#for once I have no complaints in regards to life
anto-pops · 7 months
I MISS YOU MOTHER AND I HOPE YOU ARE WELL ❤️❤️❤️ i hope you have a marvelous thanksgiving if you celebrate it and if not then i just hope you have a great week (^:
AAAAHH THANK YOU DARLING YOU'RE SO SWEET TO SEND THIS, I am well !! I turned 24, got my computer massively upgraded, and for the first time since like 2008 my entire family will be in one place for Thanksgiving so I'm very excited about that :))
Have a great Thanksgiving as well lovie ! Assuming you get time off to celebrate it then I hope you enjoy the break ! 💕
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ourshadowsmeanomens · 11 months
I binge-watched this entire new season and immediately unleashed every thought I had about the ending of the show alongside MANY others who were experiencing a lot of feelings. After we all calmed down, we started talking and analyzing- and I think we found something way bigger than we saw on screen at the end of this season. And what this might mean for Aziraphale and Crowley going forward into (FINGERS CROSSED) a wonderful 3rd season.
The biggest complaint many of us in our chat had about the choice Aziraphale made at the very end- to ascend to Heaven, leave behind Crowley and the bookshop, to take Gabriel's place. Everyone is saying that it's out of character, there was so much build up all for Aziraphale to throw it away, etc. But the theory- a miracled brainwash. By Metatron, on Aziraphale. Metatron has proven to be a very dismissive and rude character, especially in regards to Aziraphale, since we met him in season 1. During the literal end of the world he still only spoke as God's voice and never appeared in person. Suddenly, Metatron comes down- IN PERSON- to talk with Aziraphale about a promotion. Before we know who he is exactly, we see him buying a coffee and giving it to Aziraphale- KEEP NOTE OF THIS. When Metatron first talks to Aziraphale, Azi says something to the effect that he has "made his position quite clear." The Metatron insists, pointing out the coffee and insists they talk.
HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PART: Metatron says "are you going to take it?" and RIGHT BEFORE Aziraphale says "shall I?" you hear the FAINTEST GLIMMER of the sound effect for miracles. I'll be honest I had to turn my sound up and lean in once someone pointed it out, but it's there and you HAVE to listen for it. They both go for a walk.
Crowley clearly believes Metatron is up to something, and watches them leave and walk but doesn't follow- this isn't addressed again. Then Crowley, Nina, and Maggie have their talk, and this is the part where Crowley is meant to confront his feelings. We switch back to Aziraphale with Metatron. Clearly Metatron and Aziraphale have talked about a deal and Metatron asks him to "think it over." Aziraphale has presumed to finish his coffee at this point, because he heads directly back to the bookshop to talk to Crowley. They fight, they kiss, they give each other up because Aziraphale decides to go to Heaven and leave everything behind. Like I said earlier, this is the part that enraged a lot of people- why would Aziraphale do this? This is so out of character. Why would he leave Crowley behind? Why would he leave his BOOKSHOP behind?
The current persistent theory is this:
Metatron has proven to be dismissive and untrustworthy since we met him. It is odd that he suddenly shows a change of heart for Aziraphale and wants to promote him. We, as the audience and fans, know Aziraphale's desire to live a simple, humanlike life with the person he cares about the most (Crowley) with his most prized possession (the bookshop).
The subtle miracle sound effect when Aziraphale took the coffee was the moment the miracle took place, affecting the coffee to brainwash (or at least to make more easily persuaded) Aziraphale so he'd say yes to the offer Metatron was giving him.
Aside from this, they editors/director/writers purposely wrote in and left the entire part about Metatron getting coffee for Aziraphale (as what? Some sort of peace offering?). The entire ending could have done without bringing so much attention to the coffee that Metatron gave to Aziraphale. It was unnecessary.
Unless it wasn't, and we are meant to find that out in season 3. The coffee is Chekhov's gun. In filmmaking, nothing is ever just a coincidence or an accident. They made a point to give us the miracle sound effect without showing any visible changes, made Aziraphale act wildly out of character, and framed it as though it is not, let's say, an institutional issue that is being covered up 👀👀
And let's not ignore that the episode 6 description specifically says "The Metatron brings an oatmilk latte, along with a final offer." Which would be an odd thing point out if the coffee was a mere prop.
All to say- I personally loved the season. I loved every minute, and I want to see what happens next. I think that people are going to be very angry with the ending, but that there's so much more we have yet to uncover and we shouldn't underestimate the wit of Neil Gaiman.
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yumeka-sxf · 2 months
I try to stay away from negative topics, but after hearing talk on social media yesterday and seeing this post from @such-a-downer, I just had to give my two cents about the complaints regarding yesterday's chapter being "another short mission" and that Endo is somehow being "lazy" or whatever.
I honestly don't understand this mentality of criticizing manga-ka, or any artists really, because they aren't delivering by whatever standards you personally think are appropriate. To me, it just seems like entitlement because Endo has no obligation to cater to any specific fan's wants. This is his story to tell the way he wants, and his characters to develop at the pace he deems fit. This isn't a business contract where we're paying him to deliver content we want every two weeks without fail. If I'm consuming the fruits of someone's creative labor for free, I certainly feel no right to complain if sometimes their content isn't what I wanted or expected. I'm fine with that because 1) I know it's what they (the creator) wanted/needed at the time, and 2) even if a particular chapter wasn't my cup of tea, I know other fellow fans out there somewhere are enjoying the heck out of it, and that's cool!
We also have to remember that SxF is basically a one-man show. If Endo is busy or sick or whatever, it's not like he can have someone fill in for him to write and draw the series. That's what a hiatus is for, that's what making a short chapter instead of a longer one is for...that's how artists should be treated so they don't get burned out and stressed. Plus, art shouldn't be rushed. Any artist knows that there are times when you have trouble coming up with ideas and maybe need a little extra time to develop a more complex section of the story. To immediately jump to conclusions that he's lazy or doesn't know what he's doing is ridiculous. Maybe he didn't feel good for a few days, maybe he's been busy with other SxF events, maybe he just needed more time to get a particular future arc developed, or maybe he just has basic IRL obligations to take care of like we all do...you don't know what's going on in his life, so don't make assumptions.
Another thing to keep in mind is that it's literally impossible to please every fan. One of the comments I read for example, someone was ready to drop the series because we haven't seen much of Yor in "a while." All I could think of was "didn't she just have a pretty big role only four chapters ago when they went to the ski resort?" Plus she was the star of chapter 91, which was less than ten chapters ago. So according to this person's standards, four chapters without seeing a particular character is "too long"? What if it was only three chapters, would that be acceptable? It's not right to push our own personal standards of a series' pacing as the "correct" way: some people want to see more of character X while someone else wants to see more of subplot Y, so should both complain that the manga-ka isn't doing right whenever they focus on something else? I'm not saying you shouldn't make criticisms of a manga-ka's work, but the criticisms should come from within the narrative itself, not superficial things like chapters focusing on subplots/characters you don't want to see or not having enough "plot-advancing" content when it's not a plot-focused series.
People who have read SxF up to this point should know the general flow of the chapters: mostly slice-of-life episodic, with more plot-heavy, intense arcs once in a while, like the cruise arc and bus arc. It's an ensemble series that spends most of its chapters focused on at least one of the Forgers, but occasionally other characters here and there. That's how the series has been for years and will likely continue to be. So if you keep complaining because you only like the dramatic story arcs and not the "nothing happens" episodic chapters, then maybe the series just isn't for you. It's totally fine if that's the case, but don't act like Endo is doing something wrong because he's not providing the particular thing you want in his story.
To summarize, Endo has no obligation to cater to particular fans' standards, just as we have no obligation to keep reading his work if we don't like it. But being a fan to me means respecting the creator's pace and vision even if it's not always what I personally want. I can find something to enjoy in every chapter because I'm a fan of SxF, not a fan of one particular aspect of it. But I also will not complain every time my tastes aren't being catered to and will simply occupy myself with other things while I wait. What's the big hurry, after all? I'm in no rush for SxF to wrap up its plot and I'm glad Endo isn't rushing either.
And that's all I'm gonna say about this topic, lol. On a happier note, I'm going to finally see Code White on Thursday! 😁 More to come later~
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dragonismo · 2 months
— of lies and empty promises.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Strong! Reader.
trope: something between star-crossed lovers and friends x enemies.
synopsis: while you enjoy a pleasant afternoon together, the differences between your families begin to make their way into your friendship, giving rise to moments of discontent between both young highnesses.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: Young Aemond and reader. I would believe there is no more warnings. Only Aemond is a tad bit possessive, jealous, and manipulative. Perhaps.
an: I've had this story saved in drafts since season 1 ended, but I've been neglecting it. Now, after seeing how hot handsome Aemond looks in the season 2 trailer, my fixation is back and so is my desire to publish this. This is something like a small introduction to what I have planned, so please, if you are interested, stay tuned for the next chapters!
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You and Aemond were resting under the shade of the weirwood, with the sunlight filtering through its branches and red leaves. It was the most tranquil place in the Red Keep, ideal for doing nothing but enjoying a well-deserved rest after a day full of study and sword training, and as it was a rather warm summer afternoon, the mood was truly pleasant.
"I wish every day were this peaceful," you commented as you lay on the grass. "I would spend my entire life here if I knew no one would dare bother me. Can you imagine? Just lying in the sun, with no one behind rushing us to our lessons. And so, perhaps we could spend more time together."
"As far as I am aware, no one keeps you from my company," Aemond replied as he lay down next to you, palms flat on his stomach, legs crossed.
His comment made you frown: was he playing the fool, or was he really oblivious to certain glances? While shading your eyes from the sun with one hand, you tilted your face towards him before responding. "Oh, but they do, they sure do. I bet you know it is so."
"Oh, and by whom?" he inquired with a mischievous grin, one that vanished as soon as he heard the answer to his own question.
"The Queen."
Oh now that made him roll his eyes.
It was an immediate reaction, as Aemond was more than used to hearing you refer to his mother as if she were an impediment to your friendship, being that she never raised any objection despite her own opinions regarding Rhaenyra's children.
And how could she not have them? It was more than clear to him not only the truth hidden behind his mother's suspicions, but also how they were much more than mere prejudices towards the Princess.
"As I have told you countless times before," he said, not bothering to hide the subtle hint of frustration he felt at bringing up the issue again. "My mother holds no grudge against you."
"Then maybe her face hasn't caught on," you countered. "Or have you not seen how she scowls upon seeing me?"
"Believe me, you are not the source of her complaints. Mother spends more time grumbling about your brothers than about you, and rightfully so. They are fiends. You are not to deny it."
But to you it didn't seem such a far-fetched idea. You were about to argue once more, but then suddenly refrained from voicing your own opinion on the matter. You knew Aemond's position; how he preferred to turn a deaf ear and therefore often dismissed the matter. After all, what could the Queen do? She was not going to succeed in separating you both when the King was more than delighted with your bond.
Moreover; was it really worth arguing? It would do nothing but sour things between you two, something you feared greatly, for you held Aemond in high regard.
"Do as you wish," you replied. You did not want to interrupt the peaceful mood with reminders of the many quarrels that prevailed in your family, and so as usual, you decided to remain silent and put the whole matter aside. Still, your discontent showed on your face. "I was only expressing my desire to spend each day as I do now. I wish my only duty was to lie here and take a nap."
