latestupdates2022 · 2 years
Gerian Ft. Jamopyper - Comment Allez Vous
Gerian Ft. Jamopyper – Comment Allez Vous
  Gerian Ft. Jamopyper – Comment Allez Vous Mp3 Download Gerian Ft. Jamopyper has finally released long anticipation single ” Comment Allez Vous ” and it’s an amazing tune that you will definitely want to put on repeat anytime any day. This new song is an impressive track that will surely be worth a place on your playlist if you are a lover of this particular genre of music. Furthermore, the…
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knario47 · 2 years
Gara y Jonay
Como lo de arriba es lo de abajo, lo que fue será, lo que ha de suceder ocurrirá. Así había hablado Gerían, el viejo que rompía gánigos con la mirada. Gara no supo qué secreto guardaban las palabras del viejo de los ojos poderosos. Estaban próximas las fiestas del Beñesmén. Pronto llegarían a La Gomera desde Achinet los Menceyes y nobles principales para tomar parte en las celebraciones de la recolección. Gara, princesa de Agulo, y las jóvenes gomeras habían acudido donde Los Chorros de Epina para mirar su rostro en el agua. Fue entonces cuando los ojos poderosos del viejo Gerían vieron lo que a ninguna otra mirada se revelaba.: La sombra del fuego quema el agua. La muerte acecha. Como lo de arriba es lo de abajo, lo que fue será, lo que ha de suceder ocurrira.
Siete chorros mágicos manaban en Epina. Los siete nacían en siete puntos distintos de los adentros de la isla sin que nadie hubiese descubierto nunca su origen secreto. Siete charcos formaban los siete chorros y siete virtudes ofrecían a los que de ellos bebiesen. Y era costumbre que, cuando llegaban las fiestas del Beñesmén, las jóvenes gomeras juntasen agua de cada uno de los siete chorros en un pequeño estanquillo hecho a base de beas, musgos y yedras. Antes de que el sol rayara, miraban su rostro en el agua y si la imagen era calma y clara, ese año encontrarían pareja, más si el reflejo era turbio o lo empañaban las sombras, la desgracia aguardaba como aguarda sigilosa en su tela la araña.
Gara se había asomado al estanquillo y, al principio, fue nítido y quieto el reflejo de su imagen, pero pronto el líquido se cubrió de sombras y comenzó a agitarse hasta que en vez de su rostro apareció un sol incendiario que cegó el agua dejándola sucia, revuelta y anochecida: Lo que ha de suceder ocurrirá. Huye del fuego, Gara, o el fuego habra de consumirte. Así habló Gerián, el que rompía gánigos con la mirada, el que veía lo que a otros ojos quedaba oculto. Y corrió de boca en boca el augurio. Y calló Gara su temor y su asombro.
Arribaron los Menceyes y nobles de Achinet a las playas de La Gomera para compartir las fiestas del Beñesmén. Al Mencey de Adeje le acompañaba su hijo Jonay que no tardó en distinguirse en las luchas con los banotes, en la esquiva de guijas, en la alzada de pesos y en las otras competiciones y juegos en que tomaba parte. Gara lo contemplaba. Como acude la sangre a la herida o como el mar refleja el cielo, inevitablemente, se descubrieron y se enlazaron sus miradas. No pudieron impedir que el amor les alcanzase. Así lo hicieron saber a sus padres y así, para añadir más júbilo a la alegría de las fiestas del Beñesmén, fue hecho público su compromiso.
Apenas se propagó la nueva, inesperadamente el mar se pobló de destellos y se cuajó el aire de estampidos y ecos prolongados. Echeyde, el gran volcán de Achinet, arrojaba lava y fuego por el cráter. Tanta era su furia que desde La Gomera podían divisar las largas lenguas encendidas estirándose desde la cima hacia lo alto. Entonces fue cuando recordaron el augurio del viejo Gerián, el aojador. Gara y Jonay, agua y fuego. Gara era princesa de Agulo, El Lugar Del Agua. Jonay venía de la Tierra del Fuego, de la Isla del Infierno. No podía ser. El fuego retrocede ante el agua. El agua se consume en el fuego. Gara y Jonay, agua y fuego. Imposible su mezcla imposible la alianza. Las llamaradas que brotaban de la boca de Echeyde lo confirmaban. Aquel amor era imposible. Sólo grandes males podían sucederse si no se separaban. Bajo amenaza, les prohibieron sus padres que volvieran a encontrarse. Su unión quedó maldita.
