#folklore love triangle story
youareinlove · 8 months
preview of the finished part of the teenage triangle story 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
i heard swifties like puzzles, so here you go
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come back to me when you solve it hehe, feel free to phone some friends 🤪
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whenhewaswickeds · 7 months
nothing will ever grab my attention more than extra lore to the TTDS/dorothea storyline
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‘tis the damn season // dorethea
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thefolklorecardigan · 9 months
city girl, new romantics & mirrorball, eats sushi for breakfast, scorpio, has a collection of cardigans, cat person, bookworm, tulips are her favorite flowers, high school senior, cheerleader, has been dating james since freshman year, best friends with inez, has three younger siblings, the golden child.
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inmywritingera · 5 months
Illicit Affairs: A Folklore Story
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Part one: Betty
The Beginning
She never thought there was anything wrong with being a hopeless romantic. It’s what she grew up knowing, watching her parents dance in a refrigerator-lit room at midnight when they thought they were alone. Through their love, she saw the world through soft light and believed three fundamental things: people are innately good, everyone is worthy of love, and the right love will be built on mutual respect and understanding. She knew love was out there for her, just waiting in the shadows.
So when Betty officially met James in the fall of her junior year, something in her stirred and she thought, this could be it. He could be the one. The connection seemed instant and natural, leaving her thinking that they could someday mirror the love her parents had. And every love story has a beginning.
“Hey,'' came a soft, deep voice from behind her as she gathered her books from her locker. Startled, she whipped her head around, wild blonde curls flying around her shoulders. There he was. James. She felt her heart tremble and the butterflies in her stomach fluttered so strongly she thought they would fly up her throat and out of her mouth. “You’re Betty, right?” 
“Obviously,” she replied, internally cringing. Don’t screw this up, she urged herself. “I mean yeah, I’m Betty. Don’t you know this?” She chuckled nervously and tucked a flyaway strand of hair behind her ear., glancing up at him from beneath her long eyelashes. He towered over her, his dark hair unkempt as if he had just rolled out of bed. To her absolute horror, she was suddenly flooded with visions of them together in his bed, making the blood rush to her cheeks. Being so close to him allowed her imagination to run wild and she quickly pretended to be very interested in her shoes. 
“Well, yeah. We’re in chemistry together.” I know that, she thought, hoping that he wasn’t just an idiot. She’d been fawning over him for years, despite never really speaking to him. He was the quiet but funny type with strong opinions. They’d shared history class together last year; whenever it came time for him to present a project, he did so with a passion that made it clear he was genuinely interested in the topic. He was well-liked amongst most teachers and was just popular enough that he was known around school by most students for his soft-spoken humor. She’d gushed and gushed to her best friend until Augustine had finally told her to stop and actually do something about it. I didn’t have to, did I? Betty thought smugly.
“Yeah, we do have chemistry together,” she said rather stupidly, still staring at her shoes. “We had history last year, too.”
“Well, I don’t mind having chemistry or history with you.” 
Wait, what? Was he…flirting? At this point, Betty finally lifted her head and looked up at him, blue eyes wide. His chocolate eyes stared intently back.
 “Listen, I know we’ve only kind of seen each other at parties and shared a couple of classes, but we don’t really know each other, do we?”
“I guess not.” Get to the point, she thought, worried about being late to class.
“I’d like to get to know you,” he said conspiratorially, leaning in close. “I’ve had my eyes on you for a while.” He paused and chuckled softly. “Wow, that sounded way creepier than it did in my head.”
“Yeah, it did,” Betty laughed. “But I guess now I can say the same.” Her heart was racing and she nervously rubbed her palms on the front of her jeans. “I’ve kind of been into you for a while, too.” She paused. “You make me laugh.” 
“Well, this is a great coincidence,” he stated as they finally started their walk to the chemistry classroom, making mindless but comfortable smalltalk. The hallways were buzzing with summer vacation gossip and new couples making out against lockers. They stopped just outside, ignoring a particularly entwined couple, and turned to face each other. “You know, it’s unseasonably warm today,” he said suddenly. Seriously, the weather?? 
“It is,” she said simply, wondering where this was going.
“An unseasonably warm September day makes for a perfect walk on the beach, wouldn’t you agree?”
“I suppose so..?” Is he about to…
“Okay, I’ve been working up to this for a while.” He looked nervous but quickly composed himself and smoothly continued, running his hand through his hair. “Why don’t we take a walk down to the beach after class?  The surf is still pretty intense with the storm yesterday and there’s something about the crashing waves…”
“That brings you peace?” Betty finished for him. James smiled.
“Exactly.” Her heart was thumping so loudly there was no way he couldn’t hear it. “We’ll go there after class and find our peace, yeah?”
Oh, my god. This isn’t happening. This is a dream and I’ll wake up any minute.
“Okay,” she said with a smile. 
“All right,” James grinned. “It’s a date.”
The Dance
“It’s gorgeous, James!” Betty exclaimed as James tied the corsage around her wrist as their parents wildly snapped picture after picture. It was a band of white lace decorated with peonies and lavender, Betty’s favorite flowers. The blues and purples matched perfectly with the pastel chiffon of her prom dress. The air was sweet with the scent of pollen and approaching summer, with only a lingering nip of the late spring wind. James beamed, evidently very pleased with himself.