Aemond chuckled. "I fail to see where I fit in."
"I m afraid you are too irritating to be a part of it."
"Well, that is rather unkind of you. And selfish, I would say, as I want to be included anyhow," Aemond retorted stubbornly.
As he sat now with his hands on his knees, he looked at you with a determination unbecoming of someone his age, for not even men sounded as certain when they chose their greatest pursuits. But in Aemond's eyes, at nothing but ten years old, there wasn't a hint of doubt when he said, "Every time I imagine where I wish to be, you are by my side. Even in my dreams I relish in your company. I believe it is only fair that I am part of your ambitions and yearnings too, would you not think so? I would like it that way."
"But I never asked for such a thing," you replied. "Why am I to even consider it? I want my dreams to be my own, and not shared with anyone else. Dreams are one's own thing after all. So I wonder, why share them with me?"
"Because I love you, of course," Aemond answered you without further regard. "And if you love me as much, you must include me in yours, for not to do so means our friendship is not as important to you as it is to me," he added that last bit with a hint of playfulness.
You then turned to look at him. "Not as important?"
How confusing. It should bother you to hear him claim such a thing, for after all, were you not the one who had always defended him from the ill-treatment of your brothers? Were you not the one who had shown him unconditional affection despite the growing differences between your family? Were you not the one who, even in these moments, and as hard as it was not to, had never been upset with him? For even when you were accused of loving him less or branded as egotistical, you worried that those concerns were far more than harmless banter.
"Of course I love you as much. I would say more, even."
Aemond's smile widened, as he had expected such an answer. "And yet, it is I who always has you in mind. Who loves whom the most, then?"
"Me," you wanted to say. But was love not too big a concept for such young people?
You were taken aback. Not because the answer would be disheartening, and certainly not because you doubted the extent of your affection for him, quite the opposite: for one as young as yourself, the dephts of your feelings frightened him.
Then, instead of answering his question, you sat up, wiped the dust from your hands on your robes, and with sudden curiosity asked, "And what is that dream of yours, pray tell? I reckon it is no more mind-boggling than mine, where I gorge myself in lemon tarts as I ride the Black Dread."
Aemond snickered at your comment, but his words sounded a bit too serious to be a jest when he uttered them. "Well of course it is simpler. It is just about…"
"Your highness," a voice interrupted him.
A handmaiden approached from the opening, looking somewhere between hurried and delighted, something that intrigued you as much as it annoyed Aemond, who hoped this interruption would be brief so he could resume his comment. After a bow, however, he found her words rather daunting.
"Your mother sends for you, your highness. She wishes to introduce you to a new brother," the woman announced, which caught your attention so much it made you forget all about your previous conversation with him.
"My mother, you said?" you beamed before you pushed yourself up from the ground in no time, dusted off your clothes and bade Aemond farewell with such haste he could barely make out an "excuse me" as you and the handmaiden walked away.
He watched you as you ran ahead of her, clearly excited to meet what awaited you in your mother's chambers. As for him, he remained seated under the tree for a few seconds longer, a hint of jealousy souring his smile as his brow furrowed.
What a pleasant afternoon you were having so far. And yet again, your siblings always seemed to interrupt you both, even if they were not doing so directly. Will he ever be free of the burden of kinship?
How you could choose your brothers was beyond him. Was he not the one who often amused you? He had always considered himself closer to you than Jacaerys and Lucerys, but what was it about those bastards that always pulled you away from him nonetheless? And now there was a third!
Were his concerns correct then? Did he love you more than you loved him? But no, the very idea seemed so absurd it brought a scornful laugh from him.
You would never dare choose them over him!
"Damn them," he exclaimed before standing up as well. There was no use in staying here now that he was alone.
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kamig4mes · 1 month
We need friendship headcannons with kisski and hanma it can be seperated or as an trio,you can make one platonic and one as an love interest i dont really care!!!
I'm still excited that you made this request, anon bc this duo has been making eyes at me these days. I thought about kisakixhanmaxfem!reader. I'm so sorry for the wait!! I hope u like it, nd enjoy it!
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#pov: friendship headcanons with Kisaki and Hanma (platonic/love interest)
★ warnings: fem!reader, realistic hc, fluff, funny, friendship, love interest, established relationship, platonic facts, school mention
→ a/n: H&K = Hanma and Kisaki
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—friendship (+ platonic facts)!
The three go and return together wherever they go, both boys coming to pick you up at the entrance of your house and leaving you at the same even when classes are over! This pair makes sure you're in one piece by the end of the day.
The races to determine the unnecessary speed between you are never lacking. A few meters to enter the school, Hanma challenges them to a race to see who gets there first and you accept, and as always you do the countdown.
"Alright! in your marks, read-.. HUH?!
And before you know it Hanma took the dirty lead by shooting out first, taking the lead and leaving you biting the dust
You run in search of him screaming complaints between laughs trying to reach him while Kisaki just keeps walking at his pace like the normal person he is, catching up with them minutes later.
At least three times a month they attend karaoke together. They try to use all the power of friendship possible to convince Kisaki to go together, trying not to upset him with his nonsense the previous days. After two attempts, the blonde accepts, renting the most minimal time rate they have to stop listening to the stormy concerts that you and Hanma give it.
It's natural for Hanma to bother you every day, almost as if that's his mission in this life. Sometimes it makes you very angry, is Kisaki who intervenes asking to stop. But once both stoics made you cry out of pure rage so you stopped talking to them for a whole week. They both spent that time following you around in silence and apologizing by buying your favorite sweets.
Hanma accompanies you to almost any nonsense you can think of, until it puts the three of them in a bad position. The bicolor loves the adrenaline rush, but if he feels that his asses can end up in difficult problems to handle he absolutely aborts the mission.
H&K are your protectors. Whether with intimidating looks/postures or verbal threats, both guys make it clear to everyone that you are their best friend and they can't try any moves on you. Yes, that's the way they are.
That's why Valentine's Days were really sad for you because, for some alien reason, you didn't receive any gifts or letters that day. Much less declarations of love or anonymous confessions. NOTHING. And the reason is that in reality, H&K were furtively responsible for eliminating (not literally) anyone who tried to make any move on you regarding the date, the two allying themselves to scare away and intimidate.
"I'm sorry, brat" explains the bicolor blocking the way to the classroom to the boy one grade below you "this girl is already busy"
"B-but I-"
"And don't try anything behind our backs, or you won't want to regret it later," Kisaki muttered, making the poor trembling boy pass out loud saliva when he clattered his knuckles noisily.
This is how your two best friends were always there to comfort you and fill that void of the day with walks or gifts only from them.
The three of them would run away from classes, but only when they are extremely bored of listening to the teacher.
H&K care a lot about your health, even if it doesn't seem like it. They offer you water or some nutritious drink, buy you breakfast and even make sure that you don't consume a lot of fried foods or sweets.
Their jobs are close to each other, so it's easy for the three of them to meet at a specific place and then stop by for a drink or just walk home.
—(+) platonic facts!
The first time H&K saw you wearing a swimsuit for a beach meet-up that you organized with your friends, they gasped. Kisaki felt that her face would explode because of how good your body looked while Hanma quickly glanced at you every time you passed by him.
H&K are the kind of guy in love who contemplates you at every opportunity he can. Kisaki by his observant and discreet nature manages to spy without being seen by anyone while Hanma does it blatantly without caring if it's very obvious or not. You actually caught him once seeing you, and his reaction was to let out a little giggle and look away when he realized that you caught him. You could notice the soft blush on his cheeks.
They enjoy taking pictures of you doing random things. Especially Hanma (he has a whole album of you and kisaki on his phone), and only occasionally Kisaki warns for a good take.
"Take out your phone, Shuji"
"Huh? And for what the hell-?"
"Look over there, is y/n"
Kisaki points at you covertly, and the two-tone nods, catching his friend's intention as he quickly pulled out his phone. Seconds later the flash does its job. They both smile seeing you captured on the screen.
"Good angle" celebrates the blonde "very cute.."
"Yea' she looks fcking beautiful"
Yes, whether it's taking you or going to pick you up, taking a walk to the park for a while and things like that, at first H&K keep track of which one of the two has to share time with you. That's why it's not uncommon for you to feel that they take turns.
Kisaki would leave you a lot of small gifts throughout the week anonymously because he is embarrassed to deliver them to you in person. At first you thought it could be a stalker with ninja skills because you couldn't catch him in the act, but soon (and in the dumbest way) you found out it was the blond one (I have a little pov for this hc, I'll upload it after this!)
—love interest!
Hanma calls you "baby" most of the time, and would use adorable nicknames like "babydoll" or "fcking princess" just to annoy you. I'm not sure with Kisaki, I think "honey" might work for him. But both of them, without a doubt, call you "darling" a lot of the time.
Hanma, unlike Kisaki, is more concerned about your feminine needs. I feel like he has a sharper sense for that kind of thing. On the other hand, you can safely entrust the financial part to Kisaki because that man will cover all your whims.
Maximum princess treatment with some moments of rough love (the latter courtesy of Shuji Hanma). They like to pamper and pamper you a lot, just allow yourself to enjoy it.
On dates YES OR YES the three of you go together. And the one who is usually planning spontaneous outings is Hanma. For more important events that require more planning (such as special dates) Kisaki takes care of, for the rest of the outings/appointments he just gets carried away by the rhythm of you two.
Their plans for an intimate afternoon is to warm up the three of them together between sheets and sweets while watching eternal marathons of movies or documentaries (hanma falls asleep after two films and you always wake him up before the marathon ends so that Kisaki doesn't notice).
Their first date as official couples was at an amusement park by your decision. It was quite an exhausting day for the three of them but they would be able to repeat it a thousand more times if with that they manage to see the exact definition of happiness in each other's smiles again.
When you and Hanma start a tickle fight, you run away in the direction of Kisaki's private studio hiding behind him because he never allows Hanma to enter that place. And you know it very well. That place is your safe zone. But once you take one foot out of there your immunity ends, and Hanma makes sure to get revenge by cornering you between the sofa and him with no escape option. Kisaki gives a soft smile when he hears them laughing in the distance.
At the same time, you and Hanma are good partners, teaming up as an unconscious act to make fun of anything Kisaki says or does.
Broadly speaking Kisaki in a refined, calculating, thoughtful, more elegant and formal type than any ordinary person. In this way he manages to keep his surroundings (and his inner world) under control and at peace. But unfortunately Kisaki can not go against the hyperstimulated souls of their partners. So when a situation in which his presence is completely protagonist and necessary gets stressed. Specifically because the ideas you and Hanma come up with can become terrifyingly exhausting for him. Going to fairs, concerts, parties, birthdays and similar events these are some examples.
Kisaki harbors a buttery side that melts faster when she's resting in your arms, whether you're stroking her hair or listening to her thoughts out loud. Not with this he says that he loves you more than Hanma, only you transmit to him a greater warmth and security compared to the noisy and annoying immature actions of the languid boy. Hanma, in turn, gets cheesier when she's alone with you. He feels that he can release his more cloying cuteness with you because he knows that you tolerate that kind of treatment more, and that you are not going to reject him or get irritated like it happens when he tries to be the same way with Kisaki. Still, none of you have preferences, all three of you love each other equally.
