#for what? idk. but he made him one and donnie's lab is going to be full of glitter for the next 400 years
mspaint-turtles · 2 years
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leo made him a card ^-^
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0mysticmidnight0 · 3 months
hey so how do you think Donnie would deal with him being upset over something and he doesn’t want to interact with anybody, but his s/o comes in and just sits in the room with him on the far side of the room and looks at their phone after asking if he’s ok and he says he wants to be left alone? They don’t push him into physical affection or make him talk and they don’t leave him either. If he asks at all about this once he’s calmed, s/o is like “You’ve not seen me get upset over something like you did yet, but I’m similar when I’m upset. I don’t want to be left alone completely, but I need to unwind from stimulation. I’m here if you need me”. S/o smiles softly at him?
I can relate a lot to this one! I'm sure most people do! So, it would be my pleasure to do this for you!!
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A Genius has his problems
-A week of no sleep and failed experiments were uncommon for Donnie. He'd usually get it right away! Why was he having so many problems? A fight with Leo just ruined him even more.. and being called an egg-headed weirdo wasn't too pleasant of a morning for Donnie. -He was stressed and overstimulated and STRESSED and angry (at Leo), did i mention stressed? He was in his lab when you came for a surprise visit. You just so happen to catch him tinkering with one of his inventions and it explodes in his face.. He grabs a pillow and shoves his face in it before letting out a loud groan... -He sees you looking at him then sitting on the other side of the room. He was rather confused. He though you were gonna talk to him, scream even. But you were quiet.. After a small while he hears you say something in a soft voice. "Are you okay..?" He looks down and mumbles something out. "Leave me alone.." -You simply look at him and turn back to your phone, scrolling through whatever. He sighs as he lays his head on his table. An hour or two of him watching some relaxing videos and actually getting sleep, he turns to you. " About earlier, How come you stayed? Why didn't you leave? Why were you so quiet-" He was shortly cut off by the sound of you laughing and smiling at him. "Hey, you may not have seen me upset before.. but i act very similar to how you did. Even if i say i want to be left alone, in reality, i don't want to be left entirely alone." -He sees your smile and he smiles back genuinely in weeks.. To your surprise he hugs you. You hug him back. BONUS! (aftermath) After you talked to Donnie, you got a text from Mikey.. I think the others misunderstood Mikey's explanation.. Mikey: I don't know what you said to Donnie but i'm glad he started eating with us again! Thank you! I told everyone what happened! I saw you go into Donnie's lab and he made some weird noises..But then both of you came out smiling!! Idk why everyone's looking at me weird tho.. Thanks a lot! :)
You have one new message from Donatello! Donatello sent a photo! Donnie: We have a few problems.
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Hope you enjoyed this as much as i did!! From: MysticMidnight
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froggywritesstuff · 6 months
pros and cons | rise!donatello
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ship/pairing: rise!Donatello x male!reader
fandom: rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
warnings: fluff, cuddling, mentions of a.i., not proofread
word count: 796
A/N: idk man. 18+ people DNI
There are a lot of cons to dating a mutant turtle who lives in the sewers. One, being the fact that he lives in the sewers, and you have a sense of smell. Among others was your friends constantly nagging you to introduce them to him, or to at least show them a picture of your boyfriend that they were getting more convinced everyday that he was an a.i. bot.
Although the list of cons might have looked like an extremely long list to anyone else, you focused on the pros. In your eyes, the cons were but a small hill compared to the mountain of pros. To name a few, having a really smart boyfriend meant never having to go to a phone repair shop. Considering how many times you’ve dropped your phone in the lair, this was a very big pro. And with a mutant turtle boyfriend apparently came three mutant turtle brothers that you had become fast friends with.
Being friends with them, there wasn't much difference between your friendship with them and your friendships with non-mutant people. Aside from the secrecy, the sewers, and all the weird places they'd take you and/or tell you about. You did have sleepovers though. They were always fun. It’s just less fun when you're sleeping in your super smart boyfriend's bed and he's suddenly super busy super late at night with some super smart and super loud project.
Now you could cover your ears with your pillow and count a million sheep while you will yourself to sleep, ignoring the sounds from Donnie's lab and trying to gaslight yourself into thinking it wasn't that loud. However, leaving the lonely bed to sit with and annoy him sounded much more fun. After little contemplation, you slide out of bed, trudging over toward where Donnie sat in his chair. With no explanation, you flopped into his lap, readjusting to make the both of you comfortable. Donnie paused what he was doing, pulling his goggles over his head and staring down at you.
He felt you smile into the crook of his neck, followed by the vibrations of your muffled voice, “Hi.”
”What are you doing?” He asked, idly continuing his work but still giving you his attention.
You stay quiet, answering with a simple shrug.
”Are you gonna go back to sleep?”
"That's what I'm tryna do."
"Then go back to the bed?" He suggested as if it were obvious, to which you scoffed at.
”Uh, rude.”
Donnie rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t deny the smile tugging on his lips as he talked with you, “Y/N, I doubt that my lap is a better place to sleep than the bed, in fact, I’m almost certain of it.”
A frown formed on your lips, and you shook your head, “Keyword; almost. So no, I will not be leaving. I just got comfortable. And you’re nice and cool.”
"I assume I don't have to warn you of this, but it's gonna be loud."
"I know," you said, "It's still loud when I sleep in bed." Donnie's shoulders sagged at the realisation that he had woken you up. You felt the subtle movement, and looked up at him to meet his eyes, "If you like, actually want me to, I can go."
"No," he shook his head, "You can stay."
"Are you sure? You're not just saying that?"
"I'm sure Y/N." he smiled at you.
A sigh of relief left your lips at the confirmation that your physical touch wasn't making him uncomfortable, and you let your head rest against his plastron, "Nice, I'm super tired and I don't wanna walk all the way to bed."
"I understand, that sounds so hard." Donnie drawled, a rare occurrence of him using sarcasm.
"Right? Can I sleep like this every time I sleep over? Wait, don't answer that, I've made up my mind and I wanna."
"Sigh," Donnie sighed, but you could still see the slight smile on his lips, “Get a boyfriend they said. It’ll be fun, they said.”
"I heard that." 
"Good, it was intended for you to hear." he pulled his goggles down, and handed you a pair of noise cancelling headphones. Thanking him, you placed them over your ears, yawning as you readjusted to a more comfortable position.
You fell asleep shortly after that, and woke up in bed, cuddled up to Donnie. He was still sleeping soundly, and judging by the bags under his eyes, you assumed you got a better night's sleep than him. You smiled, cuddling closer to him as you let yourself sleep some more. There was truly no better feeling than waking up next to him. The pros definitely outweigh the cons when it comes to dating Donnie.
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shaking at a frequency that could shatter glass I know I've been here not too long ago, but. please.
h—headcanons..,, maybe...?? f-for.
Peepaw/Dad!Leo with an adopted child!reader...,, please...,... i-i need some Dad fluff with this tortuga. this overgrown hard-shell melon. this- this. (gestures vaguely) y'get me?
he's so Dad shaped. he's so fond and just radiates safety and warmth and affection and ugghhhghhh i just KNOW he'd be the best dad EVER. nay, he IS the best dad. (pseudo) sibling Casey attests to it.
(⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠) i think i'm actually going to lose my mind . the Clan as uncles/godparents/aunties. grandpa splinter. sweet brother Casey. it takes a village to raise a kid, they say.
do you see my vision here mate? as always, only if you want to ☜⁠ ⁠(⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) & if you do? just .. go ham. if anything strikes you, PUT IT IN THERE. I NEED TO HEAR IT FROM OTHER PEOPLE TOO . (/lh)
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This seems appropriate to celebrate me finishing the Rise movie (I am still emotionally unwell this is me coping) I shall grant you headcanons my dearest darling /p
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Let me start this off by saying that this man-
This man is best dad.
He finds a lost child?
'Tis his child now.
You are his child now.
He's ecstatic.
Especially since you're younger than him,
(Not by much, maybe afew months)
Casey makes it his life mission to protect you at all costs.
His favorite thing to do is hold your hand and lead you around.
Leo is so so good at being a dad.
I mean look as CJ,
He's got this ok?
Feeling clingy?
He'll hold you until you want him to put you down.
That's ok kiddo, come curl up next to Papa, he'll keep all those monsters away.
When you get older, you are not going anywhere without him, Casey, or anyone else.
It's not safe, and the same rule applies to CJ.
So you guys go on lots of scouting missions together.
You two may as well be twins, you never go anywhere without the other.
Sometimes, you and Casey will be sent to scout really last minute,
And Leo won't be notified until you two are gone.
Whenever this happens he gets super pissed off and worried because those are his kids,
He should be the one to give them clearence to leave,
Not some random officer who decided to send you two out.
If one of you ever comes back hurt,
God speed to whomever sent the two of you out.
Leo is mad.
Like, mad-mad.
So are April, Mikey, and Donnie.
Leo would literally fall apart if he lost you or Casey.
He swore to Cass that he'd protect Casey, and he promised himself he would keep you safe.
If he lost either of you he just might completely fall apart.
Leo's busy, he's running a resistance afterall,
So he can't keep eyes on you all the time.
That's why the Hamato's take turns.
Leo's in a meeting?
Let's meditate with Master Michelangelo.
Oh he's busy too?
Time to visit Uncle Tello's lab.
Can't find him?
Well where's Commander O'neil?
Can't find her either?
Welp, enjoy the meeting, cause you're stuck there now.
Play rock paper scissors or somethin idk.
If you're around before Splinter passes, he spends alot of time around you.
He's always wanted grandchildren, and he's going to cherish you,
Especially with the world in anarchy.
When you start losing people, it get's hard.
First it was Grandpa Splints,
Then it was Uncle Tello,
Then Auntie April...
Through it all Leo made sure you were ok.
You're just a kid, and you have to grow up in this hellscape?
You've never seen the blue sky, or normal rain,
And everyone you hold close is being ripped away.
