#granted im annoyed she even got on the show
thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
Ngl finding out Jamie-Lynn actually managed to leave this show and other reality shows on mysterious medical reasons grounds is just....wow....she really just jumps from reality show to reality show to try and clean up her public image after it was revealed how she was apart of the group of family members who would benefit from Brittany's Conservatorship and when it doesn't work out for her, she just leaves.
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2knightt · 1 year
Your motherly!reader fics are so good 😭! can you pleasee do another? platonic with the gang!! no romance 🥰 thank youu ❤️❤️❤️ your work is amazing btw!
the gang x motherly!reader
1.i did headcanons i hope thats okay😭
3.swearing and a small mention of violence.
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Johnny Cade ;
like i’ve said before in other fics, he loves you so much.
honestly, you might be one of his favourite people!
when he walks down the street and he just so happens to see a cute flower, he picks it and gives it to you!
when he first met you, he refused to see you when he was injured in anyway. he thought you’d think he was weak and never see him again.
but as time went on, and you showed that you genuinely cared for him, he showed more of his vulnerable side.
johnny likes it when you patch him up now!
he thinks it’s calming, relaxing, and a, ‘nice change of things rather than lettin’ mother nature cure it.’
when he unknowingly/accidentally vents to you about his home life, he does get embarrassed.
he didn’t want you knowing, but when you hugged him real tight and told him sweet nothings?? he teared up ngl.
johnny wishes you could’ve been his mom.
when or if you have kids, johnny wishes they don’t take the, ‘how was your day?’ and the, ‘how’s school going?’ for granted.
because to johnny cade, that would be his perfect fairytale.
having someone as sweet as you to turn his life around, makes him excited to see tomorrow.
Dallas Winston ;
another bitch with mommy issues who is glad to have you.
mrs.curtis was definitely the mother he never had but always wanted and when she died, he was devastated.
but when you came along and started being that mother he missed??? he was both annoyed and over the moon.
he didn’t like that every time you bailed him out of jail, he got an ear full. however, he did like to know verbally that someone cared about him
he doesn’t show you any sort of affection, but he will tell you how he feels when drunk.
“thank you, so much y/n. i-i don’t know where i’d be without you.”
for mothers day, he doesn’t do anything special.
BUT—you didn’t hear this from me, before the clock hits 12, expect to hear like a cute little knock at your door, and open it to see a single flower on the ground with a pack of cigarettes.
dally ran off before you or anyone else could see him.
even though he didn’t sign his name, you knew it was from him. so, next time you see him, say thank you.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
he’s like a toddler around you???
ponyboy definitely pretends to be like, your own bodyguard.
but really, who’s scared of ponyboy?
he tries though!
when he watches a movie and some character reminds him of you, expect that to be the first thing he tells you.
“ya know, when i went to the drive in, you really reminded of this one character.”
“oh? why’s that?”
“well because-“
and now you have to sit there and listen to him.
he’ll draw for you so much :(.
if you tell him your favourite flower, he WILL give you a drawing of it the next day. he’ll stay up all night if he has too!
Sodapop Curtis ;
he’s literally your #2 fan. first place goes to johnny.
he’s your biggest hypeman??? omg???
“gee, y/n! you’re lookin’ real fancy!! gonna get all the guys, eh?”
when ponyboy and darry argue and he just can’t take it anymore, he calls you and asks to come over.
and of course, you say yes everytime.
so please, PLEASE, just let him cry into your arms!!!!
when he’s done, he’ll try to go home but i’m begging you to tell him he’s welcomed to stay the night.
and if he does stay? ponyboy will be at your doorstep too.
he’ll share his famous chocolate cake with you!! he’ll make sure steve doesn’t touch it.
Darry Curtis ;
he is so thankful for you i legit can’t stress that enough.
you keep the gang in check, you keep ponyboy happy, and you help him around the house. what more could he ask for?
you legit force darry to relax while you look after the gang to make sure nothing bad happens.
“we’ll be fine, darry. go to bed, your dark circles are gettin’ darker by the minute.”
“yeah super-man! we’ll be fine with y/n!”
“fine, but if she wakes me up to tell me about any of you, so god help me.”
if you welcome him home with a newspaper and his favourite cup of coffee after a long day at work, he might ask you to move in.
Steve Randle ;
steve pretends that he doesn’t like you that much.
but he really does. like, the second he hears some soc threaten or insult you? he’s after them.
shit, he might be chasin’ after them in two-bits car while two-bit yells at the person.
he will legit go to war for you if you asked him nicely.
he will rant to you about cars if you let him😭.
he’ll rant to you about anything, honestly.
“and then the old bastard asked for a refund! the ‘no refunds’ sign was right on the door! how could that old bat not see it?!”
“steve! don’t call people that, but yes, it was very rude of that man to do that too you.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
he forces you to relax and watch mickey mouse with him.
he says it’s for your own good but when really, he just wants to spend time with you without the gang interrupting.
“guys! you’re stressing her out with all your STUPID questions! c’mon, y/n, mickey mouse is calling our names. can’t you hear it?”
“or maybe its the booze you had at 10AM.”
“i will sock you in your fucking throat steve.”
he plays with your hair…he finds it fun!
please tell him how to do some styles so he can go home and impress his little sister :(.
he offers you beer every once and awhile just so he can say he got you to loosen up.
“so y/n…you want some?”
“oh! no thank you, two. you know i don’t drink.”
he calls you mom in a joking way, ya dig?
“momm! steve called me a dumbass!”
“steve, be nice! apologize.”
“what the fuck?!”
author notes ;
1. i like totally rushed near the end LMFAO.
2. i never thought you bitches would eat motherly!reader up like this??
3.are you guys okay??
5.i think theres no romance??
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may 15th, 2023. 6:39PM
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sunfortune · 2 months
i am still contemplating to check bridgerton for kanthony or not but from what i've seen i got an impression that a lot of kate's brainworms came from her step mother NOT treating her as real daughter. kate can't see it but as viewer it's obvious. we can joke about how annoying mrs bennet was but let's be real at that period among nobility lady mother not bothering to help her daughter to find a husband and being okay for her to be a spinster is a form of parental neglect. it was rather convenient for step mother to take kate's devotion for granted and ignore how kate neglected her own needs in process for her bio daughter. wish show actually was aware of this.
not even getting into any of the implications of the regency setting. it’s the fact that mary was gonna stay with edwina after she got married instead of kate LIKE ?! even working under the good faith interpretation that kate didn’t wanna get married and mary didn’t wanna force her. and it wasn’t straight up neglect. mary was gonna go stay with the daughter who would be MARRIED and TAKEN CARE OF with her OWN FAMILY and OWN HOME and not the daughter who would literally have NOTHING ? ? and has nothing BECAUSE of how she always prioritized you over herself?
litchrally the scene when anthonys like “so you’ll abandon her (about edwina)” and kate explicitly say “she’ll be married she won’t need me anymore” but the plot never delves into the flip side despite her being the MAIN character. how kate WOULDNT be married according to that plan and mary would ACTUALLY be abandoning her ?!
