#galdino x reader
ztarvokwrites · 12 days
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How the Cross Guild propose to you (+ Galdino)
a/n: i'm in a sappy mood today and altho i did have oc x canon headcanons lined up, i went overboard and now i cba to finish it lmao. instead, here is some cross guild loveliness to make up for it💜
not nsfw! just a lot of fluff and chaos in buggy's part ☺️
enjoy and don't forget to reblog if you like it!
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Man does not know how to pick out clothes for himself, let alone a ring-
So he drags Alvida along with him because God knows how badly he'll be mocked by Crocodile and Mihawk if he asked them for help lmao.
"I want something flashy for them! Something that truly makes them mine for good!"
"Do you even know their ring size?"
When Alvida finds out your ring size, she ends up dragging him along to pick out a ring, despite his loud protest.
In the end, they end up picking out this ring, much to Alvida's dismay.
The proposal itself was unplanned and, as usual, chaotic.
Despite Buggy desperately trying to keep it to himself until he got you alone, one of his lackeys discovered the ring and loudly yelped about it, much to Buggy's annoyance.
That lackey was not seen for a while afterwards.
You knew. Of course you knew. He wasn't being subtle about it, the way he was trying to get you alone but sweating his makeup off and trying oh so desperately to hide the small box in his large red pillow-y suit was a big giveaway.
So when the box dropped and you picked it up, you opened it and smiled, ignoring Buggy's pleas to try again.
He only froze when you said yes to his fumbled proposal and slipped the ring on your finger yourself with a grin on your face.
The loud cheer from everyone snapped Buggy out of it and he yanked you into his arms and sped away with you, desperate to make it up to you for his failed proposal with promises and kisses littered all over your face.
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Sir Crocodile
He's done it once before, he can do it again, right?
Don't ask me what that means, idk his past, but for some reason it makes sense that he's proposed to someone before.
Any-who, this man knows what he's doing.
He doesn't need to ask for your ring size, he already bought you a few promise rings before, so it just makes it easier for him to pick out the perfect ring.
Except it doesn't.
There are so many rings that seem the perfect fit for you, yet he can't decide on which one to surprise you with.
He tries to find one that matches your eyes, or your smile, or your physique, yet nothing pops out to him.
Until he finds this ring.
It's beautiful, priceless — it's you.
Sir Crocodile doesn't care about how expensive it is, as long as it's you.
Now the only problem was getting you alone.
As much as he wants to whisk you away, he can't, not when he's busy fending off Marines or trying to deal with Buggy's antics.
The way he ends up proposing to you is subtle, displayed and masked as a simple gift for your upcoming anniversary, despite it being a week away.
He adored the way your eyes lit up when you received the gift bag he got you, promising him that you'll open it that evening when you were both in the comfort of your own bed.
And so you kept your promise, your eyes filling with tears once you opened the small box to discover the ring and the words "Will you marry me?" engraved into the lid.
Needless to say, you couldn't let go of him for the rest of the night, cuddling into him so tight that he held you against his chest even tighter — but not tight enough to hurt you, he'd never do that.
After all, you're his fiancé now :)
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Dracule Mihawk
This man is absolutely thorough when planning anything, so a proposal is no sweat.
He already had his hawk-eyes set on the perfect ring for you, so now all he had to do is whisk you away from the party that Buggy has stupidly hosted, despite the protests of those who are serious about the purpose of the Cross Guild.
Mihawk isn't a man who gets nervous, nor is he easy to read, which is why you're confused as to why he's brought you so far away from the rest of the crew.
He's quite romantic with how he proposes; encouraging you to gaze up at the sky with him as you two sit on the grass and wait for the sunset.
When the time comes for the sun to disappear, the soft blue of the sky turning into a darkened orange, he pulled you up to stand.
That's where he got down on one knee and proposed.
"I know our situation is less than ideal, my Dear, but I promise you this place is only our temporary solitude. I want you to live peacefully with me, until our dying breaths. Will you do me the honour of becoming my spouse?"
Oh, you absolutely said yes and peppered his face with kisses once he slipped the ring on your finger.
And yes he held you in his arms as he carried you back to the party, upon your request to celebrate with him, much to his dismay.
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BONUS! Galdino/Mr 3
I feel like people forget he can just... Make stuff out of wax.
So of course he makes a ring out of wax, accompanied by a nice shiny diamond he 'discovered' in Buggy's office.
The only thing now was to propose to you, yet that was certainly a challenge.
Buggy kept hogging his attention from you, making him ignore you completely for days until he finally realised that he hadn't been giving you the attention you deserved.
Cue him dragging you away from the weaponry tent and into the woods with a basket of food in hand, making a wax canopy for you both to enjoy a candle-lit dinner in.
He kept feeding you compliments and flirting with you to the point where you got suspicious.
"...You're awfully flirty this evening, Galdi. Is something wrong?"
"Nothing can go wrong when I'm with you, my Darling~."
He begins to melt and you get even more suspicious.
Eventually he gets too melty and gives up on the lying and just gets down on one knee in front of you and creates the ring, putting the diamond on it and presenting it to you with a nervous smile.
The sweet gesture of the dinner and the making of the engagement ring before your very eyes was enough for you to kiss him as you took the ring and slid it onto your finger.
You two finished your dinner, but didn't return after a little while as you two were too busy being sappy with each other.
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starnote: guys how tf do you get rid of a cough that gets worse when you're trying to go to sleep-
creds to @/saradika for the star divider!
151 notes · View notes
gingernut1314 · 5 months
The Luck Child - Chapter 1: Superstitions of a Dying Age
Buggy x F!Reader
Summary: You are called back to Marine Headquarters after five years of working undercover within the crew of the Wild Wood Pirates. There, you are told by your superiors who they wish to grant the title of Warlord to and are assigned a new mission: join the Star Clown's crew and make sure he dies if he fails in his challenge.
Warnings: spoilers for the anime (Marineford Arc and onward), canon divergence
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: This is done in collaboration with the wonderful @fanaticsnail and her Sapsorrow series--go read it if you haven't already!!! She also was brilliantly kind enough to beta-read this for me! And thank you @i-am-vita for creating the beautiful banner and storyteller collab masterlist!!
I actually haven't gotten to the Marineford Arc yet so please forgive me if anything is not completely right. I tried to leave things very vague for that reason but the events surrounding Buggy were just too perfect for this series! I hope you all enjoy!
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“Not so long ago, in the depth of the Grand Line, where it is so cold, that very cold is considered quite warm, two cold hearts shadowed over the land. One beat cold in a cruel government, the other in a terrible beast: The Griffin. And it happened in a week with two Fridays, that the cruel government heard of a prophecy.” 
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The halls of Navy Headquarters were lit like they had allowed the very sun into its walls. No shadow graced its well-maintained halls, not even the likes of your own shadow to accompany you into the awaiting meeting hall. A meeting hall whose doors, which swirled with silver detailing, towered over you like some great, twin titans as you came to a stop before them. 
That was who sat, waiting for you behind those doors. Titans whose very will had sent for you days prior. Who had nearly torn the very delicate position in the pirate crew you had infiltrated to shreds. 
The Wild Wood Pirates; a pack of wild women born from chaos and blood. Women whose power almost rivaled that of the Kuja Pirates and their Warlord Captain. They were a threat to the world government and all who bent the knee to their will. 
A threat the government had not taken to so kindly.
Sending the Snake Princess of the Amazon Lily herself to destroy these wild women had been one of the many ideas sprung to deal with the hardened villains, but your superiors had thought of a different approach--a better, more calculated, and…gentler approach.
Spy on them. Become one of them. See how they slipped from the watchful eye of the Navy and how they could get from one side of the Grand Line to the other in a matter of hours. 
And out of the thousands upon thousands of Marines to choose from for this task, they had chosen you. 
You, the daughter of a well-respected Vice-Admiral and the strongest Marine produced from your class.
You, who was vicious in your attack upon the pirates that sailed the Grand Line. 
You, who was bloodthirsty in your pursuit of the bandits and petty thieves that roamed the streets of the bases you occupied. 
Wild. You were wild. Too wild, many a superior had spat, to be a Marine. So wild you had gotten yourself demoted and benched more times than you could care to count on your own two hands and feet. 
It was why you had made the perfect candidate to infiltrate such a group of pirates. Unknown by most--overlooked--you and your savageness had been sent off to wander the Grand Line. Had been allowed to spread chaos and fear in your travels. Had been allowed to run wild. 
You had earned your own little bounty, on the promise it would be cleared upon the success of your mission, and had been welcomed into the Wild Wood Pirates ranks with a few, messy kills. 
It was crooked. Wicked of your superiors to allow you to do such horrid acts, but it was all in the name of discovery. Of committing little evils to behead that of a greater one. 
You rose in rank gradually throughout the years you had joined their crew. Had gained favor with your new captain. Had gained such favor, you had been allowed on their main ship; The Robber’s Den. A grand vessel with a twisting and turning tunnel-like underbelly and home to a strange forest that grew over the deck.
Had just, after death and back-breaking labor, been allowed to be above deck as they traveled through the Grand Line at in-humanly fast speeds. The answers you sought had been in your grasp--your mission nearly complete when those very same superiors who had assigned you this years-long mission, sent a messenger bat to recall you. 
You tugged at your white uniform. One you hadn’t worn in five years. Tugged and pulled and shifted it over your body, trying desperately to get comfortable in its hold. 
Too tight, too thick, too itchy. It didn’t feel like your uniform any longer. It felt like a costume. A disguise. A poorly made disguise at that. 
How had you ever had the patience to wear such a monstrosity?
The answer is you never had and coming fresh off the seas, where one did as they pleased, when they pleased it, the uniform was already trying your thin patience.
You shifted the cap upon your head, it having begun to itch right alongside your uniform, as you stared up at those giant doors before you. 
In and out. 
You willed--no prayed--for this meeting to be as swift as The Robber’s Den’s speed. An hour--an hour and a half at most is all you knew you had the tolerance for.
A progress report. That is what they had written in their letter. It would be a simple meeting. A very simple meeting, seeing as they had whisked you away from those Wild Wood Pirates before you could glean their biggest secret from them.
With a great, chest-expanding breath, you pushed your way into the meeting room full of glorified titans. 
You wished beyond all hope to have your shadow by your side for company at that moment. 
“Ah, so the feral girl finally makes her appearance.” The grating voice of Akainu spoke, stopping all idle conversation that had bounced around the rounded table and room. He was the first you spotted, signature pink rose on his breast and the basic, marine-sanctioned cap on his head, which led the eye to the large scars littering the right side of his body.
You let your eyes scan over the others around the table--all faces you recognized but many whose ranking seemed to have changed in your absence. 
And Akainu, whose voice filled your ears with white-hot rage and made boiling magma to match that of his devil fruit powers roar through your veins, had been gifted the most gracious promotion. That of Fleet Admiral. 
It did not surprise you he had climbed this high in rank. He was smart, cunning, and powerful. It did, however, have your curiosity stifling your coiling anger for a mere moment. 
Why would a Fleet Admiral need to be present during a simple progress report? 
You felt your muscles move on memory before your brain could rush to keep up with its sharp movements. Heels brought together, hips and shoulders on level, legs straight but not so firm as to lock up your knees, and right hand brought to meet your right brow in respect of your higher-ups. 
“Forgive me, sir. I had been making my way to old headquarters before I realized its relocation.” The man let a mouth full of smoke escape his lips, which a half-smoked cigar still lay between. 
“I didn’t expect anything else, Apprentice.” You hardly were able to refrain from outright snarling at the Fleet Admiral. 
Seaman Apprentice. One rank up from being a lowly recruit. A rank you had received only a week before you were given your undercover assignment. “I see those wild women took every last ounce of civility from you.” He said, giving a wicked laugh at your reaction. 
“With all due respect, Fleet Admiral.” Another member, sitting closest to the entrance, spoke up before you could lose your already lost temper. His chair blocked him from view, but you knew the dull voice of your father too well. 
“Y/N took a great risk in joining the ranks of the Wild Wood Pirates. Took a greater risk still in coming here on such unexpected notice. It shows her dedication and devotion to our government.” Your father finished, making no such move as to look upon you. To see what had become of his only child in the time spent with the enemy.
Akainu let another mouthful of smoke filter out between his teeth, his dark eyes scanning over you from beneath his cap. Eyes that reignited that itch your uniform made crawl over your skin like a thousand ants had marched their way under it. It made your fingers twitch in want to relieve it.
“At ease.” He grated out, like he was disappointed in releasing you from the restricting position. You let your arm fall to your side before it joined your other behind your back, feet spread shoulders width apart. “I assume you have heard of the battle at Marineford and our…unfortunate happenings with the Warlords.” 
Hardly. You had hardly heard such news had it not been for the News Coo bird you’d paid discreetly and at risk of your own personal being. You let your superiors know of your little knowledge of the battle. 
“We are looking for others to fill the voids left by Teach, Jinbe, and Gecko Moria. We have filled two of these vacuums.” Akainu gestured for you to find a seat around the table. Your feet carried you to an opening next to the quiet likes of Tsuru, the Vice-Admiral hardly sparing you a glance. “The file before you holds all the information we currently hold on the pirate we believe might fill this last position.” 
Your fingers smoothed over the fine-coursed blue file that sat before you, flipping it open you had not expected to be met with the sparkingly and laughing grin of a pirate whose reputation whispered around even the likes of the isolating Wild Wood Pirates. A reputation of cowardice and overall weakness that your crewmates had loathed.  
A grin you had wanted to punch off his panted face ever since you had first met him in the flesh at the start of your five-year undercover mission. 
You chuckled. No--not chuckled, laughed. A belly-shaking laugh as you grabbed at the edge of the wanted poster to tilt it towards your vision better.
“This is who you plan on granting the title of Warlord to? This bumbling fool?” You shook your head, wiping a stray tear from your eyes as your laughter continued to keep hold of you. “You are right, Fleet Admiral, I have been away from civilization far too long. You wish me to believe this clown is a threat to the Marines? To the World Government?”
“You have been gone far too long. You have forgotten your manners, Apprentice.” The rank had your laughter dying quickly in your throat. A rank hissed at you in a warning. 
Manners. You truly did need to relearn your manners. If you didn’t, your higher-up would demote you to a lowly recruit--maybe even to that of chore boy and you would be nothing. 
Nothing but a wild mess of a person--a failure. A reject. A disappointment. 
“The Star Clown led a mass of prisoners out of Impel Down, of which he managed to escape with hardly a scratch.” You pursed your lips together to keep any remaining remarks down. 
You hadn’t seen that in the news. Must have missed it in your isolation.
“He led those highly dangerous prisoners against us on the battlefield and still holds them under his command. He is becoming a threat.” Akainu all but spat your way.
“He’s just been lucky.” An admiral, sitting to the left of the Fleet Admiral, spoke, leaning back in his chair in dismission of the clown.
“Too lucky. We need to nib this luck at its source before it grows out of our power to control.” Akainu snapped at the admiral next to him, who hardly seemed phased. “If we--”
“A luck child,” Tsuru spoke from beside you, cutting off the Fleet Admiral. You almost threw the woman a wicked smile in approval had you not remembered she had a disliking of you right alongside the rest of her comrades. “Poor as penance, rich as snow, a great captain of a great captain. Wise men prophesied this child would one day achieve greatness.” 
The room fell silent as the words fell heavy over the air. Words you had never heard once in your life, but ones that seemed to flicker in recognition in the eyes of the Marines around you.
“Have we fallen so low as to start believing old superstitions of a dying age?” The admiral to the left huffed. “It was no wise man who spoke those words. Gold Rodger was out of his mind by the time Death came for him. First this luck child, then that foolish proclamation about the One Piece. He was spewing utter nonsense.” 
“Luck is a gift. A blessing. It cannot be undone.” The Admiral scoffed at Tsuru's words once more.
“Akainu, are you going to--”
“Then he is more of a threat than we originally thought. His escape, his ability to gather powerful individuals under his command, his connections to Red-Haired Shanks and the Rodger Pirates, and now this--prophecy.” The Admiral shook his head in disbelief at his superior’s words. “Something needs to be done about him.”
“Then why not just kill him?” You spoke on a gruff, gaining Akainu’s magma-filled gaze once more. “He is more trouble than he is worth. The other pirates mock him--he is their court jester, not their lord. Kill him and be done with it.” You all but hissed, throwing the clown's wanted poster down. 
Akainu rapped his fingers against the marble table before him, deep in thought as he watched you. Watched you in a way you wished he would stop. 
“You’ll find a map just beneath his bounty.” You pursed your lips together once more. 
Manners. Remember your manners.
“As I am sure you have already gathered, we have not called you back for a simple progress report. You are to take that map to him as an offering to join his crew.” You pulled the map out from behind his bounty poster. 
It was small. Old. Its detailing was lacking and few of the black lines that made up its image had faded with age.
How anyone was supposed to properly use it in its deteriorating state was beyond you.
“And what of the Wild Wood Pirates?” You asked, glancing back up to your superior. 
“What of them?” He said, seeming utterly unworried. It fueled your anger once more.
“If they find out I left to join up with another crew they will not stop hunting me until I am dead.” You said, biting back the snap in your voice. 
“Then sail clear of their territory.” Akainu snapped, uncaring to hold back his words’ own sharpness.
Sail clear of their territory--you almost scoffed. They had no territory. They didn’t care about such things. Power was all they cared about. Blood and chaos and pain. You went to tell him as such, but he was quick to shut your complaints down.
“You’re job, Apprentice, is to give him the map and join his crew. You are to take account of every last individual who has joined him, report it back to us, and make sure he finds this island. If he can find it and win the golden feather amongst its hordes of treasure, then he will receive a letter from us in due time telling of his new title. But if the beast that roams those lands defeats him, then we have nothing to worry about besides contacting the runner-up.” 
You clenched your fist in your lap. Clenched it so hard you were almost certain you had broken the thin skin of your palm.
Join him. Join that fool? No. Never. 
“Why would this feather be of any interest to him?” You asked, channeling all your frustrations into your grip. 
“It is said to be of an opposing nature to that of the Devil Fruits. Legend says it frees its user from Mother Ocean’s hold forevermore. If the stories are to be believed, he would be able to swim as he pleased in her waters, never to drown. Maybe even be given the power to deify that of Seastone.” The Admiral to his left shook his head once more at the continued fairy tales and legends. 
“And what happens when he fails to find this golden feather? When he fails to get eaten by this beast because he has run away like the slimy creature he is?” You asked, closing the file to keep those irritating green-blue eyes from staring at you any longer.
