#girl help the narrative is growing and I can't stop it
allastoredeer · 1 month
I discovered Just kiss Already after you uploaded part 3 and I have a question. So Part 1 is 1 chapter, Part 2 is 2 chapters, Part 3 is 3 chapters. When you say your writing "the next fic" do you mean like ALL of Part 4, which you then break down into chapters before you upload them or do you upload chapters individually as you complete them?
The fics themselves aren't so much chapters as they are a serialized collection of fanfics that have an overarching plot.
The reason I'm writing "Just Kiss Already" as a series instead of a multi-chaptered fic is because each fic has its own little mini plot inside it. Each of them are a mini story that's gradually building up the larger story at play.
I'm also keeping it as a series because I go back and forth between POV's a lot. Hopping between POV's in a multi-chaptered fic can work, but I usually like keeping them contained to a single POV. It makes it easier on me and the reader, so I don't have to clarify which character we'll be following in each chapter.
It's a collection of stories that are all linked together, kind of like a TV show, but you can totally view them as parts too.
"De-Lovely" is part 1 , "Holy Suffering" is part 2, and "Damage Control," is part 3.
I've actually split up the entire plot of "Just Kiss Already" into three different arcs (or three seasons if the TV analogy helped), each with their own theme. But I shall not tell you what they are, because that would be spoilers 😈
Sometimes, I don't intend for the fic to be split into multiple chapters, but if it gets bigger than I expected, I break it up because it's easier on me when I get to the editing stage. Editing one large chapter is so much harder than editing a couple small ones 😅
I hope you're enjoying the series! I'm very excited to get into the juicer bits of the story 😏
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writingonjorvik · 5 months
Can We Discuss Narrative Incompetence?
I want to go off on this thought a little longer, but it would be a hard tangent from the previous post I commented on about male characters in SSO being written to be incompetent (that's the summary of the thought) to go into this, so it's its own post now.
It is so frustrating because there is a purpose for narrative incompetence. It can help regulate tone, and lower the sense of threat, both of which are important for this being a kids' game. It can provide comic relief and relieve tension. But it has to be handled with balance.
The glaring problem with overusing narrative incompetence in a character who is supposed to be taken seriously, which the villains of a story should be, is that it will eventually circle back onto the main characters. Because if the villains are utterly incompetent, then why can't the heroes defeat them already? And if we add on the layer of issues with SSE's current stance on feminism and girl power : if all of the men are too incompetent to do anything, then what does it say about the competence of the women who still haven't stopped them?
It's one of the reasons that I've felt a particular disconnect with the overconfidence of the Soul Riders lately. Despite us seeing the absolute magical havoc the Dark Riders can cause, the Soul Riders are almost boastfully confident in themselves. In one of the recent quests with growing the seed for the Wild Weave, where we'd mostly been following Linda and the MC, they get cornered in a 2v1. And then Lisa shows up and tells Katja to scram, and Katja just does. Just like that. This also gets into the lack of definition in the full scope of the Soul Riders' abilities beyond "primary trope," but for the purpose of this discussion, it makes no sense for Lisa to be as confident as she is. Why couldn't the MC and Linda handle it on their own? It was a 2v1. Even with one of them protecting the seed, it's not an even match.
We are told over and over throughout the story that the druids, and thereby the current Soul Riders, are keeping the Dark Riders at bay. Not on the backfoot, at a neutral standstill. Worse, we see more examples in the story of the druids taking losses than we see examples of the Soul Riders winning. The lose of the Light Ceremony book, the capture of Lisa and Anne by Dark Core specifically, the Baroness feeling threatened enough by DC/Sands to imprison Linda, the death of Concorde, the death of Elizabeth, the kidnapping Justin for so long as to distract from dealing with the Light Ceremony book or rescuing Lisa and Anne, DC being allied with several witches as to have resources and allies that the druids don't, the discovery of Drakeonium, the restoration of three generals and the return of the fourth. To highlight on that too, the druids don't have any allies outside the druids currently. Tentatively they might have Ydris now, and Mrs. Holdsworth. But there is very little evidence in the narrative of how the druids are even holding their own with no outside help (in fact, there's now further division within the druids and the Keepers as these aren't the same thing) or ready supply of resources.
And yet when we interact with the Dark Riders and DC, they are largely incapable of stopping us in the moment. Their goons are inept, Darko is laughably emo and never shown as a serious threat (let alone shown any reason why he could unseat Sands), and Sands, despite his position as the current commander of Garnok's army, concedes his responsibilities to let his grandson escape. The latter would be an amazing point of interest to follow and talk about inner turmoil Sands is perhaps having now and internal shakeups within DC, but instead we have zeroed in on a cartoon villain level of evil that the other four must always be engaging in by monologuing and then being momentarily foiled by the MC. Because the villains can't be threats when we engage with them.
All of this circles back around to the Soul Riders and makes them look worse for not being able to handle these threats. They feel more and more like they are fumbling backwards into handling these issues, and it brings out their worse traits. Alex is incredibly clumsy and brash, Anne is almost mindlessly angry, Lisa's "eh"ness becomes more glaringly apparent, Linda seems excessively cautious. And none of these traits, individually, are bad. The exploration of them all would make sense in the narrative. Alex is afraid of letting everyone down but she struggles to be a forward thinker. Anne is justifiably upset about the death of her best friend and her imprisonment and desperately needs an outlet to direct that anger. Lisa is, as the party healer, always seeking to be the peacemaker and meet everyone at their needs, at the risk of becoming a people-pleaser herself and losing her identity. And Linda is a young person who can see the future, to include very likely the injuries (some of which are likely fatal) of her and her friends, to the point of fearing taking the wrong course of action.
Each of those would be fascinating to explore. But because the threat they're facing is so unable to actually feel like it's any danger, all of the Soul Riders' fears, their weaknesses and shortcomings, go unchallenged by the narrative. Thus highlighting their weaknesses over their strengths. There is no room to grow, because the force they are fighting against has not been serious enough that they've needed to. So they remain stagnant as characters, which is the worst thing for a main character to be.
And this isn't to say that so incompetent yet still able to pull off their goals can't be a seriously scary situation to be in. But that requires an incompetent head of the evil supported by a competent team of generals, of which we haven't gotten. All of the villains fluctuate on their competency on and off screen. And if the goal was to do this with Sands, Darko would have to seem more competent than him and he is not remotely close to being scarier than Sands. There is in fact no reason for Darko's character that couldn't be written in as being Sands. Every one of his scenes could be replaced and he could be written out entirely. That should say something about how useless he is as a character.
Circling back to the point about this being a broader issue with men in SSO not being able to be intelligent unless they're eccentric old men, this is incredibly damaging to little girls too. SSE has the prime opportunity to highlight healthy masculinity, men comfortable in being masc and femme and themselves, to show little girls (just to follow target audience) what healthy masculinity looks like so that they can set proper boundaries with the men in their lives. That doesn't require writing more male characters or not centering the female main characters. All it requires it writing the existing men in the story well. Showing them trying to help people, like the arcs I suggested for Justin training as a Wild Whisperer bonding people with horses, or Raptor taking over as a record label to help young women enter the industry like Lisa. And this is to gloss over entirely what it does to have those examples for little boys and how that is an important part of feminism too.
Because little girls do need to see those examples too. Most of them will grow up interested in men. That is just statistics. If they grow up thinking purely "men are just too inept to know any better" then we continue to prepare femme people to expect less than the bare minimum because "what else would you expect from a man?" And directly through that message, SSE perpetuates sexism and misogyny. And that message gets women killed every day.
