#I’m done writing a fucking essay in my tags now
sistersavelorn · 2 months
Thinking about Bernard telling Fran that the dress she was wearing for her date was nice in S1E3
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shrekgogurt · 10 days
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I have been watching one million YouTube video essays about pop culture and emphatically not writing over the past several days. This chapter was supposed to be a shorter one and now it’s shaping up to be the longest one so far and I’m deeply frustrated by it. I want it done. Only 3/6 of the POVs are “finished” (aka beta ready) and one of the Baz POVs needs a lot reworked. Narratively, it was the chapter I was least looking forward to writing and in trying to redeem it (infuse it with more emotion) it’s just getting so big. Nevertheless, so many people are out and about today so I’m serving up the first sentence of each POV.
It’s the first day of classes and I’m already in trouble.
I wouldn’t venture so far as to say I have a spring in my step, but I’m faring better than I was last month.
A man who appears to have walked fresh off the set of a k-pop music video just called Baz’s name and I’m not handling it well.
[this is the POV that needs so much reworking so instead here is one sentence I know will stay] “If you’ve been feeling part of the scenery, perhaps you should walk right out of the machinery.”
As I stare at the three gates blocking our exit, I suddenly wish Penny had more friends.
Snow is a bloody contagion.
Okay I’m a little bit just whining some more down here. But GODDAMN it! I keep reading so many beautiful masterpieces by y’all and getting so inspired and wanting to make my shit better. Which is good! But also! This chapter is now 10x harder to write because I want it to be deeper now than it originally would’ve been. And ultimately, again, that’s good! But it’s so much more effort. And I’m being really really hard on myself and the output. And it’s not currently super duper fun. More like when you know what something could be or should be but you can’t get it to shape properly. Or rather, I’m angsty about putting forth the energy to mash it all up to make it better than before. So…it’s all growth. Just a pain in the ass.
Not to mention, the key to unlocking more depth for the Baz bits is Hejira which is a fucking masterpiece. (How can I be Joni? No one can be Joni!) And he doesn’t start out there! I have to bring him to this place of reflection! And like cover the time elapsed. And it’s HARD! BOO! EVIL! I’m doing it to myself!
May the spirit of poetry hopefully overtake me. It’s terribly lacking in this chapter. (I think I’ll be forever chasing the damn high of chapter thirteen.)
Okay done whining.
Thank you for the tags today! @monbons @roomwithanopenfire @blackberrysummerblog @rimeswithpurple @forabeatofadrum @thewholelemon @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @mooncello
Shorter list of tags because it’s late: @bookish-bogwitch @brilla-brilla-estrellita @cutestkilla @emeryhall @hushed-chorus @ileadacharmedlife @ineffable-grimm-pitch @j-nipper-95 @larkral @letraspal @messofthejess @onepintobean @prettygoododds @raenestee @theimpossibledemon @valeffelees @youarenevertooold @mitranian
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meraki-yao · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers ✒️
I have a bit of time between now and my consultation for my essay so I’m finally answering these! Thank you to @luainthewild and @typicalopposite for the tags!!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
13 right now! I’m a baby fic writer lol I only started in 2022 as a coping mechanism from university fucking me up, but I’m fully in love with it now. It’s so good to get back into writing for myself after writing for school and exams according to a marking scheme for so long.
What's your total ao3 word count? 43,982!
What fandoms do you write for?
浪浪钉 LLD (The collective ship name for the main ship Wenzhou and the rps Junzhe), Shadowhunters (mostly Show canon but I do have book canon fic ideas in my drafts), RWRB
I have a Sanders Sides Hadestown AU in my drafts too but that’s been gathering dust there for a while😅
Top five fics by kudos:
I’d Hang the Moon for It to Shine on Him Sleeping (RWRB)
I Need Comfort (But I Hate Being Comfortable) (RWRB)
Dancing Under Red Skies (Shadowhunters)
Take Me Out and Take Me Home (Shadowhunters)
Achilles Come Down (Shadowhunters)
Do you respond to comments?
Not really, mostly because I have no idea how to handle compliments🫠
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’d say my first fic? Four Times Love Meant Sacrifice and the One Time It Didn't Need To, because that was literally four ships with a bad ending (or at least endings presented as bad) with one final happy ending ship. But otherwise I mostly stick with happy endings, or at least hopeful endings
But I will say my WIP that I posted on Wednesday is gonna break that record and have the angsiest ending, because it’s about Arthur Fox’s cancer diagnosis and Henry’s emotional journey through that point of his life
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’d say most of them are fairly happy? But I do think I do hopeful endings more.
Probably Can I Have This Dance? It ends with Alex and Henry dancing around in the Texas family house after the election
Do you get hate on fics?
So far so good, no, and I’m hoping it stays that way 🥹
Do you write smut?
Very, very tame. The most explicit thing I’ve written is The Word of Your Body, which is a RWRB Movie Paris scene fic. It’s very tame, but writing the main event gave me such a crisis
Craziest crossover:
I don’t think I’ve done a crossover? Between fandoms, that is. And I don’t think I’ll ever plan to? Unless you count what I did for Four Times Love Meant Sacrifice and the One Time It Didn't Need To because I was mixing the actor’s characters from different projects and shipping them together (which is a really prominent thing in the LLD/JZ fandom)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but with my growing interest in translation, I am thinking of translating some of my own fics, starting with the LLD (since that’s a dominantly Chinese fandom to began with)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not yet!
All time favorite ship?
Aw, you can’t make me choose, that’s impossible!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have way too many ideas in my RWRB draft box, so there’s a lot of doubt there
But for fics I actually already started, it’s a song fic on “I’ll Cover You” from Rent for Junzhe. I was like 40% done with the draft, but the last time I touched it was in 2022.
It’s supposed to be a sort of exploration on cross-dressing and femineity which started because I was pissed at the government’s “Anti-sissy” declaration, and Zhehan (one part of the ship, but don’t search him online yourself a lot of shit happened and there’s massive misinformation everywhere about him) was really loved and known for his perceived femininity after holding a dominantly masculine image for most of his career. The gender neutrality in his style during and after Word of Honor suited him better, and I wanted to write about that
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptive writing and character studies, which is why most of my fics are either putting visual media into words, or missing scenes, or canon compliant
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue and anything regarding movement and action, so choosing to write a Tangled AU for the RWRB Big Bang is a challenge I set for myself
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Be careful with it, and be respectful. (and of course, if it’s Chinese, I will be extra critical)
First fandom you wrote in?
Lang Lang Ding/Junzhe! Or if you categorize according to AO3 tags, Word of Honor RPF
Favorite fic you've written?
Eh, I’m pretty happy with most of my fics but I’ll go with I’d Hang the Moon for It to Shine on Him Sleeping, The Word of Your Body and Achilles Come Down
No pressure tagging @o0anapher0o @pippin-katz @lfg1986-2 @noemiettedraw @thinkof-england
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justalildumpling · 9 months
moots as nct members
I'm not sure if uve already done this sorry if u have/ don't want to do this
ahh i love love love moot games like this hehe ty for sending this in💗
(i’m realising that a lot of my moots that i mostly interact with are from deobiblr😭 i’ve only tagged ppl who i am certain they stan nct but if i forgot i’m sorry!! this was written at like 3am delusion)
@sungbeam - mark
miss ma’am works herself as much as sm overworks the shit out of mark lee istg😭 TAKE A BREAK MA'AM IT'S OKAY. ok besides from that, i feel like mark is universally a comfort person for everyone in the nct community and beam is literally MY comfort person, my soulmate, my best friend (yes, she's mine. no buts😤) she's so talented at what she does, an absolute sweetheart, she cares so so much about her peers and i rlly just admire her as a person outside of tumblr. i could literally write an essay about how much i love her but i'll save everyone the read😭
@jaeminvore - jaemin
chaos. the both of them. OK BUT besides from that, nics gives off like hot girl energy like jaemin. he's is like woah he's so sexy and he knows it type vibe and nics is the same! i remember first seeing her blog/works and being like girl. im such a fan (and i still am, she's fucking hilarious and amazing) i folded for nics as much as i did for jaemin fr. it's always so fun talking to nics about literally anything from plain old thirsting over korean men to throwing irl ppl off a cliff and like jaemin she makes any scenario so much more enjoyable!!