Hanma shows them how much he loves them and how important they are to him by spending quality time together: walks in the fresh air, outings to eat, watching movies at the cinema or at home, playing with board games/video games, etc. Anything that allows him to share his time with the two of you he will put into practice. Kisaki, on the other hand, applies physical contact: hands on the waist, caressing sessions, linked fingers, kisses on random areas of the body, massages, etc. In these ways Kisaki tries to convey to both of you all the love and appreciation he feels for you two, showing you a side that he doesn't have with anyone else.
Of course, this pair is a dangerous bombshell of jealousy and possession. Oh yeah, anyone who tries to step out of the line or even flirt with you won't have any functional organ or limb left to tell about it.
They also don't like to share you with others, no matter if it's your family or friends. Hanma is the most impatient and impulsive of the three, he won't even spend two hours when he's already holding your hand to take you with him and get you out of wherever you are without letting you properly excuse yourself. Kisaki is more patient and serene, entertaining his mind with other things until he can't stand it anymore and demands that you return by means of a call or he just goes to look for you. You better not ignore this couple when jealousy gets the better of them, or you're not going to have a great time afterwards.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — aaaand I was finally able to finish it, I was too busy with classes 🥲🥲 I'll keep writing more about this trio eventually. Thank u for all your love and patience 🙌🏻 tkm
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beelmons · 1 year
So I was thinking about Hotch x bau!fem!reader, where they are arguing in front of the whole fucking team about something stupid. Later the team makes them to apologise to each other…
R: I feel bad about it, so unfuck you or whatever
Hotch: You don’t want to fuck me?! Yeah I feel bad about the argument. Let’s make out
I adapted it a bit to make it fit hotch's personality better. Hope it lives up to your standards!
If someone could break Aaron Hotchner's iron ethics, that was you. For both better and worse.
It broke when you made out for the first time in his office, however wrong that was, or when he fought to keep you in the BAU regardless of the clear fraternization rules you had broken, or that time he risked his life, without regard for protocol, to get you out of a hostage situation.
Or right now, when you were yelling to each other in the middle of the bullpen, as if it was your own living room and no one else was around.
"The coffee pot is for everyone, you just can't do as you please." he growled in your direction, pointing at an empty, slightly yellow-ish tinted, coffee pot.
"Then get this office a new microwave." you snarked back, your tone slightly raised.
"It's not my fault there isn't any administrative ammenities budget!" he let out in frustration, the voice volume incrementing a bit.
"Then I'll just continue to make my lunch this way." you stated without hesitation.
"No!" he outright yelled "You can't keep making ramen in the coffee pot whenever you feel like it! I am tired of getting beef stock flavor in my morning coffee!"
"You're the only one complaining!" you matched his volume "Does it bother anyone else?!"
You turned to face a group of very startled, and utterly uncomfortable, team members. They weren't able to emit a sound, being that the entire fight just felt surreal to them, like watching their parents fight for the first time.
"They are obviously not going to tell you." he said, his tone lowering a bit.
"You know what, Aaron? Fuck you. You always do this, the stick is so far up your ass you could sit normally and not feel it." you chewed him out.
His face was that of absolute disbelief, that you would disrespect him that way without regard of where you were, or the work dynamic that you had while on duty.
Before he could say anything back, Rossi moved to pull you both by your forearms. His sole intention to make the two of you finally shut up. You complained at the grip but allowed yourself to be dragged along, and shortly you were shut down in your boyfriend's office.
"Now that you have managed to make everyone wonder whether to file an HR complaint or a domestic violence one, why don't you take a deep breath and apologize to each other." The older man explained as he made you stand before him.
Aaron sighed in frustration. He was embarrassed enough that you had addressed him the way you did, and for his sake, and yours, he needed a second of quiet. You, on the other hand, were just tired of giving in to his unwavering rules and lack of spontainety.
"Okay." Rossi said once none of you emitted a sound "Now I'm disappointed on both of you."
"Fine." you finally said "Unfuck you or whatever."
Both men gave you a disapproving look at your answer, and you stared at them in disbelief, as if you hadn't yet again said anything wrong.
"I'll tell you what," Rossi said as he got up to close the blinds in Hotch's office, finally dispersing the curious eyes of the other subordinates "I'll make sure no one comes into this office for twenty minutes. You talk about whatever you gotta talk about, fix it, and let's get back to work, okay? We know you love each other, and whatever it is, you will get through it if you communicate."
Without any further word, the wise man slipped outside the office.
"I am sorry." he finally said after a loud sigh "I shouldn't be snapping at you this way, generally speaking."
His demeanor had finally changed, and you could tell by the way he removed his suit jacket, tossing it onto the couch, and loosened his tie a little. Such action, though, did not once fail to make you want him.
"I was too accostumed to living without anyone else but Jack. It's been a challenge, but I should try to make you feel more at home." he explained.
You had moved in together, without telling the team, about a couple weeks ago, and it was... trying, to say the least. You had been on edge for a couple of days, not being able to say much due to Jack's presence. However, the fact that he also was feeling the same way, made you feel more at ease.
"I know you value structure." you said, taking a couple of steps closer and landing your hands on his shoulders "But you should let fun exist every once in a while, both of you need it."
"You're right." he nodded as his eyes landed on you "It was one of the reasons I fell in love with you in the first place. It's not fair of me to try and change it now." his hands moved to rest on the side of your hips.
"And I promise I'll try to not disrupt the routine as much. Maybe getting ideas from TikTok about practical office lunches wasn't the best idea." you joked, and he chuckled a bit.
Your usual loving aura had gone back to normal, there was still more to talk about, but this would do for now, to at least return peace to the BAU nation.
"So," you began, your hands moving to toy with his loose tie "we still have twelve minutes of 'do not disturb'" your tone had turned flirty.
"Oh yeah? Weren't you the one saying 'unfuck you' or whatever?" he retaliated playfully.
"Okay, maybe do fuck you if I get to be the one who does it."
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scuderiamh · 2 years
take two || c. leclerc x reader
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader request: yes / no summary: last christmas you broke his heart. this one he's showing up at your doorstep asking for another shot. word count: 2.8k warnings: angst. fem reader. nsfw scene.
you hated christmas.
it was a fact everyone and their mother seemed to know by now. you’d stopped getting the dinner invitations because everyone remotely associated with you knew it just wouldn’t happen. you hated christmas and it would stay that way. 
for a fleeting moment, you had loved it.
growing up, your family life wasn’t exactly easy. holidays were something to dread instead of something to look forward to. sitting at a table being polite with the people that hated your guts with the feelings equal parts reciprocated weren’t exactly core childhood memories. all stuff you’d rather just forget and pretend never happened.
a knock at your door on this cold, miserable christmas eve, made you only ignore it. carollers, probably. there was nobody you could imagine behind that door you wanted to speak to - any friend or family member would be celebrating. you just stayed focused on whatever video your youtube spiral had brought you to. but to your annoyance, the knocker seemed insistent. it went silent for a moment, before a second round. then silence. third round. silence. with the fourth round you let out your frustrations in the form of a groan that would surely be audible to whoever was outside.
in your wildest dreams you wouldn’t have imagined your ex-boyfriend at the door.
when you started dating charles, someone who looked forward to every christmas and was beyond excited to spend it with you, you just about had to cave in. begrudgingly and with many grumbled complaints, but he made you love it.
for two years. two years in a row that felt like two seconds.
the third christmas you spent with him didn’t quite go as well.
“charles.” you said, shock evident in your face. you fought to keep your tone even.
there he was, as beautiful as ever. still the man you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with. still that bright-eyed boy you’d fallen for. still charles.
“what are you doing without a jacket, what the hell?” of course that was your question. not a why the hell are you here?, although that would make sense to ask. first and foremost you were concerned for him.
he was shivering. of course he was. the snow neared a borderline blizzard at this point, and the most for warmth he had was an old sweater and a beanie. not even any gloves for his hands; he’d opted to sticking his hands behind his arms as he shivered. to his defense, it hadn’t been snowing this majorly ten minutes ago.
you tried not to frown at the sight of that sweater. you knew it very well, as you’d spent many hours before wearing it.
“c-can i come in, please?” he asked, stuttering over the cold. you didn’t answer, only gently grabbing his arm and pulling him inside. you closed the door behind him despite wishing he was outside it rather than in.
you started walking towards your living room, and he followed. you didn’t look back to see, but he took his time. glancing around. taking in the comfortable familiarity of it all, and taking in all the differences. it felt… strange. for some time, this was essentially his second home. and now, it held parts of the home he once knew, but it’d also transformed and altered itself in ways he had trouble grasping. it made him ache just as much as his presence made you ache.
pushing aside the laptop you were previously watching on, you sat down on your couch. at your gesture, he did the same. facing one another, you were almost close enough for your legs to touch, but not quite. mere inches separated you but to both it felt like miles.
one year apart felt like one eternity and one hour all at once. so far, yet so near.
you guys watched each other for a bit. no words, just unbroken eye contact. in him you saw a man you once regarded as your home and your one true love yet also a man who’d indirectly caused inimaginable pain. when he looked back, he saw the person he wanted once to marry. the person he still would marry, if he could. the person who’d torn his heart into a hundred little pieces.
then, you sighed. dipped your head, let it hang for a second as your hand came up to rub your temples. you looked back up at him. “what are you doing here, charles?”
“i…” he trailed off, lips pursing together. he moved slightly closer. not enough to touch, but getting there. “i miss you, y/n.”
you shifted uncomfortably. “shouldn’t you be celebrating right now? with friends, or family?”
“i’d rather be here.”
“charles…” you sucked in a sharp breath, willing yourself not to get too emotional. “you can’t- no. you can’t just show up here. we’re over, remember?”
he chuckled, but it lacked any sense of humor. “of course i remember.” he responded bitterly. “all too well i remember it.”
“then you should know that you’re not supposed to be here.” you stated while straightening your posture and the hoodie you had on. a year ago, a hoodie you’d be wearing would be his. but since everything changed… your hoodie fitted normally instead of being several sizes up and instead of comfort you felt coated in sadness. 
“don’t you miss it?” he asked, looking particularly sad after the question. like he was begging for a yes.
you squeezed your eyes shut. “of course i miss it.”
“then why can’t we just-”
“you know why, charles.” you interrupted.
you’d wanted to breakup with him for a week now. the only reason you haven’t is because christmas was right around the corner, and you’d rather not ruin his favorite holiday for him. you loved him too much.
you didn’t want to separate from him. you wanted to separate from his life and everything that came with it. after three years, it had become too much. every move of yours felt watched. everything you did was commented on, as was everything about you - anything from your weight to the cost of the clothes you wore. every few weeks, cheating or break up rumors circulated. you didn’t even feel like you could be anywhere around his city with him without being filmed or photographed. on top of that, he was always gone. and you knew he had to be, but you couldn't do it. the distance was too much. you had your own career, one that prevented you from just following him anywhere.
it was too much. some people were built for this lifestyle, they could handle it. some enjoyed the fame, basked in it. some didn’t like it, but were willing to tolerate it. you weren’t any of these people.
you wanted to handle it more than anything else. you wanted to stay, keep loving the guy you once thought you were meant to be with. but slowly, as it all ate at you, you came to the painful realization that he wasn’t the man for you. maybe in another world, but not one where he led this lifestyle. and you knew he’d drop it for you, but you couldn’t ask him for that and wouldn’t allow him to do it if he offered.
you’d tell him after christmas.
