#goddess of wisdom ( athena. )
sarafangirlart · 4 months
It’s odd how Athena is Zeus’s favorite but she doesn’t seem to like him back, not only did she participate in Hera’s coup against him but even in the Iliad she was upset with him.
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elianzis · 3 months
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Goddess of wisdom
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lepetitdragonvert · 8 months
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Minerva or Pallas Athena
Artist: Gustav Klimt
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fiprobably · 2 months
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The song (and the musical) slaps
Also hi I'm trying to post more than just Sambucky so um. Consider this a follower filter I guess?
My initial intention for this blog was to post art in general, so if you want Sambucky content only, thanks for sticking with me for a while! If you're still staying, thanks for being around still!
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demigods-posts · 3 months
strongly dislike athena. because how are you gonna construct a daughter. someone who seemingly perfect. so perfect that they don't wound your pride. but refuse to acknowledge her existence for years. and then give her a crumb of a mother's approval. only to disown her like a year later. and then send her on a quest that no child of your has ever come back from. so much for the goddess of wisdom.
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spicyclematis · 2 months
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KISS OF LIFE as Greek mythological figures
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ditoob · 22 days
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“Hello there Lady Athena!”
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obsidian-pages777 · 1 month
Asteroid Pallas Athena in your Astrology Chart. How are you wise?
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In astrology, Pallas Athene (also known as Pallas Athena) is associated with wisdom, strategy, creative intelligence, and justice. When Pallas Athene is placed in each of the twelve astrological houses, it influences the way these qualities manifest in different areas of life:
First House (House of Self): Pallas Athene here suggests a strong sense of self-awareness and strategic thinking. These individuals may project an aura of intelligence and wisdom, and they are likely to approach life with a well-thought-out plan.
Second House (House of Value): Pallas Athene in the second house may indicate a strategic approach to finances and resources. These individuals may possess a keen business sense and may excel in areas related to wealth management or financial planning.
Third House (House of Communication): In the third house, Pallas Athene emphasizes intellectual pursuits and effective communication. These individuals may excel in fields such as writing, teaching, or public speaking, using their strategic thinking to convey their ideas persuasively.
Fourth House (House of Home and Family): Pallas Athene in the fourth house may indicate a strong emphasis on family values and domestic intelligence. These individuals may excel in creating harmonious home environments and may possess a strategic approach to nurturing their loved ones.
Fifth House (House of Pleasure): Here, Pallas Athene emphasizes creativity and strategic self-expression. Individuals with this placement may excel in artistic or performance-related endeavors, using their intelligence to craft innovative and compelling works.
Sixth House (House of Health and Service): Pallas Athene in the sixth house suggests a strategic approach to health and service-related activities. These individuals may excel in fields such as healthcare, counseling, or social work, using their wisdom to help others improve their well-being.
Seventh House (House of Partnership): In the seventh house, Pallas Athene highlights strategic thinking in relationships and partnerships. Individuals with this placement may seek partners who share their values and intelligence, and they may approach collaborations with a well-thought-out plan for mutual benefit.
Eighth House (House of Transformation): Pallas Athene in the eighth house suggests a strategic approach to transformation and personal growth. These individuals may possess deep psychological insight and may excel in fields related to therapy, counseling, or research into the mysteries of life and death.
Ninth House (House of Philosophy): Here, Pallas Athene emphasizes a strategic approach to higher learning and philosophical pursuits. Individuals with this placement may excel in academia, law, or other fields where critical thinking and intellectual rigor are valued.
Tenth House (House of Career): Pallas Athene in the tenth house suggests a strategic approach to career advancement and public recognition. These individuals may excel in leadership roles, using their intelligence and wisdom to navigate the complexities of the professional world.
Eleventh House (House of Community): In the eleventh house, Pallas Athene highlights strategic thinking in social and humanitarian endeavors. Individuals with this placement may be drawn to activism, social justice causes, or group collaborations aimed at creating positive change in the world.
Twelfth House (House of Spirituality): Pallas Athene in the twelfth house suggests a strategic approach to spiritual growth and inner exploration. These individuals may possess deep intuition and wisdom, using their insights to navigate the hidden realms of the subconscious mind and collective consciousness.
Celebrities with Athena in their chart:
Albert Einstein: Pallas Athene is in Aquarius in his birth chart. Einstein was known for his groundbreaking theories in physics and his innovative approach to understanding the universe.
Oprah Winfrey: Pallas Athene is in Pisces in her birth chart. Oprah is known for her wisdom, compassion, and strategic approach to her media empire, which includes television, publishing, and philanthropy.