it was so lazy the way they just didn’t go into the dysfunction of the sharma family dynamic like they did for anthony and violet. even JUST an acknowledgment from mary that she didn’t always treat kate fairly instead of the gaslighting they were doing to kate AND the audience like. gorgeous scene, beautiful scene! when mary tells kate she always loved her. but IN CONTEXT? it was like…i just watched 8 straight eps of kate getting neglected in 4k. and 5 minutes ago your plan was to abandon her at the first opportunity that presented itself. im gonna actually need you to do a little better than this
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yaostars · 10 months
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note: she/her prns, fem reader, tw: sh*dou a/n: idk how i came up with this.. summary: how they are as a father (poorly written)
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as much as annoying as he is once u pop that watermelon out he dead n gone
when he saw his child for the first time he bursted out in tears before blaming it on the hospitals lighting
since you both had a baby girl kaiser was cautious around everything that came across them
kaiser always wanted a baby boy so he could get his soccer skills even though he loves his daughter with his life but he finally felt like it was settled and no more kids (he wanted more kids)
yeah right he jinxed it you got pregnant again
you had a baby boy and once watermelon two came out kaiser couldnt help it but cried and admitted it
happy family
his daughter had gotten into ballet whilst his son got into soccer
he was the dad that rocked up for anything
kaiser secretly still wants another kid possibly soon once both kids at least get into first grade AND HE OPENLY ADMITTED IT TO HIS KIDS
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due to his cold personality this man can be a softie at times and that is when he is with you 24/7 or the fact you just pushed out his first ever kid
he cried a bit we know he isnt slick at it
after a few days being in hospital you could finally bring your little one home
when you got back to work and came home late you found rin next to the crib holding onto his childs hand
rin likes to show off at sae because he became a father first
after having a baby boy he got into soccer big time
he loves his family (but he wants to make more kids so he put a 6 month reminder)
yep u got pregnant at least a year later after having your first child
your having twins!!! when rin found out he was stuck in a daze
two girls meant twice as hard as pushing out the first child in the family
rin wanted to make sure his children had a happy healthy sibling relationship unlike saes and his
his daughters got into swimming and the other got into soccer as well
sporty family
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when sae found out you were pregnant he honestly thought you were joking around
pushing out a baby was hard enough but sae couldnt deal with only getting 3 hours of sleep a week
sae told rin about how he is a father but rin dgaf
sae was only wanting a small family nothing big like his brothers but it was nice just having a kid
the gods granted him a soccer girl and he became a soccer dad
he was thinking about having another kid with you but he didnt want to pressure you after telling him you never want to go through labour again
overall even though his family was small and a bit sporty he loved them heaps at the end of the day
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this man is literally a dog on stuff being a little horny too much
when he found out you were pregnant he was over the moon and posting it on every single acc and every person he knows
shidou is defo a mummas boy so he told her everything
he wants a big family like a whole class he says
he marks the calendar when to love make again so you could have another kid right after you told him you were pregnant
the first child that was pushed out was a baby boy and shidou cried a bit but blamed it he has allergies
his first child was a maniac and had every single bit of shidous personality but looked like you
at least a few months after birthing your first child you were pregnant again and it was on purpose because of him
you had a baby boy again!!
shidou was wanting a baby girl so badly and even said he will try until he gets a baby girl in his family
for the third time you got pregnant and no it wasnt a baby girl
the second and third baby had your personality but mixed looks
FOR THE FOURTH TIME. you had finally gotten...
A BABY BOY!!! im joking a baby girl
and yes he cried but he was so happy so he could become a soccer dad
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jadepearl · 27 days
I cannot bring myself to like (show) Rhaenys. Here are the reasons:
1. She, much like Alicent, seems to take all the negative emotions she feels towards Viserys and directs them towards Rhaenyra- there were better ways to tell Rhaenyra that her claim would be contested (in fact, im of the opinion that show! Rhaenys started disliking Nyra a little more after Viserys refused to disinherit her after after having his precious [sarcasm] son.) I’ve got more thoughts on this but that’s for later.
2. Her (lovely, but extremely pathetic) gay son. The GAY son that she knew was gay. The GAY son that she suspected would not be able to fuck/ impregnate a woman. The GAY son she knew would ABSOLUTELY be destroyed by the game. THE GAY SON THAT SHE WED TO THE WOMAN SHE KNEW WOULD NEED CHILDREN!!!! The entire situation with the (alleged/rumored) bastards of Nyra is a situation that Rhaenys and Coryls themselves had a hand in- they knowingly married their very gay son to Nyra knowing that she would need heirs and that it was entirely (re:extremely) possible that Laenor would not be able to bed/fuck her. Like how is she going to wake up and be like “oh my hod, my son was cuckolded” as if her son also hadn’t been cuckolding Nyra??? Like if she was going to turn a blind to Laenor sleeping w/ Qarl she could’ve afforded Nyra that same willful ignorance. Instead she chose to be mad at Nyra for making the best out of situation that Rhaenys and Corlys and her father, and even fucking Laenor put her in!!!!
3. Her attitude w/ the Velaryon Boys( see point above) those boys exist because her son could not do his duty !!! It is not a Nyra problem- it is not as simple as Nyra deciding to cuckold her husband. Nyra needed children- she TRIED with Laenor, both of them were extremely uncomfortable and it didn’t work- and Laenor apologized for being unable to his duty and instead it was decided upon that they ( the boys) would be granted the Velaryon name upon birth. He did not sire those boys (allegedly) but he did love them!!! This is the crux of my issue w/ Rhaenys- if Laenor hated those boys, I could justify her anger, excuse it maybe- but he didn’t. He didn’t hate them, didn’t cure their existence (was he a good father? No. Absolutely not. Very absent at best. But he loved them, and he cared for Nyra and so he took them as his own and gave them his family name) Rhaenys being angry/upset/etc over the outcome of a situation that she/corlys/Viserys all pushed those two into is fucking annoying and really- pardon my speak- grinds my fucking gears. You don’t get to force your gay son and your little cousin into a marriage and get shocked when your GAY son can’t fuck a woman. Especially not when you suspected that your GAY SON WOULDNT BE ABLE TO FUCK A WOMAN??? because those are the vibes show! Rhaenys gives off (yes my son is gay, no I don’t think he’ll ever be able to fuck a woman, but how dare his wife not simply live a childless life- who cares if she needed children, doesn’t she know how those looks?) why did Rhaenys not think about how it would look before marrying them?? Did she really expect the HEIR TO THE IRON THRONE TO LIVE A CHILDLESS LIFE ALL BECAUSE HER (again lovely, but rather pathetic) GAY SON COULD NOT FUCK ANYONE NOT IN POSSESION OF A COCK??!!!
What angers me the most is that, even after that conversation where she told Nyra how unstable her position was, and how she’d eventually be supplanted in favor of a male heir- this bitch, along w/ her husband put Nyra in a situation where she’d have to make a difficult choice. Live the rest of her life being called barren, cursed, all the things that they all called her late mother- all things that would endanger both her, her title as heir, and probs even Laenor too, or seek someone else to sire children? They put her in that situation and the got pissed when she didn’t choose the route of eternal suffering- they put her in that situation and got pissed that she didn’t simply accept it??? Show!Rhaenys, Viserys, Corlys, Daemon, fucking Alicent- if you have no enemies I am dead.
Anyway! These are all MY opinions, you are welcome to have your own but yours will not make me change mine. Have a good day!!
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fraudulent-cheese · 2 months
So i watched episodes 3 to 8 of Pahkitew Island
Again, watched these with my buddy @rockin-it-rusty! And, holy shit these episodes have got me genuinly wondering why Pahkitew's so hated.
I'll go over the negatives first; the challenges are kinda eh. The Truth or Scare one is great, and the cave one is interesting due to it's hints at the Fake Island reveal (as heavy handed as they were), but most of these were just pretty out there to me? They mostly felt like an excuse to put the characters in situations mostly. Just have Topher make a narration joke, give Max and Scarlett an interaction, have Sky and Dave dance around eachother all due to a thing the challenge made them do. I don't mind the first two much, but the last one gets super repetitive man. Glad they mixed it up a bit by making Shawn try to wingman Dave though, i like their friendship! im a bigger dashawn shipper now oops
Amy... Ok im very mixed on her. On one hand, she serves her role as the mean twin relatively well. But on the other, that's all she really is! Her one trait is being mean and hating her sister, and that's all she really does! Granted she has a thing? Where she gets sayings (?) wrong, or just gets words wrong (she says parfait is german. it's french. i would know) which! could hint at something! (maybe less smart than her sister?) but they don't do shit with her outside of her swimming back to the island in episode 5. god i wanna rewrite this season so badly now to give her a bigger role. idk shoutouts to Twinning with a Twist for redeeming her while still giving her some edge ig.
