#fucking british education system
i have media studies exam (although mock so its fine) that i didnt study for so im gonna force myself to practice by applying barthes narrative theory to season 1 hannibal (vaguely tbh cuz its the whole seasom but ok)
hermeneutic codes(how do u even pronounce this omfg) :
enigma codes, they are def crucial to this show as each episode raises more and more unanswered questions as the audience continues watching the show, questions like who is commiting the crimes, is will ok, does he know how fucked up his clocks are, is crawford fucking stupid, is abigail ok, what the hell is hannibal doing, why are they using cat guts for strings, are the dogs gonna live oh my god please can the dogs be okay for once
usually done by leaving cliffhangers for each episode
it drives the audience forward and interests them so they continue watching the show to find out the answers to their questions
its also a convention to use hermeneutic codes for horror crime shows like hannibal
Proairetic codes:
action codes, the actions done to drive the narrative forward, previous events drive other events into action. ngl this one is fucking stupid to apply i dont get if i ever apply it correctly
in hannibal, proairetic codes tie a lot with hermeneutic codes as the actions of the characters raise questions for the audience questioning their choices and makes the audience wonder what will happen next. the action creates tension and makes the audience wonder how the created problem(if there is one) will be resolved. for example when hannibal lecter called abigails father to inform him that "they know" and that fbi is on the way. this drives the narrative forward as then the audience wonders how the characters will react and wonder how the actions will affect the story. this action ended up with abigail becoming an orphan and their suspect dead, creating a few side plots and introducing new characters. this constant tension created by each action drives the narrative forward and engages the audience to continue watching the show
semantic codes:
connotations, things associated with something, the deeper level meaning of a symbol. this one is hard yet so easy cuz theres literally SO many of them
they basically give insight into the plot and characters, building personalities and maybe even starting the deep questions the audience will have
for example, for hannibal, hes quite sophisticated, the semantic codes for that would be how he wears suits all the time, his overall style and his acquired taste. those things connote sophistication, wealth and even control and power (especially the suit and his high respected position as a psychiatrist)
but another thing that can be derived from things like how hes always careful, always has a cloth that doesn't leave any fabric fibres, how he doesn't use anything digital, only physical things like journals to leave no traces, the fact that hes literally eating his evidence lmao, his knowledge and experience of human anatomy and mind connote that hes a careful, experienced, ambitious man and prob(definitely) is a serial killer
symbolic codes:
it has such an easy concept that its literally confusing to understand. its basically symbols, binaries, a thematic/structural device, but it's basically about themes and contrary signs specifically, which is ig why its kind of difficult to understand since its specifically binary symbols
some symbolic codes in hannibal would be life vs death, clearly a reoccurring theme with all of the crimes happening, good vs bad, murderers and their victims, health? both physical and mental? stability? work vs personal life? idk its so hard to pin point it even tho its so easy and common idk
a better example woukd be the bad vs good binary used in star wars with ghe colours of light sabers
Cultural codes:
literally cultural and social conventions, knowledge that comes from the outside world of the text, specific connotations used
example, FBI for crimes and america, religion and faith, the whole fbi units especially medical, even Christmas is a cultural code as its a celebrated event of certain social and cultural and religious conventions
bruv i cant think of any more examples even tho i know theres so many
hope yall enjoyed my silly analysis of hannibal as my media studies application practice if u read it all xx
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lonelylesbian2 · 2 months
I remember when I was younger people would ALWAYS make fun of me when I talked about my family because of what I called them. My family is Indian (punjabi to be exact) so I was subject to LOADS of mockery anyway. But when we did family trees in primary school I got laughed at so badly and so many people told me I had the 'wrong' names because my maternal uncle wasn't called 'mama', that was what my mother was called. When I tried to explain that that's what I called them in my culture I got told I was wrong. 8 year old me thought that my family tree was supposed to be filled with my family. What they were called to me. 8 year old me got told I was wrong. My teachers gave me sheets to fill out with 'uncle' and 'aunt' and 'grandma'. I grew up like that and when I was 10 years old we went to go and visit my mums family in Delhi. I called my mothers mum grandma. Now, when I visit I'm older, now I call my mother sister 'mausi', I call people who aren't related to me closely but are still very close 'mausi'. Because that's my culture. I am an only child but I have people I call 'didi', I have people who call me 'didi'. My older relatives call me 'beta'. I am not their daughter, but that is our culture. Now, I don't let anyone tell me what I can and can't call my family. Because they are mine. Now when people ask who's visiting, i tell them my 'chacha'.
