#gale sombre
avocado-writing · 3 months
I got a request for bg3, how about a tav who is a bard and the companions falling for them mid-performance, thank you and have a nice day!!!
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Your hands are so clever, thinks Astarion. Just like his. They work the strings of your violin ever so gracefully, nary a finger out of place. It is a dance between you and your instrument, one which he has grown appreciative of; no, more than that, fallen in love with. Your eyes, so far closed in concentration to block out the world save for you and the music, peep open - when you spot him looking directly at you, you wink. And oh, he is done for.
Gale watches the way you write music. Scribbled little bars in fine ink, or soft pencil, or charcoal if there’s nothing better. He observes the charming way you chew on your lip as you hum a melody over and over to yourself, desperate to seek perfection before you note it down. If you see him watching you, you give him such a radiant smile that he finds his cheeks heating from the sight of it.
The feel of your drumbeat matches the rage inside her. Karlach roars as her muscles tighten and her grip nearly shatters the haft of her axe, she begins to maul with expert precision as you slam out war song just for her. The blood in her ears provides a harmony to it. She realises, behind her bloodlust, that the two of you are perfect two halves of a whole. She’d never part from you.
Shadowheart watches you pluck the strings of your lute and fantasises about what your fingers could do. Where they’d explore on her body. How deft they’d be if they walked along her sternum until they could undo the laces of her bodice, free the plains of her skin to you. When you notice her red cheeks you tease her, and she snaps something back… but doesn’t look away.
He could listen to you play the lyre for hours. The way you keep it snug against your body is near-envy inducing, but Wyll won’t let himself be jealous of an instrument. Instead he sings along with you, happy to provide a counter-melody, made weak for the way you light up when you find there’s another performer at your side. He realises then he’d do anything to keep you smiling.
Lae’zel has never been a lover of music before she met you. It was pointless, to her ears, just another waste of time. But then she noticed the way you always sang when you were happy. It was easy to tell from then on when things had you feeling sombre. And, when you stopped singing as you saw someone suffering, her hand went to her sword as she decided to rectify the issue and earn your praise in one fell swoop.
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elemit · 6 months
A Gift, A Curse
A story in which we discover just how damned an ascended vampire can be, and just how far you will go to save the spawn you loved.
Read in full on AO3
dead dove/not beta read
fic warnings: Abuse, Angst, Biting, Blood and Gore, Blood Drinking, Bondage, Dom/sub, Dubious Consent, Food Restriction, Hate Sex, Horror, Mental Coercion, Mind Control, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rough Sex, Sexual Coercion, Torture, Total Power Exchange, Trauma, Vampire Bites
(chapter warnings highlighted)
Chapter 2: Aftermath
The sound of a seventh and final bloody death has barely left your ears when the glowing red runes begin to fade. The chanting is done, and the magic seems to slowly seep inwards to the ritual’s epicentre. Astarion is still cloaked in otherworldly flames, eyes all aglow, when he finally speaks.
“My hunger… it’s gone. I’m free. I’m finally free.”
You watch as he turns towards you, his every move carrying a newfound confidence. You don’t know what you were expecting - relief, joy, exhaustion, perhaps - but his expression surprises you. He looks hungry. Predatory. A shiver runs down your spine.
“You’re finally free of Cazador. Aren’t you relieved?”
“Never again. I will never think about him again. Everything has changed now. I felt so little for so long… my edges dulled over the numb years of rotting in the boudoir and kennels. But now, at last, I can hear it. I can see it. How all the lowly creatures of this plane are begging to serve.”
You look at him in horror. To serve? This ritual was meant to free him. To grant him the power to walk with you in the sun. Not to give him the power to rule over others.
“Oh, don’t look at me like that, my love. In you, too, I can tell… your heartbeat races. You hold your breath while I speak. You await my command.” He tilts his head and smiles a devilish smile. “The world will stir in fear.”
This is not him, you think to yourself. This is just the fear and the blood and the rush of being free. You know the real him. So you say to him, “I’m not afraid of you.”
He laughs. “Yes, you have been very brave, haven’t you? And now everything will be ours. Everything.”
You feel numb as you walk back through the dungeon in silence by his side. Behind you, you can hear Gale and Shadowheart muttering in disapproving tones, but neither of them speaks up. You try to keep your eyes fixed firmly in front of you, but a single flicker of your gaze to the cages that you pass tells you everything you didn’t want to know: they are filled with the gore and viscera of those who were destroyed.
Remembering Astarion’s torment at being confronted by his victims earlier, you search his face with a worried glance, but you see no reaction to the visible proof of the damnation of these poor doomed souls. Then again, he has always been a master at masking his feelings.
He comes to a sudden stop, and you think for a moment that the guilt of what you’ve just done has overcome him. He sniffs the air, and his full lips wrinkle in a sneer.
“Gur,” he says, eyes narrowing.
Looking ahead, you can see that there is a group of people blocking the way out of the dungeon. One of them calls out to you, and you recognise her by her voice in the dimness.
“I had hoped to avoid this path, but I was a fool to ever hope a beast like you could be saved.” Ulma’s voice is sombre as it echoes off of the dungeon walls.
“Oh please,” Astarion scoffs, resuming his path towards the Gur, “I promised you Cazador’s death, and he’s dead, isn’t he?”
“This doesn’t need to be a fight, Ulma,” you say, worrying about the monster hunters’ intentions.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Astarion says, as an aside that is nevertheless loud enough to carry, “this might be the perfect place for them to die.”
You give him a sharp look; this is no time for jokes, and you tell him as much.
“I’m not joking. Look at the hate in their eyes. They won’t ever stop hunting me.”
“There’s no hope for him,” calls Ulma. “But to the rest of you, I ask: Will you stand against evil? Will you help us destroy this monster?”
Gale and Shadowheart remain silent behind you, and you know the decision lies solely at your feet. Your throat feels tight, and you swallow, but the decision has already been made. You would never turn on one of your own, least of all him.