That's not fair.
So he does everything he can to make sure you grow up safe and happy.
One of his favorite things to do was tell you and Casey stories of what the world used to be like.
Your favorite is when he describes the stars.
It sounds so amazingly beautiful, shimming lights like glitter sitting up in a blackish blue abyss.
After the events of the movie, (you knew it was coming goddammit)
Your first request is to see the stars.
Which is pretty hard since New York is really bright like all the time.
So they took you and Casey to the docks where you would be able to see them best.
You looked up at the sky in absolute awe,
Papa's words would never do the stars justice.
After a minute, you broke down in tears.
It hurt, he promised to be the one to point out the constellations and his younger self doing it just wasn't the same.
Griefing is going to be a really big thing post movie.
In the future, you never really had the chance.
Everything happened so quickly and anytime wasted on griefing could have been a death sentence.
But now, you don't have to watch every corner, you don't have to wake up in fear you'll be alone.
So you grief.
You grief your family, and Casey does too.
Sure, technically they're right outside your room.
But it's not them.
They didn't raise you.
When Leo sends you and Casey back in time,
You took it much worse than Casey, who was focused on completeing the mission.
Sure, you wanted to stop the Kraang too,
But you missed your dad...
So when you find your family's past selves,
And Leo is being so...
You're angry.
Really angry.
Never in your life had your father acted this way, and Casey needlessly boosting his ego 30 seconds into knowing him wasn't helping.
Through out the movie, Casey needs to remind himself that this Leo isn't your Leo.
You have absolutely no trouble with that.
You come across as cold and angry, which worries your brother since you've never been like this before.
The others just assume you're always that way.
But you're not,
And acting like this makes you hate yourself.
You're grappling with the loss of your dad, and the fact that you might fail to do what you were sent here to in the first place.
Casey pulls you aside and gives you a talk.
He understands that your hurting,
He is too,
But this isn't about the two of you.
This is about saving the world and stopping the Kraang.
After that, you can hurt all you want.
That talk ended with you sobbing into Casey's shoulder, practically collapsing to the ground while you clinged to him and begged him not to leave you too.
Aight imma hit ya with the sandwich technique.
Fluff, angst, fluff.
When you were a kid,
You had a habit of collecting anything shiny.
Old coins, jewelry, even just shiny rocks.
If it glimmered, you wanted it.
So whenever Leo had to leave the base, he always came back with something shiny for you to add to your hoarde.
He liked to compare you to a crow, and you asked what a crow was.
Right, raised in the apocolypse.
Sure there were plenty of birds around,
But they weren't.... normal.
So Leo explained what a crow was, and that they liked to collect shiny things.
You understood, but you wanted to know what one looked like,
So you went to Uncle Tello and asked if he could show you what a crow looks like.
He showed you, and immediatly you took to the comparison proudly.
You were like a crow!
Mikey liked to put on little shows for you and all the other children that lived in the base.
Making animals and such out of his ninpo.
Your favorite were the birds, the rabbits too.
But the best was the butterflies, which he also used to help you and Casey fall asleep.
They'd flutter around you room kinda like a nightlight.
I also like to imagine that when you and Casey start scouting, you get in trouble for fucking around.
Mostly making stupid bets for your shiny things.
Casey would collect shiny things just to make these bets.
Usually it was simple stuff, like who can throw a rock the farthest,
But even stuff like that could get both of you killed.
Neither of you really listened until one day,
You're making your bet like usual,
And the building you were scouting out wasn't as empty as you thought.
The two of you nearly fell to your deaths, luckily Casey managed to grapple the two of you to safety.
But after that, you had a major fear of heights, and Leo didn't let the two of you out of his sight for a while.
He made sure to scold the two of you when you returned that day,
Before hugging you and telling you how scared he was for a second.
Leo has no problem with you and Casey being included in meetings,
Honestly he prefers it.
If you two are gonna go running around scouting, you should know what's going on.
You'll have the occasional adult who thinks you and Casey are incompitent because of your age,
And that you shouldn't participate in meetings.
But Leo puts that to rest pretty quickly.
"If they can go out, and risk their lives on missions, they can attend the meetings." He'd say.
Leo loves you with his heart and soul.
If anything happened to you, he'd fall apart.
Sometimes he just needs you to have little sleepovers with him, that way he knows you're safe and sound.
He just wants to protect you.
You're his kid,
And he loves you
I wrote this while listening to anarchy by egg, and damn that song fits.
This one is LONG that's my bad, I got alittle carried away :^
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fishsticksloser · 8 months
Can I uh request a uh-
Future Donnie x Reader where it's like they're trying to be sneaky about their relationship but everyone knows but likes playing a game of 'do they know that we know' or something like that idk how to describe it. Just for silly little haha-
Secret Secret
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F!Donnie x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, "secret" relationship, kissing, conspiracy, angst (in Leo's part)
A/N: This is so fun... I might have to make a bot based on it just for fun. The ending kinda sucks, but I like the rest of it.
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You and Donnie had started dating, but both of you decided to keep quiet about it. Not ready for the Hamato family to find out about this. So you both agreed to keep it quiet. What neither of you knew was that everyone knew. While you two stayed friendly — maybe even a tad hostile since everyone believed Donnie didn't like you — in front of others, everyone still knew.
Mikey finding out:
Mikey had been walking down an empty hall, you were walking a ways in front of him. He saw someone reach out and pull you into a dark room. Mikey felt worried and went to see, but what he found shocked him.
Donnie had you in his arms, lips to yours. Mikey's eyes widen and he turned and left quickly. He was shocked. Truly. Mikey went to his other brothers, his father, April.
Should he say something? Should he tell them what he saw?
Mikey did. He told them all, but they all teased him. Donnie in a relationship? They honestly believed Donnie didn't like you, so they brushed it off. Still... Mikey knows what he saw.
Raph finding out:
Raph went to talk to Donnie, making his way to Donnie's lab. He didn't think much about it, just walking in. You were just leaving, but something about it was weird.
"Oh hi, Raph!" You say cheerfully as you leave. He saw marks on your neck. They looked fresh, like they'd just been put on your neck. Raph nodded and moved to Donnie's desk. The look on Donnie's face, the few marks on his neck as well.
Mikey was right.
April finding out:
She was going to Donnie's room to watch Jupiter Jim: Pluto Vacation 4 like they always did around this time of year. When she got to his room, he was already waiting. He had a new blanket, one that she'd only seen you use.
April was a little suspicious, but she decided not to say anything yet. She sat next to him after putting the movie in. She watched him in the corner of her eyes as she sees him snuggle into the blanket more.
She has a suspicion that Mikey was right.
Finally, Leo finding out:
Leo heard all about everyone else's run ins with the truth, but never believed it. Why? Donnie is his twin, he'd surely tell Leo, right? They always told each other stuff. Donnie was the first person Leo told about his crushes, his dates.
Yeah, Donnie and Leo argued a lot, butted heads a lot, but they're still twins. Donnie is still Leo's best friend, did Donnie not feel the same?
Leo wanted to go talk to Donnie about these rumors about you and his twin. He wanted to know that he was still close to Donnie. So he made his way to Donnie's lab. He stepped inside and froze before stepping back out and pressing his shell to the wall next to the lab's door, breathing heavily and really confused.
What he saw?
You and Donnie. That seems normal, right?
But Donnie picking you up? Donnie putting you on the desk while your hands slid down his natural shell?
Leo couldn't believe his eyes. He kind of wanted to erase what he just saw. He stood outside the lab for a little, trying to make sense of it. Trying to rationalize why Donnie hasn't told him.
Maybe it's new! Maybe you two just got together in the last hour or so and... Are currently making out in Donnie's lab. Which Donnie would never allow unless it's really serious.
So Mikey was right. You two were dating. And have been for at least 6 months now, but from what he saw, Leo believes it's been longer.
When you finally told the Hamato family:
You weren't there, having a patrol to do, but both of you had agreed to finally tell Donnie's family. Still a bit hesitant though since both of you knew everyone would lose their minds over it.
So at dinner one night, everyone was laughing and talking. Playing games and such with each other. Then Donnie just blurted it out, but no one really reacted.
"Um... Y/N and I are dating." He said again, a bit louder and really confused.
"Oh yeah, Dee. We all know already." Mikey smiles and pats Donnie's shoulder. The others laugh and smile, giving Donnie a small congrats.
That's it? Donnie thought. The most socially awkward brother has a partner and they somehow all know? No. We were careful. We made sure...
Donnie looked at his family and they all saw his face. His brothers paused and sighed. So they told Donnie how they all found out.
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wifeyifey · 1 year
Bayverse!TMNT x flirty!affectionate!fem!reader Part 2
Alright so this is part 2 of the requested Part 1
This one somehow came out steamier than the first one?? Idk why my mind was racing when I wrote theirs because I'm a sucker for the nerdy and funny kind of people lol. It's not smut but it is steamy and there is a bit of humor at the end of Mikey'... ANYWAYS here is part 2
Request: it was asked to write a super flirty femme reader who does it so much and the boys just want to make you theirs finally (I lost the request to the cosmos unfortunately)
Characters: Donatello and Michelangelo
(I know that I did this for the turtles, but I also feel like doing one for Bayverse April cause awooga)
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You and Donnie had been tinkering in his lab for a couple hours at this point. You were so tired and wanted to go to bed. It’s not unusual for you to go take a nap in Donnie’s bed considering he never slept in it. You did have clothes that you could change into as well cause it’s usually more comfortable than what you’re wearing when you get to the lair. 
