#funnily enough he's an excellent cook
heartfils · 5 months
i've always wondered how qi rong died since i don't remember it being specified in the novel (fitting, since his family didn't even care enough to wonder about his wellbeing lol) but my personal favorites are him being eaten by the xianle people or him, mad with hunger, ate someone and then died of starvation or sickness 💚
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kingorqueenofnarnia · 2 months
Narnia Headcanons
King Edmund the Just
Had several casual relationships and hook-ups with people of all genders, but he neither fell in love with someone nor did he think that someone was politically beneficial enough to marry. He prefers not to label his sexuality.
Narnians gave him many titles. The Fair Judge, the Swordmaster of Narnia, King Edmund the Benevolent, Representative of the People and so on. He was greatly admired in the supreme court of Narnia for his kindness and unbiased treatment of everyone. Beyond Narnian borders he was called the Cunning Fox of Narnia, King Edmund Swordstorm, Edmund the Serpent-Tongued King, the Hurricane of Narnia, etc.
He was the chief diplomat of Narnia, and frequently journeyed to foreign nations to deal with international matters. He was renowned for his art of conversation and would weave such elaborate traps with his words that his prey did not realise they were in danger until they had no way of getting out.
He was a deadly swordfighter— he carried two swords, and despite the lack of a shield, preferred to wear leather armour instead of chainmail. The unconventional armour sent the message that he was lethal enough to not need any real protection.
In one-on-one duels, Peter was better, but Edmund was known as Swordstorm and the Hurricane of Narnia for a reason. His dual swords carved through dozens of enemy soldiers within moments, cutting swathes through the battlefield like a storm. He was brutal, swift and never left a foe alive, and was probably more feared that Peter.
His hair went down to the middle of his back, and was always in braids just like Peter's. He would let Lucy braid flowers into his hair whenever both of them needed to relax or had time. It wasn't uncommon to see the Just King walking around Paravel with roses or violets or jasmines in his hair. When they fell out of Narnia, he had thirty-two braids.
His war paint was deceptively mild looking— two dark green lines running over his left eye down to his chin, and three large dots on the underside of his right eye. It did not look very terrifying, but anybody who ever made the mistake of taking him to be harmless met their death at his sword a second later.
Enjoyed both studying and sports— he often took part in wrestling competitions and mock skirmishes, and just as often could be found debating with Susan, or metaphorically destroying some poor soul that had fallen for his charm and agreed to play chess with him, or in the library with his head buried in a book.
He and Peter refused to duel each other after a certain point in time. They knew each other's fighting styles too well— the duel would always end in a draw, no matter how brutal and deadly Edmund was or how fast and strong Peter was.
Just as good a war strategist as the other Pevensies. He usually left the strategising to Peter and Lucy, but when he did put in his two words, his plans were always crucial in winning wars.
His favourite subjects were Politics, History and funnily enough, cooking. He would often sneak into the kitchens during his free time and ask the chefs to teach him how to cook. Within a year of sitting in on meal prep, he was excellent at cooking, and at least every two months the Pevensies gathered for a family dinner prepared by Edmund.
Piercings. His right ear had four piercings and left had two. He had one in his belly-button and another on his tongue, and then a vertical piercing at his right eyebrow that exacerbated the action of him raising an eyebrow.
The King of Pranks™. Permanent and semi-permanent residents of the castle were frequent targets for his pranks, and the stories of his mischief-making were so outrageous and unbelievable that if anyone who had never been on the wrong end of his metaphorical sword would never even entertain the idea of them being true.
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“You dragged us out of bed at eight thirty in the goddamn morning for what?”
“You remember how you got married on a random Thursday without telling anyone?” Hunk says, instead of answering the goddamn question. Keith and Lance both groan as loudly and obnoxiously as they can. Lance makes a point to yank their blankets over his head as he falls back onto the pillows.
“Just ignore them,” Keith whines, slinging an arm around Lance’s waist and pulling him back in. Lance goes willingly, inclined to follow those instructions.
“Nope. Nuh-uh.” Something soft and round pelts Lance on the shoulder, then the hip, then lands square on his head. “Up you get.”
“Fuck off,” Lance gripes again, peering over the covers to glare at Pidge, who is gleefully digging through their sock drawer to hand Hunk more ammo.
“Nope. Get up, losers.” Hunk huffs. “God, I don’t even understand why this is taking you so long. You went to bed at eight-thirty. That was twelve hours ago. There’s no possible way you’re still sleepy.”
Lance pauses. He glances over at his husband, who’s grinning just as wolfishly as he is.
God, Lance loves him so much. Verbal communication is for dweebs. They’ve got this shit in the bag.
“We went to bed at eight thirty,” Lance agrees, pretending to be nonchalant.
Keith hums, following along, leaning back with his arms folded behind his head like he’s the most unbothered bitch on the planet. “Right, right, we did.” He pauses for dramatic effect. (It will never cease to amaze Lance that people think the Black Paladin is some sort of stoic, serious asshole. How even he used to think that. Keith grew up with Shiro, for fuck’s sake. There’s not a bone in his body that isn’t at least a little melodramatic.) He glances over at Lance, finally giving the game away with a wide grin. “But I don’t remember us doing any sleeping.”
“Funnily enough, me either!”
It takes Pidge and Hunk a moment for the implication to sink in, and their identically disgusted faces when it does immediately make Keith and Lance burst out laughing.
“You two are nasty,” Pidge protests, throwing eight more sock pairs with increasing violence. Keith and Lance are too weak with laughter to stop her, barely holding their hands in front of them to stop the onslaught. “I hate you. Hunk, suffocate them.”
“I’m considering it,” Hunk mutters darkly. He shakes his head rapidly. “God, the imagery.”
The best part is that it isn’t even true. They walked up to their room at eight-thirty, got ready for bed, talked for maybe three minutes, and then fell asleep immediately like old people. It was excellent.
But fucking with his friends is always fun.
“Just be downstairs in twenty minutes,” Pidge says, aiming another ball of socks at Keith’s head. Keith manages to catch it, and Pidge scurries to hide behind Hunk before Keith can whip it back. “We’re going out.”
The two disappear before they can ask anymore questions, making a point of loudly stomping down the stairs and ignoring their questioning.
“We could just ignore them,” Keith suggests.
“That’s true,” Lance agrees. “We could even have sex for real? That would piss them off.”
For a second Keith looks like he’s really considering it. He gets that cute little furrow in his brow that he gets when he’s concentrating. It does wonderful things to Lance’s ego, that the thought of sleeping with him gets the same furrow of concentration that fighting a war does.
But eventually, as Lance knew he would, Keith sighs. “We should probably see what they have planned.”
Lance smiles. “Maybe.” He heaves himself up, offering a hand to Keith to pull him out of bed, too, then drags him to the bathroom. “Let’s get dressed.”
They make it downstairs twenty minutes later, dressed and ready to go. The kitchen is overcrowded, as it usually is, with Hunk and Adam cooking something delicious at the stove, Pidge standing guard over Shiro so he doesn’t curse the kitchen with his presence, and Veronica trying and failing to look cool for an earnestly oblivious Allura. The real grownups — Coran, Krolia, Miguel, Marcela, and Lisa — are chatting over some fresh fruit at the table, Luis trying and failing to convince the twins to eat their food instead of throwing it at each other. Marco is nowhere to be found, likely having escaped to the garage when the kitchen got too loud.
They’ve been home and settled for quite some time, now. But all his family safe and in one place still makes something fragile clink around in Lance’s chest.
“Well good afternoon, mijos,” Marcela teases.
“It’s barely nine, Mamá,” Lance says, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek before taking a seat. Keith hesitates a second, then Marcela taps her other cheek, so Keith follows Lance’s example and then kissing his own mother hello before sitting down next to Lance. His face is a little red by the end of it, still unused to the casual affection, but his smile is small, pleased.
“I never get any kisses hello,” Shiro grumbles into his coffee mug.
Keith doesn’t miss a beat. “That is because you are irritating.”
“Can it, boogerbrain.”
Adam slides a plate piled high with pancakes between them.
“Before you two kill each other,” he says drily. The fondness drips off of him, made even more evident by the way he pinches Keith’s cheek as he walks past, slides his hand down Shiro’s shoulder as he sits next to him. His diversion is successful, however, and both brothers call an unspoken truce in favour of stuffing their faces.
“So,” Pidge says, mouth full, several minutes later. “You guys got married on a whim.”
Keith glances at Marcela. “That is an exaggeration,” he says loudly, as if Lance’s mother isn’t well aware that her son is the type of dumbass to say yes to an impulsive wedding proposal.
“It’s really not,” Allura, Hunk, Shiro and Pidge say at the same time.
Keith scowls.
“Anyways,” Hunk continues, “since y’all didn’t actually let anyone know you were getting hitched, we never got to do fun wedding things. Like a bachelor party.”
“Or an actual wedding,” Allura points out, which is met with various snickers.
Lance leans back to exchange a contemplative glance with Keith. While he doesn’t and never will regret the way they got hitched, he supposes there are some things they missed. Having a dumb drunk party with their friends doesn’t sound bad at all, actually.
“Alright,” Lance says, nodding. “We’re down for that. What are we doing? Heading to the beach?”
“Oh, no,” Veronica says, grinning wildly. She pushes up her glasses as if she’s a dorky anime character. “Get ready for something way better.”
An arcade.
Their friends have dragged them to an arcade.
“I haven’t been to one of these in years,” Keith comments, taking in the bright lights, strange and minorly unpleasant smells, and sounds of screaming children.
Lance squeezes his hand. “Me either, but don’t worry. We’re going to crush it.”
“Hey, whoa, hold on,” Veronica says, making a T sign with her hands. “It’s a bachelor party.”
Keith and Lance blink at her.
“Yes,” Lance says, extra slow so she can understand. “For us. We got that.”
Veronica continues to look at them like they have a couple screws loose — which would normally be fine, because that’s a particularly favourite expression of hers to wear around Lance, only the rest of the team is looking at them funny, too.
“Since when do bachelor parties involve both parties?” Hunk clarifies. “Split up!”
“What? No way!” Keith protests. He pulls Lance closer to him. “I married him, so I get dibs!”
“Nope, no way,” Allura says. “I already called dibs on Lance. You get your own team to lose on. Good luck.”
Lance is loyal, okay? He made a vow. Keith is his number one. His ride or die. Blah blah blah.
Before he fell in love, before Keith was the person he turned to, before Keith was his friend, even, Keith was his rival.
And rivalries don’t just die. They just get pushed aside, really. He lets go of Keith’s hand and sidesteps towards the Blue Paladin. Keith’s face of betrayal makes him smirk.
“What,” he taunts, leaning back all casual-like. “Afraid to lose, Kogane?”
Like clockwork, Keith’s face smooths into something cocky and testy and really, really hot.
“Like hell, Kogane,” he scoffs. “I’m going to grind you to dust.”
Hunk claps his hands. “Excellent. Keith, you stand by that plant, Lance stand across from him. It’s team picking time. Keith gets to pick first because Allura already threatened violence if she doesn’t get Lance’s team.”
Allura smiles primly, skipping over to stand with Lance. Her braids — courtesy of Lisa and Sylvio — swish cheerfully behind her, pink beads clinking. Lance high-fives her when she gets close.
“Ready to annihilate them?” Lance asks.
Allura grins. “We won’t even need anyone else.”
Blue’s presence roars in both of their head at the same time, proud and smug.
“Dibs on Hunk!” Keith shouts.
Lance gasps in betrayal. “What? No!” Keith only sticks his tongue out at him, and to Lance’s horror, even Hunk is grinning!
“Sorry, man,” he says, not sounding very sorry at all. He accepts Keith’s fist bump. “Keith is just the obvious winner, here. You know I pick the non-losing side.”
“I’m cutting you out of my will,” Lance informs him. He is, too. Hunk can have squat, since he’s a quisling.
“Just choose your next teammate, goober,” Hunk says.
Lance turns back to the pool of options, gaze critical. His initial strategy had been to choose people with opposite strengths to him — those better with luck games, or trivia. But if Keith’s strategy is to choose people that will cripple Lance, then he needs to adjust accordingly. If he loses this he’ll never forgive himself.
“Shiro,” he says definitively. Having Keith’s brother in his team will make Keith sloppier, because Keith physically cannot handle being on an opposite team of Shiro without the absolutely blinding urge to beat him. He’ll be so focused on one-upping Shiro that he’ll be less focused on doing games properly.
They spend the next ten minutes carefully choosing their teams and making faces at each other. In the end, Keith’s team is made up of Hunk, Adam, and Veronica. Lance’s team has Allura, Shiro, and Pidge (everyone else decided to step away from what they knew was a competition that was bound to get out of hand and stay home — which, fair). The second the teams are finalized, Lance pulls everyone away, guiding them to a little corner of the arcade so they can Strategise.
“Okay,” Lance starts, mentally planning a map of the arcade and its games. “We need to out-ticket them, so prioritize high-payout games first, skilled games second. Anything that’s a guaranteed thirty tickets is a game worth playing a few times. Anything you know you can demolish, hit hard.”
“Are we cheating?” Shiro asks.
