#george weasley x f!reader
cannibalizedyke · 2 years
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George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 261
Warnings: non-sexual nudity, kinda steamy
Summary: George gives you a back rub.
General Taglist: @gg-is-a-loser @yesshewrites1
Harry Potter Taglist: @regulusblackswhorecrux
George Weasley Taglist: @dragon-master-kai
Moots: @iheardarumorthings @thewritingbabe @scandalous-chaos @ddejavvu @winterwisteria
“Will you let me rub your back?”
You turned to your boyfriend, who was standing shyly at the entrance to your room.
“Um… sure?” You smiled in confusion. “Why?”
George fidgeted nervously. “You were just… complaining about it bothering you yesterday. I wanted to try to help.”
A smile of clarity washed over your features. “Oh! Oh! Yes, that would be wonderful, thank you.”
George smiled back, clearly relieved. “Okay.” He walked over to the bed and you took off your shirt and bra before lying stomach down. George leaned over you and put his hands on your back, rubbing soothingly in all the right places.
“Merlin,” you breathed, blissed out. “Merlin, George, you are good at this.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah- Godric.” You stretched out, the relief from his massage far too much for you to handle. “Georgie, will you do this for me every night?”
George laughed. “Yeah, ‘course, love.”
“Thank you.” You suppressed a moan.
“That’s all I can do for now, sorry,” he said apologetically.
You turned over to face him, beaming. “Merlin, don’t be sorry, that was- amazing, really.” You leaned up to peck him on the lips. “Thank you, George.”
He smiled, pulling you onto his lap and cupping your cheek. “Any time, love.” He kissed you slowly, pushing you down onto the bed so he’s hovering over you. He moved down your chin and latched onto your neck, tenderly kissing a mark into the flesh. “I love you,” he murmured softly.
“I love you too,” you whispered, and you let him kiss you into paradise.
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faithiegirl01 · 2 years
Faithie’s Harry Potter Corner:
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Is it just me or did these two definitely deserve more screen time…
I’m not saying that they didn’t have a small amount of time, to be quite fair they had more then some other characters, but like come on I would have LOVED to see more of our Freddie and Georgie.
It’s not just me right?
And I may be incorrect cause I haven’t made it through all the books, but don’t they do a lot more in the books then they do the movies. Aren’t they more present in the books? I should ask my sister she’s made it all the way though like ten times, but I just think they should have had more on screen time.
I feel like all of us Freddie and Georgie fans got the short end of the stick. I myself would have loved to see even more of Fred and George like I feel like they just kinda get skipped over a lot in the movies and that’s so sad to me.
Anyone else feel this way?
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3lle-l-black · 3 months
Season of love event @george-weasleys-girl (pt
Girassol (Part 1)
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Avisos: Uso de mais de um pronome pro mesmo personagem (usei os pronomes que eu uso sem perceber), não revisado, longa fic, uma pitadinha de angst, os gêmeos usam o apelido Girassol, George x reader platônico
English version + inspirado em Girassol by IVYSON
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— Gina, por favor, pode parar de falar disso por um segundo? – Eu paro no meio da escadaria da toca, virando-me para Hermione e Gina que estão atrás de mim.
— Eu só estou dizendo..
— Ok, ideia rápida: pare de dizer
Para vocês que chegaram agora, eu vou explicar a situação. Eu tive a brilhante ideia de namorar um dos irmãos mais velhos de Gina, Fred Weasley. Foram anos incríveis mas depois que eles saíram da escola e abriram a Gemialidades Weasley, a guerra se tornou uma possibilidade real e eu, Hermione e Ron estávamos preocupados em ajudar Harry.
Resumindo, as coisas ficaram mais complicadas, nós ficamos distantes e terminamos. Eu não queria mas não tive coragem de insistir.                  Enfim, viramos 'amigos' de novo.
Ontem à noite, eu e Hermione estávamos conversando e eu mencionei que sentia falta dele, das nossas conversas. O problema é que Gina ouviu, o que nos levou a essa situação.
— Eu não quero falar sobre isso, Gina. Vou pedir só mais uma vez. Por favor. – Desço as escadas e vou em direção à sala com as meninas logo atrás de mim.
— Gina, é melhor deixar isso quieto. Pare antes que você escute algo que não quer. – Hermione diz, percebendo minha irritação. Elas se sentam juntas em um sofá, e eu me sento em frente a elas. — Todo mundo consegue ver que meu irmão fez uma escolha idiota, eu só acho que ela poderia ir falar com ele, tentar resolver a situação. – Gina diz, cabisbaixa.
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Harry, Ron e Hermione já conseguiram dormir, eu estou olhando o céu pela janela do quarto há algum tempo, o estresse da luta contra os comensais e a preocupação não me deixaram dormir. Eu me levanto e desço as escadas, talvez consiga esvaziar a mente mudando de ambiente e verificando se os gêmeos estão bem.
George havia adormecido no sofá e Fred jamais deixaria o irmão sozinho, então eles dormiram nos sofás da sala. Assim que cheguei no final da escada, percebi que um dos meninos estava acordado.
— Ei – chamei a atenção dele em um tom baixo para não acordar os outros.
— Ei, não conseguiu dormir? – Era George. Ele fez menção de se sentar, mas eu cheguei até o sofá antes.
— Não precisa levantar, você tem que descansar e não, não consegui. – Uso minha varinha para limpar a faixa em volta da cabeça dele. — Ainda dói?
George olha para mim com um sorriso provocador. — Esqueceu quem eu sou mulher? Um arranhão desse não pode me derrubar.
Reviro os olhos e realizo um feitiço de cura para ajudar com o ferimento, coloco minha varinha na mesa de centro e me sento ao dele no chão. Ficamos conversando assim por algum tempo, talvez mais de uma hora, um George sonolento fazendo piadas mesmo em um momento ruim, eu apoiada no sofá e os dois tentando segurar as risadas para não levarmos bronca da Sra.Weasley.
— Ei... Sinto muito pela nossa amizade ter ficado estranha, é só que... eu não sei, não sabia como agir depois do término de vocês.
— Tudo bem. Eu senti falta de poder conversar com você. – Nas últimas semanas, sempre que eu e os gêmeos estávamos na mesma sala, um silêncio desconfortável se instalava.
— Também senti sua falta idiota, e sabe... – Vejo George indicar com a cabeça na direção de Fred. — Eu não fui o único.
— Ah, é? Ele te falou isso? – Pergunto cética, desviando o olhar. George se levantou e sentou ao meu lado com um sorriso brincalhão.
— Sim, mas não conte a ele que eu te disse.
— Oh cale a boca, acho que o feitiço alcançou seu cérebro e acabou te deixando mais idiota do que já era.
Meu coração acelera com o pensamento de Fred admitindo sentir minha falta, mas não adianta muito se ele não admitiu isso para mim. George estava tentando abafar uma risada quando se encolheu do meu lado e soltou um grunhido de dor.
— O que foi Georgie? – Pego minha varinha e sussurro um “Lumos”, iluminando a sala.
— Hum, foi só uma pontada de dor – Alguns ruídos podem ser ouvidos atrás de nós, George olha por cima da minha cabeça e dá um sorriso amarelo, acompanho o olhar dele e vejo um Fred confuso e recém-acordado. — Oh te acordamos, bela adormecida? – George zomba enquanto Fred se senta no sofá, deixando o cobertor cair no chão e resmunga um confuso "Que horas são?"
— Vocês que estão fazendo barulho? Por que estão acordados a essa hora? – Ele pisca algumas vezes, ainda se acostumando com a claridade na sala. De repente, os olhos de Fred se arregalam, e posso dizer que qualquer vestígio de sono que ele tinha desapareceu. — George está bem? Aconteceu alguma coisa?
— Sim, não se preocupe, eu não consegui dormir então estávamos conversando. Desculpe pelos barulhos – Posso ver Fred relaxando lentamente. Se eu fiquei preocupada quando soube sobre George, imagine ele.
— Tudo bem, eu já dormi o suficiente – Ele se inclina para pegar o cobertor do chão e se cobrir novamente. Dormir, até o momento eu não tinha percebido o quão cansada estava. Não parece uma má ideia dormir aqui. — Daqui a pouco vai amanhecer... O que vocês estavam fazendo? Tipo, vocês estão juntos aqui a quanto tempo?
Um brilho podia ser visto nos olhos de George antes dele responder. — Ah o pequeno girassol aqui estava cuidando de mim, ela é uma ótima doutora.
Eu não consegui realmente acompanhar a conversa, aparentemente Fred fechou a cara com o comentário de George. Agora eles estavam se irritando e rindo mais alto do que deviam.
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Fred's POV
Um brilho travesso passou pelos olhos de George antes dele soltar — Ah, o pequeno girassol aqui estava cuidando de mim, ela é uma ótima doutora.
Sem perceber, franzo o cenho, assistindo a interação entre eles. 'Pequeno girassol'? 'cuidando de mim'? — Você já é um homem crescido, não consegue se cuidar sozinho não? – A risada dele ecoava pela sala.
— Não precisa ficar assim, eu deixo você cuidar de mim também.
Solto um "idiota", incapaz de segurar a risada. George se levanta do chão devagar e volta a deitar no sofá. Meus olhos vagam pela sala e vejo que o “pequeno girassol” está quieto demais, um sorriso ilumina meu rosto quando percebo que ela está dormindo, apoiada no sofá em uma posição um tanto desconfortável.
Me levanto e passo um braço ao redor das suas costas e deslizo o outro por debaixo das pernas, tentando não perturbar o sono tranquilo dela. Com cuidado, eu a ergo nos meus braços e ela se aninha contra mim, descansando o rosto na curva do meu pescoço.
Sua respiração suave faz meu próprio fôlego travar por um momento. Congelo no lugar, percebendo agora o quão perto nos estamos. Me viro devagar e coloco ela no sofá, assim que tenho certeza que ela está em uma posição confortável, me sento em frente ao sofá sem conseguir tirar os olhos dela.
Ela se mexeu um pouco e sem pensar duas vezes, estiquei a mão para afastar alguns fios de cabelo de cabelo que tinham caído em seu rosto.
De repente, um grito ecoou atrás de nós, George e eu nos levantamos apressadamente, tentando localizar a origem do som...
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Sleeping In
Fred Weasley x f!-reader. No house mentioned. 18+ smut ahead minors DNI!!
Also, I'm sorry for disappearing, I was stressed, and writer's block took its toll! Hopefully, I'll be able to do a request I have sitting in my drafts.
Word Count: 2.24k
"Oi, George, where's your sodding twin?" Y/n shouted, throwing her hands in the air as she entered the Gryffindor common room.
"Er, I think he's still in the dorm," George replied, nodding toward the stairs. The younger twin was sitting on the couch, playing cards with a few other students, his girlfriend Angelina resting her head on his shoulder.
Y/n huffed annoyedly, mumbling incoherently as she ascended the stairs, her nostrils flaring.
She reached the twins' dorm in no time, turning the knob and stepping inside, flicking the light switch.
"Ah, fuck me," A voice cried out, which Y/n immediately recognized as Fred's.
"Rise and shine fuckface," Y/n spoke, grabbing a random jumper off the floor and chucking it at Fred, who was busy rubbing away the sleep from his eyes.
The cloth hit him directly in the face, making him reel back.
"Ow," Fred mumbled, yawning again and blinking a few times.
"You were supposed to meet me in the library an hour ago," Y/n said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to her hip.
"Shit. Did I sleep that long?" Fred said, his eyes widening. He looked at his nightstand, and the small clock read 11:23 am.
"Fuck," He mumbled, running a hand through his hair and glimpsing at Y/n, flashing her an embarrassed smile.
Y/n just rolled her eyes with a sigh, running her tongue along her cheek. She walked over to the curtains, pulling them open and letting the light shine in.
Fred cringed from the brightness, sitting up with his back against the frame, admiring her from behind, sucking in a sharp breath.
Y/n turned around, her eyes widening slightly as she saw him.
He was shirtless, his muscles on full display, wearing only his plaid pajama pants beneath the covers. His red hair was messily falling over his forehead, and his eyes were still drowsy with sleep.
She quickly looked away, her eyes focusing on everything but him, the curtains, his dresser, the wall.
After all, they were only friends.
"Get dressed and meet me in the library," Y/n said, starting to walk to the door.
As she walked by, his hand wrapped around her wrist, tugging her down on top of him.
A light gasp escaped her lips when his hands found themselves tightly grasping her hips, steadying her on his lap.
"I didn't mean to oversleep," He spoke softly, his eyes a pool of warm brown as they stared at her.
Y/n couldn't say a word, her mouth was open, but no sound came out, and her heart was beating a million miles an hour. She feared he could hear the rapidness.
"I did actually get up, brushed my teeth and everything, but then I took a...'five-minute nap.'"
"I looked like an idiot waiting for you," Y/n whispered. Her breath was shaky, full of nerves. She just now noticed her hand placement, both on either side of his neck by his collarbones, but he didn't seem to mind. Her legs straddled his waist, and the only thing separating them was the thin covers.
Fred let out a dry, breathy laugh. His eyes flickered to her lips before he lifted his gaze to hers.
Slowly, his hand raised to cup her face, his thumb gently tracing her cheek, making her inhale sharply.
His pupils were blown with what seemed to be lust and desire, and his eyes bore into hers, hesitant yet yearning.
Y/n's core burned with intense heat, her mind told her to back away, to save their friendship while she could, but her body's urge was far more powerful.
"Allow me to apologize," He said quietly, swallowing thickly as he gradually leaned forward, his hand still gently holding her face.
Y/n closed her eyes as his lips brushed against hers. With her lips trembling softly, she closed the gap.
Their lips met in a soft kiss. It was timid, slow, sensual, the calm before a raging storm.
Fred sighed against her lips, bringing his hand to the back of her head and drawing her closer, deepening their kiss.
Y/n leaned into him, her nails digging into his skin as she gripped his strong shoulder. Her other hand traveled to his jaw, holding it tightly.
A soft whimper-like gasp left her lips as Fred's free hand snaked under her shirt, his warm fingers brushing against the cool skin of her waist.
Like a bolt of lightning, desire shot through his spine from the noise. His tongue clashed with hers, and soft moans escaped their lips as the kiss dragged on.
"Fuck," Fred groaned, wanting nothing more than to rip off her clothes and ravage her completely. Hear her cry out his name as he fucked her into the mattress.
"Freddie," Y/n breathed, both of her hands now laced in his hair, lightly tugging it.
"Y/n, fuck. Can I?" Fred said, his fingers toying with the bottom of her black shirt.
She didn't hesitate to nod her head, a chorus of yeses quickly escaping her lips.
Fred lifted the fabric up and over her head, briefly disconnecting their lips.
Y/n didn't give herself time to feel ashamed, instead opting to connect their lips before he could scan her body.
Fred's fingers danced over her hips and around to her back, sliding upwards toward her bra clip.
If he died from kissing her lips, he'd die happy. There was no other taste in the world that could ever amount to her. She was the finest meal of them all.
"Yes, please," Her words came out in a whispering whine, a plead. She knew there was no going back to how things were, but hell, she didn't want that anymore.
Fred smiled, softly biting her bottom lip, kissing her passionately as he swiftly unclipped her bra.
He tossed it off the bed, pulling away from her lips and casting his eyes down.
If possible, his pupils expanded even more. He was so full of desire and passion that he felt he might explode.
Her body was perfect, exquisitely, and seemingly made purely for him.
Y/n could feel the shame rising on her cheeks. She felt the world slowly swallow her in the seconds before he responded.
"Bloody hell. You're so beautiful," Fred murmured, his lips attaching to her throat, kissing and biting downwards, making sure he left marks.
Y/n let out a soft gasp as he trailed further down, her head knocking back when he started on her breasts.
"Oh fuck," She whispered, biting her lip and squeezing her eyes shut as his lips thoroughly covered her nipples and breasts in hickeys.
"You look so fucking pretty covered in my marks," He said, smiling against her neck, kissing the sweet spot below her ear.
Y/n laced her fingers in his short red hair, breathing heavily, subconsciously rutting herself against him, searching for some sort of friction.
She hastily sat straighter, pulling the thin covers back and straddling him completely, feeling his erection through the cloth of his trousers.
Her lips found him again, and it was her turn to scatter love bites along his skin, which she did without hesitation.
Her teeth nipped and marked the skin around his throat, leaving a skillfully placed hickey just below his jaw visible to everyone.
"Making me yours, I see," Fred mumbled teasingly, his hand now drifting to her arse, head knocked back in pleasure.
"Not like you didn't do the same," She replied breathlessly, pulling back to admire her work, tracing her fingers over the various marks on his neck and jaw.
Fred smirked, taking her chin in his hand and dragging her back to his lips, kissing her deeply.
"Do I look pretty?" He asked, a hint of mischief in his voice.
"Very," Y/n answered, gasping as his hand ran over her arse, stopping at the waistband of her sweats.
"Take them off," She says before he can even ask, already assisting him in sliding them down, kicking them off and away from the bed.
Y/n's fingers hooked into the hem of his trousers. He soon helped her take them off and quickly discard them with the rest of their clothes.
Her panties were next. Fred practically ripped them off her legs, too impatient for anything else.
The cold air hit her bare pussy, and she shivered, but as soon as his warm body touched hers, her mind was clouded yet again.
She wasted no time taking off his boxers as well, the bubbling warmth in her core only growing larger when his large erection brushed against her inner thigh, teasing her.
"Do you- Do you have-" Y/n started to ask, but he cut her off.
"Top drawer to the left," Fred said quickly, an audible displeased groan leaving his lips when she pulled back.
Y/n would've rolled her eyes at his whines, but she was too wrapped up in lust to even care.
She opened the top drawer, took a condom from the box, and handed it to Fred.
He ripped it open with his teeth, spitting the plastic out and carefully sliding the latex over his aching cock.
Y/n could do nothing but stare and drool, the mere sight of him making her cunt clench in anticipation.
He was half propped on his elbow, one hand traveling to her neck, pulling her lips to his while the other held her by the hip.
Y/n kissed him deeply, aligning his cock with her entrance and slowly lowering herself onto it, breathing rapidly.
Airy moans left both their lips as he bottomed out, her tight muscles clenching around him.
The covers were hanging off her lower back, but she didn't care. There was no way in hell she would get cold.
His warm body pressed against hers as she started rocking her hips. Chest to chest, their bodies worked together, his hand on her back, pressing her further into him, her hand on his bicep, nails digging into his muscles as she moved.
"Ah- fuck, just like that, love," Fred groaned, his handsome features scrunched in pleasure.
He looked down to see where they connected, her back arching ever so slightly to take him all, her perfect pussy stretched around his cock.
He was able to hit every perfect place inside her, rutting against her g-spot, sending waves of pleasure shooting up Y/n's spine.
But oh fuck, he needed to be deeper, needed her moaning and mewling his name like it was a prayer.
So without missing a beat, he flipped their positions, her legs locking around his torso as he started thrusting.
She wrapped her arms around him, encasing him closely, their chests still touching.
"You're so good for me, angel, taking my cock so well," He grunted, breathing heavily from the sensation of her walls clenching around him.
His thrusts weren't overly rough, but they didn't need to be. He didn't want to fuck her. No, he wanted to love her, cherish her body like the temple it was, and make her cry out in intense pleasure as she came on his cock.
"Freddie," She whimpered, arching her back to meet his thrusts, each perfectly timed. Tears of euphoria welled in her eyes, starting to slowly drip and roll down her cheeks as her orgasm quickly approached.
He looked so pretty above her, eyes closed in pleasure, messy hair, the freckles dotting his pale skin shining from the droplets of sweat trickling down his body.
His forehead rested against hers, fingers digging into her waist as he chased his climax. His breathing became more labored and rapid with every passing second.
Y/n felt the knot in her stomach coiling, the bubble of heat ready to pop with just a few more thrusts.
"Fred, I'm so close," She whispered, pushing her body closer to him, back arching off the bed.
"Fuck, me too. Come for me, Y/n," He said, his warm breath tickling her neck, the sensation sending her over the edge.
Her orgasm washed over her in waves of immense pleasure, lightning in her veins, a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart. Her legs shook, and her core was on fire, burning through the high as she came with his name on her tongue, crying it out.