“I knew you’d love it,” he said, and tilted her face towards him to gently press his lips against hers. He took her decorated wrist and bowed to kiss her hand. “Shall we?” 
They turned together and stepped through the doors of the school hand in hand, pausing for a quick, cheap portrait before entering the gymnasium. It had been transformed by tricks of lights and florals into a garden paradise. Music pulsed from speakers all around the room and the dance floor was already thick with classmates celebrating the end of a stressful school year. The last nine months had flown by in a flurry of college applications and essays and it was clear Betty wasn’t the only one relieved that it was over and welcomed the start of summer break. 
It wasn’t all so bad, though–she’d had James. It hadn’t been just nine months of bureaucratic college nonsense–it had been nine months of walks on the beach, regardless of the temperature. Snow on the beach was weird, but beautiful. They spent nights together when he made her his own and enjoyed plaid shirt days as autumn stripped the trees bare. It was nine months of kisses stolen in his car at a stoplight. Holidays with each other’s families. A winter wrapped in each other’s arms, the heat of their skin against each other keeping them warm through every snowstorm. Falling in love with James had been the greatest part of junior year and Betty had been looking forward to dancing with him for months.
“Oh look, there’s Augustine!” She was standing by the drink table looking like a completely different person. The backless red dress she wore clung to her body like a second layer of skin and the auburn hair she usually wore in a messy bun fell sleekly down her back, stopping just above her waist. Betty knew that Augustine was easily one of the most beautiful girls in their grade, and Augustine carried herself with an air of confidence that indicated she knew that, as well. She always drew attention from guys across every clique and nonchalantly brushed off every advance. That confidence surrounded her in a halo and the air around her seemed to shimmer as she made her way towards them.
“Girl, you look incredible!” Betty said, looking her best friend up and down with approval. She didn’t notice that James was also staring at Augustine. “No wonder you kept it a secret from me!” She grabbed Augustine’s hand. “Let’s go dance!”
The trio made their way towards the dance floor, and let themselves become swept up in the music and movement of dancing bodies. Betty was finishing a dance with Augustine when the music slowed and the soft introduction to her favorite song began.
“Oh, my god, James! It’s our song!” Betty turned excitedly towards James, only to find him gone. She turned towards Augustine. “Where’s James?” she asked. Augustine just shrugged and told Betty she was going to go take a break. 
“Wanna dance?” Someone she didn’t recognize had approached her while she was searching the room for James and was holding out his hand.
“Do I know you?” Betty asked, eyeing her suitor with a raised eyebrow.
“You will once you dance with me.” She rolled her eyes. This guy seemed annoying already.
“I’m here with my boyfriend, you know.”  I think I am, anyway.
Mystery Guy looked around. “I don’t see him.” He turned back to her.  “Besides, I’m sure he won’t mind. Once he sees my hot moves, he’ll be jealous he isn’t me.” He spun in a very Michael Jackson manner and Betty laughed then. Well, it is my favorite song, she reasoned with herself. Plus, he seems harmless.
“Okay, fine,” she said with a resigned smile. He put his arms around her and Betty scanned the room again, just in time to see James standing in the doorway looking like he was about to get his knuckles bloody. But he didn’t approach them and take her in his arms himself. Instead, he turned on his heel and stormed away.
James had never returned when he left the gym on prom night. Betty received a text from him just before the end of the dance explaining that he was getting claustrophobic and had to go home. Ever since, things seemed different. She knew he was angry with her for dancing with someone else at prom, but they’d talked about it. She had apologized and explained that she just wanted to dance to her favorite song but James was gone. Things seemed fine for a while.
She wasn’t exactly sure when everything changed, but she didn’t feel like James was James. He spent most of his time working at Schmoe’s, a yogurt shop down on the beach, so they didn’t see each other as much. But it wasn’t just that. He seemed distracted whenever they were together, always checking his phone. She chalked it up to nerves, knowing he had recently sent out a bunch of college applications and was likely waiting for a response. They didn’t walk on the beach the way they used to but occasionally at night, they would wander down and watch the waves bring the moon’s reflection to the shore. James would check his phone and suddenly declare that he needed to head back home. He never gave a reason why; he’d just kiss her good night and she would walk home alone. Every time she asked him what was wrong, he’d just brush it off and after a while, she developed a sinking feeling that something wasn’t right between them.
Betty was writing out a college essay in Augustine’s room when she noticed a sweatshirt that she recognized crumpled on the bed. “Hey, isn’t this James’s?” She asked, holding up the sweatshirt. 
“Oh yeah,” Augustine said, quickly looking back down at her own essay. “I ran into him at Schmoe’s last night and it was freezing, so he lent me his sweatshirt so I wouldn’t be cold walking home.” 
“That was so nice of him,” Betty said dreamily, continuing her work. “Isn’t he the sweetest?”
“Yeah, he is,” Augustine replied quietly, focusing on the essay. Betty felt an uneasy suspicion creeping in as she took note of the  strange tone in Augustine’s voice, but quickly  brushed it off as ridiculous. There’s no way.
Betty and James were having one of their beach walks on a particularly humid night. Betty was deep in thought and James was silent, which wasn’t unusual for him these days. It had been a few days, but that sweatshirt on Augustine’s bed was still on Betty’s mind. She decided to broach it cautiously. 
“Hey, did Augustine ever give you your sweatshirt back?” Betty asked James casually. 