“I can’t,” you say, your voice not as strong as you would like. “There has to be another way.”
“There is not,” says Ulma frankly.
Astarion is grinning. “My dear,” he says to you, “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
With that, Ulma gives the command to fight. Before many of the Gur have even had a chance to draw their weapons, Astarion is on them. You barely even saw him move, he charges at them at such speed. You watch in frozen shock as he falls upon Ulma, draining her in a single bite, flying on to his next victim in a burst of mist and darkness before the old woman’s body has even hit the floor.
Gale lets out a groan of horror from behind you and murmurs, “What have we done?”
You and your companions stand there, awestruck spectators of a bloody battle that is over in moments. When it is over, Astarion returns to your side, panting and ensanguined, eyes all aglow with bloodlust.
“Oh, that was incredibly satisfying,” he says, a wild smile on his crimson-stained lips. “Who better to test my new powers on? And who better to have by my side than you, who helped me get them? Still, I can't believe you let me do that. Killing all those people. A pleasant surprise.”
You don’t know if he means the Gur, or the spawn, but your answer is the same regardless. “I don't feel great about it, honestly.”
“Well, what's done is done. And there's simply no point in dwelling on the past, is there? Not when you have given me a glorious new future.” He pulls you into an embrace, kissing you possessively, completely ignoring the presence of your companions. His mouth tastes like the Gurs’ blood, and the taste makes you gasp in disgust, but he uses his newfound strength to keep you pinned in place until he decides the embrace is done.
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gale-dekarios · 2 months
An Endless List of In-Laws
Quick drabble about Rose's ridiculously huge family.
One thing that Gale wasn't quite prepared for when he proposed to one Rostislav Hylwood was the army of in-laws he was also about to marry into, and yet, he took it in his stride. 
“Okay, go!”
 “Your mother’s name is Nijala, she will be pleased that I put effort into saying her name properly, her favourite flowers are tulips, and she hates slouching and bad manners. Casimir is your half-brother, twenty. He likes fashion and will criticise my dress sense, and I shouldn’t take his offer to fix my outfit lest I end up in something else entirely. Najda is your half-sister, nineteen. She’s independent and passionate and I need to watch out for her elbows should I be near her when she speaks. Ivanka, seventeen, is your half-sister. She’s apprenticing at the local blacksmiths, which I should bring up to her, but not around your mother, who’s annoyed she’s not carrying on the family stone mason business--”
 “-- You’re doing great!”
 “-- thank you -- Jascha is your half-brother, fifteen. He works as a stablehand and doesn’t like direct eye contact. If he likes me, I’ll know. Luka is another half-brother, twelve, he likes climbing things and stealing, I need to watch my pockets around him. Lydia, half-sister, seven. She’ll mention her age, and I need to comment on how mature she is. Magda, the youngest, four, half-sister. She’ll try to climb on my lap and will scream if I don’t let her.”
 “Just let her.”
 “I will.”
 “Last name?”
 “And you shouldn’t…?”
 “Bring up dragonchess around him.”
 “He’ll challenge me to a game.”
 “Get mad when he loses.”
 “I can’t believe you remembered all of that.”
 “Please, that’s nothing. I have your father’s side of the family committed to memory, the names, favourite gifts, and favourite pastimes of both your grandparents and step-grandparents, and a mental list of your aunts, uncles, cousins, and step-aunts, uncles, and cousins names and where they hail from. I know I can’t seat your Aunt Jenvig with your Step-Uncle Jakob, your cousin Helsig is lactose intolerant but will try to eat dairy anyway, and your Grandma Helena should not be referred to as anything other than Grandma Helena.”
 “Impressive. Did I ever tell you that your knack for memory is weirdly arousing?” Rose purred.
 “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until we get to your first cousins twice removed,” Gale flirted in kind. 
 “Hm,” he hummed, “Can’t wait.” Then turning sombre: “Alright, do you think we’re ready?” he grabbed the ink pen.
 Gale grabbed the wedding seating chart, matching his serious brow, “As we’ll ever be.”
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mightymizora · 9 months
I made myself sad at the end with Gale so you don't have to... here are some spoilery highlights from the moment:
So firstly, and excuse the hat change I just couldn't continue with a short character and this hat, he thanks you for bringing him to what he still thinks is the destiny he is trying to escape:
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And then he delivers this line which absolutely devastated me:
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Seriously, that one line has almost sold me to keep this as a very very sad ending.
So if you say yes, he goes and dimension doors you away, and starts to climb... delivering a wonderful ending line.
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And that's it. There is a very sombre tone to the ending with this happening, with no choices of what you do next, just some sad reflections. Glim looks so completely lost, I couldn't deal.
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I love it for the drama of it, but the way it's done... it feels like a step back. He's discovered the crown, he knows there is potential to change everything, would he really just give up all over again? Possibly, it does seem like a hopeless fight, but part of me thinks he's happier to take that chance at this point. DMs on the ending with his welcome!
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chaos-enchanted · 9 months
My thoughts on the PC Mind flayer endings
*Spoiler for romance endings under the cut*
I think the reason I love the Gale romance so much is because as far as I'm aware his is the only romance where he completely doesn't care if you're a mind flayer, in fact he loves you more deeply for it.
As far as I know a lot of the other companions will stay by you but are aware/anxious about what your future might look like in terms of being out in public or even trying to live a normal life- the Wyll/Duke romance ending kind of annoyed me- in fact his line about hiding you away in a house somewhere reminds me of a Jane Austin type drama trope of someone trying to hide a scandal from society, which is funny but also kind of sad, especially given that he proposed and has this idea of a fairytale wedding/life, but isn't willing to accept that romance and love doesn't always turn out like the stories (reminds me of the King Alistair breakup in DAO, so maybe I'm just projecting because I was so salty over that hah)
But not Gale.