You put down whatever you were working on and walked over to Donnie. You rested your head against his shoulder, “What are you working on D?” “Uh, well. I’m working on something for you actually.” This made you perk up instantly, “for me? Well, what is it?” you asked, putting your face closer to his. “It’s uh, ya know. U-Um. Well, it’s something to add to your keys that if you press it, your phone gives me a SOS signal with your location and it’s also an extremely loud alarm to try to scare them away. I know you’ve been dealing with some weird people on your walks home from work or from April’s and I want to make sure I’ll be able to get to you as soon as possible,” he said, pushing up his glasses. “Oh, Donnie! Baby boy, that’s so sweet of you!” you squealed as you grabbed the side of his face and kissed him all over his cheek. “H-Hey! Wait! Let me at least put down the thing so it doesn’t go off!” he stumbled out. You took a small pause and let him put it down. He then turned his body and looked at you with tired, but happy eyes. You stepped in between his spread legs and put your hands on his upper thighs, your right thumb rubbing affectionately. His hands hesitantly went to your hips. He’s getting a bit better at dealing with your affection, it still very much gets to him though, but he’s working on returning at least some of your affection. 
Donnie took off his goggles and placed them on the table next to him. He then leaned forward and placed his forehead against your shoulder. You instantly put your hand on the back of his head and rubbed your hand over his head affectionately. “Come on Donnie. Let’s go to bed for a bit, yeah? I’m not taking no for an answer,” you heard him sigh as he then lifted his head with a small ok. He stood up and turned the lights off above his desk. You grabbed his hand and guided him toward his room. You sat him down on his bed and helped him take off his gear and after every single piece, you gave him a small kiss starting from his shoulder and making your way to his neck. If he could blush, he would be a tomato. He can feel the warmth in his face though, and he’s wondering if you notice it. With how tired he is, he feels like he’s losing his internal battle of the constraint of keeping his hands to himself. He knows the next time you touch him, he might not hold back. You put your hand under his chin and lifted his face up so you could look into his eyes. “Donnie, baby, go ahead and take off your shoes and change into your sweats. I’m going to the bathroom to change into that big shirt you just got me. Ok?” you leaned down to rub your nose against his. He closed his eyes and leaned into the nose rub and his hands were put on the back of your thighs and brushed his thumbs against the sides of them. When you pulled away, he opened his eyes and looked deep into yours before looking down at your lips and licking his. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s change. You don’t have to leave the room either. I just wanna go to bed with you, love.” You smiled at the new nickname he gave you and the fact that he was comfortable enough to let you change in the same room as him. “You sure it’s ok to change in here with you?” “Y-Yeah, we can just face the opposite way so you don’t feel uncomfortable sweetheart.” You nodded as Donnie stood up and went to his dresser to hand you your shirt and get his sweats. 
To be respectful, Donnie asked if it was ok to turn around and since you were just taking off your pants after putting on the oversized shirt. He had turned around just as you were taking your jeans off your ankles so you were bent forward. He sucked in some air and held it to keep from letting out a moan. His eyes started at your ankles and dragged up to look at the cute pink, cheeky panties. He was hoping he wasn’t visibly hard through his sweats, but knowing the thin material, and his anatomy, it’s at least a little visible. You had turned around to ask if he was ok when you looked at him and noticed the way his sweats sit low on his hips, showing more than you’ve ever seen from him. Your eyes automatically trailed down to the bulge that was becoming more and more visible. Donnie looked down and noticed the way he’s WAY more visible than what he was comfortable with. He was extremely embarrassed at this point and he was about to stutter out some lame excuse when you walked up to him and rested your hands against his abs. He felt his heart racing and was afraid you could hear it, maybe even feel it. “You don’t have to be nervous Donnie, it’s ok. It’s natural and we don’t have to do anything. We can just go to bed baby,” you said as his hands came up to cover your hands. He grabbed one of your hands and brought it up to his face, placing your hand against his cheek, and kissing the inside of your wrist. His other hand going down the length of your arm and trailing down to the small of your back and pulling you into him. He could feel the softness of your breasts placed against his chest and to keep himself from losing control, he places his forehead against yours. “My darling, I… You’re the only one to make me feel like this. I love you so much and I’m tired of holding back how I feel for you,” he whispered. “Then don’t hold back,” you whispered back. Something in him snapped and he put his hands just under your ass as he lifted you up, making you wrap your legs around him. You throw your arms around his neck and finally kiss him on the lips. He got so lost in the kiss and he couldn’t help but let his hands roam. One went under your shirt and up your back to grip the back of your neck and the other holding you up against him. “You’re mine,” he groaned out. “Only yours, Donnie.”
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I know it’s not a surprise that Mikey flirts with you. He 100% doesn’t back up his flirty comments cause he has a tiny voice in his head that says you aren’t attracted to him. Even if you flirt back with him, he shuts down immediately. His brain can’t compute that you actually mean what you say when flirting. He’s a touchy person too, but you return those affections and then some?? He accepts it happily, but man the one thing he REALLY wants is to have a heated make out sesh with you with a sprinkle of you grinding on his lap. He shouldn’t be thinking about this on the living room couch of all places. He put his remote in his lap and stared at the ‘YOU LOSE’ screen. He thought of you again and how he just wants to show you the love that he holds back on.
Before his mind could think more into the fantasy, you come up behind him to give him a little scare. “Boo!” you said as you wrap your arms around his neck from behind. “OH! Angelcakes! I was just about to message you babygirl,” he said as his hands went up to your arms. You smile as you tangle your fingers with his and go to give him a few kisses on his cheek. “Oh, so you were thinking about me, hmm? Am I always on your mind, Mikey?” you hum into your next cheek kiss and swing both of your hands. He held his breath afraid you read his mind before coming over and turned his head to look at you and tried to give his goofy smile. “You should be tired with how much you run through my mind baby,” you end up giggling at that and squeal with how cute he is. You press a kiss to his shoulder before letting go of his hands and walking in front of him to put your hands just above his knees. You were wearing a low cut v-neck today and with you leaning forward, he got a good look at your cleavage and swallowed hard. You could see his eyes ogling you and did everything you could to hold back your smirk. You stood up and stepped between his open legs. Your hand going under his chin to look you in the eyes. “Are you ok, Mikey? You seem a bit distracted sweetheart,” you said softly. He looked into your eyes and smiled softly, “I’m ok, Y/N. C’mere pretty girl,” he said, patting his lap, moving the remote from his lap. You could feel the heat in your face as you’ve never sat in his lap before. You were about to turn to sit when he grabbed one of your hands and the other went to the back of your thigh to pull you forward. You start to straddle him as he puts your hand over his shoulder. 
With legs on the outside of his and arms wrapped around his neck, you lean forward to rub your nose against his. You were a little nervous and started to play with the ends of his mask. He could sense your nervousness because he too was a little nervous. His hands went to your hips with one going under your shirt a little bit to rub his thumb against your soft skin. “Angelcakes… I just want you to be my girl already,” you smile at him and giggle a little. “Turns out we want the same thing, Mikey.” This caused him to give you the goofiest smile with you mirroring him. Grabbing the sides of his face you smash your lips to his in a flurry of small kisses and giggles from you both. Mikey’s arms wrapped around your waist with one under your shirt, giving you just enough skin-to-skin contact, and held you close to him as he deepened the kisses. You hum into the kiss, pulling him closer. He pushes you down a bit in his lap and grinds up into you slightly making him hiss and you let out a moan. He shoves his tongue into your mouth and tangles it with yours. Suddenly there’s someone clearing their throat making Mikey throw you off him and standing up quickly, “I WASN’T DOING ANYTHING!” You groan at the impact, “Y/N, holy shit. Baby, I’m so sorry!” He bent down to help you up as you looked at who walked in on you only to be met with Raphael staring right back at you. “Uhhh, hey Raphie,” you said with a little wave. “Don’t ‘Raphie’ me when Mikey’s trying to hide the boner-” “Dude!” Raphael roared with laughter as you both headed towards Mikey’s room, but not without Raph giving him a pat on his shoulder and an ‘I told ya she likes ya’.
Requests are open!! lmk what yall think!!
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tmntxthings · 10 months
一∑ All For You・゜・。
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author’s note: nice song, idk how I got the yandere vibes, but here we are, also it’s late soooo unedited and prolly horrendous >.<
warnings: yandere!donnie, toxic relationship, gaslighting, lies, manipulation, controlling, cursing
song: “ Feather by Sabrina Carpenter ”
Donatello didn’t feel any remorse as he hacked into your phone.
You obviously needed help.
You couldn’t do this yourself.
So he took it upon himself to help you out with this one.
It was honestly torture to watch you with your toxic partner.
And he was past the point of caring about the repercussions you may force upon him.
Donnie was actually pretty sure you would be grateful. This favor he was about to do for you.
It was too easy to get into your phone. Donnie sat in his swivel chair, music playing around him as he dabbled with the keys on his keyboard.
After he had cornered his resolve it was only a matter of time. He knew most of your passwords and while he could’ve just stolen your phone to do this… he didn’t want to chance it.
Donnie wouldn’t just block this asshole. No no. He was going to eradicate this fool from your phone. Wipe it clean of your partner's existence. There would be no way they could reach you and if they tried instead it would alert Donnie.
You were unhappy with your current situation. You came to the lair moping, and in a depressive state due to this punk! And it seemed every time you did go through with breaking up, it would last only a couple of hours before this irritating charmer found their way back into your life. Back as your partner.
Well Donnie had enough. And he was positive you felt the same way. You just needed his help. Needed him to take control and save you. Make all the hard decisions so you wouldn’t have to feel guilty.
Gladly! He would gladly do all these things and more to get you back into a happier state. And you would see! Once you got over the fact that he intruded into your space, and completely blocked someone out of your life… all that was missing was the irl part.
Donnie didn’t know if he was ready to commit murder on your behalf yet. So this would have to do for now.
It had worked too. Initially you had wondered why they weren’t responding to you, messaging or calling you. But as the days went by you were brighter, lighter.
And Donnie had to keep it together to not verbally ask for a gracious thank you. No, this was enough. Just seeing you smile. Yeah. A feather is what you became. You floated into his lab, giggling about some comedy movie you had just finished. Asking him about his latest and greatest.