“Then you kill him as you see fit.” Akainu closed his own file. “You wild things do so love a bloody kill.” 
Manners--oh but your manners were running very, very thin. 
You pulled a thin-lipped smile to your features. 
“As you command, Fleet Admiral.” Akainu chuckled darkly, releasing another mouthful of smoke.
“Very good.”  He smirked, standing from his seat. “Then it is settled. Apprentice Y/N will see if our--Luck Child,” He said with another rumbling chuckle, “is fit for greatness as such wise men have prophecied. If not, he is better off dead and off the chess board.” You stood with the rest of the Marines around the table, right hand back on your brow as the Fleet Admiral moved through the room towards those great, giant doors. 
The three admirals were quick to follow, and so on and so on until you were left standing in that too-bright, rounded meeting room with your father. 
You felt no need for formal respect when it came to him, so you were quick to drop what little was left of your good manners and snarled like some raid animal in your frustrations.
You tugged and yanked at your uniform once more, loosening buttons and your necktie.
“Will you be--” You were quick to fix him with a daggered glare and a show of hissing teeth. 
“I stopped needing your care long ago.” Your father hardly blinked at your wild behavior.
“You may have stopped needing it but I have yet to stop caring.” He sighed, standing from his seat. 
Care. Like you were supposed to believe he truly cared for you. 
You watched him pull something from the pocket of his white dress-pants. It was a rectangular envelope in a soft shade of periwinkle, with elegant and swirling handwriting that looped over the front.
You recognized it immediately for what it was. An invitation. One you had seen many times in the past.
“The Lady Aegea of the Magmere Isle is hosting her annual masquerade ball in three days time. Many ladies will be presented--” You held a hand up to stop him before he could continue to waste his breath.
“Have you forgotten I have been ordered to worm my way into yet another pirate crew by that time? If I am not killed for my betrayals, I will be no lady of any court you wish associations with.” Your father looked--tired. Older. 
When had he gotten like that? 
“I just want to see you happy.” That only had your anger spiking in your chest. A deep anger that had been building ever since your childhood. 
“You raised me as if I was nothing more than another cadet under your command, remember?” They were words he had heard from you many times over. Words to rival that of the ballrooms and proper lady-like conversation and courtships he threw your way. Even when you had joined the Marines, he continued to offer you up on a silver platter to any lord brave enough to try for your hand and you continued to fight him. “I cannot help the path laid before me.” 
“You can throw my biggest mistakes in my face, but it will not change my hopes for your future.” You scoffed at his words. Words that he spoke in a dull drawl that only had your anger coiling tighter around your heart. “Will you at least take the invitation? In case you change your mind. I will fight to have you removed from this assignment if you do.” Your eyes scanned over the invitation. You knew there was no way you would attend such an event, not unless it was forced upon you. 
But if you took it now, it would keep him off your back for a little while longer.
“Fine.” You snapped, grabbing up the Star Clown’s file before making your way around the table to snag the invitation from your father’s awaiting grasp. “This means nothing of my attendance.” Your father only smiled--too excited for his own good. 
“Of course, of course…though, I have been told Lady Aegea has invitited the great Lord Dacule Mihawk.” He was always invited. The swordsman was the most sought-after suitor in the blue sea and Lady Aegea had a strange fixation on him. Him and finding him a suitor. “And rumor has it he will be in attendance this year.” 
“I find that very hard to believe.” You huffed, shoving the invitation amongst the rest of your newly gathered information, tucked away in the file you held. Though the Warlord had been invited to every last ball the Lady Aegea threw, he never once dared to show his face.
“He might be of some help to your mission. Him being a Warlord after all.” Your father said as you started out of the meeting hall, hardly sparing your father a final look. He was not saying this to be of any real help. It was his way of bringing the Warlord to your attention for potential courtship. 
“Good day, Vice Admiral.” 
“Wouldn’t you agree?” Your father called as you stormed out of those giant doors. Stormed out of those shadow-stealing lights and too-clean halls ways. Stormed passed fellow Marines making their way through the halls just as you did, though looking far less angered.
You yanked your cap from your head as you hit fresh air. Air that didn’t smell of cigar smoke and molten lava. Your uniform top was next, its persistent itching becoming far too much for you to handle. 
Luck child, luck child, luck child. 
Curse that foolish clown. Curse him and his horrid luck. 
There was no reward in this for you. Nothing other than a death sentence, old wives' tales, your father's nags of marriage, and your submission to yet another power you had no interest in following.
Buggy the Clown was not that lucky. No man was that lucky and you would be the one to end this ridiculous string of good fortune.
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Screams and shouting commands filled the roaring, storm-filled air as the Big Top was hit with yet another mountainous wave. Saltwater stung at Buggy’s eyes and made loose strands of blue hair stick to the sides of his face, which his make-up ran over, ruined. Saltwater that had his grip on the lines he had been retieing begin to grow weak, Mother Ocean’s power over him slowly starting to win. 
“Shit, shit, shit!” Buggy screamed as he managed to retie the rigging despite his numbing fingers. 
Screw Mother Ocean. Screw Devil Fruits and screw this freak storm that has come out of nowhere. A storm that had already claimed three of his men in its merciless hunger.
He spied Alvida, kneeling on the drenched deck, looking about ready to pass out. Her long, curling locks stuck to her smooth skin which looked all too pale in the muggy light the storm clouds allowed to slip through.
The water was no doubt taking its effect on her now, rendering her utterly useless.
Buggy grabbed for another loose line that was threatening to run free just as a large ball of wax rolled past dangerously, knocking a few of his freaks over as it headed toward the front of his ship.
Galdino, a fellow escapee from Impel Down and one of Buggy’s newest crew members, must have encapsulated himself before the water could do much to drain his own powers. Encapsulated himself in a rolling ball that, if didn’t kill someone, would surely roll straight into the ocean. 
Stupid idiot.
Buggy’s muscles loosened then and, despite his best efforts, the line he had been holding fell from his grasp, shooting up into the rain and sea-spray-filled air. Something snapped and Buggy turned just in time to give a screeching curse as the main boom swayed low, knocking into him and sending Buggy flying. 
“Captain!” The sound of his Chief of Staff, Cabaji, called as Buggy groaned at the pain zapping through his body. 
“Get--get us out of this fucking storm!” Buggy hissed, his roaring coming out more breathy as he fought to regain the air in his lungs. 
He hardly heard Cabaji’s response before the ship hit something solid. 
Wood splintered and groaned and Buggy was, yet again, thrown through the air with a scream.
All he could do was scream as Mother Ocean stole all his fight and energy. Scream till his voice ran horse and his limp body was thrown overboard. 
Buggy hit the cold water and was thrown in thrashing circles. 
His lungs burned as he held his breath against the raging waters around him. Lungs and eyes and nostrils burned like fire had been poured into them. It was hell--and just when hell seemed to get the upper hand, to just begin to wrestle the air from his lungs, he was spat out onto a sandy shore. 
Body unable to move, Buggy lay cursing the sea. Cursing Mother Ocean and the Grand Lines freakish weather. Weather that seemed was beginning to calm as if it had taken its pound of flesh from him, satisfied. 
A wave crashed into Buggy, further numbing his body and sinking him into the wet sand beneath him. 
Screw this. Screw sand. Screw water. Screw the air. Screw himself and his devil-blessed powers.
“Captain! Oh, thank the gods!” It was Cabaji’s voice again, growing nearer and nearer. Relief flooded through Buggy’s chest as his Chief of Staff came into view just as another wave crashed into him, stealing his breath once more before falling back into the vast sea.
“Get. Me. The hell. Up!” Buggy hissed as quickly as the saltwater would allow him. 
“Right, yes. Yes, Captain.” Hands grabbed him under his shoulders and dragged his limp body further inland, away from the sea still wishing to drag him into their depths. “We thought you were dead, Captain,” Cabaji grunted as he continued to drag Buggy over the shore. 
Of course he wasn’t dead. He was tougher then that.
The taste of salt water on his lips sent a shiver down Buggy’s spine.
From this angle, Buggy could just spot his precious ship laying on its side, beached like some great whale and looking like someone had taken some great hammer to its hull.
Whoever had been in the crow's nest was going to get murdered. 
“You’re luck never ceases to amaze me, Captain Buggy.” Cabaji huffed, finally coming to a stop once he had made it to the rest of Buggy’s exhausted crew. He spotted Alvida slumped on the sand just as he was, teeth grit and hissing insults Mohji’s way, who had been trying to help her. 
Luck--ha. Buggy laughed at such bullshit.
How was getting knocked into the ocean and nearly drowning lucky?
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Tag list: @fanshavegottensotoxic , @lostfirefly
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turtletaubwrites · 1 month
Numbers Game ~ Part 13
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Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 5318
Ao3 Link
Summary: You get to work on party planning, but your disagreement about the budget leads to some uncomfortable questions.
Author's Note: I am unwell. If it wasn’t allergy season, I’d roll down a hill, and lie in the grass for a while 😅
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Smut, Established Relationship, Manipulation, Humiliation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Daddy Kink, Overstimulation, Hair-Pulling, Degradation, Unprotected Sex (stay safe out there), Bondage, Foursome - F/M/M/M, Gangbang, Brat Handling, Vaginal Fingering, PIV Sex, Creampie, Large Cock, Cunnilingus, Punishment, Orgasm Control, Multiple Orgasms, Dom Mihawk, Dom Crocodile, Switch(?) Buggy, Death Threats, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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“If you’d listened to miss Y/N before, she might still be yours,” Crocodile scoffed, shoving Buggy into a chair at a small desk by the door, leaving him close, but not too close. “This is your one chance to prove you’re not a complete idiot. Don’t fuck it up.”
“You got it, boss,” Buggy chirped, sneaking a wink in your direction while you fought a smile.
“Here you are, darling,” Mihawk interrupted, setting your notebook in front of you, along with a transponder snail. “I trust that you’ll behave on your calls today? I’d hate to have to come up with some sort of punishment if you try to–”
“She won’t try anything, huh, sweetheart?” Crocodile rasped. Goosebumps crawled over your skin as the back of that golden hook lifted your chin, drawing your eyes to his. “You’re our girl now, right?”
“I am,” you agreed, breathless as the truth left your lips. He tugged on a bit of your hair, that look of ownership sending warmth through you. 
I’m theirs. 
Humming at the thought, you laid out your notes, and went to work.
“This event will be expensive,” you warned, adding to the list of items needed to throw a party fit for the pompous guests you knew too well. The guest list was small, but you knew it would grow as the clients you'd called today gossiped amongst their privileged circles, and you hadn't even made it through your list yet.
“I already sent Galdino to meet with the backer you secured. That should provide more than enough funding,” Mihawk noted, looking at you over the top of his book. 
“Besides, they’re not here for caviar,” Crocodile huffed from his desk on the other side of the large room, “they’re here to pay for murder. I think that’ll be enough of a thrill for them.”
You cleared your throat, scribbling on the corner of a page.
“Do you disagree?”
How did he get here so fast?
Mihawk laughed at the little yelp you let out when Crocodile pulled the list from your shaky hands. 
“They want a show,” Buggy’s head declared as it floated between you and the larger man, his jazz hands floating beside his face. He gave a quiet huff as Crocodile used the notebook to swat him away like a fly.
“I’ll listen to your recommendations, sweetheart. Tell me why you think I’m wrong.”
Mihawk joined him in front of your desk, the two of them towering over you while Buggy started pacing. 
I wonder if I’ll ever stop being afraid of them. I wonder if that’s why I want to stay.
Shaking off the fear, and the flush to your cheeks, you straightened before answering with a steady voice.
“I’ve known most of these people for years. They want thrills, but only if they’ll be safe, and only if it’ll be good for their bank accounts in the long run. We need to convince them that they’ll gain more than they give by funding us.” You couldn’t read the emotions behind their sharp-eyed stares, but you pulled yourself through.
“We need to sell the product, and we need to be desirable. If we don’t look just as wealthy as they are, they won’t think we’re worth the air we breathe, let alone their precious berry,” you ended on a sharp note, swallowing a scowl. 
Mihawk leaned over the desk, holding your jaw while he stared at the hint of a snarl on your lips.
“My sweet, little rabbit doesn't seem to think highly of her old clients. This entire plan relies on these wealthy contacts being loyal to you, Y/N. You didn’t exaggerate their trust in you, did you?”
“No, I didn’t,” you breathed, your jaw clenching beneath his fingers. “As long as I keep being useful to them, they’ll keep pretending they care about me.” 
Ice filled the room from the pressure of your words, nausea coiling in your stomach.
“I’m good at what I do,” you coughed, Mihawk's fingers letting you pull away while you took a breath. “They’ll listen to me, but we need to put on a show.”
“Good thing you’ve got the flashiest showman around,” Buggy crowed, floating pieces of him over your desk again, shielding you from the cold stares of the other men.
“Buzz off, clown,” Crocodile snapped, resting his hook on your desk with a low, metallic thunk. “Sweet girl, do you think we’re liars?”
“Wha– n-no. I didn’t–”
“Skittish, little rabbit,” Mihawk purred, shouldering past Buggy’s now solid form to trail a finger down your cheek. “Why would you ever need to worry? You have so many uses.”
“Don’t start with that shit, swordsman,” Crocodile growled, moving beside you to trap you between them. 
“Didn’t you hear that hatred on her tongue, sandman? Aren’t you curious if our little rabbit carries that same venom for us?”
Buggy’s frantic eyes found yours around Mihawk’s side, but your golden-eyed lover returned his fingers to your jaw, pressing in.
“Do you hate us for using you, darling?”
He released your face at Crocodile’s looming threat, but his predator’s gaze still held you frozen.
A large hand across your shoulder blades relaxed you for just a moment, until that deep voice warmed your neck.
“Answer him, sweetheart.”
“Of course she doesn’t hate you, she’s–” Buggy started, going silent at the vicious glare Mihawk sent his way. 
Tension grew with every second until you found your voice again.
“I don’t hate you. I want to be here,” you laughed, a strange joy moving through you as you shook yourself. “You threatened to kill me, but I still trust you more than I trust any of those leeches.”
Lightheadedness came in a wave, your body buzzing as you looked back and forth at their frightening faces.
Fuck. Why did I say all that? Why didn’t I keep it professional?
You let out a sigh of relief as Crocodile's hand rubbed up and down your spine, and Mihawk lifted your knuckles to his lips. That gentle kiss felt overpowering, and he hummed when a soft noise left your throat.
“I think that’s enough work for today, don’t you, Crocodile?”
“Why don’t we take our dinner in the banquet hall tonight,” he suggested, tapping his hook on a blank notepad on your desk. “You can show us how to prepare it for a party of leeches.”
“Or we could just enjoy all the new tables to fuck you on,” Mihawk laughed, pulling you out of the chair to carry you. 
They bickered about who would be going first along the way, laughing at Buggy’s attempt to claim a turn.
“Go order the food,” Crocodile snorted, gesturing down the hall. “Stop being a fucking nuisance, and you might get to watch.”
You directed them to the large dining hall, giggling as Mihawk laid you across the head table. The room was already set up well, a small stage at one end, the head table stretched along a connecting wall, and round tables scattered across the floor. Once you had a more complete RSVP list, you’d be able to make a decent seating chart.
You propped yourself up on an elbow, your brow creasing a bit as you thought of which guests would need to feel extra special, and be seated the closest to your lovers. 
“I’m amazed that little mind of yours can focus on work,” Mihawk teased, tapping his fingers against your forehead. You threw your head back with a moan as he snuck a hand up your skirt. He rubbed his knuckles over your clit through your panties, already damp from the feel of his skin while he’d carried you. “When this little cunt is always so fucking hungry.”
“Dinner is served,” Buggy interrupted your moan, crashing through the doors with a rolling cart of food, the sliver-domed covers glinting under the lights. The tray slammed into a chair as he stared between your spread legs, his hands flying to catch the wine bottle and glasses just in time.
“Too bad,” Mihawk sighed as he licked the taste of you off his fingers. “I was about to have dessert first.”
Too many conflicting feelings flowed through your mind while you ate in this opulent room, drifting you away from the conversation as visions of fake smiles and expensive clothes danced through the hall. 
Gloved fingers on your knee snapped you back.
Buggy made a show of eating the last few bites off his plate, not meeting your gaze as your lips parted from his risky touch. 
What are you doing?
So far your sweet clown had done nothing but try to protect you from these men, but now his fingers were teasing up your thigh under the table. 
You wanted to let him, your mind starting to race through every possibility, every reaction.
Mihawk snatched that wayward hand from your lap before you had a chance to think, and you yelped when he slammed it on the table. 
“We decide when our girl gets to play with her toys.”
“Right, of course,” Buggy squeaked, his ears going red while Mihawk crushed his hand against the wood. “Sorry, boss, I was just feeling handsy! Ha, w-won’t happen again!”
Buggy’s tense giggle at the word handsy tore a laugh from you, and he managed to steal his hand back while Mihawk stood, his chair scraping across the floor. 
“Time for dessert,” he threatened, wicked fingers pulling you up by your hair. He dragged you away from the plates before tossing you on the edge of the table. Taking a seat between your legs, he gripped your ankles while you panted, trying to gain your bearings.
But you couldn’t gain your bearings, Crocodile’s lips crashing onto yours taking you over. He sat beside you, a satisfied noise leaving his throat at your desperate reaching for him. 
“Since you’re feeling so handsy, why don’t you pin hers down?”
Buggy hesitated for a moment, but pulled up a chair on your other side before his floating hands pressed your wrists into the wooden table above your head. Even though this was exactly where you wanted to be, being restrained and surrounded on three sides had you resisting against his hold. 
“You look so pretty like this, sweetheart,” Crocodile purred, tracing the side of his hook along your struggling arms, the barest scrape of the sharp point making you gasp.
“He’s right, such a tasty little rabbit in our trap,” Mihawk agreed, speeding your pulse as he pulled your panties down your legs. He dropped them onto Buggy’s lap, bringing a whimper from those painted lips. “Try not to come in your little pillowcase this time, and you might get to do more than hold her down.”
Buggy met your gaze, the need in his darkened eyes making your breath hitch.
He’s never looked at me like this before.
Your lovely clown, the Warlord of the Sea that had rescued you from your boring life. He'd taken you to new highs, given you more pleasure than you’d ever known. Before they came, he had looked at you like he wanted to eat you, to take you, to keep you. 
But the look on his face when he watched these other men have their way with you was something else.
He fucking loves this.
