#for me to burst into tears
becca-e-barnes · 2 years
this for subby!bucky 😵‍💫
There’s nothing hotter than a man moaning his way through a make out session and grinding his hard-on against your body, idgaf. Men moaning in general fucking floors me 😵‍💫
But I really like the thought of him starting off thinking he's in control of himself. Not necessarily in control of you, he just thinks he's pretty composed, all things considered. The featherlight kisses have his heart beating just a little faster than normal but it's manageable.
It all just gets away from him though. The tiny pecks turn into tender, deeper kisses and your hands start to wander. Those kisses inevitably develop into a kind of frantic passion that he has difficulty keeping up with. His brain goes a little foggy and nothing else matters except getting more of you and getting it now.
He loses himself in the feeling of you so entirely that he hardly notices he's been trying to ease the throbbing need in his own cock. "O-oh fuck." He groans, eyes closed, cheeks flushed, lips slick and dick twitching in his pants.
"We can go slower if this is too much for you, baby." You whisper softly, keeping your face close to his. God, he's beautiful like this and you know he'd whimper if you told him that.
"No, God. I don't need you to go slower. I need more." There's no shame in those blown out pupils when his eyes flutter open. He's not embarrassed by his own need. Instead, there's a complete trust that you'll take care of him because you always do. There's no judgement or reservation between you both because there simply doesn't need to be.
"I can do that." You laugh quietly, tugging him towards you so your lips can crash together with the exact same intensity as before and it never fails to amaze you that he melts into your touch so entirely.
You feel how hard he is and in truth, it would be difficult not to given how he's grinding it against your body with more purpose than before. His mouth is so hungry, never managing to taste enough of you and in no time, it's trailed down your neck, sucking at your skin while his frantic grind continues.
"Good boy, Buck. That's it, rub yourself silly on me." You encourage, drinking in his pathetic groan. That permission almost makes him wish he could cum in his pants.
"You're like a puppy, aren't you? So eager. You just can't help yourself." Your hand drifts downwards, rubbing over the bulge in the front of his sweatpants and you feel him absentmindedly thrusting into your touch. He's a moaning mess, babbling and begging, lost the lust that's now making the fingertips of his flesh hand tingle and his head spin.
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llamahearted · 18 days
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what's worse -- feeling the depths of your desire for the first time, or having all your closest friends around to witness it?
prints ♣︎ song
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holdfastperseus · 7 months
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Leah Sava Jeffries as Annabeth Chase
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dbphantom · 10 months
the sounds coming out of this guy. unreal.
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knox-knocks · 10 months
Do you think the adults ever looked at neil and andrew and just remarked about how young they look? 18 and 19 at the beginning of the books. they’re like Babies compared to them.
Like imagine betsy listening to andrew tell her about how he feels responsible for the safety of his family. and he’s just. so so young to have this much weight on his shoulders.
And abby tracking neil’s scars with her eyes. sure she’s seen a lot while working with the foxes, but this… not to mention wymack picking neil up from the airport and noticing how small he is when he’s cradling his broken body in his arms. how he has more scars and bruises than unblemished skin
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not-another-robin · 10 months
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Alright everyone clap for my wife
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stuckinapril · 5 months
every time i walk into my local library i make sure to look at the receptionists with big wet eyes before heading to my corner to study bc i really want them to hire me as a part-time aide
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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#time to panic.
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Wendell and Wild could not be more blatant if they tried and I love it. The main villains are CEOs who run a private prison, and their corporation name is one K off from being the name of the most notorious white supremacist group in America. The main heroes are a bunch of black and brown children, used and abused by the school to prison pipeline who come together in solidarity against the greed of KK. The main hero has a panic attack, is bullied, angry, and unapologetically punk, and literally faces down her memories to take control of her life back from both her PTSD and the system that exploited her. Jordan Peele and Henry Selick said fuck subtlety, this movie is going to be unapologetically in your face about its anti-prison and anti-capitalist themes all with a majority POC group of heroes who fight back against the system. Sometimes a movie is served by its subtly, but not this one. Wendell and Wild is as bold and beautiful as it’s animation and it deserves all the praise it’s going to get.
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sunglassesmish · 10 months
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they're so 🥺🥺
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unusual-ly · 7 months
I am Thinking About The Implications regarding Ted’s love interests
With Jenny, they were best friends, there was genuine affection and mutual feelings for each other but neither of them acted on it because they both assumed they didn’t have a chance, and then it was too late
With Charlotte, Ted was in love with her but she didn’t reciprocate, he was just one of the men she was having an affair with behind her husband’s back. He never lets himself be too vulnerable and open with her about his feelings, resorting to either yelling at her or just deflecting whenever she starts to talk about Sam. He’ll just take whatever he can get with her
With Lucy, he can actually express his feelings and be affectionate, but only because he’s playing the role of Konk. He has something to hide behind instead of being truly vulnerable. Even when he’s only talking to Hidgens, at least later in the episode, he stays in character, he falls into Konk’s speech patterns because he’d rather be him, in part because Lucy likes Konk. He even asks that she let him die as Konk just so he can feel loved by her
And then, before he’s approached by Sheila, we learn he does actually want to someday start a family, get married and have kids
After the misunderstanding with Jenny, Ted no longer feels he can be open and vulnerable about his feelings, puts up this front of only being interested in sex when he really does want a relationship beyond that, and only feels safe expressing himself truthfully to others when he’s someone else
Ted please for the love of god learn how to express your feelings in a healthy way I am begging you
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bladesmitten · 8 months
oh my GOOOOOOD theres ambient animations and dialogue of wyll teaching the tiefling kids how to fight fhdjdncjdkfjvdbjdfkdmdbjdn
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obisamya · 11 months
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SAM OBISANYA Ted Lasso (2020-2023)
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royalarchivist · 24 days
Pepito: [Blows his horn for Bobby]
Bad: Bobby chingon. Hey Bobby.
Pepito: I invited him to my birthday. Sunsets don't eat candy
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irresia · 7 days
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my dear little squiggly eyebrowed son
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hey i got really sad about baby world being bmo's wish. thats actually awful. jake. safe. thats what prismo got out of that wish.
i clearly couldnt keep my energy up through the end of this but i still. wanted to. p.ost, it. before fnc tomorrow. :]
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