#genuinely. like not even in a '(affectionate)' way
januaryembrs · 2 days
ahhh can I ask for a drabble for sunshine reader x Spence when they're out with the team at a bar or something and reader is obviously a clingy and giggly drunk?
MY BABY'S SWEET AS CAN BE | Spencer Reid x Sunshine!Reader
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description: Spencer's girlfriend loves karaoke when she's drunk, but she loves him even more
length: 1k
warnings: literally just fluff
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He smiled at her unabashedly as she flitted through the crowd, the top of her head bobbing in between other patrons as she shoved through the sea of bodies, and he heard the odd “Excuse me, oh I’m so sorry, excuse me, Sorry-scuse me,” which let him know the mop of hair with two little bows in it was exactly who he thought it was. 
Not that he’d need to try hard to find her, his eyes hadn’t left her all evening. She had a tendency to get upset if they got parted when she’d had a couple to drink, and he hated the look she got on her face when she welled up and felt sorry for herself. 
She burst out the throng, her eyes quickly scanning across the group, and Emily barely had time to hand her a Frozen Daiquiri before she’d launched herself where Spencer leaned against the bar.
“Honey! Oh, I missed you so much,” She said, immediately homing into his waist, her ear pressing against his chest where his heart beat particularly loudly, because whatever affectionate streak she carried on a day to day basis was dialled to one million when she got like this. 
“Baby, I saw you five minutes ago,” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her nevertheless and running his large, warm hand down her spine where her backless dress gave him free rein to feel everything. 
She looked up at him with an aghast stare, “You didn’t miss me, too?” 
“Oh, I never said that, now did I?” Spencer asked, his words sweetened with his smile, and adoration stained every single syllable like coffee over clean breath, “Did you have fun?” 
She giggled, leaning to steal a quick kiss, and her hand brushed over his stomach to pinch the soft pouch of fat gently, “I did! Did you see me, I totally outsang Luke,” 
“For the last time; karaoke is not a contest, we’re supposed to be singing together,” Luke said, his forehead sweaty where he’d pushed through the crowd himself trying to keep up with her as she’d bolted off the stage to get back to her spot tucked under Spencer’s arm. 
She stuck her tongue out at him, rolling her eyes when he gave her a more obscene gesture, and turned back to where Spencer had yet to rip his eyes off her, his pupils dopey and wide and full of puppy love as she looked at him. 
“He’s just mad becaus he wanted to sing Beyonce’s part, and I made him be Shakira,” She said on chuckled breath, “But I think our cover of Beautiful Liar could top charts, like, nationally,”
“Ofcourse, I reckon you could go global if we got you a good agent,” He humoured her, and her eyes lit up with glee, bouncing on the balls of her feet to the point he almost spilled his beer. But he didn’t care, he just loved seeing her so happy. 
“Really! Really, really?” She asked, quickly stealing another adoring kiss from his lips like she could only go so long before she needed another one to fuel her words, like she didn’t even realise she was doing it as there was little to no pause in her end of the conversation. 
“Well, sure,” He said, his mouth interrupted when she pecked him again, and he wondered if she genuinely understood they couldn't kiss and talk at the same time with the way she was going, “But, if my sweet girlfriend becomes a popstar sensation overnight, who’s going to be there when I want to do this?” He said, wrapping an arm around her waist, his fingertips caressing the dip of her back, already knowing which moles sat beneath his touch and where, as he gave her a real kiss, one that made her squeak a little and the sound of it forced an even bigger smile out of him. 
He parted from her reluctantly, and he didn’t even care that he usually didn’t like PDA all too much if it meant she would look so content and glowing, her eyes creasing as she sighed with a besotted expression. Spencer never thought he would get so lucky to have anyone look at him like that, never mind someone who he loved with his whole entire being, and everything else left of him. 
“You raise a good point, my genius love,” She said, pressing her burning face into his sternum, her hands still never leaving where they’d buried into his waist, “I guess I’ll put my debut album on hold and stay to kiss you some more,” 
“Will you guys stop being so disgustingly sweet, it’s making my punch taste sour,” Penelope said, even though the team didn’t seem to mind their soppy exchanges. Spencer sometimes seemed like his old self again when he was with her, something boyish and teasing and loving returning back to his rough hands and exhausted expression, and for that the two of them could rip each other's clothes off for all they cared. 
Because they were one of those couples that made everyone else feel lucky to just see that kind of love so close, not envious or repellent, like finding a fawn sleeping on your doorstep. It was rare and pure and warmed everyone right through to their marrow. 
The two of them smiled at one another, and she leaned in to steal a few more kisses from his lips that tasted faintly of beer, only for another song to start playing and she gasped, her mouth dropping in excitement. 
“I love ABBA, we have to sing this song together!” She said, lacing her fingers with his and tugging his stubborn, lithe figure over to the stage, “Please, Spencer, please, please, please,” 
And he gave her exactly what she wanted, because when could he ever say no to a face like that. 
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A Chance - Part 2^
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Part 2 of this fic where Harry and Y/N are co-workers and he's trying to win her over but she doesn't really like him.
Warnings: argument, gossiping, insecurity, alcohol consumption. It's angsty to start but ends super fluffy!
WC: 7.6K
After your impromptu sleep over with Harry you were feeling a little self-conscious. You’d never really been bold like you had been with him, but he seemed to be acting quite normally. He wasn’t being overly affectionate or trying to remind you of what had happened the night before, so maybe he just wanted to forget it. So you made no mention of it either as you drove him back to his car on your way to work. You were so in your head about everything at the moment, you hadn’t even greeted Adam when you got into your cubicle. After about 20 minutes of only hearing the satisfying little clacks of you typing away and the occasional clearing of your throat, he got a little worried and decided to check on you. You could be grouchy some of the mornings but you were never discourteous.
“Hey, are you alright?” Adam asked as he peered over the divider between your cubicles. You were hunched over your desk as you typed into your document with a concentrated furrow in your brow, your eyes dead as they stayed fixed on the screen. There was a second too long of silence before you responded.
“What did you say?” You asked as you sat up straight all of a sudden looking back to normal as your gaze met his.
“I asked if you’re alright.” He repeated.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” You asked.
“You just haven’t said anything since you got here like 20 minutes ago. Was looking forward to your gripe of the morning.” He said with a friendly smile and you tossed your head back as you let out the most genuine laugh he had ever seen you have. You looked happy, dare he say. And you wore your joy very well. He admired the way your eyes were crinkled in a way he’d never seen before and he was suddenly very aware of how beautiful you were.
“My gripe of the morning means that much to you?” You asked through your laughter and he nodded.
“It really does, Y/N.” He said honestly and you smiled.
“Well, it’s…” you paused as you recalled how perfectly pedestrian things had been between you and Harry this morning. As if you hadn’t spent hours of your night flirting with each other. As if he hadn’t asked you what would happen if he kissed you? The way it messed with her head was her gripe of the morning. “…it’s this. My brain is being kind of weird today.” You explained and he hummed.
“I might have a solution.” He said.
“Go on…”
“Caffeine.” He stated with a smile and you rolled your eyes playfully, “Let’s walk to the cafe? My treat.” He offered and you narrowed your eyes at him in suspicion.
“What’s going on? Now you’re being weird.”
“Nothing I’m just…suddenly in a really good mood.” He shrugged.
“Alright.” You agreed and stood from your desk. You both moved out of your cubicles and you grabbed your ‘on break’ magnet and pasted it on the metal part of the door. You two started walking off and made some small talk as you got into the lift. Just as you made it out onto the lobby Harry was walking into the building.
“Do you mind if I invite him along?” He asked and you just shook your head and he smiled, “Harry!” Adam called out and he glanced up from his phone.
“Hey mate!” He greeted him with a smile.
“You just getting in?”
“Yeah, I had some car trouble.” He explained and Adam frowned, “Nothing too complicated thankfully.”
“Good, good. Well we’re just heading to the cafe if you want to tag along.” He offered.
“Might as well, I said I’d be an hour late…” he chuckled and Adam laughed along and you smiled. He then turned to you and smiled timidly, “Morning, Y/N. It’s nice to see you today.” He said ultra politely and your eyebrows creased at how odd he was being.
“What the fuck?” Adam chuckled.
“Hi Harry.” You said flatly, “Let’s just get coffee.” You mumbled and led the way. You could hear Adam teasing Harry about the oddly formal greeting he’d given you. When you got in Adam ordered with you to pay. After that you waited a few minutes for your drinks and Harry asked Adam about the basketball game he’d gone to last night. They were talking about that until you all got back to your building. 
