#flossie rose
badassbishova · 3 months
Any image of Florence Pugh coming up in my feed…
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My brain:
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strawberryloveyyy · 11 months
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Florence Pugh is the love of my life. Period. Someone please catch my breath, I’m too busy not breathing.
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gt-icons · 2 years
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Site Model l lilac icons
‒ like or reblog if you save
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sproutinglupine · 3 months
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I'm in the newest Stitchy Goodness zine of cross stitch patterns! The theme was Outer Space, so I came up with "Saturniidae Satellite", a celestial-themed moth based on the Chinese moon moth! The zine is available until February 17, 2024, and includes all 15 patterns pictured here. If it's after that date, you'll have to check with the inidividual designers for availability of patterns. Pattern names and their designers are under the cut!
Monsterous Designs - Phases
Black Waltz Stitching - Alien Friend
Neutrino Stitch - Galaxy NGC 3147
Scornflake GRRRL - Vastness
Pibble Patterns - New Horizons
Stitchy Rin - Uranus
Romy's Creations - I Will Catch the Moon
Cobweb And Rose - Ghost Tours: Mars
Salty Stitchez Studio - Black Hole
Cross Stitch Rattos - Otter Space
Sprouting Lupine - Saturniidae Satellite
Crafy Yams - Area 51
The Stitch Crpyt - Mother Universe
Flossy Fox Shop - Wish Upon A Space Dragon
Snailfish Stitches - Space Glitter
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Appalachian Witchcraft for Beginners: Review
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This is: Appalachian Witchcraft for Beginners: The History, Remedies, and Spells of a Rich Folk Magic Tradition by Auburn Lily
Rating: 2/10
Pros: Some information presented is correct, like the information on “ingredients” isn’t too bad if not a super small amount of them, she mentioned red clay which a lot of books seem to forget exists. And this book’s aesthetics? 10/10 for the illustration work, colors, fonts! I also appreciated the insistence that you help the land as much as possible, as well as the land’s original inhabitants and to give Indigenous voices space. 
Cons: There is so much I was so disappointed by. First off let’s get this out of the way: The author in her bio on her own website auburnlily.com claims she is a starseed. I have a LOT of personal feelings about the Starseed movement and how it damages the progress of mental health and getting help and medication for said mental disorders. But this should have been the first major red flag that this book would not be what it says on the cover.
A lot of my problems are as follows:
Most folk workers don’t use the same three or four ingredients…in this case:
Peppermint. Rose. Essential Oils. Crystals, usually citrine or black tourmaline. 
Actually we tend to not use crystals at all unless we’ve adapted them into our practice ourselves…the old folk didn’t have pretty rocks to use they got at the New Age store in the town square, alright? 
A LOT of this information is definitely tinged in a new age and modern light. The correspondences for the days of the week mentions “The Goddess” which we don’t…deal with??? At all??
Another example:
Grannies used to use the bible and ‘faith healing’ to avoid persecution from their community.
Absolutely not! She mentioned the witch trials a minimum of 6 times, which (ahaha good pun) almost made me roll my eyes into the back of my head, then I read the bible to avoid persecution part and almost burned the book on the spot.
Faith healing is NOT a cop out. 
It was the way things WERE. Were there hexers? Yes. Were they given a wide berth sometimes? Also yes. But they also had their place in the community! The hexer in my family, Flossie, was respected with some fear, but she was also the person who scorned lovers and cheated on spouses went to. When the police were hounding moonshiners a few came to her for cop go away works. 
The author also insinuates that Yarb Doctors were held in higher regard because they didn’t use faith/and or gender may have had a point in that. I dunno what yarb doctors and grannies she talked to but men were not allowed in the birthing room, that was a Granny’s responsibility and by god they did it well. You never backtalked a Granny, they were and are the backbones of their communities. 
Now that I’m off that soapbox, the author also seems to believe that meditation, third eyes, astrology in a modern way, and crystals are critical for Appalachian witchcraft which is stupidly incorrect. Her recipe for floor wash is hogwash and far too simple and small, her candle color correspondences are laughable…especially that little line on Orange: “Helps with menstrual cramps.” If that was the case no straight woman in Tennessee would get cramps because they all wear orange at least once a week for their team. 
She only uses Hoodoo like…3 times which is better than most authors so I supposed that’s progress? But the author also hates baneful work and makes mention of that fact numerous times.
