#green tea frappuccino
missacensnakelover · 1 year
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The Gangreen Gang all enjoying Starbucks Frappuccinos here!
Made by me! (x)
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randi-samsonsen · 5 months
Matcha Frappe Recipe
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This recipe, inspired by Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino, blends matcha green tea powder, milk, vanilla syrup, and ice for a delicious cold drink.
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Recipe for Matcha Frappe This recipe, inspired by Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino, blends matcha green tea powder, milk, vanilla syrup, and ice for a delicious cold drink.
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chaosinmywardrobe · 9 months
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Starbucks-Style Green Tea Frappuccino Recipe In order to replicate the taste and texture of the well-known green tea beverage from Starbucks, this copycat recipe uses matcha powder, coffee creamer, and xanthan gum. 3 tablespoons vanilla-flavored syrup, 1 tablespoon powdered non-dairy creamer, 1.5 tablespoons green tea powder, 1/2 cup milk, 2 cups ice, 1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum
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stewartkamora · 3 months
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Tea - Starbucks-Style Green Tea Frappuccino This copycat recipe uses matcha powder, coffee creamer, and xanthan gum to match the texture and flavor of Starbucks popular green tea drink.
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vixen-academia · 1 year
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My drink, my book & my tattoo + heels ❤️
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kannibalkaiii · 1 year
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Frappes anyone?
Small frappuccinos that I sculpted
on New Years
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frenchricegames · 4 months
Mango Green Tea Frappuccino Recipe
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Green tea is blended with ice cream and served alongside sliced mango in this copycat green tea Frappuccino recipe. 1 cup vanilla ice cream, 1 mango - peeled pitted and chopped, 10 cubes ice, 2 tablespoons white sugar or to taste, 1 tablespoon whipped cream or to taste, 3/4 cup brewed green tea chilled, 1/2 cup mango sorbet or to taste
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estouestportraits · 5 months
Tea Recipe
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This recipe offers a quick, simple, and less expensive way to make a matcha green tea Frappuccino® at home. It was inspired by the well-known beverage from Starbucks®.
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griffinalana · 9 months
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Tea - Delicious Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino Inspired by popular drink from Starbucks, this recipe provides a quick, easy, and less-expensive way to make a matcha green tea Frappuccino at home.
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hex--omega · 10 months
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Recipe for Delicious Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino Inspired by popular drink from Starbucks, this recipe provides a quick, easy, and less-expensive way to make a matcha green tea Frappuccino at home.
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duarteegreenbriar · 1 year
In conversation with Holly Black - The Stolen Heir Tour 2023
PLEASE do not repost anywhere without due credits.
It was so amazing finally meeting Holly in person (and gush about how much I love Cardan and Jude and Cardan. And yes also bargain with her about writing Cardan POV books. At least she listened to me intently and said “We will see about it some day!” 👀)
Here are a few things she answered at tonight’s event:
- Her favourite character is Jude.
- Their favourite Starbucks drinks as per her: Jude ‘s will be Frappuccino, Cardan’s is Espresso (and she added an obviously), Oak’s will be matcha green tea latte.
- There will be another series in Elfhame/Faerie after she finished Book of Night sequel, TSH 2 and one more book. She said we will know if there will be more Faerie books, and on whom, by the end of TSH 2.
- Cardan had more siblings who got cut out last minute because she felt his family was too big.
- Qon serpent track was last minute, all she knew was that Cardan had to be in danger and separated from Jude in some way.
- The above point is because she always intended Jude to figure out how to be Queen on her own and needed Cardan away for that. Because Jude’s character arc had to include her having all the power she always craved and still choosing family and love over it.
- Holly likes hooves 💀
- She wanted to draw parallels between Suren and Jude and their choices.
- She will not write about what Jude Cardan were up to in the years between QoN and TSH because she doesn’t know it herself yet.
- Somebody actually asked if Jude Jude Jude letter had cum splatters OMFG. She clarified that no, they are indeed ink stains 💀
- One thing about Cardan that she feels is the most over looked is the fact that people ATE the snake in the end of Qon lmaooo. She cracked up here 😭💀
- She always wanted to write a character with a tail and this was part of Cardan’s characterization since the beginning.