“We should all go out together!” Adam suggested as you all settled into the elevator.
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” Harry agreed as he spared a glance to you and you smiled bashfully.
“W-would that be alright, Y/N?” Adam asked.
“Yeah, sure.” You agreed easily, which surprised him a bit.
“Well, lets plan something for this coming Friday, after work?” Adam asked.
“Yeah, that works for me! I can invite a few others.” Harry suggested and Adam immediately agreed.
“Y/N, does Friday work for you?” Adam suddenly asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You agreed and soon the doors opened up on your floor and they let you go ahead before following after you and through the editing floor. 
“Adam, can I steal for a moment?” Someone asked and he nodded and veered off to go talk to the person who called him and you and Harry continued on towards the area where your offices were. 
“Everything okay with your car?”
“Yeah, thankfully.” Harry smiled.
“Good.” You hummed.
“You look very nice today, by the way. Was thinking it this morning but I forgot to mention it in the rush of getting out.” He explained and you bit your lip nervously as you glanced around.
“Ummm…maybe don’t say stuff like that here.” You said quietly and he smiled a bit.
“Right…so ummm…are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “It’s just that…” you sighed and then glanced around to ensure no one was coming, “Last night. We like…it was nothing right?” You asked him and he frowned immediately, you could see the hurt in his eyes. “Harry, that’s not-”
“You’re right, it wasn’t.” He said as he started to walk around you and you groaned and grabbed him by the sleeve. “I have a deadline.” He said as he kept going until you let go. You huffed and then trudged over to your office. Once again, you were sitting in complete silence as you stared at your screen. You’d maybe read the same sentence three times already when Adam returned and once again, he confronted you over the fact that you were still acting weird.
“I’m just having a weird day okay.” You muttered back, avoiding form meeting his intent gaze. 
“Fine.” He said before retreating back to his seat.
You decided to skip lunch since you felt a little queasy over Harry being upset at you. You really wanted to explain yourself. You looked for him but he had gone out for lunch apparently. You tried to catch him after work but he walked out with a couple others and refused to give you a morsel of his attention. It was like this for the rest of the week. Harry was just being extremely cordial with you but no more than that. You could’ve texted him, but you were scared that he’d just leave you on read, which would be extremely mortifying. So when Friday evening came along you were debating on whether you should go meet everyone at the bar as planned or just bail at the last minute, like you normally would. And just as you were reaching for your pajama’s your phone lit up with an incoming text from Adam.
You better not bail like you always do. If anything just show up for me. Harry invited Destiny over lunch and you know how she can be…
You frowned down at your screen, fighting off the feeling of hurt and jealousy brewing in your stomach upon learning this information. You locked your phone and immediately got to searching for an outfit that would wow. You did enjoy getting dolled up on occasion, but those seemed so few and far between and it was never anything you really did for work. You were quite basic. But now, you wanted to put in a little extra effort, you were telling yourself it wasn’t to get Harry’s attention, but it was. And it infuriated you that you even cared that much, but you had felt a connection with him that night. You’d show him your vulnerable side! And you truly hadn’t meant to offend him earlier in the week, you were just scared to be more vulnerable when it seemed like the interaction you’d had the night you ran into each other was commonplace for him. If you did anything tonight, it would be to clear the air between you two at the very least.
You were feeling a little nervous as you made your way into the bar. Granted, you were about 15 minutes late from the time you’d agreed upon previously, but that was bound to happen since you’d gotten a late start on getting ready to go out. You saw everyone sitting on the high tables against the far wall of the bar. Destiny saw you first ands literally leaned back in her seat to see past the person at the end. Her eyes literally grew wide as you approached. Then Adam looked and he smiled wide as you approached the table. 
“Hey.” You greeted the small group before you a bit bashfully as you reached the table and upon hearing your voice everyone else turned towards you, all of them looking equally shocked as Destiny. 
Well, except Harry. He’d seen you done up earlier in the week as well, you really couldn’t tell how expression because you skipped over looking at him due to your nerves over having to spend this whole night in his presence while he flirted with another girl. You were hurt and a little angry over it still, but when you finally made it to Destiny and took her in again you  weren’t as upset. She was far more beautiful than you were, or at least by your standards and it just made sense for him to take an interest in her. Or maybe you’d been right about him all along and Harry was just a shallow dick after all and his kind and flowery facade was just used to his convenience. Like to let you buy his drinks and have you take him in for the night.
“Sorry, I’m late.” You added as you looked back to Adam, the most familiar face out of them all.
“You’re actually just in time! Saved you a spot.” He said as he raised his jacket from the chair at the end, the one up against the wall. It was perfect because that’s the seat you would’ve chosen for yourself if you’d arrived on time. Well except that across from you was Harry, but you didn’t have to engage if you didn’t want. You were certain he’d be flirting with Destiny the entire time.
“Thank you.” You said to him as you pulled out the high chair and settled in. You could feel Harry’s gaze on you but you just finished settling in before immediately reaching for a menu.
“I ordered for you already.” Adam said lowly to you as everyone else started chatting after the initial shock of you joining them wore off.
“Oh, thank you.”
“It’s the one called berries something. It’s basically a modified zipper based on the ingredients I saw.” He explained and your brows furrowed on how he knew what went into that cocktail. “Don’t ask…I spent five years as a bartender. That’s all you need to know.” He chuckled.
“I’ll take your word for it.” You chuckled as you set down the menu and he smiled. 
“You look great, by the way.” Adam said to you lowly.
“Oh…th-thanks.” You responded a bit nervously as you watched as his eyes ran over you once again. Just moments later the waitress walked up with a tray of drinks for everyone and assured she’d be back with the appetizers they had ordered.
You knew that you’d be more of the wallflower on this night. Like you had mentioned to Harry before, it’s wasn’t that you didn’t like your coworkers, you just had vastly different interests. So as they all sat there discussing Grey’s Anatomy season 20, which had most of them in a chokehold, you just listened quietly. They were talking about these characters like they were people they knew personally. It was fascinating to you.
“What did you think of this last season, Y/N?” Carmen, one of the other girl there asked you and you blinked back slowly. You got so nervous as everyone looked at you expectantly.
“Umm…I actually have never watched that before.” You explained and everyone looked shocked once again except Adam and Harry.
“Wait…are you serious? Or are you just saying that?” Destiny asked with a disbelieving smile.
“I’m being completely honest. It’s not something that has ever interested me.” You explained, feeling nervous. “Also, the thought of anything medical just…kinda freaks me out generally, hence why I write and edit for a living. So definitely not something I want to be seeing in my spare time.” You explained and Adam, Harry, and Rama, the other person joining you, laughed at this but the girls took it as an insult.
“So then what kinds of things do you watch?” Rama asked and you bit your lip.
“Ummm…I like comedies more than dramas. Right now I’m a little obsessed with After Life and Shrinking.” You said and they looked at you with blank stares, “After Life is with Ricky Gervais. It’s about a writer coping with life after his wife dies. And Shrinking is about the same thing, just the man is a therapist and he’s coping with grief while treating patients. They’re actually really funny shows.” You said with a bright smile as you felt excited about sharing what it was you were interested in.
“That’s…dark.” Destiny mumbled lowly and Carmen and Rama started to giggle.
“To each their own, I guess…” Rama said and you tightened your smile and nodded.
“Wait, isn’t Ricky Gervais the guy that goes around offending everyone in his bits?” Destiny asked.
“Well, he does have a rather abrasive style of comedy…” you explained.
“He’s the original creator of The Office, isn’t he?” Rama asked in general.
“Actually, yes.” You added, “Another great show…both versions!” You added, “Have you guys watched that?” You asked.
“I couldn’t make it past the second episode, it was just so disgustingly offensive.” Destiny said and you bit your lip. “I can’t believe it was even allowed on TV.” She said to Carmen who nodded in agreement.
“I did like that actually.” Rama shared, “Kelly is my favorite for obvious cultural reasons.” He explained and you smiled, “I think I was born gay because if I were a woman I’d literally be Kelly. A mess over men, a shopaholic, and you’d never get me to shut up about every celebrity’s business.” He joked and you giggled.
“You’re like that now…” Adam chuckled and everyone burst into laughter at this. 
You were thankful that the topic was off of you now as Rama shared a little bit more insight about how it felt to see Hindu traditions being shared like that on TV. Yes, they were tied to a comedic show, but to him that was the first glimpse of representation of his culture that he ever saw. And he continued to share that, though the show was a comedy, it brought up a lot of very real and important topics to light, they just did it through comedy, which made it more palatable for some people. You completely agreed with his opinion. Yes, it could be uncomfortable to watch but that was the reality for many people and comedy just helped to humanize marginalized groups to decrease stigma about them. You’d definitely try to talk to Rama more, you liked how he thought and he seemed like a very open minded person. 