This man is so deeply in love with you, that no matter what you look like he doesn't care so long as you're with him and want to be with him (and like his cat). In fact he even proposes to you AFTER you turn into a mind flayer and save the world.
I know SH and Astarion are willing to try and make it work and SH's reasons for staying temporarily and Astarion's point about new freedom are valid, but it's a shame to see their romance finish with such a sombre tone, despite the fact they love the PC so much and will never forget them. But Gale wouldn't care how the public reacts, you are his, the rest of the world be damned. Given his line about choosing you regardless if it condemns the world (Act 2), it shouldn't be a surprise, I suppose
I've yet to see the PC Mind Flayer Lae'zel or Karlach ending, but from what I've seen, I don't think Karlach minds too much. However, I'm hoping to see a Karlach/ Mind Flayer devil fighting duo in Avernus- because that would be badass
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human-psyche · 10 months
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Heavy rain pelts the landscape of Seoul in a slow, torrential drizzle, rivulets of water pouring like glass beads from the night skies that envelop everything in a blanket of sombreness. The continuous sound of the rain covers the rest of the noise coming from the city, farther and farther away as Yoongi runs. 
A firing gunshot dissipates the monochrome silence, then another, each aimed in his direction; both miss their target but his pursuers don't stop, rounds of bullets hitting the wall of the train station he ducks behind to catch his breath.
Min Yoongi is his birth name. 09 is his number. August D is a code.
He was and is known by many names of which the combination above describes who he is shortly. In the world he lives in, one's value is measured in kill counts: the greater the amount, the higher and richer one becomes. But becoming top of the game is the suicidal glory of entering an arena where other fighters have free reign to strike, money are just a currency of exchange to a reputation like his一 a quality deathdealer. There is a system this hierarcy is built upon, its signature being that of coins with each individual's symbol engraved on it, a metaphor derived from greek mythology where a person requires coins to be granted passage over the river of Hades's underworld or risk wandering the shores for one hundred years untill they are allowed to cross. 
Those without a coin of their own are low ranked members of the organization, they are easy to replace and disposable. Those who acquire a silver coin represent the ones who are diplomatic and agile, they may have ranked fast but lack solid force. Those who obtain a gold coin are the ones branded as superior specimens of their occupation, suitable for any job, any contract, in any circumstances, and most sought after and expensive above their versatility. Then, there are the ones who possess a black coin, the rarest kind. They are the ones who make the rules and enforce them, the ones who lead.
EX-DEUS is an organization that does not exist to the public for all intents and purposes. Named after the latin phrase "ex deus mortis" which means "from the god of death", its profit results from a simple yet obscure program: contract killing. Founded by Kim Manseok and his second wife, Natasha, the company has an extended base in the USA, South Korea, China and Russia, although its web of operation has spread throughout several countries on the globe. Orphan children are picked off the streets whether willingly or forcibly, while some perhaps even kidnapped from their families without recollection of it, and subjected to a training regiment that steps past the boundaries of human ethics, shaped into the perfect weapons. Emotions are suppressed and nullified, pain becomes numbness and desirable results are reached around the ages sixteen - eighteen on average, a time at which one is permitted to start taking on jobs. Few can form attachments...
Night rain is an irony and an illusion to Yoongi, it reminds him of days he can't erase or unseen. 
It reminds him who he truely is, what he does, and what he might've lost before even having it. 
He inhales sharply and moves, shooting one of his assailants. When he finally leaves his hiding spot and runs for cover again, bullets fly and hit the roof of the station too, sparks from a short-circuit raining like a second gale of fire drops: the male turns at the last moment as a man shoots. Yoongi's faster, only getting a scrape to his arm while the other guy collapses to the floor, a second attacker's gun proving to be out of bullets. He tosses it away and chases after him madly, just as the train barells through the station at blinding speed. The younger has no choice but to engage him in a fight, a knife cutting the air close enough to slash his throat except Yoongi's reflexes aid him in overpowering the man and stabbing his own knife into the side of his neck. Not without a lesser injury though, because he's tired, bleeding and on the run for days. 
He pants out puffs of congealed air, the roar of the trepidation that shakes the train tracks drowning out his fatigue. 
There is only one person left that he can count on.
. . .
The corridor of the tightly secured company is one he'd gone through a hundred times. A hundred times it was always like this: grey walls and an ominous weight of guilt that they thought they could ignore forever. But that wasn't his priority right now. 
Yoongi feels it as he halts at the end of the hallway, the male seated on the armchair at the entrance for waiting bearing dissimilar levels of emotion written over his countenance.
He's Jimin, a silver coin owner he'd seen around Y/n quite often, who's mostly unreadable, would it not be for a trace of something akin to anger. 
His fingers tighten on the velvet box inside the pocket of his coat. 
A person who's usually with them when waiting for details on a new contract is missing. 
"Where's Y/n?" 
"She's gone."
Jimin's blunt reply sends a surge of frightening dread through his gut, a foreign feeling. For a second there he forgets that sentence could have one other meaning, his mind going blank. Their occupation's not to be trifled with, death is a perpetual friend but also their fiercest foe.
"What the fuck do you mean she's gone?" 
"Her room's empty, she's gone." the younger continues, clarifying the misunderstanding. 
It's only then that he directs his attention to Kim Manseok's office, where Taehyung has a screaming match with his father. 
"...something was wrong with her the night she came back from her last contract! She would never leave like this!" 
"It isn't your business to demand of me to disclose confidential information!" 
"It is, she isn't just some random member of the organization! I consider her more of a sister than my step-sister is! You should have told me! Where is she?!" 
"Like I said, I can't tell you, Taehyung."
"If you have anything to do with this, or your wife does, I'm done with you. Did you get rid of her to teach me a lesson, huh? Are you going to do the same with Yoongi? Why? Because I'm not like Namjoon? Because I'm not the obedient, responsible son you want? Did you?! Answer me, father!"
"Kim Taehyung, do not talk to me like that! This is not about you!" 
"Then tell me why she's not here!" 
