#happy birthday Mari u get a funny hat
shandzii · 1 year
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OC birthday lol
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 14
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obsetress: viola
em: holy shit
em: i think viola could hold a truly ridiculous number of things in her hands
em: danis like i have a little fanny pack right here- and violas like (turns up nose) absolutely not
obsetress: pre therapy viola during her relationship w dani: buys dani a birkin too, is like "here baby, so you don't have to use that fanny pack"
obsetress: dani's like "oh. i, um. like my fanny pack"
obsetress: viola therapy era after her relationship with dani: buys her a hermes fanny pack instead
obsetress: jamie rolls her eyes but dani is literally
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em: i think a lot abt viola offering solutions completely unprompted n then being really offended when ppl dont take her up on it
em: pre therapy obvs
obsetress: SAME
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obsetress: oh link is gross
obsetress: cost is grosser
obsetress: but viola lloyd dropping $2550 on a fanny pack for her ex gf? chefs kiss
obsetress: ok just remembered viola slouching or leaning or w/e n like
obsetress: brain practically applying that to exes au and imagining when and where she'd slouch n everyone's reactions to htat
obsetress: bc like she has perfect posture but when she chooses to do it it's a power move
obsetress: and i. hm
em: yeah
obsetress: viola sitting up stock straight when they first get to brunch and as soon as she's ordered her bloody mary shes pulling off her sunglasses and dropping them on the table and just sinking back
em: how to phrase this w/o sounding too much like a whore
em: actually no way to say this but like i feel v strongly abt the way we make women take up less space wrt to knees together calves touching type deal and i think maybe
em: maybe viola can manspread a bit as a treat
em: hate that term but i cant think of a better one
obsetress: nah she does n it's hot
obsetress: just had this image pre divorce of viola and arthur at marriage counseling on opp ends of the couch n arthur's sitting v tight close and vi is just
obsetress: leaning and spreading a lil
obsetress: the first time jamie sees her do it she's so taken aback
obsetress: because she's NOT expecting it
em: jamies like ah ok late in life lesbian deal and then jokes on her viola is fluent in dyke slouch
obsetress: jamie immediately trying to suss out just how long viola has been fucking women
obsetress: she says to dani later "i thought she was all proper like" and dani's like "she is" and jamie's like "so wot was that then" and dani's like "well, people are gay, jamie,"
em: ghfjhgljkJFDASJKKJFGA
em: jamies like so wait how long HAS viola been
obsetress: jamie: so you were vi's first serious girlfriend right? dani: dani: jamie: right???????
em: violas been fucking women longer than jamie has lbr
em: i mean shes clearly only 35, jamie,
obsetress: jamie: so... vi... viola: hm? jamie: you're, uh, gay, right? viola: obviously jamie: right. well dani told me you've been dating women since–– viola: since i was 15, yes jamie: but you married a man
em: violas like u went to jail everyone does stupid shit occasionally
em: jamie: so how long have you been dating women viola: since i was 15 jamie: no i meant like. in years viola raises her eyebrows and jamies just like haha nevermind fuck
obsetress: she tried!
obsetress: she tried
em: jamie on her 35th birthday pencilling 'many happy returns' into violas ????th 35th birthday card
em: yknow i think
em: i think something's afoot
obsetress: jamie, giving up on the direct approach
obsetress: slipping in next to rebecca at the wine bar
obsetress: "becca"
obsetress: "hi, jamie" "hi. how old is your girlfriend"
em: am fucking losing it thinking abt jamie like. realising how much gay energy viola has
em: like taken ABACK
obsetress: fksljfLKSDJFLJ
obsetress: just like
obsetress: why are jamies reactions to viola so funny
obsetress: montage of jamie realizing how much gay energy viola has
obsetress: jamie watching viola sitting
obsetress: jamie watching viola pick up a variety of glasses and mugs
obsetress: jamie watching viola compare hand sizes with dani, jamie's girlfriend and viola's ex girlfriend who she dated for literal years and whose hand size she definitely already knows
em: they go for a walk and viola immediately complains about the sun and jamie's like
em: i have a spare hat but ur not gonna like it
em: its a snapback that says daddy or smthn in gold, owen got it for jamie for her bday, jamie Loathes it
obsetress: BYE
obsetress: viola looks better in it than jamie does
em: jamie has that
em: am i attracted to viola? moment
em: it passses
em: she has already compartmentalised the weird psychosexual power play
em: queen of compartmentalising
obsetress: jamie: had another one of those moments today dani: what moments? jamie: where i thought i might be attracted to vi dani: well, you did let her fuck you... what was it, four? times in one night, so
em: jamie; yeah but like that aside
em: jamie 'thats neither here nor there' taylor
obsetress: she is the queen of compartmentalizing tho
em: i was gonna be like. 'jamies like wait i dont remember saying four' but. i think she would tell dani
em: because the flip of that is dani callin up vi n i dont think she would necessarily
obsetress: i think she would and dani would make her anyway
obsetress: well make her is harsh but
obsetress: dani would very curiously ask in very convincing ways
em: lovingly coax it out of her
em: dani: what if i fucked you four times in o
obsetress: dani: let me do five
em: viola probably wears so many rings jamie doesn’t even clock the ever present thumb ring
obsetress: jamie just. writes it all off
em: am laughing abt like. viola v meticulously taking off every single ring and putting it in its proper location before...
obsetress: there is something. so hot about that
obsetress: im gonna scream i think
em: i was just meming and now im thinking abt it and
em: truly played myself
em: actually this is me refusing to unpack whatever the hell theo crain gloves made me feel
obsetress: sdkfmsldjfa
obsetress: fair
em: sublimate it into rings
obsetress: i just like um
obsetress: thinkin about when she and dani are together and like
obsetress: it's intentional and everything has its place but vi also makes a show out of it
obsetress: and like
obsetress: she's SO painstaking about it and definitely makes dani wait a little bit and
em: helps dani outta her big ass earrings
em: i mean dani doesnt even Need the help
em: viola meticulous lloyd
em: i mean she just wears so much goddamn jewellry
obsetress: she can tell when dani's getting impatient and goes even slower
em: viola has like
em: viola is one of thos ppl thats really into expensive watches
obsetress: !!!!!!
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: nice lil canon nod too
em: she drags dani to antique auctions n danis like i cant. actually tell the difference between the real and the forgery and violas like (passionately explains it for like 30 minutes) and dani is
em: like shes mentally checked out but also v intensely watching violas hands as she points to the parts of the watch
em: rebecca gets it tho
em: rebecca Gets It
obsetress: dani shoving vi into the bathroom at the auction house and tugging vi's hand between her legs v rebecca grabbing her own auction paddle and bidding against viola for the same watch
obsetress: (rebecca n vi fuck in the car on the ride home)
em: dani grabs a paddle n mimes spanking viola n then the auctioneer is like '$250 to 201' and danis like aw Fcuk
em: violas like i cant take u Anywhere
obsetress: dani gives her the 🥺😌and viola's immediately over it and pulling out $250
obsetress: dani: i didn't even want it, i was just–– vi: i know dani: what am i even gonna do with a–– vi: i'll sell it for $500 at a private auction next week dani: so technically i'm making you money dani, grinning: it's like i'm your employee dani: do you have any more assignments for me, boss? vi: dani get your hand out of my pocket i need to focu––
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roxybefab · 4 years
The Ink Artist
The art classroom was quiet, the only sound heard was Riley’s even breathing and the sound of the ink covered pen she held.
Her animation was almost complete and many basic sketches of the two main characters littered the table she sat at. She was currently working on an idea for her next episode.
Her wavy chocolate brown locks were in a loose side braid.
She was about average height but still wore heeled brown boots to make her look a bit taller. Her body was what she considered ‘fluffy’, an excuse for her slightly chubby body.
She wore a baggy hooded plaid shirt, red and black, and black leggings underneath.
Her eyes, hazel and huge, were protected by a pair of big round glasses and her cheeks were rosy.
Her skin was beige (although it was hard to tell by the ink that covered her hands), similar to most hispanic people, and her lips, plump, were a gorgeous shade of pink.
The door opens and in comes Amanda Mary Drew, Riley’s best (and only) friend.
Mandy was a pretty and kind girl.
Like Riley, she was ‘fluffy’ and sported rosy cheeks.
Her skin was a bit lighter and she wore some fake glasses, which she claimed were repelling blue light, that made her look good and smart at the same time.
“H..Hey, Muh-muh...Mands!” the brunette’s face turned a light pink in embarrassment as she struggled to speak. She sighs and looks down to keep working on the outline.
Mandy smiles at her, a quiet ‘hey’ leaving her lips as she sat down beside her.