“Huh?” James responded, snapping out of whatever reverie was grasping his attention.
“Your sweatshirt. It was at Augustine’s; she said you guys ran into each other the other night and you gave it to her so she wouldn’t be cold.”
“Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah, she gave it back.”
“Oh, good.” She paused, wondering if she should follow her train of thought. “When? I was just over her house and we’ve hung out, like, all week.”  Her attempts at sounding casual were weakened by the slight accusatory tone in her voice. If James noticed, he didn’t give any indication.
“Uh..she dropped it off at Schmoe’s earlier today.” He quickly changed the subject then, asking Betty about her college essays, effectively ending the conversation.
James’s unusual behavior continued until finally Betty found herself thinking, is there someone else? The thought came suddenly, catching her off guard. The signs were certainly there but could also easily be explained away. She tried to shrug the feeling off, but it remained in the back of her mind like a mosquito in her ear as she recalled once again the hoodie on Augustine’s bed and the heavy feeling of suspicion she had felt in her chest. Don’t be silly, she scolded herself. They would never do that to me.
But when she had asked James about it, his story didn’t quite add up. She spent the entire week with Augustine, and James was at work most of that time. She couldn’t figure out when Augustine would’ve given the sweatshirt back. She felt ridiculous stressing over an article of clothing but something just wasn’t sitting right with her.
She was stretched languidly on her beach towel, soaking in the burning late July sun, when her phone buzzed with a text from Ines. Betty shared a few classes with her and had shared many for the last three years. She didn’t necessarily consider Ines a friend but she had her number, and discussions were mostly about assignments and the occasional small talk. That’s why she was surprised when she opened the message.
I think there’s something you should know.
She knew Ines was a gossip, but Betty’s heart did a little flip anyway.
A second text came through a moment later. It’s about James.
“You can’t believe a word Ines says!” James exclaimed, pulling at his hair in frustration. Betty stared coldly at him, arms crossed over her chest. They were standing in James’s bedroom with Betty still as a stone and James frantically pacing.
“Most times.”
“Jesus, Betty! You seriously think I left prom, got in the car with your best friend, and have been sleeping with her ever since? Because Ines told you??”
“Well, she saw you get in the car with Augustine when you allegedly went home because you were ‘claustrophobic.’” Betty’s voice was thick with sarcasm at “claustrophobic.” James blanched. “She also saw you at the beach with her last week and she said it didn’t look like ‘just friends.’”
“Oh please,” James said, rolling his eyes. “Ines would say anything to stir the pot. Yes, I was at the beach with Augustine, but it was because we ran into each other after I was done with work. We hung out a bit and I gave her my hoodie so she wouldn’t be cold.” That did match up with what Augustine told her. Maybe she was overreacting…
 “Besides,” James continued in an accusing tone. “You’re one to talk about looking like more than ‘just friends’.”
Betty sighed in exasperation. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, James.”
“I’m talking about prom night! I leave for a second and come back to see you dancing with some random guy!” He was beginning to raise his voice and Betty felt rage start to bubble in her chest.
“For God’s sake, James!” she yelled. “I thought we already talked about it–you can’t seriously be throwing that in my face again. That was two freaking months ago! It was just a dance! ”
“To our song!” She could see James getting angrier and angrier, which only fed the flames of her own fury. 
“James, it was just a dance!” She repeated in frustration. “You were gone.”
“I just had to get some air! I hate crowds, you know that!”
“Well, in any case, I had the opportunity to dance. I already apologized for that. But your response seemed to be getting in the car and the bed of my best friend.” She stared directly at him, her face stoic despite the rage in her chest as she watched a variety of emotions cross his face. He quickly pulled himself together, taking a deep, steadying breath.
“Betty,” he said slowly. “You’re being crazy.”
Oh, no he didn’t. If she wasn’t crazy before, she certainly was now. Red hot fury sped up her neck and into her cheeks and she curled her hands into fists. 
“Do not fucking call me crazy, James!” she shouted. “You’ve been acting weird all fucking summer! This explains literally everything!”
“You’re being paranoid for no reason!”
“For no reason?! Ines tells me you’ve been sleeping around with my best friend and your best response is that I’m fucking being ‘paranoid for no reason’? Be serious, James!”
“I said it once and I’ll say it again–you cannot believe a fucking word Ines says. You know this!” He took a deep breath, collecting himself before stepping towards her.  “Betty, I would never hurt you. You know that, right?” His voice was low as he pulled her towards his chest and stroked her hair. She sighed against him and they stood that way for a while.
“I’m sorry,” Betty said, a little uncertainly. “I guess I did let Ines get in my head a bit. She’s probably just bored and wants something to talk about.”
“I’m sorry I called you crazy. I was just frustrated that you weren’t listening to me when I was telling you that she’s a damn gossip.” She didn’t respond, just laid her ear against his chest and listened to his heart thump.
“I would never hurt you, Betty,” James repeated. And for a moment, Betty believed him.
But then she saw it. A half-used bottle of perfume that she instantly recognized. Her stomach dropped and she pulled away from him.
“James,” she said slowly, pointing at the bottle. “What is that?”
Panic flashed across James’s face. “Perfume,” he said obviously. He moved away from her and began pacing again as Betty further inspected the bottle. “It’s an early birthday present.” She could tell he was working to sound confident but Betty wasn’t an idiot. “James, I’m not stupid. You know I don’t wear perfume.” She turned and faced James, a coldness creeping through her veins as realization struck her. “But Augustine does.” 
