#have i slept Enough?? hell no. but have i BEEN SLEEPING??? hell yes!!!
0luv9 · 6 months
can't move on || mattheo riddle
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Summary: He was done fucked, a weak man on his knees for her, mad for her, in love with her and funny enough she didn't know. Him sleeping around isn't helping him though.
Beware: angst, fluff (?), minimal plot, smoking, drugs, alcohol, she/her pronouns, second person used as well, miscommunication, misunderstandings, excessive use of swear words, both reader and Mattheo assume the worst, happy ending.
Words: 4.025k
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Mattheo Riddle is in deep shit. His feelings have dug him a deep hole, a hole so deep that he could bury himself a hundred times over and still not be anywhere near the surface. He is so in love with you. And you being so fucking oblivious, mistake his advances for him being friendly. It's funny because when has he ever done something friendly? He's not even friendly to his friends, he insults them as a greeting for fucks sake. It's ridiculous how clueless you are, it was endearing at first but now it's just painful for him to watch you go on dates, that too every date with a different guy.
He thinks you've fucked them all, afterall it's him, Mattheo Riddle, he only thinks in extremes, if you've been on a date with some dude, you ofcourse had fucked him because who wouldn't do you. He resorted to the same ways, fucking his frustration out but instead of feeling satisfied, he would feel relieved for a moment and then his frustration would grow more and more, never coming close to being satisfied. He thought he could just fuck it all out, that he could just forget you, that he could just hate you. It became a routine for him, he got rougher and rougher with the girls he slept with, reaching his own high became harder and harder. It was all because of you, 'cause you couldn't see his love and make him a lover.
His reputation was worsening, his grades started slipping, he started ignoring you, becoming angry easily, snapping at anyone and everyone. Fucking girls left and right, every day was the same and he wondered why the hell he couldn't find a solution to all his problems. His smoking habits became worse, one cigarette turned into two, two turned three and now he was smoking one pack a day. His life was fucked, he could no longer think for himself, the thoughts of you with someone else corrupted his mind at all times. Everyone could see him ruining his life, he couldn't care less, he didn't give a shit about the names he was being called, most of them were true anyway.
Tonight was like every other Slytherin party night, except for the fact that he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol, all he wanted was a drunk hookup but he had slept with most of the girls in the room and he couldn't bring himself to repeat them over. He sighed, walking off to a secluded balcony, pulling out a cigarette, it was boring, life had become boring.
"Mattheo," he nearly jerked his head in the direction of your voice, it's been so long since he's heard it. All of it coming back to him, all the feelings he was trying to get rid of came right back, knocking at his heart. He's looking for the sweet smile, the one you'd always give him when you'd talk to him but all you did was frown at him, looking at him like the onlookers who gossiped about him and it fucking hurt. "Yes darling," he greeted you like nothing was wrong, before you would've smiled at his cheesy nicknames but now you grimaced at his hoarse voice and stepped back, he quickly looked away, just like that he blew off his last chance, he couldn't face it, he couldn't see you walk away from him, he physically couldn't.
"Riddle-" "Don't, don't call me that," he whispered, it was pathetic, he knows it too but that doesn't stop him, he couldn't hear you call him that. "Mattheo, I am Mattheo," he breathed out like an affirmation to himself, as though reminding himself of the person he's losing, dropping his cigarette and putting it out with his shoe. There it is, he's doing it again, acting how you'd want him to act, you disapproved of his smoking habits, you never told him to stop though, just so you know, he would stop if you only asked but you never did. You never asked anything of him, making the friendship feel one-sided, never wanting to bother him, you didn't do that with your other friends, you were openly asking them for favours albeit small, still favours, that's how friends are, looking out for eachother but no, you never expressed it, he just had to read into it. It made him feel as though he was your friend, just for the name sake, wow- he couldn't even be your friend.
He closed his eyes trying to contain himself, taking a hit from the burning cigarette, his hands were trembling, he was hurt, he could never be with you, you were making it clear. For the first time he got an actual sign of rejection and he just couldn't take it. "Riddle." It was still your voice, coming from his side, he slowly turned, there you were, standing next to him, looking at him with concern, giving him the slightest bit of hope, making his heart pound against his chest. He simply stared at you this time, unable to think of a response because you called him by his last name, you never did that. You didn't speak either, both staring at eachother, him with everything unsaid, sadness, anger, hope, longing, love, every fucking thing while you looked at him with worry painted all over your face. Mattheo hated to have people worry about him, noone was obligated to do so and he didn't want anyone to do it but right now, he didn't seem to mind, your attention was on him, worried about him. You finally looked away, placing your glass on the railing, alcohol with a lollipop in the glass, a typical you thing.
"alright, Mattheo," a small smile was tugging at your lips at his actions, "tell me, what's going on?" He didn't have anything to say, what would he say anyway? Upon not receiving an answer you sighed and continued, "Draco was telling me how different you've been-" he scoffed loudly interrupting you, ofcourse this is what it is, Malfoy sending you to talk to him, to scold him like everyone else, ofcourse you wouldn't come to him on your own, he was so fucking worthless in your eyes. “Don’t do that Mattheo-“ “Yeah? Why not? Coming here to scold me like everyone else, you know what, surprise surprise, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.” He was angry, you come to talk to him after all these days and it was to tell him, that he’s bad, that he’s wrong, yes, he started it by ignoring you but you didn’t even make an effort to talk to your “friend” while he was away, it pained him to know that you didn’t even care to check up on him.
“No, I am worried Mattheo, this is not okay for you,” you moved closer, shaking your head trying to find the words, “I tried Mattheo, to catch you, to talk to you but you were always turning away, ignoring me, I couldn’t even get a proper look at you these weeks. Draco was joking about you smoking two a day, one for each girl you slept with, it was then but now, a whole pack a day? I tried to get to you, tried to see what’s been hurting you, but all I saw was your back towards me.” You paused, looking around clearly frustrated, “I thought maybe you didn’t want to talk about it, so I stopped trying but I am sorry, I can’t help myself, I care about you Mattheo and I hate to see you like this,” you looked up at him, hoping he’d understand but he only stared at you blankly, maybe you were wrong to care, he clearly didn’t want to be bothered, you sighed yet again, clearly there was no point, you could only wish for him to be better.
You mustered up all the courage you could, moving closer to the brunette who still hadn’t said a thing, “I am sorry for bothering you, I hope you win whatever battle it is that you are fighting, just know that I care and I can’t help but be worried when you are hurting, sorry if it is selfish that I want you to be better, I won’t disturb you anymore” you gave him a small smile, going up on your tiptoes planting a small kiss on his cheek, lingering for a moment, holding his hand in both of your own giving it a hard squeeze before letting go. It pained you to see that he didn’t seem to care about his own life, making you feel useless for doing the same, he was dear to you, you didn’t want to let go of him but clearly he didn’t want the same, who were you to deny him of anything? So, you let go, taking the moment in before walking away, the tears were ready to fall, you weren’t going to let him see that, you didn’t want him to see how pent up you were over him when he couldn’t even bring himself to care.
Mattheo could feel his chest burn, he could feel the sting in his heart at the sight of you walking away, his knees felt weak, you cared? You tried to reach out? Yes you did, of course you did, you weren’t the ugly person he tried to paint you as, he wanted to hate you so bad, he wanted you to be wrong, he wanted you to scold him, he wanted you to hate him just so he could move on but no, he could never move on from you, even if you spat his way he’d love you. ‘Sorry if it is selfish-’ he fucking wants you to be selfish, he wants you to be selfish about him. Only if he wasn’t busy imagining you with other guys, maybe he would’ve noticed that you smile a bit more around him, just maybe he’d see your eyes looking out for him. Maybe then he would’ve seen the look in your eyes, one similar to his, but he was a fool, he’d always be unworthy of your love, you wouldn’t love someone like him, he ruled that possibility out the very moment he fell in love with you, thereby in his mind even if you actually loved him, you didn’t because he couldn’t see it.
He called after you, he couldn’t see you walk away, not when he has so much to say. You turned around, he saw tears in your eyes, he felt like dying, it was him who made you cry, if he didn't hate himself before, he clearly did right then. With two wide strides he was infront of you, holding your face, wiping away your tears, "please don't walk away from me," he muttered, trying to get you to look up at him, you look up at him with stars in your eyes, taking his breath away, 'I want you so bad' he thinks to himself but it's false, no, he doesn't simply want you, he fucking needs you like the air you take away from him, when you look at him like that- hazy eyed, making him think that you love him but he knows you don't, he knows you don't love the guys you go on dates with, he knows you don't love the guys you sleep with, in his eyes you love to care but don't care to love, he'll be one of those guys, if it means you'll have him, even if it is for one night.
He was staring at you, looking for a sign, waiting for you to push him away but you just look at him with glossy eyes, making him weak, unable to contain himself he presses his lips against yours, you hiss pulling back, the bitter taste of smoke invading your senses, your reaction hurts him, he couldn't even be one of your guys, that's how worthless he is, his grip loosens, he tastes you on his lips, sweet cherry- the lollipop still sugary on your lips. Then you surprise him, fisting his collar, pulling him down, soft lips on his, like honey against his smoke. He loses it then and there, his hand comes up to hold your face, the other low on your back pulling you flush against him. It was heaven, eyes closed, moving in sync, savouring every second, he could feel his skin tingle, his body burn, it was pathetic how you could bring him to feel so much with the simplest of touches, and now you were kissing him, better than any dream or fantasy, it's real, he reminds himself, frowning as he concentrates trying to capture every single detail, of you against him.
Mattheo walks you back to the railings, not letting go of you even for a second. You pull away as the cold metal makes contact with your body, the sting seeping through the thin layer of your clothes. Still impossibly close practically breathing the same air, then the situation dawns upon you, you look up at Mattheo in horror. This is what has become of your love for him, he's using your attraction towards him to get you into bed, just like he did with other girls. There was no difference in their relationship with him and yours with him, evidently so. You loved kissing him but you hated the fact that it meant everything to you but all it was to him was a one night stand, your dignity would not allow it, even though you wanted him so badly. "I'm- I'm sorry but I can't," you quickly walk off, not looking back this was humiliation, you felt embarrassed.
One moment you were there kissing him and the next you were gone, he fucking hates this because he doesn't know what to do or what made you push him away. You gave him hope when you kissed him but shattered it when you walked away, you were confusing him. Why'd you kiss him like that if you wanted to let go? His hands reach out to pull at his hair, "Fuck" he grits out, it was frustrating not knowing what to do, knowing he has done something wrong. But for the most part, he doesn't know how you feel, you kissed him like you felt something but you walked away like it was nothing. He's over it.
He's absolutely not over it. He couldn't even stick to the plan for five seconds, images of you in his arms plagued his mind. He could only cherish that moment, he felt more alive in those few seconds than he ever did, his lips are still tingling, it's the next morning and his head is still in clouds. Mattheo for once, feels human- he feels like going to class again just so he could see you. The wound of your rejection was still fresh in his heart but so was the memory of your lips against his in his mind.
He could handle the professors' taunts, he infact muted them out and zeroed in on your face, you were avoiding him, he could see it, trying so hard just like he did the past few weeks. He saw himself in you for a moment but then you started talking to some Hufflepuff dude next to you, smiling at him so pretty, his blood started burning hot when he saw the guy touch you. You did nothing to push him away, pfft- ofcourse he wasn't Mattheo fucking Riddle that you'd push him away.
Mattheo was practically burning holes into you skull as he took a seat in the very back. Only if he wasn't so overtaken by jealousy he'd see that your smile didn't reach your eyes as you laughed at the Puff's joke, that your reactions were simply polite, a mere distraction from the pinching of your heart. You didn't want to be one of the girls he slept with, didn't want to be discarded after being used.
He couldn't even be one of your guys, he fucking wanted it to be him so bad just to have your for a night, just so you could see him in a different light, just so you'd know that he loved you. He'd gladly be discarded by you.
Mattheo has been searching for you, for about an hour now, you were minx- rushing out of the class before he could catch upto you. You were no where to be seen, he was actually getting worried. He was just about to enter the dungeons when he saw Pansy near the entrance. She'd know your whereabouts, she was a close friend of yours. She'd help him too, because she was his friend as well, right? Or had he destroyed every relationship he had the past few weeks. "Pans, a moment please" "oh hey Mattheo," she greeted him with a smile, that's a good sign, "umm- do you know where-" there he was, polite stuttering fucktard, "oh I know where she is," He didn't even tell her who he was looking for, confusion taking over his features, "I saw you looking at her in class, you like her don't you?" Was he that obvious? If so, why couldn't she see it? "Yeah," he finally admitted it to someone else, it was out there now, he felt some weight lift off of his shoulders, there was no denying to it, he loved her and he doesn't care if he gets laughed at for it but then his heart stops at her next words. "She's on a date with some Hufflepuff, in Hogsmeade," her voice was sympathetic, hurt was painted all over his face.
They were standing there in awkward silence for a couple of minutes before she broke it, heading towards the entrance, "You know you should tell her," she gave him a small smile, she patted his back ready to slip into the entrance, he stopped her "Why? Did she say something about me?" His voice was full of hope, hoping that maybe she had confessed to her friend just like he did right then but to add onto his sorrow, Pansy shook her head, he let his head hang low, moving his hand over his face, scoffing bitterly at the situation he was in, "but you should still tell her, at least you'll be satisfied knowing that you did something about it than do nothing." She shrugged walking in, leaving him there to think about her words.
She is right. He has to know, to know how you feel, he has to talk to you, has to let you know how he feels because in his heart, there's hope that you may like him back because you kissed him like you did. Mattheo wants to confirm that it wasn't his delusions that rendered your lips to move against his in adoration, something more than just physical. He has to hold you again in his arms-
He didn't even have to walk far away to find you, walking alone in the empty corridor but you turn around as you see him. Mattheo won't let you do that this time, he's onto you within seconds grabbing your wrist and pulling you back. "What-" "Please don't ignore me-" "I am not!" You sound defensive, taking your hand back, folding them as you look at him as though he is some lowlife human, there's a similar hurt in your eyes, one he knows a bit too well. "Yes you are, please don't try to deny it," he says slowly and carefully, he doesn't want you to walk away, "what do you want Mattheo?" You are annoyed, you stretch out his name showing your impatience. He takes his sweet time though, taking your hands in his, they feel cold, snatching away the warmthness of the action, "Why did you walk away? Yesterday?" "Why? Is there some rule against it-""no no ofcourse not-" both of you interrupting each other, you were frustrated, what was he trying to do? Did his ego take such a huge hit that you didn't want to sleep with him, like those girls he used and discarded? "Tell me why is it that you care? It's not a huge deal to you, you can have anyone else to sleep with you, it shouldn't matter that one girl decided to walk away when you have tens and hundreds lining up-" "WHAT?" He was looking at as though you were saying something ridiculous, "I cared about our relationship enough not to ruin it but you had to be there, trying to use me like you use the other girls and then discard me-" "STOP!" He holds your face in his hands, intense gaze setting you ablaze, "I fucking care, don’t think otherwise, I care because it's you, you could never be them-"
"wow- am I so worthless and unattractive in your eyes that you don't even-" "Wait, it should be me saying all of this, about you and the guys you on dates with, the guys you take to bed-" "What guys-" you both were now screaming at eachother, it was overwhelming, having to be vulnerable and admit your feelings and not understand what the person in front of you is saying. "I have not once slept with the guys I went on dates with, I'm in love with you for fucks sake but I got tired of waiting for you to love me," What.
He fucked up.
"Fuck, fuck-" his knees hit the ground as he covers his face with his hands, he's ruined all his chances by being an assuming dickhead. Heavens goodness- "FUCK!" He groans into his palms, not being able to digest what you had just said, he feels ecstatic that you love him but he hates that he's ruined his chances with you, "Mattheo-" "Fuck, I am so sorry, I've been a fool, a fucking idiot-" he pulls you down, grabbing your hands, crying because he doesn't know any other way to express it. He has lost his chance all because he let jealousy get the best of him, took illogical steps to overcome it. "I love you, I fucking am in love with you," he grips your hands tight, shaking them as he speaks, unable to control his very physical reaction, "Mattheo what-" "I thought that I could fuck it all out, fuck all the feelings away but no you were always on my mind, not just you but you with someone else, happy. I thought maybe I could resort to your ways, thought maybe I could sleep around then I'd get rid of my feelings, afterall you seemed happy doing it but you never- FUCK! I am so fucking sorry, I love you-" you kiss him, he sure was an idiot to think that you could just flip a switch and "unlove" him, what kind of love would that be? You hated to admit it, you loved him even when he was sleeping with so many girls, you loved him before he did that, a few weeks were nothing to make you hate him.
It was brief kiss, enough to silence him, tears were still running down his face- he was a heartbroken man on his knees afterall- they were only a sign of his regret, then he was at it again, apologising, "stop Mattheo, you are foolish if you think that I'll love one moment and not love you the next-" "but you don't deserve it, not after what I did-" "let me decide that. Do you love me?" Your ask is serious, so he answers you with utmost sincerity, his words soft, full of truth "I love you, more than I think I can handle," he looks down, you don't let him as you wrap your hands around his neck, pulling him close, "Learn to handle it then, I am not going anywhere." For the first time in his life, does Mattheo experience pure bliss, you are a sin against his lips, he pulls you closer like a prayer because if there's a god above, he'd pray for you to be his.
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heedeungism · 3 months
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synopsis: the duke loves you dearly, yes, but how could you possibly know that? includes: bridgerton au, suggestive, profanity , hoon is a rake
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as duke and duchess of hastings, it was expected that you produce an heir within the year. being the notorious love match of the season, the diamond and the duke, the image of your family back in london was counting on your ability to ‘perform your duty’, as the ton loved to put it.
sunghoon, your husband, the duke, had been the one to propose the deal. you’d been told your whole life that your interests meant nothing if your husband did not share them, yet he had asked you what your favorite color was. you had been told that horse riding wasn’t ladylike, yet he had shown you his favorite mare and asked you if you’d ever ridden.
he was all the right things, you’d thought. though truthfully, he had one quality you couldn't look past. he was a rake. he frequented brothels, fucked whores, but called on you and gave you the most expensive flowers, and spoke the sweetest of nothings. it was almost enough to look past. you’d thought that you’d be able to get past it, that if he was in love with you enough to propose he’d be in love enough to stop visiting the brothels.
that hope was shattered the moment he’d proposed. it wasn’t romantic, nor was it anything you wanted.
“a deal?” you remember asking when he had looked at you with eyes you had never seen so unfeeling, “or a marriage?”
“you will be allowed the estate. every luxury you desire will be yours.” he had stated, “while i—“
“spend your nights at your beloved brothels?” his face when you had spoken those words had sent your heart into its own frozen hell. “you do not have to explain yourself, your grace.”
and so, the two of you married. you knew that despite the pieces he had left your heart in he would keep his word, and he did. you’d never worn such luxurious gowns nor felt fabric so soft and breathable as your nightdress.
your mama had told you little about what the night of your wedding entailed, only that if a certain event did not transpire the marriage would be null. that event was never described in full to you by your mother, only hinted at by jane austen, and yet it had been nearly a month since your nuptials and the duke had left the space between the two of you alarmingly obvious. the large bed that while you both slept on you did not share, the avoidance of eye contact, and the heat of his hand on yours only for him to pull away before you can let it pool.
on mornings that you allow yourself to sleep in, you are unsure if the ghostly touch along your cheekbone and the gentle tucking of your hair out of your face is your imagination or just the breeze coming from the open window. on nights that you are plagued by the feeling of being undesirable, you can feel his gaze on your back when he thinks you’re asleep.
on a night like this one, you find yourself reaching a point of exhaustion. “your grace.” you greet as you enter his study, the place he would keep to himself and even eat on most nights.
he barely glances up from his paperwork, “do you need something?”
shaking your head, you pull the shawl you have over your shoulders to cover the skin that your nightdress didn’t. the pink color of the fabric was what you had described as your favorite when the duke had asked. it’s the color of nearly every dress you have been provided with since moving into clyvedon. “no, i simply came to inform you that i am having the maids move my things into the duchess’s chambers.”
his interest is piqued, and he finally looks at you. “why ever would you have them do that?”
“is reason needed to move into my own chambers?”
your response garners a look from your husband, “separate rooms shall not be suffered.”
his words cause you to scoff, “yet a silent marriage will be?”
he is silent for a moment before he speaks, “jones.” the butler standing by the door straightens up, “inform the maids that they will under no circumstances move the duchess’ belongings from our chambers.”
“sir.” the man nods, exiting the room and leaving you with your husband.
“will you continue to go about your days acting as if i do not exist?” you question goes unanswered as sunghoon resumes his paperwork. “fine, i will move them myself.”
“you will do no such thing.”
“oh, i believe i will.” you retort and sunghoon stands, hands placed on the desk as his jaw shifts.
“i forbid you.”
the audacity baffles you, frustration turning into fury within the second, “you forbid me?”
sunghoon walks out from behind his desk, stopping beside it, “you are my wife. your hatred i can tolerate but i will not allow the agony of separate rooms.”
“am i your wife?” you ask, watching his hands twitch at his sides and his eyes darken, “we had a wedding, yes, but if we did not spend that night together are we truly married?”
“you speak nonsense.” he dismisses, eyes no longer on you as he turns away, “go to bed.”
“do not speak to me like i am a child—“
“i said-“ he starts, voice raising as he turns back toward you with a darkness in his gaze, “go. to. bed.”
his eyes pierce your own as his voice is low and nearly breathless, you lower your chin just the slightest as your heart aches, “i am not a child, nor am i a fool. i know you do not love me but i did not think you cruel enough for trickery.”
“trickery?” he asks, seemingly clueless as the what you mean.
you begin, “the day we met in that garden i thought you different, kind. you led me to believe such lies, you knew i could not say no to you, you trapped me in a loveless marriage that you knew i did not desire—“
“loveless? if that is what you believe this marriage to be, it is not i who is the cause,” he argues, and you narrow your eyes.
“am i to believe that you love me? have your actions up to this very moment warranted such beliefs?” your question causes your husband’s jaw to shift.
“go to bed.” he looks down at his desk again.
“do not tell me what to do.”
“what do you want from me?” he whips around to look at you. “i have given you riches, i have given you every gown you could possibly desire, i have had the finest soaps imported from india and yet you continue to oppose me. what. do. you. want?”
“i want a husband. not a stranger that i share a bed with, not a keeper.” you state, “i know you do not love me, but if I am to be duchess and produce an heir i deserve better than an absent duke.”
sunghoon remains silent for a moment before his hands clench into fists and his cold eyes meet your own. “call me a stranger, loathe my existence for the rest of your life but never think for even a moment that i do not love you.”
you are stunned into silence, and he continues, stepping closer and closer until your breaths mingle as he says, “i have spent the past fortnights in agony. suffering through the nights i cannot touch you. speaking to you is not enough, nor is being in your company. i have never in my life felt as though i cannot inhale what another does not exhale and yet i find myself suffocating with every moment i am not by your side.”
his fingers ghost over your cheekbone and you find your breath caught in your throat. “i have loved you ever since i saw you in that garden. do not dare question that.”
your lips part and his eyes follow them. your chest rises as you inhale sharply and deeply, attempting to process the words leaving his lips as well as their close proximity to your own. “you…love me.”
your tone is not one of question, and his pleasure in that fact is shown through both his actions and the three words you had yearned to leave his lips since he’d proposed. the same lips that capture yours in a hungry and insatiable kiss that has you in shambles.
your knees buckle, legs turning to jelly, and like he had expected it his arms wrap around you and pulls you closer. his tongue meets yours the moment your lips part and as he brings you to sit on his desk, the pressure of his body between your legs sends a jolt of pleasure you have never experienced before up your body, prompting a choked whimper to escape between the mess of lips and tongue.