Fred finished a few moments after, his hips sputtering as he filled the condom, his stomach burning with heat and pleasure.
The first few moments after having sex with someone new are the most pivotal. They decide if it's a one-time thing or something more.
Fred swallowed, resting his forehead against hers and sighing deeply, trying to catch his breath.
Y/n's hand wrapped around his neck, lacing in his hair. She smiled softly when he let out a breathy laugh. The sound was always music to her ears.
"I think I need to sleep in more often," Fred whispered, pulling his head back to connect their gazes, admiring her fucked out appearance, bruised lips, hickeys everywhere, and dried lines of tears running down her cheeks. She was beautiful.
"I think..." Y/n breathed, propping herself on her elbows and cupping his face in her hands.
"I could go for another apology," She finished, a smirk toying on her lips.
A shit-eating grin spanned across Fred's lips, his eyes lighting up at her insinuation.
"If I ever say no to that, kill me,"
Hope you enjoyed! If there are spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm sorry. I wrote this at like 1 am.
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kmt123whatsthetea · 11 months
Room for two (NSFW)
Fred Weasley x fem reader x George Weasley
Fred and y/n have been dating for a whole but she still struggles to tell her boyfriend and his brother apart. The twins (being the horny, mischievous fuckers they are) decide to use that to their advantage and have a little fun. What can I say, Fred likes to watch…
TW: nsfw (under 16’s dni), mean dom Fred, mean dom George, degradation, no incest, sharing, voyeurism, spanking, slight bondage, no prep (evil boys 😏), unprotected sex, masturbation (male), face smacking, cum swallowing. I think that's everything.
A/N: This is not only my first Weasley fic, but also my first time writing smut, yay! Italic bold speech is a flashback except for the word ‘Kitten’. Read and it’ll make more sense lol.
1.4K words
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“C’mon love, me and Georgie have missed you. Spend the weekend with us above the shop, it’ll be fun”
When the brilliant Fred Weasley invites you to stay with him and his brother above their shop in Diagon Alley, there’s really no option other than yes. You had been dating him for nearly three years and you loved him more than anything else in the world. A nice, quiet weekend with the Weasley twins would do you some good…
…but Fred had other plans.
You arrived on Friday and walked into the shop, seeing one of the ginger haired twins behind the counter and the other stocking a shelf nearby, neither one aware of your presence. Fuck, which one was which? Maybe if you let them notice you first, you'd be able to tell. You pottered around the shop, browsing the shelves of different potions and colourful boxes containing all kinds of mischief, trying to attract the attention of the twin stocking the shelf. He looked up with a smirk and instantly knew what you were up to, and he didn't plan on revealing who he was just yet. He knew that Fred would be alright with this, they had discussed it the night before. He can still remember Fred’s words clear as day:
“She’ll love every minute of it, she can be a needy little slut when you give her what she wants”
“I've seen how she looks at you, she wants us both but she likes to act all innocent and pretend that she doesn't”
“You can have her for the night, as long as I get to watch. She’s my dirty little whore after all”
The twin in front of you simply smirked, knowing that with one simple nickname, you’d think he was your loving boyfriend. Getting you into his bed would be easier than Fred said it would be.
“Go on up, Kitten, and wait for me on the bed”
George smirked at how fast you moved up the stairs to the flat above the shop. He finished stocking the shelves before shooting Fred a wink and following you up. Fred had been watching everything. This was his idea in the first place, and he wasn't going to miss a single thing. You always acted so innocent when he talked about George, but he knew how you felt. He could practically see the way your mouth watered when you would watch them at Quidditch practice. He could see the way you rubbed your legs together when they sat either side of you in the common room. Now that you had all graduated, he had promised George a turn with you.
As soon as the shop shut and all of the customers had left, he would go upstairs and enjoy the show.
You didn't even have time to enter Fred’s room and get undressed before George had come up behind you, gripping your waist tightly and sucking harshly on your neck. His right hand trailed up, practically ripping the buttons apart on your dress to reveal your bra covered tits beneath. He would never get sick of looking at them. When he’d sit next to you and look down your shirt, knowing that all of your attention was on Fred. He couldn’t help himself. George ripped off your bra, groping your bare tits harshly. He listened in on every gasp, every moan, and every whimper that you made, only becoming rougher as he pinched and tugged on your nipples.
George chuckled darkly and tore your dress off, followed by your soaked panties. He pushed you onto the bed, smirking mischievously at the way your legs opened wide, your glistening cunt on full display for him. Poor little slut, George thought, Getting this turned on for her boyfriend's brother.
“On your hands and knees, now”
George growled, pushing his suit trousers down and getting behind you. He ran his hands over your ass before bringing his hand down swiftly, making you yelp from the stinging sensation. But he didn’t care, George seemed transfixed by the way your ass jiggled and the skin turned bright red. He kept spanking each cheek, making sure to leave handprints and a painful memory whenever you sat down.
“Freddie, Please…been so good, please fuck me. Need you so badly” you whined, your thighs rubbing together to give your needy clit friction.
“You’re such a desperate, whiney little slut. Bet you’d love nothing more than my cock deep inside of your slutty cunt. Keep begging, beautiful, let me hear how much you need me” George started stroking his cock to your pleas. He’d give you what you wanted eventually, he’d been dreaming of your tight pussy ever since his brother introduced you to the family. The younger twin suddenly had an idea and pulled your arms behind your back, tying them securely together with his tie.
He gripped your joined arms tightly and rammed his cock inside your wet pussy. The stretch made you yelp in pain and squirm in a (not so) desperate attempt to flee, but George only held you tighter, a cruel pout on his lips.
“Thought this is what you wanted, little love. Don't tell me you can't be a good girl for me now”
His cock was so deep, hitting that spongy spot that made you clench around him and shut your eyes tight. His hands gripped your skin with a bruising force, you were so close…
“Well, well, well, look who’s enjoying themselves” an identical voice quipped, but it wasn't from above you, it came from the doorway.
The older Weasley twin stalked close, making you squirm in embarrassment of being caught by your boyfriend's brother. But he only knelt in front of you with a devilish smirk.
“Guess my little kitten really is a slut for it, huh?”
Your eyes widened as everything seemed to click into place. The man in front of you was your boyfriend, the man with his cock pressing deep inside of you was his younger twin brother. A pout spread across your lips, thinking that Fred was mad at you for being underneath George. But Fred simply got up and sat in the chair across from the foot of the bed, getting comfortable but exposing his hard cock.
“Go on Kitten, show Georgie just what a little slut you are. Put on a show for us”
George smirked and snapped his hips forward, knocking the breath from your lungs. He started his brutal pace that rubbed your insides raw. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you buried your head into the soft sheets beneath you. But George wasn't having any of that. He pulled you up by your hair, your back pressing against his chest, causing his cock to somehow push deeper into your cunt. You hissed at the sting from your scalp.
“Such a spoiled brat. Doesn't even say thank you for her lovely surprise” George spat next to your ear, his other hand coming up to lightly smack your face. “What do you say, slut?”
“Thank you, Freddie…Feels s..so good”. Your moans got louder with every word.
Fred pumped his cock, trying to match the pace his brother had set so that he could pretend that he was the one fucking you. But he knew you’d need more, you were his insatiable little slut. Fred simply looked into your desperate eyes and grunted through gritted teeth…
“Cum for me, Kitten”
At his command, you let the blinding pleasure take over your entire body. Your velvety walls clench around George, pushing him over the edge too. You could feel his cum spurt deep inside of you, staining your walls. He let go of your hair and you dropped forward onto the mattress. Fred got up and walked over to your fucked out body and you immediately opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, smiling as you felt his warm, salty sweet cum hit your tongue and lips. You swallowed all that he had given you and licked your lips, collecting every last drop. Fred stroked your hair softly.
“My turn, kitten”
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birdiewriteslit · 4 months
“on the down low”
harry james potter x f!weasley!reader
no voldemort au
summary: you and harry have been hiding your relationship from your family for four months, but when he stays over for the holidays, they start to uncover the truth, one by one.
warnings: idk how long this is but it feels long, kissing, fluff, CHRISTMAS
me pretending voldemort doesn’t exist again for the sake of plot convenience and my own happiness
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Godric, you hadn’t realized how hard it would be to pretend over the holiday. At first, it seemed like a dream come true. Harry staying at the burrow for Christmas meant you’d be able see him whenever you wanted, but you couldn’t exactly do what you wanted.
During the day, you and Harry had to act indifferent to each other, like you hadn’t been together since the end of the summer.
It was different than it was at Hogwarts, where nobody suspected a seventh year to go for her brother’s best friend, who was a year younger. That excluded Hermione, of course, who was just too damn smart to not figure you out.
You hadn’t realized how easy it was to sneak around in a giant castle with a multitude of empty classrooms and an invisibility cloak at your disposal compared to your house of nine other people where the walls were thin and the furniture was old, regardless of proximity between you.
You kicked Harry’s foot under the dinner table. He looked up from his plate and stared at you, bewildered. You nodded to your mother who had just asked him a question he clearly hadn’t heard.
She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his response. “Sorry?” He took his gaze away from you and onto Molly.
“Harry, I asked you if you’ve gotten yourself a girlfriend this year?” she clarified.
Harry spluttered, glancing at you quickly before looking back at her. He cleared his throat. “No, I haven’t.”
Your mother tutted. “A shame, really. Let’s hope you don’t end up like Charlie. Such a handsome boy, and yet, he can’t find a nice woman to settle down with,” she sighed and turned her attention to your older brother, who was rolling his eyes.
Harry looked relieved that he was no longer the one being questioned. “Mum, stop it. I’m only 22. I’m too young to settle down. Bill’s older and he’s not married.”
Bill stopped mid bite to gesture violently at Charlie to cut it out, but Molly paid him no mind.
“Spend your whole life with dragons, see if I care,” she responded vehemently. “Let’s hope your sister doesn’t go off with you to Romania when she graduates.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes as you became your mother’s new subject of torture. It was true, you were looking into a career with dragons, but it was unlikely you’d end up on the same reserve as your brother.
“You know, darling, you ought to find a nice boy. It would do you well.”
You grimaced. “And here we are, back to your favorite topic.”
“Not mine,” Fred interjected.
“Certainly not,” George added. “She’s not allowed to date.”
“Oh, she’s not, is she?” Ginny said, giving you a seemingly knowing look. Merlin, you could only hope she knew nothing.
“No, and neither are you, Gin,” Fred said swiftly.
“We’ll that’s unfortunate,” Ginny looked at you smugly. “Because I think our sister has had her eye on someone.”
Harry turned paler than normal, looking at you in alarm, his face saying, ‘Did you tell her?’ Hermione, to his side, gave you a similar look.
Your face heated under the eyes of your entire family. You shot Ginny a glare before deciding to get her back. “That’s what you think, but I know you bloody well fancy Dean Thomas.”
The focus shifted from you to Ginny. “Dean Thomas?” said Ron, staring at your sister in astonishment.
“Who’s Dean Thomas?” your mother asked cheekily.
Ginny groaned, hiding her red face in her hands. “I’m excusing myself. Goodnight, family.”
She stood up from the crowded table and basically threw her plate into the sink before running upstairs.
“Seriously, who’s Dean Thomas?” your mum asked for the second time.
“A boy in Ron’s year,” you explained briefly. “He’s perfectly decent,” you elaborated further, once you realized your family’s eyes were unrelenting.
“Well, who does she think you fancy?” Bill said, grinning. Why did the first thing he contributed during this conversation have to target you? Why couldn’t it have been revenge on Charlie?
“How should I know? I haven’t told her anything that would make her think I was interested in anyone.” That was a lie. You did tell her something.
“Are you?” Bill followed up.
“That’s really none of your business,” you said, standing up from the table and clearing your plate.
“As long as it’s not someone in our year, that’s what I say.” Ron nudged Harry, looking at his friend who nodded weakly.
You began to walk up the stairs, but not before shooting Harry a look that pleaded him to come upstairs when he could get away. Because of your circumstances, you’d gotten very good at giving each other wordless glances like these.
A little while later, a pajama clad Harry entered your room, checking the hall for anyone before closing the door behind him.
“Ron thinks I’m in the bathroom. Did you tell Ginny about us?” he said hurriedly.
“Of course not,” you denied. “I may have given her a hint though.”
Harry’s eyes widened. “What?”
“I didn’t mean to! She was talking about Dean, and asked me if I liked anybody, and who am I to lie, so I said yes.”
“Um,” Harry interjected. “One problem with that is that we lie about our relationship every day. You are a liar.”
“Don’t interrupt me, Harry. Anyway, she asked me who and I wouldn’t tell her, so she started listing names. She asked me what I thought of you, and I let it slip that I thought you were cute,” you said sheepishly, toying with a button on his shirt. “I think I scared her off with the Dean thing, we should be in the clear.”
Harry only grinned. “You think I’m cute?”
“Oh shut up, would you?” you said, pushing his chest away from yours.
“Sure.” He pulled you back by the waist, his hands resting on your hips as he ducked down to kiss you. He tasted like toothpaste, but you really didn’t mind it.
He was about to pull away after a moment, but you tangled your fingers in his hair, keeping his mouth attached to yours.
“I’ve missed you all day,” Harry murmured against your lips.
“Godric, me too.” You clung onto him like you knew it wouldn’t last, and it didn’t. Ron called out to Harry from somewhere in the hallway, and Harry pulled away from you. His glasses were fogged up and he was cursing Ron.
When the lenses cleared, he leaned down to press another chaste kiss to your lips. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he whispered, exiting the room quietly.
You slumped onto your bed, staring at the open door with a forlorn look on your face. Ginny suddenly appeared in the doorway, her mouth hanging open and her hand pointing to the end of the hall, then to where you sat.
“What- what have I just witnessed? Why? This changes life as we know it. You! And Harry! You-“
You hurried to cut her off, standing from the bed and practically sprinting to the door to cover her mouth. “You be quiet now,” you warned, looking both ways in the hall and shoving Ginny inside your room.
“Why did I see Harry leaving this room looking like he’s got something to hide?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Listen, lady, you didn’t see anything, because nothing happened,” you said, pointing a finger at her.
“I never said anything happened, I just said he had something to hide. And guess what? I know he has something to hide, because I know you like him,” she retaliated, pointing her finger right back.
“Who? Me? Like Harry? Psssshhh… you’ve got the wrong girl. That doesn’t sound anything like me.”
Ginny folded her arms over her chest. “Oh really? Well, does this sound like you? Oh, Ginny, Harry’s just so cute! I wish he would like me back because, well, I just love him so much!” She batted her eyelashes, imitating a version of you that didn’t exist.
“Actually, Gin, that sounds nothing like me, so you can just forget anything that you think you saw,” you retorted.
“I don’t think I will forget. I think I’ll just tell everyone that you’re sneaking around with Harry. I didn’t miss the look he gave you at dinner either! So I can tell everyone, or you can quit lying and just give me all the details.”
She did have a way of getting you to cave. Really, it was just tactful manipulation.
“Alright fine, but if you tell anyone, you’re dead. Well, you can tell Hermione. She already knows.”
Ginny gasped, very offended. “You told her before your own sister?”
“I did not! She’s too smart for her own good. Anyways, sit down.”
Then, you told Ginny everything. It felt actually good to be able to talk about your relationship to someone other than Hermione, especially to your only sister, who you were honestly very grateful for.
You told her about how he kissed you a week before you left for school, solidifying the relationship you were having throughout the summer holiday. You told her about how he was funny and such a gentlemen. You even told her about how you’d been sneaking off since school started, and what you’d been doing.
Once Ginny was fully satisfied with the information and you were relatively sure she wouldn’t squawk to any of your brothers, she bid you goodnight and went to bed.
The following morning, Christmas Eve morning, you had risen later than usual. “Good morning, family,” you greeted, entering the kitchen and heading straight for the kettle.
“Morning,” Ginny said from the table. “I trust you slept well. I expect you feel loads lighter now.”
“Oh yeah, much lighter,” you grinned back.
“What are you two on about?” Bill said from his seat across from Ginny.
“Oh, nothing. Our sister just shared some interesting things with me last night,” she hummed.
You saw Harry’s head perk up from the couch, where he was laying. Ron was sprawled on the floor below.
“Gin, shut up,” you warned quietly.
“I’m not even sure I want to know,” Bill said.
“Oh, you’d be delighted, I’m sure. But, alas, I’ve been sworn to secrecy,” Ginny sighed.
“Then why even bring it up, you idiot?” you said as you sat down next to her, carefully eyeing a nervous looking Harry.
Bill followed your gaze and whistled lowly. You almost had a heart attack. “I see. That is very interesting.”
You turned to face your sister. “Look what you’ve done now. Why not just shout it from the rooftops?” you scolded.
“I didn’t say anything!” she defended.
“She’s right, you gave yourself away,” Bill confirmed, leaning in to whisper, “You’re lucky Ron’s pretty clueless on the floor over there.”
Your face burned. “Just don’t tell anybody.”
“Now why would I do that? It’s a whole lot more fun if you do it yourself.” Bill grinned, leaving you and Ginny at the table.
You dropped your head into your arms.
Later, you and Harry sat in the yard, leaning against a tree. You were on the side that couldn’t be seen from your siblings’ makeshift quidditch game across the yard.
It was the nicest day of break so far, not too cold, but not necessarily warm either. There was a dusting of snow on the ground, which delighted you.
You were lying in Harry’s lap, gazing up at him as he mindlessly played with your hair. “I can’t believe you told Ginny,” he said for the tenth time since breakfast.
You rolled your eyes and sat up. “I already told you, she was nagging me. Plus, I can’t really talk to Hermione about this sort of thing. She’s hung up on Ron. I keep telling her Lavender was just a phase because of some stupid love potion infused chocolate, but she usually just goes glum and ignores me.”
“You could just stop talking about us,” he suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
“You wouldn’t understand,” you said, reaching forward to fiddle with the zipper on his jacket.
“Why? Am I too charming and handsome for you to shut up about?” He grinned, taking hold of your hand and pressing it to his chest.
“Something like that.” You smiled, but quickly stopped when you saw the smug look on his face. “Don’t let that get to your head, Potter.”
“I won’t,” he said, leaning in to kiss your lips. His free hand came up to frame your face, and you placed yours on his thigh. You had half a mind to pull away, but only enough to see his face.
“Harry, we can’t do this out here. My siblings are right over there. Someone could see us,” you said softly, staring up at his bright green eyes.
“Honey, if you keep looking at me like that, I’m not gonna care,” he said, breath heavy as he looked at you adoringly. Your stomach did flips and you instantly forgot about reasons to hold yourself back.
You surged forward, kissing him hard on the mouth. You knew you wouldn’t get the chance to do so until well after dinner, so you took advantage of your siblings being distracted. He responded enthusiastically, wrapping an arm around your waist, tugging you closer.
“Woah, looks like I’ve caught more than just the snitch!”
You sprang apart, wiping your mouth as you looked up to see one of your grinning brothers, hovering above the tree on a broomstick holding a little golden sphere.
“Charlie! This isn’t what it looks like,” you managed, pushing yourself as far away from Harry as possible.
“Really, because it looks like you’ve been snogging his face off,” Charlie said, looking pleased with himself.
Harry burned bright red, refusing to make eye contact with either of you.
“Charlie, what’s taking you so long?” you heard Ron call from the other side of the yard.
“I’ll keep this a secret, but only because I love you, little sister. And because it’s funnier this way.” Charlie grinned again and turned on his broom to speed back to the group.
You and Harry left for the house before anyone else did, completely ignoring Hermione on the couch, her nose deep in a thick book, as you rushed upstairs.
Once you were sure you were alone, you stopped Harry in the middle of the hallway. “Okay, that was the last time. No more doing that in the open.”
“Sorry, got carried away. At least it wasn’t Ron who saw us.” Harry shuttered, not even wanting to think about what his reaction would be.
“Shake it off, Harry. Just three, only three of them know. There’s like a bajillion others that don’t,” you rationalized. “Look, we just need to get through this holiday without anyone else finding out that we’re together. I think we can do that.”