James paled then and stopped pacing to look at her. “Why is Augustine’s perfume in your bedroom, James?” He swallowed hard and just stared at her, anxiety plain on his face.
Betty took another deep breath, already knowing the answer. “Did you sleep with her?” She paused and added softly, “You can’t keep lying to me now.” He was silent, staring intently at her, then sighed deeply in resignation, giving up on his attempts at ignorance.
“I did,” he admitted quietly. “I am. Ines is right.” Betty felt the blood drain from her face and she began to tremble. She stepped away from him. This time it was true, she thought grimly as tears prickled in her eyes. Suspecting your boyfriend was cheating and knowing it for sure were two different things.
“And you called me crazy…”. She sank onto his bed and put her head in her hands. Her chest burned from the shards of her broken heart and a heavy pit made its home in her stomach. She was my best friend…how could she…there was an indescribable storm of rage swirling and bubbling in that new pit and she clenched her hands hard against her forehead, wishing she could pound out the images invading her mind. She knew if she acted on her anger she would destroy him. She knew if she acted on her anger she would hurl words and lamps at him with intent to harm. She knew that she would have so much to regret if she acted on her anger, and so she didn’t say anything at all. No one likes a mad woman. The soft world built on the foundation of the love she grew up watching her parents share crumbled into dust around her. What was there to say?
James begged her to say something, but she remained silent. I gave him so many signs that I knew something was wrong. But he lied. And lied. And lied. She was vaguely aware of James’s feeble attempts at explaining himself but couldn’t hear anything over the thud of her own heart and the ringing in her ears. He wasn’t just my first. He was hers, too. Augustine was her best friend, after all. 
After a while, she turned her despairingly blue gaze onto James, who looked like he was going to vomit. She regarded him for another moment, then stood and silently left the room. James called out to her, begging her to stay and talk, but she was gone, leaving him in the hall with the last of his love in his hands.
As composed as she had been when James and Augustine broke her heart, by the time Betty reached her car across the street, she was falling apart. She sobbed and screamed and smashed her fists on her steering wheel, cursing James for throwing her aside like an old cardigan after spending almost a year telling her she was his favorite. Memories flooded her mind and she flashed back to their early days when they walked home from a house party and drunkenly danced under a streetlight, laughing loudly enough that neighbors yelled out their windows to tell them to shut up. He held her closer than usual that night and kissed her with passion and intensity. His hand had traveled under her sweatshirt and the night ended with their chests pressed tightly together, hearts beating in unison. 
Tears ran hot down her face as visions of worn Levi’s and streetlights, snowball fights and quiet nights flashed before her eyes like a silent movie. Her chest ached, tight and hot as she struggled to fill her lungs with air. She continued screaming curses at him from the privacy of her car before turning her anger onto Augustine as her mind raced with images of Augustine and James together in ways she thought were only for her. 
She was angry with herself for not listening to her intuition, which had told her for weeks that something wasn’t right. What did I do to deserve this, she sobbed to herself. Even on my worst days, I do not deserve this hell.
After a while, Betty’s tears began drying on her cheeks as she stared blankly forward, not seeing past her windshield. She stayed that way, observing the coldness that was spreading across her heart, leaving her completely numb. Betty eventually looked up at the house to see James standing at the window, watching her. 
She felt oddly calm as she pulled out her phone and sent Augustine a simple, short message. 
You can have him, but never speak to me again.
Betty blocked Augustine then, put her phone on silent, and pulled away. She knew James was still watching from his window. She drove away without looking back.
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brunettemermaid · 2 years
folklore tells different stories with different characters, it tells Rebekah Harkness story, Augustine story, but to me it tells mainly Betty and James’s love story.
The song Exile explains the end of their relationship. I’m not quite sure if they were actually a couple because of the lines playing hide and seek in cardigan. It feels more like they were in the beggining of something, in the pre-relationship phase. Betty and James lived in the same town, and went to the same school, therefore I assume they have known each other their whole lifes, maybe they were kind of best friends since they were little. folklore picks up their story when they are seventeen. Seven talks about two childhood friends, and one of them tells the other: your dad is always mad and what if seven is from James’s perspective. We know for a fact that Betty has a complicated relationship with his father and that James drew stars around her scars...
James watched Betty dance with another guy, maybe an ex of Betty’s, at the school’s gym, and if it is Betty’s ex I can see James thinking I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending, I’ve been left behind before and she chose him not me, maybe she doesn’t choose me now. So, James left before he got left, just like Betty said: Peter leaving Wendy. Wendy left Peter, not the other way around so that’s why he tried to change his fate. Betty saw James and she saw in his eyes that he wasn’t sure of their relationship, that he was already thinking she had gotten back with her ex if that was the case or that she just simply had found another guy. James was a deeply insecure person, he was so different from Betty who was confident about herself and about him, she knew him when he didn’t even know himself yet. He didn’t know anything, as he himself says in Betty but he knew he loved her, howewer, he didn’t believe she loved him back. That night at the dance was just as taylor said the insult to the already existing injury.
