#guys what if I was so normal about them I ate glass
sistersavelorn · 2 months
Thinking about Bernard telling Fran that the dress she was wearing for her date was nice in S1E3
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allywthsr · 6 months
ELF ON THE SHELF | (l.norris)
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summary: you and Lando prepare elf on the shelf
wordcount: 1.5k words
pairing: dad!landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: none!
notes: I’ve never had elf on the shelf, so I hope that how you do it
advent calendar
Elf on the shelf was a tradition you started ever since you had kids with Lando, every day in December the little elf (that Louis named Claus) did funny mischievous things. Last year's favorite was when Claus took a bite of every single cookie you baked the day before, Lando sacrificed himself to assume this task.
Now with Sofia being three years old, she finally really understood the elf on the shelf and got excited when she woke up, what kind of thing Claus did today, erupting in giggles every time.
You started this year with a simple, yet funny, thing, when the kids were sleeping, you got out a bowl and filled it with some water, you put a tiny carrot in the water and two wiggly eyes, you sat Claus on the dining table and the bowl next to him. Every year you wrote a little note, explaining what Claus did, today it was: ’I brought you a snowman from the North Pole, I hope it’s not that cold anymore xx Claus‘. You could already hear the giggle of your two little sunshine’s.
And that’s exactly how they reacted when Lando read the note to the kids, they giggled and Louis said: ’But mummy, the snowman melted, it’s just water‘.
In the evening, you set up the next one, Claus sat on a little chair you bought, and next to him the iron and some crinkled and normal crisps. Today's note: ’I ironed your crisps cause they were all crinkled‘. Lando laid out the crisps and ate a few himself, he chuckled when you two were ready for tonight, it was funny.
Little Sofia was tired that morning, not really awake, she just pointed at the different things, but Louis was awake and giggling. ”Daddy, he ironed our crisps!“ Lando lifted him on his hips and tickled his sides‘ ”Daddy…. stop. Can I eat some crisps?“ Lando nodded and bent down a little, so Louis could reach the crisps, taking an ’ironed‘ one. ”They taste even better when they’re ironed!“ Lando kissed the side of his head, and you chuckled.
In the following evenings you did several mischievous things with Claus, one day he put Christmas hats on some of you guys in the pictures, you cut out red triangles and white stripes, glued them together, and had a little Christmas hat. Another day he fried little Haribo eggs in a pan, obviously you only put the gummy eggs in the pan, sat Claus next to it and the giggles were loud the next morning. You were happy that you found new things that Claus did every year.
It wasn’t always things that you and Lando put a lot of time and crafts in, one time, Lando just placed Claus upside down on the fridge, simple, but the kids loved it. Lando had to lift up both of them, so they could say hello to Claus.
This year's favorite was definitely when you placed Claus under a glass and the note said: ’Your daddy farted, I‘m hiding in here from the stinky smell‘, Lando was a bit sulky about the fact, that he had to be that one that farted, but you reminded him of the time, you and the kids had to flee from the living room into the kitchen because it was smelling awful. He only smiled when you brought it up, clearly proud of his achievement. The next morning, the house was filled with giggles, Louis and Sofia couldn’t contain their excitement about this one, they even told Lando’s parents when they visited that day, laughing until you had to tell them, to think about their breathing.
One day Claus made a sponge cake, just a kitchen sponge on a plate, with some sprinkles on top of it, placed next to the Kitchenaid that stood in the corner of the counter.
Lando’s favorite was definitely the one, where you tin foil wrapped everyone’s favorite pair of shoes, Claus wanted them to look ’shiny‘ so he did some work around the shoes. Lando had so much fun, wrapping each shoe, especially Sofias because they were so small, ”Babe look, her feet are just the smallest cutest things ever!“
You had a few more, Claus was sitting on top of the tree, pretending like he removed the star and he was the new tree topper, another cute idea was, that Lando wrapped him in wrapping paper and laid him under the tree ’I am your only present for Christmas‘ the kids protested against what Claus wrote on the note, but Lando cooled them down pretty quickly, as always, Lando was the one, they always listened to.
One evening you stacked the living room pillows on top of each other and said that Claus stacked the pillows, to climb up to the ceiling lamp, but he couldn’t reach, it because the pillows weren’t enough.
An idea you found online, that took a bit more preparing time, was that you placed Claus on the counter, sifted some flour around, and placed little mini marshmallows next to him. The note said: ’I‘m ready for a snowball fight, I already have mine when the kids saw that, and they started to throw these little marshmallows against Clause, but Lando quickly put that to a stop and explained that you do not play with food, instead they should eat it, which they did. Sofia was propped up on Lando’s hip and every now and then she would pop some marshmallows in Lando’s mouth, she was always big on sharing things.
Things that made your kids, and Lando, giggle were when Claus played elf Jenga, you placed Kit Kats on top of each other and then you created a small eatable Jenga, easy, but the kids loved it, especially when Lando snook away with them, after you settled in the living room, to steal Claus some Kit Kat. One day, Claus cut a small hole into Louis's favorite cereal box, to snack on some chocolate puffs. You can imagine what Lando had to do after he and the kids rescued Claus from the box, a small bowl filled with milk and some cereal because if Claus was hungry, he should eat some cereal. Another time he placed some crayons on a crater and little Skittles were placed inside and in front of it, the note said: ’Now this is a great way to use crayons‘, the kids loved it, eating the Skittles before you could say no. A silly thing was when Claus was sitting in Sofias' underwear on the drying rack, she couldn’t contain the giggles, especially when Lando acted all disgusted playfully, that Claus chose to sit in her smelly undies. What else happened with underwear was, that Lando and you replaced the stockings that sat above the fireplace with underwear, so instead of Lando’s stocking, there was his boxershort. On the ground laid a small chocolate bar, the note said: ’I tried to put some candy in your new stockings, but they kept falling out‘. Also, easy things were that, Claus was trapped under a bell jar, and the note only said: ’help‘. Lando had to lift Sofia up to Claus, so she could help him before he got hurt, both of them cheering when she held Claus in her hands. One day Claus sat on the railroad, wanting to drive to the North Pole, to tell Santa what good kids they were, and another day he stacked up all jars and cups, so he could reach the countertop and a jar of sweets that stood in the middle of it. Lando also hid him between the bananas once, wrapped in some yellow napkins, to disguise himself as a banana, often these were the things where the kids would laugh the hardest, it was easy, yet effective.
Once Claus cooked breakfast, Lando poured different sweets into a pot, like Haribo spaghetti sticks or oranges, the variety was big and the cheer as well, when the kids saw it.
Lando was super proud of one idea he had, under a glass he trapped his computer mouse and the note said: ’I caught a mouse on the loose‘, because of his love for computers and playing games, the little ones also loved sitting in front of it and mostly press random letters on the keyboard.
On Christmas Day, Claus sat on the table with two eggs in front of and some sprinkles next to him, together with you and Lando, the kids sprinkled the sprinkles over the eggs, because the note said: ’Pour the sprinkles over the eggs and come back in three hours‘ in the meantime, Lando replaced the real eggs with some Kinder surprise eggs. The faces both of them made were the sweetest, how surprised and with an open mouths they looked at the eggs and stared to thank Claus that he made surprise eggs out of the normal ones.
All in all, the elf on the Shelf was a success this year, often enough Lando was just as happy and laughing as his kids were, but that’s what happens when you’re still a kid at heart.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
dancing to sexy latin pop or reggaeton music with miguel. he's got two left feet and slight rhythm but he's also very turned on by you 🤭
Another Pre-Soccer Family and how they keep flirting? Yes. 🤭
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Couldn't help but imagine this with these songs 🤭
Even though the little outing after soccer game you had invited Miguel to was success, your wallet surely suffered some damage.
The man ate. He was kinda quiet mostly of the time, but surely enjoyed the food you had treated him with. You were just taking mental notes of what he liked and what not. The spicier the better, definitely a Horchata team man, and of course, a carne asada man. The conversation was sparse, but it was nice. You were as nervous as he was, didn't actually think that he would accept.
He loved meat. And once you finished you drove him home. He ended up 'telling' you about this upcoming party at Peter's to celebrate MJ's birthday.
"If you wanna come, though."
"Are you... inviting me?" You gave him a smug smile and he just cleared his throat and shrugged.
"I'm just telling you."
You pursed your lips, smile fading.
"Oh... okay. I might go. "
"Hmm." You parked outside his home, "Not sure if I can make it that day. But let me see what I can do"
Miguel gave Peter's house entrance subtle glances here and there. He was busy with the food, Peter had asked him for the details of your date which, he plainly just shrugged off as a normal outing.
"Did you invite her to the party?" Jess spoke
"I told her about it." He frowned at the disappointment in Peter's and Jess, even Gabriel's face.
"Telling is not the same as inviting! It's the etiquette rule to invite someone, when you want to see them again that is. No wonder she looked kinda bummed out."
"Yo tampoco vendría si me lo dijeran así." (I wouldn't come either if I'd get told like that)
His deep red eyes glared at his brother's comment.
"Si viene, mínimo baila con ella." (If she shows up, the least you can do is to dance with her.)
"Okay, okay. Leave the guy alone. He hasn't dated someone in ages. But yeah, you're a dumbass. C'mon." He offered a beer, Miguel took a long swig of it.
He didn't had your phone and certainly approaching Jess was out of the equation. She'd tease him to no end before anything. Party had started two hours ago, and still no signs of you.
He rubbed his face, deep in thought on how he had possibly screwed it up as he nursed his Horchata glass in the kitchen. He was preparing an extra plate of food when your voice echoed through the entrance.
"I'm so sorry for the delay! Got too carried away picking a gift" You hugged MJ.
"You hungry?" Jessica spoke as your voices approached. His grip on the spoon tightened.
"Ah, don't worry. Kinda ate in my way back. Maybe later."
Your eyes met his. His jaw tightened and you just gave him a little smile and a wave before disappearing back with Jessica.
You had been dancing the last few songs in a row with Jessica and MJ, he just watched you from afar. You had rejected a couple of men that had asked you to dance.
"He keeps staring" Jessica mumbled and you shrugged.
"Can't do everything myself. Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem too keen in making an advance either"
"You kidding? He's been staring holes at the door waiting for you to come." MJ whispered at your ear.
"He's just... shy I guess?"
The music was a bit upbeat, the lights were down, you refreshed yourself before going back again at the dance floor. You saw him across the room, bored out of his mind, and taking swigs of his beer that was warm at this point.
He nearly choked as you approached him.
"Let's go"
You offered your hand and he looked away.
"No puedo bailar" (Can't dance)
"No te preocupes. Yo tampoco pero te enseño" (Don't worry, Me neither but I'll teach you.)
He took a last swig of his beer and stood. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or it was the whole thing that was about to happen that made his ears warmer. The beat changed into something more slow and mellow. A bachata.
You giggled as you stood before him.
"Now what?"
"We are supposed to get closer"
He crushed your heeled foot with his boots
"Sorry... fuck." He rubbed his neck awkwardly.
"Relax, it's fine. It happens alot."
One of your hands went around the small of his waist as he took your hand. Delicate and small snuggled against his calloused and big one.
His heart skipped a beat when you guided his other hand on your waist.
"Bachata is easy. It's just swaying your hips left and right. It's the easiest dance" You stepped closer, and moved with the beat. He could feel your curves moving. His feet followed. Clumsy, step dances were enough to make you laugh. He frowned.
"Perdón, perdón. Ya, no me voy a reír" (Sorry sorry, Ok. I won't laugh)
"Suelta esas caderas, mano" (Let those hips go, man)
Your hands went to his hips, and moved them.
"One, two" Your hips swayed to accentuate the little whip move at the end of the second step. He gulped.
"Eso, Miguel!"
You clapped softly, he just chuckled.
"Now, just do that to the left and right and that's it."
"Really?" He took your hand in his again and placed the other one on your lower back.
"Yeah." Your lips stretched in a bashful smile.