The author also has quite a few love spells mentioned, and weirdly enough…a lot of her ingredients in OTHER spells are also the same ingredients in her love spells. How strange. 
My final and most damning gripe, the author seems to believe that stereotypes make for amazing offerings to the ancestors. In particular…the Irish would appreciate offerings of potatoes. You have to be kidding me.
Overall: Yet another new age witch trying to make folk magic look far more complicated and fluffy than it is. I hated this so much. I didn't even touch the "Open the healing channel" and "Reparative Visualization" "SPELLS" she includes which sounds like absolute woowoo.
Proof of some of these claims are below: 
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yelenasdiary · 7 months
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My Flossie Rose is back 🥹
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florxncxpugh · 5 months
📲messages with Andykins
Flossie Rose: Morning Sunshine! Flossie Rose: Let's go somewhere Flossie Rose: I'm tired of being couped up on set. Flossie Rose: Let's go do something fun. Flossie Rose: Pwease? I'll cook for you. @ftgarfield
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bcyswannabeher · 3 months
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ei !! você viu FLORENCE WU-FENMORE por aí? você sabe, aquela aluna da graduação que tem 34 ANOS e se parece muito com LUCY LIU. acho que ela se formou com especialização em CIÊNCIAS POLÍTICAS e em 2014 se parecia muito com HAVANA ROSE LIU. dizem que ela era ❝ THE JOCK ❞ e toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dela, ouvia-se YOU & I da ONE DIRECTION tocando pela porta. todos que a conhecem dizem que ela costuma ser EXTROVERTIDA, mas também pode ser COVARDE. será que em 2024 ela ainda é assim ??
❥ perfil apelidos flo, flossie, ren. pronomes ela/dela. nascimento 6 de julho, câncer. cidade natal pasadena, califórnia. educação ciências políticas - ucla, classe de 2014; pós-graduação em direito - uc berkeley, classe de 2017. profissão advogada. orientação sexual bissexual. família jinzhu "lily" wu (mãe), william j. fenmore (pai), thomas s. fenmore (meio-irmão mais velho), felix n. fenmore (meio-irmão mais velho).
personalidade entp. traços generosa, criativa, avoada, justa, inconsequente, cuidadosa, competitiva, perfeccionista. hábitos dedilhar superfícies, mastigar canetas, assoviar. habilidades dança, piano, caligrafia, mandarim (intermediário), persuasão. o música pop, filmes românticos e besteirol, festas, a cor azul, cachorros grandes, miojo, longas caminhadas, one direction, pizza. x copos vazios, gente séria demais, a família do seu pai, o seu emprego, mentiras.
❥ história
antes de 2014
quando engravidou, lily wu tinha vinte e quatro anos e uma ambição: ter uma grife para chamar de sua. seus pais imigraram ilegalmente da china para os estados unidos quando seus irmãos mais velhos ainda usavam fraldas, atrás de provar o gostinho do tal sonho americano. lily, a caçula, nasceu em solo californiano e era a única menina entre os três. enquanto seus irmãos acompanhavam a rotina de trabalho do pai em uma fábrica de embalagens, ela aprendia com a mãe tudo o que podia sobre tecidos e costura; aos quatorze anos, auxiliava a sua progenitora em seu ofício em uma loja chique de vestidos de noiva, onde passou a trabalhar oficialmente a partir dos dezesseis. 
antes de william fenmore, lily conheceu cassandra — sua noiva: foi ela quem costurou o vestido de casamento da futura senhora fenmore. lily e william tiveram um caso durante os dez meses que antecederam o seu casamento com cassandra. na época, lily não tinha ciência do seu noivado — muito menos de que ele estava noivo de uma cliente, com quem ele já tinha até filhos! mas a verdade veio à tona depois da notícia da gravidez de lily. william foi bem-sucedido em esconder o seu caso e as suas consequências de cassandra e do resto da sua família por exatos dois dias; o escândalo fez esfriar o relacionamento do casal, mas pelo bem das crianças eles decidiram seguir com o casamento, na condição de que ele seria fiel à sua esposa dali para frente. e ele foi. 
ao contrário de lily, william vinha de uma família abastada e influente. era mais velho e tinha um bom emprego no escritório de advocacia da família. quando florence nasceu, embora william não tivesse muito contato com a filha bastarda, nunca deixou que a ela algo faltasse — além, evidentemente, da presença recorrente de uma figura paterna. até mais ou menos os treze anos, seu pai era uma assinatura em cartões de aniversário e natal. apesar da ausência do seu progenitor, a menina teve uma infância relativamente boa e normal; da família por parte de mãe ela recebeu todo o amor, carinho e atenção que ela precisava e merecia. 