“your grace.” you exhale against him, quickly silenced by his lips once again as he breathes you in like you’re the last atom of oxygen on earth.
“your grace.” he responds in kind, hand trailing up your thigh under your nightdress. then, there’s contact and a loud keen that like the rest of them, he swallows with ease.
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©heedeungism : do not rewrite, copy, repost, or translate any of my works without my permission.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Man of My Dreams - Eddie Munson x Reader
Note: I’m not sure why this formatted oddly, so I apologize. 
Summary: When you friends find out you had a dirty dream, they gang up on you to find out who it was about.
Warnings: mentions of sex obviously, language, insecurity, i think that’s it?
Words: 4.5k
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“Ugh, I did not sleep well.” You pull down the passenger seat visor in Nancy’s car and inspect your eyes in the mirror. They look much more alert after rubbing them a few times with the heel of your hand.
           “Did you make her sleep on the floor?” Nancy looks at Robin in the rearview mirror, pursing her lips at your friend. Nancy had just picked the two of you up from Robin’s house after you’d spent the night. You were all headed to Steve’s house now, you older gang of teens crashing together for a night of junk food and even junkier movies.
           “No, I didn’t! She slept next to me,” Robin says. She looks down and picks at her fingernails, mumbling, “Sounded like you had a good sleep, though.”
           It’s the way your face burns from pink to scarlet more than Robin’s comment that catches Nancy’s interest. She smirks at you out of the corner of her eye, and you swear Robin would be dead if there wasn’t a witness sitting right next to you.
           “Ooh, what does that mean?” Nancy croons.
           “What are you talking about, Robin?” you ask. You sure as hell remembered your dream, but you weren’t aware you vocalized anything to reveal the dirty nature of it.
           “Oh, don’t play dumb,” Robin says. “You may not snore, but you sure were making other noises in your sleep.”
           As Nancy’s smirk grows, you drop your head into your hands with a groan. Nancy reaches over and jabs her finger in your shoulder.
           “Who were you dreaming of, huh?” Nancy asks.
           “Not important,” you mumble into your hands.
           “I think it is,” Robin chimes up.
           “Why?” you groan out.
           “Because we’re your best friends and we’re nosy,” Robin answers.
           “Oh, come on,” Nancy says when you shake your head. “It’s not that embarrassing. It’s happened to all of us.”
           “Yeah?” you ask, peeking at her from behind your hands. “You slept next to one of your best friends and got caught having a sex dream?”
           “Well, no,” Nancy admits. “But we’ve all had a dream like that!”
           “Not me,” Robin says.
           You turn around in your seat to glare at her. “Then I hope you have one at the most inconvenient time possible.” She blows a kiss at you, and you wrinkle your nose at her before turning back around.
           “Who was it?” Nancy asks again.
           “Can’t we just drop it?” You rest your forehead against the cool glass of the window as Nancy pulls into Steve’s driveway. Your stomach was already in knots knowing you were going to see the object of your dream’s desire tonight, and this was making it worse.
           “You know I’ll just bring it up in front of the guys,” Robin says.
           “Oh my God,” Nancy says as she puts the car in park. “Was it about one of them?”
           You unclick your seatbelt and shove the car door open. “I hate you both,” you shout at them as you slam the door behind you.
           “Should we take that as a yes?” Robin asks. Nancy shrugs at her and they both climb out of the car after you.
           Robin jogs to catch up to you and throws her arm over your shoulders. Your finger stabs Steve’s doorbell before you cross your arms over your chest. It wasn’t bad enough that you were completely in love with Eddie – and had been for years – but now you have to endure this from your friends with him in the same house. This wasn’t the first dream you’d had about Eddie in that manner, it just happened to be the first one you were caught having.
           The dream floats back to the front of your mind as you wait for the door to open. Eddie’s hands everywhere. His mouth on your throat. His bare chest pressed right up against yours. You roll your shoulders back, knocking Robin’s arm off in the process, as you try to shake the dream back.
           The door swings open and Steve greets you three with a smile that makes Robin roll her eyes.
           “Hello, ladies,” he says.
           “Stop flirting,” Robin says as she passes by him and into the house.
           Steve scoffs and watches Robin as she passes. “I’m not flirting.”
           “It’s really only one out of two modes you have,” Robin calls back.
           Nancy chuckles and follows in after Robin. Steve turns to look at you and you shrug.
           “The other mode is protective, in case you were wondering,” you tell him. You pat him on the shoulder before sliding past him as well.
           Music blares from the living room ahead and you feel your palms start to sweat. It’s better than what was wet last night, but you’re trying not to think about that. The blaring guitar notes floating your way can only mean the metal head of your dreams is already here. You were so focused on squabbling with your friends when you arrived that you hadn’t even noticed his van.
           “Jesus Christ,” Steve says, walking up behind you. “I leave the room for ten fucking seconds, and he gets to the stereo.”
           You giggle as you walk into the room, greeted by the sight of Eddie laying flat on the couch, air drumming to the beating solo at this point in whatever song this is. Steve turns down the volume and Eddie whines in protest. He rolls off the couch in classic Eddie dramatic fashion and pushes himself up to his feet. His face lights up when he sees you and it’s impossible to ignore the fluttering happening several places in your body.
           “Finally!” He comes forward and throws his arms around you, tugging your body against his. His warmth seeps into you and you try to fight the blush. No need to give your friends further clues who your little dream was about. “Being here alone with Steve was awful.”
           “You’ve been here ten minutes,” Steve says.
           “And it was agony,” Eddie assures you, looking you straight in the eyes. You laugh and playfully shove him off you. He smirks and refuses to let you fully leave him, throwing his arm to hang around your neck.
           “Where’s the pizza?” Robin asks as she drops down on the couch that Eddie just vacated.
           “On it’s way,” Steve answers.
           “What movies did you manage to nab from the store?” Nancy asks.
“You make it sound like I stole from work,” Steve says. “I’ll have you know, I am a model employee.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re an employee who looks like a model,” you say with a smirk.
Steve points his finger at you as he crosses the room towards the television. “I’m taking that as a compliment.”
“Hmm,” Robin hums. “So, she thinks Steve looks like a model.”
She smirks at you, and you narrow your eyes at her. Don’t you mouth to her.
Eddie notices your glare at your friend and frowns.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
Robin raises her eyebrows at you and if looks could kill, Robin would be no more.
“Robin, don’t,” Nancy mumbles to her. But not quiet enough.
“Don’t what?” Steve asks as he goes through the collection of VHS tapes in his lap.
“Nothing.” Robin says it, but it couldn’t possibly sound less convincing.
“Oh, come on.” Eddie jostles your shoulder and pouts. “What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing,” you reiterate to him.
The doorbell rings and you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Get that for me, will you, Robin?” Steve says from the floor.
“I don’t have any money for a tip.”
“Eddie?” Steve asks.
Eddie pats his pockets with his free hand and shrugs. “Coming up empty too, man.”
“I’ve got it,” Nancy says.
“Thank you,” Steve says, pointedly looking at Robin and Eddie as Nancy leaves the room.
“Now what’s going on?” Eddie asks as he shakes you again. Knots tighten in your stomach because you know Eddie, and he’s not going to let it go.
“She just had a weird dream,” Robin says. “That’s all, dude.”
It would’ve been convincing enough to end the conversation, had Steve not kept it going.
“Like a nightmare?”
You open your mouth to answer but no sound comes out. Eddie smirks at your silence, taking it as a confession of some sort.
“Sex dream?” he asks as Nancy walks back into the room, pizza boxes in her arms.
“Robin!” She chides.
You hide your face in your hands as Nancy unintentionally confirms Eddie’s suspicion. The smirk on his face grows and he wraps both arms around you, squeezing you in his embrace.
“Oh, Nance,” you groan.
“What?” she asks innocently as she sets the pizzas down.
“Robin didn’t let that slip. You did,” Steve says with a laugh.
“I what?” Her eyes double in size as she stares at you with dread.
“Yep,” Eddie confirms as he keeps his tight grip on you. “Thank you for affirming that our innocent little friend over here had a dirty dream. Now, if you could tell us about who, I know I’d really appreciate it.”
Your face burns red, and you try to push yourself out of Eddie’s arms, to no avail. He chuckles and pulls you against his chest, laying his head on top of yours.
“Oh God, I am so sorry,” Nancy says. “And I don’t know, Eddie. But I wouldn’t tell you if I did.”
“Party pooper,” Steve complains.
“Can we eat?” you mumble against Eddie’s chest. “And just let this go? Please?”
Eddie pulls back so he can look down at you.
“You really think it’s possible for me to let it go?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.
“For me?” You pout, face still like a tomato.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Not even for you.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head, and you take advantage of his distraction to slip out of his arms.
You back up into Steve’s chest though, as he’d come up behind you. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, and you groan again. You drop your head back against his shoulder and he rocks you from side to side.
“You’re stuck with us, babe,” Steve says. “You might as well tell us and get it over with.”
The friendship you have with both guys is amazing. You love how close you are with them, and how your whole gang is able to tease and mess with each other on a daily basis. But in the rare times like this, where the two bros ganged up on you, it was mentally exhausting.
“I think I’ll walk home,” you say.
“Oh, come on,” Robin says. “We’re all friends here. Tell us who.”
In your head, you add Robin to your shit list.
“Mr. Evans?” Steve asks. “Half the girls at school have a crush on him.”
“Ew, no,” you deny. It was a mistake, because now you’re engaged in this conversation about who it is.
“Why is this so embarrassing for girls?” Steve asks. “I’ll sit here and tell you all the girls I’ve had sex dreams about.”
“Thank you, Steve, but we’d all like to keep our appetites tonight,” Robin says.
“And we’d all like to get out of here before morning,” Eddie adds.
Managing to slip out of Steve’s grip, you walk over to Nancy and stand behind her. She’s too small to hide you behind her frame, but she’s the only one you feel is on your side.
“You’re the only one I like,” you mumble in her ear.
“I’m so sorry,” she reiterates to you quietly.
“It’s okay,” you assure her. You know she never would’ve done it on purpose.
“Kevin Sanders?” Robin asks. “Because I think he likes you.”
“Ugh, you can do so much better than him,” Eddie says.
“No,” you say. Figuring this would go on for a while, you slink over to the couch opposite Robin and plop down on it.
“At least narrow it down for us,” Steve says.
“Why would I do that?” you snap back.
“Because you love us?” Eddie gives you his best puppy dog eyes and you have to avert his gaze.
“Nancy had an interesting theory in the car,” Robin says. You roll onto your stomach and hide your face in the cushions as she continues. “She thought it might’ve been about one of you guys.”
“Really?” Steve drawls. You don’t have to look at either of the guys to know they have matching self-satisfied smirks on their faces.
“I hate you all,” you call loud enough for them to hear over your face smooshed against the soft material.
Eddie’s boots clomp over to you, and he plops down on the floor in front of you.
“Sweetheart, come on,” he says. “We’re all just joking with you.”
“Are we?” Steve asks, followed by a huff of pain. Hopefully from Nancy hitting him.
“The pizza’s going to get cold,” Nancy says. “Come on, guys.”
Cardboard is shuffled around, and you hear your friends taking slices out. Except Eddie. He’s still sitting on the floor next to you. You turn your head to peak at him and he’s smiling at you. Your face flushes again as your stomach twists in excitement.
“Alright,” you hear Steve through a mouth full of pizza. “We’ve got Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Blow Out. Jesus Robin, are these all John Travolta movies?”
“I may have been bribed,” Robin answers. From where you’re laying you can see her give a pointed look to Nancy, who shrugs and gives her best innocent look.
“At least it’s not Tom Cruise again,” Steve mutters.
“Grease is a musical, but what are the others?” Robin asks.
“Saturday Night Fever is dancing. Other than that, I have no idea,” Steve says. “And it looks like Blow Out is a thriller or slasher kind of flick.”
“Slasher,” you and Eddie vote at the same time. He smirks and gives you a wink, causing the twisting of your stomach to increase tenfold.
“I’m inclined to agree,” Robin says.
“Sound good, Nance?” Steve asks.
“John Travolta is in it, so it sounds good to me,” she answers.
Steve pops the tape in the VHS player, while Eddie stands and wraps his arms around your middle. He yanks upward and you flail against his grip, unable to help the laugh that comes out. He manages to scoop you up and slide underneath you, placing you down on his lap. You huff but relax back against him anyway.
“Pizza?” Nancy asks you.
“Yes, please,” you say.
Nancy puts a slice on a plate for you and one for Eddie. She hands them to you before sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table to enjoy her own piece. Eddie rests his plate on your thighs and folds up the slice, shoving half of it in his mouth in one bite. Steve presses play before going to sit next to Robin on the couch.
You take a bite of your pizza, but your jaw stops mid-bite as you hear moaning come from the television. Your head shoots up to see scantily clad girls in lingerie, before the screen flickers to a full-on sex scene. Steve and Robin snicker across the room and you look to see them both watching you. You groan and drop your plate in your lap, knocking into Eddie’s. Face in your hands, you turn to roll off Eddie’s lap. He grips you around the waist to hold you securely on top of him.
“I hate them,” you mumble to Eddie. He laughs softly in your ear, but it’s slightly mocking. You reach back and smack his chest. “You too.”
“Aww, princess,” Eddie says. The nickname only spurs you further along and you try to escape his clutches. He’s too strong though, and keeps you pressed against him. “You know you can make this end.”
“Yeah,” Robin echoes from the other couch. “All you gotta do is give us a name.”
“With friends like you guys, who needs enemies?” you ask.
“So, was your dream like this?” Steve asks, pointing to the scene in the movie.
“Alright, Steve,” you say. It’s easier to fight back with him, since he isn’t the one your dream was about. “You wanna know?”
“I do,” he says, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Fine. Come with me.” You stand up out of Eddie’s lap, leaving him frowning behind you.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“Why does he get to know?” Robin asks.
Instead of answering anyone, you march over to the sliding glass door and glide it open. Steve’s right on your heels as you step outside. He closes the door behind you as you keep stalking forward.
“You’re not going to push me in the pool, are you?” he asks.
You spin around to face him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You guys really aren’t going to let up, are you?” you ask.
“What’s the big deal?” Steve asks, putting his hands on his hips. “Just tell us.”
“Because he’s in there,” you snap. “And I’ve been in love with him for years.”
Steve’s face falls as he realizes this wasn’t fun and games to you like it was for them.
“Shit,” he says, hands sliding off hips. “I didn’t know.”
“That’s kind of the point of a secret,” you say.
He sighs and runs his hands over his face. He takes a step forward and opens his arms to you to offer a hug. You step into his embrace and bury your head in his neck.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
“S’okay,” you mumble against him. “Figured I’d tell you because you can make the rest of them shut up.”
“I’ll do my best,” he says. “Although Nancy is scarier than me.”
“True,” you agree with a chuckle.
“Come on,” Steve says. He presses a kiss to the side of your head and pulls back. “Pizza is going to get cold.”
Steve leads you back inside, retaking his spot next to Robin. You sit down next to Eddie and the eyes of the room are going back and forth between you and Steve. Both of you ignore them until Robin smacks Steve in the chest.
“Well?” she asks.
“Just let it go, okay?” he says.
Robin frowns and looks over at you, but you don’t take your eyes off your plate. The awkwardness lasts for a few minutes before there’s an uptick in action in the movie. As everyone becomes more and more immersed in the film, the conversation starts up again, revolving around the mystery being laid out.
Pizza’s mostly gone, and leftovers are cold when the movie ends. Most of you are satisfied, but Robin keeps huffing in annoyance.
“Next time I’m picking the musical,” she says.
“Warning, Steve and y/n will duet the songs the whole time,” Nancy says.
“Hey,” Steve says.
“What? She’s right,” you say. Steve shrugs noncommittally and you chuckle.
Eddie’s brow is pinched, and you nudge him with your elbow.
“You okay?”
“Hmm?” He looks at you and shakes his head. “Yeah, I’m good. Do you want me to drive you back to your house?”
“Sure,” you say. Not only would you take any chance to be around Eddie, but your home was closer to his place than Nancy’s anyway.
Steve assures the rest of you that you don’t have to clean up, that he’s got it covered, and everyone can head out. As you say goodbye, Steve gives you an extra tight hug and you smile at him gratefully. Eddie slings his arm over your shoulders as soon as you pull away from Steve, and he leads you to his van.
You hop up in the passenger seat and Eddie starts the engine, turning up the heat to get the biting chill out of the van. He pulls out of Steve’s driveway and heads down the dark and quiet road. Music plays softly over the speakers, but it isn’t usual for Eddie to be this quiet.
“What’s wrong, Ed?”
“Nothing,” he says. It sounds rehearsed though.
“You think I buy that?” you ask. “We’re like best friends.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he mumbles, almost too low for you to hear. But not quite.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He sighs and shakes his head. “Nothing. Forget it.”
“You really think I’m gonna do that?” You raise your eyebrows at him.
He shifts in his seat, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. Your street comes into view and Eddie takes the turn so fast it feels like the van rocked onto just two wheels.
“Jesus, Eddie!”
The van screeches into your driveway and he kills the ignition. You stare at him as he keeps his focus straight on your house in front of you. He rolls his shoulders back and his leather jacket creeks in protest.
“I’m being a jealous asshole.”
His words are so unexpected that you’re not sure if he’s done speaking or not. When he doesn’t elaborate, you venture forward.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“You talked to Steve instead of me.”
Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, you take a few deep breaths before replying.
“Is this really about that stupid dream?” you ask.
“No,” he says with a huff. “I mean…no, not really. It’s just, you brought Steve outside to talk about it. I thought we were closer.”
He shrugs and looks down at his hands on the steering wheel. His voice had gotten quieter as the sentence wound down. It ended with him sounding small and vulnerable.
You don’t know what to say after that though. That the reason you told Steve about your sex dream was because the dream was about having sex with Eddie? You’d rather have him feeling a bit jealous than never wanting to speak to you again.
When you don’t continue speaking, he looks over at you from the corner of his eye. You reach over to place your hand on his arm, not knowing what else to do.
“You and I are closer than Steve and I are. But maybe that’s why I didn’t want to tell you. Have you ever felt it easier to tell someone something that you weren’t as close to?”
Eddie turns to fully face you, face furrowed in thought.
His deadpan response makes you laugh. You drop your head forward and a smile cracks on his face.
“You’re always so honest with me,” you say.
“Pretty much,” he says with a shrug.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you take a deep breath. It’s true. There’s not a time Eddie wasn’t honest with you. To the point of embarrassment on multiple occasions.
“Okay,” you say on an exhale. “I’ll tell you. But it’s embarrassing.”
Eddie leans forward, elbows resting on the center console. He dips his chin and raises his eyebrows at you.
“Would it help if I tell you my most embarrassing sex dream?”
You purse your lips in thought, though you both already know the answer.
“Okay,” he says through a deep breath. “You want to know why, besides the obvious, I hate going to the school library?”
He looks at you expectantly for a moment before your jaw drops and your eyes widen.
“Mrs. Brady? Eddie!” You cover your face with your hands to smother your giggles. It takes a couple of seconds for you to recover enough to continue speaking. “Eddie! She’s like eighty!”
“I know!” He throws his hands in the air. “It’s not like I could help it, though. You can’t help what you dream about. Which leads us back to…” He gestures to you with a dramatic flourish.
With a deep breath, you nod your head.
“Okay. Well. At least it’s someone my age,” you say with a smirk. Eddie rolls his eyes and gently pushes you against the passenger door. You throw a crumbled-up receipt at him before continuing. “It was you, you doofus.”
“Me?” His voice raises three octaves and his eyebrows jettison into his hair.
“Yes,” you say, cheeks flaring. “Now do you understand why I didn’t tell you?”
“Well shit, sweetheart,” Eddie says with a smirk. It didn’t take him long to recover from his surprise, usual charm and charisma back in place. “Nothing to be embarrassed of there.”
“Oh, no?” you ask, arching an eyebrow at him.
“Do you know how many dreams I’ve had about you like that?”
“Me?” It’s your turn to have your voice become a different decibel.
“Yeah, you. Look at you,” he says, gesturing to you. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”
Your eyes drop to your lap, and you bite your lip to hide your grin. The burn travels up to the tips of your ears and you don’t remember the last time you felt so warm or your tummy all buzzy.
“You could’ve just told me,” Eddie says, reaching over to tilt your chin up. “I’m flattered, really. Never thought someone like you would think about me that way. Even if it came from your subconscious.”
“Someone like me?” you ask with a frown.
“Yeah, like…way out of my league,” he says.
Your frown deepens as you lean forward and press your forehead against his.
“I don’t want to ever hear you say something like that again,” you say.
“It’s true, though,” he whispers, suddenly feeling vulnerable. “You’re practically the perfect girl.”
“Hush,” you tell him as you reach up to cup his face in your hands. “Number one, you know you and I are both nerds on the same level. And you’re gorgeous, so jot that down. There’s no one out of your league, Eddie.”
He gives you a soft smile and presses his nose against yours. “You always make me feel better.”
“Yeah?” you ask. You trail your thumbs along his cheekbones, and he shudders gently under your touch.
“You drive me crazy, you know that?” Eddie whispers to you.
You close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath.
“The feeling is very mutual, Munson.”
“Yeah?” he asks.
Reluctantly, you pull your face away from his to look up at your house.
“My parents are still away, you know,” you say. “If you want to come in?”
“Oh yeah?” he looks at you skeptically.
“Mhmm,” you hum. “Maybe I could show you what happened in my dream?”
Eddie’s eyes widen and you swear you’ve never seen him this speechless before. It makes you giggle despite the nerves rocking through your body.
“That sounds good,” he says. His pupils are blown wide open and the way he tries to make his voice sound calmer gives you all the assurance you need. You lean in and press a soft kiss to his lips. You mean for it to be quick, but as you go to pull away, Eddie cups the back of your head and sinks in against your mouth.
Just as you’re about to wrap your arms around his neck, he pulls back to whisper against your lips.
“I really hope you dreamt me cuddling the shit out of you afterwards, because that’s definitely happening.”
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pinkgy · 22 days
how would the kings from whb react to mc wanting to have kids with them?
Hi ! Thank you so much for your request and here it is, sorry for taking so long, I got a terrible writer's block again :(
Sorry if there's any typos, I'm sleepy af right now while editing this.
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GN!Reader but a bit Fem!Reader Coded in some parts + Parenting.
In his bath card he already mentioned something about having kids with you, so just say the word and he'll get to work immediately.
He would unintentionally rush you, but once he realizes he's being too intense he would calm down, don't blame him tho, just the mere thought of being a parent gets him excited, but being a parent with YOU gets him kicking his feet.
Satan gives off that vibe of being a great dad and he knows it, so while you're waiting for your baby to arrive He Will Not Shut Up about his abilities as a parent and how amazing he is at changing diapers, putting them to sleep, preparing a bottle, etc.