For once you were glad the lights were down as you danced. You still could see him. And of course still could feel his feet crushing yours. People stared your way, but neither of you cared, too focused in teaching eachother things as you laughed out of nervousness.
The song changed, into something more Sultry, yet danceable.
That was definitely one of Gabriel's songs.
"I don't know how to dance this one, does the previous dance moves apply to this one too?"
His technicism in speaking was plain endearing to you. You giggled at his pouty face.
"Not really, but if you feel comfortable with-"
"Enséñame, pues." (Teach me, then)
That shut you giggle off. He smirked.
"Estás seguro?" (You sure?)
He shrugged and crossed his arms on his chest.
"We're already making a fool of ourselves, so..."
"Me gusta tu entusiasmo, Dracula" (I like your eagerness)
"Qué te digo, me gusta aprender." (What can I tell you. I like learning.).
You slapped his chest playfully then took his hand and guided him to a wall, like many other people around. His hands were on your waist again, and this time yours rested on his neck. The lyrics of the second song only added a little sizzle to the mood.
Imagínate en mi cuarto
Comiéndote a besos
Your body swayed, it took a little for him to get your rhythm. And it was almost intoxicating for him, borderline overwhelming. The closeness of your bodies didn't help, the lyrics of the song only made his eyes to stop at you lips, Your fingers had ended up entwined, and certainly that little red dress you wore didn't help the upcoming override in his system. The song was over, but it didn't matter.
One of your hands caressed his nape and he shuddered, you bit your lip, he inched closer to your face. Nails raking softly the exposed part of his skin underneath his neck, his breath fanned over your lips. But one finger stopped him, said finger separated your lips from his.
"Nuh uh. No me invitaste, recuerdas? " (You didn't invite me, remember?)
With a smirk you separated your body from his. His eyes blinked, trying to process what was happening
"Thanks for the dance" You smiled oh so sweetly before disappearing into the kitchen, leaving him there, a flustered mess. Mind was in 404 error.
Dios mío...
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ateezscupid · 7 months
Hiiii I love your fics ! I wanted to know if you could do a fic with dom- minjoong and sub f. reader ?
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plot - you planned a calm night with mingi and hongjoong recording in the studio, but it ended way differently than you thought it would.
warn - smut and fluff, dom!mingi, dom!hongjoong, sub!reader, fingering, oral (m and f), praise and some degrading if u squint LOL, pet names (baby, princess, pretty girl, love), poly!au, big dick mingi, reader's shorter than joong and min, kind of size difference mentioned BUT there is a size kink if u squint, unprotected sex, joong and mingi are pussy drunk and absolutely love the reader
w/c -
𝗧𝗔𝗚S - @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @starillusion13 @mingitheskzstan @yeolistic @jeonride @ate-ez
A/N - this has been sitting in my drafts for MONTHS and i finished it. also, back from my break babes! ^^
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Mingi and Hongjoong were like two peas in a pod. they did — quite literally — everything together. They went to concerts together, designed merchandise together, produced and wrote lyrics together; even going to the bathroom together seemed like something the two boys did a lot. you’ve always loved their friendship. It was so cute how Mingi would treat Hongjoong like a younger brother even though Joong was older, and he kind of just accepted it knowing he couldn’t get Mingi to stop.
When you introduced yourself to the two, you didn’t realize how easy it was for them to become attached to you. They acted like they had known you for years, and for you it felt like you had found your soulmates because of their welcoming aura. Out of all of your friends, Hongjoong and Mingi were your favorites.
Hongjoong was the friend who spent too much time at work trying to make sure whatever he was working on was perfect — and who also had a bit of a smoking problem. Hongjoong was high most of the time whenever you saw him.
Mingi was the friend who was — just like hongjoong — always high, except he didn’t spend a lot of time in the studio. He was always out at clubs or doing something stupid with the other members.
To say the least, the boys were like fully grown adult babies.
Since your schedule was always empty, you spent a lot of time with the Ateez members; specifically with Joong and Mingi. You were always hanging out at their music video sets, in their dressing rooms, or just in general in the KQ building doing god knows what. It was fun hanging out with the boys. They acted so normal around you and you loved it.
Now you were hanging out with Mingi and Hongjoong in the studio. They were song writing and producing a few songs while you sat on the couch scrolling through your phone. There was definitely silence in the studio, ignoring the music playing, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. You three were fine being in complete silence as long as it meant being in each others presence.
“Yo Hj, go over that one line again,” Mingi peeked above his computer. “Y/n, are you bored? Sorry if we’re not talking to you, we’re just really focused.”
“What?” you scoff playfully and sit up. “Don’t worry about me, I don’t really care about you guys talking to me or not, Im fine either way.”
“Cool, just makin’ sure.” Min smiled then looked back at his computer. You always found him adorable whenever he wore glasses. They fit him so well, and he didn’t seem to agree until you started complimented him. It wasn’t long after that he started wearing his glasses more often.
With or without the glasses, Mingi had a pretty face. It was the same for Hongjoong. You’ve always found the two men incredibly attractive; your eyes examining their features whenever they weren’t looking. You of course never acted upon your emotions, but there have been moments between you three that would confirm your feelings for them.
Like the time you were hanging out with the boys while they were filming Inception. As of now, you’re confused why you didn’t choose Seonghwa first. Everything about him in that music video had you drooling. As if his body being drenched in water wasn’t enough, his facial expressions and body made you horny desperate for him.
Hongjoong and Mingi both noticed how your body was reacting to Seonghwa’s movements during the dance and felt jealous. They didn’t remember you looking at them like that. You remember the boys bombarding you with questions after they made it back to their dorms.
“Do you like Seonghwa?” and “Do you have a crush on anybody?”
“Why were you looking at Seonghwa like that?”
“Do you have a crush on anybody?”
All these questions were new to you since they hadn’t bothered you like this before. You could only assume it was because of the way you looked at Seonghwa that made them jealous. But why were they jealous? They didn’t like you, at least, that’s what you thought. They never showed any signs that told you they were interested in you… Unless they did and you were too dumb to realize.
Just thinking about it now made you wonder if they actually liked you, and if they had like you this entire time, why didn’t they say anything? You thought they’d be fighting over you if they both liked you but they weren’t.
Clearly they didn’t have a problem with sharing.
You stare at your phone for a few minutes contemplating on whether or not you should ask them. Or better yet, just blurt out that you like them and see where that takes you. You glance over at Hongjoong, and to your surprise, he was already looking at you. He immediately looked away and stared at the sheet of lyrics in front of him, Mingi noticing the flushed look on his face and looking at you. They knew you knew.
“Can I ask you guys something?” you finally muster up the courage to say something. It looked as if the blood drained from their face when you said that.
“Uh, sure,” Mingi closes his laptop halfway and Hongjoong nods, taking his headphones off completely.
“Do you guys have a crush on anybody? We’ve been friends for long and we’ve talked about almost any and everything but crushes. How come you guys never told me about any crushes you guys have? Or had.”
Hongjoong looks at Mingi, mouth ajar as if he were going to speak but stayed quiet. Mingi was also quiet, fidgeting with his mouse and looking around the room. Clearly they were nervous to answer the question, and you didn’t mean to make them nervous.
“Sorry if I’m asking for too much, I just wanna know! I mean, you guys have told me your celebrity crushes but that’s not the same.”
“I mean,” Hongjoong leaned back in his chair, slightly lifting his hips. You noticed this and bit your lip, struggling to keep eye contact with him.
“We never told you because it’s complicated.”
“How is it complicated? If you don’t mind me asking,” You cris-cross your legs on the couch. “I mean, I’m pretty easy to talk to. You guys know this.”
“We know!” Mingi sighed. “If we told you, you’d freak out. And you’d probably think we were weird,”
“I won’t think you’re weird! Come on, it’s just us,” you walk over to the chair next to Mingi and sit down in it, placing a hand on his arm and tilting your head. Your small touch alone made Mingi shiver.
“Well, we…” he glances over at Hongjoong who nodded his head in approval. “we like you.”
That wasn’t what you were expecting at all. Well, you kinda did expect it but it was surprising. They said it so easily as if they weren’t scared to tell you earlier. Averting your gaze to Hongjoong, he nodded slowly as if saying what Mingi said was true. You knew the boys wouldn’t lie to you. You all made an agreement that you’d tell each other anything no matter what it was.
“Sorry if it’s so sudden,” Hongjoong sighs deeply. “I know I said I wasn’t really looking to date anyone and Mingi knew that too, but you kinda just…came into our life and changed it ever since.”
“Do you both like me? I already know the answer but I like it hearing it from you guys.” you smile and kick your feet.
“Oh my god,” Mingi chuckles. His deep voice was always so attractive. “First Joong liked you and I may or may not have teased him a bit for his stupid crush on you. But then I started understanding why he liked you and then I started liking you. We kinda had to come to an agreement since we didn’t know what to do if both of us liked you.”
“I’m not gonna say we argued, but we argued.” Hongjoong chuckles behind his desk. “We both sorta agreed to being okay with the other liking you, but we don’t know if you’re okay with…dating two people.”
“Joong, are you kidding? If it’s you two I don’t care. I’m actually kind of relieved that you guys don’t mind dating me. I thought I’d have to choose between you guys and I didn’t want to do that.”
“Well now you don’t have to since you know we both like you,” Mingi leaned back in his chair — manspreading. You thought you had better self control but you definitely didn’t. Just seeing him sit like that made you rub your legs together. You weren’t aware of the fact that the boys saw you doing this, nor were you aware of the looks they gave each other.
“So…I assume this means we’re — dating? All of us?”
“Would you like that Y/n?” Hongjoong averted his gaze, his eyes glazing over your body. He could never get over how good you looked in his and Mingi’s clothes. Being surprisingly shorter than Mingi and Hongjoong, their clothes were always baggy on your body, which made them so comfortable. He liked watching you rummage through their closets trying to find an outfit for the day since you had given up on wearing your own clothes.
“I would love that!” You say with a gummy smile, a bit too excited for your own good.
“I’m kinda surprised you didn’t say anything about us before. I mean, you said you knew we liked you,” Mingi said.
“Well I didn’t wanna say anything before because I wasn’t really sure. I only went by the things you guys were doing and you guys were doing a lot.”
“Like what?” Hongjoong tilts his head.
You didn’t think he’d ask. “Y’know, getting jealous whenever I looked or even talked to the other members, over complimenting me even when I looked bad, always staring at my body — Mingi, you liked looking at my tits. I always caught you look at them,”
“You looked at her tits?” Joong raised his eyebrow at Mingi.
“I-I did like once,” Mingi scratches the back of his head. “You’ve looked at her ass before so you can’t sit here and act like you didn’t do anything wrong!”
“You’ve looked at my ass before?” the question made them both flustered. You weren’t necessarily surprised by the behavior; more so happy they even admitted to doing it. At least they felt comfortable enough to tell you things like that.
“Well are there any more embarrassing things you guys wanna spill about each other or are you guys done?”
Hongjoong started giggling, covering his mouth with his hand and looking at Mingi. You could tell it was something stupid based off the way he sounded.
“Mingi didn’t know how to—”
“Shut up dickhead!” Mingi shouted defensively not even allowing Hongjoong to finish. Him interrupting only made Joong laugh louder. His laughing caused you to start laughing.
“Joong say it! What is it!” You lean closer, arms resting on the desk. Mingi tried covering your ears but you kept moving.
“He was scared to tell you he liked you because he thought you guys would kiss and he didn’t know how to kiss so he asked me to help him!” Hongjoong almost fell back in his chair laughing, his headphones falling off his neck and his legs kicking underneath the desk. Mingi was definitely embarrassed, though he seemed to be embarrassed because he couldn’t kiss, not because he kissed Hongjoong.
“You guys kissed? Like — on the lips? Or…” —
“On the lips, Y/n, I didn’t say he could go that far. But he did it to impress youuu! I already know how to kiss so I was fine teaching him what I knew.”
You nod and turn to Mingi. “So he taught you? You know how to kiss now?”
“I-I guess,” he cleared his throat nervously. “You want me to show you?”