“So, you’re still working on these two goofs, huh?” Mandy picks up the paper, the two main characters from before on the paper.
Riley smiles and nods.
The names Candy and Charlie were in big letters and two children were on the page. Both looked to be made of candy, marshmallows, and sported crowns on their heads. The girl, Candy, and the boy, Charlie, both siblings. Mandy smiles back and puts the drawing back down.
“Hey, did you hear? Jeff killed someone else.” Riley perks up at the familiar name, her attention turning to the smaller female as she opens her bag and pulls out a newspaper. The words, ‘JEFF STRIKES AGAIN’ on the front. It showed a picture of a woman, crying, holding her child. The little boy had a grin cut into his face and you could see that he was stabbed multiple times. Riley smirks to herself, opening the paper and reading,
Jeff the Killer strikes again, murdering a twelve year old boy by the name of Allen. He was found in his bed, stabbed about twenty times and a smile carved into his face. Police haven’t found him quite yet and it is very obvious that they are getting frustrated with how this killer keeps escaping from them—
She sighs, handing it back to Mandy who takes it and shoves it in her bag.
“Hey, wanna g-go out and get suh-suh-something? Lunch starts i-i-in thirty muh-muh-minutes and I really whu-whu-want some Mcdonalds.” Riley suddenly asks, putting down her pen and getting up to stretch. She heard Mandy let out an ‘Okay.’ as she begins putting away her supplies.
“I’m home!” Riley groans in annoyance, turning up the volume of the tv. A cartoon was playing, Spongebob is what the brunette remembered it was called, and Riley couldn’t help but ignore her mother’s boyfriend when he walked in the room with a bag of chinese takeout.
“Hey, dude!” he exclaims once he sees her, a smile on his face as he sits next to her. She smiles at him, “Hey, Duh-Duh-Dylan” leaving her lips before she goes back to her drawing. She hears the crinkling of the plastic bag , the smell of orange chicken and chow mein hitting her as soon as she looks up at him with a questioning look on her face.
He was young, 34 from what Riley remembered, with dark fluffy hair and an average body. He was always around, more than Riley’s mom, and Riley couldn’t help but feel like he was her father. He smiles his huge, white smile at her as he started to put food on a plate.
“Your mom is gonna work late,” he hands her the plate, “So I decided we could hang out.”
“Yeah, t-th-that sounds c-cool.” she smiles, putting her sketchbook down as she starts to dig in.
“So, you still drawing in ink only?” he asks before taking a bite of his food. Riley nods, glancing down at the inked sketch from before.
“Maybe t-t-tomorrow I’ll c-c-color it?” Dylan laughs, making the teen lift a brow.
“What’s s-so fuh-funny?” She asks, slightly glaring at him.
“Kid, you always say that! Last week you said you’d color in the last one but you ended up not doing it.”
“Yeah, but that d-d-doesn’t mean I-I-I won’t th-th-this time!”
Riley remembered how she only colored her art when her dad was around. When he died she stopped adding color in anything. She remembered her dad, a tall and cheerful man who loved his family more than anything.
But things change.
An hour passed, it was now 10:30 of the night and Villainous was now playing on the tv.
Riley yawns, drawing in ink like always and glancing at her soon to be step father. He was watching the spanish cartoon intently, chuckling whenever Dr. Flug did something goofy.
The front door opens, footsteps sounding as they made their way to the living room.
“Oh, hey, love!” Her mother says, walking in and heading straight to Dylan to give him a kiss.
“Hey, Lori!” He chuckles when she grins at him before she glances at her daughter and sneers at her.
She still doesn’t forgive me..
Riley sighs, looking away from her mother and to the tv. Black Hat was advertising some kind of villain summer getaway.
Lori Lawrence hated her daughter. She didn’t hate her for no reason, no, she hated her because Riley’s father had died two years earlier in search of a perfect birthday gift for their wonderful talented daughter. They had gotten a phone call at 1 in the morning and apparently some guy hit him with his car after looking down at his phone. Lori had fallen into depression, not eating or sleeping. Whenever Riley went near her she’d scream and yell at her, telling her that it was her fault. That if she didn’t exist then he wouldn’t have left the house and he wouldn’t have gotten ran over.
And as she got better, she started to be gone. Longer than the day before. She had left, once, for a month. She never answered the phone when it was her daughter. Luckily for Riley, Dylan soon came into the picture. He had added some happiness in her life as well as Mandy.
“I’m going to b-bed.” she mutters, standing up and making her way to her room with her sketchbook in hand.
It wasn’t her fault that her dad wanted to make her happy.
But it still hurt the sixteen year old that her mom blamed her for her dad’s death.
That night Riley lay awake in her twin bed. This wasn’t the first time, she’s had insomnia since that fateful night. But she always ended up asleep by midnight.
She glances at her phone, the screen illuminating the room for a couple seconds as she reads the time. 3:13 it read, before turning off.
The sound of footsteps in the hall got her attention, shuffling and breathing passing her room. She knew it wasn’t her mother or Dylan, they were out at some bar getting drunk. With a shaky sigh, Riley pulled the duvet off of her and sat up, stretching a bit before making her way to her door.
The shuffling stopped as soon as she opened the door but she heard glass drop in the kitchen, and the ‘crunch’ of walking over the glass.
Taking in a deep breath, Riley quietly makes her way to the kitchen. There was part of a glass plate lying on the wooden floor, the other half smashed into bits all over the floor. No one was in the kitchen but once the young teen looked out the window her heart sped up and she felt the color drain from her face.
There was a tall man under a lamp post, all other light on the street gone other than the one that hit him. He wore a suit, and he wouldn’t have freaked Riley out much if she hadn’t noticed that he had no face. Tentacles came out of his back and he was ‘staring’ at Riley.
He tilted his head when she quickly clutched her chest, her heart beating fast and her throat closing from the fear.
The light quickly turns off, darkness taking over the street and he was gone.
Riley was too busy trying to control her breathing to realizes that she fell to her knees on top of the glass shards, her vision was getting blurry and she only heard static before she passed out.
“What’s w-wrong with y-you?”
Mandy jumps, the fluffy haired girl visibly deflating in relief when she sees the ink artist. Riley noticed her tear filled eyes and quickly hugs Mandy.
“What’s w-wrong?” Riley asks again, more quietly this time.
“My parents.. They.. Kicked me out..” Mandy burst into tears in her friend’s arms.
“You c-c-can stay w-w-with me i-i-if you’d like.” Riley said.
Mandy had really strict parents who usually made her do what they want. They had disowned one of Mandy’s older brothers just because he was bisexual so Riley didn’t really question why they would kick out Mandy.
“Are you sure? What about your mom and Dylan?” Mandy looked up at the brunette, “I don’t want to be a burden.” Riley smiles at her.
“Don’t worry about it, Mands. They’re buh-both guh-guh-gonna be gone f-fo-for a month to Hawaii. T-to make u-up the h-honeymoon the-they never had.” Riley rolls her eyes, slowly letting go of the shorter female, “My mom c-can’t s-say anything a-about it, she’s ne-never home anyways.”
“Okay, thank you so much,” Mandy smiles, her eyes were now puffy, “If it’s okay, can you drive me to your place then? My parents didn’t let me get any of my things..”
“Y-y-yeah! I’ll text you whu-what my car looks like.”
“What do you have after lunch again?” Mandy asks, putting her backpack on.
“I-I-I have a-a-art, dummy!” Riley giggled as Mandy facepalms.
“I’ll see you later then, Riles.” Mandy says, walking out the door.
“Hey, R-R-Riley!” Devin, the school douche says as she passes by her, shoving her to the side as he made his way to his seat. The art teacher walked in shortly after and started taking role. Then he began speaking about drawing something christmas themed because the finals were coming up.
She’s been drawing the creature she’s been seeing.
Tall man with no facial features, just a pale white face, and tentacles coming out of him.
She hasn’t stopped seeing him.
Three times now.
That’s how many times she’s seen the creature in the past two months.
The second time he had been standing on her front porch and she had noticed him through a window.
The third was at school, she was busy trying to finish her Lit Writ homework outside of class and had looked up to see him a couple yards away.
They always ended with her passing out.
And slowly Riley noticed some other things appearing.
Jeff the Killer had shown up in her room the night before.
But he didn’t kill her, no, he just stood at the foot of her bed and stared down at her. He had slowly made his way to stand next to her before he whispered the words, ‘Go to sleep’, gently tracing a smile on the younger girl’s lips and up to her cheeks before she passed out.
Riley looks down at her sketchbook, opening it up and adding more ink to the newest drawing.