Now usually Donnie was very attentive to you. Especially when you came in his space. He had to make sure you didn’t accidentally light something on fire or god forbid press a button that should probably have a fingerprint approval on it.
So yeah, he was halfway listening to you. His headphones buzzing from a tune, typing something on his monitor when he got a blip of a notification. One that you clocked in on.
“Who’s that??”
And like a cat he jumped in his seat. Realizing it was a message from your asshole of a partner. He was trying to close out his screens and his fingers flew to cover up his mistake. But the world was against him as your head leaned past his shoulder, scrutinizing the screen as he missed the escape button a trillion times.
“Fucking Asshole?”
You questioned and as you read the message. No the loads of messages that had gone between Donnie and well..your soon to be ex! You took a sharp intake of breath.
“Donnie what the fuck is this??”
He cringed. Finally closing, it made a resound click. “Before I admit to my crimes I’d like to point out how happy you’ve been these past couple of days! Just think, you could be this way all the tim—“
“Donnie!!” You yelled, staring him down now.
He pulled down his headset. “Really Y/n you’re overreacting right now. All I’ve done is block them permanently off your phone and rerouted everything they send to me instead.” He listed all of this off nonchalantly. It was all totally cool. It was chill! It was fineeee!
You just continued to stare, though your eyes had widened incrementally as you assessed the bigger picture. “And you’re responding to them??”
“Ahh well.. I couldn’t help myself. I told myself I wouldn’t but.. pretending to be you and slowly breaking their resolve was just too fun to miss out on! Pretty sure they're gonna break up with you soon!” Donnie tacked on the last sentence as a bonus! A super positive plus that surely you were happy about.
“Donnie this is fucked up. You can’t just do that! You can’t just, UGH! I can’t even right now Dee. I’m leaving.”
You were bolting. And Donnie wondered if he should follow. He swiveled. Once. Twice. Fuck it he was going after you! To explain better.
“Y/n! Wait!” He called out, jumping from his chair and pressing on his wrist tech to call for a battle shell. It shot out from the charging station and latched onto his softshell. Once in place he went in jetpack mode, flying through the sewer and assessing you had already made it topside.
You were steps from walking out onto the sidewalk and into the flow of commuters. That was before his hands found your waist, gripping tightly as he picked your weight up off the ground and he shot into the air.
You screamed, flailing before deciding you didn’t want to fall and clung to him instead. Now you were cursing as he slowed down to land on an empty rooftop.
“You’re no better than them! Doing all of this by yourself! Doing things I never asked for and don’t want!” You hollered, getting heated even though you were still trying to catch your breath. Wind whipped past the both of you, leaving trails of goosebumps on you.
Donnie let you get it all off your chest. And by the end of your rant, “now get me off this roof and leave me the hell alone!” You wanted away. Still trying to run. Well now you had nowhere to go unless you wanted to fall six floors down.
“I think if you just took a moment to look past what I’ve done you’ll see I only did it for you! And it’s benefitted you so far! Why do you want to go through that cycle of breakups again? When I could just take care of this problem for you!”
This all sounded reasonable to Donatello. Nice even. “I know it may look bad to you Donnie, but I really do like them. Despite our ups and downs.”
“More downs than ups..” Donnie muttered. Rolling his eyes at the word you used ‘like’. Whatever. There was no way you liked them. Why were you over all the time then? Why not hang out with them? And brimming with excitement too whenever you hung around? When you did come over after a date with your partner you were never that happy!
“I’m serious Donnie, fix what you did or else this will be the last you see of me.”
You were threatening him now?? After all he had done? His eyes darkened. A sneer appearing on his face as he stalked forward, “Really now? Where you gonna go Y/n?” Donnie looked out at the empty rooftop. No door, no staircase/fire escape. You took in your surroundings too. Your mouth going into a grim line.
“I’ll call the police. I’ll call your brothers!” Again with the threats!
Donnie expanded his tech bo. And while you jumped back thinking he was about to attack, he just leaned over it, bored to bits already. “Go ahead, try calling up a hero. We’ve got all the time in the world up here for you to understand my side of things.”
You didn’t know why every call you tried failed. Well that was until you looked up to see Donnie canceling it on his end. On his wrist tech. He shot you a swarmy wink when he caught you staring. Fuming. You’d see his point of view soon.
below are answered anon asks from this post:
thoughts on ‘jumping’
thoughts on ‘pretending’
thoughts on ‘layers’
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jusmango-shake · 16 days
(platonic) hug with donnie? like the two of you are good friends IDK thank you :)
🥭: I uh didn't know which Donnie you meant, so I js chose 2012 if that's alright? I hope you enjoy it though! Sorry for it being so short btw.
12!Donnie x Reader/p
Fictype: Normal
Mood: fluff (comfort?)
Warnings: nnone that I can think of. 👍
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Donnie walked out of the living room with a huff, the sound of his brother's laughter only fueling his frustration.
He angrily wiped at his eyes, feeling the familiar building up of tears. He didn't know why he didn't just go back to the lab or his room, it was like he was on autopilot at this point.
He beelined straight to your home, jumping from building to building and roof to roof. He climbed one of the pipes, grumbling about his brothers until he made it to your window.
Once he recognised the curtains in your favourite colour, he held the pipe right with one hand and knocked with his free one.
He relaxed as he heard the familiar shuffling of steps on the other side, watching as the curtains slid revealing you behind the window.
Donnie watched as you scrambled to open the locked window, it wasn't usual for him to come to your house unless it was an emergency. Especially in broad daylight.
Once the window slid open, he carefully got inside.
You scanned his body for any possible injuries or reason he might be here. He would've looked completely normal if it wasn't for the somber look on his face.
“D? What brings you here?” you asked him worriedly, it unnerved you to see Donnie so.. dejected.
He chuckled nervously, Donnie didn't even know himself.
"Why? You don't want me here?"
“Very funny, Don. You don't usually come here unless you need help.” you looked at the seemingly guilty turtle mutant.
"m sorry if I bothered you, I just— wanted to get away from the lair for a bit." he fiddled with his fingers, embarrassed to tell you the real reason. "Is it so wrong to wanna hang out with my bestest buddy in the entire world..?"
“just tell me the real reason, D.”
You sighed, Donnie was good at a lot of things. Lying? Not one of em.
“If you wanted to hang out with me, you coulda just messaged me instead of coming all the way up here” You eyed him.
Donnie let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding, the ends of his lips slightly down turned into a frown.
“is this about your brothers?”
He perked up at that question, his head slightly tilted as he looked at you.
"..how do you know?"
“i've been to the lair enough times to know they don't take you very seriously sometimes.” you shrugged. “especially when you're rambling.”
He let his gaze drift over to the floor, his shoulders sagging slightly.
“c'mere DonTron, I prescribe you with a hug. we don't have to talk if you don't want to talk.” you walked over to the turtle, embracing him.
Donnie tensed up, though not for long as he reciprocated and hugged back. Sighing through his nose as he eased into the hug.
"Thanks [Name], you always know what to say."
You snorted “i actually guessed the reason why, but sure, I'll take the free compliment.”
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someone1348 · 2 years
🦷💌; can—can i ask for more??? more turtles x reader tickle fluff? it can be anything at this point, but maayyyyybbeeee take this sugguestion for leooooooooo???!!!
so we all know leo's a teaser...100%...what if the reader finds themself in some sort of stuck situation and leo takes this for advantge? 🧍‍♀️
thats all i got...for the others idk but it can be literally anything—I LOVE THEM SM AH 🥲🥲
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ill shut up now im sorry 😔
Absolutely I can! Thank you for your requests!
People in this: Turtles x Reader (tickle fics!)
Key: (n/n)= Nickname
(y/n)= Your name
Apologies on how late this is coming out lol! But I hope you enjoy!
-K :]
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The things you would do for these turtles is absolutely ridiculous! From the minute they walked into your life its been nothing but adventure and greatness but man was it frustrating in times like these.
Leo's TV broke the other day and with Donnie busy at April's house he frantically called you for help, again the things you would do for those turtles, especially Leo.
The hold he has on you is insane so of course you agreed to come and help him. He smiled widely and thanked you repetitively as you arrived on the scene!
He stepped out of the room for a while to give you some space and when he came back he was delighted to see that you not only fixed it but had gotten yourself stuck in the process
"Leo I swear to the Pizza Supreme in the sky if you don't stop laughing and come help me out-"
"Fihihine! I was gonna help you anyway its just too funny!! AHAHA"
"OKAhay I'm coming! Neon Leon is on the case!" He smiled brightly as he walked over to you trying to pull you out from behind the TV but nothing was working
"You really got yourself stuck in there"
"You think?" You giggled a little as he scoffed jokingly
"Hey! I'm trying to help you here! I wouldn't get all smart in your position if I were you~" he lowered his voice to his natrual teasing tone before tweaking your sides gently watching the reaction it gave
"What's wrong?, You Ticklish?~"
He didn't give you a chance to answer before his wiggling fingers danced across every tickle spot he could find enjoying every laugh, giggle, sound and reaction you made. There was no chance of escape, no room to move, no place to hide, it was just you, him and your tickle spots.
His smirk grew as he found your most ticklish spot
"Awwww is this your worst spot? Hmm?~ Tickle Tickle tickleee~" he continued as any pleads went in one ear and out the other
"Great thinking (n/n)! I will use my portals!~" he smirked using two small portals to put his hands through the wall and tickle your worst spot that way
He giggled along with you for a little before stopping and fully pulling you through a bigger portal and onto his lap as he rubbed away the ghost tickles
"You okay?" He asked with a smile
"I am, but you might not be in a few seconds~"
"Ohhh boyyy"
Let's just say that night the lair was filled with laughter!
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You and the purple clad turtle arranged to hang out that evening! This was going to be great! Donatello wanted to hang out with you!
Now normally your hang outs consisted of you two being in the lab, working on new tech or just enjoying each other's company doing your own things but it was always his lab and it was always something science based, you didn't mind that of course! It was just today was different!