Calmó su furia Echeyde y de nuevo se encerró el fuego en sus adentros de piedra. Concluyeron las fiestas del Beñesmén y, sin peligro ya en la isla, regresaron a Achinet los Menceyes y nobles que habían ido a La Gomera. Mas Jonay no podía olvidar a Gara. Un peso infinito, como un quebranto interminable, lo doblegaba y lo desvivía. Necesitaba volver a verla, tenerla a su lado pese a las prohibiciones, pese a la maldición que sobre ellos se cernía. Ató Jonay a su cintura dos vejigas de animal infladas y, al amparo de la noche, se lanzó al mar dispuesto a atravesar la distancia que le separaba de su enamorada. Las vejigas le ayudaban a flotar y, cuando el cansancio rendía sus fuerzas, la imagen de Gara acudía a su memoria dándole ánimos para recobrarse y seguir nadando. Así hasta que, aun dudosa, la luz del alba lo recibió al llegar a las playas de La Gomera.
El fuego habrá de consumirte. Eso le había dicho Gerián a Gara. Y un fuego desmesurado la incendió cuando Jonay, escabulléndose y ocultándose, fue a encontrarla y se abrazaron apasionadamente. Escaparon por entre los montes de laurisilva hasta refugiarse en El Cedro. Allí se entregaron al amor y se fundieron sus labios y sus ansias. Más no podía durar mucho aquella pasión furtiva. Lo dijo Gerián cuando el rostro de Gara desapareció del agua de Los Chorros de Epina y en su lugar sólo hubo un resplandor de hoguera sobre el líquido sucio, revuelto y anochecido . La muerte acecha. Como lo de arriba es lo de abajo, lo que fue será., lo que ha de suceder ocurrirá.
Enterado el padre de Gara de la huida de su hija con Jonay, dispuso que salieran a perseguirlos. En la cumbre más alta de La Gomera habrían de encontrarlos, estrechamente unidos, amándose. Antes que volver a separarse, antes de que sus perseguidores les prendieran, Gara, la princesa del Lugar Del Agua, y Jonay, príncipe de la Tierra del Fuego, buscaron la muerte. Afiló Jonay con su tabona los extremos de una recia vara de cedro y la colocó entre su pecho y el de Gara, las puntas hirientes apoyadas sobre sus corazones. Luego, sin decirse nada, mirándose a los ojos, sintiendo como la vara de cedro los traspasaba por el empuje de su violento y desesperado abrazo, quedaron quietamente fundidos. Entonces agua y fuego fueron uno solo en la suma de sus cuerpos . Tagoror Cultural del Pueblo Guanche.
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Siento mucho no poder dar datos de esta publicación, no sé quién lo publicó.
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loganmarloe · 2 years
Prompted Writing #10
Prompt: You wind up in hell. You are confused at first until you see a row of people in front of you, crying profusely. You weren’t sent to hell to be punished, you were sent as the punishment.
Nusha rolled over in bed, eyes still shut. “Mmmm,” she said to nobody. She lived alone. “Uhhn.”
Something felt different. The sheets were nice, but a bit nicer than she thought she remembered. Maybe that new fabric softener really worked like the ad promised.
She sat up and unhooked her eye mask from one ear. Instead of bright sunlight from her window, she saw a soft orange glow. Curiously, though, it didn’t come from the window. Indeed, there was no window.
Nusha threw off the covers, stood, and walked over to the wall that wasn’t her wall and patted it where the orange glow was emanating. It was unexpectedly cool.
She tossed the eye mask onto the bed, which also wasn’t hers. She turned around and around, trying to figure out where she was. The room was nice, but she’d definitely gone to sleep in her own bed, so was appropriately confused.
She opened the wardrobe that stood against a non-glowing wall. Inside were some of her favorite clothes. She was pleased, but confused even more because these items represented various periods of time over the course of her 63 years.
She selected a rainbow t-shirt and pair of short overalls she’d worn when visiting a glacier as part of a climate change summit she attended in her 20s. They fit amazingly as well as back then.
She found a pair of sneakers she remembered wearing in junior high school. They were far cleaner than when she’d last seen them. She stuffed her feet into them without socks, as was her way back then.
She went to the door and tentatively turned the knob; it opened easily. She cracked the door open a few inches and peeked out. She saw no one, so she opened it a bit more and stuck her head into the hallway.
Looking up and down the long corridor, she noted the air was a bit stale, but otherwise pleasantly cool.
She shrugged inwardly and walked out of the room. Initially unsure of which direction to take, she decided to go left.
The corridor seemed longer on first inspection, but she must have been mistaken. She reached a double set of ornately enameled doors very quickly.
She admired the birds of paradise design for a moment before turning the equally ornate handles.
When she walked in, she gasped at the opulence. There was a large table set with piles of food on fancy silver and gold platters.
There was but one chair, but it was beautiful. It looked very old, but made of a rich, dark wood she’d never seen before. There was scrimshaw work up and down the sides. The upholstery was of the softest silk.
She helped herself to coffee in a porcelain cup of elegant design. As she sat down, she sipped. The taste was the best she’d ever had and the chair was the most comfortable.
She sighed happily as she set the cup in its saucer. Then she spotted a mirror at the far end of the ridiculously large room. She strode over and looked at herself, gasping again. She was young again - no more than 25 years old.
