#happy bday yaku!!!
cafedanslanuit · 2 years
yaku bday today :D
YAKU BIRTHDAAAAY I DIDN'T KNOW HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAKUUUU omg id love to take him out for ice cream 🥺 and bring noya too, i bet we'd have fun <333
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hunnybby · 4 years
title: tally marks
pairing: yaku morisuke x fem reader
genre: general/fluff
word count: 3,200+
warnings: mentions of alcohol
a/n: happy late bday yaku! written for the HaikyuuCreations MPE August Event. prompt below:
2. International Hangover Day — August 8th is International Hangover Day, just a day after International Beer Day. The day previously was such a blast, though anyone can hardly remember it, but now your characters are suffering the consequences.
Time: August 7 on Friday, 20:17 PM Location: The bar, a few blocks down from the office Yaku’s Stats: Shots- 0, Beer- 0
“Just go inside, Yaku,” you plead, pushing your co-worker towards the door of the bar.
The bouncer eyes you both as you take Yaku’s wallet from his pants pocket, sliding out his ID and placing both yours and his in the palms of the man acting as a barrier between you and a few drinks and some dancing. With a nod, he hands the ID’s back, and moves a bit so that you could squeeze by, a passing “Happy birthday” coming from him. Yaku ignores it, thinking to himself that his birthday is the next day so he shouldn’t have to say thank you.
He hates his birthday. But every year since the year you met him, you’ve insisted on celebrating his birthday. And every year since the year you met him, he’s agreed (even if it was after hours of you whining that birthday’s only come once a year and you’ll only be this age once!).
But when you make your way towards the counter, and he hears you order two shots of vodka and a pineapple juice chaser for you to share, his eyes widen and he shakes his head abruptly. “Absolutely not,” he tells you, backing up slowly before bumping into a man dancing his butt off. “No shots. We have work tomorrow.”
You don’t look at him, but he sees you raise an eyebrow. “Oh? No work tomorrow?” you question, your tone dancing between curious and mock-disbelief.
His shoulder’s drop, he feels defeated. “Yes.”
You give a polite nod to the bartender and slide Yaku his shot, setting the pineapple chaser in between you two, “Tell me, Yaku, what day of the week is it today?”
The day dawns on him, and he runs his freehand down his features, “Friday.”
You give him a toothy smile, “Friday. Just this one shot, and a few beers and we can get out of here, yeah? It’s a double celebration- International Beer Day and Yaku Morisuke’s birthday!” you suggest, raising your glass to him, waiting for the clink. And when he taps his shot glass to yours, you cheer and the night finally begins.
Time: August 8 on Saturday, 11:27 AM Location: Your living room floor
Yaku jolts up from the sound of a toilet flushing, and he regrets this action immediately. He has a headache- the annoying kind. The one that he knows he will linger throughout most of the day. He has a funny feeling in his stomach- nausea. His entire body aches.
He’s thankful that the room is still dark, thankful that he decided to buy those blackout shades to keep the daylight out- wait.
He doesn’t have blackout sheets. And if his memories serve him right, he doesn’t remember getting an extra firm mattress.
“Hey, birthday boy,” you drone with a hoarse voice. He can tell that whatever he’s feeling, you’re feeling too. Your footsteps sound slow and methodical- you probably don’t have any contacts or glasses on. “Sorry my floors not too comfortable, but you wouldn’t let me take you to bed,” you say, handing him a glass of water.
He doesn’t have the energy to flush, but your words are embarrassing him. “Don’t say things like that.” He takes the water, and chugs it down immediately. And immediately, he regrets it. His stomach is telling him to drink things slower. “Thanks for letting me crash here.”
You sit on your couch and tuck your legs under you. You look down at Yaku, who has already positioned himself back comfortably on your floor. “Do you remember what happened last night?” you question him, a sly smile gracing your lips. “Or do you want me to tell you?”
Yaku makes a face, and looks up at the ceiling fan. What did he do last night? He doesn’t remember much- the last thing he really remembers is you challenging him, saying that you could match whatever he drinks.
Time: August 7 on Friday, 20:43 PM Location: The bar, a few blocks down from the office Yaku’s Stats: Shots- 1, Beers- 2
“It’s a marathon not a race, idiot,” Yaku scolds you, speech not yet slurred. But that red fanning his face is a dead giveaway that he’s about to have some fun real soon. “Besides, I’m bigger than you. I’d drink you under the table.”
You laugh and can’t help but agree with him, “I guess you’re right. But you aren’t that much bigger than me. I bet I could match you if I tried.”
The strawberry blond (in your head, you’re thinking ‘the cutest strawberry blond’) takes another swig of his beer of choice. “Don’t,” he sets his beer down. “I don’t wanna carry you out of here.”
He misses the way that your eyes travel to his beer. The smile on your face grows a bit wider, “How about we just drink like normal people do then? To you, Yaku!”
Time: August 8 on Saturday, 11:36 AM Location: Your living room floor
You push your glasses up the bridge of your nose. “You didn’t do anything embarrassing,” you admit, “but I wish you did!”
Yaku groans, and the small action is still enough to exacerbate the banging he’s feeling on his head. “So, we had a few beers- that’s it right? That doesn’t explain why I can’t remember anything.”
“I had a few beers. You had a few more than I did.” You gesture towards Yaku’s arm, and he has to bring his arm up to his face because he can’t bear to move his head right now.
“It was pretty impressive- the way you just put it all away so fast.”
Time: August 7 on Friday, 21:01 PM Location: The bar, a few blocks down from the office Yaku’s Stats: Shots- 1, Beers- 3
You watch Yaku finish his beer, chugging it down and taking his lips away with a satisfying ‘ah!’
Your eyes light up, and you take a sharpie out of your purse, “I have an idea.” Before Yaku can ask, you’re grabbing his arm and rolling up his sleeves, “Let’s see how much you can drink.” He feels the tingle of contact when you glide the sharpie on his skin, drawing four tick marks.
He’s at the stage of tipsy where he doesn’t mind that you’re in his personal bubble. “That’s a stupid idea,” he fights, but he doesn’t pull away. “You’ll forget to mark it. Probably be too busy dancing.”
“Not if you agree to dance with me,” you wink at him.
Time: August 8 on Saturday, 12:52 PM Location: Your kitchen
“Do you take your coffee with anything? Cream, sugar, or whatever?” you ask, shuffling through your pantry and fridge while the coffee brews. It probably has another minute or two before it’s ready.