I hate that I ever let anyone tell me my culture was wrong, that I had to leave my blood and roots behind in favour of what other people knew. But I was young and that was the reality of it. Everyday, my heart goes out to the little 8 year old girl sitting at the dining table, wishing she could change the colour of her skin and the blood in her veins.
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pessimistic-gh0st · 16 days
This is just mainly targeted at myself but I just need to rant somewhere sorry-
(tw vagueish suicidal ideation)
I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I need to revise. I want to revise, don't I?
Well uh— no actually, I guess not. But I need to fucking do something — everyone has been doing things so I need to get off my arse and just do something for fuck sake. Because otherwise I am going to fail and I don't really want to fail in the grand scheme of things.
But at the same I don't actually care, even though I should because what is this all for? A future I don't think I'll even have? A short life that makes all these facts just redundant in their entirety? And what I just get told by a bunch of old people at the end of it that probably couldn't pass the exams themselves, "Well done for memorising a bunch of useless bullshit that you'll never use again. Here's a bunch of fucking letters that most people will never care about again. And now, do it all again but with harder exams". How. Fun.
But no, not going to think about that. Instead, I'll just focus on the 'persuit of knowledge' right? That's what everyone expects me to do? It's the only thing I can do. So I need to just fucking do it already.
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GCSE results once again showing massive disparity between the grades in the north and the south. A growing disparity.
And there are twats in this country who still want to pretend the north/south divide is a fiction made up by moaning northerners.
Leveling up my arse.
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zipstick · 2 months
when you want to learn how to act but the drama a level is only designed to teach you how to pass the exam
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diiegosaur · 1 year
💸 hehe, but also manybe ⏰ ? ))
Headcanon prompts || Accepting
💸: What does your muse think of wealthy people? Do they resent them, or do they believe they earned what they have?
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[[ most of the upper classes, diego hates. and he doesn't keep that to himself.
its no secret most of the rich are born from nepotism and have more money than they know what to do with-- i can't overstate how much diego hates them and is often predispositioned into disliking someone if he knows they sit on wealth, despite also BEING part of the upper class now (class traitor deeg lmao).
there are some members of the upper classes he does respect, those who aren't snobby & earned their money through hard work or atleast earned it honestly. but those are genuinely few and far between.
i could rattle off about his entire relationship with the class system and money as well as it pertains to my portrayal but i'd be sat here writing all day otherwise HJFDH
⏰: Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time?
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[[ TIME IS MONEY YALLLL he'll always try to find the most effecient way to do things. he does go out of his way to NOT cut corners, though, as a rushed job is a bad one, but getting things done quickly and skillfully is something diego prides himself on.
also on this note: he does tend to get like, second-hand frustration if he sees someone doing something that he could've done better or faster. which is part of the reason he struggles to be a team player HJFDJKAD
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true-blue-straya · 18 days
things that do not exist because i have never seen them - a thread
beavers - have you ever seen one of these fuckers before. they're talked about like anything yet they don't actually exist?
squirrels - like beavers, everyone talks about them but nobody has ever seen one before, minus the adhd stereotype
an american-born graduate of the american education system that can pinpoint new zealand on a map - this one is just obvious.
a greggs sausage roll - what is all the hype behind this one colonial fast food chain sausage roll? surely it's not that good, if it even exists. british people who say it does are lying they are not to be trusted.
quails - what the actual fuck is a quail. i've only ever seen their eggs and they come in the same packets as those peppa pig yoghurt coated sultanas. what the fuck is an actual quail
an actual florida man - i know queensland exists but thats the clone of florida in australia what is an actual florida
the 7' tall snake that is rumoured to live somewhere along the nullabor. this one's just a straight up lie, mate.
i will continue this thread in future!
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thefloatingstone · 4 months
Not to be like "haha I'm better than you guys!!!" or elitist or anything because that very sincerely is NOT the point of this post.... but I never really understood people extremely love for Harry Potter.