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findafight · 10 months
I find Nancy and her relationships so interesting because I feel like the show makes everything way too simply mostly in favor for Nancy. Like the narrative automatically sides with her every time.
In s2, Jonathan shouldn't have encouraged her like that when she wanted to expose the lab. In s1, Jancy was on the same page, Jonathan wanted to find his brother, Nancy, her best friend, so they were working towards the same goal. In s2, Jon didn't have the desire to expose the lab. It's Nancy who is trapped in her guilt that turned into revenge that wanted to do something. Jon had positive experiences with the new lab and realistically wouldn't want to risk putting his mom and brother, who go there weekly, in danger. Especially after witnessing the whole problem, the gate and the vines spreading, he should have put a stop to it. Both didn't know about El being alive. The lab literally was the only thing that stood between the demise of Hawkins. They were the only people searching for a cure. Automatically, Jon should have pushed back bc Nancy wasn't thinking straight bc she was too wrapped up in her shit. Jonathan helping her accept Barb's death in a different way would have been more powerful and helpful bc Nancy still struggles with it after everything. Plus, I'm a believer that the lab would have searched her bag before, knowing she had plans to expose them.
I feel like when Nancy is in a relationship or even with friends, people always have to say yes to her with no pushback. If you push back, she just moves onto someone who will say yes. Robin was her yes man in s4 Jon in s2. In s3, he pushed back the slightest, and you see the conflict that came from it (financial struggles) was never truly resolved from Nancy's part. It carried over to s4 where Jon is afraid to tell her truth that he can't afford to go to college with her. Now, the show treats Jonathan as the villain for this without asking what caused him to lie to Nancy in the first place. It's also because the narrative lets Nancy be right. I think Steve was the only person in s4 who was a bit apprehensive with the plan, and yet this is treated as something bad, or he doesn't know what he is talking about. Or within the fandom people use his different opinion as proof he doesn't get Nancy, and look at Robin who just goes along and understands she's the best suited partner for her.
I feel like Nancy doesn't grow much personally throughout the series because she never gets truly challenged. And if she does, it's resolved in a way to her favor. Like, I think she needs someone who isn't a doormat who challenges her in a way that makes her realize she has to change her behavior in certain situations. I will forever mourn the plot s4 could have gotten if they made Robin into the person who would challenge Nancy. Both girls are smart. If Robin was the driving force in the investigation god, that would already set Nancy off.
oh yeah, the show sort of hands Nancy relationships on a silver platter and we never see her actually put in effort towards them? and this prohibits Nancy from growing more than she could! It doesn't let Nancy be wrong let alone admit she's wrong. We see Mike apologize to Will, and Steve apologize to Dustin, we see Robin and Steve have back and forth and Steve trying to get robin a gf, and we see El and Max spend time together talking and getting to know each other. we see them interacting in a way that we see there is a push and pull.
But we see Nancy and Jonathan fall into bed together, Jonathan supporting Nancy's (ill-advised, even if the show won't admit it because that would mean saying Steve was right) plan to expose the lab. I think your point about Jonathan not having a reason to do that is super interesting because you're right! we know the lab is sketchy as hell, but to Jonathan they're the reason Will went missing, but also the reason they got him back. Will's been getting treatment or tests done there for nearly a year by that point, and while Jon may be distrustful of the Lab, wanting to take away the only official support his family has for what they went through doesn't make sense. What were they expecting to happen to the MASSIVE ALTERNATE DIMENSION GATE if the lab shut down? (why did owens show them lmao. why weren't they searched?) it makes no sense and just reinforces the idea that Steve had a point. I think if they had been able to have the library conversation not in public, then maybe he could have worked something out to help Nancy but alas. They didn't and people just point ot it as Steve dismissing Nancy and pretending everything is fine (when Nancy was also doing that!!)
When Jonathan does resist Nancy's idea (which isn't even UD related she just wanted to prove herself to misogynistic jerks) because financially his family needs him to have a job, and him having a job working in a field he likes and enjoys is a best case for him to get better work out of hawkinis/into uni, and honestly Jon had a sweet gig because he didn't mind the work, it was good job experience, and it would look good on a college application.
While Nancy is right that they shouldn't treat her with mockery, I can't help but think it's...incredibly naive of her? She was an intern. She wasn't going to get anything other than interviewing people for fluff pieces if she got anything other than typing/gofering to begin with. It's frustrating because living in a sexist world you do have to pick your battles. She has no power there, because she's an intern and replaceable and a teenager. It's just not realistic to me that she would think she would get anywhere or get away with trying to follow the rabies rat lead. (which is also...a boring story like oooh rat rabies? in a town where whole fields of pumpkins rotted on the vine? Very much an excuse to inset Jonathan and Nancy into the plot [season 3 is a mess and the best thing from it is robin and scoops troop which tbh makes up for it imo]) Like she could be mad and frustrated and insulted and humiliated, let her rant about that!! about her powerlessness! That's interesting and heartbreaking because there really isn't anything to do but quit then. but idk what she thought she was going into in a male dominated field in her podunk town. Not blaming her just think that writing decision should have been thought through more.
Her fight with Jonathan actually kinda made me think jancy was interesting for a second because yes!! those are real conflicting issues and priorities!! That's relationship conflict that's real and natural for the characters to have! and misunderstanding!! and then Nancy's mom (ew) gives her a speech when it's like bro. you're owed an apology but you also owe Jonathan one if you want to repair and strengthen your relationship. So she never apologizes and jon gives a half-assed apology and then they never have to talk about it again because the UD is here and that's more important!! It's another place where Nancy's development stalled and it's frustrating because it also makes Jonathan more of a doormat (sorry Jon you've been done so dirty)
their s4 conflict is so stupid to me. It goes both ways like damn Nancy if you missed your boyfriend whose family is notoriously broke maybe you should go visit him? or talk to him? It's an issue for both of them (I think it's really weird that people bring up steve's RV dream and wanting Nancy beside him to shit on Stancy but barely bring up the fact that Jonathan [admittedly in a catastrophizing spiral, but one might also think Steve, having been half eaten and going into a situation that could kill him, was also not in his most steady of mind] assumed Nancy would drop everything to be with him in California (after saying she's incredibly ambitious) and they'd have kids etc? idk it's just that both mentioned kids but only Steve mentioned his own experience with taking care of kids, wheras Jon is using that as part of his excuse for lying to her...) Jonathan lying is obviously a problem. He's "slow-mo breaking up with Nancy" and that's an issue he's got, but we only see Nancy stressed about it but also not...really do anything about it? idk we don't get to see her fight for her relationship with a boy she supposedly loves! Why not? Why can't we see Nancy's stubbornness and pride and ambition turned in the direction of saving her relationship with Jonathan? Instead of him just coming back to Hawkins and them still being a bit awkward around each other, him lying, her having been flirting with Steve for a week. Like. Why didn't we see her pull him aside and go "okay I love you. We're obviously having issues and it's absolutely not the best time but I can't take not talking to you and feeling like we're drifting!"
With the whole plan at the end of s4...yeah. The narrative/show can't let Nancy be wrong and/or Steve be right. It also needed a plan that would fail. So we get Steve pushing against the plan, treated like he's being irrational for it, and then it failing. As for Nancy needing to be challenged...I mean yeah? but also I think a key part of what she wants from romo relationships is to not be challenged! She doesn't like when her boyfriends push back against her ideas/plans, and ignores them anyways. Which is why it's so frustrating that there have been opportunities for the writers to let Nancy be wrong and learn and grow and they just...don't. They validate her decisions even if they make no sense.