As she gazed at her long-lost reflection, she decided she must be in Nirvana. She returned to her seat and began to eat. A little while later, someone joined her.
The door opened softly behind her, so she didn’t hear him coming as she finished a chewy bite of delightful baklava.
“Ah, baklava, one of my favorites” the man said with a soothingly deep voice. Nevertheless, she jumped slightly. “I am sorry, dear Nusha, I did not mean to startle you.”
She set down the fork and looked up as he came around to the front of her table. She looked him up and down. He wasn’t particularly tall nor short. His hair was a beautiful, silky dark brown. His cheeks had a trim beard with just a touch of lighter brown on either side of his face. His caramel brown eyes smiled as merrily as his full lips.
Finally, she said, “How do you know my name? Who are you? And where am I? I’m assuming I’m dead, considering my apparent youth despite my greater years.”
The man chuckled and sat down opposite her in a chair that wasn’t there a moment ago. He poured a glass of wine for himself and refilled hers. “I am Gerian and I know who you are because I pulled strings to bring you here. You are neither alive nor dead.” Before she could utter a disbelieving sound, he held up a staying hand. “There’s no more that I can explain. Please, finish your meal. Afterward, I will escort you to your, ah, project room.”
She looked at him through squinted eyes for a long moment before picking up her fork again. “You’re a weird little man. Normally, I’d get up and leave, but I don’t know where I am. Also, this is the best baklava I’ve ever had, so I’m going to finish it.”
Gerian watched her enjoy the dessert and then stood after she’d satisfactorily wiped her mouth. “This way,” he said with a flourish toward a door she hadn’t noticed before. It seemed to be in shadow, though the room was brightly lit.
He held the door open while she walked through. It took a moment before her eyes adjusted to the darkness within. She walked toward curtains that seemed to split the room in half. Where the fabric met, a bright slice of light shone. As she approached it, Gerian pulled it aside. On the other side were people. They were lined up against a wall under harsh light and looked confused, sad, anxious, and varying degrees of annoyed.
As her eyes further adjusted, she began to recognize some of them. The last one on the left was her gym teacher from junior high school, though Nusha had heard she’d died more than a decade ago. The one just to the right of center was a woman she’d worked for briefly after college. Amazingly, her own father, who she’d known only until she was six years old, was the second to last one on the right.
After several minutes, she realized she knew all of these people and they were all supposed to be dead. She turned to Gerian, who’d anticipated her questions.
“Yes, you know them. No, you’re not crazy. Time has little meaning here, so it was simple to bring them all together for this moment.”
Nusha looked at all of their faces in turn as she thought frantically about what this all could mean. She stepped forward out of the shadows. In doing so, the others could now see her. Some of them gasped. Others just looked at her, eyes wide. A few of them started to cry quietly. The woman she’d worked for after college started to bawl loudly. On her father’s face, there was no sign of recognition.
Nusha sucked in a breath and looked at Gerian. “This isn’t Nirvana or some other sort of heavenly place, is it?” He merely smiled blandly, eyes twinkling as they looked back at her.
“Am I in some sort of hell? What did I do? I wasn’t a bad person!” Gerian’s smile turned to an amused smirk.
She looked at the people again and it suddenly dawned on her that every one of them had done her wrong in some way. “Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait!”
She slowly paced back and forth along the lineup of people, then stopped, turning toward her host. “Am I… Am I their punishment?”
Gerian’s smirk deepened. He watched Nusha for a moment, clearly struggling with her thoughts, and then sighed dramatically.
“Yes, darling, you are their punishment,” he said, flapping his hand at her as her lips began to open. “No, you don’t have to do any actual physical punishment, if you don’t want to. If you do, please give me a moment to grab my popcorn.”
He looked at her expectantly. “No? Oh, well. Moving on! The objective here is to make these contemptible creatures regret their mistakes. Once you finish, you can go back to your life.”
Nusha staggered back into a column she hadn’t seen upon entering. She straightened and then relaxed against it, face pensive, for several long minutes. Her former employer, Laurie, started to beg her for mercy.
She looked at the pathetic fool. Her eyes narrowed as she remembered how she tormented her on the job. She also remembered crying in just such a manner when Laurie fired her over the phone when she’d been injured and unable to work after a car accident that hadn’t even been her fault. Nusha had also begged. Laurie had no mercy then.
“Let’s do this.”