He texted you to leave your equipment at home and meet him in the arcade that they have in the lair. Of course you did just that but something was off.
"Hey D! Why did you want to meet here? And why did you tell me to leave my stuff at home?" He smiled as you entered the arcade area
"Sweet Sweet (y/n)! Today! We are going to be playing video games! Jazz hands" he wiggled his fingers to show his enthusiasm and to put emphasis on the plan as you nodded
"Sounds great! You're so going down!"
"Prepare to eateth' thy words!"
The two of you spent the entire day going from game to game. He mentally kept score while you two had fun, and he was one point away from beating you! Luckily, this next game was his specialty! It's the car game he's always playing with Mikey and he was determined to win!
"Prepare to eat my dust (n/n)!"
"Oh well see about that!"
And the race was on! It was neck and neck and Donnie was prepared to do anything to win and I mean anything! He thought about it for a little bit before a smirk formed on his features. He used one of his robot hands that was now holding a feather to it and swiped it across your neck and face to distract you enjoying your reactions and the light up winners screen he had.
"Hey would you look at that I won!"
"Yohohou cheheated!"
"GASP! I am hurt that you would even think for a second that I would do such a thing!" His smirk grew as he used the robot arm to hold your hands up as he circled you with wiggling fingers
"You know I think you're just a sore loser (n/n), I know exactly what will help fix that~" he giggled alittle before tickling you all over your tickle spots, experimenting with every single spot to find your worst spot and the best reactions!
He pointed out the little things as he tickled you, which became more flustering the more he did it. Stuff like;
"Hmm what an interesting sound you make when I do this!" Or "Wow! You're really ticklish here~" and finally "How fascinating your face just keeps getting more and more red the more I talk, am I flustering you dove~" He was on a roll today, he was finally number one and he was gonna use all of that power to his advantage right now!
"YOHOHOU WIHIHIN DEHEHEE!" He stopped his raspberry and smirked at you
"Why thank you for finally acknowledging the truth!" He smiled, rubbing the ghost tickles away and releasing you from his robot arm.
What an eventful game night!
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This sweetheart could tell instantly that you were stressed. He decided that it would be a great idea to give you a relaxation day! He let everyone know ahead of time and tidied everything up accordingly!
He went out of his way to make sure when you arrived that everything was perfect! His room smelled nice, his brothers were either in their rooms or out playing basketball and he even put on some calming instrumental music for you!
He was determined to make everything special for you. He beamed when you entered the lair, instantly lifting you off the ground and carrying you to your final destination, claiming that you were not to use your legs today or lift a finger! He treated you like the royalty you are it was so special. Even if you insisted you were fine, there was no saying no to Raph!
He smiled as he placed you down onto his big red coded bed. "I had Mikey help me cook you you're favorite!" he smiled, handing you a plate full of your favorite meal which you happily accepted and thanked him again
"Of course! Anytime sunshine!" He smiled brighter before he offered a massage "here this should help!"
Before you knew it, he was getting every single knot out of your back and shoulders, and lt felt great, but holy heck, did it tickle! Raph caught on after a giggle slipped from your mouth while you were exhaling
"How does it feel?" He asked 'innocently' as he moved back to the spot that made you giggle before
"It feels gohohood! Thahanks Raph!" You giggled again as his smile turned into a smirk
"Good im so glad! You truly deserve this! You work so hard and deserve a break I am so proud of you (y/n)!" He smiled brightly again now properly tickling you
"Why are you giggling so much (n/n)?~ It's just a massage, don't tell me you're ticklish!~" He teased you as he continued tickling all over your tickle spots
"Dawww, I think this will help relieve your stress more! They do say laughter is the best medicine!" He continued enjoying every little sound, laugh, and reaction you made to his tickles and various tickle spots until he found your worst spot
He stopped immediately, rubbing away the ghost tickles before picking you up again and holding you close, his heartbeat soothing yours as he rubbed circles into your skin
"Cuddle time!" He exclaimed as you nodded
What a perfect day
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After tasting Mikeys amazing creations for a long time now you asked him if he could teach you how to cook! He was ecstatic! Today was the day you two scheduled to do this!
He smiled brightly as you entered the lairs kitchen! "Here you go!" He handed you your very own apron he decorated it himself he was really proud of it!
You wore it with pride as you washed your hands and got ready to cook! Everything was going great! He guided your hands through some techniques, you added the spices together to give it flavor and overall were just having fun and learning alot! Mikeys a really great coach!
The waiting was the boring part, so when you got impatient and saw an open bag of flour sitting right in front of you, you knew exactly what to do. You sneakily took a bit in your hand before catching the orange turtles attention and threw it at him
He gasped jokingly as he blinked, now covered in flour "oh that's it! You are so on!" He smirked taking some of the flour and throwing it back on you, soon it was an all out flour war! He eventually pounced on you trying to get the flour on your shirt but his hands slipped accidentally swiping your side in the process
He caught that reaction immediately and had an even better idea then the flour! He smirked as his wiggling fingers scribbled all over your tickle spots like a skilled artist painting his masterpiece!
"Tickle Tickle tickleee~ this is what you get for pranking the prankster (n/n)~" He giggled along with you before he found your worst spot
"Awwww I think someone's Ticklish~" he teased in a sing song voice as he used every trick in the book to get the best reactions out of you
"Oh Goodie! The foods ready!" He smiled rubbing away the ghost tickles and leading you a hand up while you caught your breath
"Ihit smells amazing!"
"It's gonna taste amazing too you know why?" He smiled at you as you raised an eyebrow
"Why's that?"
"Because we made it with love together! Anddd it got your giggles in there for extra love!"
He giggled as he started to plate everything. "we eat first, then clean, alright? And you started this so you have to help me! You have no choice, cutie pie!" He giggled poking your sides again quickly before he handed you your plate
"Okahay fair enough!"
You two enjoyed your creation throughly before cleaning the place up and cleaning yourselves up later one at a time, getting into comfy Pj's and enjoying the rest of the night together! It was perfect! This definitely calls for more cooking dates down the line!
I hope you all enjoyedd! I loved making this! And I hope you all have a great day today! You truly deserve it! I am so proud of you! /p /gen /pos
-K :]
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Hihi, happy Late bothday!! Idk if ur asks are open but if they are could u write bayverse donnie and Leo with a punk s/o who’s actually a total sweetheart and very loving?
Aww thank you!! Oh I like this lol. My favorite boys (I hope this is what you wanted, I'm not punk nor do I know anyone who is)
Donnie and Leo with a punk s/o
They show you off whenever they can. They're so happy to finally be in a relationship with you and can't help but just gloat
He eventually does tone it down, but he's just so in shock that you: his super badass babe, chose him. Him.
He's a nerd. A dork.
From your outward appearance it felt like you'd go after Raph or maybe Mikey, but Leo/Donnie? You two looked like opposites.
But thankfully you happily remind them that you reciprocate the feelings and care for them deeply.
He was glad for the reminders, you were very quiet and reserved, only showing affection when mostly alone. He just assumed you were a bit of an aloof person and never wanted to make you feel forced to act a certain way.
But it isn't until one of them hurts themselves that your real personality comes out.
It was after training, a few hours before patrol and he was working on a new trick with his katanas.
You're sitting on a folded up mat by the entrance, on your phone, occasionally looking up at him.
Well, he isn't perfect (despite what he wants you to think) and the blade slips from his hand.
It cut the tip of his finger. It's the equivalent of a human paper cut, just a little surface scratch.
But because it's a large weapon that raises a lot of alarm when the move doesn't go as planned.
He drops one to the floor and hisses in pain, you jump and run over to him.
"Are you okay? What happened?"
He winces, setting down the other katana and kneeling on the mat.
"I'm alright, it's just a little cut," He brushes it off, still clutching his hand.
You rush from the dojo, going to Donnie's lab and returning with the first aide kit.
Kneeling next to him you clean the wound and gently pat it dry.
"Is that okay? Does it hurt?" There's fear in your eyes, a worry line etched in your forehead. He'd never seen you so worried or concerned for him.
"No, it's okay," He can't bring himself to stop you, your hands are so gentle and soft as they move across his hand.
(If he's being honest it's nice being doted on like this)
After it's been cleaned to your liking, you take out two large bandaids and wrap them around his finger.
"Is that too tight? Can you still move it okay?" It melts his heart seeing how careful you're being with him.
"Yes, baby, I'm fine," He laughs, pulling you into a hug.
It was a calm day at the lair, surprisingly no one had started a fight and Splinter even let them out of training early.
You'd been invited over the second he'd left the dojo. You were now sitting on his cot in the far corner of his lab.
Silently enjoying each other's company.
Donnie was trying to weld two pieces of steel together for his computer, it was a simply fix that could be done in no time.
But the welding tool Donnie was using decided to break in that moment, the tip sparking brightly as it hit the metal.
The sparks went everywhere and burned the tips of his fingers.
Donnie yelped, dropping the metal, welder, and scooting back in his chair, holding his hand to his chest.
You were up in an instant, gently touching his shoulder and speaking softly.
"Are you alright?" You leaned down, touching his forearm. "Can I see? Here let me see,"
He holds out his hands, there's no visible marks yet but they hurt.
You go over to a cabinet behind him, rummaging through until you find a bottle. Bringing it back to the table you take his hand in yours.
You grabbed aloe and squirted a small amount on your palm. Dipping your fingers into the goo you gently rubbed it along his fingers.
He hissed a one point, you grimaced and lessened your touch even more
He'd never seen this side of you, he knew you cared but seeing you so concerned for his wellbeing made his heart flutter.
"Does that feel better?" You whisper, having coated all his fingers, worried written all over your pretty face.
"Y-yeah, it does," If he could blush he'd be as red as Raph's mask.
"Okay," You nod, flipping his hand around to press a kiss to his palm, then doing it on the other.