“Foul play at least,” Lance confirms. “Pidge, feel free to accidentally make machines work better for you. Allura and Shiro, feel free to bat your eyelashes and weaken Veronica and Adam with your wiles.”
All three teammates nod seriously.
“Will do. And you, Lance?”
Lance grins, unbuttoning his blouse and stuffing it in his bag, leaving only his cropped red t-shirt that makes the brown of his eyes look darker. He clips on some sparkly earrings, then slathers on some lip gloss.
“I am going to make it impossible for Keith to focus. Let’s go!”
(Keith watches as his husband hunches know a huddle with his team, face drawn and serious as he explains his plans and ideas. Shiro, Pidge and Allura watch him with similar intent, splitting off after a couple minutes of discussion with the seriousness they once employed marching into battle.
“We’re going to lose, aren’t we,” he asks the group at large.
Hunk pats him heartily on the back. “Most definitely. Let’s go, team!”)
There is a lot of chaos, as one might expect.
The arcade is certainly not empty. Parents chase after unruly children, unruly children chase each other. Many young teens hog games in an attempt to turn a profit on their token investment. Hobbyists are worse. Regardless, competition sings in Lance’s veins. He spends inordinate amounts of time at the shooting games, knocking out shot after shot — in one game lasting so long that he amasses a crowd of awed spectators.
“Holy smokes!” one child yells. “He’s been here forever! He can’t lose!”
“You think he’s a super spy, or somethin’?” their friend whispers.
Lance smirks. Or something.
As the point counter in the top left corner of the game ticks higher and higher with every zombie he slays, he starts to imagine how he might gloat with his upcoming hoard of tickets. Drape them like a scarf, perhaps, and sashay past Veronica? Count them very slowly by Adam? Get Shiro’s help in forming them in an L shape and point them in Keith’s direction?
Before he can decide, there are several annoyed shouts in the small crowd behind him, and seconds later someone pops up next to him, filling his nose with the scent of pine and sandalwood. Keith plants himself behind where Lance is seated, arms on either side of him, and leans over so his head hangs upside down in front of Lance’s, blocking his vision.
“Hey,” he says, grinning.
Lance shoves his face away. “Buzz off! I’m trying to beat you!”
“You’re hogging the zombie game, is what you’re doing.”
Lance shoves his face away again and this time he goes, which should make Lance suspicious, but his guard is down and his focus is elsewhere. After a moment, he hears his husband clear his throat three times, just like he does before he addresses a crowd of people as the Fearless Black Paladin.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“People of the arcade!” he shouts, and lord above Lance married a drama queen no matter what anybody says about it. “Are we going to let him hog the zombie game?”
A voice that is most definitely Lance’s irritating sister calls out: “No way!”
Another voice, Lance’s traitor best friend, calls out: “He’s had it for twenty minutes! I demand justice!”
The crowd, either bolstered to air their grievances due to other aforementioned complaints or just happy to be part of a mob, take up the chant: “Off the game! Off the game!”
“The people have spoken, sweetheart,” Keith says, smirking so wide his eyes scrunch up.
Lance rolls his eyes, but he’s annoyed to find that he can’t quite suppress his smile. “You’re a dick for brains.” He purposely misses his next shot, ending the game, and the crowd cheers. The screen flashes once, then a red number pops up in the middle: 456. Tickets begin to shoot out of the slot.
Lance turns towards his husband and chuckles evilly, taking great joy in his newfound scowl. “Try to keep up, baby.” He tears his last ticket from the slot, gathering them up and patting Keith on the chest as he walks by. Allura, Pidge and Shiro whoop and cheer for him, high fives and fist bumps all around as they all show each other how many tickets they’ve garnered so far — well over a thousand. They’re killing it.
They spend the next forty minutes flitting from game to game, winning forty tickets here and ninety there, even losing a game or two. They spend half their time actually playing and half their time messing with the rest of their friends, calling out confusing answers for trivia games or straight up poking and prodding at them to mess up any games of focus. It’s a miracle that any of them manage to win at all, really.
After a couple hours of play, the two teams have mostly evened out — Lance hasn’t been keeping exact count of his tickets, or anything, but his pile and Keith’s pile look about the same.
“I have an idea,” Allura shouts over the noise of the arcade. “A final win!” She tilts her head towards one of the larger games in the arcade, blasting pop music through the area and flashing bright lights.
Lance grins at her. “‘Llura, you are a genius.”
She preens. “I know.”
“Shiro! Pidge! Cover for us!”
They nod, and Allura and Lance rush to the Dance Dance Revolution machine, quickly flipping through the options as they see Keith and Veronica booking it through the crowd through the corners of their eyes. Finally they land on the best option for them, and Lance slams the start button just as Shiro tackles his brother to the ground. Synth beats blast through the speakers, and Aqua’s Barbie Girl starts to play — game on.
“Fuck!” Adam shouts, knowing they’re about to lose.
Lance cackles. If there’s one thing he and Allura can do, it’s absolutely crush this game.
And they do — the hit every beat, perfectly, not even one misstep. Every stomp is in unison, every pop of their hips coordinated. (They had weeks and weeks on the space road trip. They know what to do.)
By the time the song ends and Allura and Lance step off the machine, tickets flying through the slot, Keith’s team has accepted their defeat with hanged heads.
“Hand over half your tickets as a losing tax and bow before your queens,” Lance says smugly, as he and his teams twist their tickets into ugly crowns, wearing identical smirks.
“All hail the winners of pressing little buttons on dinky arcade games,” Veronica drawls because she is a sore loser.
Allura winks at her. “Thank you for your concession, insect,” she teases.
Veronica goes bright red. Lance snickers.
They make their way to the prize booth, handing over their absurd number of tickets. Pidge uses hers to buy a ridiculous amount of candy. Allura goes ham buying a bunch of Earth trinkets to bring back to Coran. Shiro sees a dookie little toaster from the seventies that is devoted entirely to cooking hot dog buns, laughs himself to tears, and buys it immediately. Lance buys himself a giant stuffed lion that happens to be blue, because once he sees it it’s impossible not to. The four of them goad their gifts to the losing team as they trade for their own shit, much to the annoyance of the grouchy employee.
It’s stupid. It’s juvenile. Every single one of the prizes is cheap.
It’s so, so much fun.
On the walk back to the house, Keith falls into step with Lance, pulling him back slightly from the rest of the group. They all shoot knowing smiles in their direction, for once not feeling teasing, and jog ahead to give them space.
“Got something for you,” Keith says casually, looking straight ahead.
“A consolation prize?” Lance jokes.
Keith grins. “Something like that.” He digs around in his pocket, closing something in his fist and holding it out in front of him. He makes no move to open his hand or offer the thing to Lance, walking on casually. Lance is burning with curiosity.
“You remember when I first asked you to marry me?”
Lance snorts. “Out of the blue, on a random Monday, in the common room? Yes, I remember the day my life changed forever.”
Keith’s smile gets softer. He reaches over with his free hand and links it with Lance’s.
“You told me I needed a ring to ask you.”
“Mhm. And we got one later.”
“That’s the thing.” He stops them, turning to face Lance head on, indigo eyes bright and sparkling. “I got us wedding rings. But never used one to pop the question.”
He takes a tiny step back, and then sinks to one knee, holding up a cheap diamond ring from the prize booth. Lance laughs out loud, and then gets choked up by the emotions that flare up at the sight of his husband on one knee, and tears build in his eyes.
“Lance Kogane,” Keith says dramatically, but there’s a look of real seriousness in his eyes, a stubborn streak of love. “I kind of botched the asking, my first time, so I’m going it again: will you marry me?”
“Yes, dorkbrain,” Lance chokes out. “Of course.” He holds out his left hand, and Keith slides the dinky little ring onto his forth finger, resting it above his real wedding ring. He stands up and wraps his hands around Lance’s face, leaning in and kissing him softly.
“Just checking,” he whispers.
Lance smiles, leaning their foreheads together.
Fitting, he thinks, deciding to stay right where he is for a while, that they’d do everything backwards.
How lucky he is.
parts 1-5
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One thing I always find fun in fiction is how different POV characters' descriptions of other characters differ from each other - nobody sees other people the exact same way.
In one unfinished fantasy book I had, having the ability to wield magic is genetic, and though most people of Wielder Blood are only passive carriers of the trait (it only manifests actively in women, male wielders are essentially unheard of), it has another feature that is always active: people with wielder blood can sense each other.
While it varies from person to person - some wielders emit a stronger signal than others, and some are more sensitive to it - the effect itself is the same: adrenaline. Wielders are tense, irate, passionate or anxious around each other. Since they come in families, and families form alliances, and they physically cannot be normal around or about each other, their familial and romantic relationships are generally intense, violently shifting and torrid. They either love of hate each other, and that coin can flip unpredictably.
There's one character who wasn't born into a Wielder House, the mutation sometimes happens spontaneously among common people. She never met other wielders before adulthood, and had no idea of what the Sense is. She herself senses other wielders very weakly, being hardly even aware of them, and her own "scent" is absolutely overpowering. The only way she notices other people of wielder blood is that they drop into full fight/flight/freeze/fawn before she even walks into the room.
She's first introduced through the eyes of a man from a wielder family - he doesn't just Sense her as soon as she walks in, but before it. Sitting in a room, he suddenly feels that there's Something Terrifying on the other side of that door, before he even hears the approaching footsteps. And as soon as she opens the door, he practically collapses in an overwhelming wave of awe and fear vaguely mixed with lust at the sight of her. Funnily enough he was never taught about the Sense either, so he has no idea why this woman has such an effect on him. Mainly, he's terrified of her, infinitely relieved and grateful of her (repeated, and very confused) reassurances that she has no intention to harm him.
For the first few chapters she's in, she's described through the eyes of other wielders, as an overpowering and otherworldly, awesome and terrifying radiant goddess, who is almost devastatingly indifferent about the effect she has on them. If sensing another wielder usually feels like trying to ignore a lit candle in an otherwise dark room, she is like the sun.
Then we meet her husband, who has zero wielder blood. He doesn't understand what the fuss is about. Through his eyes, she's just a completely regular and ordinary woman - an excellent woman, which is why he married her, but still only mortal. Ten years older than him, slightly grey at the temples and plump in the right places, and an even, stable and sensible personality. There is no buckwild torrid storms of lust and hate, worship and terror between them. She married him because he's reliable and sensible, and he married her because she's reliable and sensible.
Once they are introduced to the society of Wielder Houses, the women put on a brave face to endure her presence, while the men are gracefully allowed to withdraw to their own Men's Hall, to protect their delicate constitutions from being torturously overwhelmed. Her husband follows them for the lack of better ideas of what to do, and one of his new peers asks him how he can endure her constant presence without going insane. How was he so brave that he was willing to marry a rending typhoon.
None of them believe him when he frankly tells them that he married her because she's the only one who doesn't think his cooking is bad.
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catharusustulatus · 1 year
Argyle headcanons because I love him:
His real name is Alejandro. His middle name, funnily enough, is Jonathan.
His parents started Surfer Boy Pizza and so he’s well off enough to drive all the way to Indiana at a moments notice.
He has an older sister who sings and plays guitar in a Mariachi. Her name is Elena.
He knows all the ins and outs of a pizza restaurant; how to make the dough, operate the ovens, make the sauce, balance the toppings. He can even toss the dough pretty well. He’s really good at basic math because he’s been helping work the register since he was a kid.
Spanish was his first language and he speaks it at home. As they drive across the country, he teaches the Byers and Mike, and then El, how to curse in Spanish and roll their r’s.
His hair is very important to him and he and Steve bond over their hair. They exchange hair care product information. Argyle lets Steve braid his hair when stressed.
He is a really good cook, and while he makes excellent pizza and traditional Mexican food, he also slays a big breakfast. He takes to pancake and egg duty while they prep for the apocalypse.
He has 20/20 vision.
He can whistle really loud.
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grokebaby · 1 year
🌼🎹🎯🌂❤ for Nan, Grandefel andd Maiju maybe :333 answer as many as you want I just wanna know more about the ocs of all time <3 (also hi me again)
(Hi you again !!)
🌼 = How old? / age group
🎹= Hobbies?
🎯= What do they do best?
🌂= What genre are they in?
❤️= Best memory/ies?
I'm not sure if you meant that all these questions for every single character, or like?? Some other way?? But you said I can do however I want so I shall °w°
Nan being an elder is somewhere between 50-60, I think developmentally she's the oldest character here (not chronologically bc Grandefel has for sure existed for over a thousand years but ykno. What's equivalent to their species). Ofc nan has likely also existed for a little longer than that chronologically speaking? Can't say for sure but she's in the Early elder category. Maiju is AT MOST (equivalent to) in her 40's but I'd put her in late 30's. Middle aged to some capacity. Grandefel is funnily enough youngest of everyone despite having existed the longest lolol, for an angel she'd be considered to be in her 30's approx. She's in the generation between Kxxxtr and Lamera.