The good thing is, Yaku has finally dragged himself up and to your kitchen. The brightness in your kitchen, however, is not doing him any favors. If anything, it makes the banging in his head louder, harder. He thinks that maybe sugar will make him feel sicker. “I’ll take it black.”
“Suit yourself, then.” You sneak some sugar and milk into your coffee cup before pouring the coffee in.
You settle the coffee in front of him, and he gladly takes it. The smell alone helps the drums diminuendo slightly. “That doesn’t sound bad, but I still can’t remember. Are these tally marks even accurate?”
You roll your eyes. “I may not work in the finance department, but I know how to count.”
Time: August 7 on Friday, 22:14 PM Location: The bar, a few blocks down from the office – the dance floor Yaku’s Stats: Shots- 1, Beers- 5
“Stop being so stiff!” you cackle, hunching over slightly to hold your sides. Everyone knows Yaku isn’t the best dancer, but you’ve never seen it in real time. “It looks like you’re doing the robot.”
You think he’s still okay but the droopiness of his eyelids and the slur in his speech tells you otherwise. “I don’t dance, Y/N,” he says again for what feels like the 30th time tonight.
He puts his hands on your hips in an attempt to steady you. “Let’s go sit back down, I feel goofy,” he replies into your ear. If it weren’t for the loud music and the way he breath smells like beer, you would have swoon. But your skin still feels hot under his touch. The bodies around you aren’t helping, either.
You think you want to run your hands through his hair, but instead your hands find his tie and you loosen it up for him. You hesitate for a split second before deciding to also unbutton the first button of his shirt. Your hands hover over the second button, but you push that option from your mind. He needs to relax, but you don’t think he’d be comfortable with an undone shirt.
“Just hang onto me,” you instruct next, bringing his hands slightly higher so they rest right above your hips. “And move!”
Time: August 8 on Saturday, 12:57 PM Location: Your kitchen
Of course, you leave out the part where his hands are on you. You can tell him that later, when he isn’t feeling like dying. But you make a theatrical reenactment to show his moves.
His eyes mimic saucers. “You got me to the dance floor?” He leans back on the chair, and uses one hand to cover his eyes. “Why? How?”
You shrug, hiding your coy smile behind your cup as you take another sip of coffee. “You seemed to enjoy it though.”
He’s shaking his head. “I rarely enjoy dancing.” He leans forward again, taking another gulp of coffee.
The caffeine seems to be helping, and he’s learned his lesson from the water that he shouldn’t be inhaling his drinks. It won’t do him any good. But, he feels less nauseous the more he drinks, and he’s grateful that he’s in your apartment and not in his. He knows he would have spent a little longer laying around moping.
“You really just danced,” you tap on your chin, thinking about the night and his actions, “and you were having a good time!” As an afterthought, you add, “We should’ve invited our coworkers.”
Time: August 7 on Friday, 22:30 PM Location: The bar, a few blocks down from the office – the dance floor Yaku’s Stats: Shots- 1, Beers- 5.5
Yakus’ tie is completely gone now, lost in the depths of your purse. The grip around your upper waist tightens just a bit, bringing you closer to him. You look up at him expectantly. And you think that maybe you’re too easy to read when you’ve also had a few drinks, because even inebriated Yaku can tell you’re thinking about something.
He looks around briefly, then settles his eyes on you once again. “People keep bumping into us. It’s better if we stay close,” and the Cheshire-like smile you sported when you took your first shot is now making an appearance on Yaku’s lips. “Is this okay?”
You nod dumbly, swallowing hard and clinging onto him even harder. The atmosphere takes another shift when you find yourself laughing again as he swings you both around in a clumsy stilled-tango, “Why’re you still so awkward?! Move your feet!”
He lets go of you then, then starts exaggerating his movements. “Like this?” He’s flailing his arms and flapping his feet. He whacks a guy behind him, but he’s probably as lost as Yaku and doesn’t react negatively in the slightest.
You grab his hands, holding them to his sides and dragging him away from the dance floor, “That was perfect! I have another idea now.”
He lets himself be led by you, freeing himself from your grasp to down the rest of his beer.
Time: August 8 on Saturday, 13:16 PM Location: Your kitchen
“You kinda looked like a chicken,” you point out, grabbing the empty cups and setting them in your sink, running the water to begin washing them right away. “It was cute.” Then, after a second to think about it, “It was like watching a toddler learn how to move their limbs for the first time.”
He pouts. This does nothing to help his case. Then, looks at his arm again. “So why does my arm have 8 marks?”
You rinse the dish soap off the last cup you are washing and roll your eyes in what you think is a playful manner. “Because we took one more shot. Duh.”
He raises an eyebrow, trying so hard to remember last night. “We did?”
The sound of dishes clicking together on the drying rack fill the air as you place them carefully next to each other. You grab the nearest kitchen towel to wipe down at your counter and your sink. “But just one more.”
Time: August 7 on Friday, 22:30 PM Location: The bar, a few blocks down from the office – the dance floor Yaku’s Stats: Shots- 1, Beers- 6
“Two birthday shots!” you shout out to the bartender, waving your arms to grab their attention. Yaku stands behind you, waving his arms in sync with you. His other hand somehow finds its way to your waist again, but you don’t mind. Your mind drifts to the thought of having his hand there forever, and you smile harder.
“Last one?” you ask, bringing your shot glass up to him as an offering.
“Last one,” he replies, bringing his glass up to yours before downing the shot in one go. It’s sweet, but Yaku still makes a face from the taste. “Remind me to never take that shot ever again,” he says, placing the glass on the table and leaving his hand there for support. “It’s too sweet.”
“You’re sweet,” you say as a way to insult him.
And when you’re stumbling out of the bar at 23:00 PM (too early, you think. But it’s been awhile since you’ve even been out), you have Yaku clinging to your arm as you squint your eyes to look out for your Lyft drive.
“You’re sweet, too, I guess,” he mumbles, more to the ground than to you. And it takes you a moment to realize that he was responding to your earlier comment.
The cool breeze of the night helped with the warmth you felt on your skin, but it’s all been for naught with his comment. Now, you feel the heat come back.
A quick glance at your phone shows you that your driver is 2 minutes away. This gives you enough time to position Yaku straight (or as straight as he could possibly stand).  “You don’t know what you’re saying right now, Yaku,” you grin at him. He still isn’t looking at you.
“You’re very pretty. Sometimes I go to the payroll office to see you. I know you hide by the printers there,” he admits.
You bite your lip. “That’s sweet, but please don’t tell anyone where I hide.”
“And I really…” he trails off, the sentence mixing with the breeze you feel.