@polarisjisung - jisung
LOOKLOOKLOOK yes he is her bias BUT the amount of rizz the both of has😭 UHM HELLO ALSO BOTH MAIN DANCER ENERGY nah i folded fr😩 ok but besides that, we all know jisung is the most wholesome bean ever and I JUST WANT TO PROTECT HUA YK?? idk she's such a cool person to talk to and i feel like we just clicked from the first time we met. jisung gives off like ride or die energy and i can def say that hua is the same💗
@winterchimez - xiaojun
THIS ISNT CHEATING ISTG ITS A COINCIDENCE THAT HER BIAS HAPPENS TO BE HIM AS WELL OK????? Both ally and xiaojun are literally the biggest sweethearts and can get along with everybody!! I always thought that xiaojun would be such a great conversationalist and no joke, ally and I got along so well as soon as we met and now we're forever emotional support buddies🥹🤞
@sehunniepot - jungwoo
literal golden retriever energy, like ball of sunshine. the most sociable and friendliest person i’ve met. i literally fell in love with nikki’s personality as soon as we met just like I did for mr kim jungwoo😔😔 I just feel like if I were to be in a room with her, she would be the lighting everyone up like idk how to describe it. She’s just someone that I feel like everyone couldn’t help but adore.
@jaehunnyy - taeyong
I LOVE THESE TWO PPL SO MUCH ALSNFOAFEI ok. i've calmed down. but fr tho like u CANNOT hate both taeyong and chip. LIKE she's literally a beam of positivity and she cares so much for her peers and always checks up on everyone when she can🥺 our bubu is a great leader and residential cutie and i feel like chip fits that to a tea
@wuahae - haechan
something about cat always screamed haechan to me idk why. just her mannerism/texting/talking style. as soon i started talking to her on the deoboyznet chat like i knew she and i were on the same wavelength just like i felt with haechan LMAO cat may seem playful and fun all the time but she's firm when she wants to be and she knows her boundaries/morals/values which is very admirable.
@mosviqu - ten
for some reason bar and ten just makes sense. both insanely talented, sarcastic and has strong opinions which they’re not afraid of expressing. lowkey intimidating to approach at first due to how highly i thought of her work, but was literally the most down to earth, loveliest person ever. I always love when she talks about the process behind her pics because they blow me away every time just like ten’s dancing.
@daegall - renjun
yes. I know it’s literally illegal for me to put anyone else other than lee donghyuck for sunny BUT IDK MAN SHE JUST GIVES OFF RENJUN VIBES!! we all know renjun is like the cutest little ball of sweetness ever and sunny is always so lovely and whenever she gets giddy like i get giddy too😭 and her expression of emotions towards haechan is portrayed thru capitalisations, keyboard smashes and typos which reminded me of renjun's little spits of anger yk??
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tickle-bugs · 4 months
Tip of advice from a writing blog too shy to come off anon with like- 5 followers XD. Write for YOU, not anybody else. And if you don't feel like writing, then don't. Writing is supposed to be a fun hobby, not a chore. I know that only maybe 1 or 2 people are going to see my work, but that's okay! Because as long as a single person enjoyed what I put out through my stories, I'm happy. Write what YOU want to write, when YOU want to write it. Do not feel obligated by anyone else and don't let others tell you how to do YOUR hobby. Trust me, you'll be happier. I was in your place once (Not long ago, actually ^^). And hey, for what it's worth, I love what you do. Gives me the feeeeels!
I appreciate this! Honestly I do write for me. I know I sound like a broken record here but I really don’t care about notes or attention lol. It’s more about the ache of watching the active community shrink before my eyes. Fanfic is about self-indulgence, but it’s also about sharing in an experience with a community. There’s just little to no community anymore, and that sucks.
Most if not all of us write because we like sharing with you guys! Writing stuff for our people. Hearing the shouts from the void that you all loved sharing in a fic and want to see more is so motivating and heartwarming. For me, that’s a huge part of it. Even when I write something I’m not 100% into or a fic I’m not super proud of, getting to share it with you guys sparks joy.
Not to sound like a bitter old man here but people used to write essays in the tags. That was the thing to do. I can’t tell you the last time I even saw a fandom tag on one of my fics. Likes mean anything from “I saw this” to “reading later” to “omg I loved this but I can’t reblog this”. Going from a thrum of conversation that you could share in with other people to dead silence is unnerving and really sad. It makes me sad.
There are quite a few self-indulgent fics I could probably spit out right now in fandoms no one would care about, but would make me happy. I’ve done that more times than I can count! For me, it’s hard to feel motivated to write at all when the silence I expect from writing for a niche little thing in an already niche community is what I get for nearly everything I put out.
I’m so grateful for this little community. I really am. I don’t want to sound ungrateful or sharp, I’m just really fucking bummed out that I feel this way.
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thatdesklamp · 8 months
been reading intrinsic warmth for a WHILE and your writing is top tier!! i always wondered to myself every time i’d read a chapter why the writing just STICKS, yk? i’m a MAJOR book girlie, i read 24/7.
first of all (not 100% sure on this) but i’m pretty sure only british ppl take gcses, a levels, etc. YOU’RE BRITISH?
i feel like i’ve met my other half rn over something so tiny but yeah. IT LITERALLY EXPLAINS WHY YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD:
i could point out the NUMBER of times i’ve seen juxtaposition, symbolism, foreshadowing in your fic to someone if they’d asked me to point it out for them. at first i thought you might’ve done it unknowingly, and then i decided that nope, bc foreshadowing is such a BIG writing technique that it simply couldn’t have been by accident.
it’s one thing to know about a writing technique and another to actually be able to SUCCESSFULLY incorporate it into your writing. if it isn’t clear enough, i’m saying that you did it AMAZINGLY. you’ve got a natural talent and i’m envioussss (in a supporting way ofc 😭).
you should really look into making your own book, and i think you EXCEL at the supernatural aspect of plot in stories. your writing is so unique and different yet so warm, it reminds me of autumn (my favourite season).
idk how to end such a long message, ultimately i don’t have a reason for typing this up and shit. ik you have tons of people probably saying the same thing and it might just get repetitive for you, but i wouldn’t feel comfortable not being part of said bunch-of-ppl-probably-saying-the-same-thing.
oh! and take your SWEET TIME updating. it’s your story, your fic, your writing. the ONLY thing we readers can give you as a payback and thanks is time, patience, and understanding <3333
Agh. Yes—I’m British (English to be precise, sweet sweet caroline etc), hence the use of ‘u’s in words like ‘colour’ and ‘humour’, and also why everyone’s parents are their ‘father’ or ‘mother’ and not mum/dad. ‘Mom’ feels too American but ‘mum’ feels too rah engerland, yk? I’ve mentioned previously that I’m looking forward to writing fics where the characters are actually from England and where I’m actually allowed to write them the way I talk, mostly. Good lord am I excited.