“cookies are ready!” charles called out in a sing-song voice, coming your way with a warm plate. as he sat down with a smile that seemed to light up the entire world, you felt your heart sink even lower. “now will you tell me what’s been bugging you lately, my love?”
the question caught you off guard, and that showed in the way your hand froze for a second on its way to the cookies. recovering as fast as you could, you grabbed one and took a bite. “what do you mean?”
did he really notice?
stupid question. of course he did. he knew you too long and far too well to be fooled by even your best performances.
“can we not do this, please?” he asked, setting down the plate without even grabbing one for himself.
“do what?”
“this.” he said, as if that were in the slightest clarifying. “the whole… i’m fine, thing. i don’t like it. please, can we just talk about it?”
“charles, i don’t-” you weakly attempted only for him to cut you off.
you set down your unfinished cookie along with the rest. you brushed your hands together over the plate more so to stall for time than to get rid of the crumbs on your fingers. with a deep sigh you placed your hands in your laps. “we need to break up, charles.”
you didn’t anticipate the crack in your voice or the way your throat felt like it was closing up. why did this hurt so bad? 
likewise, he hadn’t anticipated the words out of your mouth or the way they felt like a punch to the gut. it didn’t sound right. it didn’t feel right. “what?”
“we need to break up.” you repeated, struggling to keep yourself level. 
“wha- i don’t… i don’t understand.” he said. not a single part of him even tried to hold back the hurt in his voice or all over his face. “why?”
“i can’t do this anymore. i just… i just can’t.”
“be with me?”
“did i…” he took a pause and a deep breath. “i did something, didn’t i? what did i do? please, i’m sorry, whatever it was, i didn’t mean to hurt you, i-”
“no.” you shook your head rapidly, putting a finger to his mouth to shush him. “no. you didn’t do anything. this isn’t your fault.”
“do you still love me?”
that’s what broke you. your hand fell from his face to his lap as a sob broke loose. despite now being freshly broken up, he instinctively pulled you in and let you cry on his shoulder. it wasn't loud enough to hear but he cried, too.
“so much.” you finally answered. your tired arms clung onto him like he was your last lifeline.
his voice shook, as did his arms when he pulled you off of himself. he searched your face as if he’d find an answer there. “but why, then? why, my love?”
“it’s your lifestyle, i can’t… i can’t do it, charlie. i just can’t. your fans put me under a microscope and i can’t handle it anymore. you’re constantly gone, and i have my own work, and-”
“i’ll quit.” he butted in. you knew he’d say that.
“no. no. you can’t. not for me.”
“but i can’t lose you,” he whispered, leaning forward until his forehead met yours. 
you don't know how long you stayed in that position. foreheads touching, tears falling in some sick synchronization. it felt equal parts torturous and therapeutic. but eventually, you were the one to stop it.
“you need to go.” you whispered, not pulling away.
“please.” he pleaded, almost silent. the desperation made you want to cry even more.
“please go, charles.”
and so, with a heart heavier than the weight of the entire world, he did.
merry fucking christmas.
“isn’t it worth another chance. a take two?” he asked, and it reminded you of how he pleaded with you that fateful christmas eve. now you felt like breaking down and you wanted it all to stop.
“it won’t work.” you shook your head. “i want it to. i really do.”
“just a try?” he didn’t care that he sounded pathetic. he didn’t care that he was begging that just for a moment you would love him enough to take the chance. he didn’t care how low he was stooping for this.
“charles-” and that’s when you burst into tears.
and like a goddamn broken record, he got close enough to pull you in. 
suddenly you remembered all the times you found home in his arms. how he seemed perfectly molded to you. as you cried against his chest, you relived the thousand memories you’ve been trying to avoid.
“i can't. you know i can’t.” you sobbed.
“i know.” he whispered back, his hand making its way to the back of your neck. slowly, gently, pulling you upward.
and you found yourself exactly where you were a year ago. forehead against his. teary eyes screwed shut.
maybe he knew nothing would come of this, just a harsh fall. part of him still hoped, but maybe he knew he’d just have the chance to hold you, if nothing else. even through his heartbroken haze, he knew you guys wouldn’t happen again.
after several minutes, he was the one to speak. “can i stay? i’ll leave in the morning. i just need to… i need to be with you. please.”
you knew where this would go.
you knew it. and you knew it wouldn't be good for you. you knew this would set back the progress you’d been trying so hard for. all you wanted to do was get over him.
but how could you say no?
your tears had dried but the sadness still lingered as heavy as the snow. his hand had moved to your hip, traveling up under your sweater.
without thought, recklessly, driven by your careless wants, you kissed him. like he’d done so many times, he kissed back.
there weren’t fireworks or an explosion of feelings or butterflies. there never were with him. instead there was warmth and security. like you knew this was exactly what you were made for. like he was what you were built for.
the kissing quickly became deeper, your shared hurt fueling the passion. it was only interrupted when he started to pull off your hoodie. in turn, you took off his.
you weren’t wearing a bra, and all he had underneath the sweater was a shirt. that came off right after, finding a place on your living room floor. just like before. 
his lips moved from yours to your jaw, your neck, your breasts. taking his sweet time, knowing this was the last time. his lips as soft and familiar as always.
after removing your sweatpants and underwear he peppered kisses down across your belly, then moved ever so slightly to the side when he got lower. kissing your thigh instead of your core. he didn’t mean to tease and he wasn’t planning on. he was just prolonging this.
it didn’t take long for him to move right to where you wanted him most. tongue moving through your folds, you gasped at the feeling. it’s happened so many times before, but each time was better than the last. had he been getting practice in the meantime? you tried to dismiss that thought.
while your hips bucked towards his face helplessly, he ate you out like a man starved. attention on your clit, it was only a matter of time until your orgasm washed over you. 
you missed the way he made you cum, and he missed having you all spread out for him.
you moved to return the favor and take him into your mouth, but he just shook his head. “no. i just need to be inside you, now, my love.”
you frowned but didn’t protest as he laid you down flat and finished undressing. now hovering over you with his elbows resting on either side of you, his lips met yours again as he lined himself with your entrance.
he took his time sinking into you. making you moan as he entered you inch by inch. once he bottomed out, your legs wrapped themselves around his waist tightly and he began thrusting.
the both of you liked the rougher sessions but now he only showed softness with his gentle rocking. through the pleasure, the both of you still felt the sadness radiating off one another, but you just let yourselves hope you’d fuck it away and deal with the feelings in the morning.
“you feel so good, ma chérie.” he said into your ear, pace slow but pleasurably consistent. you almost dared to say the sex hasn’t felt this good before - it always has been amazing, but something about the sorrow behind your every movement made it different. “always so fucking good for me.”
he lasted long, as he always did. he had you a whimpering mess below him as you both reached your climaxes at the same time. and as you always did, you let him release inside of you.
god, you both missed this.
in the aftermath you two found yourselves tangled in eachother, passed out on your living room couch. when the morning comes, he’ll have to go and you’ll have to relive the pain all over again. but for now, you just held eachother like you used to.
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tag list: @lovelytsunoda @holy-macncheese-balls @buendiabebeta @dan3avacado + ask to be added/removed!
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deadbydangit · 3 months
Love your blog so much! Can I request Knight, Deathslinger and Huntress with a S/O who gets cold easily?
Oh, this sounds cute! I can do that. Please enjoy.
With a reader who gets cold easily: Deathslinger, Knight, Huntress
Don't let this man's rough and tough exterior fool you.
If you're cold, he's also cold.
But he won't admit it out loud.
He's trying to seem tough, but, he's actually freezing.
He grew up in the west where it was warm.
So any cold climate is frustrating to him.
However, he wears so many layers he hardly feels the cold.
He really wants to give you his jacket.
But.... He's cold too.
Still, Caleb regards himself as a gentleman.
Sort of.
As much of a gentleman you can be while you're killing people.
He'll give you his coat.
But he'll be shivering the whole time.
And if you ask him if he's cold?
"Nah darlin'."
But he's clearly shivering.
And if you ask him about that?
"N-No. I'm alright."
His teeth are chattering.
So make sure you always have a jacket with you.
He's willing to suffer for your sake.
But, don't put him through that.
Go inside and warm up.
You can both be cold together.
On the complete opposite, we have Anna.
Anna is never cold.
She grew up in the wild forest of Russia.
So, safe to say, she's used to it.
If you get cold, you're going to have to say something.
Otherwise, she won't know.
She's the type to leave the door open in the dead of winter.
Because she won't feel a thing.
If anything, she gets hot very easily.
Once you tell her you're cold though, everything changes.
The doors?
If you tell her you're cold?
Blankets. She's wrapping you in blankets.
So many blankets that you could hardly move.
She'll put on the fire and place you in front of it.
Warm soup?
Already in your hands.
Anna has a tendency to go overboard on things.
With her, It's all or nothing.
Now that she knows you get cold easily, she'll be looking for the signs.
Do your teeth chatter?
Do you shiver?
She'll be looking for all of that.
And she'll be at the ready at all times to get you whatever you need whatever you need it.
Tarhos has a bad habit of comparing himself to others.
Due to all his hardships in life and all his training, he's a lot stronger than the average person.
Therefore, he'll often trivialize little complaints from others.
Or, he'll give you unwanted advice.
"If you're as cold as you claim, get up and move around."
"Sitting they're shivering won't do you any good."
He can be really harsh.
And if you don't tell him that, he won't stop.
He isn't trying to be mean.
He just doesn't really know any better.
Once you tell him you just get cold easily and you can't do most of the things he can do, it will come as a shock.
But, he'll soon realize that he'll have to do more than just give you a hard time about it.
He's a smart man, so he'll soon pick up on the signs you're cold before you can even say it.
When he notices you're starting to get cold, he'll be near you with a blanket or moving you to sit by the fire.
He isn't much of a chef, so don't expect soup or anything fancy.
He's kind of just doing the bare minimum.
But, for someone like him, it's a big step.
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bluehwale · 1 year
Ok sooo, you said that I could send my request and I couldn't wait any longer. The first fic is when they confessed for reader, but I'll love to know how they met reader and how they became that tight friend, a prequel if you will. That was it, thanks dear!
"the rainbow thief": the beginning | demigods! poly ateez au
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01 / ‘the rainbow thief’ masterpost / next
summary. you never expected to be in a camp meant for demigods but, here you are. you also didn't expect on becoming friends with a brooding emo boy who introduces you to five of his friends, nor do you expect to meet two bickering best friends but, here you are. or alternatively, you meet eight boys that makes your life much more bearable.
pairing(s). ot8 demigods! ateez x daughter of iris! reader (son of hades! hongjoong, son of athena! hwa, son of apollo! yunho, son of poseidon! yeosang, son of zeus! san, son of aphrodite! mingi, son of dionysus! wooyoung & son of ares! jongho)
word count. 2.7k
genre. crack, flustered joong, fluff!, san being clumsy (again)
warnings. cursing, mentions of anxiety, alcohol intake (wooyoung and his wine), impulsive writing so it's not the best, camp half blood universe inaccuracies help
note. thankyou for the req and im so sorry i posted it so late!! i totally forgot abt tumblr bc i was having too much fun on my spring break im sorry T_T but it's here now!!! i also won't be accepting any more requests for demigods! atz </3
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Hongjoong feels sick.