She was drawing Jeff this time, just in ink, her emotions going through her and onto the page.
She sighed, glancing down at her hands that were covered in ink. The sticky dark substance was covering her arm, all the way up to her elbows.
Strange.. She thinks, staring at her arms before going back to the sketchbook.
“He said something christmas themed, you stuttering freak!” Mandy’s boyfriend slams his hand on her sketchbook, laughing at his own comment before he quickly throws her pens and sketchbook to the floor.
It’s going to be a long day.. Riley thinks, glaring at the male before picking up her supplies.
Two hours later, Riley and Mandy were in her home eating leftovers from the night before.
“Hey, why are your arms covered in ink?” Mandy asked the quiet girl, watching her inking a drawing that she recognized as Jeff the Killer.
“I-I don’t know. It won’t co-come off. I b-blame Devin and his fuh-fuh-friends. I have spanish with th-them and tha-that class always ha-ha-has me asleep by the e-end so..”
Mandy nods, watching Riley get up and walk to the living room.
It was lunch again, Riley was in the art room eating and drawing. The art teacher told her to try and get the project done so she decided to just do it at lunch. It’s been a month, the ink on her arms has only spread up her body, her legs and arms were dripping ink everywhere and she often spit out ink. She sighs, tugging the sleeves of her plaid shirt down more. Her mom had arrived two nights ago but left in the morning. Riley stares at the drawing, wanting to color it but deciding against it.
A yell made her whip her head up, her bangs covering an eye as she stared at the door. After a couple seconds and hearing another yell followed by laughter, she quickly got up and walked to the door.
Was that Mandy? Her only thought. Her heart beat sped up and she felt the ink dripping faster.
Taking a long and deep breath, Riley quietly opened the metal door. The sight made her angry, the sight of her best friend in pain making her hate Devin more than ever.
Her blood boiled at the sight of Devin lifting his hand to smack Mandy again, tears were streaming down her cheeks and Riley could see the red outlining of a handprint on Mandy’s cheek.
Devin’s friends were surrounding them, two turning to see who opened a door.
Riley felt the ink fall to the floor, but instead of hearing the drip drop of liquid, she heard a ‘clang’.
The kind that metal hitting the floor makes.
Riley looked down, noticing that it was a knife; a long bladed knife with a dark handle and it looked like the thing was melting.
It didn’t take long for Riley to notice that it was made of ink and that’s why it was dripping.
A ‘smack’ was heard, followed by laughter again and Riley picked up the knife, looking up and glaring at Devin and his friends.
“Let her go.”
Devin looked startled and looked over at Riley for a second. Mandy stood next to him, tears rolling down her face and a trembling lip.
The sight made Riley even angrier than before.
Devin rolled his eyes and nodded his head at the tallest kid in his ‘gang’.
Riley recognizes him as Julio, the douche who’s been making fun of her stutter all year. Anger burned through Riley’s veins and she felt like she was melting because of it.
“What the fuck is happening to your face?” Devin gaped as Riley tilted her head in slight confusion, “it’s melting!” Devin took a step back. Julio made a disgusted sound but didn’t back down, just stood in front of the ‘melting’ girl.
Julio took a step back, making Riley whip her head in his direction before a feeling started to form inside Riley. She knew what the feeling was, knowing it was not a feeling but an urge. Something that she really craved. A low growl sounded, coming past her lips made Julio take a step back one again. Riley then launched forward, stabbing and punching the teenage boy in front of her.
Nothing could stop her from hurting him, her anger only growing as she sliced at his body, the crimson blood oozing out of the cuts and onto the floor.
Riley felt something in her brain snap, wondering if it was her sanity before a huge grin starts to take place on her face.
The teenagers in front of her stared in terror, not knowing how to react to what they were seeing.
Riley’s irises had changed to cut pies, similar to the old Pac-Man, and her mouth was stretched up to her ears in a Cheshire cat like grin. Her teeth had sharpened. Ink oozed down her face, coving an eye as she shoved the tall teen against a wall, her knife long forgotten. Something flowed down Riley’s forehead, covering her eyes till the only thing she saw was the dark oozing color of ink
Her arm starts taking a different form, the ink crawling up and forming a long spiked spear. The boy she had against the wall sobbing. Riley felt her grin widen even more at the sounds he was making, inky drool slowly falling to the ground as she lifted her arm up and stabbed him in the abdomen. She didn’t stop there though, no, Riley couldn’t stop the anger she felt.
Angry because her mother hasn’t texted her.
Angry because Mandy wouldn’t defend herself from her boyfriend.
Angry because Devin was running away, phone in hand and calling the cops.
Angry because the boy under her was surprisingly still alive.
So she did what only her biggest role model did.
She turned to where she had abandoned her knife earlier, her arm lifting up and shooting a strand of ink at it and yanking it towards her.
That was just like spiderman! She turned back to the kid who was still clinging on to life, her giant grin turning to a huge sharp toothed sneer as she started stabbing him repeatedly in anger and madness. The only thing that stopped her murderous rage was when the police arrived. They found her sitting next to the body, that Cheshire grin once again on her face as she watched her masterpiece.
Julio Henderson had fifty three stab wounds, thirty in his abdomen and the rest either on his chest or throat. His face had dark bruises on it from Riley’s punches and he had deep claw marks on his arms and cheek. The cops stared at Riley, hunched over and giggling as she talked to something that wasn’t there.
It was hard for the cops to get the girl into their car but once they did she was driven down to the police station. Once she had arrived they had dragged her to a room and sat her down.
“Full name?”
“Riley Diana L-Law-Lawrence.”
“Lori Lawrence, m-m-mother, Dylan Greene, h-h-her boyfriend.”
“Lori Lawrence? The lawyer?” The man stared at Riley with wide brown eyes. He was an average man with combed back hair and a frown. Riley nods.
“We didn’t know she had a daughter.”
“S-she doesn’t s-speak of m-me muh-much..” he makes a face, something that looks like a ‘I can see why’ look.
“Motive for attacking?”
“Devin ha-has b-been abusing m-my best friend. His fuh-fuh-friend had th-the nerve to do it a-as well and I snapped.”
He nods, writing something down before getting up. Riley started giggling to herself, looking down at her cuffed hands before bursting into laughter. The sound of her joy echoing through the halls.
When the man returned, all he found was a couple of drops of ink and the cuffs laying on the chair, the echo of Riley’s laughter sounding through the room as the man ran out in a panic.
There’s a new killer on the loose, many know her as Riley D. Lawrence, the daughter of Lori Lawrence, the lawyer. Lori is devastated at the thought of her daughter going insane and is retiring from her job in hopes of waiting for her daughter to come home. No one knows where Riley is but we do know that she is near. Last night a boy by the name of Justin was murdered by Riley, his organs were hanging from the chandelier and his upper body was outside of his home. The words ‘The Artist’ were written on his room’s wall multiple times. It appears that she won’t be leaving anytime soon.
A scoff rang through the kitchen, the sound of a fork scraping a plate heard. Lori glared at the paper, glancing down at her phone that marked the time.
In half an hour she would be leaving on a date with Dylan.
“She just wants attention..” she muttered, standing up and turning to go to the living room.
A giant puddle of ink stopped her.
Lori stared at it in confusion, that had not been there when she walked into the kitchen. The ink was bubbling, dark huge bubbles of ink and after a couple seconds a giant bubble appeared and popped.
Lori stared in terror at the sight. It was a girl, with long wavy chocolate brown locks and hazel eyes. But her irises were cut pies, like the old Pac-Man or Mickey Mouse and she sported a Cheshire cat like grin that went up to her ears.
The Artist glared at her mother, her grin ever present as her mother took two steps back in fear.
“Hi, muh-mommy.” she whispered, ominously.
There was another figure standing in the shadows, shaggy burnt hair and white leathery skin making Lori scream as she realized her daughter had a partnership with Jeff the Killer.
Riley wasted no time in stabbing her mother, a cackle leaving her lips as she stabbed her repeatedly.
Lori Lawrence was dead.
And The Artist was ready to go after many other people who had ruined her life.
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arthurs-wife · 5 years
Can I make a request for young Arthur x f reader where she’s been a part of the gang for a little while now and Arthur hasn’t exactly warmed up to her yet (because he’s been going through shit with Mary & Eliza) but on her birthday he gets her her own horse as an official initiation into the gang? I think it would be cute af
(anon youre great thank u for the prompt but also help im kind of in love with this AU now????)
You ran a hand through your hair, shorter than it had been since you were a toddler. The barber held a mirror in front of you and you grimaced at your reflection. At least you didn’t have to look at it for long.
