#gripping rwby violently with my hands
vaonri · 1 year
bumbleby changing the chemistry of my brain (again)
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darksaiyangoku · 11 months
RWBY: The Chill
Dedicated to @kinashia
It was a late, warm summer's evening in the Kingdom of Mistral and, on a small farm, a young boy walked out of the house. He had ashen-black hair, tanned, freckly skin, hazel eyes and wore a cream-coloured, raggedy shirt, dull orange gloves, torn brown trousers and black boots. In his hand, he carried a large bucket and walked along the path to the well. Lowering the bucket, he collected some water.
Male voice: Oscar! Be quick, boy!
Oscar: I'll be there as soon as I can, uncle! Grrr! *grunts*
Oscar struggled as he tried to pull up the bucket. Fighting the burning pain in his arms, he managed to grab it before the rope could give way. He shook his head in annoyance. He took too much water again. Dragging the bucket back, Oscar could hear the cries of pain inside the house. For a week, his aunt had been feeling very unwell. She would always complain about feeling cold, despite the fact that Mistral had been having warm weather. She refused to eat, her voice became raspy and she wouldn't even leave her bed. Oscar arrived and trudjed along to his aunt's bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, he dropped the bucket. Inside the bed, his aunt was convulsing violently. Her blue eyes were now a jet black, her tan skin was deathly pale and there were black, vein-like marks all over her face. His uncle tried his best to restrain her, but was struggling. His arms were bleeding from the wounds she was inflicting. Oscar breathed heavily. Fear was holding a tight grip onto him. There was only one thing he could do, the one thing he should do; run.
Oscar immidiately obeyed his instincts and ran away from the terrible sight. Before he knew it, he found himself in the forests beyond the farm. His lungs were burning and his feet were about to give way, but he had to keep running. Whatever he saw in that room wasn't his aunt anymore. It was something unholy. Suddenly, he heard howling. His eyes shrank. The howls turned into snarls and growls. Oscar turned frantically, unable to see the monster that lurked about.
Oscar: S-Show yourself!
The growls became louder and a large, black shadow leaped out towards him. It had the shape of a wolf, but stood upright like a man. White, bone-like spikes protruded from its back and it had a skull-like mask on its face. Its eyes glowed a bright red and it bared its sharp teeth at Oacar. He was paralysed. There was nothing he could do.
The beast yelled in pain as one of its arms was chopped off. Oscar blinked. Whatever happened was so fast that he barely saw it. The beast turned around and faced its opponent. It was a young woman. She had jet-black hair, red eyes, pale skin, crimson armour, black armoured boots and gloves and, in her hand, she carried a silver katana. The wolf-beast charged at her and raised its claws. In a single strike, its other arm was cut off and h fell to the floor. Without hesitation, the stranger stabbed the beast directly into its heart. It gasped a ahorr breath before succumbing to its wounds and dying. Oscar couldn't believe what he just witnessed.
Oscar: W-Who are you?
The stranger sheathed her katana and turned to Oscar.
Raven: I'm Raven and what's a lad like you running out here at sunset?
Oscar: I-I... *tears in his eyes* I wanted to run away. My aunt is very sick and... I don't know what to do! *crying* Her face is deathly pale and her eyes are black! I think she's dying!
Raven: Hmm... this sounds like the work of a chill.
Oscar: A chill?
Raven: They're a type of grimm. They possess people and afflict them with a horrid sickness, slowly feeding on them until they become nothing but a husk. How long was your aunt affected?
Oscar: Um, a week ago.
Raven: Hmmm. There's still some time to save her, then. Come with me.
Oscar: W-Wait what are you gonna do?
Raven: You'll find out. Come on, we're losing what little light we have left.
[Aunt Pine's Room]
The three of them gathered around the bed and Raven took out a red coloured crystal. She crushed in her hand and rubbed it into her sword. The colour turned a dark red. She raised her free hand, closed her eyes and chanted something. It was a language unfamilar to Oscar. She repeated the chant three more times and, suddenly, Oscar's aunt started to violently convulse. The candles that kept the room lit were immidiately extinguished and she let out a terrible scream. From her mouth, she vomited black smoke. Oscar dropped to the floor in fright as the smoke took on a shape of small, humanoid figure. Like the wolf, it too had a skull-like mask and red eyes. As soon as it saw the boy, it screeched and charged at him. However, Raven was at the ready and slashed at the chill. A ring of fire leapt from her blade and the chill screamed in agony as it burned. Oscar backed away until his back touched the door. The chill fell to the floor, lifeless and crumbling to ash. Oscar looked at his aunt and saw that she regained her tan complexion. She lay there, breathing slowly. The ordeal was over, she was safe. Raven turned to Oscar and offered her hand. Oscar took it and lifted himself from the floor.
Oscar: Thank you. You saved my aunt's life.
Raven: Don't mention it. I'm here to protect the people from these horrors.
Oscar: What are you exactly? How do you know so much about grimm?
Raven: *shows Oscar a medallion* Because I'm a witcher.
Oscar was starstruck as soon as he saw the medallion. It was silver in colour and in the shape of a crow.
Oscar: I thought witchers were only in fairytales?
Raven: I can assure you that we're very real. The world is filled with grimm and it's our job to slay every last one of them. No one should suffer like that. Ever.
Oscar: *clenches fist* Take me with you!
Raven: *raises eyebrow* Excuse me?
Oscar: Earlier, I was a coward who'd rather run away than try to help my aunt. But that's no way to be. If there's a chance that I can save my family, then I'll take it!
Raven: *sighs* Listen, lad, being a witcher isn't just something you can do on a whim. You'd have to undergo months of extreme torment, your body breaking down and changing. You will never be the same again. Are you sure you want this?
Oscar: Absolutely. I'm ready.
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walpywalpy · 1 year
“Weiss! Come back!”
Ruby was too late. Weiss had already run into her room and locked the door. Ruby puts her ear on the door and she hears Weiss’s sobs on the other side. “I know we are dealing with a lot,” Ruby mumbles. “We lost friends, our homes, and Penny, but we have to keep moving forward. Put the past behind us and finish the fight. Forget about the argument and-” Weiss violently opens the door, causing it to crash into the wall. She clenched her teeth as her cheeks grew red. Ruby takes a step back as she feels Weiss’s boiling rage.
“Move forward?” Weiss shouts. “Ruby, at what point do we end up just walking over corpses for the sake of moving forward? Unlike you three, I lost it all.” Weiss stomps forward, backing Ruby against a wall. “My title, my school, my home. If we defeat Salem, where do I go?” Weiss’s voice drops into a whimpering sob. “Where do I go?” Ruby reaches her arm out but thinks second of it.
“Weiss,” Ruby starts, “you will always have a home. With us. That’s what team RWBY is, right?” Weiss looks up with her swollen, teary eyes. “Team RWBY is a home, no matter how much we lose.” Ruby takes Weiss’s hand. “We have all lost.” Weiss snatches her hand away.
“You’re right,” Weiss says. “We have all lost. I just happen to be the one on the team who lost my partner.” Ruby takes a step back as her breath stops.
“Weiss, we’re still teammates…” Ruby mumbles. Weiss shakes her and puts her hand on Myrtenaster.
“When you snapped, everyone was doubting you,” Weiss explains as she unsheathes her weapon. “I was the one who made sure they understood why you did it, even when you snapped at me. That includes after you drank that tea.” Weiss stabs the concrete below her and the walls rattle. “I thought I lost my partner and my first friend. When you came back, I was so happy. I was the first to call your name.” Her grip tightens around the handle. “We were partners. Besties better than the resties. I promised to be the best partner and I have done my absolute best to hold myself to that promise, even when you weren’t always the best.”
“I do try,” Ruby said as her voice quivered, and Weiss’s tears began to flow down once more.
“Then why wouldn’t you stand up for me when I would’ve for you? I defended my people for their behavior in Vacuo, and Blake was so quick to argue against me. Yang backed her up because that’s what a good partner does. You? You only looked at us arguing.” Weiss drops Myrtenaster and backs up into the room. “Where was my partner then? I really want to know.”
Weiss closes the door, leaving Ruby alone with her thoughts and her former partner’s weapon.
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Nora made some new friends-
This is a stupid idea and I'm not sorry~! Just a little thing to celebrate me playing a certain game, and the commission I got because of it~!
"I really hope Nora's okay.." Was all Ruby muttered as she pushed around the food on her plate with a fork, the cafeteria table suddenly growing quiet as the combined teams of JNPR and RWBY stopped their conversations at the abrupt reminder they were missing a rather loud and boisterous part of their friend group..
"H-Hey! I'm sure Nora's doing fine," Yang cut in, the hesitation and worry in her voice clearly betraying the strong look she tried to show to her little sister. "You know Nora, she'd smash anything in her way to pieces and then sing about it! R-Right Pyrrha?"
Pyrrha was looking off to the ground with worry spread across her beautiful features when she was suddenly thrust into the spotlight by the busty blonde brawler.
"O-Oh, y-yes! I'm sure Nora is doing just fine! You know what the professors said, she's probably somewhere in in Menagerie or something!"
As much as Pyrrha wanted to believe that herself, the truth of the matter was that Nora could be literally anywhere.. There was an accident, brought on by Atlas technology and an unheard of semblance.. A semblance Atlas tried to control and failed spectacularly.. A hole ripped into space and time, and who better to be sucked in then their lovable little Valkyrie?
That was.. Months ago now.. Headmaster Ozpin was.. Furious didn't begin to describe what he felt for the General of Atlas, and then, the search began, a mad scramble of every Huntsmen within the 4 kingdoms to help find their little redheaded friend..
Ruby's uncle was, inconsolable, throwing himself out into the field endlessly.. And while the others were slightly confused yet thankful he felt so "responsible", Pyrrha knew exactly why he seemed to never stop trying to find Nora..
"We should be out there looking for her." Was all Pyrrha heard from her usually calm, but more recently livid teammate. Ren had been just a desperate to find Nora as them, but months of fruitless searching meant they had to come back to Beacon and hope someone out there found her instead.
"I know." Was all she heard Jaune whisper.. He'd kept his hopes up from day one that they'd find her soon, but as days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, even her leader's usually sunny disposition was starting to waver a bit.
"Winter has assured me that they have every single soldier in Atlas looking for her," Weiss didn't sound the least bit relieved as the words escaped her mouth, looking more angry then anything else. With herself? With Atlas? Pyrrha wasn't sure.. "We'll find her, and then I'll give her a piece of my mind for disappearing for so long."
Pyrrha wished that got a chuckle from them, but it seemed they were far passed joking about when they found Nora, and were starting to worry if they'd find her..
"...We will find her."
Each set of eyes at the table looked over towards the small, silver eyed Huntress as she looked up back at them with unwavering conviction, as if she knew the future was certain and refused to hear otherwise.
"We will find Nora, she's going to be okay, and we'll bring her back here safe." Ruby stood up from her seat and looked like the leader she was supposed to be, her resolve flowing through Pyrrha as it dawned on her that she herself was giving up, giving up on finding Nora.. The thought hurt, she couldn't believe she'd actually been thinking that. And from the looks of everyone else they felt the same.
"Tomorrow we'll meet with Headmaster Ozpin and tell him that we can't stop until we find Nora. We'll tell him that we're going to look for her whether he wants us to or not! And then, we're going to find-!"
Screams of fleeing students students suddenly echoed throughout the giant cafeteria hall as tables and chairs were suddenly thrown across the room violently, the loud roar of a car engine following close behind as it drove through the cafeteria at max speeds. Windows shattered as chairs and tables flew through them from the force of the car ripping through them, and just as suddenly as the bus(?) appeared, it skid to a halt by turning hard, leaving tire marks across the hard floors before the engine abruptly went quiet.
Students stared in aww and shock as the bus just sat there, some muffled talking coming from inside before the drivers side door suddenly slid open, and one, crimson gloved hand reached out of the bus to grab hold of the edge of the door, the occupant pulling themselves free of the car and out into the open.
Confusion gripped the hearts of every single person watching the darkly dressed mystery person, their clothes all black, over the top, from the crimson red gloves to the long black coat, and all the way up to the white mask covering the person's face.
"Did we make it?" Came the boyish, young voice from inside of the bus as the rest of the doors slid open, revealing more then just their masked driver.
"Is everyone okay?" Came the much deeper voice of a young man.
"Whoa! These readings are off the charts!! There's so much energy in this room you could light it with a match!! Imagine all the experience!!"
"Perhaps we should try and figure out what we're dealing with before we try and pick a fight?" A woman in a skin tight body suit stepped out of the bus and stood behind the white masked figure, dusting herself off a bit before stepping closer behind them. "What do you think? Did we make it?"
One crimson gloved hand slowly raised up to the mask on it's owner's face before gently pulling it off, revealing bright blue eyes filled with joy underneath a head of short, bouncy orange hair, and suddenly, Nora's face broke out into the biggest smile she could give, opening her arms out wide and yelling out in joy~!
"I'm hooooooommee~!!!"
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Boy do I have some lewd ideas for this~! Dunno when or if I'll do them, but Nora's made some new friends~!
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bridgyrose · 2 years
May I ask for another sequel based on your post with Summer losing her cool on RWBYJ, please? Summer returns to check on the group, but finds Neo attempting to attack the group. Knowing why Neo’s doing this from her talk with Yang, Summer attempts to peacefully stop Neo. The girl refuses, violently attempting to attack Summer and get to Ruby. Eventually, Summer realizes that this girl can not be convinced to stop with this much hatred in her, so Summer breaks Neo’s weapon and effortlessly defeats her. Normally, Summer’s easy take-down would’ve made Neo deathly afraid of Summer. However, Summer realizes that due to the island, Neo’s hatred has changed her too much...both physically and mentally. Summer once again attempts to help her in desperation, but it’s not enough. Summer sighs with frustration, dragging Neo over to a tree and restraining her to it, while the group look on in shock. Yang walks up to Summer and tells her that she needs to help Ruby quick. Summer agrees, worried that Ruby might end up in the same situation... Especially since Ruby had just witnessed what happened to Neo...and is now beginning to lose herself again because of it.
Summer placed a hand against a tree as she walked back to the familiar beach. Even though she said she was going to let her daughters and their friends be, there was still a feeling of something that was going wrong that kept at the back of her mind like an unscratchable itch. Something she felt she may have overlooked. She paused as she watched her daughters and their teammates fending off an attack from Neo. 
Summer rushed out to the group and put herself between Neo and RWBY. “Stop this!” 
Neo glared at Summer with red eyes, black markings ran across her skin as she rushed at the older woman and thrust her blade at her. Just as quickly as Neo moved, Summer grabbed the parasol and snapped it in half. 
“Stand down!” 
Neo looked between Summer and RWBY and took a step back, hatred and revenge ran through her mind. She rushed once more towards Ruby, only to be dropped to the ground by Summer. 
Yang, Weiss, and Blake slowly lowered their weapons as they watched Neo struggle on the ground. Yang was the first to speak, her voice shaking. 
“W-when you said the island could change us, I didnt… think this is what you meant.” 
“As I’ve said before, this island is more of a trial over anything else.” Summer held the struggling Neo to the ground and shook her head. “It takes your fears and your anger and twists them into something different, clouding your mind until you succumb to your worst desires. For this one, it seems as though she couldnt let go.” 
“I’m… going to go check on Ruby. I’m sure she needs me after an attack like this.” 
Summer nodded and picked Neo up and dragged her to a tree once she realized the girl was too far gone to talk to. With Weiss’s and Blake’s help, she restrained Neo until she could figure out something to help her. 
Weiss sighed and put her weapon to the ground as she waited for Yang to come back with Ruby. “It’d almost seem like a mercy to put her out of her misery.” 
“As much as I want to, you’ll all need her help to get off this island too.” Summer sighed and started to walk off. “Though, for her sake, I hope she can finally let go-” 
“Mom!” Yang yelled out as she rushed back to the group. “Ruby needs help!” 
Summer started to rush towards the direction Yang came from. “What’s going on?” 
“I… I dont know. When I went to check on her she started muttering to herself but then she tried to attack me!” 
Summer stopped Ruby, her eyes widening as she looked her daughter over. Black markings had started to form on her arms and legs. She shook as she held her scythe, her hands tightly gripping the shaft. Summer slowly moved closer to her daughter. “Ruby?” 
“S-stay back!” Ruby swung her scythe and took a step back. “You’re… You’re not really my mother! You did that to Neo!” 
Summer took a step closer to Ruby as the rest of the group finally caught up. “I am your mother. What’s happening to Neo is all on her own and it’ll happen to you if you dont calm down. Now please, take a few breaths and try to relax.” 
Ruby nodded and slowly took a few breaths as she lowered her weapon. The marks on her arms and legs started to shorten and she dropped to her knees. 
Summer sighed as she watched Ruby’s team rush to her and hug her once she calmed down. With slow steps, she made her way to Ruby and gently put a hand on her shoulder. “I promise, I’ll find a way to help you.” 
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book-of-lewd · 3 years
Touching a Nerve [RWBY]
This was originally an ask from “banzaimeow” but I lost the ask, so... yep, unfortunate. They asked:
“Weiss, can you describe what it felt like to lose your virginity to your older sister? Or how it feels every other time you have sex with her?”
Weiss gave an indignant huff and crossed her arms. 'What did it feel like?' It was such an absurd question that at first she refused to even dignify the words with a response at all. But she quickly demurred when she felt the firm, authoritative weight of a hand pressing between her shoulder-blades, and her eyes drifted over to the imperious, highly disciplined figure of her elder sister sitting cross-legged on the bench next to her. Pulses of heat ran through her slender body from where Winter touched her, striking notes all the way from her furiously blushing cheeks to the burning delta between her legs, and she squeezed her thighs together so tight that the sensation actually left her short of breath.
"It... it hurt like hell!" she said harshly. "How else should it have felt, having your untouched womanhood violated by -- by something the size of a grown man's arm?" Even her most acidic tone couldn't mask the raw arousal filling her haughty voice; if anything, the vulgarity only made her wetter and wetter. It was a good thing her outfit doubled as all-purpose formal wear, because the steady flow of girlish cream flooding through the frills of her petticoat would have otherwise left a shameful stain by now. Or a puddle, dripping searing lust onto the floor beneath the two Schnees.