I read them as they were coming out. Most of the time they came out soon enough that I was the same age as Harry. I liked them. They were cool. Goblet of Fire was my favourite and I was always happy to see what story the next book would bring but that's all it was. Interest to see the next story whenever it came out. Like a sitcom you enjoy but you didn't set your tv to record for you in case you missed it.
And then the word "Chosen one" was uttered and, just like that, I fucking lost all interest. Honestly there was "Chosen one" talk in the 4th book and already I was like
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Honestly I think I liked Goblet of Fire the most because there was no friggen Quidditch. And there was less focus on the SCHOOL part of Harry Potter and more this weird Video game Quest setup which just appealed to me more.
In retrospect, I think that might be a big part of why I enjoyed it but never LOVED it like other people.
"Oh boy my absolute biggest most favourite fantasy! THE BRITISH EDUCATION SYSTEM!!!!"
The fact that the books take place in a school seemed like a default to me because, well, most teenage focused cartoons and shows I watched had the main characters at school. Because they're teenagers. But the school wasn't why I enjoyed the books. The school was just a location. No I didn't want to go to Hogwarts. No I didn't want to get attached to a specific school house (although I feel it worth mentioning that when I was 13 I did the online house quiz thing on the official site and it said I was Hufflepuff so make of that what you will).
I really disliked whatever the one was that came after Goblet of Fire. So much so that it completely killed any and all enjoyment I had in the series. Which, considering I was only mildly entertained by them wasn't a massive loss or anything.
I know I read whichever book it was where Dumbledore died but I very genuinely cannot remember one single thing that happens in that book whatsoever. I read half of the Deathly Hallows after coming back from College and gave up because I wasn't enjoying any of it and I never picked the book up again.
I saw the first movie in theaters when I was 13 and I did not like it. It was visually very very dark and gloomy and just... extremely uninteresting to me. Idk how to explain it. The first book just felt so much more vibrant than what I was watching on screen.
I know I saw the 2nd movie although I have no memory of where or why. And I... THINK I saw the third one??? I think??? I'm actually not sure. But that's about where I just stopped and completely lost interest.
Because it wasn't very good.
They just weren't very good books.
They weren't TERRIBLE or anything like that but they were just so.... blah. The earlier ones 13 year old me enjoyed the one time I read each of them but I don't think 13 year old me had the best taste considering I also disliked the Princess Bride at this age.
But I was reading other books because I was a kid with ADHD in high school who desperately needed something stimulating to stop myself from going insane. And frankly, there were just far better books out there. Books I actually re-read. Books I borrowed from friends which ere just... so much better and more interesting.
So I just don't understand this insane appeal so many people have for it, even if they have severed that connection due to Jowling Kowling Rowling's bufoonery and showing herself to be a withered old crone with a shrivled heart and mind every time she opens her mouth.
I grew up with these books the same way as a lot of people. I was the exact age to go through the series' highest popularity and I just did not click with them despite reading them.
So seeing so many people my age or a little younger try and do their best to re-analyse and de-tangle what the books actually are and that... maybe.... just maybe.... they might not have been very good?? Maybe?? is very weird to me because I'm just like.
"Yeah they're overrated as hell and not that interesting."
It's a very weird thing to live through because it's like looking into a bizarro version of the world you remember living through... but not like THAT. I remember the Pokemon craze and yes, it was like that. I remember when anime started to become big and yes, it was like that. I remember DBZ airing and yes, it was like that.
But this insanity around Harry Potter while it was releasing?
Yeah I don't remember it being like that at all.
They were just mediocre books I read because I needed something to occupy my attention and eventually they got worse and worse and I just stopped reading them. That's all.
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misalpav · 4 months
I think in light of recent events, it should come to attention for a lot more people that the western education system needs MASSIVE upheaval especially in the social sciences. "World history", as taught in the United States (because that's where I live and is the system I know best, but from what I've seen, most of the west is like this) is just a ruse at best to focus on Eurocentric history for 7 months and spend the 8th and 9th touching on literally everywhere else. Before anyone says it, no it's not because European history is more relevant to America because the parts of European history that are relevant to the USA are touched on extensively through the almost 3-4 years of US specific history classes I had. Meanwhile, real conflict that actually does affect our daily life because of internet and social media like Israel/Palestine, Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan, etc. were never mentioned and we were left shocked as those events transpired and rushed to learn about those histories.