Very deep inside he would be anxious about it, he knows how much of a responsibility it is to become a parent, and with the current situation between hell and heaven he gets a bit paranoid thinking about their safety and if he will be capable of protecting them.
Overall he thinks it's your decision, and he'll be more than honored to make it reality with you.
Just say the word, when, where, how, anything, Mammon exists to grant you any wish, there's no way in the world he would say no to you.
And no, he's not doing it impulsively, in fact, he's been thinking about it too, and you just happened to have that same thought and the perfect time.
Later he'll take the time to think about it responsibly, the only thing that Mammon is perfectly clear about is that he wants to, and for the rest, there will be time, for him those are only details.
Mammon is super respectful tho, is he excited? Yes, Is he in a rush? No. When you feel ready and both of you have everything planned, you will do it, there's no need to hurry because if there's something you have more than enough of it's time together.
Internally he's the happiest demon alive, he literally can't wait, Mammon has never slept so peacefully since you both got the idea of having kids, I swear nothing can get this man sad anymore if he gets happy just by thinking about it, imagine how he would get if he actually became a dad.
Just because he doesn't pressure you about it does not mean he won't use any chance he gets to make a comment about kids, you were checking your socials and a video of a baby showed up? He says you both would have a cuter one. You're both having lunch together and he sees a small golden plate? He says it looks like a kid's plate. In fact, he would associate anything he considered too small with children's or baby things, and would immediately assume that it's cute and that his future child would use something like that.
(He would be the best dad between the kings ngl)
I mean, he would be excited, but just because he has no idea about what it means to be a DAD, a PATERNAL FIGURE, A FATHER.
For one moment you actually believe he's actually being serious because he gets invested, he would straight up spend the whole day talking about it, baby names, room decorations, their future plans, if they will look more like you or him, everything.
Give him two days and the information will strike him, he finally processes everything you said, and when he remembers your expression when you talked to him about your idea of having kids with him, he realizes you were dead serious.
One day out of the blue he shows up in front of you and drags you somewhere you both can be alone, and just to be sure, he asks you if you were being serious, once you tell him that you in fact were, he shuts up and leans back, you both sit there in uncomfortable silence for some minutes until he finally says that right now it's not the right time with all the mess going on in hell.
Beelzebub clarifies that he's not saying no, but he knows that it would be hard to take care of both of you while he's dealing with the angel attacks or the angels in question, he says once everything is done you both can have the biggest family on hell if you want to.
You loving someone else and taking care of them? no wtf
That would be his first reaction, and expect him to glare at you and walk away ending the interaction, but again, that’s just at the beginning, give Leviathan a few days to process your proposal so you can have a proper conversation with him.
You will have to look for him to talk about it because Leviathan will talk to you about ANYTHING but that, just catch him off guard and sit him down so you can know what's in his mind.
On the one hand, he thinks it would be nice to be a dad and have a baby that he can give the childhood he couldn't have, plus he wouldn't share this with just anyone, it would be with you, and that's something that inevitably makes him smile when no one sees him, but on the other hand, babies are dirty, they're noisy, they need a lot of care, they're delicate, and most importantly, they take all your attention.
Everything he suffered during his childhood does not necessarily make him afraid of being a father, on the contrary, it makes him want to be the best father possible, his refusal is mostly because of all the inconveniences of bringing a baby into the world and having the constant fear of something happening to them because of the angels' attacks.
Give him time, he needs to think about it for a while so he can sort up his thoughts, Levi isn't going to say no, but he's not going to say yes either, in fact, he's not going to say anything but it'll be very clear what he needs, and he hopes you can understand him.
He wouldn't be against it, but he would have his doubts.
Sits you down and gives you a lecture of +2 hours about how much of a responsibility it is to bring a kid into this world, he might as well bring one of the healers so they can give you a list of how delicate babies are, the amount of things they can get ill from and how careful you gotta be with them.
If you accepted even after Marbas most definitely didn't try to traumatize you, Lucifer would just slightly smile at you and hold your hand in reassurance.
We love a planned man, he already has everything perfectly planned even before they both decide it's time, he doesn't miss a single detail, and there's not a single parenting book that he doesn't have, Lucifer could be a pediatrician if he wanted to, you might think it's impossible that so much information can fit in his head.
Lucifer's doubts wouldn't be because of the security issue, he knows that he's more than capable of protecting his kid in such a way that they would never even know what a scratch is, his insecurity would be mostly because of his abilities as a father, it's not easy for him to generate attachment to someone, much less affection, and he feels that precisely because of that he feels that he may not be the ideal father for something as precious as your child.
Even though he's very confident, that thought may never leave his mind until you are both parents and at some point, he can look at his kid and feel genuine affection for them.
(He would be an amazing dad and no one can tell me otherwise)
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sodamnradd · 5 months
4 times Draco & Hermione flirt with other people + 1 time they admit it’s driving them spare.
So Draco’s flirting with some hyper-blonde at the bar. So she’s draped all over him. So he just checked out her tits—Literally nobody could care less than Hermione does.
“It’s fine,” she says, steering Ginny to the opposite side of the bar. “We hooked up once. It wasn’t serious.”
“Yeah, but we all thought he was obsessed with you.” Ginny scowls in Malfoy’s direction. “Harry says he can’t shut up about you…” Her voice falters, and Hermione follows Ginny’s gaze to where Draco’s unlatching the woman’s arms from around his neck. His eyes are locked firmly on Hermione.
“Granger.” He slips beside her moments later, casting a swift kiss on her cheek. “You came.”
He laces their fingers together, pressing his chest to her spine, and whispers into her ear, “Dance with me,” breath tinged with firewhisky.
Ginny rolls her eyes as Hermione downs a quick shot of tequila and lets Malfoy lure her away.
Hermione shrugs and mouths, “We’re having fun.”
“Isn’t that wanker fifty or some shite?” Draco lowers his spoon, watching Hermione on the opposite side of the canteen, giggling like she’s drunk on Amortentia.
Harry says, “Apparently the term is ‘Silver Fox’. Something to look forward to in a few decades, I suppose.”
“I didn’t realize that’s what Granger’s into.” Draco pushes his tray back, appetite gone.
Harry snorts.
“She’s into you, you know.”
He’s desperate to prod Potter for more information, but he’s only slept with Granger twice, so they’re not serious. Explosive doesn’t mean serious, right? That’s what makes it explosive. That enigmatic ‘what if?’ hanging in the air during each encounter.
Draco looks on dejectedly, wondering if he’d prefer exclusive over explosive.
Seven times.
They have slept together seven times, and Draco is still acting like a total wanker, training that new Auror like it’s perfectly dignified to put his hands on her waist to adjust her posture. The girl is blushing so hard Hermione’s suffering from second-hand embarrassment just witnessing it.
Who can blame her? She knows how it feels to be trapped beneath the weight of that intense gaze. She also knows what they look like at the peak of climax. He looks at Hermione with more heat. But there’s no denying the glimmer of interest as he teaches the trainee basic self-defence charms. Damn him.
She slams the gymnasium door shut without looking back.
You can’t have breakup sex if you were never even together, right? But Draco swears there was something final about their last time.
Granger’s face is usually brimming with emotion, but once he helps her off the kitchen island, she goes cold. Detached. All the fire from their eighth time vanishes, and Draco is left wishing for something he thought he already had.
The next evening, she shows up to Potter’s birthday clutching Goldstein’s arm.
What the actual fuck? Is she sleeping with him, too? On the grand spectrum of Ministry blonds, what a prosaic downgrade.
Their eyes meet across the dinner table.
‘Meet me upstairs?’ mouths Draco, gut twisted a hundred times over.
Hermione hops onto the bathroom counter as Draco locks the door behind them.
“Why are you here with another bloke?” He crosses his arms, leaning against the door.
“Why are you flirting with trainees?” she fires back.
“Why are you chasing Silver Foxes?”
Heat crawls up Hermione’s neck. “Who taught you that?”
“Am I not good enough or something?”
“Clearly it’s the other way around.”
“What the hell are you on about?” Draco straightens out. “I can’t get enough of you, if you haven’t noticed.”
“Yes, but I’m not the only one.”
“But you are.”
Hermione pauses, flabbergasted. “You’ve been flirting with other people while you’ve been sleeping with me.”
“So have you.”
“Only because you were.”
“Because you were.”
“Oh my Gods.” Hermione huffs out an exaggerated sigh. “This is going absolutely nowhere.”
“You’re right,” Draco replies. “We’re making no progress, you and me.”
Hermione nods, sadness creeping into her eyes. “I guess that’s that.”
“What? No.” Draco steps forward, blanching. “Do you really mean that?”
“I don’t know. What else is there?”
“Exclusivity,” suggests Draco, point-blank.
“You don’t want that.”
“Says who?”
“Your reputation.”
“I’m pretty sure the entire office thinks I’m obsessed with you.” When Hermione doesn’t respond, having heard that rumour herself, Draco clears his throat and adds, “They might not be wrong.”
“Were you really only flirting with other people because I was because you were?”
He takes a second to reflect, but ultimately shakes his head. “I have no idea what you just said, but how about it? You and me. No trainees. No silver foxes.”
“No hyper-blondes at bars.”
“Course not,” he replies, pretending like he knows what she means. “And no dirty blonds at dinner parties.”
“Fine.” Draco grins, stepping forward to seal the deal.
Later, Draco’s relieved to discover exclusivity is just as explosive as the enigmatic ‘what if?’ Better even, because Granger is finally, without an inkling of doubt, his.
(854 words, cross-posted from twitter)
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
Chapter 3
CW: angst, reader is a loner, reader works her ass off every day at the lab, fluff, neteyam being cute towards reader (even tho it still has weird vibes lol), mad jealous neteyam, TRIGGER WARNING for depression symptoms (such as being moody n having less appetite than the usual), stalking, obsessive and toxic behavior, also TRIGGER WARNING for reader mentioning the word “suicidal” in an internal monologue (she IS NOT actually suicidal, she just feels really sad and mentions the word. if u read it, you'll know what I mean)
Not proofread. I'll do it as soon as I can ♡ I hope it's a good chapter 🥲 & thank u to everyone who's reading this fanfic, who left a comment in the last chapter and, of course, to everyone who asked to be in the taglist I LOVE Y'ALL 😘💕💕💕
Chapter 2
Mother looking at me
Tell me, what do you see?
Yes, I've lost my mind
Will I ever be free?
Have I crossed the line?
All the things she said, running through my head
All the things she said (t.A.T.u)
You woke up feeling like crap that morning.
Your last shift had been so demanding. You had to cook just so much food that you started to wonder if there was anything left in the pantry. You had gone into that room just so many times yesterday to get ingredients and kitchen utensils, your legs felt heavy and sore now, as you stretched them in your small bed.
There were just too many people to eat in that damn laboratory.
Meanwhile you, the cook, barely had any time left to eat. There was always just so much work to do. So many dishes to wash, so many vegetables and meat to cut, bread to prepare from scratch... Your head hurt just thinking about it.
You felt so stressed out that you preferred to unwind a little instead of eating, sometimes. You would find a quiet place, sit somewhere, put your headphones on and press play on one of your many curated playlists or in one of your favorite songs. Listening to music seemed to work like a medicine to your wounds and, going to the cafeteria and having to socialize, to have people all around you felt too much, so, you just tried to avoid it. You even started to lose a little weight because of it. Nothing too much, though. You were only slightly thinner than you used to be. But in the back of your head, there was always a voice saying "Please, take better care of yourself...". Despite knowing that voice was right, you were too tired and apathetic to care.
Ever since you started to Dreamwalk, it was like your whole world had changed. That old life you led did not seem to be enough anymore. It never was, in the first place. It could never compare to the heightened senses you had when you were in your Avatar, helping you smell and hear everything better.
The first time you spent a whole afternoon running alone through the Pandoran forest next to Hell's Gate, you felt alive like you had not felt in years.
But nothing gold can ever stay. Way sooner than you expected, you had to be awakened from that magical dream. Everytime you came out of the technological machine you had to lay inside of to be able to drive your Avatar, you thought "Damn! Why wasn't I born a na'vi? They're so freaking lucky to have such an incredibly beautiful Planet to call their own. If only Earth was still as beautiful as it used to be..."
When you were not in one of your free days, you would always work until you felt exhausted and fed up with everything. It was not a walk in the park to be a cook. Even though you loved cooking since you were a teenager, when you used to always mix different ingredients and spices and create new recipes, this profession forced you to spend most of your time standing up and to have little time to sit and rest your poor fatigued legs. In some days, all you wanted was to sleep for 12 hours straight. And God knows you were capable of actually doing that.
Not a long time ago, you slept so much that, when you eventually woke up, it was 2 pm and you almost got fired from the lab when you finally showed up at the kitchen you were supposed to be in since 6 am.
You promised yourself you would never do that again. You just could not afford to lose that job. And you wanted to cry just thinking about not being able to Dreamwalk anymore. Exploring Pandora was the peak of your life, currently. It was when you felt high as a kite. As funny as it sounded, it was true. You felt euphoria run through your body everytime you got to have blue skin and be over 8 feet tall.
You liked to cook and was good at it, but, you were a smart, intelligent girl who knew much more than people thought you did. Unfortunately, you could not manage to get a higher position at the lab. Your forte was not sciencey stuff. It was subjects like Human History, Languages, Philosophy... At best, you got to use your language learning skills to learn basic na'vi fast and was able to get an Avatar from the lab. At least that was a good thing that your tiring job provided you. God knows that privilege was one of the few things keeping you alive. You goddamn hated you life, your job, everything... All your days seemed to be the same. Same chores, same annoying people... Most scientists did not try to hide that they did not see you as an equal. Even though they were always really polite to you, they would not let you in in their little groups, in their upbeat conversations through the laboratory corridors. You could count in one hand how many of them used to talk to you with genuine interest in hearing what you had to say.
You sat every day next to the less valued lab employees: janitors, cleaning ladies, other cooks just like you and so on. Your race had never been good at realizing the worth that these hardworking people had, anyway. Why would they do it now? You thought it to be so sad...
Those employees were nice regular people. Even thought some of them were idiots and treated you badly, there are people who behave like that anywhere. You were thankful that most of them were polite to you and treated you well enough. You also had a close friendship with one of the female employees, a cute, humble and really kind girl called Crystal. But she was your only actual friend. You did not remember the last time you had made an actual effort to make a friend, to be nice to someone in hopes you could get to know them better and they could become a part of your life. You had to admit you had been really grumpy lately.
You could easily blame such moodiness on your lack of will to keep living that life you currently had. It’s not that you were suicidal, it's just that you wished you could live a better life.
There was also Derek, the tall, cute boy you would make out with every now and then. You did not have a proper name for your relationship with him. He was always lovely towards you and you two would have really interesting conversations together and sneak around to kiss each other and do other types of heated stuff (though you never had sex with him) anytime you both felt like it. But it did not happen that often, anyway. You did not put much thought into it, to be honest. Derek was just a friend you would fool around with. You could not be farther from being in love with him or anything of sorts.
After another tiresome day, you walked fast towards your room. All you could think about was how nice and cozy your bed would feel when you would lay your body on it. Only five minutes after you finally laid down, you fell asleep. Slumber had been bugging you all day. Lately, it had always been like that.
They say you have to be careful what you wish for. That your words and thoughts have power over what happens to you. And you learned it the hard way.
In one of your infamous busy but boring afternoons, something unexpected happened to you.
Seemingly out of nowhere, a na'vi young man appeared outside of your glass window and tapped slightly on it. You almost choked on your own saliva when you saw that huge, blue creature staring at you with wide yellow eyes. A scream got stuck right in the middle of your throat, since you got so startled you could not get your vocal chords to obey the command your brain was sending them. What the hell was that na'vi doing in front of the laboratory? They did not use to come to Hell's Gate. And why was he looking at you through the kitchen window?
The na'vi boy just would not stop staring at you. His gaze was so intense it made you feel unbelievably uncomfortable. Suddenly, he pointed to the left. The big, ample door that led to the open area in front of the room you worked in was right at the same direction his four fingered hand was pointing to. You realized he was signaling to you that he wanted to see you outside of the lab.
You started to say, in your own mind: "What kind of weird situation is this?"
"Please?" You heard the alien plead in fluent English (he only had a typical na'vi accent), his voice coming through the narrow gap that existed between the glass and the window frame. His eyes reminded you of the eyes of a small kitten asking for food.
You got surprised by the fact that he was able to speak English. You wondered why he had learned it and who taught him the language.
You tried to reach for the door to try and inform someone that there was a na'vi around and ask if anybody knew who he was when you heard the alien say:
"Don't go, please! I just want to talk to you! I'm not gonna hurt you."
Your back was turned to him. When you turned around, he was smiling.
"It's incredible how you're even prettier up close."
"I'm sorry?!" You answered
"Oh, forgive me. My name is Neteyam. Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan. It's really nice to meet you." He was still smiling.
That name was familiar, Neteyam te Suli... Oh, of course! Neteyam was the son of the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya clan, Jake Sully. He was very famous between the na'vi and the humans.
Neteyam Suli was one of the most feared na'vi warriors out there. A great archer and very skilled with the knives the Omatikayas made themselves, he fought fearlessly against the recoms, including Colonel Miles Quaritch, an old enemy of his father. Quaritch used to lead the RDA soldiers when he was human, before being "revived" and given an Avatar body. He died in battle against the na'vi. But that did not mean that there was finally peace between humans and the na'vi race.
But why in hell was Neteyam Suli trying to talk to you? It is not like the na'vi liked the humans. On the contrary, they despised your race.
"Uhmm... okay. Nice to meet you..." You tried to be polite and peaceful towards the na'vi boy, like you were advised to be by your teachers, back when you were studying and training to get your Avatar "But I'm sorry, what did you say? That I'm prettier up close?" Your brows were furrowing, your face full of confusion. Despite all, you were calmer now that you knew you could communicate with him in English. Your na'vi was not the best out there.
"Yes." Neteyam's big amber eyes shone when he looked at your face. You were beyond dazed. "I've seen you before. Many times actually. But only from far away. It doesn't compare to seeing you right next to me." His voice had a weird warm feeling in it, like he was already acquainted to you. But how could it be? You did not even know who he was before he revealed his identity to you.
"When did you see me...?" Your mouth was slightly opened, so bewildered you felt
"Don't you wanna come outside so we can talk better?" He said, seeming excited.
"Unfortunately, no. I'm good, thanks." Neteyam looked sad after you declined his offer.
"Why not? I told you, I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise." He smiled faintly. You could tell he was hurt by your blunt answer.
It pained you to act like that towards him. You admired the na'vi so much. Damn, you even would choose to be born a na'vi if you somehow could go back in time, before you were inside your mother's womb and you could talk to Eywa herself. But how were you gonna trust him? There were some na'vi out there, his mother, for example, that hated humans with such a boiling passion. What if he took after his mother? You would be in trouble if he tried to kill you. Even though the na'vi were a peaceful by nature race, everyone has a limit, so, you had to be careful when interacting with them. You learned about all the genocide your kind had committed against his kind while simultaneously destroying his Planet slowly, in a cruel, despicable way. You honestly understood the contempt the na'vi felt when it came to humans.
You looked at Neteyam with honesty in your eyes and said:
"Please don't take this the wrong way but I can't really trust you. I know you told me you're not gonna hurt me, but, I'm still human. How can I know you trust me, to begin with?"
"I trust you because you're different. You're nothing like the others from your kind. You're more like my people. And I love that about you." Neteyam said, smiling at you.
"Can you please just tell me how do you know me? Because I've never seen you before. I've only heard about you because you're the Olo'eyktan's eldest son and Olo'eyktan to be. But you talk to me like you somehow... know me. I'm really confused, Neteyam." He felt his heart race when he heard you pronounce his name. Your voice sounded so sweet to his sensitive na'vi ears, making him move them somewhat to the sides. It was the same voice he heard in the forest, when he watched you talk to yourself saying how beautiful you thought some yellow, bioluminescent flower that you saw in the grass was.
"You're a Dreamwalker. I've seen you around. I love how much you seem to appreciate and respect my Planet instead of destroying it like the others from your kind do. That's why I think you're more na'vi than human." He chuckled happily and you got confused by his last sentence.
You had to admit he looked cute when his fangs escaped from under his upper lip whenever he smiled or chuckled. But you felt so weird thinking that.
"I'm more na'vi than human?" You were intrigued "What do you mean?" You laughed a bit and he continued on staring at you in an intense manner.
Neteyam heard footsteps approaching, so, he started to move just so he could hide. He did not want any other human but you seeing him. He knew he could not trust them as he could trust you.
"Wait! Where are you -" before you could finish your words, he was already gone.
The brown wooden door behind you opened and Derek appeared carrying a pile of plates in his arms.
"Hey, cutie." He walked towards the sink, leaving the dirty dishes there to be washed by himself when he would be back in the kitchen.
"Hi, Derek." You smiled faintly. You were still recovering from that odd interaction you had with Neteyam Sully.
Derek came close to your ear and whispered:
"Feel like meeting me tonight? I miss you." You sighed
"I don't know... I'm not really in the mood, sorry." You answered, uninterested
He got a little surprised by your answer and moved his eyebrows up, making wrinkles appear in his forehead but quickly remembered he had much work to do outside, so, he walked towards the door and got out of the room without saying another word to you.
Neteyam was still out there, next to the window, leaning against the wall. He was listening to the conversation the whole time. He had to use all the self control he learned to have with the years to not hiss when he heard that human call you "cutie" and ask if you wanted to meet him tonight. Who was he, anyway? And why was he saying he missed you? Neteyam had never seen you show any sign that he was your mate before. He had to find out what was going on. Neteyam would not let anyone get between the both of you. It would not be a weak human male that would be the obstacle that would make him give up on his future mate. He was used to challenges and was not afraid of another one. That would probably even be fun. Neteyam could imagine that tiny mate of yours shivering in fear when he showed him his big, sharp fangs.
Neteyam decided he was gonna find out who the hell that mate of yours was. He was sure he was not better than him. That human male would never be as strong as he was. That human would never be able to hunt fresh food for you, walking through the forests of Pandora and confronting big, dangerous animals, like Neteyam would. He knew he outbraved that human. He could never be a good mate to you like Neteyam could be. You deserved better than him.
@xylianasblog @samistars @crazy4books1 @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @explosiongamora @lik0 @your-girl-mj @darktyrantwinner @xxunnie @sereisstuff @yeosxxx @die4niyahhh @henhouse-horrors @lala-1516 @iman-lu @manumanulau @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @hana-yuri
I tagged some of you that did not ask to be tagged but left really cute comments on the last chapter that made my heart feel warm 💓 if u don't wanna be tagged, just lemme know
Also, if someone wants to be added to the taglist too just leave a comment below saying that 🤍
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m00nsbaby · 11 months
Do you want me (dead)?
Jake Lockley x F! Reader.
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Tags & warnings. College AU, no mentions of Marc or Steven, explicit, +18, oral sex (m receiving), cum eating, no use of y/n.
Word count. 3.5k
Summary. He was childish. Unbearable.
It was as if he had a magnet to you, always bothering you, finding a way to ruin your day in some manner. 
You were going to kill Jake Lockley at any moment.
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You decided not to blame anyone else but yourself for your bad mood. It had been a conscious choice to only get two hours of sleep due to your sudden desire for a movie marathon by yourself.