"Y/n requested that I help her disappear. She retired and wishes for none of you to find her."
The EX-DEUS's chairman's verdict stuns all of them, having not expected that. 
Slamming the door on his way out, Taehyung joins them on the hallway, a frown crinkling at his features. He sees Yoongi and since he and Y/n work together as partners, he vows, "I'll find her. I'll find her even if I have to search the entire country. I'll tell you once I get a lead."
Jimin sits up, that undeciphered anger in his orbs more evident. He passes by Yoongi without even sparing him a glance. He knows what is going on with Y/n, why she left, but he keeps it to himself. 
Yoongi's hand tightens around the box in his pocket, nearly crushing it.
. . .
An ordinary, plain life in the Gwangjin district. A small apartment. An elementary P.E teacher's job. A new identity, a fake name. A new look. Y/n tries to go to sleep every night and not remember who she really is, where she comes from. It isn't difficult to pretend, living peacefully day to day and not linger and get stuck in the past, dreaming of people she used to share pain with, or the ones who caused her pain. The ones whom saw her as death's angel before taking their dying breath, the ones that still haunt her nightmares sometimes. Faces, faces she associates with familiarity, and faces that have little to no shape. 
Here, she isn't L/n Y/n. She's just Y/n with a false surname.
The only fault in her existence is the silver coin she still has tucked somewhere into the drawer of her nightstand. 
Rain outside the windows disrupts her thoughts, her bare feet tapping the floors as she walks to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of juice. It's a friday night, she can relax from another day at the school she teaches at, and enjoy the free time of weekend. In the modest, rented apartment, loneliness feels like the luxurious comfort she was not able to afford prior to being this fake person she is. 
However, as if the universe is plotting against her, a sudden knock on the front door causes the girl to put her glass down and wonder who might be so late at night. She surely had no visitors to look forward to. 
Brows knit, Y/n goes to unlatch the door一 and nearly screams when she sees him, his arm leaning on the doorframe, dark eyes piercing through her own. 
"...Yoongi?" she breathes out, both in shock and frustration. 
The reason her heart drops to her stomach has a double edged root. One, he's soaked to the bone, his cheeks are bruised and exhaustion hangs to his hazed lids. Two, he's right here, in front of her, whilst she worked so hard to block him out of her mind. 
"You're in love with him." Jimin declares one fine night as he puts his elbows on the railing, glimpsing the city below with her. 
Y/n laughs, hysterically. It doesn't sound genuine though. "Who? Yoongi?" 
"Don't lie." 
"What do you want me to tell you? That I'm flawed?" 
"You're different, you don't need to be fixed. You managed to feel this even if it's not in our nature. Love."
"What's the point? It's Yoongi. The day he feels something for someone, the world will fall apart. He's among the best EX-DEUS has ever had. Unlike me, there's no error in his code. He fucks, he doesn't love."
"Taehyung said you guys never had sex."
"That's because to him, I'm a friend, a sidekick, a partner, whatever. Even the girls Taehyung brings in so you guys can have fun with get more attention from him."
"Unrequited love." he leans his head back, glancing to her afterwards. "How are you coping with that?" 
"I undressed in front of him one time when we were at a hotel during an assignment and he didn't even blink. He was that unfazed." 
"What are you going to do?"
They stay silent following her answer, the wind blowing through their hair over the sounds of city traffic. Then Y/n speaks again. 
"Do you know what else I started feeling lately?" 
Jimin grunts, urging her to go on. 
"What the hell are you doing here? How did you find me?" she scowls as she regains her composure, refusing to let herself crumble at the sight of him. 
Yoongi's lips twist, the ghost of a smirk gracing his rugged appearance. "Hello to you too, Y/n. You haven't changed, you're as pretty as I remember you and twice as bitchy."
She glares, attempting to hit the door shut but failing due to him sliding his foot between it and the wall. 
He pries it open and gets inside, pushing past her without permission. 
"If you bleed on my floor I'll shoot you myself. Get out. I don't want to see your face." the female trails behind him, in the livingroom. 
"Easy." he taunts, unknotting his tie and throwing his soaked suit jacket on the back of the couch; he removes one leather glove using his teeth, and the other with his free hand. His dress shirt is stained red underneath. "You owe me a favour, Y/n. I'm here to get even."
"Fuck you, fuck your favour. I'm not doing this anymore, I have a life here, get out of it, you son of a一" 
Her words cease when he unbuttons and peels his shirt off, his wet torso from the rain exposing the ugly knife cut on his side and the scratch of a bullet to his left arm. Traitorous worry clenches her chest. 
"I saved your pretty little ass, you have to help me. I know you never go back on your word."
"Stop calling me pretty, or anything that concerns me." she fumes, walking over to him and shoving him down to sit on the couch. "Don't touch my things." she warns as she goes to the bathroom, retrieving the first aid kit. 
Returning to the livingroom, Yoongi has one of her framed pictures of Jungkook in his grasp, likely having picked it from the decorative table next to the couch. 
"Your boyfriend?" 
"It's none of your business." Y/n presses a little purposefully on his wound with the cloth she's using to clean it. 
If he wants to hiss at the sting, he doesn't nor shows it. "You changed your style. It looks good on you."
She would say he looks unfairly handsome too but ofcourse she can't. Resorting to not giving him a reaction, she busies herself with his injuries, disinfecting and treating them.
A palpable tension resides between the two of them, with him watching her and the young woman avoiding his gaze. She makes quick work of her task, soon after bandaging his arm. Stitching the one on his waist is trickier, because she has to concentrate despite the feel of Yoongi's lithe, toned muscles under her fingertips, his persistent orbs tracing every slope and curve of her face. 
"Why did you leave?" 
The predictable question earns a pause from her, in which she finishes dressing his second wound, adding medical tape onto the gauze. "I couldn't handle the guilt anymore."
He doesn't quite believe her, someone as competitive as Y/n wouldn't just disappear like that. 
