biganimallover · 6 months
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yxxng1 · 11 months
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agonzalezfl · 1 year
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#anabelgonzalezfigueroa #jonay @jonayaudio #holidayparty #fiestadenavidad https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-kqfWLFDGQJhnb98bNZ7OTO9OqHFQff_Z3L00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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knario47 · 2 years
Gara y Jonay
Como lo de arriba es lo de abajo, lo que fue será, lo que ha de suceder ocurrirá. Así había hablado Gerían, el viejo que rompía gánigos con la mirada. Gara no supo qué secreto guardaban las palabras del viejo de los ojos poderosos. Estaban próximas las fiestas del Beñesmén. Pronto llegarían a La Gomera desde Achinet los Menceyes y nobles principales para tomar parte en las celebraciones de la recolección. Gara, princesa de Agulo, y las jóvenes gomeras habían acudido donde Los Chorros de Epina para mirar su rostro en el agua. Fue entonces cuando los ojos poderosos del viejo Gerían vieron lo que a ninguna otra mirada se revelaba.: La sombra del fuego quema el agua. La muerte acecha. Como lo de arriba es lo de abajo, lo que fue será, lo que ha de suceder ocurrira.
Siete chorros mágicos manaban en Epina. Los siete nacían en siete puntos distintos de los adentros de la isla sin que nadie hubiese descubierto nunca su origen secreto. Siete charcos formaban los siete chorros y siete virtudes ofrecían a los que de ellos bebiesen. Y era costumbre que, cuando llegaban las fiestas del Beñesmén, las jóvenes gomeras juntasen agua de cada uno de los siete chorros en un pequeño estanquillo hecho a base de beas, musgos y yedras. Antes de que el sol rayara, miraban su rostro en el agua y si la imagen era calma y clara, ese año encontrarían pareja, más si el reflejo era turbio o lo empañaban las sombras, la desgracia aguardaba como aguarda sigilosa en su tela la araña.
Gara se había asomado al estanquillo y, al principio, fue nítido y quieto el reflejo de su imagen, pero pronto el líquido se cubrió de sombras y comenzó a agitarse hasta que en vez de su rostro apareció un sol incendiario que cegó el agua dejándola sucia, revuelta y anochecida: Lo que ha de suceder ocurrirá. Huye del fuego, Gara, o el fuego habra de consumirte. Así habló Gerián, el que rompía gánigos con la mirada, el que veía lo que a otros ojos quedaba oculto. Y corrió de boca en boca el augurio. Y calló Gara su temor y su asombro.
Arribaron los Menceyes y nobles de Achinet a las playas de La Gomera para compartir las fiestas del Beñesmén. Al Mencey de Adeje le acompañaba su hijo Jonay que no tardó en distinguirse en las luchas con los banotes, en la esquiva de guijas, en la alzada de pesos y en las otras competiciones y juegos en que tomaba parte. Gara lo contemplaba. Como acude la sangre a la herida o como el mar refleja el cielo, inevitablemente, se descubrieron y se enlazaron sus miradas. No pudieron impedir que el amor les alcanzase. Así lo hicieron saber a sus padres y así, para añadir más júbilo a la alegría de las fiestas del Beñesmén, fue hecho público su compromiso.
Apenas se propagó la nueva, inesperadamente el mar se pobló de destellos y se cuajó el aire de estampidos y ecos prolongados. Echeyde, el gran volcán de Achinet, arrojaba lava y fuego por el cráter. Tanta era su furia que desde La Gomera podían divisar las largas lenguas encendidas estirándose desde la cima hacia lo alto. Entonces fue cuando recordaron el augurio del viejo Gerián, el aojador. Gara y Jonay, agua y fuego. Gara era princesa de Agulo, El Lugar Del Agua. Jonay venía de la Tierra del Fuego, de la Isla del Infierno. No podía ser. El fuego retrocede ante el agua. El agua se consume en el fuego. Gara y Jonay, agua y fuego. Imposible su mezcla imposible la alianza. Las llamaradas que brotaban de la boca de Echeyde lo confirmaban. Aquel amor era imposible. Sólo grandes males podían sucederse si no se separaban. Bajo amenaza, les prohibieron sus padres que volvieran a encontrarse. Su unión quedó maldita.
Calmó su furia Echeyde y de nuevo se encerró el fuego en sus adentros de piedra. Concluyeron las fiestas del Beñesmén y, sin peligro ya en la isla, regresaron a Achinet los Menceyes y nobles que habían ido a La Gomera. Mas Jonay no podía olvidar a Gara. Un peso infinito, como un quebranto interminable, lo doblegaba y lo desvivía. Necesitaba volver a verla, tenerla a su lado pese a las prohibiciones, pese a la maldición que sobre ellos se cernía. Ató Jonay a su cintura dos vejigas de animal infladas y, al amparo de la noche, se lanzó al mar dispuesto a atravesar la distancia que le separaba de su enamorada. Las vejigas le ayudaban a flotar y, cuando el cansancio rendía sus fuerzas, la imagen de Gara acudía a su memoria dándole ánimos para recobrarse y seguir nadando. Así hasta que, aun dudosa, la luz del alba lo recibió al llegar a las playas de La Gomera.