Despite the more positive turn that conversation took, you still decided that you would just be the wallflower tonight, lest you unintentionally offend someone else with your preferences again. But being the wallflower seemed to come with its own unique set of challenges. Adam was being oddly attentive towards you, it was starting to feel a little suffocating. And you had avoided Harry’s gaze long enough that he had started to flirt with Destiny so fucking hard, it was making your mind feel all jumbled with jealousy. You were relieved when she and Carmen decided to get up and dance to a few songs.
“How are you feeling?” Adam asked you lowly, his freshly licked lips made slight contact with the shell of your ear and it made you shiver in a bad way. You knew he hadn’t done so to make you uncomfortable, but the sensation of it was not one you had prepared for.
“Fine. I just need to go the bathroom, be right back!” You announced and scurried off. You wanted to go catch your breath for just a minute, but just your luck, as soon as you made it inside the bathroom you saw that all three stalls were taken and as you waited, a familiar voice caught your attention.
“So you and Harry?” Carmen asked who you assumed to be Destiny in the neighboring stall.
“Look, I don’t care why he invited me but as long as the night ends with him on top of me, we’re good.” She giggled and Carmen laughed.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure I can keep Rama and Adam entertained somehow.” Carmen assured her. “Omg, girl… I can’t believe they invited Y/N and she actually came out!” Carmen exclaimed and Destiny burst into laughter.
“Right! I am surprised she showed up. Honestly…she’s such a freak though. Like what kind of person enjoys watching shit about death?!” She questioned as Carmen cackled. Your eyebrows creased in as you heard them. Wasn’t a medical show also full of death? The ones you liked were more about how to process grief. However, to each their own. You were ready to brush it off and then it got worse. “Okay, but the real crime. Her outfit…”
“Oh god, right…so fucking basic.” Carmen groaned.
  “I bet she thought she ate with that one!” Destiny said before the two started cackling. “I swear, whoever she was trying to impress is running for the hills. And if that weren’t enough every time she opens her mouth we’re all bracing ourselves for whatever condescending bullshit she’s about to say.” Carmen interjected.
“For real! She has zero social cue awareness, it’s sad. And now she’s sitting there like a bump on a log just observing. Like girl, it’s evident that no one likes you, should’ve stayed home, babe…” Destiny said before they started laughing again. 
You were holding back a sob as your eyes welled up with tears. You were done. You decided to just bolt and hurried out of the bathroom, when you glanced back to the table only Harry and Rama were sitting there on their phones. You then glanced around and saw Adam over at the bar, it was the perfect opportunity to leave. You could just request and wait for your Uber outside. You started moving through the crowd and when you reached the table Harry glanced up and saw you grabbing your purse. Your eyes met for just a moment and he frowned.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He immediately asked and it’s almost as if asking was the last bit of pressure that was needed to break the dam. Your vision started to blur as your tears started to spill and you just inhaled sharply before rushing off. 
You started walking, hoping to find a desolate and quite nook for you to cry in peace and get your uber. Just as you reached the alley behind the bar you turned into it and just rested against the wall. Your tears started to fall with so much hurt and frustration and defeat. Moments later you heard your name being called and then you saw Harry rushing past the alley you were holding your breath hoping he just kept going. You pulled out your phone to call for a ride, and after another few moments he was walking back slowly, looking from side to side until finally he saw you nestled in the dim lighting as you typed away into your phone.
“Y/N.” He said and you glanced up to see him approaching, “What’s the matter, what happened?” He asked you with concern and you shook your head.
“Nothing, I’m fine. I just need to get home.” You assured him.
“Don’t do that.” He tutted, “Tell me what happened.” He insisted with concern and your eyes narrowed into angry slits.
“Why do you even care? You’ve been ignoring me all week!” You reminded him and his features furrowed.
“That’s because you hurt my feelings, Y/N! Again!” He responded with frustration, “And despite that I’m still out here. Stupidly, might I add!” He exclaimed and you groaned.
“Listen, about the other day…you didn’t let me explain myself when I was trying to.” You sighed, “I was trying to figure out if it was nothing to you. I just…I got nervous that the vibe we had was just in my head since you were kind of quiet the next day. It’s weird for you.” 
“You were acting weird.” He chuckled, “I wanted to try to talk more but you were kind of in your head so I decided to just…give you space.” He pointed out and you pouted a bit.
“Oh…” You mumbled, “I’m sorry. I was freaking out a little.” You explained and he smiled, “My brain was all mixed up and the question came out weird!” You huffed. “I just…I didn’t want to assume that you felt something too when it could’ve just been the drinks.” You explained and his demeanor softened, “Clearly, you’re an affectionate drunk and I just…I don’t trust you yet. So I was asking in a way that…protected me from being vulnerable.” You explain and his gaze completely softened. He stepped up to you and grabbed your face gently, his thumbs wiping your tears.
“You didn’t imagine it. I felt something with you too.” He confirmed and you sniffled.
“Okay, well that doesn’t matter now because you’re clearly into Destiny…”
“I’m not! I’m into y-”
“Y/N?!” You then heard Adam’s voice and a second later as he peered around the corner and saw Harry’s body right up against yours, holding your face his hands. “Let her go.” He said sternly to Harry who quickly stepped back with his hands up.
“He didn’t do anything, Adam. He was just trying to help.” You assured him and he glanced to Harry.
“I swear, I didn’t do anything to her. I just came to check on her.” He assured.
“Well, I’m here now, you can go back inside. Des was looking for you.” He informed. Harry looked to you and you nodded, he hesitated for a moment and then headed inside. “What’s the matter? Rama said you just bolted and Harry went after you.” Adam asked as soon as Harry was out of sight.
“When I was waiting in line in the bathroom I heard Destiny and Carmen talking shit about me in the stalls.” You explained and your eyes started welling up again. “I know it’s stupid but I was really trying tonight and like…they were making fun of me and the things I like and my clothes. I was feeling so good about myself tonight and then just to hear that everyone thinks it looks bad and that no one likes me…this is why I don’t do things like this, Adam!” You raised your voice out of frustration. “I just don’t fit in!”
“Hey, they’re probably just jealous because the guys and I were saying how good you look.” He said lowly, “You really do look beautiful tonight, Y/N. It’s nice to see you in your street clothes versus the work get up.” He said as he came closer to you. “And I also have never seen Grey’s Anatomy willingly, my roommate watches it so I know things, but it’s awful in my opinion. So don’t worry about that you’re not missing out.” He assured you. Clearly just trying to cheer you up and you smiled slightly. Your phone dinged and you glanced down to see your uber was arriving in a minute.
“My ride is about to be here.” You glanced up at him.
“Don’t go. Stay.” He adjourned.
“Honestly Adam, I don’t feel like it anymore.” You sighed.
“Don’t give them the satisfaction by leaving though.” Adam countered.
“This is not about them, it’s about me and my comfort and my time. I don’t want to give my time to people who don’t deserve it.” You said and he nodded.
“Alright then. Well ummm, maybe next time it could just be…us two?” He asked.
“Yeah, like the usual.” You smiled a bit.
“No, not like the usual.” He said, “Look Y/N, I think that I have a crush on y-” your phone started ringing and interrupted him.
“It’s my driver. I really need to go.” You said and he sighed.
“Yeah, go on then. I’ll see you Monday.”
“See you Monday.” You said and hurried off to the sidewalk to see the car as described waiting with their hazards on. You immediately started to apologize to the driver as you slid into the back seat and you soon took off. 
Your brain was in shambles as you pieced together that both Harry and Adam were about to tell you that they liked you. It felt foreign to you, unreal…it just didn’t make sense!
When Adam made it back to the table Harry was just knocking back his drink, looking like he was ready to go.
“Hey, where did everyone else go?”
“I don’t know, they’re around somewhere but I’m gonna head out. I paid the tab already.” He said and Adam nodded. “I-is she alright? Y/N?” He asked and Adam sighed.
“She will be. She just heard Des and Carmen talking shit about her in the bathroom.” He explained and Harry frowned.
“Of course they did…” he sighed, “Now she’s never going to want to go out with us again. I know this was a really big step for her.” He said and Adam nodded.
“Yeah…” he sighed in defeat, “I’m gonna talk to them about it on Monday. What they did wasn’t cool.” He said and Harry bit his lip.