“Are you guys really gonna makeout in front of me? If you’re gonna do it, let me watch.” he stands up from his seat and moves toward the couch you were just sitting on, taking a seat himself and positioning himself so he saw you two making out — if you were even going to do so.
Mingi’s eyes glazed over your features, seeming to be glued to your lips since he couldn’t take his eyes off of them. Leaning in slowly, his hand lifting and resting on your cheek while pulling your face closed, his and your eyes closing. Hongjoong sat watching in anticipation with his foot tapping on the ground, a wide smile on his face. He kept whispering the words ‘kiss her’ and ‘hurry up’ since you two were taking a bit long.
With his hand holding your cheek and your faces inching closer and closer, your lips finally attached. He captured your lips tenderly, your expression softening as you relaxed in his hood, leaning gently into the kiss to create more friction of some sort. He was enjoying it himself as well — having his arm wrapped around you pulling you deeper into the kiss and making sure you couldn’t back away. Not like you planning on it. It was crazy — a bit unbelievable how he didn’t protest when you asked him to kiss you, but you were happy he was doing it.
As the two of you kissed you felt someone behind you. The only other person in the room was Hongjoong, so you could only assume it was him. He watched closely as you two kissed, growing a bit impatient himself since he didn’t get the chance to kiss you yet.
“Mingi, hurry upp. I wanna kiss her too,” he whined behind you. Once Mingi’s lips separated from yours, Joong’s fingers curled around your neck and leaned down, attaching his own lips to yours and holding you still. Whatever you had gotten yourself into, you couldn’t possibly take yourself out. It wasn’t like you wanted to but you knew you were going to have a fun night.
In full honesty, it was a lot to take in. The both of them were kissing you, their hands all around your body overwhelming your senses. It’s not like you haven’t imagined the two in bed before but for it to happen now was so unexpected.
“She’s so pretty,” Mingi mumbles under his breath, hands gently caressing your thighs. “so gorgeous.”
Hongjoong pulls away from your lips, running a thumb across your cheek. “You think we should do it tonight? Of course, if she’s okay with it.
“Okay with what? W-What do you guys mean?”
“…” Joong looked at Mingi then back to you. “Y’know, a threesome.. If it’s too unexpected we don’t have to do it—”
“Y-Yes! Yeah, whatever you wanna do to me, do it. Please.”
They didn’t have to be told twice. As Mingi pulled you into his lap, Hongjoong stood behind you and held your hair out of your face, fingers still wrapped around your neck as Mingi pulled you into yet another kiss. Your tongues fought for dominance but Min won, making you feel like your body was going numb. They played with you as if you were putty. You began to grind your hips onto Mingi while holding onto his shoulders, moaning into his mouth because of the friction. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to get you wet. Just as you were doing so, you felt something big rubbing against your crotch.
You knew what it was.
“Aw she’s moving on harder on you,” Joong teased, his hands moving all across your body and even groping your breasts. “You got hard that quick?”
Mingi broke away from the kiss. “Well what would you do if a girl you liked was grinding on your dick? Would you not get hard?”
“I would but still, damn.” Mingi lets go of you and allows Hongjoong to pull you away from him. He brings you over to the couch and finally settles you into his lap, hands caressing your thighs like Mingi’s did earlier, giving your clothes heat access to his own bulge. You lazily drag yourself against his length. This alone had you soaked in your panties and you were about ready to rip them off of your heated body.
“My pretty girl grinding on me like this,” Hongjoong almost growls in your ear, hugging your waist and groaning softly in your ear. “you’re such a dirty girl,”
“Mm,” you whimper. “I… know,”
Not realizing Mingi had come over, his hands reach underneath your hips and grab the hem of the bottoms you were wearing, pulling them off and discarding them onto the floor next to him. Joong tilted your head at an almost uncomfortable angle to attach his mouth onto yours and you eagerly return the kiss, tongues clashing together.
Mingi watched you grind on each other, though he’s not sure he can handle watching you two do it any longer. He pulls your hips forward and pushes your underwear to the side, hands squishing your thighs and lips enveloping your clit. You jolt and moan into your kiss with Joong while holding onto his leg, gripping for your life at this point.
“So wet,” Mingi hums. “for me?” his fingers come to play with your folds. Your body was surging with such an electric feeling you felt lightheaded. With simple touches, you were already crumbling. It wasn’t like this with your past partners in bed.
His hand slides underneath your ass and attaches his mouth to your heat. Your core was twitching so much, already overstimulated by barely anything. Hongjoong took this as his opportunity to grope your breasts, now comforting you as Mingi ate you out. His tongue moves in and out of you, spending a few seconds looking for that one spongey spot inside of you. Your thighs close around his head, and your back arched off of Joong’s chest.
You couldn’t focus on his hands on your body while Mingi ate you out like this. It was impossible.
Once his fingers enter you everything goes blank, your legs closing immediately and you having to break away from Hongjoong’s kiss to catch your breath. You came so quick and easy it was almost embarrassing.
“She’s so cute!” Hongjoong cooed as he rubbed your waist. “Came so quick from barely anything.”
“Please…” you moan softly, arching your back and trying to grind your hips on Hongjoong again. “I-I… want—”
“We’ll give it to you, baby.” Mingi spoke as he stood to his feet. Joong lifted you from the underside of your legs and placed you on your back on the sofa, Mingi now replacing him and getting between your legs. He stripped himself of his sweatpants and pushed his boxers low enough to where his cock could spring out.
It would be an understatement to say he was just big.
“M-Min…, that’s not gonna fit,”
“Then I’ll make it fit.”
As you were ready to protest, a sharp pain seethed through your body. You hadn’t realized Hongjoong slid behind you and help you lay on top of his chest, your lower body feeling numb once Mingi went inside. You were too focused on the literal intrusion that your body was going through to realize Joong’s hand moving to your clit. He delivered a sharp slap to it, making you lurch forward and cry out loud.
“Aw, poor baby can’t handle it,” Joong murmurs as Mingi began thrusting.
Your walls were contracting against his cock with every movement, hips angled so he could hit your deepest parts. He was so big, stretching your walls and making it feel like you were being ripped apart. Mingi tried going slow so you could adjust to his enormous size, but good god, he was huge. Adjusting to his size was going to take a very long time. He kept glancing at you to check your facial expressions, stopping the movement of his hips if he felt like he was hurting you.
“It’s okay, princess,” Mingi said calmly while doing slow strokes. “I know it’s a lot, just breathe.” his deep voice helped you calm down much faster. He grabs ahold of your hips and speeds up the pace of his thrusts. There was slick already sliding down your thighs.
Immediately your hands flung to his body, hips grinding against him to feel some sort of friction. Your nails dug into his skin while you tried holding on for dear life. It was so much to handle at once.
Reaching your hand back, you were desperately searching for Hongjoong’s dick, anything to hold on your hands. You felt bad since you hadn’t done anything besides kiss him yet, so this was the last you could do. Of course, he attempted to stop you saying he didn’t need you to do anything, but you weren’t listening. You were being driven by sex.
“Y/n, you don’t have to—” your hand grasps onto his clothed dick. He did want you to touch him, so he allowed you to do whatever to him. Of course, the angle at which you were laying made it difficult for you to stroke him, but you tried your best, running your thumb over his slit and spreading his pre-cum all over.
“Joong why don’t you…fuck,” Mingi cursed, head spinning from how nice you felt around his cock. “f-fuck her face. Give her something to do with her filthy little mouth,”
“I-I don’t think she can even hear us—”
“Little whore already fucked out?” Min pants and deepens his thrusts.
Hongjoong slid from underneath your now limp body and grabbed a fistful of your hair, lifting it and wiping the drool off your cheek with his thumb. Mingi held your hips with his nails digging into your body, leaving crescent moon shapes embedded in your skin, while Hongjoong was preparing to face fuck you.
He pulls his pants down to his thighs, pulling your head closer to his hips by your hair and slapping his cock on your cheek. You couldn’t handle the scene unfolding in front of you.
“Open,” Hongjoong spoke, slapping his tip against your lips. You obeyed and lazily opened your mouth. It opened more as he pushed himself inside of you.
“So warm,” he groans. “so wet, all for us.”
Joong was much bigger than you imagined, and you weren’t ashamed to say you had thought about Hongjoong naked before. It was safe to say you’ve thought about all of the members naked. The only ones you’ve thought of the most were Mingi and Hongjoong, mainly Mingi. Even seeing only his collarbone sometimes would cause you to drool. Hongjoong had you drooling whenever you saw any part of his body.
His hips moved back and forth, pushing his cock in and out of your mouth, making sure to hit the back of your throat with each thrust while also making sure you were still breathing. Though you didn’t mind if he made it hard for you to breathe. Being used like a cum dump by these two has been a dream of yours for a while.
“Fuck, baby, your mouth feels good…” Hongjoong groaned as his pace accelerated. You gagged each time his tip hit the back of your throat, but you didn’t care.
A sharp thrust from Mingi’s hips caused your body to jerk and for a string of fire to shoot down to your core. Your moans were muffled due to Joong being in your mouth, but it only fueled Min to go faster inside of you, thinking about how you’d sound if your mouth wasn’t full right now. Joong placed his hand on the back of your head and began thrusting his hips faster, droll trickling down your bottom lip and down your chin from the stimulation.
Your thighs wouldn’t stop twitching. However, how could they stop? Mingi was plowing the last amount of life out of your hole, and Hongjoong used your mouth as if you were a glory hole for him and only him for his own personal use.
How could you possibly stay still during all this?
“I think—fuck, I think she’s close.” Mingi groans and plants his hands on the couch cushions, freeing your hips from his hold and allowing his own to angle differently so he can strike into you deeper.
Your head was spinning at this point. You had no control over the noises you made or your body anymore. Everything about you belonged to them now. Knowing you were close to your release, Hongjoong pulled his member out of your mouth and slapped it on your cheek gently, allowing you to rest your head on his lap while Mingi was wrecking your hole. Your eyes rolled back, your head fell, and garbled words spilled out of your mouth. All you can do is whine and cry out in pleasure while your head spins.
Mingi brings his hand down and presses his thumb against your aching clit, rubbing in fast circles to push you further over the edge until you tipped over, curses spilling out from your swollen lips alongside Mingi's name. At the same time, Mingi held onto your thighs and bottomed out inside of you finally dumping his load inside of you. Your head falls into Hongjoong's lap. He runs his fingers through your hair, easing you through your orgasm.
"You okay, tiny?" Hongjoong caresses your cheek. It took a moment to catch your breath after everything that happened. Jesus, that was a lot.
"I..." After catching your breath, you looked at Hongjoong with puppy eyes and a pout you knew he couldn't resist. "Joongie~" you whine while reaching for his hand. Mingi couldn't help but laugh at how desperate you were. How completely fucked out you looked too.
"What is it?"
"You haven't gotten a turn yet..." you mumbled while pulling on his shirt. Mingi moved out of the way without saying a word, gesturing for Hongjoong to come over. The two men switched places with Hongjoong near your hips and Mingi behind your head caressing your cheek.
Hongjoong wasn't as big as Mingi, but his length made up for it. You knew it would hit your sweet spot easily. Hongjoong positioned himself in front of you, tip lined up with your entrance and his unoccupied hand holding onto your hip. Slowly -- achingly slow, he pushes himself into you in one go, holding onto your hips tightly to not lose balance. Mingi, on the other hand, had his hand on your breast playing with your nipple. So much was happening at once it was hard to keep up.
"It's okay," Joong coos, beginning to thrust in and out of you gently. You were still so sensitive from your orgasm with Mingi. Hongjoong had just started, and it felt good. "Fuck, you're tight."
Out of nowhere, he picks up his pace. He didn't give you enough time to adjust to his length and started pounding into you, gliding his cock in and out of your warmth and watching your juices coat his member. When he heard a whimper escape your lips, he knew he was doing a good job.
