#fluffy for the win
celestialwrites · 11 months
sweet little romantic gestures for your characters*ੈ✩‧₊˚
@celestialwrites for more!
♡ forehead kisses<3
♡ holding hands
♡ lingering touches
♡ morning cuddles
♡ reading their favourite books while writing notes in them
♡ memorizing their coffee order
♡ kisses being plastered all over their s/o’s face
♡ taking them to their favourite movie/art gallery/etc because they know their s/o loves it
♡ bingeing their s/o’s favourite movie just so they can talk about it.
♡ neck kisses when hugging
♡ cuddling on the couch all night
♡ giving their s/o their favourite flowers weekly
♡ playful teasing and bickering
♡ always holding the door open for them
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clownsuu · 9 months
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Lovelie’s fighting for her life rn
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jasmines-library · 6 months
‘Tis the Season
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Summary: It’s Christmas time, and after a long time apart, you and your brothers are finally together to celebrate, even if it is inside a motel room.
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff.
Note: Merry Christmas!
The Winchesters have never been big with celebrations. Especially since Mary passed away and hunting became the only thing on John’s agenda.This meant that you had never really experienced a proper Christmas before and neither had either of your brothers. Sure they remember snippets of Christmas from when they were younger and your mum was still around but it was never the same after that. John was never there and the three of you were often left to mill around in a shitty motel. The three of you would celebrate in your own little way. You would exchange gifts which, in Dean’s case, were often stolen or given to you by Bobby, and despite their efforts to make Christmas as normal as possible for you it was never quite how you had pictured it. Never how Sam and Dean remembered it. It didn’t help that John had told you when you were heartbreakingly young that there was no Santa Claus.
But this year, something was different. The Winchesters were celebrating.
You strolled down the road, your arm hooked around Sam’s as you admired the lights that had been strung up like bunting between the rows of buildings and hung from lampposts in the street. You wore your thickest jacket: an old blue hand-me-down from Dean, that you were pretty sure Sam might have even owned at one point before he grew taller than your older brother, and hand bundled yourself up with a scarf to shelter yourself from the frosty air.
The streets were quiet besides a few odd couples that greeted you and Sammy with a warm smile or a gentle nod. Most people were at home, celebrating the Christmas holiday.
The frost that blanketed the ground crunched under your feet and made your feet feel like small ice cubes despite the fact that you were wearing two pairs of socks. You and your brother walked quickly back to the motel where Dean was hovering over the stove tucked away in the corner of the motel. The moment you opened the door and were greeted with the warmth of the room and the smell of the food, you couldn’t help but smile up at Sam, as well as chuckle at the sight of your eldest brother. He had donned a red Santa hat and was singing along to the song he had turned up too loud on the radio between taking swigs from beer. He wrapped you up between his arms when the two of you returned with the last of the ingredients he needed before you made your way into the room.
On the nightstand between the two beds, replacing the lamp that had been shoved aside, sat a tree. It was measly and far from extravagant, sure, but you thought it was a nice touch. Dean had spotted it on the way back from a hunt and had insisted on buying it for the motel room. You spent the rest of the day hanging old car air fresheners from the branches as if they were baubles. It was makeshift; but somehow that made it seem even more special and you beamed brightly. You placed the brown paper bag you had been clutching beneath it, making sure to roll over the top to make sure that the contents were hidden.
“Alrighty.” Dean announced “Grubs up.”
The three of you squeezed around the table and began to tuck into the food that Dean placed in front of you on the table. Dean was far from the best chef that much was true but at a time like this you were grateful that he had made such an effort to cook. As the three of you ate between bouts of conversation and fits of laughter, it made you realise how much you missed spending time with your brothers. This was the first time you had truly sat down together in…well forever. Times had been kind of hectic with Sam returning from Stanford and everything with Dad and Dean, you were glad that for a few sweet moments, the three of you could just be a family. For once there was no worrying about monsters. No worrying about who was going to vanish next. It was just the three of you enjoying the little things in life.
Dinner, by far the best one you have had in a while, was followed up with gift giving and the three of you bundled on to the beds, sipping glasses of cold eggnog.
“Okay Sammy,” Dean said as he produced his first gift from his duffel. It seemed the three of you all had the same idea because it too was wrapped in a brown paper bag. “This one is for you.”
Sam unwrapped it eagerly, producing a dark glass bottle of his favourite beer.
“Thank you.” He laughed, producing a bag of his own. “It seems great minds think alike.”
Dean chuckled and he tore open the paper to reveal his favourite drink secured inside a porno magazine by an elastic band.
“Ok. This is for De.” You pulled out a small bag and handed it to him. Inside lay a small keychain in the shape of a pie that you had spotted on a rotating rack inside the gas station which you couldn’t resist buying, alongside a couple of packets of beef jerky that Dean always seemed to keep stashed away in his glovebox.
“Thanks kiddo” He laughed as he hooked the keychain onto his keys.
“And this is for you, Sammy.” You produced another bag and handed it to him, watching keenly as he unwrapped it, pulling out the clear plastic and producing a pair of wired headphones.
“It’s to stop you complaining about Dean’s music in the car.” You prompted.
“Hey!” Dean said with mock hurt. “I think you’ll find I have great taste in music.”
You raised your hands nonchalantly “tell that to him not me.”
“I’m just saying Dean, there are things out there besides mullet rock. You should try updating your cassettes some time. Seriously, dude.”
“You know the rules, Sammy.” Dean shook his head. “Driver picks the music-“
“Shotgun shuts his cakehole. Yeah. I know.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Anyway, enough. This is for you, Y/N.”
Sam rummaged around in his bag for a small white box before handing it to you. You took it gently. It was light in your hand.