“You lied to mother?” A stiff voice came from down the hallway. Shit. You forgot Percy was still in the house, holed up in his room doing his Ministry work.
Harry’s eyes widened as he shook his head at you, refusing to turn around.
“You’re seeing someone and you lied about it?” Percy frowned. “Well, I’ll have to tell her.”
“No, you won’t have to tell her. Don’t tell her. Please,” you practically begged.
Percy didn’t look convinced. His steely gaze wouldn’t let up. “I won’t if you promise me to tell her.”
“I promise, Perce, just let me do it when I’m ready,” you said, less of a real promise and more of a strategy to get him to go back into his room. You were thanking God when he nodded curtly and did just that.
“Well, would you look at the impeccable timing on that,” Harry said sarcastically.
You grimaced. “Dinner’ll be a real treat tonight.”
Dinner was not a treat. It was delicious, of course, courtesy of your mother. But it was quite tense, at least for you and Harry.
Bill kept shooting you knowing glances from across the table, looking back and forth between you and Harry, who made the seemingly unconscious choice to sit beside you.
Charlie couldn’t even look at you without snickering to himself, prompting your mum to start questioning him on his odd behavior.
Percy was silently urging you to say something about it, pulling at his collar uncomfortably and staring at you, unrelenting.
Ginny was, thankfully, docile for the time being.
“Charlie, would you stop laughing at your sister? I don’t see what’s so funny about her,” Molly scolded, finally having quite enough of your brother’s behavior.
“Nothing’s funny,” he said with a hint of a smile.
Bill was looking at him with his eyes narrowed slightly. “What do you know?” he asked suspiciously.
“What do you know?” Charlie replied, just as skeptical.
“I think the better question is, what does dad know about muggles?” You laughed nervously, getting weird looks from Ron and the twins. “Come on, dad. Why don’t you tell us about your latest case?”
Your father looked up from his meal, looking surprised, for he had hardly been acknowledged since the start of dinner. “Oh, well, we had an odd couple in the other day. They were the sort who didn’t really look like they belonged together. So, anywho, they-“
“Hold on,” Ginny interjected. “How do you know they didn’t belong together? There are loads of couples who you might not think belong together, but actually do, so it’s best not to judge before you know the whole story.”
Your dad looked confused. “Um, I guess they just didn’t seem compatible, but I’m sure they belong together just fine, Gin, no need to worry about that.”
As he continued with his story about this couple and their illegally enchanted carpet, you turned to glare at Ginny.
She gave you a rather obvious look of annoyance, which gained the attention of Fred and George.
“Something’s going on here, Freddie,” said George, leaning to his right.
“Agreed,” said George, looking around the table.
You actually heard Harry gulp beside you. You put a hand on his knee, attempting to comfort him. This action made him choke on the sip of water he had taken.
“All right there, Harry?” Ron asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Harry coughed. “Just fine.”
Percy cleared his throat. “Maybe he has something to say.”
“Percy, don’t be rude,” your mother scolded. “The boy’s just choked.”
“Yeah, Percy, don’t know why you’d think he wants to say something,” Ginny said. “So, keep your mouth shut.”
None of the siblings who knew had known that others at the table were also aware, but they were each starting to connect the dots.
“Can I just have a nice Christmas Eve dinner with my family?” Molly slammed one hand on the table. “Enough of the fighting and the strange comments. Please, just be normal.”
Fred grinned. “I can’t imagine what’s abnormal about us.”
“Oh, me neither. But you, Freddie, are abnormal looking,” George followed.
The rest of the night after dinner was just as stressful. You and your siblings were sitting around the living room, with the exception of Percy, who, to your immense relief, had gone back to his room for work.
Fred and George decided it would be a good idea to play a game of truth or dare with the assistance of some veritaserum they nicked from Snape’s stores the day before holiday began.
Needless to say, you and Harry were not excited.
“Hermione,” Fred said. “Truth or dare?”
Hermione rolled her eyes as George made a gesture that suggested she should choose truth. “Dare,” she said.
“I dare you to go outside and kiss one of the gnomes.”
“A gnome, Fred? Really?” Ron scoffed.
“You’d rather she kissed you, would you?” George teased.
Ronsaid nothing, but his ears turned red, giving him away.
Hermione’s face turned a similar shade as she stood up from the armchair. “Fine, then.”
You all collectively gathered around the window and watched Hermione stalk outside and grab one of the ugly gnomes by its bald head. She made a disgusted face and gave the gnome a peck so fast that you barely saw it.
She came back inside and washed her mouth out in the sink before returning to the chair. “George,” she said coolly. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth, of course!” George said happily. “We’ve got to put our stolen goods to good use.”
“It was very wrong of you to take Professor Snape’s materials,” Hermione said, frowning. “Is it true that you were the ones who gave Ron amortentia spiked chocolates last month?”
“Yes,” George said easily.
Ron scoffed loudly. “You told me that wasn’t you! You said it was her! I was following Lavender Brown around for weeks because of those!”
“Well, we hadn’t meant for you to go for her. It was supposed to be someone else.” George winked at Hermione.
“We messed up the potion,” explained Fred.
George looked to you. “Truth or dare?” he asked.
“Truth,” you said mindlessly, thinking about Hermione and the gnome. You noticed the alarmed look Harry was giving you and realized your mistake. Damn gnome.
George grinned mischievously. “Do you really have a boyfriend?”
“Yes,” you said unwillingly.
A gasp from Ron could be heard from the other side of the room. Ginny and Hermione were looking rather nervous for you. On the contrary, Bill and Charlie were quite amused.
“Tell us, who is he?” Fred continued off of George.
“Harry Potter,” you admitted before slapping a hand across your mouth.
An even louder gasp could be heard from Ron that caused Charlie to burst out laughing. Fred and George were looking rather pleased with themselves. You supposed that was better than them pranking the life out of Harry for dating their sister, which you had expected to happen.
Harry sat on the couch with his hands clenched at his sides, looking at the floor as his whole face turned red.
“My sister, Harry? Really?” Ron said, his voice carrying a mixture of anger and betrayal.
“Yeah, well, I love her,” Harry said, fully dropping his head into his palms. He definitely hadn’t meant to say that to everyone in the room. “I hate this damn potion.”
“The heart wants what it wants, Freddie,” said George.
“It sure does, Georgie,” Fred said, clasping his hands together over his chest.
“Honestly, this is a Christmas miracle,” Hermione burst out. “I’ve been covering for you for months. Four, horrible, long months.”
“Four months?” Ron said, bewildered. “Hermione, you knew and you never told me?”
“Oh, please, Ronald. If you opened your eyes you would’ve seen what was going on,” Hermione said.
“Easy for you to say, you’re bloody brilliant. You could spot anything off. I love that about you,” Ron confessed.
Bill and Charlie were wheezing on the floor at this point.
“This is the gift that keeps on giving!” Fred exclaimed.
“I’m so happy we played this game,” George said through laughs.
Hermione stood, cheeks burning. “We should all go to bed. It’s Christmas tomorrow.” She went up the stairs quickly. Ron seemed to have forgotten all about you and Harry and followed her.
Your other four brothers slowly made their way upstairs, practically dying from laughter at your expense.
Ginny stood awkwardly, bidding you and Harry goodnight and leaving you alone in the room.
“That could’ve gone worse,” you said, finally making eye contact with Harry, who was still looking a little red.
“I, for one, didn’t fancy confessing my love for you to your whole family,” Harry said, scooting over to your spot on the couch.
“I did.” You grinned, leaning towards him. He rolled his eyes, but indulged you anyways, letting his lips touch yours.
“Merry Christmas, Harry,” you whispered against him. “I love you, too.”
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maiiiwrites · 5 months
PAIRING ! george weasley x f!reader
IN WHICH you spend xmas morning with your beloved or in ron’s words accidentally traumatizing him forever
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how odd. the common room felt unusually cold despite the warmth flickering from the fireplace. it made you feel alone, a sentiment you've always felt during the holidays. but something about this year felt different.
maybe it's because of the comfort that tightly clung onto you.
"georgie.. baby.." you murmured.
a small hum escaped the giant redhead. despite that, he remained still. with no intention of letting you go. if possible, it seemed that he snuggled even closer to you.
you giggle at his clingy antics. "baby you have to let me go."
"mhmph no," george dismissed.
you knew you have to find a way to make him let you go before the students start rushing down.
"georgie we can't be found like this."
"and why is that love? you ashamed of me?" he frowned.
godric did he look absolutely adorable with his tiny pout. you gently ran your fingers through his bright red locks. noticing how george unconsciously leans into your touch.
"it's not that baby. you know that i love you, but do you really want to be teased this early? on christmas day?"
his brows furrowed as if he's contemplating his options. "i don’t mind if–"
a shriek from behind pulled your attention away from your lover. you couldn't help but laugh at ron’s disgusted face. "seriously?! this early in the morning?!" he groaned, shielding his eyes as if he walked in on an inappropriate scene.
"my apologies ron," you utter.
you eventually see harry and hermione come down the stairs and stand behind ron. hermione asks why ron is standing there looking like an idiot, something which he grumbles about. they were quick to check the tree and go through their presents.
"yn! look mom got you something!" ron cheered.
"and nothing for you george," he taunted, sticking his tongue out at him.
much to george's dismay, you untangle your limbs and walk towards his younger brother. "how sweet of mrs. weasley!" happily receiving the gift. it's been a while since you've received a gift given out of love. you carefully unwrap the gift, anticipating what lies beneath all the wrapping.
you soften spotting a matching set of pajamas. it's the perfect size for you and george. tears well up in your eyes as you gaze at the pjs in your hands. george, who has been watching you with pure adoration, notices how silent you've become.
"love?" he calls out.
slowly, you stood up and made your way towards george. burying your face at the crook of his neck, feeling safe enough to let out quiet sobs. george instinctively wraps his arms around you. he holds you close, muttering 'i love you's and assurance.
after a few minutes of simply basking in his embrace, you pull back to admire his features. you bring your hand up to brush along his freckled dusted cheeks. leaning in for a quick kiss that left him chasing after your lips.
"let's change into these, stay in, and cuddle all day. how's that sound?" you offer.
a lopsided grin made its way onto his face. he pulls you up and catches you off guard when he carries you bridal style. you were both a giggling fit as you made your way up to his dorm.
one thing was for certain, this year was definitely the best holidays you've had so far.
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harry speaks up once you've left, "it's like they're in their own little world."
"it's disgusting really," ron gagged.
hermione was quick to hit him. "they're adorable! you just won’t know a thing about romance. i bet you can’t even woo a girl."
ron frowns and quickly defends himself, saying how he did manage to go on a date once! which hermione ignores, her attention on the wonderful quill mrs. weasley gifted her.
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© maiiiwrites — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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lobey-scribbles · 1 year
Playing Dumb - Fred Weasley X F!Reader
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summary: Fred Weasley has always had his eye on you and when Professor Flitwick sits you next to each other in Charms, he can hardly believe his luck. In a desperate attempt to get close to you, Fred decides to play dumb in Charms class.
word count: 1.1k
themes: just fluff
warnings: none
a/n: happy birthday to gred and feorge! might do a part 2!
Fred Weasley stumbled into Charms class, out of breath and dishevelled. It turns out that despite staying up all night with George and wandering the castle with the marauder's map being one of his favourite activities, it didn't exactly mesh well with being a punctual student. Professor Flitwick paused his lesson, and gave one of those Fred-Weasley weary sighs, “Late again, I see, Fred.” he said in his usual squeaky voice.
“Very sorry, Professor,” Fred replied, giving Professor Flitwick the most apologetic smile he could muster. Before Fred could make his way to his seat, he stopped dead in his tracks. Peering around the room, he realised that Lee Jordan was no longer sitting in his usual seat. Instead, he sat next to a Slytherin student, Miles Bletchley, and was giving no effort to hide how miserable he was about it. Had Fred not been so devastated about being moved away from Lee, he would have found his predicament rather hilarious, but now he needed to figure out where he was sitting.
“Oh, Fred, can you please go sit next to miss Y/N L/N please?” said Professor Flitwick, noting the bemusement on Fred’s face. “Maybe you'll finally get some work done,” he muttered to himself under his breath before he resumed his lesson.
Fred Weasley scanned the room for his empty seat, his stomach lurching ever so slightly when his eyes landed on you.
Fred sauntered over to the empty seat next to you, determinedly ignoring the way his heart began to race in his chest. He’d noticed you in the corridor before, but he'd never had the chance to speak to you. Now, he was sitting right next to you in class, and he was determined to make the most of it.
“Hey there,” Fred said, flashing you a grin. “I'm Fred. Nice to meet you.”
You looked up at him, gave him a small smile and introduced yourself, but you didn't seem very talkative.
He really couldn't explain it, but you being as shy and reserved as you were, only made Fred’s need to be closer to you even stronger.
Fred tried to strike up a conversation, cracking a few jokes here and there, and making light of Lee’s unfortunate new seat in class. “Well, Y/N, I hope you feel lucky to be sitting next to me now instead of poor Lee. He's stuck with Bletchley, you know.” he chuckled, desperately trying to get a laugh out of you. Instead, you just gave him a polite nod and turned your attention back to Professor Flitwick.
As the class progressed, Fred tried his best to focus on the lesson and keep his eyes firmly on the textbook in front of him, and Merlin’s beard, was it impossible! It seems like no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't help but steal a glance at you, admiring your unwavering concentration and the way your fingers twirled your hair absentmindedly.
Finally, the class came to an end, and Fred and Lee met up with George and strolled to the Great Hall together for break time, plonking themselves down at the Gryffindor table. Fred’s mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of you, barely noticing Lee’s rant about his new seat, only half-heartedly piping up to express his sympathies, agreeing that it was such a shame to be separated from his best friend. George noticed his brother’s distracted state and nudged him, “What about your seat, Fredster?”
“Don’t call me Fredster!” he snapped, kicking George underneath the table, and then continuing as though he couldn't hear his brother yelp out in pain and a howl of laughter from Lee, his violent reaction being less to do with the stupid nickname and more to do with the fact that George had interrupted his daydreaming.
“Not too bad, I suppose,” appearing as nonchalant as he could about the whole thing, acting as if his stomach didn't perform backflips at the very thought of being beside you.
As the weeks went on, Fred persisted in trying to tempt you out of your shell. Fred wasn’t bad at charms by any means. In fact, he'd probably be great at if he put in the same amount of effort as he did with wreaking havoc amongst the castle. Yet, he took every opportunity he could to ask you questions in Charm class, acting as though he were struggling to get you to help him. You'd give him a look and scold him for not listening properly, turning to help him, and as you did so, your leg would brush his and a jolt of electricity would shoot through his entire body.
In the Charms class that followed, Professor Flitwick had the whole class on their feet, practising a bubble-head charm. Fred fumbled with his wand, making a complete pig’s ear of the movement, purposefully of course, and cried out in frustration, “What the bloody hell am I even doing wrong?”, his eyes darted quickly over to you to make sure you had heard him.
You rolled your eyes at him, walking over to his side, “Let me help you, Fred” and you placed your hand on top of his. If brushing your leg against his made Fred nervous, it was seriously nothing compared to how the touch of your hand on his made him feel. You directed his hand, mimicking the correct wand movement. “See, like this.”
“O-oh yes, I get it now, thank you.” he stammered, swiftly pulling his hand away from yours as if he'd just touched something scorching. He prayed that you didn't notice how hot and bothered he was and desperately tried to regain his composure.
As you were all packing up for the end of class, Fred asked Lee to wait up for him outside. Then, he turned to you sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck and asked, “I’m sure it's no secret to you by now how hopeless I am at Charms.”
“Oh, well you're not really-”
“Don’t sugarcoat it, Y/N, I'm a mess.”
You giggled, making Fred’s heart soar, he might get addicted to hearing you laugh, especially when it's because of him.
“So, with that in mind, do you think you would mind tutoring me in Charms? I completely understand if you're busy-”
“Oh, no I'm not busy at all!” you interjected, eagerly, “Of course, I’ll tutor you, Fred!” you smiled at him kindly, “Does next week sound good?”
“Yes, that's brilliant, thank you!” unable to hide the elation in his voice, “You’re amazing, you are. I owe you my life, seriously, Professor Flitwick glares at me as if my days are numbered,” drawing out another one of your melodic laughs.
Fred bid you farewell and walked out of the classroom with an undeniable spring in his step, and a goofy smile plastered across his face.
Fred stepped out into the corridor, unable to shake the giddy feeling that lingered from his conversation with you. He spotted Lee leaning against the wall, waiting for him.
“Hey, Lee!” Fred greeted his friend enthusiastically as he walked towards him.
Lee raised an eyebrow, “Don’t know what you’re so cheery about, mate, we've got Snape next.”
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mothdruid · 2 years
pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!reader
summary: Amortentia is the most powerful love potion. Fred decides to create something similar, Himerostia. While creating the potion things go wrong, putting the two of you in a precarious situation.
wc: 3.9k
warnings: 18+, mdni, smut, vaginal fingering, oral sex (m to f), blow job, vaginal sex, cream pie, consensual non-consensual (it’s because sex pollen), multiple orgasms 
a/n: this is my first time writing like a sex pollen style fic so please be kind. i also plan on writing a feral!remus fic along the same-ish lines. also himeros is the erote of sexual desire and unrequited love. so that’s why i called it himerostia
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“Is that another batch of love potion?” 
“Nope, something special.” Fred’s eyes glinted as they flicked up from the cauldron to your gaze. A subtle smirk adorned his face. You remember the day he came to you, asking for your expert opinion on how to make love potion. As much as you didn’t want to tell him you did, feelings mudding your opinion. It was no secret that you liked Fred, he even knew. A long drunken night at Hogwarts had revealed that ‘secret’. 
“Something special? I’m not sure if I can trust that, Weasley.” 
“Trust is my middle name though.” Fred tried to give you his best pleading face. Your face scrunched up at his comment. The small bubbling of the cauldron filled the background. 
“Last time I checked, your middle name was Gideon.” Fred pushed his lips into a playful frown, bringing his hand up to his chin. He jokingly stroked his chin while acting like he was thinking about your words. “Fred.” 
“Now my next question is, when do you become an expert on my middle name?” You felt heat rise to your cheeks. Your eyes scanned over his body, taking in the black t-shirt and regular jeans. Eventually, your eyebrows knitted together at his quip. 
“Fred, I'm being serious.” His demeanor changed, dropping the more playful attitude. 
“Fine, fine. I’ll tell you. But you can’t tell anyone. Not even George.” A curt nod was all it took for him to continue. “So you know Amortentia?” 
“Obviously. Anyone who deals with potions knows about the strongest love potion.” Fred nodded eagerly as he leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms. Magic continued to stir the fluid inside, a small bubbling as white noise. 
“Himerostia.” Fred smiled when he received a questioning look from you.
“Am I supposed to know what that is?”
“You will, eventually. They will write about it in books and probably outlaw the use of it.”
“Fred, what does that mean?” You inched closer to him, neither of you picking up on the slow increase of noise from the cauldron. Fred tilted his head and looked at you with that familiar glint in his eye. 
“Lust potion.” Shock settled over you as you looked at him, the urge to smack that smile off his face. Your shoulders tightened and you hunched slightly, trying to think of all the ramifications of this. 
“What are you thinking! A lust potion should not exist! That’s like a major violation of self, same thing with a love potion!” You swatted at his arm, watching as he made a pained face after the blow. 
“I never said I was going to use it.” Fred rubbed at the spot you hit while giving you a look that could rival a kicked puppy. Thoughts kept racing through your mind, anxiety flooding your system. What the hell was Fred thinking! Bickering began between the two of you, as the cauldron started to bubble more and more. 
"Fred, even making this is dangerous. What if the ministry even finds out?” Fred rolled his eyes, his smirk turning into a small frown. 
“They won’t,” his hands settled on your shoulders as he inched closer to you, “because it’s staying between you and I. Remember?” Your demeanor changed as you stared at him, eyes meeting. The look wasn’t meant to be anything more than reassurance, but it stirred something inside of you. You swallowed and nodded, watching as his face lit up once more. “And besides, it’s not like it would be used. I mean, unless you want to use it?” 