Rodney. i uh
I haven't thought about him since his elimination honestly. I just doooooon't care about him it's crazy. Most forgettable guy in the entire series.
Sammy! Ok back to the siblings rambles! I wish the show leaned into her scheming more. Girl in five episodes pulled identity theft and did nothing else. Why. Her relationship with Jasmine is adorable, and i wish she got Jasmine to call her by her actual name, and a personality too! It's really a shame man :(
Sidenote, but like her team fucking hated her for some reason??? Like what. I know it's because of that one scene, but really?
Ella!! My sweet girl Ella!!! She didn't do anything wrong man she just likes singing leave her alone!!! Chris really fucking hates her and it's pretty entertaining at least, but i'd say his beef with Topher's funnier. She has a nice singing voice, and i love how passionate she is about fairytales and stuff. You could do so much with the Prince thing and the show... didn't. Like what even was that. Conflict that wasn't one that lasts an episode. what
Gotta say though, her elimination was fucking ass, Max 100% should've been kicked instead of her.
Topher. Ah the opher. He's a special case, even in the context of Pahkitew Island itself! Because the dude's not here for the game. He's here to meet his idol, Chris Mclean (he really knows how to pick em, huh). I like the progression he's got, from wanting his approval to straight up wanting to host the game instead of him. I'll admit, my opinion's a little skewed since i am mutuals with the Topher guy on Tumblr, but i like him regardless!
His relationship with Chris is easily one of the more interesting parts of the season, mostly because a 30-something year old dude having beef with a teenage fan is hilarious, and you could definitely spin it in a sad way from Topher's perspective.
It also helps that he's genuinely funny! His few interactions with the other campers are also pretty fun, he dgaf about them it's great.
Im kind of mixed on Dave, i'll be real. On one hand, im glad they ditched the whole "he doesn't like anyone on this Island" trait three episodes in because that would've gotten. SO ANNOYING. SO FAST. (hell i'd argue it was already annoying), and him being a hopeless romantic could be a fun trait, if done right. It also helps that he's really pathetic and i find that funny. His friendship with Shawn's fun too!
But on the other hand... Yeah, even before the finale the Skave plotline's really boringgg. They just dance around eachother for half the season for like! No reason! Please just have a conversation, even if it takes other people to sit them down to have it! I know why they didn't because the finale needed them to not actually talk about it but at least have Sky tell him she'll explain later or have him not be a coward and ask her about it himself!!! ack!!
Also the thing with him and Ella went literally nowhere. I have 0 feelings about it because it's just there for some reason. Idk they just really wanted to shoehorn in romance for every girl this season huh.
Scarlett's a really underutilized character pre-Island reveal. The bulk of her interactions with the other campers are with Max, who has a ton of screentime for some reason (which i don't personally really mind but i'll explain later) which honestly sucks because she's a fun character! I want to compare her to Twilight Sparkle at the very start of MLP. She's smart, she knows it, she can communicate with her teammates just fine and just chooses not to usually. I like her alot! Im just... really disapointed that she's so in the background usually; if anyone's a wasted character in tdpi, outside of the Twins i'd say it's her.
Her legit wanting to kill Max is great though. That's how i'd react to him irl. Don't get the Max saying she had a crush on him three episodes in, or the quip Chris made during the team switching tho.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, MAX! I swear, i was convinced i'd find this guy annoying pre-watch but uh... I like this guy! No really, i do! He's like Mal, only the narrative doesn't take him seriously in the slightest and it's hilarious to watch! Im like Sugar in that one clip, i am laughing at this buffoon's intelligence, and his stupid catchphrase, and his "evil" plans, and his general delivery! Max is funny!
Even when the Scarlett "minion" thing kicked in i still found him funny! Don't get me wrong, i wish he'd gotten out earlier (ESPECIALLY when he was supposed to get kicked in the episode Ella got eliminated into) or just gotten less screentime in general, but in the season proper, yeah he's a funny guy! Big gimmick, but i like him! Please don't add nuance to him, i don't care
Jasmine... certaintly exists! I'd call her the Season's rock, the one character that's emotionally intelligent on the show. She's fun in general, and also the only one noticing things going wrong with the robotic island. As said before, her relationship with Sammy is great to see, and i wished we'd see more of her and Sky's friendship and uh. For there to be more between her and Shawn? Because the only things i've retained is that they blushed at eachother once and then trust issues party because he hit her once during a challenge and that completely broke her trust in him - which, could be an interesting aspect of her character to explore since if that's all it took for her to pull a 180 on Shawn, the girl must have a complicated relationship with trust. That's an interesting flaw! It also shows up with her rapport in Sky in the later episodes of this batch, and. GOD. I wish it was developped man!
The issue? Yeah it's dragged on so longggg man! It's frustating to watch frankly because i really wish they'd resolve this conflict quicker since it's like. The same thing every episode :( to my knowledge it's solved in episode 9, but it did NOT need to be dragged out for 4 episodes.
Unrelated to her charater, but her height difference with the other campers is kind of ridiculous. In some shots the characters look so small compared to her it's crazyyy
Ok, now. Sugar. I'll be honest? She's great! She's just a menace and doing her own thing and it's fun to watch! She's also interesting in terms of backstory since she's canonically a pageant queen; her relationship with Ella is greatly impacted by this, since she heavily suspects her of lying to her face when it's just. Ella being Ella. Similar thing to her opinion on Topher; she doesn't like him for his sucking up to Chris, the host (something that Rusty probably agrees with). I fucking wish she was more popular because then people would look into her more, but alas. She's a female, plus sized character in Pahkitew Island, so considering the Fandom's biases, it was never going to happen. U_U
OK TIME FOR ZOMBIE BOY. So, Shawn. He's definitely more present in these episodes than he was before, and, again, i think he's fun! He's a weird little guy. He's got interesting skills (his camouflage, legit parkour, general athleticism) and his personality's interesting as well compared to the other guys. The zombie thing is fine, actually, because they do different things with it over the course of these episodes. Not much to say about him, he's a solid character to me and i wish he had more interactions with the cast outside of Dave and his pining for Jasmine. Who he's talked to like, five times at this point? Again, they probably should've talked stuff out faster than this for me to actually enjoy it. Oh well.
And finally, Sky. She's an interesting case for me? She's fine, mostly. She's the Normal Person™️ of the cast to me, and that means she really struggles to grab me. It's made worse by her main plot being a basic romance plot where the gimmick is that she's a reasonable human being and Dave isn't. And neither are able to have a normal fucking conversation about it either. The mixed signals thing could've been interesting, but this is Fresh TV writters, so of course it didn't end up that way. I assume the episodes without Dave are the ones where her personality shines more? Because so far she's just been really reserved and calm. And said she'd "focus on the competition only" And then. Doesn't. Really. God i wish this season treated it's female characters better :(
Im mixed on alot of the character decisions
god i wished these people talked more
the screentime is not well split among the cast
the romance plots and pacing of the Island plot are the weakest parts of this season
the challenges are fine
Why does Chef have 5 lines total.
Pahkitew Island does NOT deserve the overly negative rep it gets in this Fandom, at least based on the first 8 episodes.