Grandefel - What hobbies? 😔 Yall got free time from your all consuming societally enforced role in life? Most her free time is spent with Deirdre and the kids, but if not she's out in the sky exhibiting cat behaviour (lounging on sunny clouds, napping in strange poses and knocking stars off counters their course just bc)
Nan - Something very grandma esque probably. I mean I'm sure she does alot of "hobbyish" activities but moreso because it's been a vital part of her duties growing up (sewing, gardening, cooking ect). But how she entertains herself? Pinecone cows. And talking to them. (Google Käpylehmä, it's a thing wi/ Finns)
Maiju - What hobbies? Looking at picturebooks. Not bc she can't read or doesn't care about reading but she likes to look at nice things especially if she hasn't seen them before. Either that or sitting around and thinking about cool things. If she's feeling extra adventurous probably going on a walk or something, stopping to smell the flowers and all that jazz
Maiju - I feel like I could put so much here and it'd be really obvious. Like decapitation. Wielding a Warhammer. However I think she's the best at being an advisor and second in command to Xerxes when he's Going Normal™ about things (as he does), and keeping the anchor down on stuff. However she's also great at supporting him in his decisions so who's to say..
I'm honestly a little unsure how to answer this for the other two, I'm not saying there aren't things they're good at but I can't think of something they excel either. I think I'll just say both Nan and Grandefel are great at defying the will of unfathomable cosmic forces, whether that be deities Or societal expectations (guess which one is for which character I dare you)
Funnily all these characters exist in the same setting haha? Minus for Nan being an intersectional character in another story of mine as well. Anyway I will go off of vibes
Grandefel - Gay workplace drama
Maiju - Doom with animal crossing music
Nan - that brand of horror where you're stranded in the forest and find yourself in a strange village.. / maybe the monster was the generational trauma all along
(prepares myself emotionally)
I don't think Maiju could pick just one, she can't pick favorites in anything. The first time Xerxes took her to earth to show her sunflowers? Having a ladybug land on her nose? Learning her hair isn't red but Maroon? Getting a tie in a duel against a Power angel? Seeing herself in a mirror for the first time? There's just so many
Grandefel would probably claim it was the day she was made the primary Persecutor after her mentor (father) stepped down, however in reality it was her opening up about her feelings to Deirdre for the first time and crying in the presence of another person. For the first time also.
I feel like.. Nan's favorite memory is still yet to come, because.. (side eyes my story outline) bc ykno (starts tearing up) because b
Future memories aside I too think she can't pick just one. The choice floats between the rare few heartfelt moments with her dad, the support of her relatives after That Tragedy, getting Siru some friends (at all), messing around with her friends at the cow barn, ykno..
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rolling-restart · 2 years
Hello here comes some Oscar ideas
Soft service sub borderline slave Oscar? He loves doing everything around the house to make your life easier. He’ll clean everything, cook, do the laundry etc etc because he loves the proud look you give him when he tells you it’s done.
Oscar works really well with praise and rewards so if he does something well you tell him he’s so good and always makes sure he’s rewarded whether that’s sexual or you allow him to do something he wants to do.
You never have to tell him or push him around because he does everything so well there’s no need to.
Funnily enough, I am having an Oscar brain rot today!
Oscar would be the cutest, prettiest service sub ever?? I think he would need too much spoiling in-between sessions or days of submission. 
Like, he would be the perfect little service sub, showing excellent devotion to his chores, encouraged even further with your praises. And him wearing the revealing lingerie we discussed before while doing these? Perfection!
I think he would be a ball of energy for a while, getting everything done in a couple hours. After that, you would find him sprawled on the couch, all sleepy. I think that would be the time when you change him into more comfortable clothes like an oversized t-shirt and let him rest on your lap. I can easily imagine him being all dramatic and sassy, saying this household would be in shambles without him. You decide to indulge him after his hard work and praise him. 
Also, he looks so soft to the touch? Like you couldn’t get enough of touching and squeezing him. He would have unintended marks on his thighs and arms because of that and it would make him giggle to look at them in the mirror.
He would get out of his comfy mode when it’s dinner time and he would sprint to the kitchen to set the table. He would watch your face so carefully to see if you like the food and would take your reaction VERY personally. 
I can see him hand washing the dishes even if you have a dishwasher because he likes that you watch him, and hug him from behind from time to time. He would forget that he is only wearing an oversized shirt and leaning on the counter would put his perky little ass on display. He would be pinched and squeezed by you so often that he would just roll his eyes with a sigh, trying to hide his smile because boy, he likes your possessiveness.
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treetownconfessions · 2 years
"Who do you think would be the best cook in htf and why?"
I'd say it's neck and neck between Flippy and Petunia. Cooking is something Flippy loves doing as a hobby. He can cook just about anything, but his specialty is in desserts.
Meanwhile, Petunia works at a diner, so it'd only make sense for her to be an excellent cook. But funnily enough, the best thing she makes is coffee. Not one Tree Friend has ever despised her coffee. Even if someone wasn't crazy about it at first, she'd figure out what works best for you.
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Domestic Headcanons
Summary: Domestic headcanons with your local rat man <3 
Relationship: Dastardly Danny/Reader (Established Relationship) 
Content Warnings: None! 
Word Count: 1422
Leonard’s Here // Mickey’s Here 
Like Leonard, it isn’t easy for him to exit his life of crime. He’d love to, honestly. Oh, he’s dreamed of running away with you and starting a life together thousands - if not millions - of times. But once you’re in, there’s no way out. Like Leonard, he could defect, but he knows Big Mama would catch on long before he could ever get the ball rolling. Hell, even if all three of you banded together to execute the plan, it wouldn’t work. Not only that, but a huge part of why he runs with the Mud Dogs is because of the thrill. He’ll get out of jail and immediately start planning another heist, regardless of the danger. Adrenaline courses through his blood at all hours of the day, and each waking moment is spent waiting for the next thrill. He just hides it better than Mickey does. But oh, how soft he goes when he thinks of waking up by your side and not having to worry about how he’s gonna pay rent, or when you’ll need to run again. How his heart flutters when he thinks of spending a night by your side, slow dancing in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning, without the screech of police sirens tearing through the atmosphere.
If you have a home top-side though… oh, it’s a dream come true. He knows he can’t stay there 24/7 - Big Mama would come looking for him soon enough - but it certainly is tempting. He prefers to spend most of his time at your guys’ place topside, even when it’s safe to be in the Hidden City. I was serious when I said part of him really longs for a domestic life.
The only one of the Mud Dogs who actually knows how to decorate. And oh, he’s so so good at it. He likes a lot of antique stuff, and he’ll regularly look for stuff to update your home with. He’s also the type to switch out covers, pillows, and plates throughout the seasons.
Very, very meticulous when it comes to cleaning. He’ll do a top-down clean of the house once every month or two, but he has a good routine when it comes to cleaning. He gets a little stressed if things aren’t organized. It’s funny though, because he DOES hoard cups. It always makes him chuckle when you bring it up.
Saves a lot of stuff: he always thinks it’ll come in handy later. Which means you guys have multiple junk drawers <3
He picks up so much stuff with his tail and then forgets where it is. It’s really funny to watch him spin around a room with his tail wrapped around a can of beans while he asks you if you remember where he put it.
He likes to watch It’s a Wonderful Life with you every Christmas. He’s not even Christian, it’s just tradition at this point.  
He likes to have music playing throughout the home often. Especially when cooking.
He sucks at driving. Please don’t let him drive.
It’s so fun to shop with him, genuinely. Like, he gets it all done in record time, but he’s also gonna fuck around once you guys get everything you need.
You guys have two shelves of things you guys have collected during your time together. Whether it’s a mug from a road trip or an amulet from a heist, if it has sentimental value it’s going on the shelf.
Huge fan of hanging photos and making photo albums. He’s not a scrapbooker, but he likes to save photos. Something about them just makes his heart soft, you know?
Prefers the northeastern “regular” coffee. It doesn’t matter how expensive the beans are, coffee is meant to have cream and sugar in it. He’s very sparing with the cream, though. He takes his at about paper bag color, and he won’t go any lighter than that. He’ll absolutely poke fun at you if you do, though. But he’ll make it for you anyways with a smile on his face. Speaking of which, he’s also always the first to make coffee in the morning. He prefers to make coffee in the morning, because he prefers the freshness of the grounds. Also yes, he grinds his own beans. Yes, it sucks when either of you have a hangover. But the coffee’s good, so you don’t complain.
He cooks most nights! He’s an excellent cook, honestly. He follows recipes very closely, except for spices which he guesses with. Also a great baker, but he always forgets that metal pans are hot when you take them out of the oven. Look, he’s used to magic ovens, okay?
He wants to learn how to garden, and he’s somewhat okay at it. So long as it's low maintenance, he can do it. Not a big fan of growing flowers himself, though. He thinks they’re pretty and all, but he likes to grow herbs instead. Something that’s useful and has a quick yield, you know? He has an aerogarden on the kitchen counter where he grows a bunch of herbs that he switches out regularly. The tarragon, basil, and parsley has been his favorite thus far. Leonard keeps pushing him to grow things like mint, lemon balm, and shungiku, but at this point he’s just saying “no” out of spite.
(He’s ecstatic if you grow veggies or fruits, though. Heirloom fruits and veggies are so fucking good, it’s unreal. Who can resist them? Nobody. Nobody.)
Plus it reminds him of the few good childhood memories he’s had. He gets a very soft look on his face when he talks about his Lolo and Lola, and how his Lola always had the biggest garden. He doesn’t talk about his childhood a lot, but he remembers his grandparents very fondly.
He hums around the house often. He always has a song stuck in his head, and it’s sweet.
He’s almost always on his feet, pacing around the house or running back into another room because he forgot something. He’s a little forgetful, but he just gets very in his head and he misplaces stuff. But if he passes by you, or walks through a room that you’re in, he’ll pretty much always walk past you and kiss your temple. Or fuck with your hair.
He melts if you ever fix his tie in the morning, or before a heist. It could be just how he likes it, and he’d still let you adjust it.
His fur is always super messed up in the morning: he always looks like a bat outta hell. He tries to shower in the morning to counteract that, but oftentimes, he just doesn’t have the time. And it takes hours to dry his fur off after showering, so either way, you’re both gonna be spending a lot of time messing with his fur: you just get to choose whether you do it in the morning or at night. You always help him comb down his fur in the morning: he’d be in there for hours, otherwise. It’s a nice little routine, though.
(One time the lads came in before y’all got to start detangling the absolute mop that he is, and he was mortified </3)
When you guys are laying low and there’s no hijinks to be had, he’ll still walk around the house in slacks and a button-up. Definitely a step down from his usual attire, but he feels strange if he doesn’t get dressed for the day. If you convince him to have a lazy day with you though, he’ll wear a tank top and sweats. WOOF
Funnily enough, he’d really like a cat someday! Ironic, yes, but he thinks they’re cute. He’d also be down for a dog: He likes the bigger and fluffier ones. A leonberger would probably be his first choice.
He always reads at night. He’s always down to read outloud to you if you’re interested, but he’s also content with just reading on his own. He’s an avid reader, and he always has been. It’s nice to just lean on him and count his breaths while he reads. Very slow and steady, and at some point, he’ll usually start tracing little shapes on your spine with his claws. You’re not even sure if he realizes he’s doing it, but it’s very relaxing. 
“Two more chapters, and then I’ll go to bed.” “Don’t people usually say ‘one more chapter?’” “Yeah, but that’d be a lie and we both know it.” “Fair.”
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 years
You see the real me
Hey @komorebirei, I’m your @lukadrien-winter gifter! Before we got our assignments, I had been rereading a lot of Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot books, so this is kinda based on Sarah Dessen’s book Just Listen. If you have read it, don’t worry, I made sure it didn’t have any of your triggers in it. I hope you like it. I based it off one of my favourite scenes from the book. Mentions of ‘the cult’ and Nathan are from Divergance by @depressed-teacup-inc and @sarcasticsparkles (TwiglightMaster15). Hope you enjoy!
Clara Nightingale played from the speakers of Adrien’s computer as he dialled the number for the radio station.
“MIRC Radio.”
“I wasn’t at the mall to see Clara Nightingale; I actually know her,” Adrien defended. He then realised Luka would just use it as an excuse to tease him more.
“That doesn’t exactly clear you of being there,” Luka said. God, he walked right into that one.
“I had a meeting for the fashion show? I’m surprised Rose didn’t tell you.”
“She was more focused on seeing you and getting all that stuff from the swimsuit store. Also, why is Paris’ biggest model doing a fashion show at a mall?”
“You mean, the biggest mall in Paris that holds a total of 30 different stores that sell my father’s clothes? Kinda don’t have a choice.”
“Woo of being a model. Any chance you get to choose what you eat?”
Adrien raised an eyebrow. “Lunch on Friday was a bag of chips. What do you think?”
“Fair enough. Come get breakfast with me. It’s a tradition after every radio show. Nathan’s paying.”
Adrien thought of the red-haired bundle of energy. “Sure.”
“We’ll be at your house in 20. See you then.”
Adrien hung up and closed the webpage that had the radio’s website on it. Usually, he would sleep in on weekends, unless he had any photoshoots. But like many things that changed after the summer, waking up to listen to the radio was a new thing. All Adrien wanted was to get through school without any issues. Not that a certain person would make that easy. And of course because he made stupid decisions that pushed away any friends he could have had, Adrien was alone. It was like when he started school again.