The hot summer sun beat down on your face as you exited the Saloon in Tumbleweed. You wished to shit you had a horse so you wouldn’t have to trek your way back to camp in this damn hellstorm.
It was two miles back to camp and you settled in for a walk. Part of you hoped someone would come looking for you, but you knew they were all back at camp getting hammered. After a dry spell, Dutch had taken to spending most of his time in his tent, ignoring everyone, including his lover Annabelle. You only knew about this because you were the only one who would listen to her drunken tales of how Dutch just didn’t care anymore.
Hosea and Bessie were often found in a corner of the camp, whispering excitedly at one another, occasionally throwing up their hands and walking away. You had grown quite fond of Bessie, looking up to her like a mother. Bessie had shown you most of the skills you held today, including sewing a button to your coat, skinning a deer, and shooting a man through the skull.
You let out an audible huff at the mere thought of the man, scaring a poor blue bird from a tree.
In the 18 months you had known the man, he had said a total of five words to you. Probably more, honestly. You had a habit of over exaggerating things, which was one of the habits he seemed to like the least about you. Not that it seemed like he enjoyed anything about you. Just before you joined the gang, he had lost his son and former lover, something you could not comprehend, so you kept your distance.
You thought maybe it was because he just didn’t want to get close to anyone, but several months after you joined, he met a woman named Mary. She was beautiful, funny, and wormed her way into Arthur’s heart immediately. There was something off-putting about her, but of course you kept your thoughts to yourself. You had aligned yourself with Arthur’s late wife and son, not trusting of any new person to get in the way. It seemed the rest of the camp agreed with you silently.
“It ain’t right for a woman to come in benefittin’ off a man’s sufferin’ like that,” Bessie had confessed to you over snapping beans one evening. You nodded your head but kept your mouth shut.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t notice the clopping of hooves behind you.
“Hey! Y/n!”
It was Arthur, damn it. Truth be told, you had found yourself drawn towards him, as surly and cantankerous as he could be. He slowed his horse and trotted up to you, standard grimace taking residence on his otherwise gorgeous face.
“Where the hell have you been?” he shot at you.
“Town,” you sniped back, “that okay?”
He grumbled, “of course it’s okay. Just need you to be back before nightfall. Dutch wants us to stay low.”
You look around, holding out your hands and looking pointedly at the sun.
He rolls his eyes and holds out a hand.
You take it and head on his horse’s back, crossing your arms because you were actually twelve years old and couldn’t just talk about your emotions like an normal person. Arthur spurred his horse and headed to camp.
“Did you have a good day, Arthur?” you ask, attempting a modicum of normalcy.
“Yeah,” he said, eyes on the road. Perhaps he really just didn’t like you.
The trip to camp was in silence, like it usually was.
Miss Grimshaw met you both at the outskirts and helped you down.
“Where have you been dear?” she asked, fussing over you. It was sweet but you wish she wouldn’t sometimes, it made you feel like a child again.
“Just up in town,” you brushed off, “had to get out for a bit.”
“I understand,” she clucked, brushing some hair out of your face, “I like what you’ve done with your hair.”
“Thank you,” you smiled as Arthur walked past you both wordlessly.
“And hello to you too, Arthur,” she called after him. He held up a hand. “He just hasn’t been the same since Mary left,” she shook her head at you, leading you to the kitchen wagon, “good riddance she may be.”
“He seemed happy when she was around,” you pointed out, as much as it pained you.
“It’s better he greive on his own,” she said, pouring you out some soup, “without the aid of some woman coming along thinking she could fix him.”
You nodded and started in on your soup, looking across the camp to where Arthur sat nursing a beer. Did you think you could fix him?
A clear blue sky greeted you in the morning. You stretched out and threw your sleeping cover off of you and turned over to face the campfire.
Arthur was two feet away from you, holding a cup of coffee and nursing one of his own.
“Get up.”
“I was getting up,” you said groggily, pushing yourself to your feet, “until someone interrupted that process and now here we are-”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, holding out a cup of coffee to you.
“What do you know,” you said, sipping your coffee, “it can be nice it if wants.”
“Take a walk with me.”
“Are you gonna shoot me out back?”
“What? No,” he shook his head and started out of the camp, “just come on. Damn fool of a woman.”
You walked for a bit in silence, no one in the camp was up yet. It was serene, listening to the birds and watching the sun rise higher and higher into the sky.
After a while you finally spoke up.
“Are we heading into town?”
“What for?”
“I figure it’s about time I put my grievances aside and speak with you,” he started, “one adult to another.”
You were shocked.
“W-what do you mean?”
Arthur tapped the brim of his hat and looked at a loss for once.
“Ever since Eliza and my boy,” he started and shook his head, “ever since then I haven’t been able to cultivate relationships right with people.”
“Arthur,” you stopped him, “you don’t have to explain yourself to me. What happened with them was a tragedy, one I have no business commenting on.”
“Be that as it may,” he went on, “you’re here with us now and you’ve proven yourself time and again. It’s time I start showing you the respect you’ve earned.”
Town was in sight now, the early morning risers beginning to stir in the streets.
“Well I appreciate it Arthur,” you said finally, hoping that this could be the start of some kind of relationship with the man. You weren’t picky.
“Come on,” he pointed, “over here.”
He led you to the stables where three horses were lined up in their stalls, a Tennessee Walker, an Apaloosa, and a beautiful Grullo Dun Mustang. You were instantly drawn to her.
“Hi-ya Arthur!” the stableman greeted, “this your friend you were talking about?”
“Mornin’,” Arthur raised a hand, “this is y/n. Y/n, meet your new horse.” He pointed to the mustang and it took every ounce of strength to not squeal wildly.
“My new horse?” You asked, cautiously approaching the animal.
“It’s been more than long enough,” Arthur shrugged as if he wasn’t presenting you with the most amazing thing in the world, “started saving up months ago when I saw her.”
“This beauty will stand up to just about anything,” the stableman said, bringing out a worn saddle and strapping it onto the horse’s back, “just give her a name and she’s all yours.”
He led the horse out by her reins and brought her to you. You held a hand out and let the horse come to you. The horse nuzzled her nose into your palm and you felt true love, right there.
“Calliope,” you sighed, moment broken, “the Greek muse of beauty and song?”
“Well I don’t know nothin’ about that,” Arthur gruffed but looked pleased all the same.
The pair of you waved goodbye to the stableman and led your horses outside. You turned to Arthur and hugged him tightly, receiving a hesitant pat on the back in return.
“Thank you Arthur,” you said, mounting your horse and setting off on a trot to match Arthur’s speed, “really, this means a lot.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, “well Happy Birthday anyway.”
Color you just the damned most breathless thing on earth.
“How did you know?”
“I’m not as oblivious as I look,” he said, grinning at you from the brim of his hat, “and your hair looks nice too.
You were in a lot of trouble.
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levi-ish · 7 years
Starstruck - Tom Holland au
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I’m back with another shitty au but I love to write those so DEAL WITH IT
I already named some of the characters but nothing stops you from naming them differently
again, sorry about my english. I try
let’s get starteeeeed
ok it starts with you living in a small town in England with your family
you have a sister older than you (let’s just establish that Tom’s 21, your sister is 20 and you’re 19)
Mags, your sis, is obsessed with this actor Tom Holland and watches E V E R Y one of his interviews
sometimes you think your eyes will fall from your head from rolling so much
“Dude, can you stop drooling all over him? You don’t even know him” “We have a connection, Y/N. You wouldn’t understand”
it’s not that you’re a bad person, you just know that people might be different off the cameras
what if this Tom is just a prick?
