ariamariastark1 · 1 day
whenever sansa stans cry abt dany's casting i can't help but wonder at their reading comprehension all over again
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ariamariastark1 · 3 days
Makes me a bit uncomfortable, not only because it doesn’t fit Ary (she is explicitly a girl, she is Arya as much as she tries to erase it) but also reduces Arya into death which is not what Arya is
Arya stans, a question for yinz:
What do you think of the people equating Arya to the Stranger when they use members of House Stark for representatives of the Seven?
Like this:
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ariamariastark1 · 4 days
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'kiss extracted, incorporated iv' by anselmo fox, 2000 in on everyone's lips: the oral cavity in art + culture - uta ruhkamp (2020)
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ariamariastark1 · 8 days
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ariamariastark1 · 9 days
Lyanna Stark does not represent feminism
Stop this shit in the name of feminism. This is truly insulting. Feminism doesn't mean hating your femininity, being a warrior, or acting like a whore. Just wearing pants doesn't make you a feminist. The first clause in feminism is to have the ability to choose and to respect and appreciate all women. A feminist woman feels for other women, so she won't run away with Someone's husband Just because of love. Do not spread your hatred towards women. Like Elia Martell, Catelyn Stark and Alicent Hightower, just because they weren't ungrateful whores but decided to do their duty.
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ariamariastark1 · 9 days
If it had been Arya instead of Lyanna
If arya finds herself trapped in a forced marriage arranged by an ambitious father (let's pretend it's not Ned), there are only two possibilities. she will either flee to essos or beyond the wall and she will definitely cut her hair. My girl won't run away with a crazy, married prince. Like why would she run away with him because they fell in love? This is dirty for arya.
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ariamariastark1 · 9 days
"I despise the Targaryens and hate the idea of a Targaryen restoration, but Jon and Sansa are totes Aemon and Naerys, guysssss!" -pudding brained fools
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ariamariastark1 · 9 days
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[Horikoshi really made his burns so aesthetically placed]
POLL RESULTS: Dabi/Touya back study
[If you're going to repost at least credit♡♡]
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ariamariastark1 · 11 days
Daenerys Parallels with the Elder Olympians
Daenerys and Zeus: They are both the youngest and ‘strongest’ of their sibling. They surpass their mad and insane fathers and seek to restore order and justice. They are the rulers of the skies and are often driven by their romantic endeavors.
Daenerys and Hera: They are the youngest and most beautiful of their siblings. They are queens who dealt with bad marriages. They are both protectors of women but have devastating tempers, but are very family oriented.
Daenerys and Demeter: They are mothers who have lost their kids. They attended to the earth and are often underestimated by their enemies. Their will influence the world but are both compassionate people. They will be very brutal to people who cross them and are very maternal.
Daenerys and Poseidon: Daenerys also have the sea motif because she does fantasize of traveling though ships and boats. They are very rebellious towards the natural order. Both are very changeable and can be very destructive. They love so fiercely to the point that it could drive them mad. Daenerys and Poseidon are both freedom seekers at heart. They are the parents of monsters
Daenerys and Hades: They are the most competent and intelligent of their siblings. They rule over their subjects with a firm and gentle hand and have monsters who served them. They are the richest of their enemies and usually run their own kingdom. They are both tender hearted as well, but also justice seekers. They run punishments towards the wicked, so they are also feared.
Daenerys and Hestia: They have a fire motif and seek to bring their family together. They can’t have biological children and still ‘virgins’. They are dutiful and modest. They are both the oldest and youngest of the their family dynasty.
@hamliet @asongofstarkandtargaryen @ariamariastark1 @ladyaryawolf @alicentswife1
Other Daenerys and Greek Mythology Stan’s, please continue this
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ariamariastark1 · 11 days
lyanna gets written off as a more “feminine” version of arya when lyanna is genuinely MORE associated with “masculine” pursuits than arya lol lyanna seems to have had some skill with a sword and she was trained in jousting too. arya has neither. lyanna dressed in armor and rode in a tourney as a knight for all the realm to see to make a point. arya was forced to pretend to be a boy for survival.
everything we know suggests lyanna was quite an aggressive and defiant character. in some examples, explicitly more so than even arya (ie: bran’s weirwood vision where she beat benjen’s ass). not a damn thing implies she was secretly ladylike and everyones just ignoring it
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ariamariastark1 · 12 days
Another victim fan of false foreshadowing:
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so about that:
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And I’m not touching what Sansa’s first love has got to do with Jonny boy
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ariamariastark1 · 12 days
Unlocked a new piece of "Arya can't control herself' lore and, apparently, people think her ability to control herself comes from her pretending to be someone else. So it isn't Arya who has self-control, it's Arry/Weasel/Nan/etc. and that's why she wouldn't be able to control herself in KL, cause she couldn't handle being "Arya". I am fascinated by people twisting themselves into pretzels to deny Arya's capabilities, at this point it's an unhealthy compulsion 😭
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ariamariastark1 · 15 days
Daenerys, leadership and gender
One of the things I love in Dany’s story is just how aware GRRM is about how her gender influences things. Obviously, this attention to the worldbuilding and the sexism of the society isn’t exclusive to Dany’s story, but I especially like how GRRM tries to explore with her character the different kinds of power that a woman can wield in a society like that. I also love how Dany constantly defies the gender norms of the cultures around her, how it impacts her leadership storyline and how she is perceived in this world. There’s also an interesting character development for Dany, in which she starts as someone who believes in these gender roles, but gradually grows into someone who starts to be more consciously defiant.
