#given yes. i do not live in england but are you kidding me
The most unrealistic thing about Good Omens season 2 is that a record store in *Soho* gets no business
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unsleepingtales · 1 month
A lesson I have learned about myself in the past few months is no matter where in the world I am I will make time for fantasy high!
Greetings from Not Home, my sleep schedule is absolutely fucked. Without further ado let’s dive right into episode 18 (!!)
So. Picture the ocean.
Burth Bakarath <3
Yeah the fact that they’re allowed to hold the election off of school grounds is still wild to me
Oh my god MURPH came up with Gerard Neigh???? Love him so bad
Happy Birthday Me And Congratulations President Applebees
Ooh okay so they’re trying to get the nightmare king to fuck with the ship?
I love ship stats!!!!
As the birthday boy/most popular kid in school ☺️
The bad boys are steering the ship!!
I love the dynamic of the Most Powerful Girls In The World and The Coolest Guys
Hey guys be nicer to Jawbone please
K2 was such a gift to Ally
! My stepdad lives on a houseboat !
(Lou making panicked flailing sounds)
Emily. Fully making matcha.
I’m gonna do a full matcha ceremony!! It always makes the meth go down smooth!!!
What the fuck is happening guys. Am I out of it or is this just unhinged.
Classic back of house actions
I’m SO glad that Fight Me In The Sky is an enduring bit
ASO reference??
Take one and pass it on!
Oh my god look at the little party lights on the Hangman mini!! It’s so nice!!
There’s always time for a weird jawbone story!
Cmon mannnnn
We were all rooting for you!
Beautiful. Majestic. BAM.
Ooh what does Zac’s shirt say?? It’s blocked by the cloud. World Oyama something
I know it’s huge actually but the teeny tiny dragon mini is so cute
Yeahhh let’s keep it voting!
Murph’s hair looks very nice!
Zac’s shirt says World Oyama Karate!
What does knocked prone mean in this situation
Oooh Adaine had silvery barbs now!
Zac just Lives in crit city now
Gorgug Thistlespring the man you ARE…..
Keelhaul the fucking dragon hell yes
Thank fuck for uncanny dodge
Aaaaaaaa gorgug
And there’s the shot from the trailer!
We’re actually being attacked by dragons, we’re just making it fun!
I am trying to scroll tumblr as I watch the episode and I am fighting for my fucking LIFE to not get the Beardsley wild moment spoiled
‘Remember when we died?’ Oh you two are best friends who died together <3
Even the dragons look afraid
The nightmare king!!!!
Oh that hand is so coooool
Damage thresholds are so great
Oooooohoho Eugenia love you
Ain’t no party like a seacaster party cause a seacaster party blows up!!
I’m so glad that Riz likes his teacher now
I’ll be nearby! But I Have To Go
Steve Kornacki mention !
Have they guaranteed that everyone at the party is voting for Kristen? That’s just a given at this point?
I love the rain animation so much but it is kind of distracting unfortunately
Adaine Abernant PARTY WIZARD
God they keep saying Gerard and it keeps catching me off guard.
Solo Baxter? No Sandra Lynn?
“(mouth full of almonds) Oh my fucking god” cc writers ilyyyy
Zac was that to the tune of grandma got run over by a reindeer
They work together so well!!!!
I love Eugenia’s energy
I am gonna have it dissolve her. If it works.
She’s going to Hudol! She’s going steady with Perceval!
Literally 50/50 odds but we all know how this is gonna go
Zac fully dming this moment is beautiful
She might be pregnant??
You had your chance, and what you did was say blimey
She extrudes through time back to… England.
Heyyyy tornado!!!
Yeah how do you go back to plot after that
Oh fuck!
Oh god the editing for the sneak peek for next week was fantastic
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jane-gunson123 · 2 years
Met His Match
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In which John Shelby meets his match in the form of a pretty, bold, resilient northern gangster.
Disclaimer: This is set in 1919, just after ww1 and John hasn’t married Esme but he does have his 4 kids still.
requested by @wildheartsalwaysburn
John Shelby masterlist
Peaky Blinders masterlist
Main masterlist 
John’s morning had been somewhat mundane, nothing out of the ordinary, his kids arguing, Tommy stressing at the betting den but about noon that had changed. Tommy had word of a rival gang from up north sniffing around Birmingham, looking to take over the race tracks. 
Tommy had given him and address and a name and sent him on his way, 39 Armory Road, Mr. O’Callahan. That should be easy right, at least John hoped it would be.
The house he arrived at was no different to his home on Watery Lane, that surprised him. He of course had walked passed this house from being 5 aloud to roam the streets, so he knew what the house looked like but h would of thought a rival gang with money would of chosen a nicer head quarters.
He had heard of the O'Callaghan's from his earlier years. They were a family of gypsies who had risen in power to the top. They were exactly like his family apart from no one had ever seen the Mr O'Callaghan himself and lived to tell the tale at least. 
John has met his 3 brothers when he was younger but there was a forth and it was the fourth who was in charge. 
Knocking on the door and waiting for an answer was probably the most nerve racking thing he had ever done.
“Yes?” A young woman, no older than 21 answered the door. John was star struck, that was not who he had expected to answer the door. He auburn hair flowed gracefully in the breeze as her dress clung to her figure in all the right places.
“What's the matter, Dukes not bit one of yours has he?” The emotion in her eyes was fathoms deep, yet they carried the warmth and life of the sunlit surface. They had a thousand hues of blue and a small touch of hazel radiating in softly swooping arcs.  
“No, no,” John stutted, this woman was making him question if he had nocked on the wrong house, “I’m looking for a Mr O’Callaghan, love” 
“You better come in then,” The woman sighed. 
John was quick to follow behind the woman into her kitchen. “So is he in?” 
“I’m assuming your not after Carl or one of the other two, you want him don’t you?” She didn’t sound upset, more intreeged and it was like she was riddiculing him. 
“Yeah, we need to talk.” John answered, “Whats yout name, love?”
“Ruth,” she answered smirking.
“Mam,” A little boy, who John assumed was Duke ran into the house through the back door, his dirty bloned hair messy while his bright blue eyes caught a glimpes at John.
“Yes, Duke.” Ruth asked, picking up the boy to cuddle him in.
“i’m tried and who’s that ugly thing?” Duke said pointing at John.
“hey, thats rude appoliges.” Ruth snapped, putting the boy down passing him a cup with jucie in and a blanket from over the back of the chair, “Go to the sofa and lie down, I’ll be through in a mintue.”
“Okay and sorry,” The boy whispered to John, he was no older than 5 but clear a hand full like most gypys kids he had seen, his were the same.
“I’m sorry about him, buts he right, who are you?” Ruth asked.
“John Shelby.” 
“Ah, so your the infumase peaky blinder, everyone keeps takin about. I dont see the obsession, your not all that.” Ruth said, sitting back down at the table.
Never in john Shelbys life had he ever been so insulted by a mother and child in the space of 5 minutes.
“Rude.” John mutted lowly.
“what, do you want me to apoligies?”  Okay, now she was deffintly riddiculing him.
“What have you got to do with Mr O’Callaghan?” John asked.
Never had he seen a woman laugh more at a serious question. “I am Mr O’Callaghan, darlin’” Her geordie accent was strong and John was suppriesed he could understand her half the time.
“Your the mysterious gangster that controls most of England.” John marvelled.
“You say it likes its hard.” Ruth said, she was relaxed, very relaxed.
“So its you behind the Callaghan Mob, a woman, no rich man.” John was uterly speakless.
“Honey, I am the rich man.” Ruth answered, “John, you have been a while, what exsactily do you want? And be careful what come out of your mouth next, because if you remember I am a ruthless gangster.”
“To talk, we have had word about you wanting to take over the race trackets south of Manchester.”John was calm but in reality he was shitting himself and Ruth could easily see through his facade.
“I have no intensions of taking over race tracks, I can assure you, John. It would be pointless and its not what my boys do.” Ruth paused, poping her head into the living room to check on her son before continguing, “I have a much better propersition for the peaky blinders but I feel like im taking to the wrong brother.”
“Possibly, what you thinking love?”
“The Peaky Blinders re an up and coming gang and a powerful one at that, but you are not going to get to the top by petty street crimes and fighting men who think they are something like Billy fucken Kimber. So what I prepose is we team up. I’m looking to expand, I already control from the scottish boarder to Nottingham but me, my brothers and main cousins are already very streached out, I have someone who controls Scotland under me and some for Walses as well as Luton to the end of the counrty. This is where you come in, I need a gang to tak eover from Nottingham to Luton before I go to ireland to eventully concquere there. So what do you say, me and my connectiongs help you control 1/4 of England in the next 3 years aswell as every race coures on my side of the treaty aswell as your own. All we want is 50% of your profits for the first 3 years then 25% every year after, but I hav e to warn you, double cross me and i will make sure that not one of your family is left.”
“I’ll tell Tommy your preposion and he will be in touch.” John answered, taking in all of the information he had just recieved.
“I hope to see you soon, and if everything work out will be parterns in running the UK’s underworld very soon.
Ruth had to be the one woman that had made John speachless. She was truly an enigma and he was weirdly draw to her. 
John Shelby had finaly met his match.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
*I* want to hear everything you know about the Chocolate Cream Killer!
Many many people asked, so here we go!
Q: How do you get a man to leave his wife for you?
A: Mass poisoning, apparently.
At least, that's the answer if you're Christiana Edmunds.
Born in 1828 in Kent, England, she was highly educated and had apparently been diagnosed with "hysteria" in her early 20s. Given that this diagnosis was frequently a catchall term for "Woman Behaving In Unexpected Way," it's uncertain whether she suffered from an actual mental illness. But her behavior in her 40s, when she was living with her widowed mother in Brighton, would suggest that she may have been.
Around this time she became close to a married doctor, Charles Beard. Their exact relationship has never been worked out, but she tried to kill his wife in 1870 by giving her a poisoned chocolate truffle.
You know.
As one does.
It didn't work and, incredibly, despite strong suspicions that she was the culprit behind his wife's illness, Dr. Beard did absolutely nothing about this.
So she decided to poison. Um. Everybody.