And the thing is...Robin is Thee driving force in their investigation. she gets it right again and again and is the reason the connection to music is even made, But for some reason I feel like the show treats it as another Nancy Investigation Success instead of Nancy being the one that was just kinda there and also a bit mean to robin for no reason other than jealousy. The opportunity for Robin to be a challenge to Nancy's authority was there! It was there and all they would've had to do was have Robin not suck up to Nancy, have the show/narrative acknowledge it was Robin who was the reason the got any information beyond the name Victor Creel, and have Nancy realize that she isn't infallible and right all the time. It would have been so good to see her take stock and reconsider herself and her decisions and her relationships and want to make a friendship with Robin, who wouldn't be co-operative.
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appri-dot · 14 days
Behold! A free ticket to infodump with a 100% certainty of someone reading, enjoy!
Oh! huh I should find something good to ramble about...
Okay big OC World of mine that is one of my favourites doesn't really have a name but I refer to as Alias after an in world company. The plot/story is sorta ridiculous but almost every oc part of it is a mega-fav
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There's a stupid amount of character info but in general:
before Alias came to be there were three separate worlds that were connected by a cavity in the multiverse (think of it as a pothole) One world with diverse and strange monsters, one with humanoids that carried out modern lives, the other a fantasy like with dragons (sounds crazy but it makes sense later sorta) These worlds coexisted and people crossing over to others was rare, but in general the foreign nature of the others meant many were simply killed and never actually became a problem (a fire can't start if you snuff out the candle sorta rules)
A girl named Mit-Eye(Mitty) accidentally reality hopped to the monster world one evening, and instead of kill on sight, an empathetic shut in named Glorified decided to help her. Throughout their journey to get her home, they both grow as people and become close friends. At the event horizon of realities Mit-Eye convinces Glorified to leave with her (It was going to be killed for helping her) and to strive for a better life together
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But the attempt of crossing over caused a beyond horrible catalyst event where the two worlds sorta clipped into one another as a mess of being, making them go off course and smash into the third one.
It was SUPER BAD. On a level where history, people and items were just merging into one homogeneous reality. All three worlds became one world of jumble, and is the birth of Alias's world.
"Dragonfolk evolved into humanoids that then had a event where mass mutations wiped out the world wide population and now monsters exist"
This event caused many different things but mainly, the new species Doodle Dudes. Gender ambiguous lizardfolk that look nothing like lizards and are just silly circle heads.
During the super big bad event (in the Alias world) there was a young boy named Pepper Thyme who watched his family blow up into meat mutant meat chunks and was traumatized since. He was adopted by his home island's "temporary" figurehead Mr. Venus who enabled his bad habits and morbid obsessive study on THE EVENT. After Venus died of a accident Pepper took power and put the island under his control as a "authoritarian lite" (has ultimate power but it is loosely enforced on the common people unaware of his influence. Like President Business) Within the instability of the world as it barely started healing he had created one of the few "Beacons" (functioning civilisations) left. Fully cementing himself as the BBEG<3
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That's the general lore of Alias, multiple stories carry out through its narrative.
Aliporsha, Nures and Doctrine, and Willson and Tamual are all up on my favourite ones though. I'd say Mit-Eye and Glory but they are just the prelude really!!!
For the fruits of his labour, Pepper Thyme discovered the existence of multiverses and set out to colonize them to finally satiate his obsession hes had on the catalyst by bringing a universal order. And In order to carry out his colonization plans, Thyme is creating an army of "gods" by inhumane experiments on people for them to become indestructible reality warping machines that follow his command. Only two characters canonically have actually reach godhood (Aliporsha and Sillysocks) but hes determined and on the right track considering he has met GOD (The Corrior...hes a can of worms in itself)
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ariamariastark1 · 1 year
Parallels and Foils: how Cersei, Lysa and Catelyn are a warning.
It isn’t news that Cersei and Daenerys, Arya and Catelyn and Lysa and Sansa are deeply connected narratively and that you can learn a lot about them through each other. When you look into it, Cat, Cersei and Lysa are more than just parallels and foils, they also are warnings and a preview of what each girl will or was supposed to become! They warn us about the worst possible outcome for the girls and what they must recognise and avoid.
They are in three different parts of the journey through the books:
Arya, I think, has already won her battle against becoming Catelyn and is now fighting other battles; despite her personality, she had a chance of becoming just as sour and prejudiced as Cat in the beginning and even after Ned died, however, Arya’s ability to be friends with everyone from everywhere as well as her empathy to others, even those who hurt people, made it so that any chance of that happening was destroyed. Jon's love and validation also gave Arya a base of support that Catelyn probably didn't have. ---- Arya Stark has avoided her fate and now is moving on to other things.
Daenerys and Cersei are foils of each other, Cersei being essentially what people believe Daenerys is going to become (the show's Ending doesn't help). Many people, both readers and In-Universe characters, believe Daenerys to be a Mad Queen or that will she burn KingsLanding, however, Cersei is the one that will be known as the Mad Queen (she is literally going crazy) and she will burn KingsLanding. And while we can say with certain confidence that Daenerys will never be like Cersei, in the books she still needs to work and prove herself a bit more. ---- Daenerys is still avoiding this ending.
Sansa, unfortunately, we can't say with certainty that she won't be like Lysa Tully. Maybe in the beginning Sansa wasn't going to become like her aunt but as the story progressed and Sansa continued with the same beliefs and with a general lack of character growth, it is becoming harder to see an ending for Sansa that won't make her Lysa 2.0; Unless Sansa either drastically changes her views on every one that isn't her, stops being willfully ignorant, starts taking care of herself and makes allies or has a deeply life-changing journey in the next two books, I don't see how can Sansa avoid becoming a deeply sad, lonely woman (Sansa is isolated from her family) who was essentially tricked and manipulated her whole life (tricked by society into believing that acting certain way would guaranty her a good life/ manipulated by almost everyone) and that is trapped in a deeply unhappy marriage (Lysa married to an older sexist dude/Sansa possibly married to Henry, who has bastards and probably won't stop having affairs). Thankfully there is a chance that a life-changing journey might happen in the next two books since Little Finger might get caught trying to poison SweetRobin and the fact that Sansa is not his bastard daughter but a lady accused of conspiring to assassinate the king. That might force Sansa to live with the Small Folk and finally force Sansa to grow. -------- Sansa is losing
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waffleweirdo · 6 months
Incomplete Stage Girls (1340 words)
Or: I ramble about Seiran because I love them so much and they don't get enough love.
Typical disclaimers of a bunch of this is just my interpretation and I could very well get some info wrong. I just like Seiran, I'm far from all knowing about them.
Kyoko Yakumo: Suprise, I'm talking about their teacher as well because she is important! A lot of this is from Saikai Eyes which you should definitely read if you haven't... If getting to hear Yakumo and Souda's backstory doesn't convince you, you get the backstory of the character who is canonically the lead in New National's Production of El Dorado in the movie so....... I'm off track already whoops! Anyways to sum things up Yakumo is someone filled with regret over the past. Specifically over her own decision to run away. Her story itself is incomplete. The reason she is the person she is now is because she knows the pain of lingering regrets that being a stage girl can cause. Thus the whole battle with Seisho in Transition with the ultimate goal being to show Seiran that they needed to find their own strength (and also a bit to get back at Souda, but don't worry about that for now). The guiding principle that Yakumo brings to her teachings (as shown in both Transition and Blue Glitter) is to help her students find their own internal strength that will carry them forward as stage girls. Heck the whole curriculum is built around this! The students don't just study either acting or tech, they study both, and seemingly given relatively free reign on working together and what they work on. Suzu, Hisame, and Koharu sort of lead the students, but ultimately it is all of them working together. Plus unlike schools like Siegfeld or Seisho with set plays, the students at Seiran get to pick their own. (I think? At least that's what Transition seems to imply).