You didn't have many friends; you exchanged words with a couple of people, if you were lucky. On any given day, you would arrive, attend class, and then spend the rest of your time alone somewhere else. So, on a Wednesday morning, you could afford to rest your arms on your desk and hide your face there, dozing off until the class started.
Or at least, that was the plan.
"Cariño." If you were a cat, that single word would have been enough to make your fur stand on end. You didn't even bother lifting your head to see who was by your side.
He cleared his throat louder. "Cariño."
When you raised your hand to show him your middle finger, he smiled satisfactorily. Jake was content with getting even a gram of your attention. There was a personal pleasure in getting under your skin, as if his day got 200 times better.
"Did you sleep well?" He was going to keep pushing until he got more from you. "I slept amazingly, actually. Last night, I found a video where..."
"I'm not interested, Lockley." You growled, finally raising your head.
"There she is." You wanted to wipe that cocky smile off his face with a punch. You could only hope that one day he would annoy the wrong person, and someone else would take care of the dirty work. "As beautiful as always."
"I hate you."
"Ouch, my heart." He placed a hand over his chest, still smiling.
"Go to..."
"Good morning, everyone!" You nibbled on your lower lip to avoid screaming over the professor about how much you wished a truck would run over Jake Lockley.
At least with this, you were free of him for the next three hours.
It wasn't long before a poorly folded note landed on your desk.
Hey :)
With your index finger, you pushed the note, letting it fall to the floor.
The next one also landed on the floor.
Hey, hey, hey, hey
You caught a glimpse of what looked like a poorly drawn cat. Next paper to the floor.
You didn't even bother opening the next one.
"Professor?" Hearing him speak again made you lift your gaze, wondering what nonsense he would come up with this time. "We have a trash bin in the classroom for a reason, right?" As he said this, he pointed at you and then at the papers on the floor.
"No, no, no! I didn't..."
"You two again?" The professor pressed the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he sighed heavily. His gaze landed on you almost immediately. "Get out of my class."
"Out." After a few seconds of silence, you realized he was serious, and you had no choice but to make as much noise as possible with your belongings while standing up.
"Go to hell, Lockley." You said loudly, eliciting a collective 'uhhh' from the group. If you were already in trouble, it was better to have a good reason.
"You're staying for..."
"Detention, yes, yes." You growled as you slammed the classroom door.
You could still feel Jake's gaze on you, along with his triumphant smile. You didn't cross paths with him for the rest of the day.
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It seemed that the next day fate was on your side because there were no signs of life from him.
Classes passed as boring as ever, in fact, even more so now that you had no one to argue or talk with. 
It was quieter without him around. Well, the good side was that you were finally free to go home.
You had no choice but to cross the edge of the football field to leave school. Both hands were in your pockets, and you had your earphones on. You were almost thanking God for getting through another day without Jake Lockley.
At the last row of stands, there was someone. It wasn't uncommon, and you would have done your best to avoid them, except this time you recognized who it was even with his face hidden in his hands.
You rolled your eyes when you realized you couldn't even have a single day of peace.
Fortunately, not even the sound of footsteps caught his attention. In fact, it left you more intrigued how loudly he was breathing. Perhaps today was the day he finally crossed paths with the wrong person and got put in place.
You shrugged to yourself and kept walking, but your chest decided it didn't agree with you.
What if something had happened to him? Was he crying?
"Keep walking, keep walking, keep walking," you thought to yourself when your legs wouldn't move any further.
You retraced your steps.
"Are you okay?" It came out in a stronger tone than you would have liked.
When he lifted his head from his hands, your stomach churned. You always thought you'd enjoy the day someone finally gave Jake Lockley what he deserved, but this felt horrible.
He nodded silently when he realized it was you.
There was a cut along the bridge of his nose and another on his eyebrow. Blood was flowing from one of his nostrils and reached his lips, all on top of a black eye.
His response should have been enough for you to continue your way, but...
"You don't look good."
He laughed, not genuinely, but one of those laughs you give automatically when someone tries to cheer you up in the worst moments, even though you weren't joking.
"You should've seen the other guy." You didn't smile.
He was a jerk, even in this situation.
You hesitated a few seconds before making your decision. You took a seat next to him on the stands, close enough for your leg to brush against his.
You were silent for what felt like an eternity. Jake didn't even bother to look at you, but at least he wasn't hiding in his hands anymore; he was watching the field as if the grass were the most interesting thing on planet Earth.
"Can I see?" you whispered after a while.
"Your face. Can I see?" He finally turned to you in silence, and you did the same, daring to look at him. If you noticed any hint of him about to give you that stupid smug grin he always had, you'd make him regret it even more.
But no. Those huge brown eyes were fixed on you as if he were a lost puppy.
You used your right hand to gently hold his chin, lifting his head slightly to search for any other injuries. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be more than what you noticed at first glance.
You pulled the sleeve of your sweater enough to cover part of your hand, which was such a light shade of pink it could pass for white, though you didn't care as you used the fabric to wipe away the blood running from his nose.
If only you had been aware of how Jake's heart was racing.
You licked the fabric slightly to dampen it when you noticed the blood had started to dry.
"Is this why you didn't go to class?" You tried to fill the silence that was starting to make you nervous.
He nodded without saying anything more. You never thought you'd wish to hear his annoying voice.
"Was it a fight?" Another nod. Well, knowing there was no one else bothering him was enough to give you some relief. You kept cleaning. Under his nose and upper lip. The wounds looked less dramatic without so much blood.
He licked his lips, cleaning off any remaining blood. You adjusted your backpack on your shoulder when you finally stood up.
"It's late, Jake. Go home." you whispered. You didn't care if it seemed like you were talking to yourself. You didn't wait for a response before walking away, or at least taking two steps before his voice stopped you.
"Hey." You spun on your own feet to look at him. "Thanks, cariño."
You smiled; you couldn't have stopped it even if you wanted to.
"See you tomorrow." It was the last thing you said before continuing to walk.
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And yes, you did see him the next day, against your will.
The following days were torturous for both him and you, as Jake set out to annoy you in new ways.
He asked you at least 4 times if you would spend some time with him after school, like a date or in any situation. He simply took your concern for him as a way of saying, "Maybe I don't hate you as much as you think."
You were on the verge of exploding.
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You were tangling the cable of your laptop when you noticed a silhouette in front of you. You didn't have to look up to know who it was.
It was just the two of you in the classroom now that everyone had left.
"What do you want, Lockley?" You didn't look up as you packed your charger into your backpack.
"I want to know if we can hang out after school," his tone was firm, more than usual.
"I already told you, Jake, in how many languages do you want me to say it? Fortunately, it's the same in Spanish or I doubt you'd understand," you were not in the mood, not today, not now, and especially not after having rejected his invitations several times before.
"I just want to buy you an ice cream, cariño. Or do you prefer a smoothie? A frappe?" The poor guy was desperate.
"I don't want anything." You finally turned to face him with a frown, adjusting your backpack on your shoulder.
"¿Por qué tienes que portarte como una idiota conmigo?"
"I understood it, you enormous jerk!" Your voice rose almost immediately as you pushed his chest to keep him away. "We're not friends, Jake, we're nothing. I can't stand you, and you can't stand me either. What happened the other day was just some human empathy."
Your index finger kept hitting his chest again and again as you spoke, your frown remained deep.
In Jake's eyes, you looked nothing more than an annoyed kitten, hissing when someone gets too close.
"So leave me alone, seriously, because I swear if you keep this up, I'm going to..." You couldn't continue speaking because his lips were on yours, devouring them like a starving man.
Your eyes opened in surprise just seconds before you succumbed to his delicious taste of mint and cigarettes. Your hands slowly traveled up his chest until they reached his shoulders, which you held onto when your legs weakened.
It wasn't fair that he was such a good kisser.
He moved forward slowly, guiding you until your body was pressed against one of the walls of the classroom. His hands were hooked onto your waist as if you were going to run away at any moment.
You had no intention of doing that; your mind was genuinely somewhere else. However, after eliciting a delicious moan from the guy in front of you by biting his lower lip, your thoughts were momentarily disrupted.
"Please, hermosa." he whispered with a husky voice as his kisses trailed down your chin. "Please, just one date."
You couldn't hate him more. How could he do this to you?
Your eyes were closed as you tilted your head to the side, guiding Jake to your neck. You nodded without saying anything.
A moan escaped your lips when you felt him bite your skin, sucking with enough force to leave a mark.
"Fuck, Lockley," you whispered with heavy breaths as he pulled away from your neck. That stupid cocky smile. Ugh.
"Then I'll see you this afternoon." You hated him. Really, you hated him, just as much as you hated his ridiculous and soft lips now coated with your strawberry-flavored lip gloss.
"Fine." You wished your mouth had expressed what you felt, but your body was acting faster than you."
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He picked you up in his car, and you would have preferred to jump out of it while it was still moving than admit that there was something about being in Jake Lockley's car that made you feel... special, especially after hearing him call it 'baby' more than once.
The car smelled like leather, cigarettes, and his cologne.
"You look beautiful." You rolled your eyes with a smile as he got in on the opposite side of the car.
"Thanks, Jake." If you were going to spend so many hours together, the least you could do was try to make it tolerable for both of you. However, you remained on guard for any stupid remarks that might come out of his mouth.
"So, ice cream?"
"I love the vanilla ice cream from McDonald's."
"McDonald's it is, then."
Was it because it was him, or were you just easily impressed to feel delighted with an invitation for a one-dollar ice cream?
"Are you going to tell me why you got beaten up the other day?"
"I didn't get beaten up." He rolled his eyes as he placed a hand on your seat to look back, reversing the car.
Oh, that was...
"Well." You imitated his disgusted gesture. "Why did they fight you then?"
"It was over something stupid. Can we talk about something else?"
"And what could you and I talk about?"
"About school?"
"Boring." When he stopped at the drive-thru, you remained silent, smiling.
"Two vanilla ice creams, and... do you want something else?" Was this what it felt like to be the passenger princess?
"And some fries."
"Have you ever eaten fries with ice cream?" You asked as he drove forward to receive his ridiculously small order.
"Together? No." He frowned as he looked in his wallet for the exact 3 dollars to pay the girl at the window. "That's disgusting."
Receiving your ice cream made you confirm that this was what it felt like to be a passenger princess.
"Or maybe you just have terrible taste." You also received the fries.
You would have never imagined that Jake Lockley's idea of a date was sitting in his car, chatting and eating fast food, but you weren't complaining. He was doing an excellent job of making you feel comfortable.
You didn't even notice when the sun set, and the McDonald's parking lot emptied, leaving just the two of you.
"Jake? They'll worry at home, it’s late."
"Sorry, cariño! I didn't even notice." He quickly started the car, and you laughed because you would have never imagined that a guy like him would care about what your parents might say.
You sighed heavily as you got back into your seat. If only the day lasted longer.
And if only the way home was longer.
He opened the door for you just as he did when you got in, and you smiled in thanks. You turned on your heels to face him after stepping onto the sidewalk; you needed the extra inches to be able to look him in the eyes.
"Thanks for driving me," you whispered as he took a step closer to you.
"You're welcome, cariño."
"And thanks for the ice cream."
"You're welcome, cariño." he repeated, trying not to laugh.
"And the fries." His hands found your waist as he pulled you closer, keeping you on the edge of the curb.
"You're welcome, cariño." He finally laughed before leaning in just enough to leave a chaste kiss on your lips.
"See you tomorrow." Another kiss, short and gentle.
Both of you went to bed with the most ridiculous smiles on your faces.
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You were looking around nervously, feeling a pit in your stomach at the mere idea of running into Jake. How should you approach him this time? Did you want to deal with the curious stares from your classmates?
Well, you didn't have to look for an answer because a hand pulling your arm took you out of your reverie. Before you could react, you found yourself locked inside the janitor's closet, and once again, you were about to kill Jake Lockley.
"Jake... What the fuck?" You said with almost disappointment. Just when you thought he couldn't annoy you any more.
There was no response from him. The only thing you got from him was the most desperate kiss you had ever received. His tongue was exploring every inch of you while you tried not to knock over the stack of mops and brooms next to you.
"I missed you," was all he could say between kisses. You wondered if he had always been this intense or if it was his strange fixation on you.
You pulled away for a moment to catch your breath, looking at him. Bright brown eyes, flushed cheeks, and lips now pink from kissing you.
Maybe you didn't hate him as much as you had sworn.
"Can you lock the door?" you whispered, looking at him with your lower lip between your teeth. Maybe it would be fair to give back some of the mistreatment you've put him through lately, while he looks at you with so much admiration.
Maybe he deserved it.
He stretched out a hand to obey you, when the 'click' resounded in the small closet, your hands immediately went to his jeans, you unbuttoned them without looking away.
"Shhh, do you want to get caught?" You questioned with a smile that nearly made Jake faint.
You pulled his jeans down enough to free his erection, still covered by his boxers. You gathered saliva in your mouth before running your tongue along it to moisten his underwear, all without taking your eyes off of his.
He exhaled heavily causing a smile in you. You licked over the top of the cloth again a few times before slowly lowering his boxers.
You swallowed when his cock was in front of your face.
"What is it, hermosa?" He questioned with a mocking smile when he noticed the surprise in your expression.
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes as you spit into your hand to hold it. You licked its entire length again from base to tip.
You aligned it to your mouth with your hand while your lips were in charge of leaving wet kisses on the head, not caring that your lips were being stained with pre-cum.
"Hermosa." Jake repeated, his voice shaking. You already knew what he wanted but your habit of bothering him was always present in you.
"Yes, Jakey?"
"Please, what?" You looked up at him as you traced little circles on his slit.
“Put it in your mouth. Please please please".
“You are adorable when you ask properly.” You gave a small laugh before obeying him. You took a deep breath in through your nose and you pushed it into your mouth in one movement, to the point where you felt it hitting your throat.
“Carajo.” He whispered breathlessly and finally placed a hand in your hair. He held a few strands in his fist and pushed you further against him, to the point where your nose collided with his abdomen.
You'd have to fix your makeup when you got out of there.
And although your eyes began to water, you didn't move away or make any fight to push him, first dead before letting yourself lose. After a few seconds he released you, letting you take a breath and sniff.
"Do you want to kill me?" You whispered laughing as you licked your lips.
"It seems to me that you are the one who wants to kill me, hermosa." His fingers squeezed your chin before pulling you back against his erection.
It didn't take long for you to open your lips for him, taking his entire member into your mouth for the second time.
Your gaze was still fixed on him.
"Are you going to swallow it all, mi amor?" With teary eyes you nodded, your hands resting on his thighs. "Buena chica."
Both hands went to your hair to keep you still. You obeyed and opened your mouth wide for him, even sticking your tongue out from under his cock so he could move freely.
He thrusted into your mouth without an ounce of mercy, you could feel your saliva run down your chin to your neck. When his movements became more frantic you knew he was getting closer.
The heat in his lower abdomen had him covering his mouth with one hand trying not to make any more noise.
One more hard thrust and Jake came. His hot cum ran down your throat as there wasn't enough room in your mouth to keep it there, it shot straight for you to swallow.
"Are you okay?" You questioned with a smirk as you wiped your chin with the back of your hand.
"Better than okay, cariño."
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Hey :)
A note appeared on your desk, making you roll your eyes before laughing softly. You uncapped your pink pen to write underneath the horrible handwriting.
Hi! ♡
You filled in the heart before placing the paper on Jake's desk. You even winked at him when he looked surprised to receive a response.
Vanilla ice cream after classes?
And fries too? :)
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 2 months
The Pact (Will Graham)
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Description: Y/N and Will made a pact when they were 6 years old but Y/N doesn’t remember it.
Word Count: 2,582k
By definition: A pact is a formal agreement between individuals or parties. 
Will Graham was an odd man to say the least. He lived alone and collected dogs, he had visions, he sleep walked and he was capable of murder. Capable of murder? Who am I kidding? The man has murdered someone but that's besides the point. Will Graham was an interesting human being. He wasn’t stable or okay in the head. He needed actual help but he wouldn’t ever admit that. Even when his best friend was screaming in his ear about it. 
“Will that isn’t okay! You need to get help before you hurt yourself.” Or somebody. He rolled his eyes and scoffed. He didn’t need help nor did he have the time. There was a murderer on the loose. That was more important. “I don’t have time Y/N. And besides, it's not that big of a deal.” He said, she scoffed at him and it was her turn to roll her eyes. “Will, I found you on the road. What if you got hit by a car?” “I didn’t. Thanks to you.” He appreciated the hell out of her. She was there for him through everything and he couldn’t thank her enough. But she was overprotective of him or so he felt.
She was just being a good friend. He couldn’t tell her this but each time she saved his life, whether it be a small occurrence he fell more in love with her. She wasn’t aware that he was in love with her nor did she remember the pact they made when they were 6 on the playground. The pact that Will holds onto as the days go on. The pact that he made sure he never forgot. What was the pact? That if they weren’t married by their mid to late thirties they’d marry each other. She didn’t remember the pact, which frustrated him but she still made it and it was on paper. He kept the paper all these years waiting for the right moment to bring it to life. The man was crazy, well crazy for her. But she didn’t see it.
She just thought he needed help with his mind but little did she know there were other problems. “Then why don’t you stay for a few nights and help me if you think I'm that helpless.” He suggested to her. What he was asking her didn’t seem like a lot but to him it was only step one to his plan. She agreed and stayed that night. She offered to stay on the couch but he convinced her to take the bed. He was also in the bed with her but she didn’t mind. Besides one nightmare he had that woke them both up, he slept great. 
He got up before her and watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful and pretty. She was always pretty but peaceful? With him in her life that wasn’t always the case. She worried for him and his health but he didn’t take it seriously. She blamed Jack Crawford for what he’s been through. She hated that man but would never tell Will. Will liked his job but it was dangerous. His hand caressed her sleeping face as he had a soft smile. Soon enough, he thought. Soon enough he’d get what he wanted and that was her. 
Night after night she stayed with him and watched over him until she fell asleep. She knew that her company was helping and that he needed her there so she offered to move in with him and even split the bills. He held back the smirk that wanted to show. She was giving in to his plan without knowing. She made the next move without realizing it. He told her that he wasn’t sure it was a great idea but she insisted and told him that with her there he sleeps better. He put on the act of being hesitant about it and tried to tell her that his problems weren’t hers. “Will, I care about you so yes your problems are mine.” She was falling into his trap perfectly. 
Once she was moved in she told him that she would take the guest bedroom. He wanted to tell her that they could share his room but didn’t wanna make anything obvious so he agreed. Him and Hannibal helped her move into the house. Hannibal didn’t have any idea about the pact, nobody besides Will did. It worked better that way. She even had a dog of her own that Winston and the others would have to get used to. Will loved it though and it felt like he was one step closer, which he was. Each night Y/N would end up in his bed by his side. Holding him in her arms so he would calm down. But by morning she was back in her bed, which he hated.
He felt ungrateful, He had her in his house, moved in and helped him but it wasn’t good enough. He walked into her room before getting ready for work, he walked to the chair by her coffee table and sat down in it. He stared at her as she slept, with a dark look in his eyes. He fought the urge to touch her beautiful skin or put her hair behind her ear. He would wake up early just to go into her room and watch her. 
It was storming like crazy outside and the dogs were all in the room with them. Y/N slept in Will’s bed due to the storm. She thought it would trigger his nightmares, at least that’s what she told him. Truth was she was scared of thunder, and has been since she was a little girl. So being in bed with Will made her feel safe. She was wide awake staring at the ceiling as thunder could be heard. She couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the stress from life or worrying about Will. Or the thunder, she couldn’t tell.
She heard Will whimpering in his sleep. She turned to look at him and he was in a pile of sweat and shaking. “Will.” She said, shaking the man. She repeated this until he sprung awake breathing hard. “Hey, it’s okay.” She said, rubbing his sweating back. He looked around to see that he was in his bed. He reached for her hand that was on his back and she let him take it. He placed his forehead on it and kissed her knuckles, he was glad she was there with him. “I’m here Will. I’m not going anywhere.” She said and sat up with him. “Thank you so much.” He whispered. She smiled and leaned into him. “It’s what i’m here for you.” She said.
He looked over at her and watched as her sleepy eyes shut and opened again like she was trying to stay awake. He shifted his body towards her causing her to look at him. He stared at her lips for a moment before leaning in and kissing her. She kissed back softly as his hand held her face. This was a perfect moment and he was so happy that she didn’t pull away or run off. They pulled away way too quickly for his liking. She gave him a small smile before getting out of the bed. “You need a shower. You stink.” She jokes and he laughs. 
She watched him as he left the house for work. She had a small smile on her face thinking of the night. They kissed and it was perfect. She never realized that she had feelings for him until that kiss. It felt so right. They didn’t talk about it yet but it wasn’t awkward. She wasn’t sure where to start but she knew it would get brought up eventually. She decided while he was gone she would clean up the house because Will never does. The house wasn’t a mess but she felt like cleaning it up.
She walked into his bedroom and smiled as she saw the bed that wasn’t made. They kissed in that very bed just hours ago. After she made the bed she saw that his dresser had clothes sticking out of it and decided to fold his clothes for him. She pulled out the clothes of the first drawer and saw a piece of paper that was folded. The paper looked old and wore out. She stared at it and thought about opening it to see what it was but that would be an invasion of privacy. But what could it possible be? She let her thoughts get the best of her and she opened the paper. 
I, Y/N Y/L/N, Vow to marry William Graham if we aren’t married by 35. 
I, Will Graham, Vow to marry Y/N Y/L/N if we aren’t married by 35. 
She smiled as she read it but what made her smile drop was the words below. 
This is a pact that we made years ago and a pact is a pact. She will be mine. She can’t escape or run from me.  
The writing was new compared to the first two sentences. She read over the words a million times before she looked around the room. They made this when they were 6. She completely forgot about it til now. How did Will remember this? And why did he add to it. She folded the piece of paper and put it in her pocket. She had to bring it up to him. 
Will drove home feeling happier than ever. He didn’t have stress or worry. He was happy. He got to kiss the love of his life. What more could he ask for? Well besides her being his wife but maybe he wouldn’t have to force her after all. 
He walked through the doors and greeted the dogs. Y/N waited for him in the kitchen. Her foot was tapping on the floor as her nerves were through the roof. He walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face. He saw her sitting at the table with a glass of wine making him smile even more. “Hey you okay?” He asked. She didn’t even look at him as she pulled out the paper. She set it on the table and pushed it towards him. “What is this?” She asked. He knew what it was but grabbed it and read it anyway. He laughed “This is a pact we made when we were 6. Where did you find this?” He asked her. She finally looked up at him. “Will, don’t play dumb with me. It was in your top drawer.” She said. “Ok so I kept it. I thought it was cute.” He said. She shook her head. “Will, it’s what is written at the bottom of the page.” She told him.
He never wanted her to find this. He was hoping she would never find it. “Is this why you have me staying here?” She asked him. “You offered to stay here and even live here.” He exclaimed. “I know Will but this feels planned.” She said. “What feels planned?” He asked. “Why did you write that at the bottom of the note?” She asked, ignoring his question. “I-” But he didn’t know what to say. He was struggling over his words. “We made a pact. We must follow through with it.” He said. “Will, We made that when we were 6.” She exclaimed. He shook his head. “A pact is a pact.” He said. She looked at him in disbelief. “Will I won’t marry you because of a pact we made when we were 6.” She said. “You will.” He said walking over to her.