Essentially, she bought boxes of fancy chocolates from some poor local confectioner, injected strychnine into them at home, and then returned them. Apparently returning fully opened packages of food was just Okay in 1871- one really begins to see how modern regulations on these things came about. The chocolates would then be put out for sale again, because I guess nobody saw anything wrong with that either as long as there were no visible bite marks. #capitalism or something
she hired local boys to buy the poison for her after the first few times, in an attempt to allay the suspicion that would doubtless arise if she were seen buying vast quantities of strychnine
(apparently the possibility that they would compare notes and be like "that Miss Edmunds keeps asking me to buy her poison for stray cats 'round her house [yes that was her actual excuse]. she asked you, too? seems a mite rum to me!" did not occur to her. I never said this was a smart Take Out Lover's Wife scheme)
meanwhile, large numbers of randos were getting sick all over Brighton, mostly visitors as it's a seaside resort town. nobody connected these illnesses to the chocolates until- and this part is not funny -4-year-old Sidney Barker, vacationing there with his parents, died from the poison.
that was the only death, and again, it's. not funny. a little boy died because this woman (maybe not fully rational, probably not intending anyone but her target to die, but still) wanted her crush/possible lover's wife out of the way and didn't care about the collateral damage. I will go back to the Ha Ha Funney Weird Inept Mass Poisoning tone in a moment, but...I don't know. take a moment of seriousness for this poor child
everyone good? okay. let's move on.
realizing that putting out poisoned chocolates into the world willy-nilly and hoping Mrs. Beard would buy some wasn't working, Edmunds escalated to just sending boxes of strychnine sweets directly to people- including her intended victim. I assume the rest were mere decoys to throw investigators off the scent, since she sent some to herself to allay suspicion. and pin the crime on the poor confectioner, to boot
but this time, Dr. Beard decided to get off his ass and actually Tell Someone that his possible ex-mistress had a murderous streak. thanks, Charlie. thanks for divulging that little fact
Edmunds was arrested, tried, and convicted of murder and attempted murder. though initially sentenced to hang, she was granted a reprieve due to apparent mental instability and lived out her days in the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum [their wording, not mine]. she died in 1907
so that concludes our brief foray into True Crime, folks. remember, inspect your kids' Halloween chocolates! Someone might have [checks notes]:
bought a bag of Fun-Sized Snickers
opened the packaging
injected poison into the candy
returned them fully opened
counted upon them being placed back out for sale on the off chance that this person's crush's spouse might eat some
(dear sensational news outlets- THAT IS SARCASM)
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elisabeth515 · 1 year
Titanic Officer Barbie Movie Posters (and 1 fun fact about each of the officers!)
(Because why not)
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Feel free to save as phone wallpapers 🙈
I’ve decided to include our babeypurser McElroy because the role of Purser is sometimes regarded as an officer role. Among all the officers, Lightoller (B), Pitman (5), Boxhall (2) and Lowe (14) survived the sinking. McElroy was the only officer whose body was recovered and identified; he was buried at sea.
Now to the fun facts!
Henry Wilde: he was already captain and was set to command the SS Cymric for the Liverpool to Boston Route. Unfortunately, the coal strike happened and his first voyage with Cymric was delayed to presumably 1st May. White Star Line decided to put him in onto the crew of Titanic as Chief Officer.
As you guys may know already, Henry Wilde is my favourite officer so it’s not surprising that I have been posting about him for this April. I also am currently doing a series of TikToks for his actions throughout Titanic’s maiden voyage as well🙈
Here’s my post about Wilde being made aware of joining Titanic
This is my post on the Crew Shuffle if anyone would like to read more about it
William Murdoch: Charles Lightoller thought his bestie’s moustache make him look ugly so he grew his moustache so that Will could shave. Nevertheless, we all think otherwise.
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Charles Lightoller: of course, his role as one of the captains of the little ships during the Dunkirk Evacuation. He saved around 130 lives in it with his family yacht, the Sundowner.
Side note: currently, the Sundowner is a museum ship in Ramsgate but sadly, the yacht is in a bad condition and we need money to repair. I know I don’t have much high opinions on the British (yeah except Henry Wilde), despite having been living in England for almost 5 years, but Lightoller has been one of the most intriguing figures to me; being through 4 shipwrecks and fire, also living through Titanic, WWI, and Dunkirk, his story of hope and survival is worth a movie. If you would like to help preserving a piece of history, please consider donate to help save this famous getaway yacht little ship🙈
Donate here
And here’s the campaign video by our TikTok Lightoller Fan Club President Melissa on saving the getaway yacht
Herbert Pitman: despite suffering from seasickness, this son of a farmer had a more than half-century long seafaring career, retiring in 1946. He started his career as an apprentice, then a deck officer and when he could not pass the eye test due to colour blindness at one eye, White Star Line made him a purser and he stayed in this position for the rest of his career. Pitman served in both world wars on troop ships; when he retired, he was a Lieutenant-Commander of the Royal Naval Reserves and was created an MBE in 1948, in recognition of his long service in the merchant marine.
Joseph Boxhall: he had a very happy marriage with his wife Majory and they were very fond of their dogs. This may be a substitute to children given that they do not have children together but anyways if anyone asked why you haven’t had kids yet, tell them about the Boxhalls and their doggos 🐶
Harold Lowe: he was a hobby artist who works with watercolours, as well as wood carvings. This may come across as surprising but you should not be surprised given that his father was an artist. There are a few of Harold’s drawings exists today, including a sketch of Titanic (in which he messed up with the funnels). Oh yes, he was also in the church choir as well when he was young.
James Moody: During his South American runs, he would sometimes flirt with female passengers with his very patchy Spanish and well, sometimes he just dropped in some swear words by accident. Yeah, in case you wondered, he’s not that shy as you thought after watching Ed’s portrayal of our daring Jim in the 1997 movie (the real Jim was quite cheeky actually).
Hugh McElroy: as the ship’s purser, he was there to take care of passengers’ needs (like he’s basically the “manager”). From parrot-tending (yes, and he trained the parrot to do morse code) to organising marriage ceremonies for runaway couples, he’s there to try to help. And as a result, he was a very popular man on the ship and passengers were honoured to share a table with him.
@/Melissafairlady on tiktok (the revenge ‘stache fact)
Encyclopaedia Titanica forum (the discussion thread on Moody)
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frociaggine · 1 year
In your grievance post you mentioned that jamies dad wouldnt be around until u15s at least but then in the show jamie says his dad took him to amsterdam when he was 14 and also said it like he was trying to get back with his mom AGAIN like it wasnt the first time james had been round and it would have to be long enough for georgie to trust him to take jamie to another country right? So to me it seems like james was around at least since jamie was 12 ish, like young teens. Whats your interpretation of it?
Ok I DO have thoughts about this! I left them out of the original post because they verge more into implications / hcs territory rather than what's actually on screen, but here it goes.
My tldr is that I strongly believe James showing up when Jamie was 14 was about Georgie. James taking an interest in Jamie's career happened later.
On James's investment in Jamie's career
Jamie said that his dad started showing around when he started to get "good at football". Yes, Jamie at 12 was very good, good enough to get scouted, but I can't think it would be enough for James to care. SO many kids are scouted and only a small percentage actually make it, and Jamie at 12 was, statistically, way more likely to be dropped within a couple of years than to get a pro contract, especially a pro contract with City (which, again, is THE thing James really cares about)
James wouldn't have bothered with a 12-year-old kid. It would've given him no bragging rights, he couldn't have used it for clout with his hooligan mates. No way.
Re: the U15 thing, I actually meant to type U16, so thanks for pointing it out! I put that as "at the earliest" because that's the earliest Jamie could've been called to represent England at a youth level (which he probably was, as a youth player from a top-flight academy) and was probably one of his first career milestones. But actually, personally, I truly believe James wasn't especially invested until Jamie was closer to 16, aka when he was about to sign his first pro contract and move to the City Academy squad (U18). Old enough to take to the club and have some pull to get James into the FCA campus and all that.
Because, again, James mostly cares about City, and he cares about what his son playing for City means for him in terms of access and bragging rights. Plenty of youth players who start out at the City Academy get cut and end up moving to other clubs, even if they do make it to the senior team eventually. A son playing on the academy team at Everton or whatever wouldn't really be a top concern for James. I'm sure he brought up his son who "is so good, he could end up going pro" over the years, but like hell he was showing up every week and giving career advice.
2. On the Amsterdam trip
From everything we've seen about Georgie, she's fiercely protective of Jamie and has 0 patience for her son's dad. We also know she's married, and Simon has been around for a while, at least since Jamie was in his mid-teens and still lived at home. We also know that James was "trying to get back together" with Georgie when Jamie was 14, and that he "tried to act like the dad of the year."
I doubt that 14yo Jamie knew what James was like. I doubt Georgie would've let the trip happen if she had any firsthand knowledge of James being a dick to her son. I feel very strongly that the Amsterdam trip happened because Jamie begged for it. And I think it was one of the first times Jamie truly interacted with his dad, and he had no reason to know it would turn out like it did.
So, personally, I read this as: Georgie got engaged, or got serious with Simon. James, who's totally the type to think he has a claim on a woman he knocked up fifteen years prior then dumped shortly after, swept back into her life in full force, and tried to win her back by using their son. Buying him gifts, bonding trips, talking about football, doing cool grown-up stuff with him — and teenage Jamie was naive enough to his father's shit that he was happy to go along with it and probably made a scene if Georgie dared to suggest they shouldn't go. Textbook toxic ex shit.
I'm sure the "dad of the year" shit included attending Jamie's youth matches and hyping up his skills, especially as we know that Georgie got Jamie into football and probably went to his matches. But I doubt James's investment was anything like the intense, toxic backseat coaching James took up later, and I'm sure it didn't last after Georgie told him to fuck off. Because there's no way Georgie wouldn't have picked up that the trip had been a disappointment, even missing the details, and I bet that after that happened James went back from showing up every few months for the next couple of years.
^ All of this is absolutely headcanon territory and I get why other people may interpret canon as "James was around regularly in Jamie's life from 14 onwards at least." But (TO ME!) this is a more logical extrapolation of what we see in the show than believing that someone like James was present in Jamie's life since he first got scouted.
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touloserrrr · 10 months
Since I am totally very normal about Six… I have decided to overanalyse all the lyrics: Don’t Lose Ur Head
Grew up in the French Court
Initially I thought this meant Boleyn was French, but a simple google search actually reveals she was born in England, but did part of her education in France as a maid of honour (lady in waiting) to the French queen.
Oui, oui, bonjour
“Yes, yes, hello” in French to indicate her upbringing.
Life was a chore so (she set sail)
1522 came straight to the UK
Boleyn returned to England that year to marry a distant cousin. This was planned simply in the interest of her family for some land.
All the British dudes, lame
Epic fail
This engagement was broken off at some point, though there is nothing to suggest a specific reason. This has left Boleyn a single woman in England.
Ooh, I wanna dance and sing
This could be a reference to her character in the musical as she had become a singer here, however, this could also reference the fact Boleyn was known for singing and dancing rather well.
Politics, not my thing
Ooh, but then I met the King
Boleyn became a maid of honour to Catherine of Aragon, which led to her meeting Henry. In 1526, he became interested in her and attempted to seduce her.
And soon my daddy said, "You should try and get ahead"
Might be about trying to get ahead of her sister Mary Boleyn, who was Henry’s past mistress but nothing more. Additionally, this line sounds like “get a head”, hinting at her eventual loss of a head.
He wanted me, huh, obviously
Messaging me like everyday
This is of course as in sending letters, but could be a parody of the trope of the cheating husband messaging his lover on his phone every day and having to be secretive about it to his wife.
Couldn't be better, then he sent me a letter and who am I kidding
I was prêt-à-manger
I do not speak any French so had to use google translate; “ready to eat”. I was confused at first why this line would be used, but I figured it may be one of these possibilities: could be literally referring to royal food as Henry was very wealthy and ate better than anyone else at the time; ready to eat up all of the love she is given; or it could be a sexual innuendo.