The heat in your cheeks boiled at his last comment. Fred knew about your feelings for him but had never made a comment quite like that one before. You study his face carefully before shaking your head. You went to reply before he interrupted you. 
“Just kidding. Obviously, we wouldn’t use it.” A toothy smile greeted you as he brought his hand to the top of your head. After a few pats to your head he turned around only to find a gurgling cauldron. The two of you had been so caught up in one another that neither of you had noticed. You tilted your head, trying to see around Fred’s frame. The gurgling from the cauldron was borderline violent, causing a small bit of panic to set in. 
“Is that supposed to happen?” 
The silence gave you his answer. Fred stepped closer to it, taking out his wand. You took out your own wand, wanting to be prepared. 
“Immobulus.” Fred flicked his wand as the two of you watched the rod in the cauldron stop. The now violent bubbling continued though. Your stomach clenched at the thought of something like this going bad. “Immobulus.” Fred said once more, only to be defeated by more bubbling. Fred looked back at you, a look for help on his face. 
“Don’t look at me.” The chances of you actually knowing or doing something to stop it were slim. Extremely slim. Fred whipped his head back around as the noise intensified. In the blink of an eye there was a large boom, a smoke filling the room. “Fred!” You looked out as his shadowy figure, as more and more smoke poured out of the cauldron. Fred’s familiar voice spoke again.
“Deletrius.” The smoke cleared, finally giving you and Fred sight of each other. The cauldron finally stopped, running out of stuff to turn to smoke inside. The two of you looked around, making sure that no damage had been done to the room. An odd feeling settled inside of you, a warm but strange feeling. Your eyes met with Fred’s again. Heat surged through your body when you looked at him, an overwhelming feeling coursing through your veins. 
“You okay?” Fred questioned. A soft pink dusting covered his cheeks. You hadn’t noticed that prior, making you wonder what made him blush. The longer you stared at him the worse the feeling got, turning into an almost burning sensation. Your mouth fell open, letting your pants become more audible. Fred gulped as he watched you. Your chest moved up and down, mouth agape as your breath came out quickly. Fred felt a warmth start to radiate inside of him. 
“Fred.” His name came out in a gasp as you reached out for him. Wetness flooded the apex of your thighs, making you let out a soft moan. Fred walked over to you, each step more calculated than the last. “Do you… feel?” His hand ghosted over your arm as he nodded, hesitancy in his movements. You looked at him through your lashes, the heat of his body radiating to yours. 
“This.. this is why you shouldn’t make things like a lust potion.” You averted your gaze from his, not wanting to make things worse. Fred’s fingers found your chin, pulling your face to look at his.
He pressed his forehead to yours, “You’re really gonna scold me right now?”
You closed your eyes and shook your head no. His touch was like fire, but a soothing burn. As if it calmed and soothed the flames broiling inside of you. Your core started to ache the longer you stayed touching. “How long is this supposed to last?” 
Fred’s breath was hot against your lips, almost close enough for a kiss. “I’m not sure, a few hours, maybe a day. It wasn’t perfect or complete so it’s hard to say.” Fred pressed the side of his face to yours, taking in your scent. His hands rested on your waist, pulling you closer to him. You placed your hands on his chest, breathing in his own scent. His scent seared your nerve endings, making your yearning for his touch much more potent. The muscles in your thighs squeezed together, trying to give you any friction. “That won’t help you.” Fred was pulling back to get a look at you. He could barely contain himself as he looked at you. You could feel his pelvis on your hip, cock hardening against you. 
“This wouldn’t be right though,” a look of worry flashed over his arousal ridden features, “we aren’t fully consenting.” 
“Fred, it isn’t the potion talking when I say I’ve wanted this for a long time.” You stared at him, taking in his reaction. A soft smile cracked across his lips. “But if you don’t-”
“No, I do. I just never thought this would be the first time.” Fred wedged one of his knees between your thighs as he backed you up towards the counter. A moan escaped your lips when he applied pressure to your core. You back arched making your chest press against his chest. Fred attacked your neck, tongue flicking at your skin. His thigh was tight on your core as you rocked on it. The friction and pressure felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough. 
“You feel fucking amazing.” Fred whispered as he nibbled at your earlobe, hands tightening on your hips. His hands helped guide you up and down his thigh, keeping a steady pace. "So filthy, riding my thigh like this." The pressure helped ease the feeling inside you but never quenched it. 
"Fred, please." A gasp left your lips as you spoke, turning into a small whine. Fred leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, tongue pushing past your lips. His tongue dominated your mouth while one hand left your hips, hastily crawling under your shirt. His fingers were searing as they trailed up to your chest, squeezing and kneading at your chest. Fred broke the kiss, trailing down your jawline to your neck. A wet was left on your jawline, his tongue lapping at the sensitive spot on your neck. 
“Fuck, I need to taste you.” Your hands threaded into his hair, tugging hard to pull him back to your lips. As quickly as before Fred dominated the kiss, his wet muscle sliding into your mouth. His other hand left your hip and started to push your shirt up. An uneven breath escaped you once you were shirtless, his hands finding the clasp of your bra. You grasped at the hem of his shirt, pulling it up before he could remove your bra. Fred groaned once he removed your bra, immediately taking one of your nipples into his mouth. 
Fred started a trail of wet kisses down your midsection, nipping at your skin every now and then. Your fingers threaded through his firey locks again, tugging every now and then. Fred’s hands grabbed at your ass and hips, kneading your skin while pulling you closer to him. A moan fell from your lips as he sucked on your hip bone. Fred smiled as he felt your hips cant forward, the effects of the failed potion making your body crave more. “Needy are we?”
“You know I can’t help it.” A whine left your lips as he rubbed his palm against your core, hard. You let your head fall back as he started to undo the button on your pants. The feeling of your waistband loosening made your core clench. He guided your pants down your legs, kissing the skin of your legs in the process. Fred groaned when he saw the wet patch on your panties. He pressed his lips to it before removing your panties too. “Fred, please.” 
His tongue dove between your folds, immediately finding your clit. Your hands tightened in his hair as you tried to open your legs up for him. His tongue flicked back and forth, a merciless assault on your clit. The heat searing your body subsided only to be replaced with pleasure. Your body shook without control as each flick of his tongue sent waves through you. You leaned back against the counter, trying to find some type of stability.
Fred put his hands on your ass, while still nestled between your legs, and lifted you up. You let out a squeak at the sudden motion. Fred set you haphazardly onto the counter while keeping up his assault. Your legs fell open immediately, now being on a stable surface. Fred’s hands kneaded at the inside of your thighs as he shook his head from side to side. His name was ripped out of you, urging him to continue. The tightening in the pit of your stomach had started to appear. 
“Fuck Fred!” Fred’s long fingers dove inside of your messy cunt, making you moan.  
“That’s it, say my name.” Fred went back to your clit as he fucked your hole with his fingers. He fingers pressed and prodded inside, making you whine as you rocked against his face. The tightness in your abdomen was close to snapping. You grabbed at his hair and pressed him closer, whining as you started to ride his face and fingers. 
A string of Fred’s name fell from your lips as you came, pleasure coursing through your body. Fred kept flicking his tongue on your clit, sucking on it every now and then. The wet noises from your cunt and your moans were flooding the room. Fred pulled his fingers out as he stood up, smashing his lips to yours. The taste of yourself was intoxicating, making your core clench. He brought his fingers up, pushing them into your mouth after he broke the kiss. Your tongue lapped and swirled around his digits, wanting to clean off all your juices. 
“Your mouth feels so good.” A smile curled on your lips as he removed his fingers. The fire inside of you felt quenched for the time being, you knew it’d be back soon. Fred kissed at your neck and his hands set on your hips. One of his hands drifted down to your core once more, his thumb running over your clit again and again. You kissed his neck while your own hands drifted to the waist of his pants. 
“It’s time for me to taste you.” You whispered as you unbuttoned his pants. Fred nodded quickly, his own neediness manifesting. He helped you down off the counter while you pushed his pants off his hips. Fred let out a strangled noise when your hand cupped him over his underwear. His size felt impressive, making your cunt clench at the thought of him inside of you. You pushed his boxer briefs down, grabbing his cock afterwards. His cock felt hot in your hand, making you salivate in excitement. You gave him a few strokes, listening to the noises he made before dropping to your knees. 
You licked at the head of his cock, swirling your tongue around it before taking him in your mouth. You moaned at the taste of him, feeling yourself get impossibly wetter. Fred’s hand fell to the back of your head, trying not to press you hard on him. The noises he made were sinful, making you bob your head with more vigor. Fred let his head fall forward to watch you. You looked up through your lashes, meeting his eyes. His mouth was agape, heavy breaths mixed with moans coming out. 
“Can I fuck your face?” You pulled off him for a moment, nodding your head before putting his cock back in your mouth. Fred placed both of his hands on the back of your head. You let your jaw go slack as he started thrusting in and out of your mouth. Drool started to fall down your chin as Fred fucked you mouth without mercy. You gagged slightly every time he hit the back of your throat, not used to the sensation. 
“Your mouth is so fucking wet.” Fred groaned as he pulled back, letting his cock rest on your tongue. You held your tongue out while he gripped the base of his cock, tapping it on your tongue. “Fuuuck.” 
A whimper was all you let out before he slid back into your mouth. Fred was fucking you with more force this time, almost hitting the back of your throat everytime. One of your hands grabbed at Fred’s thigh while the other snaked to your cunt. The fire inside of you had returned at full force, making you need some type of relief. Your fingers expertly rubbed your clit, making you moan around Fred’s cock. You could tell he was getting closer as his thrusts got more and more messy. 
Fred pulled at your hair as he came, filling your mouth. You let his cock fall out of your mouth, holding your tongue out with his cum on it. Fred put his thumb on your tongue, making you wrap your lips around it and swallow. Fred let out a moan as he felt you swallow his cum down. Fred then noticed that you were playing with your clit. “Need more already?” You nodded while his thumb was still in your mouth. “Good cause I need to fuck you so bad.” 
Fred’s hand grabbed at your hair, pulling it roughly until you stood up. Fred swiftly spun you around, pressing you tight against the counter. Fred groaned as he watched his still hardened cock rest on your ass. His hips started to rut into your ass, cock pressing hard on your skin. His hot breath rolling on the shell of your ear. His hand was still tight on your hair while he gripped his cock, moving it to run between your folds. A moan whimpered out of you as the head of his cock rubbed against your clit. “Fred..”
“So fucking wet.” Fred groaned as he continued to rut against you. Your own hips started to roll back into him, trying to get a better type of friction. 
“Please Fred. I need it.”
“Need what? Tell me.” Fred’s voice was low and laced with lust, nipping at your ear lobe as he listened for your answer. 
“I need you in me.”
“You can do better than that.” Smack. Fred’s hand came down hard on your ass, making your body shudder. 
“I need your cock! I need it in me, filling me up!” Your voice broke as you yelled out, telling Fred exactly what he wanted to hear. Fred pressed inside of you completely, not waiting for you to adjust to him fully. Fred paused for a moment before pulling back out and starting a brutal pace. Moans poured from your mouth as he slammed into you, hand still grabbing tightly onto your hair. Fred pulled you back by your hair, forcing you to arch your back hard as he looked down at you. 
“So fucked out for me already?” His lips smashed into your for a messy kiss. His tongue shoved into your mouth, running over your own. His teeth latched onto your lower lip when he pulled back, tugging on your lip slightly. His thrusts were brutal, slamming deep inside of you. A tightness started in your core once more while your cunt fluttered around his cock. 
The hand on your hair forced you down, making your chest collide with the counter. Fred’s hand let go of your hair, finding its way to your ass. Both of his hands kneaded at your ass and spread your cheeks, showing off your ass and stretched out cunt to him. Fred stopped his thrusts before speaking, “Looking so good stretched out on me.” 
“Only for you.” You looked back slightly, barely making eye contact with him. Fred tilted his head a little before slamming back inside of you. One of his hands trailed down in between your thighs. You let out a small squeak when he picked your leg up, holding it up near the counter. The new angle let him get deeper, hitting every crevice inside of you. 
“Fred! That’s too much!” Fred let go of your leg, letting it drop down. His hands settled on your hips as he pulled out, leaning over to suck and kiss at your shoulder blade. One hand came around and grabbed at your chest while the other snaked between your legs. His fingers immediately started rubbing on your clit, your body arching up against his. Your body shuddered as his fingers worked your clit faster, rubbing in a circle quickly. 
The tightness in your abdomen was threatening to snap. You started to squirm as Fred was pinning himself to you. His fingers continued rubbing against your clit, making the tightness snap. Your legs trembled this time, almost giving out. If Fred hadn’t had you pinned to the counter you would have fallen to the floor. “Is that too much? All this pleasure too much?” 
Fred’s fingers didn’t let up, rubbing harder on your clit and you shook. You shook your head no, wanting everything that he could give you. “Good.” Fred removed himself from you, spinning you around. His hands cupped at your ass and lifted you up. Normally you would be surprised but your mind was still hazed by your previous orgasm. Fred set you up on the countertop, spreading your legs quickly. He bent down for a moment to lick a stripe up your exposed cunt, making you squirm more. Fred positioned his cock at your entrance, capturing your lips as he pushed inside of you. 
His mouth muffled your moans as he thrusted into you. You body quivered while he fucked into you, each thrust hitting the perfect spot inside of you. Fred pressed his forehead to yours and his hands grabbed underneath your knees, bending them closer to your body and spreading them wider. You stared into Fred’s eyes before letting your head fall back, whining every time Fred thrust inside you. 
“You’re so wet and tight,” Fred groaned while gripping your hips now, “so fucking good.” 
One of Fred’s hands moved up to the back of your head, grabbing your hair and tilting your head down. The sight of his cock plunging into your cunt was all you saw. A thick milky layer of your own cum covering the base of his cock. “Look at that, me milking your cunt.” 
All you could do was moan in response. The image was something that would be burned in your brain. Fred brought his hand down to your core one last time, placing his thumb on your clit. You squirm while he starts rubbing your clit, the overstimulation causing your brain to blank. “Fred..” It was barely a whimper that led into a chorus of his name on your lips. 
“You gotta cum on my cock.” Fred stated while starting to fuck into you again. He let go of your hair and brought the hand to your hips, trying to stabilize himself. The tightness in your abdomen was already close, your skin felt like it was on fire as your next orgasm crawled closer and closer. The overstimulation was overwhelming, making you cry out once your next orgasm arrived. Your legs shook as they tried to clamp together, Fred’s thumb stopping on your clit.
Fred groaned while you tightened around his cock, making him fuck harder into you. Both of his hands sat on your waist while he fucked into you. His grip on your waist was bruising. Fred’s thrusts got more messy as his second orgasm approached. His hips stuttered as he let out a loud groan, coming inside of you. His thrusts kept going as your cunt milked him. Fred rested his forehead against your chest and shoulder. 
“That was..” 
“Amazing?” You added before he could say anything.
“Yeah, but that feels like a touch of an understatement.” Fred chuckled a little bit as he pressed his lips to your collarbone. Fred shifted slightly, he still hardened cock pulling out. You let out a moan when he gently pushed back into you. 
“This is gonna be a long few hours.” You whimpered. “Not that I’m complaining.” 
Fred smirked as he looked up at you. He pulled out and pushed back into you once more, “Me either.”
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cannibalizedyke · 2 years
heyy can i get a 🖊️ with george weasley?
I'm 5'3, I have red (dyed) shoulder length hair and I have brown eyes. I'm a gryffindor, aries and entp. I really like rap and hip hop but I also like pop, my favorite artists are kanye west (I only like their music i swear), lana del rey, gorillaz, mitski, harry styles, etc. I really like fashion and cinema, I study cinema. My personality trait is being funny. I am quite outgoing and I always enjoy making friends, one of my favorite things is to get together with the people I love for a snack, dinner or just go to the park. I love coffee. My favorite fanfic tropes are fluff, angst and exs to lovers!!!!!
I hope it's not too much, if you don't want to, don't do it!!! I love your work, xoxo
YES GEORGE IS MY FAVEEEEE (have a cool fic idea for him planned- stay tuned 👀👀)
🖋 - send me a character and as much information about yourself as you want and i’ll write a blurb about what i think your relationship would be like!!
You were trying to ignore him. You came here to watch a movie with your friends, not to be distracted by your super hot ex who you were definitely still in love with. It was impossible, though, with the way he was laughing with Lee Jordan and his brother Ron, looking like he was truly enjoying himself for the first time since Fred's death.
He looked the way he'd looked before your relationship started going downhill, before Fred had died. He looked happy.
"(Y/N), c'mon, you've been wanting to see this movie forever!" Katie whispered unhappily. "You can't let George distract you like this!"
"I'm sorry," you whispered back. "I just... he looks so happy and I miss him."
Angelina sighed, rubbing your shoulder. "Just focus on the hot guys in the movie, girl."
How were you supposed to do that when there was a hot guy sitting in front of you in the movie theater?
The movie was over in two hours and you processed none of it. Angelina, Katie, and Alicia dragged you out, a bit annoyed but too nice to show it plainly.
"(Y/N), wait!"
You turned around, breaking away from your friends' holds. "George?"
He was staring at you, a pained expression on his face. "Hi," he said softly.
"Hi..." You laughed nervously.
George swallowed. "So, it's, ah... been a while, huh?"
George sighed, running a hand down his face. "I want you back, (Y/N/N). I miss watching movies with you, I miss letting you pick out outfits for me, I miss your jokes, I miss drinking coffee with you every morning... I miss you. I shouldn't have broken up with you after Fred died, I just... I was in so much pain, and I - "
He was cut off by your lips as they pressed desperately against his.
"I miss you too," you whispered after you broke away.
George let out a silent sob. "I love you."
"I love you too. I never stopped."
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confusedmuggle · 1 year
The New Girl
f!reader x mattheo, f!reader x George Weasley
summary: After your family moves, you must switch from attending Ilvermorny to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is there you meet a certain redhead and brunette.
Warnings: None
Chapter 2 here
A/N - At Ilvermorny, f!reader was in Thunderbird, which is the equivalent to Slytherin. This take place 3rd yr {because I don’t want to deal with all the drama in future years yet}, but all the characters are aged up abt 3 yrs.
If this post gets 15 likes, I will post a Chapter 2!
“Very cunning, and very brave. You are a difficult one, but it shall be . . . SLYTHERIN!”
You stepped off the chair and walked toward the table of students cheering. Because you were joining later than most, you were brought in before all of the first years to get sorted. You sat down across from a cute brunette boy that was mid conversation with the blonde boy next to him. When you sat down, they both turned to look at you. “You must be the new girl. What year did they say you were in? Third? Whatever. You’re lucky you got sorted into this house. You will soon learn that there are people at this school that are better than others. I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” Draco said. “I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You responded. The brunette just stared at you, not saying anything. Malfoy nudged him, then he was pulled out of his thoughts.
“I’m Mattheo.”
“Nice to meet you Mattheo” you said, smiling at him.
The headmaster Dumbledore quieted the room, then all of the first years walked in. You sat watching the first years with a smile. Because of your gaze being on the first years, you missed the certain redhead watching you fondly. Dinner started shortly after, and you began talking to the girl next to you, Pansy, and some of the other people near your seat. It didn’t feel like long until you were leaving the great hall to go to the Slytherin common rooms. You shared a room with Pansy and two other girls, Callie Shrew and Madeleine Caprine. All of your belongings were already in your room, which must’ve been to the house elves that basically took care of everything here. You got changed into your pjs, then snuggled into the silk green sheets and fell into a deep sleep. ************************************************
“Wake up roomie”
You awoke to Pansy standing above you, holding a slytherin robe.
“This was at the edge of your bed, we have like 30 minutes until we have to be at the Great Hall for breakfast.” At this, you quickly grabbed the robes and changed. Everything went smooth until the tie.
“Do you know how to tie a tie ?” Pansy asked, and I responded no. At Ilvermorny ties were not apart of the uniform. She quickly tied the tie with precision and ease, then left for the Great Hall. The only problem was, you didn’t know the way to the great hall yet. You walked through the empty common room and into the confusing halls of hogwarts. A right turn here, a left turn there, right, left, left, annnd you were lost. Very lost. Just as you made this realization, a tall boy with with red hair and lots of freckles turned the corner. He spotted you quickly and walked over. “Are you lost? You’re the new girl, right?” He said kindly.