na escola, florence se destacava pelo seu talento na dança, mas principalmente pelas suas companhias. talvez tivesse alguma coisa a ver com o fato de ela ser uma líder de torcida e, como tal, sair com um dos caras do time de futebol, mas todo mundo sabia quem era florence wu. e, por algum motivo, todos a idolatravam, bem como suas companheiras. florence amava a atenção e amava fazer parte do time de torcida, tanto que a sua dedicação para com o esporte não passou batida pelos olheiros das universidades. o único monstro erguido entre ela e uma bolsa de estudante-atleta em alguma boa universidade era o seu desempenho acadêmico, que era péssimo. 
por parte de william, a vontade de se aproximar da sua filha bastarda surgiu de um lugar de orgulho e vaidade: precisava ter certeza de que a sua filha (que era sua filha, no fim das contas) seria tão bem-sucedida profissionalmente como os seus meio-irmãos. na sua concepção, isso significava que ela tinha direito a usufruir dos mesmos privilégios que os seus outros filhos: formaria-se em uma boa universidade, em direito, e teria um emprego no escritório de advocacia dos fenmore. na adolescência, assim, florence passou a conviver mais com o pai e a sua família. ele era, afinal, a sua chance de entrar para uma universidade — a sua chance de dar continuidade à sua carreira como líder de torcida, mesmo que ela tivesse que chegar a um fim... eventualmente. 
em 2014
florence está correndo atrás dos sonhos… do seu pai. mais alguns anos e a caçula dos fenmore se formaria advogada, a sétima da família, e ganharia uma plaquinha dourada com o seu nome gravado na porta do famigerado escritório de advocacia compartilhado entre o pai, os meio-irmãos e os primos mais próximos, em pasadena. fazia o que podia para adiar a chegada desse momento: pegava o número mínimo de matérias por período e se deixava ir muito mal nas provas dos cursos obrigatórios de propósito, só para ter que refazê-los. nessa brincadeira, florence demorou mais do que o esperado para chegar ao seu último ano. não era nem de longe e muitos menos de perto a aluna mais brilhante do campus, mas gostava de frequentar a universidade — mais pela oportunidade de socializar do que por uma necessidade latente de buscar conhecimento. não fosse o renome (e as contribuições monetárias) do pai, certamente não teria sobrevivido nem ao primeiro ano de faculdade. na época, ela andava só com três coisas na cabeça: coreografias novas para o time de torcida, opções de roupa para usar na próxima festa e o zayn da one direction. era evidente que ela se preocupava muito mais com o desempenho das suas líderes de torcida em campeonatos do que com o próprio desempenho acadêmico, pois dedicava horas e horas dos seus dias para o time, enquanto quase nada era voltado para as suas apostilas.
em 2024
com muito custo, florence se formou em ciências políticas pela ucla em 2014. no mesmo ano, não sem o auxílio (vulgo dinheiro) do pai, ingressou em uma pós-graduação em direito e se formou advogada aproximadamente três anos mais tarde. teve a sorte, ou melhor, o grande azar de ter logo de cara um emprego para chamar de seu, na firma dos fenmore. por mais que o tipo de trabalho não lhe apeteça, ela não consegue não fazê-lo bem: suas melhores qualidades brilham quando ela está em um tribunal, bem como faziam quando pisava no ginásio para treinar ou quando chegava a uma festa. o tempo a transformou em uma mulher séria, mas não menos gentil e solidária. em 2019, um de seus primos foi eleito prefeito de pasadena; não foi até o último ano do seu mandato que florence descobriu que ele e o resto dos fenmore estavam envolvidos em um esquema de corrupção e desvio de dinheiro público. florence foi convencida a não levar o caso à mídia; isso porque qualquer escândalo envolvendo a sua família poderia arruinar as suas próprias chances de ser eleita para o mesmo cargo neste ano — ideia que ela mesma tinha tido para tentar fazer algo que pudesse a satisfazer mais, mas sem comprometer os bons laços com a sua família. ela carrega esse segredo como tijolos nos bolsos, dividida (como sempre) entre fazer o certo e o que a sua família quer. 