"Babe," he says in between pants. "T-Touch yourself for me, yeah? Give Mingi a show while he watches,"
Embarrassed but ultimately turned on, you complied and slithered your hand down your stomach and toward your throbbing clit, rubbing rough and fast circles on it to bring yourself closer to orgasm. Hongjoong winced as you clenched around his cock from the sensation.
"Oh, fuck please," you cried out. "I-I'm gonna cum, slow down-!"
"Already?" Mingi chuckles. "What do you think, Joong? Should we let her?"
"Dammit, if she does, then I-I just might." he shudders, both hands holding onto your hips and slamming his cock in and out of your sopping hole. "I think, fuck, she's been good. Let go, baby."
You were so so close to cumming, the speed of your fingers speeding up as the circles you were rubbing in became sloppy. Occasionally you'd lose focus and wouldn't even move your fingers due to your brain turning to mush. Their voices sounded muffled in your ears. Everything they said went through one ear and out the other.
"Fuck fuck fuck-!" the volume of your moans gradually increased until you couldn't handle it anymore and came. You arched your back and curled your toes, holding onto Hongjoong's wrists. You clenched so tightly around his cock that it pushed him over the edge. He dumped his load inside of you, moaning your name and panting heavily.
"Wow.." Mingi whistles, looking at your fucked out face. "You're so pretty when you cum."
"Shut up," you replied, embarrassed with your hands over your face.
"That was fun," Hongjoong sighs deeply. "I'd do it again." he says while looking at Mingi. Mingi nods in agreement and the two look at you, waiting for your answer.
"I...wouldn't mind."
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Solomon's Warmth
Happily for me, I had just enough time to write this. MC is having a hard time with the fact that the brothers don't remember them. They're at Cocytus Hall on a rainy day, feeling sad, and Solomon comforts them. What can I say, I love this guy and there is so much room for fics with him in the Nightbringer story so far, I couldn't help myself.
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GN!MC x Solomon
Warnings: MC is sad, some spoilers for Nightbringer (lesson 6-9 specifically)
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It was a rainy day in the Devildom, the sky darkened even more than it usually was by the clouds. Inside Cocytus Hall, you could hear the rain pattering steadily upon the roof. The castle was drafty and you shivered. You were in your own room, so you looked for something to bundle up in. A sweater or hoodie to warm you up just a little.
Once you found the article of clothing in question and pulled it on, you headed out of your room. You wandered the halls of this place, looking into rooms occasionally. All the while, the large open windows displayed the darkest grey sky overlaid with the pattern of rain drops running down the glass in streaks.
Your mood was low. The Devildom sky seemed to be reacting to the pain in your heart. You couldn't help it. After all this time, after everything you've been through, the seven demon brothers no longer trusted you.
It wasn't their fault, you knew. It wasn't even that they didn't remember you. They simply hadn't even met you yet.
And while you were positive you could regain their trust, show them again how much they mattered to you, it still hurt that they no longer recognized you. That the feelings they had for you had essentially been reset. You caught yourself often dreaming of the memories you held of the present. They were the same demons, but they were also so different.
And then there was the whole mystery of how this had happened to begin with. Like you really needed another mess to work out.
So you found yourself often wandering around Cocytus Hall when you weren't at the House of Lamentation trying to regain what you'd lost. The large, mostly empty space was perfect for giving your body somewhere to move through while your mind churned through all of these thoughts.
It was easy to forget that Solomon lived there, too. The place was big enough that you could go all day without seeing him.
On this particular rainy day, however, he found you.
Solomon was the only one who still had all the memories from your own time. He remembered everything you had done to become a full fledged sorcerer, remembered all the time you had spent learning magic from him, remembered all the moments you spent together in the Devildom and in the human world. He already loved and trusted you in a way that none of the others did any longer.
And although Solomon was often busy doing mysterious things of his own, he knew he was the only one who remembered you. He knew he was the only one who knew your secret of being from the future. And he knew that it was hard for you, that you often found yourself feeling down when you were alone or away from the brothers.
So when you were lingering in the room that was Cocytus Hall's library, staring out the window at the rain, you weren't too surprised when he came in. It was obvious from the way his expression changed when he saw you that he had been looking for you deliberately.
"MC," he said, replacing his concerned look with his usual smile. "I thought you were here. I was thinking about making some tea since it's so cold today. Did you want some?"
You considered your options. Solomon couldn't really mess up tea, could he? Would you die if you drank it? Was it worth the risk?
"Let's make it together," you said. This way you could easily divert him and make it yourself.
You followed Solomon to the kitchen, which was large enough to have a little nook for a table and chairs beside a window. Both of you normally ate here rather than in the enormous formal dining room.
After successfully making tea for yourself by distracting Solomon, the two of you settled at the table. You held your tea cup in your hands, letting the porcelain warm your fingers.
"Did Barbatos give you this tea set?" you asked idly.
"A long time ago, yes," Solomon said.
You looked up at him with a scowl. "Back before he hated your guts? I can't believe you don't remember what you did to him."
Solomon sighed. "I really wish I could. Every time I see him, he looks like he wants to kill me."
"Knowing Barbatos, I can't imagine he would be this angry about something unless it was really serious," you said.
Solomon took a sip of his own tea. "I'm not too worried. Whatever it was, I know he forgives me eventually. He doesn't want to kill me in our present time, after all."
You let out a short laugh. "True enough."
You both drank your tea in silence for a few moments. You could feel Solomon's eyes on you and you braced for the question you knew was coming.
"MC," he said. "How are you holding up?"
You closed your eyes briefly. You thought about how much to say to him. He knew that you'd been struggling, of course, but you didn't want to make him worry. It wasn't like this situation was one you couldn't handle.
"I'm fine," you said, having decided that there was no reason to burden him with the truth of your feelings.
You should have known that wouldn't work.
"I understand if you don't want to talk about it," Solomon said, his voice quiet. "But I'm already worried about you. Do you think I don't notice how you wander around Cocytus Hall when you're here? The way you look so lost and sad? Especially on a day like this…" Solomon looked out the window at the rain.
You let out a sigh, leaning your chin on your hand. "I just have a lot to think about. This situation is tricky."
"For what it's worth, I don't have any doubts about your ability to get through this successfully," Solomon said. "I've seen you grow into a skilled sorcerer. I know what you're capable of. You'll be able to help the brothers here in the past, while also finding your way back to the time we're from. I believe in you."
Perhaps it was the soft tapping of the rain on the window beside you. Perhaps it was the warmth of the tea cup in your hand. Perhaps it was the coziness of your clothing. Perhaps it was the look on Solomon's face or the timbre of his voice. Perhaps it was all of these things combined, but when you felt the prick of tears, you fought hard to keep them in. It was bad enough that Solomon felt he had to say things like this to you. If you cried now, it would only confirm to him that you couldn't handle things.
Once again, Solomon seemed to know what you were doing. He sighed, setting down his tea cup and reaching across the table to take one of your hands. "You don't have to do that, you know," he said softly. "You don't have to be strong for me. I know you're dealing with a lot and getting emotional about it is perfectly normal. I'm not going to think you're any less competent if you cry."
You pulled your hand out of his and leaned back, wiping at your eyes with your sleeve. "Damn it, can you stop saying stuff like that? You're making it worse."
Solomon chuckled. He stood up and came over to your chair, holding a hand out to you. "You know I'm here for you, MC. Let me help you through this."
You considered the offered hand for a moment. You knew that if you accepted it, Solomon would have effectively torn down all of your walls. Even so, could you really reject it? He was the only reason you even knew what you had to do to get back to your own time. He was the only one who still remembered everything.
You took his hand. He pulled you gently up from your chair and into his arms. You immediately wrapped your arms around him in response, finally giving in to that need for comfort.
Solomon held you quietly for some time. You had allowed some stray tears to fall down your cheeks. When he finally pulled away a little, Solomon saw the salty trails they left behind. He cupped your face with his hands, rubbing away your tears with his thumbs.
"MC, listen to me," he said. "I know you have what it takes to overcome this. You are my adorable apprentice and I have nothing but faith in you. But that doesn't mean you can't be honest about how you're feeling. Especially when you're here with me. I won't ask you to tell me everything all the time. Everyone has secrets. But I want you to know that you can lean on me when you need to. Okay?"
You took a deep breath. "Yes. Okay. Thank you."
Solomon smiled at you before holding you close again, his fingers idly caressing your hair.
You looked out the window at the rain and the darkness, but for once you felt warmth all around you. You knew that Solomon's steady presence would keep you grounded as you struggled through all the emotions being in the past stirred up within you.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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judeyswife · 5 months
not what i’m looking for. — jude bellingham x reader.
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genre : angst
word count : 800+
note : hii lovies, this is so exciting for me since this is finally my first piece of writing ill be posting!! it’s a bit short but i hope you enjoy my content and if you have any requests, feel free to send them to me :) i will soon publish a masterlist once i've posted a few writings! ps there will be multiple parts to this "mini story" !‏‏‎ ‎
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you’ve had multiple guys in your life to say they’ve had you head over heals for them. physically maybe. something held you back from dating ever since getting heartbroken by your ex. however jude gave you a different view of that.
you had met jude a while back through a friends birthday party. you’d both had seemingly been watching each other and asked your friend to put both of yall on to each other. it was funny coincidence to your friend seeing both of their friends already so desperately trying to catch each others attention. but that was the beginning of everything, something you were remembering today just like it was yesterday.
you had been studying for a test that was literally almost your entire grade, it could basically break or make your entire percentage for that class. not that it matters. but this was obviously something you were taking serious. * bzz bzz * the name on your phone brought a wide smile to your face. you caught it trying to stop yourself from getting all flustered and nervous and answered the call with a grin.
J: “hey beautiful, i’m near your place, up for a ride?”
Y/N: “what kind of ride” — it was normal for yall to to flirt like this lol.
you heard that thick deep chuckle radiate through the speakers of you phone. god you loved him.
J: “feelin’ confident tonight huh? seriously though, you free?”
Y/N: “um, i’ve got a few more pages to look over but i’ll just do it tomorrow, how far away are you?”
you were starting to get up and organize your notes as you put down your glasses you had been using.
J: “like 5 minutes”
Y/N: “mkay, give me a few to get ready”
he gave you a quick approval and ended the call.
you weren't underdresses but you wouldn't say you were overly dressed as you are wearing a pair of a leggings, an essentials hoodie, and a pair of uggs you slid on by the front of your door. basic white girl outfits are so cute to you when you hang around.
it was about 8:47pm when you saw some car's lights flash through your living room window. you grabbed you keys and purse and walked outside to meet jude.
you opened the car door door and sat down closing it while trying to warm up your hands as it was a cold outside. but you refuse to wear a jacket. jude always makes fun of you for it.
J: "hey, you hungry?"
Y/N: "very.”
you both sat in a comfortable silence as yall ate at a park near your house.
“this is so fucking good” you said while your quite literally devouring you meal you got from the fast food place. jude bursted out laughing trying to sneakily take a fry from your box. “hey, that’s mine!” you said slapping his hand away. he moved away eating the single fry he got to steal with a grin on his face.
you saw it drop.
“what’s wrong?”
“y/n i need to tell you something, but please don’t freak out, or anything. please.”
something inside you already knew what it was. but you rather stay delusional then believe it.
“i won’t.” — “so, i’ve been thinking and i just need to tell you.”
“so listen me and one of my friends have been getting closer and we’ve been talking for like the past week and I didn’t really know how to tell you because i really do care about you but i just really want a girl who’s trying to be in a relationship with me. i know we’ve gotten closer but i don’t know if I can do this talking stage anymore, you just aren’t what i’m looking for .”
you could hear a pin drop.
what the actual fuck.
“so you just did it behind my back disregarding my fucking feelings?” — “y/n it’s not like that i swear-”
“don’t fucking lie to me just to protect me, what the fuck is wrong with you bro” — “i didn’t want to lose you.”