“Yeah, that’s me. I’m y/n. I was trying to get to the Great Hall but I’m pretty sure I made more than a few wrong turns.”
“Breakfast is almost over, but I know somewhere we can get food. Do you wanna follow me ? I’m George, by the way.”
You followed him throughout the twisting paths, learning that he was in 3rd year, like you, and was a Gryffindor. He told you he was surprised at how nice you were, considering slytherins were known for being assholes, especially to other houses. Just as you were about to respond, he stopped right infront of a large painting of a bowl of fruit.
“Here we are!” he said, and he reached up and touched the pear. The painting swung open, revealing a large kitchen full of busy looking house elves.
“Woah what is this place?”
“This, darling, is the kitchen.” You blushed slightly at the nickname and stepped into the kitchen. The house elves turned to you, welcoming you in and offering you lots of snacks. You grabbed a few that looked good and started eating as quick as possible.
“Do you know where the potions classroom is? That’s my first hour but I’m not sure where it’s at.”
“Yeah, fair warning though Snape is a total downer. He might like you because you’re a slytherin, but he’s got something against the other houses, especially Gryffindor.” He responded as you guys started walking to Snape’s class
“Thanks for letting me know — anything else I should know about these teachers ?”
“Hagrids great, McGonagall’s strict but nice enough, Trelawny is crazy, Quirrell has been weird for a few years, Binns is boring, and that’s basically it. Oh and the groundskeeper filch is super annoying, but if he bothers you we can team up and prank his sorry arse.” He said with a laugh
“That sounds great.” You said, with a genuine smile crossing your face. “Here we are, good luck y/n.” He said.
“Thanks George, I’ll see you around I guess.” You said, wishing he could stay a bit longer.
You sat down next to the boy from the Great Hall, Mattheo. “Hey it’s good to see you again Mattheo!” He glanced at your eyes and replied “Yeah it’s nice to see you again t—”
ouch— now you knew what George had meant. Snape had snuck up behind you two and hit you both on the head with a textbook. You could tell you were going to just love this class. “There shall be no talking or messing around in the classroom.” Snape said in a low monotone voice. “Now, today we will make a basic remedy for boils. You will need your potions book, horned slugs, snake fangs, and porcupine quills. Get to work.”
You and Mattheo got started, working surprising very well together. Your group finished first, with a potion that Snape called, ‘very acceptable’, and gave you each 5 points. You both started walking back to the common room together since you had finished early. As you were making your way back, you heard the sound of something speeding towards you both. Suddenly, a firework zipped through the middle of the hall, forcing mattheo and you up against the wall.
George Weasley ran around the corner laughing, following his firework he had set off to distract filch but stopped his movements once he saw you two. Mattheo’s arms over your head, pinning you to the wall, and you looking up at him.
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eunoiathewriter · 2 years
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Synopsis: Harry Potter falling more and more in love with y/n Weasley.
Word Count: 10k
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Second year:
The flight had been rather calm. For a fourteen-year-old, Fred had been driving quite well, a little wobbly at times, but not something that had made George, Ron, or Harry freak out. It had been dark when the flying blue car had suddenly appeared outside Harry's window. The three Weasley brothers had shown up at just the right time, helping him get out of 4 Privet Drive. Harry knew that his aunt and uncle would not have done what they did if it weren't for that elf. Dobby. But now he was away from there, and Fred had just landed the car outside a house that was built as if with time, more rooms had been built on it, adding on to the height. 
As they entered, Harry was hit by a domestic feeling. The house is homely. As they entered the house and entered the kitchen, Harry noticed how each chair was unique. Even the cabinets were an assortment of different styles. The water at the sink was running and a pan was being washed by nothing. It was a spell.
Harry continued into the house and stopped at a clock-like thing where he could see pictures of all the Weasley siblings he'd met. The three pictures of Ron, George, and Fred moved from standing on "Lost" to "Home". The green-eyed boy scanned it and could even spot the three other siblings' pictures on the clock. Percy, Ginny, and y/n all pointed to "bed". Signalling that the other three were still asleep just at this moment. His eyes stayed a bit longer on the picture of y/n before he turned to what was left of the living area. In an armchair, it was as if someone was invisible and knitting, a pair of tapestry needles moving and knitting something Harry had no idea of what.
"It's not much, but it's home." Ron said this while chewing on a cookie from the table.
"I think it's brilliant," Harry breathed and looked up in amazement. Still in awe of it all.
The quiet and peaceful feeling soon left, however, as it felt as if his soul had left his body when Molly Weasley appeared out of nowhere.
"Where have you been?" She exclaimed at her sons, but quickly softened on seeing Harry for a split second. "Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear."
Ron, George, and Fred looked down as Molly continued. "Beds are empty. No note. Car gone. You could've died. You could have been seen. Of course, I don't blame you, Harry, dear. "
"They were starving him, mum, and put bars on his window!" Ron protested, and Harry nodded along with his friend.
"Well, you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." Fred and George, behind Ron, pulled faces at what their mum said. "Come on, Harry, time for a spot of breakfast."
Harry had piled a good amount of food onto his plate just as rapid footsteps bombarded down the stairs of the house, making Harry turn his head. "Mummy, have you seen my jumper?"
It was Ginny, or well, her real name was Ginerva, but it was George who had come up with Ginny since she didn't like her name. "Yes, dear, it was on the cat." Molly answered.
When Ginny came face to-face with Harry, she smiled a little mischievously, but was still in shock that he was there. But Harry simply smiled at the youngest Weasley. "Hello,"
Within seconds, Ginny bombarded up the stairs again, giggling as Harry and Ron gave her confused looks, but Fred and George snickered at Ginny. "y/n!!" They could hear the younger girl call for her older sister, making Fred and Geroge almost burst out laughing right there and then.
"W-what did I do?" Harry asked, confusion flooding his voice whilst taking a bite of his food.
"Ginny. She's been asking about you all summer. It's kind of annoying actually. " Ron said to his raven-haired friend.
Then someone came walking down the stairs of the house once more, but this time not with the same rushed tempo but a rather calm one. And to Harry's delight, the footsteps belonged to the one girl he was just as ecstatic to meet again as he had been with Ron. Her voice was what broke the silence at the table. "Mum! Can you tell Ginny to quit being a little gremlin?" y/n's voice had gone from pitchy to a more even one over the summer, from what Harry could hear.
"Oh, what is she doing now?" Molly asked just as it seemed y/n stepped down from the last step of the stairs. 
"She isn't shutting up about...Harry?" y/n cut herself off as she turned the corner and saw Harry sitting on Charlie's chair beside Ron. Now this was strange. Weren't they supposed to meet him on the train?
"Hello." Harry smiled at the girl. She had clearly grown quite a bit over the summer. Even from where he sat, Harry could see she had gotten a bit taller. She wore long pyjama bottoms and a long-sleeved shirt, clearly having just gotten up. Harry didn't know it then, but his cheeks felt so hot because of the fact that he was slightly flustered. But how was a twelve-year-old supposed to know that?
y/n still stood glued to her place by the stairs, squinting at Harry, who furrowed his brows in confusion at her. Her eyes then travelled between the two twins, who seemed to be having a hard time breathing and then over to Ron. She didn't even bother to look over at Percy. She knew he had been sound asleep, judging by how out of it he looked.
Just as she was supposed to ask her brothers, however, it was Arthur Weasley walking through the door that stopped her. "Morning, Weasleys!"
"Morning, dad!" All the Weasley siblings greeted their dad, and Harry chimed in with a lower 'Hello' but still a smile on his face.
Arthur walked up and hugged y/n since she was the only one standing up and then just gently pushed her to go and sit down, which she did. "What a night, nine raids! Nine! "
"Raids?" Harry turned to Ron and y/n who had sat down beside her one-year-younger brother.
"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the misuse of muggle artefacts office." Ron explained it to his friend as Arthur hugged Molly behind them."
"Dad loves muggles, thinks they are fascinating." y/n joined in with a smile, and Harry was slightly confused by the work Mr. Weasley did, but most new things in the wizarding world were confusing.
"Well, now." But Arthur stopped at seeing Harry as he sat down by the table. "And who are you?"
"Oh, sorry, sir. I'm Harry, sir. Harry Potter." He said, which made Arthur's eyes go just a little wide looking at the boy.
"God, Lord, are you really?" Arthur breathed. "Well, Ron and y/n's told us all about you, of course. When did he get here? "
Harry glanced over at y/n who was looking at her mum to hear how he got there. "This morning, your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night." Molly told, making both Arthur and y/n look at her with wide eyes.
"Did you really? How'd it go? " Arthur asked bewildered with a smile. To try to explain it, all the boys started talking about it to the man, but Molly made them all shut up when she hit her husband's shoulder.
"I mean, that was very wrong indeed, boys, very wrong of you."
"So that's what you sneaky little gits were doing!" y/n said pointedly at her brothers. Harry smiled to himself as Fred, George, and Ron all looked down a little.
"Well, you looked so peaceful when sleeping," George started.
"Besides, didn't you tell us just yesterday to let you sleep?" Fred asked to make an argument start between the twins and y/n. Harry and Ron shake their heads but still smiling. Arthur then asking Harry about rubber ducks.
Harry let out a deep breath of air as the memory of Tom Riddle was destroyed. In his hand he still held the basilisk's tooth, which was now bloodied along with his hand from stabbing the diary with it. The diary, which had once been intact with a black leather cover, was now completely destroyed by the vicious stabbings Harry had delivered to it.
He sat back, just as y/n's eyes opened. Her pulse had, without Harry's knowing, gone back to a more even one every time he stabbed the diary. Her eyes were wide as she breathed deeply, letting the oxygen enter her lungs and make her more and more stable.
Harry looked over at the girl as she began to sit up slowly, pushing herself up from her back with her arms. She was clearly very disoriented as she looked around to find herself in the Chamber of Secrets, Salazar Slytherin's secret creation.
"y/n?" Harry caught her attention, holding his hurt arm. y/n turned and found Harry sitting there; dirt and grime had stuck to his face and clothes. A few splashes of blood from the basilisk here and there.
"Harry," She breathed, clearly still a bit out of it, but soon started to apologise. "It was me, but I swear, I didn't mean to. Riddle made me. I just found the diary in Ginny's cauldron when we left Flourish and Blotts and... Harry, you're hurt. "
y/n had cut her explanation and apology off at seeing the boys' arm. He quickly covered it. Even though he knew she was a year older, she seemed very confused and scared just there and then. As if she wasn't already one of the smartest of her siblings. "Don't worry. y/n, you need to get yourself out. Follow the Chamber and you'll find Ron."
It was just then that the screech of Fawkes echoed through the chamber, the red phoenix standing out against the dark and gloomy place. Fawkes lands between the two, and he makes his way up to Harry. Seeming to look at him with sad eyes.
"You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough." Harry told the Phoenix, through gritted teeth, the pain was still very intense in his arm.
Fawkes took a look at Harry before leaning his head down towards the boy's arm. Tilting his head, tears, shockingly, fell from Fawkes' eyes. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. And with that, the circular wound from the basilisk bite was just a memory that had vanished with smoke. y/n's eyes went wide as she just stared at Harry's arm.
"Of course, Phoenix tears have healing powers. Thanks. " Harry thanked the phoenix. It's alright, y/n. It's over, it's just a memory. "
y/n's shoulders went from tense to relaxed. It was over. But this year, y/n had not been there to help through it all, she had caused it all, a burden that would loom over her for years to comeBut Harry couldn't help but crack the smallest of smile at seeing the girl alive again instead of dead like others pressured her to be. He knew how relieved her siblings and parents would be to see her alive again, and just as she looked up at Harry, he had to look away for a second. His cheeks were slightly warm under her gaze, and he had a boyish smile on his face.
Oh sweet little Harry, he really had no clue what all these feelings meant.
Third year:
The weather had gotten worse during the train ride to Hogwarts. The sky had grown dark and gloomy, with clouds covering the better part of it. Harsh drops of rain thundered against the window of the train. Sliding down the glass as if the drops of water were competing to see who could be the fastest.
Inside the compartment, it was luckily warm. Harry was talking about everything with Sirius Black that Arthur had told him just before they left for the platform. Ron sat with Scabbers and Hermione on the left side of the compartment, all while y/n sat beside Harry on the right one with Crookshanks having crawled up in her lap. By the window on the right side, sat an unknown man to the four. He was sound asleep. He wasn't snoring, but he hadn't moved an inch in response to the four talking.
"Let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban to come after you?" Ron asked, slightly horrified at the thought.
"Yeah," Harry simply answered.
"But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him. " Hermione said.
"Except, no-one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he is a murderous, raving lunatic." Ron added after his sister attempted to reassure him. y/n gave him a 'really' look as she petted Crookshanks.
"Thanks, Ron." Harry thanked him sarcastically.
The train suddenly started to stop, breakes screeching. The sudden stop made all four tense, and Crookshanks quickly jumped over and curled up beside Hermione. Harry had reached out to steady himself at the stop and happened to lay his hand on top of y/n's. It made her turn her head quickly and just glance at it, making Harry quickly remove his hand.
"Why are we stopping?" Hermione asked with confusion. "We can't be there yet."
When Harry had recovered from his embarrassing move just seconds before, he stood up. He opened the door to the compartment and looked outside to see if he could get any idea of what was wrong. It seemed other students at Hogwarts had the same idea, as Harry could see fellow schoolmates doing just like him. But when the train shook vigorously, it caused the green-eyed boy to get thrown back into his seat inside the compartment as the compartment door closed. y/n squeaked as Harry stumbled back and moved out of his way. Pressed up against the wall of the compartment door.
"What's going on?" Ron looked around.
"Dunno. Maybe we've broken down. " Harry suggested it to the other three, but the lights went out just as he said so. Hermione and Y/N gasped as they looked up at the newly turned off lights.
"Ouch Ron, that was my foot." Hermione huffed at the Weasley boy who had moved to look out the window. Pressing his face against it and trying to just get a glimpse of what it might have been that caused the sudden stop. The light suddenly flickers on again.
"There's something moving out there."
y/n looked towards her brother, and her face held just the slightest bit of fear. Harry turned to her and saw the look. Her brows were pulled into a frown as she bit on her lip whilst looking from the window out into the hallway.
"I think.. someone's coming on board," For a second time, the lights had gone out and the train shook again.
The water on the window slowly started to freeze, frost painting it in various designs as it moved eight over where Ron's had been placed. The water bottle, along with the door window, began to freeze. It went from being warm to cold in a matter of seconds. Their breaths could be seen as they fogged into the air.
Harry began to rub his hands together to try and warm up, glancing at y/n who hugged herself. He reached out and put a hand on the girl's arm as he could still see her worried expression.
"Bloody hell! What's happening? " Ron asked as the train shook once more. All four teens had to reach down and steady themselves.
A tall shadow moved outside the compartment. It was cloaked as they could see something waving in the wind that the shadow had seemingly dragged with it. Moving slowly. All four of them were quiet as the only thing heard inside the compartment was their wavering breaths.
The shadow, or whatever creature it was, stretched out a bony looking hand, and without touching the door, it started to open. y/n, who sat closest to the door, wore a scared face as she moved from it and happened to move just a little too much so that she bumped into Harry. He didn't even bother that, but she moved from sitting shoulder to shoulder but still close to him. A slight fear takes over his mind.
The cloaked creature had fully opened the compartment door and now looked between all four friends. Crookshanks hissed at it as the only thing except it's cloak being seen was a black hole, like a mouth. It breathed deeply though.
The creature turned to the left side of the compartment where Harry, y/n and the man whose last name was Lupin sat. They all looked at it as if something had suddenly happened. It was just a matter of seconds before Harry started to grow pale, the creature moving closer to the boy who lived. y/n turned to Harry and shook his hand to get him out of it, but just as she did, the man beside Harry jumped up and a bright light was emitted from his wand. And then, Harry was out like a light.
When he came again, the train whistled loudly in his ears. The darkness that had consumed him for a few minutes was fading. "Harry? Harry, are you alright?" It was y/n.
He opened his eyes, and they hurt at the bright light from the compartment. He looked around, squinting as the world was a blurry mess for him. But as he looked around, he found his glasses being held out to him. 
"Thank you." Harry took them from whoever it was and put them on. Finding it was y/n sitting on the floor in front of Ron and Hermione, smiling a little but still her brows were furrowed. Right by where his head had been, Crookshanks laid and looked up at him as he sat. Hermione, who sat close to Ron, a man who had to be Lupin sat, a calm smile on his face.
"Here eat this, it'll help. It's alright, it's chocolate. " The man held out a piece of chocolate for Harry to take, and he reluctantly took it. Looking weirdly at the man.
All four of them looked at Harry while he sat up and glanced over at the compartment door where the creature had been earlier. Finding it empty and back to normal. "Wha... what was that thing?" He asked, turning to the older man.
"It was a dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black. " Mr. Lupin said, staring at his feet. "If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver." 
y/n moved Crookshanks over to Hermione's lap and sat herself down by the window, right next to Harry. "Eat, you'll feel better." Mr. Lupin said as he left.
Harry nibbled on the piece of chocolate, staring off to the side whilst trying to make sense of it all. "What happened to me?"
"Well, you sort of went ruched. We thought maybe you're having a fit or something. " Ron's voice carried concern for his friends as he spoke.
"And.. and did either of you three, you know, pass out?" Harry looked between the three.
"No. I felt weird though, like I'd never be cheerful again." Ron answered.
"But someone was screaming, a woman." Harry looked at Hermione, then y/n, who both shook their heads.
"No one was screaming, Harry." Hermione answered for both, and he looked out the window to see the rain still pouring down.
The match against Hufflepuff had been going quite well. y/n, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet had been making loads of goals as chasers during the time they had been playing. Harry had to admit that the three girls were, without doubt, a good trio. Fred and Geroge had been doing their best to keep buldger away from the three girls, along with Harry. At times, the twins would focus on just one of the players to keep them secure from the Gryffindor team. Oliver Wood keeps on doing his thing. Keeping the quaffle away from being scored, though the yellow team had made a few goals. 
Even through the wind and rain, Harry had heard Lee Jordan's commentary on the game. For some reason, he had grown a bit jealous of the commentator. Why? Well, it was quite simple. Lee was the only close friend except the Weasley siblings, Harry, and Hermione that y/n was friends with.
What Harry had understood, y/n, had been sticking out when she started at Hogwarts in 1990, the year before he did. The others just froze her out of anything that had caused Fred and Geroge to let her be with them and their friends. Leading to y/n and Lee Jordan being close friends. Maybe it was the whole linking arms thing Harry hated? Or maybe how Lee would just listen to y/n without even looking away, reminding Harry of how he looked at her.
Even now, as he had been racing around the quidditch stadium for the Golden Snitch, Harry couldn't help but feel jealousy bubble inside him when Lee had commented on y/n scoring a goal. He had to shake it off, but only for a split second before resuming his pursuit of the golden little devil. Harry looked down to see y/n having just flown past Fred and Geroge, who had cought up to their sister and was protecting her as she had the quaffle but soon passed it on to Alicia.
A second later, gold flashed before Harry's face, and in a matter of milliseconds, he flew right to where he saw it fly off. Cedric Diggory, captain of the Hufflepuff team and seeker, quickly followed after Harry. When they flew right past Ron and Hermione, Harry could hear Hermione cheering him on.
Harry and Cedric raced for the snitch, going further and further up into the sky. Right now, Harry was grateful to Hermione, who had cast an impervius charm on him and y/n, making it easier for both of them to see in the pouring rain.
A bolt of lightning then hit Cedric's broom as they had reached far up, almost to the clouds. It made the seeker freeze and start to fall down. Harry does not care one bit and continues further up to catch the snitch and win the game. But slowly, his broom began to freeze as an umbrella blew past him. But something more blew past him too. A cloaked thing.
It was not until he looked in front of himself properly that Harry saw the dementor that had flown past him. Quickly ducking it, Harry immediately started flying up, being chased by the dementor as one more joined in and more and more. When he reached a certain height, Harry let out a breath and stopped his broom from going further, letting himself fall down. He fell past a few dementors before diving at full speed with his nimbus. He then had to stop, however, seeing the sight below him.