And yes lol I took English for an A-Level. Bloody smashed it too, if I get to brag, mwahaha. Didn’t take it any further (I’ve also previously said that I’m a # woman in stem uni student, which is true), but I still write a killer essay imo. Give me 10 minutes to do a refresher on ‘Othello’ (it’s been a while okay) and I can talk for donkeys about his tragic fall and how much of a wanker he is. Which he is! I’m a Desdemona defender for life.
You say ‘natural talent’. PLS. No!! God no. Not at all. I wish—that would’ve made it a lot easier, but whatever I can do rn is down to bloody years of toiling away on my shitty little laptop, I promise. I’ve got another anon ask that asked about some writing tips so I’ll do the bulk of them there but my number 1 will always and forever be to practise. Whatever skill I have now has been earned over the many years. You don’t even want to see some of the stuff that will never grace my ao3 page (atla had me in a chokehold through covid and I have never been the same).
But you are genuinely so complimentary: this is so so lovely of you. Thank you?? It’s really weird being someone who writes and also someone who enjoys analysing literature; you’re right, half of the ‘techniques’ are intentional (the number of times I’ve flicked through some chapters’ drafts and thought, ‘fucks sake none of this makes sense, I need to add some decent foreshadowing or none of this will make sense in two chapters’), but also so much of my writing is just thinking, ‘hmm, this doesn’t really feel right. No no, I don’t like the vibe of this. I want this to feel more GRAAHHH and less lalalala. Lemme change this up a bit’. Whether that leads to the whole, short sentences->speeds up the pace of the reader when reading the section->increased tension, mimics actual fight encounter, etc etc (all the stuff you blag on about in eng lit), then maybe that counts as intentional? And maybe not.
Making my own book? That’s lovely of you to say but I also really don’t have any ideas for anything non-fanfic’y! Lol. I love a good bit of canon compliance, that’s my issue. That being said—hey, another eng a level reference—I’ve made multiple references here to being the world’s #1 ‘Atonement’ hater. Unfortunately, it also lives damn rent free in my head and I’ve got the bare bones of a WW2-era, perhaps epistolary, longform fic buzzing around. (Fandom: Marauders. I’m a disgrace but here we go). I’ve written nothing for it and maybe I never will, but that’s one of the only things I can see as being more standalone from original canon. Anyway: it’s the fanfic life for me. Ali Hazelwood’s life is but a distant dream.
But anyway! Thank you again for your lovely words. The next IW chapter will take a very long time, I have to be frank, so thank you for the reassurance that that’s not absolutely disgraceful lmao T_T Thanks again!! <3
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rhiaestmort · 1 year
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“Stay with me, please”
a/n: i like making my writing good im still pissed i got 58 on my social sciences essay anyways this took me ages to write mainly because i have no ideas
tags: fluff, pure fluff
word count: 382
not proof read bcs i cba xx
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After you complete the final assignment your boss gave you for the day, night falls. You return to the Crux expecting to run into crowds of inebriated people who have passed out, but instead you run into your captain, Beidou.
“Y/n! Its only been hours I started to wonder if you ran off!” She said giving a hearty laugh, “ I assume you’ve done have everything i asked?” You walked closer to her after putting the heavy load you was carrying down. “Of course, infact I’ve just got finished up gathering supplies for the next voyage,” you looked around a bit puzzled before starting up again, “Say Captain where is everyone? Normally the whole crews out but it’s just you whats the occasion if i might ask?” “Well it has been a while since we’ve just talked just us two you know, so I told everyone to be clear of the ship tonight.” You could of sworn you felt some heat creep up to your face I mean Beidou wants to talk with just you??? “Y/n? You seem somewhat bothered, are you alright?” You mentally slapped yourself back to your senses, get it together Y/n! Smiling you said, “Sorry Captain! Yes I’m quite alright!” Beidou let out a soft laugh, “It’s fine, also just call me Beidou tonight, unless..” smirking to herself as you grew red, “Beidou!” “Sorry sorry, come follow me,” She grabbed your wrist and bought you up to the front of the boat to look over the city of Liyue. Soft lights and dazzling lanterns compliment Beidou’s figure, you awe at the sight, ��Something caught your eye?” Trying to laugh it off “Yeah, you.” Wait what the fuck did you just say? “Oh?” A wave of blush formed on your face “You’re playing a dangerous game Y/n,” on saying that she snaked her arm around your waist bring you even closer to her face. A stunning electro beauty was within inches from your lips, leaving you awestruck. “May I?” You found it hard to believe it was all unfolding so quickly. So many feelings racing through your head. “Please,” and with that the distance between you closed. After some time she spoke “Now what?” You stayed silent for a moment to process what just happened. “Stay with me, please.”
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abimee · 8 months
with regard to the question about bg: for one thing it depends on your computer, because mine’s pretty decent and bg absolutely destroys it. i have to restart it every couple of hours for the game to be playable at all in the latter 2/3 of it.
as for the gameplay, i know a lot of people who’ve never played dnd or anything and have had a lot of fun with it. i think the choice-based system can be really interesting. dark urge adds some mystery to your own character which is ALSO really fun (what i’m personally experimenting with rn). i genuinely think it’s a really fun game if you like to explore and problem-solve, but if puzzle/problem-solving isn’t your thing, then it’s probably not for you
and regarding wyll (you mentioned him in the tags and he’s my favorite. hi) i have to give you fair warning that some of his writing is really… either racist or distasteful, and also, despite how wonderful he is as a character, the writers constantly disregard him in favor of other characters who are less relevant in a lot of situations and it’s really infuriating if you go into it with him as the one you’re most interested in. i know this from experience. the fandom doesn’t help (AT ALL. but when does it ever.) but idk you may play it and love him extra out of spite like me 👍
the writing for some of the other characters (karlach and astarion are the ones i can especially speak to as of now) is REALLY good though. karlach is absolutely wonderful in a million ways and they give her a lot of development and focus, and astarion’s story is heartbreaking and a really well done example of breaking the cycle of abuse (if you play it right). honestly even just one of the two of their stories makes it worth it for me
tl;dr: it’s computer-hungry and the writing can be kind of janky sometimes but if you like problem-solving or choice-based gameplay, and you want to see a lot of really good characters with Similar Issues try to solve problems, it might be fun for you! sorry for the essay ✌️
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sadly i am ass at problem solving so ill probably just have to watch someones BG3 wyll-romancing playthrough but i will meet him one way or another. im not actually interested in any of the women in specific (im neutral in that they seem fun but i hear nothing about them so i have no fucking clue what theyre like and im not really swayed by art of buff ladies or tits out pics. i am a nerd who likes 2 be hooked by lore) and astarion looks like the kind of character id bully for fun. but i will fucking meet wyll if tis the last thing i do
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maddsmallow · 11 months
i was tagged by both @iwonderwh0 and @walkingencyclopediaofweirdmayo !! technically both the posts i was tagged in are different, but only slightly, so i’m just gonna. merge ‘em. wham bam
current time: 12:28am. my sleep schedule is fucked hee hoo
current activity: uh. doing this? i specifically plopped myself in front of the computer to do these tag games and listen to daft punk haha. i’ll probably try to sleep after this, but will most likely end up just layin’ in bed reading fanfic until like 5am. like i said, my sleep schedule is fucked lmao
currently thinking about: what kind of music dbh connor would like. it goes hand in hand with the listening to daft punk thing hahaha, i think he’d like them honestly, if only just because he finds it interesting how people will sample a song and turn it into something completely new.
current favorite song: probably tailwhip by men i trust, or up granville by peach pit
last song: crescendolls by daft punk. it was my most listened to song in 2019 hehe
currently reading: lesbian hankcon bc i have amazing tastes (100% serious. give me the old woman yuri NOW) (i’ll probably post it in a new post if i end up liking it)
currently watching: i dont really watch tv shows n stuff? i have an incredibly hard time forcing myself to pay attention for that long, but uh. me and my husband started watching through spongebob a while ago because he didn’t grow up with like i did and i feel like that is a crime. also cuz hearing mr krabs and thinking about hank anderson makes me laugh LMAO
current favorite character: HANK MOTHERFUCKING ANDERSON
current wips: my dutp mermay pic (slow progress oughh) and i have like. two or three half assed, half done dbh stories written on my phone lmao. idk if i’ll ever actually finish them, creative writing has always been my weakest point with writing. i can ace a fuckin’ essay (or, at least i kicked major fucking ass at it back in high school) but creative is where i get real lost.
current obsession: detroit become human, who’da thunked it
i’m not gonna tag anyone lmao, i think a good portion of my mutuals have already done this haha. these are always fun to do, thanks for tagging me y’all!!! <3
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elishareads · 2 years
Ok, I said this in the tags on a post I just reblogged but I think it should be put in a post too.
