#gentle with myself LOL
HA I'm 100% not making this camp nanowrimo goal
#I have written: 800 words so far wITH THE GOAL TO WRITE 10K?? HAHHAA#what's funny is I wrote 10k in February#about 20k in Jan#couple thousand in Dec#50k in nov#SO TELL ME WHY I'M DISAPPOINTED BY THE IDEA OF NOT HITTING THIS GOAL#listen... not making the goal doesn't make me feel sad because I'm not making the goal#makes me feel sad because idk! I love writing! I want to do that! I love living IN it#and for me living in it is soooo in the drafting process#and I feel like I've done a really... wonderful job at prioritizing writing & now I'm realizing I need to be#gentle with myself LOL#I'm moving this month after thinking I'd be moving in june#OBVIOUSLY I just finished my degree#I'll be moving into my own room (FIRST TIME EVER!! HAVING MY OWN ROOM!! A CONCEPT!!) when I get back home#lots of change haha#I think the mental strain of all of that has just made me tired#but it's not like I don't want to write ! I do! but I'm tired and that's what makes me sad#not being able to do the thing because I'm tired!#anyway I don't usually care this much about progress but I guess#since nano it's been nice to see the “progress” not because it's progress but because#to me it shows that I'm doing this thing I love very much#anyway proud of me for all I do!#I actually think this is why write every day works better for me than word count goals#(THE HORRORS THAT I ACTUALLY FOLLOW THIS ADVICE NOW HAHAHA)#but I liked that better cuz it was like... oh if I literally write ONE word I hit that goal LMAO#think I'll pivot my goal to that and whatever I write I write!#also writing frequently is kind of a must for me considering my short term memory is just awful#I find I get confused and flustered and overwhelmed when I don't write for a couple days#but yeah one word a day??? i can do that!
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kaiju-kin · 2 months
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Sole Observer
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wigglebox · 2 months
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Reminders 💚💙🌈
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tired-reader-writer · 18 days
Can't write rn so have this:
“I'll kill them,” says the saffron-clad girl with jagged tattoos. “I'll kill them all. The fake-ass princes, the king, the nobles. Everyone. All of them. They'll never become a problem for my hometown. Never. I'm gonna make sure of it.”
Alfarīd takes in the sight of Ashaya's hidden face, the tremor in their lengthy frame. Takes in their voice, so full of bitterness and anger, so full of...
Ashaya is afraid.
And who wouldn't be, when it's you against the world?
She lets herself plop down on Ashaya like she's seen cats do with each other. You can die at the hands of royalty, monkey. Consider it an honor. “Well, that makes it two of us, ey?”
Ashaya snorts. “Congratulations, you've just got a roadside fox stuck to your side for perpetuity. Now what?”
“Were you even listening to yourself? We're gonna rid the world of pests.”
“The rat bastard with the silver mask first?”
“The rat bastard with the silver mask first.”
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dogboner · 27 days
personal growth is crazy because it seems like nothing has changed until you're crying because you don't want to die. you learn something about yourself that ten years ago would have actually killed you, and now you're thinking about what you can do to heal and make peace with it. nothing may have changed to you, but to the person you were however long ago, you are the "it gets better"
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mblue-art · 7 months
ough,,,, you givb me lust brainrot,,,,,,, hes jbust a littol guyTM,,,,
HECK yeah 🫶🫶🫶 good thoughts, i hope ! he deserves to be appreciated 💜
mme whne,when lust sans does anything that's so very him
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(emoji src)
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goldensunset · 8 months
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*hands you keykid drawing i finally finished after a month*
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zzoomacroom · 4 months
Fic: If You Try Sometime, You'll Find You Get What You Need
Dreamling, Smut, 4114 Words
Tags and summary below the cut (very kinky, NSFW stuff here)
Chapters: 1/2
Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022), The Sandman (Comics)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling
Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Smut, Established Relationship, Dom/sub, BDSM, Light BDSM, (I guess? what constitutes "light" in this case? idk), Sex Toys, Dildos, Knotting Dildos, XL Dildos, Butt Plugs, Cock Cages, Nipple Clamps, Come Eating, Come Swallowing, Coming Untouched, Humiliation, Masturbation, Double Penetration, Anal Fisting, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking, King of Cats More Like King of Brats, Gentle Dom Hob Gadling, (well. he's just a teensy bit mean at first but then he's gentle), Under-negotiated Kink, Miscommunication, everything is consensual but it's not exactly what Dream had in mind at first, the importance of using your words, the importance of not assuming, probably out of character but idgaf, no beta we die like hob doesn't
Summary: Dream is being really bratty and gets more than he bargained for when Hob makes him put on a little show for him.
It is 7:30 in the evening. Dream has been waiting for nearly two hours, and Hob still has not returned home from work. Dream is not worried for his beloved. Yet. But he is growing impatient. And restless. All day he has been feeling on edge. Agitated. He is “in a right state,” as Hob would say. His duties have left him feeling weary and in need of...something. He cannot say quite what. He hopes that Hob will know. Hob always knows just what he needs, what he wants, often better than Dream himself does. It should be an affront—that a mere human should perceive the Lord of Dreams so clearly—but Hob loves him deeply, and Dream loves Hob with every fiber of his arcane, incomprehensible being. It is...a relief, surprisingly. To be seen and known thus, when he cannot articulate his needs himself.