“I think you’re fine.” Yunho frowns, pressing his palm against Hongjooong’s forehead one last time just to make sure. The healer did everything he could, even resorting to human hospital’s protocol check-ups when his hyung refused the usual nectar and ambrosia because he insists that, “something’s really wrong with me, Yunho, and I don’t think those can fix it.”
The healer can only groan inwardly at his friend’s stubbornness because there’s nothing a little nectar, ambrosia, and his glowing fingertips can’t fix. But of course, he continues to entertain him as he’s not in the mood to test the patience of a son of Hades today.
“What are your symptoms again?” Yunho asks flatly, inflating the cuff wrapped around Hongjoong’s upper arm to gauge his blood pressure again (in truth, he doesn’t know how to read a blood pressure monitor but does it anyway for Hongjoong’s sake) to appease his “patient” who is currently sitting on a cot because he feels “sick.”
“I had this really weird feeling in my stomach, like, it feels like my organs are squashed around and everything inside me turned upside down,” Yunho frowns. Okay, that sounds pretty serious. “And my face got all hot, my feet couldn’t stop twitching, and I stuttered too!” Hongjoong continues, bringing a hand to his head in worry. “This doesn’t feel like me at all.”
“Hyung, was there anything that made you feel anxious?” eyebrows furrowed in concern, Yunho regards Hongjoong carefully. “If there’s anything troubling your mind lately, I’m here to listen.”
“No, I don’t think it’s anything like that—”
An unfamiliar figure suddenly pops inside the curtain circling the cot, momentarily surprising Yunho and leaving Hongjoong stunned once he recognizes the person in front of him. 
“Sorry, hi,” you grimace, feeling apologetic towards the tall boy you scared with your uninvited presence. You just got here, alone and wary, with a few scratches here and there from being chased by monsters, so you hope the cute boy with soft looking hair in front of you is the person you’re looking for and that your day won’t be even more ruined by an embarrassing moment of you mistaking him for another person. “I was told to find a Yunho here? They said he could give me something to help with my injuries.”
Forgetting entirely about his hyung’s complaints, Yunho rapidly deflates the cuff still circling Hongjoong’s arm and rips it off in a rushed manner, earning a loud yelp from the poor raven haired boy still sitting on the cot (he did not end up checking the numbers on the monitor).
Hongjoong feels his heartbeat quicken when your gaze lands on him once you stand on your tippy toes to look over Yunho’s shoulder in curiosity. A smile threatens to creep up on his own face when he notices your eyes brighten and a sweet smile curling up your lips. “Oh, Hongjoong! Hi!”
“_____. Good to see you again.”
Yunho flicks his eyes back and forth between you and Hongjoong, mischievously grinning at the interaction you’re both having because it takes awhile for Hongjoong to warm up to people and it seems like you’re new, so to think that Hongjoong has warmed up to you that quick, you must be quite the character. Or maybe, the emotionally stunted son of Hades has finally taken an interest in someone.
Yunho leans towards the latter. And he can’t wait to tell the others about this so they can all tease him about it.
“Oh,” you take note of him sitting on a cot and remind yourself that you’re in the infirmary, causing your eyes to rake over Hongjoong in worry. “Are you okay? You’re hurt?”
“No! I’m perfectly fine!” The raven haired boy who was previously complaining about his “weakened knees” suddenly sprang up from the bed, seemingly energized, and pushes a gawking Yunho over your direction with a tight grip on the back of his shoulders. “You should let Yunho check up on you then get some rest. Hope you feel better soon.”
You smile in thanks at the boy you met a few hours prior, the first person who greeted you when you stepped foot on camp, and bid him a goodbye as he turns to leave the infirmary to let Yunho tend to you alone.
Before he could, however, you nonchalantly tell him, “I like those glasses on you. Looks cute.”
A pause, and then, there it is.
Hongjoong’s cheeks slowly flame a bright pink, the soles of his sneakers nervously squeaking against the hardwood floors as he turns his head to face you with his eyes flicking to every corner of the room and anywhere that does not land on your figure. An intangible noise escapes his throat. “T-thanks.”
Oh. Yunho slaps a hand over his mouth as he tries his damn best to stifle in the laughter to save face of Hongjoong’s dignity. 
Hongjoong’s not sick.
For the first time ever, Hongjoong is flustered.
  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ‍  ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺
“That’s _____? Hongjoong’s _____?”
Hongjoong smacks the back of the two-tone haired boy’s head as he hisses, “If you don’t lower your fucking voice.”
Wooyoung’s yowl of pain is followed with a death glare shot at his hyung, the slightly tipsy boy hugging his ‘I LOVE DIONYSUS’ mug close to his chest to avoid any unnecessary spillage of perfectly good wine. “What was that for?” he cries. “They won’t even be able to hear me,” he grumbles, pointing to the group of Iris kids noisily huddled together in celebration of winning a game of Capture the Flag against the Athena kids. An impressive rarity. Athena kids are known to be very strategic with their battle plans, even in mere simulations like the game they play every Friday, which is why the Iris kids are especially happy. 
Yunho tsks at the slurring of his friend’s speech, forcefully wrangling the mug of wine away from the alcohol fiend. Or at least, he attempts to, for the son of Dionysus quickly snatches the mug to avoid his prying fingers, an expression of mocking retaliation sent his way.  
“She’s so cool,” Mingi dreamily sighs, having hearts as eyes as he continues to look at you in awe. You’re in the center of the Iris kids circle, a wide smile plastered on your lips as everyone else rejoices on your team’s victory. You meet eyes with both Hongjoong and Yunho (who is still busy trying to keep his feral friend at bay), sending an excited wave their way in greeting which earns back a proud thumbs up from Yunho and a genuinely heartwarming smile from Hongjoong.
“You have to introduce me to her!” Mingi gasps eagerly, hopping around Hongjoong while flailing his arms in glee, unknowingly landing hits on the silently seething raven haired boy who pointedly glares at him in return. 
“You can do it yourself.”
“Someone’s doing it right now,” Jongho points out, the rest of the boys turning their heads to see their own Seonghwa hyung, the head counselor of the Athena cabin, make his way towards you and shake your hand with a gentle smile. It seems that he’s congratulating you for your win and Jongho chortles at the obvious twinkle in the eldest’ eyes. He’s trying to make a move on you.
And he can see why Seonghwa, alongside Hongjoong and Yunho, has taken an interest in you. 
Because although your fellow siblings are urgently trying to sweep you into the dining pavilion for a celebratory dinner, you still take the time to meet the three new faces that are close friends with Hongjoong. Amidst the conversation between the rest of the boys and you, Jongho gets why it’s so easy for Hongjoong and Yunho to be close to you in the span of a week. Your contradictingly soft but bubbly personality seems to shine out of you, easily melting the coldest hearts (cough, Hongjoong hyung, cough), and the way you always seem to have an easy smile on your face softens just about anyone.
It’s easy to like you.
“Who are they?” you question your siblings once you’ve sat in the Iris table in the dining pavilion, distractedly biting onto your chopsticks as you try to be discreet in sneaking a look at the two lone boys sitting separately in the Zeus table and the Poseidon table. Both tables that, apparently, have been unoccupied for years.
A new kid of the big three; Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, always garner attention because they’re so rare in quantity. Especially now that there’s two of them, one of your siblings, Yuna, excitedly jumps to inform you. “We don’t know their names yet but I heard they came in while we were just starting the game. Probably why we didn’t hear anything about them until now,” she shrugs, shoving another piece of gimbap into her mouth. “But the other campers said they got claimed immediately after coming here! That’s usually unheard of from the big three.”
Your brother, Keeho, who took the displeasing choice of sitting beside Yuna grimaces in disgust as he force shut her open chewing mouth. “Don’t talk while you’re chewing.”
You take another look at the two boys sitting silently with their heads slightly lowered, taking note of the unhealed scratches and bruises blooming all over their skin. You gasp, turning back to Keeho to ask, “What happened to them?”
“Heard they were hunted by a minotaur which is why they’re both forced to come here. All of the Apollo kids were stationed at our game earlier in case anything happens, probably why they haven’t had the chance to be healed.”
You shovel the rest of your food down your throat, almost choking in the process which earned a few panicked concerns from your siblings, but you ignore them and quickly move to the closest table, the Zeus table, after chugging down water from your goblet. 
“Hi! I’m ______. It’s nice to meet you.”
The blonde looks up in surprise to see you and you use the short pause to take a good look at his face. Soft slanted eyes that oddly remind you of a cat’s greet you alongside a shy smile that spreads across his face and pops out both of his dimples. 
Oh, you think. You didn’t expect him to be so handsome. You’re screwed.
“_____,” he repeats your name, pleasantly basking in the friendly smile you give him. You slightly waver at the way he says your name so sweetly. “I’m San. It’s nice to meet you too.”
“How are you liking it here?” you ask, trying to start a conversation in hopes of easing his first-day jitters. “I’m also still pretty new here. Just got here last week, actually.”
You can see the tension seep out his shoulders after hearing that you’re one of the newer campers as he gladly sighs in relief. “I’m pretty nervous, I don’t really know what’s going on,” he lets out an emotionless chuckle. “I just found out that my dad isn’t my actual dad and that Zeus? The dude up in the sky? Is apparently my real dad.” 
“Yeah,” you grimace, you still haven’t fully grasped that either. “It took awhile for me to get kinda used to things here but I also somehow feel that I belong here,” you look at him, hoping your effort of comforting him is working. “I think you’ll fit in here soon enough. It’s okay to take things slow.”
This time, San genuinely smiles. “Thanks _____.”
“By the way,” he adds in a whisper, tugging your wrist to bring you closer to him, inadvertently causing your cheeks to warm. “I don’t know much about my… dad or Greek Mythology in that matter, but isn’t he like a major dickhead—”
A thunderous clap of lightning pierces through the suddenly darkened sky, striking a tree that stood closest to the dining pavilion, erupting it in booming flames. Surprised screams break out throughout the dining campers, everyone quickly turning their heads to look at San; the most probable culprit of angering the God of the Sky that one of their trees is now on fire.
“Oh, oops,” the guilty boy winces. “Sorry.”
“San, was that you?” a voice came from behind you, requiring you to turn around to see who it is and oh– it’s the boy who was sitting at the Poseidon table; the other new camper. The raven haired boy looks at you, taking in the horrified look on your face as you resume watching the tree burn after attempting to nod at him in greeting. “Man, what’d you do this time?”
“I didn’t do anything,” the blonde boy Yeosang unfortunately calls his best friend, whines. “It’s just… maybe I said some words I shouldn’t have or whatever. Anyways, can’t you fix that? Shouldn’t you have, like, water powers or something?”
“We literally just got here, idiot,” Yeosang rolls his eyes, though he thinks it’d be pretty cool if he does end up having powers. He turns to your direction, taking the chance to talk to you now that he sees you’ve snapped out of your daze. “I’m sorry about him, he must’ve given you a hard time.”
San lets out an offended “hey!”
“No he didn’t,” you giggle. “It’s just,” you point at the still burning tree and a few campers circling it with buckets of water in hopes of putting out the fire. “It’s not everyday that you see stuff like this.”