I’m not fully caught up on the current issue in the fandom because I have negativity against any main character filtered out in my ao3 tags so I don’t see the fics or the rants. HOWEVER, from what I have garnered from tumblr and that fucking racism defending 10k essay (that was not appropriately tagged might I add, which is ironic considering their argument basically boils down to ‘don’t like, don’t read’), the quiet racism that has lived in this fandom and been directed at Hen, Chim and Eddie is now being said out loud.
Also, I want to preface this by saying that I am white and English so I have never faced bigotry in my life. I am not trying to overshadow the voices of the poc creators in this fandom who have already made fantastic points but I just had this thought and felt the need to articulate and share it.
First of all, racism is never ok! Which sounds like a silly point to make but it seems like it needs to be said. There is no justification for racist behaviour especially once it has been called out as racist.
Secondly, all actions in 911 have nuance which is what makes the show so compelling so if you find yourself ignoring the context and nuance behind the actions of poc characters but cling to them to defend your white faves…. you might be a little racist and you should definitely reflect on your actions.
Thirdly, the idea of ‘don’t like, don’t read’ is only applicable to content that someone may not want to consume eg. certain ships, kinks, AUs or types of angst. It does NOT apply to bigoted behaviour which creates actual harm.
And most importantly, bitching about how people can just ‘filter tags’ doesn’t work when the racist authors are unlikely to actually tag anything like ‘author is racist’. Tagging ‘racism’ or ‘homophobia’ suggests that, at some point within your fic, a character will experience racism or homophobia and that that behaviour will be called out and the character may stand up for themselves. It does NOT suggest that the author is writing the story through a racist lens and will use racist stereotypes and language within the actual text of the narrative. Having an asshole character, who is clearly painted as such, use a slur (as long as a warning tag is used) is fine because the audience is aware that that character is doing a bad thing. But if the author themselves has a biracial child with a Korean name say that she wants a ‘normal name’ then we have a clear problem. Furthermore, tagging fics with ‘Chimney Han bashing’ implies that Chimney is going to say something or do something that is wrong which is perfectly fine to write, you can write characters doing bad things. It does NOT imply that the author is going be racist in their depiction of Chimney’s actions.
So really, there is no tag that a racist author can use which would let the ‘don’t like, don’t read’ and ‘just filter the tags’ arguments work at all unless the straight up wrote ‘author is racist’ in the tags which we all know they wouldn’t do because no one wants to admit they are racist (as evidenced by the fact that that 10k essay was written to defend racist actions with no accountability to be seen for miles).
Ultimately, unless bigoted authors want to become self aware and admit they are bigoted within their tags (which will certainly alienate a large chunk of their potential audience), then their two most cherished arguments don’t hold any water because the tags are not accurate and if the tags are not accurate then no one can stick to the ‘don’t like, don’t read’ mantra because they won’t know what they are reading until the harm has already been done.
This kind of got away from me but I hope I got my point across and once again, I, as a white person, should not be the dominant voice in this discussion so please heed the words of the amazing poc creators that we are blessed to have in this fandom.
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@sunny-lie-melody tagged me to talk about about my fav musicians/bands. Thank you, I will try to keep it as short as possible xD
I don’t really know why I enjoy the music so much, but sometimes bands just click on first listen? I guess it’s the catchy guitar riffs and very sort of early 2000s pop punk vibes I really enjoy. Also they have done a lot of great lyric work especially on the new german albums. That being said I think the most important part is that all of them are really very sweet and kind people (and also a bit crazy?). I don’t think any other band I know has so much fan interaction. Also this band is the reason for so many very good friendships. The concerts really just always feel like a family meeting. <3
Ok this one might be down to my specific obsession at the moment. Went to the concert with my best friend two weeks ago and it really was a blast. Still one of the best live bands I know. I especially enjoy their old english stuff because it feels very nostalgic and upbeat. But same as with Itchy I also do appreciate the lyrics on the newer albums. Also Ingo makes the worst dad jokes ever. (That being said I’m in the Donots mindspace right now and I think most of it is Charlie’s fault anyway?)
Die Ärzte
Oh well here we go. As you might notice I’m a bit into the cult of weird german punk bands? I think once you know one of them you get to know all of them. Die Ärzte and I have a much longer history though. They’re my parents favourite band and it was basically all we listened to when I was younger. It’s still a very wild experience to listen to one of their songs and be like ‘hey where do I know this from I never listened to this before?’ (yes they have a loot of songs). And I feel like I am reapeating myself but truly they have the best fucking lyrics you will ever listen to and nothing can cheer me up like a random Ärzte song that contains only bullshit. They’re the masters of bullshit inside and outside of songs.
My chemical romance
I used to get really sad about the fact that I didn’t get into mcr before their breakup. Now after finally seeing them live this year I feel a lot better about it. It’s probably the band my sister and I share the most interest in. I don’t think I even have to say a lot about it. Yall know why they’re amazing. Just great music and so much sadness. And Gerard’s gender of course. Also shoutout to the random guy that hugged me while we were both crying during famous last words.
Green Day
Working myself up to probably the most important band in my life. I might not listen to them as much as I did, but still they somehow find their way in my top five every wrapped. It feels really cliché to say it, but they got me through some real shit when I was younger and I thinks that’s why I still feel so strongly about them. Also their music just really slaps, heavy guitars, so much variation and classics. I have to admit lyrics are not always the strong point here, but I can overlook that. That being said please go listen to warning. It is so underrated my favourite album of all time and I could write whole essays just about why. Also Billie bicon Armstrong was the reason I figured out I was queer so yeah thanks for that.
Feel free to ramble about your favorite bands as well :)
No pressure tags: @date-mate-re-animate @spineless-lobster @20-1-18-4-9-19 @alwayscomewhenyoucall @rippedorigami
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bad-1984-aus · 5 years
us shouting about how all the people who
winston said “i love hate winston/o’brien
you” to o’brien. that follow this blog
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sunrisefairy · 3 years
i’m sorry the way u did my last request was SO GOOD i just had to ask for another. could you do one with charlie weasley as a care of magical creatures prof and he finally gets with the professor he’s been flirting with? you write spicy fics so well i cant even
omg stop, ur making me blush. I had fun with this one! 
NSFW 18+ below the cut
You told yourself no boys this year, no distractions, you vowed that this year you’d focus on your career; Dumbledore had given you a position at Hogwarts and you were ecstatic and determined to make him proud. You didn’t think it would be too hard, to have a year free of boys, the male professors at Hogwarts weren’t exactly eye candy. That was until you met the new care of magical creature’s professor, damn that Charlie Weasley.
He was handsome, no argument about it, his rugged good looks and charming, sweet personality had your panties dripping whenever he was in close proximity (even the mere thought of his strong arms and those long fingers had your core throbbing) not that you would ever tell him that.