“if you didn’t wanna lose me then you would’ve thought about that before you started talking to her behind my back.” — “i’m sorry.”
you just laughed. sorry. so fucking hilarious.
you picked up your food, shoved it in your bag and walked home. you thanked god for not living to far away from where you lived.
when you were a few blocks away you realized you weren’t crying. but you felt this heavy feeling in your heart. your gut. your head. you would’ve never expected this from the sweetest man you met.
i guess what they say it’s true. the nice ones are the worst ones.
that’s when you felt your eye well up with tears.
you entered your home as a different person than the one you left with.
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honeybeefae · 1 year
enemies to lovers with Az 😩
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Behind The Masks (Azriel x Reader)
BINGO: Enemies to Lovers
(This is the SFW version but I’m sure I’ll write a continuation of this for the NSFW prompt bc this was requested so much! If you want a part 2…I left it on a cliffhanger for a reason. *wink wink*. I hope you guys enjoy!!)
WARNINGS: Slight angst
“Does everyone have what they need?” Rhysand asked your group, looking at everyone individually as you all nodded. “I know this isn’t ideally how we would spend a weekend but it must be done.”
“I have no problem using my Saturday to dance with this beautiful woman.” Cassian grinned, tugging Nesta to his side who just rolled her eyes with a small smile. “Isn’t that right, Az?”
You grimaced when the Shadowsinger looked down at you with disdain. For whatever reason, despite your history of hating each other, Rhysand and Feyre had paired the two of you together for the Masquerade Ball tonight in the Court of Nightmares. 
Normally Mor would be taking your place but she was off doing something else so if you hadn’t coupled up, you both would’ve been the odd two out. It made sense logically but neither of you was very happy about it.
“Let’s just get tonight over with.” Azriel responded cooly, squaring his shoulders and gripping his mask tightly in his fists. You snorted, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Right because I’m the bad company.” You snarked, crossing your arms. Feyre gave you a sympathetic look but you avoided her gaze, motioning to the door. “Can we just leave?”
“Please.” Rhysand said, wanting to diffuse the tension as they winnowed. Cassian lifted Nesta into his arms and stepped outside, taking off into the night as you reluctantly did the same with Azriel. He barely looked at you as he followed suit, his jaw tight as you all headed to the mountain.
The party was in full swing, everyone dawning masks of various shapes and colors, and you found yourself being spun around for the fifth time that night. Azriel had abandoned you as soon as the music started but you didn’t really care, choosing to enjoy the night as best as you could.
You drank and ate with Nesta, sneering at some of the court ladies who turned up their noses at you both. Desperation reeked off of them, just like the rest of the court, as they took every chance they could to grab for power or put others down. 
“Azriel isn’t keeping up with his part of the plan,” Nesta noted, sipping her wine while watching you frown. “Do you even know why he acts like this towards you? How long has this childish tantrum been going on?”
“Since we meet.” You replied, downing the rest of your glass. “I did something to piss him off, questioned his authority or some petty shit, and I guess that was the end of our relationship. Not that I care.”
“Mhm.” She nodded though she doubted you were telling the truth. “Maybe he wants something else, someone else if you catch my meaning.”
Your eyebrows rose as you gawked at her, shaking your head furiously. “Absolutely not. One, I’m not his type. Two, never in a million, billion years.”
“You’d be surprised how fast that time passes.” Nesta said coyly, placing her glass down and walking away before you could argue. You looked around once more, not even seeing the Shadowsinger, before reaching for another glass. 
A large, scarred hand stopped you before you could grab it. You scowled, following the arm until you were looking into the hazel eyes of a man you hated. “What are you doing?”
“I think you’ve had enough.” He stated lowly. “Surely you don’t want to make a spectacle of yourself. Though, now that I say that, I’m sure you would like the attention.”
Red, hot anger filled your veins at his casual insult, and you gave him a middle finger, spinning on your heel to go find somewhere else to be until he grabbed you roughly and spun you back into his arms.
Before you could blink he had you in the middle of the dance floor, your chest pressed against his while his hand rested on the small of your bare back. You struggled against him but that only made him tighten his grip. 
“You’re making a scene.” He whispered through gritted teeth, a black mask concealing half of his face. “Get it together.”
“Since when do you care?” You spat, not even hiding your distaste as you circled the ballroom. “I thought you wanted to get tonight over with. If I cause a scene surely that helps your problem with me.”
“I do not have a problem with you.” Azriel rolled his eyes. 
“Oh is that what a friendship is with you then? Brooding stares, snide comments, and constant patronizing?” You reply sarcastically, your own mask doing little to conceal your feelings. “Boy, I must be your best friend.”
“Are you always this insufferable? No wonder you haven’t bedded anyone in months.” He snarks, almost tripping over his own feet when you stopped suddenly. The other couples around you stopped as well, all of them eager to see what drama was unfolding, but you didn’t want to give them anything to use against you. 
“I hate you.” You swore, tears welling up in your eyes as you ripped your hands out of his grasp and stormed out of the ballroom, brushing off Nesta’s hand as she tried to stop you.
The air around you felt too hot, too heavy as you started running down the hallways while holding the skirts of your dress. Tears were freely flowing down your cheeks as you ripped off your masks, not caring that some people were staring and laughing at your misery. You didn’t stop running until you reached your room in the Court of Nightmares, slamming it shut behind you as hard as you could.
You went over to the mirror and looked at yourself, looked at the smeared mascara, and hated how he had gotten to you. All this time, after living with this for years, never once had you shown him how much the things he said affected you. It would only make things worse. 
And yet here you were, causing a dramatic scene in the worst place possible with the worst person possible. You truly were pathetic.
Knock. Knock.
Immediately you knew it was Azriel. Rhys had probably sent him for damage control, forcing him to swallow his pride to apologize. You refused to answer.
“I know you’re in there. Open the door.” His voice was cold.
Silence was all he got. You heard him shift his feet in frustration.
“If you don’t open the door I’ll break it open myself. For once just listen to me.” He huffed, though his tone turned soft towards the end. You walked over to the door and took a deep breath, staring at the engraved wood.
“Fuck off.” You replied sweetly, flipping off the door and turning to walk to the bathroom. There was barely enough time to wince when the door creaked under the weight of his shoulder before he barged in, a scowl settled deep on his face.
“I’m trying to talk to you.” He said while kicking the door back closed with the heel of his shoe. “Why do you have to be so stubborn?”
“Why can’t you seem to take a hint?” You jabbed, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. “I don’t want to talk to you. I know that might be hard for your tiny brain to comprehend but I think you got all your feelings out with that comment in the ballroom. Now, as I said earlier, fuck off.”
“Can’t take the heat?” Azriel taunted, stepping closer to you while ignoring everything you had just said. “I expected more resilience from you, more bite.”
You didn’t even think about it when your hand came up to slap him, gasping when his own hand wrapped around your wrist and stopped it inches from his face. You struggled to follow through, barely able to move his arm, as his smirk grew tenfold.
“Let. Me. Go.” You ordered, rage making the edges of your vision red. There was something else in the atmosphere, something that would be extremely dangerous if you gave it any attention. 
“Or what?”
You were chest to chest with him, your head tilted up to glare at him as he raised a mocking brow. The urge to wipe that stupid smirk off his face was growing like an inferno.
“You’re such a stupid, barbaric Illy-” You began to spit until his mouth crashed against yours, silencing the rest of your sentence as you stood there in shock. He immediately swiped his tongue along your lips and you didn’t fight him, didn’t breathe until you felt a fresh, hot wave of arousal swirl with your anger.
It was infuriating and intoxicating all at once. The answer to all your secret desires while also opening up questions to everything you once knew as the truth. You felt yourself spiraling and the only thing connecting you to reality was Azriel’s soft, hungry lips.
And you wanted more.
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
I see alien and conspiracy theorist reader who is also hilariously oblivious/ refuses to believe the fact Alien is an alien. Like they're too OBVIOUS about it and it doesn't line up with their theories about what the ACTUAL aliens walking among us are like. Like, it can't be Alien, they don't have crab claws or a lizard tongue or anything. They don't even have a tail rendered invisible by hologram, but Alien doesn't mind when reader grabs their ass to check.
This is exactly where I was going with that-
Alien wouldn't even be in reader's radar for potential suspects. Their frequent insistence they're just a regular human guy is a little suspicious, but no real alien would walk around wearing a mask like his because it'd just draw unwanted attention to them. Writes off their glowy bones as paint. The fact they're more flexible than rubber is just a genetics thing.
Alien thinks it's nice to have some recognize them as human at first - but eventually they start to think how hot cool it would be to be the extraterrestrial reader scraps to a table in their study and grills for hours about their anatomy and the place they originate from.
"Did you bring the stuff?"
"Yea, gimme a sec."
Fiddling with the gate to the laboratory, your assistant turns their back to you as they retrieve a small vial from their pocket. Alien pushes the gum they'd been chewing against the wall of their mouth, gathering the saliva collected from their glands on their tongue and filling the bottle with the blackish substance. They grab a bag of white powder from another pocket and dumps it into the small opening. The concoction bubbles, fumes crawling along the cylinders walls as they face you once more. They push you behind them - sealing your body with theirs as they raise their fist.
Hurling the vial, its glass shatters on impact in an explosion of black sludge and white smoke. The slime eats away at padlock holding the gate closed and enough of the wall for you to poke your head through before Alien finally kicks what remains open. They stand off to the side, bowing as they extend their arm forward.
"After you."
Your eyes linger on the smoke wisping into the air. "What... was that?"
"My spit. Mix it with baking soda it becomes corrosive..... or was it acidic?"
"...Right. Well, let's get this over with before anyone arrives. We're lucky this was all this place really has in terms of security." You ease past Alien who skips behind you as you march towards laboratory's doors. Not wasting what little time you have, you pull off your backpack as you walk - removing the test tube brought with you from its protective sleeve. Alien eyes the teal tinted fluid sloshing around in the container curiously - a strange sense of unease hitting their stomach like a brick.
"So.... if I'm allow to ask questions - what uh... what are we doing here again?"
You hold the vial up for then to see - contents fluorescent in the moon light. "I found this strange substance on a tee shirt I left in my bathroom. It's oddly sweet, but left my mouth with a tingle sensation after I tasted it."
Beads of sweat roll from their neck down their shirt. "You... tasted it?"
Alien thinks for a while. They had broken into your house while you were away. They found your shirt in your bathroom. It smelled just like you. Kinda tasted like you too. They thought they cleaned up everything after they were done. They did not.
"Well I had to make sure it wasn't something I ate. This is clearly a sign. Once I get my hands on the microscopes in this lab I'll finally have concrete proof of aliens!"
Alien snatches the vial from you and throws it into the tree-lining. "On second thought let's just go hunting for aliens like normal people."
"What the hell-"
Alien tightly grips your shoulders. "You can have another taste once we're official, but you are not putting my fluids under any lenses until we are engaged!"
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cottonlemonade · 24 days
Can i get a medium hot chocolate to go for hanamaki? I know he’d be all silly with it too, asking what size pussy you got for the night or day pads (he knows what to pick. He just saw the meme on his phone and thought it would be funny to do it for real). But he’d come tumbling home with a bunch of your favorite food in hand ;~; + his favorite cream puffs from the café down the road. I feel very normal about him.
When You’re On Your Period
request: fluffy, boyfriend Makki when you’re on your period
“And suffering…“
“I appreciate the update, babe, but I‘m working on fixing it.“
“Hurry please…“, you whimper on the other end of the line.
“Because of the pain.“
“And the suffering!“
“Thank you!“
“You‘re very welcome. - So, is now a bad time to make a joke about what size you need?“
“Pain and suffering, got it. Love you!“
He quickly hung up, readjusting the armful of supplies as he waited for his turn at the cash register. Having spent his life with two sisters he knew exactly what you needed of course. So he got you your comfort brands of hygiene products, medicine, tea and snacks. He even threw in a couple of portable heating packs for good measure, in case you wanted to starfish somewhere a power cord couldn’t reach.
The guy in front of him seemed to be on a similar mission and the two boys shared a sympathetic bready smile.