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halain · 6 months
thinking about her a lot today this song is so me & gerry. gerpolly? uhm
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dcynnight · 3 months
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joshua alvarez (alas) for republic asia magazine (2023) videographer: john gabriel san luis | photographer: gail geriane 
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444names · 2 years
the entire list of star wars sentient species from wookieepedia
Abarvan Abbomol Abroth Ah'ne Akudonish Alabi Alani Albin Alextie Alian Alomien Alool Alotl Altrue Arian Arred Artient Asquid Assarhian Asseek Assikallis Assing Assorangan Aymeffian Azuzamei Azuzan Azuzani B'dae B'dan B'dasands B'ussan Barionezh Bartte Bassin Batai Batan Bathhian Bathyn Batie Batied Batte Bonezan Brever Brezh Brobetrost Broni Broorian Bysal Byssent Candag Canovrian Capli Catan Celas Ciety Clocielis Conabissi Conbrak Corianomak Corresh Corroiant Cousincian Coynnamp Croingank Crowerian Cyblomoton Cyrae Daciest Dagorooni Dawerifak Dawinon Derianh Deyloriden Docaphan Doridorian Dorne Dracian Dracies Drarian Dreverian Duathip Duhmarne Dyclorb Dynoming Dyplian Dyplid Dyplon Eciendan Ectok Elpian Eltosi Emeltiol Emoogue Emthul En'dabyssh En'dalan Endarae Equeal Equib Est'ne Extiedi Extifann Ezarbatuu Fiesskupec Fiskeïtok Flanid Flug'ggo Flukan Fnean Fneen Forocien Fortiircon Frian Frianynian Fridgen Frinetri Friteendu Fryian Gamper Gancity Gargo Garthemass Garti Gemai Gemeeme Gentolis Geran Gerian Ghasselan Ghull Glocapliaa Glocat Glocienzer Glodag Glops Glost Gloton Glyter Glythrass Goner Gorun Gralp Grialan Grian Grizi Gwnialonna H'neffium Hakian Hallianum Harhoan Harvak Heebum Henian Hodai Holan Holishydor Hooddid Hoodian Hooso Hozilympir Hulogy Ilainite Ima'ch Ingite Irelbionk J'feneth Jacoyn Jassling Jawar Jeylassan Jirian Junian K'jtal Kajian Kaldt Kanian Kanzian Karnezian Kartigran Kelem Kemelian Kergy Kerian Keshian Ketuussan Keïto Keïtok Khrakiis Khras Khrodbrago Khroid Khynodoc Kinid Kiphassin Korae Korian Kradian Krian Kriter Laniddean Laschan Latholan Latornant Leergor Legoden Lephexlat Lepsab Leptost Lestian Letefak Lewebu Lewemin Lexlaider Lials Lickwa Linmitidde Loben Locarrobo Locien Lodel Loder Lonkoon Loutomor Lugorooin Lutak Luyalan M'usty Mahakurai Manoid Mararb Marma Maroo Mascwameri Massi Masst Mediduu'r Mefausean Mentak Midgent Midualdan Miduloovan Miety Mingid Mirentool Mirig Mirinrot Mohselphi Molick Moluyaon Monbrotobe Monian Moovelpian Morat Morayalan Morff Mornokelpi Morootue Mutarid Muu'rae Mythippol Neantanite Neend Nixonian Nuforeldan Ongbe Onial Oograd Oordian Opelian Or'orek Orialbu Orogoruuro Orthhian Ovich Ovrotrite Pakaa Palabb Palaggendo Paltroodon Paona Paonean Papli Parai Parashul Parosian Pechal Pecie Peirian Pentirisk Pethiant Pircon Plinds Plonikan Plothiaa Plourian Poldan Q'iis Q'ite Queadiran Quidgendab Quilanh Raggin Ratur Reekk Reestar Reloni Renover Reshig Rever Rumpian Rusianumir Ryian Ryiani Rynnovid Sabesasgh Sabran Saftiedon Salan Salatte Salicol Samefakk Sampen Sanian Sannat Sassian Sawath Sealtian Seaon Segoe Selegralp Sendends Sennanni Seuvhakk Shoovakian Skaatla Skelan Skelliaa Skian Skragwng Slian Smolan Smoynix Soider Solagan Soldar Sorash Sorinds Sperkurdup Squag Squisk Ssian Sskari Suriant T'neem Tache Talon Taran Tarduhman Tarilwizzt Tarph Tasch Tecied Tefrynok Teran Terian Thexot Thian Thidyclon Thite Thoan Tholl Tholliv Thran Thrarian Thydopp Thylonkoos Tiolid Tionni Tirisind Tolocan Tomidan Tomidian Toover Toran Tosix Trakk Tralp Trarian Trodas Trolotros Tross Trothe Trustid Truzamp Tsich Turcelocin Tuu'rian Uberamak Ug'ggn Urion Verel Vjume Vjumm Vobatok Vorian Voridovrad Vralan Vrata Vulli Vullion W'iirroodo Warian Wemar Whigo Wizzt Woddian Wolian Wyssi Xeneriav Xentsix Xidead Xotol Xylarvate Xylvamai Xyraman Yakiis Yakin Yalan Yaloc Ylaphanna Yonbriante Youkarkud Zabimerong Zeldeki Zeliedo Zelnarian Zeriangian Zialien Zikarian Zinduhman Zoolac Zoorayblon Zuzampide Zuzan
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seaofstarsrpg · 5 months
Geriane the Gift Giver (Petrichor 365)
The Courts of the Seasons have found their way to the Sea of Stars become increasingly difficult as the dragons have destroyed the rings and portals that allowed them to move between their otherworld and this one.  But that has changed with the emergence of Petrichor, suddenly, there were pathways, gates, circles and other ways back into the Sea of Stars.  The Masters of the Courts are trying to…
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corybookerswhore · 1 year
The Intern (Part II)
Why did God make light skin men so Godly, and dark skinned men so demonic? Malcolm wondered to himself. 