Squashed alongside her beloved sister on the narrow bench, Winter wrapped an arm around Weiss's alabaster shoulders and pulled her in even closer. Weiss couldn't help but squeak as she was nestled in Winter's softness. What genetics and fate had overlooked in her they'd given to Winter in spades, from her broad, bouncing tits that strained and fought against the metal buttons of her military uniform, to the plush, bountiful hips and the peach-firm ass spilling out as they cushioned her in her seat. Not to mention the slumbering behemoth she knew to be lurking out of sight somewhere under those crossed legs ... If she was a betting girl, she'd guess that Winter had that bitch-breaking length strapped flaccid all the way down the side of one endless, creamy thigh. Just the memory of it had Weiss pouring drool from both ends, and she hurriedly swallowed to keep it from escaping her mouth.
"--and I fully admit," Winter was saying, entirely unaware of Weiss's reactions as her breast cushioned the younger girl's shoulder, "that in the throes of our ... for lack of a better word, 'passion'--"
"Violation, you mean," interjected Weiss meekly.
A small vein ticked in Winter's temple. Weiss wasn't fooling anyone with her attempts to seem outraged -- for all her haughtiness and bravado, nobody knew her better than her big sister, and Winter could practically taste the lustful submission hanging around the heiress, the smell surrouding her like a cloud of estrus. It was so potent and needy that, try as the trained soldier might fight it, her hulking girlcock was already beginning to stir to life within her trousers, slowly forcing her legs apart as it gorged with blood. But she continued nevertheless, a slight hiss in her voice as she clenched her teeth to stave off the growing lust that was now churning in her crotch.
"In our passion, I may have been somewhat aggressive, at least in comparison to my normal behaviour in such circumstances. It was something that I reviewed extensively afterwards, and by all accounts I wasn't entirely unreasonable in my methods," she added, casting a narrowed eye down at Weiss. "In fact, all the reviews I received were exemplary."
Weiss subconsciously bit her lip, unable to hide the obvious tell as memory after vivid memory streamed past her mind's eye. Her vacant pussy throbbed so hard that for a moment it felt as though Winter's stare had physically punched into her, desperately craving for her studly sister to fill that needy hole, to stretch it beyond recognition like she'd done the night her virginity had been ripped away from her. All the pain in the world hadn't been able to deny her the pleasure of being shaped and moulded from an aristocratic princess into a walking, talking, begging, screaming fucktoy for that supreme Schnee schlong. Far from welcoming her sister into the carnal delights of adulthood, Winter had forced that monstrous meatpole onto her, and into her, like she was nothing more than a juvenile gutter whore, ravaging her pure maidenhood over and over again until her breathless screams had been belted into submission by orgasm after shrieking orgasm.
"Y-You ... it's not like you gave me m-m-much choice, you know ..." It was getting harder and harder for Weiss to articulate anything by this point. Words rapidly failed her -- she could barely even think or breathe, for that matter. All that was occupying her mind at that moment was the overwhelming, sinful, primal urge to surrender to her sister's indomitable libido, to beg for Winter to whip out that huge, heaving pussy-pleaser and wreck her body until she became that white-eyed, mouth-gaping, cum-drenched gutter whore again.
"Is that so?" asked Winter coyly, her legs now starting to splay apart from her curvaceous hips as her own instincts responded in kind.
Weiss nodded vacantly. One hand dove deep down into her petticoat between her legs, her palm furiously grinding against her tingling mound, the sensation so woefully inadequate compared to what it had experienced. The other hand tentatively reached out towards Winter, fingers trembling as they danced up and down a pant-clad thigh. "You were just so BIG ... and BRUTAL ... and PERFECT~" As the last word emerged from her mouth, so too did her tongue, lolling open in front of her like the most simple-minded bitch imaginable. Her half-lidded pale eyes filled with dull fog as she stared into the face of her sister. Her lover. Her conqueror.
Winter gave a long, drawn-out sigh and raised a hand to cup at Weiss's cheek, and the younger Schnee moaned as she leant into it. "You didn't answer the question completely, Weiss. Honestly, what am I going to do with you?" A knowing, sadistic sneer tickled at the corner of her mouth, and as Weiss mewled into her touch she silently unbuckled her belt and tossed it onto the ground nearby. "How does it feel--" Her high-heeled boots went sailing from her feet, clattering against each other. "when you have sex with me now?"
Utterly entranced, Weiss watched in slow-motion as Winter rose to her feet and turned, veritably towering over her, her expression like a trickster goddess contemplating a punishment. But the heiress no longer had eyes for her sister's beautiful face; right there in front of her, staring Weiss in her slutty little face, bulging its way from crotch to knee, was the pulsing length of her big sister's big, perfect girldick, obscenely stretching out the woman's trouser leg as it strained and bucked in time with Winter's heartbeat. With exhilaration and expectation forcing her down onto her knees, she grabbed a fistful of fabric in each hand and tugged down with all her might, freeing that glorious pillar inch by agonising inch until, as she dragged those pants down around calf height, the full mast of Winter's massive ramrod lurched up and out into the open.
"Oh fuuuuuck~!" wailed the princess, a fresh gout of girlcum spurting from her whorish pussy as her eyes danced along more than fourteen inches of wrist-thick, pulsating meat that jutted out like a steel girder from her sister's hairless crotch. Every broad, twisting vein on its rugged surface throbbed as though possessing its own life force, each one a promise of such mind-blowing ecstasy that Weiss could feel the individual folds of her snatch rippling with the muscle memory of how thoroughly they'd been assaulted. Her fat, bloated balls swung low and heavy in their smooth sack, each one easily the size of Weiss's closed fist and churning with enough thick, milky cum to paint her petite body from head to toe in an inch-deep coat. And the head! The nectarine-sized crown had already begun leaking its heady precum the moment it had been released to the air, staining the air with the undeniable musk of the Schnee's superior bloodline. Like the trained, obedient bitch she was, Weiss immediately parked her face beneath that supreme prick, its shadow extending all the way up her face as the steady flow of syrupy ambrosia drizzled directly down along the centre of her tongue and into her mouth.
In between guzzling down mouthfuls of precum, Weiss could only get a few words out before going back for more. "Sex with you ... isn't even sex ... you just fuck me ... like an animal ... until I pass out ..." She paused, only to stuff her cheeks until they were bulging from fluid, tipping her head back and gargling the potent concoction in full view of Winter's watchful gaze, and her sister responded with a fresh, violent spurt of pearly pre-nut that liberally doused her face from crown to chin. "And it's so ... fucking ... incredible~!"
For the first time since they'd sat together, Winter gave her baby sister a genuine smile, and her hands grabbed the girl behind the ears and roughly pulled her to her feet. Her tongue drove deep into Weiss's mouth and swirled from corner to corner, wrestling against her sister's own as every forceful moment sent splashes of precum and mixed drool spilling out around the corners of their lips mashed together. Weiss's eyes fluttered as the strength in her legs almost gave out, and her mind swam, all of Winter's addictive tastes wreaking havoc on her at once. She was putty in those hands gripping at her ass and the back of her neck, against that tongue rampaging towards her tonsils, in the face of that perfect pussy-pleaser poking against her taut stomach despite the base being so far away from her. By the time Winter pulled back, heavy strings of spit trailing from their lips, Weiss's legs were positively drenched in her own juices as they massed into a puddle on the floor.
"Fuck me, please ...!" Weiss begged. Her fingers ached with the need to wrap themselves around Winter's cock, to squeeze the shaft and grind its girth against her dainty palms, but her arms hung limply at her sides, devoid of even the barest hint of strength. It was for the best -- her only purpose from now until the time Winter was satisfied was to be a willing receptacle for every bruising, ball-slapping, womb-wrecking thrust, and the thought of being so harshly dominated by her elder sister had her visibly quivering within Winter's expert grip. "Break me, Winter! Destroy my pussy with your huge cock! Claim me, make me scream your name until the whole world knows I'm your baby sister cock-sleeve!"
Without saying so much as a word, Winter released Weiss from her grasp and swung back around, planting her bodacious rear end down onto the bench and spreading her legs wide. Her hands traipsed up from her inner thighs to meet around the absurdly thick root of her girlmeat, fingers splayed and holding the massive pole upright as it bobbed and throbbed and leaked its copious nectar down the more than footlong journey along the side of the shaft. Weiss's eyes were drawn to the imposing length as if hypnotised, the giant tip reflected in her pupils as she discarded her dress and stepped closer, her slender legs and bare pussy so pale and smooth compared to the bulging veins of that turgid breedstick. For a brief second she tore her gaze away from it long enough to stare at her sister's face, and the expression staring back at her made her weak at the knees, another volley of girl-cream dousing the inside of her thighs.
"Come and get it," Winter commanded.
If Weiss had a will of her own right now, she doubted she would have been able to resist the absolute authority in Winter's voice. As it was, she surrendered fully to the words ringing in her ears as loud as her own pounding heartbeat. With her heels mounting the wooden seat she rose up into a half-bended squat, a hand spreading apart the naked folds of her pussy as they hovered mere inches above Winter's towering cock. For a moment she didn't move, frozen like one of her Semblance statues as her breath hitched and caught in her throat. The lust coursing through her every nerve and fibre was impossible to resist, wanting nothing more than to spear herself on her sister's titanic prick and feel it plunging through her tunnel until it bashed balls-deep ... but no matter how many times Winter broke her upon it, no matter how many orgasms she had with that thing thrashing against her folds, she always felt a pulse of inexorable fear when it came time to doing the deed. Winter was so well-hung it put the stallions in their mansion to shame, and the thought of a cock that massive brutalising her insides was as terrifying as it was thrilling. Just how much was it going to wreck her this time?
There was only one way to find out, and no sooner did the thought occur than she dropped her snowy hips in one fell movement. Her defenceless pussy instantly skewered itself on every last cunt-busting inch of cockmeat, Winter's bulging veins running riot as they crashed upward into Weiss, the full force of Weiss's drop causing the head to bash square against her cervix. The flimsy barrier never stood a chance, having been pulverised into submission by that tip countless times before, and it welcomed Winter's brutish meat into the back of her womb, trembling as the pre-soaked flesh battered its way home. The agony and euphoria of that single moment set off a chain reaction inside Weiss's mind like a blast of dynamite as the orgasm of a lifetime ripped through her body without mercy -- her pussy creamed itself from end to end, squeezing and wringing around Winter's shaft as runnels of femcum streamed down into the soldier's lap, her eyes shrinking to pinpricks as her brain short-circuited itself, and her back arching to such a degree that she was at risk of spontaneous fracture. The unmitigated pleasure turned her existence white as her limbs tangled into a molten mess of helpless tremors, the melody of her piercing squeals filling the air as she spasmed and squirted atop her sister's godly girldick until she lost consciousness and fell in a sweaty mess onto Winter's front, still oozing her pussy's juices down onto those heaving balls.
Below the collapsed heiress, Winter merely took her sister by the shoulders and spun the pair of them around, lying Weiss on her back atop the bench and then bending her legs upwards, those ballerina feet pointed to the sky. Her cock throbbed powerfully, still wedged firmly inside Weiss's snug baby chamber -- even passed out, the girl's womb refused to release its vise-like grip on her glans, even as it continued to pour its honeyed pre-cum inside. It was definitely one of Weiss's best qualities ... and once she regained her senses, then Winter could finally start being aggressive~
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spahhzy · 3 years
No Title: Chapter 3. Priorities.
*Dimension 63 OG*
"So I bet your wondering 'what's happening to Jaune?' and normally I'd say nothing! but...well that would make me a liar"
"You...done the right thing" Ironwood said to Penny as he put his hand on her shoulder to which Penny eyed the ground for a split second.
"I have..." Penny said before disappearing only to reappear in her place as Emerald.
"Feels weird" She said before backflipping and kicking James square in the chin making him loose his weapon. Emerald caught the weapon before vanishing.
"The idea between Jaune and Ruby was to have Penny open the vault thinking that maybe whatever that was in their could help in saving Mantle, its people and Penny...so with a little help from Winter they devised a 2 part plan"
"Raaaah!" Jaune rushed in swiping his sword left and right missing with each swing as Ironwood skillfully dodged the knight before finally grabbing his right hand as he prepared to punch with his right metal prosthetic.
Ironwoods hand met the shield to which Jaune knew or thought he knew , as his shield was supposed to propulse Ironwood back with the gravity dust infused...so to Jaunes shock when Ironwood didn't fly back but kept striking him enough for Ironwood to get a grip on his shield and with his grip still on his other hand managed to flip Jaune onto his back.
"This...was not supposed to happen it was supposed to be a well choreographed strikes from Oscar, then Ren and finally Winter but something changed..."
"Jaune!" Shouted Ren as he dashed forward to save his friend only for Ironwood to dodge the bullets with ease, knowing full well that boy wouldn't risk friendly fire. Ironwood returned his gaze back to Jaune who was still delirious from being flipped onto his back.
"I'm sorry it came to this" Spoke Ironwood as as he stood over the arc before raising the metal fist and began to bring it down onto the Arc.
"Jaune!" Shouted Nora, Oscar and Ren as finally Jaune regained his bearings just in time to see the fist come barreling down towards him. He closed his eyes tightly hoping his aura would somewhat reduced the pain to come but unbeknownst his left hand rose up and met ironwoods surging fist.
The result created a mini shockwave and a small crater in Jaunes shape.
Ironwood looked down in shock as his fist was stopped by Jaunes hand.
Jaune after feeling nothing opened his eyes to see Ironwoods look of disbelief. Jaune's eye's widened in shock at seeing his hand stopping ironwoods as well.
"Jaune!" Shouted Ren who managed to wrap Stormflower around Ironwoods ankle and drag him away. Jaune got to one knee before looking at his left hand still confused but shook his head...
"Must have been the adrenaline" He said to himself before he collected his sword and shield before he saw Winter in one slash wiping out Ironwoods aura to which knocked him out.
"Then...everything went as was supposed to...and things moved to phase two which was getting Penny to the vault and meeting a rather 'interesting' character...Ambriosius"
"I swear the guy can be so....intricate in his creations...my fault really: but that is neither here nor their"
"All you need to know is...Penny was a real girl...not that she wasn't already... but she was finally made flesh"
"Team RWBY had then let Ambrosius construct a portal through to Vacuo and it worked Jaune and his team were helping all of mantles citizens escape...all seem to be going according to plan for Team RWBY...but a little gremlin with a certain lamp was about to throw a monkey wrench into their plan"
"Teamwork makes the dream work they say after all"
"Oh yeah and what part of 'Don't Fall' was so hard to understand?"
"How did she know?" Came the mocking voice of Cinder Fall as she stood against RWBY dual blades in hand.
"I'm going to take the staff from you but the staff is third...to what I really want" she said as she started searching around as a random citizen crept closer to Ruby
"All you need to know is I started to finally see the value in teamwork...and if you want to win you simply can't do it alone!"
"Neopolitian had agreed to let Cinder use the lamp in exchange to kill Ruby"
" so Cinder used the lamp to find out what Ruby and everyone was planning giving her the info and what she needed to form a plan...and that should have been the end...however"
"That's the plan, I get the staff and you get Ruby...win win" Cinder told Neo who agreed and Arthur who just scoffed at the plan much to Cinder's ire
"I mean if you have a better idea Watts I'm listening" Cinder said with arms cross too which Watts was about to retort before suddenly Cinders grimm arm started to violently flail about surprising Cinder and everyone else.
"Get a hold of yourself woman!" Shouted Arthur
"Its not me! It's reacting on its own" She said in before finally it calmed down.
"What the he-" "Cinder" Cinder was cut off as she recognized the voice, it was the voice of her master.
"Master Salem where...where are you" She asked looking around her but seeing no signs of the grimm queen.
"Do not worry about that...I see you've figured out what miss Rose is planning yes?" Said Salem and Cinder nodded.
"And your plan?"
"Disrupt communications, and blend in with all the refugees with Neo here and cause chaos" She couldn't see but she could feel Salems gaze peirce her very soul.
"Then steal the Staff while killing off the last Silver eyed descendant and take the winter maidens power" she said nervously beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.
For a moment it was quiet, and Cinder wondered if she had made Salem angry...which wouldn't bode well for her bu-
"Very good Cinder" A sigh of instant relief washed over her.
"However" Salem said which made Cinder wince a bit.
"Your priorities are going to be tweaked, yes the staff and Maiden powers are important and I want them in our possession" Salem said to her and all Cinder could do was feel her masters anger and hate intensify
"And I do want the silver eyed descendant all but extinguished...but" Suddenly as if without warning all those intense feelings of anger and hatred had vanished...and in its place where feelings that Cinder couldn't place.
"Your top priority is one of recovery" Recovery? As in rescue?
"My master if I could ask...a rescue is top priority...but who?" Who could be so important to her Master that she would choose them over the Relics or Maidens?
She felt her master smile almost tenderly before saying
"Jaune Arc"
"Buckle in folks...things are about to go off the rails...ah welcome mighty pancake slayer...I've made a bunch of pancakes and I have the other one making more...I knew you'd be quiet hungry"
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nxmuzluv · 3 years
"Ultimatum" | Ariana Silvera.
@raes-ramblings has once again inspired me to actually write and finish a fic, so take this angst-filled piece of my rwby oc's backstory !!
warnings ! - death, assisted s//icide (i think ??), blood, just angst upon angst lol
show - rwby
characters - ariana silvera, scarlett zhuhong
“How do your parents let you go down here?”
Ariana shrugged as she kicked a pebble down the streets of Mantle, her honey brown eyes locked on the ground. “They trust me enough.” She responded, watching as the pebble flew a couple of inches down the road.
Scarlett giggled at her friend’s reply. “Can’t say the same for me.” The redhead said. “My parents are pretty… micromanaging.”
Ariana tried to stifle the giggle that wanted to escape her lips, but it came out anyway. “At least you have me, right?” The black and silver-haired girl said with a smile. Scarlett laughed, lightly shoving Ariana in the shoulder.