Donnie was sure his heart stopped.
tags: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @mysticboombox
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
Idk but this is just one of my thoughts: Ok so little brother apologizes for everything and just wants to hear a lullaby b4 he thinks he's gonna die/is gonna die; and all I can think about are the angst possibilities w/ the brothers and splinter
Here we go fellow clowns, strap in!!!!!! (Also uh can u tell I have a favorite 12 turtle? *looks at the end of this part* uh can.. can u.. can u tell??? Haha??)
Warnings; as usual there's probably cursing, a passing mention of lil bro's injury, and lots of crying <3 pls ask if I missed anything
( Familial ) 2012 ! Turtles + Splinter & Little Brother Reader
Part 1 - Shatter
Part 2 - Shatter the Mind
Part 3 - Shatter the Heart
Part 4 - You're Here
Shatter the Innocence
Mikey and Donnie sat in the lab together. Silent aside from the sound of yelling from the living room.
When Mikey started his watch, Donnie had politely asked if he could sit in, to be in his lab and work on his small projects. He had practically begged Mikey to let him in, he didn't know what else to do with himself and he couldn't bare the thought of being in the living room.
And Mikey obviously let him in, he couldn't just lock Donnie out of his lab. And he understood the other's need to do something with his hands. It was a trait they both shared, though Mikey tended to get bored easier than his genius brother.
After a minute more of silence, Donnie spoke up from his place at his desk, back to Mikey, who was sitting next to your cot as usual.
"They finally snapped." He spoke simply, and Mikey sighed.
"Why do they have to fight..? Why can't they just.. I dunno.. be nice?" Donnie was about to respond, but Mikey was on a roll, "I mean I have plenty to say to them! But you don't see me going out and starting a yelling match."
Donnie frowned as Mikey sighed behind him. "Why can't we all get along? Why did this have to tear us all apart..?"
After that there was another long silence, both of them unable to answer the question Mikey had posed.
And then, a while later, "Mm.."
Mikey's eyes shot up from the floor, staring at you in shock. He watched your frail form shake slightly, as you forced yourself to speak.
He looked over at Donnie, watching as he turned towards you with wide eyes. He made eye contact with Mikey, before they were both standing at your side.
"M.." you practically whined out, your face twitching as Mikey gently grabbed your hand.
"It's okay little dude, it's okay, I'm right here man-" he spoke softly, using the most big brother voice he could muster, as he reached and grabbed your hand.
Donnie gently placed his hand on your leg, and stared silently, unable to come up with words to say.
Somewhere deep in your mind you felt a warmth bloom in your chest, different than the warmth of flowing blood and shattered bones, this was the warmth of knowing your big brothers were here. They were right next to you as you woke up, right at your side like they always promised. They were here, and now you had to meet them halfway.
"M..ike..?" You mumbled, and he squeezed your hand again, shaking as he did so.
"Yeah man, it's me," Mikey spoke, feeling tears fall down his face and onto the cot below him, "A..And Don too! Donnie say something-"
He turned to look at Donnie, and saw his big brother suddenly hunched over the cot, his unoccupied hand covering his mouth as he silently sobbed over your form.
Mikey felt more tears fall down his face, just barely stopping himself from breaking down right along with him. He was about to cover for Donnie, but his older brother spoke up before he could.
"Hi. I'm.. I'm here." He spoke softly, gently patting your leg, before he had to muffle himself again.
"H..m...hi" you spoke, your voice broken and shallow, and Mikey felt the damn behind his eyes break.
"I.. I'll go-" He sobbed, before taking a breath and squeezing your hand again. "I'll get Raph and Leo just.. just stay awake a little longer okay?"
Donnie watched as Mikey made his way out. Silently hoping he wouldn't get caught in the fray between their older brothers.
Honestly he was surprised neither of them snapped sooner, Raph had kept his anger almost entirely in check, and Leo had done all he could to keep out of Raph's (figurative) hair.
He knew it was only a matter of time before they both had enough, he just felt so bad that it had to be on the day their little brother miraculously started responding.
Speaking of, Donnie had never seen Mikey so.. Responsible? Thoughtful? Doting? He handled you so well and spoke so softly to you. All while Donnie could barely get his words out of his throat.
His little brother matured in an instant, and it made Donnie feel hollow, yearning for the innocence they had so quickly lost.
He snapped back to attention when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Leo's. He glanced up and saw a concerned look on his face. But underneath that, Donnie instantly recognized the tightness of his jaw, and the tense look in his eyes. Their fight must've been bad.
Donnie removed his hand from his face, smiling a bit and nodding at Leo, silently telling him he was fine. It was obvious that Leo did not believe him at all, and he was surprised when he simply let it go. Their fight must've been really bad.
Raph was at your side quickly, looking you over as he spoke softly. "Hey. Uh.. how.. how are you feeling?" He asked, feeling stupid as soon as the words left his mouth. Obviously you were doing shitty.
"E..every..th..ing hurts.." you mumbled, and all four of them felt their heart break in their chest, "c..can't move.. n.. n can't open..o..pen my eyes.." it sounded so hard for you to speak, and Raph felt guilty he had asked you to say so much. Even if you had decided to elaborate all on your own.
Donnie took the opportunity to dive back into work, wiping his face and giving your leg a squeeze before rushing over to his desk and writing down the things you had said, coming back over with his clipboard and paper in hand. As much as he wanted to ignore his feelings and focus on your health, he couldn't bear the thought of not being by your side.
Raph nodded and watched as Mikey sat back down at your head, resting his own head next to yours on the cot. Tears were streaming down his face, and yet he was smiling. Still overjoyed at the sound of your voice after so long without it.
Raph felt himself wishing he could feel that joy too. He couldn't, not really. Not because he wasn't excited or happy to see you okay, but because he was scared. Scared this wouldn't last.
But he took a deep breath and shook away those thoughts, he couldn't think about what if. Only what was happening in the moment. And in this moment, you were responsive. You were alive, even barely, and you were responsive. That was enough for now.
He turned and looked past Leo at Donnie, who was staring at your chest in that distant medical way of his.
He slowly looked at you again, before gently asking you to elaborate. And as he watched and listened to you, he noticed both of his brothers indulging in the sound of your voice. He hoped you realized how much you were helping them, just by making your presence heard.
Leo kept quiet as Raph continued to gently ask you questions, simply watching your face as you started to speak a bit more fluidly.
He wanted to say something to you, he wanted to apologize, to hold you, to beg for your forgiveness, to tell you just how much you meant to all of them, but he found his mouth practically glued shut.
Why, was the question. Was he afraid of pissing off Raph? Sure. He didn't want to set him off so soon after their fight, didn't want to start anything in front of you, didnt want you to know the words that had been said in the living room.
He was scared, that was obvious. Scared because he didn't know how long this would last. Scared because maybe Master Splinter was right. Scared because he had started to convince himself you couldn't be saved. Scared because he couldn't bear the thought of indulging in the moment knowing it wouldn't last.
The next few hours went by like a blur, the others kept talking to you, even as your voice died out from overuse. And when you finally mumbled, "..'m.. tired" That's when Leo spoke up, indulging in the familiar feeling of settling back into his role as leader, even for just a moment.
"Okay. Okay.. let's leave him be, he's tired. He needs rest." He spoke softly, and as the other three made eye contact with him, he saw it in their faces. They were all afraid he wouldn't wake up.
Leo felt his breath hitch as he took in this information, recognizing the same feeling in himself. "I.. I'll stay with him tonight. You all need sleep. I'll watch over him and let Master Splinter know what happened." He offered, mostly to Donnie, knowing his purple clad brother would rather die than be left to explain the situation to their sensei.
Donnie contemplated for a moment, before nodding, allowing Leo to take his shift this evening.
Slowly, and very, very hesitantly, they all shuffled out of the room. Donnie stopping in the doorway to look towards Leo. "I'll take your shift in the morning Leo." He offered quietly, leaving no room for argument, before he stepped out of the lab, leaving Leo alone with you.
He glanced over at you, silent for a moment as he sat down where Mikey had been, staring at your face.
"..are you still awake?" He asked softly, and you hummed an affirmative. "Okay.. just.. try and get some rest okay? I'll be right here the whole time." You didn't respond. And suddenly Leo felt so disconnected from you, the feeling of sitting next to a stranger hitting him like a truck.
He slolwy put his head down on the cot, away from the teary puddle Mikey had left. And he finally, finally let his tears fall.
He fucked up so bad. So so bad.
He shook in place, gasping for breath as quietly as he could. He didn't want you to hear him like this, so broken down and distraught. It was bad enough the others had seen him out of it for the past two months, but the thought of anyone catching him like this made his stomach come up into his throat.
He stayed like that for what felt like forever, heaving and gasping for air as tears continued to flow down his face, before suddenly he heard your voice again, and his head was up in an instant.
"L..leo..? P..plea..se.. p..lease...be th..ere please-" your voice wavered, breaking and shaking as you struggled to speak.
The fear and desperation in your voice made his big brother instincts go into overdrive, his pride be damned, he needed to make sure you were okay.
"I'm-" his voice broke, wavering the same as yours, "I'm here little brother, I'm still here." He spoke, reaching to gently hold your hand.
"L..eo..! Leo, 'm.. 'm s..scared. don't wa..nna.. can't.." you were panicking, and Leo rubbed your hand slowly.
"Hey it's okay, it's okay.. you're.. you're scared to sleep?" And when you hummed a shaky yes, he could've cried again. His baby brother, scared for his own life.
"Okay.. what if.. what if I talk to you all night? Keep you company? And I'll tell Sensei and Donnie to talk you through the night too, that way.." he hesitated, forcing the optimistic words out of his mouth, "..when you wake up, you'll wake up to our voices. And.. you'll know you're awake."
There was a moment of silence, and Leo felt his chest constrict with that all too familiar anxiety, before finally you hummed out an okay, and he could take a breath.
"Okay.. I'll talk, just.. give me a moment to think." He spoke softly, squeezing your hand.