This piques your interest, so you turn to him. And he’s finally looking at you again. “Really…” he continues.
But your Lyft arrives.
And Yaku upchucks on the ground.
Luckily, it doesn’t get on you. And luckily it doesn’t get in the Lyft either. It’s better he lets it out now. You wouldn’t want to ask him for $300 on his birthday.
Time: August 8 on Saturday, 13:24 PM Location: Your living room couch
Of course, you leave out where he compliments you before he blows chunks. That is also something you can tell him later on. But you don’t leave off the chunks part.
He’s groaning next to you, his left knee slightly brushing your right knee as you both sit cross-legged on the couch. “I threw up? In front of you?” He looks at his arm again, “I didn’t even have that much to drink.”
“You drank it so fast- guess you were sprinting, rather than marathon-ing,” you chuckle, repositioning and bringing your knees close to your chest. “But, you got it on the ground! I think I would’ve killed you if you threw up in the Lyft.”
And you both sit in silence for a bit, basking in it. Yaku especially, since his headache is finally going away completely. Something about your apartment is helping him through this hangover. He thinks that maybe it’s because of your blinds. He really needs to get some. Maybe he’ll ask you where you got yours later.
“So, what do you wanna do for your birthday?” you ask. Somewhere in the quiet, you’ve shifted your body, resting your back on the armrest of your couch with your feet at his thigh, pushing slightly to catch his attention. “We can get some brunch? Mimosas?” you joke, lips curling upwards when Yaku makes a disgusted face.
He can’t even think of alcohol right now. He might drink too fast again. “Absolutely not. We celebrated last night, didn’t we?”
“Stay then,” you offer sheepishly, “I’ll order food and we can watch a movie.”
Time: August 7 on Friday, 22:42 PM Location: The Lyft, on your way to your apartment Yaku’s Stats: Shots- 1, Beers- 6
Yaku fights, not wanting to crash at anyone else’s place. “I wanna go home. I want my bed,” he slurs, clinging to the passenger door and clicking the window button up and down. He doesn’t know if he wants cool, fresh air or warm, car air. Maybe he should ask you to ask the driver to turn on the AC.
“You can go home tomorrow. Crash at my place,” you tell him again for the 3rd time. “I live closer anyway. You don’t want to do a sleepover with me?”
He snorts, “Are we in middle school?”
You look out your window to keep yourself from smiling to hard at him. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this drunk; you also don’t think you’ve ever seen him drink so fast.
“It’ll be fun,” the car stops in front of your apartment building, “come on. You can take my bed.” You tug at Yaku’s arm and let him sling it over you.
“Will you be there, too?”
As appealing as that sounds, you shake your head. “I can take the couch.”
He visibly pouts, jutting his lips out to exaggerate his disappointment.
It’s a struggle to get the key into the door, but when you finally do, Yaku makes his way straight to your couch. He doesn’t land perfectly, because you see him slowly roll off to the ground. You have to stifle a laugh when he starts snoring immediately.
You stare at him a bit, deciding if you should wake him up, drag his limp body to the comfort of your bed, or just leave him there on your floor. Ultimately, it’s better to not touch someone who’s knocked out within seconds.
You open your mouth to say something, but shut it after. There’s no way he’d be able to hear you saying thank you. You’ll wait until the morning to bother him again.
tagging: @kingkags
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dull-and-lazy · 4 years
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haikyupid · 4 years
May I have a mini matchup too? Thank you! I identify as female and I'd like to be matched with a male character. I love chip and dale but especially dale lol, my fave pastry is apple pear pie and my fave drink is anything involving melons - watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe flavors. I'd like to tell Oikawa to keep his head up, hang in there, and best of luck to the both of us in life - 🎋
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tooru: thank you, i’ll always keep that in mind.
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— [ ♡ ] i match you up with . . .
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≺ the way i uwued at this ; you two will be the parents of nekoma, but more so their pillar of support
≺ the vbc just needs the two of you, always ; ever since you started dating yaku and visited one of their matches, the vbc members never pictured any practice or tournament without you being there anymore ; you and yaku just give them that moral support that they always need, and when it gets too serious, yaku can always count on you to help him lighten up the mood
≺ he doesn’t brag about you like the others, but he does get smug and feel proud whenever you’re with him or when the vbc thanks you and yaku for you twos help ; he just doesn’t like stating what should already be obvious, which is that you’re the best gf and mother to the vbc, periodt
≺ likes that you’re mature and someone who’s straight-to-the-point, makes his life that much easier since he’s already taking care of a 6’ feet child
≺ finds security and comfort in you, so do expect him to sometimes just lay out his bare feelings to you ; you don’t have to give him any advice or comment after every topic he talks about, sometimes he also just appreciates that you’re listening
≺ lowkey gets really giddy and blushy whenever lev or yama calls you two ‘mum and dad’
— [ ❝ let’s have a bite of each other’s food, okay? here. ❞ ]
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Thank you for participating in the event! I hope you enjoy this mini-matchup of yours.
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tobiosmilktea · 3 years
hello there. my bday is around the corner and i was wondering how would random haikyuu boys celebrate it with u 💓
how the haikyuu boys will celebrate your birthday with you
a/n: my birthday is just around the corner too so this was really fun to write 🥺 i decided to do it by team bc i couldn’t pick who boys to do lmao
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— karasuno
i think they’ll definitely pull some intricate plan that will go wrong one way or another
like a surprise party maybe
it was fs nishinoya and tanaka’s idea to set one up after school in the gym where they tell everyone to pretend to forget your birthday just to add that special element of surprise
but then again, guys like tsukishima and kageyama don’t need to pretend they didn’t know your birthday because they truly didn’t until hinata brought it up to them (don’t take it too personally tho lmao)
speaking of which, hinata almost spoiled the surprise for you if yachi wasn’t there to distract you 💀
despite being the second year’s idea to throw this surprise party for you, it’s primarily the third years doing all the work since tanaka and nishinoya don’t know how to organize a party for shit
poor kiyoko is actually doing all the work while daichi and asahi are putting up decorations with the help of the first years (tsukishima had to be forced tho smh)
yamaguchi and yachi seem like the types to overthink what to get you for a birthday present, probably going all out while kageyama would just buy you your favorite drink and snack from the vending machine near the gym literally five minutes before the surprise
it’s the thought that counts ig
sugawara made your cake as well with the usual message, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N !!’