Before you could smile at the thought, a wicked tongue dragged through your folds, circling around your clit before plunging inside you. You filled the air with Mihawk’s name as he devoured you, until Crocodile’s fingers muffled your moans, making you tear up while he smirked at your stuffed mouth.
“Do you mind? I prefer a little music with my meals.”
Mihawk smeared his face along your inner thigh, and you shivered at the feel of his wet facial hair teasing your skin. Crocodile huffed a laugh, but pulled his fingers out of your mouth. He lifted the fabric of your top, tearing more of the clothes that Buggy had bought for you into shreds before playing with your breasts.
So many sounds left your throat as they teased you, Buggy’s hands gripping hard while you writhed for them.
Predators toying with their prey. 
“Please,” you begged, earning a laugh vibrating through your core as Mihawk kept going. You were already twitching before his long fingers entered you, Crocodile’s hook tracing dangerously down the side of your body.
“Fuck, Mihawk, I’m so–”
“Close,” he taunted, pulling away from you. Crocodile gave a disgruntled noise, but followed suit, taking his hand away from your chest. He left his hook though, the point resting lightly below your ribs while he looked toward the man between your legs. 
“I think we were close to something earlier,” Mihawk continued, his fingers playing along your thighs while you squirmed with need. “Close to learning more about our precious numbers girl.”
The loss of that almost release had you whimpering, but his words fell over you like a weight. 
“She’s been good, hawk-eyes. Don’t be so mean,” Crocodile smiled, brushing a bit of hair from your face.
“You know I’m going to make her scream, but my curiosity has been piqued. I just have to know,” he threatened, pressing his fingers into you. You moaned when he found that spot, but he tortured you, the touch too slow for relief. “Tell me, darling. Why do you carry such contempt for these wealthy clients of yours? You told us that your life was boring, but you snarled like a beast. Did we take in a monster instead of a sweet, little rabbit?”
He attacked you then, his free hand on your clit while his fingers brought you close again. You couldn’t answer through desperate moans, and the sobs that followed as he cut you off again.
“Please, sir. Please,” you choked out, shaking with need.
“Why do you hate them, Y/N?”
Your name on Mihawk’s lips always seemed to wake you, and you tried to calm your breathing before struggling for an answer.
“They’re terrible people,” you gasped, faltering at Crocodile’s low chuckle. “They don’t care about anything besides staying rich, and impressing the same circle of vapid families with how much berry they can waste on stupid, pretentious bullshit. They’re so fucking obsessed with status, they’d throw someone to the wolves just for the slim chance of their inbred blood marrying into the Celestial Dragons.”
Your body had forgotten its need, seething as the words raged through you. These were thoughts you fought to ignore, useless, meaningless thoughts that could do nothing but piss you off.
Buggy released one of your wrists, cradling your cheek as his thumb gently stroked back and forth. You looked away from the confusion and concern in his eyes, embarrassment filling you like bile. 
As if he felt your shift, Mihawk lowered your legs, coming to sit on the table beside Crocodile, and you clamped your eyes shut against the force of their stares.
“I’m sorry–”
“Don’t be,” Crocodile rasped, rubbing his hand along your arm. “I’m glad my sweet girl has some fire in her.”
“I agree,” the swordsman interrupted as he laid his still-wet fingers on your side, “but this seems personal. Why do you hate them so much, pet. Tell the truth.”
“I just… I’ve been surrounded by these people for years. They trust me with their money, and their money comes with secrets. I see what they do with all the wealth I help them grow, and I see what they don’t do. But even with all that berry, and all that selfishness, they are still so fucking boring.”
A wicked laugh left your throat, and you found yourself smiling as you looked into three sets of eyes. You melted for them, letting the heat of your need for them pour from you.
“But you promised that I wouldn’t be bored with you,” your voice came out in a purr, and you relished as all three faces filled with hunger when you writhed for them. 
Mihawk jutted forward to pinch your pouting lip, something new and dangerous flashing in his eyes.
“Are you trying to manipulate us,” he dared, tilting his head as he scanned your face. “Did you already forget who owns you?”
“No,” you gasped, lifting your neck as he tugged your lip further.
“Mihawk, back–”
“Can you believe what a dirty slut your sweet girl is,” he taunted, his free hand tracing up your thigh while you held your breath. “She just tried to use her body to distract us. You really loved being called a whore, didn’t you?”
You fell back when he released your lip, moaning as he yanked your hips toward the edge of the table. Your legs dangled off the side, and you tried to slide off to stand until he ordered Buggy to pin your wrists down again. 
Buggy’s brows creased as he hesitated for a moment, a small line of worry etched into his face paint. Yet he obeyed, leaving you to glance up at Crocodile, imploring him for forgiveness that you weren’t sure you wanted. Your eyes fluttered closed when he leaned down, kissing your temple.
“It’s true, isn’t it,” he asked, his husky voice overwhelming you. The point of his hook ghosted across your chest, forcing you to slow your breathing. “I promised all you gotta do is tell me what you want, and I’ll take care of you, but you still don’t believe me? Manipulation is real fuckin' close to lying, brat.”
“P-please, I–”
“You’d better watch your fucking mouth,” he threatened, his hook pressing into the side of your neck. “You’re gonna take what we give you, and then you’re gonna tell us the truth. Don’t make me show you what I do to liars, girl.”
Nodding stretched your throat against that sharp point, so you whispered your compliance. He withdrew the threat as Mihawk’s evil laughter moved closer. 
“I’m not so forgiving,” the other man smirked as he lifted your legs over his shoulders. You barely had time to meet his golden eyes before he shoved his cock into you, laughing through your screams.
“Using your body against me,” Mihawk scoffed as he grabbed at your chest, pinching one of your nipples while he pounded into you. “I’ll show you what it means to be used, rabbit. You get to be a real whore tonight.”
The acoustics in the banquet hall were incredible, your screams of pleasure flying through the room as you came on his brutal cock.
“What a spoiled little cunt. I wonder how many rounds you can take? Would you still like a turn, clown?”
Buggy coughed, looking up from the sight of your pussy taking all that abuse.
“Did you ever call her a slut? Did you ever fuck her like the desperate whore she is right now?”
“No, I…” 
“Mihawk–” Crocodile leaned in, pressing his hand down on your chest. The swordsman never stopped fucking you, and you had to fight to pay attention.
“She earned this, sandman, and I think we should give our toy a treat. He’s been so good at holding her down, and keeping his mouth shut while I ruin his pretty star’s pretty little cunt. Let me play. I know you’re enjoying it.”
“… Fine. Only because she deserves this punishment. You hear that, brat,” he rasped, grabbing your face to watch you wither under his silver glare. “You try something like this again, and I’ll let twisted hawkeye pick your punishment.”
He pushed away just as another orgasm was ripped from you, your body clenching around Mihawk’s while he dug his nails into your hips.
“Hardly a punishment. You’re nothing but a slutty little hole, aren’t you,” he jeered, rolling into you until your eyes rolled back. “Alright clown, if you still want to stick your dick into this comeslut, you need to follow my instructions. Do you still want to fuck her?”
Buggy looked down at you with wide eyes, and you couldn’t tell if he’d noticed your nod of consent as Mihawk slammed into you, but either way, he whispered, “yes.”
“Good toy,” Mihawk praised, his breath heavy as his thrusts started to stagger. “As soon as I’m done, you’re going to fuck my come into her. You’re going to call her a whore, and you’re going to fuck her like one. Can you do that?”
“Yes,” Buggy rasped, squeezing your wrists twice before taking his hands back to undress. Crocodile caught both of your hands in his. His eyebrow lifted just a tad, and you closed your eyes, knowing a smile would be on your lips if you weren’t making so many ungodly noises. 
Your safe word crossed your mind. All of your lovers knew it. 
But you weren’t even close to needing it. 
I’m such a slut.
You almost laughed to yourself, until you felt Mihawk start to twitch inside you.
“Look at my happy little whore. Just wait, darling. You’ll be crying soon enough,” he laughed before groaning, shoving his cock so fucking deep while he filled you. The heat of him made your eyes roll back, and you weren’t ready when they switched. 
Buggy’s needy moan arched your back. The feel of him sinking into your messy cunt after everything that had happened felt insane, electric. You met his gaze, his blown out eyes hardly human as he followed Mihawk’s lead, fucking into you like an animal. 
“Tell her what she is, toy,” Mihawk ordered softly, smirking at you over Buggy’s shoulder. 
“You’re…” Buggy started, his head tilting back as his breath sped through him. 
“You’d better not come before you tell her what a slut she is. And you’d better act like you mean it.”
Your sweet clown looked frantic as Mihawk’s dangerous fingers danced over his shoulders.
“You’re such a slut,” Buggy tried again, his soft voice making you moan. His bottom lip scraped through his teeth while he watched you react to him, and you cried out his name as he fucked you harder.
“You like this, don’t you,” he asked, voice gaining confidence with each word, with each thrust until you were screaming. “You like being a flashy little whore, huh? Like making me watch your pussy get fucking wrecked everyday?”
“Fuck, yes, Buggy, please.”
“Gods, Y/N, you feel so fucking good baby–…”
“She’s not good, she’s a dirty fucking hole to fill,” Mihawk growled, gripping Buggy’s hair while he whimpered. “Tell her what she is, and you can come inside her right now.”
“F-fuck, you’re a dirty slut. You filthy fucking whore. Fuck, I’m–”
That twitching, throbbing cock filled you and filled you, it felt like it just kept going. Just a few more of those desperate, overstimulated thrusts of his would have sent you over the edge again. You hadn’t even noticed when Mihawk took over pinning your wrists before Buggy was pulled away, and large, ringed fingers played in the mess he’d left.
Crocodile’s eyes burned into you as he scooped come out of your used cunt, rubbing it along his shaft before pressing the tip of him to your entrance. You squirmed away, stopping your movement too late.
“Get her on the floor, clown. I don’t wanna break the table giving this brat what she deserves.”
Your limbs were loose as the other man got you to the ground, spreading your legs for Crocodile as he lined himself up, grabbing your hip to hold you in place.
“This is nothing, sweetheart,” he threatened, bullying his massive cock into you, the other men’s come being forced out to make room. A satisfied hum vibrated through him at your pathetic little whimpers. “You need to know how fucking serious I am.”
“Okay,” you breathed, eyes stinging with tears as he shoved himself all the way in.
“If I ever find out you lied to me,” he growled, filling you again and again as he started thrusting, “you’re not gonna like the punishment you get. I don’t care how sweet, how pretty, or how fucking useful you are, you’re gonna be hurting. Do you understand me?”
“Y-yes,” you whined, the pain almost tipping to pleasure before he got mean, fucking you into the floor. 
“Yes, what, brat?”
“Daddy, yes da–”
“Fuck,” he moaned, drowned out by your screams. 
Crocodile didn’t stop, fucking you as your body shook, fucking you until your tongue hung loose, the hint of drool at the corner of your lips. 
“I’m gonna fill this bratty little pussy up, then you’re gonna be a good girl and tell the truth, because we can do this all night. Are you gonna be a good girl, or are we gonna have to keep taking turns ‘til your pretty little cunt starts crying?”
“I’ll be good, daddy. So good–”
“Mm, just like that. Fuck, you take my come so well…”
He filled you impossibly full, come spilling down the sides of his cock onto your already sticky thighs. Then he left you empty, but not cold, sliding down your body to press soft kisses to your neck and shoulder. 
“You really are smitten, aren’t you, Croc?”
Mihawk’s taunt sent tension through the larger man’s body, and you held your breath while those silver gray eyes poured over your features. 
“We’ve got a good girl here,” he countered, brushing hair from your face. “As long as she’s not a liar.”
“Yes, yes,” the swordsman tutted, “let’s get our girl cleaned up so she can tell us all about that hatred in her heart.”
The afterglow dwindled quickly at those words, but soon Mihawk was wrapping you in a tablecloth, lifting you into his arms. He hummed again when you let your head rest against his shoulder, tilting his face to leave a kiss on the top of your head. That little touch brought all your relaxation back, even from the frightening man that held you. 
Buggy snuck a quick kiss to your cheek while everyone got a turn under the hot water, and sleepiness hit you hard as Mihawk wrapped a towel around you. You’d watched him shave while the shower warmed up, and now you stood on the fluffy bath mat, swaying while you stared at him in the large mirror. Crocodile had left, and Buggy hovered near the door, but you were caught on the swordsman.
“What’s that?”
You stepped closer, but pulled your hand back before picking up the dark glass bottle he’d titled into his palm. Those unreadable golden eyes flicked to you while he dragged his fingers over his jaw, spreading that incredible smelling liquid through his facial hair.
“You tell me, bloodhound,” he smirked, holding his palm in front of your face. 
“Fuck, that smells so good.”
“Of course it does,” he chuckled, “what do you think is in–”
“Play your sniffing game tomorrow,” Crocodile grumbled through the door. “If our girl doesn't tell us the truth, we're gonna have a second round, and I’d like to get some sleep tonight.”
“Better not make daddy angry,” Mihawk warned in a hushed voice, nibbling on your ear before pushing you toward the door. “Better not make me angry either, rabbit. You know I can read you like a book.”
Shivering, you moved past Buggy’s wide eyes, glad to have him there. Mihawk guided you to sit against the headboard while the three of them sat around the edges of the bed, surrounding you again.
Silence strangled you, and you were about to crawl out of your skin until they all started speaking at once. The others conceded, leaving Mihawk to lean forward, touching your ankle as he spoke. 
“Tell us the real reason why you hate your wealthy clients, hate wealthy people in general? There’s something personal, and we need to know before you invite a whole slew of them to our lovely home. Can’t have you poisoning all the people who might give us berry now, can we?”
“I’m sure I’m not the only person who thinks rich people are trash,” you laughed awkwardly, yelping as his long fingers dug into your skin. “I'm s-sorry, it's just a joke…”
“Answer the question,” Crocodile ordered. His voice was empty, leaving your mind to fill in the terrifying blanks of what he had in store for you if you failed him. 
“Okay, I’m sorry,” you sighed, covering your face with your hands while you tried to pull your thoughts together. You opened your eyes to catch Buggy’s soft, worried smile, and you knew his hands would be comforting you right now if he thought they’d allow it. 
“I grew up with money, alright,” you spilled out, sounding more annoyed than you’d meant to.
Dead silence was finally killed by Mihawk’s derisive laughter.
“No wonder she’s such a brat, Crocodile. We’ve got a spoiled, little rich girl on our hands.”
“Shut up!”
Clamping your hands over your mouth too late, your eyes darted between all of their shocked faces. Buggy’s head had lifted a couple of inches off his neck, as if the force of his eyebrows raising had pulled it into the air. You bit your lip hard to keep from releasing panicked laughter. Crocodile moved closer, mirroring Mihawk with his hand on your leg.
“Tell us why you’re angry,” he soothed, rubbing his thumb along your skin. “But you need to stop making us dig for it, sweetheart. I’m not known for my patience.”
Blinking away stupid tears before they could fall, you nodded, letting your head fall back against the headboard before trying to speak. When the words finally came, it was like an echo through an empty room, your eyes almost unfocused as you told the boring tale.
“Family was rich. I grew up in those circles with all the parties, and galas, and expectations. I didn’t like it then either. But my dad died…”
Emotion swelled through the emptiness, and you had to swallow it down to steady your voice again. One of Buggy’s hands flew to yours, and no one stopped you from holding it.
“We stopped being rich. All those friends and neighbors stopped seeing us as real people. Even the parts of my family that are still rich treated us… They wanted us to beg for their help. To roll over, and let them– Fuck!”
They were all frozen through your frustrated yell. Buggy’s hand floated anxiously at your side after you’d dropped it to throw your hands into the air, digging your nails into your palms as anger rocked you. 
Why am I doing this? I’m such a fucking idiot. 
Your scolding thoughts couldn’t stop the wave of rage as it pushed through you.
“I don’t want to talk about this. I don’t want to talk about them. How badly are you gonna hurt me tonight if I don’t tell you anything else? Why don't I save you some time, because I will take a lot of punishment if we can just fucking drop it.”
The ringing in your ears seemed to last for hours until your labored breathing started to calm. Blue, gold, and silver eyes pierced through your body like vicious jewelry, clinging to your skin as you tried to disappear. You went unfocused again, staring vaguely toward the crown moulding as you awaited whatever pain they might inflict.
Almost at once, the three of them crawled forward, and you held your breath as they settled around you, their warm hands smoothing over your body. Mihawk and Crocodile brought their lips to your skin, Mihawk’s trailing down your neck while you twitched and whined. Crocodile kissed your temple before breathing along your ear.
“We promised to take care of you, Y/N. Want us to take care of somebody for you?”
“Hm,” you asked, a headache forming from the onslaught of emotions. 
“You’re ours, little rabbit. If you'd like someone to die, all you have to do is point the way.”
“Just tell me who, sweetheart. Daddy’ll gut them for you.”
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
a/n: I honestly thought we'd never get to the reader's back story what with all the fuckin' 😅
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Part 14
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cinnbar-bun · 4 months
Popularity- Cross Guild's Day Off 2 (Cross Guild x Reader)
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Summary: In which you work with the three Cross Guild officers and Buggy attempts to prove his popularity through a poll. Of course, it's never as simple as it really should be in Cross Guild.
Rating: SFW/Crack
Word Count: ~3k
Notes: No relationships are defined, so feel free to headcanon whatever you want. I know it says x Reader up there and I wrote it in mind that it's a weird ass polycule but I made sure to leave it ambiguous for your reading pleasure. Made in mind with part 1, but can be read as standalone. Features cameos from Alvida, Galdino, and Daz Bones.
A/n: I love these three goofballs so like feel free to request stuff with them or what scenarios you'd like to see them in please???
Read Part 1 here! Read this chapter on my AO3 here!
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“It’s really not fair! It’s not fair at all!” Buggy screamed. Mihawk, Crocodile, and you sighed at whatever it was that seemed to be, well, bugging Buggy. 
“Will you stop your complaining? Some of us are actually trying to do work here,” Crocodile growled while his fingers continued clicking away on the calculator. “(Y/n), go and hand me the reports for-,” 
“Right here, Sir,” you said as you handed him the stack of papers he wanted. Crocodile smirked proudly while his eyes narrowed at Buggy. 
“See, why can’t you be like (Y/n)? They know how to get work done.” 
“Wha-! I get work done! Plenty of work!” 
“Juggling isn’t work.” 
“Is too!” Buggy stomped his foot. 
“Hardly,” Mihawk chimes in. 