He stretches out on the sofa, though he is anything but relaxed. His posture is rigid as he fidgets with the slim, black leather collar around his neck, which he sometimes dons for his rendezvous with Hob in the Waking. Beneath his usual black jeans he wears a plug, despite the fact that his body needs no preparation, inhuman as it is. In the Dreaming, it is easier to express his wishes visually, but here he prefers to signify his intentions for any given encounter with such symbolic adornments as the collar and plug, or with his body language. He does not like to verbalize whether he wishes to dominate or be dominated, or both, or neither. He finds it...gauche. To speak of such things. Fortunately, Hob has more than six hundred years of experience in deciphering Dream’s nonverbal methods of communication. Tonight, he wishes for Hob to take control. To figure out what he needs and give it to him.
Finally, mercifully, Hob walks through the front door. He beams at his lover with that brilliant, beautiful smile of his, but he looks tired. His shoulders droop slightly and his eyes, usually so rich and earthy like fertile soil, look dull and lusterless. Dream considers leaving and postponing their liaison until they are both in a better mental state, but...he needs this. He needs Hob. Now.
“Hey, love. Sorry I’m late—office hours ran over a bit, student was in a tizzy over their thesis, but we got it sorted. You been waiting long?” Hob makes his way over to the sofa and gathers Dream into his arms before planting a quick, almost perfunctory kiss on his cheek. “You seem tense. Everything alright?”
“I am not tense, Hob Gadling,” his lover retorts haughtily. “I simply do not like to be kept waiting.”
Hob raises his eyebrows pointedly. “Oh no, of course not. That sounds terrible,” he replies sardonically. “My my, it seems someone’s in a mood tonight.” He hooks a finger under Dream’s collar and pulls him in for a proper kiss. Dream allows it, but gives Hob a sullen pout from under his eyelashes after they part. Well, if he’s going to be a brat, maybe some more waiting will actually do him good.
“But unfortunately,” Hob continues with a heavy sigh, “you’ll have to wait just a bit longer. I have a few emails to respond to, and I can’t put them off any longer. Won’t take but a minute.”
Dream lets out an annoyed huff. “I would prefer that you fuck me now.” He snakes a slender, white hand down to Hob’s lap and fondles his half-hard cock through his slacks.
“Not yet, darling,” Hob responds sternly, eliciting a shiver of excitement from Dream. “You can be patient for a little while longer. If you need to be fucked so bad, go ride one of your toys until I’m ready for you. If it pleases your majesty, that is,” he adds with a wicked smirk.
“Very well. If you insist,” Dream says loftily. He begins to rise from the sofa, but Hob stops him with a firm grasp on his shoulder.
“Wait,” Hob commands, and Dream obediently sits back down. “There’s a good lad. Can I trust you not to come, or do you need the cage?”
Dream glares daggers at him. “I do not need the cage, Hob,” he sneers. “I have complete control over my physical form, unlike yourself.” Oh, so it’s going to be like that. He’s angling for a punishment tonight.
“Fine,” Hob replies coolly. “But you’ll have to do it where I can see you, because we both know you can’t be trusted.”
He knows that Dream can make himself come with a mere thought, even with the cock cage, but he also knows that putting on such a display for Hob will send him over the edge, regardless of his alleged ‘control over his physical form.’ Luckily, this is no bother given Dream’s nonexistent refractory period, and Hob is curious whether he can succeed in taking his lover apart before he even gets his hands on him.
Hob makes tea for the both of them, then retreats to the bedroom to change out of his work clothes. He emerges minutes later in a faded Rolling Stones t-shirt and gray sweatpants that do nothing to hide his obvious arousal. He plants himself on the sofa with a weary groan and picks up his laptop, glancing expectantly at Dream over the top of the screen.
Dream, meanwhile, has commandeered the space between the coffee table and the fireplace. He has sent his coat, t-shirt, and jeans back to the unformed dreamstuff from whence they came, and in their stead he wears nothing but a pair of black, thigh-high stockings, held in place by studded leather garters that match his collar. He knows that these are a favorite of Hob’s, and if he won’t give him what he wants, then Dream will just have to distract him. If he is too aroused to focus on his work, perhaps he will bend Dream over the sofa and have his way with him sooner rather than later.
He stands before Hob, legs spread and cock already hard, gazing intently at his beloved. Suctioned to the floor at his feet is a large, beautifully-crafted dildo taken from the dreams of a Japanese fetish model. It is black and glittering, with curves, bumps, and swirls that do not resemble any penis found in the waking world. Dream reaches between his legs, not breaking eye contact for a second, and removes the sizable, tapered plug from his hole, tossing it carelessly to the floor.
Hob’s eyes widen and his breath hitches, and Dream smirks smugly as he crouches and lowers himself down onto the dildo in one fluid motion. Once he is fully seated, he lets out a contented moan and rolls his hips tantalizingly slowly before beginning to ride the toy in earnest.