“I get where you’re coming from, mate, but don’t know if Y/N would like that…” Harry said, “Maybe talk to her first, she’s not the kind that likes her battles fought for her, no matter how gallant the intentions might be.” He reasoned.
“How do you know what she’d like? And why do you care all of a sudden? She doesn’t even like you, H.” Adam reminded, starting to feel a little overprotective of you.
“We’re friends now.” Harry said and Adam frowned.
“Since when?” Adam asked.
“We had drinks last Tuesday.”
“Just the two of you?” Adam asked with an unreadable expression and Harry nodded. 
“Yeah. It was kind of serendipitous. She got stood up by her friend and I had run into my ex-girlfriend outside as she was waiting for her new boyfriend. I saw Y/N when I went inside and she was kind enough to pretend to be my date so that my ex wouldn’t humiliate me with her new boyfriend.” Harry explained with a smile, “We talked for a long time and we were able to work out our differences. Well, more clear up why she didn’t like me.” He explained. “I mean, I’ve always tried to get to know her and understand her, you know that. I like her, I always have, but now that she sees that I’m not just a chatty nuisance it’s been better.”
“Oh…” Adam said, “Well, I like her too.”
“Of course, you’re friends.” Harry said.
“Yeah…” Adam trailed off nervously.
Harry then started remembering how he’d been treating you all week and over the night…maybe Adam like-liked you too. That scared him because you already had an established rapport with Adam. If he asked you out then you’d surely choose him over Harry. It made his stomach twist with hurt and envy and nerves. He felt like he needed to pounce on the opportunity, but after spending time with you he knew you’d hate a big gesture. So he needed to work subtly if he wanted to win you over. But he also felt weird about it because Adam was his friend. They weren’t best friends or anything super deep, but at least work-wise they had a good relationship and floated in the same circles when they’d spend time outside of work. Was he obligated to tell him explicitly that he wanted to pursue you romantically? He had no idea…but either way, he felt that he’d be fighting for your attention and affection one way or another.
“Well, I’m going to go. Did you drive yourself?”
“Yeah, but I’m good. So I’ll catch you on Monday.”
“Yeah. Sorry about bringing Destiny along, I didn’t know she was like that.” He explained with a frown.
“Apologize to Y/N, she’s the one who was on the receiving end of Destiny’s crazy.” He said with a chuckle and Harry didn’t know if he meant that sincerely or as a dig. As if he didn’t feel bad enough already.
“Right.” He said with a half-smile before saying goodnight and taking off. 
Saturday mornings were your favorite. You tended to sleep in a little later and then head to the gym that your apartment complex had because Saturday seemed to be everyone’s off-day and you were often the only person in there that early. You had just finishing putting on your shoes when your doorbell rang. You looked through the peep hole and saw Harry standing at your door with a bouquet of tulips of all colors. You felt your heart flutter, no one had ever gotten you flowers before. You quickly opened the door and he smiled.
“Hi.” He greeted you.
“Hi.” You responded. “W-what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to apologize.” He said and you frowned, “For what?”
“For bringing Destiny last night and ruining your evening. I didn’t know she was that kind of person.” He explained, “Ummm, I got you these as a-”
“Peace offering?” You asked and he smiled.
“Exactly.” He hummed and you took them. He wished he had the ability to take a photo of how happy you looked when you grabbed them from him. 
“They’re so pretty thank you so much.” You smiled and he nodded.
“It’s nothing.” He smiled bashfully. 
“It’s not nothing. This is very thoughtful of you. And I assure you, no apology is needed. How were you supposed to know she was going to be rude?”
“Well, true. But I invited her because I…wanted to make you jealous when I thought that you had just decided to brush me off. And I mean, she brought Carmen so…if I hadn’t…been stupid then none of that would’ve happened.” He explained.
“Well, I was jealous so…it worked.” You chuckled and he chuckled as well.
“It was still stupid.”
“Can’t argue with that logic.” You grinned and he chuckled.
“Ummm…d-do you wanna come in real quick for a water or the bathroom or anything?” You asked and he smiled.
“That’s alright, I actually was heading to the gym right now. I like to go early on Saturdays because there’s hardly anyone around.” He explained and your eyes lit up.
“Oh, me too!” You giggled, “That’s where I was about to go now.”
“Oh, nice. Where do you go?”
“Just to the one here in the complex. It’s all the way on the other side, so I walk there as my warm up and then just get to it. We have a sauna too, so it beats paying anywhere else.”
“Oh wow, that sounds really nice.”
“It is. Ummm…y-you could join me if you like?” You asked and he smiled.
“Can I really?”
“Yeah.” You nodded quickly and he smiled.
“Okay. Perfect.”
“Yeah.” You smiled a bit and he chuckled.
“Ummm, so are you gonna set those down or take ‘em with you?” He asked as he eyeballed the flowers and you glanced down at the flowers and then bit your lip nervously before glancing up at him.
“Ummm, right.” You said and turned to go back inside and he followed you in. “Are you sure you don’t need the bathroom or anything like that?”
“I’m sure, love.” He chuckled, “You’re gonna want to put those in a tall vase with cool water.” He said as you set them down on your counter and just nodded. 
You felt so embarrassed for some reason, but seeing as you had never been given flowers, you didn’t own a vase. You were scrambling in your mind trying to think if you owned anything that resembled a vase and all that came to mind was a plastic pitcher you hardly ever used, but even that wasn’t tall enough for these flowers. You opened up your cabinets, pretending to search even though you knew you had nothing for these. And it was starting to make you nervous, so you suddenly turned around and decided to just be straight up.
“Ummm, t-this is the first time I have ever received flowers so I actually don’t have anything t-to put these in.” You explained and Harry frowned.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah.” You bit your lip nervously, “I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t need to apologize.” He assured you, “I’m sorry no one has ever done this for you.”
“S’just flowers.” You shrugged as you shook your head.
“Yeah, but it’s more than that. Flowers mean things, you know?” He said, “The white ones mean you’re sorry, among other things. The yellow ones are for cheer and happiness, the red for passion or love, and the orange ones are significant of friendship and appreciation.” He explained.
“You know a lot about flowers.” You chuckled nervously instead of addressing the symbols of these flowers.
“My mum and dad own a nursery and flower shop back home. I worked there from the ages of 12 to 22, so I picked up a few things.” He explained.
“Oh wow, that’s nice. Seems like it’d be a really peaceful place to work.”
“Definitely was.” He smiled fondly. “But ummm, I mean for now we can just put ‘em somewhere else? Do you have like a pitcher or maybe a bottle?” He asked and you gasped.
“I have a souvenir cup from when I went to Universal Orlando!” You recalled and then went to one of your other cupboards and retrieved the giant Optimus Prime head. Harry immediately laughed as you turned with it and you giggled. “S’what I have.” You mumbled bashfully as you went over to the sink to fill it up.
“You know, I was gonna suggest we go thrifting for one, but I like this better.” He smiled sincerely and you rolled your eyes at him. “I think we’ll still need to trim the stems a bit, do you have any scissors?”
“Yeah, in that drawer over there.” You pointed and he went over and while you filled up the head he busied himself with trimming the stems just a bit more and they ended up fitting perfectly. With that task completed you walked over to the gym. You weren’t huge on working out, you only did it because it was good for you. So you often just did some light weights and then more intense cardio.
“So you’re into working out?”
“Not really.” You chuckled as you neared the gym. “I do it because I must.”
“You’re a gym nut aren’t you?” You inquired.
“I am…I love it. I love that it’s something to work towards and that I can see results in.”
“Because you’re a guy. You could take up jogging for a few weeks and lose 15 pounds.” 
“I know, but I’m not just trying to be lean. I like to like what I see but I also enjoy feeling and being strong. I like that it requires discipline and consistency. I like that it helps with my mental health too. And I’m not just a strength training person, I truly enjoy other things like yoga and swimming and pilates.”
“All the hard things?” You giggled and he chuckled.
“I was a beginner at those at some point too, you know?” He reminded.
“Yeah, but you strike me as one of those annoying people that is just good at everything you attempt.”
“Kinda…I’m just bad a pottery. I get too excited.” He explained and you giggled, “Do things with me today. Just to see how you like it.”
“Fine. But if I’m sore tomorrow I will be mad at you.” You said and he rolled his eyes.
“What’s the point if you’re not gonna feel it the next day?” He asked and you side-eyed him.
“That’s fine for certain things…not all the time.” You smirked and he smirked back.
