#genitalia mention tw
julietianboy · 1 year
) lesboyceta . ♂️
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[ id 1: a flag with six horizontal stripes, in the following colors: hot pink, salmon pink, off-white, light blue, light indigo and dark purple. /End id ]
[ id 2: a flag with six horizontal stripes, in the following colors: hot pink, salmon pink, very dark pink, light indigo and dark purple. /End id ]
( !! Genitalia talk up ahead !! )
> definition: a combo of the terms lesboy and boyceta, someone who's a lesbian and a boy/man/etc and also boyceta, which means a boy/man/etc with a vagina. it can also mean being a lesboy in a boyceta way and vice-versa, or having both identities affect each other in some way.
boyceta is often used in regards to transgender men, transmasculine people, and intersex men, but it's not exclusive to them.
> etymology: lesbian + boy + buceta (portuguese slang: vagina)
> flag meaning: a combo of the most common lesboy flag and the boyceta flag i made
> note: someone sent me an ask a long time ago asking about this term and it ended up inspiring later on to make a boyceta flag, so i decided I'd make this one as well. hope you find this, anon
> note 2: trying yet another format, please tell me if this is accessible. also, the flag might be eye-strain, I can't tell, so if it is, let me know and I'll edit it
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tortiefrancis · 1 year
I’m an intersex person, and my condition is imperforate hymen. We’re left out of the conversation or intentionally excluded a lot. (Despite literally not being born with a vaginal opening??). I’ve just felt so invalid lately, could I please have a hug?
Of course!!! You're completely valid, your condition exists and is part of our community and you shouldn't feel left out or excluded. 🫂
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dysphoric-culture-is · 11 months
Hey so with the barbie movie coming out mod is once again seeing comments like “I’m nonbinary and wish I could just have flat genitalia like a doll, it would take away my dysphoria”. Mod got a dysphoric culture ask about it like 2 years ago actually and now there are more so:
This is possible.
If your transition goal is to have a complete removal of all your internal and external genitalia, there is a real surgery that people get to do that. It’s called genital nullification.
It’s also called nullectomy or nullo.
It’s not a very new or super complicated surgery. Everything is taken out/taken off and you’re left with just a hole for your urethra (where you urinate out of). The urethra may be moved as part of surgery. If you research the procedure you’ll also probably hear them talk about urethral shortening, because nullification is mostly done on cis men/transfems/nonbinary patients who require a penectomy as part of the surgery.
Now don’t get this for an aesthetic or because you like how dolls look. It takes 6-8 weeks of recovery and is as serious a decision as any other bottom surgery. More info is here and here. This website has some info and pictures (graphic warning) of nullification along with phallus-preserving vaginoplasty, another nonbinary surgery.
Hopefully this helps someone!
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sourisking · 5 months
Reminder that Harm Against Minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!
[Reminder that harm against minors is a tumblr report option that should be used!]
I’m so serious when I say this but if someone says they want to rape children fucking report them. Instantly. Tumblr will request an email response with links, and I’d suggest using a third party archive source if at all possible.
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aro-throughyourchest · 8 months
I think there’s no summary that does this clip justice (uh. Sarah Simons)
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Light teasing.
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envy-stims · 10 months
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penis typo stimboard
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brokenfoxproductions · 3 months
It's always going to suck knowing that people around me will always see me as less than a man because I don't have a dick and my voice is really high.
And yeah, I'm nonbinary and trans masc, and I don't pack and don't care about passing, but if the cis gay men around me are allowed to identify as men in dresses or drag, even if they tuck, even if they have high voices, I should be allowed to be comfortable and be seen a man as well. It shouldn't matter how I sound or if my dick is natural or silicone, or even if I just don't have one.
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tumbler-polls · 6 months
This poll is potentially controversial, but the majority of our followers voted to allow it.
Prompt submitted by anon:
Question to cis monosexual people: "Would you date/have sex with a pre-op trans person who identifies as the gender you're into?" Options: 🍷 No; I want my partner to have particular stuff down there / I have a strong genital preference. ☕️ Yes, but I wouldn't want to interact with their genitals. 🧁 Yes, I'm into all kinds of genitals, what matters is how someone identifies. Additional options: cis straight guy / cis gay guy / cis straight woman / cis lesbian.
The other part of this poll is here.
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julietianboy · 1 year
(♂️) boyceta flag
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[ id 1: a flag with six horizontal stripes, in the following colors: sky blue, light blue, off-white, coral pink, rose pink and dark pink. /End id ]
[ id 2: a flag with five horizontal stripes, in the following colors: sky blue, light blue, dark pink, coral pink and rose pink. /End id ]
-> [genitalia talk up ahead] !!