He thought of Senator Booker’s large throbbing member as it pulsed in his warm, masculine yellow hands. Those hands looked like they belonged in the Sistine Chapel. Those lovely hands were so unlike the tainted, niggardly hands of Malcom’s ex-boyfriend, Winslow. 
Winslow was an evil and darksinned N*gerian fraudster who had tricked Malcolm into giving up his life savings in a ponzi scheme that Malcom was too embarrassed to think about it. How he could’ve been so stupid, to have fallen for the scams of a man, a N*gerian at that, enraged him. 
He quickly composed himself. It was best he buried those thoughts of rage which had consumed for so much of the past year. 
Yes, his thoughts would be focused on something else. Something, big, bright and 10 inches with a healthy girth. 
Malcolm thought of how he would approach this. Should he return to the room, and drop of the briefings as he had been instructed to? Should he walk away and pretend none of this happened? 
No, it would be best that he--
Oh fuck he’s still out here. I thought he would be halfway to the National Enquirer by now. 
Cory cleared his throat, and began to approach the young Black man in front of him. It would be best to treat this young man like any other constituent, and introduce myself, he decided. 
Cory reached out his hand, and was met with a hesitant attempt at a handshake. 
“You scared to shake my hand, young man?” Cory asked. 
“Oh, it’s just that you know with COVID and all of that, I’m not used to shaking hands” the man replied with a hint of embarrassment. 
“That’s true, you never know where these hands could’ve been” Cory retorted with a confident chuckle. 
Cory had decided that he would not let some this intern, no matter how handsome, derail his years on the Hill. No, he would have to use his skills of persuasion, and his natural goodness to convince this man that he was the Senator that everyone in America knew: smart, handsome, lightskin (good) and affable. Public masturbation habit, be damned! 
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Canada Endy Mattress Vs Pocket Coil For Support
Canada Endy Mattress Vs Pocket Coil For Support
Endy Mattress Review Canada: Is Endy better than a pocket coil mattress? Endy Mattress Review Canada Endy Mattresses vs Pocket coil mattresses Endy Mattress is a hot seller, but is it really the best Mattress you can buy? Does Endy Mattress offer longer life than pocket coil alternatives? A good Pocket Coil Mattress is a better alternative to the Endy Mattress” — Gerian Sloetjes HAMILTON,…
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hotgirlrry · 3 years
i am once again mad at the diaspora for making fufu a discourse topic
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officialleehadan · 3 years
Stone Shadows Invading
Many of you know about my books, Return Again and Leap Back, and Jump Forward (books 1, 2, and 3 of the Sunborn series) and have wondered what happened before Riah came to the magical world. This is Zan's story.
Return Again (Book 1, Sunborn)
Leap Back (Book 2, Sunborn)
Jump Forward (Book 3, Sunborn)
Slide Between(Book 4, Sunborn)
Getting inside the fortress was the easy part.
Zan was used to worse climbing than clean stone that wasn’t cursed at all. It held him easily, even without his climbing line to help. The fortress walls had taken heavy damage years ago, back when the Dark Master laid siege to it with magic and steel. The wall was still sound, but it bore the scars of that war, and stone was difficult to repair without ripping down the entire wall.
Gren was heavier than him, but a little taller, and just as used to climbing around Darkhame. He followed Zan’s lead with the ease of practice, and it wasn’t long before they were at the top of the wall. Zan freed one hand to sign to Gren.
“You first” he signed slowly. Gren wasn’t used to elf-sign yet, but Zan had been teaching him, both the spoken and the signed forms of his mother’s language. Gren nodded, rather than reply, and vanished completely. A few falling pebbles marked his path up on top of the wall, but to the rest of Zan’s senses, he might as well not exist at all.
Zan steadied himself against the stone, glad for the mottled greys of his clothes. Black was comfortable, but grey was better when he needed to vanish against clean stone. He had been dubious at first, back when they began training, but after a few hard lessons, ones that cost both blood and pain, he learned better.
His mother, thankfully, was a fine seamstress. When she learned of his alliance with Gren, she sent another hood like Zan’s for him. Now, they were barely shadows, and faded into any stone they stilled against.