She stood up but he backed her up against the wall. She was scared and nervous as he stared at her with dark eyes. “We belong together Y/N. We love each other and we made a pact that we would be married by now to each other.” He growled at the last part. “Will, please.” Her eyes stared into his dark ones and he cupped her face. “We even kissed last night.” He smiled. He leaned in to where his lips were almost against hers. “You belong to me.” He whispered. “You have since we were 6.” He kissed like he had last night. She didn’t kiss back. She was shocked by the note and everything else. Sure, she had feelings for Will but marrying him? Right now? With him acting like this, that wasn’t happening.
She pulled away from the kiss. “Will baby, I do love you but you need help. And I'll be there with you every step of the way.” She whispered and cupped his face. “I don’t need help, I need you.” He told her. “Will, I can’t marry you in the state of mind you’re in.” She said. “You can and you will.” He told her. 
She knew that if she ran, he would find her. If she told anybody, he would kill them. Will Graham was a fucked up human being. She truly had no escape. He took her hand and made her follow him to the bedroom. She was confused as he pulled out a black velvet box. “Will, what is that?” She asked. “I got these the day after you moved in.” He said with a smile.
He opened the box to her, she gasped at the two wedding bands inside. “We can do it right here, right now.” He said. She was quiet as he took out the rings. He set them on top of the dresser and grabbed her hands. “Y/N, I’ve loved you since I was 6 years old. You’ve helped me with my nightmares, my thoughts and life itself. I don’t know what I would do without you. I don’t need help, I just need you.” He said as he slipped the ring on her finger. She had tears in her eyes at what he said and what was happening. He took his ring and gave it to her. She took it with shaky hands. “Will, I do love you a lot and you mean so much to me. But I really think we should wait on this. Let’s enjoy each other and worry about this later.” He shook his head. “What if we don’t get later? What if something happens? This needs to happen now.” He said.
She sighed and realized that no matter what she said he would come up with something. “I want a real wedding.” She said. “And we will have that baby. This is just for now.” She looked down at the ring she had on her finger and the one that he gave her to put on his finger. She really had no way out of this. But it wasn’t that bad either. Maybe as his wife she could get him some real help that wasn’t Hannibal Lecter. Maybe just maybe she can get him to leave his awful job.
She grabbed his hand and slid the ring on it. “Will, I love you so much and nothing will ever stop that or come between this. You’ve been by my side since I was 6 years old and I thank you for that. You’re a beautiful and kind soul that I will cherish from this day on.” She said. He smiled at what she said and they leaned in and kissed. As Husband and Wife.
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dronebiscuitbat · 7 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 13)
To be honest, Uzi didn't entirely understand why she'd had N leave that night.
Maybe she was just overwhelmed with it all, or maybe she was truly broken in some way; addicted to making herself suffer needlessly.
But as she lie in bed, night coming again rapidly, she realized she'd gotten exactly zero sleep, being unable to stop her thoughts from turning back to overheating yet again.
She knew the incident had been her fault, N had warned her about pushing it, her own body had warned her twice that she'd been pushing it, both telling her to stop and she simply didn't, too frustrated and too worried about the future to take even half a second and think.
She'd been lucky that the only person she hurt was herself. What if she'd lost control again? If she'd gone nuts and hurt N and her Dad or anyone else in the bunker until her body had been satiated. If it ever could be.
And yeah, it had hurt like hell. And had scared the shit out of her (and N, for that matter.) But in comparison to all the other things that could happen, it was a better outcome. Even if it was still pretty traumatic.
“Uzi, N's here!” She heard her dad shout loudly, but even then it was highly muffled through the thick steel of the door. She slowly got out of bed, head full of static and heavy to the point that it could have been made from steel as well.
Her hair was a mess, and she hadn't even bothered to put on her beanie or her hoodie, just the loose yellow T-shirt she slept in.
The door opened, Khan was chattering to N, who honestly didn't look much better than she did, his eyelights and visor a little dim, lines under his eyes that made him look incredibly exhausted and much older.
“You look like a wreck.” She said, even though she didn't look nor feel any better, both men turned to look at her, Khan looking worried, N just smiling tiredly.
“Didn't sleep very well…” N replied, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, he blinked and looked her up and down.
“Same…” She yawned, doing the same to him.
“You two look like you didn't sleep a wink!” Khan exclaimed, looking between them both, hurrying to the kitchen and pulling out two mugs, N watched him curiously, fighting the urge to pull Uzi into a hug and possibly drag them both back to bed.
“Here.” Khan handed them both a cool, iced mug with a thin darkened liquid in it, N swished the liquid around, causing the ripples to flash some deep golds.
“It's gasoline. Should perk you two up.” Khan explained, looking satisfied with himself.
“Isn't this usually hot dad?” She asked, clinking the ice around in the mug.
“Yes! But I thought with both of your coolant problems… something cold might be better!”
Uzi was mildly surprised he'd even paid that much attention. She'd never outright told him exactly what was going on but it wasn't like she was actively hiding it either. She shrugged, tipping it into her mouth.
It was bitter. Very bitter. And she felt her core stutter before picking up it's pace enough to make her a little nauseous, but the static in her head began to ebb away. She wasn't sure if she was a fan…
N on the other hand seemed to down his immediately, ice and all. And when he pulled it from his mouth he licked his lips, eyes hollow.
“Oh wow! That was really good Mr. Doorman.” He smiled, and Khan smiled back, it was actually kinda weird seeing Khan be as friendly as he was must have been some talk.
“Thank you. It's actually the way Uzi's mother preferred it…” He mentioned idly, looking a little sad for a moment before seemingly shaking it off.
Uzi looked down at her drink again, she… didn't actually remember that. She wasn't a baby with Nori had passed, but she was rather young, and it had been awhile.
She did, eventually, finish the mug, thinking about way she might be able to make it more palatable for herself. Maybe if it was sweeter?
“We should head out soon, Tera gets upset if we're late.” N smiled warmly, as a way to gently guide rather than demand she get her ass into gear and get ready. She couldn't help but smile back.
“I know, little gremlin has our schedule memorized at this point.” She laughed lightly, setting her mug in the sink and making her way to her bedroom, shutting the steel door securely behind her so she could get ready.
“Uhm… Mr. Doorman?” N began after he was sure she'd take a hot minute to get ready. Khan turned to him inquisitivlely, his brow on his eyelights raised.
“Yes N?”
“Is it… uh. Is it possible for me to move in to the bunker? I just… If Uzi ever needs to stay over again, it's probably better if it's not… there.” He was nervous, and also a little bit flustered. He didn’t want Khan to suspect his crush, but he also didn't want to lie.
Khan was silent for a moment, taking great care to study N for a moment, he felt his tail twitching, and his fingers fidget in that nervous habit he had.
“Is this something just for my daughter N?” He asked, suspicion in his voice that made N feel more nervous then it had any right to. He was just asking a question, It wasn't like he was asking Khan for his blessing or anything.
Where did that thought come from?
“I mean, it's for me too. And possibly V? It kinda feels really weird living there now with being here so much. It's… a little uncomfortable.” He admitted.
“Hmmm, there is plenty of space here, I'd have to get them ready though…” Khan trailed off in thought for a moment. Then looked into N eyelights like he was trying to find an answer.
“I don't see why you and… your sister? Can't move in here. And I would feel more comfortable if I knew my daughter wasn't sleeping in… well you know.” N noded, looking equally as uncomfortable, but is mood quickly lightened.
“She's not my sister, but that would be awesome!” He nearly vibrated a hole in the floor, this had gone better then he'd imagined!
“No proble-”
He was interrupted by Uzi's bedroom door snapping open, and Uzi herself coming out a moment later, typical hoodie and beanie although holding a bag in her left hand.
“Ready, let's go?” She asked, walking right past the both of them and leaning on the door. The two men exchanged looks before N waved him off, following his best freind out the door to visit the nursery.
Khan smiled warily to himself, N… wasn't very good at hiding anything was he? And despite his instinctual urge to be against it (his daughter with a murder drone!?) He couldn't exactly find the will to, not when N had been there in the way he'd always seemed to be. And his daughter seemed so happy…
The way to the nursery was silent, not out of any awkward tension but neither drone felt the need to, it was comfortable. Just enjoying existing in the same space, at least until N spoke up.
“You sure you're up for this? You seemed really tired.” His voice was soft, as always. And Uzi felt the butterflies again, surely a few words couldn't trigger them right? She wasn't that down bad for him…
“Y-yeah, I'm fine.” Was all she said, because any more and she'd be stammering like a little schoolgirl. Holy crap she was…
N looked down at her hand swinging loosely beside her, for a moment he imagined what it would be like to hold it. Casually, without trauma involved. Would she let him? Would she slap his hand away?
He didn't realize he was drawing closer until he grazed one of her fingers. He pulled away immediately, blush threatening to make him explode. He really hoped she hadn't noticed.
She very much had noticed. And it made her core leap for a moment, thinking he was going to hold her hand before he abruptly moved away. Causing her face to fall.
Had it been an accident? He did seem to be in thought when he was getting closer. Maybe he was just tired, and didn't realize. It did sting a little… knowing that he didn't want to hold her, like this, when things were normal.
They walked in to the nursery, both looking upset for different reasons but the same reason. Not that either of them knew that.
“I was wondering when you two would stop by. Tera was getting cranky.” Mrs. Rayn waved at them, holding said droneling. Who was currently screaming bloody murder while she tried and failed to calm her down.
“I got it!” Uzi exclaimed, taking the baby from her and holding her tightly, shushing her, setting down the bag in her hand on one of the waiting chairs.
“Hey, we're here. No need to get all angsty on us.” She said to Tera softly, and the wailing receded somewhat, but it wasn't like it made her instantly happy, at least until she saw N as well.
“Awww, it's alright kiddo, sorry we were late.” He hummed softy, he rested a hand on her, large enough to completely cover her if he wasn't careful, they looked at her together, faces sharing a single expression.
Rayn smiled, these two were utterly in love with Tera, but neither seemed to want to entertain the idea of adopting the little droneling. She could guess why, they were both young, and likely didn't want to rush into anything.
And yet watching them both doting on her, she noticed the lingering touches N would leave whenever he and Uzi made contact, a hand on her shoulder that didn't seem to want to leave, his entire face twisted up into a smile that reached his visor. It was like he was magnetized to her, struggling to pull away if she was close enough to him.
Uzi was… not as noticeable, but she would lean into him slightly whenever he was there, a smaller smile but etched on her features like it would stay there. Her voice locked into something far sweeter then normal that seemed to bleed into even when she was speaking to N, like they were both equally precious and special.
They were absolutely totally in love with each other, which anyone with even one eye and half a brain could figure out just by standing in a room with the two of them for any significant amount of time.
And Rayn began to hope that they'd change their mind. Because Tera deserved parents that loved her, and parents who loved each other. Which unfortunately wasn't as common as she'd wished, she'd seen so many come and go through her nursery doors, either to combine thier code or to print a body for already combined code. Many, too many, wanted a baby for the wrong reasons; to keep a failing relationship together, because they felt pressured, or sometimes, because they were forced to.
Rayn watched as Uzi pulled out a roll-toy from her bag, one that was handmade by the look of it, as it was purple with little yellow stars on it, it jingled slightly, but thankfully not loud enough it was annoying.
“I think she likes it Zi.” She heard N point out as Tera rolled with the toy, giggling louder as it jingled around in Uzi's arms. Her smile faded slowly, and then her face looked deliberative.
“Mrs Rayn?” Uzi asked, looking up from the pillbaby, N was still by her side, distracting the little one by making moving pictures on his visor, Rayn was actually kinda impressed, not many drones had that kind of control over what their visor displayed.
“Why is Tera still here? It's been a few weeks. Shouldn't she have been adopted by now?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
Ah. That.
“Ah… Tera seems to… have an issue.”
“What kind of issue?” It was N this time, now looking up at her as well, concern on both of their faces like worried parents.
“The nurses in the medical bay are unsure if it's a software or hardware issue but, she has an overheating problem…if it's a hardware issue then it should be a non-issue in her next body.”
“But if it's the soft she'll need oil the rest of her life…” Uzi finished for her, looking down at the pillbaby with worried eyes. Tera had calmed down and was now smiling at the two of them, oblivious to the conversation.
“Correct, it's not something many people want to deal with in a child. I haven't had many prospective parents come take a second look at her.” Rayn said sadly, it was a tragedy really, she was such a happy droneling, and rarely seemed upset (unless her two favorite almost-adults weren't around that is.) Even when she'd gotten too warm due to her issue, she rarely complained.
“W-what happens if you can't find someone to take care of her?” N asked, but before Rayn could answer, Uzi did for her.
“She’ll be raised by the nursery until she's old enough.” She said simply, rocking the droneling slowly, N heard Uzi's vents begin to take in more air, as if she was trying to cool herself off.
“Oh…” Was all that came out of N's mouth, and they both looked down at Tera, who was now babbling at them happily.
They exchanged a worried glance, almost having a silent conversation between them before looking back at the droneling, her eyes intently staring at N.
“Eeeee Ennnn…” Came wobbly and slow out of Tera’s tiny speakers, N felt his core stop beating as he realized;
“Are you trying to say my name…?”
“En mbuh… En!” She squeaked, rolling happily, still in Uzi's arms.
“Uzzzziiii” He squealed, shaking his best freind as he freaked out over Tera’s first word being his name, not paying any attention to the fact it was only a single letter.
“I hear her buddy.” Uzi's smile stretched a mile wide as Tera continued to squeak out his name “En! En! En!” N's tail wagging so fast she was a little concerned he'd loose control of it.
"You're going to make N blow a gasket little one." She booped Tera's visor, making the droneling giggle before looking at her instead.
“Zuh…” Was the next sound out of her mouth, and Uzi's attention was brought back down, that almost sounded like…
“Zi! Zi! Zi!” She squealed, Uzi felt her core break in half as Tera continued on, now alternating between saying her name and N's.
“Oh my robo-god…” She whispered, feeling herself getting choked up, she looked at N again, only to find him with a smile just as big as hers, almost without thinking, she wrapped her hand in his, needing some sort of comfort for the moment.
He didn't pull away, this time and placed one of his hands on her back, both drones melting as Tera continued, although neither quite knowing what to do next…
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axlerica · 9 months
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-Sorry for going MIA, everyone. I just got back from my vacation. Here’s part 4 for you all. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you guys think!🫶🏻
As Y/N walked away, she couldn’t stop crying. Her heart hurt so much. She just knew that her relationship with Pedri had ended and she would never forgive him for what he did.
Pedri stood there, his mind filled with regret. His thoughts raced as he reflected on Y/N's words. He couldn't shake the truth in what she said. Y/n was right. She was the one who had always been there for him. Through ups and downs. When he was sick, she stayed up all night taking care of him, making sure he was comfortable and getting better. She was there when he was injured, giving him the support he needed and always trying her best to help him recover faster. She was the only one who can put up with all of his nonsense and she never once complained.
“What have I done….? I have to fix this.” Pedri started to realize that he’s going to lose her forever because of what he did.
Pedri ran after Y/N and held her hand and said “Amor please wait, don’t go…”
Y/N was furious because Pedri called her "amor," and she responded, "You don't get to call me that after what you did. Don't you ever call me that. I'm not your 'amor.' Now let go of my hand!! I don’t want anything to do with you anymore! Go away you cheater!”
Pedri: Y/N, please, you don’t mean that right? just listen to me for a moment.
Y/N: Oh yes, I mean every word I say. What’s there left to say, Pedri? You hurt me! You fucked up!
Pedri: I know I fucked up, and I can’t even begin to apologize enough for how I treated you. It was unfair, and I should have trusted you. But.. please amor you have to understand…I…
Y/N: What? You trusted Isabela over me, Pedri! She manipulated the situation, and you fell for it, then you slept with her! NOW LET GO OF ME!!
Pedri: I was a fool, Y/N. I let my anger cloud my judgment, and I see that now. You mean everything to me, and I don’t want to lose you, please.. Sleeping with her was a mistake. I don’t know what got over me… Please, it didn’t mean anything to me. Please trust me..
Y/N: Huh? Trust you? You think I should trust you, Pedri? After what you did? You have got to be fucking kidding me right? You didn’t even trust me when I told you I didn’t do all those things yesterday! Now you’re asking me to trust you?FUCK YOU PEDRI! HOW CAN I TRUST YOU?! A MISTAKE MEANS YOU FORGETTING MY BIRTHDAY NOW THAT’S WHAT WE CALL A FUCKING MISTAKE. CHEATING AND SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE IS NOT A MISTAKE! IT’S A CHOICE!! YOU MADE THIS CHOICE!
Pedri: Please, Y/N, give me a chance to make this right. I didn’t cheat on you…I thought we were broken up already…
Y/N : So our relationship is going through a rough patch, and you immediately break up with me? And then you go and sleep with someone else? What makes you think that's okay? Huh. You’re unbelievable. Goodbye Pedri.
Y/N managed to slip away from Pedri's grip and walked toward the house's gate. Just as she was about to hop into the cab, Fer, who had just come back from the restaurant, noticed her teary-eyed face. He rushed out of his car and asked with concern, "Hey hey, Y/N, ¿Qué pasa? Why are you crying? Are you okay?"
Y/N, still upset, replied, "Hey, Fer, sorry... I'm not okay. Ask your brother." She then said goodbye to Fer and entered the cab, ready to leave.
Fer barged into the house, he was extremely upset. He confronted Pedri, "What the hell hermano? What did you do to Y/N? Why does she look like a wreck???"
Pedri stayed silent. But when Fer spotted Isabela coming down the stairs, wearing Pedri's shirt and collecting her things, he pieced it together. "No way….bro…you slept with Isabela, didn't you?"
Fer looked disappointed and said, "You messed up big time, bro. Y/N doesn't deserve this. I'm really disappointed in you."
Surprisingly, Pedri didn't try to catch Y/N. He didn't fight for her. He let her go because it seemed easier for him than trying to convince Y/N to forgive him. Deep down in Y/N's heart, she was hoping Pedri would go after her and fight for her, despite what he did.
There was a part of her that wanted him to fight for this relationship, to prove to her that she was worth fighting for. Sadly, he just let her go, and with that, she knew she was replaceable.. It shattered her heart to see how easily he let their relationship end.
She told herself that she wouldn't forgive him and decided to cut him off along with everyone around him. She truly wanted nothing to do with Pedri. It felt easier that way, deleting him from her life and acting like she never knew him. So, she went on every social media platform and blocked him, Fer, and everyone associated with Pedri. She went MIA for weeks, distancing herself from it all.
Pedri returned to Barcelona and entered his house, only to realize that all of Y/N's things were gone. It was as if she had never existed in his life. Y/N must have taken all her belongings and moved out of the house. On the coffee table, he saw the spare key that he had given her, which used to be adorned with a custom-made keychain from their vacation in Paris. But even the keychain was missing now. Pedri was heartbroken as he realized that Y/N had left him forever, and he knew there was nothing he could do to change it.
Still, Pedri attempted to call Y/N, but all he heard was a message saying that the number was no longer in service. He also tried searching for her on Instagram and Twitter, but it seemed that she had blocked him on all social media platforms. It was clear that Y/N had made a clean break from him and had no intention of keeping any contact.
As the weeks went by, Barcelona's team was dominating La Liga, and Pedri was in top form, contributing significantly and scoring goals. His performance seemed to reflect a happier and healthier version of himself.
Y/N caught glimpses of this on the news before quickly changing the channel. Her roommate asked, "Don't you miss him?" Y/N replied, "Why would I miss someone who treated me like shit? It's not worth it."
Her roommate said, "I'm sorry… but you know…he's Pedri…He's got so many fans, especially girls. I can't imagine how you're managing to move on from someone like him."
Y/N replied, "Well, it's easy when that “someone” cheated on you. Your perception of them completely changes. Besides, I have to move on. It’s the right thing to do when someone doesn’t treat you well, no matter who they are.”
Her roommate said, "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for asking you that. Anyway….do you wanna go to Ibiza next week? We can party and enjoy the whole week. It's time for you to get out there and enjoy being single instead of moping around here and crying every single night. Yeah, don't think I don't know that? I heard you crying, babe. Come on, let's go with me!"
Y/N hesitated, "Well….I'm not sure. I've got a lot of work to catch up on, and I've barely unpacked my stuff. Plus, I'm not really in the mood for a party right now…”
Y/N had just relocated to Sevilla. She didn't want to stay in the same city as Pedri, so she made the choice to leave her apartment in Barcelona. She requested a job transfer to Sevilla and was fortunate that her transfer request got approved. Without delay, she moved to Sevilla. That's when she met her roommate, who happened to be her high school best friend. They talked, and her friend offered her a place to stay since she was working in Sevilla too. Y/N was really thankful because everything worked out well, and at least she had someone she knew in the city, so she wouldn't be alone.
Her roommate still trying to persuade her, "Come on, just ask for a few days off from work, I'm sure they'll be fine, right? Just use your annual leave, please, please."
Y/N replied, "Well….I do have a lot of annual leave I haven't used, but I don't know. I'll think about it, okay? I'll let you know."
It was Pedri's day off, he chose to stay home and play video games with his brother and his friend, Gavi and Fer. After a few games, Gavi accidentally asked, "Hey, where's Y/N? I miss her making us churros or caramel flan. She used to cook for us when we played, right?" Fer nudged Gavi and said, "Come on, man, they're not together anymore! What's wrong with you?"
Gavi then exclaimed, "Oh, mierda! My bad, sorry, bro. I keep forgetting that you guys broke up." Pedri was upset, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he went upstairs to his room and sit on his bed. The truth is, he still misses her. He hadn't gone out partying or enjoyed himself since the break-up. All he did was go to the gym, train, and play his matches. It was all over the news how well Pedri was performing now, getting better and better. But he still felt empty without Y/N by his side. It was like he was missing a part of his life, and it hurts so bad.
He would occasionally scroll through his phone, looking at old pictures of him and Y/N together. He missed their late-night conversations, her laughter, and the way she used to surprise him with little acts of kindness. He remembered the times when they cooked together, made each other laugh, and shared their dreams. It was all gone now, and he couldn't help but regret how he had let things spiral out of control.
Pedri tried to distract himself with his football career, and he was excelling. But even on the field, there were moments when he wished Y/N was in the stands, cheering him on. He knew he had messed up a good thing, and the pain of that realization never left him.
Ferran arrived at Pedri’s house and found Gavi and Fer sitting on the couch. He asked, “Guys? where’s Pedri?”
Fer responded, “This cabron made him moody. He mentioned Y/N’s name. You know him, once he hears her name, he’s immediately not in the mood anymore. I don’t know why he’s acting like that. He’s the one who messed up.”
Ferran nodded. He said, “Hmmm…. I think we should do something. Maybe let’s bring him to a club? Let him enjoy a bit? It’s been a while since he’s been to a club.”
Gavi chimed in, “Well, I’m down, but I don’t know if Pedri is. You should go convince him.”
Ferran agreed, and he knew he needed to help Pedri take his mind off things, even if just for one night.