Charlie Weasley seem to make it his mission to make you flustered, within the first 10 minutes of your initial introduction he told you how breath taking your eyes were and how gorgeous his name sounded when it fell from your lips. You obviously blushed at this and brushed the comments under the rug, assuming he was just being cheeky and kind and didn’t mean anything by it. However, Charlie made very clear he found you attractive and having to endure months of his shameless flirting was proving to be very difficult to ignore the sexual tension between the two of you.
You stared down at the pile of forgotten essays on your desk, your mind was elsewhere, and you couldn’t seem find the concentration to focus on grading them right now. Your brain was preoccupied but a certain gorgeous redheaded wizard. You imagined his rough fingers and how they would feel against your skin, unbuttoning your blouse slowly and teasing your nipples, would he be soft and gentle and caress your breasts or would he prefer to be rough and pinch and tug at your skin? You bit your lip at the thought, arousal already pooling in your panties. It had been too long since you last had sex and you were beginning to grow frustrated and desperate for it.
“Thinking about me again, love?” you’re snapped from your thoughts and immediately clench your thighs at the sight before you. Charlie was leaning against the door frame of your classroom, his arms cross in front of him causing his muscles to strain against his shirt.
You smirk, “how I manage to get anything done when you plague my thoughts 24/7 is beyond me.”
Charlie chuckles at this assuming you’re joking and enters the room, approaching you at your desk. You take this time to rack your eyes over his body, his shirt stretching deliciously over his torso, the top few buttons undone allowing you to scan his neck and collar bone. Merlin how you wish you could sink your teeth into his creamy skin-
You cough to shake yourself of this thought, no boys, no distractions.
“What can I do for you Professor?” you muse, straightening up the long-forgotten essays.
If Charlie noticed you hungrily scanning his body moments before, he doesn’t comment on it. “Oh nothing really, was walking around and had the strong urge to come visit my favourite professor.”
You blush before he continues, “Snape was busy though so thought you were the next best thing.” He’s smirking at you now and you scoff rolling your eyes.
“Ha-ha,” you say sarcastically, “well as you can see, I’m insanely busy grading these essays so can’t say it would be much fun if you stayed.” You pick up an essay from the pile and furrow your eyebrows hoping it looks like you’re deep in thought when really you’ve re-read the same sentence 3 times, still not comprehending what it says.
“I can think of ways we can have fun,” Charlie’s low voice sounds from right next to your ear. How did he get there so fast? “none of which involve boring essays.”
You gulp and turn your head. He’s leaning over your shoulder, invading your personal space, one of his powerful arms is braced against the dark wood of your desk. You can feel Charlie’s soft breath fanning your face and you shudder. You can’t think of anything to say right now, Charlie’s rich scent is swarming your senses and any thoughts that do manage to form inside our brain are not appropriate to say out loud.
Charlie’s eyes glance down at your lips, your tongue darting out to wet them instinctively, he’s unsure if you are aware of the effect you have on him. Such a simple innocent move of licking your lips has Charlie growing hard. He leans closer to you, wanting you to give him the go ahead to continue, as you part your lips Charlie’s certain you’re about to tell him to kiss you.
“The doors open,” you squeak, suddenly very aware of this compromising position and not really eager on an unsuspecting student waltzing past and seeing this scene. You know you should ask Charlie to leave, you have essays to grade and a ‘no boys, no distractions’ rule to follow but Charlie is so close you can almost taste him.
He grins smugly, pointing his wand at your classroom door which slams shut and you can hear the lock click, he whispers a silencing charm too which has your heart beating faster in your chest. Are you really about to do this? Charlie looks down at you waiting for your next move. It feels like eternity before you make your decision, is it the right one, you’re not sure but you’ve dreamt about Charlie’s lips for too long to turn them down now.
In a flash, you connect your lips together, it’s rushed and messy but neither of you seem to mind. You can feel Charlie’s hands all over your body, he’s unbuttoning your shirt and squeezing your hips and arse and pulling you closer and palming your tits and it’s heaven. His lips find their home against your neck and you gasp as his nips and sucks at your skin. Somehow, you’ve change positions and Charlie has you pressed hard against your desk and you can feel his cock hardening in his pants.
“Fuck, want you so bad darling,” he growls into your ear. You tug roughly at his hair forcing his eyes to meet yours. His are dark with desire and you have to force yourself not to come right then and there.
“Then have me,” you respond.
The both of you waste no time, very aware of the fact that you don’t have the luxury of taking your time right now. You’re pulling off each other’s clothes and clawing at skin and leaving scratches and love bites and groaning and whining. Charlie hoists you onto your desk, pushing aside any papers and quills in his way. He wishes he had more time because the desire to kiss along every inch of your beautiful body and explore every freckle or birthmark or scar you have, is so strong. But he just prays you’ll give him another opportunity to do just that, because right now he needs to be inside of you.
Charlie is standing in between your open legs as he takes his fingers and runs them along your slick folds. “Fuck baby, so wet for me huh?”
The sarcastic comment disappears from your mouth as Charlie pushes 2 of his long slender fingers inside your heat, you moan at the sensation. He quickly begins scissoring his fingers set on stretching you out as fast as he could. “F-fuck, Charlie. Feels so good.”
“Wait till you get my cock darling. I’ll have you screaming,” he teases.
You kiss his lips before responding cockily, “go on then.”
Charlie removes his fingers and you whine at the emptiness, “shh darling, I’ll feel you up soon enough. You want that? Want me to fill you up with my cock?”
You’re nodding desperately, “yes please Charlie, please need your cock so bad.”
He grins widely at you, “as you wish.” The both of you groan as he lines up his cock and pushes inside of you. None of your fantasies would have prepared you to how amazing it feels to have Charlie’s cock stretching you out like this. You wrap your legs around his waist as his starts to rock his hips into yours.
Charlie begins to snap his hips faster and faster finding a deliciously rough pace, you’re grateful for the silencing charm he casted because you wouldn’t be able to contain the moans otherwise.
“Holy fuck Charlie,” you whine against his lips letting yourself run your fingers all over his sweaty naked body before they find their home on his hard shoulders.
The groan that rolls out of Charlie’s mouth is borderline pornographic, “I know sweetheart, I know.”
Charlie can feel himself growing closer and closer to his climax and he’d be daft if he lets himself finish before you. Charlie reaches in between the both of you and his thumb connects with your clit, forcing a loud moan to erupt deep from your throat. Charlie starts rubbing tight circles against that bundle of nerves while nipping and sucking at the soft skin on your neck. He can feel you clenching tightly around him.
“S-so close,” you gasp as that familiar tightening sensation pools in your belly.
“Come for me darling, I got you,” Charlie responds, his free hand holding you firming against him as you come undone. His name dripping from your lips like a sweet poem. It only takes a few more thrusts until he’s groaning into your neck and releasing deep inside you, his load painting your walls. The two of you are panting heavily as you try and catch your breath. You chuckle quietly to yourself, enjoying the sensation of Charlie’s now soft cock still inside of you. So much for no boys no distractions.
imma start adding my taglist to blurbs too, so if you would like to be added/taken off just send me an ask (if your name is crossed out i couldnt tag you)
@hufflepuff5972 @inglourious-imagines @horrorxweasley @anxiousblanketqueen @dracoswhore007 @georgeweasleyswhre @pandaxnienke
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Could you do some more headcanons that feed Fred’s and my innocence kink?