There was a soft, wet sound of impact, and then the distinctive noise of a body hitting the ground. Moments later, the same sound came again, further down the wall. Sentries handled, Gren whistled softly, and Zan scrambled up to the top of the wall. His arms burned from waiting, but a wait was better than risking the wall guards’ attention. As soon as he was up, Zan looped his climbing line over the parapet and dropped it down to the rest of their waiting team.
“Guards are down,” Gren reported, appearing out of nowhere. Zan didn’t jump. After months working together, he was used to the way Gren stepped out of nowhere, carried by his unique invisibility. Zan nodded and helped Tever, who had also risked the climb without a line, Soon, the rest of the assassins were arrayed on the stone, and Zan coiled his line back onto his belt. “Everyone know the plan?”
“We’re ready,” Tever said before Donma could say something snide. He was still mad that Zan was tapped as their leader, but Tever, who didn’t lead well, was pleased about it. “Maidre, Fehaz, stay with Ailo and I. We part ways at the water supplies.”
Zan didn’t wait for them to figure themselves out. They all knew their jobs, and he and Gren had the hardest of them.
“Kill everything that breathes,” he said shortly, without a hint of the reluctance he himself felt at the brutal orders. Nothing left alive, Fashi had told them. Down to the animals, and then with poisoned water left behind to kill whoever discovered the murdered fortress. “Don’t get seen. There will be no rescue.”
That part was his own decision, and it was a half-truth. If Gren or Tever were captured, he would try to save them. The rest could burn for all he cared. He still owed Donma some pain for the still-sore place between his ribs.
From the looks of his fellow assassins, they were starting to realize how serious this mission really was. Good. It might keep some of them alive.
Although if he got a chance, there would be fewer of his enemies returning than came with him on this particular venture. Gren knew about that part of the plan, but Tever didn’t. Not that he would be surprised. He might even take his own chance to clear the field a little.
“Come on,” Zan murmured after a glance at Tever, who gave him a half-shrug. He knew what he was doing. They all did. For better or worse, enmity aside they were the best of the Master’s assassins. His Dark Agents. Trained to be the counter to the demons who haunted the mountains, and to kill the Warriors of the Sun.
If they couldn’t handle a single keep, they didn’t deserve to serve the Master.
Rather than worry about the stairs, Zan slipped down over the inside wall with Gren on his heels. Together, they moved from shadow to shadow, and left a trail of bodies in their wake.
Their orders were clear. By the time the sun rose, there was to be nothing left alive within the walls.
It was harder to climb up the walls to the top of the keep. These walls were whole, and fitted well, leaving few places to get a handhold. Together, they went from turret to gargoyle, to window ledge, with Zan’s climbing line to help when the handholds failed them. It was dangerous climbing, and the risk of a bad fall grew the higher up they went, but finally, they reached the tallest tower. The quarters of the baron who ruled this fortress in King Gerian’s name.
The window was open, an unexpected blessing, but hardly surprising. They were coming into summer now, and who would expect anyone to make the harrowing climb up the walls, this deep into the fortress?
Well, maybe more people would, when word spread of their deeds this night. Zan shared a look with Gren. His eyes were hard and determined behind his mask. They were ready.
Together, they slipped through the window, and started killing.
+++ SB - By Way of the Wolf Star
The name of Wraith the Assassin is known throughout the land. Where he goes, only ghosts remain. If you see him at all, you may assume he has not come for you, for if he had, you would know he was there only when his blade found your throat.
But he was not always Wraith the Assassin, and Zandithas has a long way to go before he becomes the living nightmare of the known world.
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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If the Lannisters had made alliances with the Tyrells earlier. (2/2)
PS: It is part of the Universe of "Baelor x Elia"
The wedding night was not only enjoyable, but also productive as Margaery announced seven moons later that she was pregnant and everyone was expecting a son. In 300 a. C., Johann Lannister the future Lord of Casterly Rock was born and this birth was celebrated in style. The birth of a male child brought the couple closer, they came to appreciate more and Tywin Lannister had more esteem for his daughter-in-law, but his sister-in-law Cersei Lannister would be very upset with her and very jealous, because she only had four daughters with her husband Viserys Targaryen and felt that this baby could separate him even more from Jaime.
A year later, in 301 a. C., Tywin Lannister died of a heart attack and Jaime and Margaery became Lords of Casterly Rock. This new news caused the relationship between the sisters-in-law to become even more stormy, even arguing and even saying that once they hit each other, the relationship went from displeasure to hatred when Jaime stopped visiting Cersei's bedroom when she arrived from Visit to be in that of his wife who was playful, flirtatious and very clever drawing more towards her.
The couple had four more children: Joanna, Tygett, Gerian who would become regent of Casterly Rock and Cerelle who was princess of the Seven kingdoms for just a year. A year after the birth of his son Tygett, Cersei Lannister passed away in childbirth and this death destroyed Jaime who had lost his first love being consoled by Margaery despite the fact that she hated his late sister-in-law.