“I’m back!”, he called when he opened the door. The excited pat pat pat of your naked feet on the wooden floor could be heard and a moment later you hurried around the corner, bundled in a blanket. With wise foresight he had already rummaged for the painkillers first, holding the packet out to you. Offering a grateful smile, you took them and waddled to the kitchen for a glass of water.
He followed, shuffling in his slippers and watched you gulp down the medicine.
Then you slowly sank to the floor holding your middle. He joined you, pulling you into a hug and snaking his arms under the blanket to rub your soft tummy in order to relieve some of the pain a little faster.
Opening a bag of sour gummies he dangled a piece in front of your mouth until you opened up to snatch it. It felt like having a particularly dramatic snapping turtle for a girlfriend. He kissed your cheek and fed you one more, touched when you reached for the bag yourself to offer him one. Although he knew better, he ate it and pulled a face to make you laugh. You snuggled up against him more, your back pressed against his chest. For a while you cuddled on the kitchen floor of your apartment, then your eyes fell onto a large rectangular box on the kitchen counter.
“Did you go and buy cream puffs?”
“Of course.”
“Because they’re excellent to cheer someone up.”
“Hiro, they’re your favorites.”
“So you’re telling me you don’t want any?”
Silence. Then chubby hands grew from the blanket bundle making grabby motions toward the box.
“No no, gimme.”, you said quietly.
a/n: thank you for the request ^^ this is excellently synced with my very own pain and suffering so this was just what I needed 🌟
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gayvorestories · 9 months
it's very long and doesn't have nearly as much gay sex as I usually write but enjoy
"Two tickets," Ricky said to the man at the ticket counter as he slid $40 under the glass.
"The movie starts in 30 minutes in Theater 3"
Ricky winked at the guy behind the glass and slid a $100 bill underneath.
"Theater 2, knock on the side door by the entrance."
"Thanks man," Ricky said as he put his arm behind his date's back and led them inside.
"What was that about?" Jack asked quietly.
"Just a little something the guys here do to make a little money with the empty rooms."
They approached the snack counter and Jack stepped slightly in front of Ricky, "We'll have two large popcorns, two large sodas, and a box of whoppers."
As he stepped over to the Now Playing posters, Ricky felt his stomach groan. When they had started dating a few weeks earlier Jack had told him he was into guys with big appetites - he just didn't mention that meant date night was going to be an all-you-can-eat until he felt like he was going to explode.
Jack gave the most insane head Ricky had ever had though, and he wasn't about to pretend a full stomach and empty balls were something to complain about, so he'd happily stuff himself for the little guy until he couldn't force anything else down.
He gave his painfully full stomach a gentle press and turned around to see Jack with what looked like two jugs of soda and two popcorn buckets big enough to carry groceries in. Good thing we got the private room, Ricky thought to himself.
They slipped into the door into the totally black room, knocking on the door to the tech closet as they walked past.
Jack set the two buckets and cups down as Ricky lowered himself into the seat, his bloated stomach making it hard to maneuver between the rows.
"Movie starts in ten," a voice from down the hall said just before the door to the theater closed.
Jack looked around behind them as the projector turned on and lit the room. "So just us?"
"Mhmm, just us," Ricky said as he leaned in and kissed Jack on the lips.
Jack smiled and ran his hand along the inside of Ricky's thigh, grazing over his dick for just a brief second before leaning in and giving him a kiss in return. "You want your popcorn big boy?"
"Mmm, I'm starving," he said as his stomach let out a low groan of disapproval. He reached into the first bucket and shoveled a big handful into his mouth.
Jack rubbed his swollen stomach, "you're practically skin and bones, we better get it into you."
Ricky put a few more handfuls into his mouth at a normal pace until he felt Jack grab the bottom of the bucket and put it up to his lips. He opened his mouth as Jack shook, causing it to fall down into his mouth. He ate as quickly as he could, with Jack reaching over and picking up pieces that fell from the side of his face. What felt like minutes passed and at some point he was just swallowing some of the pieces without even chewing. When he felt the unpopped kernels slide into his mouth in a big group he gave a swallow and felt them go down easy.
He opened his mouth to talk but was cut off by the next bucket. After a minute of half-chewing, Ricky had switched to just swallowing whatever he could move towards the back of his throat as quickly as he could, the salt drying him out close to the end and making the last few swallows rough and difficult. He reached for his soda as soon as he was finished took a few big gulps. His throat was so dry, he popped off the top and started chugging.
It wasn't until he looked at Jack that he realized he'd just thrown back an entire 54 oz cup of soda in one go. Jack's face and ears were bright red as he reached forward and rubbed Ricky's noticably-larger stomach.
He's so turned on he looks like he's gonna jump on top of me, Ricky thought to himself. The look on Jack's face had him hard as a rock and he reached for the second cup. Tilting his head back to give Jack a clear view of his throat, he started chugging the second cup as quickly as the first, feeling his stomach stretch painfully as the fizzy liquid filled him up bigger and bigger.
Halfway through the cup, Jack moved onto his knees in front of Ricky, undoing his belt while he kissed his belly. By the time he finished the cup, Jack was pulling his dick out of his underwear with one hand and rubbing his stomach with the other. He leaned back in the chair, his stomach popping out of him like a basketball.
Ricky let out a small sigh as he leaned back in his chair, and bit his lip to stop from moaning when he felt Jack's lips slide down his shaft. He looked down but couldn't see anything other than his round, bloated belly. He rubbed his stomach and smothered another moan as Jack bobbed up and down on him. A burp tried to make its way up his throat and he swallowed it back down, the gurgling sounds from his stomach drove Jack wild and head or no head he was going to fuck that man senseless when they got back to his place.
It didn't take long for him to blow his load, the sensory combination of his aching stomach and Jack's mouth short-circuited his brain. He had to cover his mouth with his hands to stop from moaning loud enough to be heard in the next theater, and was completely out of it now.
Every part of his body tingled as a voice whispered something into his ear that he couldn't quite make out. His mouth opened and he waited for whatever Jack was about to feed him next, swallowing gently as soon as he felt it hit his throat. He gave a few more swallows, the mass moving further down with each one. After a few more, his mouth started to stretch, the tightness mixing in with the post-orgasm haze and the constant dull ache in his stomach.
Ricky kept swallowing, the feeling of his stomach stretching further than it had ever gone becoming almost a little fun. After a few more swallows he opened his eyes and felt his heart stop for a moment. Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck what am I doing, he thought in a panic. That painful stretching was his jaw unhinging for Jack's shoulders to fit past. He was practically halfway down this throat - and Ricky felt himself give an involuntary swallow, dragging him a few inches deeper.
He tried grabbing Jack by the sides and pulling him further out, but Jack just wiggled in his grip. He braced the seat in front of Ricky with one foot and pushed, causing Ricky to swallow involuntarily and pushing himself almost a foot and a half further down. Before Ricky could react, he put his other foot on the seat and pushed again, this time forcing himself down to his knees. Ricky gagged and tried to force jack back up, but from the inside he felt a pair of hands brace against the walls of his stomach as Jack pulled himself the rest of the way in.
Ricky felt the moment Jack's feet slipped into his stomach and tried to heave as hard he he could. "Jack, don't worry baby I'll get you out, I'm so sor-".
Ricky paused for a moment when he felt shaking and moaning from inside of him. He sat in stunned silence for a few moments while he felt Jack shudder and moan.
"Baby I gotta spit you back up, what did you do, how do I get you out?"
A handprint pressed against the outside of his stomach as Jack's muffled voice came from the other side, "you don't baby, it's a one way trip."
"W-what? What do you mean, I gotta-"
"Just watch the movie and let your belly do its work."
"J-Jack no, I gotta let you out, my stomach can't tell the difference between you and the food from earlier!"
"Shhh, you're gonna get really tired soon, just lean back and watch the movie."
His eyelids were already getting heavy, his body was trying to make him sleep to save energy. He tried to heave a few more times, but nothing came up and the exhaustion was taking over.
"Just let me be a good meal for you baby, lean back and let me be yours."
"Jack.. I can't... my stomach won't...." Ricky said as sleep started to take him.
"That's right, fall asleep big boy, let your belly do what it does best."
The end credit music played loud through the speakers, jerking Ricky awake. What's going on, why am I-
Ricky saw his huge stomach in front of him, like an overinflated beach ball, and remembered what had happened. He got to his feet as quickly as possible and felt the contents of his stomach slosh. The outside was a tight as a drum but the inside made him feel like a water bed.
Down the hall he heard someone coming and felt a wave of panic. There was no way he could explain this, he buttoned his pants and booked it for the other door, bumping his stomach on several seats on his way out. Directly across was a door to the parking lot, and he slipped out as quickly and quietly as possible, barely able to keep himself upright from the weight in his stomach.
When he got home, he collapsed on his side in bed, his stomach gurgling and groaning happily as it worked on its meal.
"Jack you dumb asshole..." he sighed to himself as he rubbed his sore stomach.
The next week, his stomach had shrunk back to its normal size - albeit with an extra 15 pounds of weight in his middle. As Ricky got out of his car at the usual all-you-can-eat buffet, he gave his stomach a rub with his thumb. He hadn't been able to satisfy his hunger all week. As he walked in, he looked around the room and spotted a guy in the back corner with a cute haircut and little bit of a belly. I know what I want, Ricky thought to himself as he fixed his hair and walked in the guy's direction, god I'm so fucking hungry.
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imtooscaredforthis · 7 months
Chapter Twenty Four: Unexpected
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Mentions of: Dubcon/noncon themes, stabbing, death, and murder, etc.
A/N: some more pervy Johnny for you lmao
Tags: @dead-bxxxtch-walking @mama-miya @moonshineinasippycup @stwbwwychan @vandeaad @the-fandoms-georgie
“I feel like we haven’t talked in forever. How are you? How is everything?” Rachel asked as the two of you exited the building together and walked to the parking lot.
“I’m good. Work has been pretty good. Jed is a great partner.” You admitted with a shrug.
“I’m sure he is. You guys getting along good?” She asked with a teasing grin. “Yeah- what’s that look for?”
“Nothing. So you guys are close?” You don’t like where this is going.
“I mean, yeah- but..” You scoffed when you noticed Rachel’s smug grin. She’s onto you.
“Will you quit it? He and I are just friends. He’s like a brother to me.” You lied.
Rachel laughed at that. “Bullshit. I’m not dumb. I can tell when two people are fucking, and you and Jed totally are. But don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. No judgment here.”
Before you could finish your conversation, the two of you split up, and she went to her car, while you walked home. You looked over your shoulder to make sure the coast was clear before you called after her.
“Jed and I aren’t- we’re not fucking, okay?! We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, babe!” She called back. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you walked off, trying to ignore how flustered she had gotten you.
It’s fine. She won’t tell anyone. At worst she’ll just keep teasing you like this. Even if it was annoying, there wasn’t much you could do about it.
Once you got back home, you changed your clothes and had a glass of wine to wind down. But you didn’t relax, no. You never relax anymore. How could you when you know he’s still out there, harming more innocent people? Jesse, Lucia and Nate all deserved justice. You weren’t going to rest until you got it for them.
As you ate your dinner, you stared at the bulletin board you put up on your wall, with pictures of Ghostface’s victims, reports of his last sightings, and anything you could find. You managed to make some connections as to where he would find his victims.
You did find quite a few that went to Walleye’s but there were still inconsistencies here and there. All you knew was that most of them were average people, middle class and normal, which makes it even harder for him to figure out who he’s after next.
You stared at the board for a little while, before sitting down on your couch, running a hand through your hair. With all the time you had been spending with Jed, you haven’t been able to focus much on this. But today, he was out sick, giving you more room to think about Ghostface, even if you didn’t want to.
With a frustrated sigh, you grabbed the remote, clicking on the TV.
“Breaking news: Couple Marie and Carlton Thomas have been found dead in their home this afternoon.”
You stared at the screen in complete shock as a photo of them flashed onto the tv, listening as it continued. “The couple was found by a neighbor this evening when they noticed that their back door was open and their dog had escaped. They were stabbed to death, both having almost twenty wounds each. So the question we’re all wondering is: could this be another Ghostface murder?”