One day your parents plan a trip to London to visit your grandmother and your sister flps ‘cause Tom lives there
“It’s not like you’re going to bump into him”
then Mags opens a big pink book that you’ve already seen sometimes but never wanted to know about
and gosh
each page contains things of his routine
where he works, lives, drinks, shops
she might even know where he shits for god’s sake
while Mags jumping around the house looking for missing piece of clothes to put on her bag you’re just thinking about how much you miss your grandma
your parents have been absent for most of the time and she was the one who raised you
then she had to move to London ‘cause of her husband’s death and you only got to see her once a year
so let’s just say you were very excited
the car trip was awful
it wasn’t long but your sister made it look like an eternity 
“I can’t wait to go to the Onyx club and see Tom!” “I hope I can meet him at the Sunset Park” “I swear I will jump at him if I see him in Miguel’s Gym”
when you got there and saw your grandmother doing gardening you just flipped and hug her
you’ve always felt so comfortable in her arms
it was good until Mags started to complain that you were taking too long and she needed to follow Tom’s routine
your parents said that they would only let her go if you came with her
“Fuck no” “Mooooom” “Y/N, language!”
after watching your sister almost kneeling to beg for you to come you agreed rolling your eyes while doing so
“don’t worry, Mags, it runs like a Ferrari” “a super ugly Ferrari, you mean”
it was starting to get dark and you just put on a hoodie and your sneakers to go 
you went to your sisters room to find her going crazy about something that you couldn’t really understand
“I found out that Tom Holland is making an appearence at Onyx club tonight and will meet his fans! I can’t believe the Universe is compensating me” “Take a breath, Mags. He’s not all that”
she almost threw you at the window
she asked for your family car but your parents said that they had to use it so your grandma let her use her car
PS: it was a VERY pink car
like really pink
but Mags wanted to see her so called love and hopped right into the front seat
when you got there after almost getting deaf from Mags singing skills you told her that you would stay in the car
she didn’t care and jumped out, walking across the street in her very high heels
“I need those heels to be taller than everyone, then Tom can see me in the crowd” “Dude, what”
so you have been in the car alone for what it felt like hours just watching the city lights and the cars in movement and got bored
you tried to call her but she never answered
you jumped out of the car and crossed the street to see a big ass line of people trying to get into the club
frustrated, you turned around trying to find the back exit
when you found it you walked to the door 
and bam
you were knocked off
your head was now pounding and you couldn’t see straight for a moment
“ouch” “oh fuck, did I just hit you?” “no, the door hit me by itself”
your vision was returning to normal and you started to recognize him
those brown curls, sharp jaw and chocolate eyes
oh no
“wait… you’re Tom…”
then suddenly his hand was covering your mouth
“okay, you need to see a doctor”
he literally pushed you to his car
you started to feel dizzy the moment he helped you to get on your feet
the same door that hit you opened again revealing another familiar face
the blonde guy was Tom’s best friend as you remembered from that pink book
“I know you… you’re Harry… Howard?” “Harrison, gosh. Who is she, Tom?” “I don’t know… What’s your name?” “Y/N”
when you got on the passenger seat on what you supposed that was his car you started to feel worse
Harrison was in front of you and started to talk to Tom about something that you couldn’t focus 
your stomach felt funny and you just turned your face in the blonde direction and threw up
the last thing you remembered was you in a hospital bed and a man examinating you
his dark hand opened your eyelids and he just gave you a small smile
“everything looks good”
then Tom opened the curtain in a hurry and gave you both a look
“so she’s okay?” “out, Tom, for God’s sake” “if I’m okay, why did I thow up?” “maybe it was something you ate or it was just your reaction to meet this douchebag” “it’s a curtain, Anthony, this means I can hear you”
you laughed a little and then asked if they knew each other
your doctor told you that he and Tom were old friends
when you were free to go, the actor received a call from his mother and told him that she needed him in the house right away
and he told you that he would drop you at your grandma’s right after
after rolling your eyes and arguing a lot you agreed
“you’ve got to be kidding me. This house could have a small country living in!” “yeah yeah, let’s go upstairs” “why do you have so many pictures of yourself? This is so creepy”
he took you to his room and told you to stay 
bored again, you went to his balcony and watched the view
then you stared down and found Tom holding a paper in front of a big crowd and noticed that his hands were shaking a little bit
“I know that you all came here to watch my new movie trailer, but I wanted to show you a piece of my poetry work… ”
as stubborn as you were, you had to admit that it was incredible 
it was hard to impress you but booooy
but as you watched everyone cheering him, you saw a couple that didn’t look very happy
what you didn’t know was that Tom loved to write poetry and always did but never showed anyone
it was a huge step to read it in front of a huge crowd
he was never scared to act ‘cause he always read what he was told to, but reading a piece that he wrote was a whole new thing
by the time he was finished you had already go downstairs and opened his garage door
why does he owns so many cars?
and he opened the door too, smiling genually 
“you told me that you would take me home. When?” “pick a car and we can go” “no” “So how do you wanna get there? Walking?” “yeah” “where do you live?” “Stratford” “ok, we can get there. On tuesday”
inhaling deeply you agreed with him and watched him opening the silver car’s door
but you were too stubborn and hoppend into the blue one
“what’s the purpose of that?”
while he was driving you started to think about the whole night and felt the urge to roll your eyes
then he turned the radio on and a song comes playing on right at the end
next came an ad about a new movie and you heard the narrator saying Tom’s name
and he started to quote his lines and opened a big smile
“really?” “what? I thought you liked it” “ok, you thought I would be dying to be in a car with Tom Holland listening to him quoting the lines of his new movie ‘cause it’s every fan dream, but guess what” “what?” “I’m not your fan”
you could see his smile dropping and his face turning into a sad expression
god you felt like a monster
“you don’t like it?”
trying to fix the situation you responded quickly
“no, I like your movies. I’m just not crazy about you”
obviously you added sass to your phrase
while Tom was driving he noticed that a black car started to follow them and knew that they were paparazzis 
when he parked he saw they getting closer and asked you to crash in your garage
you helped to pull his car into the garage and looked for some covers for him to sleep
he even asked you if he could find something to use to hide from the paparazzis and you told him to look into the boxes
he put on a blue hat and turned to you asking if it was fine
your heart stopped for a moment when you realized what hat it was
your grandpa’s hat
you remember him using it almost every evening when he went fishing by the lake near the house
“okay… should I take it off?” “no, no. You should keep it. Looks good on you”
he gave you a weird look and picked up the covers
when you were about to leave, he grabbed your arm firmly and gave you a big smile and doe eyes and you felt your heart skip a beat
“stop doing that” “doing what?” “giving me this… this fucking look. I bet you do it all the time, you give the girls this look and expect them to fall for you, but it’s not working for me so get over it”
so you fully turned away and closed the door behind you without knowing that he was smiling again
the morning after you came to the table to have breakfast with your family and say Mags looking a w f u l
she asked for the syrup and your grandma told her that it was in the garage
then you panicked
you ran after her and started to fight for the garage entrance control
and your father came right in and opened it revealing the empty room
you were relieved
when you two came back to the house, your grandma told Mags that the news were talking about “that boy you like”
the reporter was talking about his appearence in the Onyx club for his girlfriend Ella Marie’s birthday and left early
with a mysterious girl
you were frightened for a moment
but then Mags decided that she was going to follow Tom’s schedule again 
your mother told you to go with her again and you didn’t even had the energy to argue
when you got to the park, Mags started to walk around trying to find her idol
“I wonder what his eyes looks like up close” “brown, like chocolate.”
you were lucky that she completly ignored that comment
you found a bench with a guy sitting on
then you saw the blue hat and smiled, sitting next to him
and you thought that it would be fun to mess with him a little and started to talk about the weather and the trees and he got really uncomfortable
“what gave it away?” “the hat” “it kinda smells like fish” “no, I’m pretty sure that’s you”
he told you that he never went home because there were 10 paparazzis parked outside his house
so he asked for your car and then you made a trade
you put his car keys on your sister’s bag and you two went to your grandmas car while hiding from the cameras
he gave you his sunglasses to hide even more 
when you escaped you started laughing and talking a lot
“you know, I’m gonna need my sunglasses back” “I don’t know… I kinda liked them” “you can have it later” “for reals? ‘Cause my friends won’t believe that I, Y/N Y/L/N, have actually got Tom Hollands sunglasses from Tom Holland himself! Would you autograph it for me?” “haha, very funny” “so how long do we have to stay away?” “just till the paparazzis leave the park”
so Tom suggests for you to do something and takes you to a tour in Londons best places ‘cause you have never went to those
he showed you the Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace and even bought a camera to take pictures of you and the guards
he wanted to take you to the London Eye but you told him you would throw up all of the toffee pudding you ate
then he took you to Madame Tussauds and took lots of pictures of you and his wax figure
you even picked at his wax figure nose
when you made a stop, you were sitting in Millennium Bridge and he snapped a picture of you 
‘cause you looked so natural and pretty that he couldn’t resist and then he took one of you two together
at the end of the tour, you already knew all of his ad lines and were quoting with him earning a lot of laughs
“you know, I really liked your poem” “really? I-I… I don’t have much support to write them and-” “why? That one was awesome and I know the others might be as well” “my parents doesn’t like them at all”
you didn’t know what to say, then you put your hand on his shoulder and caress the spot, reassuring him that it was okay
until you spotted the paparazzis following you again
Tom drove in another direction while you gave him coordinates
when you disregarded them you found yourselves lost in a forest and the car wasn’t moving 
then you saw that you were in a big mud puddle sinking the car
for your lives, you two jumped into the puddle and swam to the surface and out
laying on the grass you inhaled deeply and started to panic ‘cause the car was gone
and a anger took over you making you throw everything at Tom
“calm down Y/N, it wasn’t our fault!” “yeah, it was mine, because I was so stupid to help you in the first place” “what are you saying? Why don’t you like me? I thought that after today you would” “that’s the problem! You think everybody likes you” “it’s because they do” “no, Tom, they just want something from you”
you tried to wipe the mud off your arms and clothes and never saw the hurt look on his face
“you know, your life is not real, Tom. You live in a house that looks like a five-star hotel, have a shitload of cars and money and a girlfriend that you don’t even like” “I like her” “oh yeah? Then why you left her birthday to help a stranger?” “I… I don’t know!” “do you even want to be with her?”