Yeosang turns around, whistling lowly once he actually takes in the damage his best friend (his best friend’s dad, actually) has done. “Yeah, that looks pretty bad,” he says.
“Eh,” you shrug. “The Demeter kids are probably upset about it but it’s nothing they can’t fix.”
Your eyes widen, you totally forgot why you wanted to approach them in the first place. “Speaking of fixing,” you usher San out of his table and exchange proper introductions with the raven haired boy named Yeosang before dragging them by the wrists to the Apollo table. “You should really get those wounds healed. The Apollo kids here are the healers, they’ll know what to do.”
A tall boy, who Yeosang presumes to be Yunho based on your calls of his name, smoothly steps out of the table with his siblings and introduces himself to both of them. You told the healer about what you heard, that they were both hunted on the way here; hence the bruises from struggles of their escape. His eyes take in the exhausted figures of the two boys and he tells them that they should follow him to the infirmary to heal and rest up.
“Hey! Wait up!”
A boy with two-toned hair surprisingly holding a can of Diet Coke instead of his regular mug, skips to the group of four, tagging along the remaining of the boys behind him. Already exchanging greetings and introductions, the two new boys are slightly surprised at how friendly they all are but they absolutely do not mind at all, despite how they feel like their bones would crumble in exhaustion at any moment. 
As the nine of them move together towards the infirmary, Wooyoung keeps bugging Yeosang with stupid questions that makes San laugh. (“Can you turn water into wine?” “If I could, wouldn’t that be blasphemy? And shouldn’t you be the one who turns things to wine?”). He’s never met anyone like them and they’re a bit odd but he thinks that he likes that.
He looks at you walking side by side with Yunho, an imposing Mingi trying to squeeze in the very small space left between you and the healer who is now glaring at his tall friend. Jongho watches from the sides, enjoying the suffering his hyung is going through and letting out amused snickers now and then. Seonghwa and Hongjoong look like they’re fighting over something, arms messily flailing against one anothers’, with Seonghwa letting out occasional squeals. San can’t tell if they’re play fighting or serious. 
The blonde smiles, shoving his hands down his pockets. Staying at camp doesn’t sound all too bad now.
“I think you’ll fit in here soon enough.”
He thinks so too.
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shiyorin · 4 months
I wish that you would write a fic where you and Perty spend some time together creating/engineering god machines.
Here you are. Actually I think it was 'Perty is building a machine and he thinks you're bothering him'
Perturabo scowled down at the machine taking shape under his hands. Countless hours spent crafting each girder and gear to exacting specifications, yet still it was not enough. There was always more to be done, more to improve, more deficiencies to root out and correct.
A noise behind drew his gaze, finding a solitary figure observing from the walk above. Perturabo sighed irritably as you followed close behind. Truly, was there no end to this creature's insolence? He had made it explicitly clear you were not welcome in his place. But here you were, barging in once more like you owned the place. Well, no matter. Soon your inevitable blunders would force him to eject you, like others. And if not… There were other means to remedy pests.
You nodded respectfully at being noticed, making no move to approach, a rare show of wisdom, in his view. Most would bombard him with pointless questions or fawning praise at this stage, hampering his work. But he sensed no such intentions from your gaze. Merely open curiosity as eyes traced each component with appreciative care. Studying, but passing no judgment. It was… tolerable, at least for now.
Ignoring you completely, Perturabo returned to his labors, focusing intently on welding a joint into place. He set about assembling components for his latest augmentation. Tools danced skillfully under his guidance as intricate mechanisms began taking shape.
You fell silent, observing with keen interest as joints and pistons slid neatly into place. Perturabo was grudgingly aware of your gaze tracing each minute motion, as if to unfold the creative process unfolding before steely eyes.
It was… disarming, to have such unfettered focus directed his way without demand or expectation. He scowled. What could a paper-pusher possibly comprehend of the ingenuity and graft involved in his works?
But a small, traitorous part inside relished the rapt attention nonetheless. To have one so near who saw his delicate work, it stirred echoes of gratification long thought dead. As if in that moment, his craft held all your fascination simply for its own merits, not his name or reputation. A novel experience, to say the least.
Perturabo redoubled efforts to focus on circuit splicing, mentally banishing such fanciful notions. This was no pleasure outing to indulge idle spectators. There were calculations to finalize and field tests to prepare for, not entertain petty curiosities.
A soft gasp drew his notice despite vows to ignore the interloper. You had moved closer, peering in awe at neatly bundled wiring coming to life under activation. Perturabo froze, hyperaware of her proximity yet loathe to break concentration and perfection almost achieved.
Time passed without remark as systems began integrating fully under his touch. You still watched without complaint or query.At last the final components locked into synchronization in a shuddering crescendo of sound and light. Perturabo straightened, surveying his handiwork with a critical eye. An imperfect machine, as always, he was not satisfied.
He turned then to find you regarding him with a small, knowing smile, as if this imperfect machine were an achievement through your own eyes. He blinked, taken aback by the acknowledgment in your eyes.
Caught off guard, Perturabo found words deserting as emotion welled unexpectedly. What did you want? His mouth moved, words emerging gently, at least he thought so.
"Would you like to know what this machine is?"
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seoafin · 8 months
thinking. About ripmc calling everyone by their given name after they become friends while still calling Gojo by his surname. it would ruin his life. he would be so upset and would respond by being more insufferable which will keep him firmly in “Gojo-san” territory. gojo-san zoned
a snippet from my scrapped str fic!
He’s annoyingly breathless, and a little irritated. You’re still calling him Gojo-san.
"You sleep funny." It sounds like a complaint, and it might as well be with how fast his heart is racing. "You always look like that?"
"I think so, but I’m not really sure." You lift your head, unperturbed, yawning away at the last remnants of your nap. You look at him. "Is that all you wanted to say?"
You blink.
“...I told you, it’s Satoru.”
You go quiet. Keeping his face straight, he looks at you from the corner of his eye. Satoru doesn’t know what you seem to be mulling over, because you don’t immediately reply. What is there to think about?
“I don’t think I will, but thank you for offering.”
He chokes, turning to face you at once. “...Ha—h?”
You regard him quietly. “It feels weird to call you that after all this time. I guess I’m just more used to Gojo-san.”
“You call Suguru by his first name,” he points out. “You call Ieiri ‘Shoko’!”
Satoru hasn’t forgotten the flush of color that had flooded Suguru’s face the first time you had said his first name.
Through his teeth: “Satoru sounds better.”
Others would be delighted to be given the honor of calling him by his given name rather than his family’s name, but you only look deep in thought, and somewhat troubled. He’s about to shrug it off, tell you whatever, and nurse his wounded ego that you seem to have a habit of trampling over in private.
You’re looking at him now, the troubled look even more prominent in the furrow of your eyebrows. “If you’re really that inconvenienced, I’ll try my best.” You finish with a reassuring nod in his direction.
He’s not ‘inconvenien—’
Whatever thoughts running through his head grinds to a halt as warmth blossoms across his face, his ears. All of a sudden, his clammy hands seize, and a lump forms in his throat, and all he can think about is how right it sounds.
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blaithnne · 4 months
I think my one complaint about Anders is that I wish we’d seen him leave of his own accord at least once. Unfortunately I doubt that would be possible due to time constraints but, I think if we’d gotten to see how Hilda was affected by him actually leaving and not being fairynapped it would have better shown what kind of person he is, and been a really good representation of what a lot of real kids go through. That moment where Hilda finally realised her Father abandoned her is so heartbreaking, raw, and real, and the fact that it’s later revealed he didn’t kind of undermines that.
I’m not against Anders changing for the better - it’s a kids show, and it makes sense they’d want to give him a character arch instead of just introducing him to be a dick lol. It also makes sense for his character to have nearly losing his entire family forever be a wake up call for him. But I wish we’d gotten more time with him, and really seen the effects of him leaving for real. Without that, we can generally assume that it had the same effect as him being kidnapped did in canon, but it’s just not the same.
I’m of the opinion that introducing Hilda’s dad as a concept was a good decision, and I don’t think it undermines the shows found family. It gives Hilda a relatable and realistic aspect to her that I think is important for kids in similar situations to see. I am, however, very biased in that regard.
My biological father was an asshole who fucked off before I was born, but I’ve had no absence of family or fatherly role models - I’m very close with my adoptive dad and my grandad. But that didn’t mean I never had questions, or insecurities.
It’s easy to look at fictional tropes and say that found family is clearly superior and biology doesn’t mean shit, and that’s true! But when you’re living in that reality, when you’re young and coming to terms with it for the first time, it’s hard. Especially when you’re surrounded by people who all have blood relations with their families, and when the person you’re related to is regarded as a dick. it really makes you feel isolated and like there’s something wrong with you, like you’re an outsider — you’re different.
Real life people are messy and have insecurities that defy reason, you might logically know that biology doesn’t matter, but when you’re thirteen and insecure and full of inner turmoil, you can’t help but feel bad.
Personally, as I got older, I met people in similar situations and realised I wasn’t alone, that it was okay to have those feelings but it didn’t make them true. But at that age, having grown up in a rural community, I really was alone.
Hilda’s insecurities in season 3 are a great representation of that, she feels like she’s never had a proper family, this thing with Frida, David, Tontu, Alfur and Johanna and Astrid is all new to her. You can tell her Father’s absence has hurt her, how she’s felt different and alone and like something was missing. Hilda defines her worth through her relationships with others, how she can help them make them happy, it destroyed her when she felt like she failed Frida, imagine how she feels about her father.
What I think season 3 was missing was for Hilda to realise that she doesn’t need Anders, and that her happiness isn’t reliant on him being there, I wish she’d had a tad more agency in the relationship, yk? She wants him to be in her life, and he’s going to make an effort now to do that, but she has a support system in place and will be perfectly fine without him. I wish the show had properly acknowledged that just because this is how things ended up, it wasn’t the only option — with or without Anders, Hilda would still have been happy with her family in the end, the fact that he’s a part of it is a nice bonus, but not an essential one.
In general, I think Anders is the best they could do with the time they were given. Having him be a realistic shitty dad who loves his daughter but is just so bad at it is relatable and realistic, though I wish they’d better emphasised that just because he loves hers that doesn’t make his actions okay (perhaps by slightly altering Johanna’s moment with Hilda at the end of The Job), because it’s clear, I think, as a diehard fan, but might not be for more casual viewers.
Having him be redeemable and stick around to do better is a good conclusion for his arch, it’s a happy ending all around and makes sense for the story - it could’ve been weird if they just had him show up and then immediately leave with zero resolution to his character, unless they made him an all out irredeemable abuser, which I think would’ve been worse than what we got. Portraying abusers as unforgivable and cartoonish villains only makes it harder for real life victims to recognise their situations, so if it couldn’t be portrayed properly (which thanks to time constraints and the overall narrative I don’t believe it could be) I’m glad they went with something else.
What we’ve got is, and I know I’ve said this many times lol, a realistic depiction of a crappy, absentee father, that young viewers can recognise and relate to. On that end, the biggest issues are Hilda’s lack of agency within their storyline, since she has no control in the resolution of their relationship, young people looking to this show for ways to cope with their own situations might be discouraged by the end resolution of “he decided to stick around”, since that resolution rests on his decision, not Hilda’s, if that makes sense.