Ooh, sent a reply
Ooh, just saying hi
Ooh, you're a nice guy
Surface level, seems like Boleyn is saying she believed Henry was a decent man. However, overanalysis kicks in! This possibly could be a reference to the modern use of the term “nice guy”; a man who acts nice to a woman but believes he is entitled to something, so if something does not go his way, he flips.
I'll think about it maybe, xo baby
Here we go
(You sent him kisses)
I didn't know I would move in with his misses
Boleyn, Aragon and Henry were living in the same palace due to Boleyn’s position in court, but later she was moved to her own lodging to be closer to Henry.
Get a life
You're living with his wife?
Like, what was I meant to do?
Once Henry made up his mind, the woman in his life had little control over the next events. This is later proven in ‘I Don’t Need Your Love’. Boleyn did not have many options in her situation.
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
Boleyn was known to have some rather controversial things (at the time) when angered, one of the most notable examples being “Ainsi sera groigne qui groigne”, which means “Let them grumble; that is how it is going to be”, this being her motto. This line could possibly also be about the things she said to Henry which led to him annulling his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, and becoming supreme head of the Church of England.
I'm just tryna have some fun
Don't worry, don't worry, don't lose your head
To ‘lose your head’ means to lose self-control or panic, but it also obviously refers to the fact that Boleyn was beheaded, so she literally was the one to lose her head.
I didn't mean to hurt anyone
LOL, say oh well
The use of modern language that has been popularised with social media contrasts with the time period these events took place. Additionally, this language is rather casual, so it shows the character’s attitude to the whole situation.
Or go to hell
This is another major contrast - the line before this was rather innocent-sounding, and suggests she had no ill-intent, yet this line is the complete opposite as the Tudor times were very religious so this would’ve been taken rather seriously.
I'm sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
Don't lose your head
Three in the bed and the little one said
This is a reference to the famous (at least in England) nursery song ‘Ten In The Bed’. In this bit the character of Boleyn points to herself in reference to “the little one”, which could also be highlighting how Anne Boleyn was around 10 years younger than Henry, and more than that than Aragon.
If you wanna be wed, make up your mind
Her or me, chum
The letters Henry sent to Boleyn indicate she refused to sleep with him for most of their relationship before marriage, likely because it was looked down upon if a woman wasn’t a virgin before marriage. This likely was a factor in why Henry decided he wanted Boleyn to be more than just another one of his mistresses.
Don't wanna be some
Girl in a threesome
Are you blind?
Ooh, don't be bitter
Ooh, 'cause I'm fitter
This shows a sort of conflict between Aragon and Boleyn, which may represent how civilians of England would show support to different queens (mainly Aragon) as a new queen was a rather large change at the time.
Ooh, why hasn't it hit her?
He doesn't want to bang you
Somebody hang you
This might refer to a quote by Anne Boleyn, where she said would “rather see her hanged than acknowledge her as her mistress”.
Here we go
Your comment went viral
This is relevant to social media today how certain things can ‘go viral’, and can lead to cancel culture, like how Boleyn became hated by most of England, mostly because Aragon was a beloved queen.
I didn't really mean it but rumours spiral
Wow Anne, way to make the country hate you
As I stated before, Boleyn was hated and unpopular with a lot of the English population, and that led to some riots against her.
Mate, what was I meant to do?
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
I'm just tryna have some fun
Don't worry, don't worry, don't lose your head
I didn't mean to hurt anyone
LOL, say oh well
Or go to hell
I'm sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
Don't lose your head
Tried to elope
But the pope said nope
At first Henry actually asked the pope to annul his marriage with Aragon in order to marry Boleyn, but this was obviously refused. Henry had the court meet to discuss this matter, but nothing really went from there. The two of them ended up getting married in secret.
Our only hope was Henry
He got a promotion
Henry pushed the Act of Supremacy, which made him the supreme head of the Church of England. This meant the pope held no religious authority over England, and he did divorce Aragon as he had wanted for a long time, not only because of Boleyn, but also because he wanted a son.
Caused a commotion
Set in motion the C of E
The C of E is just a shortened phrase that refers to the Church of England, whom Henry was the head of.
The rules were so outdated
This likely refers to how many times Henry’s annulment to Aragon was denied, which didn’t allow for Boleyn and Henry to marry.
Us two wanted to get x-rated
In order to sleep with one another, couples were expected to marry first, so this line is a reference to that.
Soon, ex-communicated
Everybody chill, its totes God's will
Boleyn was a Catholic and was rather religious, but not as religious as some of the other queens.
Henry's out every night on the town
Just sleeping around, like what the hell?
Henry was known to have lots of mistresses during his marriages, and his marriage to Boleyn was no exception. She already knew he used to sleep with her sister while he was married to Aragon and had a son with another woman. Historical sources claim that he had started courting Jane Seymour during this marriage.
If that's how it's gonna be
Maybe I'll flirt with a guy or three
Boleyn was known to be rather flirtatious and was later charged with adultery. One of the men believed to have been a lover of hers was Mark Smeaton, who confessed to this accusation, however, this was likely after being tortured or promised freedom, so it is difficult to say if this was an accurate accusation. There were a few other men who Henry claimed Boleyn had romantic affairs with, but there is not that much evidence for those, which is why historians often theorise Henry made up these charges in order to get rid of his wife in order to marry Seymour.
Just to make him jell
Henry finds out and he goes mental
He screams and shouts
Like so judgemental
You damned witch
Boleyn wasn’t actually charged with witchcraft, but a lot of people over the years spread the rumour of her being a witch, claiming she had a sixth finger - and deformities like this were associated with witchcraft in the past. There is no real evidence to suggest she did have this.
Mate, just shut up
Women weren’t expected to stand up to their husbands, so Boleyn telling Henry to “shut up” would have been very much looked down upon.
I wouldn't be such a b-
Throughout the entire musical, curse words are censored mostly by the other queens interrupting.
If you could get it up
Here we go
(Is that what you said?)
And now he's going 'round like off with her head
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he means it
(Seems it)
Of course, this is referring to how Henry decided to have Boleyn executed, specifically by beheading. The phrase “off with their head” became popularised by Lewis Carroll, who published his original books on Alice in Wonderland, which is said by the Queen of Hearts.
What was I meant to do?
(What was she meant to do?)
Like what was I meant to do?
(What was she meant to do?)
No, but what was I meant to do?
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
I'm just tryna have some fun
Don't worry, don't worry, don't lose your head
I didn't mean to hurt anyone
LOL, say oh well
Or go to hell (she's going to hell)
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what she said
Sorry, not sorry 'bout what I said
Don't lose your head
Haha sorry
In a fit of anger, Boleyn would say things she regretted, which is reflected by the fact she apologised only at the end.
EXTRA: After this song, the character of Boleyn attempts to perform a solo song titled ‘Wearing Yellow To A Funeral’. This is a reference to how after Catherine of Aragon died, Henry was happy to hear the news, and attended her funeral with his new wife Anne Boleyn. They were both wearing yellow, which was a colour that symbolised mourning in Spain (Aragon’s country of origin), but joy and celebration in England.
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leupagus · 1 year
Ted Lasso 3.08: Live Gus Reacts (except she went to bed and THEN wrote this)
So first off — as predicted, the storyline of Sam being the victim of a traumatic hate crime was strictly a one-and-done afterschool special. I am zero percent surprised but goddamn is that disappointing. Especially because this episode not only does it AGAIN with Keeley's trauma, but it also clearly shows that the writers can choose not to do it, with how they're treating Colin's storyline as an important topic that is spread out over at least four episodes. These storylines could have been given space, too, but Sudeikis has clearly chosen some characters over others, and I just... really disagree with those choices.
The episode itself!
Hey Jude, What Is This Shit
I have absolutely zero idea where the whole Henry-Ted-Michelle-Jake mess is going, but it was nice to see a glimpse into how Henry actually feels about his dad essentially abandoning him for two and a half years. (Which in the context of the show, I get — but damn it does not work like that in real life.) The comment about how Henry has the most air miles of any kid in his school indicates that he actually flies over to England pretty regularly, which is interesting; I'm guesstimating Henry's age at about 11, which is technically old enough to fly on your own but I cannot imagine how lonely that trip is.
I loved the Beard-Henry connection, though — Beard obviously does this regularly when Henry comes to visit, to the extent that he has his own apron at Ted's house, and although I don't ship Beard/Ted I definitely Get It. The Hey Jude conversation was lovely, and both Hunt and Gus Turner did a great job with that. Also Henry's growing obsession with soccer (he called it football! This is not a kid who's ever playing Pop Warner again, sorry Ted) is great for me personally and the theory that Henry will get recruited by a football academy. Maybe they'll give him drum lessons too.
As for Ted's behavior — I was actually with him about the likelihood of Jake proposing to Michelle, to the point where I didn't get how the rest of the Diamond Dogs (YES I DID FLIP MY LID AT TRENT GETTING INDUCTED, DON'T WORRY, woof indeed) were telling him he was jumping to conclusions. On the other hand, the private detective thing was... what? Like aside from being straight-up unforgivable if Michelle ever found out about it, what exactly would a PI do in this situation? How is a PI supposed to find out if Jake is gonna propose??? Just incredibly weird.
On the other other hand, it allowed Rebecca to do something she's really good at: offering advice, based on having previously done it the wrong way. The (multiple! Tedbecca nation rejoice!) conversations between her and Ted were just lovely (although I did love her "aaaaren't you supposed to be like, doing your job?" moment when he came into her office) and the point about how Ted needs to buy a fucking ladder and GET OVER IT wrt Michelle was one Ted desperately needed to hear, even though he clearly didn't actually listen, given the way he behaved with Michelle in that last scene. And that last scene — I dunno man. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In short: I like Michelle a lot, but frankly she deserves better than the guy Ted's turning into, and if the show actually puts them back together then what the fuck was this show even about.
Nate and the Rhinestone Dogs
So on the one hand, the correlation between Nate having a successful relationship and Nate coming back somewhat (and somewhat erratically, hmm) from his prime dickish behavior isn't a great look — this show really leans on the "all a man needs is the Love Of A Good Woman" and it's gross. On the other hand, I don't think that Jade is a cause of this so much as a witness to it; the moment where she notices his smile when he's looking at that picture of Ted and Henry and Beard, for example.
Also yes, I have turned around 180 on Jade — the first two episodes she was in, her character was written HORRIBLY, and everyone (including me!) who read her character as racist was absolutely right to do so. However, the show itself clearly didn't intend that, so I'm going to roll with it and focus on how she acts with Nate now — and guys, it's pretty fucking cute. I think my favorite thing about her is that she's still very much the same: she thinks he's weird! She notices details about him and has a very flat reaction! But she likes who he is, likes being around him; I love the detail that she said yes to every (hesitant, worried, still-unsure) suggestion Nate made for further hangouts. Staying over? Yes. Going out for breakfast? Sure. Another breakfast date? 👍 (Sidenote: as a fellow white lady who uses the yellow skintone, I was hilarified that Jade is also a white lady who uses the yellow skin tone.) She comes over to his house and brings him wine; she wants to celebrate with him, even though she clearly gives zero shits about football. And the moment where she agrees to the boyfriend/girlfriend monikers was adorable. I confess, they got me.