Continue reading on ao3:
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ssreeder · 5 months
Omg Ssreedy <3 saw you going off in my tags, you're the sweetest! ToT You have no idea how much i cherish your kind words, they really motivate me
Also congrats on the new chapter! It made me appreciate Reho so much, I keep growing fonder of this guy!! (Morrak absolutely wrecked him with his diagnosis tho, haha, my man didn't deserved to get dragged so hard)
Anyway that made me remember that I cooked something up last year, but never posted it. (apologies, I probably got some of their details wrong, I did this purely from memory ////) my headcanons of what Ara & Reho look like
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GENTLE TREES NOOOOOO you can’t drop OC art in my inbox and expect me to be even the SLIGHTEST bit normal about it.
You’re so amazing, going off in your tags is a damn honor *salutes*
Dude Morrak WRECKED Reho last chapter, and I guess there’s not patient dr confidentiality in this AU because Morrak totally slandered the poor man to Katara of all people lol. At least Reho didn’t have to hear yet another person try to figure out what’s wrong with him haha.
Thank you Gentle you’re so amazing!!! I can’t wait to gush over your art some more in the tags
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jessefandomunited · 6 months
Library Vibes
I had a very short idea about being a librarian starting to close up for the night and realizing Spencer is still there. I was at work late and my brain is mush so bear with me lol
Spencer Reid x GN reader ( I made extra care to not put anything regarding gender, race, or name .trying to be as inclusive as possible enjoy)
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It was a cold rainy night , one that always caused my mind to wander. The sky darkened much quicker and I thought of nothing but the rhythmic thrumming of the rain pattering against the expansive windows and skylight. The thunder rumbled as I finished putting another book back into its place and casually checked my watch. " ITS NINE," I Gasped much louder then I mean to which made, probably the last person here, drop their book , startled.
" I'm so sorry," I apologized walking towards the man hunched over picking up his book," the rain made me lose track of time, we've been closed for thirty minutes." He stood up and I knew who he was. Instantly I was flustered. Spencer Reid of the BAU came here often when he wasn't busy to just read surrounded by books. I noticed he'd always grab about ten thick books and get through them all quicker than I thought anyone could read. We've had a few conversations about books and his job but nothing more. I wanted more , so much more . I wanted to pluck up the courage to ask him on a date, but I just didn't know how, but this may be my best chance.
" hey im sorry too i should have known to leave i just assumed you'd kick me out whenever it was time to close up," he said awkwardly piling the stack of books he had been reading ," im typically very good at keeping track of time." I laughed ," I'm sure you are the genius that you are." I swore I saw him blush when I said that . Instead of brining it up though I began gathering the books he had been reading to put them in the return basket for me to resell later. " I can do that , I shouldn't have kept you here so late," he blurted scooping up the remaining books, " I mean , I remember where got them all too." I smiled and instead of telling him what my original plan was I nodded and said ," I'd love that."
As we methodically put back each book I noticed that he had been reading a series I'd mention was my favorite. It was a bit childish compared to his other ones but I felt touched. " so how did you like it,"I pried handing him each book in the series. " not what I normally read but it was fun, I thought the story was very fanciful and reminded me of being a kid again, at least the good parts of that," he said stumbling over his words. "Oh," I said not wanting to pry into his childhood," well I'm really touched you read it." Red was creeping up his face again ," it's no problem, I enjoyed it." I felt this push in my gut saying " here is your chance." " you know .... I havnt had dinner yet have you," I pressed measuring out my words carefully. He shook his head," no ." " perfect, would you like to go out then," I blurted feeling a bit foolish. He looked stunned like he couldn't believe I had actually said that ," yes... like out out , like a date or like a friend thing?" My smile broadened," a date, I am asking you, Spencer Reid, on a date." " I'd be honored," he said almost giddy.
With that we walked to the front of the library, I locked up, and we were officially on a date. Now I just needed to find a place that was open
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usereddie · 16 days
finished a fic :) it's not that long (6k ish) but it's the first non-coda anything i've written in a while. so i'm happy about it.
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cinnamononions · 7 months
A wild fanfic appears!
Rockman.EXE, anime/game canon, Blues.EXE centric. Slight ship subtext for Enzan/Blues. 3805 words.
Summary: After a fight gone wrong, Blues finds himself recapping his memories and the life he's lived.
Managed to finish a one shot fanfic. Basically an excuse to write down my headcanons.
No need for warnings really, but a couple of lines very vaguely imply child abuse.
For variety of reasons it's currently only on Docs, but I'll update an AO3 link if it ever happens.
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killerchickadee · 2 months
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Oh finger, we're really in it now
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Still can't figure out if he doesn't know or just doesn't care.
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I love first draft writing. (clenches fist) I love how it just. adverbs.
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clefairytea · 5 months
My New Year’s resolution for 2024 is simply to chill out a little more. I need to goddamn relax.
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lewmagoo · 5 months
went to an adorable coffee shop that’s officially my new favorite spot (i got a milk and cookies latte and it tastes exactly like a chocolate chip cookie), then i went on a brisk morning walk and now i’m gonna spend the rest of the morning reading 😇📖 i hope you all have a wonderful friday!
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