- Her choice of Cardan in live action - she just wants a good actor that’s it lol
- She wouldn’t write a book on Madoc Eva because it’s too tragic and devastating, though maybe she might add in bits in some other story
- She doesn’t know how to write adult Cardan lmfao 💀 but she said she will figure it out 👀 (internally screamed here because WHAT does this mean??) She also said the sex scenes were short and her editor asked her to make them longer 😭🤣 (she said she does understand what we’re asking lmaoo)
- She never reads her fan fiction because she would feel tempted to change what’s in her mind
Question I asked: Her side characters are as interesting as main ones. Will we see Court of Shadows again? (Round about way of asking more about Jurdan lol)
Holly’s answer: TSH was a road trip book so it was set away from Elfhame and we didn’t meet most of the old characters. But we’ll be closer (or in *she winks*) Elfhame in the next one and we will see many of the old characters (shrugs)
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twinsunstars · 1 month
What I Think Each Character of The Bad Batch's Café Orders Are:
Hunter: Prefers an iced Americano to start his day, sometimes gets a simple latte.
Wrecker: Hot chocolate with extra whipped cream or a chocolate mocha frappuccino. Always gets a bakery treat with his drink, mostly a blueberry muffin or a pound cake slice, whatever he feels like having.
Tech: Likes to choose his drinks carefully and have backup choices in case they’re out of something. Usually goes with a caramel macchiato and likes the oatmilk lattes, sometimes gets an iced green tea.
Crosshair: A hot black coffee, and he loves rich chocolate mochas (hot or iced). Only Omega and Tech knows this.
Echo: Likes strong coffee with some milk and sugar, nothing too extravagant, also likes to get the iced vanilla coffees with cold foam for an energy boost.
Omega: Isn't allowed to drink coffee until she is older, so she sticks with hot chocolate or a strawberry cream frappuccino, likes the strawberry lemonades too. When she starts drinking coffee, she prefers frappuccinos, mostly the caramel and chocolate ones. Tried black coffee how Hunter likes it and couldn’t bear the bitter taste.
Emerie: Doesn't drink coffee and prefers tea, preferably an iced black or green tea, lightly sweetened.
Rex: Black coffee with cream and sugar or a caramel frappuccino for his days’ work.
Howzer: He loves customizing his drinks and trying new combinations. Usually sticks with frappuccinos and coffees that have chocolate.
Riyo Chuchi: Either gets coffee or tea depending on what she is in the mood for, usually a hot green tea or a iced cinnamon latte. Loves a good iced matcha latte.
Rampart: A cappuccino in the morning, often goes back later for a latte.
Hemlock: Completely addicted to coffee, likes cold foam cold brews or a hot dark roast coffee to keep himself awake. I read a headcanon which said that he would order drinks with a lot of cream and sugar, but I feel like he’s not the type of person to drink that much sugar unless he needs it. So if he did, I think he would usually get a caramel latte or a chocolate mocha with whipped cream and extra drizzle.
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domxmarvel · 6 months
Cafe event-Twisted wonderland pt 4
Start: December 18 2023 End: December 31 2023
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Please remember to include what pronouns you want and please submit your request as an ask not a comment
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Strawberry-Riddle rosehearts
Green Apple-Malleus Draconia
Kiwi-Lilia Vanrouge
vanilla-Azul Ashengrotto
brown sugar-Jade Leech
Passion Fruit-Floyd Leech
Orange-Leona Kingscholar
Coconut-Jack howl
Lavender-Vil Schoenheit
blueberry-Idia Shroud
Lychee-Divus Crewel
Forest berries-Rook hunt
Croissants- wearing their clothes
Pie- Short quick kiss,followed by pulling them in for a longer kiss
Macarons- Masquerade ball/Ball
Éclair-“You’re the most beautiful being on the earth”
Cannoli- “Pretty boy”
Cheesecake-au (Of your choice)
Sponge cake-“You’re the only person I want to spend my life with” 
Brownie-fake dating
S’mores-“Good boy”
Strawberry Shortcake-Royalty
Gingerbread-first kiss
Honey Bun-“Can I have this dance?”
Churro-Prince/princess Reader
Cotton Candy-"I love it when you touch me like that."
Caramel Popcorn-“I want you. I need you.”
Carrot Cake-lipstick mark
Crepe-“I’ve never kissed someone before”
Candy cane-ice skating 
Cranberry cake-mistletoe 
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skye707 · 10 months
what's the preferred energy drink/gatorade/coffee flavor of each Riddler, or which category do they each prefer?
Gotta stay hydrated when you're busying conquering the world.
Unburied - Coffee, something sweet like a mocha frappuccino
ZY - Energy drink (and by energy drink I mean water that's been flavored with a power mix containing electrolytes, vitamins, etc.)
Dano - He drinks those instant caffeine shots, 5 Hour Energy and whatnot. Something that's very likely to send him into cardiac arrest one day.
YJ - Gatorade, and his preferred flavors are blue and green.