❥ trivia
i. durante o seu tempo na ucla, além de ser capitã das líderes de torcida, florence também fazia parte do time de debate e era membro do governo estudantil. seu pai a convenceu a participar de tais atividades extracurriculares no intuito de enriquecer o seu currículo. ii. em 2024, florence é obrigada a esconder a sua paixão por música e divas pop, embora a sua obsessão fosse extremamente aparente no passado. iii. florence é uma ratinha de academia. ela se exercita por puro prazer. iv. adotou o péssimo hábito de fumar cigarros recentemente, como uma válvula de escape para todo o estresse do trabalho somado à sua campanha para as eleições, que estão mais perto do que nunca.
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Happy Valentine's Day 💙 I know Steve and Katie have a long tradition of not making today that big of a deal. A glimpse into this year's activities?
As usual, Steve has presented her with the dozen red roses, and this year the kids have decided they want in on the action.
The task? Cooking Katie dinner.
It’s chaos. Absolute chaos. Rori and Jamie are fighting over who gets to stir the sauce, Harry is hell bent on sticking his hands into the cheese to eat it and Flossie just thinks it’s great fun to throw her cup of juice all over the floor at in opportune moments.
By the time Katie gets back from the tower, the house is upside down. There’s mess all over the kitchen, but she doesn’t care, especially when four smiling kids, and a very frazzled Steve are waiting with a pretty damned good lasagne, garlic dough balls and wine.
Dinner ate, Katie takes bedtime routines as Steve cleans up.
And when the pair of them get their alone time, Steve’s getting a treat to a very special new set of red lace slinky lingerie, and he’s a very happy soldier.
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acrosstimeandspace · 7 months
✨️✨️ two fun facts!!
thank you for the ask flossie! sorry for taking a bit to get to this! i hope you’re doing well, and please remember to take care! i’ll do nephrine and kunz for these!
✨: nephrine’s one of beril’s retainers! she’s a daughter of a former knight who served king morion as one of his retainers, and so when she became a knight her goal was to become a retainer, and beril chose her to be his retainer. which was during their first meeting, and nephrine was extremely ecstatic. she takes pride in being chosen just open a first meeting, and her job as a knight very seriously.
✨: kunz is a mage, who rose up through ranks in the army to meet beril again. the two actually met when they were much younger, when kunz was an apprentice, and he was very drawn towards beril’s softness in the face of their hardships (they met before beril was adopted by morion), so when he found out that morion had taken them in, he decided that what was worth his time was being their retainer.
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vampirebutterflies · 10 months
taggied by @not-nervous-jester !!!! mwah <3
relationship status: VERY happily in one grem my love <3
favourite colours: PINK specifically like. pastel-y cherry blossom-y fairy flossy pinks 🥰 also soft purples like lilacs and lavenders, soft greens and bluey greens, and soft brushed golds and rose golds
song stuck in my head: there’s two atm so not strong enough by boygenius and stuck in a bubble by george alice. it’s an interesting combination ?
last song I listened to: in full was fall at your feet by saint raymond, got partway through in the wake of your leave by gang of youths
three favourite foods: ough uhhhh on a big hit of those choc ripple biscuits for months now they’re so good, honey sandwiches, and mie goreng
last thing I looked up: bob morley
dream trip: ngl I haven’t really imagined or fantasised travelling much?
anything I want rn: copious amounts of money, and if I can’t get a new well functioning healthier body then I’ll at least settle for a full hysterectomy + hrt. also kitty ears and a tail. I also want boyfriend cuddles
no pressure tagging ummmm @gremlin-soup @chupacactus @blackbeardskneebrace mwah <3
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badassbishova · 2 months
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justmanic03 · 2 days
Amethyst - Chapter Thirty-Nine
A/N: Some very dark themes ahead involving severe emotional trauma, loss, anguish, and identity crises as Flossi comes to some brutal realisations
Will Danny survive?
"Flossi! We didn't kill Kossi! Why won't you believe us?" Clyde yelled.
"There's absolutely no other explanation! You're the ones with all the power in the land!" She yelled.
"It's no good!" Lisa screamed. "He's not responding!"
I felt a shiver up my spine as I trembled in fear of my best friend's life, as it continued to hang in the balance. Flossi, however, seemed to have forgotten entirely about Danny, and remained hell-bent on revenge.
"This is my final act. Please enjoy the show." She spoke shakily, as she held her Master Ball up for us all to see.
Flossi sent out Epsilon!