“Wow…a little innuendo from little miss grumpy pants? I never would’ve thought!” He teased you.
“Just because I’m crabby doesn’t mean I’m not funny.”
“You are quite funny.” He smiled and you grinned.
“Thank you.” You hummed. 
Once you got inside and Harry took his hoodie off you were quite taken aback at just how strong he was. You really did give it your best effort in terms of following his workout routine and while he pushed you, he wasn’t annoying about it. He didn’t fuss or talk you down when you were over it, he just finished his sets quietly while you just laid on the bench and waited for him to finish up that exercise before you moved on to the next. After an hour and you already feeling like your arms were a bit noodle-ly, you made your way back to your apartment and you were feeling hungry now. You didn’t want him to go yet, so as you made it to your building you decided to ask him to extend his stay.
“W-would you want to maybe go grab food or something?” You asked.
“I would love to but I actually have some late lunch plans for a friend’s birthday, I need to go home and change.” He explained regretfully.
“How about a rain check? Maybe dinner, next Friday night?” He asked and you bit your lip nervously before you nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You said softly.
“Okay…ummm, do you like sushi?” He asked and you nodded eagerly.
“Love it! Especially as it gets hotter out.”
“Right, it’s just perfect and refreshing.” He agreed, “I know a good spot that’s actually near here. And they also have a delightful mochi donut.” He added with a smile.
“Ooh…so you have sweet tooth?”
“I do. Especially for chocolates and well fruity things too…sweets in any form really.” He chuckled with a shrug.
“I get it, me too.” You confessed as you made it to your door and then turned to him. “So ummm…I never said anything about last night, so, I accept your apology, thank you for coming by and for…well, you know? T-the flowers…” You mumbled more timidly as you felt your face heating up as you blushed hard, your gaze fluttered down to your shoes. Harry grinned but said nothing about this, he found it endearing, but he wanted to know more because if he could at least refute what had been seen, he wanted to do that too.
“It was the least I could do. But umm…w-what were they saying about you?” He asked and you sighed and shrugged.
“Just that I was a freak and condescending and that I looked bad in my outfit…just childish, high school shit like that. It wasn’t that serious…” you played it down.
“Well based on how upset you were, I beg to differ.” He countered and you glanced down at your shoes again. “Hey, look at me, love.” He insisted and you glanced up at his eyes, “You looked fucking breathtaking. You always do.” He assured and you literally felt your mouth go dry, “And more importantly, I could tell that you were really trying making an effort to engage with everyone. I know that’s not an easy thing for you to do, so I’m proud of you for it. You seemed really excited to share your interests with everyone and it’s awful and very unfortunate that they made fun of you for them. And quite frankly, I’m also sorry for not sticking up for you at the table when they first questioned you for not liking the other show.” He said and you tutted. 
“It’s in the past…You don’t think I’m a freak for liking shows about death and grief.”
“Absolutely not. We all have surprising tastes in certain things. For example, thanks to my sister, my current favorite show is Bridgerton so…” he trailed off as he chuckled.
“What’s that?” You asked and he grinned.
“Oh, you need to watch it. Or at least try to. It’s like a saucy period drama. Not very masculine but it’s quite entertaining.” He smirked.
“You’re just there to watch the sex.” You chuckled.
“So?!” He asked in mock offense and you threw your head back as you laughed, “You should give it a try.”
“I don’t know…I think the sexism of the time period will put me off.”
“I thought so too, until I saw the saucy bits.” He chuckled, “Honestly, I think you’d like it. I mean, you really didn’t like me and then gave me a chance and here we are…” he said smugly.
“I suppose you’re right…I’ll try the first season.”
“Good. We’ll talk about it on our date next week.” He smiled and you nearly choked on your spit as he said this.
“Date…right.” You mumbled nervously.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never been on a date before, Y/N.” he said with disbelief building in his expression and you giggled.
“Of course I’ve been on dates…they’ve just been…few and far between and very casual. And well, obviously the partners not that good given that I’m still single…” you chuckled.
“Well, this one will be good.” He said and you smiled.
“Okay. Well, have fun at your lunch. I’ll see you on Monday.” You said and he nodded.
“See you then, love. Take care.” He hummed and you nodded as you stepped forward and hesitated for a second before just hugging him. 
You wanted to, you had no idea why you struggled with showing your affection like this, but upon doing it, you immediately felt good about your decision. He smiled as he wrapped you up in his arms and then kissed you on the head. You pulled back and he brought a hand to your chin and ran his thumb over your lower lip as his eyes honed in on your lips for just a second before he leaned down and kissed you on the cheek.
“See you soon, love.” He said softly through a smile before pulling back.
“See you.” You said breathlessly as he hurried down the hall.
You felt like you were walking on light and fluffy clouds as you made it inside and to your bathroom to shower off the sweat from the gym. You’d had crushes on people before but not like this. For a long time you wondered if there was something wrong with you because you hadn’t really experienced the feelings other people described, but suddenly you were. It felt like there was all this energy brewing inside of you and just fighting to get out. You hated being proven wrong but somehow, you didn’t mind it coming from Harry. He wasn’t arrogant or smug about it like you could be at times. He had a genuine humility and goodness that emanated from him. Even just in how he was always nice to you when you weren’t nice to him proved his optimism and long-suffering spirit. 
When you emerged from your shower, ready to cook your breakfast your eyes landed on the Optimus Prime head makeshift vase and the gorgeous and colorful bouquet resting in it. You were grinning like a fool as you walked passed the counter and to your fridge. But seconds later you were turning back and bringing your phone up to take a picture of the flowers and posted them on your story. You couldn’t shake the excitement buzzing through you. Your heart was moving far faster than your head and as much as you hoped it would catch up, a part of you just wanted it to run wild and free for as long as possible because having these feelings growing for Harry was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to you.
>> Next Part >>
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wombywoo · 3 days
🤝 1, 10, 18
💓 3, 20
all ears kicking my feet giggling
thank you boo 😘
🤝Community and Relationships
Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
I think they both generally prefer to stew in their aliments alone, but now that they have each other, they recognize the benefits of seeking out company for comfort--lots of sympathy and soup and hair petting, etc (I can attest because I'm sick rn 😔)
10. Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else?
Vincent tends to emulate those around him, something he does subconsciously to 'fit in', so he often expresses sentiments or behaviors similar to those closest to him (considering his best friend is a 79 year old, this can potentially be a comedy gold mine)
I don't think Quinn has actively learned habits from others, rather he adjusts his own behavior out of spite--if he sees someone he despises behaving a certain way, he'll usually do the exact opposite on principle. He has tried to incorporate stricter and more professional practices from officers he actually respects, but his personal life doesn't really reflect that
18. What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Vincent really enjoys talking--this can be causal banter or long, deep meaningful conversations. He expresses his emotions most effectively when he can vocalize the issues at hand, so having someone sit and listen and engage is something he considers affection in itself. For physical stuff, he just likes being close; holding hands, leaning on each other, sleeping side by side, etc. To show affection, he loves pampering his partner; giving little gifts, one-sided sessions in bed, giving them all the attention~
Quinn's not an outwardly affectionate person and it takes him a really long time to even open up to that sort of thing. But, hypothetically speaking, he loves getting his hair played with. Also cuddles 😤. As an ordinarily 'aggressive' lover, in order to show genuine affection as opposed to lust, he tends to slow things down a bit; long, deep kisses, spending hours just holding each other and letting the passion speak for itself
Hmm. I see I took the horny route instead of saying 'they call each other cute names' or whatever... 🤷‍♀️
💓Mind, Body and Soul
3. Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
Both are more inclined to fight. If threatened, I think both of them would instinctively try to attack and defend rather than retreat. Quinn has some anger issues and would definitely prefer to punch someone out in the heat of the moment than walk it off. Similarly, Vincent also has some uncontrollable bouts of rage, so yeah...he's a fighter 💪
20. Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
So..Quinn had previously been deadset on being a pilot (something he'd wanted since he was a kid), but at a certain point in his application process, he dropped out and joined the regular army. Turns out he has a real, deep-seated fear of flying (due to trauma, as per usual) Embarrassed and ashamed, he took measures to overcome this throughout his career--sure, he can jump out of a plane, but he still has this weird fear of being the one in control of an aircraft. Maybe one day Vince will teach him how to fly 🥺
Vincent has a rather valid fear of being used as a science experiment and thus stripped of all humanity. He'd been subjected to some gnarly examinations at some point (once vampirism was exposed, he was one of the first to admit himself as an 'example' and yeah--the British govt had no qualms in doing some pretty dubious shit to test his physical and mental capacities) As such, he still has this lingering fear of medical personnel and usually forgoes any kind of treatment unless necessary. He'd prefer to overcome this at some point, but it might take some time...