The two continued to walk down the street, comfortable silence soon falling over them. Ariana was preoccupied with kicking that same pebble down the road, while Scarlett was looking around, taking in the scenery that she rarely got a chance to see. Nothing much was going on, but the peacefulness of the moment was more than enough. The residents of Mantle were simply engaging in everyday activities. There was the faint sound of laughter and chatter, the smell of freshly cooked food, the sound of utensils against plates from inside various restaurants, and the sound of blaring sirens and sudden screams…
Suddenly, the buildings around Ariana and Scarlett were coated in a harsh red, the streetlights no longer their once peaceful blue shade. People ran like hell from whatever was coming, and their frames were just blurs in the girls’ eyes. Their eyes widened at the sudden, unexpected chaos, and as they approached a corner, they came across the source of the overwhelming panic. The wall concealing Mantle from the harsh elements of the tundra had been blown right open, and there was Grimm pouring in like rushing water, running right over the rubble like it was nothing.
Ariana and Scarlett were practically frozen in their spots. The ravenette 15-year-old snapped out of it, though, and instantly grabbed her friend’s hand, speeding down the street as fast as her boot-clad legs could take her.
“Why did Grimm have to break in now?!” Scarlett yelled, her panicked voice cutting through her harsh and heavy breaths.
“I…” Ariana could barely get a word out. “I don’t know! We need to get out of here, though, and I need to call my dad!”
The girls continued running, but they had no clue where they were running to. Ariana could hear her heart frantically beating through the sounds of blood-curdling screams, growling Grimm, and her heeled-boots rapidly clicking against the concrete. Her palms were practically drenched with sweat, and she held onto Scarlett’s hand tighter. She couldn’t afford to let go. Ariana flinched at the sound of a Boarbatusk crashing into a building, sending glass flying across the street. All she could do was keep running, and hope that the Grimm behind her and Scarlett didn’t see them, filled to the brim with nothing but fear and running like their lives depended on it. Because, honestly, it did.
Finally, after what felt like hours of running, the girls stumbled upon a vacant building, the interior pitch black. Ariana darted towards it, pulling Scarlett along with her, and she frantically twisted the lock once the door was slammed shut. It was dead silent, save for the sound of the sheer chaos outside and the sound of the girls’ heavy breaths. It was also as dark as night, that was until Ariana pulled out her scroll.
The blue light illuminated her porcelain face, and it served as somewhat of a light source, casting a faint light on parts of the room. Ariana’s scroll buzzed in her hands, and the longer it did so, the more anxious she got.
“Please answer…” The ravenette mumbled. “Dad, please…”
The girl’s heart dropped when no one picked up, and her brown eyes widened with both shock and fear. Ariana’s breathing picked up, and she desperately tried to get it to slow down. “Ari?” Scarlett suddenly said, her voice soft. Ariana couldn’t bring herself to raise her head. “Did… did anything happen?”
Before she could answer, Ariana tried again. Nothing. A lump rose in her throat, and she cringed as she forced it back down. “He’s…” She replied. “He’s not answering.”
“What?!” Scarlett exclaimed, her lavender eyes wide. “Why?!” Ariana became more and more stressed out as the seconds passed. She tried calling again, and again, and again, but every single time, she would be met with the same outcome. Nothing. Now, not only was she worried about the safety of herself and her friend, but she was worried about the safety of her family. Ariana had the same question as Scarlett. Why wasn’t her father answering?
“I don’t know…” She responded. “M-maybe I should try my mom-” Ariana’s words were abruptly cut off… and in the worst way possible.
A loud bang echoed through the building, startling the girls out of their minds. Another one came, and another. Ariana and Scarlett jumped back, and the former instinctively gripped onto the handle of her katana. A few seconds passed with nothing but silence and the feeling of dread and rising anxiety heavy in the air, but that silence was about to be broken, that dread was about to turn into pure panic, and that anxiety was about to reach its peak. A Boarbatusk crashed through the door, creating a gaping hole in the wall. It sent rubble and glass flying, and the harsh, chilly wind threw Ariana and Scarlett’s hair back.
The creature of Grimm roared, sending chills down the girls’ spines. Ariana frantically unsheathed her katana, but Scarlett acted quicker. Being the Summer maiden, the redhead pulled rocks from the rubble, letting them hover in the air before sending them towards the Boarbatusk with lighting speed. The rocks held it back, but it was far from enough. It shook them off, and let out an earth-shaking roar yet again. Ariana stuck her katana back into its ebony black sheath, lifted it off her belt, and held it up with shaky, gloved hands. She fired at the Boarbatusk a few times, only making it angrier. It rushed forward, but Scarlett formed a harsh wind, sending the Grimm backwards and into another building. The girls watched as it struggled to get up, but turned to look at each other. Both of them could see the fear in each other’s eyes, and they had no clue what to say. And worst of all, they had no clue what to do.
“W-what are we supposed to do, Scarlett?” Ariana asked, her voice quivering ever so slightly. The fear and anxiety that had settled itself in her chest long ago was only rising.
“I have no clue, Ari.” Scarlett said. “I can only hold it off for so long. Come up with something… anything.”
Ariana’s hands shook, and the grip she had on her katana tightened. Her thoughts were racing, and she was frozen in place yet again. However, as the Boarbatusk finally rose from the rubble and as a roar erupted from its throat, the ravenette was pulled out from the prison that was her mind, and she instantly perked up.
With the simple press of a button, dust rushed through her sheath, turning the silver streak through it a fiery red. Ripping it off her belt, Ariana held it up again, and fired a single, bright red bullet at the creature that was rushing towards her and Scarlett. An explosion shook the building, coating the room in a shade of red and filling it with thick, gray smoke. Pieces of the building fell off and onto the Boarbatusk, and that combined with the explosion had it screaming in pain. Unfortunately, that pain had only increased its anger. It rushed at the girls with only one thought in mind; to kill. The anxiety in the room was at an all time high, and as the creature of Grimm rushed into it, Ariana’s brown eyes instantly widened. She tried to grasp onto her second katana, but she was met with… nothing.
She had forgotten the other one.
Ariana panicked like never before, and she internally cursed herself for forgetting, especially at a time such as this. “Scarlett!” She screamed, her throat raw as another lump formed in it.
She watched as the Boarbatusk took Scarlett into its jaw, and she had never felt so helpless. The creature’s head thrashed at it threw the redhead around, before violently throwing her into a wall, shattering her bright red aura and leaving her nearly unconscious against it. Ariana was dead silent for a moment, simply staring at her friend’s nearly motionless body. But once she saw the blood, that’s when tears flooded her eyes, and a blood-curdling scream rose from her chest and tore through the air.
Out of anger, Ariana sent a fiery wave of dust hurtling towards the beast, practically splitting it in half and making it explode from the inside out. As the Boarbatusk’s ashes rose through the air, the black and silver-haired girl rushed towards her friend, tears spilling out of her honey brown eyes. With hands shakier than ever before, she gently lifted up Scarlett’s head. Not only was blood gushing from the wounds in the redhead’s stomach, but it was slowly dripping from her head, as well. It took everything in Ariana to not throw up. Despite her vision clouded with tears, she ripped the fabric of her white shirt, pressing it onto Scarlett’s stomach. Ariana tried so desperately to stop the bleeding, but as the iron-scented liquid seeped through the fabric, it proved that her attempts were futile. It was clear that Scarlett was slipping out of consciousness, and that fact only made Ariana’s hand shake all the more. There was just so much blood, and the more her redheaded friend bled, the more Ariana panicked. The lump in the 15-year-old’s throat constricted her breathing, only making everything worse.
“S-Scarlett?” Ariana said, forcing out the girl’s name. “Can… can you hear me?” Scarlett quietly groaned, trying to open her lavender eyes.
“Y-yeah…” She responded. The sheer pain in her voice made Ariana cringe. “I… I can.”
Ariana couldn’t say anything else. Scarlett’s blood was now dripping onto the rubble-covered floor… and staining Ariana’s hands. She frantically ripped off another piece of fabric, and her once pristine shirt was now tattered and dotted with blood. The girl pressed it onto Scarlett’s stomach, her breaths and her thoughts racing. Once again, the blood seeped through the fabric, making the fabric go from white to a dark shade of red. All Ariana could do was panic more as she realized that she barely had any fabric left. And even if she did, she would get the same result as before. A sob escaped the ravenette’s lips as tears flowed out of her eyes faster. She wanted nothing more than to save Scarlett, to see her friend live. But, she was so lost. She had no idea what to-
The sound of Scarlett’s faint, pained voice snapped Ariana out of it. She looked down at her friend, her mouth slightly agape. It fell silent for a moment. “...Yes?” She responded.
“Please… s-stop trying so h-hard…” The lavender-eyed girl croaked out. “I’ll be d-dead before you can get help… please… just e-end it…”
Ariana’s eyes widened with shock at what she heard. “W-what?!” She exclaimed, despite her throat hurting like all hell. She couldn’t fathom Scarlett’s words. Did she really want Ariana to… kill her?
“Ari, it hurts. Please.” Scarlett whispered. The pain in her voice was nothing short of depressing. Ariana’s hands couldn’t stop shaking, and more tears stung her eyes. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t kill her fucking friend.
“Scarlett… n-no!” Ariana screamed, her voice shaking just as much as her hands were. “I can’t do that… I can’t kill you-!”
Suddenly, the redhead grasped onto Ariana’s hand. Her grip was weak, clearly reflecting just how close she was to death. Ariana instantly stopped screaming, staring down at her friend yet again. “Please.” Scarlett simply said. The girl was practically begging now, and the desperate tone in her voice broke Ariana’s heart.
Ariana’s hand slowly made its way to the handle of her katana. Her hands were still shaking, and shaking rather violently. She was so hesitant, and for good reason. She was being forced to kill her own friend, by her own friend. Ariana took a breath, and swiftly unsheathed her blade. The tears welling up in her eyes teetered over the edge of her eyes, creating streaks down her face. She had held so much hope that Scarlett was going to make it out alive, but that hope was crushed. And it was crushed way too fast.
She slowly raised her katana, bringing it inches away from Scarlett’s neck. The weapon shook ever so slightly as her hands did the same. As she raised it higher and higher, more and more tears escaped her eyes. “I’m… I’m sorry…” Ariana whispered, but even with her hushed tone, Scarlett could hear her. Despite her pain, a bittersweet smile graced the girl’s paling face.
“Don’t be.” She whispered back, letting go of her friend’s shaking hand.
Ariana squeezed her eyes shut, pushing more tears out of her honey brown eyes. She clenched her jaw, ready to bring down her blade upon Scarlett’s neck. But before she could do so, Ariana opened her eyes slightly. She saw the light fading from Scarlett’s lavender eyes, and another sob left her lips. Squeezing her eyes shut again, the ravenette slashed her friend’s neck, and blood spurted out of the fatal wound. It stained her katana, it stained the floor, and worst of all, it stained Ariana’s face. The girl opened her eyes, and was immediately met by Scarlett’s lifeless corpse. She had hit an artery, and with the blood loss the lavender-eyed girl had suffered before, there was no doubting that she was deceased. There was no light left in her eyes, and Scarlett was just left against the wall, unmoving and staring at the ground.
Sobs wracked Ariana’s body, making her entire frame shake violently. Tears poured from her eyes, and faint silver flames surrounded them, as well. Although she was overwhelmed by pure sadness, she knew what had happened.
Scarlett had been thinking of her.
Scarlett had been thinking of Ariana in her final moments, and because of that, she was now the new Summer maiden. But, she didn’t have the strength to dwell on that. She was standing right in front of her friend’s dead body, and it was all because of her. Looking down at her shaking hand, she noticed the blood - Scarlett’s blood - staining her leather gloves and the tips of her porcelain-colored fingers. The sight of blood on her hands only rubbed more salt into the metaphorical wound. It only made Ariana’s realization that she murdered her friend all the more prevalent within her mind.
She hated it.
The longer Ariana sobbed, the stronger her urge to scream grew. It grew and grew, and it got to the point where she couldn’t take it anymore. That harsh scream rose from her aching throat, violently tearing through the air. Her knees gave up on her, causing the girl to fall to the ground.
And Ariana just sat there, sobbing, and unable to stand back up. The fact that she killed her own friend refused to leave her mind, and it was weighing down on her more and more as each second passed.
This would truly be something that she would never forget.
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firstpuffin · 5 years
Smitten with the concept, not with the execution.
I want to start things off with a question: have you ever been invested in something, a television show, movie, video game or other, and not known why? Something like “this is boring, why do I continue with it?” I absolutely do and want to explore this with you.
  See, I have a whole shed-load of things that I “enjoy” despite the execution not being to my taste. The horror video game series “Five Nights at Freddie’s” is not at all my normal cup of tea, the final chapters of the pseudo-horror game “Bendy and the Ink Machine” were disappointing and sci-fi game “Nier: Automata” is not what I like in my gameplay; but I bloody love them.
  Same with the “The Flash” television show, the “RWBY” web-animation and even the “Star Wars” universe as a whole. I continue to persist with The Flash despite being pretty sure that my brother dreads my running commentary of its flaws every week; I may not keep up with it but I do eventually catch up with RWBY despite its execution being…lacking, and I feel that nothing in the Star Wars franchise quite lives up to what exists in my head, although it stands head, shoulder and even waist above the others in this paragraph. So why do I keep up with these stories that I apparently can’t talk badly enough about?
  Cause I do love them.
As the title says, I love the concepts behind these stories. Five Nights at Freddie’s (frequently shortened to FNAF because, let’s face it, the title is a pain) is a game where you do the same few things again and again, all to try and prevent being scared; the gameplay is far too tedious for me to play myself and honestly, I’m too much of a coward to actually do so. But the lore woven into the games has captured my heart: murdered childrens’ souls stuck in animatronic bodies that are protective of other children and incredibly violent to adults? It’s so sad, largely because it’s so terrifying and there is more added to the story with each game, cumulating in a sad tale that actually doesn’t quite compare to that in my head (although put that down to preference). It captured my heart, and more importantly my mind.
 Bendy and the Ink Machine starts with a man returning to the animation studio where he used to work, where he helped to bring to life the game’s equivalent of Mickey Mouse (the titular Bendy) only to find that Bendy may have literally been brought to life by ink and madness (and magic). The game is beautifully unique in its design, with backgrounds and items and everything seemingly having been hand-drawn. There are tapes to be found that tell the individual stories of animators, voice actors and even caretakers who were caught up in the chaos, tapes to be collected while avoiding the demonic and malformed beast that was supposed to be Bendy.
 I’ll be brief with Nier: Automata, but this beautiful game with beautiful music explores ideas of machines and emotions and life, at least within my own mind (I never finished watching someone else play the game so I can’t say for sure). The Flash had my heart from the beginning, all through the boring soap opera drama and plot contrivances, just because I love the concept behind the world that it was set in. RWBY is much the same, although it didn’t have me from the beginning; there are little details in RWBY that could become something amazing, but that are unfortunately overshadowed by poor dialogue, trite characters and unfulfilling season-long “stories”.
 And you all at least know vaguely about Star Wars, but it’s the idea of the prequel’s Jedi Order that has me enthralled. I love the idea of an order of warriors, so feared for their combat prowess that they don’t actually need to fight; warriors who could kill you with a telekinetic thought and yet refuse to on principle, yet have enemies who share this power but without the same scruples. And Lightsabers. Lightsabers are cool.
  There is so much to love about Star Wars that unfortunately a lot of the media never seems to embrace, instead erring on the side of convenience.
 As an aspiring author I find all of this fascinating. FNAF and Nier Automata are examples of fascinating stories locked behind gameplay that I’m not interested in, although in the case of the former I do believe that the head-cannon that I developed was actually better than the real story (both of which I have forgotten by now). Nier Automata’s story may be better than my own ideas but as I said, I never finished watching the story.
  Bendy, Flash, RWBY and Star Wars are cases of poor execution though. Spread over five chapters, Bendy started strong but lost what it was that made the early chapters good, going from tense atmosphere to just hit everything with a pipe. The Flash tv show is a victim to its medium: it’s meant to be something for people to watch as they relax in the afternoon with drama, relationships and just a hint of excitement; it was never meant to be a superhero show like the early seasons of Arrow and they are so focused on what I just mentioned that they didn’t put the same effort into being consistent or even all that compelling to someone like me. Not saying that I’m a higher quality viewer, just that I want different things.
  RWBY is a real disappointment to me though, with the most important flaw being the forced climaxes without any real story. I’m not interested in the action when the season doesn’t seem to have led up to it and the best thing I can say for it is that each finale at least feels like a mid-season finale. But I will give it this: season three started (started) to change this for the better.
  Finally, Star Wars (primarily the cartoons) is a problem because it ignores its own rules. Jedi are supposed to be reverent towards the Force, not using it trivially and never to injure; watch any Star Wars cartoon that follows the Jedi and you will see them regularly and callously attacking with the Force. Another weakness would be the lack of rules regulating the Force.
  Any good magic/superpower system has rules or else there is nothing it can’t do and it would seem that there is nothing the Force can’t do. So, if the Jedi apparently don’t follow their own rules on using the Force then what’s the point of lightsabers other than as a symbol? They could crush armies with a wave of the hand; weapons can be torn out of one’s grip and enemy Jedi thrown through walls.
  Imagine a completely independent group who are such capable warriors that they never need to fight. They stroll forward and armies give up. So much can be done with a concept like this and to a writer like myself I would love to have free reign with it.
 And that’s that. So what would I do with these series if I had the power? FNAF is a hard one for me to give suggestions for because as I said, I’ve forgotten, but Bendy and the Ink Machine is easier. As I said the later parts became an action game with fetch quests that nobody asked for, so get rid of the quests, reduce the enemies and retain the disconcerting atmosphere. I’m not asking for anything the creators haven’t proven themselves capable of. Nier is another one that’s hard to give suggestions for as, as I said, I don’t yet know the whole story; what I can say is that it’s the androids and the possible exploration of their humanity (and why they are designed to be so- and I can’t believe I’m using this word- “thicc”) that has me so fascinated.
  The Flash is a victim to its audience so rather than an improvement, I’ll mention what I’d like to see instead: a superhero show. This may seem like an odd thing to say about what is ostensibly a superhero show but it’s really more of a soap opera (which, btw, got it’s name from radio operas being sponsored by soap manufacturers); a real superhero show wouldn’t defeat the best one episode villain yet off camera while instead focusing on character relationships. I mean, way to give a side-character the chance to prove themselves, but at least let us see it. RWBY needs to either give up the idea of series long storylines and slowly build a larger story up, or to better plan each series so that it naturally leads to a climax.