"AAAAAGGGGIIIAAASSSSS!!!!" The large creature rumbled as I extended an arm to shield myself from the new draught that was caused by the enormous creature.
"Take it down. She can't do anything else without it." Louis instructed. I took a breath, as the red-eyed lizard creature bared its large teeth. Lily was running dangerously low on HP, and was my only definite unit left other than that Miraidon. I had no guarantee that Pokemon would respond to me, so Lily was my best bet.
"Lily, use Giga Drain!"
It's not very effective...
The amount of Epsilon's HP that was sapped was negligible.
Epsilon used Stomping Tantrum!
Lily fainted!
"I know it's against battle rules, but think I might have to step in here..." Clyde scratched his head regrettably.
"I shall never accept anyone as Champion other than myself or Kossi! You shall NEVER have these crowns!" Flossi's raised voice echoed around the room.
"No need, Clyde! Y/N has another Pokemon!" Mackenzie exclaimed upon remembering that Miraidon.
"Okay, here goes. If this fails, she's got us." I whispered to the two men by my side.
You sent out Miraidon!
Little did I know, the sight of the Miraidon on my team served to make her - somehow - even MORE mad.
"N-NO! NOT ENCELADUS!" She shrieked, flailing her arms around erratically. She pointed directly at the Miraidon which was directly opposing her Epsilon. "THAT POKEMON BELONGED TO KOSSI! YOU STOLE IT!" She shifted her finger slightly so that she was now gesturing towards me.
Clyde stepped up. "Flossi, I hate to break it to you, but this pokemon allowed Y/N to catch it! Y/N is the rightful owner now."
"But you can't STEAL Pokemon! You just can't!" She desperately cried in response, the tears now streaming down her face at full force. "Especially not from my Kossi..."
"Kossi is dead." Louis stated.
"Thanks to you!" Flossi spat back, before pausing to contemplate her next move. Her eyes darted towards Epsilon, who was stood tall, awaiting its mistress' directions. "This level of disrespect for myself and my dead husband has reached absurdity! I won't tolerate anymore! Epsilon, use Death Summons!"
Epsilon used Death Summons!
The ground began to shake once again, and I struggled to steady myself as Epsilon's pink scaly body changed to Black.
All of Epsilon's stats rose sharply!
"F-Flossi!!!" Mackenzie cried out, his legs shaking beneath him from the earthquake. "I... I understand what you went through as a child."
"How can you possibly understand anything I've gone through?!" Flossi demanded.
"Because I was an orphan! I have no real family! If it wasn't for Lisa and her family, I'd still be lost and alone in the woods, just like you!"
Flossi began clapping her hands sarcastically. "Congratulations! You got your happy ending! Mine was snatched away from me brutally!"
"He's right though, you came from a similar situation, didn't you Freya?" I interjected.
"No! NO!" She shook her head vehemently. "Don't you DARE - ANY OF YOU - EVER claim to have suffered like I have! You have NO IDEA just how fortunate you all really are... just to have people in your life... and not be all alone! No family, no friends... not ONE person caring if you're living or if you're DEAD MEAT!!" Her hands came to completely cover her face as Epsilon watched on, ready to make its next move.
Flossi was in full on hysteria at this point, screaming and crying into her hands. Her body also shook violently, as the emotional pain and trauma washed over her like a brutal tidal wave. She had lost everything and everyone she had ever loved, and pushed away anyone who could've possibly helped her, most likely out of fear she would lose them just like she did.
She was so... fragile... and it appeared as though she had finally reached her breaking point.
I turned to Clyde and Mackenzie, who both nodded as they gestured towards Miraidon, who was looking at me in anticipation.
I cleared my throat, knowing exactly what needed to be done.
Miraidon used Spear of Destruction!
Epsilon flinched and couldn't move!
Miraidon used Dazzling Gleam!
"M-master..." Epsilon hummed, darting its eyes to the left where Flossi was still stood with her head in her hands, and her back slightly hunched, like a Toxel. She did not respond to her Pokemon. She had completely burned herself out.
"Now's your chance, Y/N! What are you waiting for!" Mackenzie demanded.
Unexpectedly, Flossi's head rose from her hands. Her expression was not one I could read, although I knew it was bad. "You're going to pay for this... every... last... one of you..." she hissed. She slipped her hand into her dress pocket, and pulled out a small, shiny piece of metal. As soon as she inserted it into the Master Ball, I knew what I had to do.
Reaching into my own pocket, I retrieved my ionisation chip, my hand shook in terror as I inserted it into Enceladus' Pokeball.