“Grrr… you two are just jealous of me! Jealous of how I’m the Star Clown and you two will just be boring, old men!” 
Mihawk and Crocodile glanced at each other knowingly and rolled their eyes. 
“You’re still bothered by the fact you were not important enough to have any good cards in the deck, aren't you?” Mihawk states bluntly, not bothering to be gentle with Buggy’s fragile ego. 
“SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!!” Buggy shouted, gaining the attention from his subordinates outside the office. 
“Aw… someone’s upset,” Crocodile teased. You huffed at the two stoic ex-warlords and tried to soothe Buggy. 
“Buggy, it’s alright. They’re just silly cards. Look around you, you have so many employees happy to work for you because they really admire you as captain,” you say genuinely while patting his head. Buggy sniffles and nods. 
“You’re right, (Y/n), you’re right,” Buggy agrees. He wipes his eyes and nose with his hand before he bounces back to life, clenching his fists. “That’s very true! All these people love me and would die for me! So those card makers don’t know anything! I’m the most popular one here!” 
“Wait, what…” you wince, while Crocodile and Mihawk groan. 
“Thanks, (Y/n), now he’s gonna do something stupid again,” Crocodile sighed. 
“Buggy, all I’m saying is-” you try to fix your error, but Buggy shakes his head. 
“Nope! You just gave me an amazing idea!” 
“Here we go again,” Mihawk mumbles. 
“W-what’s the idea?” You ask Buggy. 
“Obviously, to really settle the matter, we need to hold a popularity contest!” Buggy proclaims. 
“We really don’t have to. No one cares about this except you,” Crocodile says blandly while he opens the folder you gave him. 
“Haha! You’re just saying that because you know deep down that I will win when it comes to Cross Guild!” Buggy eggs Crocodile on. “They love me here!” 
“I really don’t care-” 
“So, to finally gather once and for all who the most popular is-” 
“God damn it.” 
“I’m going to poll the others!” Buggy announces, grabbing a random clipboard from your desk. 
“Isn’t that rather biased?” Mihawk asked. 
“Biased? What are you talking about?” Buggy raises his brow. “You think Imma lie about this?” 
“Yes,” all of you respond. Buggy lets out an offended gasp and frowns. 
“Well then, what do you suggest, smart guy?” Buggy yells at Mihawk. 
“Having only you go around and then return with results will obviously not be the most accurate. We need to send a third party that won’t lie,” Mihawk explains. 
The three men turn to look at you. 
“Why do I have to do it?” You fold your arms. “I have work to do!” 
“I’ll pay you extra for this week in order to have Buggy shut up,” Crocodile states. 
“Do you think I can be swayed so easily with money?” 
“Yes,” the three men respond. You swipe the clipboard from Buggy. 
“Damn right I am,” you state as you pick up your favorite pen from your desk. 
“Now then, since you’re going to be polling, I expect truthful and honest answers,” Mihawk demands. “No one can lie or cheat this.” 
“Before we do this, none of you are allowed to know who voted for who,” you add. “I’m not having you fire or hunt down some poor employee because they voted for Mihawk or something.” “Well that won’t happen,” Buggy comments. “No one is gonna vote for Mihawk to begin with.” 
Now it’s Mihawk’s turn to be offended. “What do you mean by that, Buggy? Do I need to silence you for good?” 
“Eek! All I’m saying is, you hardly ever step out of the office or interact with anyone!” 
Mihawk stays silent then mumbles, “I interact with others…” 
“Oh really? Name one person you’ve interacted with,” Crocodile demands. 
“You can’t do that, either,” Mihawk counters. 
“That’s just because I don’t give a shit about these people’s names. I still talk to them, though,” Crocodile corrects. 
“Fine, (Y/n)!” Mihawk huffs. 
“They don’t count.” 
“Why don’t they?” Mihawk crosses his arms. 
“Because we all see them every day in this office,” Crocodile chides Mihawk. “Name someone.” 
“Okay, I guess I cannot name anyone,” Mihawk relents. “Not that it matters in the slightest, by the way. This is a silly and pointless little game.” 
“See? No one is gonna vote for you!” Buggy laughs. 
“I guess I should kill you now, Buggy,” Mihawk says as he draws Yoru. 
“Gaaaahhh! No! Please don’t!” Buggy cries, latching onto you for safety. 
“Buggy, please let go,” you sigh. The clown does so shakily and you begin to write on the paper in your clipboard. “Okay… Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk. There we go. I’ll go around and ask, then. See you guys later.” 
“Before you go,” Crocodile begins. You turn to hear him out while he has a big shit-eating grin on his face. “If you’re going to talk to Mr. 3… knock before you enter.” 
Your eyes practically bulge out of their sockets from what this could mean as you nod and exit the office. 
“Why the hell did you say that?” Buggy questions. Crocodile chuckles, taking a puff from his cigar as he shakes his head. 
“Oh, they’ll see soon enough.” 
“Favorite head of Cross Guild?” An employee scratches his head. His coworker beside him does the same. 
“Wait, uh, they’re not gonna kill us for answering this, are they?” The other one asks. 
“Crap, you’re right. Is this some way to weed us out or something?” 
You shake your head. “No, no, not at all! This is just a… uh… thing they’re testing for some new merchandise,” you lie. 
“Ah,” the two men nod along. “That makes so much sense.” 
“Buggy,” the first man states. 
“Mmm… yeah, Buggy,” the second adds. “He never harps on us like Sir Crocodile.” 
You thank them for the response and tally it to the votes. 
“I guess Buggy was right,” you mumble to yourself, seeing as he currently had seven votes out of the seven people you asked. “Maybe we could send these results in to those cardmakers and get a cut of the merchandising.” 
Just as you’re about to walk away, Alvida strolls into the room. 
“Oh, Alvida! Good morning,” you smile at her. “Can I have a moment of your time?” “(Y/n), dear,” Alvida runs a hand through her hair. “What do you need from the most beautiful woman of the sea?” 
“Well, the higher-ups wanted to run a poll,” you show her the paper. “Please vote for your favorite head of Cross Guild.” 
She studies the paper for a moment and purses her lips. “Hmm… you know what, I vote for you.” 
“What? Just put a tally for you,” Alvida suggests nonchalantly. 
“But, um, I’m not a head of Cross Guild,” you argue. 
“So? You practically are their fourth one. I’m sure they won’t mind. And if they do, they can take it up with me,” Alvida brushes your concerns aside and takes the pen from you. She writes your name down and adds a tally. 
“Can I ask why you want to add me?” 
“Simple, dear.” Alvida chuckles. “You’re not like those brutes upstairs. You get worked to the bone by them yet still retain your own sense of self. Do you know what that is?” 
“No, I don’t think I know what that is-” 
“Passion!” Alvida throws her arms in the air. “You are passionate, clean, stylish, and most of all, you are quiet! If anyone is worthy of my vote and attention- it is you!” 
“Wow, thank you,” you comment, impressed that Alvida actually gave you a nice compliment. 
“Yes, yes, well, what do you think about becoming my assistant instead of working for them?” Alvida winks. 
“Ah sorry, I’m pretty happy where I am right now,” you quickly shut down. Alvida clicks her tongue. 
“Hm… perhaps you’d prefer to be my partner instead? You would be a good match by my side.” 
“Would you look at the time!” You awkwardly laugh. “Bye, Alvida!” 
“Bye, darling. Don’t worry though, we’ll pick this conversation up another time~,” she waves. You sigh in relief as you walk away that she didn’t mace you immediately. Still, there’s work to be done. 
You walk into the staff lounge and greet the other members there, who cheerfully greet you back. 
“Sorry to bother you guys, but if you could just fill out this poll, that would be great. And don’t worry, no one will know of the results, so please be as honest as you can!” 
The clipboard gets passed along by the staff members, who quickly add a tally mark to the poll. In less than a minute, all twenty people in the lounge have responded. 
“Wow, thank you guys. You guys are quick,” you joke, taking back the clipboard. 
“The choice was obvious,” one of the employees answers, and the others nod. You wonder who they voted for when you look at the paper, only to see your name has now over twenty marks attached to it. Your eyes widen and you politely thank the others as you step out of the room. 
It was one thing when Alvida did as she pleased, but now the others were voting for you in droves. You took a deep breath. Crocodile, Mihawk, and Buggy surely wouldn’t kill you for this, would they? After all, Alvida herself said they could bring it up with her. Yeah, that was okay. This was just a silly joke anyways. 
You continue to collect polls, feeling touched yet also nervous when you found that every employee had checked you off as their favorite. It got so bad that you had to use a second page to collect all the tallies that the employees were adding to your name. 
As the number of employees left to ask dwindled, you remembered to get Daz Bones and Galdino’s polls. You figured the choice would be clear for them- Crocodile. After all, they were very loyal to him and even continued their work relationship into Cross Guild. It would also allow for Crocodile to at least get some vote from his current tally at zero. 
You had scoured for them all around the base, but didn’t find any sign of their presence. Just as you were about to give up, you found Daz Bones peacefully sitting, probably waiting for his next assignment. 
“Daz! Can I-” 
“(Y/n), I have no interest,” he cut you off. 
“It’s for Crocodile,” you add, knowing he wouldn’t participate otherwise. Daz nods and then urges you to step closer. You show him the clipboard and he raises a brow. 
“Crocodile really cares about this sort of thing?” 
“It’s mostly because of Buggy,” you explain, and Daz nods, connecting the dots. He quickly tallies a mark to Crocodile’s name. “Thank you, Daz!” 
“You’re welcome,” he gruffly responds. 
“Oh, and do you know where Galdino is?” 
“Why should I know? Perhaps he’s in his room,” Daz shrugs. You should’ve guessed that but wave goodbye and walk to Galdino’s room. You’re about to knock when you remember Crocodile’s ominous warning echoing in your head again. 
“Knock before you enter…” 
You were going to do that anyways, but the weird way Crocodile said it made you grimace. You nervously rapped your knuckles against Galdino’s door. You heard a huff and a lot of grumbling as Galdino swung open the door. 
“What do you w-,” he angrily yells until he gasps when he sees it’s you. “(Y/n)! Ah! Uh! Please excuse me!” 
You briefly notice a large wax statue on the table before Galdino slams the door on your face. You jump when you hear Galdino freaking out and throwing things around his studio. Something metal is grating against the floor as you hear Galdino struggle to move the obviously heavy object. 
“G-Galdino? Is this a bad time?” You call out. 
“No, no, no! It’s fine! Perfectly fine! Hahaha there’s nothing weird going on here!” Galdino answers from inside his room as something crashes to the floor and Galdino swears. 
It’s silent for a moment until Galdino opens the door, leaning against the frame and trying to give you a charming smile while some wax is now splattered against his pants and shirt. 
“So, (Y/n), what brings you to my studio?” He asks while forcing his voice to sound lower, pushing up his glasses. 
“Ah, the heads wanted to take a little poll. Mind answering?” 
“Anything for- I mean-,” Galdino coughs and lowers his voice again. “Anything for you, (Y/n).” 
He takes the clipboard from you and begins to notice the options, quickly marking a tally next to your name. 
“There you go- wait a minute!” He looks horrified as realization sets in that there’s only one tally next to Crocodile- most likely Daz, he thinks. Crocodile would absolutely know right away that Galdino didn’t choose him, and the thought makes Galdino nearly pass out. “I-I need to change my vote!” 
“Sure,” you give the clipboard back to him and Galdino scribbles over the one he gave you to mark one next to Crocodile. 
“Kh... but we’re supposed to be honest…” Galdino mutters. He glances at you, and seeing you patiently waiting and smiling at him makes his heart tighten. 
Gah! Who am I supposed to choose?! My muse or my boss?!
“Are you alright, Galdino?” You asked, making Galdino struggle to form words. Instead, he scribbled over the mark he put next to Crocodile and re-marked a tally next to your name. 
He hands the clipboard back to you and you smile and wave to him. “Thank you, Galdino!” 
“Y-you’re very welcome!” Galdino shouts, unable to control his voice properly around you. You turn around and head back to the office while Galdino lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
He was most likely going to die after this, but seeing your smile was all worth it. He could die happy, even knowing that Crocodile would probably drain him of life later. 
You, however, didn’t notice the longing look Galdino gave you as you open the door to the office. 
“Well, I got all the votes!” 
“Well, who won?” Buggy immediately jumps forward and steals the clipboard from you. He notices that Crocodile and Mihawk hardly have any, with only Crocodile have a mark. “See I wo…” 
His face darkened as he noticed he had only seven votes. 
“What’s the matter, Buggy?” Crocodile smirked. “Can’t handle the fact you lost?” 
“I… wha…” Buggy grips the clipboard roughly, nearly snapping it in half. “How the hell did (Y/n) get all the votes!?” 
Crocodile and Mihawk are caught off guard. 
“Wait, what? (Y/n) won?” Crocodile repeated. 
“I thought I told you to be fair and not cheat!” Mihawk accused you, his golden hawk eyes glaring into yours. 
“I-it wasn’t my fault! Alvida was the one who put my name on the list!” You try to defend yourself. 
“Give me that-” Crocodile snaps as he swipes the poll from Buggy’s hand. Crocodile grunts as he notices page after page marked with tallies from the employees choosing you. He sees Mihawk has none, but that his name has one mark (Daz, of course), and one crossed off (that bastard, Galdino-). Given Crocodile’s attentiveness, he does recognize that yours and Alvida’s handwriting is different, so your story is credible. He huffs and tosses the clipboard, making Mihawk lean over curiously. 
“Not even one vote…” he murmurs. 
Buggy, meanwhile, is distraught, crying on the floor and banging it repeatedly. 
“It’s not fair! Not fair at all! I hate this! I’m the star!” Buggy wails out loud. 
At first, Crocodile did this as a joke to satiate Buggy, but even his own ego is hurt by this new poll. 
“I take it back, you’re getting docked again,” Crocodile threatens, pointing his cigar at you. 
“What?! But I spent all day getting this with the promise of money!” 
“I changed my mind! I wanted a good poll, not whatever the hell this was!” Crocodile yells back. 
“Recount! Recount this!” Buggy shouts. 
“I refuse to lose this competition. Give me an hour, I will win this,” Mihawk says, pushing himself off his couch as he walks out the door to do who knows what. 
The ensuing commotion causes some of the Cross Guild members to peek through the door and watch Buggy screaming in agony at losing while you’re sobbing at the fact you’re losing money due to this dumb poll. 
Alvida rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. 
“Would you guys cut this noise out? It’s driving me mad!” 
“Alvida! This is all your fault!” Buggy yells at Alvida in tears. “I was supposed to win, not (Y/n)!” 
Alvida frowns at Buggy and twirls her mace in her hands. “Are you questioning my decisions?” 
Buggy gulps as he sees the mace casting a shadow over him. 
“N-no, not at all!” He quickly corrects himself, praying Alvida will not maim him to death. 
“That’s what I thought.” 
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Eppur è d'uopo, sforzati! (Buggy the Clown x F!Reader)
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Summary: In which a stork arrives early, Buggy has a rough day, and you get what you deserve. Pairing: Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: Clean. Word Count: ~1.5k. Warnings: Pregnancy, childbirth, exploitation of a Devil Fruit power. A/N: good news is that i'm not ovulating anymore bad news is that i got a mental image in my head that wouldn't go away so i'm subjecting you guys to it too. also, this buggy has more of the anime version in him, so just a heads up!
It was a power move, plain and simple. Boa Hancock, Warlord of the Sea, refusing to negotiate with anyone away from Amazon Lily. And Buggy, having drawn the short straw, gets ordered under threat of revocation of his title to go do it.
So not only does he have to brave Sea Kings in the Calm Belt, he doesn't even get to go ashore when he gets there. No, he has to send the female crew to deal with it.
And, to make matters worse, you insisted upon going with them. You, with swollen ankles and an aching back. You, waddling around and damn near ready to pop. You, eight and half months pregnant with not just any child, but his child.
How could you be so callous and cruel to him like this? Where do you get off on tormenting him with the knowledge that, if something happens, he won’t be able to get to you? It’s pure sadism is what it is, and he’s wearing a rut in the deck trying to get his mind off of it.
A distant scream splits the air.
Your scream.
Nine months. Babies come out at nine months. That's how it's always been, that’s how it always will be.
So then why, oh why, does this little asshole decide to pop out at eight and a half?
A wave of pain wracks you. You double over in your chair.
You suppose you're lucky. You’re in a palace in a private room with a bed, a tub of warm water, anything you could possibly need. The midwife, Cassandra, has gentle hands and comforting words. Dozens of women show up to fuss over you and encourage you, a number of them mothers themselves. Dahlia brings food, Gloriosa sings songs, Marguerite and Sandersonia hold your hands when the contractions get worse.
Even the Pirate Empress herself pays the occasional visit, albeit under the excuse to scold you for making a ridiculous amount of noise. But she always lingers with a curious gaze, and commands that more bedding be brought or that “I must be prepared for when I bear the child of my beloved,” whatever the hell that means.
Too bad they don’t have any morphine.
The only thing stopping Buggy from collapsing into a million parts is that he has completely locked up. He cannot move his head, his fingers, his eyes, everything is frozen stiff.
Fortunately for him, Galdino asks the question for him. “She’s what?” 
“I just told you: in labor.” Alvida is way too calm. She dusts her coat, adjusts her hat, buffs out a scuff on her fingernails. “Her water broke right in the middle of the discussion. Three hours of political maneuvering, wasted.”
“I think we got it sorted, though.” The strongwoman shakes her head. “Poor gal. Of all the dumb luck.”
Another scream rips the air. Everyone flinches.
It cuts through Buggy like a knife through... well, himself. He gets his senses back and only one thing consumes his mind.
He vaults over the side of the ship. Kuja laws be damned, he needs to get to you, even if he has to swim for it. Before you get hurt. Or killed. Or worse.
He only realizes the mistake he’s made when he hits the water.
You blink in disbelief. “It’s what?”
“Upside-down,” Cassandra says. She adjusts her glasses. “If my intuition is correct, it’s coming out rear end first.”
Breech birth. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised. Your grandmother was a breech, your mother was a breech, your niece was a breech... Breeches all the way down in your family.
And, considering its father, of course the little fucker’s an acrobat.
You groan and fall backwards. Part of you is glad he’s not here. You’d strangle him. The other part wishes he was here. So you could strangle him. And rip his balls off. Hell, you might just do that anyways. DIY orchiectomy.
A contraction wracks you and you yelp.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, when the sun is highest?