Then…Luka. After a confrontation he’d rather not relive, Luka came to check on him. Even after seeing him hide in the boy’s room and actually get sick, he was there with tissues and water, asking if he was ok. It had been so strange then. To everyone, Luka was the weirdly silent kid who hung out with a ‘cult’, but would apparently beat up anyone who looked at him wrong. Adrien still remembered when one of the seniors had tried lording over him. Luka dropped his guitar case, punched the guy in the face and then walked off. He should have been terrifying. But like people started to believe the rumors following Adrien about him, he realised he had been the same for Luka. Luka was just a guy so in love with music and had trouble expressing himself without it, so he’d done it with his fists. But Anger Management had helped and now he actually had words and Adrien just couldn’t help but feel stable around him. 
Everything else in his life was going crazy. The rumors, the actual truth behind said rumors, Felix and issues with his mom and Adrien’s father, his loneliness because he couldn’t just talk to the people he’d been friends with for so long, the pressures of still doing modelling, everything. Luka made sense and even with his incredibly odd taste for music and odd sayings pulled from Anger Management classes, Adrien felt happy. Of course the crush that was growing might have also added things. He tried ignoring it, and maybe ignoring Luka, but the idea of losing him wasn’t something he wanted, so he accepted it. Whether or not he’d act on it was the question, but who knew.
The mansion was quiet. His parents were still out of town, Felix was no doubt still asleep and Nathalie never got up before coffee was made. He did find Gorilla in the kitchen doing just that though.
“Hey, I’m going out for breakfast. A friend is picking me up,” he told the towering silent man, who nodded after miming at him to have his phone.
He walked outside, already finding two motorcycles sitting outside the gate. Luka had his spare helmet waiting for him, his own visor pushed up.
“Question, how do you feel about bacon?”
“You know, pork product? Smells amazing? Best part of breakfast?”
“I mean, it’s not usually one of my list of things I can eat, but I guess I can deal.”
“Excellent, get on.”
Adrien had gotten very used to Luka’s very fast driving and before he knew it, they were pulling up to a large restaurant. Nathan was bouncing in place waiting for Adrien and Luka to get off the bike before he darted off to the front door. The restraint was modelled after an American diner and it was freezing inside.
“Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot to mention how cold they have it in here,” Luka said, pulling off his jacket, which Adrien tried to wave off. “Trust me. They keep it cold in here so you don’t stay all day.”
He took the jacket, taking in how warm it was. Luka’s scent wafted up, almost covering up the heavy smell of bacon inside the restaurant.
“Why does it smell like a meat store in here?” Adrien asked, sitting next to Luka.
“Well this place has always been the place we get breakfast from after the radio show. Ever since the first one. But they got a competitor not too long ago,” Nathan started to explain.
“With crap pancakes and service.” Luka interrupted.
“Yes. So to counteract it, they made every day double bacon day. Whatever you order, you get a double order of bacon.”
“Which he of course has to pay for.”
Nathan pouted. “You try asking for what I want.”
“I have.” Noticing Adrien’s confused face, he explained. “We’ve got a friend who makes D&D characters and she designs all of ours. Nathan here has a specific look he wants but he thinks it’s too embarrassing to ask for. I told him if he asked, I’d pay for breakfast forever. If he doesn’t, then he will. We’ve had two redesigns in the past year or so and he’s still chickened out.”
Nathan stuck his tongue out like a child. “Leave me alone.”
Adrien shook his head. This was his life now, with a music loving former rebel and an overactive redhead. This he would gladly deal with.
While the others ordered large platters, Adrien played it safe with a waffle and bacon, though Luka let him steal some of his eggs. Funnily enough, if Nathan tried, he’d get a slap on the back of the hand. He tried not to preen at the special attention.
Nathan had to head to work, so it was just the two of them as they drove back towards Agreste Mansion. It was still quiet in the streets and it seemed like there was no movement in the house.
“Thanks for breakfast.”
“No problem. If I had known playing pop songs would get your attention, I would have done it sooner.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “No you wouldn’t.”
“Ok no cause I hate that music but still. You said you won’t be at school on Monday, right?”
“Yeah, it’s the only time an outfit fitting could be scheduled. So Tuesday then?”
“Tuesday. I’ll see you later.”
Adrien had already entered through the gates when he realised that he was still wearing Luka’s jacket. He turned to try and give it back, but Luka had already sped off. Adrien started to pull it off anyway as he made his way through the door when he felt something in the coat hit against his leg. Inside one of the pockets was Luka’s iPod. His pride and joy. Adrien couldn’t remember a time when Luka didn’t have it on him. 
That first day of school, when Adrien avoided the lunch room or any of the lunch benches out on the quad, he sat next to Luka against a wall. He had his earphones in, eyes focused on a book. Adrien still didn’t know him then. If he’d been told at that time that Luka Couffaine would become his rock, his best friend, his, well, crush, he would have thought that person was insane. But here he was.
Felix was leaving the dining room when he went inside, looking surprised to see Adrien.
“When did you leave?”
“Early this morning. I got breakfast with a friend.”
Felix raised an eyebrow. “Same one who delivered that pizza before?”
One of Luka’s jobs was as a delivery person for a local pizza place. When Adrien had tried listening to one of Luka’s many made CDs for him – so he could be educated on the right type of music – and fallen asleep, it led to Felix meeting Luka for the first time. Adrien hadn’t been looking for it but it sounded like Felix approved and that gave him a feeling of happiness.
Felix let out a hum before heading to the stairs. He was happy he didn’t say anything more. Adrien wasn’t sure what he’d say anyway.
He collapsed onto his bed, ready to fall asleep again. He couldn’t though, because of a certain item. Luka’s iPod. He was never seen without it. Luka said the silence made him itch, like everything was too much to handle. So the thing that helped him was never far out of reach. It turned on, still a half full battery available. There were many playlists, the names making no sense, but one caught his attention.
He knew sneaking around on it wasn’t the best idea but…he couldn’t help himself. He pressed the center button and the list of songs that appeared where a mash of a lot of things. Things that looked very familiar. Because they were all the songs he and Luka ever talked about. Luka had a playlist of all the songs they talked about and it was a lot.
He wanted to know if the way he felt was the same. If he was making things up or wishing too hard. He wanted answers. It took all of his energy to not go running after Luka and asking. He fell asleep after several minutes of slowly scrolling through the list of songs Luka had under his name.
Adrien climbed out of the car, watching as Gorilla pulled out his phone. He meant to leave the house earlier. He distracted himself with homework before he went to ask Gorilla to take him to Luka’s house, when he was interrupted by a mighty crash from the kitchen. Felix was attempting to cook. Adrien stayed back to help and eat with him before he left.
He crossed the gangplank onto the deck of the house boat. The deck was empty, though there seemed to be music playing in the area above. He didn’t remember the whole look of it from the last time he was here, but he was sure that was a sitting area. He knocked on the door below the deck, which swung open. Rose, Luka’s sister’s girlfriend, let out a shriek when she saw who was standing on the other side.
“Adrien! What are you doing here?”
“Is that Adrien Agreste?” A girl with dreadlocks, some strands of different colours, looked at him in awe. There was another girl with red hair and glasses and another with a baseball cap and Juleka. They were all staring at him.
“Adrien is my friend! Oh, come in!” He was yanked inside where music seemed to be echoing on the walls and the living room was a mess. “We’re having a fashion show sleepover. You have to stay and help us with our looks.”
“Oh, well, you see.”
“Rose, are you ready yet? I have…” Luka walked in with a DSLR camera around his neck. “A show to plan? Adrien, what are you doing here?”
“He’s here to help us with our looks.” Rose said, pulling Adrien further into the house. He sent a pleading look to Luka who shrugged. He had a feeling that telling Rose ‘no’ was a hard thing. He was dragged to Juleka’s room, though Luka’s was separated with a curtain that was currently pushed back. Juleka’s taste in decorating was darker than her brother’s, but a lot of things seemed to be similar, such as the guitar and bass sitting in their stands and the posters of Jagged Stone. Some pictures didn’t really fit Juleka’s theme. Pictures of models, both male and female.
“Look, these are you.” Pictures from his father’s brand, from cologne ads, from sporting wear, even from that department store ad, with the tux for the dance, the perfect outfit and hair after fencing, the perfect outfit to study in the library. “I loved that ad so much and its story. You were so cool. You were like…”
“The guy who had everything.”
“Rose, come on. I have a show to plan. Are we going to do this or not?” Luka said, finally pulling her attention away.
“Alright, alright. Who has the order lists?” 
The girls started to leave the area, but not before the one in the baseball cap turned and quickly slapped the back of Luka’s butt, causing them all to burst into laughter as he let out a startled yelp. They quickly disappeared when he turned to glare at them. Adrien couldn’t help but stifle his laughter. It had been a high pitch squeak.
“Not a word out of you,” Luka ordered upon seeing him laugh.
“Course not. Here, I wanted to give this back to you,” he said, handing over the jacket.
“Oh, I could have waited until Tuesday to get this.”
“I know. I’m just sure you couldn’t wait for this.” He pulled out Luka’s iPod from one of the pockets, watching his face light up.
“Oh I would so miss this! Thank you.”
“I had a feeling you’d flip all of Paris to try and find it.”
“Very true. So what commercial was Rose talking about?”
Adrien pointed to the pictures from the different scenes of the ad. “It was from the department store for their back to school campaign. I’m the guy who has everything. Don’t feel like it though.”
“Doesn’t really look like you.”
Adrien looked over at him feeling a little insulted. “You don’t have to like it.”
“No, I mean, I’m looking at it and I see this picture-perfect person and think, ‘that’s not my Adrien’. It just doesn’t look like the real you.”
Before Adrien could ask him who the real Adrien was, Rose called from what sounded like above deck. Luka looked pained as he turned, heading towards the stairs.
“This is gonna end in tears. Just you watch.”
It took a while but it turned out Luka was right. Adrien had been in his corner of the sitting area on the deck above surrounded by mountains of makeup when one of the girls, Mylène, burst into tears.
“I don’t want to do this outfit anymore! I’m always in this one.” It was a beachy outfit; which Adrien guessed her dreads played a part in. Everyone else had changed a good number of times, but Mylène always seemed to be in different versions of the same outfit.
He quickly swooped in and took Mylène downstairs. She directed him to the clothes she brought over and it took a bit of prodding to find an outfit. He sent her off to the bathroom while he rooted through the pile of shoes to find a pair that would fit her. He looked up to see Luka leaning against the post that acted as the centre between his and Juleka’s rooms.
“You’re good at this,” he said, smiling down at Adrien.
“Modelling does lead to tears. Just find something to distract them and give them lots of chocolate after. Works every time.” Adrien finally found the shoes he wanted and stood up to see Luka pointing the camera at him. Covering his face with his hand, he said, “No. I don’t like having my picture taken.”
“But you’re one of Paris’ biggest models.”
“I know. Trust me, getting cameras shoved in your face is not as glamorous as it seems.”
“Oh, come on. Let me at least show you what I see.”
Remembering what Luka had said earlier about the ad pictures not looking like ‘his Adrien’, he brought his hand down and relaxed his body. He felt the smallest smile come to his face as Luka brought the camera back up and clicked the shutter. He walked over, leaning close to Luka as he brought the picture up. The lighting wasn’t the greatest and in the mess of helping Rose, his hair and clothes were a bit messy, but…he understood what Luka was saying.
“This is the real you,” Luka said, his words just brushing Adrien’s cheek, that’s how close they were. “This is my Adrien.”
My Adrien. It wasn’t weirdly possessive. It was comforting and with every insane thing that was happening in his life, to be picked by someone just for being himself, that made his heart happy. 
Maybe that’s why when he looked up and saw Luka staring at him, eyes moving down to his lips, he kissed him. He felt Luka kiss back. Adrien wanted to grab hold of him because the kiss made him feel weak in the knees, it felt that good, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
“How do I look?”
The two sprang apart, Luka hitting his head on the post. Mylène looked worried and a bit confused, but thankfully it looked like she hadn’t seen.
“Are you ok?” she asked.
“Luka! We’re ready for group shots!” Rose called from above deck.
“He’s all good. Here, put them on quickly,” Adrien said, handing her the shoes and pushing her towards the stairs. He could tell she was confused, but thankfully she didn’t ask.
They didn’t get a chance to be alone until the photoshoot was done and Luka had gotten the call that his mom would be home soon and the house was a mess. Luka walked Adrien to the gangplank, still waving off his offers to help clean up.
“Don’t worry about it. The girls will take care of most of it. Thanks again for bringing my iPod.”
“Of course.” Adrien hesitated, wanting to ask if the kiss was a fluke or if it was real when he realised Luka was moving closer to him, gently pulling his fidgeting fingers apart and linking them with his own.
“This ok?”
“Yeah. Perfect.”
Luka was leaning down and Adrien started to go up on his toes when they heard Rose. She came bounding over with pictures in her hand. The one that Luka took of him was on top.
“Here, so you can decorate your wall.”