Hundreds of dark-cloaked dementors flew around below him. Their faces were dark and empty as they looked at him. The rain was still pouring down and drenching him. When he was about to dive again, he just turned his head and came face to-face with one. The dementor made him lose consciousness and fall. The last thing he heard was the woman screaming once more.
"He looks a bit peaky. Doesn't he? " Harry could hear Ron's voice above him.
"Peaky? What do you expect? He fell over a hundred feet. " George told his younger brother.
"Yeah, come on, Ron, let's walk you up the astronomy tower," Fred started.
"See what you look like." Geroge finished just as Harry began to open his eyes.
"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Harry spoke up and smiled, hearing all the others chuckle. This includes Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, the twins, Ron, Angelina Johnson, Hermione, and y/n. Or well, Hermione just let out a breath of air.
"How are you feeling?" Hermione's asked as Harry began to sit up and squinted to see as well as he could.
"Really, 'Mione?" y/n had her hands on Hermione's shoulders as she pointed out how foolish that question sounded.
"Oh, brilliantly." Harry remarked sarcastically to Hermione as y/n handed him his glasses. Giving her a shy smile as thanks.
"You gave us a right good scare there, mate." George said seriously, while sitting down beside Harry's bed in the hospital wing.
"What happened?" Now Fred and George would have laughed if they were not around Harry, as he looked over at y/n while asking that. 
"Well, you fell off your broom." Ron stupidly tells as if he thinks Harry was a complete idiot.
"Really?" Harry once more spoke with sarcasm, which made y/n have to hold herself from laughing. "I meant the match, who won?"
y/n glanced over at a Hufflepuff student being taken care of, and it seemed that it made Harry catch on as he sighed in annoyance. But Hermione was quick to try and save the day. "Uhm, no one blames you, Harry. The dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as he'd saved you, he sent them straight off."
Harry looked off to the side and earned a squeeze on the shoulder by y/n, silently telling him it was fine. He didn't say a word, but if y/n had looked close enough, she would have noticed the red tint that had painted his cheeks at her action.
"There's, uh, something else you should know too, Harry uhm," Harty looked at Ron, who held something wrapped in his arms. "When you fell your broom, it sort of blew into the Whomping Willow and, uh, well, it's uh.."
Harry only sighed harder when Ron showed him his broken broom. He knew that he would have to find another broom for the rest of the season until he could buy himself a new one. It was all so annoying. If Harry hadn't gotten so affected by the dementors, then he would have surely coughed up the snitch and made Gryffindor win. In his head, he cursed himself for being so affected and all.
It was clear to Fred that the boy wasn't in the mood to have people around him, so he began to usher the others away. "Come on guys, enough staring; he's not a muggle TV."
All the others, except y/n, Hermione and Ron, left. The three just stood there and watched as Harry stared up at the ceiling. But y/n who had glanced towards the door of the hospital wing could see no one else but Lee Jordan standing there. He waved at her, and she waved back. Having promised to help Lee and her brothers with a prank on the Ravenclaws later.
She turned back at Harry, who had a blubbering Ron above him, profusely apologising for his broom. y/n shook her head at her brother and patted his shoulder. "Oh, calm down, Ron. Harry knows you couldn't help it. No need to rile yourself up. "
"Exactly." Hermione agreed. "It is the dementors' fault for being inside the grounds in the first place."
"And it was the Whomping Willows' fault for the broom. I swear that tree is absolutely mad. " y/n added, making Harry feel better as Hermione and Ron laughed at her comment. which was, in fact, very true. The Whomping Willow was very strange and just absolutely mad. Not really the safest tree on the school grounds.
"Anyway, don't beat yourself up, Harry." y/n walked to the end of his bed and placed a hand on his leg with a sincere smile. "We'll beat Slytherin in our next match when Malfoy doesn't have a 'broken' arm. I've got to go, but I'll see you three later. "
With a last smile, y/n had walked away from the trio and over to Lee, who had been waiting. Harry's gaze followed her as she walked over to the referee. Something inside him was bubbling, making him look away from y/n, walking off with the older boy.
Maybe that was why she'd never liked him. Harry was a year younger, but he knew that not many girls would choose someone younger. He looked down at his hands. His pale face got painted a crimson colour right across his cheeks. It almost matched his quidditch jumper.
Hermione looked at Harry strangely, then over to where y/n had disappeared. She thought back to how it was as if Harry almost always sought to know what the older girl thought of something or how she was doing. A grin then broke on the bushy-haired girl's face, unable to keep her laugh in as she came to her conclusion.
It made the redhead beside her turn and give her a confused look, then she looked over at the ravenhaired boy, who had no idea what Hermione was laughing at. "What? What got you laughing like a lunatic? " Ron asked, but Hermione didn't answer, a few tears escaping her eyes from laughing.
"Hermione, what?" Harry also asked. This time, Hermione whined her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm down.
"No, it's just... you know what, it doesn't matter."
Oh boy, oh boy, had Hermione just won the lottery in figuring something out?
Fourth year:
Harry had really been dumb enough to think that his fourth year would be a normal year. He should have understood that this year wouldn't be any calmer than the last three when he had all those nightmares over the summer. Then at the Quidditch World Cup, both the dark mark were cast and the death eaters destroyed the fun. He really should have taken all of that as a sign that this year wouldn't be calm. even when the Triwizard tournament was announced.
But still, here he was. Almost three months into the school year, pacing back and forth in the Champions tent. Waiting for the first task to start. Harry was oblivious to the sympathetic looks he earned from Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour of the Beauxbatons Academy. Victor Krum, from Durmstrang Institute, is focused on himself.
How Harry had entered into this was beyond him. However, it appeared that people did not understand that he was not interested in the eternal glory that this tournament would bring. He was already known around the world as the boy who lived. If he just said his last name, everyone knew who he was, which he didn't exactly love.
"You really think I believe you'd want to put your life at risk when a dark wizard is already out for you?"
What she had said, what y/n had said, played over and over in his head. Once more, she showed that she understood him. She was at least intelligent enough to know and notice how much Harry hated the attention he already got for just being himself.
The roar of a dragon made everyone in the Champions' tent look towards where the arena supposedly was. Harry shook his head, and when he met eyes with the Hufflepuff boy, he nodded at him before continuing to pace around.
"Psst!" Harry whipped around at the sound with furrowed brows. "Pssst!"
He walked over towards the back of the tent and listened in. It seemed whoever was there noticed someone else was on the other side, and soon they spoke up. "Harry, is that you?"
"Yeah." He answered, y/n. Her voice calmed him down at least a little. Knowing she trusted him had made it a tad bit easier.
"How are you feeling? Okay?" She didn't get an answer. Only a low sigh. "The key is to concentrate. After that, you just have to—"
"Battle a dragon." Harry stated bluntly, however, when y/n began to scurry around on the other side, it only took her a second before she hugged him. A low whimper left her as she was scared for the boy.
It took him a second to steady himself as y/n had her arms tightly around his neck, hugging him close. But he didn't waste a second in hugging her back, making sure to take the opportunity since they never really hugged like that.
It was the bright flash and click of a camera that made the both of them let go. Both of the teens looked over to where the flash came from, only to find Rita Skeeter. The same journalist who had written the overly exaggerated Harry page in The Daily Prophet. "Young love," The woman sighed dramatically.
"How... stirring." Rita's appearance in the champion tent made all the other champions turn and watch. "If everything goes unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page."
"You have no business here." Viktor Krum appeared behind Rita, an irritated look on his face. "This tent is for champions and friends."
y/n was relieved as she had talked with Viktor on one occasion earlier with Hermione. He happened to not know where the potions class was and asked the two girls for directions. And, maybe, he had been flirting with Hermione then.
"No matter, we've got what we wanted." Another photo of Viktor and Rita disappeared. 
Just as Harry turned to ask y/n something, Dumbledore appeared from the back entrance where y/n too had come from. Barty Crouch was behind him. "Good day, champions. Gather 'round please." 
Harry moved to stand next to Dumbledore, and y/n, who had no idea of what to do, only grabbed a hold of Harry's wrist. One hand held his sleeve and the other interlocked with his hand. It was hard for the boy to concentrate, but he did his best, holding the Weasley girls' hands gently.
"Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived, a moment only four of you can fully appreciate." y/n looked at Dumbledore as he spoke, still holding onto Harry.
When he was done, however, Dumbledore noticed that something was wrong and looked over at y/n who stood beside him with Harry. The girl looked away from the headmasters, embarrassed. "What are you doing here, Miss Weasley?" Dumbledore curiously asked.
"Oh, um, sorry. I'll just go. " y/n shot a look at Harry as she backed away, relaxing her hold on his hand and quickly sliding out of the tent. causing Harry to look back, slightly perplexed, at the look he received from the older students
Harry watched from afar as The Weird Sisters finished the song, all the students at the Yule Ball cheered and stopped dancing.
Just like everything this year, the Yule Ball has not gone much better for Harry than anything else. Even though he wanted to ask y/n he chickened out and tried to ask other girls, but did the same there. Then when he decided that he needed to ask y/n to the ball, he got to hear from the twins that she already had a date. Which he tried to know who it was but y/n refused to tell him.
So now he's sitting there at the ball. He ended up going with Parvati Patil, who had ditched him for a Durmstrang guy, someone older. And Harry now knew who y/n had gone with. Of course, it was Lee Jordan. When he had walked into the great hall for the champions to dance, the green-eyed boy had spotted y/n with Lee.
Just as The Weird Sisters had stopped playing, Harry could spot y/n who had been dancing all night, giving Lee a hug before making her way out of the sea of students. She was beautiful, and Harry hadn't expected anything else. She had a silk dress like many other girls, but hers was the most beautiful to Harry. Her hair done to suit her and a pair of heels.
"I'm leaving." From beside Harry, Ron grumbled, standing up and downing the last of his drink. "You coming?"
"I'll be a bit longer," Harry said, and Ron just shrugged his shoulders before leaving. Clearly not in the mood to see Hermione happy with Viktor, she danced on and on.
Just as Harry turned back to find y/n he saw her walking towards him. When she knew she had cought his attention she pulled a overdramaticly pained face. It made Harry raise his brows in question and when the girl was close enough she sat down on a chair next to him.
"Ouch." She groaned. "Remind me to never dance in heels again." With that she kicked off her shoes and sighed in relife.
"Can't be that bad." The statement earned Harry a slap on the shoulder. Causing him to chuckle at y/n as she got comfortable beside him.
It then got quiet. Harry thought about what to say or ask next. He cast a gaze over his shoulder to see Lee Jordan chatting with Fred and George. Angelina sat by Fred's side as the four older students chatted away. "So, you and Lee, huh?"
It took y/n off guard as she whipped her head vigorously towards Harry with a scrunched up face. "Lee, no, ew. What makes you think me and him are someone? "
"Sorry. I just thought, you know, you went here with him. " y/n and Harry were both flustered. Harry because of his assumption and y/n of how quickly she had denied liking Lee in that way.
"That's because of Fred and George. I didn't have a date and neither did Lee, so they suggested we go together. " y/n explained. "Now, don't get me wrong, I love Lee. He's a close friend of mine and all. But this all he is to me, a friend. Plus, Lee isn't exactly the kind of guy that goes after his best friend's little sister." 
Harry felt completely and utterly dumb. So for the past year and a half, he had gone around thinking that y/n liked Lee and Lee liked her. But, it turned out, he still had a chance.
"Oh, okay."
"Well, don't you sound happy?" y/n joked, shaking his head, a smile spreading across his face. "Anyway, your date left you. Did you screw up that badly or is your charm just not working, Potter? "
"Haha, very funny." 
They both laughed, not saying anything more. But y/n sighed, bending down and putting in her heels again, making Harry look at her with suspicion as she smoothed out her dress. Turning to Harry, she held out her hand for him to grab, but only earned an even more confused face from the boy.
"Now I won't accept a no. Come on, let's dance." Knowing full well that she wouldn't accept a no, Harry grabbed her hand and, with a smile on his face, let her pull him along to dance.
"One sickle that he confesses first." Fred challenged his twin as they watched the two from afar.
"Two sickles that she confesses first and before she leaves Hogwarts." Geroge shot back at Fred.
"Okay, two sickles that he confesses first."
"Are you two seriously betting on which of your sister and Harry will confess first?" Angelina questioned. The two brothers shared a look before shrugging.
"Okay, then I want two sickles if she confesses first before she leaves Hogwarts and kisses him at the same time." Lee added.
Angelina frowned and sighed, "Oh my god."
Fifth year:
"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying, Seamus!" Harry encouraged as Dumbledore's army were in the room of requirement. Harry was teaching them all to produce a patronus charm, though he warned all of them that not every wizard or witch could produce one, so if they were unable to, they shouldn't beat themselves up about it.
Harty walked around and watched as all the students in the army tried to produce their patronuses. Some stood and thought about what happy memories they had as others went straight to try and cast the charm. It was hard. "A full-bodied patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally as useful against a variety of opponents." 
Harry explained as he walked around. Gratifying Ginny when she produced a unicorn that ran around in the air. It was hard to teach, though. If Dolores Umbridge hadn't taken over as Defense against Dark Arts teacher, they would all have learnt these things. But the pink-wearing woman had only been placed at Hogwarts as a control mechanism for the Ministry.
Harry continued to wander around and explain as Hermione produced an otter as a patronus. It swam around her, making the bushy-haired girl smile. Then he passed Ron, who produced a dog. It ran around the floor and somehow was able to make Neville fall as it ran straight at his legs.
He then continued to walk around, his eyes almost every other second cast towards y/n who stood and thought. Harry frowned as he watched her just stand there, her wand in hand. But what he didn't know was the memory playing in her head.
"No, Harry. I'll be sick if we continue. " y/n laughed as she leaned against the wall in the Great Hall. Watching Hermione continue to dance with Viktor. 
"So you drag me to dance and then won't when we do?" Harry asked as he leaned against the wall beside her.
"Potter, you've been spinning me 'round like a mad-man. Of course I'll grow sick of that. " The Weasley spoke matter-of-factly.
"Well, excuse my poor dancing skills then,"
"Shut up."
They both let out sighs. Looking around. y/n was actually quite sad that Ron had left early, but oh well, his problem, not hers. A great number of students had left for bed during the night, but many still danced. Some of these people were Fleur, Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Viktor and Hermione, Fred and George, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Seamus, Dean Thomas, and so many more.
Harry looked over at y/n with a smile, still feeling stupid about how he had been thinking y/n liked Lee. His eyes stayed fixated on the girl. She was always able to attract his attention. He knew that in a room full of girls, she would be the only one he'd be looking at.
She turned to say something, but instead caught Harry, who was staring at her. He felt his face heat up, and he looked down at his shoes. It made y/n smile mischievously, turning so she leaned her shoulder against the wall instead of her back. Now fully facing him. "Something the matter, Potter?"
Harry shook his head, looking up from his shoes. But he was caught off guard by y/n moving some of his hair away from his face. It made Harry look at her, a sweet, soft smile plastered on her face. Her e/c eyes were gentle. It made him smile too. A boyish one. A cute one, in y/n's opinion.
"Expecto Patronum," y/n said just as Harry had come over to help her.
A blue, silvery light emitted from her wand as she spoke those two words. The flow of magic made Harry stop and smile as he watched it form into a doe, but something was off about it. The magic animal stood right before the girl, and as he looked closer, Harry could see the faint outline of horns, like it was somewhat becoming a stag. The same as his patronus.
The patronus stag slowly walked around y/n, who wore a smile at the great animal. The horns are still visible. Hermione, who had seen it, walked slowly up to Harry. Her eyes were on the patronus that faded into nothingness when it stopped once more in front of y/n and bowed its head. Hermione tapped Harry's shoulder.
"Harry? Not to be like that, but ehm... doesn't that seem like a stag to you?" Hermione whispered to her friend and earned a look that told her yes.
"And you have the same type of patronus, correct?" Harry nodded, and the look on Hermione's face made him frown.
"What? What's wrong? "
"Oh no, nothing, just... just keep doing your thing." Hermione slid away from her face with a grin like a Cheshire cat. Getting Ginny's attention.
"What is it, Hermione?" The youngest Weasley asked with curiosity.
"I think we can confirm it now." Hermione whispered lowly, which made Ginny gasp.
"Are you sure?" A nod came from the greatest witch of her age.
y/n walked through 12 Grimmauld Place. The summer had come quicker than expected. y/n had been helping her mum and dad clean up all their things so they could return to the burrow. But before she left, she had to find him. She needed to check in on him.
She had been looking through the whole place, making her way from room to room. That was until she had walked up to the third level. Looking through the rooms, she had just passed one with the letters R.A.B on the door. y/n had figured out that each bedroom had the family member's initials on them. Further down the hall, one of the doors was closed. She looked into the open room that was a study room, but it was empty. Looking back at the room with the closed door, y/n found the initials she was looking for. S.O.B. Standing for Sirius Orion Black. 
She took a breath and gently knocked on the door. She didn't hear anything from inside, so y/n opened the door a little, glancing inside. Inside the room, y/n found Harry sitting on his godfather's bed. His back against her as he looked out through the window. 
"Harry?" Her voice was gentle as she opened the door up a little more, waiting for him to give her a sign to leave. But he didn't. Harry only cast a glance over his shoulder before turning his head back. To y/n, that was Harry's way of telling her it was fine to go inside, which it was.
She closed the door gently behind her. Not wanting her parents, siblings, or anyone else from the Order to hear their conversation. She valued Harry's privacy and whatever he told her didn't need to be told to the whole world.
y/n moved slowly around the bed, so she stood at the foot of it. Not far from where Harry sat. She could see him holding the picture of the original Order of the Phoenix. It had been folded so the side facing his face showed his parents, Lily and James Potter, and beside them stood a younger looking Sirius.
"My family is done packing. We're leaving soon if you want to come with us over the summer. " y/n offered to him, unsure of what to say. But Harry only stayed silent. It made Y/N sigh as she moved to stand more in front of him. 
When she did, she got a better look at his face. His eyes were slightly red, and his face pulled into a pained look. She didn't sit down if Harry wanted her to leave. "Harry? I'll leave you alone if you want to. " She waited for any sign that she should stay, but when he gave her none, she started to leave.
It was the tugg on her wrist that made her stop walking away. His grip on her wrist was firm, but his gaze was fixed. It made her kneel down in front of him on the bed and move to hold his hand so she could hold it, but his grip tightened. "Don't leave."
"Harry—" "Don't leave." His gaze finally met hers, a few tears streaming down his cheeks. y/n frowned and moved to wipe away the tears, shaking her head.
"I won't. I'll always be here. "
She stood up, brushing Harry's hair out of his face. He didn't care anymore about trying to stay strong, but instead broke down. Harry wrapped his arms around y/n's midsection, catching her off guard as he pulled her towards him. It took a second before she slowly wrapped her arms around Harry's head gently. Hugging him close. She could feel the slight shaking of his shoulders.
"It's fine, I won't leave." Y/N reminded him as she gently stroked his hair.She pulled away slightly from him, but Harry's arms stayed wrapped around her midsection. She looked down at Harry and pulled his face between her hands. 
He didn't have his glasses on; they lay on Sirius's nightstand, so he didn't see her very well. But he could make out her face as she looked down at him. y/n brushed his cheek, then the lightning bolt scar on his forehead before hugging him close. And she stood like that, in front of Harry, who quietly let his tears fall as he hugged the girl close, finding comfort in her presence. At times, she whispered comforting words to him while stroking his head. After some time, y/n had leaned her head down to rest on Harry's. 
After some time, you suddenly saw the door open. Harry didn't hear it when it squeaked. As the door opened fully, it revealed Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George standing there. They were all quiet as they looked at the two. Ron mouthed something which made y/n move her hand to show them to be quiet. George motioned that it was time to go, clearly feeling sympathy for the boy around y/n's waist. But y/n only waved for the four to leave and close the door. They were doing as she wanted.