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I re-read my post about chapters 22-30 and I realized that theres so much I just fully forgot to mention, mostly relating to the inner circle so heres a quick summary of my thoughts about each ic member now that Im about halfway through the book and have spent some time with them. To briefly recap my previous thoughts, I think their group dynamic is insanely uncomfortable because of how apparent their hierarchy is and also none of them seem to actually like each other all that much
I dont dislike her in the sense that I dont dislike her personality or the basic concept of her character, but I do hate that shes in the inner circle at all. Like, whats this eldritch creature trapped in a body thats not her own doing hanging out with all these boring people ass people FOR 500 YEARS dude, if I had to spend 500 years with Rhysand I would destroy the entire night court regardless of whether or not I had Amren-levels of power. Like, why on earth would she be satisfied playing second fiddle to Rhysand and living in an APARTMENT in his stupid °•~City of Starlight~•° when shes supposed to be like a billion years old and a thousand times more powerful than him. I feel like itd be interesting to explore that but I know that we really dont from watching cari can read's summaries, so she just ends up being a character thats supposed to be interesting because shes so mysterious but is actually so shrouded in intrigue that it turns around and she just becomes boring again
When I first met her I said that something about her bothered me but I couldnt put my finger on what it was, but that I still kinda liked her because she atleast annoyed Rhysand. She really hasnt annoyed Rhys in any way since her and Feyres first meeting so I like her less because of that and also because shes mostly just boring to me at the moment. I think another reason why I dont particularly like her is that she feels so intrinsically tied to the misogyny of this world that just suddenly materialized in this book and its really annoying, I would like to avoid that subplot as much as possible. She basically just exists to give Feyre a female friend at the Night Court and to show her that you can totally girlboss your way out of a misogynistic system! But you cant dismantle the system because uhhhhhhhh. change is like a glacier because its slow
Also, shes obviously meant to parallel Ianthe, like shes supposed to be the better version of her, but I cant even imagine her and Feyre making out sloppy style toxic yuri edition so I cant really see her as any kind of improvement. sorry
One of my least favourite character types is Fratbro But You Put Him In A Fantasy Setting so Im not the biggest fan of this guy ngl. The one redeeming quality he has is that hes very obviously crushing on all of his friends bisexual style, especially Rhys and Azriel. Its almost a little sad but mostly its just very funny. Like whyd you wanna take their clothes at the illyrian camps so badly huh? You like seeing pretty boys squirm around naked?
Unfortunately, I know that hes gonna end up with Nesta and that hes not even gonna treat her well, my guy is gonna go from being gay because he likes men to being gay because he hates women and I am not looking forward to it
Speaking of Nessian, a lot of sjm critical anti nessian people say that Nesta and Cassian used to be so good and so genuinely romantic in ACOWAR and that their relationship got completely ruined in ACOSF and. I mean, granted they dont ever talk about Cassian behaviour towards Nesta during the meeting at her house in ACOMAF but I hated the way he was just so angry at her on Feyre's behalf when she wasnt even that mad herself, she just felt weird and bad. Of course, I havent read ACOWAR yet and I might change my mind in the future but right now, I'll just say it doesnt surprise me that Cassian would laugh at Nesta falling down the stairs
My favourite guy!!! Out of this bunch I mean. My favourite guy in the entire ACOTAR series is probably Lucien, but if we're just talking about the jokers from the Night Court, then this guy is my favorite
I really wasnt expecting much from him, I thought he would have absolutely no personality from what Ive heard other people say about him, but hes basically exactly what I want in an edgy traumatized shadow boi. Ive talked about this before but I really dislike Rhysand and part of that is that I normally really like the archetype of the tortured edgy love interest with shadow powers but he makes it so goddamn annoying by being so flirty and cocky I just want to see him dead. But Azriel is quiet so he doesnt bothr me and also theres some intrigue about his backstory and the extend of his powes but he feels like a solid enough character that he doesnt become boring to me like Amren
I will say though, theres something particularly uncomfortable about watching anyone from the inner circle interact with him and vice versa, I think its because he seems like he doesnt actually like them more than anything else. Ive said this in a previous post, I think Cassian wants to be in a relationship good friends with him and he seems to think they have some good sunshine guy/grumpy guy banter going on but to me it just seems like Azriel genuinely dislikes him. And then he obviously doesnt trust Amren and I feel like hes in love with Mor and has been for a really long time but doesnt actually like her, I honestly feel like hes just sticking by Rhysand because he feels like he owes him and because it gives him an excuse to be close to his crush
Yknow, that I think about it maybe thats why I like him so much. I dont like the Inner Circle, he doesnt like the Inner Circle, thats a relatable king right there
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synergysilhouette · 11 months
My feelings on some of the Gen 1 relationships in Monster High
I've been wanting to make this for a while! I don't remember every aspect of these relationships, but I did want to put my feelings down on them. Lemme know what you think.
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Deuce--2/10. Admittedly not an actual ship, but just a crush, Frankie was so interested in impressing Cleo that she lied and said Deuce was her boyfriend. She later apologized to Cleo and gave Deuce the "but we're cool, right?" brush off. It was very annoying, since it seemed to show that Frankie didn't really care about the fact that she got a guy in trouble with his girlfriend (who didn't even apologize to him for jumping to conclusions) just because he caught her eye.
Andy--6/10. I loved this ship for a long time, until my memory of it faded and someone reminded me that Andy was drawn to Frankie because she looked like his ex. Plus they wrote him off without any warning and he's never seen again despite enrolling (except for perhaps a cameo in "Freaky Fusion"?)
HooDude--3/10. Frankie did him so wrong. Feeling left out by her friends, she decides to make a fake boyfriend, only to throw im away when her friends tell her to be herself, deciding she wasn't ready for boys yet. Turns out he's actually alive, and is heartbroken by it. I know everyone says "she didn't know he was alive at first," but considering this is how she was made herself, it's pretty annoying that she didn't think about this. I love her, but she isn't literally 15 days old. Plus Frankie making him obsessed with her results in him being kicked out of the house and placed under the care of Ms. Kindergrubber. Maybe if Frankie hadn't gone overboard, they could've had a sibling relationship and he wouldn't have to have been kicked out.
Jackson/Holt--5/10. I could go either way with this. Jackson has obvious feelings for Frankie, but I don't recall if she ever openly reciprocated. Personally I feel like they're on two different wavelengths; Frankie is on the upside of the school hierarchy while Jackson is on the downside. They just seem like they run in different circles, but I enjoy the idea of two characters like them getting together.
Neigthan--8/10. Okay, I'm biased because I like Neighthan's character and the fact that he's a hybrid monster. Frankie helps him with self-confidence and he has a chill attitude that balances out her voltageous excitement. Don't judge me.
Cleo de Nile
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Deuce--4/10. I can't be the only one who thinks that Deuce's personality changed when Yuri Lowenthal stopped voicing him, but I digress. I feel like there's a weird power dynamic going on with Cleo and Deuce; Cleo is often dramatic and spoiled while Deuce is laid back and cool. While I like them individually, it feels like Cleo takes Deuce for granted a lot, especially when she bosses him around. "Scaris" felt particularly weird with how Deuce becomes clingy after Cleo doesn't text or call him within a short period of time and asks her never to do so again. It makes him feel like he has no life without her, which is a giant red flag. It astounds me that they had toxic moments and yet "Boo York" had Deuce feeling like he wasn't good enough for her without Cleo really doing any soulsearching for why he may feel that way.
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Heath--5/10. I feel like they had potential beyond just one episode, and I could've seen them being a cute, fan-favorite couple. Kinda wish that was referenced again later.