The not-quite-diamond-dogs scene was straight out of something Mohammed would write for Intelligence (his other show — btw, Mohammed is the writer and star of a whole other TV show about an American in Britain) and I watched the whole exchange with Rupert's assistant cringing with embarrassment, but the fact that Nate is trying to forge the family-style camaraderie he had in Richmond is simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking. I think the thing Nate is missing is that the Diamond Dogs are built out of mutual trust and respect; but he neither trusts nor respects any of his chosen pack at West Ham (I don't think he respects Rupert, really — fears him sure, but respect? no). Which is just as well, because these guys are useless.
The whole bit with Ted, Henry and Beard (in full Richmond regalia — I love you Beard) attending the game was honestly lovely; Henry clearly adores Nate (I want all the fics about Henry and Nate doing the same game Henry and Will did, and Henry being the one to teach it to Will). The choice Ted and Michelle have made not to tell Henry about Nate's role in Ted's public humiliation is a good one, from a parental POV, but also an interesting one from a drama POV; Ted doesn't want Henry to hate Nate, which he absolutely would if he knew. And those decisions parents make for their kids — are they the right ones? I don't know! But parenting is complicated. ANYWAY, Nate's reaction both in that moment — just incredible acting from Mohammed btw, he's so GOOD — and afterward, when he's trying desperately to put the wall up of cruel indifference after Henry's smashed it down, the whole thing just ruined me. I muttered "oh, Nate" like five times during this episode.
Keeley should have Jack, Roy and Jamie be her pallbearers when she dies, so they can let her down ONE MORE TIME
I hated everything about Keeley's storyline, because again it was traumatizing a character for the purpose of showing how other people react to her trauma — Jamie, Roy, Jack — rather than letting her be the focus. I've seen others note how passive she is in this episode, and while I think it was more holding her own ground rather than being frozen in fear, the line was a little too blurry for my taste.
I did love her retail therapy (and yes the hat/dress/polo combo was absolutely a nod to Pretty Woman, which... equating Keeley to a prostitute in the context of this storyline ain't great, but the dress was adorable) and her staunch refusal to feel shame or regret for making a sex vid for Jamie back when they were together. Because she's right — there's absolutely nothing that she did wrong, and Jack's insistence that she be embarrassed over it was the death knell for their relationship.
Re Jack: I thought it was a good character choice for her to be angry at Keeley, because as the mini-golf scene illustrates, Jack doesn't really want to admit that Keeley is her girlfriend right now. The reason is, I think, open to interpretation, but my read on it wasn't that Jack is closeted — it's that she is incredibly sensitive to her own social status, which was already imperiled by dating a former "Page 3 girl" and is now at even more risk if people know about Keeley's video. (I know Keeley Hazell was the co-writer for this episode, and I can only imagine her experience with people who have considered her hot enough to fuck but not good enough to date.) So the only way for Jack to save face is to force her girlfriend into a Repentant Sinner box, someone who had done terrible (read: sexual) things but is really truly sorry and will never do such nasty things again. Which isn't who Keeley is! She likes sex and she likes being sexy; and like she said, there's a world of difference between putting your own image out there deliberately and having private things stolen from you.
The scene between Keeley and Roy was awful, and I hated him for asking her such a shitty, invasive question — even with his visible regret and self-loathing immediately after, that is one of those things you don't come back from without a LOT of work. And no, I don't think it makes it "better" that he clearly suspected the video had been for Jamie back when they were dating — if anything, it makes it worse, since a) if he really needed the information, he could've asked Jamie and b) WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DEAL, DUDE. This season has shown Roy to be much crueler than previously, and I don't like the notion that just as Keeley made him "better," her absence has made him "worse." As I said, this show is bad about making women responsible for the shortcomings of the men in their lives and I'm sick of it. If they do decide to go for a throuple, I hope Keeley makes Roy sweat.
The scene between Keeley and Jamie was much better, although unlike Keeley I do think Jamie should've thought to delete the emails. But she's right in that it wasn't his fault; his guilt is appropriate but not borne out of any actual malicious wrongdoing, which matters! And I found Jamie's thought process around him and Keeley and Roy to be FASCINATING; it makes sense, really, that he thought maybe he had a chance with Keeley post breakup (lol honey no), though I don't think it was their hookup in episode 1.08 that made him think that. Rather, he knows Keeley's a forgiving and openhearted person, and that she "saw the best version of himself" when no one else did, so he hoped that he could one day get that back. The moment in episode 1.10 when Roy opens Keeley's door does hit a little harder now though, since that must've been when Jamie a) realized they were together and b) first thought they were just doing it to get back at him. I don't feel sorry for Jamie, but I do feel for him.
However, the best scene was between Keeley and Rebecca, the only person who really deserves her (KeeleyBecca nation rejoice!) because she actually offered comfort and advice and support, rather than apologies or demands or jealousy. I thought their whole conversation was great, and perfectly fit both their characters — including the brief, horrifying comment about Keeley's predator teacher, because yes that's awful, but Keeley isn't the sort of person who traumadumps for sympathy. So Rebecca's somewhat blithe response rang very true to me as like, an actual conversation I'd have with my friends, vs the Ideal Modeling Behavior a lot of fandom expects characters to parrot. (This gets into a whole essay I want to write about the difference between things characters say 'in public' vs 'in private' and how a lot of times we as an audience don't think there should be any difference, even though in the real world of course you recognize that there's a difference.) Anyway, they should get married.
Oh my god this post is already longer than all the dicks Colin had to delete off his phone
The himbo conversation was absolutely amazing, including the intro where Jamie is their Lynx/Axe dealer. Love that beautiful dumdum. I don't think it's in any way realistic that a bunch of footballers would delete the pics of all the people they've slept with, but this is LassoLand where Santa is real and I was incredibly charmed by it. And I think it lead pretty naturally to the moment with Isaac and Colin — even up to Isaac grabbing Colin's phone, because again, the way you behave in public is different than the way you behave with friends (although you look me in the eye and tell me Isaac McAdoo wouldn't grab your phone if he thought you were being an asshole). Bokinni and Harris sold the shit out of that scene, but this is now the second time Colin's sexuality has been used as a cliffhanger of "will someone else hurt this marginalized person?? STAY TUNED!!!" and frankly I expected way better from Dylan Marron, the other co-writer of this episode.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting — I've only watched the episode once — but I'm gonna post this now before it gets any more embarrassingly long. What a weird episode. It felt like those candyfloss grapes: I'm not sure if I like them, but I did eat the whole bag.
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canirove · 2 years
Red & Blue | Chapter 18
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6 months later...
"I can't believe I'm actually doing this."
"You'll be fine, don't worry" Aaron says, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Just take a deep breath. Inhale... Exhale."
"It doesn't work."
"You've only done it once."
"Whatever" I say, getting free of his hands and starting to walk in circles again. "Why am I so nervous?"
"Well, you only get married once" he shrugs.
"If you are lucky" I reply.
"You and Mason are."
"If you say so..."
"If you are not sure about it, we can always run away and go back to the hotel."
"I don't think they'll allow that. Did you see the officiant? He looks like he would run after us and bring us back."
"He looked a bit scary, yes. And that's our cue" Aaron says, the music starting to play. "Shall we?" he says, offering me his arm.
"Let's do this" I say, taking a deep breath before walking into the small chapel.
A Vegas wedding. I can't believe they all convinced me to do it.
"It isn’t a real wedding" Leah said. "Think about it as a big party before the season properly starts, an opportunity for everyone to dress fancy."
And they all have indeed chosen some very fancy outfits. Since both Arsenal and Chelsea teams did the pre-season in the US, the guests are a mix of their men and women teams, friends and teammates all together on our last free day before going back to England.
"You look beautiful" Mason says when I make it to where he is standing, Leah by his side.
"You look very handsome yourself" I reply.
"Alrighty, let's start this party" the scary officiant dressed as Elvis says. "We are gathered here today to marry these two hotties. But before we get into the actual business, does anyone have anything to say against this union?"
"Chilly, I can't see what is going on. Can you move the camera a bit more, bro?" Declan says somewhere. He isn't here, his team doing pre-season in Europe, and Ben is facetiming him so he doesn't miss it.
"Should I ignore that?" the officiant asks.
"Yes, keep going" Mason says, trying not to laugh.
"Okie dokie. So, British dude. Do you take this hot British chick as your future wife?"
"I do" he says with a smile that is all dimples.
"British chick, do you take this British dude as your future husband?"
"I do" I say, trying not to think much about it.
"Great!" the officiant says, clapping his hands. "Do you have rings?"
"Oh, yes" Leah says. Because she actually took us to a jewelry shop this morning to get some wedding bands.
"Then go ahead, dude. Make her your Sam. Or your Frodo. Whatever you like best."
"I am the Sam of the relationship" I say, offering Mason my right hand. We don't want to wear them on the left and have people talking about it.
"Then I guess I'm the one who saves the world" he says, giving me his hand.
"Debatable" the officiant says. "But, by the power the State of Nevada and the online course I took have given me, I now pronounce you wife and husband! Ladies first" he winks. "You may make out!"
After that, Mason and I kiss, and everyone in the chapel stars clapping and cheering.
"Should we start calling you Mrs. Mount?" Aaron asks with a teasing smile.
"I'm not changing my last name. Fake wedding or not" I say.
"Yes girl!" someone that sounds like Kai says. We are celebrating at a club, everyone scattered around.
"What about the kids?" Aaron asks again. "Will they have both your last names? Can I be the godfather on one of them? I know Declan and Mason's brother also are options, but..."
"I think I preferred you when you kept making jokes about our sexual life" I say.
"Oh, I'm gonna keep making those, don't worry. But now that you are married..."
"Fake married, Aaron. Fake.”
"Words. It doesn't matter. Are you moving in together? A married couple should live together. And..."
"Mason, can we leave, please?" I say, ignoring Aaron's rant. "I love him and I don't want to have to kill him or something. Not on our fake wedding day."
"We could call a taxi and go back to the hotel. Start our wedding night."
"That sounds perfect."
"Wait, where are you going?" Aaron asks as Mason and I get up from the sofa where we were sitting.
"Back to the hotel. We must practice how to make those babies you want to be the godparent of" I say.
"Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Enjoy your wedding night" he winks.
"I don't think we are gonna have a wedding night" I say, resting my head on Mason's shoulder, the movement of the car making me feel very sleepy.
"I don't need one. And it's a fake wedding, remember?" he says, kissing my head.
"It is."
"We can have a wedding morning, tho."
"We'll see" I say, trying not to yawn. "If you bring me breakfast in bed..."
"Deal" he chuckles.
"Good. Now I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when we make it to the hotel" I say, curling on my seat.
"I will. Good night, fake wife."
"Good night, fake husband."