Fred + innocence kink is on my mind 24/7
yes. innocence kinks all around ✋🏻
warnings:NSFW, innocence kink, possessiveness, praise!kink, virginity being lost, oral (male and female receiving but male goes into more detail), mentions of face fucking
i love this so much 
so let’s say you’re a virgin when you first start dating fred 
and you wanted to have sex, but no one had really done it for you like that and quite honestly most of the guys you had been with made you a bit uncomfortable 
prior to fred 
fred was just 
walking sex appeal 
you couldn’t help clench your thighs 
shift in your seat
bite your lip
when he would do the simplest things 
concentrate on something
write his essays 
that was a big one, he has nice forearms and wrists
or when he’d tell you something serious 
fred also notices how you react to his serious, ‘take charge’ voice
he uses it more often 
just to see you squirm 
alright so it’s late one night
you guys are in your dorm 
you’re a prefect 
it just makes sense, adds to the image
go with it
so you guys are in your dorm 
having some fun
heavy make out session
mother mother is playing in the background, you can pick which song
your on your back, fred is on his side with half his torso resting on you 
his hand is running up your bare thigh (you’re still in your school uniform) and his tongue is becoming well aquanted with your own
that’s when his hand trails up under your skirt and starts playing with your underwear band resting on your hip
and you want to 
you really want to 
you’re ready but you’re also nervous because you are a virgin and super inexperienced 
so you kind break away and try to get him to make eye contact with you and pay attention
but fred’s a little lost in the moment, trying to dive into your neck to start kissing the skin there 
you grab his face and say you have something to tell him which gets him to pay attention, he can tell it’s serious 
you just come out with it 
you’re nervous and can’t really look him in the eye
but you say it 
“i’m a virgin, freddie”
“oh, love, if i was making you uncomfortable earlier...”
“no no no, i just...i want to, i really want to, but i don’t know what i’m doing i  don’t want to disappoint you.”
and fred’s going through many emotions rn
because you’re blushing and batting your eyelashes at him so innocently 
and your hips and just barely grazing against his own and he doubts you know what you’re doing
and you look so shy and actually worried that he might be disappointed in you
as if 🙄
so he tells you exactly that
that he could never be disappointed in you, in any way shape or form
then it’s what you utter next that has him holding in a moan
“maybe you could teach me!”
and you’d sit up on your knees really fast
because this is exciting for you too
and you think its actually kinda hot 
fred is biting his lip with a smirk at how excited and obedient you look
“whenever you’re ready I’d be happy to be Professor Weasley.”
“i’m ready now, Fred, just wanted you to know”
fred asks if you’re sure about... a billion times 
before pulling your face back down to his to continue kissing 
and i think this night you’d lose your virginity and that was his main focus 
just making sure you were comfortable and ready and having fun
baby steps
ok now lets talk about Professor Weasley teaching you different things 
ok so fred’s a dom
i think he’d be a mean, teasing, sarcastic, borderline sadistic dom
and you are eager to please, innocent, obedient, painfully submissive 
its great for everyone honestly 
so you come up to him one day and tell him you want to give him a blowjob
and you want him to teach you how 
fred is hard ✨instantly✨ 
ok he’d sit on the edge of the bed and move to unzip his trousers 
and you’re sitting on your knees patiently waiting
looking up at him with doe eyes as if you aren't about to let him be the first person ever to fuck your mouth 
that’s a big thing that turns him on 
how he’s the first person to make you feel like this 
to corrupt you like this 
it bleeds into his possessiveness kink (there has to be abetter name for this but i can’t think of it atm)
because he knows that because he’s the first
hes the teacher
if there happens to be other guys after him in a way you still belong to him because of this 
not that he’d ever want there to be other guys 
he loves you
and wants to be with you forever.
but the thought really gets him going 
that no matter what
sex will always bring you back to him and you guys fucking 
back to you waiting to learn how to suck him off 
i feel like fred has a really comforting aura 
so you are more excited than nervous 
and don’t have an issue with being open about your curiosity 
testing things out 
what happens if you swipe your thumb across his tip
or if you kiss it
and fred is trying so hard not to just grab you by the back of the head and start fucking your pretty little mouth because god this was way too attractive 
the way you still looked so innocent as you sucked on the tip of his cock
your eyes wide and looking up at him waiting for praise but the only thing he was able to grunt out with a strained voice was
“just like that”
“good girl”
he’d have a guiding hand on your face 
his thumb lovingly running across your cheek one 
wiping tears once you started to take him deeper and insisted that you were fine even though he could feel you gagging on him 
and he’d get close to cumming embarrassingly fast but it’s fine
you didn't know any better 
but he’d tell you ask you to swallow 
“m’ gonna cum, yeah? think my good girl could swallow?”
you’d nod and hum around him
and that would push him over the edge 
he’d cum in your mouth and you’d swallow just like he asked 
it didn’t taste bad by any means
different at first
but as you kept sucking you’d actually start to really enjoy it
it was salty, just a bit tangy, but it was knowing that it was Fred’s cum that had you wanting more 
you’d keeping sucking, making sure to get every last drop 
and fred was hypersensitive at this point
with shaky breaths and grunts turning into high pitched breathy moans and whimpers 
he’d have to pull you off of him 
“tastes good”
he’d nearly lose it again
he’d also pull you in for a heated kiss because jesus christ he cant believe he's this lucky
had to have been a saint in his past life 
the first time he eats you out is also a whole experience 
fred would live in between your legs if he could
he loves your little whine and whimpers as he goes down on you
he dreams of them
oR he’ll tease you and say 
“my poppet’s pussy is so responsive to my touch...”
because it’s T R U E
innocence kink is where its at you didn't hear it from me 
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whumperooni · 4 years
for shame
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Pairing(s): Natsuo Todoroki x Sister!Reader, Enji Todoroki x Daughter!Reader
Tags/Warnings: incest, feelings of shame and humiliation, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, breeding/pregnancy talk
Word count: 2k
A/N: This was brought on by a big brained nonny. I had a lot of fun daydreaming this/writing this ♡
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It’s been a long day for Natsuo- a hard test, coffee spilled on his favorite jeans, his phone charger stolen, his essay given a poor grade; all of that added up to a long day for him.
A shit day if he’s being honest- one that he thinks can’t get much worse.
He’s proven wrong, of course, whenever he gets home and opens the front door only to be met by loud moans. His mind first jumps to “fucking Touya brought home another girl and is banging her on the couch again” and his nose wrinkles along with the thought, an aggravated huff leaves him.
It’s only when he hears the squeal of “Daddy! Daddy!” that he realizes that those loud cries sound very familiar.
Natsuo gulps, frozen in the middle of toeing off his shoes, and stares down the hallway with wide eyes.
There’s...there’s no way. You aren’t- he’s not- no. No. If you were going to fall into something so horrible and ruining it wouldn’t be with him, it would be with-
Natsuo slams the breaks on that thought before it can finish and shakes his head, desperately tells himself that he’s mistaken.
It’s not happening. It can’t be happening.
Another loud whine and Natsuo gulps, finds his feet taking him to the living room despite his mind screaming at him to just turn around and leave the house for another good three or four hours.
There’s a gasp and a whimper that sounds right before Natsuo peeks inside the living room and it’s something that Natsuo thinks is horrible simply because it sounds so hot.
Please don’t let this be what I think it is, Natsuo pleads to whatever gods may be listening to him. Please don’t let it really be happening. Please don’t let it be with him.
The gods don’t listen- that or they’re just being cruel, spiteful.
Natsuo peeks into the living room to find his sweet, beloved sister in their father’s lap- your hips arched into big hands, your small ones gripping onto broad shoulders as Enji Todoroki thrusts his cock into his daughter’s soaked little cunny.
All at once, Natsuo’s heart breaks, his temper boils, his fists clench, his face flushes with rage and horror and shame.