When she finally went back below deck, Adrien gave Luka the picture he took of him. “That way you always remember what I look like. I might be coming to school in a few makeup looks next week.”
“Bet you’ll still look amazing as usual. I’m very tempted to test my luck a third time, but I can wait. Would you be ok if I came and picked you up on Tuesday?”
Adrien nodded, taking everything in him not to pull Luka in for a kiss, no matter who was watching.
“Awesome. I’ll see you then.”
Adrien had to bite down his smile when he eventually pulled himself away and got into the car. Kissing his rock should make him afraid of messing things up, but how could he when everything felt so right? And if Luka came to get him for school on Tuesday morning and Adrien noticed that his lanyard that had his student ID on it also had the picture of Adrien, well. How was he supposed to argue with that?
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
If you’re still doing these: how about comfort for when either Leon and/or Taka is sick or injured?
ALWAYS! Thank you so much! I'm excited to get cracking! Funnily enough, I've been kinda wondering about injury/ illness for them!
Mild trigger warning for past terminal illness below the stars, as well as some (not gory) details of broken bones.
Hope you enjoyyyyy!
• When Leon gets sick, Leons GETS SICK. Like proper man flu.
• He doesn't deal well with it at all. His body pretty much shuts down and he's bedridden, sleeping pretty much all the time.
• Thankfully, Taka is an excellent carer. Having taken care of his mother in her final months, he's used to all kinds of horrible things. So man flu is a piece of cake.
• For the first couple of days, he always leaves Leon be for the majority of the day - apart from waking him up to get him to sip some soup.
• He even sleeps on the sofa for those first few nights. Not because he's worried he'll catch Leon's cold - it's because he knows Leon will feel guilty about not cuddling and the last thing his boyfriend needs right now is extra stress.
• By day three, he's able to spend some time after work with him. Leon's never super talkative onnthe first day together. But the way he leans into Taka's touch, gazes sleepily up at him when he talks and whines when Taka tells him to get more sleep is enough for Taka to know he's on the mend.
• As the days go on Taka's able to give him some soft kisses, run his fingers through his hair and have normal conversations. And after about a week, Leon is back to functioning like a human being again.
• But the one thing he will always, ALWAYS, do as soon as Leon's up for getting out of bed is run a nice, warm bubble bath for them both to share.
• Leon always loves it because he can feel super close to the guy that's been taking care of him that he loves with all his heart, and will spend as much time as he can nuzzling happily into Taka's neck as he gets his hair and body washed.
• Taka of course feels the same, more than happy to smother Leon with the affection he's missed over the last few days...but he won't lie that he's just as desperate for Leon to stop smelling of BO!
• Taka is the kind of guy that powers through illnesses. He never took a sick day at school so why would he start doing in his worklife?
• Injury, however, he can't really power through - no matter how tough he may be.
• So when he goes over on his ankle badly on his way down the stairs one day, it catches him totally unaware and he yells out in agony as he drops to the ground.
• Leon, who's making a drink in the kitchen, doesn't quite know what to do after he's run out to check on Taka, who's now holding his foot up and off the floor.
• Despite being in an immense amount of pain, Taka has to (through gritted teeth) talk Leon through the next few stages. Because the poor guy is TOTALLY freaking out.
• 'Go get the car - park it as close as you can to the front door. You'll need to keep the back passenger door open. Then you need to come and get me and carry me to the car.'
• Leon just does as he's told, trying so hard to calm down so he doesn't crash the car on the way to the hospital.
• When it turns out Taka needs surgery on his ankle, Leon is A MESS. He tries to stay calm until Taka goes under. After that, he calls Mondo and Chi to help keep him company and stop from freaking out totally. It doesn't stop the tears though.
• By the time Taka's awake, Leon has calmed down. His boyfriend's okay and will need him to be his rock for the next six to eight weeks. Now it's time to show he can do it.
• Taka is a freaking NIGHTMARE during recovery. He mostly feels fine within himself so it's SO IRRITATING that he's bedridden. So his moods are up and down as he struggles to cope - temper flaring at the smallest thing.
• Leon is an angel. He does literally everything. He cooks, cleans, deals with Taka's rollercoaster emotions - all without complaining. He even helps Taka with his baths (which are beyond awkward - having to pretty much take Taka's full weight as he gets in and out of the tub and washing him since Taka's concentration has to go onto holding his leg out of the water).
• Every evening though, after Taka's moods having calmed down and Leon's snuggled with him undef the covers, watching a film on the TV that he's moved from the living room just for Taka, Taka always makes sure he apologises for his behaviour, telling Leon just how much he loves him and appreciates everything he's doing for him.
• And the sweetheart that is Leon simply smiles, kisses him on the lips and says:
• 'I'd do it all over again, as many times as it takes, if it means you're on the mend.'
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
Alright, friends, you know the drill by now. Here’s Part III of Sarcasticles’ overblown thoughts on sexism in One Piece. If you haven’t already, go read Part I and Part II before proceeding. 
I promise after this I’ll be done. By hook or by crook, we’re getting through the point of the original question. To the Anon who originally sent the ask, sorry it took this long to get here, I hope it’s helpful.
Also, I allude to some very, very minor Wano spoilers, so if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing here’s your warning. 
Characterization? I Don’t Know Her
What makes a good character?
I’ve spent an awful lot of time talking about character designs, when, funnily enough, it’s one of the aspects I pay the least attention to when it comes to deciding if I like how an author portrays their characters. I personally don’t care for fanservice, never have and never will. But unless it’s particularly egregious, I tend to ignore it because there are other factors I think are more important. 
The secret sauce for building characters is hard to define, because a good writer can take a concept that has no right being any good and turn it into something incredible (Oda does this all the time) where bad writers will seemingly slot all the right information in the right holes and still have their characters come out of the developmental oven flat and under cooked. 
One of the biggest buzzwords floating around these days is agency. Is a character active in their own story, or are they jerked around by the needs of the plot? Is their voice heard? Is their voice unique, or do they blend in with the background?
This is particularly important, because the term Strong Female Protagonist has been warped into shorthand for “girl who fights a lot and looks pretty doing it”. You can have a girl strong enough to lift mountains and still have her be a shit character. You can write a girl who’s main motivation is to get married and have babies with phenomenal depth. What matters is execution. 
The Petition to Call A Group of Rescue Arcs a ‘Damsel’
Both Nami and Robin had to be rescued, their main arcs bearing similarities that are impossible to ignore. But these aren’t copies of one another as much as variations on a theme, and with the existence of Marineford and Whole Cake Island I think anyone would be hard-pressed to say that One Piece’s rescue arcs are a girl’s thing. At this point it’s a feature, not a bug. 
Which makes sense given how fundamental the idea freedom is to the series. Hell, the first thing Luffy does after becoming a pirate is free Coby from Alvida’s tyrannical reign. Then he frees Zoro from an unjust authority that would have killed him had Luffy not intervened.
Notice a pattern here? 
One Piece is written like Pachelbel Canon, in that a very simple core of ideas are repeated over and over with layers of complexity and nuance added over time, examining the same themes from every possible angle. 
And when you look at the Four Big Rescue Arcs -- Nami, Robin, Ace, Sanji -- you’ll see that it’s Ace who’s given the least agency throughout his arc. Nami chose to hijack the Going Merry, repeatedly chose to push away the Straw Hats until she reached her breaking point, at which she chose to ask for help, with Luffy only intervening once she does. 
Robin is a little less obvious, but during the post-Water 7 party chapters, Aokiji makes the interesting observation that Robin could have escaped CP9, but chose not to
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Remember that before Robin’s backstory was shown, Luffy specifically said he didn’t care if she wanted to die or not, so long as she was with the Straw Hats when she made her decision. No one bullied her into “I wanna live”. It was a choice she made of her own volition after realizing the depths the Straw Hats would go on her behalf.
I know there are people who disagree with me, but Nami and Robin are well-written characters. I’ve expounded enough on my reasoning both here and on my main that I don’t want to spend the time belaboring the point. What I do want is to note that Luffy wouldn’t be able to attain his dreams without them. Nami keeps them on course while also severing as a sort of moral compass for the crew -- remember she was the one who insisted on saving the giant kids at Punk Hazard -- while Robin’s ability to read the poneglyphs is what’s going to get the crew to Raftel.
Robin admittedly doesn’t have the same presence within the Straw Hat Pirates as Nami, but I would hardly call that sexism. Since Water 7/Enies Lobby she’s been pretty content to go with whatever Luffy says, and the fact that she’s literally quieter than anyone else in the crew means she doesn’t get as much focus. I think there could be more scenes with her using her specific skill set, like her investigations in Wano and the forensic anthropology scene in the pre-Jaya chapters, but I’m okay with her being a supporting character. 
The East Blue Crew have consistently gotten the most focus of any of the Straw Hats. They are the core of the crew, something Oda admits in a roundabout way in the Color Walk where they all appear together for the first time in a color spread
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With the main cast as large as it is, not everyone is going to have the same amount of focus or development. Robin is given a unique voice within the story because she doesn’t overreact the way literally everyone else does. Through her silence, she stands out. I find there to be very meaningful character development when she feels comfortable enough with the Straw Hats to start calling them by name in Thriller Bark, relaxed enough with her friends to comitt her first facefaults in a series lousy with them in both Dressrosa and Wano.
In an ideal world, Oda would better rotate through his cast, much like how Brook was the unsung MVP on Whole Cake Island (where Nami was also excellent in a supporting role) but I don’t think people realize how hard it is to juggle almost a dozen different people in a story that’s bloated exponentially over time. To his credit, Oda has handled his expanding crew better than most writers. 
I also find it hard to judge this aspect of the series because the manga’s not done yet. I don’t know how Robin and Nami will be used in the future. I mean, Robin never got a chapter title declaring her “The Seventh” which I find suspicious, so Oda could very well have events in store that completely turn our perceptions upside down. It’s impossible to say.
I will acknowledge that the lack of big fights is somewhat disappointing, but neither Robin nor Nami’s dreams revolve around them getting stronger. Robin doesn’t need to use her power to make people explode from the inside out, Nami doesn’t need to fry end-game bosses with her lightning stick. That’s simply not their narrative purpose. With the exception of Tashigi, I’ve found that the female characters advertised as fighters have lived up to their billing. Hancock came out of Marineford unscathed. Carrot’s sulong form was awesome, in the old-fashioned sense of the word. The whole climax of Whole Cake Island revolved around surviving Big Mom’s wrath. Not beating her, not fighting her, it took all the Straw Hats had to just survive. Once again you’re left with a number’s game where where there just aren’t enough female characters to even pretend things are balanced.
All said, I think if you’re going to complain about the lack of Robin fights then I think you also have to complain about the lack of Brook fights, and that’s just not something you hear about, especially after Whole Cake Island. You can’t have it both ways. Either there needs to be more even distribution of major fights throughout the entire crew, or you have to acknowledge that a character’s worth isn’t dependent on their fighting prowess. 
One Piece is a battle manga, and I do think that it’s fair to criticize when a character isn’t allowed to fight when they’re perfectly capable of kicking ass. But it’s also an adventure story, and that opens up entirely new space for a character to occupy, and that’s where I think Nami and Robin (but especially Nami) really shine
That Moment You Realize Humor Isn’t A Universal Language
I’ve spent so much time defending Oda’s designs and characters that it might seem like I’m perfectly okay with everything that’s portrayed in the manga. To be clear, I’m not. If the messages and comments I’ve gotten over the past several days have taught me anything, it’s that many fans share the same sticking points I do, namely in regards to some of the gags. 
I again want to be careful here, because I’m hardly an expert on Japanese culture and it’s really hard to tell if Oda writes his jokes because he thinks they’re funny, or if he thinks his audience will find them funny. I’m again going to default to somewhere in the middle, because if Oda truly found the perviness distasteful he probably wouldn’t have included it, and I’ve read enough SBS to know the guy likes his dick jokes. 
First and foremost, one must address the culture gap. Japan ranks last among G7 nations on gender equality, In 2004 two-thirds of Tokyo women in their 20-30s reported to being groped while on public transport. There are numerous barriers that make it difficult for a woman to succeed either in the workplace or politics. 
From what I can gather, some of these trends are reversing, albeit slowly and with great resistance. Contrary to what many people seem to believe culture is not always value neutral. And I say that as an American, recognizing there are plenty of things about my culture and country that are really fucked up. 
But who gets to decide who’s right and who’s wrong?
When inside that kind of environment, that kind of culture, it’s a lot easier to understand how a character like Sanji can exist. It’s easy to understand why Momo shoving his face into Nami and Robin’s boobs might be played for laughs. It’s not an excuse, but an explanation. And with Sanji failing more often than not, being the butt of his own joke as he slowly turns into a parody of what he once was, one could almost say Oda is pointing those types of people and saying, “Look how pathetic this guy is. Now go laugh as he gets a nosebleed so bad he needs multiple blood transfusions in order to not die.”
I say almost, because Sanji is never condemned for his actions, nor does he learn from them. Instead you have this character who’s supposed to be one of the kindest characters in the series decide to immediately go peep on a woman’s bath house after gaining the power of invisibility. 