Ferran decided to go talk to Pedri. He found him in his room, looking at some old photos on his phone. Fer said, "Hey, hermano, I know things have been tough since the breakup, but maybe it's time to get out and have some fun. What do you say we hit a club tonight? Just like old times."
Pedri looked up, a bit surprised by Ferran’s suggestion. He hesitated for a moment but then nodded, "You know what, Fer, maybe you're right. A night out might do me some good. Let's do it."
Fer smiled, relieved to see Pedri willing to give it a try. “Cool, let’s go!”.
Y/N was scrolling through her Twitter feed when she suddenly came across some tweets about the Barca boys having a great time at a club. She decided to ignore the tweets and kept scrolling. However, one picture of Pedri caught her eye. The tweet said that Pedri was seen having a blast in a club, surrounded by some Instafamous girls. He had his arms around them and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself.
Once again, Y/N couldn't hold back her tears, but she quickly wiped them away. She decided to put her phone down and switch to her iPad to watch a movie instead, trying to distract herself from the painful picture she saw just now.
Then, Y/N's roommate came home and asked what she was watching. Y/N replied, "Oh, just some old rom-com movie, '10 Things I Hate About You.' I love this movie. Wanna join?" Her roommate agreed, saying, "Yeaaah, sureee I'll join you."
Then, Y/N hesitated for a moment and said, "Hey, about the Ibiza trip...on second thought, I think I wanna go." Her roommate was thrilled and exclaimed, "Yay! Perfect! We'll go next week."
It was the La Liga final, Barcelona was set to face their rival, Real Madrid. It was quite a big match, so Pedri's family had flown in from Tenerife to support him. Pedri felt grateful because his family is so supportive of him.
Before the game, his mom and dad wished him good luck, and they shared a hug. Then, Pedri stepped onto the field. When the whistle blew, the game began.
In the 44th minute, Joao Felix scored, and the team celebrated their early lead. The match became intense in the second half when Jude Bellingham equalized with a goal, making it 1-1.
However, in the 87th minute, Joao Cancelo scored a crucial goal, securing Barcelona's victory as the "Campeon de la Liga." The stadium erupted in cheers as they celebrated their hard-fought triumph.
After winning the championship, all the Barcelona players went near the stands to thank their fans for their support and celebrate the victory with them. Pedri walked over to the stands, scanning the stadium in hopes of seeing Y/N at his big game. Unfortunately, he didn't spot her in the crowd.
But the celebrations continued as family and friends were allowed onto the pitch to celebrate with the players. They took pictures and videos together, capturing this special moment of victory.
Pedri took pictures with his teammates and then with his family. As he was celebrating, a woman poked his shoulder, and he turned around to see that it was Isabela. Pedri greeted her, saying, "Oh hey, Isabela! I didn't think I would see you here. You came all the way from Tenerife?"
Isabela replied “Hey, Pedri! I couldn't miss this important game of yours. It's a big moment for you, and I wanted to be here to support you! Anyway…congratulations on winning La Liga! You and the team played amazingly.
Pedri then replied “Thanks, Isabela. It's been a great season.”
They share a warm hug and continue chatting about the game and celebrations.
Y/n and her roommate were at the airport when the match was on. Y/n has always been a culér, watched the game at the airport while waiting for her flight. When Barcelona won, she couldn't help but feel happy, though she refrained from congratulating Pedri because she didn't want him to think she was still thinking about him. Instead, she let out a sigh, put her phone back in her pocket, and prepared to board her flight as her roommate urged her to go.
Back at Pedri’s home, his mother wanted to celebrate his big win and invited some of Pedri’s friends over, including Isabela. It was a great party, and everyone congratulated him, calling him "campeón." Pedri was having a good time until he tried to go upstairs to his room.
He overheard Isabela on her phone with her friends, saying, "Yeah, I'm at Pedro's home in Barcelona. She's not here anymore. There are no pictures of her in his room. They've broken up already. It's so easy to get rid of her. I just created a little conflict, and boom, he broke up with her. He didn't even trust her, can you believe it?" She then laughed.
Pedri was shocked when he heard what Isabela had said. At that moment, he knew he had messed up. Big time. He didn't trust Y/N, let alone saying hurtful things to her and even sleeping with Isabela, the one who had created all this conflict.
He was so mad that he confronted Isabela and said, "What the hell?! So it was you?!!! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO PUT PEANUT BUTTER IN FER'S DRINKS? YOU SAID Y/N SLAPPED YOU, BUT SHE DIDN'T TOUCH YOU AT ALL, RIGHT?!"
Isabela stammered in her response, saying, "Uh….Pedro, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt Fer, but you have to understand, I'm doing this because I love you. We've known each other forever, and you're supposed to be with me, not her. Please, I'm sorry…”
Pedri then said, "You're not my friend anymore. You don't get to choose who I can or cannot be with. You wrecked my relationship, and you made me let go of the person I love the most. What kind of person are you? What kind of friend would even do that? From now on, you don't know me, and I don't know you. Now, get out of my house and never show your face here again!"
Pedri went downstairs to find Fer and asked for his phone. Fer was confused and said, "Yo, hermano, what's wrong? Chill." Pedri replied urgently, "I need to find Y/N. I have to get her back. It wasn't her, Fer. She didn't do all those things. It was Isabela. I caught her, and she just admitted it to me just now. I messed up, bro. I need to find her back. I've hurt her so bad. Give me your phone, let me try to call her or DM her. Maybe she will reply if it's from your account."
Fer handed over his phone, and said, "Brooo, I told you Y/N didn't do all that stuff, but you were such a dick to her at the time."
With Fer's phone in hand, Pedri tried to find Y/N's account and called her using Fer's number. Sadly, there was no answer, and he couldn't find her online. It was clearly she had cut ties with everyone in his group because of how much he hurt her. It was that much that she didn’t want anything to do with anyone around him.
Pedri wanted to bail on his party, but Fer said he shouldn’t do that. It would be rude of him to just leave like that when everyone was there for him. Fer told him to find Y/N tomorrow, so he stayed until the party ended.
The next day, Pedri went to Y/N's apartment only to find out someone else was living there. He asked for Y/N, and the new tenant said there was no girl by that name living there. Pedri then asked Y/N's old neighbor, and she said Y/N had moved out four weeks ago after coming back from vacation with him in Tenerife. She mentioned that Y/N looked miserable and asked what had happened between them.
Pedri: “Do you know where I can find Y/N or if she mentioned where she's gone?”
Neighbor: “I'm sorry, but I don't know. Y/N wasn't really talking to anyone when she left. She looked very sad, with puffy eyes, so I didn't think it was the right time to ask her about her plans.”
Pedri: “So, she really didn't say anything to anyone before leaving?”
Neighbor: “No, I'm afraid not. She seemed like she needed some space, and I didn't want to pry.”
Pedri: “I messed up big time, and I need to find her. She means everything to me.”
Neighbor: “I hope you can work things out. Maybe you could try reaching out to her friends or family? They might know where she went.”
Pedri: “Yeah, that's a good idea. Thanks for your help.”
Pedri was feeling desperate to find a way to reach out to Y/N. He knew that her few close friends had also blocked him, making it even harder to locate her. At this point, he felt like he had hit a dead end in his efforts to make amends and apologize for his mistakes. He wished he could turn back time and change the way he had handled things with Y/N.
Then, he had the courage to call Y/N's mom. He greeted her warmly and inquired about how she was doing. Y/N's mom, who had always liked Pedri, reciprocated the greetings and asked how he was holding up. Then, Pedri couldn't help but ask about Y/N.
Pedri: “Hi, it's been a while. How have you been?”
Y/N's Mom: “Oh, I've been alright, dear. How about you?”
Pedri: “Hanging in there. I, uh, was wondering about Y/N. Do you know where she is right now?”
Y/N's Mom: “Well, Pedri, I know you care about her, but Y/N has made it clear that she doesn't want anyone to know her whereabouts, especially you. She’s been through a tough time.”
Pedri: “I understand. I just want to apologize and make things right. But if she doesn't want me to know, I'll respect her wishes.”
Y/N's Mom: “That's thoughtful of you, Pedri. Just give her some time. Maybe someday, she'll be ready to talk.”
Pedri: “Yeah, maybe. Thanks for understanding, and please tell her I'm truly sorry.”
Y/N's Mom: I will, Pedri. Take care of yourself too.
Y/N's mom had always liked Pedri because she thought he was a good guy. She didn't know the details of what Pedri had done to Y/N, as Y/N didn't want her parents to hate him. So, Y/N simply told her parents that they had broken up. Just that.
Meanwhile in Ibiza, Y/N had a wonderful time with her roommate. They spent their days at the beach, soaking up the sun, and listening to the calming ocean waves. Y/N really enjoyed these peaceful moments, reading a few books, and temporarily escaping from the stress and heartache she had experienced recently.
On the third day of their trip, Y/N's roommate suggested going to a local club for some nighttime fun. Y/N was excited about the idea and agreed. She began to prepare for the evening by choosing an outfit and applying some makeup. Everything seemed to be falling into place for a great night out.
However, just as Y/N was about to finish getting ready, she suddenly felt unwell. Her stomach started to churn uncomfortably, and a strong headache throbbed in her temples. It was as if her body was objecting to the idea of going out for a night of partying.
Y/N turned to her roommate and said, "I'm really sorry, but I don't think I can go out tonight. I suddenly feel unwell, and I think it might be because of the food I had earlier."
Her roommate, understanding and concerned, replied, "Oh no, that's not good. Don't worry about it, your health comes first. Just take some rest and drink some water. We can always go out another night."
Y/N however insisted, "You should go, seriously. You’re all dressed up and ready to go. You look amazing, and I don't want you to miss out because of me. I'll be fine here at the hotel."
Her roommate hesitated, asking once more, "Are you absolutely sure?"
Y/N nodded with confidence, "Yes, of course! I can handle myself. Go and enjoy!"
Her roommate smiled, leaned in, and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Alright, babe, take care. I'll see you later!"
Y/N's roommate left for the club, leaving Y/N alone in their hotel room. She immediately rushed to the bathroom and couldn't help but throw up, her condition worsening with each passing moment. After drinking some water, she lay down on her bed, feeling utterly drained.
As she lay there, something hit her.
She haven’t got her period this month. Her period was overdue by a week, and she hadn't experienced any signs of it arriving. Panic welled up inside her, and she whispered to herself, "Oh no...no no no no, fuck no….”
Y/N vividly remembered that her last time being with Pedri was a day before they went to Tenerife, precisely a month ago. Y/N felt more and more worried, thinking about the chance of being pregnant.
PART 5 !?????
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velvetm00light · 8 months
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gif: pinterest dividers: @benkeibear, @mariariley, @haerinism
Chapter Four of Save Me
Previous Chapters: one, two, three (y/n), three (spencer)
Word Count: 2.4k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Summary: You've awoken in the hospital after experiencing hellish torture at the hands of your foster brother turned stalker. Your coworker, Spencer, worked tirelessly to save you. He's stayed beside your hospital bed since he found you. He decides to take off some time from work to help you get back on your feet and work through the trauma with you, and give you his undivided attention.
Warnings: Hospital, trauma, grief, one bed. Previous and future parts mention guns, torture, kidnapping, dead parents, suggestions of sexual assault, knives and cutting torture, sense deprivation (sight), emotional manipulation, fear, grief, PinV, oral, domxsub situations, grief, bondage, physical harm, etc.
A/N: My heart is so warm at all the comments, reblogs, and messages! I'm so happy you all are loving this series. It really makes me want to keep writing! I will probably start posting small one shots while also writing this series just to take a break when I'm not sure what to do in the next chapter. I plan on (hopefully) making this a long series since it's so loved already so the stress isn't over yet. ;) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me. ♡
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THE LIGHTS WERE BLINDING as your eyes fluttered open. Machines beep annoyingly all around you. As you adjust to your surroundings, the memories of the past few days come crashing into you, threatening to drown you. Your entire mind, body, and soul feels drained and worn.
Your eyes slowly gaze around the room, starting with your bruised and patched up body, luckily mostly covered by the hospital gown you've been dressed in. You shift your gaze to the baskets, cards, and balloons lined around your room, presumably from your team. A smile tugs at your lips as you can see their love in object form. Your eyes reach the other side of the room and you spot a sleeping body curled up in a love seat to the right of your bed.
As if he can sense you've awoken, his eyes snap open and are instantly on you, inspecting every inch of your body, then your face. You can see him release a heavy sigh of relief. You admit, he looks like hell but you know you look the exact same.
He gives you a small smile as he scoots his chair closer to the side of your bed and takes your hand in his. You try to return the smile, but it falls flat on your tired face.
"How long have you been here?" You manage to croak out. Your throat feels raw from the pleading and yelling you'd done the past few days.
"The whole time," he replies. You're not sure why it shocks you, but it feels almost too good to be true. None of your team is to be seen, but by the looks of your room, you would bet every single one of them have already come to check on you and you're sure Spencer's phone isn't lacking in text messages and phone calls. You begin to wonder if he asked to stay while the rest of the team carried on their due diligence to the world and are chasing after bad guys while you lay helplessly in the hospital.
"Thank you," is all you can say and you still feel like it's just not enough. Nothing will probably thank him enough for his care and the efforts and energy he expended to save your life. You're sure this is probably the first time he's slept in days.
"I'd do anything for you, (y/n)," he said it so matter-of-factly it took you by surprise. Your heart swells hearing him say these sweet things to you, the kind of things you allowed yourself to fantasize about. "You don't have to talk about it."
"Is he dead?" You whisper, unsure of which response you're hoping for.
By the look that overtakes his face, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know he was most likely the one who did it. You're unsure if you really want to know if you're right or not. "Good."
"I'm sorry," Spencer murmurs, barely loud enough for you to hear. Your eyes knit together, confusion evident on your face.
"Why? You saved me."
"You only got abducted because I'm the fool who told you it was safe to sleep."
"None of this is your fault, don't apologize to me."
His eyes widen in astonishment at your tone. "Don't get used to bossing me around," he smiles.
You heart dances at his comment and at the smile you guarantee hasn't been on his face in days. It's still not as wide and goofy as normal, but you'll take what you can get for now. As long as he's still able to put somewhat of a smile on his face, that's all that matters to you. It feels odd to put one on your own considering just hours ago you were chained to the ceiling of a barn and had a metal mask around your face like some kind of caged animal.
As if he senses your quick change in mood, his smile falls. "I really am sorry though, that you're going through this, and for what you went through." He squeezes the hand that he's refused to let go off since you awoke. You give him a small squeeze back as your reply.
His eyes fall to your body again, studying the different cuts and bruises peppering your skin. His gaze could set the entire world aflame as the rage threatens to consume him. He tears his eyes away from your wounds and looks away from you for a moment in an attempt to control the fire coursing through his blood. He knows he should be grateful that the guy who did this is already dead, but God, he just really wishes he could do it over and over again in more painful ways for good measure.
"I took a month of leave." He tells you, his gaze finally falling back on your face.
"What? Why?" You ask, a bit stunned that he would even take a day off let alone a whole month. You suppose you really underestimated how hard this could've been on him.
"Your injuries are..extensive, and that's being generous. I figured it might help to have someone who can do things for you." You notice the blush run up his neck and into his cheeks, as if he's nervous you'll tell him no.
"That's sweet of you, Spence, but you don't need to do that. I'll be okay." He looks at you with an expression on his face that basically says, liar, and you know he's right. Reality is, you'd love absolutely nothing more than getting his undivided attention, for him to cook you food, and take care of you for an entire month.
"Tough shit." A real smile spreads across your face this time. You're pretty sure this is the first time you've ever heard him curse and you almost ask him to do it again, but you realize that's probably inappropriate for the current situation you're in.
"I'm not even going to argue with you because I know I'm not going to win."
"Good girl," he smirks. Your skin turns hot as you push down the bubbling desire building inside you, you're in the hospital after all. But you can't help but start to realize that being in his presence makes you feel...normal. Like nothing ever happened and you're having a conversation on any normal day. It feels refreshing.
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Keys jingle in Spencer's hand as he unlocks the door to his apartment. While in the hospital, you confided in him about the fact that you didn't think you could handle being in your apartment or even seeing the state of it right now. You'll have to see it eventually because as much as you would love to just stay with Spencer for a while, you couldn't bare to put that onto him, he's already allowing you to stay for a month, that should be long enough.
"Thank you for letting me stay, seriously. You didn't have to do all this for me."
"Did you think I was just going to let you suffer alone, in your own apartment where everything happened?" You know it's a rhetorical question, but he looks serious, and almost offended that you could possibly think such a thing of him. To be fair, you weren't aware of the feelings he had been keeping hidden from you.
"I mean, I guess I just didn't expect anything, you know? Yeah, I went through something traumatizing but so has everyone on this team. I'm not going to let it control me, well, I'm gonna try not to."
"There's nothing else I'd rather be doing. You're the most important thing to me. I plan on being here for you through it all."
You realize you're speechless, you've never had someone who put you as a top priority before. You've only been able to count on yourself to survive, it honestly feels strange to put your survival instincts in a cage and let someone else to the work. You're unable to stop yourself from getting tearful. He slowly reaches towards your face and wipes a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb.
You fight the urge to flinch, reminding yourself that the man in front of you is probably the last one on this entire Earth who would hurt you. "You're so strong, you know that?" He coos.
"I'm just glad that this is a burden I have to deal with, and not one of you," you state, and it's the truth. You wouldn't even begin to know how to comfort someone if the roles were reversed, and you wouldn't wish what you went through on any of your coworkers, or really anyone for that matter.
"You're not going to share this burden alone."
Before you can think of a response, Spencer leaves you to settle yourself in the living room while he grabs you some of his clothes to change into. You're currently in random garments of clothing, donated to you by your team. The clothing you had arrived to the hospital in were basically scissored to shreds, and you wouldn't be caught dead leaving the hospital in a hospital gown, what if your ass accidentally showed through the robe?
He swiftly comes back and you can't help but giggle when you examine the clothes he chose for you. "Spence, these clothes look good on you. I'm literally about to look like a little boy who probably lives in the basement of a library."
"Are you telling me I look like a little boy who lives in the basement of a library?" He asks as he attempts to keep a stern look on his face but you notice the smile tugging on the sides of his lips.
"What if I was?" You ask with a lift of the eyebrow.
Spencer's mouth opens, then closes quickly. You feel like he was most likely going to make some kind of flirtatious comment but probably thought better of it. While the sentiment is sweet, you begin to feel a bit annoyed. You're the last person to want people walking on eggshells around you in fear they're gonna set you off.
"Spence, can you promise me something?"
"Anything," he says quickly, sitting down next to you on the couch.
"Please don't walk on eggshells around me. Say exactly what you want to say, don't sugar coat or avoid saying certain things just because you're afraid to upset me. I'm a big girl."
"I-Okay. I just don't want to bring up any memories."
"I know, and that's extremely kind of you. I just know I would hate feeling like you can't be honest with me."
"Okay, I promise."
"Thank you."
He places a soft kiss on your temple, "Anything for you."
"Thank you for the clothes, just don't laugh at me."
You rise from your seat on the brown leather couch slightly right of the middle of his apartment's living room, and head into his room to your right. You gently shut the bedroom door and quickly change into the beige wool sweater and black shorts he gave you. You fight an internal battle with yourself, fighting against the urge to look around his room. To be fair, you'll have an entire month to learn probably everything about him, anyway.
You turn the cold brass knob of his bedroom door and crack it. "Remember, no laughing," you command, only sticking your head out.
"I won't, come on. We've got take out to eat and movies to watch."
You unhurriedly open the bedroom door further, revealing that you in fact do kind of look like you belong in the library. Spencer takes his bottom lip in between his teeth, his facial muscles giving away the fact that he actually wants to laugh.
"You look adorable," he giggles as you retake your seat next to him. You side eye him and begin to dig into your food. "Your choice of movie."
You think for a moment as you savior the extremely salty and very bad for you take out. "The Proposal."
"Is it just because you want to look at Ryan Reynolds?"
"Can you blame me?"
"No, I can't."
He follows through on your wish, and digs into his own meal as The Proposal starts to play. It was the first movie that came into your head, but it's makes the little girl in you feral at the fact that you're literally watching a romcom, eating take-out, and wearing Spencer's clothes, with Spencer. Shit, he literally could've put on the Conjuring for all you cared and your whole body would still tingle at the fact that you guys basically look like a married couple right now.
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You're awoken by Spencer laying you softly into his bed, putting you under the covers. "You didn't even make it halfway," he smiles at you as he stands back up. "Goodnight, (y/n)."
He begins to head towards the door when you ask, "Where are you going?"
"To the couch."
"Uh, do you not want me to?"
"I think I'd feel safer if you..you know..slept in here with me."
Well that was easy, you thought. He climbs into bed beside you, and your breath catches at the sudden proximity. Sure, it's probably the same distance away you were from him on the couch but it seems so much closer when you're laying in bed together.
You lay in silence for a moment, his eyes roaming around your face before settling back onto your eyes. He opens his arms and whispers, "Come here."
You happily do as commanded and as soon as you get within reach, he greedily closes his arms around you, pulling you in as tight as he can. You rest your head on his chest and take a deep breath as his almond and lavender scent fills your lungs.
His hand rubs lazily up and down your spine, causing you to relax even further into his embrace. For once in your life you feel truly, utterly safe.
"I love you too, by the way." He whispers as he plants a kiss on the top of your head.
You snap your head up and stare at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. "What?"
"You heard me." He smirks, using a hand to pull your head back down into his chest.
"I, also, love you too." You whisper, not even bothering to fight the smile that appears on your face.
TAG LIST: @qatiee @dottirose @thisaintredwine @jay-2s-world @ruziazyn @translatemunson @sky2nd
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sc0tters · 7 months
Is It Over Now | Dawson Mercer
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summary: how do moments of miscommunication cause your relationship with Dawson to unravel?
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, douche Dawson?
word count: 2.05k
authors note: it was only right to write for the birthday boy today! I don’t fully know what this is but I’m tired and wanted to get it out whilst it’s still his birthday for most of you. @hischierhaze let’s act like this is exactly what you intended for this ending (this is why I shouldn’t be left unattended)… all o really have to say is just enjoy!
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Seeing you like this felt like hell for Dawson.
January was where you two started sleeping together.
Like any other fuck buddy relationship the biggest rule was that you two weren’t allowed to fall for each other but by May you knew you broke that one.
It was your birthday and the other members of the media team had gotten you a cake which the boys of course came and helped themselves to “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me it was your birthday!” Nico complained as he sent you a frown.
When you didn’t respond it made him furrow his eyebrows “hello?” He questioned you quickly going quiet when his eyes followed yours.
Dawson was laughing at something that your newest coworker Janet was talking about. Whilst she seemed nice, you weren’t stupid and she was everything that you weren’t.
So as you watched her run her hand over his arm your stomach began to churn “didn’t know you liked Mercer.” The amusement in Nico’s voice was finally enough to pull you away from the boy you were staring at.
Your eyes went wide as you looked at the captain “I don’t like him like that.” You shook your head shoving a large piece of cake into your mouth to avoid your lips forming a smile.
That was your visual tell when you are lying and the captain picked up on that two weeks into you working there “whatever you say kid.”
You walked over to Jack to talk to him as Dawson went to Nico “you know that y/n used to play hockey as a kid?” The Canadian cheered as he had learnt another fact about you.
