#fuck wattpad
deunmiu-dessie · 25 days
posting unfished one-shots is fun--- like, one day ya'll might get the other half or even one of these years. yes, i am scheming....
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ur-dad-satan · 4 months
So since I'm not doing Obey Me! content on Wattpad anymore, should I join the unhinged hellscape (affectionate?) that is AO3 (archive of our own)? More importantly, would you read on there as the chapters will probably come out on there first?
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tired-bee · 1 year
Woke up from a nap; instantly craved Klance.
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elvishdemigod · 1 month
Everyone has already been seeing what the continously rusting Wattpad did just recently. And the reason they give wasn't even a reason, it was just a "Suck it up, just write books and comment."
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I've spent nearing a decade on there. Until so recently when I finally worked up the nerve to make an account on here, Wattpad was my only safe socializing place (Safe as in my own secret. Not safe as in the constant bullies and trolls they refuse to do shit about)
It use to be some goofy right of passage as a fanfic writer to start there, to end up on there at some point. Now the place is dying out, and they only have themselves to blame.
Some people may know me as DemigodOfAnime on there. Still a 70% chance of me just ditching it. After all the good and bad times, the memories and friends I've made, I think this is the thing that finally ends it for me. Any social stuff will be on here maybe, and all my serious books will be on Ao3
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fandomsaligninstories · 2 months
So, Wattpad has started deleting stores that contain mature themes, including pornography (anything explicit or graphic that has to do with sex or nudity), and self-harm/suicide, and so much more.
I’ve slowly moved a lot of my stuff over from wattpad to here (see my supernatural and marvel short stories), but I haven’t moved EVERYTHING over. However, with Wattpad deleting things, I’m going to start moving everything to here and/or Ao3, so I apologize if I start uploading a lot over the coming days.
I might not love or even like my older fics, but I take great pride in my work. No matter how bad it is, it’s given me the opportunity to grow and learn, so forgive me if I don’t want to lose it all.
Anyways, there’s my rant for the day. More Draco is coming, I got some more chapters written today.
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fuck wattpad. i’ve just written the description to my fanfiction and i scrolled down. it disappeared. fuck wattpad.
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Yeaaaaaaaahh..................(also fuck wattpad)
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napstablookdotwav · 12 days
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Okay, since I'm back into writing again and I want to continue doing it, I need yalls opinion on something because I had a quotev account back in 2020/2021 that I wrote on and read but its been kinda abandoned and I never had a reason to go back until now sooooo-
I would use this as an opportunity to maybe make a one-shots thing so I can keep track of all the stories I've written and more one shots I want to do in the future. I'll post on here when I post there as well. The one-shots would all be of yandere vn characters like I've been doing so far.
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 month
Bro wattpad is taking away pm's so people can't talk😭
Are you fucking serious
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yeetus-feetus · 1 month
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I'm gonna kms.
No I don't post or read on Wattpad anymore, the only reason I still have that stupid fucking app is to keep in contact with friends I've had for years and now Wattpad wants to completely destroy that. Fml. That stupid fuckin place has been going downhill with every new update and now this. All the conversations I've had, all the meaningful things we've said to each other, deleted, completely wiped out. This is some mad bs.
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bakedbakermom · 2 months
y'know what good call on wattpad shitting themselves during the AO3 donation drive weekend. they got 5k new members in 2 days and i bet that contributed to a bunch of donations
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candyfloss-kittens · 3 months
Fuck Wattpad.
Woke up this morning to one of my one-shots books deleted for apparently breaking policy or guidelines. Which I'm not even sure what exactly had been broken, because Wattpad never specifies what has been broken before they remove your work completely. The only thing that I can think of, is that a couple of the one-shots in the book had a very small amount of smut, like one or two, maybe three, short paragraphs that weren't even graphic, or really the sole purpose of the plot.
So now, I've decided, that after 10 years of posting fanfic on Wattpad, to stop using the site altogether. From now on, I am only using Archive of Our Own to post my fics. At least anything goes on there, and you won't one day find your fics completely gone off the site....
To be fair, I've rather been thinking about leaving Wattpad for a while now and moving to Ao3 completely. Now because of this, I am actually doing it.
At least with completely moving to Ao3 I no longer need to worry about making covers for my fics now.
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daedalusdavinci · 3 months
my wattpad is gone. im free. the beast has been defeated.
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gayashawol · 4 months
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i just fucking HAD it with wattpad. it’s constantly broken, they added crap features such as the offline stories just so users would buy their stupid premium to read more than 2 stories at a time, and now they’ve deleted a story that i’ve been working on for literally 4 years.
this is the type of shit users would quit writing over. BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING DISCOURAGING! how would you like it if you spend 4+ years writing stories up to 200 chapters, just for them to disappear in a flash with no warning whatsoever.
this is fucking disgraceful. i never want to use this app again, not even for fun. this is why i prefer to use ao3 where i could feel free to do whatever the fuck i want. fuck wattpad. fuck this shitty app.
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kennylovesthings · 11 months
tumblrs time to shine for fics
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