“We’re still figuring out motives, but the possibility is there. We’re working as hard as we can to catch this guy and all we can say right now is follow the curfew and lock your doors at night, and if you see anything suspicious, don’t be afraid to say something.” The sheriff said.
You couldn’t watch any more of this bullshit. You reached over and shut off the tv, sighing softly. Staring at the black reflection of the screen, you realized someone was standing behind you.
“Boo.” You sprung up from the couch, gasping in surprise. You turned on your heel trying to face him straight on. You moved so fast that you stumbled forward, causing him to catch you.
“Careful there, sweetheart, we don’t want you getting hurt do we?” Ghostface cooed in that same condescending tone. You tore yourself from his grip, glowering at him.
You stepped back into the kitchen, grabbing a knife and raising it threateningly. “Stay the fuck away from me.”
How did he even get in? How did you not notice him? He has been standing behind you while you were watching, and you were completely vulnerable. He could’ve easily killed you, but he didn’t. He was toying with you.
“Oh, come on, Dollface. Don’t be like that. I missed you. And from what I can tell, you missed me too.” He gestured to the bulletin board on your wall, before walking over to you. He took slow steps, like a predator ready to pounce.
Just because he didn’t want to kill you didn’t mean he didn’t want to hurt you..but you knew attacking him would only end badly. You lowered the knife slightly, but didn’t let it go.
He moved swiftly, grabbing your wrist and slamming it against the wall, making you drop the knife. “There you go. Good girl.”
“What do you want from me?” You couldn’t help but ask, angry and fearful. “What? Can’t we just have a nice little chat? You’re the one who pulled out the knife.”
He released your wrist, letting you go. “I think it’s time we catch up. You’ve been doing a lot lately, haven’t you? Had a lot of fun with your little Boy Scout?”
“Boy Scout? You mean-”
“Your little boyfriend? Jeb or Jed or whatever? The one who’s helping you write articles on me? Yeah, him. I’ve been watching you two..and you really seemed to be enjoying yourself, slut.”
You felt yourself grow flustered from humiliation and embarrassment. “Don’t hurt him.”
“Awww you want to protect him, how sweet. Don’t worry, toots. I’m not planning on it. As long as you behave, that is. Though I will say, I am jealous.” You felt his other arm hook around your back, the cool blade pressing into you and making you arch forward and into his touch, and his hand moved from your wrist to your chin, tilting your head upward while he examined your body.
“Such a pretty thing. I wouldn’t mind having you myself.” He pressed his knife into your back, forcing your waist to press against his, feeling his hardness.
He forced your shirt upwards, and you tried to stop him, but he smacked your hands away. He smirked. “No bra? How naughty.”
He eyed your tits, while you squirmed slightly in his grip, trying to get him to stop, but the harsh press of his knife and his groin managed to get you to still. His gloved hand caressed your breasts, before sliding down to your stomach.
“Yeah, we’re definitely gonna have some fun later.” You could hear the lust and smugness in his voice.
“What makes you think I would want to do any of that with you? I don’t even want to touch you! I hate you!” You hissed in disgust.
“Oh, I know you do. But you don’t have a choice do you? Not if you want your friends to live.” He leaned over and pressed his mask to your ear, his voice lowering. “You think Jed’s good? I’ll have you screaming and crying for me. And you’ll love it like the good little whore you are.”
He slightly ground his hardness against you, and you bit your lip to hold back a whimper. He removed his knife from your back, pressing it against your front instead. With the flick of his wrist, he cut your stomach, causing you to cry out.
“Just something to remember me by. Don’t worry, I’ll be back, and we’ll have fun very soon.”
He let you go, stalking off into your bedroom, and leaving out the side window onto the fire escape.
Yeah, you need to change your locks.
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lovesealss · 11 months
honosuto is so silly im gonna say random shit about one of my favorite chapters
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ya gouenji you ate with the pajama
also why are the pants so bright damn
i need glasses for my glasses now man/j
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that is fucking spongebob pajamas endou what is this
love you tho endou
kidou is sick and tired of these two
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he wanted to say “makes me want to kiss you” but it was censored trust/j
hes so silly
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silly people theyre so pathetic i love them
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. . . . . .
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theyre going on a date after
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. . . . . . . . . . . .
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im not normal about them i love them so much
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reidslovely · 1 year
friends to lovers with peter where you two go on a double date with other people but are just caught up in each other the whole time to the point their dates call them out on it
hi friend, sorry it took so long to get back to you! here you go hope it is everything you wanted 🩵
please reblog and comment if you like the post!!
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“And then we got kicked out of the skate park.” Peter laughed, as he ended his story. (Y/n) shook her head as she downed the last bit of her glass of merlot. 
“Not true I got kicked out of the skate park, you did not.” She corrected, pointing a finger at herself. Peter moved slightly to the left, his arm unwrapping from around his dates shoulder, leaning across towards (Y/n). “But I never went back in support of you.” 
“Whatever.” She drugged out, laughing at his statement. There was a sudden clearing of the throat next to her that pulled her attention away from some distant memory, and to her date she almost forgot completely. “So you two have been friends for quite some time huh?” He asked, (Y/n) hated to admit it but she couldn’t remember the redhead's name. Tom..Tim..fuck, maybe it was Paul. 
“Oh yeah. Since middle school..maybe 5th grade?” 
It had all felt like several lifetimes together honestly. The two of them had literally seen each other at every point of their lives, it was so funny to be here on a date the two of them set up for one another. Continuing that endless cycle. 
“It was definitely 6th grade cause that was the year we kissed at the Sadie Hawkins dance.” 
“You guys have kissed?” The woman, Macy,  next to Peter asked looking between the two friends. 
“A couple times it was never anything serious. I was sad that the girl who asked me to the dance didn’t wanna dance with me, and she kissed this Flash dude who was like my arch nemesis at the time. In our puberty ridden jealousy (Y/n) acted as a good friend and gave me my first kiss.” Peter laughed downing his glass of water as if it was the most normal topic in the world. 
“We’ve kissed plenty of times, friends kiss right?” 
“No.” The dates  in the booth replied in unison, trading weird looks. Peter raised his eyebrow looking at (Y/n), red faced and hiding behind her hands. This was getting worse and worse by the minute. 
“‘Course they do.” Peter laughed trying to ease the tension, his foot brushing against her leg under the table letting her know it is okay. 
“Look I don’t wanna be the one to break the news to you two, but..” The redhead started up again turning to face both (Y/n) and Peter. This was not gonna be good. “It is clear you two have some type of unspoken tension that maybe you need to get rid of before double dating. I don’t think I have ever been a third wheel on my own date.” 
“Oh come on, that's not true.” (Y/n) laughed. “We’ve had a great time, we've talked plenty!”
“No you two talked..mostly about and to each other.” The blonde woman next to Peter spoke, standing up and gathering her things. “This has been fun, really..interesting to say the least. Don’t call me.” She said before practically running out of the bar. Peter pressed his lips together in a humph, looking at (Y/n)’s date leaving right behind Macy. There was silence as the two ate the shitty appetizer on the table, that was as far as they had gotten, the fucking appetizer. “Do you think they were right?” (Y/n) asked not looking at Peter as she picked at the food. 
“I dunno, maybe?” Peter shrugged. “It would explain all my failed relationships.” 
“Oh so those are my fault?” 
“No, no. God no, that’s not what I’m saying at all.” Peter laughs. “It’s mine because they say you’re all I talk about.” He laughs. “That’s why Liz Allan broke up with me freshman year. That’s why that Penelope girl I dated broke up with me all those months ago. I compare them to you, I talk about you in a way a friend shouldn’t I guess.” Peter was finally looking at her the way he did in high school, the way he looked at her when there was a chance.  “Come on, you can’t tell me you haven't compared the way we’ve kissed to the way you kiss your partners..”
(Y/n) thought about it for a moment, he wasn’t wrong. In their school years she always thought if things didn’t work out with Gwen she and Peter could finally have a chance. But that never happened, and he moved on with other people and (Y/n) thought she had too. 
Peter rounded the booth, now sitting knee to knee with her. His hand on her leg, his thumb rubbing her knee cap slowly. 
“It’s been a long, looong time. Let’s just give it a shot, me and you. Whattya say? Mhm finally?” 
(Y/n)’s lips pulled in a downward smile, that held years of long finally being pushed to the surface. Her eyes glaring at him. “I like that idea..” She whispers, scared that if she spook much louder her voice would echo throughout the entire restaurant due to how excited she was. 
“Good, me too.” Peter whispered back, before catching her lips in a deep, eat gut wrenching kiss that held years of longing confessions behind it.
tags: @a-lumos-in-the-nox @sincericida @helloheyhihowdyheya @messymissy @adhdhufflepuff @someblessedmonster
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obsessedsadgirl · 1 year
Harry Styles dating a normal woman
*established relationship*
tw: cursing, bad writing, like I failed every English class I had. Read with caution
Harry coming home to their new home, they wanted to live together but Y/N was hesitant since she’s not at his tax bracket.
(Flash back)
“I’d love to live with you and wake up with you but I can’t pay half of the corner house.”
One big sigh later, “Sweets I’d wish you’d let me take care of you in this way. We’ve already talked about utilities it simply makes sense I buy the home.”
Shaking her head no. He meets her to place a gentle kiss on her forehead, “Okay, we’ll we have a problem then.”
Returning the kiss and adding more all over his face. He knows it’s all because she doesn’t want to be fucked if their relationship doesn’t work out. They have had done this dance for over a year and they’ve been together for three.
For her she’s scared, what if they break up? What if he gets tired of her? But worse or all what if people look at her even more like a gold digger.
“Buy the house Styles,” she quietly says after hiding her face in his neck. He immediately squeezes her tight and spins her around. Both laughing.
(Flashback over)
more crickets
After looking through the two story English cottage, he finds her in her studio.
“I was calling you. Have you ate at all?” He asks after looking around. Oh good she has been drinking water since he sees her special water bottle.
She makes eye contact and straight face. That’s a no, sighing, “you need to eat. Let’s go to the kitchen and start dinner.”
A pasta dish with a couple glasses of wine, and dinner is done.
He’s looking around the dinning room and sees something that wasn’t there when he left. It looks familiar.
“Y/N did you finally buy the buffet table you wanted? It makes the room come together just as you said” Harry compliments his beautiful partner.
“Oh god no. I refuse to buy something that expensive, I found it for free and took it my workshop and painted it. Looks similar to the fifteen hundred one right!”
His fork drops on the floor. He immediately doesn’t know if he should be proud or stunned. She lifted this in her studio and painted it. He is thinking the worse. Did she get hurt? How did she lift it? He could have bought the one she wanted. Of course he’s proud. But he could and wanted to buy the one she wanted. Wait. Does she do this a lot?
“Harry?” He looks up and see her looking with concern. “What are you thinking? She asks.
“What in this house did you clean up and paint? Did you get hurt? How did you lift it? Is there anything in this house that you bought?”
While making eye contact she starts squirming in her seat.
After explaining that she slipped his card back in his wallet, while running errands she would see furniture outside and pull over call her mom and they would load it up bring it the house and bring it back to life.
“We’ll you see growing up we didn’t have a lot of money and my mom taught me to sand and paint. So I figured with the house being expensive I’d make the furniture myself or simply refurbish them. Are you mad?” She’s looking down now, trying to control her breathing.
Walking to her and kneeling, pushing her chair so she is in front of him. He gives her a hug.
The end!
If you guys like it, I’d like to do a AU master list for it with your questions about the relationship. Let me know🖤
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thehellsystem · 10 months
do you have any varigo headcanons ...