and since the surprise party was being held in the gym after practice, everyone had to hurry and clean up before setting out all the decorations. and can i just say, it’s chaotic™️
yachi had to distract you for a good ten minutes by asking you to walk all the way towards the other end of campus to ‘get something’ that didn’t exist in the first place
meanwhile in the gym, the second years were in charge of taking down the volleyball net to replace it with a badly homemade painting with tanaka’s messy ass handwriting wishing you a happy birthday
the third years and first years as mentioned before were setting up decorations, hanging up streamers, setting out balloons, and handing out party poppers
with kiyoko, takeda-sensei, and ukai set out a table for sugawara to place the cake he made for you (which it almost fell cause ennoshita bumped into him)
hinata was also on the lookout if you and yachi were nearby
and when you were, he shout so loudly that even you heard down the hall
finishing up any last minute details, the team sets out their presents for you with their party poppers in hand before shouting, “SURPRISE!!”
it’s all fun and games until nishinoya accidentally released confetti at your face by accident
he made up for it with his present though lmao
— aoba johsai
saying that seijoh probably won’t do anything as big as a surprise party is a complete lie
knowing oikawa and the moment he found out it was going to be your birthday soon, he’ll plan something more extravagant than some lame surprise party (albeit, badly planned without the help of iwa)
he’d probably rent out a party bus to drive around the city before stopping by at some random karaoke place downtown
he’ll only invite the third years and your close friends so it isn’t too big of a celebration that it doesn’t feel like it’s your own party
the best part of the night was mattsun absolutely outshining oikawa in literally everything
there was even a stripper pole in the party bus and he just started fucking around with you to pretending to make it rain on him,, it was hilarious
you love rewatching the videos you took of that night
your favorite (besides stripper matsukawa) was iwa singing a ballad for you and when i say that man has vocals i mean it
at the end of the night, all your friends got up to sing happy birthday to you on the karaoke machine
the second years would probably feel bad celebrating your birthday with you, so instead they take you out to get udon after school and just vibe
you were honestly just surprised that it was kyotani’s idea to take you out like this, not to mention the cute gift he gave you that he put a lot of thought into
meanwhile i think the first years are just too intimidated by you minus kunimi
like kindaichi knew of your birthday but he was just too scared to go up to you and wish you a happy birthday before handing you your favorite convenient store snack as a little gift
— nekoma
unlike karasuno and seijoh, the way the nekoma boys celebrate with you is definitely on the more laidback side, yet they still put effort in wishing you a happy birthday
kenma, kuroo, and yaku would definitely stay up with you the night before your birthday playing video games just to be the first ones to wish you a happy birthday the moment the clock strikes midnight
they’ll even set up a minecraft server that kenma spent hours setting up and building everything that you like with a gigantic banner made out of your favorite colors of wool saying ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
the rest of the night staying up playing party games on hypixel despite having school the next day
in the morning, you’d find kenma and kuroo waiting outside your house so they can walk the birthday celebrant to school, plus they had bags in their hands to which you assume were presents for you
it was then did you realize that you were going to get more throughout the day after kuroo mentioned how he told the team that it was your birthday
there was something embarrassing and a bit cringey being showered with attention for your birthday, especially at school, but you still appreciated the team’s efforts
throughout the day, people would notice the gifts in your hands and would wish you a happy birthday, definitely causing a stir in the school when yaku, lev, and yamamoto burst into your classroom to shout happy birthday
while yamamoto is literally showering you with birthday wishes and presents, lev would give you a cute plushie of your favorite animal along with a little cake
he’d probably ask to eat it with you during lunch lmao
by the end of the day, kuroo and kenma would help you carry all the presents you received as you guys end the day off getting ramen
— fukurodani
i don’t think they’ll make a big deal out of it knowing you don’t like making a big deal out of your birthday either
the only reason why they even found out that your birthday was around the corner is because bokuto couldn’t keep his mouth shut
it played out somewhere along the lines like this: akaashi would ask you if you were free this weekend so you two could study for the upcoming math exam
bokuto was there as well when you had to ask for a raincheck on studying as your parents were forcing you to go out on a celebratory birthday dinner (as by their words, “it’s the least you could do.”)
to which bokuto literally gasps and shouts, “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND?” his words echoing throughout the gym and definitely catching the attention of the rest of the volleyball team
if that’s his reaction to finding out it’s your birthday soon, just imagine how shocked he would be when you tell him that you don’t really like celebrating it
akaashi would definitely understand and opted to buy you a little something for his appreciation and give it to you the following day, but bokuto wants to full on throw a party for you
“come on! it’ll just be a little get-together at the park!” he would beg
“thank you, bo, but i’m honestly fine just going out to dinner with my family.”
he would huff, planning to throw one as a surprise party instead, but akaashi immediately shoots down his idea out of respect for you
instead, bokuto would channel all that energy to giving “the best birthday gift of your life!” (end quote)
even konoha would challenge him on that just to tease him, but would still give you a well thought out gift
and yeah, it’s honestly kind of embarrassing seeing him walk into school with a box full of things you’re into including a giant owl plushie (school spirit ig??)
poor bo was outshined by yukie and kaori when they made a birthday cake for you
— shiratorizawa
lowkey i feel like shiratorizawa is definitely one of those private schools that would announce when their student’s birthdays are when they come close
like no one of the vb team would’ve found out your birthday was in a couple days if it wasn’t for that overhead announcement made by the vice principal
however, i wouldn’t think they’d make a huge deal out of it besides tendou maybe
the moment you would walk into the gymnasium, he’ll immediately wish you a happy birthday loudly before nudging ushijima to do the same
instead of one big party, you celebrated with them almost individually
tendou and ushijima both took you to the aquarium and bought you a gift that you specifically chose out cause they’d probably wouldn’t be bothered to do so without you
and then you’d go out with semi and reon to which you three just get sushi after school
lowkey i feel like they would buy literally anything you show even the tiniest amount of interest in and they’ll buy it within a snap
you literally had to stop semi from buying you anything else as he’ll end up spending all his pocket change when the sushi was enough
and unlike their upperclassman, shirabu and goshiki would probably just celebrate with you by just hanging out at your house--watching netflix, playing video games, maybe ordering some pizza
it’s pretty simple, but they’ll be there all day cause the time spent together is just really nice
— inarizaki
the twins literally cannot keep their mouths shut
the team was already pretty aware of your birthday, but they have been keeping the surprise party for you on the downlow ever since the twins proposed their idea of doing a little picnic for you
but go figure that it would be atsumu and osamu exposing their entire plan in front of you after nagging their team not to say jackshit in front of you
they’d still follow through with their plans, however, despite not being a surprise anymore
the little celebration would be held at the park, suna being in charge of the picnic blanket, kita being in charge of bringing drinks, osamu being in charge of bringing the food, and atsumu being in charge of... well,, bringing you ig
aran would arrive late only because he had to get his bday gift for you (which btw was the best one fs) as well as picking up your birthday cake with the words ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH <3′ 
it’s so obvious that suna was the one who ordered the cake, but it’s literally the best you have every received
overall, it’s pretty chill but you couldn’t ask for anything more knowing their efforts and how you’ve been laughing your ass off the entire time
you guys would even watch the sunset as yall sat atop a hill, taking photos to put on your stories and to post on social media
out of the hundreds of photos taken of you with your cake or aran force feeding suna food, the group photo taken exactly at golden hour was your absolute favorite
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
helo:] hope you are having an amazing day! i don’t know if you are accepting request or not, if not it’s fine! if by chance you do, since today its my bday id like to request some headcanons for a bday with kuroo:)) if it’s possible and you like the idea maybe in the ambience of the training camp-w-
thank you so much in advance even if you don’t accept requests! have an awesome day:3
hello! thank uu, i had a pretty good day :')) and i hope you did so too! omgg happy happy happy birthday!! i hope i'm not late aaaah i hope you have a wonderful day!