  And finally, Star Wars needs to set and explain the limitations of the Force; doesn’t need to tell us everything, just what it can’t do or if there are means of defending against it. If a Force user can block another Force user, then we need to know that so we don’t just complain about Jedi battles not being who can put the other through a wall first. And finally, I’d love to see people treat the Jedi appropriately, with respect and fear.
 So that’s it. I love these stories for what I think they could be, but what they are honestly puts me off. It’s a shame, but as an (aspiring) author I’m hoping that I can somehow use these as inspiration for my own (and most importantly unique) stories.
 -Note= And no, inspired by does not mean ripped off; break any story down to its bare bones and it will look identical to (and stolen from) almost every other story.
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Special I
Welcome back to Re-Bonding In Mistral! So, while we wait for chapter 5, here’s a special (first of a few) that will explain what Ruby and Yang are dealing with currently. This takes place during chapter 4 in the middle of the night.
Yes, it’s another nightmare segment. Featuring a NEW form of Cinder attacking Ruby. Yang will also explain her PTSD with the fight with Adam, so because of that, you are free to skip this chapter entirely.
This will also delve into what Ruby and Yang think about the events that happened in the canon Vol 3.
Note that the canon here will be treated as their nightmares or them having visions. It can be seen as EITHER.
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy!
Disclaimer: Still own nothing. Though I do own Cinder’s unique design used here.
Link to that right here: https://roosterteeth.com/g/post/35478f52-5a58-4ee7-ac67-68267f79697e
Ruby opened her eyes and looked around. Wherever she was, it was dark in all directions, the only light coming from her cloak. All she knew was that she was on an unfamiliar cliff-edge with a forest behind her. All under a moonless, starless sky.
Much to her relief, she also had her scythe on her... She slowly stood up, clutching her cloak around her as a cold wind wiped past her. The frigid temperatures made the teenager’s teeth chatter and her whole body shake as she put up her hood.
“Where...am I…?” The red cloaked teenager asked, before noticing...embers. She then felt heat in front of her from beyond the cliff, before a thunderous quake shook the earth beneath her and a volcanic explosion erupted from the abyss. Flames rose forth violently, some reaching a height that rivaled that of the Beacon Tower. Ruby sat down in shock, eyes wide as she witnessed the destruction in front of her.
She then turned and noticed the forest behind her was ENGULFED in flames.
Though that wasn’t the worst of it.
The red cloaked teenager then noticed a feminine figure, with a Grimm-like left eye, arm, and wing, along with a Grimm-like right leg, donning a red and gold dress. She swore the eye was radiating with FIRE. The teenager then saw an all familiar twisted and sadistic grin on the figure’s face, immediately realizing who the figure was. Someone she thought was either killed at Beacon...or arrested.
“CINDER!?” Ruby shouted, her jaw dropping in shock. “HOW!?”
The Fall Maiden grinned, letting out a sinister chuckle, “I think you saw her before...in a nightmare.” The red cloaked teenager raised an eyebrow, before her eyes went wide again, “Salem…” “Bingo….” Cinder smirked. “So you ARE not just some weapon crazed brat who got LUCKY.” The woman then fired a ball of flame from her mouth at the teenager, who only managed to dodge it thanks to her semblance.
“Quit running, runt…” The dressed woman chuckled, stopping the teenager in her tracks as the Maiden fired a beam of heat from her eye in front of Ruby. The teenager screeched to a halt, before deciding she’d have to fight her way out. She pulled out her scythe, before charging at the woman, only for the scythe to be caught by Cinder bare-handedly. Ruby’s eyes widened as she froze, both in shock and horror.
She was then kicked back, letting her weapon go from being caught off guard. After skidding to a halt on her back, the teenager slowly sat up as pain throbbed through her ribs. She then watched as Cinder tightened her hold on the scythe’s blade, crushing and shattering it entirely. “To think I actually FEARED you after Beacon…” The woman said, before grinning. “I must thank Salem for helping me CRUSH that fear!”
The teenager attempted to stand, only to be instantly lifted by her shirt’s collar by Cinder. Ruby could feel the heat radiating from the Fall Maiden. The woman’s hands, mouth, eyes, nose, torso, legs. It was as if Cinder had become a being of pure fire and volcanic energy. The teenager could also feel her heartbeat speeding up in panic. Fear began to take over as the teenager struggled weakly in Cinder’s grasp.
She then looked behind the Fall Maiden, before her eyes widened in horror, causing her struggling to cease.
Behind Cinder were the LIFELESS, BLOODIED, and BURNED bodies...of Yang, Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, Oscar, Taiyang, Qrow, Raven, Zwei…
And even Summer.
All hope DRAINED from the teenager, before slowly facing her captor. The Fall Maiden grinned wickedly, “You actually THINK you can SAVE them…” The woman chuckled as tears ran down Ruby’s face. Cinder sighed, “Don’t look so sad. You’ll be joining them soon.” “Think of it as me doing you favor.” The woman sadistically smiled, before summoning a burning scimitar from her magic.
“Relax.” She grinned. “It’ll be over in an INSTANT.” Cinder then shoved the absurdly hot blade into Ruby’s abdomen, causing the teenager to scream in pain...
(2:54 AM)
(In the Xiao-Long-Rose Family Home…)
Ruby bolted up with a scream, cold sweat dripping down her face, before she tried to catch her breath. She slowly noticed it was just a freakishly lucid nightmare. She was safe...and in her shared bedroom with Yang. Her roommate’s eyes fluttered open, before groaning. “Ruby? You alright?” Yang asked tiredly. It took a few moments, but the silver eyed teenager nodded slowly, “Y-Yeah… I thi-” She froze as she felt bile in the back of her throat, before bolting to the bathroom.
The blonde teenager immediately went after her in concern, entering the bathroom and holding her younger sister’s hair back as the younger of the two retched into the toilet. After emptying her stomach’s contents, Ruby continued to take deep breaths as Yang helped her wash her face and mouth out. “Sorry…” The silver eyed teenager whispered, her throat and neck sore. Yang gave a reassuring smile, “It’s okay… Do you want to talk about it somewhere privately?”
Ruby stayed silent for a few moments, before suggesting, “Backyard patio?” Her sister nodded, helping the young leader to her feet and quietly heading to the back of the house and outside. The two then sat on the steps, listening to the sounds of nature and looking up at the cloudless sky and the sea of stars. The younger of the two leaned against her big sister and sighed, “So, you remember Cinder?” The blonde raised an eyebrow, “You mean that bitch that tried to get us all killed at Beacon?”
The younger teenager nodded, “Yeah. The same one that tried to kill Pyrrha too.” “She...appeared in the nightmare…” She explained. “She...looked different. Like she wasn’t human anymore.” “Like that Vampier chick?” Yang asked.
Ruby nodded, before shrugging, “Maybe…? Cinder had...a Grimm arm and leg, as well as a wing. She...” The young leader paused, taking deep breaths again, before saying, “She looked like she came out of the pits of Hell.”
“Gods…” The older of the sisters whispered. Ruby nodded, “Yeah…”
The two of them sat in silence, taking in what Ruby had just said. Yang then sighed, “The...one who did this to Blake and I...has been appearing in my nightmares…” The silver eyed teenager grabbed the blonde’s left hand tightly as the blonde continued, “He...would goot me into attacking him… Either by….” “Killing Blake, you, and Weiss…” She explained with hesitation, her own grip on Ruby’s hand tightening. “Or simply threatening you all…”
The younger of the two tightly hugged her sister, before saying, “We need to tell Mom… Maybe…” “Maybe there’s a way we can stop or control our nightmares...or better, stop the ones who attacked us…” She explained. The blonde gave a small nod, returning the hug, “I can work with that…” The two sat like that for almost a minute, before Ruby pulled away and sighed, “I’ve been feeling...so angry with myself lately.”
“Same.” Yang nodded. “Been having dreams of...what could’ve happened differently.” The silver eyed teenager nodded in agreement, before asking, “You wanna go first?” The blonde nodded, before sighing, “So, you know my depression is still lingering, right?” Ruby nodded, raising an eyebrow, “Was it...worse in the dream?” “Oh yeah…” The blonde nodded, giving a halfhearted chuckle.
“It was...bad enough to the point where I...didn’t care about where Blake went…” She said. “I...don’t think she told us where she was going… I even pushed you away instead of asking you for help...” The young leader looked shocked, but for a completely different reason as she said, “Then we’ve...experienced a dream that had us do something that we’d...never do…”
When the blonde raised an eyebrow, Ruby explained, “You know how I left for Mistral with Mom and Uncle Qrow?” “Well, instead of telling any of you, I….left a half-assed note and left in secret.” She said. “I sent letters, but…” The younger teenager sighed, rubbing her eyes, “I...can’t believe that I...would NEVER tell any of you what I was doing…”
“I can’t believe I wouldn’t let any of you help me…” Yang said. “Or what Stepmom said about Mom was true.” The younger teenager raised an eyebrow, “You had a dream about that too?” The blonde nodded with a groan, “Yeah… And it was...pretty bad…” “The conversation went...as terrible as one would assume.” She explained. “Probably ruined whatever chance I had at reconnecting with Mom…”
The two sat in silence, not daring to bring up where Summer was in their dreams. They could only assume that in the dreams, the former STRQ leader...STAYED dead.
“Do you think we should get back to sleep?” Ruby asked, yawning. Yang shrugged, “Only if you think you’ll be able to.” A few more moments of silence passed, before the younger of the two sighed, “Not sure if I can… But I’ll try.” The blonde nodded, helping her sister up to her feet and back inside. Ruby quickly got a drink of water, while Yang got out a note for their dad.
After putting the note in their shared bedroom, the blonde got out a two-person sleeping bag, before placing it on the patio by the door. The younger teenager returned, yawning once more as she and her older sister got in the bag. “Thanks, Yang.” Ruby whispered with a tired smile. Yang chuckled and kissed her sister’s forehead, “You too, little sister. Wake me if you need anything.”
The silver eyed teenager nodded, huddling up next to the blonde, “Same with you. Good night, sis.” “Night, Ruby.” The older of the two smiled, before the two sisters fell asleep. This time, peacefully.
And that’s it for the first special! I hope you liked the new form I gave Cinder here, as well as her powers.
You can be certain that the form will be made real in the AU in the future.
So, yeah. The nightmare in Arc 3 Side Red III WAS done by Salem. I should’ve mentioned that before, but I’m doing it now.
Now, we TRULY move on to chapter 5 and the second half of Vol 5.
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anthurak · 4 years
Hunters of Light and Shadows - Chapter 9
Here’s the latest chapter of my RWBY/Kingdom Hearts fic. Check out the rest here.
And just in time for White Rose week too.
Chapter 9 - Huntresses
For Ruby, there was a familiar comfort to dashing down a narrow city street, her petal-enveloped form bouncing between buildings and skimming along the pavement as she rocketed towards some monsters that needed slaying.
Before, things were new, strange, unfamiliar.
But this? This was just another day at the office for Ruby.
Dashing down the street, Ruby darted past other people. All of them running in the opposite direction. A few seemed to notice the red blur rushing past them, but most seemed far more focused on putting as much distance between themselves and wherever they’d just been as possible.
In the distance, Ruby’s ear could pick up what had to be weapons-fire, though the sound was less the ‘crack-boom’ of ballistic firearms and more the ‘pew-pew’ of energy weapons. None of those sounds were coming from the direction she was headed though, so Ruby just filed that bit of info away for later.
As Ruby homed in on the location of the first scream, the buildings along either side of the street suddenly opened up. Ruby came to a stop to assess the area.
She just entered a large town square, almost a hundred meters on a side and ringed with what looked to be storefronts of various kinds. On three sides, including the one Ruby entered on, the square rose up on raised brick terraces, descending two levels with stairs into the center where there was a white-stone square a good fifty meters across. The fourth side was taken up by a large wall and gate, currently closed.
Probably for very good reason, given that there were over a dozen of those shadow-monsters, Heartless, skulking about the square. And in the midst of them was…
Ruby’s blood ran cold as she recognized the form of a man on his back, his body very still as the Heartless swarmed around him. One in particular was standing on top of the man with its clawed hand driving into his chest.
And before Ruby could do anything other than stare, the Heartless tore its hand out, holding a… Heart. Not a heart like the organ, but a Heart-shaped mass of translucent Pink-Red light. The Heartless clenched its claw around the Heart and seemed to absorb it. The man’s body suddenly twitched violently. Then he just… disappeared, fading away into a mass of flickering lights.
Ruby stared in shock for just a moment.
Then her eyes narrowed.
Ruby was no stranger to death. She was no stranger to seeing a life just… snuffed out. She was no stranger to arriving just a moment too late to save someone.
So it wasn’t too long ago that Ruby learned how to focus all the ugly things she felt from seeing a life taken. All the fear, sadness, anger, guilt and self-loathing… Ruby had learned how to focus all that into one thing:
Making sure whatever took that life would never take another.
Yet even as Ruby felt her mind and spirit harden, she suddenly felt a… ping somewhere in her soul. Something responding to her drive and determination.
And in a flash of light, the Keyblade was suddenly in Ruby’s hand.
Glancing down, Ruby cocked her head in curiosity at the unexpected appearance of the weapon, as well as the feeling she was now getting from it. It felt like the Keyblade was resonating, not just with her aura, but the very determination Ruby was feeling right now. To stand against this darkness and to cut these monsters down.
Right now, Ruby could feel, understand with absolute certainty…
This was a weapon meant to kill Heartless.
Ruby felt her lips curl into a smirk.
Well wasn’t that interesting.
Ruby nodded to herself.
Considering that she also really wanted to conserve Crescent Rose’s ammunition at the moment, Ruby supposed it was worth… experimenting a bit.
Gripping the Keyblade with both hands in a stance she remembered from Uncle Qrow, Ruby sighted down the Heartless who took the man’s life. It was bigger than the others, standing upright while the others were hunched over. Its claws were also bigger, more pronounced with what looked like metal armor over them. Its head was encased in a pair of clam-like pieces of metal in some twisted parody of a helmet. And on its chest was an emblem of some kind; a large black heart, framed in red with what appeared to be stitches crisscrossing it. There was some twisted irony in such a thing.
Of course to Ruby, such an emblem only made for a more convenient target.
The Heartless began to turn in Ruby’s direction, seemingly noticing her presence.
But even as they were turning, Ruby was channeling her aura, readying her semblance, feeling her power resonate with the Keyblade. Ruby focused on her target, took a step forward into the ether…
…and buried the Keyblade into the monster’s chest.
Ruby was fairly certain she’d never crossed that kind of distance with a single petal burst before. But then, righteous fury was a hell of a motivator.
The Heartless’s yellow beady eyes seemed to glance downward at the blade in its chest. Ruby wondered if it was stunned at the human girl who just crossed fifty meters in the blink of an eye to right beside to bury a sword in its chest.
Ruby then decided she didn’t rightly care, and spun back on her heal, ripping the Keyblade from the Heartless’s chest.
For a split second, Ruby could see what looked like a heart made of light or energy rising out of the disintegrating creature. And a split second later, the light was gone and the Heartless was dust.
Still holding the Keyblade firm in a ready stance, Ruby surveyed the dozen Heartless still around her.
They were still for a moment.
Then the monsters charged.
And the Huntress went to work.
Atop a roof, a few Heartless skittered about, searching for a prey.
Little did they know they were already someone else’s’.
Suddenly, one of the Heartless exploded.
The rest of the troupe glanced about, seemingly curious as to where there compatriot went. And also what this strange long stick that was in its place was.
The arrow promptly exploded, engulfing the remaining Heartless in a fireball.
A couple rooftops over, a figure in red, yellow and blue watched for any survivors, a second arrow already notched in his bow.
When the smoke cleared, no Heartless remained. Lowering his bow, the archer pushed an unruly lock of hair out of his face with a white-gloved hand, pushing it back into a head of dark, messy hair that was, despite his best efforts, still fairly boyish looking.
Surveying the other rooftops, the archer noted with satisfaction that all the Heartless up here had been cleared.
Of course, that still left the bunch down belo-
And with that clarion call, the night sky was lit up by the flash of lightning arcing from the street below. The following BOOM was so loud, a few nearby windows would likely need replacing tomorrow.
Shaking his head in exasperation, Max Goof made his way over to the ledge to drop down. It seemed his partner had things under control.
Very enthusiastically under control.
As he dropped to the street below, Max was met with the simultaneous sensations of residual static making some of his hair stand on end, a cold chill across his patches of exposed skin and the smell of freshly charred brimstone.
In the center of the street, amongst a multitude of scorch marks, patches of ice and small craters, holding a purple bejeweled staff in one hand and a sword made of fire in the other stood a young duckling in a pink and blue longcoat.
“You signed your death warrants the moment you challenged me,” the girl growled out in a dark, gravelly tone.
“Uh, Webby?” Max ventured with a mildly concerned raised eyebrow.
“Oh, wait wait!” the girl suddenly perked up in an excited tone, “Call me the Reaper, ‘cause I’m here to collect your souls,” she then dropped right back into her gravelly growl.
“Oh! OH! And when you get to hell, tell ‘em to make some room.”
“Webby,” Max groaned, “they’re already dead.”
“What?” the girl glanced around, suddenly realized they were alone. “Ah, phooey! I had like, five more one-liners!”
“Yeah, Max. Why ya gotta harsh on my girl’s buzz like that?” a teasing feminine voice came from Webby’s shadow. A shadow that rather pointedly did not match the girl’s silhouette, and also sported a pair of glowing eyes.
Max repressed a mild shiver. Yeah, that was never gonna stop being at least a little creepy.
“Ah well, I’ll just save ‘em for next time,” Webby shrugged before pumping her fist in the air, “Now come on! We got more slaughter to monsters nad hits!”
Max stared in confusion before he remembered that his compatriot just cast three decently leveled spells basically all at once…
“Uh, Webby? How much mana did you just burn through?”
“Umm… Applesauce!” Webby replied, addressing the street lamp to Max’s left. Then her face began to twitch and her eyes started blinking independently. Then she crumpled to the ground.
“Ahh crap.”
As Webby fell backwards, Max started to move to catch her. But Webby’s shadow was way ahead of him. The purple talisman hanging from Webby’s neck flashed as a pair of arms caught her and the shadow solidified into another duckling.