Rage because how could his father do this to his daughter, to Natsuo’s most treasured and adored sister. Rage because how could his sweet little sister let their father do this- how could you let him fuck your wet, wet pussy? How could you let yourself moan and mewl like a perfect little whore while Enji spears your cunt with a cock that should be much too big for anyone to take?
How could you do this with “daddy! daddy! daddy!” instead of your beloved Natsuo-nii?
Horror and shame rushes in after his rage and a sick, hot pulse of mortification has Natsuo slapping a hand to his mouth, has his guts twisting with the sudden impulse to throw up.
How could he think that?
...probably for the same reasons you could be in Enji's lap.
Natsuo swallows down his sickness and he curls in on himself as self-disgust hits him harder than one of his father’s punches. He’s horribly aware that he’s half-hard and he hates himself for that- hates how hot he finds it whenever you throw your head back with a loud whine whenever Enji brings you down and makes you take him fully, whenever Enji moves your hips in a stir and lets out a growl of, “So needy, little one. You take my cock so well.”
Blood rushes to Natsuo’s head- to both heads, actually. He goes from half-hard to achingly, fully hard as you whimper and try to move to ride Enji, as you whine out a soft little “daddy, please, more” whenever you’re forced to stay seated on his cock instead.
A choked noise claws its way up and out of Natsuo’s throat- he can’t believe you’re so needy; he can’t believe you can take such a big dick; he can’t believe that he’s so into the way his little sister begs so prettily to be fucked.
God, how many time have you done this? How many times have you fucked your father?
Natsuo’s heart pounds hard, but it pounds harder still whenever turquoise eyes flick up and meet his own.
He recoils in an instant- fear and shame and embarrassment racing through him- but he doesn’t run away even with his instincts screaming at him to bolt and hide and not come home for a long, long time. He’s frozen in place, unable to tear his eyes away from the way Enji grips your hips tighter and makes you shudder and arch your back.
He should run. He needs to run- who knows what Enji will do now that he’s been found out?
Natsuo’s fingers twitch along with his cock and he swallows hard, stares down his scowling father.
Rage is sneaking its way back into him- rage over being embarrassed and ashamed and fearful when it’s his father that’s gotten caught fucking his daughter, fucking Natsuo’s baby sister. Why should Natsuo run and cower when it’s Enji doing something so obscene?
Natsuo holds his ground despite his wide eyes and the jackhammer thumping of his heart.
Enji narrows his eyes and then he lifts his head- haughty with a look of authority, challenge as his eyes move from Natsuo and back to your pretty face.
“So impatient, little one,” Enji rumbles out. “You need to be fucked that badly?”
A whine from you and a nod. Natsuo can’t see your face, but he’s sure you have a trembling little pout, flushed cheeks and hazy eyes. You probably look so fucking good. God, he- he wants to see you all needy and pouting to be fucked. He shouldn’t want to see that. He absolutely should not want to see that. You’re his little sister- he can’t want this. He can’t.
Natsuo’s cock throbs in his sweatpants and he almost draws blood from digging his nails into his palms to keep from touching himself.
“Daddy, please! I wanna- I wanna be-”
You cut yourself off with another whine- hips trying to arch up and move along your daddy’s cock. There’s a low chuckle from Enji and Natsuo hates the smirk playing on his father’s face, the smug way he slowly slides you up his dick and forces you to take his slow, slow pace.
Enji stops when you’re half-way up his cock and Natsuo has to slap a hand over his mouth whenever Enji makes you lean forward, arch your hips. Natsuo can see how his father’s dick is parting your swollen, dripping lips with the new position- can see it even better when big hands grip your soft cheeks and spread you open even more.
It’s the hottest thing Natsuo has ever seen- lewd and disgusting and so filthy that he almost whimpers in need.
You probably feel so good inside.
He’s such a horrible older brother to want to know how slick and warm and honeyed your little cunny is.
Bile rises in his throat in contrast to how pre-cum spills in his boxers and Natsuo grips the door frame tight with his free hand whenever you let out a needy, sweet sob.
“D-Daddy, please! Please! I want- wanna be fucked! Daddy fill me! I need it!”
The smirk grows on Enji’s face and Natsuo’s fury roars among the dizzying swirl of emotions clouding his senses and judgement.
Why the hell are you begging Enji for that? He doesn’t deserve it- he doesn’t. If you’re going to do this with anyone in the family it should be the one who takes care of you the most, the one who has always been there for you.
Natsuo deserves to have you begging for his dick.
(God, he wants you begging for his dick- he wants to hear you cry out “nii-chan! please! please!” so fucking bad.)
“Shh, little one,” Enji says- voice almost soothing but not quite making it with a growl reverberating in the words. He kisses your cheek and he cants his hips up slowly to sheath himself in you once again- locking his eyes again with Natsuo as you whimper and mewl.
“Daddy is going to fuck you, little one,” Enji rumbles out- loud and so fucking pleased with himself. “I’m going to fuck you. Fill you. Give you what you need.”
You sob, the sound pitching close to a wail as you’re stretched open again. Natsuo’s vision is almost going spotted from everything now- he’s so overwhelmed and everything is so much and he is so fucking hard and all he can think now is fill you fill you fill you- i want to fill you as he watches Enji thrust languidly up into your needy pussy.
Enji kisses your cheek again and his eyes go half-shut as you tremble, as he watches his son struggle with his desires in the doorway.
“Daddy is going to fill you,” Enji continues- not looking away from Natsuo for one second. “Daddy is going to make you a momma, sweetheart. I’m going to give you a little one.”
You cry out a “please!” and Natsuo breaks.
He bolts from the doorway before he can process the action- runs to his bedroom and closes the door behind him, sinks to the floor and sticks a hand down his pants. A moan leaves him- loud and shameful, perverted as he frantically jerks off to the image of his little sister getting fucked by their father and the desire to know how you would feel on his cock, how horrible and wonderful it would be to cream your sweet little cunny and stuff you full with him instead of Enji.
Natsuo grates out a rough breath and he jerks as he starts to come- hips battering against his fist and the world rushing and roaring around him as he cries out your name.
He comes harder than he has all year and he falls to the floor after- panting and curling up into a little ball as shame tries to devour pleasure and greed, hunger, and want boil through his blood.
He wants you. He needs you. He’s so fucking awful but he needs you- needs your soft hands on him and your lips pressed to his, his cock filling your pussy and his seed spilling inside you, out and down your soft thighs.
Natsuo hears you cry out in the distance and he squeezes his eyes shut, hates himself as his dick throbs and envy washes over the mortification that should be taking over him.
He feels disgusting. Horrible. Hungry.
He wants to be the one fucking you and he hates that, but it’s not enough to stop him from reaching a hand down to jerk off to the thought. It’s not enough for him to replay the image of Enji spreading you apart over and over again in his mind. It’s not enough to keep him from moaning and rutting into his fist like some needy pervert. It’s not enough to keep him from coming to the thought of you begging for his cock.
It’s not enough to keep him from laying on the floor- a flushed cheek pressed to cool wood and his mind racing with a million schemes to get you into his bed.
...if you’re going to do it with Enji, then why not with Natsuo? Why not with your big brother?
If the number one hero can fuck his little girl, then why can’t Natsuo fuck his baby sister?
(It’s so wrong and he knows it. Is disgusted by it. By himself.
But, god, he wants it and after seeing you with Enji- with his father, your father- he knows that you probably want it just the same. He knows that you’d be happy to crawl into your nii-san’s lap like a good little girl and ride his dick like you ride daddy’s.
...if you’re okay with it, is it really that bad?)
Natsuo swallows hard and he squeezes his eyes shut, curls up tighter on the floor.
He’s a horrible big brother.