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Hugo is does not automatically “get better” the moment he moves in with Varian. She has kleptomaniac tendencies and jumps a mile in the air whenever they see a guard. He’ll stand in front of expensive objects and consider how much he could sell them for. AND ONE TIME she was doing this with a massive grandfather clock and they were feeling it with their hand and then he dissociated. Then it was like, an hour later and the clock was in his and Varian’s room and she was like “VARIANNN- VARIAN I FUCKED UP-“ so Varian and him are trying to sneak it back to its original spot because Hugo is freaking out losing his marbles at the thought of being kicked out because he BLACKED OUR AND STOLE A CLOCK and Rapunzel catches them, obviously. She’s super nice and understanding because she’s married to Eugene but Hugo is going through every stage of grief because she’s not an emotional guy but oh boy does he think he’s going back to the streets AND that he got Varian in trouble. Varian’s like “You know I tried to kill several people and got pardoned, right?” And Hugo’s like “…oh”
Varian? Very normal man. BUT I think he should get to be mildly insane. He’s holding a knife and he’ll slowly turn to the person next to him and go “How many people do you think I could kill with this?” And Hugo will respond VERY HONESTLY like “Ten, before you get arrested. Fifteen if you wear your mask.”
Nuru was not their wingwoman. She was so fucking tired of them. They were the kind of couple where everyone knew they were dating before they knew themselves. In the way that Varian’s sleeping in Hugo’s arms and still going “We’re just friends :)” and Nuru is SO TIRED because Hugo is sitting with her head in Varian’s lap staring at him with heart eyes and they’re just trying to have a normal meal
Hugo and Varian have a mutual hatred for Winter. Hugo hates it because it’s easily the most difficult season for people on the streets to live in, Varian hates it because of Queen for a Day. They just hibernate in their lab every winter, even if Corona is almost always warm. It’s so common to not hear from them for WEEKS because they’re in their lab doing who knows what during Winter.
MODERN AU but they go to concerts together and Hugo holds Varian on their shoulders so he can better
Hugo ate everything within a mile of himself when he first got to the castle and then freaked out about it and was like “I don’t deserve this oh my god they’re gonna send me back” and stopped. Varian gets incredibly concerned and keeps staring at her at every meal and Hugo’s like “Well, can’t have my boyfriend being worried. Back to food.”
Hugo has an abnormal fondness for foreign cheese. Varian is lactose intolerant
Yong is aromantic and his image of romance was very confusing because Hugo and Varian are saying they’re just best friends while feeding each other bits of food
HUGO IS PARTIALLY BLIND idc he is because same. My eyes do NOT work and I have the thickest glasses lenses known to man. Hugo holds up pieces of paper to Varian and asks him to read out loud for him and he says it’s because he can’t see it BUT mostly because he likes the sound of Varian’s voice
The Garden by The Crane Wives starts playing
OKAYOKAY I’ve seen people say they’re Stupid With Love but Hugo actually dreams about Varian falling off a cliff. And that’s his romantic dream about the boy he has a crush on.
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cryonme · 2 years
𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱)
—Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
—summary: you need him like water, he thinks that you're alright. based on complex (demo) by katie gregson-macleod
—word count: 1.6k
— tw: very brief smut ( minors…. stop right there! ), mentions of blood and suicide (nothing actually violent or gory just mentions of it), lots of self deprecation, depression, swearing, alcohol. angst angst angst hurt with no comfort
a/n: ummm... sorry in advance for this, this one hurts lol. also… probably the first n last time i write any kind of smut lol.
song lyrics for reference:
I’m 21 The edge is razor thin Between being numb And feeling everything Good days only serve as relief again
Now I’m watching as I waste away my days And then It’s a cross dissolve It’s a scene I’ve played before And the leading role that I thought I’d hold Doesn’t listen to me anymore
But I’m wearing his boxers I’m being a good wife We won’t be together But maybe the next life
I need him like water He lives on a landslide I cry in his bathroom He turns off the big light
I’m being the cool girl I’m keeping it so tight I carry home while My friends have a good night
I need him like water He thinks that I’m alright I’m not feeling human I think he’s a good guy
But it’s complex It’s a complex It’s a complex I’m a complex
Triangular I can see them now Three points at which I let myself down I was just a girl What’s the excuse now?
Too regular This pattern I’ve been taking shelter in Reaching new highs When I was 19 I wanted to die
Now I just want to kill you But I don’t want to paint you the victim And I talk a good game I’d die for you just the promise you’d listen
But I’m wearing his boxers I’m being a good wife We won’t be together But maybe the next life
I need him like water He lives on a landslide I cry in his bathroom He turns off the big light
I’m being the cool girl I’m keeping it so tight I carry home while My friends have a good night
I need him like water He thinks that I’m alright I’m not feeling human I think he’s a good guy
But it’s complex It’s a complex It’s a complex I’m a complex
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You were beginning to feel normal again.
Whatever sadness your brain had plagued your body with that kept you chained to your room had begun to heal, and you felt like you could see again. No thick fog of heaviness that kept you from seeing your hands outstretched in front of your face.
You were smiling.
Your friends had noticed too, they saw the lightness that followed you when you actually made small talk when you ventured into the kitchen instead of desperately trying to bury yourself as deep into your hoodie and hold your blanket as tightly as possible around you.
You went out for drinks with your roommates and friends. You ordered an appetizer and you ate it. You made eye contact with the waitress and thanked her genuinely as she collected your menu. You laughed about old stories and gasped and reacted accordingly to the new ones hitting your ears.
You were fucking normal again.
But, one thing you learned as you got to know yourself, is nothing ever lasted for you. 
The only thing that stuck around and made itself constant was Conrad Fisher.
That gorgeous, wicked grin of a man.
He had you wrapped around his finger and he knew it, he fucking knew it. He knew how you loved him so desperately that it made you feel small, pathetic. Nothing but a small fly sat on the rubber of his shoe.
But if you were to be anything to Conrad Fisher, you’d settle for a fly. Because at least you could stay close to him.
Conrad: can you come get me
You wanted to scream. 
You wanted to scream and cry until you ripped your own hair from the scalp and you wanted to flip over this table and smash every glass and plate in the restaurant, making everyone around you bloody and bruised but you wouldn’t care because at least you wouldn’t be alone.
You: I’m busy.
You shoved your phone in your pocket and tried to breathe. You tried to focus on your friends in front of you, your friends who love you so much and had been there through every unbearable second of the past few months. The friends who loved you through the hard times when Conrad was absent. Your friend caught your eye and her smile faltered.
She knew that look.
That was the “Conrad Fisher just texted me and he needs me and for some reason, no matter how badly I don’t want to, I have to go” look. 
Conrad: please.
And so you did. 
You told everyone you had a headache, something in your cocktail just wasn’t right and it was making you queasy. They all nodded and begged you not to apologize but they shared knowing looks with each other once your presence was absent from the table. They discussed how they weren’t angry, just simply so worried for what this was going to look like when Conrad Fisher decided to throw you out.
Conrad texted you the information of the bar he was at. He had one too many and he couldn’t walk home alone, nor did any of his friends want to leave just yet.
“Hey, baby.” Conrad greeted you as he unwound his arm from around a girl you didn’t recognize, and slung it around you. “Y’look pretty.”
His words were slurring and his eyelids were slumped and his grin was lopsided but god, the ache in your chest only worsened because he was just so beautiful.
You knew his friends probably made fun of you when you weren’t around. Probably talked about how lucky Conrad was that he had a girl so completely enthralled in him that she didn’t care if she embarrassed herself by continuing to show up for him even though he never returned the favor. 
“Conrad’s got a girlfriend with no strings attached.” You’d heard one of them say once.
Conrad had been there. He just simply laughed and shook his head, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and saying, “We’re just really close, that’s all.” And you’d smile and nod, words of thanks leaving your mouth when his friends told you how cool you were.
That motherfucker. He knows it isn’t true.
“Yeah. I was with friends.” You said, politely smiling and bidding hellos/ goodbyes to all of his friends as you began to turn, making your way out of the bar with Conrad’s bodyweight clinging to you like a weighted blanket.
But at least you were holding him.
Conrad didn’t respond. He just continued to stumble down the street.
You knew the way to his apartment perfectly, having been to this bar then back to his apartment multiple times, and it was only a couple of blocks. So you trudged on, trying as hard as you could not to think about the fact you were carrying him home while your friends had a good night.
Conrad’s lips on yours was something that felt so beautiful yet so deeply hideous. Like sipping on a delicious cocktail full of liquor and sugar, not caring about the headache and nausea it was going to greet you with in the morning.
You were drunk on him. Completely wasted, but you didn’t care because how could you even think about tomorrow when he was pressed up against you like this?
“Need to hear your words, baby.” He breathed against your skin, pressing hot kisses down the scape of your neck.
“Please.” The word slipped from your lips like a plea, your voice cracking pathetically because, god, you needed him so badly. You needed him like water to your tongue and air to your lungs.
“Good girl.” Conrad praised before he slipped inside of you and you cried out, a sinful moan spilling past your lips and drenching Conrad in pride. He loved the way he made you feel, the pretty noises he elicited from your throat because he knew the exact spots and movements that turned you into a mess around him and he loved it.
And when it was over he’d gently pull you into his bathroom, he’d coo at the whimpers leaving your throat from the sensitivity as he cleaned you up. He’d bring you a pair of boxers and a tee shirt to wear, then he’d turn off the lights and crawl into his bed with his back facing you, not even uttering a simple “Goodnight.”
You’d cry in his bathroom once you could hear his breaths deepen and once you’d start you could hardly stop. Terrible gasps and sobs would fill the dark bathroom as you released every emotion you felt towards Conrad Fisher. Anger, sadness, regret, love, absolute fucking devotion.
You would wake up on the bathroom floor from the small light from the crack of the curtains spilling into the room and you’d slip into bed before Conrad woke up. 
You would arise when he did and you’d smile when he rasped out “Good morning.” 
You’d start a pot of coffee and you’d make him his own, just the way he likes it. You’d leave it on the counter for him as you gathered your things, discarding his boxers and tee shirt into the laundry basket and you’d slowly slip on your outfit from the night before, knowing you’d have to endure judgemental stares and giggles from people passing by you on the straight because of the very obvious walk of shame you were trekking.
He wouldn’t offer to drive you home, why would he?
“Why are you sulking?” He asked from his position in bed, scrolling through his phone.
He went off script.
“I’m not sulking.”
“Why’d you sleep on the bathroom floor then?”
You froze.
“Excuse me?”
Conrad rolled his eyes. “I’m not stupid. I know you slept on the bathroom floor.”
You were panicking trying as hard as you could to muster up words, some kind of excuse, anything else besides the words that were about to come out of your mouth.
“I wanted to.”
Conrad raised his eyebrows. He didn’t believe you. Of course he didn’t, it was a dumb excuse. A dumb excuse that made you want to face palm yourself as hard as you could, hopefully knocking some sense into you.
“You wanted to?”
“I wanted to.”
You went home without another word, he didn’t even walk you to the door because why the fuck would he? This meant nothing to him.
You meant nothing to him.
You were slipping again, just as quickly as you began to mend, your wounds began to reopen. Nasty, stinging, hideous wounds that invisibly decorated your body began to split, and you were nothing but empty and embarrassed. No longer human, only the broken and stained shell of the girl you once were.
All this pain, over a stupid boy.
A stupid boy that you were now sat next to, in a bar with all your mutual friends, being the cool girl once again. 
He had that stupid fucking charming smile plastered on his face and you wanted to kill him. God, you wanted to fuck him then kill him over and over again until your skin was tinted red and your lips were bruised. 
You never would.
Of course you wouldn’t.
Why would you want to when there was always the sliver of a chance that he’d text you, “I need you”.
It would forever be complex, the way you loved Conrad Fisher and the way he loved to keep you around. Maybe, somewhere deep down he loved you too but didn’t know how to show it. But, the possibility of him just loving your convenience and eager willingness to spread your legs for him, and only him, was much more believable.
A complex.
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like i said….. so sorry.
tags| @iluvt4ylorswift @colbysbrocks @prettysummerbaby @gillybear17 @tessastle @insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @lilygreennn @allise4 @heyimadison @liltimmys @slut4fictionalcharacters
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