“Hey Pinks, I got ya.” The girl cradled Webby gently in her arms.
Shaking his head in a combination of exasperation and bemusement, Max tapped the communicator on his ear.
“CONTROL, this is Goof Troop. We’re going to need an extraction.”
“Leeeenaaa… your hands are so strong… are you part bear?”
“Love you too, Webs.”
Max tapped his communicator again.
“And a few boxes of energy bars.”
Ruby had to admit, this Keyblade wasn’t half bad.
As the first two Heartless were cut down with a wide swing, Ruby was easily able to transfer the momentum into a role that got her out of the center of the melee.
As the remaining Heartless leapt into the space she’d just occupied, Ruby completed her role. Bouncing off of one foot, Ruby made a dash along the side of the group. Keyblade held out, Ruby cut down four more Heartless.
The Keyblade might not have Crescent Rose’s phenomenal reach, but its smaller size meant that Ruby was able to get a corresponding bump in in mobility. At least over short distances.
Even as the Heartless seemed to be realized what was going on, Ruby made another dash along the group’s other side, catching three more Heartless with the Keyblade.
The remaining Heartless charged Ruby, apparently unable to realize just how outmatched they were.
Too bad for them, Ruby supposed.
Jumping back to avoid the initial lunge, Ruby countered with a lunge of her own and a one-handed diagonal swing with her right hand. The Heartless in the center and the one on her right were cut down.
Perhaps the remaining Heartless could recognize that Ruby’s long swing created an opening on her left, because it quickly leapt at her seemingly undefended side.
Of course, that opening was intentional on Ruby’s part. She wanted to try something.
With a flash of light, the Keyblade jumped from a forward-grip in Ruby’s right hand, to a reverse-grip in her left. And right through the Heartless’s chest.
Ruby flipped the Keyblade back around and raised it up, almost seeing her reflection in the blade.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Then Ruby suddenly felt herself letting out a long breath and nearly doubled as the adrenaline rush began to fade and a wave of exhaustion hit her like a truck.
Taking a number of deep breaths, Ruby managed to steady herself. At least long enough to plant her butt on the nearby stairs.
Dang, this fight was harder than it should have been, and not just because the Keyblade wasn’t her main weapon of choice. No… Ruby was starting to feel worn out, tired…
…That last fight, that battle on the Destiny Islands had taken a lot more out of Ruby than she’d expected. She could still feel the aches and sores from when she’d woken up. Ruby could tell her aura still wasn’t all the way back up to full, plus she hadn’t eaten more than an energy bar in… who knows how long. Ruby was fairly confident she could take at least one more fight with these things without much trouble, but after that…
Ruby let out a groan of frustration, leaning back on the stairs as she gazed up into the night sky. Was it too much to ask for a freakin’ BREAK?!!
“They’ll keep coming after you.” Ruby immediately glanced to her side at the unfamiliar voice.
Stepping out of the shadows and descending the steps into the square was a man. He looked to be in his mid, maybe late twenties. He was tall and lanky in a way that reminded Ruby a little of Uncle Qrow. Cold, blue eyes with a long diagonal scar between them seemed to focus on Ruby behind long, brown locks of hair, with the rest of his hair similarly spilling down his neck.
“Huh?” Ruby tilted her head quizzically as she got to her feet and processed what the man just said, even as she tried to get a better look at him. The man’s outfit reminded Ruby of something she’d seen Dad wearing in an old photo; a black leather jacket with a high collar and unzipped in the front, a simple white shirt worn underneath. Below that was a pair of similar leather pants held up by multiple belts, including a pair of brown belts that crossed in an X-pattern. Perhaps the thing that stood out most to Ruby was the silver necklace around the man’s neck which held a large emblem, a cross with a lion’s head at the top. Ruby could make out the same emblem in red emblazoned on the man’s sleeves. Also, the man was carrying what was almost definitely a sword on the back of his waist, though Ruby couldn’t get a good look at it from this angle.
“I said they’ll come after you out of nowhere,” the man continued in a low, gravelly voice as he descended the steps into the center square, “And they’ll keep coming after you, the Heartless. So long as you wield the Keyblade,” the man pointed to the weapon in Ruby’s hand.
That immediately go Ruby’s attention. This guy apparently knew what the Keyblade was!
But then the man kept talking.
“Though I can’t fathom why it would choose some kid to be its master…”
It might have just been the bout of frustration she was just feeling and the stress of the last few hours, but the way the man called her a kid really struck a nerve in Ruby.
“Excuse me?” Ruby raised an eyebrow even as her voice dropped almost to a growl, “What is that supposed to mean?” Normally Ruby didn’t mind being called a ‘kid’, but then again people normally didn’t call her one with that level of condescension.
The man actually had the audacity to chuckle at that.
“It means I can’t believe such a legendary weapon would bond itself to some little girl who can barely handle herself against a few heartless,” the man drawled while shaking his head.
Ruby left hand was now gripping the Keyblade quite a bit tighter, and her right was unconsciously reaching for Crescent Rose. Oh, this guy was asking for it!
“Trust me,” this time Ruby did growl, “I can handle myself just fine.”
The man chuckled again, gesturing to the square where the Heartless were just standing. “If a scuffle like that was enough to wear you out, then you don’t stand a chance against what else is out there, or the people who might come after you. Trust me, I know.”
Even through the ever-growing frustration at what a grade-A jerk this guy was being, something about the man’s tone put Ruby on edge. Was that a Threat?
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Ruby spoke in a careful, guarded voice. Maybe it was the bad vibes Ruby was getting from this man, or maybe all the recent stress had just left her in a bad mood, but Ruby did not trust this guy one bit.
“That’s not important,” the man continued as he began approaching towards Ruby, his hand reaching out towards her, “now let’s see that Keyblade…”
Ruby’s eyes narrowed. Yeah, this guy was definitely bad news.
“Sorry. Not gonna happen,” Ruby growled out as she backed very clear of the man’s reach and assumed a defensive stance. One foot in front of the other with the Keyblade raised in a guard, while her right hand was reaching behind, ready to draw Crescent Rose.
The Man stopped, then seemed to almost smile.
“All right,” the Man reached to the handle sticking out from behind his waist, pulling out what almost looked like an old, early-style gun-sword. The man assumed a clearly aggressive stance, the gun-sword held out to his side with both hands, looking like he was about to charge.
“Then have it your way.”
So having it ‘my’ way is you mugging me for that thing I don’t want to give you? If she wasn’t so focused on the ensuing battle, Ruby might have shaken her head and groaned. Real courteous of you there, Mr. Jerk-face.
Instead, as the square fell into the momentary silence of a stand-off, Ruby remained focused on the enemy in front of her, doing her best to get a read on her opponent.
As she’d noticed earlier, Mr. Jerk-face’s weapon bore a striking resemblance to early gun-swords that began to see wide-spread use among the Huntresses and Huntsman of Remnant after the Great War 80 years ago. Essentially it looked to be a large revolver with the barrel replaced with a long, wide blade almost a meter long. Looking closely, Ruby could make out what looked like the gun-barrel running through the blade to poke out just behind the tip.
Curious, but it was hardly anything Ruby’s hadn’t dealt with before.
The thing that was really giving Ruby pause was her own weapon. Specifically her new weapon. There was no way Ruby was going into a fight with an unknown and dangerous opponent without Crescent Rose, so that left the question of what to do with the Keyblade? Could it even hurt a non-Heartless? It might be best to just dismiss the thing and start moving before Mr. Jerk-face took the initiative…
Unbidden, an idea flashed into Ruby’s head, an image of the Keyblade, spinning through the air…
…Yeah, that could work.
Ruby focused on that resonance between her spirit and the weapon in her hand, feeling a bit of her aura flow into the Keyblade. The Man tensed as Ruby suddenly moved, bringing her left hand up across her chest and over her right shoulder. Not a moment later, as she felt the energy begin to crackle along the blade, Ruby whipped her arm out and sent the Keyblade flying towards her opponent.
Strike Raid
The Keyblade flew true, spinning faster and faster as it was enveloped in crackling energy, hurtling towards Ruby’s foe like a flying buzzsaw.
Though it seemed that said foe was quick on the uptake. Gripping his gun-sword with both hands, the Man brought his weapon across in a mighty swing, catching the Keyblade mid-spin. Following through, the Man continued his swing and successfully batted the attack aside, sending the Keyblade flying off into the air before it flashed away.
Exactly how Ruby was hoping.
The Man was clearly under the impression that the Keyblade was Ruby’s only weapon.
An impression that he was about to sorely regret as he realized that this kid had not only seemingly teleported right in front of him in a burst of rose petals, but that weird red boxy thing on her back was now unfolding into a monstrously huge scythe. A scythe that was now going right for his legs.
With the Man’s guard completely open after deflecting the Keyblade throw, Ruby was able to get right up close to him with a burst of semblance, her speed transferring into a swing from Crescent Rose that knocked the Man’s legs clean out from under him. Even as the Man was starting to tumble through the air, Ruby was following through, bringing Crescent Rose around in a full spin to catch the Man in the stomach with a followup strike that sent him flying.
Ordinarily, Ruby would have worked at least one recoil-boosting shot into that combo, but right now she was conserving as many shots as she could. Meaning that she wasn’t able to send the Man flying clean across the square with that last hit. She did managed to throw him a good ten meters though, plus five more from the tumbling he took, so Ruby was satisfied with that.
Ruby was even more satisfied with the utterly flabbergasted look on the Man’s face as he pulled himself to his feet and still seemed to be processing what just happened, nearly gawking at the sight of Crescent Rose’s massive form now resting on Ruby’s shoulder.
“How’s that for a kid?” Ruby flashed a savage grin.
The Man seemed to quickly wipe the gawking look off his face as he got to his feet. “What the hell is some kid doing with a freak weapon like that?” he muttered.
Ohhhh, this guy was asking for it! NOBODY called her Crescent Rose a freak!!
But Ruby’s indignant rage would have to wait as the Man suddenly pointed his gun-sword at her. Ruby was suddenly struck by the memory of a different kind of jerk wearing a silly looking bowler hat as the Man pulled the trigger and shot a giant fireball at her.
Acting on pure instinct, Ruby flipped Crescent Rose pointing down and fired a shot, launching herself just high enough to pass over the fireball and only feel the blistering heat.
Six shots left.
Combining the last of the recoil force with a burst of semblance, Ruby sent herself flying down towards the man in an overhead spin.
The Man only just managed to side-step an impact that sent cobblestones flying.
Flipping Crescent Rose to the side, Ruby almost squeezed her trigger to fire off a shot that would have sent them whirling around to clothesline the Man.
Six shots.
Instead Ruby lashed out with a swing to the Man’s side, aiming to knock him off his feet. A swing the Man was able to batter aside with his gun-sword.
Even as the Man knocked her blow aside and made a strike of his own, Ruby was able to transfer that momentum into a twirl that brought Crescent Rose’s back-end swinging back around to batter aside his incoming swing.
This pattern continued through several exchanges; a long, unbroken chain of Attack and Counter-Attack. One side would attack, the other would block and counterattack, only to find themself countered in return. The length and reach of Crescent Rose allowed Ruby to attack with one end and then defend with the other end in quick succession. On the reverse, the Man’s shorter blade allowed him to be more nimble and faster over short distances, attacking and countering just as quickly as Ruby could. Yet even though Ruby knew she was faster than this guy was moving…
…Ruby could feel it. It was only a little bit, but she’d gotten slower.
The fight was becoming a stalemate, and the longer it dragged on, the slower she would get. Ruby needed an edge, now.
Ordinarily, Ruby would just fire off a round to give Crescent Rose a recoil boost, but did she really want to burn her sixth-to-last shot like that…?
Suddenly, Ruby realized that her counter was coming up just a bit too slow to catch an incoming strike.
She’d gotten distracted!
Just as the blade made contact with her shoulder, Ruby’s form exploded into a cloud of rose petals, dashing backwards and upwards until Ruby deposited herself on next terrace up. Even so, she could feel her aura flickering where the blade clipped her.
Acting on pure instinct, Ruby brought Crescent Rose up to her shoulder, sighted down her opponent and pulled her trigger.
But the Man was just a bit quicker, bringing his blade up just in time to block the incoming round.
Ruby groaned. For a complete and utter jerkface, this guy was pretty good. And more importantly, he was clearly fresh. He’d probably gotten a half-decent night of sleep and a meal today. He probably wasn’t operating with less than one clip of ammo. He probably hadn’t just come off of a small war against a Heartless that ate worlds!
Right now, Ruby was all of those things and more. The exhaustion, the lack of ammo, the compounding stress over a whole bunch of things… all of it was adding up fast.
Ruby needed to end this fight. She needed to end it soon.
But how? Ruby’s resources were dwindling, and with them, so were her options.
That was when the Man shot another fireball at her.
And thanks to her Ruby’s ever-more frazzled mental state, she was just a hair’s-breadth too slow on her evasion dash.
Sent flying half by her semblance, half by the force of the explosion, Ruby could feel the searing heat of the flames as they charred her cloak and took a sizable chunk out of her remaining aura. The hard landing she took into the center of the square didn’t help either.
Scrambling to her feet, Ruby desperately tried to clear her head and focus! She finally looked up to find the Man right on top of her, his weapon raised for an over-head strike.
Ruby tensed up in preparation for what was almost certainly to be a very painful hit.
The Man’s gun-sword fell…
…and bounced right off a glowing, double-snowflake glyph. A very familiar double-snowflake glyph!
The man looked momentarily confused, then leapt backwards a few meters just in time to dodge a trio of incoming fireballs.
For her part, Ruby’s heart was in her throat. She didn’t want to hope, even as Ruby felt herself hoping against hope…
Then a pair familiar high heel-ed feet touched down next to her.
“Hands off my partner!” Deep, glimmering, beautiful blue eyes leveled an icy glare. Long, soft, snow-white hair done up in a long pony-tail waved majestically behind her. A small, pale, yet strong hand held a long, elegant, white-silver rapier in an immaculately practiced grip.
Weiss Schnee growled out her warning, her long rapier Myrtenaster drawn and leveled.
And Ruby’s heart just about burst in sheer, unadulterated joy.
“Weiss…!” Ruby nearly choked as the edges of her eyes were already beginning to water.
“Hey Ruby,” as she looked over to her partner, Weiss’s face turned from an intense glare to a smile so soft it made Ruby’s heart melt.
If they weren’t in the middle of a fight right now, Ruby would have pulled Weiss into the biggest, tightest hug she could.
Suddenly, all of the exhaustion, the stress, the doubt, the uncertainty, all the things clouding Ruby’s mind… all of it was GONE! Swept away like dust in a cool winter breeze.
Because Weiss was here.
Standing up, Ruby noticed Weiss changed her outfit from last they saw each other. A simple, yet still elegant blue-grey gown and skirt tied together with a white sash, completed with a bright red scarf around her neck. It was different, yet unmistakably, one-hundred percent Weiss.
“Weiss, I…” Ruby began to speak up, a thousand different things she wanted to say all piling up, even as she felt a smile splitting her face. The biggest, brightest smile she could remember making in a long time.
“Thank me later.” Weiss answered with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and that achingly soft smile still on her lips.
“So who’s this reprobate?” Weiss asked as she turned back towards the Man, her face twisting back into an icy glare. For his part, the Man still seemed to be processing what just happened.
“No idea,” Ruby replied as she leveled her own glare at the man, “He wanted me to hand over this weird sword I found and when I said No, this jerk attacked me!”
“Did he now?” Weiss answered back, her glare seeming to drop even colder.
“Wait,” the Man suddenly spoke up, raising a hand towards Weiss, “this fight doesn’t concern you. I’m only trying to test the Key-”
“EXCUSE ME? This doesn’t concern me?!!” Weiss’s glare had gone from ‘icy’ to downright murderous. “You are attacking my partner! That concerns me quite a bit!”
“And he called Crescent Rose a FREAK!” Ruby threw in with a glare of her own, still feeling pretty miffed about that comment.
The Man actually took a step back, now looking fairly uneasy at the whole situation.
Weiss took a breath to compose herself after her outburst.
“Well then, I’d say such behavior warrants a thorough ass-kicking, wouldn’t you agree?” Weiss flashed Ruby a savage grin.
“Hell yeah.” a grin which Ruby eagerly returned, dropping into a familiar ready-stance with Crescent Rose.
The Man was now looking very uneasy at the savage grins being leveled his way. He seemed to steel himself pretty quickly though and brought his gun-sword up in a ready-stance.
“It’ll take more than a couple of kids to get me to back down,” he spoke in a gravelly tone that was probably meant to be intimidating, but came off as more condescending, and by extension, made Ruby all the more eager to give him a beatdown.
“What’s the call, Ruby?” Weiss’s voice dropped to just above a whisper, speaking at a level only Ruby could hear.
“Lily Flakes,” Ruby replied in the same tone.
And just like that, they were back in the groove. They were a team again.
In a single, perfectly synchronized motion, Ruby drove Crescent Rose onto the ground, using her as a pole-vault to push her body up and parallel to the ground, while Weiss made simultaneous twirl of her fingers to summon a white glyph for Ruby to plant her feet into.
And with a clinch of her fingers and a wave of her rapier, Weiss’s glyph turned red and shot Ruby at their opponent like she was a cannonball.
With a comical widening of the eyes that conveyed just how much he did not see that coming, the Man brought up his sword in a block even as he tried to move out of the way.
To his credit, he was able to dodge the incoming Ruby.
The outstretched Crescent Rose? Not so much.
It was only thanks to the Man’s block with his sword that he didn’t take the full brunt of Crescent Rose’s blunt end to the face. It just sent the Man reeling like he’d just gotten clubbed with a baseball bat and nearly wrenched his weapon clean out of his grip.
Reeling from the hit, the Man whirled around to face where Ruby just touched down, redoubled his grip on his sword as he moved to attack Ruby while she had her back to him…
…and immediately took a fireball to the back, courtesy of Weiss.
Sent flying forward by the explosion, the Man had only just enough time to register that he was flying towards the red-hooded girl before Ruby brought Crescent Rose around and slammed her blunt end into the Man’s stomach.