Stay classy, Oda.
As distasteful as I find it, I don’t find fanservice to be an inherently evil thing that must be eradicated at all costs, and with Oda doing things like putting his entire cast, male and female, into skintight leathers you can hardly say that he’s excluding the men. 
Everyone will have their line in the sand, and mine goes back to agency. When Nami did her Happiness Punch way back in Alabasta, that was of her own volition. When Nami and Robin dress in clothes that show everything but the nipple, that’s something they chose and feel comfortable in. 
But when Smoker and Tashigi swapped bodies at Punk Hazard, Tashigi specifically asked Smoker not to strip, and he did anyway, opening her coat and removing her bra. This is especially egregious as Tashigi is one of the very few women in the series who is always shown wearing very conservative clothing. Oda specifically showed Tashigi getting upset at Smoker’s actions, and Smoker repeatedly refusing to listen to her.   
That’s where I draw my line. 
Some Final Thoughts I Couldn’t Fit Anywhere Else 
Thought The First--Oda has an interesting habit of turning his most despicable, scummy pieces of flaming human garbage into the butt of the joke. Villains like Crocodile and Doflamingo are certainly evil, but it’s the idealized, cool type of evil that makes you almost admire them. There aren’t very many real-world Crocodiles, but just about everyone knows a Spandam, or an Absalom, or a Vander Decken. These kinds of villains aren’t scary because of their physical prowess, but their unyielding obsessions and the power they’re able to wring from the system, and -- surprise, surprise -- all three are either actively trying to be creepy sex pests or coded as such with the visual language of the comic.   
And Oda turns them into a mockery. 
While there are some who feel like not treating serious issues like sexual assault seriously are doing a disservice to people who have endured similar experiences I think there’s merit to turning them into a laughingstock. As someone much smarter than me said once, if an opinion cannot withstand mockery it’s revealed to be ridiculous, and these scummy-scum villains are certainly ridiculous.
Thought The Second--It’s hard to say how much sexism is a thing in-universe. Kuina is the only one who is explicitly told her dreams were impossible because of her gender, but with the recent reveal confirming that her family came from Wano, which in turn is based on Feudal Japan, it’s hard to say how widespread these beliefs are. Tashigi brought it up again at Loguetown and Bellemere specifically told her girls that they lived in an era where “girls needed to be strong, too”, but otherwise it’s not a topic that’s been explored in any depth
Thought The Third--The in-universe fetishization of mermaids has some implications that I think are unintended but worth discussing. Shirahoshi has a reputation of being one of the most beautiful women in the world despite not leaving her tower for over 10 years (she’s 16). Mermaids whose tails have split are worth less on the slave market than those whose are intact. Even Zoro erased Kokoro from his memory after meeting the more attractive Caime. It’s one of those odd things that when combined with the more obvious racism themes could have some unfortunate implications, and I think could have been avoided had Oda show a little more restraint with some of his jokes. Unintended consequences are still consequences. 
Thought The Forth--There are many other instances throughout the series that people bring up with talking about sexism in One Piece. I feel like a lot of these can be explained away individually -- for example, both Belo Betty and Rebecca’s stripperific outfits were inspired by other media, the painting Liberty of the People and Red Sonja respectively; Lola chasing after an obviously abusive man makes a whole lot more sense when you meet Big Mom; Hancock’s love sickness could be seen as an emotionally stunted woman experiencing her first crush, etc., etc -- it’s when they’re all put together that they begin to read as “Problematic”. 
It would be impossible to go over all these individually, but I tend to fall on the side of leniency. In the end, everyone has to make their own decisions based on their own values. I’m hardly unbiased, and my enjoyment for the series will undoubtedly make me look the other way when another might call the exact same incident The Worst Thing Ever. The thing is, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most are convinced that theirs don’t stink. I include myself in that statement. In the end it’s a comic for kids. It’s supposed to be fun. 
Thought The Last--I have spent entirely too much of my time writing this up, but in the end I guess I have to go back to what I said when I talked about my thoughts on Sanji: Everyone has their own personal line of acceptable bullshit, and for me Oda does more good than bad. Sanji specifically gets very little leniency from me because I don’t like a lot of the gross behavior Oda passes over as a joke. But the female characters themselves, generally speaking? They’re fine. There are other mangaka that have more equal male to female ratios or have women play more active roles in the story, but Oda does a lot better than most other shonen titles I’ve read. 
It’s okay to be critical of media you enjoy. It’s okay to complain. But remember that One Piece is a very long series, and there are some fans who have been a round for literally decades. I myself started reading weekly around the time Duval was introduced, way back in 2008. Every time a new batch of fans comes in the same old arguments get stirred to the top of the pot: Sanji is a creep, Oda can’t draw women, why doesn’t Robin ever get to fight?
It can be exhausting to go through the same hoops time and time again. So if you’re someone who is being critical and feel like no one is listening, or that a bunch of fans are going out of their way to defend Oda, that could be one of the reasons why. They’re tired of having a series they enjoy be shit on. 
There are other fans who legitimately don’t think that Oda’s done anything wrong, that jokes are just jokes. If you happen to fall in that category, remember that not everyone feels that way. Art reflects life, which in turn reflects art. One Piece is a few million copies away from outselling Batman. To say it isn’t influential to young readers, both in Japan and abroad, is beyond asinine. 
I thank everyone who’s taken the time to read this so far. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how civil the discussion and my inbox as stayed. Even if I didn’t respond to your message, I promise that I did read it. 
I wrote as much as I did because I know this is a topic a lot of people care about, and also so I hopefully don’t have to write about it again. A lot of hours has gone into this project, and it’s been exhausting, but in a good way, if that makes any sense. I’m ready to put it to rest. 
I was joking with some friends that I think I’ve hit just about every hot topic issue now, so hopefully I can go back to fun questions like speculating if Wapol can eat a person and poop out a devil fruit. 
Until then, Sarcasticles, out         
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randomikemendegen · 3 years
For the OC befriending ask, my OC is a magicless ambivert who excels in subjects that don't require magic (Math, Alchemy, PE, etc.) but fails almost every subject in the magic department thanks to Grim XDD. Would help you study if you're close. Her cooking skills are a 50/50 - as if it was magic, sometimes her food turns as good as Trey's but sometimes Lilia's. Excited to see the results!
Funnily enough, your OC has a HIGH CHANCE of befriending Leviotan of all people-- mostly thanks in part to Vivi serving as the bridge in connecting the two. The moment this tall man discovers the russian roulette-esque cooking talent of her, he's up on her case and gives honest criticisms about her food during the days where the cooking end result looks as horrid as Lilia's does (because Levi absolutely REFUSES to let that type of trash near anywhere his little sis).
Cinis may appear unapproachable but she's actually really nice if you get to know her even just for a while. Due to her nature, she's probably already taken notice of your OC for some time now and has expressed some level of intrigue and concern in her. Honestly the only "natural" way she sees in establishing a friendly relationship in this case is by tutoring your OC in her failing classes (in the magic department) and from there Cinis steadily begins to act much like an aloof older sister.
Quintin is the Shy Friend™️ no doubt (lol). Probably became friends thanks to ADeuce or some form of like accidental shoujo-esque bumping into each other, honestly probably both ehe. Anyways, Quintin can't handle too much energy from an extrovert (ironically that's exactly Seisear, and it's exactly his reasoning lol) but if they're too much of an introvert then he feels even more embarrassed because he thinks he might unintentionally pushy or something-- so your OC being a good balance of the two, an ambivert, is the best case for him and he's able to be just himself which contributes to a steady friendship.
(... honestly if you're the MC, you almost instantly have a higher chance of getting anywhere near the first two ahahaha~ tho in Levi's case, getting on Vivi's good graces is one of the easiest ways for him to give a damn about you)
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j9guardians · 4 years
We spend a lot of time speaking on the contributions of Nine towards Joong in this fandom. That’s likely due to how visual his actions of care are. He physically is there for Joong in many ways be it helping him with studies, being his driver, letting him stay over, cooking, comforting him with touch. This time I wanted to extend on some of the things I mentioned previously. I want to peel back the surface layer and really explore why J9 works the way it does.
I think what many people overlook is the high probability that J9 are so close because Joong pursued the friendship either consciously or subconsciously.
When we hear Nine talk about their first meeting or his first impression, it’s clear that there were snags in his interest of a budding relationship between the two. This isn’t because Nine is negative or shady for the sake of being so. It’s because some people, like Nine, really measure you up in the first meeting. I’d go as far as saying he’s protective of his soft parts and don’t let most people in past a surface level. So there’s an immediate instinct to build walls.
Joong on the other hand has been said to be very trusting, naive, and gullible even - but with this he also seems to be very intuitive and also instinctive. By that I mean, that he goes with his feelings. If he feels someone is ‘good’ he’s going to go with that. If he feels like saying or doing in the moment he probably will try to go with the flow of it. When he recalls meeting Nine he expresses seeing him in his skill set and being kinda intimidated, in wanting to speak to Nine but being afraid to. This isn’t jealousy, nor envy, what he’s expressing in his description is admiration and trepidation. And because Joong is the type that wants to trust, because he admired Nine at the first - there was an openness and probably even a desire to create a friendship - despite the vibe of nine wanting otherwise.
This is the secret - people who build emotional walls usual have the desire fior those who excel at tearing down such walls, because there’s a hope here. The thought process becomes if this person works this hard, shows this much interest and effort to know me, to create a bond - then can’t I trust them to know how to protect me in the place of the wall. The real thing that they’re seeking is stability and security. So Joong being who he naturally is - trusting, sweet/nice, and honest are the parts of the things that helped him to build his relationship with Nine but it also had to come with levels of pursuit - being consciously interested in Nine’s daily goings, in his emotionalism and really being attentive to those parts. Because truly Nine is a creature of emotion, and I don’t mean that in the way that humans are emotive beings, no I mean some people’s basis are emotions - it’s the thing that’s moves them, the thing they protect, the thing that leaks through every portion of their being.
When we talk about love - Nine is one of those types who wants to give it, who exudes it, give it in totality even. People tend to use the word - mothering but i’d say the correct terminology is nurturing, as it means to care for or encourage development and really Nine in every essence. He is very much all about emotional expression. With this comes a moodiness and cetain type of stress so Nine needs to be adored, uplifted. On the other side Joong is the type that wants to see love wants to believe it in and experience it. There’s is a need to be doted on here as well but Joongs type of love is as close as you’re gonna get to unconditional. because he’s the go with the flow type, because he is so intuitive, theres this type of acceptance that many aren’t capable of and with it a willingness to be for what someone else needs. So there’s a give and take here, a compatibility. Emotional stimuli is why their relationship is ideal for them.
While differently, Joong is an emotional being as well and this is why he understands Nines emotionalism, his hangups, his tough shell. Nine has expressed thanks for this understanding of the parts of his persona that others might find difficult adapting to and managing as Joong has. We’ve heard them speak about not sleeping due to late night conversations. They’ve expressed their rules and a small bit of how they’ve created a working system inside their friendship. In the last post I mentioned how Nine said around Joong he can be his real authentic self. What he’s expressing there is that Joong pulls him out of his shell a bit, that he does so without judgement, or manipulation. He’s saying that with Joong, his inner workings are safe, Joong is seeing him and he still feels secure in those moments. I think Nine is/was genuinely surprised by this acceptance from Joong, because like I said previously, people don’t tend to truly like those who lean far to the serious side, who need exceeding encouragement and uplifting. Yet here we have Joong who seems to accept his rough sides - the part that excommunicates, or goes cold, is critical - and encourages him even during those times.
On the flip side, Nine’s concept of building ‘us’ friendships likely is ideal for Joong in many ways definitely during a time where his own family isn’t there. With Nine he’s allowed to not only build a partnership, a friendship a brotherhood, but also he’s become a part of Nines family. Once Nine accepted him into his circle, he welcomed him into both of his homes, and into his family who on their part accepted Joong as one of their own as well. This steeples their bond as Joong equally accepts the family as his own - referring to Nines mom as his mom and the siblings as his siblings.
Nine is perceptive which helps him smooth many emotional pitfalls that surrounds Joongs own sensitivities. In any good moment when there’s a misstep he’ll mend what he said, note that he’s joking, salve with small touches. If the mistep or slight is from someone else its the same, he’ll correct the person as a way to mend what they’ve said, lighten the mood, and often salve with some form of touch or look. Having let Joong in, Nine considers him ‘one of his people’ and with that comes many levels of protectiveness, possessiveness and clinginess.
Because of their set up and how the company likes to play up certain elements of their interactions, fandom seems to worry that outside sources will stem future problems. In fact the fear currently seems to come from the thought process that changes for Joong (starting university) means less time for J9 and more time for him to build outside relationships, which will create a distance. Its not that I’m saying outside forces can’t become a problem, no, I’m saying that the real issue between Joong and Nine (if ever one) will truly stem from the same thing that makes them so great together - their emotionalism. People don’t realize this but often, the thing that makes you love someone is usually the thing you eventually find most trying. Nine loves Joongs free spiritedness because it pulls him out of his shell - but that free spirited nature puts him out of his territory, with it comes unpredictability, instability and for someone who seeks stability and security that can be a landline. Same with Joong, he loves Nines drive and ability to be multi-talented and focused on his craft but with serious mindsets can come great pressure, feeling ignored, or second place to things like career - and that could be an issue.