Mackenzie cleared his throat before speaking up again. "Flossi, you're the most powerful and feared woman in all of Taldourse. You've reached the top echelons AND you've got the crown to prove it. But what good is ANY of that when you're completely eaten up by contempt and loneliness?"
Although Mack's question clearly struck a chord within the disgraced champion, she did not respond to him. She instead ordered the newly-ionised Epsilon to deliver a devastating attack on Enceladus.
Epsilon used Dragon Pulse!
It's supereffective!
My breath hitched in my throat and my heart dropped to my stomach as all of Enceladus' HP plummeted to almost zero, yet when it was delivered, Enceladus did not faint!
Enceladus toughed it out for Danny's sake!
"Unbelievable... it's... impossible..." Clyde marvelled. Mackenzie just stood wide eyed beside him, too shocked to speak as I was. "I've never seen any Pokemon do that before!"
"Finish this, Y/N!" Lisa ordered aggressively, the determination in her voice echoing around the room like a boomerang.
Miraidon used Draco Meteor!!!
Epsilon fainted!
You defeated Champion Flossi!
The crashes and booms that followed as the ionisation energy reached its peak and dissipated back into Epsilon's master ball were some of the most chilling and explosive sounds I'd ever heard. We all instinctively pressed our hands over our earlobes as the floor vibrated like waves beneath our feet. At one point it felt as though the ground was going to collapse beneath me. It was all so cataclysmic that it was almost enough to drown out Flossi's shrill screams of despair as her legacy as Champion came crashing down. By this point, Louis, Crystal and Lisa had somehow managed to lift Danny's limp body and transport him out of the room, and ultimately, out of the way of any further harm.
"Y/N... you did it..." Mackenzie spoke, once the noise had died down.
"How... how could this come to be?!" Flossi asked, her voice now soft, frail, weak and broken. She brought one shaky hand up to her face, unable to digest the devastating blow. "Nobody has EVER defeated me in a Pokemon battle before... nobody in Taldourse, Galar, Kanto or even Paldea..." her voice continued to shake and the tears in her eyes were so thick they almost blurred out her irises. "It's not possible! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!" Her hands swiftly moved up to her head, clutching the sides and shaking it vigorously, almost as if she were trying desperately to wake herself from a nightmare.
"What was even your plan to begin with, Flossi?" Mackenzie asked. "Did you honestly think that you could just destroy the Pokemon League and that would cure you of all your pain?"
For once, she did not have a snide remark at hand to dismiss his questions. Instead, the once-so-mighty Champion only sobbed in response, "I-I don't know... I didn't plan that far ahead..."
"Hurting other people won't make you feel better." Clyde added. "If anything, it would've made you feel worse."
She did not respond to this, however, I could tell that she was still taking in everything that was being said to her by the changes in her expression. Yet the Amethyst Crown remained firmly on her head, still flickering in the candlelight, whilst she clutched Kossi's Sapphire Crown with what little strength she had left.
"What happens next is up to you now, Y/N. You must do whatever you think is the right thing." Clyde continued, as his and Mackenzie's gazes shifted towards me.
I pondered deeply. I knew I had just crushed the dreams of a grieving widow, and it felt like taking the crowns from her would just be rubbing extra salt in the wound. However, I feared that if things were left as they were, she would eventually become even more angry and determined to crush the Pokemon League. I stepped forward, causing the threatened girl to clutch the crown even more protectively. "Flossi, I can only offer my deepest condolences for the loss of Kossi. I know he was the one who saved you all those years ago... but nothing you or any of us can do will ever bring him back."
"Don't you think I know that?!" She screamed back. "I'm not trying to bring him back! I'm pursuing retribution!"
It was then Clyde's turn to speak. "Flossi, if we knew who was really responsible for Kossi's death, don't you think we'd be doing everything we can to find them and punish them accordingly?"
It was at this point I thought back on my meeting with Kossi's ghost and what he had said about it being an accident. I began to understand why he did not want her to ever find out the truth. I also knew that telling her that Kossi's spirit was still alive would only mess with her head further, and possibly send her further over the edge. We were completely stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. No good would ever come to Flossi unless the real culprit came forward.
She took a deep breath, before screwing up her face once more. "No... No.... No... NOOOOOOOO!" She outstretched an arm once again, pointing directly to Clyde. "You... Fairy Freakshow... and Crystal... YOU were the ones who cooked this all up! That's why you've never apprehended anyone! You are the only ones in the region powerful enough to kill a reigning champion! That's how I know it wasn't anyone else!"