Hold him back from swimming to the island. He’ll kick and thrash and escape all three of the strongmen and throw himself overboard and Cabaji will have to jump in and fish him out.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, early in the evening?
Lock him up in a cage with Richie. He’ll cut himself to ribbons and slip through the bars and sneak past everyone on deck and throw himself overboard and Cabaji, having just finally gotten himself into dry clothes, will have to take another dip.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, at the witching hour?
Clamp him to the mast with Seastone handcuffs. He’ll pick up a nail on deck and pick the lock and outrun everyone trying to catch him and throw himself overboard and Cabaji will make Mohji jump in this time because he’s getting really sick of this bullshit.
What do you do with a distraught sailor, early in the morning?
Hack off his hands and arms and noggin, throw the Seastone cuffs on his ankles, tie his torso to the mast, stuff his own bandanna in his mouth, then post up guards.
Even gagged, Buggy’s screams rival yours.
Just when you’re ready to give up the ghost and will yourself into unconscious bliss, you feel it. Something gives. Then something else. With one mighty push, one mighty curse, and one mighty splat, your child is born.
The baby howls like a beast. You suppose you’d be screaming too if you were covered in shit and viscera and had a full head of hair.
You want to hold it. You need to hold it. "Give-- Gimme it," you sputter.
Cassandra, hands it to you. "A boy," she says.
You’re ashamed to be a little disappointed. Based on the talk, you were hoping for a girl. But it all fades as you hold him in your arms and bring him to your chest, overwhelmed by a tide of hormones and emotion.
He’s a little funny-looking, with his pink skin and little stretched face and his legs at weird angles. But he’s here. A baby. Your baby. Buggy’s baby.
You start to sob.
Buggy is once again frozen stiff. He wants nothing more than to help you back aboard, hold your hand as you step over the railing, and escort you to his cabin. It would be the absolute least he could do.
But no. He’s stuck up here on the quarterdeck, doing even less than that. He watches as you make your way up the stairs, clutching a bundle wrapped in a floral-patterned blanket. Dark circles ring your eyes and your gait is stiff and exhausted.
Say something. Anything. “You look like hell,” he says. Goddammit.
Fortunately for him, you huff in amusement. “I’ve certainly been through hell.” You stand closer and angle the bundle towards him. “Wanna see what I found there?”
His hand hovers over the corner of the blanket. What if it’s dead? What if it’s got a dog’s face? What if its hair is red? What if it’s got its father’s--?
“Just look, Buggy,” you scold.
He swallows. He pulls back the corner.
Nestled in the blankets, blinking in the light, is a miniature you. A head full of thick dark hair, already starting to curl at the ends. Dark eyes, peering at him the same way you do. And, right in the middle of its chubby little face, your delicately curved nose.
Heat fills his belly with smoke. He recognizes this emotion. It’s the same one as when he sees someone waving around a treasure map. When he spies a chest overflowing with gold. When he first laid eyes on you.
He can hardly hear his own voice. “She’s gorgeous.”
“He,” you say. Buggy looks at you. You smile. “He’s a boy.”
A boy. A boy. His boy. Your boy. He has a son. You gave him a son.
The smoke catches fire and sets his whole body alight. He snatches the baby -- his son! -- from your arms and holds him -- his son! -- up high, presenting him -- his son! -- to the assembled crew like a boxer holding up a champion belt.
He shouts, bellows, screams for the whole world to hear: “I have a son!”
A cacophony of cheers goes up from every man and woman on the deck and, for a few moments, everything is right in the world. Mohji throws his arms around Cabaji. The strongwoman picks up Galdino and spins him around. Alvida smiles as she leans against her mace. Richie roars. Even the Kuja who escorted you back whoop.
Wait a damn minute. You did all the work. You made his son. You pushed him out. All he did was be in the right place at the right time with a bad pullout game.
He places the baby back in your arms and sweeps you into his own, separating his trunk from his legs to raise you up even higher. He wants to shout something eloquent, an ode to your strength and beauty, a paean to your power, a declaration that you are the greatest treasure he’s ever stolen.
But all that comes out, through snot and tears that he didn’t even realize were flowing, is a garbled, blubbered, “I love this woman!”
The cheers only grow, joined by your clattery laughter.
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To the "Curious Courtship" Masterpost | To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar
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soft-mafia · 3 months
Request: Buggy and reader having a cute data with Buggy doing magic tricks throughout the data, making the reader to laugh and return making Buggy smile
Magic[Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, fem y/n, short silly fluff
a/n: THIS IS SO ADORABLE ACTUALLY😭😭I took a few creative liberties bc I love my cringe fail husband.
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“Ok… what about this one?” Buggy said, pulling out a flat saltine cracker, “I’ll tell her that I’ll sprinkle some magic dust on it to make it disappear and—!” He turned around, crunching the cracker in his hands, then turning back around and opening his palm, revealing the crushed crumbs of the saltine, “Boom. You think she’ll like that?”
Cabaji and Mohji clapped, however Galdino wasn’t too impressed. He groaned and put a hand over his head, “She’s not a child, Buggy. You’re gonna lose her as fast as you got her.”
“I’m trying my best, damn!!” Buggy growled, throwing the cracker crumbs overboard, then sighing loudly, holding his head in his palm, “I need to impress her somehow… Mohji, can you teach me how to train Richie to jump through a flying hoop or something?!”
“I could… but that type of stunt takes days for someone to master, and your date with her is tonight, isn’t it?” He replied.
Buggy groaned loudly and hid his face in his hands, “It is!! And I have nothing!!” He grumbled, “She’s gonna think I’m pathetic!”
“I’m surprised she already doesn’t…” Galdino mumbled under his breath. Buggy growled and shouted again, “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!” Buggy then let out another groan and whined, “Can you guys at least help make me look handsome? I have an outfit picked out and everything.”
After another run through of his cheesy magic tricks and jokes, they helped him get ready, having to help him redo his makeup for about 40 minutes because he was too picky and couldn’t get it exactly the way he wanted. While he was sulking in his bathroom, he completely forgot that it was almost time to take Y/n out on the beach. She walked into the quarters, looking stunning as ever in her bathing suit, even though neither of them could actually go swimming.
“Hey, have you seen Buggy? Is he still getting ready?” She asked, and before anyone could speak, Buggy let out a scream from the bathroom, immediately bursting out, his body parts in a jumble. He put himself back together as he rushed back over to Y/n, putting his hands on her waist. He was wearing a silly flower printed shirt with swim trunks, along with socks and sandals(that made his bounty increase by a billion berries).
“I’m right here baby, don’t worry your pretty little head.” He giggled, then stroked a hand through her hair until he smoothly pulled out a rose, “Oh, what’s this?” He asked, then handed her the flower. Y/n smiled brightly, taking the stem in her fingers before looking up at Buggy lovingly, “Awww! Thank you!”
As he let her back out of the cabin, he turned and flashed a thumbs up and wide grin at the three men.
“Pick a card.” Buggy said, fanning out a deck of cards in front of Y/n as they sat on a picnic blanket near the shore, the sun was nearly setting. Y/n giggled softly before reaching her hand out to grab a card, however Buggy panicked, holding it back, “No- not that one… uhh, pick something else.” He mumbled. Y/n blinked, but then smiled and attempted to pick another one, to which Buggy stammered again.
“No!! No, not that one!” Eventually she picked one, and he grinned widely. Once she held her card, he shuffled the deck in a strategic way, and then he pulled out a 3 of clubs, “Is this your card?” He said proudly. Y/n looked down at her card, then nodded excitedly, “It is!”
The smile on her face, and her giggles of excitement filled Buggy’s heart with not only pride, but a little bit of affection too— actually, a lot of affection. She was laying there looking gorgeous, laughing at his magic trick that he had to try again a few times to even get right. There wasn’t any trace of mockery, she was actually enjoying it. He got increasingly confident the more the night went on, he made coins disappear, pulled candy and jewelry from out behind her ears and from her hair. Once nightfall hit he attempted to do a cool card shuffling trick, however the only light they had was from a small candlelight that was close to burning out, he could barely see anything and before he knew it, the cards just flew out of his hand and right onto that candle.
Some of them caught on fire, to which he panicked and threw the entire picnic blanket out into the ocean on impulse. Y/n squeaked and was flown back onto the sand.
“Oh crap!! The food!!” Buggy screeched when he saw his half eaten hot dog floating in the water, but then he remembered something more important, “OH-! Y/N!!!” He quickly rushed to her side, helping her up off of the sand, a blush spread across his cheeks as he brushed it off of her thighs. After she was fully helped up to her feet, she giggled at Buggy, making him blush harder.
Then, she kissed him on the lips, holding his face. When she pulled away she stroked his hair back, her smile growing when she saw his entire face was blushing bright red.
“I- I’m sorry…” Buggy chuckled nervously, “I panicked.”
Y/n giggled again, wrapping her arms around his neck, “It’s ok. It was kind of funny.” She kissed him again, “This was nice! I loved your card trick.”
Buggy was flustered, grinning like an idiot and quaking internally, “Oh, really?” He grinned, then swallowed to regain some of his confidence, “Well… I have a few other tricks up my sleeve, if you’re up for it.” He leaned in close to her, holding her chin up with one finger. Y/n smiled and blushed, looking away as it spread across her cheeks, that made Buggy laugh, he swung his arm around her shoulder as they walked back to the ship together.
Galdino, Cabaji and Mohji were all watching from the bushes, Buggy had instructed Mohji to tranquilize Y/n if anything went wrong, then convince her that it was all a dream when she woke back up— and he almost had, however Buggy held her at just the right moment.
Even during their panic when Buggy was bombing half of his tricks, what surprised them the most was how entertained Y/n had been, and that dreamy look in her eyes whenever she would look at him.
Buggy was clearly a stupid clown, but Y/n loved him nonetheless.
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hattafan2593 · 1 year
Buggy x Reader Fic Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
A month had passed, and Crocodile and Mihawk kept true to their word. Outside of insults and cold remarks, they left their "leader" unscathed.
And it was driving Buggy absolutely bonkers.
He was so certain that they were planning something, that they were plotting his assassination.
It admittedly wasn't outside the realm of possibility, but you found it unlikely. While they were certainly more powerful, Buggy had more clout, and his followers were in the hundreds if not thousands. Killing him now would only result in a riot that would no doubt set whatever plans they had back considerably.
This combined with your leverage over the two made you certain that your paranoid boyfriend had nothing to fear.
Buggy was, unfortunately, not convinced.
Currently, he was pacing up and down your shared tent. His feet were disconnected from his body and they frantically shuffled after him as he floated in mid-air.
"I'm dead! I'm done for! They're planning something I just know it!"
"Did you see the way that guy was looking at me?! He's working for them, I know he is! They somehow got one of my crew to spy on me!"
"Gasp! What if they're spying on us right now?! They could've planted bugs all over this tent! Quick, help me look!"
"Red nose."
You grabbed Buggy by the nose and pulled him towards you, so he was looking you in the eye.
"You finished?"
"Uh-huh." came his nasally reply.
You let go of his nose and cupped his cheeks. "Buggy. Mihawk and Crocodile aren't trying to kill you."
"But how do you know that?!"
You smirked. "Trust me. They wouldn't dare. Not if they know what's good for them."
Buggy blinked in confusion.
You placed your hands on your hips. "Let's just say that those two underestimated just how loyal one your followers could be, and they were given an offer they couldn't refuse."
Buggy stared for a couple of minutes, then burst out into laughter.
"Gyahahahahaha! Serves you right, ya bastards! That's what you get for messing with the great and powerful Buggy-sama!"
He suddenly stopped, his eyes darting back and forth. "But uh, don't tell them I said that, ok?"
"Mum's the word, dear heart."
Buggy let out a great sigh, then plopped on the bed next to you. "Ya know, I really owe that guy a huge one. I outta pay'im back somehow. A feast? A bigger cut of treasure? Whatta you think?"
Your smirk turned into a sly grin. "Oh, I can think of one thing they'd appreciate."
"Yeah? What iMMMPH!"
Buggy's question was smothered by the sudden kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you both fell backwards onto the bed.
And so, Cross Guild was flourishing.
Mihawk and Crocodile still ran things for the most part, but publicly, they kowtowed to Buggy. Well, as much as their pride would allow at any rate.
Buggy, for his part, was content to let them do as they pleased so long as they kept up appearances and didn't try to hurt him. Which you thought was wise - provoking them unnecessarily might cause them to throw caution to the wind and lash out.
Interestingly, Buggy's crew had begun sucking up to him again. They obviously saw a shift in dynamics between the three company heads and were trying to get back in his good graces.
You knew deep down that Buggy would forgive them...after he watched them squirm for a little bit first.
You, on the other hand, made it abundantly clear that they were all on very thin ice, Galdino especially. You told him, in no uncertain terms, that if he ever pulled a stunt like that again, he would be serving Crocodile, all right...as lunchmeat for his bananawani.
Overall, though, things were going well. Buggy had decided to pull you out of the field and keep you close to base. You suspected it was to keep Mihawk and Crocodile in line, though he claimed otherwise.
You didn't mind; this just meant you had more time to spend with your boyfriend. It had been a while since your last date, and you were looking forward to it.
You would occasionally cross paths with Buggy's "partners". They would glare at you with deadly intent, and you would sweetly smile back, knowing that you had their balls in a vice and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.
Honestly, they had no one to blame but themselves. After all, it was only natural for a pirate to try and protect their most precious treasure.
The end.
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kaizoku-gary · 2 years
For your eyes only
Pairing: Buggy x female reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 2490
Warnings/Tags: dom/sub play, masturbation, teasing, cursing, dirty talk, rough sex, squirting, Buggy putting his DF to good use.
Summary: Buggy wants you to pull a little show for him.
A/N: "His penis can fly too." Eiichiro Oda.
Read it on AO3
Cover: credits to the author.
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It is high noon. There isn’t a single cloud in the sky, and the blazing midday sun is cooking everyone on deck alive. Being the lookout on such a hot day would be torture if you hadn't brought an umbrella with you.
"Oi! Y/N! Are you up there? The captain wants to see you...now!" Galdino's voice rises effortlessly above the lively sound of the men working on deck. There's a hint of discomfort in his tone, but you ignore it; climbing down with considerable expertise. 
"~ On my way ~" You reply in a sing-songy tone, jumping down the ropes when you're sure the height won't break your legs. The man throws an unamused look at you and you chuckle teasingly before leaving.
"Right before lunch. I swear to God..." You hear Galdino mumble between his teeth as you hurry to the captain's cabin, unable to hide your excitement.
You've been dating Buggy long enough to know the meaning behind his urgency. If he'd only wanted to talk or spend some time with you, he'd come to you personally. Unless he's got something else in mind. Something way more fun than just having a chat.
You reach his door and remain still for a moment, taking a few deep breaths to calm you down. Your heart races with expectation after you announce your presence with a distinctive knock on the door. Buggy's voice coming from the other side puts an end to your nervous fidgeting and you step into the room.
"How can I help you, captain?" You coo, closing the door behind you and walking towards his desk. All the while letting your eyes wander on his features.
The room may not be as hot as the surface, but it is warm enough for Buggy to be wearing a tight tank top. His strong arms and broad chest instantly catch your attention and you bite your lower lip as you ogle him. I hope you bend me over that desk and fuck me blind. You think as you wait for an answer.
"Take off your clothes," Buggy commands in a rough tone without taking his eyes off the papers in front of him.
From the way he writes on his logbook -almost like stabbing its thick pages- you can tell he's dealing with a lot of stress. The captain is a time bomb about to explode and you're happy to find yourself inside the blast radius, even if that means you won't be able to sit or walk properly for a couple of hours. Maybe days if you're lucky enough.
"As you wish, captain," you reply, noticing your core already throbbing with anticipation. Following his orders, you step out of your shoes and slowly pull your shirt up, revealing a collection of hickeys scattered across your torso. Some of them -the recent ones- have a dark purple tone, others are barely visible.
"Flashy," Buggy says in a deep voice, admiring his masterpiece. The beautiful sight of your abused skin distracts him from his work, and he is eager to mark you further in case you dare to forget to whom you belong.
Buggy's greedy hands float towards you. The tips of his fingers trail the bruises on your ribs, before traveling to your belly. You squirm under his light but electrifying touch and the temperature of your body raises, making your ears go red. His hands wander to your back and a needy whimper scapes you when he firmly grabs your buttocks. There is nothing but lust in his dazzling blue eyes and you tremble knowing what awaits you.
“Go on,” He commands, giving your butt one last squeeze before letting go of you.
Unbuttoning your shorts is not an easy task when you're desperately aroused and sweat makes your fingers slippery. But you manage to unzip them and pull them down in a slow movement before kicking them away. Your thighs are also covered in marks and Buggy grunts at the sight, leaning back on his chair with a devilish grin on his face.
Without wasting time, you unhook your bra and free your soft breasts; eliciting a pleased hum from your captain. His predatory gaze is setting your skin ablaze and your whole body aches for him. You are impatient to feel his weight on top of you, and hear his low groans as he sinks into your soaked slit.
"Play with them, pet,” Buggy demands in a deep velvety tone, bringing you back to the present. The captain licks his lips as he places a hand around your neck, letting his thumb ghost over your pulse.
Your fingers tease the underside of your breasts and you close your eyes to let the delicate sensation engulf you. Sweet quiet sighs leave your mouth as you cup your breast and rub the palm of your hand against your hardened peaks. Your body begs for more and you indulge in pinching your sensitive nipples, moaning at the intoxicating sensation.
"On the bed. Now,” Buggy orders, giving your cheek a gentle pat. His pants have grown uncomfortably tight and he wonders how long will he resist his own hunger.
You climb on the mattress to rest your back against the pillows, while he moves his chair in front of the bed. The bulge in his pants catches your attention and your mouth waters. Fuck me now, Buggy. You think, rubbing your thighs together for a little friction.
"Let me see that sweet pussy of yours," Buggy hisses and you buck your hips to the sound of his voice. I'll let you do whatever you want to this pussy. You think, considering all the delicious possibilities.
In a single swift movement, you get rid of your soaked panties, and the piece of fabric meets the rest of your clothes on the floor. The pounding in your chest intensifies when you notice the weight of the captain's gaze on you. Your half-lidded eyes meet his and you spread your legs, finally exposing your wet folds to him.
"Touch yourself," Buggy demands, leaning back to enjoy the show. "Imagine my hard cock teasing your wet little cunt," he adds, letting out a low grunt while he leisurely strokes his clothed erection. His deep dark voice and the lewd way he looks at you are driving you insane.