I'm an Indian and a Hindu, so on that front I will also go ahead and say to America: what the absolute fuck? You had absolutely no qualms while teaching the practice of jauhar but couldn't mention that it was an act of desperation by women to salvage their dignity from the Muslim terrorists that wouldn't have wasted a second to r*pe or capture them. You went ahead and taught how Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal because he was upset his wife died but failed to mention the countless native people he killed and temples he desecrated. But you could never mention the native Hindu temples in India that stump modern architects? You could mention Aurangzeb and the Delhi Sultanate but not Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj or Rani Rudramadevi because, according to you, the only important things that happened in India were the Muslim and British imperialists right? Then you wonder why, as a society, we struggle with hinduphobia and terrorist groups like the D*tbusters were given the confidence to exist but I don't actually think it's that surprising considering the narrative taught to children as early as middle and high school. Obviously, this narrative also expands to the countless other minorities that have their histories skewed like this, enabling continued bigotry. I think it's absolutely horrendous how the president of Harvard was able to say "it depends on the context" when it came to punishing antisemitism and still stay as faculty at the university with her high 6 figure salary. That kind of bullshit so high up in our educational structures is exactly what keeps fucking us over.
No, I'm not saying you need to go into the details for everything in the world either because that would be impossible, but what I am saying is history can and should be more equitable. In the United States, you can and should teach American history in detail and I have no issues with that (except for how "American history" itself is being watered down by politics and censorship but that's a whole other conversation), but I think 3 centuries after America got independence from the British, the fact that Henry VIII created a church j so he could divorce his first wife is just so unnecessary when people can't even distinguish the fact that Jesus was a Jew and Judaism is one of the oldest surviving religions and then use false information to hurl insults at the Jew community.
Obviously, a lot of what I said was addressed to America, but that definitely does not give the rest of the West a free pass.
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Hey I was checking your blog and I was wondering if you were the people who asking what they teaching kids in schools about slavery
Well as someone who was part of the American education system. Let me tell you a little secret
Arab, Asian, and ESPECIALLY African slavers are intentionally left out of the education systems
Like remember the women king movie that lionized the Dahomey? Well fun fact for generations my community, the African American community, was told for generations that Africa was that garden of peace until the white devils came and ruined it. In fact I didn’t even know about the Dahomey until people was exposing the atrocities they did after the women king trailer dropped.
I had a near mental breakdown learning that black Americans basically did a equivalent of “Holocaust survivors romanticizing the Nazis” and I’m only 23 so you can just imagine the mental hell for older black Americans when they learn who really sent us to the Americas.
I just wanted to point that out because your British no and I often see non Americans wonder why we constantly make weird ass statements.
Like….black Americans was taught since they were in the fucking womb that slavery was only “white people enslaved black people”
Sorry for this heavy topic, just saying you guys are in a doozy with Americans for awhile
It's true, America is incredibly insular in some ways - perhaps because it is so big - and as a result it sometimes projects its own problems and skewed perceptions onto the rest of the world. And, because it has been the world empire this past century, the rest of the world often falls in line with those views too.
But slavery has always been with us: every race has bought and sold every other race, and Africans were buying, selling, trading and enslaving other Africans for thousands of years before any white-skinned devils bearing gunpowder turned up on their shores.
You'd think that basic and inarguable truth would be the first thing schools would teach impressionable children about this matter, but today they're much more intent on making them want to destroy western civilization for no reason.
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Here’s the thing Rishi you fucking private school cunt, people who struggle with maths are already embarrassed because they get shamed constantly for being shit at maths in the British Education system.
The so-called “anti maths mindset” comes from various things such as:
Not getting support due to massive class sizes (you wouldn't know about that at boarding school)
Teachers not having time to help students individually because they're overworked and overstretched (national shortage of maths teachers)
An inflexible and outdated method of teaching (not everyone learns the same way)
A syllabus that is crammed full to the point where there is no time to revisit topics in class due to again, a lack of time.
A focus on passing exams rather than actually learning useful maths skills (now you want more exams)
No one picking up kids with learning difficulties
As someone, who was in “bottom set maths” at school and barely scraped a C at GCSE, I can tell you that shaming people for not being gifted in a subject doesn't make them learn better.