Mackenzie rolled his eyes, as if to say here we go again, however he did not dare to comment.
"You're going to pay! You MUST PAY!!!!" She darted over to the large, electrical machine built in to the corner wall of the great hall and began frantically finger-punching various buttons. The machine began to hiss loudly. "I'm going to kill you right now! I'm going to kill all of the Corrupt Four, and the Imposter Champion Y/N... and then I shall rule over Taldourse as a dictator--"
"STOOOPPPP IT FLOSSI!!!!!" A mysterious voice screeched out. We all looked around the room, we had been so distracted that we had failed to notice another person had entered the hall. Flossi froze in her tracks in front of the machine, her back still to the mysterious intruder.
"Clyde is right. The Elite Four are not the ones responsible for Kossi's demise."
Flossi was the first to slowly turn her body around, her tear-stained red eyes widening to their fullest upon seeing who was standing there.
"It was me." The voice confessed. "I killed Kossi."
At this instant, Mackenzie, Clyde and myself also spun around, and the person who was standing there completely shocked me to my very core.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: FRENCH CONNECTION NEW FLOSSY STAND Boucle Wool Oversized Sweater M.
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sproutinglupine · 10 months
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I'm in a zine! Some fellow cross stitch designers and I came together with the prompt "Spirit World" and I went with the spooky deer route! All 11 patterns pictured here are included, and more info about the zine and the other designers can be found here. The zine is only available until August 17th, 2023 (if it's after that date, you'll have to check with individual designers about their patterns). Pattern names and their designers are under the cut!
Image 3
Top Left: Satan's Kittens by Crafty Yams
Bottom Left: Ghost Tours, London, by Cobweb and Rose
Top Right: Celestial Spirits by The Needle and Floss
Bottom Right: Spirit Me Away by The Cozy Needle
Image 4
Top Left: The Oracle by Urban Stitches
Bottom Left: Ghost Planchette by Monsterous Designs
Top Right: Wild Hunt by The Stitch Crypt
Bottom Right: Jar of Spirits by Fine Frog Stitching
Image 5
Top Left: Cutely Haunted by Flossy Fox Shop
Bottom Left: Spirit World Penny by Pibble Patterns
Right: Spring Spirit by me, Sprouting Lupine
World on a String by Dara was also involved in organizing us all!
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months
RWBY: The Holiday Special
Taking place after the series, we get a look at what the holiday season is like on Remnant.
Starring the voices of:
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Dawn M. Bennett as Elm Ederne
Jen Brown as Pyrrha Nikos
Sena Bryer as May Marigold
Ashley Burns as Coco Adel
Burnie Burns as Taiyang Xiao Long
Tiana Camacho as Glynda Goodwitch
Cam Clarke as Bartholomew Oobleck
Colleen Clinkenbeard as Jinn
Amber Lee Connors as Vernal
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Michele Everheart as Fiona Thyme
Dave Fennoy as Dr. Pietro Polendina
Gavin Free as Scarlet David
Caitlin Glass as Willow Schnee
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Mick Lauer as Marrow Amin
Morgan Lauré as Summer Rose
Cherami Leigh as Ilia Amitola
Marissa Lenti as Joanna Greenleaf
Jason Liebrecht as Qrow Branwen
Yuri Lowenthal as Mercury Black
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Joe MacDonald as Yatsuhashi Daichi
Aaron Marquis as Nolan Porfirio
Penny Layne Matthews as Zwei
Elizabeth Maxwell as Winter Schnee
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Taylor McNee as Penny Polendina
Lani Minella as Rowena Sunnybrook
Max Mittelman as Fox Alistair