Letting lust take full control over your body, you open your legs further; giving yourself more room to play. Your hand ghosts over your lower belly until the tip of your fingers reach your nub. You let your head fall back, closing your eyes as quiet moans leave your mouth. Your digits move in a slow circular motion and the intoxicating sensation makes your toes curl.
"B-Buggy... Please" you pant a few moments later as you increase the rhythm of your fingers. Your whole being is begging for him to come and fuck you into the mattress. To use your body as he pleases until you pass out from sheer pleasure.
“What is it, pet? Need a hand?” Buggy teases, letting out a breathy chuckle when you moan an affirmative answer.
With your eyes still shut, you don't notice his hand floating towards you until two fingers push smoothly inside your throbbing entrance. The sudden but welcomed intrusion makes you choke a moan and you open your eyes to meet Buggy's mischievous gaze. The captain teases you g-spot and you lose the ability to form coherent words.
“So fucking naughty” Buggy whispers when you begin rubbing your clit desperately, seeking for that sweet release. "I love it when you're nothing but a horny mess, my treasure," he adds increasing the tempo and you scream his name.
Buggy's fingers undulate inside you, hitting that sweet spot, again and again, while you moan and curse aloud. The tension between your legs becomes unbearable and when he adds a third finger, you go over the limit.
"Fuck... Buggy~" you cry out his name as the climax overcomes you in warm violent waves; making your muscles spasm involuntary as your juices spill on the sheets, leaving a wet spot on the bed.
"So tasty," Buggy growls, looking at you with lecherous eyes as he licks his fingers clean. "Are you ready for another round, pet?" He teases, unzipping his pants to free his rock-hard erection. A clear stream of pre-cum drips down his shaft and you lick your lips.
"Yes, captain,” you plead, using your fingers to spread your folds open; inviting him to lose himself in you.
"Not yet, my treasure," Buggy chuckles, detaching his member. "I want you to play with it as you do with your toys," he says with a predatory tone, moving to the edge of the seat to rest his forearms on his thighs. The crimson blush on your cheeks and the nervous way you avoid his gaze let him know this isn't the first time something like that crosses your mind.
You wrap your hand around Buggy's erection and something primitive and wild possesses you. A long drawn-out moan scapes you when you bring its velvety tip to one of your nipples, coating it with pre-cum as you tap its head on your oversensitive skin. From the noises coming from Buggy, you can tell he's having a hard time controlling himself.
“Fuck, pet,” Buggy pants, closing his eyes to relish the enticing sensation as he groans deeply. "Should I go over there and work that dripping pussy open?"
"Yes, captain... Please," you beg, letting go of him; wishing he would join you at last.
"Open your eyes," Buggy commands, and you do as told.
Locking his gaze with yours, the captain takes off his hat. His silky blue hair falls over his shoulders and he ties it in a loose ponytail, perfectly aware of the effect it causes on you. The muscles in his torso contract and stretch as he leisurely takes off his clothes, and you mewl, eager to run your hands down his well-built body. His skin is also covered with bruises and bite marks... Just in case he dares to forget to whom he belongs.
Buggy climbs on the bed to place himself between your legs and you hold your breath. His intense blue eyes are full of animalistic desire and he holds your gaze while entering you slowly; allowing you to savor the feeling of his girth stretching your walls.
You moan wrapping your legs around his waist to take him even deeper. His mouth finds your neck and you melt under his body when he begins sucking on your skin. Later you'll be proudly wearing his new mark.
The world around you disappears as your bodies heatedly press together, crashing like ocean waves. His length sinks over and over into your heat and all you do is moan his name like a prayer; clinging to him as if you were going to float away otherwise.
"Fuck. You're so wet," Buggy breathes against your collarbone, making your walls clench around him. 
You tug lightly at his hair, guiding him to your mouth until your lips meet in a hungry kiss. His taste is strong and intoxicating, and you sigh happily under his spell; welcoming him as he deepens the kiss and pounds harder into you, setting an agonizing pace.
"Oh, Buggy,” you moan, digging your nails into his back; leaving red trails on his skin as he continues to massage your walls so delightfully.
"You feel so fucking good, my treasure" the captain groans, pounding harder into you. Pleased at the way your warmth engulfs him so perfectly. 
"Turn around," Buggy orders, suddenly slipping out of you and sitting on his heels. You follow his command without a second thought, lifting your hips for him.
Buggy takes a moment to admire your dripping slit. Your folds are swollen and he teases them with the tip of his fingers, making you whimper against the pillows. He knows your body is aching for him and his chest puffs with pride seeing you so desperate.
"Are you ready, pet?" Buggy teases in a dark tone, positioning himself against your entrance before giving your butt a firm slap. "Let's see how loud you can scream my name," he concludes, digging his nails into your hips as he sinks into you.
"Fuck, Buggy," you cry out as the captain slams his hips against yours. The wet obscene sound of your squelching juices mixes with his low growls, making your core throb.
"You take it so well, my treasure," Buggy growls against your ear before pulling your hair; forcing you to arch your back. The sharp pain in your scalp combined with Buggy's merciless thrusts feels like heaven.
"Come on my cock, pet," Buggy growls, letting go of your hair to hold your hips in place as he uses his remaining energy to bring you over the edge.
The fire burning inside you finally grows beyond your control and your body combusts in an explosion of ecstasy. You squirt for a second time and your mind goes completely blank. Your body floats in a sea of bliss and time seems to stop.
Seconds after, Buggy sinks his teeth into your shoulder as his thrusts become more and more erratic; letting out a muffled growl when his own release takes over, spilling himself inside your pulsating walls.
"Fucking flashy,” Buggy pants in your ear as his body spams against yours, and you chuckle. 
With eyes closed and a soft smile on your face, you lay prone on the bed. Exhausted and sore, but extremely happy. Buggy drops next to you with the same foolish expression you're wearing.
"Was I helpful, my captain?” you tease once you get back your breath. Reaching out to stroke Buggy's chest.
“Fuck yes, you were, baby,” Buggy replies letting out a breathy laugh as he runs his fingers over your arm. "Are you alright?" He says rolling on his side to look at you. His fingers grace over the new bite mark he left on your shoulder.
"I am," you reply moving closer to kiss him softly, letting your fingers play with his hair.
"Are you hungry, baby” Buggy asks, breaking the kiss and staring lovingly into your eyes.
"I’m starving,” you reply sitting on the bed.
"Hey, you out there! I know you can hear me! Your captain and the love of his life need food! NOW!" Buggy yells and you cover your ears, shaking your head as you chuckle.
"What?” Buggy asks as "Right away, captain" can be heard from outside.
"Nothing... What do you think we can do in five minutes?” You ask jokingly, leaning down to kiss him again.
"Change the sheets and then... cuddle?” Buggy replies and you laugh.
"I love you, Buggs,” You say, standing up to search for clean bedclothes.
"Who doesn't?” he replies jokingly.
"Idiot,” you chuckle, throwing a pillow at him.
"I love you, too." He replies blowing you a kiss.
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quinloki · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
Chapter 1 - Table of Consent -
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Chapter 15: Ruffled
The first 180 days of your 365 days to organize Buggy's grand dream had gone by in a work-crushing haze. There hadn't just been a lot to do, there had been enough work for three of you. You ended up ordering around even Buggy for assistance as things had started to come together.
Buggy hadn't come into things halfway, but he didn't have the organizational and coordination background you did. So he had a bunch of really well documented ideas that needed to be sorted and implemented.
The more effort that was put into things at the start, the less effort would be needed to maintain it. Buggy had given you leave to be a demon, and so a demon you were. Even Alvida had been hesitant to approach you on a couple of occasions. Some of it was knowing what needed to be done, some of it was needing things to be done in a precise way, and some of it was your own rage.
Your heartache had turned to grief, your grief had turned to anger, and the anger had fueled your energy for work.
The worst part about your anger was that you weren't angry at anything. There was no place for the rage to go. You couldn't be mad at the dating site, it functioned on algorithms and sheer luck. You couldn't be mad at Crocodile, he had acted within the parameters you had agreed on. You couldn't be mad at yourself, you did your best. You couldn't be mad at the Marines, though you found some part of you had become very antagonistic toward them lately, but they had just been doing their job.
So you released your anger into reports and schedules and tried to shield everyone around you from it. Some leaked out - Buggy suggested that you needed to be a little less flashy at one point, but that was before one the biggest deadlines you had all faced at that time. Once the hurdle has been overcome all of you managed to relax a little.
Buggy's Delivery Service was becoming a reality.
180 days after that you were a month past the grand opening, and most of your work had been in smoothing out the few untested practical hiccups that you had been expecting to be a lot worse than they were. You had meant to praise Buggy, Alvida and Galdino for their assistance, and instead they had thrown a surprise party for you. Donut shop coffee and grocery store sushi - you had been almost existing on the combination due to your long hours.
Once you had admitted you were okay with it they had brought out the real feast - catered professional sushi and an array of beverages.
It was the first really good day you'd had in almost a year.
360 days, and Buggy forced you to take the next 5 days off before you moved from your Demon Role to your Internal Coordinator role. He had wanted you to take a month off and the two of you had gone back and forth until you conceded to five days.
Home still had memories in it, and you didn't want to spend more time with those memories than you needed.
The first day you had been home all day there was a knock at the door. Something about it left you feeling nostalgic, but you weren't sure why until you opened the door.
Looking down you see a small package with a folded note on top of it.
You dart out into the hall and look for someone, anyone. You needed to grab Miss All Sunday and wring answers from her, someway, somehow. You wanted to vent your anger at her even if you didn't know why. Even if she didn't deserve it.
You wanted your pictures back.
There was no one in the hall, and looking over the rail of the hallway there wasn't any movement out in the yard or lot. You swore under your breath as you grabbed the box and went back inside.
Opening up the letter your legs nearly buckled.
A gift for you To express my deepest regrets.
Sincerely, Doffy
Suddenly the innocuous box was disturbingly sinister, and you weren't sure you wanted to open it. It was phone box shaped, and it didn't feel any heavier or lighter than you expected a box with a phone in it to feel.
If he wanted to blow you up, or murder you, then there probably wasn't much you could do about it.
You open up the box and there's another note folded up on top of a phone that looks very similar to your own. You feel apprehension knot your muscles, a cold chill settling into your stomach. Suddenly, you don't want to know what the note says or what the phone holds.
You decide to get out of the entrance hall and go sit at your desk in your room. Setting everything down, you open the letter to a bunch of technical-looking jargon.
GPS != ✅ SIM != ✅ Inverse controls =control !=analog ✅ File directory protocol [1Ra-4Le-5Re-5Li-?%e-1La] encrypt lock ✅ Passcode = Suwani Data protection = ✅
Aside from the exclamation marks, everything else is typed. Below all the typed information were a series of letters: YDSNDWSSMRGND
"What kind of spy bullshit is this?" You grumble as you look over the note so many times your eyes start to cross.
You pick up the phone, if for no other reason than to look at something different for a minute and choke on a gasp as the lock screen lights up.
It's an image of Crocodile, but he's not at his desk. He's in prison clothes, leaning against a cinder block wall. There are bruises on his face and blood from cuts. Despite the state he's in, there's confidence in his eyes.
Or maybe you're just seeing what you want to see.
The image brings up all the pain of the first day, and for a few long moments you're sobbing at your desk. You're torn between the painfully sweet feelings in your heart and the tempting salvation of moving on. Part of you never wants to tempt the Fates in love again, and part of you wants some prospect of future warmth to be able to bring you comfort like you had before.
After you manage to compose yourself, you tap on the Lock Screen and input "Suwani", and the phone unlocks.
There are Xs across the top of the screen where the mobile data usually is, and the time is glitched out. That makes some of the stuff on the note make sense, since it looks like the GPS and SIM card are disabled. Everything else appears to be intact, as you flip through the pictures you took, the videos, and even find the original image of Crocodile at his desk, that Miss All Sunday had set as your Lock Screen.
All your memories were back in your hand.
The hard question was, did you lose yourself in them, or did you bury them? If you held on to a past that was already a year cold, how long would you last?
You still miss him terribly, but you hadn't even heard from Miss All Sunday all this time, and if Doflamingo had returned this phone to you, the secretary might not even be alive anymore.
What kind of world had you been getting ready to fall into? Maybe you would try a typical dating site, looking for a Librarian or an accountant. Security guard for an elementary school - someone with a mind-numbingly normal life.
You put the phone and note in your desk drawer and forgot about them.
. . . . . .
After your five days off you went into work and settled into your new, preferred role of Internal Coordinator. You hadn't opened your desk drawer in all that time, except to turn the phone off entirely to conserve the battery. You did find yourself looking at it a couple times, but after a decent night's sleep you had decided to move on. This was your new life and you had to make the most of it.
"(Y/N)! Good morning!" Buggy called out as he walked into the office. You were the only one who was generally in before him, though today it was only by five minutes instead of a couple hours.
"Happy Monday, Boss." You reply with a smile, getting up and walking with him into his office. "I have a meeting with the division leads in an hour, and after that is the pulse check with the IT team. You said I needed time after lunch for something?"
"Yeah, I want you to help coordinate the investors. I got them all together at 2pm today, and we'll do introductions. Nothing flashy, but you can put names to faces and they can introduce themselves." He explains, biting into an apple. "After that we can do the level set for the week?"
"Yeah, I can't do it before I sit with the leads, so it'll have to be more of an end of day thing anyway." You agree. "But that works, it also gives me time to coordinate with Alvida and Galdino about this new hire, Ritchie."
"How's the numbers?"
"I only just got here," you laugh, pulling the report up on your work phone. "I promised I wouldn't keep pulling 15-hour days, so give me one moment." You tapped away at your phone for a minute and pulled up the report. "85% - that's up from the 79 I saw last I looked. Pretty good uptime for our staff so far. I'd like to see it hovering around 93%. If we go higher than that we'll need to start hiring more delivery hands."
"Is that accounting for time off?"
"Yeah, and I padded two days to take sickness into consideration. We already had four in there for injury, so we've probably over-padded a bit, but this avoids any nasty spikes in availability." You commented, continuing without looking up. "The 40% downtime pay was a brilliant idea; it's certainly going to keep us competitive."
"I want to hit 60% as soon as we can." Buggy reminds you.
"Yeah, yeah, I haven't forgotten. We just don't have the revenue yet. We will though, if these trends keep up, and as long as our investors don't get impatient about seeing returns." You assure him. "Something I can remind them about when we meet later."
You separate from Buggy and go through your day, meeting with the division leads and checking in with the IT team. You grab a quick lunch from a nearby café, and kill a bit of time until you meeting with the investors. Before you meet up with Buggy you take a few minutes to check your appearance in the women's room – you're not overly concerned, but you want to make sure you look neat and sharp for your first impression.
It's hard enough to corral a bunch of rich people as a woman, there's no reason to give them things to nitpick.
You came to Buggy's office just as he was stepping out to find you, putting you both at the doors. You stepped into his office a single step before you paused.
"Gentlemen, please give me just one more minute." You say evenly, grabbing Buggy as you step back out and close the doors behind you.
Buggy looks completely confused before you finally wheel on him, hissing your words even though you'd rather yell.
"What in the absolute fucking hells is Donquixote Doflamingo doing in that room Buggy?!" You demand, grabbing him by the collar and almost shaking him. "He wasn't on the list!"
"He's on the list! He's on the list, look – look." Buggy holds up a list and you scan the names quickly.
"He's not—wait, is he this 'Joker' entry?"
"Yes, yes he is."
You take in a breath and let it out slowly. "I'm not..." you let go of him and pinch the bridge of your nose. "I can't coordinate him."
"... That ... may be a problem."
You look up to the ceiling. "Why would that be a problem, Buggy."
Buggy takes a couple steps away from you before answering. "Part of his agreement upon becoming an investor was that you would be the coordinator for the investors."
"That seems like the sort of thing you talk to me about first, Boss." You growl the words, even as you're trying to calm down.
"He just said you had done such a good job for him during the auction, and I didn't think anything of it since you were going to fill that role anyway." Buggy explains. He's talking fast, and about to reach the screeching stage of his anxiety.
"Take a deep breath, Boss." You say, and you find your voice sounds as calm as you want it to. "Let's just get through this and worry about things after."
You turn back toward the office and walk back in. "My apologies for the wait, I'm Miss (F/N) (L/N), and I'll be coordinating your needs and concerns going forward. If we could do a round of introductions, after which I will provide an update on our current numbers and we can level set on expectations and returns."
You had looked around the room as you spoke, taking in each of the investors in turn. The last eight words out of your mouth, you made sure to look at Doflamingo as you spoke.
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CHAPTER 1 ABOVE! ^^^^^^^^^
Egghead - The Island of the Future. | Monkey D. Luffy x Reader.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chapter 2
~ Cross-Guild Organization ~
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Meanwhile in another part of the New World...
"Did you see him?"
"I sure did! Can't believe I just saw the real thing! That was the world's strongest swordsman. Yikes! When they announced the seven warlords were no more...the entire idea of the cross guild organization...and all those battleships surrounding us, I thought we were goners. However, I should have had more faith in Buggy's leadership! Just look at him now."
"Wait! Wait! Have mercy! Spare me the misery of my miserable life! I'll do anything! I'll lick the mud from your boots!" The genius Jester calls out, begging. While the two Warlords stared calmly at the Jester, they were wailing ugly away.
"The humiliation..." Sir Crocodile is uninterested and displeased with the Jesters Comments.
"I don't know what to say, except.. I'm sorry! Or maybe. Better luck next time?" Anger rose in him like a tide, he breathed ragged gasps, trying to catch his breath. Catching the glimpse of the two warlords, one pulling at his tangled hair. The sharp hook glimmering away on one side and the other, a long thin blade that is capable of defeating anything that crosses its path.
"You're the first man to rise in the ranks of emperors by saying, "I'm sorry"....and by my blade, it will be the last." Dracule Mihawk retorts, bringing the shining sword closer to the whaling clown. His yellow gleamy eyes narrowed, piercing Buggy's head as if he was translucent. "Only death can right this wrong."
"Please don't kill me..." Buggy - The Clown pleads as his eyes flood with tears, his brows snapping together. A gaze darting towards the two other carriers, Crocodile and Mihawk, hoping to be spared; hoping to flee this situation without harm.
"That is not an option!" The greatest Swordsman shouts temperamentally - gripping the sword. Jaws tighten in frustration and disbelief wanting to finish this meeting.