Margaery was of great help to her husband in political affairs, she being the one in charge of seeking marriage alliances for their children, managing to unite some ties in the Lands of the Rivers, managing to establish alliances with Stevron Frey who was already Lord of the Twins and also I made alliances with the Blackwwod and the Targaryens that did not last long. In 340 a. C. During a training session, Lord Jaime suffered a risky injury to his arm and hand, cutting several fingers, the wound starting from his fingers to his elbow. The teachers tried to amputate only his hand, but the wound was deep and he had already become infected so they had to amputate his entire arm, but during the process Jaime began to suffer from several fevers that increased after the surgery and died three days later . Margaery was by the side of her husband until he passed away, this being a hard blow for her since she loved Jaime very much. Her son, Johann, became the new Lord of Casterly Rock, but just a year later he passed away, increasing the sorrow felt by the widow and in the end her grandson, Tion Lannister, sat on the throne.
When her grandson was appointed Guardian of the West and Lord of Casterly Rock, Margaery traveled to Highgarden where she visited her brother Garlan, who was the only living brother she had since the deaths of Loras (In 318 a. C.) and Willas (In 331 a. C.). The widow lived with her brother until he died in 343 a. C., from a cardiac arrest and she stayed by the side of her nephews whom she loved very much. Margaery Tyrell passed away five years after her husband, in 345 a. C., with 62 years of age in Highgarden and her body was transferred to Casterly Rock where she rests with Jaime.
Si los Lannister hubieran hecho alianzas con los Tyrell antes. (2/2)
PD: Es parte del Universo de “Baelor x Elia”
La noche de bodas no solo fue placentera, sino que también productiva ya que Margaery anuncio siete lunas mas tarde que estaba embarazada y todos esperaban un hijo varón. En 300 d. C., nació Johann Lannister el futuro Señor de Roca Casterly y este nacimiento fue celebrado por todo lo alto. El nacimiento de un hijo varón acerco mas a la pareja llegándose a apreciar mas y Tywin Lannister le tuvo mas estima a su nuera, pero su cuñada Cersei Lannister se mostraría muy disgustada con ella y muy celosa, debido a que ella solo tuvo cuatro hijas con su marido Viserys Targaryen y sentía que aquel bebé podría separarlo aun mas de Jaime.
Un año después, en 301 d. C., falleció Tywin Lannister de un ataque al corazón y Jaime y Margaery se convirtieron en Señores de Roca Casterly. Esta nueva noticia provoco que la relación entre las cuñadas se volviera aun mas tormentosa, llegando a discutir e incluso se dijo que una vez llegaron a golpearse, la relación llego del desagrado al odio cuando Jaime dejo de visitar la alcoba de Cersei cuando esta llegaba de visita para estar en la de su esposa la cual era juguetona, coqueta y muy astuta atrayéndose mas hacia ella.
La pareja tuvo cuatro hijos mas: Joanna, Tygett, Gerian que llegaría a ser regente de Roca Casterly y Cerelle que fue princesa de los Siete reinos por apenas un año. Un año después del nacimiento de su hijo Tygett, falleció Cersei Lannister de parto y esta muerte destrozo a Jaime que había perdido a su primer amor siendo consolado por Margaery pesé a que ella odiaba a su fallecida cuñada.
Margaery fue de gran ayuda para su marido en los asuntos políticos siendo ella la que se encargo de buscar alianzas matrimoniales para sus hijos logrando unir algunos lazos en Las Tierras de los Ríos logrando entablar alianzas con Stevron Frey que era ya Señor de los Gemelos y también entablo alianzas con los Blackwwod y con los Targaryen que no duro mucho.
En 340 d. C., durante un entrenamiento Lord Jaime sufrió una riesgosa herida en el brazo y en la mano cortándose varios dedos, siendo la herida iniciando desde sus dedos hasta su codo. Los maestres trataron de amputarle solo la mano, pero la herida era profunda y ya se había infectado así que tuvieron que amputarle el brazo completo, pero durante el proceso Jaime empezó a padecer de varias fiebres que aumentaron después de la cirugía y falleció tres días después. Margaery estuvo al lado de su marido hasta que falleció siendo esto un duro golpe para ella ya que quería mucho a Jaime. Su hijo, Johann se convirtió en nuevo Señor de Roca Casterly, pero tan solo un año después falleció aumentando mas la pena que sentía la viuda y al final se sentó en el trono su nieto, Tion Lannister.
Cuando su nieto fue nombrado Guardián del Occidente y Señor de Roca Casterly, Margaery viajo a Altojardín donde visito a su hermano Garlan, que era el único hermano vivo que tenia desde las muertes de Loras (En 318 d. C.) y Willas (En 331 d. C.). La viuda vivió junto a su hermano hasta que este falleció en 343 d. C., de un paro cardiaco y ella se mantuvo al lado de sus sobrinos a los que quería mucho.  Margaery Tyrell falleció cinco años después que su esposo, en 345 d. C., con 62 años de edad en Altojardín y su cuerpo fue trasladado a Roca Casterly donde descansa junto a Jaime.