Clawd--6/10. They seem like one of the more stable couples, but Draculaura literally treating him like a dog just feels..weird. Especially when she hit him with a newspaper for being bad. I can't imagine Clawdeen or Howleen being in a relationship with a manster and them treating them like that. Maybe it would've been better if we had episodes where Clawd asked Draculaura to treat him like that, but I don't know. It would've still been weird.
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Gil--4/10. Gil having racist parents isn't his fault, but it definitely feels like he was stringing Lagoona along at certain points.
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Romulus--5/10. They didn't actually date, but I was interested to see more of his character, and I'd be curious as to how their romance compared to Draculaura and Clawd's. He seemed rather bashful around her, which was an adorable new side of him.
Heath--7/10. I love the opposites attract vibe, and how they didn't feel too different to the point where I don't like them together. It's a really cute romance.
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Slo Mo--6/10. I'd give it more, but sadly the mansters don't get as much attention. That said, despite his basic design, Slo Mo is a sweet character, as he strives to become smart enough for Ghoulia (side note: I appreciate that despite talking the same, zombies don't all share the same intelligence--or at the very least, Ghoulia is the exception), and I do wish Monster High worked to show him developing more as a result of his relationship with the smartest Ghoul in school. They deserved more, but given how mansters are treated and how underrated Ghoulia is, it's unsurprising that this is the case.
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lightlycareless · 11 months
CHAPTER 35 IS HITTING LIKE ALL MY FAVORITE TROPES,, the ao3 outage earlier this week KILLED me right during my standard "rereading the latest chapter over and over" frenzy,,,
this one had me throwing my phone on my bed and covering my face w my hands like a flustered maiden. losing my fucking shit the entire time
the sudden "theres something going on that all the staff are whispering about" had me like,, what the fuck is going on,, is someone DEAD? and a momentary "HOW MANY MONTHS HAS IT BEEN SINCE THAT ULTIMATUM" and then its naoya's dumb ass getting himself sick. i'd be annoyed at him if it weren't for the incredible scenes this grants us later in the chapter
(and its also SO FUNNY *how* he got sick-- literally stranded in some cursed energy zone all pathetic and alone. just like my sad kicked dog description i keep using for him. he is embodying it fully and truly.)
when naoya's staff came up to y/n like "its about naoya's health we need you" i was like "ohh the drama is he gonna die without her there or something" and,, turns out thats exactly it he probably would've died from refusing to take medicine if she weren't there. glorious. hes so pathetic its unreal (affectionate)
THEYRE FINALLY ALONE TOGETHER AGAIN,, it feels like its been so long and it apparently has been for him-- feeling like its been centuries since hes seen her. ME TOO MF MAYBE IF YOU WERE LESS OF AN ASSHOLE WE COULDVE BEEN HERE EARLIER
"it feels like you could literally do just about anything with him and he wouldn't be able to stop it" - "you were sure you could control him" Y/N,, GIRL,, YOU WANNA TOP HIM SO BAD OOO YOU WANT TO DOM HIM SO BAD. IM CHEERING FOR YOU (she might've been thinking more about murder. but i know what i was thinking) that followed by the "holding the cup directly to his lips to make him drink" scene is killing me. im going insane for them.
she FINALLY gets to interrogate his ass and he CAN'T go anywhere or do anything about it this whole scene was AMAZING. we get so much added dimension to both of them with y/n finally getting to snap on him somewhat and say/ask all the things she's been hiding, and naoya finally showing a little bit of that vulnerability with the discussion about the records and his mother. there's SO much going on here and i can't WAIT to see how that's gonna unfold in the next chapter ft. all sorts of flashbacks
i would read like 35 more chapters of just these sick shenanigans going on tbh. naoya's pov during this kinda thing would be so interesting too-- how deliriously out of it is he actually? is he gonna be absolutely mortified at this behavior when he's more lucid? i could also imagine him pretending to be sick for wayyy longer than he really is just so y/n won't leave,,,
outstanding showstopping amazing. i cant wait to see whats next!
Hi!!!! AAAA sorry for taking a while to get back to your ask, however I must say that when I saw this pop up on my inbox I was going through somewhat of a sad moment, and this made me very happy :’) So thank you!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Now onto the juicy details…
I’m 100% aware that I’ve been writing nothing less than indulging tropes… AND I’M GLAD ABOUT IT HAHAHAH I’M NEVER GONNA STOP
I think I might’ve been a bit dramatic when writing the reaction from the staff. But after everything that happened… there’s no other way for them to react 😂 The never-ending drama in the Naoya-Y/N soap opera has them on edge, they saw this coming and was only a matter of waiting when it would occur.
It makes me wonder what Naobito’s opinion about this whole charade was 🤔 From disappointment towards his son, to amusement when hearing that Naoya has been incessantly calling for Y/N. He probably lurked around as close as he could to get a better look of what was happening, maybe even bringing some popcorn to enjoy the show. Y/N was right to assume that his family would’ve intervened to force her into aiding Naoya, although… not because they cared but rather because Naobito was tired of things being boring.
Omg… who does he ship Y/N with? Naoya or Naoaki? WTF am I even saying lmao 😂 I need to log off.
As for the timeline… please don’t ask me about it AHAHAH I feel like after all the things that happened, if I were to sit down and determine how much time has passed since the beginning of the story… it would probably be like 5 years or so lol —well, it certainly feels like it anyways. But I will set a time frame in the following chapters to give you an example of how long it’s been, if it’s believable anyways 😂 Thank god it’s fiction AMIRITE? (excuse my lazy writing 😭)
Anyways, the way he got sick is exactly as you described: overall pathetic. There really is no better words to say, serves to show how he’s slowly losing himself 💀😂 ah, poor Naoya, but can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. I wonder what he actually did in those missing days?
I’m very surprised y/n was involved at all for there’s no way the staff didn’t know of their tumultuous relationship. This more likely than not could’ve worsened his situation… and if she was truly vengeful she could’ve taken this chance to kill him and yet, they still had faith on her, believed she would somehow ignore all the horrible things he had done to her and do the right thing. And in that matter, they don’t deserve Y/N lol. Once again if she were a bit more unhinged, she could easily be a Tomie-type of character… but where’s the fun in that? (at least for what I have in mind, not gonna say that writing that kind of story isn’t intriguing hehe)
Well, the threat of her being forced by her in-laws lingered in the back of her mind, perhaps even her main motivator, but all things considered she decided to do so because, well, she’s not completely evil. She should’ve been a bit harsher… but well, that doesn’t really align to the values she was taught with.
Talking about the alone part… wow. It has been a while since we saw them together like that; like what, 10 chapters? Lol Still, if Y/N had been that unhinged she could’ve been like “I’m taking my ladies with me AND Naoaki for my well-being” and that would’ve murdered Naoya and his staff immediately. HAHAHAH Can you imagine that though? Still, I won’t say that doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous 😂 the whole family reunited in his room lol.
But yeah!! It’s been so long, and it’s finally happening… under relatively normal conditions where Naoya isn’t terrorizing her. It does make me wonder how their time at the ryokan during their honeymoon was like… I might write about it… some snippets here and there (or if someone wants to send in an ask of what they think happened heheh) anyways, her being in this position of power is a bit unnerving to her, and within reason. From being berated almost daily, to being in a situation where she can literally do anything and who’s gonna stop her?????
Well, Y/N isn’t that crazy like Naoya, but I’m sure she’ll make the most out of this situation anyways.
AS FOR THE TOPPING IMPLICATION…. Damn. I didn’t even think about it like that hahah I was out here imagining how “Y/N wants to beat him up, make him suffer, so he can get a taste of what she’s been through………….” And then you show me the other side of the coin where she might want to top him DAMN that’s an interesting perspective of something that might happen further down the road…. AHAHAHHAHA I won’t say anything more.