Hearing the patter of loud, heavy feet pound against the wooden floor directs everyone's attention towards the source of the sound. A Man with the Letter 3 steps out of the shadows, making his presence clear. As he approached the clown, whose hair may have become overgrown, the floorboards creaked. The foolish man with three on his head clapped his hands together. The noise bounced off the walls...before speaking up.
"May I just say boss... that it is so...delightful to be in your service again!" Galdino shouts, loud enough to get the point across. Staring up at MR. Crocodile, awaiting his acknowledgment.
(Galdino is Mr.3, the former baroque work - crocodile henchman)
"Galdino! Are you backstabbing me?! After all this time?!?" In response to the news, under the influence of indignation and resentment, the Emperor looked down at Galdino. Yet it still retains that gallery ambience with an ambiguous sense of the embitterment in the political ways that he and Galdino's been involved in the past.
"I never worked for you, Buggy!" Galdino smirked fiercely. Getting closer to the Infuriated Jester, hoping to push more buttons.
"Poor chairman... R.I.P. What do we do now?"
"We follow crocodiles! Revolutionary messianism, fanaticism, is the only way to disrupt one's embedment in a system whose hegemony is so thoroughly entrenched!"
"It's a cold world out there..." The person hesitated for a moment, and then returned gravely to the metal door and opened it, leaving the premises for a brief moment.
There's a moment of freezing silence while everyone's eyebrows contract like thunder. No sound...just silence. It is a policy that must be pursued in the quiet not to spook the country's growing legion of foreign emperors.
- - -
Somewhere on the Grand Line
Kambakka Queendom, Grand Line.
"Hello? Koala speaking!" Koala says. Her face was worn and wrinkled, but creased into a smile.
"It's me... Sabo."
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sir-sunawani · 10 months
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
20 Chapters - 46,838 words
Read it on Ao3 or Wattpad
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
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Chapter 15: Ruffled
The first 180 days of your 365 days to organize Buggy's grand dream had gone by in a work-crushing haze. There hadn't just been a lot to do, there had been enough work for three of you. You ended up ordering around even Buggy for assistance as things had started to come together.
Buggy hadn't come into things halfway, but he didn't have the organizational and coordination background you did. So he had a bunch of really well documented ideas that needed to be sorted and implemented.
The more effort that was put into things at the start, the less effort would be needed to maintain it. Buggy had given you leave to be a demon, and so a demon you were. Even Alvida had been hesitant to approach you on a couple of occasions. Some of it was knowing what needed to be done, some of it was needing things to be done in a precise way, and some of it was your own rage.
Your heartache had turned to grief, your grief had turned to anger, and the anger had fueled your energy for work.
The worst part about your anger was that you weren't angry at anything. There was no place for the rage to go. You couldn't be mad at the dating site, it functioned on algorithms and sheer luck. You couldn't be mad at Crocodile, he had acted within the parameters you had agreed on. You couldn't be mad at yourself, you did your best. You couldn't be mad at the Marines, though you found some part of you had become very antagonistic toward them lately, but they had just been doing their job.
So you released your anger into reports and schedules and tried to shield everyone around you from it. Some leaked out - Buggy suggested that you needed to be a little less flashy at one point, but that was before one the biggest deadlines you had all faced at that time. Once the hurdle has been overcome all of you managed to relax a little.
Buggy's Delivery Service was becoming a reality.
180 days after that you were a month past the grand opening, and most of your work had been in smoothing out the few untested practical hiccups that you had been expecting to be a lot worse than they were. You had meant to praise Buggy, Alvida and Galdino for their assistance, and instead they had thrown a surprise party for you. Donut shop coffee and grocery store sushi - you had been almost existing on the combination due to your long hours.
Once you had admitted you were okay with it they had brought out the real feast - catered professional sushi and an array of beverages.
It was the first really good day you'd had in almost a year.
360 days, and Buggy forced you to take the next 5 days off before you moved from your Demon Role to your Internal Coordinator role. He had wanted you to take a month off and the two of you had gone back and forth until you conceded to five days.
Home still had memories in it, and you didn't want to spend more time with those memories than you needed.
The first day you had been home all day there was a knock at the door. Something about it left you feeling nostalgic, but you weren't sure why until you opened the door.
Looking down you see a small package with a folded note on top of it.
You dart out into the hall and look for someone, anyone. You needed to grab Miss All Sunday and wring answers from her, someway, somehow. You wanted to vent your anger at her even if you didn't know why. Even if she didn't deserve it.
You wanted your pictures back.
There was no one in the hall, and looking over the rail of the hallway there wasn't any movement out in the yard or lot. You swore under your breath as you grabbed the box and went back inside.
Opening up the letter your legs nearly buckled.
A gift for you To express my deepest regrets.
Sincerely, Doffy
Suddenly the innocuous box was disturbingly sinister, and you weren't sure you wanted to open it. It was phone box shaped, and it didn't feel any heavier or lighter than you expected a box with a phone in it to feel.
If he wanted to blow you up, or murder you, then there probably wasn't much you could do about it.
You open up the box and there's another note folded up on top of a phone that looks very similar to your own. You feel apprehension knot your muscles, a cold chill settling into your stomach. Suddenly, you don't want to know what the note says or what the phone holds.
You decide to get out of the entrance hall and go sit at your desk in your room. Setting everything down, you open the letter to a bunch of technical-looking jargon.
GPS != ✅ SIM != ✅ Inverse controls =control !=analog ✅ File directory protocol [1Ra-4Le-5Re-5Li-?%e-1La] encrypt lock ✅ Passcode = Suwani Data protection = ✅
Aside from the exclamation marks, everything else is typed. Below all the typed information were a series of letters: YDSNDWSSMRGND
"What kind of spy bullshit is this?" You grumble as you look over the note so many times your eyes start to cross.
You pick up the phone, if for no other reason than to look at something different for a minute and choke on a gasp as the lock screen lights up.
It's an image of Crocodile, but he's not at his desk. He's in prison clothes, leaning against a cinder block wall. There are bruises on his face and blood from cuts. Despite the state he's in, there's confidence in his eyes.
Or maybe you're just seeing what you want to see.
The image brings up all the pain of the first day, and for a few long moments you're sobbing at your desk. You're torn between the painfully sweet feelings in your heart and the tempting salvation of moving on. Part of you never wants to tempt the Fates in love again, and part of you wants some prospect of future warmth to be able to bring you comfort like you had before.
After you manage to compose yourself, you tap on the Lock Screen and input "Suwani", and the phone unlocks.
There are Xs across the top of the screen where the mobile data usually is, and the time is glitched out. That makes some of the stuff on the note make sense, since it looks like the GPS and SIM card are disabled. Everything else appears to be intact, as you flip through the pictures you took, the videos, and even find the original image of Crocodile at his desk, that Miss All Sunday had set as your Lock Screen.
All your memories were back in your hand.
The hard question was, did you lose yourself in them, or did you bury them? If you held on to a past that was already a year cold, how long would you last?
You still miss him terribly, but you hadn't even heard from Miss All Sunday all this time, and if Doflamingo had returned this phone to you, the secretary might not even be alive anymore.
What kind of world had you been getting ready to fall into? Maybe you would try a typical dating site, looking for a Librarian or an accountant. Security guard for an elementary school - someone with a mind-numbingly normal life.
You put the phone and note in your desk drawer and forgot about them.
. . . . . .
After your five days off you went into work and settled into your new, preferred role of Internal Coordinator. You hadn't opened your desk drawer in all that time, except to turn the phone off entirely to conserve the battery. You did find yourself looking at it a couple times, but after a decent night's sleep you had decided to move on. This was your new life and you had to make the most of it.
"(Y/N)! Good morning!" Buggy called out as he walked into the office. You were the only one who was generally in before him, though today it was only by five minutes instead of a couple hours.
"Happy Monday, Boss." You reply with a smile, getting up and walking with him into his office. "I have a meeting with the division leads in an hour, and after that is the pulse check with the IT team. You said I needed time after lunch for something?"
"Yeah, I want you to help coordinate the investors. I got them all together at 2pm today, and we'll do introductions. Nothing flashy, but you can put names to faces and they can introduce themselves." He explains, biting into an apple. "After that we can do the level set for the week?"
"Yeah, I can't do it before I sit with the leads, so it'll have to be more of an end of day thing anyway." You agree. "But that works, it also gives me time to coordinate with Alvida and Galdino about this new hire, Ritchie."
"How's the numbers?"
"I only just got here," you laugh, pulling the report up on your work phone. "I promised I wouldn't keep pulling 15-hour days, so give me one moment." You tapped away at your phone for a minute and pulled up the report. "85% - that's up from the 79 I saw last I looked. Pretty good uptime for our staff so far. I'd like to see it hovering around 93%. If we go higher than that we'll need to start hiring more delivery hands."
"Is that accounting for time off?"
"Yeah, and I padded two days to take sickness into consideration. We already had four in there for injury, so we've probably over-padded a bit, but this avoids any nasty spikes in availability." You commented, continuing without looking up. "The 40% downtime pay was a brilliant idea; it's certainly going to keep us competitive."
"I want to hit 60% as soon as we can." Buggy reminds you.
"Yeah, yeah, I haven't forgotten. We just don't have the revenue yet. We will though, if these trends keep up, and as long as our investors don't get impatient about seeing returns." You assure him. "Something I can remind them about when we meet later."
You separate from Buggy and go through your day, meeting with the division leads and checking in with the IT team. You grab a quick lunch from a nearby café, and kill a bit of time until you meeting with the investors. Before you meet up with Buggy you take a few minutes to check your appearance in the women's room – you're not overly concerned, but you want to make sure you look neat and sharp for your first impression.
It's hard enough to corral a bunch of rich people as a woman, there's no reason to give them things to nitpick.
You came to Buggy's office just as he was stepping out to find you, putting you both at the doors. You stepped into his office a single step before you paused.
"Gentlemen, please give me just one more minute." You say evenly, grabbing Buggy as you step back out and close the doors behind you.
Buggy looks completely confused before you finally wheel on him, hissing your words even though you'd rather yell.
"What in the absolute fucking hells is Donquixote Doflamingo doing in that room Buggy?!" You demand, grabbing him by the collar and almost shaking him. "He wasn't on the list!"
"He's on the list! He's on the list, look – look." Buggy holds up a list and you scan the names quickly.
"He's not—wait, is he this 'Joker' entry?"
"Yes, yes he is."
You take in a breath and let it out slowly. "I'm not..." you let go of him and pinch the bridge of your nose. "I can't coordinate him."
"... That ... may be a problem."
You look up to the ceiling. "Why would that be a problem, Buggy."
Buggy takes a couple steps away from you before answering. "Part of his agreement upon becoming an investor was that you would be the coordinator for the investors."
"That seems like the sort of thing you talk to me about first, Boss." You growl the words, even as you're trying to calm down.
"He just said you had done such a good job for him during the auction, and I didn't think anything of it since you were going to fill that role anyway." Buggy explains. He's talking fast, and about to reach the screeching stage of his anxiety.
"Take a deep breath, Boss." You say, and you find your voice sounds as calm as you want it to. "Let's just get through this and worry about things after."
You turn back toward the office and walk back in. "My apologies for the wait, I'm Miss (F/N) (L/N), and I'll be coordinating your needs and concerns going forward. If we could do a round of introductions, after which I will provide an update on our current numbers and we can level set on expectations and returns."
You had looked around the room as you spoke, taking in each of the investors in turn. The last eight words out of your mouth, you made sure to look at Doflamingo as you spoke.
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ztarvokwrites · 6 days
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2021 Masterlist
Mr. 3/Galdino SFW & NSFW Headcanons
Sanji & Luffy with a Fem! S/O who is scared of sleeping alone due to trauma
A Late Night with Brook - Comfort Shortfic
Soft Mr. 3 Headcanons
Coming Out to Ivankov - Comfort Headcanons
Doflamingo with an S/O who tried to kill him
Doflamingo with an S/O who acts exactly like him
Usopp, Buggy and Galdino's reaction to their S/O straddling them (OLD)
"Don't bite your lip like that, good God." - Mr. 3/Galdino x Reader (OLD)
2021 Masterlist Part 2 HERE!
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creds to @/saradika for the star divider!
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
The Luck Child - Chapter 3: Discussions of Pain and Chaos
Buggy x F!Reader
Summary: Buggy throws a temper tantrum and you are less than happy to sit around and wait for him than his senior officers. Especially when your position on his crew has yet to be decided.
Warnings: spoilers for the anime (Marineford Arc and onward), canon divergence, canon typical violence
Word Count: 3.8K
A/N: This is done in collaboration with the wonderful @fanaticsnail and her Sapsorrow series--go read it if you haven't already!!! And thank you @i-am-vita for creating the beautiful banner and storyteller collab masterlist!!
↞ to The Luck Child Masterlist | The Storyteller Collab Masterlist | Buggy the Clown Masterlist | One Piece Masterlist | Request Rules | Blog Navigation ↠
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Buggy had been a snapping firecracker of chop-chopped limbs, screeching and screaming, angered tears, and cruses upon Red-Haired Shanks’ name. A firecracker that burned bright and fast, flying off to bar himself within his large, red and white striped tent, now very crinkled map in hand. 
There had been throwing and the sound of crashing and then--silence. Utter silence that had lasted for longer than you could have ever believed the clown could stay as such. 
So long, you were beginning to convince yourself he had died. There was no other logical option, really. Because the Buggy you knew could not physically keep his mouth shut even if it was to save his life.
But firecrackers were, if anything else, short-lived things.
His senior officers seemed utterly unphased by Buggy’s temper tantrum. 
Cabaji had walked off to shout commands and insults at his subordinates fixing their Captian’s ship, the Big Top, while the rest sat just before Buggy’s tent in chairs made of wax. 
You paced. Had been pacing since Buggy had locked himself in his tent and continued to pace as Galdino came back over to the assembled group with a silver tray in hand. Intricately designed porcelain tea cups full of steaming dark-amber liquid sat on top of it, a matching teapot in the middle. 
You watched, turning back around to pace before the tent flaps, as Galdino handed Alvida one of the cups. Watched her, from her spot on a wax-made couch she lounged out upon, take the tea from him, an all-too-pleasant thank you leaving her red painted lips. Lips that pulled up in the smallest of smiles for the man. Galdino nodded his head, a near-matching smile on his face. 
You turned on your heels once more, after making it to the other end of the tent, and headed back for the other side as Galdino handed Mohji a cup as well. The fur-covered first mate nodded his thanks and took a sip of tea, a pleased hum on his lips. His larger-than-normal lion, whose name you remembered was Richie, napped at his feet like some overgrown cat.
Galdino turned towards you and your pacing body, his lips thinning. 
“Would you like a cup? It’s earl grey--made the bled myself just yesterday.” He spoke, pride welling in his voice at such a fact. 
You paused in your pacing. Paused and stood perfectly still as he came up to you, taking your settledness as welcome. 
You lifted a hand to take the delicate cup from his, Galdino grinning at you. 
“See? Isn’t the simple pleasure of a nice cup of tea much better than such--” You grinned a wolfishly wicked thing in his face as you sharply threw the cup away, it shattering into little pieces against the hard surface of a nearby rock, which grew damp from the spilled, homemade tea. “...brutish nonsense.” The former Mr. 3 finished, a deep frown cutting down his face. “That was a part of a set.” He snapped.
“Boo. Hoo.” You answered, starting up your pace once more. 
“It’s not worth trying to tame such a savage beast.” Alvida’s silky smooth voice spoke as she raised the porcelain to her lips, sharp eyes tracking Galdino as he started for his own wax-made chair next to her couch. “It’s best to either give them a wide berth or hunt them down for sport.” 
“You might be right. And she does have such a nice bounty on her head.” Galdino mused, sitting down all prim and properly in his chair. Alvida took a sip of her tea, turning her head so she could continue to glance his way.
“Then why vogue for her in such a way? We would do best to get rid of her. Stray animals should stay as such.” She said with a smirk and another sip of tea.
“Because, dear, what a nice asset she would be to us if she were domesticated.” Galdino took a sip from his own cup, turning his gaze onto Alvida with a growing smirk of his own. “Maybe we would do best to invest in a shock collar. That would keep her from causing too much mayhem.” Alvida gave a luscious chuckle. 
“If we are to keep her, dear, then we best invest now.” You ignored their taunting, finding it not worth your time. Especially when your time was already being wasted waiting around for that pathetic excuse of a man still hiding away in his tent.
“How much longer does he expect us to wait around for him to sulk?” You snapped, turning sharply on your heels once more to march back over the white sand you had been leaving a consistent trail of boot marks in.
“We find it best to…leave the captain be when he gets like this,” Mohji spoke, taking a sip of tea. “He’ll come around…soon enough.” 
“Soon enough is not good enough. He should be out here discussing a play of action.” Mohji winched at your words.
“I would not push him.” You snarled at the fur-covered man who all but sunk into his chair as if to get away from your wrath. His lion stirred, seemingly sensing his master's unease. 
“Galdino, dear, make a note to also purchase a muzzle.” Alvida’s voice hummed. 
“Yes. Our budget definitely would allow for that as well.” You turned your snarl onto them. 
You would only take so many slights against your name.
“You best remember Galdino that I will take no such disrespect from you or anyone.” You hissed, making the man pale. Alvida only laughed, its ambrosian ring floating over the soft breeze, not understanding the true meaning behind your words. 
Galdino was best to remember that you still held power over him. Best to remember you held his daughter’s life in your hands and that one simple call would send her into the pits of hell. 
“And what will you do, wild woman? You are trying to join our crew and you have been doing very little to earn your place.” What you would do to that woman had her words not rang true. What utter carnage you would have wrought against her and this crew she belonged to if you didn’t have this mission to complete.
You snarled at her for a moment longer, a moment long enough for her to take yet another sip of her tea and swallow before you barged into the tent you had been pacing before. 
You would drag that fool from his den before you sat there any longer and allowed that woman to insult you. 
Darkness enveloped you. A darkness only broken up by the round hole in the apex of the tent, which allowed the smoke from the fire at the center to escape through. The fire flickered and swayed at the sudden rush of wind you had created in your rush. 
Its swaying light illuminated more of the space. Illuminated a broken desk, shattered mugs, and torn papers. Brightly colored clothes lay sprawled over the floor, causing the fire’s light to reflect off the sparkles and gems on them to shine like a sea of diamonds. Glass beer bottles rattled together as you slowly made your way through the large space towards a pile of pillows that looked like some strange birds nest.
