alabasto · 26 days
Welcome to Alabasto
When a tired and unpaid intern who is also a college student comes across an unrefusable offer of a house sale, he doesn't think twice before buying it, but he soon finds out why the house was so cheap, it was the home of an eccentric ghost. When trying to get used to the ethereal roommate, he has to deal with a whole bunch of others supernatural beings, not to mention having to conciliate that with having a normal life. Will this unexpected meeting turn into chaos, or will it turn into a peculiar friendship?
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alabasto · 26 days
New Beginnings
Marcello arrives at his destination, the old and small town of Alabasto. Getting out of his parent's home in Baskerville (such a big city, by the way) to go live in a creepy house was not easy, but he had no time to think about such things. His first day at graphic design school is tomorrow, and he has to deal with his luggage. He was lucky to find a house for such an accessible price, okay, it was a creepy house, and it looks like no one had lived here for decades, so what? Nothing some cleaning can't do.
With two bags on his arms and a big box on his hands, and a lot of struggle, because his red shoulder-length hair were in his eyes, he opens the door and gets inside. He puts everything on the ground tiredly, and finds it weird when the door shuts behind him, and even weirder when the lights start to flash on and off. He sighs and says in a monotone voice, “God dammit, I just bought this house, and now I gotta buy a new lamp, great.”
When the man finally looks up, he sees something strange, a humanoid figure. Everything in him was blue, because of the blue light around his body, his eyes were black, and he used antique clothes with feminine and masculine characteristics. His feet did not touch the ground, and the first thing Marcello noticed was his crown, a silver crown, with eyes all over it, and they moved! They were real human eyes, and the phantom had a blue stain on his clothes and mouth, the eyes were looking at Marcello. The ghost started speaking, what made his show his distinctive teeth, they were sharp like roses thorns.
— Who is the one who dares to break into Lester of Alabasto's home? For I am the king of this realm and mercyless ghost!
Says the phantom, or Lester, his voice was very androgynous, he had a superb tone, Marcello just looked at him with disinterested eyes and asks:
— Can you help me move these boxes?
Lester's face looked confused and a bit annoyed
— I beg your pardon? I am the phantom of this kingdom, mortal, thou should fear me.
Marcello rolls his eyes and explains:
— Look, bro, I am an underpaid intern and also a college student, a haunted house is the best I can afford, so I am going to live here tolerating you, so either you get out, or you tolerate me too, alright?
Lester looks confused and nods his head in comprehension. The redhead boy just ignores the ghost and keeps on moving his things to his new home, and the phantom observes with his eyes that were a lot more than a normal human or ghost should have.
After some hours of moving, Marcello stops to drink some tap water in the kitchen, and Lester follows him, without knowing what to do, Marcello tries to pull up a conversation.
— So…how did you die?
— I was murdered
— Damn…
They proceed the awkward conversation, that was a weird day for both of them, but in the end, we can say that was the beginning of a peculiar friendship
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