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lutawolf · 2 hours
“My Stand In” Episode 7 opinion and commentary.
esinegerp asked:
Lovely Luta, I just got caught up on My Stand In … I do love some tortured tears from a toxic boy who is now learning a painful lesson.  Please bless me with some commentary on the latest episode.
So here I am!
I would like to start by emphasizing that Ming is not a good person. Now, that doesn't imply a lack of affection towards him. I am merely highlighting the obvious to ensure that everyone is aware that I am not blind to his shortcomings. He exhibits sporadic instances of kindness; however, this does not make him a considerate individual. This makes him an almost villainous love interest, which I appreciate. I genuinely appreciate that he is not our typical main lead. He is a selfish asshole, who will do and act however he wants without thoughts on feelings. Unless he cares about you, which is rare. As, he doesn’t easily give a shit about anyone. Which is why he is in the conundrum that he is in. He doesn't trust people and likes even fewer. Ming’s instincts are telling him to trust Joe, but his typical distrust is getting in the way. 
Let's start this episode off by discussing the agreement between Joe and Ming. Ming is required to buy Joe's mother a house and pay her medical expenses. Does that include a housekeeper/caretaker? Cause that is who Joe and his mother are greeted by when they arrive at the new home. Is that stipulated in the agreement? Yet here she is. It could be inferred that Joe is responsible for obtaining her. However, it is worth noting that he is not the same Joe who possessed substantial wealth. It is probable that he expended the majority of the funds he had earned on the initial hospital payment that he had to make prior to Ming's arrival.
That kindness and assholishness is being shown right off the bat because Ming immediately says, tonight.  Additionally, the question “Have you eaten?” That right there is caring, but then knowing his character, you can imagine that he is asking why he cares while he is nodding. Which is why he so rudely throws the towel and tells him to take a shower.
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I want you to look at the body language and expressions here. One conveys dissatisfaction, whereas the other expresses regret. When I say that Ming is so confused, this right here shows it. He feels immediate regret for hurting Joe, but he doesn't know why. This further agitates him. That's the thing to not forget, he can feel Joe in there, but wouldn't you second guess yourself on that too? Plus, he's being told that Joe is alive and get he can push this Joe away because he can feel him there. Ming is going batshit crazy inside himself, and to be fair, he wasn't exactly sane to begin with.
That robe keeps taking me out of the scene. That is the tackiest wardrobe pick.
Oh, this scene kills me, but I think it expresses what I've been trying to say. Both of them are going through hell, but we tend to sympathize with Joe because he's not an asshole, and we know what happened. We also get to see his perspective, whereas we are left piecing it together with Ming. Ming is an asshole, but the boy has been alone for two years, wallowing in guilt. He is clearly lonely and touched starved. Before, he was affectionate to the people he cared about, but now we've observed that he's really kept the people he used to care about at arms length. Not nearly as handsy with Tong as previous. He might not know to hate or blame Tong yet, but he knows that he was a source of discomfort for his Joe. He's living out the ideology that his Joe will come back, so he is trying to set everything in place for that. Furthermore, he is in showbiz so that wherever Joe is, he'll eventually recognize him. He does the watch commercial featuring the watch his Joe got him, just in case Joe might watch it from wherever he is and know that Ming is waiting.
Ming is clearly disappointed to be waking to an empty bed.
Let us revisit the agreement once more. Currently, Joe is intended to serve as a substitute boyfriend for a duration of one year. There is no mention of making breakfast in the agreement I heard. Yet here is Joe, making Ming breakfast. Until told otherwise, I'm working under the assumption that Joe felt the need to make Ming breakfast. If so, that speaks volumes now, doesn't it?
Ming tells Joe to hurry back, that he'll wait for him. There is almost a softening to him here. All the flashbacks getting to him, or does he feel Joe more at this moment?
Sol makes Joe a main character. Does Sol finally feel Joe, or is he just finally moving on and he has a type? I would like to remind everyone that Ming immediately felt Joe, while Sol didn't. So right now I'm working under the assumption that Sol is moving on, and he has a type. Which isn't a bad thing, in the real world we would want someone to move on and find happiness.
Oh, no! Sol recognized his back!
Joe is trying to put that distance up. Is it for himself? Or is it for Ming? Both maybe? He can't possibly miss that he is basically reliving his past at this point.
Shit, suspicious Sol. Joe, you are a terrible liar, and you are also suspicious. “Even in death, misfortune still finds him.”
Sol is now asking himself how you knew Joe was misfortune in life.
Allow me to point out that Joe is polite to Ming, but not to Sol. When he answered his phone, he didn't say, “Please excuse me.” As he doesn't with Ming.
Sol taking the phone from Joe… That was strictly to antagonize Ming, who he holds responsible for Joe's death. He is seeing the past repeat itself as well. Sol is taking this all in.
The way Joe so quickly takes the phone away to make the conversation private. Barely puts up an argument. Now we could say this is due to Ming paying for his mother and that would be true. However, Joe could at least be a little bit of an asshole, but not once is he. He put a little argument in there, but quickly caved and stayed respectful the whole time. He is trying to put distance by using Mr. Ming, but it isn't working well.
Ahh, look at Joe puzzling it out. “A new life… but why do I feel like everything... Is going back the way it was?”
I love Wut and their friendship. Hahahahahahahah! Serves the dick right for not being recognized. I can only imagine this is the friend that mom doesn't like. I love Joe's witty remark back. It appears that both men, named Joe, don't have great taste in men, but at least Ming loves Joe. If he had known it was him laying in the hospital, he would have been there every day. Tharn doesn't give one shit about Joe.
Mom and Joe's relationship is everything. He is really soaking up the motherly love he'd missed out on. Aww… She's so cute. She's just happy to have her son back, but she still feels the need to protect him. I get that on cellular level. Until you are a parent yourself to an older child, you don't realize how hard parenting is. This is when you start desperately looking around for an instruction book, and then you realize there isn't one. Even me with my counseling knowledge have messed up, but I try. I tell my kids, I'm giving this parenting thing my all, but ultimately, they'll still have to see a therapist for something I did.
I love, love, the empathy of Joe. He feels so bad for the Joe whose body he now owns that there are tears in his eyes. He feels for his new mom and the pain of what Joe went through. Then him said, “Right now, the only person I love is sitting right here with me.” He is just a lovely human being.
Ming questing Joe about the accident and if he dreamed of anyone. He knows the two men are connected, but he isn't sure how. Joe packing for Ming. Is that part of the agreement? Is Joe just Ming's to be ordered any way he wants. Let's say that's true, Joe could still push back, but he doesn't. Just because of the situation with his mother doesn't mean he couldn't at least give attitude, but he quickly agrees.
What do you mean, Luta…? Just look at this scene. He sees the watch and he is taken back. Ming comes in and tells him to go away, but Joe puts up a fuss. He might have still left, but he initially gave attitude at being told to leave and not finish packing. Are you guys picking up on that?
Now look. Joe expresses his feelings and opinion on sleeping with the crew and Ming, while not happy about it, doesn't argue. Are you guys catching what I'm saying? Ming is most definitely the Dominant one in this relationship; however, Joe isn't an unwilling submissive. He isn't just going along with things because he has to.
Haha! Face it, Tong, you just aren't as important as you once were. Sorry, not sorry, Joe is more significant. Tong's shock at Ming just getting up and leaving him is lovely. Oh, how I hate Tong.
Everybody is hating Ming, and I'm over here hating Tong. We are not the same.
Jealous, jealous, boy. Look at Ming being his usual jelly self. He wants to know who that boy was.
See! See Joe standing up for himself and what he wants. Their agreement doesn't mean that Ming owns Joe, and Joe won't stand for that. Which means Joe is doing things for Ming of his own free will.
Dude, how has Joe not gotten caught yet!
Lonely, Ming doesn't know how to say he is lonely.
I adore how rude Joe is being to Tharn. Have I mentioned that I hate Tharn?
Um... How does such a short ass boy overpower such a muscular man. I mean it can happen but not in this way. This scene really wasn't executed well.
Okay, so now they're fighting, but it's like Joe really gets Ming. He knows Ming's jealousy now, so he is trying to come in with calmness and sense unlike last time, but Ming triggers him. Because Tong is his trigger. He trigger Ming with his words because Ming knows this is something his Joe would have felt. Ming does what he has always done when, scared, which is to angrily lash out and say the most hateful things. “I bought you so you could wag your tail for me. Not bite me like this.” But in that hate is confession. Ming is saying that those words hurt him. He is being more communicative than he typically is with anyone.