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semper-legens · 1 year
3. Queen of the Sea, by Dylan Meconis
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Owned?: Yes   Page count: 394 My summary: Margaret has always lived on the Island. She knows it inside and out - the nuns, the livestock, the storms that wash over the ocean. But when the supply ships bring new arrivals, her world is about to be upturned. First is her new friend WIlliam; then Eleanor, the banished former queen. And Margaret will soon find herself hopelessly entangled in the queen’s plans… My rating: 5/5       My commentary:
This is honestly one of my favourite books that I own, I am so glad that I picked it up randomly at a comic shop at that one time. This is a reread, I have previously talked about it a couple of years ago, but as I’ve recently played through the entirety of Pentiment (an excellent video game that you should play) recently, I thought I’d pick it up again. It’s such a sweet, surprisingly complex story, with a well-grounded and realistic cast of characters who are all very grounded to the world that they live in and the reality they inhabit. I absolutely adore it.
Margaret, our protagonist, is such a strong character, and a part of that to my eyes is the fact that Meconis doesn’t fall into the Not Like Other Girls character archetype. Margaret is raised with the expectation that she will become a nun when she is older, and doesn’t really seem to consider any other future for herself than that initially. We see her learning embroidery, and she seems to like doing it! She does her chores around the convent, and while she’s a headstrong and outspoken girl, she never really contrasts herself with other girls while being that, it’s just a character trait that she has, which is really nice. I love to see historical women who aren’t given anachronistic or heavy-handed ideas to highlight how they’re Strong Independent Women, and are allowed to be independent within a realistic image of how a woman in their era might achieve that. And in addition to that, Margaret is just really sweet, really positive and optimistic, and an interesting character in and of herself! I love her.
The art is gorgeous. It’s #bright, colourful but with more moody tones when needed, with a lot of soft curves and clean lines. Every character’s face is unique and distinctive, and easy to distinguish from each other, which is very much welcome given that all of the nuns have their hair and most of their bodies covered. I absolutely love this style, it’s very welcoming.
This graphic novel is very much made to be accessible to kids, what with the child protagonist and colourful art style and casual tone. However, it’s in no way dumbed down for that audience. It touches on serious themes and political machinations in a very accessible way that can be understood and enjoyed both by children and adults. Part of this is the coming-of-age aspect of Margaret’s life - she’s being introduced to a lot of the harsh truths about the world beyond her island, and has to grow up fast and come into the political sphere when she never assumed that would be part of her life. It’s very much welcome, though, and makes for an interesting, historically grounded narrative. Final note, though - while I’ve talked about the historical influences on this story, the world of it is not Tudor England, it’s a non-real world inspired heavily by Tudor England, so some artistic license and fabrication is absolutely fine because this is not depicting real history, which makes the places where it is historically attested and draws from reality all the more impressive to me. You didn’t have to put this degree of work in, but you did, and I appreciate it!
Next up, some tales from the depths, and the creatures that lurk there.
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detroit-grand-prix · 2 years
Wildest Dreams Chapter 17 - So It Goes...
Chapter summary: Bee's maiden F2 season comes to an end, ushering in her first season as an F1 reserve driver. She's just a step away from realizing her dream, but post-season testing brings on a reality check, and pre-season testing doubles down on it.
Content warning: N/A
Chapter word count: 3,962
Author’s notes: So, if you watched DTS, you will definitely remember the saga with Williams and 2019 pre-season testing. If not, here are some articles that summarize it for you: here and here.
The plane part was inspired by the podcast interview that Toto did will Paul Ripke, who used to be the Mercedes F1 social media admin. It's only in German, which I do not speak, but there was a Twitter summary someone did of it. Personally, I think I'd be incredibly nervous to fly on Toto's plane, so that's where that came from.
And yes, in this timeline, Nicholas Latifi is a reserve driver for Haas. He's still... um, plot-relevant, I guess, later on, but Bee took the position he was in as of the 2019 season.
I had to shout out Susie Wolff's nonprofit here, too, because *obviously* Bee would be an ambassador for it.
And if you want to see the movie clip Bee was thinking of, here it is. Rush is an excellent movie, I definitely recommend it.
Charlevoix, Charlevoix County, Michigan, United States Late October, 2018
Possibly one of the strangest experiences of Bee’s life happened after the US Grand Prix. Her and her parents went - it was the only flyaway race she was going to this year. The Monday morning after, the Stallards all took a flight from Austin Bergstrom Airport to Detroit Metro Airport, rented a car, and drove four hours northwest to Charlevoix, a town of roughly 2500 people, where her grandparents lived and where her father was born.
Bee offered to buy plane tickets for the one-hour regional flight from Detroit to Traverse City instead, but her father refused - he hated being on planes that small, which Bee thought was strange for an engineer who would know more about planes than the average person. 
Still, it was a lovely drive, and one they often made when Bee was a kid, before she moved to Germany, and a few times a year after-the-fact when they’d visit the states. It was past the peak of the fall color season, but the forests along the highways were still ablaze with orange and red. Bee only just now noticed how different they looked from the forests in Europe, and how much greyer England looked in autumn than here. 
Once they arrived, Bee hugged her grandparents. Her grandmother made a comment about how skinny she was, and how she must not be eating enough (“I eat plenty! Believe me, I have to make sure that I eat enough!”) and her grandfather pointed out that it was probably just all muscle, giving her bicep a playful squeeze. 
Still, though, her grandmother insisted that they were going to eat something “that sticks to your ribs” for dinner tonight, and sent Bee off to the local grocery store with a list of ingredients for Bee’s favorite thing that her grandmother cooked: chicken pot pie. 
It was an extremely small store, even compared to a European supermarket. She walked around for a few minutes, looking at all of the packaging for brands she vaguely remembered from childhood, noticing how big all of the boxes and bags were. It was a reverse culture shock. Still, she’d come to get something, not to just look.
She was looking for a carton of chicken broth, when a man that was already in the aisle tapped her on the shoulder.
Bee turned around, thinking maybe she’d dropped something, when the man said, “Excuse me… I gotta strange question, but… are you Phoebe Stallard?”
“Um… yes, that’s me.”
They talked for a few minutes. He told Phoebe that he knew her grandparents, which wasn’t a surprise given how small and tight-knit Charlevoix was at a population that barely topped the total number of employees the Mercedes 1 team had, but he said he’d started paying attention to Formula series racing because of her, and because of Drive to Survive on Netflix. It was the first time someone had recognized her out in public, and it was a puzzling experience. She wasn’t wearing any team gear or anything that would have indicated who she was.
She got the rest of the groceries she needed and went back to her grandparents’ house.
“Something really weird just happened,” she said as she helped her grandmother put things away. “Someone recognized me in the store?”
“Oh, people talk about you all the time here.” her grandmother said. “I noticed it about a year ago or so. I think it’s because they know you’re related to us - not many Stallards around, you know, but that show on Netflix is popular.”
“I know, but the strange part is, I’m not even on that show. The team I’m with decided not to participate, and I’m not even in Formula 1 yet.” 
“Well, I guess it’s just one of those things, then.” her grandmother said as she started to peel some carrots. 
The rest of Bee’s time in Michigan had been just what she’d needed. She went apple picking, hiking along the Sleeping Bear sand dunes, (which was beautiful if not a bit too cold that time of year) and took her mother and grandmother on a wine tour on the Old Mission Peninsula. Her grandfather took her for a ride on his motorcycle along the Lake Michigan coast, just like he used to when she was a kid. It felt like a week in heaven. It almost made it hard to think about going back to the rush of a race weekend, but it was the final one before winter break. 
Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates Late November, 2018
After the week in Michigan, Bee returned to the UK to get ready for the last race of the season, and for post-season testing. She had three sets of race gear to contend with - one for Virtuosi, one for Mercedes, and one for Williams - and had to borrow one of her dad’s suitcases to fit her helmets into. 
Thankfully, she did not have to fly on a commercial airline this time. Toto had asked her if she wanted to fly on his plane with him and Susie to Abu Dhabi. George would be coming as well. She hadn’t ever been on his private plane, mostly because of timing. 
There was something about it that made Bee incredibly nervous. She felt like she was somewhere she didn’t belong, like she’d been invited over to the house of a wealthy distant relative and didn’t want to break something or make a mess. 
She’d been over to Toto and Susie’s house plenty of times, and felt comfortable there, but this was different. She had brought some books to read, and brought her laptop, but she was too nervous to do anything but sit in a tense, rigid posture, her hands bunched into fists on the armrests. Toto was gazing out the window, Susie was working on something on her laptop, and George was scrolling through his phone. They were also accompanied by one of the more senior Mercedes engineers that she had talked to before, but Bee couldn’t remember his name. It was definitely one of the two Jameses. Or Mike, maybe? There were too many bespectacled British engineers on the team to keep track of. 
Susie looked up from her laptop to look at her. “Are you okay, Bee? Nervous flier?” 
“Not usually…” Bee said “I’ve just…” She was trying to think of a tactful way of saying how she felt. “I’ve never been on a plane that, um… belonged to anyone?”
“Oh,” Toto said, turning his head away from the window. His expression was kind, but he seemed to understand what she meant. “No, please, relax, you’re our guest, bienchen. Make yourself comfortable, there’s no need to be so nervous!”
“Oh… well… okay.” Bee said.
She was able to loosen up a bit after that, and she divided her time between reading and gazing out the window herself.
“How was your trip back to… ah… sorry, what state are you from again?” George asked her at one point.
“Michigan. And it was good. I needed it. Except… I was recognized in public, I was in this grocery store in my dad’s hometown, which is not a big place. I mean, he knew my grandparents, which wasn’t surprising. But he said he started getting into racing because of Netflix. And, it was the first time I’ve ever been recognized outside of a track and it’s in a town that’s a fifth of the size of Brackley.”
“That’s weird,” George said. “We haven’t even been on the show. Mercedes wasn’t.”
“Not yet, at least.” Toto said. He must have been listening to the two of them. “I’m considering it for next year. A friend of mine, who knows absolutely nothing about racing, asked me for tickets to a race, because he saw the show and loved it. It has given the other teams a big boost with engagement. Plus, you’ll both probably be on it with Williams. Maybe not you, bienchen, but definitely George.” 
That was true - Bee’s contract as a reserve driver was now confirmed. Claire and Toto had finalized the contract during the US Grand Prix, so unless she absolutely bottled it during her test, she’d be the reserve driver for Williams.
Bee was strangely more nervous about testing than the final races for F2, mostly because her seat for next year was already secure so her final performance wouldn’t matter so much outside of points standings. She was nowhere near being in contention for the drivers’ championship, so the usual pressure she felt was completely off. George had a commanding lead over Alex Albon, and his win was all but assured. 
In the end, she did manage to snag a podium - third place in the feature race, with Artem in second, and George sealing his championship season with a win in the feature race and 4th in the sprint race. Bee was 8th in the sprint race. Still, finishing in fourth overall in her rookie year - she was incredibly proud of herself, especially with all that she had to deal with in the first half of the season. Her and Artem had been able to close out the history of a Russian Time with a good result, and Bee was happy with that. It’s what she’d set out to do.