Trust me, I cried enough tears about it. I knew I was falling behind and I worked my arse off going to revision/extra study. Guess what? it still didn't stick.
I used to feel sick and panicky with anxiety in maths lessons because if the teacher called on me I wouldn't be able to answer the question. I sat there dreading being made to look stupid in front of everyone (I was already being bullied, people didn’t need more ammunition) Surprise, surprise that shame and embarrassment didn't make me better at maths.
Turns out, I was dyslexic, but no one diagnosed that till I was 18 at University. I sat my fucking GSCEs and A Levels barely able to read the fucking papers. I just thought I was thick as that is what I was led to believe my whole school career.
Those of us who aren't good at fucking maths aren't “damaging the economy” you and the Tories seem to manage to do that all by yourselves (the Kwasi mini budget). Also, If memory serves didn't the bankers (who are supposed to be good at maths) cause the crash in 2008? That seemed pretty fucking damaging idk.
In conclusion, get fucked you privileged out of touch twat. Stop blaming people for having a subpar education, when you aren't willing to tackle the real issues, which leads to it being subpar.
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jewish-sideblog · 4 months
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It’s funny because I don’t remember when the IRA intentionally mass slaughtered civilians, riddled babies with bullets, sexually assaulted and abused British women, fired thousands of rockets at soft targets, and then uploaded all the footage to social media. I don’t remember Sinn Féin’s official education system denying the Holocaust and teaching it’s children that Jews are subhuman pigs. I don’t remember the official plan for Irish independence ever involving the complete and total genocidal extermination of the English, Welsh and Scottish ethnic groups.
Terrorism is often a buzzword weaponized against legitimate resistance groups, that much is true. But if Hamas recording the intentional butchering of Jewish children on Go Pros and putting it on the internet for the world to see isn’t terrorism, then what the fuck is? Do you guys want to see the footage? Because I will gladly send it to you. And I seriously doubt you’ll be able to stomach a justification once you’ve seen it.
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thestrangestperson · 8 months
Hi! Are you trying to write some British people? Here are some random thoughts about exaggerated Britishness (With heavy chat about Scotland because I know Scotland the best):
"I'm going to the store!" Store is not a popular word for a place to buy things. People from the UK will generally say "shop". If they're just going to get milk or something, they may go to the "corner shop" - which people from NY especially will know as a "bodega"
"Hand me an eraser." While some people do say eraser, "rubber" is more common. This is amusing to me because to people from the US especially, it's very different in meaning.
If your character is visiting someone, it's very common to be offered tea. "Fancy a cup of tea?" or more casually "Fancy a cuppa?"
Pub ≠ bar. Pubs include bars, but are also places to get a meal. People do go there to drink ("Get a pint") though, and some pubs don't serve children or allow them in. Many do, however.
There are 100s of accents across the nation, more than just typical posh English, Welsh and Scottish. Please pay attention to your character's background and dialect. The city of London alone has 4 major accents. (For Good Omens fans, Crowley and Aziraphale are both sensationally posh. Aziraphale speaks "The Queen's/King's English" which is notably more formal and collected - Crowley does not.)
Some good swears include "Bellend", "Pillock", "Knob" and "Twat". In Scotland we also have the tamer "Daft(ie)" and "Tube"! Any object can become an insult: "You FUCKING MICROWAVE"
Some good pet names include "Love", "Pet" and "Poppet"
Along with tea we have a carbonated drink called Irn Bru. This is ESPECIALLY popular to Scots but you can find it in England. It is bright orange and fruity in taste.
We buy milk in pints
The chocolate bar Freddo is typically how we measure inflation these days. (I wish I could say this was a joke but tabloids love the chocolate test)
It does rain a lot. Like a shit ton. There are sunny days but nonetheless. The way to start conversation is ALWAYS weather. "Lovely weather innit?" always works, especially in terrible weather.
Sarcasm and dry humour are very popular.
A lot of people smoke or vape. This is very evident especially in cities like London and Edinburgh.
People from southern England especially are typically very removed and tend not to pay attention to anyone else. It's a massive "Not my problem". They can be very friendly by all means, but typically keep to themselves and don't talk to many people.
