#harry watson asks
mrs-hudsons-blog · 1 year
hello Mrs. H.,
John will come home on Wednesday and i wanted to surprise him and pick him up from the airport. would you like to join me and maybe bring Rosie... and maybe even Sherlock? i bet John would be delighted to see them....us.
I already arranged a car, thanks to @twireneadler . let me know! 🤞🏻
Oh, Harry! What a lovely idea!
I am sure John would like that, too.
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I... Cannot stop
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ask-spiderpool · 2 years
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stephgingrichs · 7 months
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therealharrywatson · 11 days
Come have dinner at our place later?
not really in the mood tbh, but i guess it's good to get out of the house. you want me to bring something?
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drempen · 1 year
Can you draw Peter Parker, Harry and MJ talking during classes?🥺🥺🥺
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Tried to go for sort of a 60s vibe with this one
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wulfhalls · 2 days
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guy ritchie should kill himself???? wtf do u meannnnn he's making a shit new sherlock show?????? WHERE IS SHERLOCK HOLMES PART III ITS BEEN A LICHERAL DECADE. EVEN MORE THAN A DECADE REALLY???? WTF IS UR PROBLEM GOOD GOD
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bewitched-bullet · 3 months
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Here, have my courage. 🖕🏻It's so obvious that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! John was never abusive or told other characters what to do or how to do play their characters. Your intuition is useless. He was and is always encouraging (which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared (such a shit move to share private messages btw.)- "just join in and do your thing, you'll be fine"- that's all that was asked. You could not be more wrong, even if you tried to.
The issue was between Sherlock and John and you are creating drama where there is none. It's great that you tagged your post with #mental abuse and #emotional abuse because that is EXACTLY what you are doing right now.
Let me ask you something? What are you trying to achieve? Bashing the rp because we are not organised? Because we are trying to have fun? Wow, the entitlement. 🙄 We are doing this for fun and nothing else and you are draining the fun out of it with insane accusations and the most ridiculous 'investigation'.
None of us is scared to speak out, certainly not of John because he couldn't be nicer.
And you are always talking about 'evidence'? What evidence? I have not seen a single screenshot the proves any of your claims. Get a life and let us have our fun.
And don't give me your 'oh, you are so brave for speaking out'. Or the 'oh, I see you have big feeling about this.' Every time someone speaks out in favour of John you ridicule them. You are biased. You have no morals.
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Good of you to drop the anon asks and post Un-anonymously.
A word to all of the community before I begin.
Despite their foul attitude and spicy vibe, I will request that none of you harass this mods account.
It's personally not my style or mode in which I move in this world. And I would be unhappy to hear someone did so in my name mistakenly believing I would sanction such an action.
Soooooooo....Harriett mod, you ARE feeling some big feels about this, whether or not you want to recognize it. It's very plain in the way and how you are using your words.
Oh, my!
You just now confirmed that the John mod and the Mycroft mod are one and the same!
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"John [the mod that plays him] was never abusive or told other characters [mods] what to do or how to play their characters. [Redacted] He [John mod] was and is always encouraging. (Which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared...
Which was also obvious in the screenshots Lestrade mod shared...
Cat's outta the bag now!
And you doubted my intuition. Glad we got some facts and proof to support my lizard brain.
So many things that can be said about all the...deflection, projection, etc but...I'll let your own words here and elsewhere speak for you.
Oh, yeah, of course I'm biased against fishy situations and those that bully. Biased for victims, children, animals, and old folks.
Also, an anon called me out on getting to into my feels and biases and I agreed with them.
As for morals? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL of course my morals will not match yours.
What do morals mean to you?
This is my definition: a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
My morals are my own. I make them for me, myself, and I. It just so happens that a few of my personal morals are shared with the general public.
Anywho, thank you for the energy you put into this. It was delicious.
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sirwolficus · 1 year
I'm guessing when Peter and MJ get together that Harry will be stuck as the third wheel
you underestimate harry and peter's years-long bromance
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for every date peter has to raincheck, half the time its because its time for Boys Night
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topsyturvy-turtely · 5 months
thanks for the awesome party. i hope you liked your present.
and whoops, sorry for falling asleep so early (again, damn), but i had a few bad nights and i found out the hard way that it's not that easy to stay awake when you're not sloshed. (this was my first real party since... you know)
and happy birthday, again!
omg thank you so much for coming over! and i love the present! thank you so much!
oh lots of people went to bed right after you, it is totally cool. i had a great time (even though my headache made it a bit tough... it is back now and honestly?! i just wanna sleep but now family is here and i can't...)
i just wanted to say 'you too', but i suppose it's not your birthday is it? xD (man this headache is bad)
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tavtiers · 4 months
gbhfjfwejske I feel bad asking this bc your list is so long and I already asked for the Witch of Breath analysis but you do such good analyses so could you maybe add Knight of Heart to that list? ^^" sorry,,
The Knight of Heart [symbols: shield, heart]
The Knight class has its basis in the classic knight from Arthurian legend. An example would be Lancelot.