So y/n stayed there with Harry, not caring how much time went by. She just wanted the boy to feel better
Sixth year:
The Gryffindor common room was buzzing with happiness from all of the students. Everyone was happy that the Gryffindor Quidditch team had won against Slytherin in the snowy weather. It is definitely one of Harry's proudest moments at Hogwarts. He was the captain and they had won.
Harry walked back into the common room with Hermione beside him. The girl had finally calmed down from the heartbreak of seeing Ron with Lavender Brown. Harry patted Hermione's back with a small smile, and the witch smiled in appreciation of her friend. "I'm gonna—"
"Go, Harry." Hermione sighed and smiled at the boy. "I already know what you're planning on doing. You've been nervous all day." 
He stayed quiet. He thought he had been very good at hiding the fact that he fancied the older Weasley sister. However, he appears to have been unsuccessful. "How did you—?" 
"She's over there, by the window." Hermione pointed out to her friend as she made her way over to Ginny and some other girls. Leaving Harry to stand by himself.
Harry turned and found y/n, as Hermione said, by the window. The older girl stood with a bottle of something in her hand, taking small sips at times. The boy took a breath before making his way over.
"Hey," Harry said, as he awkwardly made his way closer to her. y/n turned with a tired and lazy smile on her face to face him. 
"Hi," Harry could tell she was tired because she had been studying for her NEWT level exams, which she had a lot of.He had found her sleeping by the table in the common room a few days erlier, having fallen asleep while studying. 
"Tired?" He earned a hum in response as y/n took another sip of her bottle. "Let me guess, Fred and George helped you get that in?"
y/n let out a quiet chuckle at him and nodded her head. He was quick to understand what it was. Of course, it was a smaller bottle of beer. "I haven't been drinking much of it though, if that's what you think."
"No, no, just.. asking." Harry moved to stand beside her. 
"Poor 'Mione," y/n told as she looked out through the common room. "Ron really is blind." 
Harry hummed. Mind elsewhere as he tried to figure out how to do this. He didn't know if now was the best of times, seeing as y/n were exhausted from quidditch and studying. But Harry also knew that if y/n had taken over as Captain for the team this year too, she would be asleep already. Hence why she'd given over the role as Captain to Harry. 
"You're not going to celebrate, Captain? Are you just going to stand here with boring old me?" y/n teased, knowing full well that Harry didn't exactly like to be the centre of attention.
When she got no answer, y/n put her bottle of beer in the indent of the window. She turned so she faced the boy who lived. She could see how deep in thought he was and it made her smile. His green emerald eyes were staring off into the distance. So, she did as she'd done two years earlier on the Yule Ball, the day when the tension between them really grew. She brushed some of his rvaenhair out of his face, the scar becoming visible. Harry turned his face towards her, his eyes locking with hers. His cheeks got red from the eye contact, and y/n could feel hers heat up as well.
Harry found his courage, one of those elements Gryffindor students were to have to be placed in the house to even start with. He moved closer to y/n, eyes at times flickering from her eyes to her lips. y/n thought he was going to make a move, but when he didn't, she leaned in and connected their lips. Her hands gently held his face.
It was a quick kiss, one that was so quick that Harry wasn't even able to react before y/n pulled away. She held his face still in her hands, the boy looking at her slightly shocked. She was now unable to keep from telling him, because who knew what would happened with Voldermort back. "I love you, Harry. I have probably ever since my fourth year, but I really like you." 
"Really?" Harry breathed with a boyish grin growing on his face, which made y/n smile at him.
Harry did not waste a second as he leaned in and connected their lips once more, smiles on both their faces. y/ns hands were still on the sides of his face as Harry's hands landed on her hips. After all those years of pining after her, he was now kissing her, and she liked him back, and it was brilliant. Her lips were as soft as he'd imagined. She teased faintly of the beer she's been drinking. This was just perfect.
Fire encircled the burrow as Harry sprinted out of it and passed Remus, Tonks, Arthur, and Molly. Both older men called out for him as he ran straight for an opening in the fire, following the evil and psychotic laughter that belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. The murderer of Sirius. Harry's wand was already in his hand as he rushed after the mad woman. Tonks and Remus followed behind him, but the fire closed the small opening, as if they weren't supposed to leave.
Tonks tried to manipulate the fire with her wand but was not successful in getting a good opening for Remus to run through. Just then, y/n had rushed down the stairs after Harry as they had just talked, pushing past her parents with her wand at the ready. "y/n!" Molly cried after her daughter as she ran straight for the fire and jumped when she had a chance at getting through. 
"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" y/n heard Bellatrix chant as she followed Harry through the tall grass. Following both the sound of Bellatrix's chanting and the running of Harry.
She continued running as the grass slapped her in the face at how fast she was running, but she didn't care. It was hard to know exactly where Harry had gone. Once heard herself step in what sounded like water, and she stopped. The legs on her pyjama bottoms were getting soaked. 
When she heard the sound of someone moving in the tall grass, she turned around. Trying to spot the person. "Harry?" She asked, the wand still in her hand. 
But it wasn't Harry. Instead, out stepped Fenrir Greyback. The most known werewolf in the wizarding world, the same werewolf that bit Remus and turned him. The man smiled evilly at y/n who'd started to back away further into the shallow water. She then jumped slightly as Harry came running up behind her and moved in front of her. "Stupefy!" But Fenrir repelled the spell easily.
"Harry!" Remus could be heard calling out as y/n and Harry cautiously turned in every direction to make sure no one was there. But in seconds, Bellatrix and Fenrir began to shoot spells at the two teenagers mercilessly. Harry and y/n standing back to back and repel each spell.
"y/n!" Arthur called for his daughter.
Finally, Tonks, Arthur, and Remus reached the two and stood protectively around them. Harry grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her towards him as they stood close to one another. They are waiting for another set of spells, curses, jinxes, and hexes to be sent their way. But no more came as the three evil wizards disappeared into black smoke and flew towards the burrow. Seconds later, the house stood in flames.
"Molly." Arthur said in shock as he turned, seeing his house on fire and began to run. 
y/n stood wide-eyed before she began to run after her father. Harry followed her swiftly through the tall grass and when they were close y/n slowed. Her childhood home stood before her in flames as all her other siblings, Fred and George, Ginny and Ron, stood and watched on as the house became ash. Molly was hugged by Arthur as they watched. 
Harry came up beside y/n, seeing the troubled look on her face as he brushed his pinky finger against her hand. showing he was there. Without a second thought, y/n grabbed his hand and moved closer to him, holding on to him for dear life. 
Everything was to get worse. This was just the beginning, and all of them knew it. 
And Harry could feel it.
Seventh year (before going for horcruxses):
"I won't leave my family, Harry." y/n told the boy as he sat on her bed. Having come to her before going to bed. Having just gotten to the burrow that night. 
He looked up at her from where he sat, his eyes begging her to go somewhere she could be safe instead of staying with her family. He knew that she'd be threatened as she was a known close friend to Harry, or well, for the past six months, known girlfriend.
"You'll be in danger if you stay here, you and your whole family. I don't want you to get hurt because of me anymore. " Harry argued.
"You can't tell me what to do. You may be Harry Potter and my very caring boyfriend, but I'm still old enough to decide whether I want to fight or flee.
"Darling," Harry sighed at her; she was and had always been stubborn."Please."
"I'll be fine, Harry." y/n sat beside him. "I'll be staying with Fred and George at Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes." 
Harry turned and faced her, reaching out and brushing some hair out of her face just like she usually did with him. Then, leaning in and placing his forehead against hers, y/n melted into it. sighing as she held his hand.
"I'll be fine," 
"Don't get my hopes up," Harry told her.
"And I want you to come back alive." Y/N stated solemnly.
"I'll be fine," 
"Don't get my hopes up." 
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crystlizabeth · 1 year
I love your stories!! And I was wondering if you would do some George Weasley x Reader where the reader is good friends with Ron ( same age as him, so like 2 years younger than George ) but has always had a crush on George. then while staying at the burrow for the holidays there is all this sexual tension and one night they kinda stumble across each other ( like while up for a glass of water or something ) and FINALLY have sex.
Yeah! I haven’t written form him before so i hope this is good!
Best friends brother..
Paring: George Weasley x POCfem!reader
Warnings: smut, cursing, reader is 18+ oral(f receiving) (p in v) 
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The Weasley house was quiet as everyone slept, as for you, you couldn’t. You spent the last 20 minutes tossing and turning on the couch you couldn’t stay still nor clear your mind of your best friends brother, George to be exact. You knew Ron would have your head if you ever mentioned having a crush on his older brother.
But with coming over during the holidays you where bound to see him. Tension was building, how his eyes looked you up and down scanning you so shamelessly, the way his hand would ‘accidentally’ brush you wither it be your thigh when you sat next to him at the table, or the small of your back as he passed you. You could explode especially after to day. When you two stood alone in the kitchen helping make cookies, small talk going between each of you just the way he looking at you, how close his face was to yours. There was no fucking way he didn’t have a slight crush on you, his little brother’s best friend.
You snapped back after hearing foot steps come down the stairs you quickly move to your side closing your eyes pretending to be asleep. You could feel a presence lean over you then a hand touching your face creasing it lightly as of an intention not to disturb your ‘sleeping’ body.
“You’re so beautiful..” you heard Georges voices say, it soft and gentle as he looked down at you.
You could feel your face heat up at the complement “is the so..?” You said shyly.
His hand quickly moved from your face back to himself in a panic “oh- you’re awake, sorry! I didnt mean to wake you up!” His voice was panicked.
You turned your body looking at him, laughing at him. “Sorry i didnt mean to scare you.” You spoke sitting up.
“So you think I’m cute aye.” You smiled slightly tilting your head, looking at the red head that stood behind the couch.
He let out a ‘pff’ shoving his hand in his pockets, “yeah, yeah i do.” He said attempting to sound confident. A smile grew on your face watching him all embarrassed.
“Do you need some water I- I need some water.” He stumbled over his words pointing to the kitchen.
“You’re blushing a school girl, what happened to all the confidence from earlier getting all closed to me face like you where gonna kiss me but instead pulled away with a fat smirk as i stood there like an idiot.” You said teasing him as you got up walking to the kitchen. He didn’t say anything but he did fill up a cup with water turning to you as he took a slow drink of his water.
“Yeah, and?” He said plainly setting the cup down, his body leaned up against the counter.
The shirt he wore was a little small so it sat above is v line his pajama pants low on his waist. “Your eyes are wondering sweetheart..” your eyes shot back up to him seeing the smirk on his face.
“Common if you want me just say it.” He said, his cocky tone making you scoff.
He pushed himself off the counter walking towards you, you walked back finding yourself pinned against the counter. “Common baby use your words… i wanna hear you.” His voice was low and seductive.
“George..” you began, you watched his head tilt as he waited for you.
“kiss me, please kiss me.” You spoke, you couldn’t believe how fast all this had happen. How fast you folded. 
His lips connect with yours the kiss started soft and tamed, his hand wrapped around you his hands gripping your hips. A soft moan left your lips enjoying the moment, letting your hands over his shoulders going into his red hair.
His hands went down cupping your ass putting you on the counter. Georges lips disconnected from yours. He tilted your head up kissing your neck, his rosey lips kissed up and down finally finding the spot that made you squirm.
“George, oh merlin..” you moaned the heat between your legs building up yearning for contact.
“Dont be to loud you don’t want everyone hearing you now do we?” He said his hands wandering to the top of your shorts. “Is this okay?” He asked your permission to take your shorts off.
“Yes.” In one smooth motion he slipped the shorts off your body as you sat on the counter feeling the cool air hit your heat.
“No panties?” He smiled shamelessly. His fingers trailed up your thigh, you opened your legs to him more his long fingers faintly trailed up your heat coating his fingers in your slick.
“Fuck.. your so wet…” he spoke making eye contact with you as he stuck his fingers in his mouth tasting you on his tongue. You watched as his eyes rolled back in enjoyment the taste of you making him moan.
You watched as he lowered his head between your legs, his warm tongue sliding up between your folds a blissful moan escaping your mouth. Georges hands came up grabbing your tights pulling you in closer as he devoured you. One of his hands came up to your clit rubbing circles, his tongue moved in an erotic manner bring you closer to your orgasm.
“Fuck, just like that.” You moaned out, your hand slapped over you mouth to keep your pleads more quiet. The not in your stomach building up, your thighs presses themselves together not able to touch for the red head between your legs. “George..fuck im gonna cum” you warned your body jolting slightly having the wave of pleasure as he ate you to the end if your high.
He stood up straight leaning over your body that laid on to the counter. “You tase to good..” he said quietly licking is lips.
You cover your face at his words how four words rolled off his tongue so lewdly. “Common baby let ne see your face.” His hands wrapping around your wrist pulling them off your face, a teasing smile appearing on his face as he saw the state you where in.
“Hello beautiful its good to see your face again, not that i didn’t enjoy the view of earlier.” He chuckled, you smacked his chest only for him to let out a laugh.
“Stop. Oh my god.” You spoke to him a slight laugh could be heard from your tone.
“You loved every second of it..” he said his lips brushing over yours.
“Mmhm, i did.” You finished pulling him down to kiss you.
“I want you.” You said between kisses. You could feel his hard on rub against you as you made out.
“Please let me have you..” you begged moving your hips to make some sort of friction between you both.
He moved away pushing you back on the counter as he pulled his pants down a little bit taking himself out he lined himself up with you, he looked up at to to make sure you where okay with this just to check. You gave him a nod, in one swift motion he slid in to you. A soft whimper leaving his lips ad he felt your walls adjust around him.
He started to move the pleasure running over you made your head fall back a hushed moan coming from your lips as you felt his hips hit yours making sure he filled every inch of you. His hands gently began to massage your breast taking your nub into its mouth his wet tongue swirling around your harden nip. He continued to abuse your flesh leaving light hickeys on your darker complexion.
The kitchen was filled with the lewd sounds of skin slapping and soft moans and whimpers. George could feel himself coming to his end he moved up looking at your face as he fucked you. He watched how your mouth was slightly gaped your eyes squeeze shut. “Hey look at me, i wanna see you pretty little eyes as i make you cum again.”
You opened your eyes meeting his brown ones, his red hair falling in to his face. You felt that familiar not build up again but faster this time as he hit the right spot over and over. He sat up pushing your legs open giving him more access, he looked down watching himself as he fucked you. “Common sweet girl cum for me.” His voice was smooth.
Your hands gripped his forearms feeling yourself come undone. “Good girl just like that..” the praise left his lips as he thrusted a few more times carrying your through your orgasm. He pulled out letting his seed spill on your stomach a quiet moan of your name left his lips as the ropes of cum laced your stomach.
Heavy breathing came between you as you sat up he cleaned himself up as he got a wash rag to wipe himself off your stomach. “Sorry if its cold.” He apologized before wiping the cum of you. You two stood there quietly cleaning up yourselves the sound of a door opening putting you both in a panic as he threw your shorts at you your hurriedly put them on almost falling in the process.
You turned around to see Ron, he didn’t say anything just looked his tired eyes squinting as George leaned against the sink taking a drink if water. A quite scoff came from the younger red head he wasn’t awake enough to question anything and just walked back up the stairs.
“He’s gonna say something at breakfast whats the excuse?” You asked
“I just fucked you on The counter.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“I will break that water glass over your head.”
“I was just kidding,” he laughed “i came down to get water and woke you up on accident so we started talking.” He said a smile on his face.
You nodded, you didn’t know how you would explain this whole situation to Ron or if you even wanted to it all depends what happens after tonight. George walked over to you “i would invite you to come up to my bed but don’t want to get caught, so good night..” he said quietly giving you a kiss on your cheek then your lips his hand dragged along the small of your back as he walked towards the stairs.
“Sleep well.” Was the last thing he said before returning to his room.
How the fuck where you supposed to sleep after that. .
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HI!!! I loved ur fred fic so may I request a possessive handsy fred weasley x reader??? Tysm!!
OFC! I love this! Possessive, Handsy & Jealous Fred Weasley x f!-reader. 18+ smut ahead. No house mentioned.
Word Count: 2.23k
Fred Weasley loved PDA, whether it be holding hands, hugging, or even making out between classes. He wanted it all. He needed people to know Y/n was his and only his.
The various markings he'd leave on her neck were usually enough to scare away anyone trying to make a move. Unless she wanted them to.
Y/n was mad at Fred. He and George decided it was a grand idea to go off and prank Filch. Typically this didn't bother her. Fred was a prankster, it was one of the things that attracted her to him, but they'd gotten caught and sent to a heavily watched detention, so Y/n had to spend their anniversary night alone.
So here she was the next night, across the room from him on a Friday night, laughing at a joke Marcus Flint had told.
She bit her lip, tilting her head sideways and smiling at the Slytherin boy, knowing exactly how to push each of Fred's buttons.
Fred's grip tightened around his red solo cup, his eyes going impossibly wide, jaw clenched so tightly the muscles twitched.
His blood boiled, eyes only seeing red at the sight of his girlfriend talking it up with Marcus Flint. Her hand was on his arm after he'd say something funny.
He harshly set his cup down, striding through crowds of students to get to her.
Y/n heard footsteps approaching her, and she smirked, turning her head just in time for Fred to reach her. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into him and away from Marcus.
"Hello, Flint," Fred said through gritted teeth, his fingers pressing into her hips, making Y/n softly smirk, backing herself into him.
"Weasley," Flint said back, his expression hardening, eyes flickering to Y/n, who smirked at him, mouthing 'thank you.'
Flint simply pursed his lips into a downturned smile, hands up defensively as he backed away.
Fred grabbed her wrist, pulling her through the party without another word. He dragged her up the stairs, ignoring her questioning.
Only when he pried open his dorm door and walked in, pinning her against the door, did he finally speak.
"You dirty fucking minx," He said lowly, hands on her hips, pressing her firmly into the door.
Y/n's lips twitched into a smirk. She lifted her chin, her eyes flickering over his hardened features.
"Well, I needed someone to talk to since you were so busy last night and this morning," She bit back, locking her jaw, rolling her tongue along her cheek.
Fred inhaled sharply, swallowing thickly, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat.
"You're mine, Y/n," He spoke sternly, one of his hands reaching up and gripping her jaw, the other snaking up her shirt, tracing over the skin.
"Really? So you decided to go off and get detention on our anniversary?" She said in a sickeningly sweet tone, hissing softly when he tightened his grip on her jaw.
Fred let out a dry laugh and shook his head, lowering his face, so they were at eye level, his pupils blown, dark with rage and lust.
"If you keep running your mouth like that, I'll make it scream," He said darkly. His knee went between her legs, forcefully spreading them apart. He pressed his thigh against her clothed cunt, making her breath hitch at the sensation.
"You think you can run around flirting with other men? I hope you know what you've just signed up for," He spoke, his hand going from her jaw to her throat, locking around it.
Y/n inhaled, her hand locking around his wrist, her eyes dancing with desire. She leaned forward, crashing their lips together in a heated, passionate kiss.
They kissed like they needed the other's lips to breathe, like if they didn't, the room would collapse atop them. Teeth clashed, lips bruised, tongues fought. It was pure, unfiltered want and anger.
Fred pressed his leg further into her, earning a soft whimper from her lips. He smirked, kissing down her jaw, making sure to leave marks.
"Freddie, people will see those," She breathed, gasping softly when he bit down on her neck.
"Let them see. At least then they'll know not to touch what's mine," He said against her skin, lifting his hand up her shirt to run his fingers over her clothed breasts.
He quickly snakes both hands around her back and under her thighs, hoisting her effortlessly into his arms.
He carried her to his bed, setting her down and hovering over her body, connecting their lips again.
Y/n fingers brushed along his neck and down his body, carefully undoing his shirt and assisting him in pulling it off.
Fred grabbed the top of her shirt with both hands, breaking open the fabric and sending buttons scattering.
"Fred, what the fuck?!" She said in anger and surprise. Fred simply rolled his eyes, pulling the rest of her shirt away from her skin and kissing her again.
"I'll buy you another," He says against her lips, making her huff annoyedly.
Fred unhooks her bra skillfully, throwing it off to be forgotten. He runs his hands over her body, groaning against her lips.
"This is mine to touch, only mine," He growls, kissing her harshly, hands massaging her breasts, kneading the sensitive skin.