Gotham - Coffee and, when he can get it, tea. Three sugars, please and thank you.
BTAA - He's got an espresso machine that is always on and always working just as hard as he is.
Arkham - Stale coffee that's been sitting on his workbench for at least two days, but there's still some in there so he might as well drink it.
BTAS - Coffee and only coffe. Get that gross leaf water out of here.
Telltale - Tea and only tea. Get that gross bean water out of here.
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imfinereallyy · 2 months
But You'll Have This Place to Call Home, Always
available on ao3
June 2008
Peering through the window of Starlight café, Steve Harrington watched the lively streets of Hawkins' City unfold before him. Early morning commuters had begun to pitter out onto the pavement, their eyes tired, heavy even, but each of them walked with purpose. None of them noticed as Steve’s eyes followed them, familiar faces he couldn’t name, but he knew their routine. It was an easy rhythm to fall in a city like theirs.
Smaller than Chicago but bigger than the small suburban streets scattered across the Midwest, Hawkins City was its own little world tucked between the pages of the known and unknown. A name, though recognizable, was not something a person would put much thought to. Steve Harrington thought of himself like his city some days, a friendly face amongst the cranky customers—someone you say hello to but not someone you’d ask how they are doing. 
Steve flipped the closed sign to open; he could hear Robin puttering around in the back. She was probably looking around for her brand of Earl Grey—it wasn’t the tea they used for customers; it was from a gas station off the highway. The brand was cheap and downright awful, but he knew it reminded her of the time Steve drove them across the country to escape their parents. 
It was a small comfort on stressful mornings. Robin had been having a lot of those lately, Steve had noticed. 
“In the cabinet below the register,” Steve spoke over his shoulder, careful not to shout this early. 
“ Huh , I had more than I thought,” Robin mumbled as she thumbed through the box. 
She didn’t. Steve had gotten up early this morning to go to the gas station an hour out. He bought all six boxes they had left, the rest under his bed at home. 
When Steve walked over to the counter, a hot cup of green tea sat there for him. He looked to see Robin heating water for herself and took a sip out of his mug.
Tangy and lightly sweet.  
“Perfect,” Steve mumbled to Robin; she gave him a soft smile in return. 
This had never been the dream for them, stuffed into a small corner on a busy street, but it felt good. They had fallen into a routine, something Steve thought the two of them would never have. Years of trying to appease everyone, stretching himself thin, only to fall short, had taken their toll during his teen years. Trouble used to follow Steve wherever he went, and he had begun to think he was the trouble himself. 
Now, though, in a city very far away from a life they once knew, Steve was content in the safety of knowing what came next. 
The chime above the door rang as a grumpy Hopper entered the café. Steve’s hands were already working to make his order: a large coffee with four creams, two sugars, and whipped cream on top. Of course, it was in a to-go cup, despite Hopper always staying at least an hour in the shop after ordering. Steve knew it was because Hop didn’t like anyone to know about his secret sweet tooth. 
Steve had found it funny in the past few years how often someone’s order never really matched them at first glance. He had gotten pretty good at guessing the more he worked, and it was rare for anyone to surprise him. 
Hop’s order never changed; Joyce always ordered whatever new double-shot espresso drink we had. Max had a cold brew on her days off and a banana smoothie during her shifts. Dustin always demanded a frappuccino even though they didn’t make them. Robin drank tea first in the morning and an espresso shot at noon. And Steve himself was simple.
Always tea, never coffee.
A fact, to those who knew, that was constantly baffling. 
“Here you go, Jim.” Steve smiled as the older man grimaced.
“I know that most people usually insist on using their first name, kid. But how many times do I have to tell you it’s Hop?” 
Steve’s smile widened as Hop put a five-dollar bill in the tip jar like he did every morning. “You drink your coffee without a lid, and I’ll start calling you Hop.” 
Hopper didn’t argue but frowned into this cup as he walked over to the red couch against the wall. 
Steve chuckled and turned to watch the sunrise over the city skyline. The café was on the city's outer edge, and although it didn’t get as much traffic as it would if they were at its epicenter, Steve wouldn’t trade it. 
The sunrise made it worth getting up this early every morning. It made the inevitable ordinary day ahead special, even if it looked the same as the day before.
Steve pulled down the sleeves of his yellow sweater and adjusted the little “ Steeb :) ” nametag Robin made for him as he returned to the register.
Another chime sounded throughout the café; it was time to get to work. 
‧𓍢ִ໋☕ ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
At noon, Steve handed Robin her espresso shot, expecting nothing more than the usual grunt of appreciation to sound throughout the busy café. 