Leonardo da Vinci: Pallas Athene is in Pisces in his birth chart. Da Vinci was a Renaissance polymath known for his artistic genius, scientific discoveries, and innovative thinking across various disciplines.
Malala Yousafzai: Pallas Athene is in Taurus in her birth chart. Malala is known for her advocacy for girls' education and her strategic activism, which earned her the Nobel Peace Prize at a young age.
Steve Jobs: Pallas Athene is in Gemini in his birth chart. Jobs was known for his visionary leadership, strategic thinking, and innovative approach to technology, as co-founder of Apple Inc.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 6 months
To every new person in the Greek myth fandom who shits on Athena because of what she did to Medusa....
Can y'all like..... Idk maybe NOT take Ovid's Metamorphoses as your ONLY source of Medusa's origin story?? (Furthermore that version isn't Greek either, it's Roman. So it's not Athena anyway, it's Minerva in that case).
And maybe like... Idk look at the GREEK myths (where Medusa didn't HAVE a traumatic backstory) that PRECEDE Ovid's version?? Would really not hurt you to look at and/or consider more than just one interpretation of the story.
PS: This is NOT to say that you CAN'T consider Ovid's version at all. You can, but atleast don't consider only THAT version to be canon. Cuz it's not. Myths like this don't follow a linear path. They are branched into several different versions. And cherry-picking only one of them while actively pretending the other versions don't exist at all is not gonna help you in your theological development.
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The Cyclops Saga in a nutshell
Athena: Odysseus you will be indefinitely screwed if you keep going down the path you’re going
Odysseus: You have no fucking friends bitch
Athena flying away: Alright fuck me then, don’t say I didn’t warn you
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Athena: A woman’s place is on the battlefield.
Apollo: So you think women should die? Interesting.
Athena: Funny how you assumed a woman would lose the battle … misogynist, much?
Apollo: You’re right, I will take a step back and reflect on my behavior. Sorry, women.
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sarafangirlart · 21 days
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In art and literature, Pegasus (and by extension Chrysaor) was born from Medusa’s head fully formed, but wouldn’t it be funny if Pegasus and Chrysaor were born as babies so Perseus and Athena had to take some accountability for orphaning their monstrous cousins? Idk I just thought this would be amusing.
Also in my retelling, Perseus sneaks up on Medusa while she’s asleep and her sisters aren’t home, but he slips up and Medusa wakes up and they fought.
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elianzis · 1 month
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Orion (my OC) and Athena playing petteia
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evermore-grimoire · 1 year
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The Evermore Grimoire: Greek Mythology
Athena (Αθηνη) was the Olympian goddess of wisdom and war and the adored patroness of the city of Athens in Greek mythology. She often appeared in mythology as a champion of heroes such as Argos, Perseus and Hercules. These stories celebrated Athena’s kind regard for struggling mortals and often displayed her craftiness and ingenuity. For example, she advised Argos on how to construct the Argo, the ship that took Jason and the Argonauts to find the Golden Fleece. Athena also aided Perseus in his quest to slay Medusa, the Gorgon with hair made of serpents whose gaze turned onlookers to stone. As he set out on his quest, Athena appeared before him and gave him a bronze shield, polished to reflect the sight of Medusa so that Perseus would not have to look in her eyes. When he struck Medusa with a scythe gifted to him by Hermes (god of trade), Athena guided the swing to ensure it would sever her head. Hercules also benefited from Athena’s intervention. When he was charged with stealing the golden apples from Hera’s (queen of the gods) secret garden, which was overseen by the daughters of Atlas, Hercules offered to hold the sky while Atlas (bearer of the Heavens) beseeched his daughters to gather the apples. When the sky proved too heavy for Hercules, Athena took action and lifted the sky so that he would not be crushed under its weight.
artwork by Yliade
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kammieceleek · 5 months
Episode 4 thoughts
I haven't been posting about the episodes because I didn't feel a need to with the first three.
This, though?
Thank Miss Athena for this one, because Owl-Eyes PISSED ME THE HELL OFF with that little petty stunt.
I am well aware that Athena is petty in mythology. Hell, she's even petty in Percy Jackson (see every instance here she discusses Percabeth and how she doesn't approve of the Son of Poseidon). Yes, I am aware of all of this.
Oh, gods, help me.
This shouldn't make me as mad as it does, but I'm someone who proudly declared Athena my favorite goddess when I was in middle school (before I read PJO) and kept her as my favorite for a very long time. She has toppled a very long way from that throne in my heart and Miss Ma'am, you had *better* make it up to your baby girl or I will be throwing these dam hands.
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readysetimready · 3 months
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- the story of the illiad 1892
The girlies are on a mission.
Hera and Athena getting to rock the trojans shit.
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