TLDR; Overall, I think Anders’ was a good character and the best that could’ve been done with what the team was given, but,
A) I wish we’d gotten to see him leave of his own accord at least once, so that Hilda’s final realisation that he left her on purpose has more impact and doesn’t loose its meaning in retrospect, and,
B) That Hilda had more agency in the final resolution of their dynamic, that their happily ever after wasn’t entirely reliant on Anders swearing he won’t leave. An alternative solution, maybe presented earlier on in the season when he first left, that provided her with a coping mechanism/outlet in case he does, so that her happiness and mental health isn’t in his hands, would’ve been pretty neat.
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antimatterz · 1 year
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interesting turn of events
dan heng x gn!reader
typical "there's only one bed" trope but i've never written one before and wanted to do it once so here we are. no warnings.
content under the cut | masterlist
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something about the dark, glum streets of boulder city left you with a smothered feeling. it was as if a weight lay upon your shoulders, slowing you down with its heaviness. it was exhausting, and the more time you spent outside, the more tired you became. maybe that was why all the citizens seemed so dull and gloomy. this town was completely void of a spark, nothing that brightened the misery. just being here made the sense of depression sneak up on you, and the continuous stress of the underworld netizens was contagious. 
along with your travel companion, you made your way through the town that was shrouded in darkness perpetually, looking for a place to stay and get some much-needed rest. 
     "you feel it too, huh?" dan heng asked, breaking the silence that had lingered between you for a while. 
     "feel what?" you asked, not immediately grasping what the male was getting at. 
     "the absence of hope," he explained, gazing into the dark distance afore you. "there's no joy here, no liveliness, nothing that brings a reason to live to these people. it's... depressing." 
     "yeah, it is," you agreed, nodding as you listened to his words. "i've spent a few days here and it's already weighing upon me. imagine having to spend your entire life here in the underworld." 
     "it's never been easy here, but ever since they sealed it off, the life has been sucked out of this place," dan heng mused, solemn eyes still looking ahead of him. "i can't wait to resolve this all and get back to the surface." 
     "i'm afraid it won't be fixed overnight," you sighed. just like dan heng, you weren't looking forward to staying here much longer. 
of course you had march with you, who brought quite some liveliness to the sullen atmosphere, but even the cheerful girl was affected by the gloominess of this place. and then there was dan heng, ever the pessimist – or realist, as he prefered to call it. everyone dealt with the situation here in their own way, and so did you. you made sure to keep a close eye on all your companions, and did what you could to console those who appeared to be heavily affected by the misery that had intricately weaved itself into the underground. 
     "i'm starting to fear that we have no other option than to spend the night in the goethe grand hotel again," dan heng commented as you passed through yet another alley. 
     "aww, you're acting as if it was that bad," you lightly mocked him. "okay, the mattress wasn't soft at all and it smelled really suspicious but at least we had a place to sleep." 
the male muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like an additional list of complaints he had regarding the goethe grand hotel, but he still led you through the dark streets towards the mentioned hotel. 
once inside, you were greeted by gertie, the owner of the old hotel. as cold and run-down as the building might've seemed, the woman greeted you warmly. 
     "hello ma'am, do you have two single rooms available for us?" dan heng asked politely. 
     "please, just call me gertie," the woman behind the desk waved dismissively. "i'll check right away, give me a moment." she went through a log on the desk in front of her, flipping through some pages before she found what she was looking for. "hm, i'm sorry. i only have one room available tonight. would that be a problem?" 
you and dan heng exchanged a look, and his face was as unreadable as ever. you had no idea what he thought about the situation that unfolded, and you had no idea what to say. a silence followed, in which gertie's face grew from questioning to mildly confused.
it was dan heng who first cleared his throat, shaking his head.
     "it's no problem," he answered, and you just nodded along.
     "it isn't," you agreed.
but really, wasn't it? on the inside you were freaking out mildly. you barely just met dan heng, and though you got along just fine, you wouldn't say you were on sharing-a-room terms. but it was either that or finding an even lousier place to stay, which held no appeal to you at all. 
     "excellent, here are your keys to room six," gertie announced, handing the keys to the male next to you. "enjoy your stay, and don't forget to leave a review." 
you instantly thought back to the reviews you already left behind, twice. your reviews had been nothing but positive, even though the hotel wasn't all that great. gertie was a kind woman, and you simply couldn't find it in you to leave a review that voiced your true feelings about the facility. but to leave the same review yet another time? hm. maybe you'd just ignore the parchment in the dresser. 
you followed your travel companion up the creaky wooden stairs that brought you to the first floor, and the male swiftly opened the door to hotel room six. it was dark and plain and it screamed poverty, much like the rooms you previously stayed in. there was, however, something that caught your eye – and judging from the way dan heng's eyes had widened, he noticed too. there was one bed, a single-person bed, and nothing close to a couch or sofa or anything else to sleep on. you felt your heartbeat pick up as realization hit you.
     "uhm," you brought out. "dan heng, there's only one bed." 
     "so i noticed," the male replied dryly. 
     "what do we do now?" you asked. 
     "simple. you take the bed, i'll sleep on the floor," dan heng shrugged. it wasn't even a suggestion; it was a solution already set in stone – for dan heng, at least. you weren't quite having it.
     "i don't think sleeping on the floor is a good idea," you hesitantly brought up. "we're supposed to meet with serval tomorrow and who knows what will happen after that? we need all the rest we can get, and sleeping on the moldy floor won't result in proper rest." 
     "so what do you suggest, y/n?" dan heng questioned, arching a brow. 
     "i-i was thinking, why don't we just... share the bed?" you reluctantly spoke up, eyes trained on the wooden bed as you refused to look at him. "that way, no one has to sleep on the floor." 
     "a single-person bed isn't made for two people to sleep in," dan heng stated matter-of-factly. "but i see your point, i don't think sleeping on the floor would do us any good." 
and with that, it was pretty much decided. you and dan heng – the mysterious guy you secretly admired from the very moment you opened your eyes and found him about to perform cpr on you – were about to sleep in the same bed. to be fair, you were struggling to keep your cool, but you didn't want to make a fool out of yourself in front of your travel companion. so you turned around, telling dan heng that you were going to change into your sleeping attire and heading into the bathroom. once there, you breathed out. it's no big deal, you kept telling yourself.
really, it wasn't.
as you deemed yourself ready, you exited the bathroom and the male went in after you. hesitantly, you made your way over to the bed and crawled under the covers. now it didn't matter what dan heng would do; you had secured your spot on the bed. maybe he would have a change of heart and decide to sleep on the floor regardless – no, that was unfair to think. it was you who came with this suggestion in the first place.
you lay in a manner that made your back face the bathroom door, nervously awaiting it to creak open. eventually, it did, and dan heng came out. you shut your eyes tightly, and your heart did multiple somersaults when you felt the mattress dip besides you as the male sat down. you heard the covers rustle as he shifted, and you shuffled as close to the edge as you could. it was uncomfortable, but imagine accidentally touching dan heng? no, you would spontaneously combust out of sheer shame and you were positive he wouldn't necessarily appreaciate it, either.
it wasn't comfortable, as you lay stiffly, afraid to move – or do so much as breathe in and out steadily. you were hyperaware of the body that lay next to you. because the bed was so small, he was close to you, regardless of how much you tried to keep your distance. your back was facing him, but you inhaled his scent nevertheless, and boy, he smelled good. fresh and comforting, like the fleeting touch of jasmin flowers. it made you want to crawl closer to him, to breathe in deeply and fall asleep against him, basking in comfort. but aeons, you would never have the guts to do so. dan heng would surely be freaked out.
or would he?
"y/n?" he muttered after a long silence.
a little surprised, you halfheartedly turned around. it had been quiet for a long time, and you were certain he would've been asleep by now. well, apparently he wasn't. you caught his gaze, illuminated by the dying oil lamp on the nightstand.
"good, you're awake," dan heng stated.
"yeah," you said, very much confirming the obvious. "what's it?"
"you know..." the male began, trailing off after barely speaking two words. he seemed to think, his eyes darting away from you momentarily. he didn't look like he would speak up anytime soon, but you didn't urge him on. dan heng was the quiet type, usually not too happy when he was forced to talk. so you let him, waiting patiently.
you followed his gaze, only to find that he was looking at nothing in particular. though the oil lamp casted a warm hue upon the furniture and walls, it was hard to make out details and dan heng was pretty much staring into a void of nothingness. that was really out of character for him; even though he was silent often, his gaze was always focused and aware. now you fully turned around to face him properly, temporarily forgetting about your previous worries.
"were it anyone else, i would've objected," he spoke up after recollecting himself. "as in, i would've slept on the floor."
"what?" you questioned dumbly, not getting it.
"i like you," dan heng bluntly said. "that's why i agreed on spending a night in the same bed as you. i thought about it and realized, were it march who asked me to, i would've refused blatantly. i don't mean any offense but –"
"hold up," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "you what?"
"i said what i said, y/n. i like you," the male repeated, finally looking straight at you. "i simply found you attractive from the start, but as we are spending time together here in belobog, i grew attracted to how you are as a person just as much. i'm sorry if this catches you off-guard, but i've been thinking it over and felt like i had to say it."
you stared at him, utterly dumbfounded. dan heng liked you? now that was something you never dared to hope for. surely, with you it also started with an infatuation, but spending time with dan heng made you realize that you also liked him. and now he was telling you he liked you back?
"you didn't inhale too many geomarrow particles, did you?" you hesitantly joked, not believing what was happening.
"i'm dead serious, y/n." dan heng shook his head. "you know me, i barely joke around, let alone in a situation like this." his hand reached out to find your cheek gently, and he looked at you solemnly. "now, i am slowly losing my facade if you don't say something back."
you instantly cracked a smile, placing your hand on top of his.
"i would've never suggested sharing a bed if it wasn't you," you told him. "i like you too. it started when i opened my eyes and found a hot guy bent over me, about to give me cpr, but as time passed –"
"you think i'm hot?" dan heng asked, and for the very first time, you caught a hint of amusement lingering on the edge of his voice.
"ah, forget i said anything," you uttered, instantly turning around so your back was facing him once more. aeons, that was stupid!
you heard dan heng chuckle, and two arms snaked around your waist from behind. he pulled you closer to him, gently hugging you against his chest.
"don't lay so close to the edge of the mattress, you might fall off."
you only nodded, inhaling his scent as you realize your previous wish had suddenly come true. who would've thought? was this real? were you dreaming? or were you the one high on geomarrow particles? you had no idea, but you decided not to care. smiling softly, you nuzzled closer to the male. you'd see tomorrow; for now you were going to enjoy this.
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writing-in-glitter-pen · 11 months
Songs That Remind Me of Genshin Boys + lil fics ♡
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Ok so sometimes a song will come up on my playlist or auto play and I’ll go, wow that sounds like Childe! Or, wow that gives me a story idea! Honestly, I’ll play them when I write about a specific character just to capture that feeling they evoke a little bit more! So I thought I’d share these songs and what they make me think of in regards to how your boy feels about you! Then maybe you can listen and think of them too ♡
Childe, Kaeya, Xiao, Wanderer x gender neutral reader
Genre: Hurt/comfort, romance.
Content warnings: descriptions of depression (Kaeya), physical pain (Xiao), blood and fighting (Childe).