Instead, Robin let the cup slip through her fingers as the sound of a motorcycle rumbled outside the café's doors. 
“Shit.” Robin screeched as the hot coffee spilled over Steve’s fingers. 
He hissed in pain; he knew his skin would pay the consequences of the simple distraction. 
“I’m so sorry, Steve; I wasn’t expecting that.” 
Steve couldn’t find it in himself to be mad at her; despite the many cars that passed through the streets, no one drove a motorcycle around here, and those who had only ever passed through. The deep sounds of the engine parked in front of their shop were all kinds of new, and they probably brought a bad memory or two for Robin. 
“It’s okay, Bobbi, you couldn’t have known.” Steve looked up at the ceiling as he tried not to let his eyes fill with tears; it was just another scar to add to the list. No one would probably even notice it amongst the others. 
Distantly, he heard the sound of the door chime go off, but he paid no mind as he watched Robin run off to grab a clean towel from the kitchen to wrap ice in. 
A throat cleared from behind Steve, and a small rush of panic surged through him. They were in the café, with customers around ; now wasn’t the time to panic. 
Preparing a bright smile, Steve turned to the awaiting customer. “Hi, how can I help you?” 
Steve clutched his burning hand as he took in the man before him. Dark chestnut curls framed an unhappy face. The man was undeniably gorgeous, the kind of guy Steve once upon a time would go for, a guy that Steve now stayed far away from. The man’s eyes were set in a glare that felt wrong to Steve. Someone with big eyes like his should have delight in them, should be lively and maybe even kind. Instead, all Steve got was a burning heat behind his stare, one that Steve felt that if the man could use to set Steve on fire, he would. 
Steve’s smile slipped a bit as he took in the man’s slight frown; the stranger’s five o’clock shadow moved with the contortion of his lips. He caught himself and returned his customer service smile on his face.
 “Sir?” Steve clenched his hand before him; the man’s eyes followed the movement, and his frown deepened. 
“You hurt often, sweetheart?” The man finally spoke, his voice rough and low against Steve’s ears. 
Steve wondered what it would be like to hear it close to his ears. The words would have stirred something in his gut if it were for the man's tone. Condescending. Bored. Done with Steve's shit before even knowing him. 
Steve’s smile slipped completely; he didn’t bother to try to fake it. He felt a spark of anger he hadn’t felt in a long time, since the last time he spoke to his own parents, to be precise. 
With his eyebrows tugging and nose scrunched, Steve prepared to give the stranger a piece of his mind until Robin came running back over. 
“Oh my god, sorry that took so long. Jon was using most of the towels to clean down the kitchen, despite me having told him too many times we have set towels for that! And so I had to run into the bathroom under the sink—the employee bathroom, don’t worry, Steve–and then I had to make sure I didn’t trip and fall on my way back because we can’t have two injured employees on our hands! And then–”
“ Robin , rant.” 
Robin cut herself off and thrust the towel, now filled with ice, into his hands. “Sorry, I just was so startled because of the— oh, hello. Do you need some help?” Robin said, only noticing now that Steve had been helping the sorry excuse of a customer. 
The man’s lips curved into a slight smirk, and Steve cursed his only little heart for skipping a beat. Way to be a cliche, he whispered to it. 
“I was just waiting for,” the man said, glancing down at Steve’s nametag and raising an eyebrow. Steeb , to take my order, but it appears you’re both busy, so I can wait.”
Steve felt all his blood rush to his cheeks; he was sure his cheeks were the color of Max’s hair. Usually, Steve didn’t mind the nametag, but now he was silently cursing Robin six ways to Sunday. Steve glanced down at the menace herself, and she at least had the audacity to flinch slightly at the situation. Steve hadn’t even told her this guy was rubbing him the wrong way, but she already knew. 
It was sometimes creepy how well she could read him. 
“It’s Steve. And don’t worry about it.” Steve forced a smile on his face as he repeated a mantra in his head. Keep people happy. Smile. Don’t worry about what others think. In that order.  “What can I get you, sir?” 
Steve rolled his shoulders back; he could hear the cracking echo throughout his body. He had such stiff bones for someone who was only brushing twenty-seven. When she caught him sitting on the stool behind the counter instead of his usual standing, Joyce had told him once that it was because his aches told a story. Steve liked to think of his body that way. It was easier to believe all the pain was a part of a story rather than a meaningless torment. 
The man watched Steve’s face closely, most likely taking pleasure in the discomfort on Steve’s face, before speaking. “ Eddie . You can call me Eddie, sweetheart.”