And with a squeeze of her trigger, Ruby sent the Man flying back the way he came with a recoil-boosted swing.
Flying clean across the square, the man landed in a tumbling heap, only coming to a stop when he hit the brick wall.
Dizzily, the Man scrambled to his feet, trying to regain his bearings.
“So… you had enough yet?” with Crescent Rose resting casually on her shoulder and her head cocked to the side, Ruby’s cheery smile had a smugness matched only by the dark grin Weiss was wearing next to her.
“Or should we keep having this my way?”
The Man looked shocked for a moment.
Then he glowered harder than ever.
“I’m not backing down.”
Now quite little backed up against a wall, the Man raised his sword high, spinning the revolver section quickly in clear desperation. He then squeezed the trigger and a gout of flame roared forth from the blade.
“Ice Flower!”
A flame that was promptly extinguished as the crack of a gunshot split the air, and the blade, as well as the Man’s hand and forearm was suddenly encased in ice.
With a look of true shock, the Man turned to see Ruby down on a knee, Crescent Rose held up to her shoulder as she sighted down the scope. Weiss stood tall at her partner’s side, Myrtenaster likewise held at Crescent Rose’s side as several snowflake-glyphs wrapped around the sniper-scythe’s barrel.
In perfect tandem, the two huntresses squeezed their triggers again. Crescent Rose fired a bullet that was almost instantly enveloped in a shroud of ice and cold that left a halo of white, duty flakes that trailed behind the shot.
When the bullet impacted the Man’s left arm it did not penetrate, but rather exploded into a cloud of white dust that instantly froze sold, encasing his arm in a block of ice. The recoil also knocked him back a few steps to the wall.
Ruby and Weiss squeezed off another ice-round. This one hit the Man square in the chest, the resulting burst of ice-dust leaving his entire torso frozen, and also stuck firmly the wall behind him.
Ruby sighted Crescent Rose a little lower as Weiss’s glyphs re-cycled, preparing to fire a round that would leave mister Jerk-face in a fairly solid block of ice.
Ruby’s finger squee-
Ruby and Weiss simultaneously went on alert as an oversized throwing star embedded itself into the ground between them and their target. This was immediately followed by a figure, a girl about their age with short black hair touching down from above in front of it.
Ruby’s trigger finger twitched. Was she a friend of Mr. Jerkface?
The girl then immediately brought her hands together like someone begging forgiveness.
“We are so so SO SORRY for all this!”
Ruby and Weiss both raised an eyebrow.
That… wasn’t quite what either was expecting.
“Uh…” Weiss raised a quizzical eyebrow.
“…What?” Ruby cocked her head to one side as she lowered Crescent Rose.
The girl let out a sigh of relief at seeing Ruby lowering her weapon.
“So, uh… Hi? My name’s Yuffie,” the girl waved with a supremely awkward smile, “Are you two okay? We’re with AVALANCHE, and again, we are so, so, so, so, SO SORRY about what just happened!”
AVALANCHE… that was the name M mentioned.
“Wait… you’re the ones who’re supposed help new people around here?” Ruby asked, raising an incredulous eyebrow.
“Yeah…” the girl, Yuffie, replied, scratching her head awkwardly, clearly aware how very NOT helpful they might seem at the moment.
“So do you people normally attack new arrivals in the streets?” Weiss asked, even more incredulous.
“I promise you, we do not, and on that note,” Yuffie turned towards the still-frozen jerkface, “Leon, what the hell were you thinking?!!”
Mr. Jerkface, Leon apparently, turned his head away, seemingly trying to look aloof while frozen to a wall and clearly in quite a bit of pain, “The red one has the Keyblade.”
Yuffie immediately whirled back around to look at Ruby, her eyes wide in clear shock.
“Seriously?! She’s got the…” Yuffie trailed off before her face went from ‘shocked’ to ‘shocked and enraged’ as she whirled back around again to face Leon.
“Then why the FUCK did you attack her?!!!”
“I needed to test her ability.”
“What kind of answer is that?!!”
As Yuffie continued to yell and gesticulate wildly, Ruby was still trying to process what exactly was going on when she and Weiss were suddenly bathed in a flash of green light.
Both Ruby and Weiss were instantly on alert for an attack, but no explosion or pain accompanied the light. Quite the opposite actually, Ruby somehow felt better as the all the aches and bruises she’d accumulated recently were suddenly replaced by a soothing warmth.
“There you go. Feeling better now?” came a new voice.
Ruby and Weiss whirled around to a woman with green eyes and long brown hair wearing a red and pink dress, along with a bright, cheerful smile with just a hint of mischief to it.
“Uh… yeah, actually…” Ruby patted herself down as the green light and warmth faded, but the aches and pains didn’t return.
“…What was that…?” Weiss muttered aloud as she patted herself down even more. Being the resident Dust expert of the pair, Weiss was probably even more confused with what just happened.
The woman seemed to take their confusion in stride as she extended a hand.
“Name’s Aerith. And sorry about my friend over there. He can be a bit of a handful.”
“…Ruby,” Ruby tentatively shook the offered hand, still not entirely sure what was going on, “is he always that much of a total jerkface?”
The woman, Aerith, actually giggled.
“Oh, I like that one. But no, he’s usually fine. He’s just been pretty grumpy these past couple days,” Aerith’s voice then dropped a bit, “And he’ll never admit it, but I can tell you he’s super jealous that you have the Keyblade,” Aerith continued in a conspiratorial whisper with a mischievous grin.
Oh, another person who seemingly knew what the hell this ‘Keyblade’ was supposed to be. Ruby made a note to start asking questions when she had a minute.
“Is he going to be a problem?” Weiss spoke up, arms crossed as she cast a suspicious glance over to where the other girl, Yuffie, seemed to have just pulled Leon free of the ice. Yuffie was still chewing Leon out, while Leon seemed to be doing his best to look aloof and disinterested while clearly banged up quite a bit from the beating he’d just received.
Clearly, Weiss was not taking any potential threat to Ruby lightly.
“Oh, don’t you worry,” Aerith flashed a reassuring smile, “he won’t be troubling you again,” Aerith continued as she walked over to her two friends.
“After all, Squall here is very sorry for attacking you two, aren’t you Squall?” Aerith, turned to the now-freed Leon, giving the man a pat on the shoulder with that same bright, cheerful smile.
Leon, or Squall, simply turned away with a very aloof grumble, “I told you not to call me that.”
However, he wasn’t aloof for very long, as Aerith proceeded to bury her elbow in his stomach, causing Leon/Squall to double over in pain.
“I said, You’re very sorry for attacking these two, aren’t you Squall?” Aerith repeated, the same bright, cheery smile still on her face even as Leon/Squall was practically coughing up a lung.
Ruby decided that she liked Aerith.
“Y-Yea-h!” the man sputtered out between breaths, “Real… real sorry… won’t happen again…”
“I thought so,” Aerith gave Leon a pat on the back before turning to the other girl, Yuffie, who looked like she was trying very hard not to laugh, “Yuffie, why don’t you call us a ride? I think our new friends here could use some rest and a hot meal.”
“Right! On it,” Yuffie immediately perked up at that before turning to Ruby and Weiss, “Hey, just sit tight you two, we’ll have a dropship over here in just a minute!” the girl flashed Ruby and Weiss a big smile and a thumbs-up before tapping a communicator in her ear and speaking to a ‘Control’ about a ‘pickup’. At the same time, Aerith looked to be tending to Leon, though notably not using whatever green glowey power she used on Ruby and Weiss.
And with any sense of danger well and truly passed, Ruby finally had a chance to take an exhausted breath. At almost the same time, she heard Weiss doing the exact same next to her.
Now that they were no longer in the middle of a fight, there was one thing Ruby wanted, needed to do.
Though the funny thing was, it seemed Weiss was thinking the exact same thing.
Just as Ruby was turning to Weiss and dropping Crescent Rose, Weiss was turning to Ruby and dropping Myrtenaster.
The two pulled each other into a hug so fast and so tight they nearly knocked the wind out of each other. Not that either of them cared one bit.
“I missed you so much!” Weiss blurted out, clinging tight to Ruby, burying her face in her partner’s hair.
“I missed you so much!” Ruby blurted out at the same time, holding on to Weiss just as tightly.
Ruby paused for a moment, then started giggling as she realized they both said the same thing. She could also Weiss giggling too, a sound that Ruby couldn’t believe how much she missed hearing…
As their giggling passed, both girls pulled back just a bit to get a better look at each other.
Still holding tight onto each other, faces held so close they were almost touching, Ruby could only stare into those beautiful icy-blue eyes, and at that achingly soft smile.
In fact, this might be the happiest Ruby had ever seen Weiss. And that made Ruby even happier too…
But now that the rush of battle was over and they were so close, Ruby could also see the bags under Weiss’s eyes, bruising and grime on her face, all the signs that she’d been fighting for a while even before this one.
“Weiss, are you okay? Are you hurt?!” Ruby blurted out.
“No, no, I’m fine,” Weiss answered with a shake of the head, “What about you?”
“Who cares?!” Ruby replied. What did it matter if she was hurt? What mattered was that Weiss-
“I do, you dolt!” Weiss shot back, in a mix of incredulous and bemusement and something else Ruby couldn’t quite place…
Just hearing Weiss call her that, the first time Ruby heard that word in that voice in so long…
It was too much.
Ruby began to laugh, even as her vision became blurry from water in her eyes. She could hear Weiss letting out choked laughter of her own.
Over last better part of a year, each girl had put up countless walls around her heart. To keep herself safe. To keep herself sane. To just hold herself together.
And now those walls were finally crumbling down.
Laughing and crying in equal measure, Ruby and Weiss held each other close, so close their foreheads pressed together.
For so long, Ruby could remember fighting to just hold herself together, because there were people who needed her. Even as she kept moving, each new place more alien and unfamiliar than the last, doubt and uncertainty weighing heavier and heavier all the time…
But now, for the first time in what felt like forever, Ruby felt… safe. Felt like she was right where she wanted to be.
It felt like…
She was Home.
Well. Would you look at that? Seems I accidentally turned the heat on this White Rose slow-burn from a simmer to a super-broil. Oh well :D
For something that was originally supposed to just be the second half of the last chapter, this was surprisingly tricky to write. Leon in particular was… interesting. Sure, in later games he’s super nice and helpful, but after replaying KH1 has anyone else noticed that Leon is kind of a d*ck when you first meet him? I mean Sora has just lost his home and everyone he knows and loves, has woken up in this totally new world, and then Leon just walks up and attacks this 14-year-old kid basically out of nowhere. Plus I’ve always wanted to see one of those ‘I must test the chosen one by randomly beating the crap out of them’ situations backfire horribly, so I think it all worked out pretty well.
On the other hand, after playing FF7 Remake, ‘Savage’ Aerith is SUPER fun to write :D Sadly I was unable to come up with a reason she’d be holding a chair in this scene. Oh well. There’s always later.
Plus, we get finally get to meet our story’s Disney Companions, AKA Ducktales 2017 is amazing and I need it in all future KH games.
Then of course, there’s that White Rose reunion that I have been waiting to write literally ever since I started this story. Both Ruby and Weiss have been through a lot of shit both in this story and before, so its about time they got an unabashed win. I think the hardest part about writing that scene is that I’m pretty sure the She-Ra finale may have left the shipping part of my brain with a few crossed wires. I feel like I kept having to remind myself that Catradora is analogous to BUMBLEBY, not White Rose.
And for those wondering what the ‘H’ happened to Sora, what happened to Kairi and what happened to Riku, I can promise next chapter will answer… one of those questions. Also I MIGHT be going a little nuts on some world-building.
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musings-from-mars · 5 years
I just had the most vivid and heartbreaking RWBY dream...
Team RWBY and Co. arrive at some sort of Atlas military facility where they’ll be staying (probably thanks to Winter and Ironwood). While there, Ironwood introduces the team to a few personnel at the base, and among them is Dr. Polendina, Penny’s father. Ruby, understandably, is shocked. Standing right there is the man who created Penny, who made Ruby’s best friend.
That evening, Ruby feels compelled to find Dr. Polendina out of curiosity, since Penny always said that her father was wonderful. She just wants to meet him, and to thank him for being a good father figure to Penny. She arrives at his lab, where he is typing on a computer of some sort. She introduces herself, but Dr. Polendina already knows who she is. “I already who you are, Miss Rose. I....I think you know how,” referring to how Penny probably mentioned Ruby to him a lot. He goes on to thank her for being Penny’s best friend. “Penny talked about you more than anyone else. You made her incredibly happy. Thank you, Miss Rose.”
At this point, Ruby is becoming overwhelmed with emotion. She tries to say what she had come to say. “Dr. Polendina, I just...wanted to say thank you....” At this point, she’s crying. “Penny....was such a beautiful person, and thank you for letting her be with me, thank you...” She can’t say anymore. Instead, she suddenly turns to leave, leaving Dr. Polendina stunned and heartbroken.
As Ruby tries to find her way back to her room, Weiss emerges from a room, likely Winter’s, having talked to her. Weiss notices Ruby’s emotional state and asks her what’s wrong. Ruby doesn’t say anything and enters her bedroom, but allows Weiss to follow. Once the door closes behind them, Ruby sort of wanders for a bit, then falls to her knees and buries her face into the bed. She starts to sob violently, and Weiss bolts to her side. Weiss asks her what’s wrong, and after four Volumes worth of horrible things Ruby has experienced, she finally lets it all out.
Ruby laments how terrified she is for her friends, her team. She admits that ever since the Fall of Beacon, she’s been holding everything in, trying to be a leader by burying her fear and being there for the others. But she goes on to say that losing Pyrrha, losing Penny, witnessing all of the burning villages and dead bodies on her journey to Mistral, its all too much. Ruby admits she’s scared of what’s happening, and she finally begins to worry about herself. She never expresses her own personal fears but now she does to Weiss. She says she’s afraid of getting hurt. She’s scared of Salem. She’s scared of everything about their mission. Throughout all of this, Weiss is silent, letting her vent, knowing Ruby needs this badly.
Then comes the part that made me actively cry in my sleep. I still remember it word for word:
“I wanna go home, Weiss. I wanna go back to our dorm at Beacon. I wanna play Remnant Conquest [the board game] in the library. I wanna stay up till three a.m. while you tutor me in Dust Theory. I wanna read books with Blake, I wanna play video games with Yang, I wanna....Weiss, I miss feeling safe and happy. I miss Beacon, I....don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know what to do...” She repeats that several times. She’s having a breakdown, eyes darting around in a panic. Weiss grabs her and hugs her tight and begins to console her:
“Ruby, I promise it’s okay. Please keep going. Just talk to me. I’m here, talk to me.”
Ruby expresses how terrified she was after the Fall of Beacon. Blake was gone, Weiss was gone, and Yang had lost an arm and was in a terrible place mentally. Ruby finally admits that she hasn’t felt the same since before then. Besides fleeting moments of happiness and joy, Ruby hasn’t felt happy since Beacon. “I’ll never feel that way again, Weiss. I just want to go home.”
“Ruby,” Weiss says to her. “You are home. I...we’re here now, together. It’ll be okay.”
Ruby buries her face in Weiss’ shoulder. “I just want to feel happy and safe again.”
“You are,” Weiss says.
“I’m not,” Ruby counters.
“You are right now,” Weiss says, grabbing Ruby’s shoulder and looking her in the face. “Right now, Ruby, you’re safe. You’re safe with me, okay?”
Ruby finally begins to calm a little as she looks at Weiss and realizes what she means.
“I’m here, you’re with me, it’s all okay right now, I promise.”
Ruby nods, tears still in her eyes but she’s no longer sobbing. “I’m not happy, though.”
Weiss stares at her for a long moment, then tightens her grip on Ruby’s shoulders. Weiss shakes her head and leans forward slightly, but she stops herself, having second thoughts. But Ruby notices, she’s watching Weiss’ eyes, she can see it.
Weiss leans forward, and their foreheads touch.
“Weiss...” Ruby says. “Are you gonna kiss me?”
Weiss nods the tiniest bit. “Yes.”
Ruby takes a deep breath, then quietly sobs but cuts herself off. “Please...” she whispers.
Weiss places a hand on Ruby’s cheek as they look at each other. They’re both crying, but at least now, they feel hopeful rather than heartbroken. Weiss looks into Ruby’s eyes and sees that she’s ready, and she moves forward. “I love you,” Weiss whispers.
“I love you, too,” Ruby says back.
They kiss, and Ruby, for this small moment, feels safe and happy.
Home is playing in the background.
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caspian-skye · 4 years
The Apoptosis Project Ch.1, Darkness Returns
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Heya! I figured I’d start uploading my series directly to Tumblr too, rather than just linking. So this is The Apoptosis Project, a series that takes place 25 years after the events of RWBY. It’s the sequel to GRAE/Twilight Crusade that follows the main characters’ children and a few more characters, but you can definitely read it without ever reading the former series.
“Twenty-five years after Salem's defeat, twins Caspian and Lazula Skye are finally of age to attend their father's academy; just in time for the Creatures of Grimm to return. While fighting the revived horror alongside Frontline Biomedical's controversial Organic Androids, they begin to unravel a web of secrets ensnaring more than they could have ever known.”
Now initiating The Apoptosis Project...
On a clear night, sailors off Vale's coast swore they could see the lights of Port Cyrreine from fifty miles away. A rainbow of hues, from thousands of windows and holographic ads within the glimmering maze of skyscrapers, reflected in ripples upon the placid black waters off the city's Southern shore. In front of the wall of light was a lively boardwalk; the vendors stands, restaurants, and crowds of people barely visible in the shadow of a ferris wheel lit bright blue for the night. From a distance, a muffled chorus of sirens could be heard.
Two airships jetted toward the city, the air in their wake tearing the water's surface.
"Reports on the ground indicate an attack by the Creatures of Grimm," a man's voice scratched through the radio. "I repeat, eyewitnesses are reporting an attack by the creatures of Grimm!"
"Grimm?!" Another voice repeated. "No way in hell, those things have been gone for, what? Thirty years now? You sure it's not Sentinel's animatronics?"
"We've established contact with Headmaster Skye of Sentinel. He was at the academy's practice grounds when the incident began, and has confirmed all animatronics are in place," a woman reported.
"What do we know about the incident so far, then?"