Anyways, the core value of Seiran is helping students grow to be self-fulfilled stage girls. Which is really perfect for our main trio because they are not doing great in that department when they first arrive.
We first meet Seiran in Transition. And at first they are defined, not by themselves, but by the Seisho characters they have known. They are literally incomplete narratively as before we learn more about them as individuals in Blue Glitter we learn about them from their pasts with Seisho. Hisame's jealousy and fear of her time in middle school with Nana. Suzu's failure to stand by Mahiru's side, and (most hilariously) Koharu's hope that she can relate to Maya and stop being alone (to which Maya just does not give a shit and completely ignores her,, Koharu I'm so sorry). Which by the way in the manga adaptation there's short vignettes added in that give more info on their pasts and they are excellent, so go read that if you've only seen the play. Notably these connections are all regrets, or weaknesses that they hope the others can fix. Just like their desire to steal Starlight. A solution that is only a substitute for their own deeper struggles. Ultimately throughout the play they begin to move on, but they don't quite fully connect with each other. In the revues they never truly fight together. Only individually at first. And then altogether with Seisho at the end. At this point in time while Seiran is clearly working together they aren't quite truly a team.
Blue Glitter opens with Seiran really going through it. Koharu is struggling to live up to the pressure she feels from being in charge. Hisame feels unable to help, and can't properly take Koharu's burden or break free of her own. Suzu is in a dilemma of being unsure how to bring the three of them to the same page. All of them are struggling to work together and understand each other. But crucially it is due to their care for each other that this conflict has arisen. They definitely aren't fully a team yet, but even while they fight it is out of love.
Each of them holds regrets, fears, and weaknesses. All of those things brought them to Seiran. Brought them together. As we learn throughout the play Koharu was never able to communicate with others well. Combined with her talent at performing she was seen as harsh and unfair even when she didn't intend anything of the sort. She became isolated and saw the stage as a lonely place. Meanwhile Hisame felt that her own fear had driven those close to her away. That she didn't know how she could continue as a stage girl, even if she desperately wanted to reach that place once more. Suzu was unsure with her acting abilities. Able to continue pushing forward with her enthusiasm, but always unable to actually reach the mark. She didn't know if she would ever actually be able to succeed.
But when they found each other, they were able to understand each other, connect with each other, and help each other. While each individually is incomplete, together they are far greater than the sum of their parts.
A common idea in revstar is the loneliness of performing onstage. One must always be able to stand alone, and yet you are never alone as a performer. Each character and in a broader view each school tackles this idea differently. It's not a coincidence that Seiran studies tech as well as performing. In the climax to Blue Glitter the three are literally rejected by the theatre for their failure to perform. Yet they rebuild the stage and stand on it once more. By having someone else who understands them. Who feels the same way that they do. Even if they must stand alone, they can still derive strength from being together.
The auditions and revues in revue starlight are really significant, and tie into so many different things. But for Seiran, whose view of the stage was bleak to be generous before they meet each other. To truly bring themselves back from the abyss (thank you manga chanpter names for the reminder that being unable to perform is literal death for a stage girl) is just so significant. And their brand of connection is just so meaningful and a lot of why I love them so much.
I'm not sure exactly how the translation works, but a key difference can I think be summed up in Seiran's version of the rebirth metaphor (listen this is one of my favorite themes from revstar I love talking about it). Specifically when its used in the anime (specifically by Karen) it is "I am reborn" or "self-remake", but in Blue Anthem it is, "self-reform". Seiran isn't brilliantly reborn from their passion. Instead they meticulously grow. Their weaknesses are guides as they support each other and deliberately work to improve themselves.
Really what I just mean is go listen to Blue Anthem everything I'm trying to say is in there.
I feel like I have barely scratched the surface, but I don't know how much of the rest of it is comprehendible right now, so I should probably shut up soon.
But uhhhhhh Hisame's story in Climax shows the significance of Seiran being together, but also how their bonds continue with them even when they are apart.
I could talk a bunch about how Hisame and Akira connect with each other and about Seiran in Edel Delight (they finally get to be doing good!!), but I'll just say that the AkiHisa Rose Poems was my favorite
I'll probably write another long ramble really soon about Koharu and Sakura, because Sakura is sooooo important, but my thoughts on it ended up getting too long... (it is the parallels between Sakura and Koharu, and Karen and Hikari, its....)
This made me start thinking about how all the schools are slightly different in their themes, and now I want to take a second to just rethink about how each character fits into each school
I can't stop rotating revue starlight in my head... the ideas for keep coming.
So that is a bit of why I love Seiran so much. There's a lot more, but.... yup
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limeinaltime · 6 months
If there's one thing I am proud about with The Apotheosis of Mari Erebos, it's that the situation is both horrifying and sometimes beautiful from both a metaphorical standpoint and if you take it from face value, even if I struggle to convey it via my current level of writing skill.
A teen is bound to a nightmare realm that grows as it's fed. It's a metaphor for abuse. A boy is forcibly dragged into something greater than what he was made for. We want to save those that we care about but we are so so small. God is dying but the thing that wants to take their place is a force of pure malicious joy and cruelty that bathes in the suffering of others. You either die to the darkness or let it into your heart. There is a world that dwarfs the universe and it's supposed to love you but it hates you viscerally and desires you carnally. You've seen so much and yet you're still so small. A girl's mind has been taken prisoner by her abusers, and one of them is hopelessly, deeply, sickeningly obsessed with her. Teens hated and abandoned by the society they were born into for something out of control got Skinamarink-ed and stripped of their humanity and dignity. An entire section of a race was wiped out for the sake of growing political greed and corruption. There is a pit of dead versions of the characters we all care for so dearly. Every death becomes just a looping vivid nightmare where you're the same age you were when you started, but your body still remembers and the fear never goes away. A ten year old has been trapped in a cycle of suffering for far too long. Someone basically becomes a god-killing machine. A baby god was manipulated, killed and possessed by someone who wanted his entire race to suffer.
You will never hear him sing again. You were born a victim and you will die a victim. The one person you thought you could trust just threw you at a wall and said you deserved to die. The friends you grew up with or the one you just made must be lost in order for the other to live. The love you feel makes you want to rip your heart out and scream at it to stop racing. You don't know who you are. This flesh should not be yours. You were born to die. You are a slave to a predetermined narrative. You were born a helpless little baby, and you will die a helpless, sad adult. This house is your haven and it is your hell. The entire world has convinced you that you deserve all the pain it gives. You are repulsive and disgusting and everyone hates you. You belong to the house. You belong to your damage. You belong to your hurt and you are owned by your hatred. You can either heal your inner child with kindness or beat it to death with hatred. Might also be a gender identity metaphor if you want it to be.
Why can't I remember you? Why am I drawn to you? Why do you still make me feel safe even though you hurt me? Why do I know your face? Why does your voice soothe the anger I hold so dearly? Why did I say that to you? Why do I care about you? Why do I know your face?
Mari befriending Juhdis only to lose him to the place that they're both victims of. Sollux helping Mari fix the bracelet while being at the mercy of Amberose. Stryga, despite everything, still being rejected because he's not goldblood enough to be one of them. Adelyn being forced to live through the same nightmare over and over again because Kuro desires revenge and suffering more than he loves her. The Anathema falling in love with The Savant after they become a part of each other's beautiful, simple lives and losing him because that's what Alternia and Liminal Space do. It's all take, take, take and those who try to give back are punished harshly.