Yoongi has lived with the impression that she's not fond of him because they grew up fighting for the best rank and he ultimately outmatched her. 
The truth is, she left for three particular reasons. The first, yes she did end up feeling the oppressing guilt of their profession. The second, she was in love with him and she wanted to get away from the man who wouldn't reciprocate her feelings一 an affliction she never expected would plague and chase someone like her, specially trained to eliminate and demolish such sentiments. Nobody knew about the third reason other than herself and Jimin, and she certainly wouldn't confess it to him. That was the night her harmless, ambitious annoyance torwards Yoongi turned to hate. 
Catching her by surprise, he grabs her arms as she's about to pull back, dragging her closer instead. The only distance left to separate them is a mere centimeter, forcing her to look him in the eyes. 
"Is there more, isn't it?" 
She forgot how compelling his presence can be, a sliver of nervousness inflicting her otherwise confident traits. She has to swallow, stabilizing her emotions in order to lie effectively. "No. And even if there was, I wouldn't tell you."
She pushes herself off him and snatches the framed photo he dropped on the couch, putting it to its rightful place. 
"Take off the rest of your clothes."
Yoongi regards her blankly. He cocks an eyebrow, as if her demand has another implication.
They're back to their old teasing, bantering, arguing routine. 
"You're freezing cold and all wet from the rain. Just do it." she rolls her eyes. "I'll get you a towel to dry up and clothes to change."
"From your boyfriend?" 
"Yes, from my boyfriend. Do you have a problem with that?" 
"This Jungkook guy, does he know you don't love him?" 
"And how do you know I don't?" she yells back.
"Because you're a heartless bitch who used to kill people."
Y/n comes from the bedroom holding the promised towel, a shirt, a pair of jeans and underwear, throwing them at his face with a vengeance. "Here's the clothes, asshole."
Later, after she treats the bruises on his cheekbones and lip too, they eat at the table of her kitchen, her mind running through her choices; she questions herself why she gave in and helped him. She swore to herself she didn't want to see him again, but her heart wouldn't allow her to just turn her back on him, and besides, she owed him that favour. She isn't the kind of person to break promises or not repay something good done to her. 
"I asked you how you found me."
"Taehyung sent people to search for you, he's been trying to track you down for 2 years. He got your location last year but decided to respect your wishes and not contact you. He said he's fine with atleast knowing you're okay."
"Who else knows about this place?" 
She nods, addressing their current issue: "So what's going on? What do you need?" 
"Let me stay here a couple days."
"You're not telling me what happened." 
Yoongi tosses his chopsticks on the table, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. He sighs, his situation none too common. 
"Someone paid multiple contracts to get me killed."
"What?" Y/n frowns. "You mean members of EX-DEUS are going after you? But you're one of their own...how did chairman Kim even approve those contracts?" 
"You're behind with updates, Y/n. Taehyung's father is no longer chairman. He had an accident in january, he passed away."
"Then who is it?" 
"That snake? Taehyung should've become chairman, or atleast Namjoon."
"Apparently, Kim Manseok signed a document which automatically made his wife chairwoman when he died."
"She's crazy, she's going to ruin the company for money."
"She already did. By order of her authority, members of EX-DEUS are now aloud to target and kill each other if a contract is sent from a client. She's turning the organization in a fucking bloodbath."
. . .
a/n: thanks a lot for all the likes this story got, and all the reblogs, truely!
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klkirbles · 5 months
BG3 fic writing 2023 summary meme!
stolen from @sybaritick (oooohhh you wanna read cal's fics so bad ooohhh)
What are your A03 stats? How many words written, how many hits, kudos, and comments?
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Did you have a favourite canon character to write? i have only written gale and astarion, so out of the two probably astarion! i'm still trying to 'find their voice' but i'm more of a fan of writing his internal thoughts and dialogue. gale is too verbose for me LOL
Did you have a favourite OC to write? i did not write any OC stuff LMAO
Which fic was your most popular? Kneading, my first fic. it was posted at the end of september, when there wasn't many BW fics yet!
Which fic was your personal favourite? probably Wizard's Tower. i like the fluff and smut in it the most :3
Was there anything you wrote that was a surprise to you? Why? probably this fic as a whole because i'm sooo much more used to writing fluffy romantic stuff that trying to write anything toxic or angsty is so out of my comfort zone LMFAO
What is your favourite piece of description you wrote? Why do you like it? from this fic, cuz i'm a sucker for pred/prey dynamics >:)
Astarion took a moment, peering down at him poker-faced. Whenever their eyes had met throughout the day caused a strange sensation to shoot through his body, one Gale had failed to place until now. A physiological reaction - his body responding to a perceived threat. Fight or flight, one could call it. He wouldn't consider himself scared of the pale elf, but his body recognised him as a danger nonetheless. A predator, eyeing his prey.
What was your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote? Why do you like it? from this fic, cuz i liked gale quite rightly telling astarion off, even if they're both insufferable as god/vampire lord. toxic divorcees my beloved
“Has it not yet occurred to you that perhaps I did not want to be found?!” he snapped, though the anger was brief and his demeanour morphed into one more sombre. “Astarion, you betrayed me. We made a promise to each other, and you waited until our companions were long gone to turn on me. When I finally achieved the Godhood I so ardently longed for, all I could think of upon my return is that I had no one to share it with.”
What was your overall feeling about your writing in 2023? What were you proud of? What were the highlights? i hadn't written a fic for about 12 years. idk what it is about BG3 and bloodweave but i had so many ideas i couldn't convey through art alone that i felt obligated to start writing fics.
writing has helped me make lots of friends who are so skilled and talented, and i admire them sooo much. i want to improve and get on their level so i feel more deserving of the attention i get. i feel like i get better with each new fic/chapter!