J9 is that type of pairing that when it’s good between them it’s off the charts great because the ways they are similar caters to the one another’s needs. They’re both intuitive enough to communicate beyond words, they understand eachother on a deep level. So when they have fun they really have fun. But when it’s bad, it’s oh so very very bad. Because they are both highly emotional people when they go at it they but heads and the fights are high in tension as they don’t hold back. This is something they’ve admitted themselves. But when they makeup they’re also the type that comes with tears and apologies and real forgiveness because again they understand each other’s pitfalls. There is a real sense of guilt, because there is so much love beneath the surface and they don’t want to lose what they’ve managed to find/create.
The reason I’m not feeling insecure about Joong and university is because I understand that J9 truly make one another a priority. Joong has other friends, he’s had other jobs that gave him access to other people, he has other brotherhoods within the 6 Moons, but its inarguable that he makes himself readily accessible to and for Nine. Nine still makes sure he shines some attention on Joong even during his study sessions - sometimes even breaking his own rules and allowing Joong entry before his study span is over. There has been times he’s taken less sleep or done the extra driving to make sure he and Joong got their time in. We make time for what’s important and J9 seems to have always done that exceedingly well.
I don’t think separation will be their danger zone but instead a bit of codependency. It’s been only a years and they seem in the stage where being apart is not their definition of ideal. They use one another for emotional reliance, so much so I wonder if they’re really using any others to carry that burden. That’s the thing about emotional beings, it’s easy to fall and get lost in the hole of - someone understands me, sees me, accepts me. It can be addicting, electrifying, exhilarating. But it can also set the entire relationship ablaze and burnout those within it. Relationship - no matter what capacity - family, friends,’lovers, partners - are hard to maintain. They take patience, compassion, empathy, compromise, communication. Love isn’t what keeps people bound/bonded together it’s the tools we use to present love that does.
Personally I think Joong & Nine has what it takes to be in each other’s lives forever. Funnily I don’t believe anyone has done a fmv to it yet but I think Sam Smith’s Fire on Fire are made for pairings like J9.
“When we fight, we fight like lions
But then we love and feel the truth
We lose our minds in a city of roses
We won't abide by any rules
I don't say a word
But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know
There you go, saving me from out of the cold”
- Sam Smith Fire On Fire
That...that to me is the definition of J9 and why they work so well.
Note: First Video belongs to Macy, I got permission to use as i would have to reupload. You can find her on twitter @j9uwu
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ofriparian · 3 years
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AURORA “RORY” ADELE VALENTINA PETRELLI chase one of seven sins seven miles down the coast? Originally from FLORIDA KEYS, FLORIDA, the TWENTY-FIVE YEAR OLD CIS-FEMALE is a BARTENDER AT THE LUCKY ICARUS and has lived in the Key for ALL OF HER LIFE. SHE is suppose to call BAHAMA VILLAGE home, but there is always temptation lurking between the streets and the ocean that keeps HER from heading back. Sinners and saints take many forms, but they look like ZOEY DEUTCH and on their way to make decisions, good and bad, they always seem to sway to the beat of THEREFORE I AM BY BILLIE EILISH. 
                                                ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴   ✴    ✴   ✴   ✴
full name:  aurora adele valentina petrelli. 
nicknames:  rory, ro. 
age:  25 
date of birth: december 26th
zodiac: capricorn 
gender:  female
pronouns: she/her 
sexuality:  bisexual. 
occupation: bartender at the lucky icarus. 
hobbies: doing drugs, singing, playing piano and guitar, cooking, exploring. 
hair color:  blondish brown. 
eye color: brown.
height: 5′2″
weight:  110 lbs
parents: angelina and anthony “big ton” petrelli. 
siblings: cyrus petrelli, older brother.        
full biography ~ * : 
aurora adele valentina petrelli came into the world screaming the day after christmas and for that, her mother always boasted that her little baby girl was a holy baby. despite her angelic look and her pretty little brown eyes, aurora was anything but angelic. she was a colicky, squirmy, crying baby that never seemed satisfied, and would cry at the very drop of a hat. she didn’t sleep well and angelina and anthony petrelli seemed to have their work cut out for them with their only little girl. the only time that aurora would cease crying at times would be when her big brother, cyrus, would hold her in his arms and rock her, sing to her, and for that moment when her big brown eyes looked into his dark eyes - it was all over. aurora had found her favorite person in the entire world and that was her older brother. since then, aurora remained close to her big brother and growing up in a big italian family all from long island, there would be many holidays where they would get in the car and drive down there or their big family would come up to the keys for vacation. the petrelli’s were never a wealthy family, but a comfortable family, a family that was loud, italian and proud of it, yelling about what kind of sauce was better, whose ziti was better and most of all, where a lot of love, craziness and happiness came from. aurora spent her time playing around with her older big cousins, getting her communion dress dirty, playing baseball, manhunt, hide and seek - doing whatever her big brother was doing and than so. she wanted so much to be one of the boys growing up, and for the most part, she kept up with them well. it was one thing though that set rory apart from everyone else in her family - her love for music. 
music was one of the only things that kept aurora out of trouble growing up. her piano and singing lessons always came first for her and she always excelled wildly. she starred in school plays, musicials, even a few stints on broadway and while it was a lot of pressure for her, she did so well and she loved it so much. it kept her disciplined and angelina and anthony were just glad that aurora had found such an interest in theater and music. throughout her adolescence, she stayed focused on music, wanting someone to go to a big brand name college and study theater and music, but things got in the way. it was a lot of pressure, to be on the big stage and have to do her schoolwork all by a certain time. rory put a lot of pressure on herself and she could remember the first time rocko martinelli entered her life. it was like love at first sight, or chaos meets fire. rockford “rocko” martinelli was a new kid from the wrong side of the tracks, a sophomore while rory was a freshman and he was older, bigger, and badder. he set his sights into rory and together, chaos ensued. 
first, it was just regular partying, some teenage fun and rory’s grades, average as they were, stayed the same. it wasn’t until rory talked to rocko one night at a party about the pressure she felt, to be like her brother, the smart, charismatic one, and rory always struggled comparing herself to others, despite her charm and wit. rocko knew exactly what buttons to press and knew how to dig his fingers into her. they dated, for such a long time, and their relationship was toxic, to say the least. they would fight, get high, forget all about it and before rory knew it, she was under a spell and most importantly, addicted to some pretty hardcore drugs herself. she was barely able to keep it through a day without snorting a line, injecting some heroine into her veins, or weed - it was what she loved to do with rocko. he had convinced her that she had needed no one else besides him and his drugs. 
all of this happened right up until senior year of high school, when rory was set up to go on a prestigious audition for uc berkeley’s music program. all was fine and good, but with her neves being so bad, rocko suggested she snort some cocaine, and funnily enough, she was too high to concentrate and her nose started bleeding onto the sheet of music she had. with that failed audition, aurora basically went into a downward spiral. she just barely graduated high school and moved in with rocko, and her parents were destroyed and distraught. the only person who could still get through to her was her older brother and sometimes even he couldn’t. she loved her drugs, loved her toxic relationship with rocko and for four years, the two of the did drugs, stopped, got clean together, but would fall off the wagon together too. 
it wasn’t until about six months ago, rory being fully a twenty five year old woman now, that she and rocko were still dating, on and off as always and they had fought, like they always did and then smoothed it out with some heroine. aurora fell asleep, but when she woke up, there rocko was, passed out - dead. panicked and horrified, rory had no one else to call but her big brother and when he came to her rescue, she was dissolved into tears and horror. since then, rory got her ass into rehab, basically with her brother dragging her there, and she’s been on and off with her drug use since. right now, she’s just doing weed and some coke here and there, off the heroine, but it’s only a matter of time before things dissolve again. she has yet to really face herself and face her real issues and that’s where we leave her. 
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Setleth AU: Weathering With You
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(While I’ll be assigning both Byleths in my preferred roles for them here, feel free to switch Beleth and Beles if it’s your cup of tea!!)
F!Byleth as Hodaka. 15 yrs. A highschool runaway from a rain-kissed island town who desperately seeks the shy sunlight in the city. Her life will forever change when she realizes that somebody dear to her is worth so much more than the hiding blue sky.
Seteth as Hina. ‘19’/16 yrs. His strict expression doesn’t best describe his identity as a sunshine boy. Values Flayn above all else until a certain somebody enters into (and saves) his life. Used to only clear the sky whenever his little sister excitedly asks for it.
Flayn as Nagi. 10 yrs. Lives alone with only her big brother. She seems to gain a sort of situation where most boys in her school would swoon over her charm, which she is unaware of (yet Seteth knows nothing about this). Becomes instant best friends with Byleth.
Jeralt as Suga-san/Keisuke. ?? yrs. Head of the J&A ‘news’ site (that will eventually grow into its own company). Compares Byleth (whom he hired) to his own child, who’s taken away from him by his mother-in-law. Still loves his dead wife dearly.
Leonie as Natsumi. 25 yrs. (post-timeskip design) Jeralt’s trusted and loyal apprentice and (surprisingly) niece. She’s currently job hunting, but her impatience is one factor why luck hadn’t been so kind to her. Would probably make an excellent speed cop.
M!Byleth as Moka. Jeralt’s son, who shares the same name and almost the exact same look as the girl his father hired. Despite the many phone calls they’ve shared, he still misses his father very much and wishes to see him everyday.
Cyril as Ame/Rain. A stray brown kitten who stares with his red eyes and bears a scar by the left side of his forehead. Adopted and cared by Byleth and eventually spoiled rotten by Jeralt.
Solon as Yasui. (Tomas looks) An aged and experienced police officer, who’s tasked to look for the missing highschooler and wielder of a lost gun around the flooding Tokyo.
Thales as Takai. A younger police officer who’s assigned to assist Yasui on their shared mission. Manages to get ahold of Byleth, but his grip on her had slipped more times than he hoped.
Kronya as the Dude who’s offering Hina the strip club job. (idk his name, rip) Harasses Seteth into offering him a job, a naughty one. Is stopped by Byleth and the warning shot she was threatened by her face.
Detail Changes!!
Not everything in the movie will be covered as I haven’t thought up some changes yet, especially the part when Keisuke’s child, Moka, was shown the first time and they all were just bonding. This should still be a lot already! Hopefully I can add some more and fix this eventually~
Byleth’s Yahoo!Answer username was ‘TheAshenDemon’
During her first days in Tokyo, she was silent the whole time, not even uttering a single word since she could just nod, shake her head, and bow, not even when Jeralt saved her from the crashing rainfall nearly slipping her away from the boat.
Jeralt thought he saw his own son in grave danger, so he jumped to action. He didn’t realized how panicked he must have looked until a blue-haired quiet girl (almost) blankly stared up at him. He tried to brush it off with a shrug, but he swore his heart was beating fast.
She pointed to Jeralt the beer vending machine, which she plans to give him one as an exchange for sparing her from death. Jeralt politely declines, yet she insists only to realize the price to be much higher than her budget. She bought one anyway. “I told you you didn’t have to, kid...” “*bows and sweat drops*”
During her stay around the city, Byleth had been hearing news about a killer who leaves their bloodied victims lying in alleyways, always sprouting knife wounds around different part of their body, plus they’re dismembered. Byleth didn’t know she would eventually encounter the said-killer herself.
The lost kitten Byleth found by the alleyway stared up at her, but not meowing. He hissed when she offered him some candies, but eventually he ate it gratefully. This was the first time a smile bloomed on Byleth’s face since arriving.
When she woke up from her unintentional slumber, Kronya (plus two more grinning men lingering by her side) were staring down at her. “What’re ya doing here, girlie? This is no place for a street rat like you, so I suggest ya scram… Unless you want to join the fun with me and the boys. *winks and licks lips*” “*fuCKIN SCRAMBLES UP AND RUN*”
When Seteth laid down the burger, Byleth was so shocked she stared with large eyes up at the strange kind worker above her for a long time. “… Stop staring at me. It’s going to get cold if you don’t eat that soon, and my money would go to waste.” “… *blinks*” “… Just… Eat it.*walks out*”
Byleth still hadn’t said anything, but she cried for the first time for not only satisfying her empty tummy after so long, but for also kindness to miraculously come her way in this cruel city.
During the bus ride to Jeralt’s place, she silently pitied Flayn several seats behind who’s obviously oblivious from the two young boys’ mission to capture her heart.
The moment Leonie wakes up, she thought Byleth to be a theif. As she shouted threats at the intruder (and shrieked at her for staring at her chest), Byleth nervously held up the business card Jeralt gave her.
When Leonie confirmed that Jeralt indeed invited the kid over, she quickly welcomed her with open arms as if she never shouted exactly a moment before. She introduced their home as the ‘holy sanctuary of the proud journalists’.