In the first book, Dany comes into contact with Dothraki culture. Sexism is not at all exclusive to the Dothraki, but we see the particularities of its manifestation in this society: the widows of the Khals are respected by the society, but they can’t leave Vaes Dothrak. During her wedding, Dany is gifted with an arakh, a bow, and a whip, but has to make a traditional refusal, saying “This is a gift worthy of a great warrior, O blood of my blood, and I am but a woman. Let my lord husband bear these in my stead”. Women are not allowed to set foot on the Mother of Mountains. Dany has to eat a stallion’s heart, and if she chokes or retches, “the child might be stillborn, or come forth weak, deformed, or female”, implying that this is indeed a very patriarchal society that sees women as inferior. We also see this sexism in other moments, in which Dany is dismissed due to being female.
“As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. Fierce as a storm this prince will be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. The bells in his hair will sing his coming, and the milk men in the stone tents will fear his name.” The old woman trembled and looked at Dany almost as if she were afraid. “The prince is riding, and he shall be the stallion who mounts the world.”
“The stallion who mounts the world!” the onlookers cried in echo, until the night rang to the sound of their voices.
The one-eyed crone peered at Dany. “What shall he be called, the stallion who mounts the world?” – Daenerys V AGOT
The woman looks at Dany with fear, but doesn’t even consider the possibility that the Stallion is actually Dany. When the wineseller tries to poison Dany, Drogo promises the Seven Kingdoms to his son, not to her, and also promises to rape Westerosi women:
“And to Rhaego son of Drogo, the stallion who will mount the world, to him I also pledge a gift. To him I will give this iron chair his mother’s father sat in. I will give him Seven Kingdoms. I, Drogo, khal, will do this thing.” His voice rose, and he lifted his fist to the sky. “I will take my khalasar west to where the world ends, and ride the wooden horses across the black salt water as no khal has done before. I will kill the men in the iron suits and tear down their stone houses. I will rape their women, take their children as slaves, and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak to bow down beneath the Mother of Mountains. This I vow, I, Drogo son of Bharbo. This I swear before the Mother of Mountains, as the stars look down in witness.” – Daenerys VI AGOT
And when Dany tries to defend the Lhazareen women, Drogo attributes her fierceness to his son:
Khal Drogo smiled. “See how fierce she grows!” he said. “It is my son inside her, the stallion who mounts the world, filling her with his fire. Ride slowly, Qotho … if the mother does not burn you where you sit, the son will trample you into the mud. And you, Mago, hold your tongue and find another lamb to mount. These belong to my khaleesi.” – Daenerys VII AGOT
But Dany is also a product of a sexist society, and in the beginning of the story, she dismisses herself, thinking that it’s her son that will seat on the Iron Throne, and not her:
When her son sat the Iron Throne, she would see that he had bloodriders of his own to protect him against treachery in his Kingsguard. – Daenerys IV AGOT
But what’s really interesting is how Dany changes during the first book. At first, she tries to gain power in more traditionally feminine ways, and later, starts claiming traditionally masculine positions of power.
Keep reading
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ariamariastark1 · 16 days
The fuck are you talking about?
The way that Zionists are blindly hypocritical is so infuriating. They will say that all Palestinians are future Hamas members and therefor must be eliminated, but if you say that all Israelis are colonial tool, you are disgusting.
This people will gladly degrade, dehumanise and humiliate anyone that disagrees with them, but if you say anything back, you are a monster
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ariamariastark1 · 16 days
You stand with a settler colonial state that has systemically murdering innocent people and using oppression as a justification for their crimes against humanity
The way that Zionists are blindly hypocritical is so infuriating. They will say that all Palestinians are future Hamas members and therefor must be eliminated, but if you say that all Israelis are colonial tool, you are disgusting.
This people will gladly degrade, dehumanise and humiliate anyone that disagrees with them, but if you say anything back, you are a monster
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ariamariastark1 · 16 days
Multiple people, both in real life and online, including Israeli officials and politicians
The way that Zionists are blindly hypocritical is so infuriating. They will say that all Palestinians are future Hamas members and therefor must be eliminated, but if you say that all Israelis are colonial tool, you are disgusting.
This people will gladly degrade, dehumanise and humiliate anyone that disagrees with them, but if you say anything back, you are a monster
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ariamariastark1 · 16 days
There’s always this argument and providing of details trying to prove Arya is feminine. The fact of the matter is that Arya is feminine because she identifies as female. The end lol Or not because it will still get argued. 
But yes, the truth is that swordplay is feminine because Arya does it and she identifies as female. Running around getting dirty and wearing pants is also feminine because Arya does it and she identifies as female. Executing criminals? Also feminine because Arya does it and Arya identifies as female. Caring about or not caring about one’s appearance? Definitely feminine because Arya does both at various points and she identifies as female. Anything Arya does is inherently feminine by virtue of her identifying as female and being pro-women/feminist.
It’s halfway through 2023 and people still want to punish women and girls for not limiting themselves to the roles men set for them. There’s also still this need to classify certain behaviors and traits as only belonging to one group and not another. It’s reductive and sexist. I don’t doubt that 2024 and 2025 will be the same. 
But really, why aren’t female characters who want to limit, brutalize, and restrict other women considered masculine? Cersei, Alicent, and Sansa support patriarchal restrictions on women which should classify them as masculine, right?
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