What would you like to explore more in 2024? learn more big words LOL uhhh maybe get better with more flowery prose? i feel like my writing is lacking in that regard. we'll see! it'd also be nice to commit to more multichapter stuff. i have a bunch of oneshot ideas but it'd be nice to have consistently updated bigger fics. idk i'm just winging it!!!!!!!!!!
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dasilvaaaaa · 6 months
( @bakersboywiththebread )
All at once it seemed the Districts collectively went quiet. A sombre tone lurked, heavy and all-enveloping, as a fog with no visible end nor beginning. It seemed like a joke. The only somewhat fine dress Katniss Everdeen possessed laid on her bed, and all she could do was stare at it. Her finest garment from her mother for the singular most anticipated for day of the year- not only for her, but for all those unlucky enough to be in the Districts rather than the Capitol. The light blue fabric felt wrong on her skin, it clung too close for comfort. The collar itched, the sleeves billowed. Her dark hair was tied up too tightly in a manner unlike her. It was strange- strange and wrong to be dressing up for the sake of a game all about death, perhaps hers if that slip of paper bore her name. Or worse, her sisters.
Primrose stood by the mirror next to her older sister, cheeks already streaked with tears. “Hush, little dove. It won’t be you. It’s your first year.” Katniss’ words of comfort were there to reassure her sister, her mother, and herself. But there was logic to it, right? Out of all the names in that bowl, the universe would have to be particularly spiteful to pick Prim’s.
The treck to the Hall of Justice seemed like a funeral march. A prick of blood after standing in a long line and suddenly your fate was sealed without you knowing it yet. Katniss lost her sister amongst the crowd, only spotting her mother and Gale. What tiny bit of blood stolen from her fingertip stained her skirt just slightly. Primrose would be there somewhere, probably somewhere among her friends. She would find her later. An obnoxious tap on the microphone on the stage followed by a Capitol woman in an even more obnoxious outfit made all chatter cease. Thus, the reaping ceremony begun.
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kemendin · 3 months
WiP Guessing Game! : darling or hurt
(In which I immediately hear Astarion sarcastically going “Darling, I’m hurt”)
Oh look you found a gut punch moment! :D
Sombre now, Gale regards Dhamari for another heartbeat, and then asks evenly:
“When did you last allow someone to hold you, without expecting it to hurt?”
Delighted to take more wurb guesses!
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sophsun1 · 1 year
No other episode is guaranteed to make me ugly sob within seconds than brian's father's death. god, i relate to it and brian so fucking much and gale's performance throughout and at the end always, always breaks me in half. The thing that pisses me off is people's reactions to children of abusive parents. You see it in the episode and in life in general wherein you're almost guaranteed to hear a version of "I'm sure they loved you in their own way/they didn't know how to show it/they had a bad childhood themselves/how the child should be the bigger person and forgive them/the classic, but! they! were! still! your! mother/father!"
As if just because you were born through no choice of your own that you end up owing them, you have to constantly forgive and forget, having to be the parental figure over and over and it fucking sucks.
What I appreciate about this episode is the writers actually show the two sides to the reality of being that child. It feels so human and relatable and I'm not just watching another episode of my favourite show, but I can look at it and say fuck, that's me I have felt that. On the one hand, you have people like Michael and Justin who comment regardless of what Brian's father did and how he treated him he was still his dad and it trumped any feelings of hurt Brian had over it. The simple "blood is thicker than water" ideology that as his father it gave him the power to be respected and Brian should wave away any wrong he did. How quickly people want to brush off any feelings of ill will when a person dies, how they become immortalised as someone who never did a thing wrong. How quick they forget.
We see versions of this in relation to Brian in the show and I hate it. For example when Brian first finds out that his father is sick and Debbie encourages him to tell him he's gay, more or less putting the burden on Brian and insinuating he owed his dad this part of himself (what the fuck!) and what happens? His father says he wishes Brian was the one who was dying. When his mother finds out he's gay and he's putting on a front at Woody's telling the guys how she was horrified by it and him but he doesn't care, fuck her. Michael pipes up saying that maybe she will come around in time, as if anytime Brian expressed hurt and anger towards his abusers they could never just accept it and let him have those feelings it always had to be countered in some way. I guess some part of it is when you come from a loving home either as the child or parent it's very difficult to understand the inner workings of the life of abusive parents and the impact on their kids. Not forgetting Debbie taking it upon herself to tell Joan that Brian had cancer!!!
I love that they didn't shy away from the other side, the side that's not deemed as maybe socially correct and you should keep that stuff behind closed doors. But I completely sympathise, agree and relate to Brian's behaviour how he refused to bow down to everyone's expectations of how he should grieve because they felt he wasn't doing it the right way. Michael deducing that just because Claire was sobbing like a demented banshee that meant she was obviously feeling it so much worse than Brian who hadn't shed a tear. In reality Brian told him that his father hated her. Yet Brian who was openly abused by them, always tried hard to be respectful and show care for them both in spite of what they did, which again is so relatable as a child of that.
I cheered him getting to tell the story of how his dad wanted him aborted, how he continued to go to Babylon and fuck around, that was his grieving process it might not have been what Michael thought was right and proper but it was his way.
The poignancy of him getting a do over of the joy of hitting a strike with Michael as kids, now as an adult and giving zero fucks and getting the celebration he was robbed of! The haunting finale with the bowling ball down the alley, the sombre so long Jack, and then finally on his terms releasing some of the burden, letting the tears flow.
Special mention to my two favourite lines of dialogue in the episode - "If you don't earn respect when you're alive, you don't deserve it when you're dead" and "Can you imagine growing up in that house, how did he ever survive? Who's to say he did?"
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that-tiefling-boy · 4 months
Finn & Tegan (OCs)
Here's my character's design in case anyone wants to try. I did install two mods (nothing major and really easy to use).