El fuego habrá de consumirte. Eso le había dicho Gerián a Gara. Y un fuego desmesurado la incendió cuando Jonay, escabulléndose y ocultándose, fue a encontrarla y se abrazaron apasionadamente. Escaparon por entre los montes de laurisilva hasta refugiarse en El Cedro. Allí se entregaron al amor y se fundieron sus labios y sus ansias. Más no podía durar mucho aquella pasión furtiva. Lo dijo Gerián cuando el rostro de Gara desapareció del agua de Los Chorros de Epina y en su lugar sólo hubo un resplandor de hoguera sobre el líquido sucio, revuelto y anochecido . La muerte acecha. Como lo de arriba es lo de abajo, lo que fue será., lo que ha de suceder ocurrirá.
Enterado el padre de Gara de la huida de su hija con Jonay, dispuso que salieran a perseguirlos. En la cumbre más alta de La Gomera habrían de encontrarlos, estrechamente unidos, amándose. Antes que volver a separarse, antes de que sus perseguidores les prendieran, Gara, la princesa del Lugar Del Agua, y Jonay, príncipe de la Tierra del Fuego, buscaron la muerte. Afiló Jonay con su tabona los extremos de una recia vara de cedro y la colocó entre su pecho y el de Gara, las puntas hirientes apoyadas sobre sus corazones. Luego, sin decirse nada, mirándose a los ojos, sintiendo como la vara de cedro los traspasaba por el empuje de su violento y desesperado abrazo, quedaron quietamente fundidos. Entonces agua y fuego fueron uno solo en la suma de sus cuerpos . Tagoror Cultural del Pueblo Guanche.
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Siento mucho no poder dar datos de esta publicación, no sé quién lo publicó.
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gebo4482 · 1 year
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Werewolf by Night by Jonay Bacallado #1
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archiveoftragedies · 8 months
On the surface, things look like they're back where they started. There is a crumbling mansion, inhabited by a group of vampires, a doll, and a human. The differences are subtle. None of them is trying desperately to become something they are not, all of them are adults, there are now 5 vampires instead of 4. More remarkably, they all consider each other family. After a long journey, you may try to go back to the life you left behind in all its nostalgic splendor, and find that you cannot. Either the place has changed, been left to crumble down in your absence, or you have. The vampires and the human are almost the same. Save for the fact that two of them raised another together, and lost him. And save for the fact that they have learned to respect and love one another. They do not simply stick together out of habit and codependency. They all had a chance to leave, some time to figure out how to be on their own; and then they all came back, and now they've all chosen to stay. Things may look similar to the way they were when the story began, but one has new memories of his childhood, another's portraits are now featured in the intro. This is no Ithaca, or rather, it is the Ithaca you come back to. Same foundations, same location, but unmistakably changed. They are a family now, unlike before, and they dare show it. That's what has changed, nothing more, nothing less. And nothing will ever be the same again.
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pupucino · 5 months
mä: kulta, sä oot-
kumppani: murhaajan muotoinen henkilö?
mä: ootsä koskaan miettiny et miten olis et ei. jos ei. niinku ei.
kumppani: mut toisaalta miks ei?
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valentincflores · 2 months
closed starter for: @jonayrxslslocation: outside their apartment building
"Mierda!" Val cursed aloud as her overflowing laundry basket dropped yet another article of clothing on the staircase of her apartment building. She refused to believe that she had dropped said article of clothing because she simply did not need another dig at her confidence right now. It was clearly the basket's fault. Her washing machine was on the fritz so she had volunteered to wash her little family's dirty clothes in the communal washing machines downstairs. However, what she hadn't planned on, was the elevators not working and having to carry said laundry basket down six flights of stairs.
She was just rounding the corner on the ground floor, when she spotted one of her favorite new neighbors, Jonay waiting by the elevators. "Elevator's broken, babe." she called with an exaggerated sigh of frustration. "And I picked the worst day to need to do laundry downstairs." Setting her laundry basket down on the ground, she paused to take a break and catch up. "How's your day been, though? Besides now having to climb up a ridiculous amount of stairs to get to your apartment, I mean." she added with a chuckle.
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golfth · 2 months
WHEN & WHERE... Briar Beach Pier & Boardwalk (sunset) @jonayrxsls
As much as Golf wanted to leave Briar Ridge, there was something about being by the coast that always made him think twice. Even though he was always near water back in Bangkok, American waters were different. It was loud back home. The sounds of crowds bustling at all hours, cars and motorbikes pressing on their horns due to obscene amounts of traffic... here, it was peaceful. It was quiet. Sometimes, Golf wondered if that was all he needed instead of trying to fight that desire to finally leave this place and see more of what the world had to offer. He sighed, leaning against his bike as he looked out at the stretch of water disappearing over the horizon.