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Josh Ornelas as Sage Ayana
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Anairis Quiñones as Harriet Bree
Jason Rose as James Ironwood
Anthony Sardinha as Peter Port
Kerry Shawcross as Neptune Vasilias
Keith Silverstein as Professor Theodore
Melissa Sternenberg as Maria Calavera
Valentine Stokes as Ambrosius
Karen Strassmann as Gretchen Rainart
J. Michael Tatum as Klein Sieben
Cristina Vee as Robyn Hill
Howard Wang as Whitley Schnee
Caiti Ward as Velvet Scarlatina
Christopher Wehkamp as Clover Ebi
Casey Lee Williams as singing voice of Weiss Schnee & Neopolitan
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Todd Womack as Vine Zeki
Anne Yatco as Xanthe Rumpole
Additional Voices:
Orion Acaba as Harold Mulberry
César Altagracia as Crimson
Amalee as Ivy Thickety
Yssa Badiola as Ciel Soleil
Laura Bailey as Amber
William Ball as Saber Rodentia
Ryan Bartley as Arslan Altan
Eric Baudour as Forest
Brian Beacock as Roch Szalt
Dawn M. Bennett as An Ren
Laila Berzins as Starr Sanzang
Grace Bono as Nebula Violette
Jen Brown as Red Haired Woman & Lisa Lavender
Reba Buhr as Lily’s Younger Sister
Billy B. Burson III as Branwen Bandit 2
Paige Campbell as Dew Gayl
Bruce Carey as Captain
Dani Chambers as Iris Marilla
Clifford Chapin as Shay D. Mann
Luci Christian as Lil’ Miss Malachite & Fria
Greg Chun as Green
Lucella Wren Clary as Adrian Cotta-Arc
Alfred Coleman as Merchant
Kate Daigler as Atlas Soldier Officer
Adam Ellis as Cardin Winchester & Tukson
Dorothy Fahn as Slate
Melissa Fahn as Lily
Erin Fitzgerald as Rae Noire
Flynt Flossy as Flynt Coal
Jim Foronda as Russet Ka
Sandy Fox as Ariadne Guime
Scott Frerichs as Mata
Grant George as Ivori
Blaine Gibson as Brawnz Ni
Christopher Guerrero as Dudley & Blacksmith
Claire Hogan as Octavia Ember
Victoria Holden as Mata’s Mother
Xanthe Huynh as Claret Berbere
Chad James as Asher Mora & Councilman Sleet
Chris Kokkinos as Fenix Nemean, Spider Bodyguard 2, Branwen Bandit 1, & Crew Member 2
Anjali Kunapaneni as Cye Ayu
Skye Lafontaine as Olive Harper
Aleks Le as Nadir Shiko
Judy Alice Lee as Ruda Tilleroot
Mela Lee as Caroline Cordovin
Marissa Lenti as Oscar’s Aunt
Alex Mai as Dee
Joel Mann as Drunk Mann
Bryan Massey as Bertilak Celadon
Dustin Matthews as Drinking Buddy
Kyle McCarley as Sky Lark
Mike McFarland as Mayor
Daman Mills as Leonardo Lionheart
Ryan Mitchum as August Caspian
Cassandra Lee Morris as Kandi Floss
Kim Newman as Higanbana Waitress
Richard Norman as Fenix Atar
Brooke Olson as Mantle Child
Colleen O’Shaughnessey as Thumbelina Peach
Bryce Papenbrook as Russel Thrush
Jack Pattillo as Hei “Junior” Xiong
Paul St. Peter as Edward Caspian
Kyle Phillips as Nubuck Guards
Anairis Quiñones as Councilwoman Camilla
Eden Riegel as Elektra Fury
Sam Riegel as Finn Asturias
Jon Risinger as Bolin Hori
Cindy Robinson as Ann Greene
Patrick Rodriguez as Shopkeep & Cyril Ian
Kristi Rothrock as Zure Ayu
Andrew Russell as Kobalt
Ian Russell as Mossius Berbere
Alejandro Saab as Dove Bronzewing & Henry Marigold
Lindsay Seidel as May Zedong
Kerry Shawcross as Pyke Rite
Lindsay Sheppard as Saphron Cotta-Arc
Michael Sinterniklaas as Roy Stallion
Jamie Smith as Terra Cotta-Arc
Gus Sorola as Fiona’s Uncle
Laura Stahl as Roane Ashwood
Christine Stuckart as Grandmother
Kaiji Tang as Li Ren
Jenn K. Tidwell as Mother & Spider Bodyguard 1
Alexis Tipton as Bianca Prisma
Maggie Tominey as Miltia & Melanie Malachite
Meg Turney as Neon Katt
Natalie Van Sistine as Cerise Claire
Erin Winn as Reese Chloris
Kimberly Woods as Olive Gashley
Yunhao Xhong as Crew Member 1
Laura Yates as Arrastra Skye
Christian Young as Rhodes
Mylissa Zelechowski as Gwen Darcy
Molly Zhang as Mikado Lem
Derreck Ziegler as Matte Skye
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