Joe is pissed off for not being heard and then being dismissed as a sex toy. He is spewing anger. He is pissed off, but he never once fights Ming. At one point he clutches his arm, but it's clutching, not pushing him away. And here comes Tong, to add his annoying voice to the mix and not letting us see how they would resolve their anger.
Joe is pissed off that Tong is interrupting. Look, play back the scene. We can see Joe is not happy, and he is grappling with his feelings in the midst of this fucked up sex session, but the minute we hear Tong's voice, there is pain and sorrow. Then when Ming stops and answers the door, and says it's nothing. His anger snaps, but his feelings towards Ming are nothing compared to his rage at Tong. I repeated this scene five times and yeah, that is what I saw each time. Notice, though he says excuse me, he does not look at Tong as he is leaving. He is forcibly not looking at Tong. That little smile of self deprecation on Ming's lips and the way he shoves away from the door.
OMG, but I love that Joe throws Shawn out. Just loses his shit and tosses him out in the hallway.
You mean you would like him to hang all over you again. Look at how Ming is putting up that wall and distance. Finally! Give it to Tong, Ming!
Oh, these two broken men.
“Make me a coffee, too.” And Joe does, no questions. There is hesitation, some grappling with his feelings, but he makes Ming coffee and with care too, the way he knows he likes. Remember, we've established this isn't a part of the agreement, so he doesn't have to. He could have said, no, make it yourself and walked away. Instead, he makes it and then walks away. He made a point with that polite excuse me and walk away.
So Tong took the credit and didn't let Joe have it last time. That explains why Ming was such an idiot about not knowing that of course that was Joe's back. It wasn't just Tong saying he did it, he actually took credit for it in on the show credits. Now Ming knows. Let the devastation begin.
The way that everyone just watch Ming have a mental breakdown. Are they used to it now? And the way, just stood there and listened, but the boy has such low self-esteem that I'm sure later he'll make an excuse for this.
Ahhh, I need the next episode now.
Well, that's the end of my commentary. I hope you enjoyed it!
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cyborgartalchemist2 · 7 hours
Imagine being so fucking aggressive about a ship you make jokes about Magneto and that very groomer scene from X-Men 97 that just... excuse the behavior? Because that doesn't sound very progressive in my opinion. Like yeah... rape culture in relationships just permeats fucking shipping but lets do nothing to argue against it. Lets make jokes that perpetuate the behavior and excuse men taking advantage of women.
To me having Magneto take advantage of a much younger mutant under his tutelage because she's desperate for physical connection and he's the only one she can touch is meant to showcase A) how Gambit contrasts Magneto and B) remind us that Magneto is never above using mutants for his own gains.
If this were reality most people would be calling Magneto a groomer and worse. We know Rogue was still a teen when Mystique took her in. We know that she's been an X-man for a few years. So Magneto was patient enough to wait until she turned 18?
Historically he hasn't done well with his love life. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's mom left him without telling him he fathered children because she was scared of him! (I'm only going on TAS and 97 here since this is an adaptation.) So where in the high heavens does everyome think he would be good for Rogue?
I don't care about the 'better than Remy' arguments because that's not the point! The point of who you ship Rogue with should be about if it's a relationship that is good for her! Is she their equal? Does she get treated with respect? Magneto looked at the Genosha council and without asking Rogue said "I'll lead but only if this woman I am trying to get back is my queen". LIKE DOES THAT EVEN SOUND MATURE? Magneto shows up, sees Gambit and Rogue being even mildly affectionate and starts pulling asshole moves on Rogue. And the narrative did nothing to make Rogue stand up for herself (which she would have) she should have told Erik "I'm a big girl I can get my own sugar for my coffee." She is shown numerous times to remind everyone she is no one's 'territory'.
Also wish to address the fact that making Rogue x Magneto comes with a 'sex is the only thing that matters!' Flavor that is exactly what so many of us are tired of in shipping. When did shipping stop being about the drama of a couple fighting against a narrative that pushes them apart or about finding love in the most unconventional of places, like alien hunting? And become solely about how nasty they can fuck? Seriously?
AND it's so blandly hetero it's not even funny. Because honestly the ways in which a couple can experience pleasure that don't involve traditional p in v penetration is vast and wild and there are enough types of gear and costumes and the like to facilitate that between Rogue and Gambit. Because that's all the argument has to stand on, is which man can fulfill her sexual needs. WHICH SHE HERSELF REALIZED WASN'T ENOUGH. She kisses Erik and goes "nope they're ain't any sparks there. This isn't going to be fulfilling ever."
Not to mention the fact that I can't genuinely see Magneto offering to die for Rogue. Sorry that grandstanding in Genosha was not the same. It was barely a heroic move... he still didn't save the Morlocks he promised to protect... he still failed. He couldn't save Leech and he couldn't stop the Sentinel either. Because yeah Magneto attempted to save Rogue and Gambit, but he did nothing to save the Morlocks at his side and he also survived without taking out the giant killer robot... but Gambit? Gambit said fuck it, gonna take this motherfucker to hell with me. He stopped Rogue from facing the sentinel so he could. And he actually stopped it. All on his own. Because that's what an x-man would do. Sure Magneto protectdd two people but sacrificed the morlocks yet again...
Has Gambit always been great with Rogue? No, but that was the 90s and now look at how he handles shit? Comics writing has grown. It was a lot more heternormative and still had lots of rape culture hold overs in it.
Look at the episode when Cody shows up. He uses Rogue's connection to him from the past and then puts her in a situation that almost takes away her humanity. Her powers, which was what lured her into this trap in the first place, saved her from a man taking advantage of her. And the one time Gambit (in TAS) takes advantage of her, Morph in her form, told him to come and get some from her first. (So while he should have paused and woke Rogue up before kissing her, he had what he thought was an invitation.)
Gambit takes Rogue's decision to rule Genosha with Magneto incredibly well. He doesn't get mad, he doesn't call Rogue names, he doesn't do anyhting to hurt Rogue the way she is hurting him. He accepts it like a gentleman. Unlike Magneto who pursued Rogue's affections in unhealthy ways.
So uh... yeah that's my fucking rant.
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zuzu-draws · 8 months
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4-armed Sukuna Appreciation post!! These were my favourite OG Sukuna panels from the latest chapter.
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i think the diamond dogs should play improv games just bc it would amuse me, an ex theater kid, specifically
#ted and beard ofc are reading each others minds#trent is shockingly good at it but only when he forgets to be self conscious#also see: he does both best and worst with ted (best when he's not being self conscious#worst when somehow the prompt gets too touchy or 'romantic' bc Crush Crush Crush Brain Panic)#(please the image of ted in character hugging him or something and trent just. red. brain crashed. no longer improving just frozen. barely#manages to recover and even then it was not subtle. unclear if ted is a) genuinely oblivious b) teasing him and thinks trent knows that#c) something else(??) )#roy is too stiff most of the time but if he gets really into it he gets REALLY into it.#best way to get this result is to involve phoebe or another child#higgins did community theater at some point and is the one teaching them all the games. beard also seems to have done intense research#but higgins is the one with EXPERIENCE#not that i think beard and ted couldn't have done an improv duo in college or something but in this scenario they did not#nate surprisingly is pretty good at it once he gets into it like it takes him a second but#then he's like. really getting into it and he's very quick on his feet#new way to go mad with power (affectionate): the rush you get when you make the perfect snap back comedic line/acting choice#also while trent is so good paired with so many of them i think he and nate would be a hilarious duo. they're SO funny.#they complement each other well and are both quick & clever#esp if it's about a mutual interest (although one of them taking the lead on something else like nate and music while the other plays off t#em is also good) but like#please i just had the iamge of them basically doing a bit where they're like. those mean old gay muppets in the theater?#like trent and nate improv duoing as some bitchy reviewers just going back and forth and it's so FAST and SO funny#beard records it and posts it somewhere and it goes viral.#god don't even get me started on the idea of some sort of official richmond social media/the gang posting random clips on social media#bc the ideas i have are so funny.#also largely trent centric but what do you want from me okay i'm just a little slut.