I want people to root for Mari, Stryga and Adelyn to win their freedom from Liminal Space. I want to invoke mama bear rage over what Amberose. I want people to see what a piece of shit Kuro is due to all the indoctrination and abuse he's now reflecting onto Adelyn. I want the readers to want to kill Amberose and Kuro with their teeth. I don't want it to fall to overhype. I want to feel like hot shit for writing it. I am experiencing my first possibly-longform fanfic and it is a ride and a half.
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purgemarchlockdown · 6 months
ask game
from tsuwmya 2, 4, 11, 12, 13 for Muu and 1, 2, 3, 5, 21 for Mahiru I hope it's not too much 👉👈
It's no problem! I enjoy doing ask games a lot they're really fun!
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
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I love this frame from It's Not My Fault so much, it's just so pretty and lovely to watch. I love how slow it feels...
4. favorite minigram episode/moment?
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I think bread Muu is really funny. Second place goes to Raincoat Muu though.
11. what are your favorite points about their story and the narrative surrounding them?
I love it when characters are...kinda the worst. I am a Worst Girls Enjoyer and I like it when characters are horrible so Muu's already appealing from that point.
But Muu is so much More than just Horrible and that's really what sells her for me, cause there is a lot of depth to her as a character. Muu's a victim and a bully, she tries her best to keep herself satisfied with this shallow form of love and attention, one predicated on being at the top and hurting the people under you. As long as you are not the worst you can continue to get the "honey." Which leads to very destructive and unhealthy environments and situations.
It's not really surprising Haruka and Muu gravitated towards each other, both use "pity" to gain a form of "love" and in the process demean and hurt themselves. Muu's self hatred is a very real thing and it's not something she can easily grow out of.
Muu's kinda stuck, she's unwilling to take responsibility for her own faults but also due to the horribly toxic school environment she finds herself in she's unable to really grow Either since the place basically discourages growth and development and she's also horribly insecure and self-hating which really doesnt help anyone.
Plus as I said she uses that "pity" to gain love and that kinda means she Needs to be in some sort of bad situation for that to work. The "ideal" situation for Muu is one where she's in pain so that people care about her and that's just...depressing.
I could talk about it forever honestly but there's a lot more questions so-
12. what do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
I want to see more discussion on her horribly toxic cycles and self-destruction! I don't think there's much of it and its sad since its such an integral part of her story. She's really channeling Shiori fr and I think that's really interesting! Plus I'd also like if if people stopped treating her like a mastermind...she isn't...she's really impulsive actually...
13. any ideas on what would they and their MV be like if they got a different verdict in T1?
Plays up the pity factor by a lot, you thought After Pain was sad? Muu's playing that thing up to eleven now. She's desperate to gain love and attention so please please please forgive her now, she won't do anything bad she promises! It be real depressing alright...
1. favorite song lyrics?
Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual, Is because I love you
This is the most quietly horrifying line in TIHTBILWY for me and I love it. Mahiru "Love is Pain" Shiina Just Admitted to testing how much her boyfriend loves her and how willing he is to stay with her. "Breakup ritual" is so horrifying in this context I love it.
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
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Cat moment fr.
3. favorite non-mv official illustration?
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(I can't find a big version of this for some reason) I Love her album cover! It's really striking and pretty I think, plus I really like all the flowers around it.
5. favorite voice drama line/moment?
Mahiru: What? No, no. There’s no such thing as that. Being in love is like a landmine. It’ll explode someday, you know? The only thing that differs is whether it happens earlier or later in life. It’ll happen to you too. Even if you don’t have any interest in it now, one day it’ll explode for you as well. All because you’ll have that fateful encounter with your special someone.
Can you tell I Really like it when Mahiru is horrible? It's subtle here but her insensitivity and the way she can ignore what other people say and want because She thinks she knows whats best is shown here and I really like that about her. Plus the amatonormativity is Real in this sentence.
21. do you have any similarities with them/relate to something in them?
Not really, I don't really relate to Mahiru much. I'm not a romance person (I'm...90-97% sure I'm aro depending on the day) and she can honestly be a bit overwhelming for Me. I can sometimes be a bit overindulgent with my interests though so I guess that counts.
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
Katrina is a pretty bad friend, i guess theres a reason for so many including the girls from the traphouse friend group cut her off. I dont like Stas but its pretty obvious theyre transactional friends who just use each other . She recently followed Shea again, she unfollowed her before and now what? Will she be buddy buddy with her too? No one talks about it but just because she’s dating Sam doesnt mean she too isnt riding their coattails and social climbing. No one would know her if it wasn’t for them. And about Colby, i dont get why he keeps these girls in rotation but the more he does the more indifferent i feel about him because they’re not nice girls. Neither Shea or Stas are actually nice, they’re in it for the fame and attention of it all. For example, Colby gets arrested and the first thing Shea does is tweet “please be okay”, who was that really for if not his fans? He gets blacked out drunk and the first thing Stas does is post it and make sure everyone knows because she needs to deliver, does he call them out though? No, he continues his will they wont they narrative.
I don't necessarily think she's a bad friend, i only think this transactional friendship is a real thing.
If i were kat, who's been dating sam for 7 years or whatever timeline they have, i would be very picky with my friends too. Especially since her and colby started spending more time together, i saw a lot of girls approach her, especially stas who, from what another anon told me, didn't get along with kat and vice versa. I would say Kat's selective more than she is a fake or a bad friend. As i said before, she does have her own "to blame" thing since Sam helped her platform grow. And about the unfollowing/following thing, it's just something childish that i would probably do. If i don't interact with certain people, i don't have a reason to keep them "close"
As for the other girls, Colby's at fault for feeding them. He posts, he makes a big fuss out of stuff and then the girls have nothing else to do other than blindly accepting the attention they receive for free. Afterwards, it's obvious they will act and do stuff for the hell of it, because it's not necessarily them who started this. I don't understand why he doesn't stop certain behaviour and certain things from coming out on the Internet, but if they find it entertaining, mostly they will think that we find it entertaining. Which is not the case for most people, me included.
I love that they have fun together and don't waste their youth, but there are things that should be kept private. This way there's no need for "LA is full of fake people who use us for fame", bro, u deliver the fame to them, u can't just expect them to give it back to u since u drew attention on them
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chaoticfandomthot · 1 year
The connections between Little Miss Why So and Two Minutes (to me)
! Long Post ahead, I can't figure out how to do the cut thing, my bad !
[Disclaimer : this is just one of my many theories about TAD's songs, I do not claim to think that this is true or right and it is not a very strong analysis. Music is subjective, if you don't like the idea just scroll past, thank you.]
In this theory, Joey's character in Little Miss Why So and Joey's character in Two Minutes are the same person.
It places Two Minutes inside the narrative of Little Miss, towards the end, either right before or right after the breakup. I imagine Two Minutes to be his attempt at coping as he's trying to pull himself back together after he's tried everything.
"It’s like all the wallpaper inside my heart
Is slowly, slowly peeling off
And I’m showing
All the stains and things
They wrote on the wall before"
So as we start, we have Joey's character who is unravelling. He feels like he's being stripped bare and it starts to pull at him and old issues / trauma start to ressurface.
This resonates with Little Miss Why So to me because it's exactly how it feels to try to pull someone out from the depth only to realise you can't, and you've started to sink as well.
At this point there is the question of characterization, in LMWS, Joey's character is desperate, but feels detached (not the right word but you get it) and maybe even resentful, while in Two Minutes he is raw and deeply hurt.