The true moment for you though when you realised that you must have liked Dawson more than he liked you was when it was the end of season gala in June.
You were sat in your hotel room after you slipped Dawson your room key and told him to follow you up in a few minutes.
So there you sat on your bed in nothing more than the new lingerie set that you had bought during a recent shopping trip that you had told him about. Dawson had been waiting to see it as you merely mentioned that you picked up a surprise for him.
An hour had to go by before you accepted that Dawson wasn’t coming. Not bothering to care about getting dressed you just wrapped your coat around your body and shoved your dress into the pocket of it before you found your car downstairs.
If only you knew that when your elevator doors shut to bring you back to the lobby, Dawsons had opened bringing him on to your room’s floor.
The main reason now why you two hadn’t spoken was that you blocked him on all platforms over the summer.
Dawson didn’t understand what he did wrong but when he mentioned his problems to Jack the boy merely suggested that his teammate found a different girl to forget about you.
Of course Jack didn’t know that you were the girl in mention or else maybe Jack would have given Dawson better advice.
So that was how Dawson landed up sleeping with a new girl in his bed every week when he arrived back in the garden state.
The only thing you could fault him for was the fact that he wasn’t quiet about who he slept with. Every tabloid and social media account knew of the girls. That was where you two did thing differently.
Nico picked up that you had a partner during the start of the new season when you were showing him a thing on your camera and didn’t notice the hickey that Owen had left on your neck nights before.
You managed to keep the fact that the man in your bed was playing for the Sabres quiet even as everyone arrived in the prudential center for the matchup against the Sabres the Devils players hadn’t picked up on who your lover boy was.
Dawson wasn’t impressed watched your cheeks redden at the mentions of your mystery boy. He had grown sick of hearing about the man.
Which is why it didn’t take him long to realise that lover boy was in fact Owen Powers as after that game the Sabres player couldn’t seem to get enough of you.
You had met him during your time in Toronto over the summer and when you guys came back to work you kept the summer fling going “you enjoying giving other players my sloppy seconds?” Dawson asked watching you walk to your car.
It was the first time you didn’t have Owen with you since you left the lockeroom “excuse me?” You didn’t know if it was more surprising that Dawson was actually talking to you or the fact that he had actually said that “just curious to see if you enjoy being with a disappointing player like him.” It infuriated you with the way that Dawson acted so nonchalant about what he had said.
Your body tensed with frustration “if anyone here is disappointing it’s you and Owen is actually really enjoying me.” You rambled sending the boy a glare as he watched you speed up “where are you going?” Dawson groaned knowing that he was going to chase you.
The cold New Jersey air matched how you felt in that moment “I’m going to get far away from you.” You yelled back opening your car door.
As Dawson watched you drive off he was unaware that his captain was stood behind him “I don’t know what you did but you better fix it.”
Just like you had hoped the bath you had did calm the nerves that the Canadian had built up in your system. Yet somehow all of that work quickly became unraveled when an aggressive knock came at your door.
You wanted to act like you didn’t know who it was going to be but when you opened that door you weren’t surprised to see Dawson “if you are here to embarrass me further then you can leave.” You warned wrapping your fingers around the handle of the door.
Dawson stared down at you as he could see the few freckles that were on your nose that now weren’t covered by your usual makeup “have a nice night Mercer.” You sighed going to shut the door as he remained silent.
That seemed to give him the push to saw even just a few words “I’m sorry.” Dawson blurted out pressing his hand against the door to stop you from shutting him out.
The apologetic look that laced his face and the fact that it was his birthday caused you to hear him out “five minutes.” You mumbled opening the door further to let him in.
In all of the months that you had known Dawson you truly had never seen the Canadian this nervous as he twirled his bracelet in between his fingers “I didn’t mean what I said about Owen.” His eyes didn’t leave the ground as the confession left his lips.
With all of the emotions that ran through your body as you crossed your arms you couldn’t help it when you laughed “well isn’t that crazy.” It was dry and blunt as you rolled your eyes.
The boy grew frustrated as he was never good with talking about his emotions, yet with you it was always ten times worse “god dammit y/n I love you!” Whilst that was what he often thought around you, this was the first time that he ever let those words be heard by the world.
If Dawson wasn’t good at talking about his emotions then you were horrible “bullshit.” You laughed shaking your head.
You spun around to make your way into the kitchen of your apartment “you don’t get to say that to me.” You pushed past him leaving the boy dumbfounded.
All of those late nights in his bed as you’d watch him sleep just hoping that he’d finally say those words to you “not now.” Tears began to form in your eyes as you wished that it had remained a simple dream of yours, rather than now being a reality.
It made the Canadian scoff “you don’t get to choose how I feel about you!” The boy was only a mere pace or two behind you when you turned back to face him “I can when you sleep with every girl in Jersey!” Your index finger pressed into his chest reminding him of the girls that he had been meeting during the off season.
For some odd reason there was a large part of Dawson that truly thought you were none the wiser to his new nighttime activities “I did it to avoid you.” He seemed to believe that his words would comfort you as Dawson dragged his thumb along the skin of your cheek to wipe away the tear that had fallen.
You brought your hand over his “really?” Something about being wanted by Dawson made you feel warm inside “none of them mattered.” He nodded tilting your head up so that his lips were a mere few millimetres away from yours “you gotta believe me baby.” His voice was soft as you nodded giving him the green light to kiss you.
Just like normal you loved how his lips felt against yours. The way his tongue would run over your lip causing your mouth to open. How is hand would get caught in your hair as he pushed you against the kitchen counter.
All of it felt truly brain melting which is why you let yourself get so caught up in how it felt to have his hands back on your hips.
It seemed that your senses came back to you when you let out a sigh when you pulled away “what now?” Dawson groaned seeing the serious look on your face “you should go.” You mumbled pushing him away.
Your feet took you to the door of your kitchen before you went back to look at Dawson “so is this it then?” He asked sensing that the air in your apartment no longer felt fun and airy but rather heavy and dark.
The Devils player watched as you nodded “when you had sex with those girls did you ever think of someone that wasn’t me.” You weren’t attempting to sound conceded here, no instead you were trying to see if the boy truly did love you in the way that he suggested.
Dawson frowned “why does it matter if I chose you?” His words were heavy on your mind as your new understanding of the reality that you had fallen into was one that you truly weren’t a fan of, not yet.
You rubbed your hand against your jaw hoping to formulate the answer to his question “because I’m not here to simply be an option to you Dawson.” Your arms crossed again as you began to shut off your body language to him “look I’m sure there is a girl who wants to spend your birthday with you.” You ran your fingers through your hair “but that just isn’t me.” If this was one of those tapes that ended on a cliffhanger, the screen would have cut out now.
But instead you were still facing the Canadian in yours kitchen “whatever this is, I’m done with it.” Dawson felt like you might as well have just stopped on his birthday as a whole because he wanted to finally make things serious with you and you weren’t ready.
You looked at Dawson like you wouldn’t be seeing him at the Prudential Center within 48 hours “you know how to let yourself out.” You sighed turning to the door and finally leaving him alone with nothing more than his thoughts.
Truly Dawson wanted to run after you in that moment. He wanted to say that your name was the one he called in bed each time and that was why he had the list of girls, none of them ever came back.
Yet instead his feet remained stuck to the ground when he got a text message.
Big Hughes 🫡: if you’ve wrapped up whatever you were doing, you should come to mine for a drink.
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vshthestmpede · 1 year
Hi there!
Could we get some headcanons for vash, nick, and knives and what pet names they use for their s/o and how they would use them? Like in what situations they would use them? And what their s/o would call them in return?
Thank you 🫶🏻
the boys & their nicknames for their significant other
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word count; 896
warnings; none, this is just some sweet stuff to alleviate the constant trauma our boys (and subsequently, we enjoyers) go through
note; i am such a damn sucker for cute nicknames, so this request was super fun to write!! tysm for requesting, i truly appreciate it <3 so sorry for the lack of things, covid has been kicking my butt lately on top of college ;-;
cross-posted to ao3
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mayfly + lovebug
to make up for the lack of pda, vash makes sure you know how he cares by the way he calls for you
as soon as it starts, your real name is out the window and you're only to be called by the pet name he bestowed on you
you love the way it rolls off his tongue, like it was meant for you
started as a private thing as vash prefers to keep his love life under wraps but eventually became something he was proud to use in public amongst those he trusted
"good morning, mayfly."
you stretched the sleep out of your joints, blinking to adjust to the bright sunlight. vash had himself propped up on his forearms, twirling your hair around his fingers gently.
"sleep well?" he asked as you turned on your side to face him. he leaned forward and kissed your forehead as you nodded. "good. we don't have to leave for another hour or so, wanna snuggle?"
you responded by pulling him closer to you, burying your face in his chest. he wrapped his arms around you, his fingers lazily drawing shapes into your back.
"how'd you sleep, lovebug?" you murmured, voice still heavy with sleep.
vash grinned. "lovebug, hm? that's new."
you shrugged and readjusted, looking up at him. "well i thought with mayfly i needed to come up with something similar."
"fair enough, i like it." vash chuckled. "very creative. i slept okay, had a weird dream though."
"is that so? tell me all about it."
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my star + handsome
you never took wolfwood to take to romance or any of the cheesy aspects of being in a relationship
however, being a man who wasn't given any real love growing up, he craved it more than anything
of course, he'd never show it to the other three, so things like nicknames were saved solely for time between the two of you
you savored those times, enjoying the softer side of the undertaker
he would tell you how there were billions of stars in the sky yet only you were his, the brightest and most dazzling in his eyes
you pounded on the bathroom door, fed up. "c'mon, princess, i'm sure you look amazing now open the damn door!"
the door swung open and nicholas, hair still wet and messy, gave you the coldest stare behind his sunglasses.
"the hell did you just call me?" he asked, blocking you from moving past him. "no, no, no. you've never called me any sort of name before and now you just -"
"i'll keep calling you it if you don't let me use the damn bathroom," you snapped back, grabbing his arm and literally pulling him out of the bathroom. "thank you!"
coming out of the bathroom after finishing your business, you held back a laugh when you found nicholas sitting on the edge of the bed with his lips pressed into a tight frown. you flopped on the bed next to him, pulling him down with you.
"oh my gosh." you laughed as he turned away from you with a small 'hmph'. "c'mere, handsome."
instantly, he melted into your embrace, clearly much more pleased with the new nickname.
"that's better," he murmured.
"you're such a big softie," you chided playfully, brushing his hair from his face. "never change, okay?"
"yes, my star."
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sunshine + sweetheart
if you thought it would take knives forever to even acknowledge the feelings you two shared, just imagine how long it took for him to take up on any sort of romantic gesture
you were at the helm in this voyage, showing him acts of affection first to egg him on
quickly you both learned he wasn't the biggest on physical touch but definitely enjoyed the whole concept of nicknames, something that made you stand above the rest even more to him
despite that, he found himself fighting on what he thought would fit you perfectly
you had cycled through the generic ones (babe, baby, etc.) but decided that sweetheart was the winner the way a goofy, almost childlike smile appeared on his face when you called him it the first time
knives refused any help on coming up with your nickname, demanding he figure it out himself
"i've got it!"
your head snapped up from your book as the piano playing suddenly ceased and knives stood, knocking the bench over at his abrupt movement.
"are you alright, sweetheart?" you asked, pushing yourself up out of your chair and heading towards him. he met you halfway, taking your hands in his excitedly. "what's going on in that head of yours?"
"you're my sunshine, (name)."
he had said it so happily, staring right in your eyes as he declared his newly thought of nickname. you felt your heart race at the simple gesture and the look on his face, basking in the joy that radiated off of him.
"i love it." your hands moved from his up to cradle his face. "what made you think of sunshine?"
knives leaned into your hand, proud of himself. "you just. . .you light up my life. you're so warm and caring, it's like you're if sunshine was a human."
your heart swelled at his kind words, this soft and sweet side of knives - albeit rare - was something you treasured and would always hold close to your heart.
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pixleslutz · 8 days
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This was based off a dream I had last night-enjoy
“Damn it Adam how many times have I told you to stop sleeping with other women when you have me?” ..”babe I was drunk can you really blame me ?” ..
yes I can because this is your third time doing this to me and I just can’t fully comprehend why you do the things you do and I can’t even fathom why I stayed with your ass” .”woah now if it wasn’t for your “boundaries” we wouldn’t be having this conversation”
you stood completely baffled at his response how could he blame you for not wanting sex ? “I’ve had enough Adam all you want is sex and if you can’t wait till I’m ready then we’d both be better off alone “ you took your engagement ring off and put it in his hand and walked to your shared bedroom and started packing..
Adam just stood still looking at the ring .what had he just done he couldn’t just loose you like this “shit wait y/n I’m sorry please don’t leave me please I can’t loose you ?” ..”no adam i am leaving ..think about what you did and have done ..goodbye” so you walked out the door headed to lutes house ..
“Adam you complete dumb ass why would you say that to your beautiful and amazing fiancé? I mean look at yourself it’s been a month since you’ve seen each other you look like hell “ …. No answer “ if you keep drinking and don’t clean yourself up she’ll never come back “ and with that lute walked off .lute was right he did need to clean up and get his shit straight he missed y/n so much he hadn’t slept much since she left so he cleaned the house and started working on himself
Three months had passed since you left and Adam was getting nervous that you wouldn’t come back he heard some of the other angels saying that you had moved out of lutes house and hadn’t been seen since yesterday that’s when Adam started to panic where did you go? Were you ok ? So he did the only thing he could think of and started going around looking and asking if anyone had seen you it was getting dark so he headed back home what he didn’t expect to see what to see was you setting on the couch
Adam’s eyes immediately started to water at the sight of you .you were finally home “y-y/n you’re finally home and your ok please don’t leave me alone again “ he hadn’t meant for his voice to crack but he was just in so much pain from loosing you that he couldn’t help it .you got up and walked towards him “yes Adam I’m home lute kept telling me to please come back home that you weren’t doing to well and would stop sulking and to be honest I wasn’t doing much better either but I’m not letting you back in so easily this time so you will just have to work two times harder to win me back but I will stay “ .
“y/n can i please have a hug “ that’s when Adam just broke down .”of course “ “I’m so so sorry y/n I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive my stupid actions I know i hurt you I hurt us but please find it in yourself to forgive me I can’t loose you like I did Lilith and Eve “ “like I said a minute ago you’ll have to try a little harder to win me back and do better no matter what and then I’ll forgive you“
I hope you enjoyed..I know this probably wasn’t as good as I thought it would’ve been ..request are open feel free to request something much love stay safe eat something yummy and drink some water mwah💋💜
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ragnarokhound · 2 months
((you don’t have to do both if you don’t want to, you can consider this one a back up / alt))
“If you don’t know where to go, you can always come here.” 💞
From this writing prompt list i reblogged in...november lmao fljdsjfa
anyway this grew legs and sprinted away the second I picked it up yesterday - clearly it just needed some time to proof lmao. Thank you for the ask, tauria!! From *checks watch* almost 5 months ago fjdslafjsa I will be cross-posting it to Ao3 in my new oneshot collection fic :)
Warnings for: Vague allusions that Ra's Al Ghul is a creep (what else is new), threats of gun violence, canon-typical violence
15. “If you don’t know where to go, you can always come here.”
When Tim arrived in Gotham this morning, he had no way of knowing that his day would end in Jason Todd’s bed. 
Frankly, he wasn’t really sure what bed he’d end up in— because his own certainly wasn’t an option right now. But If he had to pick, Jason Todd’s was somewhere near the bottom of whatever list he’d make.
He didn’t exactly plan on this, okay? 
But, uh. Let’s back up a little.
Tim knew his day was going to go to shit when he got back from the airport at 7 AM.
He had his driver drop him off two blocks away from his townhouse for the sake of caffeine at the hole in the wall place he likes. Wealthy CEO he may be, but a sixteen hour flight is still a sixteen hour flight and Tim is cursed with an inability to sleep in the air. 
Don’t ask. He’s tried. It doesn’t work.
So he wants coffee, and he wants a shower, and he wants his own bed. In that order.
With the first thing on his list acquired and blessedly burning his tongue, he managed to tug his brain cells together enough to realize that the building they’d passed that had been shrouded in tents and canvas was his building.
"What's going on here?"
The worker outside his building looks up from her clipboard, her face wrinkling into apprehensive confusion.
"Hello, sir. Can I help you?”
He hasn’t slept in roughly seventy two hours. He is not awake or patient enough for this.
“My name is Tim Drake. I own this building. What’s going on here?” He repeats.
The woman raises her eyebrows and looks down at her clipboard again. “Mr. Drake?” She questions, clearly expecting him to look like a grown-ass man and not a sleep-deprived college student coming home from spring break or whatever.
“Yes. Timothy Drake-Wayne. Why are you—” he tries to gesture with the hand still holding his suitcase handle, walking towards the tarps and tents erected around his townhouse with increasing trepidation, “—here?”
“I’m sorry sir, but you can’t go in there. Not for at least forty-eight hours.”
Tim stops in his tracks.
“We've been scheduled to fumigate the property today.” She says it like she’s reading it out of a handbook. “It won't be safe to enter the building for at least forty-eight hours. You should have received prior notice. Uh. Sir.”
Tim's jet-lagged brain kicks into overdrive. 
Bruce hasn't made any disappointed noises about Tim’s perfectly normal work ethic lately so it probably wasn't a misguided attempt at benching him. And besides, rendering Tim’s apartment inaccessible is counterproductive on that front. 
Dick wouldn’t. They haven’t been exactly— great, lately but he wouldn’t. Besides, if he wanted to get Tim out of the house more, he’d show up to drag Tim out into the daylight himself. This is a little too roundabout for him.
It’s too much work to be Steph. She would think it’s funny, but there’s no way she’d follow through.
Damian might, but this doesn’t quite fit his preferred methods for making Tim’s life hell. It could be some cloak and dagger maneuver to leave him vulnerable, faking a complaint to the city so he’ll—
And then Tim thinks about the call.
The call he’d brushed off at fuck o’clock in the morning somewhere over Europe, too busy with another project. The call his secretary took for him instead. He thinks about the distracted confirmation he’d given to whatever it was she’d asked him about five minutes later. 
He also thinks about the form he signed about two weeks ago, before this last minute trip to Hong Kong had consumed his entire attention. The one with “Two Weeks Notice” stamped across the top. His stomach sinks.
“Today,” he repeats.
She looks apologetic. “Today,” she confirms. “And we just started about an hour ago. I’m very sorry, Mr. Drake-Wayne but—”
"No it's—" he says through gritted teeth, "fine. I'll just. Make other arrangements."
He does not make other arrangements. Though not for lack of trying.
Tim has a handful of safehouses scattered throughout the city. He has options. He gets a taxi to the closest neighborhood, and nearly falls asleep in the backseat. The cabby has to knock on the glass divider to get his attention when they come to a stop. He grumbles and hauls his suitcase out of the backseat, and tips the man excessively.
Shower. Bed. Sleep. He’s so close he could cry.
Except when he finally rolls around the block, coffee half gone and trying to remember if this safehouse is the one with in-unit laundry or if he’ll have to haul his shit down to the laundry room, his building is a blackened husk with police tape all around it.
He stops on the sidewalk. He peers up at the window of his unit, squinting at the peeling black wood and shattered glass. He ponders whether two is enough data points to be considered a pattern. And whether he could get away with napping in the alley on this street or if that’ll end with him stabbed and robbed.
As he’s pondering, he catches sight of a passerby and stops him.
“‘Scuse me,” he says apologetically. “What the hell happened here?”
The guy looks up from his phone and takes in his rumpled clothes, his suitcase, and the scorched remains of his apartment.
“Oh, uh. Yeah, there was a big fire about a week back? Bad fire. Took out, like, half the block. Cops are saying it’s arson.”
“A week ago,” Tim repeats. The guy’s eyes widen.
“Oh shit, bro, did you live here?”
“I’ve been out of town,” he explains numbly.
“Dude, that sucks. And right in the middle of con’ season. Good luck finding a hotel!”
“Yeah,” Tim sighs as the guy walks away. “Thanks.”
The next safehouse he tries isn’t in much better shape. 
He remembers hearing about Freeze going on a rampage a few days into his trip, but he hadn’t realized another one of his places had been caught in the cross-fire. The cold burst the pipes, and now the whole place is undergoing renovation.
He hears all this from the crotchety old lady who lives in the next building over (her building needs renovation too, but will the city pay for it? Of course not, they weren’t ‘directly impacted by disaster’ so they won’t see a penny of relief funds even though their pipes are on the same line. Typical) and when he finally extricates himself from the conversation, it’s almost noon, his second cup of coffee is long-since empty and he’s at the end of his goddamn rope.
By the time he sees his next safehouse, he isn’t even surprised anymore.
“Does God hate me?” He asks the boarded up building. “Is this a punishment? What did I do? What the fuck did I do?”
He is 99% sure at this point that someone is burning his bolt holes. There’s a short list of people with the resources and the intel to do it, and while he’s not above ruling out the likes of Damian just yet, he seriously doubts anyone wearing a bat is behind this. 
Besides, Dick would have noticed by now if Damian were sinking this many resources into convoluted covert ops designed to make Tim suffer. Definitely. Probably.
Fuck it.
He goes around the back and hops on top of his suitcase to reach the clunky camera watching the back entrance. This building is on the shittier side, closer to Crime Alley than his other haunts; cameras break all the time around here. He’ll have it replaced after he’s a functional human again.
Reportedly, this building was tagged for ‘high toxicity levels’—  which is pretty typical for any building where fear toxin or Joker gas are found in any amount. They must have found a lot to condemn the whole building, but Tim is confident he’ll be fine. The airborne shit dissipates to safe levels within hours depending on the ventilation. If it was in the air, it’s long gone. Anything else needs to be injected to be effective.
Once the camera’s busted, he kicks out the boards and heads inside.
He drags his suitcase in after him, and mourns the shower he probably won’t be getting. The hall lights are out, and chances are the water’s been shut off along with the electricity. But at this point, he simply does not give a shit. All he wants are four walls and a mattress.
Leaning on the door to his floor to make it open, he stumbles out into the hallway—
And catches sight of the glistening curved dagger stabbed into the wall next to his door, the hilt gleaming green in the sinking sun.
“Nope,” Tim says, spinning on his heel and going back down the stairwell double time. “Nope, nope, nope.”
He is now 100% certain that the League of Assassins has been burning his bolt holes. Ra’s al fucking Ghul can eat his whole ass.
Seven blocks away, Tim sits on the sidewalk in front of a bodega and contemplates a third cup of coffee. The shittiest one yet.
See, here’s the thing.
The thing is, he has options.
He could go to the Manor. Or the penthouse. Or to Steph’s place. He’d have to answer some unnecessary questions like ‘Master Timothy, you know you can’t sleep on aircraft, why didn’t you sleep before your flight’ or ‘Tim, why didn’t you come here first, you know you can still come to me if you’re in trouble, right’ or ‘why did you agree to fumigate your fucking house, you loser, lmao’. (Stephanie is not going to let him live this down). 
He is absolutely certain that he would be welcomed in any of these places and after a completely undeserved amount of fussing, he could take a fucking nap and someone else would deal with the League bullshit for him.
And that’s the thing. There’s the rub.
No one should have to deal with the League bullshit for him. This is his problem. He’s not in a hurry to bring them down on anyone. Not even Damian.