-> a flag for those who reclaim or use the term "boyceta", a derogatory term in brazilian portuguese for men who have a vagina. it combines the word "boy", from english, used as slang here as well, with "buceta", a slang term for vagina. it's mostly used against transgender men and transmasculine people with a vagina, but can also include intersex men, genderqueer men, or anyone who considers themselves a man/boy/etc and has a vagina.
-> flag combines shades of both traditionally masculine and feminine colors, blue and pink.
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tortiefrancis · 2 years
note to self: historians will always take the chance to mention boobs, penises or similar in their works, apparently
( has happened twice at this point on books on the same topic, which is unrelated to boobs and penises )
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mushroomnoodles · 4 months
this is just for some of the more frequently asked questions. i am gonna try to put things bluntly here to try and minimize any confusion, especially if folks are using a translator. tw for mentions of death and genitalia
is simon/betty trans?
up to you on simon. i don't have a preference. but most of my bettys are AMAB trans women, some have bottom surgery and some don't. of course, i have some personal headcanons on some of them, but again, nothing is "op canon" in that regard.
how did simon give birth to morri?
well, if you hc him as trans, that makes things easier, but either way he just gave birth to morrigan how a regular human being would.
if you hc him as cis, then simon would have been given the full internal AFAB equipment upon impregnation by GOLBetty- uterus, ovaries, etc- with the external equipment coming in courtesy of morrigan around month.. 6-7? that's right, i took his penis priveliges. sorry king.
what gender is morrigan?
morrigan is nonbinary and intersex, and uses any pronouns. morrigan chose to develop into a human body rather than a more cosmic-entity type one as to not scare simon.
does morri have a voiceclaim?
sure does! it's shadow milk cookie from cookie run kingdom! here's a vid.
is GOLBetty alive/did she reincarnate?
i'm aware GOLBetty probably did reincarnate at the end of F+C s1. buuuuut my GOLBetty never unfused. she simply went back to sleep after impregnating simon. if someone's interested in me going into detail about how i interpretate my GOLBetty and how she thinks/functions i'll probably do that.
can GOLBetty-
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when/does simon die?
he lives for about 250 years after giving birth to morrigan. the cosmic energy radiating through his body ran out, and he essentially instantly died as his organs stopped working. like someone entered /kill simon_petrikov into the world console. from there he either eventually reincarnates, or morrigan finds some way to replace him or raise him from the dead.
morrigan was the physical age of 13 when simon passed, by the way. the older morrigan gets, the slower they age.
does morri ever meet their mom?
yes, they do. by the time they do meet her, however, GOLBetty is in a deep, deep sleep.
morrigan has a complicated relationship with her, especially as, due to simon's stories of her as a human, they see her in this overglorified light. they also consider GOLBetty to kind of internally be two separate entities- GOLB and betty, rather than a fusion of the two made into something slightly different.
do you do fpreg?
nope. fpreg actually is really uncomfortable for me for some reason lol, like.. INTENSELY uncomfortable. activate fight or flight mode uncomfortable. no idea why, i know it's silly, but i can't interact with it, can't draw it, won't draw it.
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ivytwines · 8 months
when the doctor regenerates, their first instinct is almost always to comment on their new body and it’s unique features (i know these teeth, don’t like the color of my kidneys, etc etc). however when they regenerate into thirteen they make no comment on the sudden disappearance of certain… body parts. this can lead me to only 3 possible explanations:
1) the doctor does not have genitals, in any regeneration. I find this to be stupid and boring
2) the doctor has always had a dick and continues to have a dick even when they are in a more “female” presenting body. trans coded doctor ftw here but I think there’s a better explanation…
3) the doctor has had a vagina before (either always like in scenario #2 or just in certain regenerations) and therefore feels no need to comment on this bodily change.
I am a firm scenario #3 believer and it allows me to come to the obvious conclusion that the tenth doctor was rocking with a pussy. I am he/him lesbian truthing for the tenth doctor at all times
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aro-throughyourchest · 7 months
oh yeah here’s the full sarah simons call by the way
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✨If you didn’t grow a they/ them cock naturally, store-bought is fine✨
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apollosimps · 2 months
this has probably been said before but transphobes' obsession with genitalia is actually fucking creepy. When I have a grownass woman in my DMs assuming I have a "female" body, and calling me "she" even though they've only ever seen a username, it kinda makes me feel queasy.
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