To me this makes sense because LMWS is how Madeleine's character perceives him and she feels like a burden to him, while Two Minutes is his own thoughts and he feels like he tried so hard and for nothing.
"We’ve left all the blinking lights and shouting behind us now and I’ll stare at you,
As you stare, as you stare right back at the sky"
So the first half talks about shouting, which gave me a bit of hesitation because Madeleine's character is silent, and that's the problem in LMWS. Luckily for me, it doesn't say they're both shouting and Joey's character is metaphorically (literally ?) shouting at her to wake up the entire song, so I'll use that.
It also goes to show that he doesn't ask anymore, he's done. He's tried and tried but she just stares at the sky and he can't help but stare at her as she does, maybe hoping she'll glance his way. She doesn't.
This also directly ties in to this verse from LMWS;
"I'll make a hundred paper planes
To decorate our tiny room
I've even learned to cook
Just stop staring at the moon
That's why I put up fairy lights, just to distract you"
The next verse is when we get the chorus.
"Give me two damn minutes and I’ll be fine
Give me two damn minutes and I’ll be fine
These hands are growing cold
They’re running out of things to hold
Give me two damn minutes and I’ll be fine"
I'll ignore the repeated chorus for now to focus on the cold hands imagery.
It feels like a call back to the fact that he can never reach her in LMWS, how he can't feel her warmth because she is also getting so cold. How lonely it makes him.
There's also this from LMWS
"You don't see daylight any more
Something's sucking out your core and it's so boring"
Which gives me the empty cold of depression and makes me think that even if he could reach her, he couldn't hold her without freezing.
"If there was one place I could be right now, I’d be standing there between you and him
And I’ll fight you both, fight you both for the rest of my life long days"
This (to me, for this theory) refers to this verse from LMWS.
"Why won't you let me follow in your footsteps
As you trek into that underground world?
What's that hold that the big dark king of nothing
Has got on you, my girl ?'
At first, he wants to fight the 'big dark king of nothing', he wants her back and is willing to go far for it. Alas, by the time he sings Two Minutes, he's realised that he can't fight one without the other.
Madeleine's character doesn't feel like she can come out of the cave, she's trapped so deeply that to try and tear her away is to fight her as well.
It's a testament to how dedicated he was to fighting off her sadness, even though he never understood it, and how at the end of the day, it turned them against each other.
How Madeleine's character wishes that he understood that she can't just stop, and how he can't accept it.
By fighting the king of nothing, he's hurting her as well.
"But today we ripped it off, we ripped it off, we showed the world that we exist
Never really liked the pattern that much on the wallpaper so anyway"
This one I'm honestly not so sure about, so I'll skip over it slightly and just talk about the recurring wallpaper imagery.
It feels like however much he wishes he could fight them for the rest of his days, he's realising that it is ripping him apart, ripping away his wallpaper.
Now about the 'give me two damn minutes and I'll be fine'. This to me means something different towards the beginning versus towards the end.
At the beginning I interpret it as him asking for more time, 'I'll be fine, I just need two minutes, I'll figure it out, it's okay.'
"I can hear the children calling as though across the bar
I can hear the children calling"
This is when I think he made the decision of leaving. He can hear his own exit, a bit like when you're surfacing in a pool and the sounds get clearer.
"If I’m good will you come back
If I’m good will you come back
If I’m good will you come back
To us"
The rest of the song is him wondering if there's any chance left, if there is any other way to bring her back.
The ending of LMWS answers that question.
Why so, why so sad?
Stop asking why I'm sad (If I'm good, will you come back?)
Just know, it's enough to know I'm sad (If I'm good, will you come back?)
Yeah, but why?
Yeah, but why? (For Christ's sake, just say something)
He says, said"
You can hear him ask her, beg her to say something, anything.
Is there still a chance ? Can they fix this ? Can she come back ?
"Wish I'd said
'Cause if I'd said then maybe
You'd still be snuggled here in my bed
Watching Netflix
And now I can't
'Cause you changed the password
When you left"
They can't.
The last 'give me two damn minutes and I'll be fine' is the acceptance. The concession that he can't help her, and that he chooses himself.
Thanks to @dandelight and @podcastenthusiast for the nudge I needed to actually write it down and post it !💕
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ladymelisande · 1 year
I didn't notice at first, but to some extent, Alicent's completely fabricated backstory reminds me of Garden of Shadows the prequel to Flowers in the Attic. It tells the backstory of Olivia, the wicked, abusive and fanatical grandmother in the main series. 
As the story begins, Olivia is an intelligent, quick-witted, and romantic young woman in her mid-20s, and enters Foxworth Hall as a young and hopeful bride newly wed to handsome millionaire Malcolm Foxworth. But soon she realizes that her husband is a cold, ruthless, and cruel man unable to love anyone, even his own wife and children. He's a misogynistic sadist, has a severe madonna-whore complex and Oedipus complex, rapes Olivia, and ignores her and their sons. Then one day, Malcolm rapes his father's teenage wife and impregnate her. To save the Foxworth name and her sons from public humiliation, Olivia decides to raise her husband's daughter as her own, and although Olivia does feel affection for Corinne, she can't help but resent the circumstances of the girl's birth, and Malcolm's excessive favoritism of her over their sons does not help at all. After witnessing Malcolm's lust, violence, and incestuous passion destroy their family, Olivia grows to believe that the entire Foxworth bloodline is tainted, and that God has brought her into Foxworth Hall to purify the sin. Years of being married to Malcolm eventually turned her into a cynical and cold-hearted religious zealot, creating the monster who lock her “grandchildren” (Corinne's children) in the attic because, as products of incest, she thinks they're “the devil's spawn” and an abomination against God (their parents are half-niece and half-uncle, but they are also half-siblings, as they have the same mother, Malcolm's stepmother).
Fucking hell, that is some backstory, you might be right, nonny.
You know what my problem with Alicent's backstory is, nonny? It's that is the most cardboard boring backstory in the whole show and that it is not an adaptation but a very boring, radfem typical belief of women antagonists' backstory. I don't know if you have noticed but every time radfemish fandoms or writers try to justify a woman abusing other women or girls, they invent this super tragic backstory where an evil husband raped or abused her. Adding rape to a backstory that had none is not nuance. It is just a cheap tactic to get sympathy points and is disgusting.
When in true, in real life women can be abusers because they are pieces of shit quite well.
Another thing is that Hess and Condal didn't bother to adapt Alicent and Viserys' relationship from the book, they just completely rewrote it. One of the most obvious things about Viserys in the book is that he loved Alicent, why? Because he kept indulging her! He kept avoiding ways to make her and her party stop harassing Rhaenyra, he kept choosing her over his own daughter. Alicent might not given a shit about him in the books but it was clear that Viserys loved Alicent because even Rhaenyra kept the bitch alive out of love to her father. They could have explored Alicent having complicated feelings about Viserys, maybe choosing for ambition but then seeing how he loved her and wanting to use that love to further her sons' position. They could have her feel guilty if they wanted more so called 'grey' moments. Instead we have Alicent the Sympathetic Sue, who doesn't affect the narrative, does nothing but cry and has a utterly ridiculous try-hard-to-make-her-pitiful backstory done by two tone deaf and annoying writers that think somehow her having agency in her own relationships was a lie.
They are so pathetic.