With grim resignation, he reaches for his phone to try and find a hotel room (during a con’ weekend apparently, RIP) and maybe get a fucking handle on this whole stupid thing, when he hears:
“Hand over your wallet!”
He lifts his head slowly and finds himself looking down the barrel of a gun. A gun held by some guy wearing a ski mask in broad fucking daylight. There’s another guy next to him who’s watching the street. There’s a third guy somewhere behind him who he can’t see, but he can hear the scuff of his boots.
Sure. Why not. With the day he’s had, this might as well happen. He holds up his hands placatingly.
Tim contemplates his muggers. The guy with the gun is jittery, probably new to this, or hopped up on something. He keeps glancing between Tim and the bodega behind him, so they were probably planning a run on the till. Might have chickened out, or thought Tim was an easier target, an unexpected meal ticket plopped right in their path. Or they were already inside when Tim sat down, which wouldn’t bode well for his situational awareness seeing as he just came out of there himself.
The grinding gears of his tired brain keep getting caught on the fact that this is happening in the middle of the fucking day. Tim glances at the street corner and bites his cheek in frustration. Yeah, he’s smack dab in the middle of the Alley. Figures.
“Are you deaf or somethin’ man?” The guy with the gun is saying. “Hand over your fucking wallet!”
The other guy doesn’t seem as crazy-eyed. He’s nervous, though. He keeps looking around like he’s expecting Batman to materialize, to come whistling down the street like a beat cop.
“Dude, come on, it’s not fucking worth it,” he says, grabbing at the gunman’s shoulder. “We got the money, let’s fucking go.”
The third guy kicks over Tim’s suitcase. “Yeah, come on, Don, let’s just grab this shit and bounce.”
Tim can’t do anything. He’s not Red Robin right now. He’s Timothy Drake-Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, and he’s getting mugged in front of a bodega at two in the afternoon in a rumpled suit and tie and still toting his suitcase from his early morning flight. 
His hands are trembling from unspent adrenaline, too much caffeine, and not enough sleep. His eyelids are the heaviest they’ve ever been in his godforsaken life. His ears are ringing. He could knock all three of them down in less time than it takes to tie his shoelaces. But he can’t.
“Shut up, Johnny, look at him shaking! What’s he gonna do? If he doesn’t wanna get shot, rich boy’s gonna hand over all his fucking shit!”
“Hey, let’s just—” Tim tries to say.
Stars explode across his vision as Tim takes a punch he genuinely wasn’t expecting. He stares up at the blue sky for about half a second, more confused than anything else, before the gunman grabs him by the front of his shirt and hauls him up to shout in his face.
“What’s it gonna be, pretty boy?!”
Caught on the exhausted edge between vigilante training and the preservation of his identity, Tim is frozen. He doesn’t know what to do. He kind of wants to cry.
“Gee, Donny, what is it gonna be?” A fourth voice says, full of false cheer.
Tim blinks. So do the muggers. 
He knows that voice.
“Who the fuck—?” The gunman drops Tim, spinning around and into a fist. He tumbles down to the ground, out cold.
Everything happens pretty quickly after that.
Jason Todd is in civvies. He’s sporting a worn out looking hoodie and a pair of jeans that have seen better days. But his heavy boots are the same ones he wears for his uniform, and the kick he delivers to Johnny’s face is all Red Hood.
Almost in a daze, Tim watches him fight with the usual mix of seething envy and raw desire that rears its ugly head any time he gets to see Jason in action. He’s fast, decisive. Efficient. Beautiful. Tim wishes he had Jason’s skill. And he wishes— 
Well. He wishes a lot of things about Jason Todd.
Tim is pretty sure he and Jason are friends. Maybe. Probably. They’ve pretty much moved past the whole “replacement”, “zombie-dickhead” part of their relationship and have graduated to occasionally providing backup on ops that overlap in each other’s sectors, ganging up on Dick when they��re all in the same room, and maintaining a surprisingly steady stream of vigilante gossip to keep each other in the loop. 
So, ok, yes, due to the aforementioned, he’s pretty sure they’re friends. And also because Jason wouldn’t have stuck his neck out for him otherwise. He would have just let him get mugged.
Watching Jason fight is one of Tim’s favorite pastimes. But right now, Tim’s usual appreciation is soured by the gut-roiling embarrassment of being caught in this position by Jason of all people. His eyes itch. His cheek throbs. He’s so fucking tired.
“Hey, little stalker,” Jason says suddenly, holding out an expectant hand in Tim’s face. The muggers are groaning on the ground around them. Tim isn’t sure when that happened. He might have zoned out. “Did you know that you had a stalker for a change?”
Tim flushes. “I resent that. I haven’t stalked anyone in years.” He takes the hand. It’s warm, and calloused, and big around his.
Jason laughs at him and yanks him to his feet. “Liar.”
Tim’s mouth twists into a scowl. He tries to glare at Jason, but he can feel himself swaying and Jason still hasn’t let go of him, and it’s ruining everything.
Also, lowkey, Jason is right. But in his defense, it is literally their job to stalk people, so.
“I haven’t stalked you in years then. Just other guys. Bad guys. Not non-bad guys. Fuck. You know what I mean. Whatever.” He pauses; recalibrates. “Had?” He asks.
Jason’s eyebrows inched higher and higher the longer Tim talked. Tim doesn’t blame him.
“Yeah. Had.” 
So much for the League, Tim muses.
Jason gives him a once over before tugging decisively on Tim’s wrist, easily grabbing the handle of his suitcase and starting to walk with both in tow, to Tim’s rising horror. 
“You’re coming with me, shortstack. What’s wrong with you? Are you drunk? You look like shit.”
Tim tries to yank his wrist out of Jason’s grip, but the asshole doesn’t budge. “I’m not drunk,” Tim snaps. “I’m fine. I’m just. I’m just… really tired.”
Jason stops abruptly, and Tim stumbles into his shoulder.
“I can see that,” he says, steadying Tim with an amused but ultimately sympathetic look. He loads Tim’s suitcase onto the back of a motorcycle that Tim literally just now noticed. 
God, he’s fucked. And not even in a fun way. 
“C’mon,” Jason says. “Don’t fall asleep on the way over— road rash sucks ass.”
They don’t talk on the way to— wherever Jason is taking them, but once they’re parked in a random garage and walking towards the elevators, the game of twenty questions begins.
“So why’ve you got League assassins after you, anyway? Piss in a lazarus pit? Push over the baby brat on the playground?”
“Ra’s al Ghul wants my body,” Tim says, dejected but resigned to this bizarre fact of his life. “Since I was seventeen, I’m pretty sure.”
Jason wrinkles his nose. “Ew.”
“I don’t think it’s a sex thing? But it could also be a sex thing.”
“Again. Fucking ew.”
“Yeah. Also I blew up a bunch of his shit and I think he’s still salty I got away with it.”
“Is that why you weren’t at the Manor?” Jason asks, herding Tim out of the elevator and down a long hallway. “Or anywhere but a random street in Crime Alley?”
Tim nods. “Yeah. They found all my safehouses, but— my mess. My problem.”
Jason thwacks him upside the head.
“Ow! What the fuck?”
“You’re the dumbest person on the planet.”
“Am not. B is on-planet right now.”
“Then you’re pretty fucking close,” Jason snarks, fishing out some keys and opening one of the apartment doors.
Tim scoffs at him as he’s pushed inside. “Oh, please. Don’t try to tell me you would let Dick swoop in and solve all your problems for you.”
Jason rolls his eyes, stepping into the side kitchen and popping open the freezer door of the fridge.
“Dickiebird can’t even solve his own problems,” he says as he rummages. “But maybe when I’m fucked up enough to let three nobodies robbing a fucking bodega get the jump on me, that’s a sign that, maybe, it might be time to call in the cavalry. Dick isn’t the only person who’s got your back.” He presses an ice pack to Tim’s face until he takes it himself, and keeps steering him through the apartment. “Just saying.”
Tim would protest with all of his very good reasons why Jason is definitely wrong here, but he’s too busy processing the fact that Jason has led him into a bedroom. With a bed. There’s a bed, with a mattress and pillows and blankets. Right there. Tim stares at it with lustful eyes.
Jason catches him staring. He rolls his eyes, but he’s sporting a small smile that Tim has the presence of mind to memorize. He walks over to a dresser and pulls out a big shirt and a pair of shorts that he hands to Tim.
“Look. If you don’t know where to go, you can always come here. No guarantees I’ll be always around, but, yeah. Mi casa es su casa, or whatever.”
Tim eyes him up, clutching the bundle of Jason-smelling fabric in his hands. “And you’d do that for me because…why, exactly?”
Jason flicks his forehead, a stinging reprimand. Tim hisses.
“Because, dumbass, you need help and I feel like it. And you don’t actually suck to be around, so shut up and be grateful.”
“Oh, yes,” Tim deadpans, rubbing at his forehead. “So grateful to be allowed the privilege of squatting with you.”
The thing of it is, Tim is grateful. But Jason doesn’t need to know that.
Jason squawks, and before Tim can duck, he’s snatched Tim around the neck in a headlock. His arm is thick and doesn’t budge no matter how Tim shoves and kicks. The ice pack and the clothes go flying, and Tim just about dies. Jason is warm.
“Brat!” Jason crows, not giving an inch. “I paid for this place fair and square— you’re the only squatter here!”
“Blood money doesn’t count as square!”
“Tell that to half of Gotham, kid.”
“I’m trying to, thanks for noticing,” Tim says, finally wrenching himself free of Jason’s grip, stumbling into the bed and giving into its siren song. He sits down heavily on the edge, toppling over sideways and reaching pathetically for the fallen ice pack that’s just out of his reach.
“And don’t call me kid—” he complains, muffled by the pillow. It also smells like Jason. “You’re barely two years older than me.”
The cold ice pack is pressed into his fingers. He cracks an eye open to look, but Jason is just smirking at him, like he’s giving Tim the win. Ass.
“Coulda fooled me, shortstack.”
Tim rolls his eyes, and onto his back, toeing off his shoes and letting them clatter to the floor. He can’t tell if Jason’s bed is the best bed in the world, or if he’s just deliriously inventing things.
Frankly, Jason Todd’s bed is the last place he ever thought he’d end up, this morning or otherwise, so he’s never bothered to speculate. He does not have a contingency plan for this.
“Is there a reason you keep calling me short,” he complains, “Or will I just need to fill in the blanks myself?”
“Can’t help it. You’re just so small,” Jason coos. Tim props himself up on an elbow at that, raising a disgusted eyebrow.
“You don’t hear me constantly talking about how big you are.” 
Jason grins like he just won the lottery; Tim shuts his eyes the second it’s out of his mouth.
“Baby, you don’t know how big I am.”
He does, actually. Not in a creepy stalker way, just— there was this one time. A big rogue breakout at Arkham, all-hands on deck type of situation; Tim, Cass, and Jason were covering Poison Ivy in the park. Acid-spitting pitcher plants were involved.
And look, Jason’s tactical gear is fine in the day to day, but it’s not like any of them had time to prep a neutralizing agent, so when Jason needed his pants off, stat…uh. Well. Tim was right there.
He knows, okay?
“Alright,” he rallies, trying desperately not to replay the memory of Jason adjusting himself through his boxers. All of himself. “I walked right into that one.”
“Oh, trust me. You’ll know if you’ve walked into it.”
Tim scoffs, but he can feel how red his face is.
And the thing is. He says it without really meaning to. 
But he still means it.
“You gonna put your money where your mouth is, big guy?”
The change is immediate. Jason had been halfway out the door, but now he turns to Tim, giving him his full, undivided attention. He looks at Tim, laid out in Jason's bed, giving him a very slow once over. The scrutiny is at once nerve-wracking and thrilling.
“Thought you didn’t want my money,” Jason murmurs.
The temperature in the room spikes. If it weren’t for the slow throb of his bruised cheek, Tim would think that he’s already asleep and dreaming.
But he isn’t. He’s very much aware that he’s wide awake.
Tim swallows. “Well. It’s not your money I want.”
Jason’s grin is electric. 
He stalks over to the bed, and Tim is frozen like a rabbit, waiting to see what he’ll do next. Jason settles a knee on the sheets between Tim’s legs, looming over Tim and boxing him in against the mattress. Tim’s free hand reaches up of its own accord to tangle in the collar of Jason’s hoodie, and the cotton is softer than he expected.
Jason’s eyes rove over his face, dark and heavy. He catches Tim’s face in his hand, swiping his thumb lightly across the bruising hot ache of his cheekbone. He leans in deliberate and slow and—
—and stops about an inch away from Tim’s mouth.
“Get some sleep, babybird,” Jason teases, his breath puffing gently over the skin of Tim’s lips. “You can proposition me again tomorrow.”
“It’s, like, 3:30 in the afternoon,” Tim argues, breathless.
“Yeah, and your body thinks it’s 3:30 in the morning. You’re dead on your feet. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, and go the fuck to sleep.”
Jason moves to rise. But Tim hooks a stubborn arm around his neck and pulls him down that last remaining inch. 
The kiss is— bad. At first. 
Tim basically smashed their mouths together to prove a point, and Jason muffles a surprised sound against Tim’s teeth. He lands heavily on top of Tim at an awkward angle, and he’s kind of crushing him. Tim refuses to let go, but— Jason doesn’t pull away.
Jason gentles the kiss instead, and Tim thrills. He levers himself up onto his elbow, wrapping an anchoring arm around Tim’s back. He finds a home between Tim’s legs, and he lets Tim kiss him until Tim's lips are tingling and his fingers go slack; until he can’t keep his eyes open anymore.
Somewhere between fifteen minutes and a small eternity later, Jason presses one more kiss to the corner of his mouth. He curls around Tim on his side, and Tim turns his face into Jason’s neck with a soft wondering sigh.
“I’ll keep it. Promise. Wait n’ see,” Tim mumbles. Jason snorts, but doesn’t budge, and Tim can hear his smile in his voice, lilted and lulling.
“Sure, babybird. I’ll wait. I got nowhere else to be.”
Tim is already asleep.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Can we get ex-barracksbunny Simon from your TikTok to finally give Johnny that one chance to treat him so good?
It would be criminal to not answer this lmao. In my brain, this is og soapghost but y’all can view it how you want
Ghost sighed softly as Soap started up again. 
“Come on, LT. Bet I can treat you better than anyone else.” Soap sounded so confident. Ghost was well aware the only reason he kept pushing is because Ghost hadn’t actually said no. If he did, Soap would stop. 
“Don’t think you can MacTavish.”
“You two aren’t on a private line.” Gaz cut in. “Just thought I’d say that.”
“Fuck off, Gaz. Simon, you could at least check for yerself?”
Ghost could hear Price taking a deep breath to scold Soap on how what he was doing was borderline sexual harassment. 
“Alright. You act good on this mission, I’ll give you a chance.” 
Price started coughing, choking on his words.
Soap very slowly, accent thick as honey, “What sir?”
“Don’t get coy now. We’ll talk later. But only if this mission is handled well with no injuries.”
Soap was a goddamn angel. Every order executed with precision. 
Price looked so mad about it. 
After their debrief, Ghost went to his room, planning on a shower. He noticed his shadow quickly.
“Johnny. You’re taking me to dinner first. Tomorrow.  Unfortunately for you, I’ve gotten slightly higher standards.”
“I get to have dinner with you?” Soap followed him, looking at him like he hung the stars. Ghost rolled his eyes.
“Johnny, I’m already going to sleep with you. Now fuck off.” He hit the back of his head. “I’m going to get cleaned up.”
“Will you be taking the mask off?”
“You’ll find out.” Ghost closed the door. 
In all honesty, Johnny’s simp behavior had zero to do with Ghost saying yes. It had been four years since he got laid. After getting captured and... everything that came with it, he just hadn’t wanted to.
His therapist had suggested two days ago that he was touch starved. Normally, he’d brush it off as dumb as hell, but he matched all the symptoms. He was pretty sure she hadn’t meant have sex with the nearest person, but casual touch didn’t seem like enough. 
In his past, he slept around a bunch. It had felt nice. Gave him connection. Was a lot easier than trying to fumble through conversation. 
Who knows. Maybe Soap would be good. At the very least, they’d be pressed against each other for a few minutes. Hopefully Soap had some stamina. 
He texted him. “Dress up nice and pick the place.”
“You got it, LT. Just keep looking pretty.”
Ghost did dress up nice though. As nice as he could. Plain black shirt, nicer black trousers, his ski mask. 
Soap had flowers when he opened the door. Carnations. 
Ghost stared at them for a second before taking them and setting them on his desk. “Thank you.” 
Soap smiled at him and walked with him, immediately talking like it was any other day. Ghost was actually pretty thankful for it, even though he didn’t admit. They were pretending they were just hanging out. Like normal. 
Soap had picked a pretty nice place, catching Ghost off guard. “One check, please.” He told them ahead of time. Ghost tilted his head but let it go.
“So why did you want to have dinner first? Not that I’m complaining.” Soap said the second part quickly, hands going up.
“I didn’t want it to feel like a cheap one night stand afterwards.” Ghost glanced at him. “I have to work with you. I’d like to be able to pretend I respect you in the morning.” He was teasing, moving closer. “Do you mind that much?”
“No. I like that I’m getting to spend time with you.” Soap smiled at him. 
Simon felt stupid butterflies in his stomach. He squashed them. 
When the food came, he lifted his mask up only slightly. Soap openly stared at him. His eyes traced every feature he could see. 
Ghost started eating a bit quicker. He didn’t normally like being observed but something about the way Soap stared at him made him feel particularly weak. 
Soap smiled softly at him and they kept talking. 
It wasn’t until much later that Soap made a comment about the thing. 
“So... You really let them call you Pretty Boy Riley?”
Ghost blushed and unfortunately Soap could see it this time. “Yes. I did for a while... When I first joined the military, it was my first time away from my family. It was... I had never really got a chance to be out and then suddenly I was not only out but surrounded by a bunch of men who were interested. It’s why I slept around so much.”
Soap smiled at him, seeming genuinely interested. “Makes sense. I came out in secondary school. It was a bit different then.”
Ghost hummed. “Hard to imagine you as a teen.”
“I was a football player too. If you can imagine.” Soap laughed, taking another drink. They’d both went nonalcoholic for today. Probably a smart choice. “I bet you were a theater kid.”
“Nope. In a band.” Ghost laughed. “I was the bassist.” 
“No fucking way. Still play?”
“Haven’t tried it in years, but I could always try to pick up again.” It had been fun. “We were awful before you ask. My brother was the singer. He had my dad’s voice.” 
“Wasn’t your dad in a band?”
“As a drummer.” 
Soap laughed immediately and paid. He drove them since he “didn’t trust Ghost behind the wheel” for some reason. Ghost didn’t really like driving so he rolled with it, enjoying getting to sit passenger. 
Soap’s hand fell on his thighs and he stared, a little taken back. Ghost was ushered into Soap’s room. 
He expected there to be an awkward pause. For Soap to realize what he was doing, but then he was lifting Ghost’s masks up to just above his nose and kissing him hard. His hands were on Ghost’s hips, backing him up. 
“Simon. Can I take the mask off?”
His mouth was too dry to form words so he just nodded. Soap pulled it off of him. 
“I see why they called you pretty.”
“I’m sure the scars are pretty ghastly. Try not to look at them myself.” 
“Still a bonnie even with them, Si. Always will be.” Soap pressed his hands against his chest and Ghost fell willingly, hitting the bed. Luckily it was one of the nicer ones. 
Soap’s mouth was on his neck before he could really think, pinning him down. 
“Told you, Lt. Best you’ve ever had.”
“Cocky.” Ghost spat out but it ended up more of a whine thanks to Soap tugging his hair. They undressed each other in record timing and Soap just wouldn’t stop kissing him, holding his face with his hands running all over him. 
Soap pulled away. “Are you okay if I...” His hands slid between Ghost’s thighs, being... gentle.
Ghost stared at him, finding it a little hard to breath. “Yes. Keep going.” 
Soap nodded and reached under his pillows to grab a bottle of lube. It was half empty and Ghost shoved down any feelings that gave him. He watched him coat his fingers before gently pushing his first finger into him.
“Fuck, you’re tight.”
“Been a while.” Ghost hummed, feeling his face flush. “Should’ve prepped beforehand...” 
“Nah, I like this part.” Soap grinned at him and started to kiss along his jaw. “I’ll return the favor later, yeah?”
“Who says we’re doing this again?” 
“I’m sure you can handle a couple of rounds tonight, right?” Soap kissed him and Ghost relaxed, letting him fit another. The stretch was... fuck it was great. Their chests were pressed together and all he could think about was how warm Soap was. 
Ghost groaned at the third one and he felt Soap’s tongue lick its way into his mouth. He grabbed the headboard, panting.
“Okay, enough. Come on, show me a good time, Sergeant.”
“That an order?” Soap teased as he pulled away. He was still being gentle as he moved him around, lining up. He reached up and grabbed Ghost’s hand. “Just squeeze if you need a break, okay?”
Ghost nodded, though he thought it was a bit silly, and held his hand tighter. Soap leaned over him so their lips were almost touching as he pushed in. 
Ghost groaned before whimpering. Soap paused, looking stunned he managed to get that sound out of him.
“I swear to God Johnny, keep moving.” 
Soap immediately started to push in again as he marked up Ghost’s neck and his shoulders. “How did you hide the hickeys?”
“Never let them make them. You’re special.” Ghost grabbed Soap’s hair and tugged him back down when he went to pull away. “Keep making them.” 
Soap bit him hard and thrust into him, Ghost scrambling at his shoulders with his free hand. He adjusted them slightly and slammed into again, making Ghost whine. Ghost was just about to say some sharp retort when Soap found it, hitting his sweet spot hard. 
Ghost saw stars, moaning softly. He squeezed Soap’s hand hard to ground himself and almost beat the man when he paused.
Soap didn’t need anymore than that. He started to thrust in hard, hitting the spot over and over again. Ghost’s legs went around his hips as he moved, kissing Ghost every chance he got. 
“I got you Simon. What do you need?”
“Just keep doing this.” Simon bit Johnny’s lower lip and made eye contact with him. His hips continued to snap right into Ghost’s who was loving the treatment. Soap’s chest was also very nice to stare at and he got to run his hand over it, feeling the hard muscles under soft skin.
Before long, Ghost couldn’t seem to shut up. Moaning and whimpering as Soap hit that spot over and over again. He kept his eyes closed and felt his legs start to shake. A pressure was building his core and he knew he was going to have to take Soap up on the multiple rounds because he didn’t want this to end yet. 
Soap noticed. No clue how, but the fucker knew and he sped up. His hand bruised Ghost’s hips and he purred when Ghost scratched down his back. It was all so much. Too much. The skin to skin contact made him feel half insane already. 
Ghost pulled him down for a kiss and came, squeezing Soap’s hands so hard he thought he’d hurt him. He shuddered and buried his face in Soap’s neck, feeling warmth spread through him as Soap came too.
“Sorry, i should’ve worn a condom or asked or..” Ghost shut him up by kissing him. 
“Not the best but you’re up there. Your technique needs work.” Ghost flopped back. “You’re a quick learner. I’m sure you can figure it out with experience.”
“Experience? So we are doing this again.”
“If you want...”
“Knew you like me LT.” 
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