yes yes, kuroo with his s/o on their birthday hcs <3
- was definitely all nervous and giddy about your birthday coming up. pls he couldn't keep his mouth shut when it took up 80% of his thoughts. bokuto, kenma, yaku, kai...they've all heard enough of how excited he is
- he probably packed a little gift in his sports bag, tucked in a special pocket, before he left home. on the morning of your special day, he slipped in under his shirt so no one (including you) would see. he's gotta admit he felt a bit insecure about his small gift right before giving it to you...what if you don't like it? not good enough?
- most definitely gave you a hand written card and told you not to read it until he's gone...he can't handle the sudden redness creeping to his face
- PLS he would totally go "it's y/n's birthday!" to a whole crowd of people so they can all sing for you
- will totally spoil you after the training camp is over hehehe
(sidenote: during the barbecue, kuroo often asked if you wanted more food and would go get it for you)
i hope you like these mini kuroo hcs! :) again, i hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more to come <3
aww i hope you have an amazing day too!!
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sacredmouche · 4 years
Crazy in Love | Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Originally made this for my best friend, but since it was Oikawa's birthday yesterday I'll post this. I forgot to post this on his bday pls forgive me mr. Argentina.
edit: oh god I'm so sorry I literally just copy-pasted this from Word and forgot to edit this T__T I edited it just now. Forgive a dumbass.
“I’m gonna do it” you eyed your friends with such determination, your phone in your hand, however, your friends are giving you a very disappointed look, some of them with terrified expression.
“Look, just do it, if it’s some 50-year-old murderer, then you’re on your own” Kenma massaged his temples, disappointed. He’s been trying to stop you from doing what you are about to do, but you are such a tenacious brat. “Let’s go, Kuroo” he pulled the black-haired captain.
Yaku on the other side is pushing you to do it, “Yes Yaku, I will definitely do it!” you squealed and pressed the send button.
Your love got me feeling so crazy right now ;)
“Oh my God, Kenma, Kuroo! She really did it!” Taketora exclaimed, drawing attention from the faux blond and the emo boy. Kenma let out a sigh, Kuroo pulled his hair in frustration. You really are a pain in the ass. Everyone blamed Yaku because he fueled you on doing so this ‘dangerous’ thing according to some of your friends.
One and all in the clubroom was quarreling, well not until your phone shut them up. Hearing your handphone dinged caught their attention and stopped them from their argument that is undeniably caused by none other than, Y/N. A troublemaker is what Kuroo defines you.
Everybody gathered behind you, curiosity-filled eyes gaze upon your phone anticipating the response from the stranger you just texted. “Ooh open it already!” Yaku is by now very excited that he almost took your phone from your hand, but because of your feline like instincts you swiftly whipped your arms away from him and give him a sharp glare.
You opened the unread message from the stranger who might be a 50-year-old pedophile. Everyone laughed when the messaged was revealed, you on the other hand, was far from being amused. The sender just roasted you. The emotionless Kenma laughed too, the silent Fukunaga is currently on the floor, holding onto his dear life and gasping for air.
You walked out of the clubroom with annoyance. You are not looking for someone with bad blood relationship. You just want something like internet friends. Something like a pen pal, so you opt to text some random number in hoping to get what you want. Friends outside the Nekoma team.
You left the sender on read unintentionally, realizing it when he texted you again. They apologized for what they have said earlier, saying that he is now a nice person compare to the person he was not too long ago. It made your heart float. Aww how cute.
And that is how your friendship with the captain started. On the other hand, the brunette’s been flirting with you for the past two years of your friendship. You are now a college freshman; he is a sophomore and still trying to get to you despite the enormous distance between the two of you. Tokyo and Miyagi are quite far.
Your naïve self is what keeping you from realizing he’s making his move to you and for Oikawa, it is really frustrating as fuck. You are more naïve than the Shiratorizawa captain.
“Eh? Really?” You squealed over the phone when he told you the news that he is going to Tokyo tomorrow. On the other side of the phone, Oikawa cannot contain his smile. Hearing you get excited over him, god you make his heart skip a beat.
He nodded as if you can see him right now, “yes darling, ugh the things I do for you, you have to marry me” he half-jokingly said, earning a laugh from you. You are being naïve again. When will you realize?
The call ended yet his heart is still beating fast, his mind is clouded with the thought of you. That night he couldn’t fall asleep, thinking what he would do tomorrow and for the following day to make you realize that he wants you to be his.
This is not your first-time meeting Oikawa, just like him you couldn’t fall asleep. Too excited to see him. Too excited to hug him. Too excited to touch him. Too excited to kiss him– wait, what? You shook your head to the thought and silently laugh it out. Why did I ever think of kissing him? Weird.
Waking up to the ray of sun hitting your face, you joyfully danced to the music you are humming while readying yourself. Oikawa is on the way to Tokyo and you can’t help yourself but to feel beyond happy and excited. You are too jolly that everyone in your household is weirded out by you.
You are just so happy that you even greet your dog’s food tray and the car on your garage.
Let’s meet at the nearest WcDonald’s.
Tooru’s voice is echoing on your mind and when you got there, you saw him he’s already there. Handsome as ever.
“Hey, my love! Looking good,” he called out, offering his hand but you swat it “fuck off, Tooru. Don’t act like we’re together” you laughed, failing to see his pained reaction.