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theophagie · 7 months
That was a great double vent to read honestly. I'm really not holding onto hope here, but post-KHMoM Kairi training really is Nomura's last chance in fixing this mess he has wrought.Hell his true last chance was KH3 and we all know how that went and THEN he goes out of his way to make her need Sora's help even in her OWN game (if you can call KHMom that), and sidelines her again. It's absolutely deliberate but that doesn't make it. Good writing. I don't even recognize her as the character I love from 1 and 2 anymore, who is this girl. What we really need is a Kairi training and discovering her RG past game but fat chance of that happening. For god's sake let this girl develop other relationships. You don't see Aqua or Xion just simpering after Cute Guy Of The Group, what is the damn problem? I want to believe that he will at least let her grow strong as a fighter now, but for all I know she could just be kidnapped for manpain while holding her hand out going "Sora...!" and that will be that
Honestly I can't say that I have much hope, but in my ideal world Aqua's mentorship will get her to stop being so helpless and vulnerable so that what has been teased ever since KH2 and especially built up all throughout KH3 (until the very end...) can finally be delivered after all this time T-T I like that she won't have anything to do with the Sora rescue mission for this reason, because it's the perfect chance to see her do her own thing, one that she chose by and for herself for once (assuming that we will actually get to see her training this time). Considering that she's going to Aqua, I would love to see her interact with Ven since they're childhood amnesia and pure hearts buddies, and there's potential for some very interesting stuff with Terra too considering that Xehanort used her through his body... But I just wonder whether Nomura even cares about Kairi *as an individual* enough to allow her to actually become more than a cliché, which is really the heart of the problem. She's dissatisfied with her situation and wants everything to change and that's true, but ultimately this doesn't amount to anything if then the narrative goes and just shoves her back into a corner (if anything it's even more frustrating to see, like. "Is this ever going to get somewhere or is she bound to try, fail, and need to be saved until the end of time. Nomura I can't live forever")
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seraphdreams · 6 months
Thanks for letting me vent. It means alot to me. And thanks for showing your boundaries as well. If I ever make you uncomfy please let me know. Its also gonna be really long so I hope you don't mind.
It's just that I've been feeling alot more blue since the wedding becuase its just that ever little noise my (POS) younger brother has been making to trigger like roughly barging into my door so that it jiggles and stomping around for the same effect. Its gotten to a point where I can no longer differtiate between the two. Like he hasn't externally been bothering but he's been doing sly shit like slamming himself against my doorknob to jiggle it (what's the word?) And its not even rough its just softly enough to trigger me. And then hes been coming in to the room I'm in, looking at me as if I'm worth less than the scum is his shoe and leaving and after he's already triggered me in just put even lower in terms of mood and self esteem and he's made me feel like I wa sshit and that I have nothing good about me. And he even did it yesterday when I was trying to sleep and he was rocking back and forth and it was really triggering and I wanted to bang on the wall but I was afraid of him and I didn't want to fight him becisse I was afaird of him banging on my door and the general backlash which could cause a fight pulling my hair out (he does that during fights) and he's always just provking me to try snd fight him just so that he can beat me up. And then there's the fact that I cant talk to nobody about it bc my therapist discharged me for three months (that's their policy) and I'm still on the waiting list for counselling and I can't talk to my mum bc she dont fully understand or says that he doesn't (as much as I love her to bits) and I can't talk with my sister bc the last time I ranted to her about ruining my plans we got into an argument and I blocked her. And then on top of that I traumadumped my sisters best friend (who was my designated friend for the day) becuase she knew about the family drama and I thought it was safe to tell her and I also told her about being flirted with by a guy but I thought it was a joke and she reassured me (said that I was above average - beautiful black girl tm) but then she said that I was insecure and constantly looking for validation which alot of girls don't like and even guys and it makes me realise that I do it alot. And I just keep reacting and giving him a reaction bc I get triggered easily and I just don't know how to properly articulate what I'm feeling bc nobody in my family will even listen to me and even say that I'M the one terrifying him. And I talked with teachers and counsellors about it but they just say that all siblings fight like that.
Can you give me advice on how not give him a reactions. Or how to cope with his bullshit. Also what do I do if I am reacting. Sorry for dumping his on you, I just need someone to tell who will listen and not dismiss me.
i just want to say i’m sorry that all of this is happening and people should not be dismissing you especially the ones that are there to help you. that’s no “sibling fight” that’s straight up abuse. and though i’m not well versed on the subject of siblings, i just think that to stop giving a reaction you should stop caring. if i do remember correctly, you said your brother was younger? in that case, it’s futile to give into him since he’s younger and not important.
let’s switch the narrative here — instead of thinking that you’re the problem, think of his behavior. people who are happy with themselves don’t ruin others’ day. in conclusion, he’s just bitter and acting like a child and in that case he needs to grow up. his actions don’t reflect you.
now all of this won’t happen in a day, and if you find yourself reacting just remember that it’s normal in the healing process to fall back, but that just means you gotta push two steps forward. also find things to distract you or rewire your brain from reacting. when you find him provoking you, just think of something else besides his annoyances. something that makes you happy or calms you down. or just switch your focus to a whole new task/topic
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namelysane · 2 years
Whats hellspawn's relation ship with the rest of the EM's and other side characters?
- Hellspawn hates Lloyd's favorite noodle dish on the menu, and Skylor won't let him live it down.
- She loves the fortune cookies though, which Skylor lets her have on the house. And after she opens each one, Lloyd snorts and calls out how ridiculous the fortune written is and Skylor just rolls her eyes before telling hellspawn that he's just jealous that his destiny is always the worst.
- Getting hellspawn to eat veggies is a struggle and Skylor immediately tells Lloyd it's his own fault for that. Lloyd can't even bring himself to argue because she isn't the first person who's told him that.
- Hellspawn also often questions Skylor about when she's going to marry her Uncle Kai and Skylor literally chokes. Lloyd doesn't completely stop cackling about it until a whole week later.
- She's the first person to question Lloyd about his daughter's elemental power and Lloyd just goes blank, not even sure of it himself. He isn't ready for her to inherit his and for him to lose his powers yet so he just tells Skylor that she's too young for them to be sure of anything yet.
- I think Karloff would be this really big burly uncle that seems kinda intimidating at first, but is actually really sweet and is absolutely capable of crushing her when picking her up for hugs.
- During Garmadon's rule she often ran into Karloff and spent time with him because Lloyd wasn't feeling himself. (This was during Hunted, mind you, Lloyd wasn't fine at all)
- Hellspawn is fascinated by Karloff's 'mittens' and often played rock paper scissors with him while at the base. Thankfully, Karloff was all too happy to entertain her.
- She made hellspawn want to have green hair and Lloyd and Nya flat out told her no. (This was just after Hunted ended btw)
- Well the girl sulked about it for quite some time. When Nya told Kai about this, he almost had a heart attack.
Griffin Turner
- This guy lost his sunglasses at the Resistance's Base and was forced to play tag to get it back. Needless to say, he didn't sign up for this when he decided to help Lloyd & Nya in S9, but he bears with it. Maybe she's growing on him.
- when Griffin moaned to him and Paleman that his sunglasses were missing, Neuro played dumb and encouraged the narrative that he probably left them somewhere, instead of telling him that Lloyd's daughter was the one who took them. He's already seen into her mind and found out what she plans to do, so he's just gonna let Griffin endure it to fuck with him.
- Dude's the best person to play hide and seek with and hellspawn really wants to take full advantage of that. The only problem is, this guy keeps disappearing because he's learned from what happened to Griffin, so it's a bit of a struggle. The only time he actually agreed was after she asked him why he was called the Master of Light when all he can do is just disappear.
- Paleman wasn't happy that she showed no sign of making Shade play with her so he dragged him to join them. It was a fun game, surprisingly.