Biscuits rule the world, especially custard creams. (Jk, they're very loved though)
The school systems are different from that in the rest of the world. Even to one another. The Scottish, Welsh and English education systems are different - but are all composed of Primary school and Secondary school.
Typically people are either passionately wild for the Royal Family or REALLY dislike them.
Terraced and semi detached housing is very common. In Scotland we have "closies" which are blocks of flats that home lots of people, and are typically very square and deshevelled.
McDonald's did not arrive here until the 70s. People were confused by it to begin with.
Fish and chips is a stereotypical yet popular dish. Many people refer to going to a fish and chips shop as "Going to the chippy". Often they do not have seating, and are takeout exclusive.
Britain is a geographical reality, composed of Scotland, Wales and England. The United Kingdom is political and composed of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England.
Irish people may not enjoy being referred to as "British". Furthermore do not call a Welsh, Scottish or Irish person "English". This is a bad idea and will make people mad.
Day in the life of a true Brexit geezer is a documentary. (Jk)
Basically everyone "hates" the English. Whether this is playful or genuine varies from person to person. Even the English hate the English.
Older women especially have very strong feelings about Princess Di (She was so beloved)
For Good Omens fans: Soho is a small tiny little area in the BOROGH of "The City of Westminster". This is a borogh at the heart of London. You can walk Soho in a day.
Most cities don't have boroughs, but do have wee areas which are basically suburbs or collections of areas.
In schools, it's very common to refer to your teachers as "Sir" and "Miss". This also applies outside of school for young people, but generally is seen more in schools.
"Mate" is the most common way to address a male presenting person passive aggressively, along with "Love" for female presenting people. "Mate" is more common and works both ways.
"Pissed" means drunk. "Oh, he's pissed" = "Oh, he's drunk". Increasingly you'll find people say "pissed" to mean angry, especially young people. However "peeved" is what was originally used to mean angry.
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felinefractious · 9 months
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This is not comprehensive, the abscence of a [link] doesn’t mean the breed is without issue. It may just mean there isn’t one, concise artle to link. Always do your research.
Here is some recommended reading.
AAFP Position Statement Hybrid Cats
Histologic Description of Lykoi Cat
Concerns over Maine Coons on the GCCF
Lykoi Sebaceous Cysts
Manx Syndrome
Munchkin Limb Deformity
Over-typification in Maine Coon Cats
Persian Brachycephaly
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You can send in pictures of your cat if you like and I will tell you what they appear to be. It is helpful to include some history on the acquisition of your cat. It is helpful to include multiple angles, varied lighting, close-up of parted fur and especially nose and paw pads. Remember that this is an educated guess only.
I will answer genetics oriented questions to the best of my ability, I have a working understanding of cat genetics but for more complicated or in-depth questions regarding genotype I recommend asking @amber-tortoiseshell. I’m most confident with my expertise on phenotype (appearance) and cat breeds.
Disclaimer: This blog is to show cat colors and patterns, I share rare or unique colors and good examples wherever I find them. Inclusion on this blog is not endorsement of the breed or breeder.
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Here are some good resources to start you off:
Beware Don’t Get Scammed
Finding the Purrfect Pedigreed Kitten
Identifying a Scammer: Red Flags
Thinking of Buying a Pedigree Kitten? Advice for Purchasers
There are also Facebook groups which can be a useful, additional resource such as Bad Catteries Around the World, BLACKLIST Breeders Cats/Cattery Cats, Exposing Bad Catteries & Educating for Change and GOOD Catteries Around the World Reference and Reviews!
For breed-specific options you can check out Maine Coon Breeders Blacklist, Bad Sphynx Catteries/Breeders!!! or Black List Bengal Breeder! If you’re in the UK you can check Felis Brittanica’s Suspension List.
Posts to Read
r/cats Bruce the Minuet
American Shorthair vs. Domestic Shorthair
Brachycephaly in Cats
The Different Bobtail Genes
Gen. Ticked British Shorthair
Is It A Nebelung?
Maine Coon Phenotype
New Style vs. Old Style Maine Coons
Peterbald vs. Sphynx
Siamese vs. Oriental
What Is Rufousing?
Don’t fucking put Harry Potter references on my posts or in the tags. You will be blocked.
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4, 14 or 25 for Jack?
4) What they would do if they had one month to live. 