Either way, not that the aspect of “intimacy” has been brought up, for me those moments that Y/N was taking care of Naoya felt… well, intimate, if that makes sense. Probably a delusion from my side, but it’s the kind of domestic things I want to see happening between the two 😭 no more drama or fighting, just the two being in a healthy, happy relationship. Like Naoya coming back injured from a mission and Y/N tending for him because she cares for him, not because she’s being forced or because Naoya was acting stupid or whatever.
But we shall see, we’re getting somewhere after all :>
The highlights of this chapter would definitely be Naoya opening up to Y/N (although a bit, and when he’s not 100% him, but it’s something…) and Y/N talking (or more like demanding) to know about the records and why he’s acting like that… even though she doesn’t believe him that much lol.
NGL I’m excited for the next chapter, it’s going to be flashbacks that will certainly affect their relationship—something I’ve been wanting to write too! Like, I hadn’t said anything about Tomoko outside of Naoaki’s perspective, but what about Naoya?! What’s his relationship with her like? How was she during her last days at the Estate? And for Y/N, HOW DID MINAKO DIE? Oof, very interesting indeed.
The following chapter, whether for the worse or for the better, is necessary for their marriage. As well as his sickness :> We’re finally getting development for the two yall!!
Anyways, thank you so much for your patience and support! We’re slowly moving forward to the “good stuff” that I cannot WAIT to post!!! There’s also a few more tropes (I guess) that I want to introduce… some that I think are very obvious (of course, because I know what’s happening lmao) 😂 but I can’t help but indulge on them!!!! It’s like an addiction, I must… have… it.
Once again, thank you so much for being patient with me during this short break 🥺❤️ I hope you like the next chapters!! Take care, have a wonderful week, and hope to see you soon!!
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nocturnaluc · 1 year
UA dorm scenarios
A/N - Ok first time writing after like 3 yrs (also i have no idea about formatting these fics so early apology)
fem reader, deku x ochaco mentioned (pls this is my opinion, im not forcing you to like it do NOT eat my head)
Trying to decorate your dorm in UA with Deku barging in every 5 mins asking if u need help cuz he finished in like 5 mins (had the theme ‘all might’ just ready to go)
Trynna get a glance at Bakugous room every time he opens the door cuz ‘why so secret show us 🤨'
Soon it turns into all of 1A hiding like idiots behind the wall 
He obviously spots you all and explodes (temper and hands) with you all are running away tripping over each other
Except for Hagakure who manages to avoid his first attack and look in
He sees her right after and is now chasing her down the hall as well 
Everybody interrogating her for answers later and being pretty VERY disappointed when finding out it was pretty normal with the few all might merchandise here and there (not as much as dekus tho he still hold the trophy)
After getting settled in, all the girls deciding to have a sleepover cuz why not
Aizawa grants yall permission cuz hes too tired to argue with a group of teens high on whatever this feeling is when you feel at home with friends
Momo offers her room and the moment you set in you feel like u need to be dressed up to earn the rooms approval
It starts with just generally rating your classmates (the boys mainly)
Not romantically or anything, just how they are as a person in general BUT Ochaco still turns red when shes asked about deku
From here onwards, the whole groups attention is on her and shes blushing so much and stuttering while denying any feelings for deku
Like, no one said anything about feeling ochaco 😏
Shes so close to passing out, you all stop to give her some time to breathe before the teasing starts again
But then someone suggests horror stories and now the lights are off and the torch is lit
Halfway through this, Aizawas voice is suddenly heard outside the room telling you all to "GO TO SLEEP YOU HAVE CLASS TOMORROW"
Imagine hearing that outside the door when its dark and youve been discussing ghosts jesus christ
Mina, momo, hagakure and ochaco are just sitting there screaming while tsuyu has latched herself onto you eyes closed and everything
You and jirou have just gone rigid
No movement
Even heart movement has stopped
The door flies open and let me tell you it DOES NOT HELP when ur teacher is someone with long black hair that he doesnt tie up cuz now its just all in his face and somehow this matches the description of the story you were just telling the others
Cue more screaming and everyone trying to attack him
The lights turn on and u see him with his quirk activated and THE most annoyed look on his face
5 mins later and everyones dragging their asses back to theyre own room after having their head chewed off
The boys absolutely demolishing you all the next day cuz “oh my god you got scared by our always sleeping sensei”
Turns around to see aizawa glaring cuz 'class has started go back to your places, what is with you kids and ignoring basic time cues' and they spawn back at their respective desks
theres definitely something wrong with the grammar or the tense or something but its 2:30 so i dont care :))
gonna now go day dream about this situation cuz god i want friends like them so bad
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jaccsonhyde · 8 months
Thoughts on Morrison's Doom Patrol
overall i really enjoyed the whole run, it had its ups and downs, and it particularly annoyed me when the stories were EXTRA incomprehensible (namely the story about rhea and the weird alien war), but when morrison got going in actually telling a whole narrative i really love the concepts and characters he uses.
i love the whole of the cast, cliffs fun as ever, rebis is really interesting and a very groundbreaking character in the medium (and to this day frankly), jane was probably grants favorite from the run, tho i think i like her better in the show, mainly cuz in the show theres more of a focus on the other alters that arent jane that morrison doesnt really care to develop much at all, the twist of the chief was of course famous and infamous, i have mixed feelings on it particularly as someone that loves the original pre-crisis doom patrol books but as someone that loves especially devious characters like that, dorothy and joshua were both incredibly underused. joshua basically did nothing the whole run and then was killed off which sucked, and dorothy barely got any panel time until the very end, but it looks like pollacks run gives her a lot more focus which im incredibly excited for. i still hate that rita is the only original member that wasnt brought back (until infinite crisis) and morrison in particular when they do bring her up is very.... almost spiteful of her, in trying to turn her into a sex object thats fairly exclusive to her in this book, and again sucks when compared to the original series where rita was probably the most daring member of the bunch. and danny of course is such a fun character, and i genuinely felt sad when candlemaker was destroying him (and yeah danny uses he/him in the book which i almost didnt expect cuz of the show)
for actual plotlines, the ones i liked were the red jack plotline, the plots involving NOWHERE and the ant farm, the second mr nobody plot where hes running for president which actually did manage to get quite a few laughs out of me, and of course the candlemaker plotline (which coincided with the evil chief plot)
the ones that i particularly disliked were mainly the first brotherhood of dada, and the rhea storyline mainly cuz theyre particularly hard to follow and on the longer side. theyre also some of the wordier stories in the whole run, and theyre mostly words that dont make any sense and arent meant to make sense which made them an absolute drain on the mind to even skim let alone fully read
for how the run compares to the show, id say the show takes the whole run, gets most of the message across, and actually manages to make it make sense and have a more cohesive throughline. it also surprised me reading the run after watching all the show episodes to date just how closely the show follows the book in specific storylines, especially in the story about cliff going to the underground and how close Jane Patrol is to that, and id say jane patrol even improves on it by expanding it the way it does.
id say neither medium does amazingly with dorothy, and i wish the show included rebis at all, altho the influence is there, just replacing the transness and nonbinary aspect of rebis to a gay larry trainor, with a complicated relationship with the negative spirit. cliffs exactly the same between show and book they nailed him, niles as i knew is a lot less sympathetic in the book, but what really surprised me overall is how much less harsh jane is in the book. usually its the other way around where an adaptation will soften the edges of a particularly gritty/dark character but with jane they did the opposite, taking the base thats in the book, and giving her a lot more focus and making her downright meaner and less approachable than she is in the book, and i really love that take on her and think it makes her a much more interesting character, paired with the focus on the other alters the show provides.
even tho i cant get it physically i am starting to read pollacks run on dc infinite and 1. im excited to meet kate and 2. im VERY excited at the prospect of dorothy getting more of a focus than morrison gave her, hopefully i finish it and maybe a reread of other doom patrol runs before the shows last episodes premier
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ducknotinarow · 9 months
2k7 Casey Summer - #
| send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including
"I dunno if I 'ike the idea of 'his? But I guess i'll play along but the second ya laugh 'hats it!"