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Childe: Swing Lynn by Harmless and Work Song by Hozier
Swing Lynn makes me think of Childe watching you from afar, wanting to be close to you, completely in love with you, but unable to reach out for fear of endangering you. He’ll see you walk the streets of Liyue, dance at festivals, leave and return from your commissions, all the while his eyes follow you—watching your form loyally until you disappear from view. This case would be even worse after he is responsible for enabling Osial to destroy Liyue Harbor. You feel nothing but disgust for him; if he catches your eye in the marketplace, while eating on the patio of a restaurant, or awaiting the boats from Snezhnaya to roll in, the grimace you give him shatters his heart. And worse, he knows he deserves it. All he can do is hang his head in shame, respectfully avert his gaze from you, pinch the bridge of his nose in an act of self-hatred. Then once your loathing eyes leave him, his adoring one’s helplessly train back onto your form—desperately soaking up every bit of your image until you, once again, disappear out of reach.
Work song perfectly encapsulates Childe’s dynamic of the responsibilities he shoulders, trapping him in his position as a harbinger. He labors himself to the brink of death; entering battles that leave his life hanging in the balance, cut and swing his blades until he loses feeling in his arms and then some. All to protect his dear family; to make sure they are fed and safe, that they can get medicine when they need to and have a warm hearth to shield them from the lethal cold outside. Once, despite himself, despite every warning bell in his head that screams NO, he makes you his, the responsibility of your safety is his to bear. And he bears it happily. His whole purpose in life is to protect those that have an irrevocable place in his heart. So labor away he will, as long as it means he can come home to the life in your pink cheeks, to your warm smile and loving embrace. He could work one hundred years without a single complaint, if the only reward is the feeling of your sweet lips brushing against his. You are his most precious treasure, and he will drag his body through any death trap, any brutal punishment, if it means you can live happily for another day.
Kaeya: Hey Lover by The Daughters of Eve
Kaeya harbors a deep pit in his soul—one he’s had from early childhood, that all of his deepest insecurities and fears and nightmares crawl out of. It’s depth is endless, the feeling of carrying it is both impossibly heavy and painfully hollow. But then you decide to love him. For every ugly piece of him you bear witness to, for every peek you take at his soul, for where he came from and where he’s going, you love him. You scuttle his belief that he needs to perform to be loved; you assure him that he doesn’t need to be someone he’s not in order to please you. That just being Kaeya, your Kaeya, is enough. And you assure him with ease, with a smile on your face and a brightness emanating from your soul. You assure him as you happily skip down the street while holding his hand, while he gives you a piggyback ride through windrise and you kiss his cheek, while you help him off the curb after he’s spent too long at Angel’s Share trying to reach the bottom of a bottle of wine. You whisper promises of adoration to him in both his happiest and darkest moments. You’re there for it all, and you always will be.
Xiao: Always Forever by Cults
Xiao’s love for you runs deep. He holds you in the most foundational parts of his soul—a special place he’s carved out for you in his heart. He hasn’t always been so distant and averse to connection, but since the great loss he suffered thousands of years ago, he’s been terrified to feel again. Then you came along and made his still heart awaken in his chest. He tried with shaking hands not to reach for you, he shooed you away any way he could, but you stayed. You became a permanent fixture in his life and in his heart, one that he slowly learned to feel comfortable and safe in the presence of. Long looks at you brought relief to his pained soul—soft, loving eyes take in the sight of your eyelashes, your sweet lips and delicate features, and all feelings other than fulfillment and love seem to dissipate. He never expected you, but that you’re here, he’ll do anything not to lose you. His loyalty to you is an even stronger force than the duty he feels towards Liyue, he’ll defend you for the rest of time, he’ll abandon any responsibility at the simple whisper of his name on your lips. You’ll live in his heart, the center of his decisions and dedications—always forever ♡
Wanderer: The Promise by When in Rome
Wanderer has a hard time expressing himself to you. He’s been betrayed enough times to never want to feel his artificial heart beat ever again. He’s lost enough people—who left and took a chunk of his heart with them, until there was nothing left. Well…that’s what he believed, at least. With great force, a strike he could never hope to parry, you fisted the last, minuscule piece of his heart in a grasp he could never get to let up no matter how much he pries and claws at it—and archons know he’s tried. His entire being aches for you. His heart beats like it’s pounding at the walls of his chest—kicking and screaming in order to get to yours, which you willingly offer to him. You just…gave it to him. Without a second thought, your heart was his, and the responsibility of handling the fragile thing with care was now his to carry. He tries his best to convey his feelings to you; the way his entire being desperately contorts in order to reach you, the way you bring light to the darkest parts of him, the way he just…loves you. Hopelessly and completely loves you! But he…just can’t say it. The words just won’t leave his throat—they’re stuck there until they tumble out in an unrecognizable fashion, jagged and ruptured. But if there’s one thing he can assure you, it’s that he promises that one day, he’ll make you love him as much as he loves you. No matter how you laugh this promise off with words of “I already love you that much!”, “no, I love you more!”. No you don’t. You couldn’t possibly hope to, with the way his love for you grows roots all the way from his heart, through his arms to his fingertips, from his torso to the soles of his feet. But one day, he’ll be able to tell you. Maybe then, you’ll feel the same.
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avonne-writes · 2 months
You seem to like headcanons so...
What if it was the Soviets that liberated Bucky and the rest of POWs? Imagine the now-free soldiers getting into a Soviet base to sort out the paperwork regarding who they are and who do they have to ship to which base etc. And when they get that sorted out they stick at the base for a night to finally get some rest. But of course they celebrate. Bucky and some of the guys from their Stalag room go drinking with a group of Soviet soldiers. There's vodka and there's a radio. Bucky can't help himself and starts singing in gibberish even though he can't understand a word of the songs being played. The Soviets figure he won't stop singing so they teach him how to at least buther the lyrics a little bit less. Bucky in turn teaches them the refrain of Blue Skys. And as the evening drags on the youngest of the Soviets, Mirko, short for Miroslav, gets a brilliant idea to teach Bucky the hopak dance. And somehow after about a million tries, Bucky figures it out.
Fast forward to after the war and Bucky is dragging Buck to a bar. They had just moved into the house Buck had once thought would be for him and Marge, and Bucky found out about a bar nearby where other wwii vets hang out. There they meet a guy called Marcus, who was a part of the band. As it turned out he also spent some time among Soviets. He and Bucky bond and Bucky convinces him to play Katyusha, insisting he actually knows how to sing along. His vocals barely resemble the actual lyrics and his company, new to his lack of singing talent groans. Buck just leans on the bar, chuckling at the scene. After many complaints, Bucky is forced to stop singing and rather goes dancing with the rest of the group.
The band is in the mood for upbeat music tonight and Bucky's having the time of his life. He almost gets Buck to join. Almost. Accepting his defeat, he starts to dance with a pretty girl, Marcus's girlfriend, spinning her around and winking at Buck who frowns in return. The girl dances with Bucky a moment more and then notices a dance circle forming and pushes him into it. Bucky, realising what happened flashes her a grin and for god knows what reason, decides to do the hopak dance. The company cheers and he almost kicks accidentally kicks a guy called Paul in the shin. Bucky loses his balance and falls on his ass laughing. He stands up, bows, and makes way to the bar. He orders himself another whiskey and leans toward Buck, bumping his shoulder.
"Where on Earth did you learn that?" asks Buck, taking a sip of his ginger beer.
"You liked it, huh?"
"It was the Russians, wasn't it?"
"Admit it, you liked how quickly I dropped into that squat," teased Bucky, "makes you wonder how quickly I could drop to my knees." This made Gale almost snort out his ginger beer.
Bucky downed his whiskey, winked at him and skipped back onto the dancefloor. Buck just rolled his eyes with a chuckle. His eyes were still a little bit pink, though, as he watched Bucky dance.
Bucky was half asleep and heavily drunk as Buck drove them home. His head was slumped on the window and he kept murmuring that Soviet song under his breath. It sounded just as horrible as when he belted out the lyrics out loud.
I do like headcanons! Thank you so much for sharing this, dear 😊 Haha, Bucky does seem like the type who bonds with strangers over drinking songs, language barrier be damned. And he'd show off what he learned later on as well. I know what you sent is more of a fluffy plot bunny, but we can also think of the more serious aspects of what would have happened if they were liberated by the Soviets. That could also make for an interesting fic.
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markantonys · 3 months
I'm curious how the show is gonna handle Rand's relationship with the Aiel. It should be very interesting. Bookwise he kinda rejects their culture/seeing himself as Aiel cause of him clinging to his old life. They might just frame it differently, maybe he just doesn't feel a right to it cause he wasn't raised Aiel. Overall it seems like the show might be going in the direction of people in general being more receptive to learning about Aiel culture over them just handwaving them away as weird (like Perrin's interactions with Avi when book Perrin wouldn't have done that). Maybe Rand is more willing to learn cause he wants to learn more about his birth parents
yeah i don't know what to expect in this regard! my only particular annoyance with aiel-culture-related stuff in the books is that the books would introduce something as culturally or thematically important, but then shuffle it aside once it became inconvenient to the plot. i.e:
the aiel are introduced as very anxious to tie rand to them so that he doesn't destroy them. but when later plot prevents rand from having aiel hanging around him, they stop hanging around him and aren't overly concerned about him ignoring them (bar complaints here and there, with little attempt to actually Do Anything to make him stop ignoring them).
avirand's relationship is introduced as a crucial binding cord between rand and the aiel and as significant to general aiel-wetland relations, but this is dropped once later plot prevents them from spending time together, and aviendha is never used as a mediator in rand-aiel conflicts when by all logic she should be since that was one of the main narrative purposes of their relationship upon introduction.
the maidens & wise ones are so concerned about keeping avirand together for binding cord reasons that they chase off any wetlander woman who tries to hit on him, but once RJ decided that a) he wanted min to hook up with rand without being obstructed by the aiel surrounding him and b) there would be no opportunity for her to become first-sisters with aviendha before doing so, then suddenly the maidens & wise ones are all about min and becoming top min/rand shippers and aviendha is saying it's totally fine to make an exception to the first-sister rule for min even though she is very adamant about upholding it for elayne. when by all logic, the maidens & wise ones should NOT be happy about another wetlander woman with no connection to aviendha trying to get with rand (they'd have no reason to think min is any different from isendre, cairhienin nobles, etc in this regard) and aviendha should be much more resistant to making exceptions to rules we've been told are hugely culturally significant to her.
so my one wish for all aiel-culture-related stuff in the show is that if the show introduces something as culturally or thematically important, it should commit to that importance for the rest of the series rather than sweeping it aside once it's no longer convenient to the plot. that doesn't mean rand/wetlander-aiel relations needs to be a major theme or plot point of every single season for the rest of the show, because ofc it should naturally fade more into the background as the story goes on and other things come up, but it's gotta be either a) rand is tied securely enough to the aiel by the time he has to go off and do other stuff that it makes sense they're not concerned about things like him ditching them and getting a new wetlander girlfriend, or b) if he's not tied securely enough, then make the aiel react accordingly and actually try to use aviendha to intervene with him on their behalf.
hopefully this ramble makes sense djkjfg and it didn't even end up having much to do with rand's personal attitudes towards aiel culture, so i got off topic a bit! but for me, i am good with whatever show!rand's personal attitude ends up being as long as things remain emotionally consistent throughout the course of the show.
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