Fishing for a cigarette, Golf nearly jumps, hearing footsteps approach him. He turns but doesn't say anything right away, bringing his hand to his chest with the unlit cigarette hanging between his lips. "Shit, you scared me," he exhales, cracking out an uneasy grin.
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movienized-com · 1 month
Taelgia (Serie 2023) #JonayPinedaSkallak #JohnHanna #RanjaJanBarvary #SaraShirpey #TankiMosa #OldozJavidi Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- (September) Genre: Krimi / Drama Hauptrollen: Jonay Pineda Skallak, John Hanna, Ranja Jan Barvary, Sara Shirpey, Tanki Mosa, Oldoz Javidi, Nurbo Bozan, Fikret Çeşmeli, Kalled Mustonen, Emma Broomé, Nora Ericsson, Daniel Boyacioglu, Jimmy Lindström, Jason Iskander, Victor Andersson, Isa Aouifia, Čedomir Đorđević, Simon Mezher, Laura Majid … Serienbeschreibung: Die Serie…
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renkenako · 2 months
status: closed, @jonaymrtnz location: cemetery, willowsedgeevent001
during the speeches shared across freshly turned dirt, ren had been battling with his own gaze. the grief and reason for even being there, was the casket he watched lower down, down, down. and yet he kept looking across where someone else stood. every so often, his brown eyes would lift and catch with jonay's, just like they used to, and like before, his chest would hollow. his heart would thump, just before it fell. guilt.
the guilt was the reason he kept looking away, never having vanished in the last few years, let alone the last few days. ren liked the idea of staying apart for now, june's grave between them. and yet when the time came to place roses atop the coffin, the one, ren, found himself in front of the other, jonay. and his throat thickened. he was always someone with something to say but holding that rose and placing it down, it wasn't until after, until several steps back that he could wet his lips and look at jonay properly. "she deserved fucking better." a blanket statement for sure, but ultimately hitting that main nail on the head.
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andieharris · 2 months
location: willow’s edge cemetery
timeframe: after the funeral, as it's ending
closed starter: for @jonaymrtnz
all of the people dressed in their best black clothing were beginning to part ways, everyone sending each other on their own way, waving goodbye in hopes to see each other again just as they did to their friends before they departed. andie hung back, he steps small the reality of it all still sinking in. "well," she shrugged, "aside from the panic attack i had at the beginning i guess this wasn't too bad. there were a lot of people here that must be a good thing, right?" she questioned her friend and neighbor. "of course, i can't help thinking that one of them is responsible which is an even more terrifying thought."
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agonzalezfl · 1 year
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#anabelgonzalezfigueroa #jonay @jonayaudio #holidayparty #fiestadenavidad (at Boston Johnny's) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-jM0qLKnLdbkwEXbKw3puLM59SCuxbCEHRb80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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isamorgan · 2 months
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closed starter for @jonaymrtnz. location: the post-funeral reception.
from the moment she'd moved to town, stella and june had always been a pair. through middle school, high school, summers during college, and post-grad, one had never been far from the other. if they weren't together, they were texting. if they weren't texting, they were finding a million other ways to keep in contact.
but just because stella'd decided long ago to orbit june, it didn't mean that she was ignorant of others who were in their circle. others who might be feeling the exact same pain that stella was dealing with.
her cousin, for instance.
stella didn't know the full details of their friendship, the specifics of what had cemented their strong bond, but she knew that jonay had been close with june. even closer than their social media profiles would indicate - and that was saying something.
therefore, stella hadn't hesitated to make a beeline for them that afternoon as soon as they came into her line of sight. she'd offered a hug, given a quick once-over, and done her best to asses where he might be at in his own grieving process before she'd even uttered a single word.
"how are you holding up?" she asked in the place of a more standard greeting. "i, personally, am still in the denial stage of grief."
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gebo4482 · 1 year
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Thor: Love and Thunder by Jonay Bacallado #2
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archiveoftragedies · 2 years
Just thinking about how in episode 2 Jim does those gestures that Olu translates as "you don't. When you kill, you die as well" when Stede asks how you get over murdering someone. They probably only ever realized that after killing Alfeo, and the reason they're both pirates now is that after that murder, Jim didn't want to keep killing the rest of the siete gallos, and they couldn't go back to their nana until they were all dead, and they also couldn't stay where Spanish Jackie was after killing her favorite husband, so that's why they became pirates. Because they didn't have any other choice. At least Jim didn't, we don't know if Oluwande had somewhere to go back to, but I don't think he did.
I'm just thinking about how much it must have hurt, to finally do the one thing you've been training for your entire life only for it to take part of you away with it, to kill the person who took everything from you and realizing vengeance doesn't fill the emptiness they left, making the hard choice to preserve yourself and realizing that that means you can never go back home.
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