Now.. what to say? He was never good at rambling, he never had as much to say as Mikey or Donnie did. They always had something to talk about. Mikey about his various activities, and Donnie about his work. They both had something they loved to ramble about. What did Leo love to do? What did Leo do that he could talk about for hours?
He blinked, coming to a realization as more tears overflowed. Of course.
"So.. episode one, season one, the Space Heroes pilot."
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writing-biting · 7 months
Just pick a random one, based on vibes. Or read these bad summaries
three little words: lego monkie kid, kind of a warm up for practicing the characters, shadowpeach is horrible at communicating, wasn't supposed to be more than a one shot but temptation got my ass. G rn, but with communication and boredom, might shoot all the way up to E
Get the Key, Stop the Krang: rottmnt, Casey Junior ends up going back to before the show and proceeds to get help stopping the Krang from the unlikeliest of places because the turtles are like two years younger than him and he thinks he can do everything himself. I think this is T, but it might be M for the violence
Pull the Strings (Mine or Yours): Undertale AUs, I haven't touched this one in ages because I've kind of lost the thread of the plot. Was supposed to be an origin story for an au I have. M for violence and kidnapping and starvation and abuse
Icarus: rottmnt donnie ends up in 2012 tmnt because he 'flew too close to the sun'. he sucks at existing in 12 because of incompatible physics and has to relearn everything, and recover from really shitty lab accident injuries. Might be a timeloop fic, we'll see. M for violence
What Do We Fight For?: bay and 2012 (and eventually 2003) end up in rise, specifically in the Battle Nexus. M for Major Character Death and violence.
Tang Sanzhang thing I haven't named yet: I may have made an 'everything is shittier' version of the LMK version of Journey to the West, and this is in exploration of my version of the Gold Cicada's character. (used the word version too many times oh well) unrated
Tmnt fairy reboot: draxum, a chemistry student, makes a very cool ooze and runs right over to an wildlife rehabilitation center to show his boyfriend Yoshi. Yoshi is like wow, nice ooze, stop bringing your chemistry to my job you're gonna get me fired and Draxum is like, it's literally fine, nothing will happ- and then the beaker explodes in their faces. It covers the turtle section of the center, and get everywhere. Now, the turtles are growing hands and feet and shit. Instead of facing the consequences of their actions, they grab the turtles and book it. They run away to, idk somewhere cold that has forests, uhh Minnesota, and move into a small town that doesn't ask too many questions next to a fairy infested forest. Honestly I'm not actually sure how this is a tmnt reboot besides the fact that there are turtles, but still. Probably gonna be T if it ends up existing, we'll see
other???: probably gonna grab one of the aus off the ol' brain shelf, write something and then show it to no one.
Help me. Hit a random button 🙏 do it for your local gorgeous dykeboy 💗💓🥺
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zempumpkin · 11 months
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Soooo I'm working in a tmnt au and I just finished drawing Mike!! Yes this is just a mini version of him cuz is just so i know how he look like, and this is they 3 re-design that i made and the only one I actually feel satisfied with XD
My main inspo for this au are rottmnt and 2012 tmnt, cuz they are my fav--
Anyway here some things i wrote about them:
I forgot to put it there but they are 14, also they height would be around 5'2?? Idk how it works in the usa sorry 😭😭😭
Like whatching cartoons with her sibs <3
Sometimes he sneak out of the lair with Leo to go paint in some buildings
Also Leo is they're twin and he is the youngest KAJDKAKDNSJ
Just like the others version of them, he is the artist of the fam
When they all meet April he was so excited to finally have a friend, he was the first one to be friends with her and got closer to her really quick tbh
Also she does they're nails no questions, and taught them how to paint nails so they dont have to call her every time to do it lol
Really likes going to hangout in Donnie lab, they have the privilege to be there at any moment and she know about it
Likes to play music with Raph and Casey too!!
Really athletic and flexible
But doesn't really like training (thinks its boring)(it really is if u think that way---)
Loves all pizza obviously
When they where younger, she and Leo always walked together (they still do but now they do their own thing y'know???idk how to say it I--)
Hides in her shell when she feels overwhelmed
Uses emotecon
Sees April as a big sister <3
"HEY GUYS LOOK WHAT I CAN DO" *proceeds to jump of a building without nothing*
Likes wearing hoodies Idk--
They do bracelets for they're friends/family
I think that's everything for now, I still don't know if they will have their powers like in rise, since I still making it, and I probably won't make a comic of it since it takes time and everything, BUT I will make some lil comics about it like them interaction with each other
And I will try and post more about them also idk what will be the name of this au help
Bye bye!!
⋆ ࣪.𓍊 𓋼 𓍊𓋼 𓍊 ࣪.⋆
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Working on the next chapter of Behind the Hockey Mask.
And, I just can't get over how not only do Donnie and Casey have a different dynamic in this chapter.
But it's actually the exact opposite than it is in the show.
If you take away the April romance because that's not in this at all.
You would expect, having left them together to go investigate where April started acting werid.
While Leo, Raph and Mikey go look for April.
You'd expect Casey to be asking questions, being distracting and Donnie trying to quietly look for clues.
Being very concerned for April and end up lashing out at Casey for getting her lost in the first place and an argument to start between them.
Something along those lines.
But that doesn't happen here.
Casey's the quiet one, he's still a loud and very extroverted person by nature.
But he blames himself for what's going on.
And the bit of fear toxin/spores from the Fungus Humongous that he got on him, is enhancing that.
Linking what happened to April, him not being their in time to another incident.
Casey has also worked as a solo vigilante, he's never been apart of a team cept for hockey.
Nor does he have any other friends besides April and his little sister.
He's not used to banter or filling in silences and small talk.
This is also the first time Casey has ever interacted with Donnie, and frankly he doesn't really care for the guy.
Or any of the turtles honestly.
Cept maybe a sort of respect for Raph for having his back in a fight.
But that's as far as it goes.
He's guarded, he's abrasive and he doesn't intend on becoming close to the turtles at all.
All of what he's doing is for April.
Shoving his pride down to ask them for help because he knows he's not enough to help her.
And letting Leo order him around even though he doesn't like it one bit.
But he understands this is necessary, he's completely out of his league nor does he know the sewers like they do.
And these are also April's friends.
While Donnie, despite how much he likes the quiet and staying in his lab, is not used to this kind of quiet.
He's lived with 3 brothers his whole life, he's not used to careful methodical investigation without a pun or a "are we done yet."
Frankly it's werid.
And Donnie's a curious person.
He's heard of Casey from April and knows he helped fight to protect their home.
So he's a good person.
But he doesn't know him know him.
Casey Jones is a puzzle that he wants to figure out.
Of course he's worried sick over April and yes he did yell at Casey for leaving her out their.
But the rational part of him knows Casey did the right thing.
And Donnie knows April wouldn't them at odds with each other.
Donnie also unfortunately has the social skills of someone who's been raised in a sewer for 16 years.
And Casey has a short temper to rival Raph himself.
But even so they find common ground and slowly but surely a friendship will be made.
And idk I just think it's cool to see them both interact that contradicts canon but is also fitting to their characters.
I just think it's neat 😅.
Also Casey continously helping the turtles while swearing he doesn't care for them is just a big ol uh huh suuuure you don't.
He's a softy deep down.
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angelmichelangelo · 9 months
idk i'm really in the mood for some mikey fics this week, so i have a few prompts! No pressure if none peak your interest. (i'd prefer 2k3, 2012 or IDW if that's okay!) 1. A follow up to chapter 2 going deeper into mikey's healing hands. How far does it work? Are there consequences? 2. Bodyswap with mikey and a character of your choice! 3. I'm SUCH a sucker for time loops. Maybe mikey's stuck until he prevents/resolves a canon event, maybe it's something you come up with, i don't mind! :)
saving all these prompts for a rainy day but here’s one that really stuck out to me! hope you enjoy!
It’s only been an hour — sixty measly minutes and Donatello is sure that his head is on fire, starting somewhere at the back of his skull like glowing embers, spreading to the space between his eyes like a wildfire, he has to quickly remind himself as he pinches his eyes shut that this isn’t his head. This isn’t his migraine creeping up on him.
“Ugh,” he scoffs, pushing himself away from his desk blindly, his office chair skates across the length of the train cab with a small squeak. “Raphie. This sucks.”
When Donnie finally pries his eyes open to glance up at the turtle that’s standing before him he has some mental gymnastics to perform until he’s remembering which brother it is that’s actually here with him right now.
Because staring back down at him with a somewhat familiar scowl is his own face. But that’s not him. That’s Raph.
“Yeah well. This gut ache ain’t nothing to sing about either.” He says, rubbing a hand delicately across his abdomen. “Seriously, Don. Your immune system made of paper or what? I feel like I got the stomach flu, bird flu, turtle flu, rat flu all rolled into one.”
Donnie hums. Too much noise making his head rattle.
But he needs to find a cure. Whatever Bishop had blasted them with had sent each of them flying across the abandoned warehouse and once they’d pulled themselves up off the floor, they weren’t themselves anymore. And Bishop was nowhere to be found to fix it.”
“It’s just hard to work when it feels like my head is about to explode,” he whines, palming at his temples with the heel of his hand. “I get headaches from too much screen time but… yeesh, Raph. One too many knocks on the head for you I think.”
It’s then that Leo appears at the open doorway, all pouty and slumped over, it doesn’t take long for Don to remember that it’s not actually Leo occupying that body, but instead their youngest sibling.
Mike rolls out their shoulder with a hiss. They look towards Raph-Donnie momentarily forgetting himself when they ask,
“Got the good stuff?” Their face pulls into a frown. “My shoulder is killing me.”
Raph scoffs. “Wrong turtle, kid. Doctor Don is over there.”
Mikey huffs out a surprised laugh, like the situation was still catching them off guard, they round themselves around to the real Donnie, still rolling their shoulder in place.