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone        
'Old Man' / '❤️Dad🏒'
"I switch it sometimes, mostly to annoy Dad, if 'm showin' 'im somethin' on my phone where his name will show I always switch it to old man. Cause he 'ikes to say he ain't old and 'hats he cool. Both are wrong, he is old and lame." She smiles a little "Okay okay he's kind of cool but I ain't tellin' 'im 'hat. I siad it once an' he won't let me live it down. I dunno I jus' 'ike teasin' Dad. I guess I got 'hat habit from Pops? he also teases Dad a lot. More 'han I do? But Dad dose it too, think it's just how we show love? Hazing each other 'ike Dad wanting to embrass me all the time be messing with my hair an' callin' all the names but my own at school and practice."
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
[Image description] It's a photo of Casey, with their now family dog Cooper, Summer snapped it when Casey was clearly playing with the dog at the time. The pup happily Licking Casey's face as he pet their head.
"Ya it ain't hard to be a Daddy's girl when ya only got dad's but I sort always seen it 'ike i'm Dad's buddy. Since we talk 'bout hockey all the time. We lovingly yell at each other. Dad hypes me up before games and such. We like to annoy Pop's together by ganging up on him. 'ike in our group chats I dunno how many times we made pop's remove himself from them. Between Dad's need to text every one line of thought and my emoji's yeah the chats a mess." She smiles softly "and 'ight now? dad's havin' a tough time dealin' with Grandma's death. I can sort get it. Grandma was kind of all he really had afta all. Be 'ike if I lost my Dads. I'd be a mess too. I know he tryin' to act 'ike he ain't a mess but he's a mess. Been a mess Pops an' I see it we talk 'bout it. I 'hink Pop's is tryin' his best to let Dad be a mess because he needs to be allowed but I don' 'hink Dad was lettin' himself be one much either. I dunno what happened but Dad seem more willin' to be down but losin' Grandma. And yeah he still sad but he ain't 'ike acttin' 'ike he can't be. So it's nice seeing Dad able to just breath and feel. Especially since we got Cooper now even if Pop's gotta share Dad even more now."
"Sides..I jus' want Dad to not worry 'bout all us so much. An' learn to take care of himself too. Even if i give 'im things to worry 'bout"
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone                   ��        
"I'll Always be you Baby" by Natalie Grant
You taught me how me to walk and how to dream
God gave me your eyes
But it was you who showed me how to see
Now I can stand on my own
But I know you'll never let go
Im butting if a second here I had to do this bit cause Summer had Blue eyes like Casey and Casey always insists Summer was given to them by an angle ;3; sooo yes ;3; when summer gets married this is the song she has play when she dose her dance with Casey. She do a different one with raph cause fuck everyone shes getting two father daughter dances ;3;
"I look up to Dad a lot in truth. Dad's my Hero if I had to pick an' I got lotta school junk to prove it too. Dad looks out and helps everyone. Dad ain't got much but a hockey stick but never stopped him. His Dad wasn't a good guy either but...Dad learned to over come 'hat and Loves Pops wit' all he got. Be full mush with me too. An' well even though Dad don' always 'ike 'hat i'm growin' up? I'll all be his baby. I know I can always count on Dad. I may go to him later 'han he 'ikes but I dunno I just know I can no matter what. If so dick breaks my heart and I don' tell him for months. I can still cry over it later. If I make a mistake I can fess up to him no matter what. I don' 'hink Dad sees how much I do trust him...I wish I was betta 'bout openin' up sooner. If I were a betta Daughter maybe I would. Hell if I were betta I wouldn' get into the shit I do uh? I wouldn' make 'em worry so much afta' all."
 - my muse’s last text to your muse
[text] DAAAAAAD!
[text] Dad I forgot my 🏒 hockey gear! Please can you bring it to 🏫 school
[Text] Dad imma go to the lair afta school I wanna show Ari something
[Text] Dad imma hang out with Uncle Mikey
[Text] Dad imma be with Uncle Leo
[Text] Dad im gonna be with auntie April
(I feel you can understand what this stream of texts mean. Feel loke she tells him all the time where she going)
[Text] imagie of Raph past out on the couch with cooper. The pair actually snagged up together sharing the small space despite how much if it Raphs shell can take
[Text] I found ya 🐕 , and 🐢 ❤️
[Text] I think pops🥤 fine with the 🐕
[Text] hey sooo uh I think I have a date? 😵
[Text] do not come out with the 🏒 stick u_u
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dwreader · 10 months
Do you have any pet peeves about costumes? Any examples of terrible costuming you think are really bad??
sooo many but i think the worst offender of all time might be emma watson's belle in that yellow ball gown in the beauty and the beast remake. now granted the disney movie isn't accurate & its a fantasy anyways either but at least its playing in the time period's ballpark just with fantastical twists but the emma watson one is just straight up early 2000s prom dress and most importantly UGLY!! i can support some anachronistic choices in the name of aesthetics but why are you making it uglier?? i don't understand.
also i can't stand it when clothes aren't tailored accurately to the time period. for example in that atrocious blonde movie they clearly copied marilyn's outfits and got the basics but the fit is totally off and not what would've been done in the 1950s. look at ana de armas in the pink gown vs. marilyn. yes one woman may simply be bustier/curvier than the other but the whole thing with that decade is that they used underwear padding etc to SHAPE their bodies to the trend.
hair is another one that's always sooo wrong like look at this shot from dr. zhivago that's clearly not 1917 revolutionary russia and its not even the actress's natural hair color or texture its so obviously 1960s bleached blonde. and whenever i see a grown woman in like the 1800s going outside or into town with their hair down im annoyed. btw i LOVE that when claudia is a "child" she has her hair down or half up/down but once she becomes an "adult" her hair is almost always in an updo!!!! beautiful work by the hairstylists to show her growth as a character and how she sees herself.
and im sorry but if you're going to play a role in the 1920s-30s as an actress you need to be willing to chop off your hair. if joaquin phoenix can lose 50 lbs for joker YOU can cut your hair past your ears for a few months. (the one pet peeve i have about iwtv is that antoinette's hair is extremely inaccurate like i just know absolutely no one bts cared about her character at all cause they didn't bother to style her properly for ANY of the decades she pops up in, her hair basically looks 1940s the whole time)
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andvys · 1 year
Andy omg Part 5?! Everytime Steve does some fucked up shit I genuinely cry because I get flashbacks to the very similar situation I was in. Except I didn’t have an Eddie 😔 but I actually cry because I totally get reader. Steve took her for granted and he wanted to turn things around and victimize himself when reader showed interest in someone else. Honestly I just wanna hug her because I totally get it 😕 I wouldn’t personally forgive my own Steve my own irl Steve if that makes sense. Actually I did forgive but sometimes I still hurt so I guess I didn’t forget.😕😕
but yeah Steve has a lot of making up to do. To both reader and Eddie! The fact that Steve was fucking around with so many girls and leading reader on, in a way also hurt Eddie (not in the way he hurt reader though but still kinda hurt him). Because Steve was holding on to her and giving her false hope she never got the chance to set her eyes on someone else… on someone who she probably had some sort of attraction to already **cough cough** Eddie **cough**. That made Eddie watch the girl he was in love with be in love with someone else. Which totally sucks. But I’m happy Eddie and reader found their way to each other!