After a deep exhale you saw the pain in his chocolate eyes 
“no. I don’t” “and can you even name two of your employees?” “are you telling me that you think I don’t give a damn about them?” “name them!” “Rose, Darcy, Jude, Carl, Sierra, Marcus and Jeanine. Want more?”
you felt like shit after that, but didn’t let your anger go
and then,  while you were arguing, he fell into the tall grass and you screamed for him
out of nowhere, he came back and grabbed you, falling into a lake
the water cleaned all your anger and threw it away while you two were having fun together
after a while, you two came out of the water and sat in a wooden stump while admiring the sunset
“I wish I could stay here forever” “why?” “’cause here is peaceful. Without paparazzis, parents, girlfriends…” “and why do you say that?” “just like you said, they all want something from me” “I didn’t mean it like that. I was angry about the car and…” “no, you were right, it is like that” “it’s just that your life is so different from mine and I don’t understand everything being so public” “not everything is so public” “like what?” “like this”
he started to lean in and his flushed lips found yours, sealing a gentle kiss that made it seem like everything else didn’t matter
nor Tom’s fame nor Y/N’s ordinary life
and you got goosebumps all over your body while his thumb caressed your cheek 
when you separated you looked deep into his eyes and noticed that look again
“you like me” “you wish”
while you two walked back to the park, your fingers were interwined the whole way, never breaking the contact
from time to time he kissed your cheek or pecked your lips, receiving smiles from you
but when two guys passed you running, he turned into a whole new person, putting your grandpa’s hat to hide from them
you feel bad to see that he keeps doing that
he doesn’t want to be seen with you and it breaks your little heart
“back to the real world, this ends here” “what’s ‘this’?” “this, us. You can’t tell anybody about what happened today, not even your parents” “why? It’s not like they would post it on Twitter or anything” “but you have to promise me. If anyone knows about this, the media will go crazy” “why would it go crazy?” “’cause I’m Tom Holland and you’re just an ordinary girl”
back at it again with the ordinary and celebrity thing
you try to go away but he stops you again, saying that he didn’t meant it like that, but you don’t listen
you tell him to leave you alone but he stops you again
“can you give me that camera? I wouldn’t want the pictures to get out”
you throw the camera in the grass and he picks it up
“I don’t want it to end that way” “how about this, Tom, we both forget about what happened today and live our lifes like before?” “you don’t understand, Y/N. If the paparazzis sees those pictures they would make up stories and turn everything beautiful into an ugly thing. They ruin everything” “they don’t have to, you already did”
you get your grandpa’s hat back and turn around, leaving him there with your heart on his hands
the rest of the trip you feel empty and sick, not processing any of what happened
your parents even took you two to London’s famous spots that happened to be the same that Tom took you and you felt uneasy
but you faked it really well
while walking you saw the cover of a magazine that reads “Tom Holland and Ella Marie breaks up” and felt a little bit of hope, but it fade away when you remembered about what happened
it was so hard for you to forget about the butterflies in your stomach that he gave you when you two kissed
when your trip came to an end, you hugged your grandma so tight, never wanting to let go
“oh darling, I know it hurts right now, but it isn’t as bad as it seems. Life has a way to make everything better” “you sure, grandma?” “take a look at me, I’ve been wanting to get rid of that ugly car since your grandpa died”
by the time you came home, there were lots of paparazzis in your front yard and you had to pass through them
your sister came running to the tv room and put on some channel that was showing Tom doing an interview
saying that he didn’t know you
“I don’t know who this girl is or what she’s saying about me”
Gosh, can’t he break your heart a little more?
and then he looked at the camera with his look and you felt like crying
so you just left the room and ran to your bed
for a few days the paparazzis were camping on your frontyard and you got sick of it, coming right at them
“Y/N, tell us about your weekend with Tom, we only want the truth” “you don’t want the truth, you want a story. You take a good normal person and turn them into your own reality show. You build them up into a celebrity so you can turn them down in public”
you just keep throwing all of your emotions at them and the noise stopped right away, listening and feeling sorry for themselves
“one more question, who Tom Holland really is?”
you wanted to tell the truth, to tell them all your thoughts, but you just couldn’t, so you lied
“the Tom Holland you want so bad to know about, I never met him. And I never want to”
when all of those impostors left your house, you spent the other days reading your books
one morning, when you felt like the weather was pure and clear, you grabbed a big book from your shelf and opened the front door to read it on the porch
but it wasn’t like the other days
‘cause that day, Tom Holland was in your porch, holding a piece of paper while his fingers were trembling
“fuck no”
you closed the door and heard him calling you again, opening in a fast move
“Y/N, please, listen to me” “why should I?” “you shouldn’t, but please, give me this chance”
you lick your lips and refuses to look him in the eyes, feeling uncomfortable in his presence
“I know I messed up, big time, but I’m trying to make things right. I’m trying to be more like a person, just like you told me to” “good to know, are you done?” “n-no, actually, I wrote you a poem, and I wanted you to hear it from me, not to read or anything like that. I wanted to read it for you. And please, just listen for it and then I’ll leave you alone, I promise”
Again, you inhale for a long time and the exhale, biting your bottom lip, nodding for him to go on
“I’m no superman I can’t take your hand And fly you anywhere You want to go I can’t read your min Like a billboard sign And tell you everything You want to hear, butI’ll be your hero ‘Cause I can be everything you need If you’re the one for me Like gravity I’ll be unstoppable I believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy With heart and soul But if you’re the one for me I’ll be your hero”
you almost felt the blood taste in your mouth from how hard you were biting your bottom lip by now
you look deep into his eyes and feel that connection again, but now afraid to fall and to be more broken than before
“Tom, it was nice, but I’m already in pain, so if you could just go…” “I talked to your grandma, Y/N. She told me to come” “why does it have to do with any of this?” “she gave me this”
he shows you the hat in his hands and you feel a weird sensation in your stomach again
some tears starts to fall from your eyes and burn your cheeks but you don’t mind them
“I think I like you, Y/N. I’m not supposed to, but I don’t care anymore. I don’t care if you’re ordinary or not, to me, you’re special”
your heart skipped a beat and he takes off his sunglasses, placing them on top of your head and earning a big smile from your lips
“hey, Tom?” “huh?” “you’re an asshole” “it’s okay, you are too”
then, you smile at him and your lips meet again, in an embrace that you just wanted so much to feel again
“how about you get in here and have some lunch with us?” “that would be great”
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i-am-adlocked · 7 years
@romycosplay asked: “...wait...when EXACTLY did Sherlock solve Irene's password?”
I just put the months where Irene is involved. I didn’t bother removing everything else lmao within the month.
Just tell me if you want me to post the FULL SHERLOCK TIMELINE which I made... for this... love you all...
01   Midnight of April 1st. Sherlock, John, and Jim on the pool.        Molly posted that she and Jim had a row about him being gay.        Irene stops Moriarty from killing the duo.        Irene takes compromising photos of a female royal.        John posted about The Great Game case after midday.
12   John writes about Hat-man and Robin        A day or two before, Irene caresses Sherlock’s photograph
02   John writes about The Aluminium Crutch 14   Sherlock and Irene meet for the first time 15   Mycroft visits Baker Street again        John writes about By Royal Appointment        “And I'm sure it won't be the last time we hear the name Irene Adler. In fact, I'm pretty certain he's getting texts from her. It's funny, in the time I've known him, I've never seen him take the slightest interest in a woman but this one... She's got to him.”        It is canon Mike Stamford heard about Irene Adler via comments.
25   John writes about Christmas        “She's gone and he won't dare admit it but he's devastated. He can't show it and I don't think he understands what he's feeling. Sometimes he's so cut off from everything, so cold, so lacking in emotion that when he does feel something... well I think it's the one thing on this planet he'll never quite get.”        Irene Adler fakes her death        Mycroft hands Moriarty as Eurus’ Christmas Present        John and Sherlock buy Mrs Hudson a laptop 31   Irene reveals to John she isn’t dead        Sherlock finds out about Irene being alive        Mrs Hudson was attacked in Baker Street        John writes about Happy New Year        “He won't talk about her, obviously.”