When she stepped down from the podium after the ceremony, Svetlana hugged her so hard that Bee thought her ribs would break. “I’m so proud of you, Pcholka.” Svetlana always called her “little bee”, just like Toto did, but in Russian. “I’m going to miss you so much. Good luck next year, I’ll be rooting for you.” 
“I’ll miss you too, Svetlana.” Bee said. “You were a great team principal.”
Testing got underway on Tuesday, but Bee would not be testing until the afternoon for Mercedes. George was splitting sessions with his new teammate, Robert Kubica, but Bee had a test on day 2 for Williams as well.
Bee’s Mercedes test had gone much smoother now that she’d known what to expect, and was better prepared for it. In a strange way, it felt like she was dancing with the car, like it was smoothly waltzing around the track with her. Part of Abu Dhabi’s testing was testing new tyre compounds for 2019, and they decided to put on hypersofts for her run so she could experience the car with a grippier tyre compound. It was amazing. The grip and brake balance was stunning. Her neck didn’t hurt afterward. She felt the physical force of driving it, sure, but in many ways, it felt like the car was an extension of her body, like the car knew what she wanted it to do before she even had to steer or shift. 
The next day, however, when she tested the Williams FW41, it was an entirely different experience. 
Instead of feeling like she was dancing with the car, it felt like she was going ten rounds in a boxing ring with it. It was stunning how different it felt. She knew that different teams building cars could produce very different results, but the degree of difference was a little absurd. The Mercedes felt like it knew what she wanted before she told it, but the FW41 felt like it possessed both the independence and the will to defy her. It had understeer like she’d never felt before, and it felt like she had to use all of her might to get it where she wanted it in the corners. There was hardly any grip and she had to do everything she could to keep the car on the track. It felt like the aero balance was horribly off, which the Mercedes power unit could not compensate for. If anything, it made it worse - like strapping a jet engine to a riding lawnmower.
By the time she climbed out of the cockpit, she was exhausted. Her hands hurt from gripping the wheel so hard in an effort to keep the car under her control, not to mention the absurd button configuration of the wheel that her hands were not large enough for. Even her wrist, long since healed from its fracture, was aching and stiff. She had no idea how Robert, having suffered a horrific rallying accident years earlier that nearly cost him his hand (and did cost him a good deal of manual dexterity in one of them) was able to drive it. 
Bee kept wondering how, all season, Williams had only managed to grab a handful of points, but now it was all too clear. 
“What have I gotten myself into?” She thought to herself. As a development driver, she’d be tasked with working with the engineers to try and make the car as competitive as possible, and she wasn’t sure if she was up to the task. Surely the same engineers that had built this wouldn’t be able to build something that was massively improved in a few months? Some teams would essentially stop developing a car mid-season and focus on development for next season, sure, but she wasn’t sure if that was the case here. She felt worse for George, though - she was just a reserve and test driver, but he was the one that would have to actually drive it in Grands Prix, to try and extract the best performance out of it. 
It was almost a relief to go back to her F2 car for the data-collecting runs she was doing for Virtuosi - at least it was familiar and predictable.
George and Bee compared notes on the flight home. Bee felt a little bad about speaking so negatively about the car, because she knew Toto and Susie were still close to the Williams family, but she was sure it was fairly obvious to everyone at this point. It was so bad that Bee had to ask Toto for a bag of ice for her wrist on the flight home. It was ironically encouraging, at least, that George’s experience was similar to hers, minus the steering wheel situation.
“It was awful. All over the place. The brake balance was horrid, the setup felt all wrong. I feel like the F2 car is probably faster at this point.” He said. Bee could admit that George had far more raw talent and instinct than she did, as far as their driving went. If he was having issues with it as well, it wasn’t just something lacking in her.
At least with testing over, she was on winter break again. It would not be so restful - she would be moving from Northampton to Oxford. She had originally moved to Northampton because it was relatively inexpensive and her only income was her wages from testing and the modest sponsorships she’d gotten in GP3. Oxford was roughly halfway between Grove, where Williams was based, and Brackley, which would make it easier to travel between the two factories. While the new flat she’d be renting was more expensive, it was quite a bit nicer, and larger. It was fine, though - her sponsors had upped their contribution from her GP3 days, and she was now earning significantly more as a reserve driver than she was as a development driver.
Moving, thankfully, did not take that long - since she traveled so much, and the furniture came with the flat, she didn’t actually have that many belongings. After the annual Mercedes holiday party, she flew home to Stuttgart for Christmas.
After the new year, Bee headed back to Oxford and got to work, adjusting to her new schedule. During non-race weekends, she would be in Brackley one to two days per week, and Grove three to four days per week. Race weekends would see her at Grove full-time, doing as much preparation as possible. As the reserve driver, she had to be just as ready as the full-time drivers were, in case there was a need for her to step in for a race.
Not long after arriving back in Oxford, Susie sent Bee a text to invite her over for lunch and said she had wanted to discuss something with her. She immediately followed up with, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. I just have a proposal for you.” a few minutes later. Bee laughed, because Susie knew her well enough by now that she’d known an invitation like that might spike Bee’s anxiety.
Bee had Christmas gifts to bring to the Wolffs anyway, including gifts from her parents. Her parents and the Wolffs were still good friends, even though her parents hadn’t been able to come to races in a while. 
“I think they’ll be coming to Austria again this year, they’ll definitely be at Hockenheim, even though there’s no F2 race.” Bee said. “They didn’t go last year, and Dad wants to be there for the anniversary event.” The upcoming German Grand Prix would be commemorating Mercedes’ 125th year of competing in motorsport.
“Well, good! I’m excited to see them.”
They chatted a little bit more, Bee said hello to Jack, who was now almost two, which Bee found almost inconceivable. She remembered when he was a newborn. It seemed like yesterday.
“Anyway, what I wanted to ask you… is if you’d want to be an ambassador for Dare To Be Different. I know you’re busy enough now, but it wouldn’t be too much of a time commitment for you. A few events at races, mostly, some press… and a small sponsorship for a logo on your helmet or your suit.”
Bee was honored. “I would love to. If I’m being honest, I’m a little upset you hadn’t asked me sooner. I was very excited when you launched it. I remember thinking, if there were something like this when I was a kid, maybe I wouldn’t have been the only girl out there.”
“That’s exactly why I started the foundation in the first place. We don’t have any activities planned for the United States quite yet, but maybe soon, with the distinct possibility of an American woman on an F1 grid.”
“I’m happy to do whatever I can.” Bee said.
Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, Montmeló, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Mid-February, 2019
Pre-season testing wasn’t starting out well for Williams. 
They couldn’t even participate in the first two days because the car couldn’t be finished on time. Initially, they only expected to miss Saturday’s filming day, but the car didn’t arrive until Tuesday, overnight.
Bee had arrived for the beginning of testing, but there were no other Williams personnel in the garages then. She hung out around the Mercedes garage, just observing and following what the engineers were doing. She thought it was fascinating, and it was good to get a perspective on the kind of data and things they looked at. The perspective of a driver was fairly limited, and she always wanted to learn more.  
The car finally got going on the third day of testing, with George completing the first shakedown by running 23 laps, but only after some missing parts had arrived in Claire’s hands.
Bee was due to test the car on Thursday, but that plan was scrubbed. 
“I hate to tell you this, Phoebe, but… we’ll have to bump your test time until next week. We need to make up for the lost time so we can run the aero program., and we’re still getting some parts in before we can even do that.”
“It’s okay. I understand.” Bee said.
She wouldn’t tell Claire this, but she wasn’t really looking forward to testing anyway. She remembered how awful the FW41 felt to drive in Abu Dhabi, and didn’t have much hope for the FW42, especially now. 
At the beginning of the year, when starting to test the car in the simulator, Bee had asked the engineers to give her a wheel with a different button configuration that could accommodate her smaller hands, because they were making one for Robert with a primarily left-handed configuration. Using the normal one required some odd stretching to reach all of the buttons.They told her it was in the works, but it was apparent they had much bigger problems to worry about. 
She also felt terrible for Claire, knowing that she would take the majority of the blame for the delay in the press. Bee liked Claire a lot. Not only did she feel a sense of camaraderie with every woman involved in motorsport, but she sympathized with the pressure that Claire was under, trying to do her best every day to carry forward the family legacy and not let her father down. Bee couldn’t even imagine having to live up to that kind of pressure. 
But, in the end, who was responsible for the team not being able to show up on time with a car? Was it the manager, or the person the manager hired to do the job? 
Ultimately, Paddy - Paddy Lowe, the Chief Technical Officer, was placed on leave after testing. Bee remembered Paddy from her early days in the Mercedes junior program, when he had designed the cars that kicked off Mercedes’ era of dominance. He had been brought on at Williams to bring the team back to being competitive, but failed to do that. 
She got a chance to test the car during the second week of testing, and it still felt like a mess. It made her think of a scene in the movie Rush, where Niki Lauda, played by a German actor that Bee liked named Daniel Bruhl, was testing a Ferrari for the first time and told the mechanic that the car was terrible. “Drives like a pig. It's a shitbox! It under-steers like crazy and the weight distribution is a disaster. It's amazing - all these facilities, and you make a piece of crap like this.”
Bee didn’t know if it was something Niki had actually said but she could see him saying it. She’d met Niki a few times, and found him charming, but brutally honest. And now, she knew exactly what he meant. 
By the end of testing, they were only able to put in about half of the laps of the other cars on the field, and were almost two seconds slower than Ferrari, which was a huge deficit to try to make up. On the bright side, they didn’t have the slowest lap overall - it was close, but Robert, George, and Bee all beat the lap time of one of Nicholas Latifi, who was the reserve driver for Haas this year. 
She felt terrible for George for being saddled with having to drive this car. He had just come off of a blowout season in Formula 2, and while Bee knew he wasn’t expecting to be immediately dominant on his rise to Formula 1, she saw it was hard for him to be on the back foot already. Lando Norris, who had also stepped up from F2 this year with McLaren, who George had handily beaten, was putting in much quicker times, just because McLaren’s car was a solid midfield car. She knew George was competitive, they all were. It was upsetting to see him so upset by the end of testing.
However, it did spur on her resolve to do the best she could to help. The engineers couldn’t do anything without input from testing and simulation, which was her job. The car would likely progress this season, through a process of testing and upgrading that every team went through. The better the quality of data and feedback Bee gave to the engineers, the better they’d be able to make the car, so she was going to do the best she could - for Claire, for George, for everyone that worked at Williams. 
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
due to high demand (about 1 person) i’m writing a character summary for the beloved Ryn Ramirez buckle up fuckers
Ryn motherfucking Ramirez. Oh my me do we love this man.
Ryn Ramirez, younger brother of Vanté Ramirez. Y’know- same parents as Vanté, same amount of siblings, blah blah blah, doesn’t have any kids though and probably won’t for a while. 28 centuries since manifestation into the Overworld from the Underworld.