Camille, Ash, Bolobo, Gravis & Jacob.
- Since they weren't present in Hunted, hellspawn's never met them. (I'm not counting the tournament of elements season because hellspawn didn't even participate in it)
- She met hellspawn for the first time when Lloyd took her to the tea shop, not knowing what to do since she was severely sick. Fortunately, Mystake had a tea for that, but didn't tell Lloyd that the virus hellspawn had only affected Oni children, which was why the medicine from the pediatrician Lloyd usually took her to didn't work.
- Aside from Skylor, logically, this is another character that really interacts a lot with hellspawn. He even had to take care of her for a short period of time during Skybound after the ninja broke out of prison...but he doesn't remember this because of Jay's final wish.
- One day before S8, Lloyd lost her while going grocery shopping and she ran into Dareth, who brought her back to a panicking Lloyd.
- There should be a lot more but I can't think of anything else. 😅 You can add some if you want.
- Hellspawn loves pulling his hair whenever she can reach it and Ronin curses Lloyd everytime she does. Whenever Jay sees this, he just lets it be for the fun of it.
Ray & Maya
- These two couldn't believe that their friend's kid now has a kid of his own so Misako had a pretty hard time explaining things to them.
- Maya : Okay, so not only are now my two children nearly adults but YOU'RE TELLING ME WE'VE BEEN IMPRISONED LONG ENOUGH FOR GARM TO HAVE A GRANDCHILD???!
- They really love having hellspawn around though. Ray often remarks on how much she looks and acts like Lloyd and he'll smile, and then Nya will chime in by saying she's actually much worse than Lloyd. Just give her a bit of candy and you'll have an absolute nightmare.
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uroborosymphony · 1 year
HI LYNNIE <3 <3 <3 i am here!! with ur chara development questions, specifically for my fav crazy girl, quinn :'D - feel free to skip any you're not feeling: Is she aware of the fact that she is slowly spiraling? Does that ever scare her/has she tried anything to stop her descent? Alternatively is this something she is starting to embrace?
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Quinn actually does know she is slowly spiraling. As she originally wanted to become a psychiatrist, growing up with a mother who was mentally ill. She went far enough in her education to be able to identify and diagnose the symptoms of psychotic disorders. It's actually what plays against her, because Quinn is an expert on the topic, she does believe it can and only should happen to others - patients - and definity not Her - the doctor - how ironic is that. Her deep knowledge and cold realism is painfully mixed with delusions she finds comforts in - delusions that come from her Pride as well as from the disorder itself, trying to minimize how badly it's getting in her head. There are three stages for a schizophrenic disorder and she can tell she is on the first : Prodromal. The phase comes with various mood changes, anxiety, sleep disturbances, irritability, anger, and behaviours on the spectrum of obsession-compulsion and dissociative episodes. Her sleep disturbances show with these nightmares she has been having recently - ones where she can't truly say if she's awake, if she's hallucinating or simply fully asleep, she often dreams of blood and other versions of herself. Irritability and anger come easier with time, especially in high tension situations, during a face to face between Naeun and the Black Fang gang for example - little hold on her emotions, reactions, it escalates fast and usually over the smallest details. Obsessive behaviours with this obsession over Felicity she developped as she spent nights and nights digging and following and digging into the girl's life and past. And finally, dissociative episodes when facing The Black Night, along with auditive hallucinations. In order to keep head in place, she has continous inner dialogues with herself, sitting down, trying to rationalize her thoughts, she spends an obsessive amount of time in front of mirrors as well, as if the sight of her own person helps to anchor herself into reality. This trick however won't work forever if what she sees in the mirror starts morphing, moving, talking out of hallucinations - that would sign the beginning of another stage. She refuses to become her mother, she's scared to turn into everything she loathed in the woman who failed to raise her. Quinn is a ticking bomb however. Especially with the path she chose, as a vigilante. In her case it's a paranoid schizophrenia to be more specific, and so, the deeper she will let her obsessions for justice and punishments gain her, the more she will use it as an excuse, the lesser she will see herself as losing her mind but "doing what's good". Anything or anyone who will show her opposition or point out her sick head will only increase her paranoid thoughts and new perception of this reality : believing the outsiders simply Don't want a better world like she does - she will flip the narrative and lose sight on what's truly going on with her.
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emblazons · 1 year
The heteronormativity is bad but it’s not even just that. I think the bigger problem in the Byler vs Melvin ship war is that since mlm fandoms have a reputation of being misogynistic and hating the female character for “getting in the way” everyone automatically assumes that Bylers fall under that category too (I’ve had sapphic friends who don’t watch the show tell me that they hate Byler because they think that the fans hate women even though most of us are queer women ourselves) and so we have to be extra nice and accommodating and apologize every time anyone even mildly criticizes El on here otherwise we’re labeled misogynistic (and even ableist even though El has no canonical disabilities). Which I think is so dumb because El is a flawed character and that’s a big part of what makes her interesting. Discussing her mistakes doesn’t mean that we hate her, in fact I would go as far as to say that people who recognize her flaws and love her for them care about El more than fake-woke Twitter feminists who try to strip her of all her less than perfect qualities. And don’t even get me started on how acceptable homophobia is in the Melvin fandom. The way that they shit on Will all the time and want to erase him and have him die in the name of “supporting women” is disgusting and idk why Bylers try so hard to cater to these people and just get along. There is no need and there shouldn’t be any desire to get along with homophobes. It’s okay to just hate things and it’s not morally wrong to dislike Melvin and want to stay far away from it.
Mmmm. Well first off I appreciate your honesty and want to (sorry for phrasing it the therapist way lmao) hold space for your irritation with how ignorant people can be in fandom spaces, because it is very real—and especially given the complicated history mlm ships carry in fandom historically, I can see how byler being pigeonholed into the same "you just want to get rid of the girl for your mlm ship" space is frustrating as hell, especially now that it's officially semi-canon.
Also, to your point about El: I agree that there are far too many people who behave as though acknowledging that characters (especially female ones) can be multi-faceted + make mistakes / be imperfect is somehow tantamount to a misogyny, even though good characters (male or female) must have internal challenges and conflicts so they aren’t one-note in the narrative. Too many people act as though their personal resonance or projection onto a character should define everyone else’s understanding and analysis of that character, and that’s something that happens a lot with El, especially in the case of the space she occupies in relationship to Byler.
Personally, I've avoided most of that discourse by not engaging with Byler "versus" Mlvn conversations for the most part, but that I still notice and react to myself when it comes into my space—particularly the "you're misogynistic or ableist" conversation, considering almost all of that is rooted in headcanons and projections, and not El's (or Mike's...or Will's) canonical characterization. You’re completely right to want to stay far away from that kind of discourse/energy—staying away from how I’ve kept myself sane and enjoying st in spite of how chronically online some of the fandom's takes can be.
I don't think there is any solution to it (people are like that in every fandom space, and I don't think they're gonna stop being willfully ignorant or heteronomative now), but...it helps that I know most of the argument surrounding "byler is trying to get rid of El" is based on either not knowing the show, unchecked emotion, or poor media comprehension, because media literate analysis makes it clear that all three characters involved are deeply complex, growing individuals whose stories all have their own purpose—El's is just moving independent, while Mike & Will's are moving toward each other.
People who don't understand or can't see that—or who want to start arguments over byler based on nothing but their understanding of other mlm ships, or their need to posture solely for the sake of being "right" on the internet—are, quite frankly, not people I'm trying to converse with if I can help it. I don't need to be an advocate for byler badly enough to put up with any of that lmao.
Thanks for the ask!
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