"Just under a hundred port workers were laid off, and replaced with a couple dozen of Frontline's organic androids. A peaceful protest turned violent when the Red Claw showed up. Right after that is when reports of Grimm started coming in," the woman replied.
"Griswold Baine has sent his son and a team of organds to help sort things out on the ground over there. ETA: less than five minutes," the man on the radio concluded.
The two airships landed on a flat slab of concrete near the docks, lit by the shipyard cranes above. The door to one lifted to reveal a golden-haired warrior. His armor, fixed over a jet black bodysuit, was dozens of silvery white plates covering chest, shoulders, waist, hips, and legs; the edge of each plate gilded with a shining trim. His eyes were obscured by a knight-like visor, with a single light blue band to ensure vision. Behind him, a score of armored huntsmen.
"There have been reports of deaths in the area," the man assessed. "All of you. Secure the entrances to each building. Search for survivors, and ensure their safety!"
"Yes, sir!" the huntsmen shouted in unison. They began to pour out onto the streets, save three.
"Desmond, Lavender, Nikole! You three are with me!"
"Yes, sir!" a broad-shouldered man, and two women confirmed.
The street before the huntsmen was a hellscape, far from the peaceful mundanity typical of the city's port district. To each side of the street, flames leapt from shattered windows, dumpsters, and the hollowed-out remains of cars and shipping equipment. Smoke poured into the alleyways, shading the entire area an eerie shade of orange.
The golden-haired warrior held his wrist out in front of him, projecting a holographic screen from his Holoband, a watch-like strap around his wrist. With two fingers, he zoomed in on a map of the area. A yellow marker indicated his position on the water's edge. Several blocks away, a zone was highlighted a bright red.
"Looks like the Red Claw's taken control of a warehouse two blocks Northwest. Our mission is to clear them out, and secure the area. Move out!"
"Midas! Look!" One of the huntsman's allies interjected, pointing ahead.
He raised his head. Through the smoke, he could make out several black forms. Though on all fours, they stood nearly his height. Their claws scratched viciously at the pavement as they charged forward, their hungry snarls audible above the breaking of glass and crackling of flame.
Without a second's hesitation, Midas charged forward with Desmond, Lavender, and Nikole in tow. From his back he pulled a beautiful halberd, taller than he and crafted from the same steel as his armor. He plunged the tip of his weapon into the open jaws of the first beast, and flipped through the air. He flung the unfortunate Grimm backward into a shield bash from Desmond, and brought the axe's head down on the next beast as he landed. A pair of swift spins despatched two more Grimm before he ducked, deflecting the swipe of another across the shaft of his weapon. Lavender, his teammate in purple, pounced with a pair of bladed tonfas.
The four continued on, clearing out a handful more Grimm on the way to the warehouse. As Midas approached a corner, he held an arm out, indicating his teammates to stop. "The Red Claw's stronghold is just ahead. Post up here, and defend my flank from Grimm. I'll be fine alone."
The three filled into the street; Desmond in front, posted with his shield. Nikole and Lavender to his sides. Midas stepped forward. The smoke and uncanny glow of the main street grew more intense as he pressed on. From the fog came the scratching of countless feet, their claws impaling concrete with each heavy step.
A stark white pincer, as big as Midas himself, burst from the smoke. He held his weapon up to block the attack, but was forced backward by the power behind the strike. Another pincer attack was met with his weapon's axehead, and forced into the ground. Two lines of beady red eyes glowed behind the pair of claws, and the creature scuttled into view. Its body was the length of a school bus, low to the ground and clad in bony spines for armor. The scorpion's tail curled over its body, ending in a malicious golden stinger.
The deathstalker screamed with rage. Midas spun with the momentum of another blocked claw swipe, and thrust the tip of his halberd into the stinger as it bore down on him. He gripped his weapon's handle as the beast hoisted him into the air.
He cracked a grin as the tip of his halberd unfolded, freeing him from the monster. His weapon's shaft folded backward, until it had transformed into a bow. Still in mid-air, he pulled back on the string of hard-light dust. The vibrant arcs of electricity crackling around his body became one with the bolt of focused energy forming at his weapon, and he let fly.
The deathstalker halted in sudden stiffness as the bolt shattered the armor at the back of its head, a shockwave rippling through the smoke. The beast's tail uncurled and slammed to the ground next to the huntsman as he landed. It began to dissolve into the night.
The huntsman paused, eyes fixed ahead. He had only taken two labored breaths before two men leapt into view, blades prepared to kill. He swore, and electricity coarsed its way through his halberd just before he raised it to block a vicious overhead axe swing. Static worked its way down his enemy's weapon. The faunus seized up, and Midas freed his weapon. Aura crackled around the assailant's gut as the tip of Midas's spear was thrust forward. Midas set his feet, once again transforming his weapon back into a bow. He let fly on his second enemy with a point-blank jolt of dust.
The smoke began to clear.
Two dozen feet ahead, a truck had been tipped onto its side, blocking most of the lane. On the edge of the cab sat a bald-headed woman, clad in leather robes of black and white. As her eyes met his visor, a broad, serpentine tail pulled up from behind her, and settled in her lap.
"Red Claw commander!" Midas called. "Who are you working for? He's here, isn't he?!"
"And why would I tell you, prettyboy?" the commander mocked, her tail lashing once. "Although, by the way you asked that, you already know the answer."
A young woman's voice faded in and out. She seemed to want something.
The morning light pouring in the window was far too bright. The plush bedcovers weighed the boy's body down, sinking him deeper into his mattress. He groaned, and rolled over.
"Come on, get up. My breakfast is getting cold."
"Go away, Lazula," the boy mumbled, feebly shooing her away. He gathered his pillow in front of his eyes.
"Lilly's gonna be there..." the young woman teased, her voice softening. "Sleep much longer, and you won't be able to shower."
Lilly. Lilliane Corvis-Braun. The very image of beauty, kindness, and feminine grace, in the boy's eyes. Sure, they had been friends for the longest time. She probably wouldn't judge him for one morning of disheveled hair. But still. He couldn't stand the thought of questionable hygiene on a day he would see her. He worked his way upright, shivering as the blankets fell to his waist. He turned to look at his sister with an exaggerated look of bitterness.
Though the two were twins, the young man and Lazula bore little resemblance. Lazula had inherited her father's strong chin; dark, full brows; and long, straight nose. Her eye color was difficult to discern. Though mostly a green-heavy hazel, transient flecks of nearly every color seemed to come and go, by lighting and by the minute. Her hair, a vivid electric blue, was swept to one side in front, tied into a messy low bun in back. Rebellious strands of hair fell to each side of her face, the biggest running down the bridge of her nose. Caspian guessed she had snuck in some early-morning training.
Between the young man's soft, kind-looking face, large round eyes of a vivid blue, and button nose, he was quite obviously his mother's child. His hair was coarse yet voluminous, falling in fluffy layers to eyebrow level in front, and chin level in back. His deep blue roots were visible at the crown of his head, but faded to silver further away.
"Good morning, Caspian. You slept for seven hours and thirty-seven minutes," the automated voice of a woman reported from the headboard. "Would you like to see this morning's top news stories?"
"Yes," Lazula cut in. She nudged her brother as he began to doze off again.
A holographic screen flashed up across the foot of the bed, displaying an aerial view of a street near the docks. Between the stacks of shipping containers and open flames, three beowolves and a hulking, ursine form ran. "Darkness returns: eight are confirmed dead and fourteen have been wounded in a Port Cyrreine Grimm attack overnight. Authorities confirm this is the first Grimm attack in twenty-five years," the voice stated. "Vytal Tournament champion Midas Baine was dispatched to the scene with his team and several organic androids, but was ultimately unsuccessful in apprehending the woman believed to be behind the attack."
"Jeez... Looks like Ichigo was right," Caspian said, putting on the round lens, wire-framed glasses that rested against his bedside lamp. "He told me Grimm were sighted, and I... well, was I supposed to just believe it?"
Lazula sighed. "Looks like this huntsman education will do us some good after all." She stood, and walked to the door of Caspian's room. She rested one hand on the doorknob and turned around. "We have to pass the entrance exam first. You should start getting ready."
"Of course you'll pass..." Caspian muttered, watching Lazula leave. He switched off the holographic screen, which had changed stories to show a bald, bearded man in a tailored suit giving a speech. After grabbing a bite to eat, throwing a few last-minute items into his suitcase, and grabbing his pre-planned outfit of a blue knit sweater and khakis, he made his way to the shower.
The water scalded his back, but he paid no mind as it drained between his feet. "Today is the day," he thought. He took a deep breath. The final entrance examination. His written scores, apparently, had been on par with the top percentage of Sentinel applicants. He scraped by the physical tests, but today...
Every time he thought about it, it made him feel a little sick.
Caspian turned off the water. One typical morning routine later, and he opened the door, giving himself one last look in the mirror. Yet as he turned to the doorway, he started.
His eyes locked with a colorless stare. Not silver, not even a light blue. Her irises were entirely devoid of color. Her matching hair was styled neatly, bangs sweeping across her forehead and tucking under the locks that framed her doll-like face. Her hair in back tapered to a single point at the nape of her neck.
"Oh! Snow. Thank you, for the jumpscare," Caspian said, grinning with embarrassment and holding a hand over his chest.
Though Caspian's heart was one beat from leaping out of his throat, the girl was entirely unperturbed. Her gaze followed him. "Your mother told me to tell you she would like to leave in twenty minutes." Her eyes cast downward, looking to the holoscreen she projected from the band at her wrist. "This was two minutes ago. Will you be ready in eighteen minutes?"
"Eighteen?" Caspian repeated. He pursed his lips, and grabbed several items from the bathroom counter. "I guess I'll have to be. Oh, if you're here, is Uncle Doug around?" he guessed.
"He's working this morning. He said he will try to attend the Final Examination," Snow said. Her voice was soft, hardly ever carrying much more strength than a whisper. Words followed each other in disengaged monotony.
She turned, beginning to walk down the hall. Caspian admired her combat outfit, which she had already changed into. A snow white vest made of neoprene met her skirt at belt level, on which she holstered the handle of her weapon. The skirt was patterned into the interweaving fractal arms of a snowflake, layers underneath, visible in the gaps between the snowflake's arms, a shade of light blue. She wore a collared shirt of the same shade beneath her vest, the tight sleeves coming down to her wrists. Black socks were the only hint of darkness to her outfit, starting at her knee and feeding into her glossy white boots.
The hum of the airship's engines was all Caspian heard. It was the perfect background noise for his thoughts, all blending together into one monotonous drone. Snow sat beside him, her vacant gaze matching Caspian's out the window. Lazula sat a few rows behind the pair, watching a video from her last tournament, playing and replaying to study each of her moves meticulously.
The city of Port Cyrreine was founded on two peninsulas, jutting out into the ocean like a massive pair of jaws. The Southern peninsula, further from the airship window, held the city's downtown. Closer to the mainland, the skyscrapers tapered off into a maze of dingy mid-rise buildings, an area of town Caspian intended to avoid.
Toward the peninsula's tip, a magnificent structure of glass and steel. The apexes of two black towers, one just half the height of the taller, skewered the sky. A golden ring circled the neck of the giant, holding an airship platform several hundred feet above the ground below. A shell of smooth, silvery-white encased the Northern side of the structure, which loomed above the mouth of the bay. Etched upon it in thin black lettering, "Frontline Biomedical."
Snow's eyes seemed intent on the building.
The Northern peninsula; the tract of land the airship carrying Caspian, Lazula, and Snow, descended over; was a mish-mash of residential areas and small businesses. Frontline's main hospital sat on the tip, directly North of corporate headquarters.
"Perks of being the Headmaster's kids," Caspian noted, sticking a finger to the window and peering down. "We don't have to sit in that."
Lazula appeared, leaning over Caspian's seat and looking to the city below. Seacrest Bridge, the lone road between the two halves of Port Cyrreine, was packed bumper to bumper.
"Lilly's there, she said she's with Rowan and Ichigo," Lazula said. "Laurel's on her way, but the traffic doesn't look bad from the North. Still, I don't envy whoever's stuck in that mess."
A few minutes passed, and Caspian looked away from the window and into his lap as the airship slowed to a stall. He felt it begin to descend upon a mile-wide cape that stuck into the bay from the city's Northern half.
The campus of Sentinel Academy.
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justironqrowthings · 5 years
TRIGGER WARNINGS - Major character death, mentions of drinking, depression turned anger
You are my sunshine
It was nearly a year after his mission started. Almost twelve full months James had gone without seeing Qrow’s precious smile. Hearing his laugh. It was agonizing. He trusted Ozpin, he really did, but when it came to Qrow’s apparent disappearance, he began to doubt. He doubted that the mission should have been solo, that he should have been allowed to join his precious bird on such a rigorous scouting mission. James understood whole heartedly that he had duties as General and Headmaster within Atlas, but that still didn’t make him any less worried or make him not want to be with Qrow at all times, in life and in death.
So, James sat in his office, within the CCT of Atlas academy. He was flipping through random news channels just to see what was going on around the world. James stopped on a channel from Argus, seeing that there was breaking news. 
“Qrow Branwen, a veteran Huntsman from Vale was recently found dead in the old ruins of Brunswick Farms. Officials say that there was a group traveling to the Kingdom of Mistrial and passed through the ruins of Brunswick Farms. They say that the Grimm known as the Apathy killed him. He most likely was fighting the Grimm, as his weapon was found in scythe form and flecks of black dust was found in his cape. Our condolences to his family and all those who knew him.” The newscaster spoke solemnly.
No. This couldn’t be happening. Qrow was okay. This was a nightmare. James quickly got on his computer and checked every single source he could find. They all said the same. Qrow. Apathy. Brunswick farms. Dead. 
My only sunshine.
James was pacing around Ozpin’s office. There was an impromptu meeting called for the inner circle. One Qrow should be at James thought to himself. He thought about how he planned on proposing to Qrow. Halfway through his absence, James realized he was dead set on making Qrow his for the rest of their lives. So that he knew Qrow would always come back. But now? Now he couldn’t. James paused his pacing and took a quick drink from his flask filled with the same whiskey Qrow adored. He gripped the flask, but was careful not to dent it. It was an anniversary gift from Qrow. Their one year...They had gotten to three years. Three years of pure fun, love and joy. Now, those years had come to an end. He would never see Qrow smiling at his nieces or laughing at a joke. Nobody to excitedly talk about a new project with, like project P.E.N.N.Y...James came to a conclusion. He concluded that he was absolutely furious. 
You make me happy,
After James had come to his conclusion, he thought long as hard. He came to yet another conclusion. Ozpin had sent him on that mission. Ozpin was the reason he was near Brunswick Farms. Ozpin was why his beloved Qrow was dead. What James realized he now had to do, was avenge his beloved. While yes, he could easily plan it, a day where Glynda and Raven were out on a mission, get Ozpin in the back of the head, one bullet, that was it. No, instead, James thought he would betray Ozpin. He would seek out the enemy, abandoned everything he had worked for, give up every bit of information he could, he would offer his services willingly. Yes, James thought. Ozpin will pay for what he did to his favourite corvid, he would pay.
When skies are gray.
It had been a few months since James resigned from his remedial job of Headmaster and General, leaving the mantle up to Arthur Watts. He never cared for Watts. He only cared for Qrow. James had finally made it to where Salem was hidden. After months of stocking things up in a ship, asking more than a few questionable sources, he had finally made it. The first step to making sure my dear Qrow will not have died in vain James thought to himself, gently gripping the remains of Qrow’s cape that was permanently sat upon his shoulder. He slowly slid his finger across Harbinger, having stolen it from Ozpin when he didn’t willingly give it to James. 
James’ ship landed in front of the lustrous castle, a scorpion faunus immediately running out, brandishing blades around his arms with his beady tail flicking in unatrual ways. James figured he looked hostile, Salem and her grunts most likely knew who he was, so he gently dropped both his pistol and Harbinger at his feet, putting his hands up. The faunus quickly took the weapons, James growling when he slightly mishandled Harbinger. 
The faunus led James into the meeting room after putting a bag over his head. He forced James to kneel before he violently ripped the bag off. 
“Why do you kneel before me today?” A tall woman, death white skin and Grimm-red eyes asked coldly. She was slightly glaring at him, obviously not liking how he was present. 
James cleared his throat before he looked at the woman in the eyes.
“Queen Salem, I kneel before you, offering my services. Ozpin wronged the man I loved. I cannot stand for that and let my beloved Qrow die in vain. I offer up all the knowledge I have gained from being within his meek group over the years. I swear I will do all you ask if it means I can avenge my Qrow. All I ask is that I be given some freedoms with missions or a right to request somebody else kill a target.” James explained. 
He held eye contact with Salem while she silently thought, unmoving. 
“You can be a General of some of my Grimm Armies. Now, what can you tell me?” She asked, motioning for James to rise.
James rose up and the faunus, Tyrian, he heard Salem call him, handed the weapons back. James’  blank face slowly twisted into a sick smirk.
“Where should I start?” He asked lowly.
Yes. James thought. He would get his revenge, and oh how he couldn’t wait. He would lead an army of Grimm and get his sweet revenge, Ozpin would pay, and he would be able to love Qrow for all eternity. 
You’ll never know dear,
Years later, Salem had sent James on a mission to Atlas. Simple, get information he could find from anybody about General Watts, try and find more info on Qrow’s niece, who he and Salem had agreed he didn’t have to kill. They had a mutual agreement, and surprisingly, respect. She let him not have to kill any children unless absolutely necessary, especially Ruby or Yang. But, he would have to get as much information on anybody when ever he was ordered to do so. While he wished Ruby didn’t try and take up the mantle of Remnant’s next best scythe wielder after her late uncle, or that she hadn’t inherited Summer’s silver eyes, she had. And she didn’t know it would be her untimely demise. Maybe it was a theme within scythe wielders, that they would suffer a terrible fate. First, Maria Calavera as the Grimm Reaper, then, his beloved Qrow Branwen on a scouting mission, and Ruby Rose was inevitably next. 
It was sad, to James. Such a small girl who he had met quite a few times in her adolescence, her mother married to Taiyang and Raven. He wondered what inspired her to be like Qrow, to use the scythe as a weapon instead of a sword or a gun or something else. Still, it was nice to think he wasn’t the only one trying to avenge Qrow, even if in the end he would have to keep doing it when Ruby was forced six feet under.