In his base form, Ryn is about 5’8”, shoulder length ✨auburn✨ hair, pale skin but not as pale as Vanté’s because he actually spends time outside, manifested in england so we’re just gonna say he’s british, same sort of build as Vanté just doesn’t have abs, blue eyes (not sure what shade, do with this what you will), constantly wears dark eyeshadow, has a sleeve tattoo on his left arm, has a lil loveheart tattoo on his uhm- what do people call it- v-line? whatever, has a fun little third eye tattoo on his forehead.
Ryn doesn’t really have any addictions like the others, has only gotten laid like- exactly once despite being half incubus, hasn’t really had many relationships at all, he’s just sort of an innocent lil guy that wants hugs.
Ryn is a incubus-blood demon mix, so he’s practically harmless, also has his own share of abilities, some overlapping with Vanté’s (Reality Bending, “Glitching”, Identity Shifting (post writing wynter here! just realised i in fact did not list what Identity Shifting is on Vanté’s, so I’ll list it here), and Possession). The ones that don’t overlap are as follows;
-Air Manipulation. More commonly known as “Air Bending”, Ryn can control the air around him within a certain radius, and any plants that produce air.
-“Seduction”. Ryn, despite the factor that he doesn’t actually use it, has an amplified seduction ability given he’s an incubus. This makes seduction rather easy if he so desired.
-Identity Shifting. Ryn can change his appearance however he desires. He rarely uses it, but he definitely has in the past. This does include changing genders entirely.
-Energy-reliant Immortality. Ryn is immortal in the sense that he relies on the ammounf of “spiritual energy” in his system. The moment it fades out, he will pretty much just drop dead instantly. Luckily Vanté came up with a little liquid medicine thing that keeps his energy up so he doesn’t just fucking die, (which is why he lives with Vanté), but if he were to stop taking this and the energy were to wear off, then he would just.. die.
Okay so lore segment; Ryn was the first one to test the official passageway between the Underworld and the Overworld. The only problem is, there’s no returning, and you lose all memory once you pass through except for your demon type, your siblings (yes, you forget who your parents are. cry about it /j), and how to use your abilities. It worked, of course.
Ryn also had the chance to just vibe for a while. He picked up a course in fine arts, graduated, just sort of lived life for a while. Until he too also was yoinked by STS. When he did breach with Vanté, instead of having his rage phase a fortnight later, he instead got extreme mood swings and just continued to live life anyway.
He was later on deemed the “God of Purity” in the Pyrathos religion when he was passing through the country it originated in and came across a group of followers of Pyrathos, where he was then reunited with Vanté. He didn’t stay for very long though and went back home where he started his own little small business of selling artworks and stickers and whatnot. During this time he got the tattoos he has now, not sure when or where quite yet but he did.
Honestly he doesn’t actually have too much lore now that I think about it. He’s just an innocent little guy that could just drop dead at any second.
Well, i guess since i did for Vanté, it’s only appropriate to elaborate on Ryn’s life before manifestation in the castle.
Considered to be the favourite child, Ryn got away with A Lot when he was inside and outside of the castle. He was essentially allowed to go wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted. This unrestricted method of parenting however did end up leading him into some pretty hefty situations, which is eventually why he decided to volunteer to test the passageway.
And, due to his carefree, lenient attitude he’d developed from this, when he was at STS, Helix was able to bend him into doing his will and, eventually, weaponised him. It didn’t last very long though since he breached shortly afterwards, but if Helix were to get his hands on him again, then y’know. It’d be possible.
And that’s essentially it for Ryn’s baseline lore. He currently lives with Vanté but he also owns an apartment if he wants some space for a while. He’s a very loveable character, I’ve found, and I’m definitely going to do some more work on him and his lore because yes.
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demoisverysexy · 2 years
Ok fine. Religion AND politics. >:)
Given the fact that reproductive rights are under threat in the US right now, and that I’m trying to make a difference in my home state (you know the one), how do you tend to approach those issues, and how do you tend to make peace between the tenets of Mormonism (which in my limited outsider experience with them seem to be anti-contraception and take a dim view of bodily autonomy when it comes to reproduction) and your leftist beliefs, which I assume also encompass reproductive policy? What’s the best way to reach people of faith on this, especially Mormons, while still having a respectful conversation?
Hmm. I can start by talking to my own experience, then speak to how I would try to convince a Mormon about abortion.
I have pretty much been pro-choice ever since I was a kid, and have grown increasingly pro-choice with time. I grew up in New England, which is fairly progressive, and had liberal parents. And abortion wasnt something that came up in church too much, and if it was, my attention span was such that I didnt catch it. This meant that it wasnt until I was a teenager and older that I began learning more about the church's broader anti-abortion stance. For me, part of the reason there was no conflict between these things was because I was never exposed to it until I was a teenager. So too with LGBTQ stuff and the rest.
For me, the reason I am ok with abortion specifically within a Mormon context (tho usually I dont think about it in these terms), is that even if a fetus is a human with a soul (which I highly doubt), I believe in freedom and autonomy. Freedom is one of the core virtues of Mormonism, especially freedom to do with their bodies as they will. While there are things that you shouldnt do with your body in a Mormon understanding, if you try to limit their ability to use their body so they cannot do those things (for example, forcing someone to follow the Word of Wisdom), you are more in the wrong than the person who's freedoms you are limiting.
Now, a devout orthodox Mormon might respond that yes, but if you kill a child, that limits the childs ability to have agency and freedom. To which I would respond with a hypothetical:
Imagine that you are on a science expedition to Antarctica. You are driving a snowmobile with one of your colleagues, and you arent paying enough attention, and end up crashing the snowmobile. You escape unscathed, but your passenger is in critical condition, and losing a lot of blood. You rush back to base, whereupon they try to operate as quick as they can. But they had lost a lot of blood, and needs a transfusion. You are the only person who shares the same blood type as them on the base. I would argue that, morally speaking, it is correct for you to donate your blood to help them, especially since this situation was caused by your own negligence.
Now, here is the question.
If you refused to give your blood, would it be morally correct for your colleagues to force you to donate your blood against your will?
Most would argue no, as would I. This would be a breach of your bodily autonomy. Violating your bodily autonomy in this way, even to save someone elses life, is a serious breach of your rights, and I would argue a grievous sin. Forcing you to do what is right eliminates your ability to meaningfully do what is right here.
Now, I would not argue that abortion is morally wrong. But even if it is, it should still be allowed on these grounds, in my humble opinion. The differences between this scenario and the situations that make people consider abortion are not meaningfully different.
Mormons believe that before we came to be on Earth, our spirits were created by God, and we lived with him in the pre-existence. God planned to send us to earth so we could learn and grow and make mistakes and repent. As part of that plan, he wanted someone to act in the role of Messiah, to suffer the sins and pain of the world to help people draw closer to God and repent by understanding them.
Two spirits offered to act as Messiah. One proposed a plan where nobody would sin and turn away from God. He proposed a world where nobody would be capable of sin, and thus no-one would be lost. The other spirit wished to go with Gods plan to give people the freedom to choose God or to sin, and to act as Messiah to help them up when they stumble and fall. The first spirit was Lucifer, and the second was Christ. God chose Christ to act as Messiah, and Lucifer in a jealous rage, decided to defy God and to ensare people to commit sin.
I mention this to drive home that, doctrinally, agency and freedom are the central tenets of a Mormon cosmology. Life is meaningful because we have freedom to choose, and to limit peoples bodily autonomy to force them to "make the right choice" is one of the most serious sins. And whether or not abortion is moral or not (it is moral though, of course), to limit peoples ability to do it safely and legally is absolutely immoral.
So that would be how I would try to convince someone. Arguments like the ones I laid out should do the trick, imo.
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kimmysurveyblog · 17 days
What's for dinner tonight? We did breakfast for dinner! Pancakes, breakfast sausage and strawberries.
Do you prefer cold or room temperature drinking water? Cold.
How many different things have you had to drink today? Water, cold brew, iced coffee lol.
When you read a book, do you use a bookmark or simply dog ear/fold the top of the page? My boyfriend got me a super cute Stardew Valley bookmark for Mother's Day!
What's the nearest city to you with a population of at least one million? Toronto.
During the pandemic, did you use reusable or disposable masks? Both. I use disposable now if I'm forced to go out when sick or going to a crowded place during cold & flu season.
What is your favourite local restaurant? Not comfy sharing.
Have you ever been harassed while minding your own business walking down the street? I'm a woman, so yes.
Do you own a gun? Have you ever thought about getting one? Noooooo. No.
Do you know anyone who owns a gun? Perhaps for hunting?
What year is/was your 10 year high school reunion? Will you (or did you) attend? 2018. I did not attend.
Do you cut your sandwiches into triangles or rectangles? I don't cut them.
Have you ever seen a panda in real life? Where was it? No.
Are there any postcards hanging around the house? If so, where are they from? From a friend I met off of Twitch in England.
Does it snow where you live? Yes!
When was the last time you took a flight? Where did you go? I've never flown, nor do I want to.
Is there a flight path over your house? I think so.
Does your neighbourhood have a lot of hills? I'd say no but I had an online friend visiting from a different province and he told me it definitely does, so maybe.
Have you ever had Covid? What was your experience like? I think we've managed to avoid it somehow. We haven't tested the last few times we've been sick though.
Do you have any alcohol in your house right now? A few IPAs.
Do you tend to keep alcohol around the house for when you might want it? Not typically.
Has a romantic partner ever given you a pet as a gift? No.
Do you ever talk on the phone with friends? Sometimes! I do a every-few-weeks catchup with one of my friends, and an every-couple-of-months catchup with another.
What was the last thing someone said to you in person? My boyfriend complained about something one of our neighbours did.
Are you hungry right now? What would you like to eat? I'm still full from dinner.
How far away are your parents right now? They died.
Do you believe in aliens? Yes.
Have you ever been bitten by a spider? Perhaps as a child.
Do you own any clothing made from animal products like leather or fur? No.
What's the best vacation you've ever been on? I'm not sure.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Boyfriend's dad/stepmom/sister are coming over. His dad is helping fix a couple of things in our house and his stepmom & sister are visiting with my kiddo & I. :) I've been enjoying how much time we've been spending with them lately.
What's the longest movie you've ever seen?  Nooo idea.
What movies did you watch a lot as a kid?  ^
How many rooms are in your home?  Two bedrooms.
Do you ever experience imposter syndrome?  Sometimes.
What was the last place you rode to in a car?  Grocery store.
Do you have a PayPal account? If so, how often do you use it? Yup! Once or twice a month.
Are you cold right now?  Not really.
How old will you be at your next birthday?  33.
Before this one, when was the last time you took a survey?  Earlier today.
Can you skip rope?  Maybe. I don't know the last time I tried.
Have you ever participated in a charity fundraising event?  No.
What is your hair like at the moment?  In a bun, as usual.
Do you like cucumber?  Yes!
What do you like and dislike about your job? (or your last job)  I liked that it was super chill. I hated the night shift though.
Have you ever had a dream job? If so, did you give up on it, and why? Or do you happen to have that dream job? I really wanted to be a PSW and became one but couldn't handle it.