The Heart aspect’s main theme is instinct. You can find its official description here.
A Knight of Heart is among those who use the individual’s impact. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Knight, Page, Thief, and Rogue of Heart/Mind. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that use the Heart/Mind dichotomy (the individual’s impact). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Knight of Heart actively utilizes the Heart aspect. Active classes tell themselves what to do and do so for their own benefit. They are more likely to stand up for themselves, but more likely to be cruel. Knights and Pages use their aspect and everything it symbolizes as a tool. Simplified, the Knight of Heart is motivated by themselves to utilize instinct.
In personality, the Knight of Heart puts on a front to hide an insecurity and is invested in self discovery. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Defender Free Spirit, defined by guarded instinct. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Page of Mind, who passively utilizes intuition.
Their inverse is the Rogue of Mind, who passively steals intuition.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Knight of Heart begins life motivated by others to steal intuition. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead utilizing instinct for themselves. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to utilize the Heart aspect actively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Rogue of Doom, the Free Spirit Defender.
The Knight of Heart would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Haze [Knight] and Heart [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Dragon-fire and Roses. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) or Yaldabaoth (Trapper of Souls). Other Heart aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Knight of Heart completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of ladybugs (symbols of love). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Knights of Heart are: Cassandra Pentaghast from Dragon Age, John Watson from BBC Sherlock, Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter, and Prince Charming from Once Upon a Time.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions
Personality Descriptions
Aspect Denizens
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ask-spiderpool · 2 years
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kitausuret · 2 years
Who gets a little too invested in board games? for the coffee bean polycule
Okay, so we've got Gwen, Peter, Flash, MJ, Harry:
Peter: would get invested but he will always have to bail and his brain is always on fifteen million things at once so he gets distracted and and is just waiting for his spider-sense to start going off like an alarm. Would otherwise be weirdly competitive.
Gwen: Starts off cheery and excited to play, eventually gets really fucking mean. She is ruthless as fuck. When people say "this game will destroy your friendships" they are talking about when you play with someone like her. Usually wins.
MJ: Is shameless about schmoozing while playing a game to try and get someone to go easy on her or practically team-up. Ultimately though she's not too concerned about winning though - the sooner she gets eliminated the sooner she can get another drink and watch everyone else.
Flash: Has accepted he's bad at board games and is usually first or second out, around the same point as MJ. He would probably be more competitive or easily agitated if Peter stuck around for more than twenty minutes though. Was once called a "moron" during a game though and then he didn't play anything for like a year calling it "for nerds" (but really he just had hurt feelings).
Harry: Is actually pretty good at board games but prefers if he can team up with someone. Doesn't take them too too seriously but, like most things, will kind of follow the crowd on how people are reacting to the situation. Is also the de facto "hey guys let's cool down" guy, especially when Gwen starts getting really heated and she's about three moves away from leaping over the table to strangle Flash. Shoots MJ glares every time she tries to incite violence in the aforementioned Gwen Stacy. Tries not to be too disappointed every time Peter bails but he is, he is VERY sad.
Ask me questions about my ships!
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therealharrywatson · 3 months
Please show us the cake!!
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half of it is gone now. 🥲
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missamyshay · 8 months
16 “we shouldn’t be doing this. not here.”
“Peter,” MJ laughs breathily, trying to sound as serious as she can despite the fact that Peter’s lips are still attached to her neck, “we shouldn’t be doing this, not here.”
“He’s asleep,” Peter whispers, “and besides, we’re not even doing anything…yet.”
“Definitely not asleep,” Harry calls, a voice coming from the lump under the sheets in the twin bed across the room, “you two can go ahead though, I’ll be quiet as a mouse, you won’t even know I’m here.”
“Your roommate is really weird,” MJ whispers to Peter in the darkness after a beat of silence.
“I know,” Harry says contently, which makes Peter laugh, dropping his head down to rest on MJ’s chest just above the ESU logo on the shirt she stole from his closet.
Five Sentence Prompts!
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sirwolficus · 1 year
i dont know if you are still doing your spider-man au but i love it so much i found it again and it inspired me to revisit my au, if you want to hear about my au just tell me. how did mj find out peter was spider-man?
from the man himself
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