Their relationship ended because despite she gave so many signs, he didn’t see them. I think it makes more sense that they were broken up, or that they were never really together as I said before, than the whole cheating thing. Plus, Taylor never said he cheated, it’s not even official. She refers as Augustine as the girl James spent the summer with, not the girl he cheated on Betty with. Also, in cardigan Betty never said anything about cheating, she just said chase two girls, which could also mean than she and James weren’t even a real consolidated thing and they were obviously not together because they spent the summer appart. The thing is he didn’t cheat but it was still wrong. He gave up on the hard relationship, the one he had to put effort and work on, the one he truly wanted to be in though, and went to Augustine. Augustine seemed like the safe choice, the person who wasn’t gonna hurt him cause he didn’t have any real feelings for her. Let’s say she couldn’t see the smiles he was faking and his heart wasn’t breaking cause he didn’t feel anything at all (okay... enough). August was a classmate at school, maybe even Betty’s friend at school and she was very in love with James. She jumped into a relationship with him just living for the hope of it all but she knew deep in her heart, he was never her’s, he was Betty’s.  August is the third person in every love triangle, she loves him and James cares about her and he will try to lie to himself and tell himself he’s alright but he’s not, he will always love Betty. However, when summer was over and they had to face each other again, James didn’t know how to talk to Betty, after she had known thanks to Inez that he had spent the summer with some other girl, that soon, without even trying to work on them. So him, a 17 year old stupid (affectionate, but yeah he was) boy spent days fantasizing about showing up at her party and about everything going back to the way it was.
The one picks up the story years later from Betty's perspective. Betty is an adult now, she’s moved on and she’s supposedly happy with life. However, she can’t help but wonder what could her life have been if something had been different, if James would have showed up at her party just like James wanted to but he never did as we get to know in Betty.  I also belive hoax is the continuation to the one. She sings I don’t want no other shade of blue but you. She rathers holding onto the what ifs and remember him and their story than let him go forever and and get him out of her heart.
The story goes on and on in cardigan. We know that Betty KNEW he’d come back, she didn’t know when but she knew he eventually would. She knew he would come back not only to her, but to the town. In cardigan Betty talks about leaving, running and stepping on the last train, and I belive she doesn’t only talk about that cruel summer but also about him leaving for good later on. And this leads us to this is me trying, James's song. this is me trying is James’s cardigan, his 17 year old has Betty but he’s 30 something has this is me trying. James didn’t know if Betty still loved him: I didn't know if you'd care if I came back but he sure did still love her and he regrets what happened, how their relationship ended, how he left her. Because that’s what he did, he left Betty and that’s what Betty cursed for the longest time. He now says that although he doesn’t know what to say he’s there on her doorway, just like Betty knew when she was young. James is not fantazasing anymore about being there, like he did in Betty, he is now confirming he’s there indeed. To him Betty is a flashback in his town, she is his town, BETTY= TOWN. James even calls her his town in exile too: You were MY TOWN. He can’t go anywhere but there cause all he wants is her. And that links to My tears ricochet (I don’t think this song is about them but some parts fit) cause he can go anywhere he wants to just not home and as I said before Betty=town=home.
Now, the songs that puts an ending to this love story are peace (James’s pov) and invisible string (Betty’s pov) Peace takes place after James and Betty had gotten back together and it starts with our coming of age has come and gone, see they’re not teenagers anymore. James has grown and he is now a mature person, the person Betty knew he could be. He has finally learn to communicate and to be honest and open with Betty, to tell her his insecurities like you’re integrity makes me feel small. Finally, in invisible string (I know it’s about Taylor and Joe but I like this ending to their story) Betty, an overthinker and a person who believed in fate, remember I knew you’d come back to me, replays what they have gotten through in their life and how all along there was some invisible string tying them together. It is so satisfactory that they end up together in the end.
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lunar-years · 1 year
The different ways people interpret the folklore love triangle are sooo interesting (and all of them are valid not trying to say otherwise!) but to me it’s very clear that August & Betty are the high school-era songs whereas cardigan is the retrospective of an older Betty (in her 20s or 30s). To me the narrative reads that Betty & James got back together after his August summer when he kissed her in the garden. They stayed together through their early 20s (~to kiss in cars in downtown bars~ what high schooler do you know who is doing this?) But THEN he left again (this time for school maybe, or a job or something. ~stepping on the last train marked me like a bloodstain~). It’s like, James tried to change the ending the day he showed up in her garden, and it worked for a time, but the ending was always inevitable even from that moment in high school. Peter losing Wendy. Leaving like a father, running like water. Betty knew that at the time (~I knew everything when I was young~) and got back together with him anyway, and now she’s left bleeding, chasing shadows of him.
Also I do interpret the last lines “i knew you’d come back to me” as them finding their way back together for a second time in the end (not about him showing up in her garden), but I think it can be left open-ended as her just being wistful.
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pep-rambles · 2 months
So no one else sees the potential for poly folklore love triangle?
That's fine I guess.
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crunchycrystals · 3 months
btw did you know that it's never too late to come back to my side and that the stars in your eyes shined brighter in tupelo
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hauntingmesostunningly · 10 months
my oc headcanons
!! this is an exercise i’m doing with OC’s i’ve created for fics i’m writing, I do this to get to know my characters better and to help develop them into deeper and more complex characters. !!