What's the last sitcom you watched? Friends.
What car did your parents or guardian drive when you were growing up?  I don't remember.
Do you have milk in your fridge right now? What kind?  Yes. 3.25% for my daughter.
Are you left or right handed? Right.
If you have your ears pierced, how old were you when you got them done?  I was a baby. I don't know what age.
Do you have any other piercings?  Not currently.
What was the last thing you wrote down in the notes app on your phone?  Added something to the grocery list I share with my bf.
Have you ever been on a winery tour?  Yes.
When was the last time you were hungover?  A few months ago.
Do you still have Facebook? If so, how often do you check it? Yes. Once or twice per day.
Are you wearing your favourite colour today?  No. I just want to add this because it made me smile today. I'm wearing a Pikachu shirt and I went grocery shopping this evening. A kiddo, probably 8 or 9, gasped when he saw me and said, "I LOVE YOUR POKEMON SHIRT!!" It was very sweet. :)
Would you ever want to visit South Korea?  Yes.
How many times in your life have you been in love?  Twice.
Do you like your name?  No.
0 notes
peterssonrytter16 · 1 month
Michael Jackson's Life In 400 Words
Now, I've lived with boxers individuals of my adult living. The time spent watching sports normally seen as time removed from these guys. Harry jumped right into the dangerous aspects of the the city. More searching followed, essential years of studying along with a Shaman, merely born in Peru. I learned by the energy of colors and Rosita taught several classes on reading the Tarot cards. I found them in order to become a great tool in explaining this higher guidance. She'd blindfold us, put several cards of the divinity deck, face down and ask us liposuction costs them. Have you know each time your eyes are closed all your other senses automatically pool together collect information. Top Sơn La AZ 247 View More: topsonlaaz.com - Top Son La AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Son La AZ: Trần Ngọc Diệp - Tran Ngoc Diep Babies are helpless. Usually do not manipulate couples. They simply need you to meet their basic needs: food, love, and defense. Simple formula for a content child, yes? There are organized walking holidays which suit every budget and level of fitness. For the very energetic, trekking in Italy is fantastic since you have the Alps simply because challenge. A person level the at, you will go within a group through experienced local guide. However take a self-guided tour where are generally given maps and an itinerary, but find the way. However find holidays where the based in the centre and take daily circular moves. You can also book an excursion that takes you from starting point place with all your accommodation booked as well as luggage transported for your corporation. The choice is yours.
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View More: topsonlaaz.com - Top Son La AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Son La AZ: Trần Ngọc Diệp - Tran Ngoc Diep 25. Spectre (Jim Corrigan): The avenging hand of God. Really that's what he is and the Spectre isn't above (in fact he seems to have in) dishing out justice Old Testament style. Generally if the Spectre has decided that you need to be punished consider yourself lucky if he just takes an eye a good eye. Even the heroes get a little nervous when the Spectre underlines. When we came out of the trees with the summit on the horizon we were looking to our picnic. However, besides essentially the most glorious 360 degree views, had been another treat waiting now first. But make no malfunction! Pier Giorgio's father loved him deeply and after his son died, he can't bear observe his pictures, as it was made by too painful. After his Son La Province's death his father resigned as ambassador to Germany because he believed Pier Giorgio thought so highly of him he knew his father would. He also told us sad stories of the fierce wartime fighting between partisans and the Nazi occupation forces. It was hard to envision that this tranquil spot was the scene from the Battle of Gottero, in which still well remembered in your neighborhood. Our walk started near some windmill electricity turbines. In Italian wind power is called as 'energia eolica', an extremely more poetic term than ours, anyone would expect in England. But now that I bring to mind them, perform so much good. They chip each day, non-stop long, getting me from this level to there, hopping over things, hardly tripping on any path I receive. They should be cared for. Carried out revered. Today We a special session although boss. Someone appointed me to play Father Christmas! I have to know how to wear its northern border pole gear. How to pamper the kids of the haves this whole Christmas entire week. How to hand goodies and take wishes back to the north. I can only think the weight of the people fat kids on my lap and their stubbornness at my nerves under the heat for this Iceland dressed! But work is work. I'm after money and although meager, could possibly guarantee me a few extra hundreds together two day leave on the new year's day. A good venture to meet those who mean with me most.
Los Angeles is a large city made up of many distinct neighborhoods that are containing more history and tradition. When are generally buying a home in Los angeles it's important to find an area you feel comfortable in. There are several to choose from. Thanks online you can save yourself hours and hours and money just by doing your own online research. Back to feet and kindness for the body. Cold feet know their banks. Coldness stresses the kidneys and challenges the immune application. If that is actually not strong, invaders waltz in having a throat becomes sore. Ouch! Sinuses become attacked. Ouch! The head throbs. That hurts! In this group Great support, encouragement, empathy, which includes a wealth information and facts. At long last I received a degree I had the ability to apply to everyday difficult! Many players of worried coaches brought to mind my son. These players all seem to have built a plenty in general. They usually are placed in the top four batters of the queue up and so are talented enough to rotate in nearly all positions. These boys share a regarding the same survival approaches. An awesome feeling of humor is vital. Cracking jokes always seems lightens the atmosphere after the coach flips out. Question are they suppose to execute to weather the storm. These players attempted to watch their teammates backs while some was definitely breaking. Indy, our boxer welcomed Duke immediately and the two began to this life coach of essential lessons. Son La Province Came to the realization incredibly stressed when he arrived, so while he was striving to adjust to yet another move in addition new family I offered him Reiki on recurring basis. It didn't take very long for Duke to bond to anyone. Unfortunately, it was a nervous bond. Separation anxiety was clearly still a huge issue for this boy. One evening while speaking on cell phone to Jeff we were discuss Duke again, needless to say. I was concerned which is clear that Duke's anxiety levels fall and rise despite the calm environment that we endeavor provide. I know that the Reiki is helping him, but i still was concerned about incidents here and there. During our chat, Jeff once again brought the behaviorist he had consulted in Los angeles. Tin Top Son La AZ It turns out that this behaviorist felt that Duke was suffering from confusion about his role in the family unit. He thought he was the 'alpha' dog and was trying desperately to fill that role probably was clear that he didn't want that role at all of. They are other styles of salsa around the like On Clave, Puerto Rican Style, Miami Style, and even newer developments like London or Texas Style. There are options currently and deciding which is actually best which is an individual decision. Top Sơn La AZ The styles listed above are the favourite in the salsa world and need future dancers to market them. A great idea is out and learn them maybe even all of which and spread the word and your talent. Good luck and Watch you on the ground! The cells of the toes and rest on the feet offered the form of muscles, ligaments, bone, cartilage, blood not to mention nails. Tin Top Son La AZ 247 Each cell a good individual doing his part for the betterment belonging to the whole. They are complete yet dependent upon those around him. He does his job and he appreciates any kindness consideration to him. Indy, our boxer welcomed Duke immediately and 2 began for this life coach of crucial lessons. Over incredibly stressed when he arrived, so while he was making an attempt to adjust to yet another move and new family I offered him Reiki on each day basis. It didn't take long for Duke to bond to our family. Unfortunately, it would be a nervous come together. Separation anxiety was clearly still a huge issue for this boy. View More: topsonlaaz.com - Top Son La AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Son La AZ: Trần Ngọc Diệp - Tran Ngoc Diep Written By Author in topsonlaaz.com: Vừ A Phía - Vu A Phia Written By Author in topsonlaaz.com: Trần Thu Hoài - Tran Thu Hoai
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void-wolfie · 2 months
It’s been a while and I know you’re not really in the mood to write but I hope you’re down to answering some questions. Missed your presence on my home page.
1. What are the three scents you like?
2. What’s your favorite board or card game?
3. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
4. Have you ever thought of what your future baby will be named?
5. Who is your all-time favorite Disney character?
6. Are you afraid of ghosts?
7. Do you believe that love is blind?
8. What period would you travel to if you were given a time machine?
9. Would you take it if you had the opportunity to be immortal?
10. What makes your day better?
Hope you’re doing well and school isn’t too stressful, if it is do take the time to entertain my silly request. Maybe it’ll be a good distraction. Or not, you can totally ignore me lol.
With love,
- 🥞
really sorry I haven't been in the mood to write lately lol, but hell yeah, I'm always down to talk to my lovely followers
1. 3 scents I like?
vanilla, the smell before it rains, and bonfires
2. favorite board / card game?
we don't play board games very much in my house, but cards games are fun, Uno is always good, Cards Against Humanity, Skip-bo is classic in my house, and if I'm really bored I'll play solitaire on my computer lol
3. weirdest thing I've ever eaten?
not much considering I'm a picky eater (how I ended up with someone who's a chef I'll never understand lol)
weirdest thing though would probably have to be raw octopus, had it a sushi restaurant once when I was like 8
4. future kids names?
honestly I'm so young I haven't really thought about having kids much, I think I'm still in a part of my life where I don't exactly want them, but who knows maybe that'll change sometime in the future
however, considering most of my friends (the girls, not the guys obviously lol) are the type to think about this a lot and it's actually come up in conversation before, I have slightly thought about it lol
I don't keep a written list or anything so here's just a few off the top of my head; Jordan, Alexander, Riley, Justin, Brandon, Brooke, Erik, Sam
5. favorite Disney character?
ughhh, this is so hard why would you do this to me 😭
if I had to pick I'm going to sayyyyyy, Baloo from The Jungle Book, I used to watch that movie so much as a kid
however, Mushu (Mulan) and Genie (Aladdin) are close seconds
6. afraid of ghosts?
honestly, I feel like it would depend on the ghost, if it's evil I'm running the hell away, if it's nice I'm pulling up a chair and asking it every question I can think of lol
7. is love blind?
wow, this is a tough one... honestly I'm not sure. I think that maybe, sometimes love can blind people, but I wouldn't say that's the case all the time. I think it just comes down to the person and the situation.
8. when/where would I travel to if I had a time machine?
oh god, so many places
first stop would probably be the Renaissance (England), kings, knights, swords, and jousting? hell yeah lol
Ancient Egypt? sign me up, gotta prove the conspiracy nuts wrong and show them aliens didn't build the pyramids lol
Most importantly though, dinosaur ages (Mesozoic Era), I gotta know what they actually looked like, and to hear a real trex roar? yes please
9. immortality?
this is a tough one because on one hand, eternal life, getting to see the future, plus all the cool inventions... on the other though, living through global horrors (war, politics, disease, etc) and having to outlive all your friends and family...
i honestly have no idea what I would actually say to an offer like that, so because I'm feeling reckless today we'll say yes 😂
10. what makes my day better?
depends on the day, but I'll list a few for fun: sitting down with a comfort movie and some popcorn, talking to my (adoptive) kiddos, anything to do with my girlfriend, and making other people happy
kind of a cheesy list but all true lol
Hopefully I answered your questions well enough, thanks for sending them :)
and thank you for checking in on me! I'm not doing too bad at the moment, and hopefully you're doing well yourself!
(even if I'm not in the mood to write I'm always down to talk to you guys so feel free to stop by whenever)
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