The one time, James was in the wrong place at the wrong time, he had been hiding out in a forest in Atlas before he ran into Raven and her crew of teenagers. Teams RWBY, JNR, Ozpin’s reincarnation and an old woman who he seemed to recognize as the Grimm Reaper. 
“James..?” Raven stuttered, trying to wrap her head around the fact that she stood in front of Qrow’s old lover. 
James blinked rapidly before he saw Ruby and Yang’s eyes widen 
“It’s Uncle James! Where have you been all these years?” Yang asked, a small smile breaking out on her face. 
James noticed Oscar looking panicked for a moment before he pointed at James.
“Don’t trust him! Ozpin is saying he betrayed him!” He accused, obviously scared.
Raven looked deeply upset, going to try and talk James back into joining them, he knew more about Salem than any of them! But before she could, James turned around and ran. He didn’t need to hear an entire speech about how Qrow wouldn’t have wanted him to do what he was doing. That he would have wanted him to help defeat Salem. But James didn’t care. He wanted to avenge Qrow, and that’s what he would do.
Inevitably, the group caught up with James before he quickly shot at a few of them. Those shots started an entire fight, James nearly losing if it weren’t for the Grimm he could summon at will and command to do his bidding. He felt bad using some of the younger Grimm to his advantage, but then he remembered how mindless they were. Going to an Academy really was useful when fighting for Salem’s cause, especially knowing the ins and outs on how Huntsmen learned about the Grimm.
The altercation ended with Raven quickly summoning a portal and getting everybody to safety within the city. Cowards. James thought. He stopped the Grimm that still stood from fighting, killing the ones that he didn’t feel like having repaired, saving a lot of time before he jumped on the back of an Alpha Beowolf and commanded it to take James to where Tyrian would be waiting for him. James knew there would be more conflict with his old family more, but even so, this was just the beginning. 
How much I love you,
Teams RWBY, JNR, Oscar, Raven, and countless more people had arrived in Salem’s land. This was definitely frightening. They had all four maidens on their side, after Neopolitan had killed Cinder and taken her maiden powers. They had all four relics, and a lot more than that. James stood beside Hazel, both knowing they were the first lines of defense against so many Huntsmen and Atlesian Knights. James had already summoned his army of Grimm, knowing more were sprouting from pools near the castle to keep it safe as long as they could. 
While fights between Grimm and Huntsmen broke out, Ruby had specifically sought out James. She stood in front of him before she pushed her red hood off of her head, looking at the remains of Qrow’s old cape that had sat upon James’ shoulder for years. Ruby then looked back up at James and forced him to make eye contact.
“Yang and Mom told me. You were Uncle Qrow’s love..” She began, her eyes narrowing in pity.
“But you left, after he passed away. You practically ran away from the other people he held dear..you took a huge amount of things my Uncle loved..his flask, his cape, an old locket, his weapon..” 
“Why did you do that?” Ruby asked, squaring her shoulders while she waited for James to answer.
“Somebody needed to wake up and avenge my dear Qrow, and I had to be the one to do it. Nobody else stood up to the job, nobody else was willing to work to ensure he didn’t die in vain. So, I did.” James easily explained, gently gripping the bottom of Qrow’s cape in his metal hand.
Ruby glared. That was definitely unusual. She fully glared at James before she brandished her weapon in scythe form.
“You aren’t the only one trying to keep his memory alive. But you are the only one who did what he wouldn’t have wanted.” Ruby stated before she charged at James.
Their fight lasted a long while. James was doing his best to fend Ruby off with Due Process before he was nearly forced to bring Harbinger out and use it as well. His use of Qrow’s old weapon definitely did shock the silver eyed girl, giving him a chance to attack. Just before he could land the blow, both Ruby and Raven had landed one shot each. Ruby had shot James through one of his lungs, Raven shooting him just below where his heart sat. 
He slowly fell to the ground, dropping both weapons and falling forward into the dirt. How fitting. James thought. The older twin sister of his late lover who always threatened that she would have no issue hurting him if James had ever wronged Qrow and the successor to Qrow’s mantle of most skilled scythe wielder in all of Remnant. Yes, how fitting. How fitting it was that James was about to die at the hands of his would have been Niece and would have been Sister. Yes, James was by no means scared of death. He never had been. He did however, wonder during his last moments. Would he get the chance to see his beloved Qrow one last time?
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
“Hey, Jimmy. Ya’ miss me?” 
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In Your Arms
Author's Notes: Hello guys. After 2 years of not writing for them, I decided to write again for the one ship that owns my heart and soul, Renora from RWBY! I am actually pretty happy about how this one turned out, unlike those I wrote two years ago *shudders*. Anyway, huge shout outs to @ship-ambrosia, @sweetmemories2606, @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate, @thelegendofcloud and @scarlet-curls for inspiring me to write this fic, and major gratitude to @luccie-eclair for beta reading this fic. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough for this. Also, happy late birthday to @jfangirld. Without further ado, enjoy (or endure).
Category: bed-sharing, hurt/comfort, F&F (fun and fluff)
“We… we are in the right room, aren’t we Ren? This cannot be our room! This isn’t what we asked for!” Nora started stammering, a scarlet similar to the one painting the twilight outside, slowly painting her cheeks.
“Yes Nora, this is Room 46. It is written on the keylock and on the room’s door.” Ren replied stoically, seeming unfazed by the newborn situation they were faced with now.
“Ren, we need to go to that receptionist and tell her to give us another room. We clearly asked for a TWIN room, with TWO beds, not a double bed room!” Nora shrieked, pointing with her both index fingers at the double bed in the middle of the room, then rushed out of their room and was about to go downstairs, where the reception was. She wasn’t going to accept that! She wasn’t… she wasn’t ready. However, she felt a gentle, yet firm hold on her right forearm. She soon stopped walking and glared at her onyx-haired boyfriend.
“Nora, we would’ve paid the same for a twin room either way. It’s fine. Now please, don’t go and break that receptionist’s legs.” Ren teased Nora, a cheeky grin on his face.
“Alright, fine,” Nora replied. “Ren?”
“Hm?” his magenta eyes found their way to her cerulean ones.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean… with us, having to share a bed. It’s been quite a while since we last did this. How old were we, anyway? Eleven, maybe twelve? Anyway, it was until we started attending a combat school, wasn’t it? After that, no more bed-sharing, unless we had nightmares.” The ginger-haired girl babbled, gaining her ninja partner’s attention. Is she… nervous? This question echoed through Ren’s mind, as Nora kept babbling in honest, her heart pounding like crazy against her chest, her mouth resembling more to a desert, and red tainting her face.
“And then we got into Beacon, and the situation repeated. We were still together, but not together-together yet, and we had less nightmares, so yeah. After that, we didn’t need to share beds. Yeah…” Nora stopped, her mouth dry and her breaths more frequent.
“Yes, Ren?” Nora’s eyes were lost into his, her gaze sending a wave of warmth that rushed into his veins, making his own heart doing somersaults into his chest, his knees turning into jelly.
“It’s nothing. Remember why we’re here. Salem may be gone, but the creatures of Grimm are not. This is our first mission as licensed Huntsmen, and I can’t have my partner worry about something as minor as bed-sharing. Like you said, we’ve done this before. We got this.” his soothing voice calmed Nora, as his hand found its way to her left cheek, then he caressed it with his thumb.
“Besides, now we’re also together-together, aren’t we?” he gave Nora that one soft smile he had reserved for her, and her alone. “And I know I am not a man of words, but… You are my everything, Nora. And I will not anyone harm you.” A look of determination got painted on his face, as he pressed his hand harder against Nora’s cheek. Have her cheeks always been this silky?
The thunder goddess’ face twisted from her dumbfounded expression into one that, in Ren’s eyes, was so soft, not even the most expensive Mistrali silks couldn’t compete. “Same here. Ren, you are my family, my light, my world. And I’d be damned if something happened to you! That’s why, as long as you’re willing to protect me, then I’m going to do the same thing.” Her hands found their way to his free hand and sandwich it, giving it a small grip.
In that moment, her eyes full of love met his, full of resolve. Ren could drown in those turquoise eyes and would have nothing to complain about, because the only thing Lie Ren would ever need in his life is his partner and love, Nora Valkyrie. As long as she was by his side, he was more than content. As long as he could hear her voice the first thing in the morning, feel her index finger brushing his nose, feel the warmth of her hugs, breathe in her vanilla and cherry scent, or simply see her smiling his way, Ren could consider himself a happy man; Nora was his salvation, after all.
The same goes for Nora. So long she could boop her partner’s nose, mingle her fingers with his ebony river of hair, feel his strong arms around her, and simply having her by his side, Nora was the happiest woman in Remnant.
“Now… shall we go into our room and get ready for bed? The sun has set already, apparently.” Ren asked his ginger girlfriend, after he took a glimpse at the opened window on the hallway, that was no more reflecting the sunlight, but the moonlight. He then freed Nora’s cheek from his touch (something she didn’t want to end) and guided her into their bedroom, his other hand still held between hers – not that he minded. “So… which one of us should go and change first?” he questioned, while pointing to the bathroom door with his thumb.
“It’s okay, Ren. You can go there; I’ll change here in the meantime. I promise I won’t peek.” Nora’s eyebrows wiggled while she shot a smirk at Ren, earning a small blush from him. He was so easy to fluster sometimes.
“I’ll have to lock the door then. And while I’m there, I’ll take a long, long shower.” He bantered, a smirk leaving his lips, as he opened up his bag, took his pajamas, and entered the bathroom, and Nora could hear the door locking shortly after.
Shortly after Ren left the bathroom, all dressed up in a black t-shirt and long basil trousers, Nora stormed in the bathroom, already dressed in her black BOOP t-shirt and her magenta shorts. She loved Ren, but sometimes, getting ready for bed would take him forever. It’s a good thing that I love him! she mumbled, as he got into bed.
After she finished all the business she needed to finish in the bathroom, Nora decided it was finally time to go to bed, to get her batteries charged. However, when she saw Ren sitting on the bed – no, their bed – she felt blood rushing into her cheeks. They were going to share a bed! She quickly tried to hide her now ruby cheeks with her palms, that were also in flames.
“Nora, are you done with the bathroom? I really need to use it now.” Ren asked, noticing the fact that the ginger woman’s whole face was now on fire. “Are you okay?” he rushed to her side, taking her hands off her cheeks and placing his own in a rushed manner. “Do you have a fever? Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes, Ren. I’m good. You can use the bathroom now.”
When she finally got on the bed, Nora felt that it was small, almost constraining. How are we gonna fit in this minuscule bed?! she wondered, scandalized by the seemingly reduced size of the double bed, failing to notice Ren approaching, and sitting down next to her, until she felt their shoulders brushing. She got startled and looked over her left shoulder, only to meet Ren's worried gaze.
“Nora, are you… okay?”
“Sure, Ren. Why did you ask?” she put a reassuring smile on her face.
Ren’s worry still didn’t fade away. “Are you still… thinking about our… sleeping arrangements?”
Nora let out a frustrated sigh, and nodded. Ren also found himself nodding. He understood how she felt; in fact, he was just as scared as her. It was the first time they shared a bed not out of obligation, or because of the nightmares that would haunt their early lives. And now they were also together-together.
“Got it. Nora?”
“Yes, Ren?”
“Let’s try and get some sleep. We need to get up early tomorrow.”
“Okay, Ren.” Nora sighed in relief, grateful that Ren had changed the subject. She then turned her back to him, as she hummed “Good night”, but not before she kissed her boyfriend on his cheek; a gesture he happily reciprocated, bidding her goodnight and waiting for sleep to come and get them to Dream Land.
An acute scream made Ren jump off the bed he had forgotten he shared with his girlfriend. He then started shaking her shoulders gently, begging her to wake up. As her eyes snapped open, the first thing they met was the magenta of Ren’s own eyes. Shortly after, she jumped into his arms, as Ren understood that her nightmare must’ve been horrible, given her reaction before and after waking up. After holding her close in his arms, while caressing her short ginger hair and assuring her everything was okay.
“Nora, it’s okay. Everything is okay. I’m here, I’m right here.” he kept murmuring, as her hair flowed through his fingers.
“You… You died. You had managed to save me and then… then…” Nora’s sobs turned more violent, as the scene of Ren’s death at the hands of the Nuckelavee kept playing on repeat in her head, red staining her white shirts and her screams echoing among the ruins of Kuroyuri.
“Nora…” his voice lulled her in the night, and his arms held her so close to his chest, their hearts were against each other. “I’m right here. Remember what we promised that day? ‘We keep each other safe.’ Even from nightmares.” Ren caressed her hair, as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, then placing his own forehead against hers, looking straight into her eyes, azure against magenta.
Nora held him even closer, his heart beating in unison with hers, as her sobs subsided and he dried her tears, sheltering her in the temple of his care. “Thank you” was all she could whisper, while her puffy eyes found his, full of love and care. He always had her back. And for that, she always thanked whatever being was out there, for giving her the best gift she could ever get.
After a few minutes of holding each other like they never wanted to let go, and whispered promises, sleep decided to pay them one more visit for the night. But right before Nora’s eyelids could finally stay shut, a gasp left her lips as she felt two strong arms around her waist, pulling her close to a hard chest. Her body became tense, her heart beating like crazy, and her eyes widened as Ren pulled her closer to him, as he peppered her left shoulder with butterfly kisses. Nora couldn’t help but smile at her boyfriend’s gesture. He had never been the affectionate type, but there was little to nothing he wouldn’t do for her. And that included romantic gestures, like spooning or kissing. And for the second time that night, she thanked life for gifting her with her boyfriend.
Not even an hour later after falling asleep, Nora woke up again due to a ray of sunshine finding its way to her eyes, something that wasn’t truly on her taste. As she spun around, her face met Ren’s chest, her lips at the same level as his heart. Feeling brave, she kissed his covered chest multiple times, without noticing that Ren’s heartbeat became even faster and his face redder, and as he shifted his arms around her a bit, so she could be even more glued to him, he also thanked life for giving him the woman worth spending the rest of his life with. Little did they know however, how that one night was just the beginning of a new life for them, where kisses and such small gestures would be just the beginning.
Any kind of feedback is more than welcome. Once again, thank you for reading this!😊
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spinedog · 5 years
Don’t Watch
See, I very much want Adam to die, but I don’t want the moral load of killing him on either Blake or Yang’s shoulders.
Therefore, this happened at 6:00am this morning.
RWBY 6x10 spoilers
(on mobile so no page break i am so sorry)
The furious clanging of the two dust-infused blades were faint in Yang’s ears. All she could focus on were Blake’s wide, scared golden eyes, fixated on the scene happening in front of them.
A woman’s calm voice drowned out Adam’s enraged bellows. “I was never meant to be a mother.”
Yang gritted her teeth, crawling towards her motionless partner. She knew how this fight would end. And as much as she despised Adam, as much as she loathed the fact that she hadn’t been able to kill him herself, he had once been Blake’s partner. She didn’t want her to see him die like this. Yang rolled Blake’s bruised body to face her. “Blake. Look at me.”
“I don’t know how to be loving. Or nurturing.”
A golden, metallic arm snaked under Blake’s ribcage, lifting her and pressing her face against Yang’s collarbone. “Listen to me. Close your eyes.”
A vicious, wet slice, followed by a scream and that deadly calm voice. “I still don’t understand that voice in my chest. It roars any time that girl is in danger, no matter where she is or what I should be doing.”
Yang’s jaw clenched. “Don’t watch.” But even as she tightened her grip around the black haired faunus, shielding her from what was about to happen, she knew that she was a hypocrite. Because her own eyes had already lifted.
She didn’t expect to see Raven’s red eyes locked on her. Blood dripped from her sword as the woman stood tall over Adam, her gaze momentarily diverted to her daughter. Her eyes flicked to Blake, then back down to the wounded faunus. Yang clutched Blake’s head a little tighter as red flames sprouted from Raven’s eyes. “I’m many things that I wasn’t meant to be, I suppose.”
Adam’s remaining eye went wide, snarling like a wild, trapped animal as he fought to push away the boot firmly planted on his blood-soaked chest. Yang felt her hand begin to shake.
“But, this?” Raven lowered her blade. She knelt directly on Adam’s chest. Yang could see him trying to push her away, but he was powerless to stop the hand that almost tenderly laid on his cheek.
Her mother’s voice gave way into an enraged rumble, as though the God of Destruction himself spoke through her.
“This, I understand.”
Fingers slid into Yang’s hair. A weak whisper in her ear as her head was pulled down. “Don’t watch.” She caught a flash of Blake’s golden eyes before hers obeyed.
There was no scream. No violent slashes or ripping, or spilling of blood. Just a sizzling rasp, and a brief gust of wind.
When Yang looked up, all that remained of Adam was a patch of scorched grass and his stupid sword and sheath, laying off to the side. Raven, the Maiden flames extinguished, eyed the sword almost mournfully. She raised her own blade and slashed once, flicking blood droplets through the air and opening a portal.
“...I saw the rest of your team north of here, on the coastline. They’re battling with the Atlesian military. You should go to them, if you’re in any shape to fight.”
Do we look like we’re in any shape to fight?! Yang nodded mutely.
For a long moment, both women paused. Yang could think of both a million things and nothing to say. Raven, for once, seemed to be in a similar state of limbo - no snarky comments about gratitude or favors, just a solemn silence.
Maybe it was better that way.
As though hearing her thoughts, Raven pulled a cloth from her belt and cleaned off her blade in one easy stroke, then sheathed it as she took two steps towards the portal.
Then the woman who suddenly looked very, very old glanced over her shoulder, wreathed in red light.
“That stupid dog misses you and your sister.”
One more step, and Raven was gone.
Silence rang out in the clearing, and Yang’s hand didn’t stop shaking. There were so many questions, and yet at the moment she didn’t care about a single one.
Blake moved, and only now did Yang fully realize that she had been kneeling with Blake in her lap the entire time. “So, the mutt is still around?” Her voice was thin and sounded as shaky as Yang felt.
But Yang still gave her an exhausted smile. “Honestly, not sure if she meant Zwei or my father.”
Blake gave a weak snort of laughter and curled in tighter to Yang.
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