01   Midnight.        Sherlock texts Irene for the first time        Sherlock x-rays Irene’s camera phone        Irene gets in Sherlock’s room and sleeps        Canon: whilst Irene and Sherlock were having eye-sex, John was chatting with people in the comment section of Actually, Happy New Year, until he came back to reality after Sherlock told him to check the flights        “I think he's more Sherlock's fan than mine. Got to go. He wants me to look up some flight details.”        Irene asks Sherlock for dinner        Sherlock deduces Irene’s phone passcode
09-15        Sherlock saves Irene in Karachi
11   Mycroft tells John that Irene was killed        John tells Sherlock Irene is in a Witness Protection Scheme 12   John writes about The Woman        Canon: Sherlock and John are like me and my sister, writing messages to each other online even when they’re in the same room 13   Sherlock goes somewhere to stab a dead pig with a harpoon        Sherlock wears the blue dressing gown 14   Sherlock and John go to Dartmoor        Sherlock sees the Hound        Sherlock feels his body’s betraying him 15   “I don’t have friends. I’ve just got one.”        Sherlock experiments on John        Sherlock and John both see the Hound        Moriarty walks and films inside Baker Street 16   Sherlock and John have breakfast at Dartmoor        John writes about The Hounds of Baskerville        Sherlock and John go back to Baker Street        Moriarty hacks into John’s blog and posts Hello, Boys! 
11   Sherlock writes as John in The Sign of Three        John and Mary’s wedding day        Sherlock gets interrupted mid-deduction at the thought of Irene
11-17 (in one day)        The Beginning of the episode of His Last Vow        “Look, is it Sherlock Holmes you want? Because I've not seen him in ages.” “About a month.” || “A month! That’s all it took! One! Sherlock Holmes in a drug den!”        Sherlock gets shot        Sherlock goes into hospital        Mary threatens Sherlock
18 - 24 (in one day)        Lestrade visits Sherlock        Sherlock goes missing        They try to find Sherlock all night        John learns the truth        Sherlock goes back to hospital        “We were told there was a shooting.” “There was: last week.”
11-24 (Somewhere between Sherlock getting admitted and escaping)       Midnight or early morning. Irene visits.       Janine shows up with the tabloids       Magnussen visits Sherlock. 
06   Sherlock’s birthday        Irene texts him again
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Survey #114
“oh yeah, i’m a reaper man; every good thing, i kill it dead.”
What kind of makeup do you think is appropriate for church?  Who cares.  Wear what you want; I don't see how your makeup affects God's opinion on you while in His house. What would you wear to church?  I don't dress up for the same reason as above.  I just wear my usual. Would/do you like having brown eyes? I like having blue eyes.  It's not that brown isn't pretty, it's just so common. What kind of gift would you appreciate for your birthday? I'm just asking for money again.  Can already go see Sara, time to work towards the tattoo. What do you use Facebook for?  My main reason is legit funny pictures lmao.  There's few people I'm actually actively interested in keeping up with. Would you rather be called a geek, a nerd or a dork?  A geek is 100% a compliment lol. Do you like pretzels? Soft ones, yes.  Especially the ones from those little shops at malls, omgggg.  I'd prefer to not eat hard ones. You want your next pet to be what? A bearded dragon.  Or two rats. Would you spend 20 dollars on a candle?  Ha.  No. What is the goriest thing you’ve seen in real life? There was a deer that died directly beside the road leading to our old house and it was decaying.  I still remember all the maggots squirming around in its side. @_@ Do you take any meds? If so which and why?  Mood stabilizers, anxiety med, something for nausea if one of my mood stabilizers causes it, Melatonin, something for heartburn, and birth control unless I want my uterus to tear me apart from the inside. Is "no glove, no love" your STRICT policy?  If I actually was to have sex, yes.  Even with me on the pill, I'm not taking any risks.  Not getting pregnant. If someone breaks a law, should they be punished if they did not know it was a law?  Depends on the law. Name a band you sort of like:  What a thing to admit, but Blood on the Dance Floor.  I like some of their songs, while others are just too repulsive. In your head do you call yourself 'I’ or 'you’ or both?  Usually "you," and always when I'm trying to calm or reassure myself, because it's like hearing validation of something from another person. Someone tells you 'well there are black people, and then there are (removed term bc fuck that word)’. What do you think?  My former friend used to say that and I fucking hated it. Who REALLY has a higher sex drive, girls or guys? How can you tell?  I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure there's science behind men having more of a libido. Do you enjoy wild parties?  I literally could never. Have you ever been stereotyped? As what?  I was called both emo and goth in high school.  It wasn't offensive to me personally, but I don't think I totally fit any stereotype. Who do you know that you believe does not masturbate?  I don't for a number of reasons, and I can name a few others I'm pretty sure don't. Does a cloned human being have a soul? Why or why not?  explosion.gif Who looks better naked, men or woman?  Women.  I'm bi, yes, but penises look fucking disgusting to me personally. Is there anything you won’t say unless someone else says it first?  Nothing immediately comes to mind. What’s your favorite type of doughnut? Either glazed or cake (the totally plain ones). Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often?  No, I have an incense burner.  I use it often enough. What is your least favorite thing about your full name?  I just don't like my last name, and my middle name's too common, but at least I like the name itself. What’s your favorite kind of Poptart?  Probably the chocolate sundae one.  But I don't like Poptarts much. Do you think you look good with a hat on? I can't remember the last time I wore a hat. Are there some songs you can’t listen to because they remind you of something? "The Mortician's Daughter" and "Stairway to Heaven." Do you live near a street light?  No. Do you wear any rings? A red gem one I got from Mom, then a "bitch/jerk" friendship ring (Supernatural reference) with my girlfriend. Do you put collars on your cats? When we had cats, yeah. Do you like celery?  Ew no. Did you cry while watching the Notebook?  I've never sobbed at a movie, but I cried, yeah.  I've cried in subsequent watches too lmao.  I think I've always teared up, actually. Do you have a protective mom and dad?  Mom's extremely protective of me.  I'd say Dad's pretty normal. What field trip did you last go on?  Probably for a band competition in high school. Five ways to win your heart:  Uhhh.  Show compassion, patience, generosity, wisdom, and maturity. Your views on mainstream music:  It's getting too vulgar to be on the radio.  I firmly believe children don't need to hear profanity (they don't know when it's inappropriate to use) or talk of sex, and songs just have so much censorship yet lack thereof now.  If you're going to censor almost an entire song, why the hell play it?  Then some songs are so clearly about sex or just openly say the word that it bothers me.  I wouldn't wanna explain what sex is to say my like five-year-old if they heard some of the shit on the radio and asked questions. Put your iPod on shuffle and write that 10 first songs that play: 1.) "Clocks" by Coldplay, 2.) "Paradise City" by Guns N' Roses, 3.) "Blessed With a Curse" by Bring Me the Horizon, 4.) "Let It Die" by Starset, 5.) "I Don't Love You" by My Chemical Romance, 6.) "Animals" by Nickelback, 7.) "Shoots and Ladders" by Korn, 8.) "Divinity Statue" from DMC3, 9.) "Float On" by Modest Mouse, 10.) "This Is Gospel" by Panic! at the Disco. A quote you try to live by: "Life's hard.  Shouldn't you be, too?"  ... It's not meant to be an innuendo. How do you know when someone thinks you’re attractive?  I would literally have to be told lmao. Which one of your relationships was the shortest?  Two weeks and it was fucking stupid. Which was the longest?  Almost four years. If you want to get married, what age? I don't have a set age in mind.  Just whenever my s/o and I are ready. What did you end up getting for Christmas? A PS2 after mine broke years ago ahhhh, way too much money from my dad, his wife, and my grandpa, a "meerkat lover" street sign, a meerkat puzzle I'mma do and frame for my room, some pajama pants, an iHome for my iPod, Pikachu and Grumpy Cat plushies that're too cute, among other things that aren't coming to mind rn. Do you think buying underwear/bras at Victoria’s Secret is a waste?  Meh, mixed feelings.  Like they are way too expensive for some damn bras and underwear, but if they make you feel more confident or pretty in your body, buy them. Do you like glittery things? Usually. Do you like Red Lobster?  It used to be my favorite restaurant, but after I got sick after eating there, I haven't gone since.  Even though I was feeling sick before we went, it's just an association thing. What are you most scared of?  Relapse, losing certain people. Favorite video game?  "Silent Hill 2" Do you believe that leaving a significant other for someone else is ever a good idea?  YUP. because if you loved the first person, you wouldnt even consider the second.  <<<< This. Do you have any possessions that you’re very attached to, and you’d be absolutely devastated if you damaged or lost them? Absolutely devastated... the little rock I got from my partial hospitalization at Holly Hill.  When someone "graduates," you pick a shiny rock from a jar that gets passed around the room for your "classmates" to wish you well and say anything they'd like to say about you while they hold it.  