ALSO I love the moment when reader realizes she’s in love with Eddie!!!! I love how you didn’t even write it and I LOVED how when you described it, it was obvious to us what she was feeling! Then at the end the adore you but they lowkey wanted to say love🥹🥹🥹 let me fucking cry. MY ASKS ARE ALWAYS SO LONG IM SORRY LOL I probably annoy all your other followers with my long ass asks but it’s cause I just get so excited talking and theorizing over your stories 😭🥹
Also wait if you do prequels for Everlong I have a GREAT one. Prequel of reader waking up in the middle of the night because she had a nightmare of Eddie dying in her arms and in that instant, in the middle of the night, she calls him just to hear his voice for reassurance that her nightmare is not real 😭😭😭 when you wrote that she would wake up with nightmares and call him I was like “WAIT PREQUEL/DRABBLE???”
First of all never apologize for the long asks, they are literally the highlight of my day whenever I see them in my inbox!😂
I'm sorry for the situation with your Steve. Fuck that guy, he never deserved you and I hope he's gonna realize what he lost. It's difficult to forgive things like that but it's possible and it will help you move on. Obviously you will never forget that but once you move on, it will hurt less and less every day.
Steve was definitely leading her on but he is also just a silly dude who doesn't know how to deal with his feelings because even if it doesn't seem like it, he does love her and I'm gonna explain more about his feelings and thoughts in the next chapter! But he is definitely selfish for keeping her waiting for so long.
I'm glad you liked the moment between Eddie and reader! The realization was my favorite part to write 😌
ALSO YES TO THE PREQUEL IDEA! I love that so much! I'm gonna save this one! Thank you!!! 🥰
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
Okay so this au is just a rough idea i had where the teens personalities would switch (normal havings scary personality, she having links etc.). The story beats would be similar, althought slightly changed, their families would stay the same and their backstories would differ slithly. Here are some headcanons (Are they headcanons if im the one making the au? Oh well that's what im gonna call the right now) and some schetches i have of their au designs:
Scary is her nick name actually, she got it in soccer because she is kibda scary when playing because she is so good, dislikes that she feels like she has to use it to distinguish herself from Terry Jr tho.
Still dislikes her step-dad, but more because she feels like her and her mom were fine without him and he just ruined their relashonship.
Actually good at soccer (also in a kinda wierdo way like link)
Will call you out on your bullshit
Will also threaten you and mean it
Is one to question authority
A pretty good leader actually (but can be a bit ofa perfectionist and take things too seriously)
Still has a notlikeothergirls vibe but more in imoneoftheboys way
Kinda dislikes everyone else on the team at first
Dislikes the wellwellwell soccer kids, she just thinks they are fake and annoying
Doesn't really have friends, so she is pretty lonely
A bit of a soccer nerd
Does write poetry in her spare time, but only shows her mom
Is much more openly loving to her mom
Is really honest, because of that she comes across as mean
The san dimas demon
Thinks or at least pretends to think everyone loves him
Friends with nearly all the soccer kids (Scary finds him annoying but he is working on changing her opinion)
Kinda inseccure actually
Enjoys the attention of being the mascot
Was really into gymnastics as a kid
Tries to make his own cheers and dances, is not really great at them
Has mobility issues that kinda fuck with him being able to perform which like really sucks
Liked cosplay before (still does) so being the mascot and making the suit felt natural
Actually takes off the costume (uNliKe SoMe PeoPlE!)
Does wear a lot of school merch when not in costume tho
His mom is the best, and he is still very spoiled, he does wonder where his dad is tho...
Lookes like an offbrand Supernatural charakter most of the time
Learnt survival because of Grant (it has become a spacial intrest so he knows a lot)
Knows sign language, morse code and is learning others
Still kinda sheltered (but he was allowed to do actual camping, maybe was even a scout or something)
As a little kid he went on hikes with his grantpa like all the time
Owns a mountain bike but never really uses it
Wears a giant backpack with like everything inside (think milo from milo murphys law) with some self defense weapons inside
Grant taught him a special code to use if he is in danger but cant let others around him know
New to school (i think the li-wilsons just recently moved back in this au) so this is his first time in public school
A weapons nerd (definitly went to a shooting range a lot)
More of a games nerd than a weeb (unlike Taylor), he got it from his dads
Thinks its cool how his name is like Links from zelda games
Likes sports anime and shounen (watched all of my hero academia even tho it is like retro)
Still a total daddy's boy
Honestly happy to get to do some normal teen stuff
Has a lot of online friends, but he still felt kinda lonely
Before they moved he played with norm and taylor as a kid
Thinks pokemon are cool as hell
Goes by Wierd/wierdly
Realized his dad isn't proud of him earlier and feels really resentful about it
Lisens to mcr
Used to draw a lot, he wanted to make cartoons and comics when he was younger
Tried to go into soccer but was not good at it
Used to have this self incert oc "Teenie" that he was really proud of and drew a lot, he wanted to make a whole comic with himbut after he found out his dad isn't proud of him he started to hate it, he thought of it as really childish so he destroyed every drawing he could find (his mom saved a couple somewhere)
Uses a lot of self depricating humor, and just dark humor in general
Honestly kinda pissed at his parents (both of them)
Tries to seem annoyed at the other teens but genialny likes them
Realized people thought he was cringy much earlier, it did still hurt a lot
Tries to control his emotions a lot but then just ends up crying due to them being bottled up and he hates it
Goth clothes kinda fuck with his texture issues but he still wears them
Never designed teenie for the school mascot competition so the san dimas demon won
Gets along better with hero than in canon
Wishes he could just move into his grandmas Mercedes place
Wear earphones to school (both to listen to edgy music and for noice canceletion)
Honestly mask more than in canon (the autism is strong)
Idk when im gonna have time to actually make something for this au but i really wanted to throw my ideas out there because if i don't then they are probablly never gonna see the light of day.
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Sorry for my scribbly handwriting, it is all basicly the words above tho, you can still read i guess.
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myfairhudzen · 2 years
yo i don't wanna re-reblog the arg post bc it's fuckin long but your addition is so cool, they would absolutely do some shit like that. i never really got to go into it on annieblog but the way i saw it, it was less jealousy/annoyance from the trinity about annie's fame, and more active regret about granting her mom's wish like that, thus more or less creating *Annie* as she'd come to be known in the game's history. like they thought they were soooo clever with the eternal curse thing but then she just turned around and was like 'alright well im going to be your problem forever now'. just an unending thorn in their side of their own making. king shit.
Thank you for answering!
That's a great point.
Yes, the Trinity definitely regret creating a huge star-shaped thorn in their side. But I see them trying to undermine Annie's fame as a practical decision. Annie worked a lot to spread awareness of the dangers of the Skull Heart, which makes Double's work at finding a candidate way harder
Then, Annie's fame and reputation means that she's getting a lot of support from people (including the superpowered ones). Some of them even join her in fighting the Skullgirl, and quite a few might be determined to go all the way to destroy the forces behind the Skull Heart. It becomes a huge problem, considering what some of these people are capable of.
Also, Annie probably had a hand in creating some sort of anti-Skullgirl forces, which became a basis for the ASGs later on. It's never clearly stated, what kind of connection she has with the Labs besides being buddies with Big Band. But I like to think that Ben and Avian had worked with her very closely, so later on they encourage Peacock to watch Annie's show, because they believe that she can be a good role model.
So - yeah, Annie is a huge problem for the Trinity just by herself, but her popularity only makes it way worse. I guess, the Trinity might be annoyed by having to deal with that too.
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