This unplanned meet up went on smoothly. You went to the arcade, to a karaoke hub, to the ocean park, and to every place you can think of. Both of you are currently lining up to a cinema, he’s been staring at you for a while now. Admiring the beauty of the girl he is with. The girl who fails to notice his love for her.
You turned to him; his eyes widened. You asked if there is something wrong and said it was nothing, but for you there is. It worries you because Oikawa seemed to act weird today and you cannot easily shrug it off, so you decided to tell him later when the movie ends.
Did she finally realize? Oh, she would never.
You can never unless he says it directly, that is how naïve you are.
At long last, you are now in the counter finally picking the movie to watch and your seat. Upon entering the cinema, the coldness sends shiver to your spine, wiggling your body as soon as you sat down. The guy noticed and removed his jacket for you to wear it, you apologized and tried to refuse but he insisted so you ended up wearing his jacket that is too big for you.
Seeing you wearing his clothes is such a turn on for him, mentally cursing his hormones.
It’s been thirty minutes since the movie started and his hands are just too awkward, not knowing whether to hold yours or just put it on the arm rest. He doesn’t know. Should he put it on your head and play with your hair? Should he just rest it on his lap? He groaned, making you jump slightly. You asked him if he’s okay and he nodded, telling you not to mind him. You did and just focus on the movie.
Oikawa thought of a very cliché move that he will probably regret for the rest of his life.
“I didn’t know this movie is so boring,” he whispered and fake a yawn “it’s making me sleepy” he continued and raised his arms as if he was stretching and about to rest it on your shoulders. You gaze at him, his brows raised.
“Are you flirting with me?”
His eyes widened; pupils blown. He smiled.
“Oh, you finally noticed?”
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h1kari · 4 years
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For my dear mutual, @a-magey
summary: kuroo and The Gang (tm) suprise you for your bday 🥺
warnings: tiny bit of angst maybe? Not really, just feeling sad for a bit. Oh, and shitty writing 😭 it’s my first one
btw the messy drawing at the end was made by me :) happy bday!!!
🎂 (You) 🎂
19. Finally here. The age everyone starts treating you pretty much like an adult. Almost reaching the 20’s, a new beginning.
That was something many kept reminding you
“God, almost 20 huh?” “The last teen years!” “You’re like a whole adult now”
Look- it wasn’t exactly that the fact of turning 19 bothered you or anything, it’s just that the way they say it as if your life is over or something. Plus everyone mentions that basically every year. “You’re turning 16, almost 17!” “You’re turning 82, almost 85!” Yes that’s precisely how aging works.
You weren’t gonna let that ruin your day. You’d have a nice date with your boyfriend, Kuroo, and then you’d go hang out with your group of friends. However, the universe decided against that.
“God baby I’m so sorry, I won’t be able to make it. You know how my boss is, he doesn’t really waver much when it comes to work.”
You sigh, well- internally, you didn’t wanna make Kuroo feel guilty. It’s work after all, right?
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. We can do it another time”
There was a silence
“I love you”
“Me too, good luck at work”
You weren’t gonna let this ruin your day but god did you feel disappointed. It wasn’t his fault of course but the lonelieness still crept slowly upon your body. Well, what about your friends?
“Super sorry!” “I’m so sorry!!” “Gaahh I won’t be able to make it! Sorry”
Now you actually sigh
Guess It’ll just be a you-day, huh?
🍰 (Kuroo) 🍰
“I want to die”
Kuroo exclaimed dramatically after his excrutiating call. His chest tightened at the sound of your voice slowly quieting down, with a hint of sadness melting on it. He couldn’t bear to wait any longer, he wanted to see you right there and then. See your pretty face lightning up when you discover that no- of course he wouldn’t work on your birthday! It was just a surprise, see? Then you’d hug him and kiss him and-
“Earth to Kuroo-san”
Yaku snapped his fingers in front of his former volleyball captain, with a slightly smug look on his face,
“C’mon we just need to fix some things up and we’re finished, you lovestruck bastard”
Kuroo stood straight, groaning. Yeah, Yaku was right, just some more stuff and he’ll get to see you, but damn the image of a sad you made him want to pull a fuck-it and run to you. He sure was an absolute dork for you.
🎂 (Back to you) 🎂
Walking down the street you felt the light buzz of your phone, excitedly checking it, only to sulk when it was just Lev asking you to get him a book from the library because he needed it for some uni stuff and you usually spent most days there anyway. Putting your phone away and heading toyour beloved library, you looked around you, you’re still there, you made it to 19 and that’s a privilige not many have. Again you repeat to yourself, you won’t let yourself have a bad day.
Looking around the library, taking in that familir scent, warm lights, concentrated looking students, wooden tables. A feeling of home. You notice a woman with the work uniform speed walking up to you, a determined look on her face.
“Hello! This may seem a bit weird but, here”
She hands you a note with a location, the farmers market you love going to with your boyfriend
You start catching on. Excited, you quickly thank the lady, and rush out of the library, as she whipser-yells “Happy birthday!”
Makes sense you though Kuroo was acting weird! You don’t know if you wanna kill him or kiss him, porbably the latter, yeah, most definitely.
You finally got to the farmers market, and a nice santa-looking guy taps your shoulder, handing you another note with a warm smile. The park, a usual spot for you to hang out with then “Neko gang” as you like to call it. Repeating your previous actions, you thank the man and go to your next, and final stop.
You reach your destination and decide to head to that one spot you guys claim as yours, in the middle of the park’s green field, farther away from other groups. You’d usually play cards, talk and mess around, read and even just nap there. It’s warm and cozy, it’s perfect.
🍰 (Kuroo) 🍰
“Alright guys, get ready”
Kuroo waited for your arrival like a loyal puppy (well- more like a cat 🥴) and seeing the top of your brown hair slowly coming up the little grass filled mountain, made him feel a weird sense of relief. He irrationally worried about whether you’d just gone to your apartment and stayed there sad, alone. He’s ecstatic to be able to do something like this for you, you’ve done everything for him by just being by his side. He wants to return the favor, and he wouldn’t mind doing so if that meant spoiling and being with you forever.
Seeing your face was definitely worth it.
Everyone launged themselves at you, making you all fall down, giggling like idiots. Kenma was able to get everyone to let you breathe (“Kuroo jesus christ you were apart for like 20 minutes, calm down”)
🎂 (You) 🎂
Standing up, you thanked everyone. After that, you spent the whole afternoon talking about your memories with each other, how you’d met, how you’d become friends, inside jokes, trip togethers, etc. You ate delicious strawberry cake done by Yaku and Lev, opened presents (which included paint brushes, cookie cutter and various murder mystery and romantic books). You had the time of your life. Everything was perfect. Just as Kuroo planned, you forgot about any sadness you felt during the date. These are your people and you love them.