Y/n gasped, knocking her head back as his lips trailed hickeys down her neck and to her boobs, whimpering lightly as he took one in his mouth.
"That's it, baby, make those noises for me," He said lowly, pinching her nipple and making her hiss from the slight pain.
Fred smirked, lowering himself and hooking his fingers in the waistband of her skirt, fingers brushing over her soft skin.
Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, swallowing her moans as Fred gradually pulled her skirt down her legs.
He hovered over her panties, his warm breath fanning the soaked and sensitive area. He traced his thumb over the fabric, pressing it against her clothed clit.
"So wet, and I haven't fucking touched you. Is this all from me, angel?"
Y/n tightened her jaw, fingers clenching the bedsheets as he carefully and knowingly teased her.
"No, Flint is-" She started to say, but Fred's teeth sunk into the skin of her inner thigh, making her groan in pain and pleasure.
"Don't lie to me, Y/n. Who made you this wet?" He asked again, eyes staring daggers into hers, fingers tightly gripping her thighs.
"Y-You did, Freddie," She whispered desperately. Her core was burning and aching for him. She needed him to touch her.
"That's what I thought," He sneered, hooking his fingers in her underwear and yanking them down her legs, exposing her soaked pussy on full display.
Fred almost drooled at the sight. Her perfect, pretty cunt splayed out just for him. It was only for him.
He lifted his thumb to her clit, slowly drawing circles on the bundle of throbbing nerves.
"Please, Freddie," She groaned, eyes squeezing shut from the taunting. She couldn't take much more.
Fred smirked, sliding his middle finger into her entrance, curling it upward to hit her g-spot.
Y/n whimpered quietly when he added a second finger. Her head was thrown back against her pillow, eyes squeezed tightly shut.
He lowered his mouth, replacing his thumb with his tongue. Enjoying her now heightened moans.
His fingers worked inside her while his tongue worked on her clit. Y/n's legs wrapped around his neck, trying to squeeze shut, but Fred just pried them back apart.
She could feel the knot in her core coiling, the pleasure that coursed through her veins made her eyes roll into her skull.
"That's it, baby," Fred hummed, curling his fingers upward and basking in her moans, his erection tenting in his pants.
Y/n felt her orgasm wash over her in waves, her back arching into the bed as Fred lapped up her release, still circling her overstimulated clit.
After he was satisfied with her whimpers, he raised himself back to hover over her, wrapping his hand around her throat and kissing her harshly.
Y/n groaned into the kiss, running her hands down his sides. Fred hissed in pain when her fingers brushed over his side, flinching back.
She immediately pulled back, craning her neck down to look at his side, eyes going wide in alarm
There was a semi-healed burn on his side that ran from the bottom of his ribs to about his v-line.
"Fred, holy shit, are you okay?" She said quickly, her expression laced with concern and worry.
"Don't worry about it," Fred mumbled, kissing her again, his hands hastily undoing his belt and unbuttoning his trousers.
"I'm alright," He assured, kissing her jaw and brushing his fingers along her skin, earning soft whimpers from her lips.
Fred pulled his boxers down his legs, letting his erection tease to her entrance, the tip just barely sliding.
"Please, Fred," She begged, nails digging into his shoulders and back as he dragged out the moment.
Suddenly he pushes himself in with one sharp, quick thrust, making Y/n cry out.
The low groan that escapes Fred's lips is pure euphoria. The guttural sound was almost enough to make her cum on the spot.
"Oh fuck, that's it, love," He breathes into her neck, his hands on her hips as he starts thrusting.
The sounds of skin slapping, breathless moans, and beds creaking echoed throughout the room. If anyone was in the dorm next door, they would surely hear.
"Freddie," She moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms hooking around his neck.
"That's right, angel, say my name, my name," He groaned lowly, hitting her g-spot with each thrust, the cries of pleasure from her lips enticing him more.
Y/n knocked her head back, tears pricked her eyes, and rolled down her cheeks.
The knot in her stomach was coiling tightly, her eyes rolled into her skull, and she arched herself further into him.
"Freddie, I'm close," She whimpered softly, lacing her fingers in his hair and gripping it tightly.
"Fuck, cum for me, angel," He breathed, fingers digging into her hips.
Those words were all it took to send her plummeting over the edge, her cries of pleasure echoing throughout the dorm.
Fred came seconds later, pulling out and letting his cum coat her stomach. His soft labored breathing and whimpers made her head spin.
"Maybe I should flirt with Flint more often," Y/n said through rapid breaths, making Fred lift his head and narrow his eyes at her.
"Just joking, love," Y/n spoke, grazing her fingers through his hair, brushing the stray strands back.
Fred shook his head with a slight smirk, lightly kissing her forehead before standing, pulling on his boxers, and heading into the bathroom for a towel.
"I'm sorry for flirting with Marcus. It was wrong. He knew it was to rile you up if that makes it better," Y/n said after she cleaned herself with the towel Fred brought her.
"It's alright. I ruined our anniversary," Fred said quietly, keeping his guilt-ridden eyes away from hers as he walked toward his dresser and grabbed out a pair of sweats and a red t-shirt.
He tossed her the shirt and pulled the sweats on, running a hand through his hair as he paced around the room.
After she clothed herself in her underwear and his shirt, Y/n stood up and walked over to Fred, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"Hey, look at me," She whispered, removing one hand and raising it to his cheek, tilting his head toward her.
"I love you, and that's not going to change. I just wish you would've said something. You told me you were going to fix something up with George, and it would take twenty minutes, and then you get caught pranking Filch and turn up with a giant burn on your side. But I wouldn't be mad if you'd communicated with me. Why did you do it, Freddie?" She asked, taking his face in her hands.
Fred closed his eyes, leaning down and resting his forehead against hers. He sighed, swallowing thickly before backing out of her embrace and walking to his bed.
Y/n furrowed her brows and started to follow him, but he cut her off when he started speaking.
"We weren't pranking Filch," He started, making her freeze.
"George and I had been planning it for months. I wanted to surprise you, hence the lying. It was supposed to be fireworks, but Filch somehow found us, and a firework went haywire, slamming into him and exploding, causing all three of us to come out with a few burns. I'm sorry, I wanted to explain, but you were avoiding me after we got out of detention,"
The immense wave of guilt that crashed into Y/n felt like a tidal wave. Her mouth opened, but no words came out. Her chest caved, and she felt tears prick her eyes.
"Fred, I'm so sorry," She said quietly, walking forward and wrapping her arms around him.
"I love you. I only love you, Fred," She said, pulling back to cradle his face in her hands.
Fred smiled, leaning down and kissing her passionately, his chest feeling warm.
She was his and only his.
Sorry this took so long. I've got a massive case of writer's block. If it isn't very good I apologize.
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Pairings: Fred Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you go to the Joke shop and take a look around, not realising one of the owners watching you the whole time Warnings: none?
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the shop was filled with kids and their parents, looking at everything that piled the shelves, kids wanting to buy everything and the parents shaking their heads at them. you managed to squeeze through and get some room to breath
they'd only been open for a week and it was this packed, it was an understatement to call this shop a hit.
the fluorescent colours were blinding you as you turned to see a boy, his face turning green with his mum by his side.
you looked around, smiling at every item you see. not knowing you were being watched from the second story of the shop.
you always knew the twins were gonna open a joke shop, but now that you're in it, reality hit you, they had really made their dreams come true. and they were successful.
you were friends of theirs, sort of- you weren't in their group but you three definitely talked quite a bit. if there was a project for potions- they would ask for your help and if you were paired up in transfiguration they would do their part.
you made your way over to the area that was glowing with pink and saw a large stand in the shape of flowers, glowing pink and creating little heart bubbles, it made you smile.
you picked up one of the bottles and read the label. you shook your head with a slight laugh as you read love potion in a pretty font.
"I'll give you a discount for that if you want" you heard his voice from behind you
you turned to see Fred with a smile on his face
"but, then again, it would be a useless purchase" he smirked at you, stepping closer, looking down at you
"how come? do they not work?" you asked curiously
"oh they work perfectly, but you're not gonna need it" he shook his head ammused
"and why is that?" you questioned, tilting your head
truth be told, you always had feelings for the boy, he ticked all your boxes. funny, loyal, tall, confident, passionate and witty.
but he was just so popular and almost every girl you know was swoon over him
"why try to use something when it's already worked without it?" he chuckled.
Fred would be an idiot to deny his feelings for you. he never would've told you this in Hogwarts, he never would've been this straight forward with you about this before, because even THE popular Fred Weasley was self-conscious sometimes.
he sometimes just looked at you and felt as though he wasn't enough, that he couldn't give you what you deserved
but now he was a successful business man, making big bucks. when he saw you enter the shop 10 minutes ago, he knew what he had to do, he knew he could give you anything your heart desired, if you'll have him
"how so? last time i checked I've had no guy chase after me" you laughed, putting the bottle down beside you on the flower stand.
you raised your eyebrows at him, waiting for his response
"who knows, maybe he hasn't been around you for a while, maybe he was waiting for you to come to him" he shrugged confidently.
you knew what he meant, he never failed to make flirtatious comments, so you brushed it off, even though the butterflies made their way to your stomach.
"and who might this young man be? I should probably go find him, I wouldn't want to keep him waiting" you smiled coyly
"I can't remember his name, but I can describe him for you, maybe tell you were he is" he smirked, leaning down
"do tell" you leaned in too, eager to continue and get to the point
"well I heard he has red hair, he's pretty tall too, I heard he's 6'3. he's pretty handsome too, I think you'll like him, he comes from a pretty big family, and I'm pretty sure I see him in the shop everyday" he informed you cheekily
"wow, I never knew George felt that way about me, I should probably go find him" you snickered, looking at his annoyed face. you were only teasing.
"George? that doesn't seem to ring a bell, I'm pretty sure his name started with an F" he rubbed his chin, looking deep in fake thought
"wow" you gasped "you're not implying what I think you are, are you Fred?" you gasp in faux shock
"Fred! that's his name, he sounds dreamy, doesn't he?" he clicked his fingers
"you should see him in person" you chuckled, his smirk dropped and instead, a small smile made it's way onto his lips
"maybe you should go and ask him out, I heard his favourite place is the three broomsticks" he replied joyfully
you hummed, thinking for a second "nah, I'll let him ask me since he's so in love with me"
"I don't know, he might be nervous" he tilted his head
"then you should go tell him he has nothing to be nervous about" you leaned in and whispered to him, as if it was a secret. he smiled and looked at the ground, his tongue running along his upper teeth, tapping the wood of the floor with his boot
"will do" he answered, a sweet grin on his face
"you stay right here, I think I just saw him" he pat your shoulder, stepping away from you before coming back a few seconds later
"hello there" he said happily
"hello Fred, fancy seeing you here!" you beamed
"I know, I thought I'd pop in and see how successful the shop is" he looked around, motioning to all the chaos, making you shake your head in amusement
"it's incredible isn't it? I must say I'm very proud of the two" your comment made him blush slightly, and you could tell it caught him a bit off guard
"so, I don't know if you know this but some handsome young bloke came up to me just then and said you would go on a date with me" he responded
"only if you asked" you blinked
"well then, how would you like to go the three broomsticks with me this weekend, Saturday maybe?" he asked you
"your favourite right?" you raised your eyebrows
he gasped "how'd you know?" he placed a hand over his heart
"lucky guess" you giggled
"so what do you say? will you go out on a date with me? a successful businessman, who is -said to be- very attractive" he question sheepishly
"Saturday?" you asked "I don't know I might be busy-"
"-Sunday?" he cut you off
"I was kidding, Saturday sounds perfect" you grinned up at him
"great, perfect. Meet me here at 11- in the morning, or night, is night better?" he rambled quietly
"11 at night? bit late don't you think?" you questioned
"right yeah, morning is more reasonable" he nodded
"well th-" he started but got cut off by George
"-Fred, I need help!"
Fred looked back at his twin and back at you, sparing a kiss to your cheek
"see you then, Love" he winked before rushing to George
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suugarbabe · 9 months
I love the twins too!
Imagine Draco practicing the imperious curse o! different students and he does it on the reader and she starts acting differently but one of the twins (you choose 😉) notices and tells everyone and they try to break her out of it but he is the only one who can because she’s in love with him … or something like that lol
Ohh interesting interesting… I’ll give it a go
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Under the Influence
pairing: Fred Weasley x Y/n
Warnings: None, lil fluffy
Things had been getting weird at Hogwarts. This year the school was hosting the TriWizard Tournament, and the school got yet another new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor Moody was not like the typical DADA professors that came through. It was rumored that he showed the fourth years all three unforgivable curses. Fred could only laugh in disbelief when his brother told him.
“I’m being serious!” Ron squeaked, still a little unnerved, “He showed us all three and he used a…spider.” He whispered the last word like it was more foul than the curses themselves. George rolled his eyes, “You’ve really got to get over that Ronald. Makes you look like a wuss.” Ron rolled his eyes, mumbling to himself before starting to stuff his face.
You walked up to your seat next to Fred to find the three brothers still discussing the events of the DADA class, as well as Ron’s fear of spiders. “You know Ronald you really should get over that fear,” you chimed in, the twins stifling a laugh. Ron finally piped up, “Moody really is mad, I’m telling you. Him showing us these curses like it’s no big deal is gonna cause the Slytherins to start bloody trying them.”
You scoffed, “Don’t even say that Ron, they can’t do that.” Ron raised his eyebrows, “I heard Malfoy was trying the imperius curse on some first years.” Your jaw dropped, moving to stand from the table “Absolutely not, where is that vile piece of sh-”.
“Woah there, love, sit back down,” Fred laughed, grabbing your hips and making you sit back down on the bench. You huffed crossing your arms and pouting slightly, “The next time I see Malfoy, he’s fucking done for.” Fred patted your head, “Okay darling, just be careful.”
You had your head down as you were leaving potions, thinking about all the homework you had to complete that evening. As you turned the corner your body slammed into someone, nearly knocking both you and the other to the ground. You heard a scoff as a sinister voice scolded you, “Watch where you’re bloody going, Y/l/n.” You looked up to see none other than Draco Malfoy. You rolled your eyes, picking up your textbook you dropped on the ground, “Having fun torturing innocent first years, ferret boy?”
Malfoy glared at you, “Oh I’m having the most fun, but I bet I’d have more fun doing it to you.” You stood your ground in front of him, “You don’t have the fucking balls to do shit to me, Malfoy.” With that you pushed past him, starting to walk toward your next class. You didn’t make it five steps before you felt a tingling sensation come over you, then a blanket feeling of calm and relaxation, like you were in a trance. You felt someone’s breath on your neck before you heard Malfoy’s voice in your ear, “Looks like I’ve got more than you anticipated, Y/l/n.”
Your brain was telling you to freak out. To run, to scream, to do anything of your own free will but you couldn’t. You went to the rest of your classes in a trance, not fully being able to pay attention and just going through the motions. When it was time for dinner you walked toward the great hall like you always did, walking up to your table. Fred smiled at you, scooting over for you to take your usual seat next to him.
You ignored him, going to the other side of the table to sit next to Ron. You were friendly with Ron, but you were the twins' friends first. Fred’s smile fell, “Y/n/n, what are you doing?” You didn’t look up from your plate as you spoke, “Sitting next to the cutest Weasley.” Ron’s cheeks immediately flushed pink and George and Fred both looked at each other with utter confusion. Ron was opening and closing his mouth like he was trying to respond but you cut him off, “Don’t talk Weasle-be”. Fred tilted his head at the nickname, something felt off to him.
He looked past you and Ron to see Malfoy staring at you from the Slytherin table. “Hey, Y/n, did you ever run into Malfoy today like you planned?” Fred saw a smirk curl onto Malfoy’s face from across the great hall as you shook your head, “Nope, haven’t seen him.” He huffed, not quite satisfied with your answer, though the others seemed to shrug their shoulders and continue on with their meal. As dinner concluded you got up and started heading back toward your dorm.
The others followed shortly after you. Fred quickly caught up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you off to the side as the others continued to pass. “Are you okay, y/n? You seem a little…off?” You shook your head, “I’m not off, I’m perfectly fine.” Your tone of voice was flat. You wanted so badly to scream but you just couldn’t force yourself to do anything. Fred quirked an eyebrow, “You don’t seem like yourself, love.” You widened your eyes slightly, the most control you felt like you had. You tried to pull yourself out of the curse Malfoy put you under but all you could do is make your eyes get slightly teary.
At this Fred grabbed your arm and quickly got you back to the Gryffindor common room, calling out for Hermione desperately as room as he stepped through the portrait hole with you in tow. He sat you down on the couch as Hermione came rushing down the stairs, “What is it Fred? What’s wrong?” The others were quick to follow her, seeing what the commotion was about.
“It’s y/n, I think somethings wrong. I think she actually did run into Malfoy today. I bet he used the imperius curse on her,” Fred was boiling mad, clenching and unclenching his fists. Hermione crossed her arms, “That seems like a stretch doesn’t it, Fred?” George nodded, “Yeah, Freddie, how can you tell?” Fred just shook his head, “I just know. I know this isn’t Y/n.” Your turned to look at Fred and he met your eyes, you could see it in his face how worried he was about you and it made your heart sore. You’ve heard of some witches and wizards being able to break out of the imperius curse on their own and you kept trying, but the best you could do is make yourself stutter over the response that wasn’t truly how you felt, “N-no, Weasle-be I’m f-fine. You can l-leave me alone now.”
At that Hermione’s posture stiffened, “Okay you’re right friend. The only person I’ve ever heard call you guys that is that slime of a boy, Malfoy.” Hermione stood in front of you, taking your hands in hers. You met her eyes as she spoke, “I can tell you’re trying to fight it y/n, you’re struggling saying what I’m sure Malfoy has instructed you for certain situations.” Your eyes welled up again as you involuntarily plastered on a smile.
The ground struggled with how to help you. Hermione educated them on ways to break the curse, that some powerful witches and wizard can break it of their own free will, while other times the curse can last until the caster has died. George, Ron and Harry all agreed to happily kill Draco for his actions. Hermione hit them all on the arm, telling them to be realistic. The last Hermione knew of was the curse just waring off. They discussed how long Draco may have set the curse to last.
Fred shook his head, “That goblin shit could have set it for a day to a month. We can’t just wait around and see.” He turned on the couch to face you, making your body do the same to him. He grabbed your face in his hands, your eyes meeting his. You loved his eyes. They were the prettiest color hazel, brown mixing with green in the most mesmerizing way. “I’m gonna try something, okay y/n? Don’t get freaked out, I just wanna see if it works,” he spoke, looking from your eyes to your lips and back.
Your heart rate started to pick up as you understood what he was implying he was about to do. He leaned in closer to whisper in your ear, apparently not wanting the others to hear what he was about to say. “I’ve also just been wanting to do this for a while, so hopefully this works and you can tell me you’ve been wanting to do this as well.” The others stood, waiting with anticipation on what Fred could possibly do that they haven’t already discussed.
Fred leaned his forehead against yours, taking a deep breath. “Here goes nothing,” he mumbled. Ever so gently, Fred met your lips with his. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamt of this scenario for months. His lips were soft against yours, you wanted so badly to reach up and tangle your hands in his read locks and pull him closer. One of Fred’s hands slid from your cheek to the back of your neck to pull you closer. In an instant your hands shot to his neck, one arm wrapping around him as the other tangled itself in the hair at the back of his neck like you had been fantasizing about.
After another moment or two you pulled away, breathing heavily but a goofy grin plastered on your face. Fred looked at you with hooded eyes, “There she is, there’s my girl.” Your cheeks tinted pink at his verbiage. You turned to look at the others who just stood there, dumbfounded looks across their faces. George was the first one to form a different facial expression. Unsurprisingly it was a smirk as he spoke up, “I can’t wait to tell Jordan this. He owes me ten galleons now.”
You quickly grabbed a pillow, chucking it at the boy. You turned back to Fred, “How did you know that would work? That kissing me would help me break from the curse?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t know for sure, but I couldn’t just wait around and let a grease ball control you.” You smiled, brushing a piece of hair behind Fred’s ear before pulling him into once more.
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