And in that nest, laying on his front, body parts chop-chopped apart, and flowing blue hair splayed around his head, was Buggy the Clown. 
He was quiet. 
Too quiet. 
You’re earlier thought crossed your mind in a flash.
He looked dead. 
Maybe he was--died of his red-hot dramatics. 
What an easy mission that would make, but you knew your luck wasn’t that great. Knew Buggy’s “prophesied” luck was stronger than your own and he was still alive under that sea of blue hair and fluffy blankets. 
“...Buggy?” You questioned, coming to a stop just before his bed space began. 
He didn’t answer. He didn’t move. 
It pissed you off. 
Submission. You had to be--supportive of your new captain's antics. 
Gods--it almost made you want to gag. 
You made your way into his bed space, stepping over pillows and blankets to come to a stop next to him. 
“Buggy?” You tried again, but once more he remained silent as the grave. It was almost eerily how silent he was being. 
With a huff and a manhandling of your will and pride, you sat down next to him and---
The tent grew still once more.
A--a fart…that had been a release of gas-made air. 
Had he--no--that ghastly sound had come from under you, but you knew good and well that you had done no such thing. 
Buggy moved then. 
A small shake of his shoulder that grew so powerful that it began to rock his whole body up and down. 
Buggy was laughing at you. A laugh so intense it was utterly quiet. 
You reached under you and grabbed up the deflated pink, rubber cushion beneath you. 
A whoopee cushion. 
Of course Buggy had planted a whoopee cushion for you to fall for. 
Buggy gave a deep inhale of breath before belting out the loudest, funkiest laugh you’ve ever heard him produce. One that had your anger stifling, if just for a moment, to listen to the utter joy your personal embarrassment had brought him.
“Good one.” You grit, throwing the whoopee cushion at him. Buggy hardly seemed to feel it or care as he turned his head to look up at you, his blue hair cascading over his face and blocking some of his smudged and running make-up. He looked--almost too beautiful in that moment. 
It made you want to chop-chop his head off and punt it into the sea.
“Holy shit! I’m--I’m--BWAHAHAH!!” Another fit of laughter overtook his words, tears brimming at the corners of his cyan eyes. “I’m--I’m sorry but holy shit! You’ve gotta admit I gotcha good!” You clenched your fists tightly in your lap to keep from beating the absolute shit out of the clown laying next to you.
“...you got me.” You said, teeth hardly even letting you get the words out. It only threw Buggy into yet another laughing fit, one accompanied by the slamming of his fist on the ground and feet kicking. 
“I did! I really did!” You let him continue his hysterics, knowing you would prefer to deal with a teasing, happy Buggy, than a Buggy who wouldn’t speak. 
But that silence that had lived in the tent before his prank filtered back in, stealing his laughter and smile and filling those bright eyes with those haunting shadows he had almost convinced you had ceased to exist. You watched him as he let his head fall into his awaiting hands, the heels of his plam digging into his eyes in a rough manner that would further smudge his clown-like make-up. 
It made your skin crawl. Mabe your anger roll in your chest, your fist begging to hit something. 
You forced your fingers to uncoil from their pale knuckled hold on themselves. Forced yourself to think your re-sparked anger was because he had laughed in your face…not because his quiet was making you feel--strange. Not because whoever had put that hauntingly hurt look in his eyes was pissing you off just for daring to make his brightest fall away. A hurt you were carefully piecing together must have something to do with Red-Hair. 
People didn’t just have that kind of reaction to a Jolly Rodger they hadn’t memorized--hadn’t let burn into the forefront of their mind and rage shimmer in their veins at its mere sight. 
No. Nope. Your anger had nothing to do with any of that. 
“I didn’t know the map had anything to do with that Emperor.” You spoke low and slow as if you were approaching some sort of wild beast. Buggy scoffed at you, rolling his head in his head to look back up at you. 
“Of course, you didn’t know. You didn’t even think to smell the damn map.” Buggy said like it was utterly ridiculous that you hadn’t thought of that. 
“Who smells a fucking map?”
“Any pirate who has a true heart for the hunt. Obviously.” You rolled your eyes as you pulled one of your legs out from its crossed position so that you could rest your forearm on your knee, leaning down closer to the clown. 
“Obviously the map wasn’t for me. I care more for the wildness of the adventure than any treasure at its end.” That spark of brightness began to filter back into his eyes as a teasing smirk tugged at his lips. 
“That makes us perfect together then, huh? I like the shininess of gold and silver and you like the shininess of blood and marrow.” You couldn’t help that wolfish grin of yours from pulling to your lips at his words. 
“That I do. Which is why I make such a wondrous addition to your crew.” Those cyan eyes scanned over your face, lingering on your lips for far longer than you liked. Your fists were clenched into fists at the rising beat of your heart, ready to strike him in his far too loud mouth. 
“I still can’t wrap my head ‘round that, Minnow. You don’t like me. You don’t like my crew. You were once a part of a crew whose membership I hear is very difficult to earn. I know your nature well enough to know you wouldn’t just give that up without a true reason.” You watched Buggy who watched you with those eyes of his. Eyes you would never admit had found their way into the shadows of your dreams. Eyes that had your fluttering heart turned blazing in red-hot anger. 
“I’ve already told you. I saw you fight at Marineford and--”
“Cut the crap!” He shouted, rushing to sit up on his knees. To tower over you, grabbing hold of your shirt so that he could yank you closer to his bared teeth. 
Close. How close he had grown. And that anger. Oh, that utterly wild anger had your toes curling in your boots.
Your muscles and temper wanted to grab him and break his hand for ever thinking of touching you, but your brain sharply reminded you once more to submit. 
“You ain’t tryin’ to join me 'cause you saw some fuckin’ broadcast. You ain’t tryin’ to join me 'cause you think I’m powerful. There’s somethin’ you want. What is it?” Buggy hissed in your face. 
Submit, submit, submit.
You grinned up at him, pulling yourself onto your own knees so you could press your breasts into his chest and run a hand over the warm skin of his exposed arm, which was flexed from the hold he had over you. Buggy watched you in pure shock as his face grew redder and redder with each passing moment.
“What I want,” You purred, letting your eyes greedily drink in the thin curve of his lips beneath the smudged paint. “Is to serve you. I want to be your weapon. I want you to wield me however you choose against whomever you choose. I want to see you achieve greatness.” Those eyes of his, so wide and full of disbelief, fluttered to your own lips. 
“But--but you hate me.” His voice grew soft, near whispering along with the loosening of his fingers around your shirt.
“The past is in the past.” You saw that hurt flash in his eyes. That haunting darkness. “Shall I kill off that Red-Haired Emperor for you to prove my loyalty?” Buggy blinked, snapping himself out of whatever haunting pasts had started to invade his mind.
“W-what? No. You wouldn’t last a second against that guy.” You shrugged on an agreeing nod.
“Yes…but his crew isn’t as unbeatable. I could select one of his senior officers, hum…let’s say their Doctor, to wipe off the chess board. It would be an assassination of stealth--of shadows. It would leave them scrambling to figure out how it had happened. Who had done it. Leave them distracted--hurting.” Buggy’s breath hitched as you continued to speak, bringing your voice low and filling it with honey-thick and sultry tones. 
“I would then go for his chef, then his sharpshooter, and on and on until I get to that pesky first mate of his. Now he would be tougher to kill. I would have to catch him off guard, and on guard he would be after such a massacre of his men. Get him at his weakest state--in his blind spot and strike. Your crew could handle the rest of his underlings and then poor Red-Haired Shanks would be left to wallow in his mourning. He would be weak and utterly alone.” You brought your lips ever closer to his, which parted on a stuttering inhale of air. 
“And then, if you commanded it, I would go for Red-Hair himself. A little poison in the drink he would no doubt be drowning himself in would weaken him enough to make it ever so easy to,” You ghosted your fingers over his neck, feeling Buggy’s rapidly beating pulse and the bob of his Adams Apple on a sharp swallow, “take his head.” 
Buggy watched you for a long moment, tongue wetting his lips and pupils growing with each passing moment he stayed within such close proximity of you. And for a few of those moments, you thought he might try to close that distance. And you might have let him that close again, especially after getting yourself all worked up on such discussions of pain and chaos. 
“Fuck--” Buggy cursed on a huff of air, those eyes of his narrowing as he tried to refocus himself. “I forgot how fuckin’ crazy you are.” You hummed in agreement, fingers continuing to touch his skin. Skin that was all too warm and inviting. 
“And all my instantly is yours now, captain.” Buggy gave that funky laugh of his, a smile pulling at the edge of his lips.
“You’re truly persistent, ain’t ya?” You nodded, thumb brushing over the stumble of his jaw. Buggy shook his head in amusement, finally letting go of your shirt as he flopped back amongst the various pillows that made up his bed space to rub at his face.
“Fine.” He said, voice muffled by his gloved hands. You huffed a smirk, crawling your way over so that you could peer down at him and his sea of blue hair sprawled out around him. 
“Fine…what?” You lulled, peeling one of his hands away from his face so he could look at you. That blush you had pulled from him moments ago dusted over his skin upon finding you kneeling over top of him.
“Alvida is gonna kill me.” He groaned, brows furrowing. 
“And is she your captain?” Buggy gave a huffing chuckle at your question.
“Technically she’s my co-captain. We have this alliance goin’.” You narrowed your eyes down at him, making that blush only deepen. “B-But ya know that’s--she kinda just does her own thing--follows me around. I’m the captain.” You nodded, leaning ever the more closer as your grin yanked at your lips once more.
“Good. I will not serve under her. I will only serve under you.” Buggy swallowed, those alluring eyes of his scanning over your face rapidly. 
“Heh--yeah. Und-under me.” He cleared his drying throat, that blush continuing to bloom. “Yep. On my crew--serving me.” You boredly blinked at his ramblings. 
“What shall your first command be, captain?” You asked, making the clown clear his throat once more.
“Right. Command. Well--if we’re gonna find this treasure, we’re gonna need to find Shanks.” Buggy said, bitting the name of the red-haired emperor out, that anger you so enjoyed seeing flashing through his eyes. 
“And like I said before, I am exceptional at gathering hard-to-get information. I will find him for you.” You said, pulling yourself up and away from the man who you now officially called captain. 
A gloved hand shot out to grab your wrist before you could stand, pulling your blistering hot attention back onto him. 
Submit. Your brain screamed, but your body wanted to punch him right in that rounded nose of his for continuing to touch you.
“No grand assassination attempts--though very flashy indeed.” You nodded, your head, going once more to stand but his hand held firm. “How are you going to find him?” 
“There is a large town on one of the islands bordering this one I will go to ask around. Maybe find a Marine--”
“Minnow, you ain’t gonna find any Marines here.” You blinked down at him, calming your raging anger. “This island is home to one of the biggest pirate havens around. Hidden away from the watchful eye of the World Government. It’s why I came here. Needed to get off the Marine’s radar for a little while.” You almost scoffed at him.
If only he knew he’d let one right into his confidence. 
“Oh?” You said in your stifled angered state. It was all you could say without lashing out at him. 
You hadn’t heard of any pirate haven on this island. The people of the town you had talked to said nothing of it, even after your bribes of knowing more about this island. All they had said it was full of was sand and forest and the Buggy Pirates who had washed ashore the night prior. 
Luck child. Your brain purred back at you. A purr you shoved down to keep your anger from spiking any further. 
“Oh?” Buggy said, a smirk growing on his painted lips as he pulled himself to sit up once more. “You don’t know? And here I thought you were exceptional at gathering hard-to-find information.”
Oh, how you wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. To beat him into a pulp before he ever thought to question your skills again. 
Submit, submit, submit. It made your weakly caged anger rile in its chains. 
“I am. But I was not in need of finding any pirate heaven here. I was in need of finding you.” That blush was back in seconds, his mouth falling open and shut like a suffocating fish. 
“Heh--right.” He chuckled awkwardly, letting you go and allowing you to stand. 
“I’ll find this pirate heaven and I will find that emperor for you by the time your ship is ready to set sail tonight.” You said, bowing your head in show of respect before turning on your heels to leave. 
“Uh--wait!” Buggy called the sounds of him scrambling to get up sounding behind you. 
“Yes, captain?” You asked, clenching your fists as you faced the disheveled man.
“I’ll come with you.” Your anger rolled in its cage once more. “I don’t think I trust ya to get there without gettin’ lost.” He said on another chuckle meant to tell you he was only teasing. It did nothing but heat your anger further.
“Of course. Your knowledge of this heaven will be useful.” You said through slightly grit teeth as the clown came sauntering up to you. 
“Exactly what I was thinkin’, Minnow.” He said, that wide grin of his pulling to his face as he leaned close into you again. You allowed it, your attention being stolen by those damn eyes on his once more. “And hey, maybe we’ll have a little bit of fun together.”
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Tag List: @lostfirefly , @mydearlybeloathed , @sordidmusings , @fanshavegottensotoxic , @khaleesihavilliard, @sukilovesyou
39 notes · View notes
flameboyace · 2 years
RIIMMMM! can i pls have some headcanons for either usopp or galdino (can be both if you want, i don't really mind) on comforting/helping their s/o get over a cold? ty! <3
Hi sweetie, i'll dp them both but at the same time?? Idk sorry for the long time and yeah, hope it's good enough.
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□ they're both extremely kind and attentive when it come to their partner, they care deeply about them and every time they have a cold these two are ready with the very necessary to takw care of them
□ both of them tends to go into panic if they can't find something, even worst if you have a fever and it's kinda high
□ doctor. You need a doctor.
□ they will take care of you in the best way possible, always ready to put some cold and wet towel on your head, take food for you and for your body in order to recover and, obviously, they're always ready with blankets amd warm clothes for you
□ they both refuse to leave you alone if they are on an island, they have to be woth you no matter what
□ always try to make you laugh or just make you smile by telling you some kind of story, they know you're always there to listen to them until you fall asleep
□ also, both of them know how the light can be a bother with a fever on, so they're always ready to light some candle for you in order tp have light but not to strong
□ both fall asleep on the chair near your bed when they are sure you're sleeping and are okay enough to not worry and run to call the ship's doctor.
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dxvilmanlev · 2 years
hi lev!!! can i pls get orgasm control/edging, praise and overstimulation with mr 3 and a fem reader where the fem is the dom >:)
thank u and merry xmas my lovely! xo
hoping I did him justice lol, this was also my first fem dom reader so i hope you like it!
Sub Galdino
Galdino/Mr.3 x Fem! Reader
N/SFW Minors DNI
Warnings: edging/orgasm control, overstimulation, praise, dom reader, sub galdino, face sitting, oral (both giving and receiving, riding, pet name(for galdino): baby boy
Word Count: 586
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Galdino looked at you with pleading eyes. You were between his legs, stroking his cock slowly. He tried bucking his hips but the grip of your other hand resting on his hip stopped him from doing so.
“Y/n… Please, need to cum, wanna be inside you.” He begged.
“Be patient and I might give you what you want.” You smirked, running your thumb over the head of his cock, causing his dick to twitch, before you pulled away.
“I was about to cum…” Galdino whined, at the loss.
“Oh you’ll cum, just when I let you. Now be a good boy and lay down.” You commanded, standing up.
He did as told, laying his head on the pillows, as you climbed on top of him. You leaned over, kissing him softly before sitting back up and grabbing his cock to line it up with your entrance. Sliding down his cock, you both moaned, Galdino’s hands finding purchase on your thighs as you began to ride him.
“Mmm, fuck you’re so good baby boy.” You praised, bouncing on his cock slowly.
“More.. please.” He pleaded, digging his nails into your thighs.
Placing your hands on his chest for support, you move your hips faster, his cock reaching deep inside you. Galdino moaned as your hands ran over his chest, stopping to pinch his nipples between your fingers.
“You’re doing so good for me, baby boy.” You said, leaning down to kiss his neck.
He moaned in response, your praises going straight to his cock. You could tell he was close by the way his cock twitched inside you. Pulling off him, you scooted down to settle yourself between his legs, smirking up at him.
“Y/n… I was so clo-“ He began before you licked a long stride up his cock.
He shuddered under your touch, his cock sensitive, as you kissed his tip, taking him into your mouth. You bobbed your head, swirling your tongue around his shaft. Galdino gripped your hair, throwing his head back as he came into your mouth.
“Fuck…can’t take any more..” He moaned, as you continued sucking the tip.
You stroked the rest of his cock with one hand and massaging his balls in your other. Galdino’s legs began to shake, the pleasure sending his mind into a frenzy as he came again. You pulled off him with a ‘pop’, kissing down his shaft.
“You did so good, baby.” You praised, climbing up to kiss him softly.
“Now, make me cum okay baby boy?” You questioned, moving to hover over his face.
Galdino eagerly nodded before you sat down on his face just enough for him to breathe. He pulled your hips down all the way, licking a long stride along your slit. Pushing his tongue inside you, he lapped up all your juices, thrusting his tongue in and out of you. You moaned, gripping his hair that he let down earlier that night, tugging lightly as you grind your hips against his face.
His nose hit your clit, causing you to cry out, gripping the headboard tightly with your other hand. His tongue brought you to your orgasm, cumming around his tongue. Galdino continued lapping at your cunt for a few seconds before pulling away.
You got off him, flopping down next to him to catch your breath. Turning towards him and caressing his cheek.
“You’re so wonderful.” You smiled softly.
“I could say the same to you.” He smiled, kissing you softly and pulling you close to him.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
for the fall starter prompt could i have number 6 with my love galdino, please? with either gn/fem reader and possible nsfw? (〃゚3゚〃) thank u and have a good day!! (人*´∀`)。*゚+
You single handedly have created my entire Mr 3 masterlist haha!
Galdino x GN Reader SFW Word Count: 183
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“That clown needs to stop hoarding treasure and use it for something that benefits everyone, it’s fucking cold on this pissing ship” You grumbled and pulled your sweater closer to your body, glancing over at the man.
“I dare you to tell him that” Galdino huffed and shuffled closer to you.
You didn’t recall fall being this cold, you guessed the ship was currently closer to a winter island, that would explain why even during the day it was almost too cold to function. Sighing again and staring at the puff that exhaled from your lips into the chilly air.
“I know a way to warm you up.” He turned to you with a sly look, for a moment your heart skipped a beat, it wasn’t like your boyfriend to be so openly flirty where anyone could just see.
He sat on the floor, confusing you before the tip of his hair ignited, getting bigger than you’d seen before. You were torn between being disappointed and thankful as you placed your hands over the fire feeling the warmth the return to your hands.
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