(highly recommend doing if you’re any type of a creative writer its vv fun)
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James O’Connell from Just a Summer Thing
hikes with his dog, sasha every weekend.
a bit of a homie-hopper
LOVES to fish
lacrosse boy (ick)
loves boating, swimming, and fishing in the lake in his town.
very popular
skateboards everywhere
takes sasha on her walks but skating with her running by his side
obsessed with dogs
his obsession with his pup and how good he is with little kids makes him pull hella bitches
has a little sister that he loves more than anything, he spoils her
works at the small business, local-run home depot type store in his town
has two moms
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Augusta (August) Taylor from Just a Summer Thing
moved to the town from manhattan, nyc with her dad and dog
severe anxiety
bakes to forget her feelings
her mom died of cancer when august was 3
wants to be a baker when she grows up
has a wiener dog named weenie whom she loves very much
bikes everywhere
reads reads reads and reads more
stresses to get good grades
very close with her dad and is an only child
bisexual with a female preference. even tho her dad is accepting she’s not out.
iced latte addict
moved to the town after her dad got a new job working at a real estate firm
her dad started seeing this lady named Claire who worked at the same firm and August HATES claire.
claire hates weenie which only makes august hate her more and august tries to be a good sport but her dad and her fight about claire a lot.
suffers with disordered eating when she’s anxious, and tends to accidentally go days without eating when life is hectic
is a super helpless romantic
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Bettilyn (Betty) Hugo from Just a Summer Thing
divorced parents but her dad lives in chicago so she lives with her mom and three little sisters
has lived in this town her whole life
natural redhead and hates it
bisexual and demigirl
she / they
lives on a farm with ducks, cows, alpacas, barn cats, horses, goats, sheep, a couple dogs and lots of chickens—though her family doesn’t profit off of it
loves animals more than people
when she’s anxious she’ll go out on the cow pasture and just sit.
used to get in trouble because she’d go missing for hours just for her parents to find her in the fields talking to the animals
refuses to see a therapist and claims that cows are great listeners thank you very much
has a special bond with a certain alpaca named willow
works at the coffee shop slash cat cafe slash book store chaos that her mom runs, and she hates it when the popular girls from her school come in
is a firm believer that skinny dipping is good for the soul
hates the party + drug + alcohol scene with a passion
has only 2 close friends, Ivy and Dorothea; and that’s all she needs.
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Emmeria (Emma) Cohen from When Emma Falls In Love
speaks hebrew with her family
very successful actress
always cusses out the paparazzi in hebrew and finds it hilarious when they don’t understand what she’s saying
lives part time in LA and part time in New York, though her parents live in Tennessee
grew up in Memphis tennesee, since thats where her parents moved when they immigrated from israel
has naturally super curly hair but hardly anyone knows since she always keeps it straightened
emmy winning actress for her lead role in ‘The Last Star Of Endor’
lesbian but not out publicly
throws herself into her work unhealthily when everything else is spiraling
always goes and celebrates hanukkah with her sister (and her wife) and their parents to see their extended family in Haifa (Israel)
is gluten free
goes by emma because she gets less questions then if she goes by Emmeria
has a dog back home named cracker, who she named when she was six because “cracker” is the first word she learned in english
she always mixes up english and hebrew in her sentances
hates nepotism babies with a passion because her parents had to work so hard to even survive here in the us and provide for emma and her sister, and then emma had to work 3 times as hard to earn her spot in the industry and some people were just handed everything on a plate
chronically late and her publicist hates her for it
cannot follow interview training whatsoever so she always says random shit and leaves a mess for her publicist vera to help fix, but vera just finds it funny
thinks coffee is a sin to the mortal world
best friends with her costar, Star and very close with her sister and parents.
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Elliara (Ellie) Cohen from When Emma Falls In Love
Emma’s older sister
works for the idf (israeli defense forces)
works as a K9-unit with her K9 Luna
loves her sister but is secretly scared that she wont be able to handle the pressure from the media
bisexual but hides it from her parents even if they are accepting of Emma, Ellie just can’t let go of that oldest sibling perfectionism
secretly has a girlfriend who she met working in Israel, they’ve been dating for three years and no one in Ellie’s family knows
Ellie and her girlfriend Miriam have talked about marriage but Ellie’s scared as shit of telling her parents that she not only dated a girl in secret for three years but also found the one she wants to be with forever and the one she wants to start a family with.
while working, Ellie’s sector was bombed and in the bombing while helping civilians to the bomb shelter, she injured her leg to the point of amputation. in the hospital there, Miriam went face to face with Emma and Ellie’s parents
after recovering from the surgery, Ellie trained Luna to be her Ptsd service dog, and ellie, luna, and miriam moved to the us to be closer to ellie’s family and to start their own.
is very content working at the israeli comfort meets american comfort food diner she and miriam started while miriam is pregnant with their first child.