After saying your goodbyes, you and Kuroo entered your apartment. Your black haired boy fixed up a nice, warm and bubbly bath for you both, proving that yes, he wanted to spoil you even more. You got in, getting comfortable against Kuroo’s chest. He started trailing sweet kisses on your shoulders, nape and chest. Innocent, even if the position didn’t seem so. You were both still quiet, not uttering a word since you came back from your little suprise. Even without saying anything you both knew well enough,
You loved each other.
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lilikags · 4 years
Happy Birthday to Ushijima and Aone!! 💖
Ok so some hcs for their bday tho i suck and have no inspo 
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶ Ushijima Wakatoshi- Surprise Party (again ik i made one for yaku but no inspo aaaaaaaaa)
✮ They planned the party for days before his birthday ✮ Goshiki was the most into it ✮ tho Tendou was the most helpful ✮ when Tendou and Goshiki went to buy a cake, he told him things about Ushijima that weren’t exactly true, just to tease him ✮ Goshiki believed them because Tendou was telling him that ✮ so the day of the birthday party ✮ they all went their normal day ✮ at night after practice they all kinda disappeared  ✮ and when Ushijima got to his room they were all there  ✮ Shirabu noticed that Goshiki was bothered by something ✮ which was one of the things Tendou said ✮ and he told him to ask Ushijima if it was about him  ✮ and so he did ✮ and Ushijima was like “what” when he heard it ✮ and you could hear Tendou laughing ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
ok so i attempted to write Aone but I just can’t get any ideas 😭😭😭😭😭 but like seriously ilysm Aone 💗💗💗
I hope the people who see this likes the hc tbh it’s kinda not that great but i don’t have anything better so uh yeah
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sophiemess · 3 years
HAPPY BDAY YAKU my eternal beloved husband 💕💕💕💕
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yakufuku-blog · 6 years
"Mori! Mori stop what you are doing-" Noya burst through the door to Yaku's room, marching over to his desk with an excited, nervous energy. "I'm taking you out for your birthday! We are gonna get lunch at the place nearby your campus, the place that sells the really good spicy curry-" never mind the fact it was expensive, he had been saving for this moment. "And then maybe we can go for a walk? Point is you need to have fun on your bday oh and-" Suddenly his energy was more nervous than before-
-procurring a small, metal keychain with a molten volleyball hanging from it and a red bow tied in a knot to the metal links. “Sorry this isn’t much but I wanted to get you something and do something nice for your birthday.” He laughed nervously and hesitated for a moment before leaning down to give yaku a peck on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Mori.”
“I’m STOPPING, I’m stopping,” Yaku can’t help but laugh when Nishinoya BARGES through. The other had sent him a text earlier saying he’d be over, so Yaku had been CLEANING UP, and had left the door open. “Hi, Yuu. Nice to see you.” 
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“We’re going out? For curry? Nice, nice, that’s always something good on my birthday.” 
And spicy curry too, one of his favorite things. a walk with Nishinoya- yeah, this. This is perfect. Yaku can’t STOP his grin, pulling at his lips, about to step forward when he pulls out a keychain. 
His eyes fall to it, lips pucker a little bit, eyebrows furrow as he ANALYZES it- it’s metal, he can fit it on his bag, and it’s a REMINDER of his past years. Yaku’s gaze DARTS back up to Nishinoya and his smile pulls even WIDER, a silver of teeth beginning to show through and a dimple carving at his cheek. 
“This is great, Yuu,” he murmurs, and there’s a bit of the softest look in Yaku’s eyes. “Thanks.” 
And then Nishinoya kisses him, and it may be on the CHEEK but his heart shudders in his chest, flooded with FEELINGS and the warmth underneath his skin. It’s like STARLIGHT dances across his arms, down his chest, CIRCLES around his heart, TWINES itself into his veins. 
And that very starlight reflects in Yaku’s eyes when he SMILES, starlight brighter than the galaxy itself. 
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haikyupid · 4 years
HAPPY BDAY BABEY ! 💕 hi, again ! i'm agender & don't mind hetero or homo gifs, i do prefer to be paired w/ a male. my favorite cartoon character is claude frollo from the hunchback of notre dame, it SLAPS alright? i'm not very fond of a lot of pastries, but i really like filipino sweet buns ! as for drinks, i really like cbtl's dark chocolate chip. and what would i say to oikawa? i'd ask him, “YOU, PRETTY BOY, who's your favorite hoenn starter?” we're not friends if he doesn't answer mudkip ✌️
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tri: ...tooru told me not to tell his answer because he said that you’ll end up not liking him since he actually thinks treecko’s better—
tooru: bih, why the fuck would you say it then? 😭 damn you and your big mouth.
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— [ ♡ ] i match you up with . . .
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≺ kenma becomes a lil’ snarky when he’s with you because, omg, you just make him feel like a bad bih 😗✌️ kuroo better watch out if he don’t want his rooster heart to get hurt
≺ he doesn’t like eating in public at all, but when you pull up with those filo sweet buns, his mind just goes blank and he starts munching on two of them at the same time (it is the cutest sight ever since he looks like a kitten eating — kuroo, yaku, and lev usually join you and just watch kenma eat in awe)
≺ he asks you for hugs all the time, and he’s not even embarrassed about it 😭 you two could be having free study-time in class and he’ll just go “it’s cold” and that’s your cue to hug our bby kitten — but only do it when he asks though, because he’ll be a blushy bby if you do it out of nowhere
≺ when you two are alone, or when kuroo decides to hold him back from going home while he ‘helps’ lev practice, he’ll pat his lap, and you better sit there; you two just end up watching him play on his switch, while he occasionally smells your hair because it just smells so freaking good to him
≺ he’ll probably say some shit like “ew, we’re in public” when you try to kiss him, but he’s also like “no, kiss me” when he’s feeling like it; but i mean you can’t really complain because you’re able to just pepper his face with as many soft pecks as you want without him moving and just having the smallest soft smile on his lips
≺ if you don’t have a switch, he ends up saving money to buy you one because he wants to go on animal crossing dates with you 🥺 he doesn’t like being away from you (he won’t say it though) so being with you even it’s on a game just makes his heart feel complete again
— [ ❝ where are you going? my lap’s gonna get cold. ❞ ]
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Baaabe, thank you for participating ;D also, mudkip is the cutest lil’ thang, we just know that tooru’s got bad taste so... and are you filo? since when? O.o
To request a mini-matchup for the Oikawa and Kyupid’s Birthday-Bash Love Event, click here!