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from female French forenames
Adrignèse Adrée Adègette Adélie Adélène Agnonie Aille Aimone Albanne Alene Alentine Alestérèse Alielle Amaine Amaise Amalau Amane Ambelie Ambrie Anabette Anade Anaïse Anaïsetine Andie Andralie Andre Andriane André Andrélie Annanne Antine Appine Appolinine Arbette Arine Arinnine Arliervie Arloïs Armaléanie Armence Astiane Astine Aubie Aubinanne Aurette Aurie Aurée Avrie Avrigite Avristée...
Babelie Babelle Babine Babritte Barick Bellette Berientane Berite Bermenne Berne Bernine Bernée Bernélie Bervane Bervie Bienée Blaine Blançoire Blarole Blaurence Blaux Briantalie Brine Brise Béane Calie Camine Carce Carie Carjolène Carlie Cassance Cassanne Casse Cassette Cathelle Catrie Celine Cerieriane Cerra Chaine Chainevie Chalie Chalizée Chaléa Chane Channe Channevie Chantiane Charaine Charce Charjolie Chartine Chelle Chetterne Chloiste Chlome Chlomée Chloé Chrie Chrise Chrisèle Claine Claise Clalizane Clanoré Claïs Clodie Clomé Clornanne Cloth Clotte Cloëlle Clémelle Clérie Clérènette Coliene Colinette Colisette Colène Coranchèle Corenne Corge Corgine Corginne Corgitte Corgotitte Corie Corise Corothine Corre Correnie Cosabelle Cosine Cécie Cécile Cécine Célaine Célianorne Danette Danone Danonicole Daphile Dapucrèce Delick Deliette Delle Denne Dennevie Dentine Denés Desce Desire Destine Dionnie Domellethe Doraine Doranne Doraphné Dordélaude Dorgathe Doriance Dorna Dornick Dorole Dorraine Elanne Elaude Eline Elissabine Eloire Elorane Elore Elotine Elénaëlle Elérès Emelie Esmée Estiancene Estillette Estine Eugélaine Eugélick Eulane Eulielle Euline Eulique Evellette Fabelle Fabelyne Fabine Fance Fanche Fandriene Fanne Fannie Fermeline Fermelle Ferther Floralie Fraine Fralette Fralie Gabeline Gencelie Georannabe Geore Georen Georna Georédélie Geriane Gerignès Gernaïs Ghinelle Henne Hennette Hentine Herine Hermantine Hermi Hyacque Hélaurie Hélie Hélier Hélierra Héliette Héline Inélix Iriele Irisette Irèse Isabette Isabriette Isale Jancine Jeance Jeandie Jeane Jeantoire Jeanue Jeaude Jence Jenne Jolette Josire Justéphnés Kargine Karjolette Laellethe Laetitte Laette Laude Laudette Laudie Laudiette Laulie Lauline Laurotte Liance Liannie Lilde Lisotine Loraliane Loreine Lorge Lorgie Lorine Lorole Loronne Lorrane Louitine Lucilde Luciline Lucine Lucinie Lucrène Ludelle Ludie Léone Léonne Madine Madèle Maelienée Maellette Maganche Maganne Magathe Mannie Marbelle Marbette Margitte Margotte Mariannie Marielette Mariette Marique Marjole Marle Marlinette Marmaine Marmanny Marmen Marmille Marmine Maroline Marolène Matalia Maudine Maure Micene Migie Migine Mimonne Mimonone Mirette Mondresce Mondréa Mononnette Morganthe Morge Mustérèce Mylviervie Myrianie Myris Mégançoira Mégathe Mélandine Méliami Mélie Mélieline Méline Mélinette Mélinine Nadelie Nadetine Nandette Natria Natrise Niche Noemie Odele Odelle Odievelle Odinie Ombelique Ombre Ombrie Pathelle Patrie Paude Paudilde Paulaine Paure Phile Philie Phiste Piette Quistinne Quite Quitine Rachèle Racine Raymon Raymonne Raymonste Rence Renne Renninie Rentine Roche Rocheriane Rochèlette Rombelle Rombette Rombre Romellette Rosabe Rosette Roxanice Sabelle Sabette Salie Sangélie Sanne Sarie Sarique Sidone Sidonne Sidonornée Simelette Solaule Solette Soleur Soliette Solomée Stérine Stérisette Sylvinne Sylène Séria Sérine Sérisèle Sérès Thérine Tiphnés Valie Valizée Viononique Virgaulie Vivie Vivine Viviève Vivièvette Vérie Vérine Vérolène Yance Yvone Yvonicelle Yvonine Yvonste Égéline Égélotte Égélène Égéna Éline Élinne Éloire Élombelle Élorédéra Élémilde Élénabelle Émilde Émine
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