In the distance, you moan and mewl as your father fills you with his seed. Natsuo quietly, regretfully wishes that was him filling you instead and he sinks into a murky pit of pleasure and hopelessness, frustration and desire.
Natsuo had been wrong- his day actually managed to get a lot worse.
(Or maybe this is better?)
Natsuo grimaces and he forces himself to stand, wipes his dirtied hand on his sweatpants and heads to the bathroom so he can try to wash away his sins.
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chloelucia13 · 3 years
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Pairing: Steve Harrington x platonic!Henderson!reader, Jonathan Byers x reader (mentioned)
Prompt: After Jonathan had abandoned you so he could go god-knows-where with Nancy, you found comfort in the boy who had also been ditched and a beautiful friendship began to bloom.
Warnings: this is some nice comforting fluff, maybe a tiny bit of angst, some language, pretty chill
A/N: So this is a sort of deleted scene that I couldn’t fit into the Stranger Things rewrite, but I felt like it was still important to the character development with the reader and Steve, so I’m deciding to post it separately. You don’t need to read the whole rewrite in order to understand the plot (it’s based in season 2, so if you haven’t watched it then there will be some spoilers), but I would appreciate it a lot if you did read my rewrite! As always, requests and tag lists and my inbox are all open!
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“Y/N, hey!” a voice shouted to your right, prompting you to turn your head and look at who was speaking.
Steve rushed over to you, his backpack hanging on one shoulder and a couple of crinkled papers held in his hand.
You furrowed your brows slightly in confusion, stopping at the side of the hallway and waiting for him to catch up. “Hey, Steve,” you drawled out, slightly confused by his presence.
Steve had sat at the bleachers with you that day after both of you had been ditched. Steve was ditched by Nancy and you by Jonathan, both of whom were now attached at the hip.
It was nice to talk to Steve about everything that was going on and, frankly, it was nice just to have someone there. You two seemed to have more in common than you once thought, and though some of that common ground was the fact that you both were abandoned by the person you loved, it was still something.
However, you thought that lunch was it. It was surprising that Steve Harrington, the former King of Hawkins himself, wanted to spend time with you.
"What’s your next class?” he asked, nervously shifting from one foot to the next. 
“It’s, uh, English. Why?” You tugged on the strap of your backpack.
“I was wondering if you maybe wanted to help me with something?”
A look of hesitation washed across your face for a moment. “I don’t know, Steve. I really can’t miss class-”
“Please? I just need help on this essay for my college applications and I have no one else woh can help me. I just... Please?”
You let out a sigh, glancing around as you mulled it over in your mind. “I... I guess. Should we just go to the library and rent out a study room?”
He let out a sigh of relief, all of the tension leaving his shoulders. “Thank you so much. And I already did.”
“Oh, so you were planning on me saying yes?” You squinted at him and tilted your head.
Panic crossed over his features. “No-no, I didn’t mean it like that-”
“Steve, I’m kidding. Chill out.” 
He let out a chuckle, nodding as the two of you began to walk to the library. His actions were clearly fueled by anxiety, with his shifting gaze and his hands constantly going in and out of his pockets.
“Why are you so nervous around me?” you asked, glancing up at him as the two of you stepped through the entryway to the library.
“What do you mean?” he scoffed. “I’m not nervous.”
You arched an eyebrow at his response, falling behind his step so he could lead you to the study room he reserved. “You’re fidgeting and you won’t look me in the eye. You weren’t acting like this earlier at lunch.”
He pushed the door open and waited for you to step inside before he also entered the room, closing the door behind him. A small sigh left his lips as he set the papers down on the table. “I don’t know, maybe... I guess I’m just not used to spending time with anyone other than Nancy. Especially when other people see me.”
You gave him a sympathetic look and nodded, sitting down at one of the chairs and taking the papers in your hand. “Well, there’s no need to be nervous around me. You know that. I’m not exactly some cool person that you have to act perfect around.”
Once again, he scoffed. “You are a cool person.”
You let out a laugh, shaking your head as you searched in your bag for a pen. “Come on, Steve. I’m already helping you with your essay, you don’t need to butter me up.”
He sat in the chair next to you. “But you are cool. You don’t give a fuck what people think about you, and I think that’s pretty damn cool.”
You sighed, beginning to scribble a few notes on the paper. “If only you knew, Steve.”
“What do you mean?”
“God, I care so much about what people think about me all the time. It’s exhausting.”
He was silent for a moment, watching you mark the paper as he thought. “Do you care about what other people think about you, or do you care what Jonathan thinks about you?”
You were about to argue with him, but once you realized that he was right, your mouth shut. Instead, you lifted your pen from the paper. “Did someone else edit this already? There’s pen all over it.”
He stiffened awkwardly in his chair, his lips pursing into a fine line. “Nancy was, uh... She was helping me out with it. Until, ya know, everything happened.”
You nodded slowly, slipping the cap on the pen before setting it down on the table. “But why are you having me check the draft that Nancy already checked?”
He let out a sigh, a hand combing through his hair as he stared at all of the markings on the paper. “I think Nancy wasn’t being honest with me about it. I thought that you would be more blunt about what you think about it.”
You searched his expression, leaning back in your chair and taking the papers in your hands. “You want me to be honest about it?”
He gave you a nod. “Please.”
A heavy breath fell past your lips. “Steve, it’s awful.”
His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Geez, at least sugarcoat it a little!”
“You told me you wanted me to be honest!”
His mouth opened so he could retaliate, but no words came out. Instead, he huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “What-What’s wrong with it?”
“It... It just seems very disingenuous. Shallow.”
“What’s shallow about it?”
“You wrote about a basketball game for one of your biggest struggles that you’ve overcome.”
“And then I said it was like how my Grandpa fought in the war! That’s genuine and powerful!”
You stared at him for a moment, completely at a loss for words. “At least you’re pretty, Steve.”
“Okay, fine. What should I have done instead?”
“Steve, we’ve fought literal monsters. There has to be more to talk about than a basketball game.”
“But I can’t write about that. Can you imagine how crazy they’ll think I am?”
“That’s just an example. We’ve gone through a lot this past year. There has to be something from that time that you can write about.”
He nodded, silently thinking over what had happened in the past 12 months. “Do you think that leaving your bad friends and becoming a better person is a good example of overcoming a struggle?”
You gave him a kind smile. “Absolutely.” You crumpled up the papers you had in your hands and tossed them in the trash can before pulling out a few clean pieces of looseleaf paper and sliding them over to him. “Let’s get an outline going. What made you realize that you should change?”
He thought for a moment, a sad look settling on his features. “Last year. I uh... I did something really mean to Nancy.”
Your head tilted in confusion. “What do you mean? What happened?”
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes flashing from left to right as if he was reading from a script, when in reality he was trying to find the right words to say. “After Nancy had ditched me for Jonathan, Tommy and Carol thought that it would be funny if I spray painted ‘Nancy the slut Wheeler’ on the marquee sign at the theater. So I did it.” He risked a glance over at you, noticing the look of disappointment on your face that you failed to disguise. “Nancy and Jonathan saw it, and it escalated.”
His words slowly sank in, and your eyes widened in realization after a few moments of silence. “That’s why you were all beat up? Because Jonathan fought you?”
Steve nodded, his lips pursing closed as he didn’t know what else to say.
“Well, I can’t say you didn’t deserve it.” Again, he nodded. You reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “But I can say that you’ve gotten a lot better. And ditching Tommy and Carol definitely helped a lot.”
“So should I write about that?”
It was your turn to nod, a kind smile on your face. “Absolutely. Should we get started?”
He mirrored your smile, leaning forward and pulling a pencil from his backpack. “Let’s do it.”
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