P4 Hair Colours Greying and Highlights
Trips' Accessories
Race: Tiefling
Subrace: Asmodeus Tiefling
Class: Druid
Cantrips 2/2: Poison Spray - Thorn Whip
Background: Outlander
Abilities 27/27: Strength - 13, Dexterity - 13, Constitution - 13, Intelligence - 13, Wisdom - 13, Charisma - 13 (these can be changed by yourself if you want to try but I always like my characters to have a balance in everything so I'm not constantly rolling dice and reloading saves)
Skill Proficiencies 2/2: Nature - Perception (these are optional too)
Prepare Spells 2/2: Cure Wounds - Speak with Animals
Body Type: 2
Identity: Male
Voice: Voice 3
Face: Head 6
Skin Color: Red Tone 5
Scarring: Scar 5
Maturity: 0%
Freckle Quantity: 100%
Freckle Intensity: 30%
Vitiligo Pigmentation: 0%
Tattoo Style: Blake Tiger
Tattoo Intensity: 100%
Tattoo Color: Grey Green
Piercing Style: A Wizard's Folly - Silver (mod)
Heterochromia: ❌
Eye Color: Demonic Green 2
Eye Makeup Style: Makeup 4
Eye Makeup Intensity: 100%
Metallic Tint Level: 0%
Glossy Tint Level: 0%
Eye Makeup Color: Black
Lip Tint Intensity: 100%
Metallic Tint Level: 50%
Glossy Tint Level: 30%
Lip Tint Color: Black 10
Hairstyle: Maudlin Pixie
Hair Color: P4_Color_TrueBlack (mod)
Highlight Intensity: 100%
Highlight Color: Emerald
Facial Hairstyle: Jawclinger
Hair Color: P4_Color_TrueBlack (mod)
Horn Style: Phlegethos Prongs
Horn Color: Dusty 5
Horn Tip Color: Green 1 (the more pastel one)
Here's some pictures of the good lookin guy:
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Finn was born and raised in Baldur's Gate and has a good relationship with his parents but spent more time with his mother growing up since she was a stay at home mother. He has one sibling, a little sister named Aurora. They had a good relationship as well, and were sometimes a bit mischievous when they were younger. Finn left to be on his own after decided to be a druid, he occasionally visits his family before returning to where he lives (a treehouse). During the events of the game, Finn and Gale become friendly with each other. Finn is curious about Gale as a wizard and what happened to him, and Gale is curious about Finn being a druid and the healing abilities. By the end of the adventure, Finn and Gale end up dating and Finn follows Gale to Waterdeep where they now reside.
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Race: Dragonborn
Subrace: White Dragonborn
Class: Bard
Cantrips 2/2: Vicious Mockery - Friends
Spells 4/4: Cure Wounds - Speak with Animals - Thunderwave - Feather Fall
Starting Instrument: Flute
Background: Entertainer
Abilities 27/27: Strength - 13, Dexterity - 13, Constitution - 12, Intelligence - 13, Wisdom - 13, Charisma - 14
Skill Proficiencies 3/3: Animal Handling - Perception - Persuasion
Body Type: 1
Identity: Male
Voice: Voice 1
Face: Head 4
Crest: Halberd Blades
Chins: No Chin attachment
Jaws: Sombre Calamity
Skin Color: White 5
Piercing Style: None
Heterochromia: ❌
Eye Color: Flame Yellow 4
Eye Makeup Style: Makeup 1
Eye Makeup Intensity: 100%
Eye Makeup Color: Yellow 4
Lip Tint Intensity: 100%
Lip Tint Color: Yellow 1
Tail Style: Tail A
Here's some pictures for the boi:
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Tegan originally was in an orphanage in Baldur's Gate before being adopted by a loving human couple when he was still young. He always had a love for the arts and had a talent for it, he was a born star. Tegan learned to play a flute by himself before he was given a nice flute by his parents for Xmas. He started doing shows as a teenager and was very skilled in what he was asked to do. He moved out of his parents house but remained in Baldur's Gate once he became an adult and continued his passion for the arts. During the events of the game, Wyll managed to catch his eye, both during battle and at camp. Wyll seemed to be about the only person at camp to be able to understand Tegan on a certain level, and Tegan knew he understood Wyll on a different level than most. Tegan grew a fondness and even a bit protective over Wyll as time went on, especially after Mizora turned him into a devil. Tegan and Wyll charmed each other and then decided to stay together after Wyll practically proposed to Tegan towards the end of their adventure.
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mockingjaysfm · 1 year
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plot drop           .         𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙰𝙱𝙾𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙴
the day has come . did you sleep well ? did you sleep at all ? TRIBUTES are awoken at the crack of dawn by their escorts , though their voices are somewhat more SOMBRE as they collect you from your bedroom . it is time to be transported to THE ARENA .
you dress in comfortable clothes , a cotton t-shirt and loose pants . your stylist will be waiting in THE LAUNCH ROOM to dress you in a uniform better suited to the arena . on shaky legs you make your way to the elevators . . . but the door does not budge . your escort frowns , continues pulling at it , but it is jammed shut . you're LOCKED IN . what is the meaning of this ? your escort demands , and you wish it would just open . it only prolongs the INEVITABLE .
you hear static and you turn into the living area where you see the television has turned itself on . the screen is blank for a few moments but then you see it , footage from a riot . it looks to you like DISTRICT ELEVEN , citizens fighting peacekeepers , fires breaking out , buildings gutted and wrecked — it cuts out quickly but you saw it . a message from the rebellion that something , finally , is happening . who else could be in uprising ? who is doing this ?
outside of the locked doors , a rebellion works quietly , discreetly . guarded by GLITTER BELCOURT & ERIS DOUGLAS , DANYA HASRI is working to keep the footage coming , to override the elevators and the systems which keep you locked inside . ARES COIN , GALE HAWTHORNE & LARISSA RAVINSTILL are in the hangar , hidden in the bowels of the hovercraft which will take the tributes to the arena . they plant something there , a device which will cause the aircraft to shut down , and they slip away before the peacekeepers surrounding the hangar notice them .