“Here,” Donnie says as he rifles around in the bottom drawer of his desk for a collection of loose pills. His head swims and his vision whites out for a moment before he straightens himself out. Both Raph and Mike blink at him curiously.
“That bad?” Raph says in a low voice.
Donnie nods, carefully.
“Where’s Leo?” Raph then asks.
Mikey dry swallows the pills. “Laying down,” they respond once they’re gone, voice tight. “His—my knees are acting up again. Told him to lay down but prop them up with a pillow like you told me.” They roll their neck out to relieve some of their own pain.
“Man,” they hiss. “Are we pathetic or what?”
Raph shivers. He’s gone a shade of green paler and Donnie winces at how sickly he looks.
“I feel it,” he says gruffly. He’s pitching himself forward a little and Donnie knows the feeling all too well. “Feels like I’m about to puke my guts up.”
Mikey makes a disgruntled noise, beak wrinkling.
“Well don’t do it in my lab,” he chastises him lightly. “Go lie down yourself. And drink some water. It’ll make the nausea pass, don’t worry.”
Raph goes to leave immediately but then hesitates. The shadows of a smile pass over his face.
“Heh. Look at us. Actually looking after ourselves for once only because we’ve swapped bodies.”
Mikey snorts. “It’s kinda nice to play doctor on yourself,” he says. Then, his face darkens. “Though I hope you’re onto a cure, Donboy. I hate being in a guy body as much as I hate having Leo’s stabby shoulder. My shell hurts like, well, shell.”
Donnie reaches over and gives his sibling a sympathetic pat on the arm. “I’m working on it, Mike,” he tells him. “Trust me. Raph’s chronic headaches are making me miss my own sticky tummy.” He pulls a face. “This shouldn’t take too long.”
Raph whines. “Well wake me up when it’s over,” he says. He really looks like he’s about to blow chunks now and Donnie hopes that he’s able to make it to the bathroom instead. “Don. There’s pills in the back of the meds unit in the kitchen for that migraine. Take three cos two don’t touch it. Eat something as well. Chips usually do the trick.”
Mikey’s eyes light up at that. “Chips? I could go for chips. I dunno when Leo last ate but I’m starved.”
Raph makes a face. “You’re always starved, idiot.”
And four hours later (with the help of Leatherhead of course) they’re all back in their actual bodies. Donnie’s head is clear of any crushing headache and there’s the familiar burn and bubble of his bad stomach flaring up inside him that makes him realize that he’d actually rather have no chronic pain at all.
Still. Next time they have their own flare ups, they’re all a little more cautious to take care of themselves better. So not a totally bad thing after all.
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daisitynook · 2 years
Random Rottmnt Head-canons
sorry for rambling some of them are just me projecting but i just had too, can you guess who i kin lmao :)
* loves the fall
* not just for the colors but mikey loves wearing fuzzy sweaters and doing the Arianna sleeve thing
* huge pumpkin fan, loves anything that have a pumpkin flavor or aroma
* Saw a rerun of bob rose once and spent a month remaking the painting till he thought it was perfect, he was 8 so we all know what it really looked like
* raph hung it on their fridge cause he was so proud
* Owns 3 dream catchers, has a bunch of incense too
* we all know he gets scared easily so you can’t tell me mikey doesn’t take every ghost catching video he sees seriously
* avid buzzfeed unsolved enjoyer
* Whenever donnie’s glasses broke when they were kids mikey tried to fix them with his stickers before realizing they didn’t work like he intended
* Besides skateboarding i think mikey really likes roller blading for the aesthetic
* he stole an old pair from the dumpster and styled it orange and practiced around the sewer
* made donnie make him a playlist of 80s songs so he can pretend like he’s in a movie while he’s doing so
* Besides Donnie, Mikey knows the most about history specifically art history
* Like Mikey knows a lot about the world and different cultures while donnie knows more scientific facts
Donnie 💜
* So we all know how he does his own eyebrows
* donnie definitely watched a billion makeup up tutorials before he finally got it right so know he has intense makeup knowledge
* does aprils makeup when she has a date or is going to an important event
* had an intense kpop phase, like was on stan twt being a heavy defender of his favs
* likes to do dance covers in his lab when his brothers aren’t home
* definitely a twice stan
* got leo into kpop so they can both suffer
* Donnie once sprained his ankle when his was a tween and he told his brothers it was during a failed experiment but in reality he was trying to learn ballroom dancing from a youtube tutorial
* Really enjoyed club penguin as a kid
* Now bullies kids online
* uses discord and un-ironically roleplays as movie characters
* leo bullied him for this and he then stopped
* The type of person to say huh ten times not hearing what the other person said
* Donnie doesn’t actually have bad vision he just wanted something that had personality and decided glasses was it
* spoiler alert they didn’t have any lenses
* no one knew
* Donnie really likes murder mystery books or adventure books (like Indiana jones, ik it’s not a book but you get what i mean)
* Even though he figures out the resolution or who done it rather quickly he still likes the build up and clues you get from reading
* makes april do a fashion show with him which is just him trying on clothes he found and forcing her to give him compliments
* even tho donnie doesn’t know a thing about sports i think he has a secret appreciation for tennis
* idk why tennis but i feel like he would just like it
* hates açaí bowls
* he hates the texture of everything together and has never found the right combination of things
* he likes to say he only drinks black coffee but dumps creamer into his with a bit of sugar
* with his shell since it’s super sensitive i think he only let leo help him clean it for a while
* when they were younger mikey would always be too touchy not really understanding boundaries just yet
* and raph was either way too gentle or way too rough cause he didn’t know his strength yet but also didn’t want to hurt donnie
* leo was the easy middle so donnie specifically had him and him only help get parts he couldn’t reach while cleaning
* however this did lead to many fights in the bath between the two
* loves romcons
* literally sobs his eyes out during them
* loves watching shows like love island, the bachelor, love is blind, too hot to handle
* thinks he would be perfect for those shows but not in a douche way more in a sense of
* i could be the biggest problem and people would love me
* avid telenovella enjoyer
* asks hueso about any good ones he can binge
* had a kpop phase thanks to donnie
* big red velvet stan along with seventeen
* he loves irene and s.coups
* leo also enjoys 80-90s rock
* he specifically loves the hair
* had motorcycle phase for a bit where he would ask donnie a bunch of mechanic questions and donnie would be like ??? every-time
* never cleans his room
* like he’ll throw out his trash but he has clutter everywhere, randoms knick knacks everywhere
* gets all his puns off of reddit and other forums
* has an abundance of socks for no reason he just likes how they feel
* specifically his one pair of flush blue panda socks he only washes once a month
* no one is allowed to touch them
* He snorts when he laughs really hard
* Best singer out of the boys
* like literal pipes
* has joked about winning American idol but is secretly not joking and surprisingly his family agrees
* Leo actually goes to bed early like at 10:30
* compared to donnie and mikey that’s early
* he needs his beauty rest
* leo definitely wants a tattoo on his bicep if he can
* Loves andy samburg and no one can tell me otherwise
* like a huge brooklyn 99 parks and rec arrested development fan
* he also really likes percy jackson
* stole the books from donnie as a kid and read all of them
* told donnie he hated it
* donnie knew otherwise
* Leo for a while when he was a kid didn’t really know who he was so he just kinda picked traits from his brothers
* was scared he wasn’t funny enough or that he didn’t really have a point when talking
* he slowly realized it was ok to just go with the flow and that’s why now he doesn’t really like to over complicate things when he does it
* Leo genuinely loves being a turtle, isn’t insecure in the slightest about being a turtle like the other boys (donnie and raph) him and mikey embrace it
* Does share middle child nonsense with donnie where he gets insecure about his role and if he’s really needed
* wants to prove that he’s worthy of being part of this family
* no more angst
* leo definitely has the worst eyesight in the family
* it’s not horrible but boy does he squint a lot
* mikey was once insecure about his gap so leo drew in a gap in his mouth so mikey would see how cute his gap was
* leo did it for 4 days straight
* that tooth is now permanently this grey color
* Has a secret appreciation for the color pink definitely his second favorite color no one can tell me otherwise
* like donnie is good at makeup
* specifically he can do killer eye liner
* Likes to watch cooking shoes with mikey
* Enjoys a good bbq episode of a show
* Enjoys old timey british shows
* for example downtown abbey
* lives for it
* made donnie pirate the movie so he could watch it and cried his eyes out
* Raph has a lot of plushies so he definitely thinks they get jealous when one is getting more attention
* with this he picks a name out of a hat in front of them and then places the ones who didn’t get picked at the end of the bed
* he feels bad just leaving them around
* raph also definitely likes cheesy cop shows
* like he loved law and order, NCICS, criminal minds, idk cop shows man 🧍‍♀️
* big desert man
* loves anything sweet
* specifically loves churros, chocolate covered strawberries, powdered donuts, and he’s a sucker for any type of pie
* Loves gaming youtube channels, big fan of markiplier, jackseptieye, Berlzy, Coreyxkenshin, some twitch streamers he likes something in the background so this helps
* As much as he loves pizza Raph is one of the only ones to actually eat healthier food
* had a gym rat phase but it wasn’t amazing since he couldn’t go to the gym but he was obsessed with calorie counting
* wasn’t healthy at all
* recovered and now eats regularly
* Obsessed with squishmallows
* like has a whole collection of them
* he really like the dinosaur one in blue
* Leo makes fun of him for it but raph shoved him into his pile of them Leo fell asleep in an instant
* Raph is not superstitious at all
* like donnie definitely believes whack ass conspiracy theories and don’t get him started on the paranormal however raph is the complete opposite
* he’s always wanted to indulge in stuff like that but since he’s the oldest he was always the one to like “don’t worry none of that stuff is real” or “nothing can hurt you, it’s all gonna be ok”
* basically he’s just had to comfort the boys whenever their were scared a ghost was gonna get them, the monster under the bed all that
* so now he’s just over it but he wishes he can just indulge crazy fantasies now and again
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