I can't answer that because the lad is immortal lmao.
14) How they did in school
Poorly. Jack is the definition of 'does not do well in authoritarian institutional settings.' He did very well one on one with his uncles or his father or the many, many intellectuals who visited australia and impressed upon him his absolute adoration of natural history, botany and the natural science at large. He also did pretty well in university after everyone calmed the fuck down post-war, but his actual early education? Oh god, he did not do well. Like the only running theme I can see about children born in Australia in the British schools was pure unadulterated misery.
He got the shit bullied out of him the one or two times Arthur tried sending him to one of the 'public' schools like Eton or Harrow. He was a clumsy child, and before the era when sports became a mainstay of the Anglophone school systems, it was just open season on the poor fuck. He probably would have done better later when rugby or cricket was a part of the public school culture. Still, as it was back then, in a rigid hierarchy with corporal punishment and freezing dormitories, he was absolutely fucking miserable. He got into fights constantly, didn't eat, couldn't adjust and cried himself to sleep for however long he was stuck in there before one of his letters actually got where it needed to be, and he got the fuck out.
Jack has never held a good relationship with institutions, being born in what was an extension of the British prison system and he rages against confinement too this day but his schooling was a large part of that. It also made it a lot harder for him to bond with anyone from the ruling classes and kind of firmly put him in the realm of the privileged sav blanc socialist and labour organizer. Bit ironic for the born-in-the-purple son of the British Empire but it suits him and the history so I'm rolling with it.
25) What other people wish they could change about them
God help me. I love this boy but thats a lot. I think for Zee its a lot of wishing he wasn't so fucking reckless or distractable for one. She's crossed thousands of kilometres to drag his ass out of a deadly situation. She wishes he was a bit less in her space sometimes. He's very physically affectionate, and she's not so much. She doesn't always like being picked up and squeezed randomly because he's emotional. He has gotten better about that but sometimes he still gets good news and suddenly she's in the air against her will. He also tends to get extremely salty about people in better circumstances than him especially if its something he doesn't think they deserve. He has something of a hard time apologizing to anyone who's not her. He's also extremely bad at keeping anything on the down low. Arthur had to prevent him from being prosecuted for various queer activities when he was younger because he tried to quash it down until it exploded. And Zee probably threatened to kill more than one person after he was very unaware of his giving googly eyed looks to every pretty greek in sight.
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More and more each day the UK becomes a worse parody of the US political landscape.
I wish I was fucking joking
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this woman is actually off her fucking rocker i swear to god,
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This woman got in trouble because parents started suing her for mistreatment of the children under her care, she also in the article goes on to say that supporting England was seen as odd in areas proportionally ethnic and made up of immigrants as if said people don't likely have a home country separate to England or that England fans - and in saying this I am talking exclusively about the ones that engage in football hooliganism of the 'make racist taunts and actions when black football players don't play how they want them too' variety- have been more and more associated with white nationalism in recent years.
I'm not a parent, but I am someone who very recently came out of the England educational system and I can verify that she's talking utter nonsense.
I did not learn about the slave trade in school, or the imperialism of the British Empire - or about the empire full stop. I was expected to know those things because every level of school expects the other to teach it to you. I was not taught about LGBTQIA+ in school, in fact in ethics I was explicitly compelled to debate the legality of it, and if it could ever really be marriage if it was a same sex union through an exclusively Christian lens.
I was not taught about gender, other than the standardized punnet square level things that are on standard material, I was not taught about ethnic diversity or anything in relation to people that were not *like me* that is to say, white. Even in regards to subjects where we studied actual complex topics - such as media pieces that were anti-capitalist- my teacher implored us to keep any mention of socialism and especially marxism out of our analysis since they 'weren't allowed' to talk to us about stuff like that even at ages 16-18. At ages where I could have sex; vote; get married with parental permission if I so wished. But I could not be spoken to about things such as socialsm.
Because that is how 'woke' the British school system is. The idea of teaching people - not children because they always frame it as if little 6 year old Cathy is being sat down and told about the intricacies' of lesbian sex orgies when in reality some of the things they suggest are being taught are part of government approved curriculum for GCSE and A level which puts you firmly between the ages of 14-18- real facts of the world they live in is so shocking and horrific that they can't handle it.
link to the original article
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