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winepresswrath · 6 days
I think I would need to reread the first book to really commit to this opinion but imo some of the horror of book!claudia is that she really is a terribly inhuman monster. she was a vampire child, so she never learned to be human. she was a vampire child so she'll never grow up and fulfill that potential. companionship is a necessity for her because she can't look after herself and that makes her bitter and disdainful of people who want love for its own sake, especially in the context of Louis and Lestat, who damned her to her current state to fulfill their own emotional needs. it's a stark contrast to show Claudia, who yes, is a vicious mass murdering vampire and has fun with it, but is otherwise a lonely woman who craves companionship and understanding because she's a person. Her beef with Louis is still about his failure to prioritize her and his assorted bad idea relationship choices but the undertones are so different and I really feel like the tragedy is that he didn't put her first and not that he could never have made her happy no matter what he chose.
#tbh i think claudia in the book is perfectly capable of love she's just furious all the time#but there's definitely a particular monstrosity/eatrangement from humanity#which in terms of the other vamps. lol maybe she's just honest!#howevvver#i say again u would not catch her getting love bombed into a theatre cult#she is simply not vulnerable to that particular trap#at the same time i think it honestly was about book claudia. at least more than it's about show claudia. she engineered a situation where#louis had to choose and he did! she had the opportunity to make up with lestat basically whenever and she didn't because she was furious#and unwilling to put up with him.#valid! but imo a much less desperate situation than claudia in the show#who is also i think dealing with a much more serious betrayal#like tell me if i'm wrong but book claudia clocks that he won't give them up without a fight from the get go#in kind of a game recognizes less competent game kind of way#whereas show claudia really thought she could show up and ask louis to leave with her. and if he agreed that would be that#and i think the violence she receives and witnesses in return is what really ruptures their relationship for good. she was mad about the#diaries and the boyfriend and the general state of her existence but unlike book! claudia i genuinely don't think she'd have tried to hurt#him if he hadn't done that. whereas book claudia would gut him for funsies#maybe even a little affectionately if he didn't make her too mad first. however it's lestat he was always going to make her mad moot point#god i love show claudia but book claudia really is an absolutely singular character i should reread just for her#either way always thinking about Her#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#the vampire claudia
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gunstellations · 2 years
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in dangerous waters
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warlordfelwinter · 7 months
i don't know why i was thinking about it last night but just thinking about the general sort of way so much media including a lot of games has such an emphasis on romance that it's genuinely really cool how much ffxiv focuses on friendship. even among npcs. you just get so many interesting and diverse examples of explicitly platonic love and friendship between characters with each other and with your character. like if you want a beautifully written game with an impactful story that will make you cry that is genuinely a lot about friendship (as well as hope and kindness), play ffxiv
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pawphin · 9 months
i know i rave on and on about how much i love 1999 hxh but my favorite aspect of the entire show is killua's relationship with gon and 2011 nails it
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
whatever you do don’t think about billy growing up with neil trying to shape him into the ‘perfect son’
don’t think about billy not understanding why his dad doesn’t like him
about billy saying the wrong thing when someone asks him if he likes any of the girls at school
about billy asking his mom why neil calls him that word
about billy asking his mom if he is that word
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skold · 2 years
chris & justin sharing the communal miw brain cell onstage yet again i see
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plushiehamuko · 10 months
mitsuru and hamuko who mutually have crushes on each other but neither of them can even FATHOM the idea of their feelings being mutual, so they remain oblivious for so long... it's so important to me
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fellhellion · 11 months
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This part of the editorial from 2099 (pic sourced from this post) is so interesting to me because i don’t even think the idea of Miguel having these kinds of flaws is uninteresting or impossible, but I just personally would never have come to this conclusion just based on the text.
Like, when I personally look at how Miguel and Dana interact, I don’t see any indication that he emotionally condescends to having a relationship with her, when you’d think this strain of elitism should shine through in some part of their relationship at least initially in his arc.
I don’t look at Xina and Miguel’s interactions and interpret any sense him feeling threatened by her intelligence (even if we're just talking purely pre-spidermanning), when you’d think an element of that would be present, even in a flashback. He was a callous dickhead about the cheating explanation, but that alone without some corresponding behaviour to how he speaks to/treats Dana, even just as a flashback, just doesn’t offer the bridging piece to displaying what the authorial intent apparently was, at least for me.
Also, and by god we always come back to Dana’s writing being so damn lazy, but if Miguel - even if only at first - sought Dana out due to the emotional convenience she provided, what has prompted enough change that he is willing to bear and forgive actions like her seeking out the company of the man who drugged him when she wants to needle Miguel.
#'a component to miguel's cheating is misogynistic thinking' AND IS THE MISOGYNISTIC THINKING IN THE ROOM WITH US NOW#idk idk...i genuinely have no issue with grappling w this as a character flaw of his i just would never have come to this conclusion on my#own PURELY from how he treated dana and xina. absolute asshole move w how he spoke of the cheating intially to xina#but that alone just makes him an asshole. not someone who felt threatened by her intelligence and THATS the piece that i dont personally se#in the text.#not to mention. the way dana and miguel's relationship is tonally depicted just. speaks of some lvl of sincerity to me. miguel isn't an#overly physically affectionate person and the times he does display that are really interesting (holding Gabriel when the abuse was going o#holding Xina when she blamed herself for Dana's death etc etc)#and then you have the way he holds Dana when he accidentally hits her while hallucinating from the rapture. he calls her lover and honey.#they cuddle in the bath that one time together. he recognises he hasnt been spending enough time w her and went to invite her out because o#it. and yeah. some of these we can absolutely chalk up to the character development hes having at the same time due to spidermanning but#even BEFORE that its like. it feels tonally dissonant to even try read Dana's actions at face value because the narrative doesnt CARE#about them making sense as part of a coherent whole person who thinks and rationalises actions to achieve a certain outcome or satisfy a#desire. it doesnt CARE enough to give her that sadly and so youre just left like. what does this relationship mean to these two characters?#for one party in particular i genuinely have no idea. and i dont know what to infer is the reason for a change from the mentality outlined#as authorial intent. because i didnt get that impression in the first place.#tunes talks 2099#tunes talks critical#long post
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sinkableruby · 5 months
i think i finally put my finger on what bugs me about saying that ougi wants to make araragi alone
because like, she doesn't. not exactly
in the owarimonogatari light novel (and in the anime!) she's genuinely disgusted when araragi mentions he had no friends back in freshman year. this is not the reaction of someone who wants someone to be all alone forever
there's nuance to it, i think-- in owari when araragi says he's going to wait for kanbaru, she responds: "so you're counting on being saved by others?"
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recall her words in the avant of kabuki: "people think they're being watched by god when they're going under these streetlights" (when really they're not totally free from danger)
under that philosophy, putting all your eggs in the basket that someone will show up for you is too hopeful. what if no one ends up showing up? then you'd be sitting there helpless. better to learn how to stand on your own two feet before you wait for someone to pull you to them. that's what i think the idea is: "you can't always rely on the people around you, so it's best to be able to rely on yourself if you need to." being able to help yourself, in other words
of course, asking for help could be a form of self help. but just don't bank on it, is what ougi suggests here. (and not even that adamantly i might add. she's not pushing for it very hard-- this is just one point in her criticism, not the whole itinerary. which is why it confuses me when people say getting him to be alone is her goal. because it's really not)
the tsukimonogatari scene is a little different-- ougi criticizes him for relying on a "little girl" (ononoki, whom she knows is not truly a "little girl"), calling it pathetic. i think the ethos is ultimately the same here: "really? putting your problems on a little girl? why don't you learn some self-sufficiency and take care of it yourself?" araragi relies on people a lot, so it's only natural that it would be a recurring point of criticism for ougi. i think the "little girl" thing might either be to rhetorically make araragi's reliance more of a heavy thing-- corpse dolls might not be bothered as much by the weight of your problems as a little girl would. perhaps it calls attention to the idea that oddities changed based on how they are perceived-- calling ononoki a little girl makes her seem just a little more incapable, a little less able to deal with araragi's issue. or perhaps it's to produce more of a sting when ononoki designates herself clearly as a monster to araragi, create more of a rift between them (that she admits she is hoping for). but it's not clear cut, and i'd have to rewatch tsukimonogatari probably to be more sure
either way, the through line still seems to be "don't count on other people or god to help you. do it yourself." which isn't exactly bad, but again since araragi relies on people a lot, ougi criticizes him more for it, and also is just overly critical in general, so it starts to become pushing him away from his friends as a result of that. but my point is it's not "isolate yourself" for the sake of it, it's isolate yourself so you know you can help yourself by yourself
which of course would make hanekawa and meme's appearances in ougi dark all the more baffling to her. she'd been trying to get araragi to not count on a miracle, but because he decided to stay open to one, one actually did happen.
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