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ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
Automatically Logged Me On, Huh?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W1IT7J
by Iwaijmi, PeachyLoxver
Words: 9, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Wild Toughts & Wild Things
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Watari Shinji & Yahaba Shigeru, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kinoshita Hisashi/Narita Kazuhito, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Goshiki Tsutomu/Watari Shinji, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Daishou Suguru/Terushima Yuuji, Saeko Tanaka/Nobody, Aone Takanobu/Futakuchi Kenji, Tsukishima Akiteru/Nobody, Gokudera Hayato/Yamamoto Takeshi, Taichi Kawanishi/Nobody, Yui Michimiya/Nobody, Koganegawa Kanji/Sakunami Kousuke, Washio Tatsuki/Nobody, Nakashima Takeru/Nobody, Makoto Shimada/Nobody, Yusuke Takinoue/Nobody, Konoha Akinori/Nobody, Kōsuke Sakunami/Nobody
Additional Tags: Master/Servant, Master/Pet, Sexual Slavery, Master/Slave, Not a omega verse, Nesting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bond, Wall Sex, Awkward Boners, Bondage, Rope Bondage, Bondage and Discipline, Light BDSM, Dirty Thoughts, Dirty Talk, Dirty Dancing, Dirty Jokes, Beach Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal, Anal Play, Anal Plug, Double Anal Penetration, Anal Gaping, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Double Oral Penetration, Oral Knotting, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Roughness, Rough Body Play, Fuck Or Die, Fuckbuddies, Skull Fucking, Fucked Up, Face-Fucking, Face-Sitting, Face Slapping, Face Punching, Romance, Eventual Romance, Drama & Romance, Teen Romance, Slow Romance, Awkward Romance, Action & Romance, Tragic Romance, Adventure & Romance, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Friendship, Romantic Soulmates, Romantic Gestures, Romantic Angst, Romantic Face Punching, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Mild Sexual Content, Sexual Fantasy, Sexual Humor, Resolved Sexual Tension, Awkward Sexual Situations, Unresolved Tension, Teacher/Student Roleplay, Role Reversal, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay, Rape Roleplay, Pet Names, Names, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Dubiously Consensual Blow Jobs, Non-Consensual Blow Jobs, Blow Jobs in a Car, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Implied/Referenced Blow Jobs, Office Blow Jobs, Drunk Blow Jobs, Blow Jobs With Teeth, Alley Blow Jobs, Underwater Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Handcuffs, Hand & Finger Kink, Public Hand Jobs, Handcuffed Together, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Public Masturbation, Public Display of Affection, Public Nudity, Public Humiliation, Bars and Pubs, Humiliation, Riding Faces, Locker Room, Locked In, Fingerfucking, Magic Fingers, Praise Kink, Daddy Kink, Size Kink, Consensual Kink, Crossdressing Kink, Scent Kink, Moaning, Loud Sex, Floor Sex, Window Sex, Yacht Sex, ALOT of SEX, Non-Consensual Spanking, Spanking, Bottom Oikawa Tooru, Top Iwaizumi Hajime, Dom Iwaizumi Hajime, Dom/sub Play, Sub Oikawa Tooru, Nipple Play, Ass Play, Sensation Play, Puns & Word Play, Service Submission, Sleepy Kisses, French Kissing, Neck Kissing, Public Claiming, Claiming Bites, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru Fluff, Pining Oikawa Tooru, Top Oikawa Tooru, He really wants to top, But it doesn't end well, Shower Sex, Masturbation in Shower, Masturbation in Bathroom, Masturbation Interruptus, Mutual Masturbation, Mutual Pining, Multiple Orgasms, Multiple Sex Positions, Multiple Endings, Multiple Penetration, Multiple Partners, Multiple Pairings, Multiple Relationships, Blindfolds, Tit Torture, Nipple Torture, gag ball, Eye Licking, Bed-Wetting, Breaking the Bed, Bedroom Sex, Bed Sex, Ultra Hardcore, Hardcore, Hardcore Sex, Very Dom Iwaizumi Hajime, Dick Jokes, Large Cock, Cock Rings, Cock Warming, DPS, Little Dicks, Dick Pics, Pole Dancing, Married Sex, Marathon Sex, Marriage Proposal, Marriage, Married Couple, Married Life, Marriage of Convenience, Same-Sex Marriage, Secret Marriage, So Married, Idiots in Love, Boys in Skirts, Boys Being Boys, Boys' Love, Boys Kissing, Loving Marriage, gay boys, Gay Panic, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Character Death, Gangbang, Come Eating, Come Swallowing, Icon Oikawa Tooru, Gang Rape, Alternate Universe - Suicide Squad, Oikawa is Kinda like Harley Quinn, Iwaizumi like the Joker
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W1IT7J
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meandmyhopeless · 7 years
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Bueno, pues nada, ya que estoy obligada a hacer esto, intentaré que sea bonito. Felices dos patitos a mi Hinata/Yaku/Kuroo/Oiwaka (esto era necesario 😂); que sepas que a pesar de ser tan molesta, te quiero muchísimo. En realidad no sé como te aguanto tanto, pero tampoco sé como tú me aguantas a mí, debe ser por lo mucho que nos parecemos. La verdad es que tenemos una relación la hostia de rara (y lo sabes), pero creo que no hay nadie con quien me complemente más que tú. Así que, felicidades a mi hermana de otra madre. Por más momentos juntas pareciendo Hinata y Kageyama, Oikawa e Iwaizumi, y una larga lista de ships a los que nos parecemos. Porque solo dos bordes juntas pueden ser tan cariñosas estando juntas, como nosotras. Me encantaría regalarte un Kuroo, o la habitación llena de cosas de él, pero por desgracia, es algo que no está en mi mano, y en verdad, me jode. Me encantan estas fotos porque nos definen maravillosamente, y porque ese día éramos Lev y Yaku. Por más odio hacia UshiAriel y su "debiste venir a Shiratorizawa", a la tipa del pelo verde de ansatsu, y el resto de miles de personajes que nos caen mal a ambas; por más fangirleos en cuanto a fics y ships, y mil mierdas más. Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero muchísimo, aunque últimamente te parezcas a Sakurai 😂. No tengo emojis de patitos, así que, imagina que he puesto muchos (te dejo odiarme por ello). Happy bday 🐱🐱❤
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