Leonie was clearly passionate as a J&A journalist, possibly much more than the head himself, to the point that she would insist on Byleth to read every single article they had ever written. “Alright, kiddo! What article was written on June 15, 2021??” “*shakes head in resignation with a tired look*” “SILLLY! It’s the first one you helped me out with!! The title is ‘The Magical Wonder of a Sunshine Girl’, which discusses about the blablabla--” “*cries inwardly*”
The second time Byleth sees Seteth, he was gripping his umbrella hard as he tried to quickly walk away from Kronya, who was following, cat-calling, and basically harassing him. Eventually she slyly offers him to ‘work’ with her with a promised high pay, which made Seteth abruptly halt on his tracks.
Byleth rescues Seteth from Kronya by pretending to be his girlfriend (Funnily enough, “HONEY~!” was her first ever word on Tokyo and also a foreshadowing of their future relationship). She then attempted to drag a spluttering Seteth away as she cooed, “Come on, sweetie~ We can’t miss the big day!” “B-b-b-but- I thought you’re mute-” “I said *grips Seteth’s arm too tight* Come. On.”
Infuriated for taking away her potential partner, Kronya whipped out a knife and charged at the two. Seteth instinctively grabbed Byleth’s hand and together, they ran.
They eventually reach a dead end, which Kronya took advantage of by literally jumping over the two, then pinning Byleth down. “Move a muscle and I’m going to cut your girlfriends’ throat.” “SH-SHE’S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND! AND LET GO OF HER!”
Byleth struggled to reverse their position and had been successful. She pointed the gun on Kronya and, as the rain poured, blasted a warning shot by her left ear.
When Seteth snapped out of reality, he grabbed Byleth up who was about to shoot Kronya’s forehead (whose left ear was slowly bleeding). “GET UP! GET UP! LET’S GET OUT OF HERE! WE HAVE A DATE, REMEMBER!?”
Once they retreated to the abandoned building, they argued. “Did you really think you should just- just interfere just like that!? You have a gun, for god’s sake! We’ll get in serious trouble for that, or worse go to jail!” “You ungrateful- I just saved your damn life like you saved mine-” “Plus sh-she’s a woman! We shouldn’t have been too harsh with her-”“Look, you can be a prostitute for all I care, but that woman was harassing you and that’s just wrong!” “You listen here very well: I am a grown man, and I make my own decisions!” “Yeah!? Decisions to get yourself killed by that murderer! Can’t you see she’s the recently wanted person who had been killing off men in the alleyways!?” “I…! You…! *growls and shoves towel at Byleth* *stomps away*”
Believing it to be useful, Byleth was about to pick up the gun she previously threw out of frustration, but Seteth’s voice interrupted her. “I thought about what you said, and you’re right. I’m sorry. What can I give you in return?” “Er… Your… Apology, I guess?” “That’s already given! I meant something else, more than that!” “... Hmm…”
Byleth spaced out. She couldn’t really think of anything she wanted other than... “I’d like for the sun to stick around, but *chuckles dryly* I know you can’t just magically clear the sky…” “… Actually…”
Byleth silently (and comically) screamed when Seteth prayed to draw the curtains of the clouds and make way for the blue sky and the sun to smile down on them.
This is the first time Seteth clears the sky for somebody else other than for his little sister, so he smiled. There, they shared each other’s names and age.
While trying to appear mature, Seteth awkwardly rambles about how he was old enough to make his own decisions and do adult things, basically justifying his consideration on Kronya’s offer.
“Seteth, that’s... That’s nothing to be ashamed of. There must somebody you want to protect. That’s why you’d go to lengths to commit acts like that.” “… How did you know??” “*shrugs*”
Ever since meeting Seteth, Byleth began to speak much more frequently than before, but was still overall silent. She only says more whenever she’s around her new friend.
Seteth cooked a seafood dish for his guest when Byleth visited to discuss about their new business. As Byleth observed around the house, she saw lots of cute objects such as the colored fish-shaped glass curtain. She assumed Seteth’s little sister had wanted it.
When Flayn arrived home, she beamed that finally, her big brother had made a friend! Meanwhile Byleth recognized her as the oblivious girl who had a lot of boys to answer to, so she awkwardly greeted Flayn back, who was shaking her hand too rapidly.
Flayn had been more than willing to wear the teru teru bozu mascot. Although Seteth secretly thought it looked adorable, he simply didn’t approve of it.
After their first successful job, Flayn in her mascot told Seteth, “Onii-sama, won’t you lighten up?? You’ve finally cleared the sky for all the people! Isn’t that amazing???” “F-Finally? Flayn, how could you just forget the joy of just the two of us sharing our secret…” “Stupid brother! You’re the sunshine boy here, and sunshine boys should smile just like the sun! Look at Byleth-nee! She would make the perfect sunshine girl had she got your magic instead!!”
“Byleth?” Seteth wondered out loud and looked at the said-girl a few strides ahead of them, who was grinning ear-to-ear as she admired the sun. He tried to observe her enthusiasm like Flayn suggested. He ended up mindlessly gazing at the girl even when Flayn was already demanding for his attention.
When Byleth found out that Seteth enjoys writing, she suggested him to try working for J&A to earn extra cash. “Hm… I suppose I can give it a chance... Yes, this will make a great opportunity indeed.”
When Seteth visited Byleth’s place and found out that their intention and business were all a fraud, he backed out. “This is scam! I cannot feature my literary works in a shady manner such as this!” “WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU’LL CONSIDER PROSTITUTION, BUT YOU WON’T DO THIS!?!?!?” “…Uh. Language...”
During the firework festival, while Byleth hadn’t bother to fix her hair, Seteth smoothed his as well as tied a tiny pony. He almost frowned at her messy hair the first time he saw her, but held back when he saw the businessman standing beside her (i mean can u just imagine the beauty of him wearing a kimono while byleth in a formal suit omg im crying kjasdhjkhas--)
“Mr. Jeralt.” “Yeah, kid?” “If I am to give you a present, what will you ask for?” “Hmm.... Let’s be perfectly honestly: a good ‘ol beer is all I needed to remedy my past sins... Unless you can bring my wife from the dead, then *smiles sadly* I’d appreciate that.”
When someone on Yahoo!Answer suggested (jokingly) to gift Seteth a ring for his birthday, Byleth turned to Flayn for advice instead as they began walking home together while the love-strucked boys waved her good-bye. “Well, Mother told me that you shouldn’t limit your choices of gift just because your friend was born with the body they have. For example, even when society isn’t entirely ready to accept it, there are men who enjoy wearing dresses!” “.... OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH, SENPAIIIIII”
The next day, Byleth spent the entire day checking on every corner of the nearest mall to find the perfect ring, only to return empty-handed, exhausted, and bummed out. When an oblivious and excited Leonie shoved one of their old magazine copies (back when they could still afford printing their issues) on Byleth, she retreated to her room for the older girl to leave her alone.
Still tired, she flipped one of the pages and saw an article about a ring that can boost the wearer’s creativity and motivation to write many promising stories with the help of jewel’s powers. (aka, the ring in canon) Amused but resigned, Byleth shrugged and decided.
Byleth spent a much longer time looking for the tiny shop, which only had one branch, than looking for ring in the said-shop itself.
Meanwhile, police officers Solon and Thales had captured Kronya. Both are interrogating the criminal for what exactly happened when the missing girl, the one both officials were looking for, threatened to shoot Kronya.
Leonie nearly punched Byleth for accidentally staring at her chest again as the she struggled to sink in the information that Jeralt and Leonie are related and absolutely not 'lovers’.
Byleth lend her jacket (aka, her cloak in canon) to Seteth when he was nearly whisked away by the wind.
When the police were questioning the runaway kids, Seteth tried to ward them off with a slight glare all the while remaining polite. “Our family will continue to worry if we remain longer in the rain, so if you will please let us carry on...”
“Happy Birthday, Seteth!” “*inwardly: OH MY GOD IT’S A RING IT’S A RING HOLY SHIT DOES SHE ACTUALLY WANNA-- NO NON ON  THAT CANNOT BE IT, THIS IS TOO SOON-*” “This ring is supposed to help you write good, boosts your creativity and all. Not that I believe it, nor care, but I hope you like it~” “.........................................................Oh.”
“I... *clears throat* Th-thank you. I-I appreciate it.” “What’s with that stupid look though? Did you really think it was a proposal? Seriously, no way. I doubt it... *lies down, stares at ceiling, blushes* Unless you wanna...” “W-W-WHAT!? NONSENSE!! AND EVEN IF IT IS, YOU AND I BOTH KNOW VERY WELL THAT WE ARE TOO YOUNG FOR- FOR THAT!!” “You don’t say, you old geezer ;)”
“But Byleth... What are you doing? Oh no. No, this cannot be. I was even fully prepared... But if you were to part me with a gift, I’m going to leave with regrets...” “Regrets? Leave? What’re you talking about?” “Don’t you understand!? Back when we were walking our way home and you saw my skin? Don’t you see- *shuffles for robe*” “OH MY GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU PERVERT!?” “*reveals chest, skin magically distorted* I’M DYING!” “...Huh?”
Like her first days in Tokyo, Byleth didn’t speak the entire time when she and Flayn were caught and escorted to the police car. When Thales mentioned Seteth’s real age to Byleth (16), Byleth shouted, “SIXTEEN!?” much to the police’s shock since they thought the girl was mute or refused to ever speak.
“*inwardly: ... Seteth, you damn liar.*”
Flayn’s borrowed disguise from her male friends was a cap, hoodie and baggy pants. “Flayn, I thought he was your ex! What’s he doing here stealing you away from me?” “Ex? Stealing? Whatever do you mean; I thought you two are wonderful friends! And please hurry up!”
“I’D MAKE AN EXCELLENT SPEED COP!!” “... No, you won’t.” “I HEARD THAT!!”
Jeralt always compared Byleth to his own son due to how dangerously similar they looked and acted. He tried not to see her as a sort of child to him since the girl was not his son at all. However, Jeralt does end up acting like a father-figure to her, especially when he saw Thales pin her down as she repeatedly and desperately shouted her loved one’s name. Who knew that quiet kid had it in her to fall in love, just like Jeralt himself?
As Flayn ran towards Solon to pin him down, her cap flew away and her hood fell to reveal her long green hair. “It’s not your fault, Byleth-nee... Neither of us has foreseen this... But I will always trust you no matter what... SO PLEASE! BRING MY DEAR BROTHER BACK!!”
While Seteth did jump to reach for Byleth out of instinct (and love, coughcough), he tried to pry away from her as they fell no matter how much she desperately confesses her love for him. “The people would no longer have sunshine! Isn’t that what everybody wants, you included!? It’s why we even made that business! It’s best I leave this world for all of your sake!!”
In her fury, Byleth reached out to Seteth with more effort than ever all the while muttering, “Come here- Come here you stupid old geezer--” When they finally held hands, she slapped him hard.
“*giggles* You look gross when you cry.” “Shut it, Byleth. Seriously, at a time like this... Let’s... Let’s just go home.” “Yeah...”
When Byleth returned to Tokyo, she had her hair dyed into light green since she felt like it (and reminded her of someone dear to her).
Jeralt happily showed Byleth the photo of Flayn (who barely grew an inch), his son Byleth (who’s almost reaching Flayn’s height), and Leonie, (wearing a cop’s uniform imean they should have seriously made natsumi a speed cop too, jeezus).
When she and Seteth reunited, his first words to her (other than, “Byleth!”) were, “Your hair...” “*grins* I know what you’re thinking, it doesn’t suit me.” “No, not at all. *touches Byleth’s hair with the hand wearing the ring* You look beautiful.” “*tries to pout, but melts into a winder grin* Not before?” “You always have been.”
Yay, it’s done!! I’ve had this AU for a long time now actually, but only got to post it now that the movie’s out on the west!! Now watch me ignore this shit for the next years, rip
Again, every detail in the movie isn’t covered here since I haven’t seen their potential setleth au differences yet, but the overall plot remains the same! Note that I haven’t actually finished the other routes yet other than the beagle one, so there might be a lotta ooc stuff here. Maybe when I’m done with them all, ima get back to this and fix it and add some more.
As you can see, I made their dynamic more on the teasing side unlike hodaka&hina’s, mainly because i interpret byleth to be playfully sly and ofc seteth’s distrust on her on the start of the game. I personally enjoyed them to be a bickering old couple, so they’re like that xD
Honestly, i’m torn in between assigning rhea as either the two green peas’ mother or jeralt’s mother-in-law. the former for obvious reasons, the latter since rhea sorts of ‘hides’ away the little kid from jeralt like in canon, but for another reason.
As for the taki and mitsuha cameo, I feel like that would be a completely different thing, so I didn’t include them here. But for sometime now, I’ve been imagining them as ferdinand & dorothea, manuela being their okudera. but this au isn’t house biased (leonie’s there cause of jeralt), so i didn’t include them.
Huge thanks to my sister for helping me shape this au!! Actually half of these ideas belongs to her, even more perhaps. Hope I can link ya’ll to her accounts once she’s done fixing ‘em so ya’ll get see how much of a genius she is!! <3
I wanna make a manga/fanfic outta this one day, but for now, here’s the idea compilation of my setleth au nobody asked for!! Thank you for reading!! :D
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