like this is my fucked up little brother now and I keep trying to get him to come over and eat a fucking vegetable
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
Hi! So, I saw your post about writing a fic with Archie/Jasper for pride month and I saw you have some with Jessamine/Alice. I was just curious to know how you think their meeting (Archie/Jasper and Jessamine/Alice) would be different from Jasper and Alice's meeting. I have this idea that Jasper would probably try to kill Archie if he had just approched him the same way Alice did
Hi! Thank you for your question, I love stuff like this.
I think Jessamine and Alice's meeting would have gone quite close to canon - Jessamine arrived at the diner, and Alice was there to meet her. Alice was very sweet and calm, as not to spook Jessamine, and their romantic relationship took longer to develop - I headcanon Jessamine as being very prickly and moody when she first meets Alice, and it takes her a long time to admit that she's got feelings for Alice, even to herself.
I absolutely agree that Archie had to be very cautious approaching Jasper - that another male vampire would have been much more of a threat than Alice was. For that reason, Archie would probably have to wait til Jasper was less on the ball, instincts-wise, and more willing to listen.
I can see it still being the diner - for tradition and a nod to their OG origins - but Jasper not going inside. Maybe he chooses not to go inside, and goes down the alley next to the diner, to wait for a potential meal. Maybe there's a young waitress who is happy and bright who leaves and he very nearly hunts her. But something about her emotions and her youth stops him and makes him feel like he's the ultimate monster, that he cannot get any lower, and he ends up sitting amongst the garbage of the alley with his head in his hands.
And that's when Archie finds him, and talks to him like he's a wild animal and makes it clear that he's offering friendship and a way that he can exist that doesn't make him wish for death. Jasper probably does attack him, pins him by the throat and contemplate killing him but decides not to; Archie's emotions are so hopeful and pure, there's not plotting or manipulation.
Jasper definitely pines for Archie for a while before their relationship turns romantic, but I personally headcanon Jasper as having dealt with a lot of negativity, stigma, and self-loathing being bisexual during the Civil War era. So I envisage Jasper hating himself for being attracted to Archie, but Archie is just determined to be patient and doesn't say anything about Jasper's rather obvious pining.
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What if in "Breaking dawn", after Jacob told Charlie that Bella is at the Cullens' house, Jasper kills Jacob then and there for telling too much and bringing Charlie?
How does Bella and the rest of the Cullens react after seeing Jasper killed Jacob in cold blood?
Charlie hasn't arrived yet to the Cullens' house, but what do they with him?
Does Bella and the rest of the Cullens forgive Jasper for what he did?
I mean, I'm sorry anon, if Jasper's killing anyone then it's Charlie.
Charlie's the loose end, the human that knows the secret, and the thing that would get the Cullens killed for breaking the law. Killing Jacob is messy in that it'd be breaking the treaty/having the wolves all at their throats.
Remember that the van incident was about the Cullens killing Bella for the misfortune of having witnessed something she shouldn't: not because Bella herself had done anything remotely wrong.
Didn't matter that Bella was a seventeen-year-old girl who'd almost been smashed by a van: she was going to die. If Jasper's murdering tonight: it's Charlie Swan.
Now, he might kill Jacob too, as Jacob clearly purposefully put them all in this situation but with the treaty he probably wouldn't want to risk that.
As it is, that he didn't kill Charlie is likely a mixture of Bella and the treaty where there's now dozens of wolves vs. the van incident where there were presumed 0 wolves and no consequences for casually murdering the denizens of Forks.
"I would never kill your father, Bella, never," - words Jasper didn't even have to say because Bella never realized that was a very real possibility.
But Alright, Fine, He Kills Jacob, How Does the Family Take It?
"Oh no, it's terrible, Jacob jumped off a cliff and died" -Jasper. I imagine Jasper's not up front about what happened. Bella has way too much emotional investment in Jacob, Edward's getting weird too, and while it's going to be obvious what happened it's better for Bella if she gets a little white lie and plausible deniability in front of the wolves.
They then have to leave town immediately as the wolves will suspect them (rightly) of murder and I imagine the Cullens are generally very side-eye about it. Nobody likes it, exactly, but on the other hand Jacob did nark to a human, Bella's father, who nearly got eaten by Bella because of it, so that he could hang out with a baby that he's imprinted on.
That was a lot of not good right there.
So, they default to their usual Cullen behavior. Rosalie probably approves and was likely considering doing the same thing herself, Alice is just focused on making sure Bella never finds out because she'd never forgive Jasper/the entire family for it, Jasper is utterly unrepentant, Emmett once again thinks he's in a family of lunatics but well them's the breaks, Esme genuinely thinks Jacob jumped off a cliff and died and it's very sad, and Carlisle would make Jasper attend Jacob's funeral except they have to leave town now so he's mostly just lowkey pissed (but also still ruminating on that imprint thing because what the actual fuck).
The one who's livid beyond reason is Edward. Edward actually comes to really like Jacob and would be extremely upset that Jasper just killed him when all Jacob wanted was to be with his soulmate imprint uh baby friend. Jacob couldn't help the imprint even if he wanted to, he only went to such an extreme because the family was leaving, and now Bella's being forced to leave her father who had done fairly well with the reveal, Jacob has been murdered in cold blood, and Edward's daughter is down one protector and will be alone forever.
He's never been more pissed at Jasper in his life. (Jasper just eclipsed Rosalie's spot as Edward's least favorite person in the family with ease).
Worse, Edward has to hide this from Bella who is emotionally devastated by all of this and completely falling apart as a person as her pillar of emotional support, Jacob, is dead and she now has to leave Forks and her family.
What Happens to Charlie
If Jasper's gone this far, he's killing Charlie, as discussed above. He might, maybe, probably not get talked out of it if a) Carlisle says "fuck it I'll turn him" to tie up the loose end or b) ... Nope, he's doing it.
Charlie dies.
Bella is not told.
Does Anyone Forgive Jasper
Bella never realizes Jasper did it, it wouldn't occur to her to doubt him or the other Cullens at this point (remember this is not And Then There Were None by me and @therealvinelle where before the incident it was revealed that there was a large rift between the Cullens and Jacob that Bella hadn't been aware existed). Bella falls into a deep New Moon style depression.
Edward does not forgive Jasper but it's much the same as he never forgives Rosalie. He doesn't do anything about it (as that would only make things worse) but he makes sure they know he'll never forgive them.
The rest of the family... they weren't that upset or surprised to begin with. This is the sort of thing Jasper's threatened to do in the past, would absolutely go through with, and isn't exactly shocking.
I imagine the blame mostly falls on Jacob, who if he'd just kept his mouth shut, wouldn't have made this all happen.
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