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divkazkdovikde · 10 months
life update
(a vomit of random thoughts)
my insomnia is kicking again, and i’ll be sooooo fucking tired when they’ll call me to the work during the day. but. anyway.
guys guys guys. i’m manifesting so hard rn. i’m looking for flats with my friend, okay. and we found the prefect one. and we fell so much in love with that flat? like we would have each our own room? with a fucking french windows? (french fucking windows!) and it’s only a little over our budget? and an ideal location just between our unis? huh what really oh my god?
yeah yeah yeah
we absolutely must get that flat. we have a tour planned in a week, so we hope everything goes alright and they’ll rent it to us. we’re not the only ones who want that flat, but damn we hope we’ll get it. so, manifesting. everyone must manifest in our favor. oh i’m begging the universe like i never did before.
yeah, hopeful very. i’ll go insane if this won’t work out, so it better will, because no one wants that to happen, me to go insane, that is.
also i’m currently slowly planning how i want to furnish etc my future room. my dad is a joiner, so i’ll have to ask him to help me re-do a bit of some of our old furniture that’s waiting for me to take to a new home. and there’s some stuff i’ll have to buy (really how fucking hard it’s to find an ideal chest of drawers? fucking hard and annoying, i’ll tell you. and too bloody expensive, for no fucking reason. i would have my dad make it but has enough work as it is, but goddammit, just let me have some nice drawers, i beg you.) and i’ll make some stuff myself too. can’t wait.
when we’re at spending money, i bought me marshall headphones last week, for no fucking reason. i absolutely didn’t need them, i had a perfectly fuctional headphones at home already. but nahh, little ol’ me decided she wants to throw some money out, but damn they cute and the sound? oh, i definitely do not regret it. i have the brown ones, so cute.
i’m currently reading a little life, guys. yeah… not doing okay, no. and i’m only at page 100-ish. i actually haven’t touched the book in two weeks. i needed a break already and now i don’t really have time to get back to it. but i will! it will destroy me, that’s for sure, though. also you know what i found out just yesterday? the name jude means among others also ‘praised’ and ‘prince’. and i haven’t been the same ever since. cuz like in the book, jude is basically everyone’s in the group centre of life, consciously or not. and if the author did this intentionaly? oh my, genius. if not, what a hell of coincidence.
oh and, i discovered this new theory about folklore by taylor swift. there’s this specific order in which you can listen to the album and it’s like a whole story based on the folklore love triangle betty-james-augustine. and it makes so much sense, it’s insane. so i absolutely have to pass it further. look look look:
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insane. i know taylor said something else about the love triangle, but this absolutely makes sense too. also, i found this playlist on spotify, where are both folklore and evermore in a specific order, and that order makes such sense as well, it’s amazing.
4am now. i’m dead already. i’m so tired but can’t sleep, i hate this.
day before yesterday i saw my friend i have a huge crush on, and lemme tell you, i’m so deep in friendzone, he didn’t even need to say it. i actually don’t know shit. i have such huge mixed signals from him, i just wanna die. we were on a beer okay, didn’t see each other for a few months and it was a spontaneous rendezvous among friends. and he paid for me. you don’t do that on friends rendezvous dude- but like he did it so casually, jesus christ. also when we were saying goodbye, we hugged, which we normaly don’t do, cuz we have this weird history and thus we’re too awkward with each other in those stuff. see? mixed signals! and i’m not even talking about how much i enjoy talking to him. anyway. i freaked out about this to my friend after. then i calmed down and came to the conclusion, that he’s litterally just a guy and went on with my day.
hmmm. i made me four new playlists.
oh and i bought these georgeous rings and star-earings from this one small business and i’m so excited, they are so cute! i have the rings already, earing are on the way, yaaayy.
i really should stop spending so much money. i’m doung that a lot lately.
also i’m going to austria in two weeks. can’t wait. i love it there. but i’ll probably die on some hill there because i lost all my sport abilities since i stopped competing. my lungs will betray me, that’s for sure.
and i’m booked for another two tattoos! can’t wait for that either. especially since the tattoo artist is my friend and i haven’t seen her in a while. will be nice to catch up again!
mhm. there’s so much and nothing happening at the same time these days. it’s kind of weird. but, well, it is what it is. could be better, could be worse. ew, anyway. i’m too tired for talking deep shit. there will be time for it some other day. so i’ll go try to fall asleep. because, yeah, i’m surely gonna die at work today. wish me luck, bye.
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youareinlove · 8 months
alsooo i haven't decided whether or not james and betty end up together after the apology yet (i know they did to taylor but respectfully, minds change like the weather)
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twobluejeans · 11 months
charles leclerc x famous!reader
summary: in which the lavender haze has been lifted. or in which america’s it couple splits.
part 4: emo ponytail girl, part 3: dupeee, part 2: wtf does ET know?, part 1: don’t start
faceclaim: madison beer
ally’s radio 📻: PART 4! the drama goes on. a lot of tswift references 🫶
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liked by oliviarodrigo, masonmount, and 8,654,142 others
yourinstagram thank u manchester & london for an amazing 5 days. you guys were so much fun to play for. i also wanna say thank you to my two beautiful children @oliviarodrigo @gracieabrams, eternally grateful for u guys flying in last minute to leave manchester w a bang. love u all so so much. see u soon amsterdam🖤 
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oliviarodrigo 🥹🥹🥹🥹
gracieabrams i love you thank you 🤍
augustbridgelvr my founding fathers
TWITTER, july 3
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INSTAGRAM, (stories)
yourinstagram 1h (july 4)
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viewed by kimkardashian, maudeapatow, and 678,892 others 
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liked by selenagomez, neymarjr, and 8,345,146 others 
yourinstagram happy independence day from me n a few of my favorite people 🤍
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arianagrande love uuu!!!
yourinstagram arianagrande i love u more
canyonmoondeservesjustice why can i not picture all of them  in the same room like 🧍🏽‍♀️
danielriccardo damn who’s that guy on the 3rd pic in white?? he’s so 😍😍
landonoriss danielriccardo me when i lie 
yourinstagram danielriccardo ur gonna let him do u like that??
danielriccardo landonorris yourinstagram girl bye you’re just jealous you aren’t as pretty as me 🤷
danielriccardo notice how it got quiet. EXACTLY.🙄 
TWITTER, july 10
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liked by 55sainzleclerc16, lolaransdellfan, and 103,728 others
charlesleclercdaily Charles and Lola Ransdell at Wimbledon today!