“What can I get you, sir?” Steve repeated, ignoring him. 
Eddie’s smile bloomed in full across his face. Dimples appeared on his cheeks, and the lines beside his lips proved that he probably smiled often. 
He should , Steve thought; he had a pretty smile.  
Steve made a note to remind himself to think fewer thoughts like that in the future. There was no use in making the note anyway, considering he was more than sure a man like Eddie didn’t stick around places like Hawkins. He should save himself the trouble of wasting his time on thoughts about men like Eddie. 
Still, Steve couldn’t help but wonder what the man would order. He surely wouldn’t surprise Steve. He was sure most people had Eddie pinned as a black coffee type of guy; it was easy to assume so at first glance. But Steve knew better to judge by the surface of it all. Sure, the guy wore a leather jacket and had a nose ring, but it didn’t mean anything. No, Steve was almost positive the man was about to order something ridiculously sweet, with something insane in it, like whole milk.  
“Medium black coffee with two sugars.” Eddie voiced.
Steve froze for a moment. He hadn’t gotten an order wrong in over a year. But here he was, making an ass out of himself with his jaw slightly open as he stared at the man before him. Eddie ordered a black coffee . He was so thoroughly surprised by how unsurprising it all was. 
Eddie’s head tilted at Steve, which made him realize how silent he had been. Even Robin had begun to nudge his side. “ Seriously , just a black coffee?”
Eddie’s smile once again slipped into a devious smirk. “Don’t forget the two sugars. I like it just a little sweet. Sometimes you need something to soothe the bite….of the coffee, of course.” 
Robin moved her head back and forth between them, biting her lip from saying something Steve was sure would only make the situation worse. 
Steve put on his best customer service smile. “I’ll get right on that, sir; Robin here will ring you up. Thank you for stopping by Stardust café on your way through our city.”
“Oh, it’s been a pleasure. And I’m not passing through; I’m gonna be here awhile.” 
Steve dropped his smile and didn’t even bother responding as he walked away to make Eddie’s boring coffee. He could hear Robing ringing him up in the background, the chatter resuming within the café. 
Steve felt sick in his stomach. He hadn’t even realized everyone had stopped talking, which meant everyone had seen the interaction. 
Great. Fucking fantastic. Steve Harrington was once again nothing but a car wreck everyone couldn't help but stop and stare at. 
Steve heard the slight pitter-patter of feet behind him. “Not now, Robin.” He clipped as he began to pour the sugar into the cup. He scrambled to find the lid.
“You know that was pretty weird, dingus. And I have a high threshold for weird. Considering we’ve been friends for almost a decade now.”
Steve searched for a Sharpie to write the name on the cup, although he mostly did it to be petty since no one else had ordered in the past ten minutes. “ Don’t , Robin. I don’t need to hear it right now, and jesus christ, where is the damn marker!” Steve ran his hands through his hair in frustration. 
Robin leaned forward and plucked something from Steve’s apron pocket. She held it out in front of him; it was the damn marker.
Steve sighed and snatched it from her hands. Ripping the cap off with his teeth, Steve grumbled. “I don’t have time to deal with men like him, Bobbi. He screams trouble. He had already stirred up enough with his damn bike. Plus, just look at him. He just screams trouble, Robs.” 
“No, I know what you’re going to say. ‘ We don’t judge people like that, Stevie ,’ but you know what, Robin? Yes, we do. We gossip more than the church ladies back in Rose Hills. Especially when trouble like that comes our way–”
“But Steve–”
Steve placed the coffee on the counter, and as he saw Eddie approach, he whipped his head back toward Robin. “Don’t Steve me, Robin. You’re telling me that a guy like him doesn’t scream–”
“For the love of god, Steve!” Robin grabbed Steve’s shoulders just as Eddie scooped up the coffee. 
“What, Robin?” Steve blew out, exasperated. 
“Did you even see the name you wrote on the cup?” Her eyes widened in terror and, strangely, amusement. 
Steve glanced at Eddie, who was now reading his cup in amusement. As he saw Steve’s curious glance, he turned the coffee around, putting Steve’s handwriting into view. 
Steve almost died on the spot. Right there, in Steve’s loopy handwriting, was the word ‘ trouble .’ 
Eddie laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Guess I’ll make sure to bring trouble back around.” 
Steve knew at that moment he had stirred up more than sugar in Eddie’s cup.
‧𓍢ִ໋☕ ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
Read the rest of Steve and Eddie's story on ao3
A peek at my first contribution to @strangerthingsreversebigbang and contains lovely art made by my friend @sunflowerharrington
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