“It's from both of us.” Dean added.
You peeled open the box slowly to reveal the insides which almost made you tear up. Inside the box sat a dainty necklace in the shape of a heart. It seemed familiar somehow, but you couldn’t place where you had seen it before. When you picked it up and turned it over in your palm to admire the delicacy of it, you noticed the small hinges on the side so decided to open it.
Inside was a small cut out of an image. The three of you were much younger here. Sammy was still smaller than Dean and you barely reached his hip. The three of you were grinning from ear to ear as you gripped onto each of your brothers hands as they swung you through the air at the moment the image was captured.
“It’s beautiful.” You sighed, looking up at your two brothers. “Where did you-“
“It was moms.” Dean said. It then hit you that you had seen her wearing it in pictures.
“Bobby found it while sorting through some of Dads old stuff that was left around his. We thought you should have it.”
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” You smiled. “Help me put it on?”
“Of course.”
Dean moved closer to you, moving your hair aside so he could clasp the end of the good chain together.
“It looks like it’s always belonged there.” Sam told you when Dean let go of it so it could hang around your neck, settling on the centre of your chest.
“It’s perfect.” Dean told you.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
“Merry, Christmas, Boys.”
Although being hauled up in a motel may not have seemed like the ideal way to celebrate Christmas for the average person, just being able to spend time with your brothers was enough for you. You cared not for an extravagant meal and bucket loads of expensive gifts. You were happy to settle with what you had and the fact that the three of you had celebrated like this meant so much to you as it did to them. The three of you may not have much, but you have each other, and that’s worth far more than anything else.
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satans-knitwear · 9 days
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Lunchbreak with the babies
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peppermintbits · 7 months
My personal highlight reel from the Westminster Dog Show yesterday. ✨ 🐶
The silly faces club
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🧡 Pomeranian Fan Cam 🧡
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Dinero's Angelic Eyes 👀....vs Jolene's Glorious Wizard Beard
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And finally...Our Lord And Savior; Stache.
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ne-cocoa · 1 year
Question which ship is your favorite Shadowpeach or spicynoodles also sorry if you answered this question already
Spicynoodles will always be my ultimate favorite no doubt!! It was the first ship I saw when I got into lmk and haven’t stopped loving it since X3 💖
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yourluckieday · 5 months
(Conversation happens post love making)
"Do you remember when you asked me to marry you, and everyone kept telling us we were too young? So you got mad and said “screw it” and we just eloped?” She asked, the memory pulling the corners of her mouth in to a smile, “I knew then, that I would love you until the day I died.” she told him, while idly tracing hearts in his skin.
Katsuki's face softens, a rare smile tugging at his lips at the memory. "Yeah, I remember," he says, the warmth of the recollection lighting up his eyes. "Everyone thought they knew better, thought they could tell us what to do. As if I'd ever let anyone else make decisions for me—especially not when it came to you."
He turned his head slightly, lifting her hand to his lips, and pressing a kiss into her palm, then he released her, letting her continue her tender exploration of his skin. "That day, when I said 'screw it' and took you to that little chapel, it was the best damn decision I ever made. I didn't need a big ceremony or any fuss; all I needed was you and me, making it official."
His hand moved to cover hers, stilling her movements for a moment so he could interlace their fingers, a physical manifestation of their emotional bond. "I knew I loved you then, and I know I'll love you until I'm nothing but dust. You're my best win, my top achievement—and I've never been too young or too stupid to see that."
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ridl · 2 months
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i'm learning how to draw horses for qilin ganyu :)
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kisakis-boyfriend · 7 months
These are just thoughts that have been eating me about Freminet since the afternoon
If we start to think seriously, Freminet has a lot of strength because of how he uses a Claymore so I also think that Lyney does not have the same strength as Freminet since he is not as good but in terms of precision and agility that is why he uses a bow, too. Lynette doesn't have as much strength but she has technique, strength and agility, that's why he uses a light sword
I imagined that Lyney is able to playfully use Freminet's Claymore and almost immediately he falls to his knees to the ground due to the weight of the Claymore, It would be quite funny that Lyney's arms tremble when trying to lift the Claymore, and Lynette would be in the background scolding him for the look he had for wanting to use Freminet's sword
Or that in that game of strength, where both people hold hands and place their elbow on the table and have to lower the hand held on the opposite side, I mean Freminet would immediately beat Lyney
just thoughts about Freminet
You make very good points. Freminet isn't ripped or anything, but unlike some other small characters that use claymores, Freminet isn't using magic or an ability to lift his. That's pure, raw strength.
This reminds me of that scene from Soul Eater where Blackstar attempts to lift Soul in his scythe form and fails miserably hjdhskfj. Lyney is desperately grasping Frem's weapon and the claymore lifts maybe half an inch off of the ground... Lynette is not amused 😅
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fluffydice · 2 months
Yes, in my heart I know Kuboyasu would be such a good girl dad, but also I always think about how much having and loving a son would heal that part of himself that worried he would turn out like his pops
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woe-is-tuli · 2 months
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Coachella 2024 P.2 - Ateez: Jongho
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blicketyuri · 2 months
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Happy Trans Visibility Day! (ft. Blue)
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kitnita · 3 months
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gum chompin'   —   NYI vs DAL   —   02.26.24
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plugnuts · 1 year
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I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention this yet but. his hood is fluffy. It’s FLUFFY
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eudico-my-beloved · 4 months
이번에는, 떠나지마라..
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just outis and a version where i gave up half way through experimenting with effects (i forgor how to use shit) under the cut
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mousegard · 5 months
my new years resolution for 2024 is to have edelgard smoke the weed that tfs you into a skunk
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