a distraction in the gamemaker's room , CASSIUS SNOW exclaims that his console isn't working , and the others notice this too . it is pandemonium now , panic as they realise that the games are happening TODAY and they have no access to the arena . whilst the chaos ensues , a weapons cache is collected deep in the city by PRUDENCE WARREN , LYSANDER CRANE , JETT GAUL & KRISHNA KHATRI , rushed back to the tribute center where it is stashed discreetly away , awaiting word for its use .
it has gone smoothly , too smoothly . the groups split up and scatter into the tribute center as instructed , told to keep a low profile and await the fireworks . but three are caught by patrolling PEACEKEEPERS , already on high alert from snow as he works to find out what is holding up the tributes . FLORENCIA KAELIN , JETT GAUL & LYSANDER CRANE are escorted to an empty room in the center . " we've found three rebels , sir . " one of them speaks into a headset , and it is clear that they are careful not to mention any of their names . the peacekeeper listens a moment , then nods at the others .
the peacekeepers raise their guns to each rebel's head . BANG . a shot rings out , but it is the first peacekeeper taking out the other two . they shove the rebels out the door and tell them to scatter , not to get caught this time . their identities should be safe for now with the others dead and the cameras out thanks to danya's work in the control room .
the doors unlock for the tributes once the rebels release their control , but it's too late , the hovercraft is down and the gamemakers have no access to the arena . for the first time in its history , THE HUNGER GAMES has been delayed .
whew that's a long plot drop ! summary is : the rebels have taken over several important points in the tribute center and have caused the hunger games to be delayed by a day . three were caught and brought to a room to be executed on snow's orders , however a rogue peacekeeper set them free before it could happen . the plan was successful , and rebels are awaiting further guidance from president coin . your muses are free to wander the training center as normal , since snow is trying to make it seem as though all is under control .
please feel free to continue old threads as normal , but please tag accordingly .
the plot drop is taking place from NOW so feel free to begin writing new threads . please note that if you are indeed writing a new starter for this plotdrop , the rule still applies to respond to 2 open starters if you haven't already .
any questions feel free to ask , and please let me know if i forgot to include any of your muses in the above !
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bhaalswn-arch · 9 months
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List ( accepting !! )
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I'd say one is where Arabella is now an orphan, right in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. After knowing that her parents are dead and such. The scene itself: Alkas sighing, face sombre before dropping such an expression as you notice him like that. Alkas opened his mouth, then closes it. You encourage him to speak his mind: "It is sad. It is heart-breaking, and I can't help but feel sick. Like I've experienced it before ... Like I've seen it before. I remember something of the sorts. A similar scene, but I did not like the ending at all. A child with no one. I might've caused that. Who knows how many orphanages gained children in the past because of the sad cruelty of me... Let's not think about it too much though. I'd rather not be like this in public. Let's happily move on. I don't want to remember at this point anyway, not now, not... here."
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jabbage · 9 months
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itismissswann · 2 years
Never had they wished so much for land, to feel the sweet brown soils of home. For on this sea she felt the rage within, as if the ocean is countless tears ready to pound at the feet of man, to teach he who has wanted yet not nurtured as he should. It was a gale that screamed under dark and serious clouds. Yet the ship sailed over these watery fists, perhaps with the intention of causing enough bruising for the sailors to remember her anger, enough for them to start a sweet serenade of sorrow and a promise of better care.
The touch of sand underneath her fingers, made her gain consciousness again. She inhaled loudly. Her eyes traced the beach for more survivors. Unfortunately there was no sign of any, the rain creating a thick fog blurring everything.  Elizabeth quickly rose to her feed, stroking her rain soaked hair behind her ears. The touch of her fingertips against her cheek making her realize they were growing numb with the cold. Soon she was off to the woods, hoping it would offer some kind of shelter from the threatening storm. 
The trees were veiled in the lightest of mists, their trunks sombre brown with sable cracks that gnarl the bark. As her eyes traveled to the edge of the woodland, she noticed a log cabin. She was soon drawn to the warm light filtering through the majestic windows of the door. The light was an arc of brilliant gold in the dark. 
She opened the door, the squeaking sound of the rusty hinges announcing her presence. Her gaze met his, confusion in the depth of her eyes. His attire giving away he was working for the king, if that was the case,  it would make them most definitely enemies. She had been searching for a way to be with Will for too long. There wasn’t a slightest chance she would let it slip through her finger so easily.  Slowly one hand found its way to the handle of her sword. ❝Captain Barbossa, what an unexpected meeting it is. ❞ There was a playful challenge in her gaze.  ❝I’m curious, do tell me why the master of the seven seas is dressed in those garments?❞  The meeting had happened so sudden, that she had failed to notice the wood that had replaced a part of his leg. She was wondering what was a more frightful sight to see. Him abandoning piracy to serve the king, or him missing a limb.  
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casadefreewill · 2 years
Daily Fics
(Fics I read throughout the day yesterday and enjoyed)
Somewhere Between Pain and Sweetness by bakerblake
Soulmate au where your soulmate's first words to you are tattooed to your back.
– – – – –
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is fifteen when she finds out what being in love really feels like, but Adrien Agreste is not her soulmate.
Chat Noir falls hard for his partner, but Ladybug is not his soulmate.
Amazing! Wonderful! Love the vibes! Then the epilogue dragged me out back and stabbed me in the chest (still love it though)
Civilian Chat: Tales of Chad Sombre. by penguinnomad ( @gale-gentlepenguin )
Adrien Agreste decides he wants to experience life completely free, no super hero powers and no fame as a model. Now disguised, he heads out to live a life free of expectations, but a certain designer figures out who he is, but not the him he was expecting.
(Let me know what you guys think of the fic) (Re-uploaded because someone deleted it)
I’m such a sucker for “civilian” heroes in disguise fics. Also Marinette clocking Adrien undercover as Chat Noir immediately will always be funny to me. This fic is only one chapter and pretty much guaranteed to never be finished but I love it all the same <3
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