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kingofmyh3art_ bye i’m crying he really out here winning the idgaf war 😭😭
55sainzleclerx Bro i can't get over the fact that she's the spitting image of Y/n
landoxcharles16 no bc why is every f1 driver entering their hoe era
szafanaccount12 landoxcharles16 no literally like charles gives me the ick now
INSTAGRAM, july 10
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INSTAGRAM, july 10
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liked by leclercmidnight, sainzrace, and 234,122 others
cl16daily Charles with a fan tonight in london
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youtolerateity/n dad pls wake up and come home
driverczains he looks so nice too UGHH
i2lvsrry She said to him that her favorite album was lover lol 💀😭
purrfecy/n/n i2lvsrry SHE DID NOT 💀
lewis44girls enchntdtwilight how do you know that??
enchntdtwilight lewis44girls I saw the original video on tik tok and she said that in a comment.
replovers hi 👋 im the girl in the picture! i was scared to approach him bc he was eating dinner with his new gf and i didn’t want to disturb him or anything so i waited until he was done. charles was very nice and talkative. i did mention that my favorite album was lover bc..it is. he just smiled and awkwardly chuckled. he then changed the subject and i got the hint. his new girlfriend, lola, actually took the photo too. she looks mean but she’s actually really nice, i can’t lie. she complimented my shoes. she was standing besides charles the whole time and had her hands locked with his, she looked kind of uncomfortable to be around cameras and get that kind of attention which is understandable yk.
mrrwoballstyles bruh they’re literally betty, august, and james 😭 NOT THE FOLKLORE LOVE TRIANGLE BECOMING REAL
IMESSAGES, july 10
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TWITTER, july 11
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INSTAGRAM, july 11
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liked by charlesleclerc, wolfiecindy, and 546,992 others
lolaransdell two tickets for barbie please
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ricciardofavboy i could SMELL the comments
herbffsinsta gorgeous gorgeous girly
lolaransdell herbffsinsta love uuu
grussellgirl where’s charles?
goldenstyles wow the power of plastic surgery and good lighting
haileybieber She knows she's the hottest 😍😍
itsainzleclerc remember u were a fan girl bye
y/nzone The only way this girl got famous was because of Charles. Other than that, nobody would have known who she was except her friends and now she pops up on Google and YouTube.
INSTAGRAM, july 12
yourinstagram (story) 2h
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viewed by jennierubyjane, tchalamet, and 3,456,135 others
ally's radio 📻 : so, um, secrets out? anyways, screw charles! #JUSTICEFORY/N2023 (this took me 3 hrs to make bruh, free me)
taglist 🦢🪩: @incoherenciass @dakotali @405rry @topaz125@sassyheroneckgiant @hevburn @itsmytimetoodream @ivegotparticulartaste @crowdedimagines @asterianax @haydee5010 @scenesofobx @christinabae @magical-spit @dessxoxsworld @myareadsbooks @honethatty12 @hopefulinlove @diasnohibng @gentlemonsterjennie1 @hummusxx @eugene-emt-roe @taestrwbrry @pejarma @cxcewg @chimchimjiminie16 @glow-ish @allywthsr
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midnightsslut · 2 years
something people don’t appreciate enough is the fact that different songs on midnights explore the same topics in numerous, sometimes contradictory ways. on snow on the beach, she’s scared that a new relationship might not work out; on labyrinth, she’s terrified that it might. snow on the beach also talks about the celestial forces that bring two people together; mastermind confesses that she was the force in question all along. bejeweled describes the confidence and freedom of bending the rules of a relationship; high infidelity is filled with guilt and terror for simply dancing with another guy. she takes the money on you’re on your own, kid, but she feels stifled by it on anti-hero. she ends you’re on your own, kid with inspiring words; on dear reader, she warns the audience not to listen to her advice. she burns in hell on anti-hero, but karma is her god on karma. she can face any struggle fame throws at her on you’re on your own, kid, but she’s too soft for all of it on sweet nothing. she’s a diamond and a monster on the hill at the same time. it’s almost like each story is told from multiple perspectives like the love triangle on folklore, but instead of several fictional characters, the narrators all exist in different corners of taylor’s mind.
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thefolklorecardigan · 9 months
soon to be prom king, false god & illicit affairs, quarterback of the football team, gemini, thanks to football has a scholarship for college, loves museum dates (especially for the aesthetic), takes pictures 24/7, buying gifts for his favorite people is his love language, dramatic af, high school senior, had a crush on betty since junior school, has a twin brother who's president of the student school council, childhood friends with augustine.
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inmywritingera · 5 months
hi there
it’s been a while. A lot of shit has happened in the last few years lmao so I’m a huge swiftie and over the summer I got really into folklore. I was recently inspired to put The Teenage Love Triangle into a short (maybe long, idk yet since I’m drafting) story that I’ll be posting here for whoever may be interested. Part one is going up…now.
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