I cherish that thing so much. What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done, and you got away with it? I guess have oral entirely naked on the old chaise in the living room.  But we were home alone. How much do you want to weigh?  I was totally happy at 120, but I was fine at 140.  Supposedly I should be like 130-something. If you HAD to do your holiday shopping for EVERYONE in only ONE store what store would you pick?  Uh probably Walmart lmao. Do you believe that guns don’t kill people and that people kill people? Why?  People kill people, and that's coming from someone afraid of guns.  You have a choice where you're pointing that thing. What is the difference between a good poem and a bad one?  I don't like ones that are virtually impossible to understand. Which do you need more: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, sex, sleep?  I'm addicted to caffeine, I can't go two days without it. @_@ Who is someone you know should deserve more respect?  Ha, my Dad from my mom. What movie would you like to see again, that you haven’t watched since you were a kid?  The first movie that came to mind was "Shiloh." Are birds happy in cages? Are pets happy indoors?  I truly doubt birds are happy in cages, but maybe if they have enough entertainment and it's big enough?  But I'm sure like dogs and cats are fine indoors considering a whole house is much bigger.  Though I think bigger dogs especially need to be let out to run around sometimes. Hula hoops or jump ropes?  Jump ropes.  Loved it as a kid.  Now my knees would murder me. Can you understand sign language?  No.  But I remember learning this song in elementary school that we had to sing and do sign language to, but I don't remember any of it. Does anyone in your family hunt?  Nicole, my little sister. How about fish? Me and Dad, maybe his dad. Do you pronounce the "l" in salmon?  No. Have you ever gotten stuck on an amusement park ride? Thank Christ no. Have you ever seen an albino animal?  Maybe?  I've seen a white alligator, but it technically wasn't albino. Have you ever tried summoning Bloody Mary?  No. When is the last time you consumed alcohol? New Year's Eve.  I drank a margarita way too fast but felt nothing because my alcohol tolerance is God-Tier. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ  (Though I like never drink.) Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? No. Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? Y U P Do you ‘bless’ strangers when they sneeze? Sometimes. Would you rather go to a University or a community college?  The latter if they offered good classes.  It's cheaper, and you can still get a worthy degree. What’s your favorite kind of bread?  Pumpernickel. What toppings do you like on your pizza?  Only jalapenos or pepperoni. What color or design does your shower curtain have?  It's just white. What color is your microwave?  Black. Could you ever give yourself a shot?  If I had to, yeah. Have you ever been so embarrassed that you cried?  Story of my life. How many people have told you they were in love with you?  One. Would you ever have sex with the last person you texted?  Well, we're both girls, so actual sex would be psychically impossible, but I'd do as close as we could to it if she made it very clear she wanted to. Does it bother you when people don’t answer questions with exact answers?  Yes, especially if I'm asking them a question about needing validation for something.  Don't be vague. Have you ever watched a needle go into your own skin?  I usually do so I know exactly when it's coming.  And if I'm getting my blood drawn, I watch it for whatever reason. @_@ Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo? Yes. Do you like strawberry and banana smoothies?  Strawberry.  I doubt I'd like banana. Do you know someone that is mute, deaf or blind? My sister Ashley is literally blind in one eye, I think her right?  For the other two, idk. What’s your favorite horror movie? I really like both "Blair Witch Project"s, as well as "The Crazies." Is it true that people with depression CAN’T function in society?  Sometimes, absolutely. Can you think of any person or group you cannot empathise with?  Pedophiles, rapists, racists, abusive people, homophobes, the list goes on. Do you want to get married? If so, what color will your dress be? It'll be either black, white, or ivory, idk. Do you like peanut butter and fluff sandwiches?  NO. Do you play video games? If so, what kind?  Yes, just about exclusively story-based ones that usually involve horror.  But I like many others, so long there's actually plot to it. How old is your oldest and youngest friend?  Oldest is like... 32, youngest is 17, I think. How weight conscious are you?  Only extremely. Stripes or polka dots? Polka dots. What was your first word?  "Dada" What's a show that you absolutely refuse to watch?  "13 Reasons Why" Do you remember how old you were when you started swearing? 7th grade. Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before?  I'm actually not sure.  I don't think so.  If it did, Mom never told us. Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls?  Yes, until I think a dirty needle was found in one of McDonald's ball pits. Do you think biting is weird or sexy? I like it so long you don't leave a mark in an obvious spot. Do you have a class ring?  No. What type of internet browser are you using?  Chrome. How long do your showers typically last? Not even ten minutes. Can you cry on cue?  No. Were you a Nancy Drew reader when you were younger?  No. Are you the kind of person that takes pictures with a drink in your hand?  No, and quite frankly, it's obnoxious.  You're getting intoxicated.  Congrats. Do either of your parents have a mental illness?  Mom has depression, and she says Dad's bipolar, but I absolutely don't see it now that they're divorced. When you were growing up, did your family rent or own your home?  Own. When was the last time you wore a full face of makeup?  I couldn't tell you.  The most I ever wear is eye liner, shadow, mascara, and lipstick, but I don't consider that a "full face of makeup." Do you own an iPad?  No. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?  No, thank goodness. Do you think it’s wrong for people to say 'retard/retarded’ as an insult?  I FUCKING HATE IT. How many people of the opposite sex have made you cry?  I think two. Would you eat a live tarantula for $1,000?  No, I just wouldn't be able to.  If it didn't have its fangs, maybe? What’s one health problem you wish you didn’t have?  Anxiety.  Shit would be so much better without it. Is your mom or dad the older parent? Mom by one year. Do you have any close friends that were adopted? No. Do you believe that people can be psychics? No. List these apple types from greatest to worst: green, red, yellow. Red, green, yellow. Does your house have more than one fireplace?  We don't have even one. When it rains does it leave a lake in your front yard?  No.  My original home was like that, though.  It ALWAYS flooded. Do you dread when people ask you to sign their yearbooks?  No, I actually found it flattering to know they wanted me to sign it. Where is one place that you’d never be caught dead in?  A strip club, to name one. Do you have a favorite Scooby-Doo movie?  I loved the Phantom Virus one.  Even had the game. Do you dislike when people ruin the endings of anything for you?  Yes, unless I ask to just be told. You are holding onto your grandmother’s hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your rationale for making the decision?  ... Whoa.  I'd feel fucking godawful, but I'd save my grandmother.  I'm not calling the baby less human, but my grandmother is more conscious of life and everything, I guess? Which would you choose: true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why? Never love at all.  Heartbreak is fucking awful. Have you ever seen the movie "A Walk to Remember?" Cliche or worth watching?  I think it's worth watching.  Very sweet movie. Do you know how to sew? What’s your favorite thing to sew? No. Do you own many pairs of shorts?  I don't own any. Do you ever have movie nights with your significant other?  Ye<3 Do you like fiction or non-fiction books more? What’s your favorite?  Fiction.  "Johnny Got His Gun" and "The Outsiders." Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend? Yeah. How many tattoos would you get?  I want LOADS. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Crest. Would you ever tattoo the name of a bf/gf or spouse on yourself?  No.  I'd get a matching tattoo relatively deep into marriage, but name, nah. What’s your least favorite season? Summer. D: What’s your favorite dessert?  Red velvet cake. Do you like cotton candy? Meh, I can have a couple bites. Do you have any shirts signed by famous people?  No. Where do you normally get your hair cut? A family friend's salon. What would your dream engagement ring look like? I really like dragon's breath opal rings or rose gold ones but idk how expensive either are. @_@ What’s the longest your hair has ever been?  Like to the small of my back. How do you feel about bleach blonde hair? Gorgeous on some people, not for me. Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. Name 2 questions that you will most likely never say ‘no’ to:  1.) "Do you wanna go get a tattoo?", 2.) "Do you wanna Skype?" if it's Sara. Imagine someone has a great personality, sense or humor, family and job. they also really really like you a lot. Would you consider dating them if they: Were fat?  Yes. Limped?  Yes. Were a midget?  Yes. Had HIV?  No, because I'm too scared to put myself at risk. Were paralyzed in one arm?  Yes. Had a glass eye?  Yes. Had only 6 months to live?  No, that would destroy me. Would you get married on TV?  No.  I don't want people I don't care about watching. Do you own a metal detector?  No.  I did as a kid, though.
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